Minutes - District of Sooke

Minutes - District of Sooke

Minutes - District of Sooke


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Committee Members Present:<br />

Chair: Councillor Maja Tait<br />



Meeting held July 18, 2012 at 7:00 pm<br />

Council Chambers<br />

2205 Otter Point Road<br />

Group Members:<br />

• Marlaina Elliott, Alternate, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region<br />

Cultural Alliance (SRCA)<br />

• Johanne Thompson, Alternate, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region<br />

Volunteer Centre Committee (SRVCC)<br />

• Debbie Clarkston, SRCA<br />

• Jonathan Heerema, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism<br />

Association (SRTA)<br />

• Frederique Philip, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce (SRCOC)<br />

Public Members:<br />

• Brenda Parkinson<br />

• Jeff Bateman<br />

• Patrick Grove<br />

Staff: Tina Hansen, Corporate Assistant (Recorder)<br />

Gerard LeBlanc, Municipal Planner<br />

Kari Osselton, Manager, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce (SRCOC)<br />

Absent: Nicky Logins, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region CHI/<strong>Sooke</strong> Region Volunteer Centre Committee (SRVCC)<br />

Jeremy Wilson, SRTA, Alternate<br />

Ed Stipp<br />

ACTION<br />

1. Call to Order<br />

The meeting began at 7:02 p.m.<br />

Chair Tait introduced newly appointed members Jeff Bateman and Patrick<br />

Grove to the Commission.<br />

2. Approval <strong>of</strong> Agenda<br />

The agenda was approved as circulated with the addition <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

supplemental information:<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

o Administrative Support Job Description<br />

o Executive Director Job Description<br />

o Relocation Package Information<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism Association Agreement (SRTA) – Schedule<br />

A<br />

3. Adoption <strong>of</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

The minutes <strong>of</strong> June 20, 2012 were adopted as amended on page 4.<br />

4. Guest Speaker – Representative from Mariner’s Village<br />

Chair Tait introduced Dean Steffins, representative from Mariner’s Village<br />

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<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission

to the Commission and members <strong>of</strong> the public.<br />

Dean Steffins, introduced Graeme Harder, Chief Financial Officer and<br />

Kristin Tangen, Project Manager for Mariner’s Village. Mr. Steffins<br />

provided a powerpoint presentation for the Commission on Phase 2<br />

(Merchant’s Landing) <strong>of</strong> the Mariner’s Village development. The<br />

presentation overviewed the following information:<br />

• Mariner’s Village Master Plan<br />

• Location <strong>of</strong> Mariner’s Village in the New Town Centre<br />

• Successes and Challenges <strong>of</strong> Phase 1 – Navigator’s Point<br />

• Phase 2 Mandate: Mariners Village aims to work more closely with<br />

the city and community to meet common goals<br />

• Phase 2 General Specifications<br />

o 95,500 square feet gross building area<br />

o Residential/commercial<br />

o Five stories (four at <strong>Sooke</strong> Rd)<br />

o residential units on upper floors<br />

• Residential/Commercial Offerings<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Community Benefits<br />

o Increased commercial space for local commerce<br />

o Increased amenities for local residents and tourists<br />

o Accessible landscape and greenspace<br />

o Increased space for local pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

o Proposed pharmacy, bank, café and daycare<br />

• Future <strong>of</strong> Mariner’s Village and its place in the <strong>Sooke</strong> OCP<br />

• Mariner’s Village aspires to become an integral part and foundation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the town center and community <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

Graeme Harder advised that DCC’s from the development will increase the<br />

<strong>District</strong>’s tax base substantially. By getting development going, it will help<br />

promote other developers.<br />

A discussion took place between the Commission and Mr. Steffins and Mr.<br />

Harder as to the following comments and inquires:<br />

• Whether there would be conference facilities<br />

• Water features – rainwater collection systems – building green<br />

• Commercial space is an important component for <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

