2001 Greenhand Quiz

2001 Greenhand Quiz

2001 Greenhand Quiz


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18. In 1990, delegates at the national convention voted to raise the number of the official delegateassembly to:a) 400b) 450c) 475d) 52519. It is the responsibility of this chapter officer to prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting:a) Sentinelb) Secretaryc) Parliamentariand) Reporter20. The Sentinel is responsible for:a) serve as the chapter photographerb) assist the president in maintaining orderc) establish and maintain the chapter resource filed) represent the chapter in official and public relations functions21. The three divisions of the National Chapter Award Program does not include:a) Student developmentb) Community developmentc) Officer developmentd) Chapter development22. The Treasurer is stationed by the:a) Bust of Washingtonb) Shield of Friendshipc) Scroll and Pend) American Flag23. The start of the meeting is signaled by:a) One tap of the gavelb) Two taps of the gavelc) Three taps of the gaveld) Four taps of the gavel24. Which motion does NOT require a second:a) Amendb) Lay on tablec) Point of Orderd) Main motion25. The author of the Parliamentary Procedure Rules (Rules of Order) used by FFA is:a) Robertb) Jeffc) Peterd) Paul26. Which of the following is not signaled by one tap of the gavel:a) sitb) standc) adjournd) completion of a business item

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