Majalah ICT English No.35-2015
Majalah ICT English No.35-2015
Majalah ICT English No.35-2015
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All about <strong>ICT</strong> in Indonesia<strong>Majalah</strong>No. 35 Edition – Year II – June <strong>2015</strong><strong>ICT</strong>Inexpensive Baby Sale Purchase onInstagram CommotionThe Pros and Cons ofTelkom-Singtel CooperationOur TV ProgramsHave Poor QualityE-Magazine|
INDEXThe House ofRepresentatives Askedthe Government to Study theMerger Among RRI, TVRIand LKBN........................... 19TV5 Monde Asie Is Blockedby KPI................................ 23The Pros and Cons of Telkom– Singtel Data Center andCooperation......................... 4Government’s Data CenterOperation Is in Indonesia..... 8Indosat ChangesManagement, Sarwoto is inRinaldi is out...................... 13Ministry of Communicationand Informatics ConductsPublic Test on SpecialTelecommunication............ 15Welcoming Eid Mubarak,Operators and RegulatorsPrepare Telecommunication ...Network.............................. 16C T3 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>Celebrating his birthday,Jokowi has a ‘New’ TwitterAccount @jokowi…............ 25Shocking: the Sales ofBabies on Instagram.......... 27Indosat and AlfamartLaunched Money TransferringDompetku (My Wallet)........ 28XL Launched RamadhanProgram............................. 29During Ramadhan and EidMubarak, 3 ProvidesTelephone Bonus for Days.31Having ADF feature, PIXMAMX497 Facilitates Printingand Facsimile..................... 32
MAIN REPORTThe Pros and Cons of Telkom-SingtelData Center and CooperationPT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk(Telkom) through its subsidiaryentity TelekomunikasiIndonesia International Pte.Ltd. Singapore (Telin Singapore)develops Telin Singapore Data Centerand Telecommunication Hub locatedin Singapore. This development wasofficiated through groundbreakingceremony by the government fromboth countries namely IndonesianMinister of State Owned Enterprises,Rini M. Soemarto and Senior Ministerof State (Trade and Industry), LeeYi Shyan in Jurong, Singapore (5/6).Also attended Indonesian ambassadorfor Singapore Dr. Andri Hadi, TelkomPresident Director Alex J. Sinaga,Director of E-Business Ir. AzharHasyim, M.I.T, Top Management ofIDA/EDB of Singapore, as well asall partners and customers of Telinsingapore early this June <strong>2015</strong>.Telin Singapore Data Center andCommunication Hub is one of theforms of regional synergy betweenIndonesia and Singapore. This wasmarked by the trust of SingaporeanGovernment to open data centerin Jurong. The Data Center namedTelin-3 is the third data center ownedand managed by Telin Singapore afterthe data centers inChangi and TaiSeng.Telin Singapore, the subsidiaryof Telin company, through tenderprocess has been trusted by the<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>34
MAIN REPORTGovernment of Singapore namelyInfocomm Development Authority ofSingapore (iDA), Singapore EconomicDevelopment (EDB) and Jurong TownCorporation (JTC) to develop andoperate data center in Jurong. Suchdata center will be built on a landcovering an area of 8,000 squaremeters in the form of a 5-storybuilding.The data center which is targeted tooperate in the third quarter in 2016 isexpected to strengthen Telin Singaporeposition as strategic hub for TelkomGroup which connects Indonesia withthe rest of the world.According to research of atechnological research company,TechNavio, data center market in SouthEast Asia is expected to develop to upto CAGR, reaching 18.05% from 2014to 2019, driven by the increase of theneed of cloud computing and big dataanalytics.Telin-3 is designed to fulfill thedemand of premium data center serviceneed, not only in Singapore but alsofor regional and global market areain which Telin Singapore will havea very important role in providingglobal telecommunication connectivityservices which is reliable, safe andstable. This facility is developed to fulfillMulti-Tier design and able to operateoptimally.CEO of Telkom Group Alex J Sinagasaid, Telin-3 would strengtheninitiative strategy for Telkom Groupinternational businss. “Telin-3 is oneof our investments offshore whichis in line with development strategyto strengthen our services in theframework of connecting businesspartners and customers in one digitalsupply chain,” said Alex J. Sinaga.Alex added, this corporative actionwas a good experience and opportunityCT5 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>for Telkom Group in commencingdata center development and hubtelecommunication, therefore it isable to drive data creation and digitalbusiness ecosystem growth to createsustainable competitive growth for usall in <strong>ICT</strong> industry.Meanwhile Septika NoegraheniWidyasrini, CEO of Telin Singaporesaid groudbreaking ceremony ofTelin-3 marked an important steop forTelin Singapore. “This is the secondcooperation for Telin Singapore underSpecial Direct Investment IncentiveScheme with EDB, iDA, and JTC afterour first facility investment in Changi.Telkom Group has invested fora couple of years to develop andobtain strategic assets, now wewill immediately own the newestinfrastructures with the completionof Telin-3 development,” explainedSeptika.As a company that engages in thelargest and widest telecommunicationand network provider in Indonesia,Telkom continues to be committed toallocate its resources by empoweringits infrastructure and network.Through Telin as the subsidiary thatfunctions as the extension in runningits international business, Telkom hasbeen present through footprint in tencountries, one of which is Singapore.In addition to the data center inSingapore, Telkom also formed a jointventure with State Owned Enterprisesof Singaporean Telecommunication,Singapore Telecommunication Limited(SingTel) to work on e-Governmentmarket in Indonesia.This joint venture is expected to beable to be formed in 2016.As conveyed by Minister of StateOwned Enterprises rini Soemarmo, herside had conducted a meeting with thegovernment of Singapore related to this
MAIN REPORTJoint Venture.“In such meeting the governmentof Singapore agreed since Sing Tel isTelkomsel’s partner. We support it. It isexpected that in 2016 it will have run,”said Rini.He explained that Telkom’s stepin inving Sing Tel for e-Governmentmarket was accurate, since it alreadyhad more advanced experience intechnological implementation and it’squality has been tested.“We learn from what they do, wejust adjust with Indonesia’s needslater on. Joint venture’s compostitionis 60 percent for Telkom and 40percent for Sing Tel. I hope Telkom willimmediately realize this. If there’s anyissue with licenses at the ministry, Iwill help immediately,” he said. He alsoexpects that Telkom can be a globalcompany in its in ernational businessservice development. This has seen inthe past seven years. Telkom grouphas succeded in developing Telin in 10countries. “I am certain with powerfulinfrastructure, Telkom can be a globalcompany,” she said.Minister of State Owned EnerprisesPlan obtains support from PresidentCommissioner of Telkom hendri Sparini.According to Jokowi-JK volunteer teameconomist in last year’s presidentialelaction campaign by controllingeGovernmet market, Telkom canbecome a global player. “Telkommust be able to attract investorsto invest and utilize its supportinginfrastructures,” said Hendri who isknown to be critical.However, he added that Telkom mustalso provide services to sectors notonly offshore but also local must bestrengthened. “Dont let Indonesia onlyenter 3G while others have entered5G,” he said.Generating ProtestTelkom data center opening inSingapore generated claims. Moreoverthen, Telkom cooperated with Singtel inestablishing new business here to workon government services electronically(e-governent). Telkom’s step isconcerned to threaten the state’sconfidentiality which has impacts onMinister of State Owned Emterprises(BUMN), Rini Soemarmo. Rini wasreported to Criminal Investigtion Bodyof Police Headquarter.It was Indonesia Club non governmentorganization who reported such Ministerof BUMN. As explained by Director ofIndonesia Club, Gigih Guntoro, Telkomand Singtel cooperation to placee-government data center in singaporeis considered as threatening the StateConfidentiality. In addition to reporingto Criminal Investigation Body, GigihGuntoro, also asked president JokoWidodo to immediately release Rinifrom the Working Cabinet.According to Gigih, Rini is consideredas violating Law Number 17 of 2011regarding the State’s Intelligent. Rini isaccused so since she has cooperatedwith a private company in developing<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>36
