in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik


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ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTAssessment of iron status <strong>in</strong> <strong>Albania</strong>n children andwomen through biochemical iron <strong>in</strong>dicatorsEhadu Mers<strong>in</strong>i 1 , Genc Burazeri 2,31World Health Organization, Tirana Office, Tirana, <strong>Albania</strong>;2Institute of Public Health, Tirana, <strong>Albania</strong>;3Faculty of Public Health, University of Medic<strong>in</strong>e, Tirana, <strong>Albania</strong>.Aim: To assess the iron status among <strong>Albania</strong>nchildren aged 6 months to 14 years and women 15-49 years <strong>in</strong> a cross-sectional study conducted <strong>in</strong> theprefectures of Shkodër, Kukës and periurban areasof Tirana.Methods: A total of 443 children 6-59 months, 530children 5-14 years, and 418 women 15-49 yearswere <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> this study. Iron status was def<strong>in</strong>edutiliz<strong>in</strong>g biochemical <strong>in</strong>dicators. Iron depletion wasdef<strong>in</strong>ed as low serum ferrit<strong>in</strong> (SF28 nmol/l) plus irondepletion. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) was def<strong>in</strong>edas ID with hemoglob<strong>in</strong> (Hb) below the WHOcutoff value for age and sex: 11.0 g/dl for children6-59 months, 11.5 gr/dl for children 5-11 years old,12.0g/ dl for children 12-14 years old and(nonpregnant) women 15-49 years old. Individualswith <strong>in</strong>dication of <strong>in</strong>flammation (CRP>10mg/ l)were excluded from the analyses.Results: The prevalence of iron depletion amongchildren 6-59 months, children 5-14 years andwomen 15-49 years were 28.4%, 10.9% and 23.6%,respectively. The overall prevalence of ID and IDAamong children 6-59 months was: 9.1% and 7.5%,respectively; among children 5-14 years: 6.1% and3.4%, respectively; and among women 15-49 years:8.1% and 7.1%, respectively.Conclusion: F<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs of this study <strong>in</strong>dicate thatspecific attention should be given <strong>in</strong> <strong>Albania</strong> to ensurethat the dietary <strong>in</strong>take of iron is adequate forchildren, adolescent girls and women throughimplementation of <strong>in</strong>tegrated strategies that <strong>in</strong>cludeimprovement of dietary <strong>in</strong>take through education,food fortification and use of iron supplements.Keywords: anemia, deficiency, dietary<strong>in</strong>take, irondepletion.108 ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT

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