海洋公園 - Ocean Park

海洋公園 - Ocean Park

海洋公園 - Ocean Park


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Hong Kong, and we will continuouslyrevisit our offerings to ensure that thesestay relevant and popular.Another change for the year was thetransformation of the Empress Theatre atTai Shue Wan into an added venue spacefor key events, enabling us to create moreimmersive guest experiences.Chinese market - highlighting <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Park</strong>’sreal encounter experience with MotherNature, and combining entertainmentwith education. With outbound tourismfrom North and South East Asia increasing,we have also strengthened our marketpenetration in these regions to capture thisgrowth opportunity and diversify our guestofferings.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Park</strong> Corporation Annual Report 2007-20082007-08 海 洋 公 園 業 績 報 告30Such enhancements are integral to thevariety of edutainment offerings wecan present. They also directly impactthe length of stay and in-park revenueopportunities, which have increasedsignificantly in recent years.M a r k e t O u t l o o k :Connecting Nature withHong Kong, China & BeyondA key part of our marketing strategy hasbeen to develop strong relationshipswith tour operators and channels todifferentiate ourselves in the MainlandWe have invested in developing oursynergies with other businesses andparticipated in trade missions throughoutthe year to promote Hong Kong to overseasmarkets, including India, Philippines,Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, SouthKorea, Japan and Taiwan. From these, wehave established stronger ties with over1,000 travel partners.To celebrate the re-opening of Ngong Ping 360and strengthen Hong Kong as a vacationdestination hub, we collaborated ona consumer promotion in Decemberthat offers our mutual guests discountson admission and purchases. The jointpromotion has been so successful that ithas since been extended.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Park</strong> continued to reach out to keyopinion leaders in the tourism trade andtravel media. To maximise the growth inthe Mainland, we paved the way for settingup a representative office in Shanghai.With frequent travel between Hong Kong,

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