MAIN REPORTdata bank center in Singapore. “StateIntelligent Law prescribes that whoeversell the state’s confidentiality will besentenced to 7-year imprisonment,” hesaid.“Government’s data placing mustbe locally, protected with the state’smaximum security. We request thatMinister Rini Soemarmo be reshuffledimmediately by the president,” he said.Minister of BUMN’s effort incooperating with Singapore Telecom inworking on e-goverment market alsoinvites sharp criticism, including thatfrom Commission 1 of the House ofRepresentatives.As conveyed by Chairman ofCommission 1 of the House ofRepresentatives of the Republicof Indonesia, Mahfudz Siddiq,e-government project is datacollected owned by the governmentwhich supposed to be treated withhigh level of security and cannot betreated randomly. “I think Indonesiancompanies are also capable we do notneed to cooperate with foreigners. E-issue is better and safer if using localcompanies,” said Mahfudz.House of representatives commissionchairman who is also in charge ofDefense and Security conveyed theconcern of members of the house onthe security of this government dataand has reported directly to Head ofState Intelligence Leutenant General(retired) Marciano Norman at theHearing with the House’s Commission1. Marciano stated that suche-government coopertion issue hadto be taken into account seriously interms of its security particularly on thestate’s data security from foreigners.“It will be a consideration for policymakers,” he said.The same tone as Commission 1,Commission VI of Indonesia’s Houseof Representatives also highlightsthis Telkom’s corporate action. Asconveyed by a member of the Housefrom FPAN Achmad Hafisz Tohir thatCommission VI will summon Ministerof BUMN concerning such telkom’saction. Commission VI will ask moredetailed explanation from Telkom andMinister of BUMN. “If it endangers thestate we will ask it to be cancelled,” hesaid.Meanwhile Founder of IndoTelkoForum Doni Ismanto Darwin said it wasnot easy for a company or individualto Go Global, as conducted by Telkom.The issue is the standard applied whencompeting in the international marketis very high. Doni said that Telkomcould obtain land in Data Center Parkin Jurong Park, Singapore. This was noteasy, since it was difficult to obtain theland with tight competition.“The first proposal from TelinSingapore (Telkom’s subsidiary) wasapproved, we supposed to be prouditmeans we can beat internationalplayers which they must haveparticipated in top players bidding,Singapore is one of the internationalhubs,” he said.C7 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
MAIN REPORTGovernmentData CenterOperation isConducted inIndonesiaPT TelekomunikasiIndonesia Tbk (Telkom)through its subsidiaryentity, TelekomunikasiIndonesia InternationalPte. Ltd. Singapore (TelinSingapore) has conductedthe third groundbreaking ofdata center in Jurong. Thisdata center called Telin-3 isequipped with two data centerthat has been owned by TelinSingapore previously in Changiand Tai Seng. The data centertargeted to operate in the thirdquarter of 2016 is expectedto strengthen Telin Singaporeposition as strategic hub forTelkom Group which connectsIndonesia with th rest of theworld.All three data centers arefully owned by Telin Singapore.Data center customersmanaged by Telin Singapore arecompanies in Singapore(74%)and the rest are mutinationalcompanies from regional andglobal areas.Telin-3 is designedto fulfill demand and need ofpremium data center servicenot only in Singapore but alsoin regional and global areasmarket in which Telin Singaporewill have an importantrole in providing globaltelecommunication connectivitywhich is reliable, safe andstable. This facility is developedto fulfill Multi-Tier design andcan operate optimally.Vice President Corporatecommunication of Telkom,Arif Prbowo said, data centerservice of Telin singapore isindeed designated only to<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>38
MAIN REPORTtarget global companies which arebased in Singapore.“The developed Telin-3 and twoother data centers are designatedto invite Singaporean companies andmutinational companies in singapore,”said Arif.Further, Arif added, in the meantime Data Center and disasterRecovery Center (DRC) andGovernment customers handledby Telkom is conducted in Indonesiathrough its subsidiary entity,Telkomsigma. Therefore there is noGovernment data placed in singaporesince all of them are managedand operated by Telkomsigma inIndonesia.Telkomsigma has had 3 datacenters operating actively, namelyin Serpong, Sentul and Surabaya.MeanwhileTelkomsigmais alsodevelopingdata centersin severalcities, oneof which isBalikpapan.“For govenment’ project, everyhingis managed by Telkomsigma inIndonesia. Therefore these aretwo different things. There is noIndonesian Government data at allplaced in Singapore. Meanwhile to dat,Telkom has not managed data centerfor National Cyber Board,” explainedArif.Telkom together with SingaporeTelecommunication Limited (Sing Tel)has agreed on the formation of jointventure planned to start operating in2016. This joint venture project is adifferent project that has nothing todo with the development of Telin-3data center, Jurong in Singapore.“The joint venture operates inIndonesia is engaged in providingapplications for commercial companiesand public utilities. Meanwhile for datacenter [it] will use Telkom data centerin Indonesia managed by Telkomsigmawhich at this time has reachedapproximately 55,000 m2. Even atthe end of <strong>2015</strong> it was targeted thatTelkom data center could reach acapacity in th amount of 100,000m2,” said Arif further.Rini RespondedAccused of potentiallyopening the state’sconfidentiality,Minister of StateOwned Enterprises (BUMN) RiniSoemarmo defended herselfon the cooperation betweenPT Telkom and singaporeTelecommunication LimitedCT9 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
MAIN REPORT(SingTel) concerning data centerdevelopment for e-government.According to her, despite fromthe agreement there will be datacenter placed in Singapore, the stateconfidentiality owned by Indonesiangovernment remains safe.Rini explained that she was invited byTelekomunikasi Indonesia InternationalPte Ltd (Telin) to Singapore for datacenter for inauguration of data center.Telin is the subsidiary of PT Telkombased in Singapore. “Such data centeris the center of data management forprivate companies who intend to invitethird party to manage data. Telin hasmade data center and this is the third,”he said in a fasting break event in herhome office in Jakarta.She is certain that cooperationbetween Telkom and SingTel has nothingto do with the state confidentiality.She hopes that such cooperation canbe better. “Since the previous businesswas good, therefore [we] make the nextcooperation. This cooperation is in theevent of providing data managementgranting,” she said trying to persuade.Together DeclineTelkom-Singtel CooperationThe opening of Telkom datacenter in singapore invitesclaim. Moreover further Telkomcooperated with with SingaporeTelecom (Singtel) to establish a newbusiness here to work on governmentservices electronically (e-government).Telkom’s step is concerned to threatenthe state’s confidentiality which cangive impact to Minister of State OwnedEnterprises (BUMN), Rini Soemarmo.Rini is reported to Criminal InvestigationBody of Indonesian Police Headquarter.It was Indonesia Club nonorganizational institution which reportedsuch Minister of BUMN. As explainedby Director of Indonesia Club, GigihGuntoro, cooperation between Telkomand Singtel to place e-governmentData in singapore is considered asthreatening the state’s confidentiality.In addition to reporting to CriminalInvestigation Body, Gigih Guntoro askedPresident Joko widodo to immediatelydischarge Rini from Working Cabinet.According to Gigih, Rini is consideredas violating Law Number 17 or 2011regarding The State’s Intelligence. Riniis accused this way because she hascooperated with a private companyin developing data bank center inSingapore. “State Intelligence Law whichexplains that whoever sell the state’sconfidentiality will be imprisoned for 7years,” he said.“The government data placementshould have been locally, protectedby the state’s maximum security. We<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>310