• Mariner’s timeline for Phase 2 – break ground in October;<br />

completion in approximately 22 months<br />

• Cost effective meeting space for non-pr<strong>of</strong>its groups<br />

• Incorporating an Ocean Discovery Centre or something for children<br />

• Concerns over limited parking<br />

• “Car-share” concept for people who live and work at Mariner’s<br />

• Community owned parking areas – ensuring parking plan<br />

• Incorporating the Library<br />

• Incorporating a facility for seniors and youth<br />

• Using local artisans for public art<br />

• Encouraging alternative methods <strong>of</strong> transportation<br />

• EDC working together with Mariner’s and other developers to<br />

promote developments in <strong>Sooke</strong> – increasing communications<br />

• Customs <strong>of</strong>fice and Marina – planned for phase 2B<br />

<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission<br />


• Retail stores – encouraging a local presence<br />

• Informing the community and promoting that Mariner’s is serious<br />

about staying and becoming part <strong>of</strong> the community<br />

Mr. Steffins reported that Mariner’s wants to work with the <strong>District</strong> in<br />

moving forward with the project and stated that Mariner’s is on the leading<br />

edge <strong>of</strong> the vision in the <strong>District</strong>’s Official Community Plan.<br />

Chair Tait thanked the representatives from Mariner’s Village for their<br />

presentation.<br />

5. Quarterly Report to Council<br />

Chair Tait reviewed the <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission<br />

Quarterly Report – July 2012.<br />

The Commission agreed by general consensus to make the following<br />

amendments to page 1 <strong>of</strong> the report:<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism Association: “to represent the tourism<br />

opportunities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sooke</strong> region”<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Cultural Alliance: “to represent the diverse art,<br />

heritage, and cultural organizations”<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Community Health Initiative: “to represent the many<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it and community groups in the <strong>Sooke</strong> region”<br />

MOVED and seconded to accept the proposed <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic<br />

Development Commission Quarterly Report – July 2012 as amended and<br />

to forward the report to Council.<br />


6. <strong>Sooke</strong> Starlight Cinema 2012<br />

Chair Tait, provided background on the <strong>Sooke</strong> Starlight Cinema at Ed<br />

Macgregor Park advising that the Commission needs to consider whether<br />

this is an initiative it would like to support.<br />

The Commission inquired as to who was responsible for setting up the<br />

projector and screen. Chair Tait advised that a member <strong>of</strong> staff set up the<br />

equipment on a volunteer basis.<br />

A discussion ensued between members <strong>of</strong> the Commission as to the<br />

following:<br />

• Turnout numbers for previous movies in the park – approximately<br />

200 per movie night<br />

• Consider funding two shows<br />

• Creates activity in the park – detours vandalism and mischief<br />

activities<br />

• May be affected by poor weather<br />

• Something positive for youth<br />

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<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission

• Other community groups benefit through fundraising selling<br />

popcorn & snacks<br />

• Approximately $20,000 left in SEDC budget<br />

Gerard LeBlanc reported that the films brought out a number <strong>of</strong> families<br />

last year providing them with an activity to do. The films are orientated for<br />

children. It is a good opportunity to give something to the community.<br />

MOVED and seconded to provide $1,200 in funding to the <strong>Sooke</strong> Starlight<br />

Cinema for two movies for the month <strong>of</strong> August provided that sponsorship<br />

recognition <strong>of</strong> the EDC is included.<br />

AND FURTHER THAT a report be submitted on the measurable and<br />

deliverables.<br />


7. <strong>Sooke</strong> EDC Structure Review – Fee for Service Agreements<br />

Excerpt from Official Community Plan<br />

The Commission received section 4.4 <strong>of</strong> the Official Community Plan for<br />

information.<br />

The Commission reviewed the Fee for Service Agreement Schedule “A”<br />

for the <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and the <strong>Sooke</strong> Region<br />

Tourism Association which indicates the services the groups provide to the<br />

<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong>.<br />

Chair Tait advised <strong>of</strong> an email she received from the Mayor requesting the<br />

Agreement and work plans for the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

Region Tourism Association be provided to Council as Council has<br />

concerns as to their funding requests and will not be releasing funds until<br />

