Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Grape ... - Mavo.biz

Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Grape ... - Mavo.biz

Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Grape ... - Mavo.biz


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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Proceedings</str<strong>on</strong>g>of the<str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g><strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding12-16 September 1989St. Martin/Pfalz, FRGVitisSpecial Issue1990

VITlSSpecial Issue1990<str<strong>on</strong>g>Proceedings</str<strong>on</strong>g>of the<str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g><strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding12-16 September 1989St. Martin/Pfalz, FR of GermanyEdited by: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur RebenzuchtungGeilweilerhof, Siebeldingen, FR of Germany

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Proceedings</str<strong>on</strong>g> of the<str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding12-16 September 1989, S1. MartinlPfalz, FRGVi tis, Special Issue, 1990ISSN 0042-7500"vms" Berichte tiber Rebenforschung mit Dokumentati<strong>on</strong> der Weinbauforschung - Herausgegeben imVerlag der Bundesforschungsanstalt ftir Rebenztichtung Geilweilerhof, D 6741 Siebe1dingen, unter Mitwirkungv<strong>on</strong> G. ALLEWELDT, Siebeldingen; H. P. OLMO, Davis; J. V. POSSINGHAM, Adelaide; P. RmEREAIJ-GA YON,Talence. - Redakti<strong>on</strong>: G. RILllNG und M. KLEINERT, D 6741 Siebeldingen. - Druck: Pfiilzische VerlagsanstaltGmbH, 6740 Landau/Pfalz. - Printed in Germany.

IIIPrefaceThis final document brings to an end the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding. Itcomprises. either in full length or as abstracts. the papers and posters presented during thec<strong>on</strong>ference and gives c<strong>on</strong>vincing evidence of the world·wide interest in the importance of grapebreeding with particular focus to the genetic resources of Vilis. biotechnology, and to thedevelopment of vines resistant or tolerant to pests and diseases.Recalling the scientific discussi<strong>on</strong>s and social events of the s~lnposium from the distance ofayear, I believe it was a success. Therefore, I wish to express my gratitude and thanks toall who kept the young traditi<strong>on</strong> of this s)1nposium alive,the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, B<strong>on</strong>n, as well as all others who financiallysupported the symposium and helped to make the meeting a success,the Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne et dll Vin, Paris. for assuming the patr<strong>on</strong>age of thesymposium.We are no\\'looking forward to future symposia in this series.Geilweilerho( July 1990G. ALLEWELDT

vC<strong>on</strong>tentsWelcoming addressG. ALLE\\"ELDT ..................................................................................................................... .Secti<strong>on</strong> 1: Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screeningA. C-\LO, A. COSTA(TRTA, R. Dl STEFAXO. G. C-\LO and G.PALCDETTI: Research <strong>on</strong> themeaning of the enzymatic systems (GPI and PGM) as parameters for the definiti<strong>on</strong> ofvarieties (Vitis sp.): The Italian case ofCabernet franc ................................................. 5P. R. HnlSTAD and J. J.LuBY: Eyaluati<strong>on</strong> and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of Vitis riparia as a source of genesfor extreme cold hardiness . ......................... .... ............. ....... ................... .... .................. 23A. SCIEXZA, R. ASZAXI, O. FAILLA, F. MATTI\l. P. L. VILLA. G. TEDESCO. P. G. RIGHETTI. CETTOR!, S. MAGEXES and E. GL-\X.-\ZZA: Vilis vinijera - a chemota.'(<strong>on</strong>omic approach:Seed storage proteins .................................................................................................. 24A. C.-\MIJSSI. A. C. ... LO, A. COSTA(TRTA. C. LORE:\ZO:\I and E. OTTA\1A:\O: A model ofdiscriminant analysis <strong>on</strong> the basis of descriptor valiables for the ampelography of Vilissp. .............................................................................................................................. 29L. P. TROSHI:\, P. X NEDO\", A. I. LITYAK and ?\. I. Gen'x: Improvement of Vitis I'inijerasativa D. C. tax<strong>on</strong>omy ................................................................................................. 37ERIKA DETT\\"EILER-MC);CH: Activities c<strong>on</strong>cerning c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of v'ilis gennplasm ........... 44ZHANG FE;>;GQIX, Lco F ... XGMEI and Gc n ... BIX: Studies <strong>on</strong> gem1plasm resources of wildgrape species (Vilis spp.)in China ................................................................................ 50DOROTA POSPISILOYA: haluati<strong>on</strong> and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of vine genetic resources in Czecho·slovakia ...................................................................................................................... 581. A:-:DRE and E. HAJDt:: The role of variety as genetic potential in nutrient utilizati<strong>on</strong> ........... 62A. BROX"ER and 1. OU\ "EIR. ... : Creati<strong>on</strong> and study of the Pinot noir variety lineage ................ 69S. C. ... XCELUER, A. C."'LO and A. COST.-l.n:RTA: Genetic improvement for crossbreeding intable grape varieties .......... ......... .......................... .......... ........ ............ ........ .................. 81R. BOTT .... , R. VALLA'SL"', M. L. MI.-\JA, G. VERGA"O, G. ME: Isozyme pattern comparis<strong>on</strong>between tissue-cultured grapevines and mother plants ................................................. 88P. VILLA, A. SClE'SZA, F. ROYlA:-lO and S. STEFI"I: Valiability of must acidity in selfpollinated Chard<strong>on</strong>nay progeny........ .......... ......... ....... ...................... ........ .... ...... ........ 93G. TEDESCO, G. C.-\RGXELLO, E. ZA" .... RDlXI, P. VILU and E. GL ... "AZZA: Characterizati<strong>on</strong>of ViTis vilJijera biotypes through biochemical methods ..... .............. ..... ............... ......... 96R. AXZ."'SI, O. F .... ILL.-\. A. SClEXZA and F. C ... MPOSTRI"I: Wild grape\'ine (Vilis villi/era val'.silvesTris) in Italy: DistIibmiol1, charactelistics and gennplasm presen'ari<strong>on</strong> - 1989report ......................................................................................................................... 97V. KRACS: Genealogy of old and creati<strong>on</strong> of new resistance d<strong>on</strong>ors .. ........................ ............ 113

