International Conference - Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin
International Conference - Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin
International Conference - Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin
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USA: Jonas B. Wayne (Samueli Institute, Alexandria VA)Japan: Christian Oberlän<strong>der</strong> (Halle/S.)India: Raj Kumar Machanda (New Delhi)List of Participants:Dr. Henn<strong>in</strong>g Albrecht, Executive Officer, Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Essen( Waltraud Ernst, History of Medic<strong>in</strong>e Department, Oxford Brookes University( V<strong>in</strong>jar Fønnebø, Director of the National Research Center <strong>in</strong> Complementary Medic<strong>in</strong>e, Tromsø,Norway (V<strong>in</strong> David Hardiman, Dept. of History, University of Warwick ( Anne Digby, History Department, University of Oxford Brookes ( Mart<strong>in</strong> D<strong>in</strong>ges, Institut für Geschichte <strong>der</strong> Mediz<strong>in</strong> <strong>der</strong> Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart(mart<strong>in</strong>.d<strong>in</strong> Olivier Faure, Centre Pierre Léon, University of Lyon ( David Gentilcore, Historical Studies, University of Leicester ( Robert Jütte, Institut für Geschichte <strong>der</strong> Mediz<strong>in</strong> <strong>der</strong> Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart( Raj Kumar Manchanda, Deputy Director (H), Department AYUSH New Delhi( Phil Nicholls, Staffordshire University ( Christian Oberlän<strong>der</strong>, Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Japanologie, Universität Halle/Saale(christian.oberlaen<strong>der</strong> Matthew Ramsey, History Department, Van<strong>der</strong>bilt University, Nashville/TN(matthew.ramsey@van<strong>der</strong> Elio Rossi, Ambulatorio Omeopatia Ospedale Lucca ( Gunnar Stollberg, Fakultät für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld ( Harald Walach (Instituts für transkulturelle Gesundheitswissenschaften, Frankfurt/O<strong>der</strong> ( Wayne B. Jonas, CEO, Samueli Institute, Alexandria/VA, USA (