Council has reviewed the issue.<br />

Jonathan Heerema, <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism Association stated that these<br />

organizations depend on the funding and feels that the decision is<br />

negligent. Mr. Heerema stated his concerns as to eliminating funding to<br />

groups who work at bringing people to the community to spend money<br />

stating that there is no economic value to that but there is in purchasing a<br />

$20,000 web cam. This goes against the purpose <strong>of</strong> what they are trying<br />

to do. Mr. Heerema reported that SRTA receives funds from the province<br />

which they are not able to spend until they receive the funding from the<br />

<strong>District</strong>.<br />

A discussion ensued between members <strong>of</strong> the Commission as to the<br />

following:<br />

• EDC and membership groups to provide an Economic<br />

Development service<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Cultural Alliance has submitted their business plan<br />

and has completed some <strong>of</strong> the actions on the plan – some are<br />

ongoing<br />

• Using the same Schedule A format for all the groups<br />

• Commission did not receive reporting from Finance Committee on<br />

what type <strong>of</strong> funding the EDC has<br />

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<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission

• Requesting Finance Chair to present to Commission on funding<br />

• Concerns that funding was provided to groups at previous EDC<br />

meeting without knowing what budget was<br />

• Council contingency has increased from $30,000 in 2011 to $152,<br />

964 in 2012<br />

MOVED and seconded that the Commission invite the Finance and<br />

Administration Committee Chair to the next EDC Meeting in September to<br />

give a presentation to the Commission on the Finances for the <strong>Sooke</strong> EDC<br />

on economic development and related funding.<br />


The Committee discussed the deliverables and measurable for <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism Association.<br />

The groups will provide this information in DRAFT form to staff to be<br />

forwarded to Council.<br />

A discussion ensued as to the Commission’s focus for the Fees for Service<br />

Agreements; providing examples <strong>of</strong> successful deliverable and<br />

measurable and request that Council honor their 2012 agreements.<br />

MOVED and seconded to recommend that council approve the Fee for<br />

Service Agreements with the Schedule A and all applicable attachments<br />

from the <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and <strong>Sooke</strong> Region<br />

Tourism Association;<br />

AND THAT COUNCIL honour the commitments for 2012 as per the<br />

approved 2012 Five Year Financial Plan.<br />


The Commission will review and discuss the Work Plan Budget at a further<br />

EDC meeting.<br />

8. Member Group Reports:<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

o Submitted written report for June 2012<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Tourism Association<br />

o Nothing to report until funds are received.<br />

• <strong>Sooke</strong> Region Cultural Alliance<br />

o Working on calendar<br />

<strong>Sooke</strong> Region Community Health Initiative<br />

o CHI Volunteer Centre has been busy<br />

o Working on proposal for grant for seniors project<br />

o CHI and CASA merge<br />

STAFF<br />

STAFF<br />


9. Correspondence for Information<br />

a. <strong>Sooke</strong> Fine Arts Society<br />

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<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission

The Commission received the letter from <strong>Sooke</strong> Fine Arts Society.<br />

10. “Word from the Street”<br />

The Commission discussed the <strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong> webcasting noting that<br />

the issue was never debated in the Council Chambers. A discussion<br />

ensued as to the cost <strong>of</strong> the webcasting; being transparent.<br />

Chair Tait <strong>of</strong>fered written materials to the Commission for reference on<br />

Wireless Antenna Cell Towers and the Tourism Vancouver Island Vacation<br />

Guide.<br />

Chair Tait reported on the 9 th Annual Communities in Bloom Awards and<br />

Conference in Kelowna September 21 st to 23 rd . The Commission<br />

members will research Communities in Bloom and will discuss sending a<br />

representative to the Communities in Bloom Conference at the next<br />

scheduled meeting.<br />

11. Public Input<br />

There was no input from members <strong>of</strong> the public.<br />

12. Schedule Next Meeting: August 15, 2012<br />

13. Adjournment<br />

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.<br />

Certified by:<br />

_________________________ ____________________________<br />

Councillor Maja Tait Bonnie Sprinkling<br />

Chair Corporate Officer<br />

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<strong>District</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sooke</strong><br />

July 18, 2012 <strong>Sooke</strong> Economic Development Commission

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