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ForewordWith the publication of this volume, Llewellyn Publicationsbegins a new era of Golden Dawn history and magical practice.Whether the student is a member of a group, a temple, or asolitary practitioner, he/she will be able to use this information toenrich his/her magical practice.The 0=0 Commentary is the first of five books which willexplain in depth the Neophyte and Elemental Grade initiationrituals. Although some of the material is familiar, there is muchin the way of new data, instructions, and explanation of symbolismwhich has never been in print before now. Much of theinformation is from original Stella Matutina, Whare Ra, andSmaragdum Thalasses Inner Order Documents.The GD rituals that have been published for the past fiftyyears are merely skeletons of the ceremonies. In other words,they explain merely what happens on the physical plane. Theseexplanations came primarily from Z.1 and Z.5 documents, whichwere intended for the newly initiated Adeptus Minor who hadjust entered the Inner Order. The AM had just begun the InnerOrder journey. It rather parallels the status of the Neophytebeing newly initiated into the Outer Order.

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