VIG. TEDESCO, G. CARO::-:ELLO, E. ZA~ARDI:-';I, P, VILLA, F. MAl'Il'I and E. GIAl'AZZA: VilisI'ini/era - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Pollen wall proteins ....................................... 114F. MATIl\l, A. SCIE:-:ZA, O. FAILLA, P. VILL. ... , R. A:-';ZA:-':I, G. TEDESCO, E. GIA~AZZA andP. RIOHETIr: Vilis villi/era - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Anthocyanins in theskin ............................................................................................................................. 119P. K<strong>on</strong>iA, A H. :\'.'101' and O. JUHASZ: Inheritance of isoenzymes and soluble proteins ingrape varieties and F 1 hybrids ...................................................................................... 1341. M. ORTIZ. H. ALTVBE. 1. R. LISS.-\RRAGt:E and V. SOTES: The use of isozymes forcharacterizati<strong>on</strong> of Spanish Vilis culm'ars ................................................................... 142G. D AR:-.:t: The anthocyanins of grapevine leaves and their tax<strong>on</strong>omic importance ............... 142Secti<strong>on</strong> 2: Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong>R. BECHER: Plant breeders' rights for vine varieties based <strong>on</strong> the lntemati<strong>on</strong>al C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>for the Protecti<strong>on</strong> of~e\\' Varieties of Plants ................................................................. 145GERTRt:DE MAYER: Results of cross·breeding ...................................................................... 148R. EIBACH: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s about the influence of some physiological and phenologicalcharacteristics <strong>on</strong> quality and their heredity.................................................................. 149E. H. RnIL, P. R. CU"GELEFFER and G. H. hlRRIDGE: Potassium uptake of roo mockvarieties and hybrids - implicati<strong>on</strong>s for wine quality..................................................... 158K. H. FISHER, T. FnEKI and A. G. RE\"'\OLDS: The heritability of methyl anthranilate andtotal volatile esters in Vilis spp. hybrids ........................................................................ 159R. Sl"GH and B. ~. S. MnUH\~ Breeding grapes for basal fhlitfulness .................................. 1681. V. POSSI:-:GHAYI. P. R. CU"GELEFFER and G. H. KERRlDGE: Breeding grape"ines fortropical envir<strong>on</strong>ments ................................................................................................. 169C. V. POMMER: Breeding table grapes in Brazil .................................................................... 177R. WAGKER: Study of phenotypic ,'ariati<strong>on</strong> by analysing data gathered tOgether by O.I.V. <strong>on</strong>new varieties of table grapes ......................................................................................... 178O. FAILLA, A. SCIEXZA. G. STR1XGARl, M, F.-\LCETTI: Potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leavesand clusters: Role of rootstock ..................................................................................... 187L. A\RA:I.10Y. D. TADIJA:-':O\1C, K. PA\1.0\1C, M. Jo\,.'I"O\1C an d :\. G,'ISIC: On the new veryearly table varieties obtained by crossing different varieties of grapevine ........................ 197T ODORKA SLA ,"CHE\'.-'.; Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the photOsynthetic producti"ity of some newlyselected grapevine varieties ....... ................................................................................... 204Lt:o FA:-':GMEI and ZH.'IKO FE:-:OQIX: <strong>Grape</strong> breeding in China ............................................. 212Secti<strong>on</strong> 3: Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases?\. 1. GVZ\'N, P. ~. ~EDo\'. V. T. US-\TO\'. 1. A.. KOSTRIKJ" and L. F. MELESHKO: <strong>Grape</strong>selecti<strong>on</strong> for resistance to biotic and abiotic envir<strong>on</strong>mental factors ...... .......................... 219

