Training information 2014 (PDF 1.25 MB) - Bosch Engineering

Training information 2014 (PDF 1.25 MB) - Bosch Engineering

Training information 2014 (PDF 1.25 MB) - Bosch Engineering


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BEG <strong>Training</strong> Center – Program <strong>2014</strong> | 39Performance Scope and PricesThe participation fee is per personand covers extensive seminar documents,lunch, snacks and soft drinksduring the session. The seminar documentswill be handed out in printedform at the start of the event.Unfortunately, it is not possible toprovide the documents in electronicformat.The participant is responsible formaking hotel reservations and travelarrangements, and for bearingaccommodation costs. We will behappy to help you to select a hotel.All costs stated in this programare subject to VAT at the legallyapplicable rate. The place of performanceis the relevant venueconcerned.The „in-house seminar“ packageis agreed by means of individualcontracts. In addition to the contractuallyagreed seminar cost and thelegally applicable VAT, the traveltime, as well as travel and hotelcosts for the trainers will also becharged if the event is held outsideof the Stuttgart/Heilbronn area.In the event that an-house seminaris not filled to capacity, this doesnot constitute an entitlement toa reduction in the agreed price.Guarantee, LiabilityThe trainers present their own opinion.<strong>Bosch</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> extends noguarantee for the content of statementsor for any <strong>information</strong> anddata. Furthermore, no guarantee isgiven that the products, processesand other names mentioned in theseminar are free from the rights ofthird-parties.<strong>Bosch</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> reserves the rightto change the content of seminarsand seminar documents, the durationof the seminar or the eventvenue. Claims for compensation≠or further claims ensuing therefromare excluded.Software and data that the participantbrings with them may only beused in consultation with the trainer.General InformationIn order to satisfy the needs ofparticipants who come from variousdivisions, we have designed theseminar and seminar content tobe customer-neutral and modularin structure.This program supersedes allprevious programs and rates.

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