Teacher Led ECAs GRADE 4 - GRADE 6

Teacher Led ECAs GRADE 4 - GRADE 6

Teacher Led ECAs GRADE 4 - GRADE 6


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<strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Led</strong> <strong>ECAs</strong>Session 2 ( 13 February - 27 April)<strong>GRADE</strong> 4 - <strong>GRADE</strong> 6

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYINTRODUCTIONIn addition to the education that takes placewithin the regular school day, all students shouldbe given opportunities to participate in a rangeof fun and interesting activities sponsored by theschool that encourage them to maintain a wellbalancedlifestyle. The students’ participation dependson their interests and the availability of aninterested or skilled teacher or classroom assistantto offer particular activities. Some activitiesare run by outside professionals and will involvea cost to parents.Since being well-balanced is one of the attributesof the Learner Profile, the Lower School offersa varied programme of extra-curricular activitiesthroughout the school year. Extra CurricularActivities are supervised by teachers, classroomassistants and volunteer parents and are greatopportunities to meet new friends, learn newskills and to explore and develop new talents. Westrongly encourage all of our students to participatein the extra curricular activities programme.MISSION STATEMENTTo develop responsible global citizens and leadersthrough academic excellence.HOW TO REGISTERAll CDNIS students can register for ONE teacherled ECA each session.Step 1. To register simply go to the CDNISPORTAL and log on to your child’s CDNIS accountusing your child’s user name and password.Step 2. Select the appropriate course you wishyour child to join.Step 3. Click ‘Submit’. Your child will then beregistered, there is no need for you to receive aconfirmation letter. For peace of mind you cancheck your registration by logging out and thenlogging back in and checking your childs schedulewhich will display your selected ECA course.PLEASE NOTE. ECA registration is on a ‘FirstCome - First Served’ basis and registration canonly be completed through online registration.RATIONALEBy providing students with an extensive extracurricular activities (ECA) programme, studentswill learn new skills, share learned skills withtheir peers and develop social skills while participatingin developmentally and age-appropriateactivities that are not offered at home or withinthe context of the regular teaching and learningprogramme. The instructor will be active and beworking with the students during each lesson.

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYIMPORTANT INFORMATIONFOR FAMILIES 1General• There are no teacher led <strong>ECAs</strong> for Reception studentsand Preparatory students can only register forteacher led <strong>ECAs</strong> during Session 2. Some After SchoolActivities do cater for younger children, please readthe information contained in the flyers to identify thoseproviders.• CDNIS has 2 sessions of <strong>ECAs</strong> and After School Activitiesthroughout the year. Session 1 normally runs fromSeptember - January. Session 2 normally runs fromFebruary - June.• <strong>Teacher</strong> led <strong>ECAs</strong> normally occur at lunch and areorganised and led by CDNIS teachers. These activitiesare free of charge and students are allowed to register inONE activity per session.• Most After School Activities are organised by outsideproviders and require an additional fee, students canregister in as many After School Activities as they wish.Payment for After School Activities (ASAs)• When you submit to register your child in an AfterSchool Activity the payment is non refundable. No creditletters will be issued for lessons missed.• After School Activity payments will be listed in yourmonthly CDNIS school statement. No up front chequepayment is necessary.Changes in CDNIS timetable• All teacher led <strong>ECAs</strong> will be cancelled on days of earlydismissal and other school events such as ‘3 waylearning reviews’.• All After School Activities continue as normal on days ofearly dismissal and other school events such as ‘3 waylearning reviews’, but all students are required to leavethe school at the end of the formal school day, returningfor their activity if they wish to participate on that day.Cancellation• If a CDNIS teacher is absent due to illness, professionaldevelopment or any other reason, their teacher led ECAwill be cancelled and students will be informed duringthe morning announcements.• If a paid After School Activity is cancelled due to illnessor school closure the service provider will SMS parentsto inform them of the cancellation. Parents will need tomake the necessary bus arrangements for their child.• No refunds or credit letters will be issued when lessonsare cancelled.Make up lesson• There are no make up lessons for teacher led or AfterSchool Activities for whatever reason.Inclement weather• If the AMBER or RED storm warning or Typhoon Signal#1 or #3 is in force then teacher led <strong>ECAs</strong> and AfterSchool Activities will continue as normal. If the BLACKstorm warning or Typhoon Signal #8 is in force thenteacher led <strong>ECAs</strong> and After School Activities will becancelled.• No teacher led ECA or After School Activity will be heldif the school has been closed during the day due toinclement weather conditions, even if all signals andwarnings have been withdrawn.Note:1. Parents who register for swimming activities withHarry Wright International are entering a contract withthe service provider and need to contact the providerdirectly regarding the policies of the activities provided.Supervision2:40pm-4:10pmCDNIS will provide staff to supervise childrenattending After School Activities on the 9/F outdoorplayground for children in Reception - Grade 3 from2:40pm - 4:10pm.This supervision is for children attendingAfter School Activities only.Message for ReceptionParentsChildren in Reception who wish to join an AfterSchool Activity MUST be picked up by their parent,guardian or helper at 2:30pm on the 9th floor andescorted to their activity. The responsible adultMUST remain on site during the activity and ensurethe child is escorted home after the activity.