VIIL. BEREZ]\"AI and L. OLAH: The results of resistance improvement in Eger ............................ 222G. STAUDT and H.·H. KASSEMEYER: Resistance to transmissi<strong>on</strong> of grapevine fanleafvirus byXiphinema index in some Vilis species and hybrids ...................................................... 223R. RIES: Detecti<strong>on</strong> of arab is mosaic virus and grape.ine leaf roll .irus I during the period ofvegetati<strong>on</strong> ... .............................................. ........................... ....................................... 227M. A. WALKER and C. P. MEREDITH: The genetics of resistance to grape.ine fanleafvirus inVitis villifera ............................................ ................. .................................................. 228R. RIES: Detecti<strong>on</strong> of grapevine nepoviruses in woody canes ................................................ 238Y. KJTAO and J.·P. DOAzA]\": <strong>Grape</strong>vine breeding for resistance to powdery mildew:Bioassay system for evaluati<strong>on</strong> of plant resistance and for characterizati<strong>on</strong> of differentUncillula necarorstrains ............................................................................................. 239R. BLAICH, C. HEI:-;TZ. G. Hoos and R. WI:-:D: Phenol and silica incrusts in epidermal cellsof Vilis spp. as a general defence mechanism ................................................................ 248M. P. COl;n:-:Ho and A. MARTI:-;S: Recent results in vine improvement regarding itsresistance to downy and powdery mildews .................................................................. 249M. BORGO, S. C.-\:-;CELLIER and A. COSTACl'RTA: Search for genotypes resistant toPlasmopara I'irico/a by crossbreeding .......................................................................... 254L. G. JIMEXEZ A. and A. INGALLS: Vilis caribaea as a source of resistance to Pierce's diseasein breeding grapes for the tropics .. ....... ..................... ................................................... 2621. A. MORTENSEN and L. H. STOYER: Best combiners during 40 years of breeding Viliscultivars resistant to Pierce's disease ............................................................................ 271G. RILLING and H. DCRIXG: Effects of European red mite <strong>on</strong> grapevine cultivars .................. 277V. T. US.HOY, L. K. KJREYHA, V. A. VOLYXKI:-:. V. P. KUMENKO and ?\. P. OLEINIKO\,:Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of interspecific populati<strong>on</strong>s of grapevine in breeding for complex resistanceto fungal diseases and phylloxera ..................... .......................... ..................... ............. 278H. BECKER and E. Sopp: Roorstocks with immunity to phylloxera and nematoderesistance .................................................................................................................... 294L. B."'\'ARESCO and M. ZAMBONI: Influence of the rootstock and potassium fenilizer <strong>on</strong>phytoalexin synthesis in Pinot blanc grO\\TI in a calcareous soil..................................... 2951. FCRI + and E. VISO:-;TAI: Selected hybrids of the wine grape \'ariery Seibel 5279 ................ 300H. BECKER and H. KO"RAD: Breeding ofbotryris tolerant V. \'inifera and interspecific winevarieties ...................................................................................................................... 302Secti<strong>on</strong> 4: Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factorsL. BAvAREsco: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> some physiological parameters involved in chlorosis. occurrence in different grapevine rootstocks and a Vilis rinifera cultivar ......................... 305R. M. POOL. B. I. REISCH, M. 1. WELSER: Use of differential thennal analysis to quantify budcold hardiness of grape selecti<strong>on</strong>s and cl<strong>on</strong>es .... ............. .......... ........ ..... ....... ... ............. 318