MAIN REPORThave asked Ministry Rini Soemarmoto be reshuffled by the presidentimmediately,” he said.Declining support also comes fromchairman of Commission 1 of theHouse of Representatives MahfudzSiddiq. This PKS politician saidthat e-government project is datacollecting owned by the governmentthat supposed to be treated withmaximum security and cannot betreated randomly. “I thin Indoneasiancompanies are capable [we] don’tneed to cooperate with foreigners.E-government issue is better andmore secured if just using localcompanies,” said Mahfudz.The House of Representativesthat heads Defense and SecurityCT11 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>also conveyed that the concernsof members of the House ofRepresentatives on this governmentdata security have been conveyedimmediately to head of The Head ofState Intelligence Board LeutenantGeneral (retired) Marciano inthe Hearing of Commission 1 ofthe House of Representatives.Marciano stated that the securityof e-government cooperation issueindeed must be taken into accountseriously on the security of suchdata from foreigners. “This willbe take into account by all policymakers,” he said.As we all know, this earlyJune Telkom started data centerdevelopment taking an areaor 20 thousand square meterswith investment value of 115million dollar or approximatelyIDR1.5 trillion. The amount ofthis investment value attractedIndonesian Forum for BudgetTransparency (Fitra)’s attention.Advocation and InvestigationCoordinator of Fitra, Apung Widadiconsiders that there ‘game’indication in such Telkom Singtelcooperation. Fitra even bluntlyaccused the such project relatedto data center development ande-government management containsstrong indication of curruptionconducted by Minister of BUMN Rini.Therefore Fitra asked CorruptionEradication Commission (KPK) tobe involved and investigate suchcooperation between Telkom andSingtel. “Alleged corruption isvery strong. Therefore KPK mustimmediately be involved,” saidApung in Jakarta.In addition, he said that as theimpact of Telkom and SingTelcooperation, it concerned that thestate defense is threatenend. The
MAIN REPORTstate confidentiality can leake sincethere is no maximum supervision inthis cooperation.“If the office is offshore then itis difficult to do audit and clearlythis causes the state defense to bethreatened, he added.Gigih Guntoro also urged theHouse of Representatives tosuprvise Minister of BUMN Rini’sstep and Board of Directors of PTTelkom. Indonesia Club alleged thatthere is something hidden in theclarification of this cooperationproject both by Rini and TelkomBoard of Directors.“Telkom-Singtel cooperation andTelin 3 data center developmentwhich are said to have nothing todo with e-government in Indonesiamust be guarded by the House ofRepresentatives in a written form.There is something hidden on theclarification of this cooperationproject both by Rini and TelkomBoard of Directors. The suddenlydenied that the Development ofTelin Singapore Data Center andTelecommunication Hub (Telin3) donot have any relation with Indonesiae-government,” he assured.Gigih said that if there is norelation with Indonesia, why doSingaporean authority always infavor of Telin in working on thedevelopment of Data Center inJurong with a capacity of 20thousand to target premium classof companies in Singapore and inthe world. Gigih said that fromHuman Resources point of viewand technology there are manySingaporean companies that havefar more advanced capacity thanTelin. It becomes a question whySingaporean authority trust Telin,which just came into the picture in2007, more to manage data center.“It is strongly alleged thatTelin is provided with data centerdevelopment project in Jurong witha compensation that Singtel willwork on e-government service inIndonesia,” he said.According to him, both largeprojects are a strategic step tosmoothen the way for Singaporeto control information technologybusiness and pray on Telkom slowly.Singapore is known to be ambitiousin controlling information technologyin ASEAN areas with the opening ofASEAN Economic Society at the endof this year.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>312
HIGHLIGHTIndosat ChangesManagement,Sarwoto is In,Rinaldi is OutJust after holdinga position asCommissioner at PTIndosat for severalmonths, former PresidentDirector of Telkom RinaldiFirmansyah resigned. Rinaldi’sposition as an independentcommissioner is replacedby Elisa Rumbantoruan.Interestingly, innthe arrayof Board of Directors, thename Sarwoto Atmosutartoemerged who replaced FadzriSentosa. Sarwoto is formerDirector of Telkomsel andRinaldi become the PresidentDirector of Telkom.Rinaldi’s resignation andthe entrance of Sarwotoare parts of Annual GeneralShareholder Meeting andExtraordinary ShareholderMeeting in Indosatheadquarter held in midJune. The AGMS amongothers decided to honorablydismiss Fadzri Sentosa as theDirector of the Company withaward and gratitude as wellas exemption and settlementfor the concerned fromliabilities arising fro managingactions taken from 1 Januaryto 15 February <strong>2015</strong>, inso far as the actions takenduring such management donot contradict with or violatethe prevailing laws andregulations.“Accepting the resignationof Rinaldi Firmansyah asCT13 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
HIGHLIGHTIndependent Commissioner of theCompany, with award and gratitudeas well as granting exemption andsettlement to the concerned fromany liabilities arising from supervisingactions taken from 28 january to 6may <strong>2015</strong>, insofar as such actionstaken during supervising period donot contradict with or violate theprevailing laws and regulations,”explained Indosat’s side.The resolutions of AGMS andEGMS stipulate the Company’s Boardof Commissioners’ composition forthe period as of the closing of thismeeting to the closing of AnnualGeneral Meeting of Shareholdersof 2016 (in accordance withprovisions of Company’s Articles ofAssociation) as follows:• Dr. Nasser Mohammed Marafih,President Commissioner• Ahmed Yousef Ebrahim MAIDarbesti, Commissioner• Khalid ibrahim A Al-Mahmoud,Commissioner• Astera Prinamto Bhakti,Commissioner• Chris Kanter, Commissioner• Beny Roelyawan, Commissioner• Cynthia Alison Gordon,Commissioner• Richard Farmsworth Seney,Indenpendent Commissioner• Elisa Lumbantoruan,Independent Commissioner• Wijayanto Samirin,Independent CommissionerMeanwhile, stipulation of Company’smembers of Board of Directors forthe period as of the closing of thisMeeting to 9 July <strong>2015</strong> is as follows:• Alexander Rusli, President Director• Curt Stefan Carlsson, Director• Joy Wahjudi, Director(also as Independent Director)• John Martin Thompson, DirectorSarwoto Atmosutarno, Director.stipulation of Company’s members ofBoard of Directors for the period 10July <strong>2015</strong> of this Meeting to 2020 isas follows:• Alexander Rusli, President Director• Caba Pinter, Director• Joy Wahjudi, Director(also as Independent Director)• John Martin Thompson, Director• Sarwoto Atmosutarno, Director.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>314