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYMONDAY13, 20, 27 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March, 16, 23 AprilCartoon Drawing Jennifer Fenton Code: 5002 Max. 25 studentsRoom: 813Grade: 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amYou do not have to be an artist to create funcartoon drawings. We will explore how to createcartoons using shapes and lines. All you need tobring is your enthusiasm!Chinese Story Reading Suning Zhang & Jing Bai Song Code: 5003 Max. 25 studentsRoom: 1328Grade 4Time: 11:20am-11:50amIntermural Hockey Jeff Reynolds & Jeffrey-Dean CainCode: 5022 Max. 25 studentsRoom: Small GymGrade 4 - 5Time: 11:20am-11:50amStudents must attend on both Monday andTuesday.

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYTUESDAY14, 21, 28 February, 6, 13, 20, 26 March, 10, 17, 24 AprilFun with Clay - (in Mandarin) Karen Kee Code: 5025 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 1328Grade: 4Time: 11:20am-11:50amDrama Games David Swanston Code: 5008 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 8/F Breakout RoomGrade 5 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amIntermural Hockey Jeff Reynolds & Jeffrey-Dean CainCode: 5022 Max. 25 studentsRoom: Small GymGrade 4 - 5Time: 11:20am-11:50amNon Competitive Games Anne RobbinsCode: 5023 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 11/F PlaygroundGrade 4Time: 11:20am-11:50amThe activities experienced in “Drama Games”encourage creativity, group trust, spontaneity aswell as stimulate imagination.Students must attend on both Monday and Tuesday.

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYWEDNESDAY15, 22, 29 February, 7, 14, 21, 28 March, 11, 18, 25 AprilJoin the Team, Play it Green Louise Archer Code: 5009 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 804Grade: 5 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amMacBook Club Aloni Cahusac Code: 5010 Max. 24 studentsRoom: 806Grade: 5 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amJoin the Team, Play It Green with Louise ArcherGet involved in making CDNIS a moreenvironmentally friendly school community.Students will learn and improve on their technologyskills with creative multimedia projects andpresentations. There will opportunities to exploreand learn about educational games, socialnetworking and other online tools for learning. Afocus on global digital citizenship and ethical onlinebehaviour.Creative Clay Modeling Connie Zeng & Ivy Wong Code: 5011 Max. 25 studentsRoom: 801Grade 4 - 5Time: 11:20am-11:50amBasketball Steve Brown Code: 5024 Max. 14 studentsRoom: Small GymGrade: 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amCreate clay sculptures without an expensive kilnor materials but with our unlimited imagination.THURSDAY16, 23 February, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March, 12, 19, 26 AprilCreative Drawing & Craft Susan Su-I Lee Code: 5007 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 1326AGrade 4Time: 11:20am-11:50amStudents will look at an unfinished piece ofwork, imagine what the finished product shouldlook like and then creatively finish the piece.

ONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYONLINE REGISTRATION 3 - 20 JANUARYFRIDAY17, 24 February, 2, 16, 23 March, 13, 20, 27 AprilBeginner Guitar Jennifer Salvador Code: 5014 Max. 10 studentsRoom: 923Grade: 4 - 6Time: 2:45pm-4:00pm (every second Friday 17February, 2, 23 March, 20 April)Chinese Calligraphy Sandy Tse Code: 5015 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 1027Grade: 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amGuitar Lessons for beginners only. Learning toplay guitar strings and chords with kids songs.*Kids joining must bring their own guitar.The writing of characters, is an art, which hasdeveloped over many centuries in China. This class willintroduce students to this ancient art through step-bystepinstructions on writing Chinese characters.Yun Huang & JoAnne SandulKnitting Club for BeginnersCode: 5016 Max. 24 studentsRoom: 811Grade 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amSuper Starz Bible Club CDNIS Parents Code: 5017 Max. 25 studentsRoom: 1423Grade 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amJewelry Making Joy Tan Code: 5018 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 813AGrade: 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amLearn the basic stitches for knitting (knit & purl)and produce your project (i.e.: scarf, handbag,hat, etc.)The Bible Club is run by a group of devotedChristian moms who want this Club to be a placewhere children will feel nurtured and loved. Childrenwill learn about God and the Bible through stories,songs, games, crafts, puppet shows and prayer.LTT Computer Skills Makky Fung Code: 5019 Max. 24 studentsRoom: 1422Grade: 4Time: 11:20am-11:50amArt Attack Maggie Chen Code: 5020 Max. 14 studentsRoom: 702AGrade: 4 - 6Time: 11:20am-11:50amStudents will design and make bracelets, anklets andother jewelry by using beads, charms, fabric andother materials. The club will provide an environmentfor students to apply thier creativity while having funmaking something personal and special.Learn how to communicate information &ideas effectively to multiple audiences using avariety of media & formats. Create multimediapresentations using Pages, iMovie & Garageband& share your new ideas on a blog.

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