in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik

in Albania - Instituti i Shendetit Publik


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ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTHIV Risk Behaviors Among Inject<strong>in</strong>g Drug Users <strong>in</strong><strong>Albania</strong>Roland Bani 1 , Arian Boci 2 , Gentiana Rjepaj 3 , Elda Hallkaj 21Department of Infectious Disease Control, Institute of Public Health, Tirana, <strong>Albania</strong>;2"STOP AIDS Association;3Obstetrical Hospital Koço Glozheni .Aim: To explore the sexual risk behaviors among<strong>in</strong>ject<strong>in</strong>g drug users. (IDUs) <strong>in</strong> order to <strong>in</strong>form thedevelopment of sexual risk reduction <strong>in</strong>terventionsfor IDUs.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conductedamong a sample of 200 IDUs <strong>in</strong> capital city, Tirana.The Respondent Driven Sampl<strong>in</strong>g (RDS)methodology was used and the sample isrepresentative of Tirana city. The study collected<strong>in</strong>formation on demographics; drug use history;sexual risk behavior; HIV/ AIDS knowledge,attitudes, and other psychosocial variables; and HIVand HCV seroprevalence.Results: Population estimates reveal that about 32% of IDU are younger than 25 years old. Themedian age at first <strong>in</strong>jection is 21 years, with about18.5% of IDU estimated to have <strong>in</strong>jected beforethe age of 19. 43.5 % of the population <strong>in</strong>jecteddrugs multiple times daily. The most commonlyused <strong>in</strong>jectable and non-<strong>in</strong>jectable drugs <strong>in</strong> the pastmonth were hero<strong>in</strong> (93.2%), diazepam (33.4%),marijuana (48%), and coca<strong>in</strong>e (30%). Populationestimates show that half of IDU clean their needlesor syr<strong>in</strong>ges every time (20.6%) or almost every time(30.7%). The clean<strong>in</strong>g agents are predom<strong>in</strong>antly coldor hot water (56.5% and 7.1%, respectively), with alow percentage of IDU us<strong>in</strong>g alcohol or boil<strong>in</strong>gwater, and none of the IDU participants <strong>in</strong> thestudy reported us<strong>in</strong>g bleach. Only one of the IDUrespondents tested positive for HIV, and the RDSsoftware was unable to estimate the proportion ofthe Tirana IDU network that may be liv<strong>in</strong>g withHIV. 29.8 % are estimated to be <strong>in</strong>fected withhepatitis C, an <strong>in</strong>fection that is transmitted the sameway as HIV.Conclusion: Sexual risk behavioral, unsafe <strong>in</strong>ject<strong>in</strong>gpractices, coupled with high rates of hepatitis C,illustrate the vulnerabilityof IDU to HIV. While HIVprevalence is low, IDU <strong>in</strong>jection and sexualbehavioral risks warrant immediate attention.Keywords: HIV, Knowledge, Prevention, Risk behavior, Roma82 ALBANIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT

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