REGULATIONMinistry of Communication and InformaticsConducted Public Test on SpecialTelecommunication RegulationMinsitry of Communicationand Informatics conducted apublic test on Draft Ministerof Communication andInformatics Regulation regarding SpecialTelecommunication Organizing for thepurpose of Government and Legal Entityagency. This public test is conductedsince Minister of Communication andInformatics Regulation Number: 18/PER/M. KOMINFO/9/2005 has notaccomodated technological developmentin telecommunication organizing,it gives the impression that specialtelecommunication organizing onlyprovides voice communication whichin reality has developed towards datacommunication which can send voice,image and video.As conveyed by Head of Informationand Community Relation ofCommunication and Informatics IsmailCawidu, in the existing Minister Regulationit has not been regulated expressivelythe supervisory and controlling as wellas administrative sanction imposingimplementation if there is a violation onspecial telecommunication organizing.“The presence of this DraftMinister Regulation is also causedby the fact that at this time specialtelecommunication organizing does notonly use radio, which in its developmenthas resulted in new type variation inspecial telecommunication organizingtherefore it needs to be regulated.Telecommunication organizing isalso driven to be able to accelerateinformation access in the event ofemergency and natural disaster in whichthe existing telecommunication regulationhas not dealt with,” said Ismail in hiswritten statement.He explained that the substanceregulated in Draft Minister Regulation isregulation on special telecommunicationorganizing which uses transmission mediaother than radio frequency spectrumsuch as telecommunication organizerswho use fiber optic transmission mediawire transmission media or combinationof fiber optic and wire media. Furtherthere is also simplification on licensingprocess by shortening period andconditions to be satisfied.“Operational Proper TestingImplementation (ULO) is conducted byspecial telecommunication organizersby self-assessment. [There is]confirmation on limited scope radiocommunication system definisionand radio communication systemfrom point to point. Confirmation onconditions on special telecommunicationorganizing may be conducted ifthe purpose cannot be satisfied bytelecommunication network organizersand telecommunication service providersas well as requiring its own andseparated network,” explained Ismail.In addition, other additional provisionthat will be regulated is the allocationprioroty for emergency situation andnatural disasters, provision on supervisionand control as well as administrativesanction, he said.C15 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
TELECOMMUNICATIONWelcoming Eid Mubarak,Operators and Regulators PrepareTelecommunication NetworkIn the event of anticipatingtelecommunication traffic increasetowards Eid Mubarak 1436 H, Ministryof Communication and Informaticsthrough Indonesia TelecommunicationRegulatory Board (BRTI) together withCellular Telecommunication Organizerswill conduct Drive Test and StationaryTest on the Readiness of Cellular MobileNrtwork for Eid Mubarak homecoming<strong>2015</strong>.Drive Test is conducted to ensurecellular mobile network performancerequired by Minister Regulation Number16 of 2013 regarding Basic TelephoneService Standard on Cellular MobileNetwork.As conveyed by Head of InformationCenter and Community Relationof Ministry of Communication andInformatics Ismail Cawidu, Drice Test ofCellular Mobile Network Readiness in EidMubarak homecoming <strong>2015</strong> covers callservice measurement, SMS, and dataservice along the homecoming route.“What are observed from Drive Testare emmisive power strength andhandset receiving power (coverage),success rate of voice & SMS networkaccess (success call) in one operator(on-net) and inter operator (off-net),voice & SMS continuity level (drop call/not delivered) : on-net and off-net anddownload quality and internet servicespeed (data throughout),” explainedIsmail.He added that in addition, otherreadiness of service checking such ascustomer service & call center, voucherdistribution, network operation centerare also conducted.Ismail revealed that in networktest this year, the lanes that will beconfirmed as ready are Sumatera lanecomprises Jakarta-Bandar Lampung,Medan & its surrounding (Kualanamuairport-Medan city-Belawan port) andPalembang & its surrounding (airport-Palembang city-port). Meanwhile forrailroads it includes North cross lane(St. Gambir-St.Cirebon-St.Semarangt-St.Pasar Turi), and South cross lane (ST.Gubeng- St. Solo Balapan-St. Jogja Tugu0- St. Bandung – St. Gambir).Land lane in Java, he explained,covers Jakarta- Cipali Tol Road-Brebes-Semarang-Jogja-Solo and Surabaya-Gempol Pandaan Tol Road-malang. Baliland lane covers Ngurah Rai airport-Mandala Tol Road-Kuta-Seminyak andPort to Lombok, as well as Makassarland lane from Hasanuddin airport-Makassar City-Soekarno Port.Operators State Their ReadinessIndosat network is stated as servingcusomer communication activities<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>316
TELEKOMUNIKASIduring Ramadhan and Eid Mubarakhomecoming <strong>2015</strong>, particularly invarious homecoming lanes which usuallyexperience telecommunication trafficincrease during such periods.Through network modernizationprogram which at this is focusedin various second largest citiesin Java island such as Tegal,pekalongan, Solo, Malang andothers, customers are expected tobe able to remain convenient andcomfortable in communicating duringnteleciommunication traffic increasein the month of Ramadhan and EidMubarak homecoming, either for voicecommunication, SMS or data.Particularly to facetelecommunication traffic increaseduring Ramadhan and Eid Mubarakhomecoming Indosat network capacityis increased among others for voiceC17 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>Ttraffic capacity to become 39 millionErlang/day, for SMS the capacity isincreased to become 1.2 billion SMS/day, meanwhile for data Indosatincreases data capacity to become2,081 TeraByte/day.This capacity is prepared for 66.5million Indosat customers supported bya total of 40,756 BTS nation wide.“The readiness of Indosat networkin facing any situation, includingRamadhan and Eid Mubarak period hasactually been done as a part of capacityand network quality increase for theneed each year. However indeed thisyear we conducted as part of NetworkModernization activity which wealso conducted in cities and nationalhomecoming lanes. Not only capacityreadiness, particularly to monitornetwork quality [we] will also utilizenew facilities from Indosat Network
