海洋公園 - Ocean Park

海洋公園 - Ocean Park

海洋公園 - Ocean Park


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Chief Executive’s Statement行 政 總 裁 報 告<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Park</strong> Corporation Annual Report 2007-20082007-08 海 洋 公 園 業 績 報 告24Breaking New GroundThis year, we remained steadfast toour founding charter to connect guestswith nature, using entertainment toeducate guests and raise awareness forconservation. From the first day, thespotlight was firmly on our two new giantpandas – Ying Ying and Le Le – as theysettled into their new home at the HongKong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat andopened a new chapter in conservation. Weproceeded to break further ground in ourMaster Redevelopment Plan (MRP) andbuilt on our success by inspiring over fivemillion guests through edutainment. Ourachievements have been numerous: wesuccessfully launched the first <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Park</strong>thematic showroom with our partner inGuangzhou, converted Whiskers Wild Rideinto Ha Ha Factory, a venue for holdingour special events and inaugurated itwith a record-breaking Halloween Bash,created additional concessionary parkentrance social programmes, welcomed aschool of Chinese sturgeons as new animalambassadors, introduced Hong Kong’s firststingray touch pool, were accredited by twointernational animal husbandry governingbodies, and rejoiced in the breakthrough ofthe funicular tunnel, which will house ournew in-park transport system. We also tookpart in celebrating the hosting of Beijing2008 Olympic Games, and were chosen asthe point for the 200 day countdown tosalute the theme of a green Olympics. All ofthis enhanced the <strong>Park</strong> experience for ourgrowing number of guests visiting HongKong from Greater China, Asia and beyond.Hong Kong’s People’s <strong>Park</strong>:Another Record YearOne of the key challenges for us thisyear was to strike a balance between theredevelopment activities of our MRP, andensuring smooth <strong>Park</strong> operations. Evenas we develop the <strong>Park</strong>, we continuedto enhance our operating facilities bypresenting new animal attractions, suchas the renovated Hong Kong Jockey Club

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