in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik


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ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTGlobal Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) <strong>in</strong> <strong>Albania</strong>Roland Shuperka 1 , Led<strong>in</strong>a Hoxha 2 , Krist Kocani 3 , Redona Shuperka 21Institute of Public Health, Tirana, <strong>Albania</strong>;2The Association of Health Professionals Aga<strong>in</strong>st Tobacco and Alcohol;3For Tobacco Free <strong>Albania</strong>.Aim: The purpose of this study was to collect dataon young peoples smok<strong>in</strong>g prevalence, knowledgeand attitudes related to tobacco use, exposure tomedia messages on smok<strong>in</strong>g and to environmentaltobacco smoke, and the <strong>in</strong>clusion of healtheducation about tobacco use <strong>in</strong> school curricula <strong>in</strong><strong>Albania</strong>.Methods: Target group were pupils fromelementary schools attend<strong>in</strong>g the seventh, the eighthand and the n<strong>in</strong>th grades <strong>in</strong> <strong>Albania</strong>. Overall, 59representative schools were <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the survey,with 4771 pupils <strong>in</strong> the age of 13-15 years.Results: Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the survey f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs, 11.5 %of schoolchildren were current smokers (17.6%boys and 6.3% girls). More than three out of tenever smokers <strong>in</strong>itiated smok<strong>in</strong>g before the age of10 years. Four out of ten pupils lived at homeswhere other people smoked. A large proportion ofpupils had experimented with tobacco, more thenfive out of ten of pupils <strong>in</strong> the overall sample. About65% of schoolchildren reported exposure tosecond-hand smoke <strong>in</strong> places outside their homes.About 83% of schoolchildren were not refusedwhen buy<strong>in</strong>g tobacco products despite their youngage.Conclusion: Awareness campaigns on the dangersof cigarette smok<strong>in</strong>g need to be <strong>in</strong>tensified <strong>in</strong><strong>Albania</strong>. Our data suggest a decreas<strong>in</strong>g age of<strong>in</strong>itiation of cigarette use among <strong>Albania</strong>nadolescents. Therefore, measures on tobacco controland prevention should be implemented and <strong>in</strong>cludethe follow<strong>in</strong>g elements: schools-based programs onsmok<strong>in</strong>g cessation and prevention, restriction ofexposure to second-hand smoke, media campaigns,and prohibition of availability of tobacco productsto m<strong>in</strong>ors.Keywords: global youth tobaccosurvey, pupils, smok<strong>in</strong>g.80 ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT

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