TELEKOMUNIKASIOperation Center (i-NOC) and CommandCenter that we have just officiated. Ourcustomer center is also ready 24 hoursto be accessed by customers throughvarious communication lanes forcustomers,” thus conveyed by DivisionHead Public Relations of Indosat AdrianPrasanto.In addition to readiness of networkcapacity, Indosat also confirmsIndosat network during Ramadhan andEid Mubarak homecoming in primeperformance monitored and controlledfrom Indosat Network OperationCenter (i-NOC) as well as disturbancesettlement acceleration function andcoordination center from CommandCenter room. Command Center willoperate several days before and afterEid Mubarak homecoming period,ready to overcome national networkdisturbance.To anticipate the surge of traffic ina number of homecoming main lanesapproaching Eid Mubarak this year, XLAxiata also has prepared optimally itsnetwork, both in Java and other mainislands, among others by testing itsreadiness.Network drive is normally conductedby telecommunication operators todiscover signal strength, networkquality and service quality at a certainplace. According to its standard,the equipment used is measurementequipment (TEMS) and Tools –computer (Map Info).The technique of conducting networkdrive can use moving vehicle both busand train. XL itself conducts networkdrive regularly in all service areas.Welcoming the presence of thenew Cikopo – Palimana (Cipali) tolroad, XL has also prepared networkinfrastructure along such tol road.At least 170 BTS have operatedserving people passing and being atsuch longest tol road in Indonesia. Inaddition, XL has also placed BTS alongGempol – Pandaan , East Java tol road.Director and Chief ServiceManagement Officer of XL, OngkiKurniawan said, “The presence ofCipali tol road is strategic for humanand goods traffic in Java Island.This road will be the main choice forwhoever passes Pantura (North Beach).Therefore XL also prioritizes propernetwork infrastructure installation alongthis free road, and tens of BTS havebeen able to serve customer since thefirst time this road was opened to bepassed by.Ongki added that in average networkquality along the tol road as far as116.7 km which use was just officiatedby President Joko Widodo was quitegood. Approximately 50 percent[customers] have been served by 3Gnetwork. Meanwhile lane segments thatdo not obtain 3G service are servedby 2G network with good quality. Inthe future XL will continue to increasenetwork quality there.In order to anticipate traffic surgeduring Eid Mubarak homecoming period,XL has prepared several plans. Oneof them is placing several BTS mobilein Cipali. In addition, there are alsoadditional of at least 22 3G BTS whichare ready to serve customers before EidMubarak homecoming period.In addition to Cipali, XL has alsoplaced network infrasructure alongother new tol roads, namely Gempol– Pandaan East Java tol road. On thefreeway with the length of 13.6 kmXL places at least 18 BTS to ensureXL services are accessible by passerby and the public surrounding. Thisroad will be the main choice for trafficbetween Surabaya – Malang, which hasbeen known as having dangerous trafficjams.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>318
BROADCASTINGThe House of RepresentativesStudies the Merger of RRI,TVRI and LKBN AntaraThe House of Representativesthrough Commission 1 requestedthat the government, in thismatter Ministry of Communicationand Informatics (Kemkominfo) , studythe possibility of merging three stateinstitutions engaging in news coveragenamely RRI (Radio of the Republic ofIndonesia), TVRI (Television of theRepublic of Indonesia) and NationalNews Office Antara. This House ofRepresentatives intention is basedon convergence tendency or mediaintegration. This was conveyed byChairman of Commission 1 MahfudzSiddiq in the hearing (RPD) withMonkoinfo as wello as Board ofDirectors of Antara in the House ofRepresentatives building, Senayan,Jakarta. According to Mahfudz thismerger needs to be considered in themiddle of the more strengthened mediaconvergence.“We study the trend that continuesto develop which is convergence ormedia integration. Is it possible forAntara function to be merged withRRI and TVRI, we asked the opinion ofthe Minister,”: said Mahfudz as quotedfrom Minister of Communication andInformatics website.In response to The House’s intention,Minister of Communication andInformatics Rudiantara considers themerger of TVRI and RRI as ideal toincrease information services for thepublic. The pan of merger betweenRRI and TVRI said Rudiantara has thepurpose of increasing efficiency as wellas causing RRI and TVRI to become aninstitution tah can represent publicinterest, said Rudiantara while addingthat such broadcasting institutions isconsidered as ideal for this time.C19 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
BROADCASTINGMinistry of Communication and InformaticsConducted Sweeping for Illegal RadioCommunity that Endangers FlightsMinistry of Communicationand Informatics throughDirectorate Resources Controland Post and informaticsDevice, Ditjen SDPPI, has conductedpolicing operation. Operational targetwas focused on illegal communityradio device which location is aroundSoekarno Hatta Airport, whichpotentially disturbs flight radiofrequency.This operational activity isconducted by Integrated Teamconsisting of Directorate ResourcesControl and Post and InformaticsDevice, Monitoring SFR Hall Class IITangerang, Area 1 Airport AuthorityOffice, Perum LPPNI JATSC branch,Korwas PPNS Polda Metro Jaya andKorem 052 Wijayakrama Kodam Jaya.As conveyed by Head ofInformation and Community Relationof Ministry of Communication andInformatics Ismail Cawidu, policingoperation is conducted as an effort toanticipate radio frequency disturbanceoriginating from Community Radiowhich transmits and uses radiodevice that is incompliance with theprevailing terms.“In the policing operation thistime around, the Team succeededin securing device from eightRadio Communities which use radiofrequency outside those that aredesignated for radio community.All of such Radio Communities haveceased its transmission (off-air) andtheir transmission devices have beensecured as evidence. Violators willbe summoned and asked to provideinformation for further investigation.Law enforcement effort will becontinued in accordance with lawsand regulations to provide deterrenteffects to violators,” explained Ismailin his press conference.He explained that the provisionthat has been violated is Article11 of Law Number 36 of 1999regarding Telecommunication in whichtelecommunication organizers canbe organized after obtaining licensefrom the Minister. Further, Article32 states that all telecommunicationdevices made, assembled, used andor traded in Indonesia are obliged totake into account technical conditionsamd based on the license pursuantto the prevailing regulations whichis further regulated under Ministerof Communication and InformaticsRegulation Number 18 of 2014regarding Telecommunication Toolsand Device Certification.He added that other regulations<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>320
BROADCASTINGthat have been violated is Article 33of the same Law which prescribesthat radio frequency spectrum usersare obliged to obtain governmentlicense, in accordance with itsdesignation and does not interfereeach other.The sanction is in Article 52, inwhich circulation of device wihtoutcertificate is against the law andsubject to imprisonment at amaximum of 1 year and fine at amaximum of IDR 100 milion.Prior to such policingimplementation, Directorate of SDPPIControl has conducted coachingactivities related to certification andlabelling of telecommunication devicein order for the implementation tocomply with the prevailing terms.“Directorate of Control of Ditjen(Director General) SDPPI willcontinue to communicate, coordinateand cooperate with TechnicalImplementation Unit (UPT) of DitjenSDPII as well as the related partiesto implement policing regularly wichis expected that legal rules in thefield of telecommunication deviceand radio frequency spectrumcan be upheld therefore aviationcommunication system disturbanceand illegal transmission device misuseno longer take place,” said Ismail.Indonesian TV Programsare Low in QualityIndonesian television programs areconsidered as very low in quality.This was revealed by the result ofthe survey conducted by IndonesiaBroadcasting Commission, in the formof Television Program Quality IndexSurvey held by KPI together with ninecolleges in nine cities as well cooperationwith Indonesia Bachelor Degree inCommunication Association (ISKI). In thesurvey held in the period of March-April<strong>2015</strong>, the overall TV programs qualityindex value is 3.25.“The quality of television programsis still below standard,” said Chairmanof Center of Indonesia BroadcastingCommission (KPI), Judhariksawan. Heexplained that KPI minimum standardindex for quality programs in this surveyis 4.0. This KPI standard is based onbroadcasting program appropriatenesswith purpose, function and direction ofbroadcasting organizing as stipulatedin law number 32 of 2002 regardingbroadcasting.In this survey there are nine programsthat were assessed by respondentswho are members of panel of expertsin their fields and cities respectively.KPI higlighted 3 (three) broadcastingprograms which obtained index valuefar below KPI standard namely: gossipCT21 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
BROADCASTINGprograms, soap operas and varietyshows. Meanwhile for religious programsand tourism/culture the quality indexobtained is above 4, showing the goodquality of these programs.Having seen the entire result ofthis survey, KPI asked broadcastinginstitution to improve its broadcastingprogram quality.“Gossip shows, soap operas andvariety shows which obtain low qualityindex, are on prime time slots oftelevision programs,” said Judha.On the contrary cultural and religiousprograms that are good in quality donot have as high quantity as the threeprograms mentioned earlier. In responseto this survey result, KPI will immediatelysummon all broadcasting institutionsto aske them to increase quality of thethree programs with low quality.Following the low quality programs,KPI also asked advertising associationsto participate in considering this surveyresult in placing their advertisements.Therefore, the sustainability of programswith good quality on TV screen can beguaranteed, since they obtain supportfrom advertisers.KPI appreciates public assesmentreflected in this television broadcastingprogram quality index survey. This is inline with sanction imposing data issuedby KPI in 2014.Throughout the year the sanctionimposed by KPI was dominated by Soapopera and variety shows. Meanwhilereports from the public filed to KPI in2014 were also dominated by soapopera and variety programs.Trelevision Broadcasting ProgramQuality Index Survey will be held againby KPI once in two months throughout<strong>2015</strong>. the overall result of this surveywill be taken into account by KPI inlicense extension evaluation process forbroadcasting institutions. These licenseswill expire in 2016.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>322
BROADCASTINGTV5 Monde Asie isBlocked by KPIAfter last month KPI issueda circular letter to all PaidBroadcasting Institutions(LPB) to be careful inbroadcasting TV5 MONDE Asiecontent which mostly is inappropriate,on 7 June <strong>2015</strong> at 17.00 p.m.Indonesian Western Time Central KPIagain found heavy violation on TV5MONDE Asie in “Hotel de la Plage” filmwhich shows a woman with no top onin close up shot (showing her breasts),a naked man and coitus scenes. Suchscenes obviouslyviolated theIndonesiaStopCT23 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
BROADCASTINGBroadcasting CommissionBroadcasting BehaviourGuidance of 2012 Article9, Article 14 (paragraph(1), and Article 16 as wellas Indonesia BroadcastingCommission BroadcastingProgram Standard of2012 Article 9, Article 15paragraph (1), Article 18points (a), (b) and (h),Article 56 and Article 57.In addition to P3SPSof KPI, the content ofbroadcasting must complywith other provisionsof the laws. Article 36paragraph (5) point b ofBroadcasting Law prohibitsbraocasting content from accentuatingobscene elements. Violation of suchprovision is subject to imprisonmentat a amaximum of 5 (five) yearsand/or fine of a maximum of IDR10,000,000,000 (ten billion Rupiah).In addition, coitus and nudity scenesbroadcasting is subject to imprisonmentof at the minimum of 6 (six) monthsand at a maximum of 12 (twelve)years and/or fine at a minimum ofIDR 250,000,000 (two hundred fiftymillion rupiah) and a maximum of IDR6,000,000,000 (six billion Rupiah)pursuant to provision of Article 29 ofLaw Number 44 of 2008 regardingPornography.The plenary meeting of Central KPIon 15 June <strong>2015</strong> decided that allPaid Broadcasting Institutions do notbroadcast TV5 MONDE Asie channelstarting 1 July <strong>2015</strong>.KPI hopes that Paid BroadcastingInstitutions can be more selectivein broadcasting each channelconsidering broadcasting institutionsare responsible for all contentsLEMBAGA NEGARA INDEPENDENbroadcasted as regulated underBroadcasting Law.All channels broadcasted areobliged to comply with P3SPS of KPI,Broadcasting Law, Pornography Law,and do not violate religious and normvalues applied in Indonesia.“Bear in mind that broadcasting asinformation channel has strategic roleand extensive impact to the public.Broadcasting must be directed to thecreation of good quality and dignifiedprograms which increase the public’salienating power against foreignculture’s bad influence. We conveyour appreciation for paid broadcastinginstitutions which from the beginningdid not broadcast TV5 MONDE Asiechannel and for paid broadcastinginstitutions which have ceased TV5MONDE Asie since they could notperform self-censorship and realizedthat there were many contents thatdid not comply with P3 and SKS KPIof 2012as well as the prevailinglaws,” said KPI in its circular signed byChairman of KPI Judhariksawan.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>324
INTERNETClebrating hisbirthday, Jokowi owns‘New” Twitter Account@jokowiGod [I] can haveRamadhan morning meal withthe family. Happy fasting to“Thankall my relatives. This is myfirst tweet as a president. – Jkw,” saysPresident Jokowi’s tweet in social mediaaccount Twitter. Jokowi’s tweet in @jokowi account is special since Jokowicelebrated his 54th birthday that day.This Jokowi’s account seems tobe new since previously Jokowi wasidentified by @jokowi-do2 account.However with the blue check mark thisaccount confirmed in the name of JokoWidodo who is the 7th President of theRepublic of Indonesia, it is official thatJokowi uses this account as his newaccount.Actually this account is not really new.This account was made in September2011, four years ago.From <strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>’s observation, @jokowi account follows other 49 Twitteraccounts and is followed by 2.9 millionfollowers. The accounts followed aremostly Working Cabinet Ministers’accounts such as Tjahjo Kumolo, PuanMaharani, Imam Nachrowi, M. HanifDhakiri, Sofyan Djalil, Indonesian NationalSoldier Commander Moeldoko andMinistry’s accounts, Bank Indonesia lastbut not least Vice President Jusuf Kalla.Internet Sites with NegativeContents Handling Forum has MoreMinistry of Communicationand Informatics has held ameeting in the frameworkof continuous coordinationof Internet Sites with NegativeContent handling Forum (FPSIBN)implementation. Such meetingwas attended by Minister ofCommunication and Informatics andFPSIBN Directors. To strengthenpanel of team that has been formed,another fourteen members areproposed to be added.Minister of Communication andC25 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
INTERNETInformatics said that this negativecontent handling forum puts forwardgovernance to increase publicparticipation from figures, experts,non government organizations,journalists, associations and relatedinstitutions.In addition, also to increaseintellectual property particularlycopy right, as well as involvement inassesing, considering and providingrecommendation/decision onassesment decision.To strengthen the formed panel ofteam, there are additional fourteenmembers consisting of:Panel 1 : Pornography, Child Abuseand Internet Security:• Eddy Taslim (Indonesia DigitalAssociation)Panel 2 : Terrorism, Tribe, Religion,Race and Inter Group and Hatred:• Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M.Ag.(PP Muhammadiyah)• H. Sinansari Ecip (IndonesiaMembers of Clergy)• Dr. Hj. Amani Lubis (BNPTPrevention Director)• Dr. Ichsan Malik (Practicioner)Panel 3: Illegal investigation,Fraudulence, Gambling, Medicine &Food and Drugs• AKBP sugeng Hariyanto(Indonesian Police CrimeInvestigation Body)• Daniel tumiwa (IDEA)• Prevention Deputy (BNN)• Erradication Deputy (BNN)Panel 4: Intellectual Property RightsEconomy and Special Criminal ActionDirector (Indonesian Police CriminalInvestigation Body)• Arief firdaus (HEAL OUR MUSIC)• Tantowi Yahya (PAPPRI)• Andy Ayunir (PAPPRI)FPSIBN was established on 31March <strong>2015</strong> and held preliminarymeeting on 6 April <strong>2015</strong>. theestablishment of forum consistingof Directors and Panels of prominentpersons and various walks of life ishigly appreciated by many partiesincluding members of the House ofRepresentatives.Since the establishment of suchpanels, there have been reports onthe recommended blocked contents:pornography (1083 sites), illegalinvestigation (20 sites), gambling(246 sites), requests to Twitter (898accounts), and Facebook flagging(115 pages/accounts). In additionto such blocking there have been 14sites that have been normalized.Meanwhile there is also a meetingwith internet organizers and providers(ISP). Minister of Communicationand Informatics asked that ISP really<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>326
INTERNETblock negative contents particularlypornographic contents in order toprovide certainty to the public thatthe government really take suchissue into account particularly inwelcoming the month of Ramadhan.If there are still ISPs which do notblock negative contents, Ministry ofCommunication and Informatics willannounce.From thedialogues, ISPs agreed to andconsistently block based on thedatabase contained in databasetrust both by the four large ISPs(Telkom, Telkomsel, Indosat andXL) and ISPs which are their workingpartners. In such occasion, APJIIwelcomes this dialogue forum andasked the government to really seekthe functioning of National DomainName System (DNS) well.Shocking: Babies forSale on InstagramThe virtual world is gain shocked.After the sales of drugs, now asocial media account is utilizedto sell babies. It is the account @jualbayimurah which openly sells babiesin an instagram social media account.Whether it is done as a joke or nor,there are images of babies of variousraces, including those with blue eyesclearly displayed on such account. Inaddition on such account it claimed thatthe account is trustworthy.“TRUSTED. Take babies directly fromorphanage. Address: Panti Asuhan Bayi(Baby Orphanage House) Parartasih Jl.Jatinegara Barat 122, jakarta 13320.8514938.” Such account has uploadedsix images of babies with cute faces andhas been followed by hundredsof Instagram users.A father named Samuel Sabandar whofeels that his child’s pictures are alsodisplayed on that account commentedon his facebook page “Cheap babyfor sale? This is crazy, somebody justtook my daughter’s pic and post it onInstagram. I know she’s cute, but she’snot for sale. Please help to report thisaccount. Who would even buy babiesthrough Instagram,” said Samuel in hisFacebook account.Sabrina also feels there are herchild’s pictures on such @jualbayimurahaccount. Through her comment on Path,Sabrina also expressively stated that @jualbayimurah account which displaysher child’s pictures provides falseinformation. “It never crosses my mindthat this will happen to our own child,”said Sabrina.C27 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
GALLERYIndosat and AlfamartLaunched Money TransferDompetku (My wallet)Indosat presents Dompetku MoneyTransfer which is the new servicein transferring and receiving moneylocally. This service is the form ofcommitment of Indosat to the publicparticularly those who work outsidetheir hometowns therefore they cansend money safer, faster and easier totheir families back home.In cooperation with PT SumberAlfaria Trijaya Tbk (alfamart) asthe point to provide such service,Indosat is optimistic that DompetkuMoney Transfer can cover all areas inIndonesia.“Alfamart network scatteredextensively in various areas inIndonesia, it location is also close tothe public therefore it will be easier toreach,” said Alexander Rusli, PresidentDirector & CEO of Indosat.Different from Dompetku (electronicmoney) service which existedpreviously, Dompetku Money Transferis money transfer service by way ofcash to cash, send in cash and receivein cahs.The requirements to transfer andreceive money are quite easy, just byfilling out sending or receiving moneyforms, showing valid identificationcards as well as owning activetelephone numbers.Amazingly this service is not onlylimited to Indosat’s users, but also forall cellular numbers’ users in Indonesia.“We are very enthusiastic with thisDompetku Money Transfer due toits many advantages which providemany benefits and facilities for thepublic. For initial stage, we prioritize36 cities which are the highest pointsfor money transfer and receipt whichcover Sumatera, Java and Kalimantanislands and part of Sulawesi,” addedAlex.Money transfer Dompetku servicesupports the theme “Transfer MoneySafer, Faster and Easier”. It is safersince it uses disbursing codes whichare only known by senders andreceivers as well as SMS notificationsreceived by the sender when the fundhas been disbursed by receiver.Money transfer can also becancelled by the sender if it is deemedneccessary if the money has not beendisbrused. Fast since the moneycan be directly received (real time).Easy since the procedures are notcomplicated and do not require bankaccounts.President Director of Alfamart,Hans prawira welcomes this goodcooperation. “Alfamart always seek to<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>328
GALLERYprovide additional values in its service(value added service), includingby presenting this service fromIndosat,” he said in the launchingevent of this Money TransferDompetku program, Monday(15/06/<strong>2015</strong>). Hansbelieves that thepresence ofservicesupported by Indosat can be agood money transfer alternative forthe public, particularly Alfamartcustomers. “Various services thatwe present at the stores certainlyhave the purpose to providefacilities and satisfactionfor our customers,”he said.XL Launched Ramadhan ProgramPT XL Axiata Tbk (XL) launchedRamadhan program with thetheme Ramadhan Happiness.Various interesting products,digital experiences, up to HotRodGadget bundling programs can befound in XL booth in the event held inJakarta Convention Center 10-14 June<strong>2015</strong>.President Director of XL, DianSiswarini said “The size of thebenefit of the internet is undeniable.Therefore, Indonesian public’s need forgood quality internet with certain andstable speed continues to increase. Weare committed to provide good qualityinternet services to meet Indonesianpublic expectation in order for internetbenefit to be able to assist not onlyfor individuals but also support nationaldevelopment.”Just like last year, XL also organizesRamadhan and Eid Mubarak specialprograms. These programs are in theCT29 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
GALLERYform of series of activities with thepurpose to provide more benefit forthe public and customers, particularlythose who conduct fasting andcelebrate Eid Mubarak.This year, various activities withthe theme “Ramadhan Happiness”is launched by XL starting fromnew products, road show, digitalactivities, bundling, up to networktransformation.There are two new internet packageslauched, XL HotRod 24 hours” and“HotRod Your Way Internet Packagewith Extra Quota.” In accordance withits name, HotRod 24 hours internetpackage is a package applicable forfull 24 hours wihtout time distributionand applicable on 3G and 2G networks.This package can accomodatecustomers who need super fast andstable internet access at all times.This package provides three options,each with 600MB, with a price of25,000/30 days, 2GB with a priceof 50,000/30 days and 5GB with aprice of 100,000/30 days. On thethree packages, customers can obtaininternet speed of up to 14.4 Mbps.Meanwhile on “HotRod Your Wayinternet package” customers canfreely choose for themselves theirextra quota accessing time : in themorning, in the afternoon or at night.This package will be very suitable forcustomers who need much super fastinternet access at certain times. Thispackage is available with tariff startingfrom IDR 25 thousand/30 days.Customers can obtain internet accessspeed of up to 7.2 Mbps for use wihtin24 hours and additional quota of up to1.2GB.To facilitate customers and thepublic in obtaining such smartphonesand XLHotRod super fast internetspecial service, XL also launcheda platform named HotRod Gadget.On this platform customers canfind various program bundlings ofXL in cooperation with a number ofprominent smartphone providers,review on operating systems or thenewest smartphones up to forum todiscuss smartphone, application andsoftware. The types of smartphoneavailable in this program are quitevarious, including handphones withaccess capability of 4G LTE withvarious prices. These handphones areamong others iPhone 6+, SamsungS6 and Samsung AS. Other brandsavailable are amiong others Sony,LG, Microsoft, Huawei, BenQ, Sharp,Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Alcatel. Duringthe ICS <strong>2015</strong> customers and the publiccan obtain special price discounts.For digital activities, XL heldHospitality House Program. By mini sitecustomers and the public can obtainvarious digital services with Ramadhantheme, among others HospitalityHouse, Homecoming XL Way, Personalcall/morning meal call, Ngabuburit(moments approaching fasting break)Show, XL Salam Salam (greeting), XLCharity, Moslem ruled charity and CSR.In addition XL also organizedRamadhan Happiness RoadshowProgram in the form of activities inshopping centers and meet customercommunity face to face and heldgadget bazaar, experience center, andalso social actions. Other programsis in the form of “Homecoming Post”which is unique and provides servicesthat facilitate customers and the publicwho will conduct homecoming. Lastbut not least, XL also will organizehomecoming program for phone creditsellers.<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>330
GALLERYDuring the Monthof Ramadhan andEid Mubarak, 3 ProvidesTelephone Bonus for Days3(Tri), a GMS operator managedby PT Hutchinson 3 Indonesia(H3I) launched its newestprogram Telephone Bonus forDays for all Prepaid Tri customersduring Ramadhan and Eid Mubarak.This program has the purpose ofappreciating Tri Customers and havinghospitality in the form of telephonecalls during Ramadhan and EidMubarak.“Data service indeed has providedextensive connectivity for Indonesianpeople, no wonder the public oftensends written messages through dataservices. However, there are mattersthat sometime cannot be conveyedonly through chatting applicationor social media, since emotions arenot easy to express despite thepresence of emoticon. ApproachingRamadhan and Eid Mubarak this year,hospitality is one of the worships thatare conducted by Islam believers asbrotherhood expressive actualization.Certainly long distance can be aconstrain. Understanding this, weprovide telephone bonus for days forour customers to conduct hospitalityin addition to Tri data service whichhave been acknowledged extensivelyby the Indonesian people,” said DollySusanto, Chief Sales and MarketingOfficer of Tri.“With this program, talking orexpressing anything through voices isno longer difficult and costly since Triprovides telephone bonus for days.”Dolly added that smartphonepenetration in Indonesia hasreached 44% of the total numberof handphone users both in largecities and in villages. Smartphoneusers actively use data service andalso telephone therefore the marketpotential is still high.Both old and new Tri customerswho top up their phone creditregularly both phisically andelectrically starting IDR1,000 willobtain telephone bonus as much as100 minutes/day to all Tri customersfor days. The mechanism is topup with a value of IR 1,000 willobtain telephone bonus for 1 day,meanwhile top up with a value ofIDR 2,000 – 4,900 for 2 days, andtop up of IDR5,000 – 9,900 for 5days. To obtain longer telephonebonus, customers just top up with avalue from IDR 10,000 to IDR19,000for telephone bonus users for 10days. The same is true for top up ofIDR20,000 and more, Customers canuse telephone bonus for 20 days withduration remains the same namely100 minutes per day.CT31 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>
GADGET REVIEWWith Features ADE, PIXMA MX497It is easy to print and send through facsimileOnce againCanonpresentall in oneprinter series thenewest (AIO) WifiPIXMA to respondto the need toprint documentsproductivelycreatively andefficiently namelyPIXMA MX497. Thisprinter with highperformance isable to print black andwhite images with a speed of anaverage of 8.8 image per minute(ipm) with color in a speed of anaverage of 4.4 ipm.This printer can print withoutany margin limit on papers, as wellas enabling printing report moreinterestingly with more images.PIXMA MX497 is equipped withAuto Document Feeder (ADF)which can accomodate up to 20pieces of papers at once, thereforeit facilitates document downloadingor facsimile dispatch in largenumbers.Wireless connectivity in PIXMAMX497 causes this printer tobe able to be installed in anenvironment which has wirelessaccess point. Access Point ModeFeature is comfortable sice userscan directly connecy PIXMAMX497 with mobile gadget suchas smartphones or tablets whenintending to print or downloaddocuments or photiographs nolonger using router.Users can send printing orderthrough mobile gadget usinggoogle Cloud Print service. Despitebeing outside the office or workingspace, users can easily sendprinting messages from Gmailor Google Drive by using mobilegadgets, or from web browserGoogle Chrome on laptops.PIXMA MX497 is also equippedwith Auto Power ON/OFF whichenables smartphone adjustment on<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>332
GADGET REVIEWprinters. Printer can switch offautomatically after being non active,and automatically switched on whendetecting printing order from PC,smartphone or tablet devices.In addition, there is also PIXMAPrinting Solutions which offer onestop solution to print and downloadphotographs or documents throughWiFi networks from mobile Apple iOSand Andorid based gadgets. One ofthe features that are provided byPIXMA Printing Solutions is users canmonitor ink availability in the printerthrough mobile gadget.PIXMA MX497 is also compatiblewith PIXMA Cloud Link application.This newest generation print CloudService enables users to access andprint images or documents fromFacebook, Flickr, Dropbox, or Creativepark Premium. This service can bedownloaded for free from cellulartelephones and tablets that haveiOS and Android operating systems.With this service, printing order withwireless connection can be doneanywhere fromcellular telephoneor tablets.Easy Photoprint +The newestversion of EasyPhotoPrint+ isediting and layoutapplications designedspecially for tabletdevice. In addition tothe various selections oftemplate such as collage,calendar and cards, userscan also import images savedin tablets or online sites such asPhotobucket and Facebook. Whatis more exciting, this applicationprovides many filter, stamp andtext box choices. As a result, theopportunity of being creative withPIXMA MX497 increases.“PIXMA MX497 printer completesthe array of Wifi printer all in onefrom Canon which not only presentspremium quality printing but alsosupports productivity and workefficiency. In addition, features andapplications available provide facilityto print online and with wirelessconnection, as well as the freedom tobe creative with documents to avoidmonotone,” said Merry Harun - CanonDivision Director, pt. Datascript.Datascript as the authorizeddistributor of Canon in Indonesiamarkets PIXMA MX497 with a priceof IDR1,295,000. Type PG745 Black(8ml) ink is sold at IDR185,000and CL746 Color (9ml) is priced atIDR270,000.C33 <strong>Majalah</strong> I No. 35• June <strong>2015</strong>T
Get the Latest Information on Information andCommunication Technology in <strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>All about <strong>ICT</strong> in Indonesia<strong>Majalah</strong>Iwww.majalahict.comCT@indoict<strong>Majalah</strong> <strong>ICT</strong>