VIIIHE :-';I~G,F A~G Y AOLAK and Ln.: SHL:ROl\G: <strong>Grape</strong> breeding for cold resistance in :-':<strong>on</strong>heastChina for 30 years ................................................................................................ 329D. ZUNIC, L. A\K-\Moy and X TODORO\lC: Winter frost resistance of grapevine varietiesbel<strong>on</strong>ging to different ecological and geographical groups ............................................ 330P. CIl.;DRlC, I\'. KORAC: Frost resistance of grapevine cultivars of different origin ................... 340J. ANDRE and E. HAJDC The effect of fenilizers <strong>on</strong> different wine grape varieties in modelc<strong>on</strong>tainer trials .... ... ... ...... ........... .... .......... ........ ...... ................. .......... ...... ... ................. 352EDIT HAJDt:: Climatic resistance in some imerspecific wine grape hybrid families ................. 358H. DCRll'G: Stomatal adaptati<strong>on</strong> of grapevine leaves to water stress .................................... 366K S. POGOSYA~: On the mechanism of vine resistance to low temperatures .......................... 370G. F. .. :--iIZZA and L. RICCI.-\RDI: Influence of drought stress <strong>on</strong> shoot, leaf growth, leaf waterpotemial. stomatal resistance in wine grape genotypes ( Vilis villi/era L.) ...................... 371A. ERlsand A. So"\u:: Stomatal density in various Turkish grape culrivars ........................... 382A. LA:\G and H. DCRl;\;G: Weather effects of stalk necrosis in Vilis ............. .......................... 3901. SUY.-\KIKO\" and A. Allyn: Reacti<strong>on</strong> n<strong>on</strong>ns of the new grape varieties with complexresistance to envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s ........................................................................ 396Secti<strong>on</strong> 5: Tissue and cell cultureM. G. MULLl:\S: Applicati<strong>on</strong>s of tissue culture to the genetic improvement of grape·vines ........................................................................................................................... 399c. P. MEREDITH, S. 1'v1. COLBY. 1. A. ST.-\\1P. A.M. DAKDEKARand E. B. B.-\:\DMAK: Progresstoward the producti<strong>on</strong> of transgenic grapevines by Agrobacterium-mediatedtransforlnati<strong>on</strong> ..................... ......... ............. ......................... ................... .... ................. 408I. GRlBAt:DO and A. SeHnERT: <strong>Grape</strong>vine roO! transf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> with Agrobacteriumrhizogenes ....... .............. ................... ......... .......... .......... .................. ............... ...... ...... 412B. 1. REISCH, M. H. MARTE:>:S and Z. M. CHE:>:G: High jj'equency regenerati<strong>on</strong> fromgrapevine petioles: Extensi<strong>on</strong> to new genotypes ........................................................... 419G. REl;sTLE and G. ALLE\\"ELDT: Isolati<strong>on</strong> and culture of grapevine protoplasts .................... 423J. V. POSSI'-.:GHAM. :-.:. S. SCOTT, K. G. M. SKFE and T. 1. B-\RIBACLT: Transf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> ofVilis I'ini/era by AgrobaCleriwn based vectors .............................................................. 431P: SPIEGEL-Roy, ;'\. SAHAR and 1. BARO": Seedless x seedless grape progeny: Technique.results and perspectives ............................................................................................... 432D. W. RunlI~G. C. A. LEDBETTER and R. T-\RAILO: Hybridizati<strong>on</strong> of seedless grapes .......... 439A. BOUQCET .. -\.-M. CHABBERT. Y. DANGLOT: in vitro selecti<strong>on</strong> for tolerance to magnesiumdeficiency in grapevine rootstocks ............................................................................... 445M. H.-\RST-L.-\:\GE"IBl:CHER and G. ALLE\\"ELDT: C<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of the genetic resources ofVilis ............................................................................................................................ 446H. (Ell" and tv1. B.-\ TUR: Meristem culture for cl<strong>on</strong>al micropropagati<strong>on</strong> of grape\'ines ......... 455

IXB. ALTMAYER: The use of in l'ilro apical culture of grapevines to eliminate pathogens(different viruses, Agrobacterium tumejaciens) ............................................................ 463A. DALLOCL, S. MlslK and L. OLAH: III vitro micropropagati<strong>on</strong> of grape valieties ................. 463A. BOUQl:ET, G. BEXCHETRlT and Y. DA:-;GLOT: Producti<strong>on</strong> of somatic embryos andplantlets in seedless grapevine varieties (Vilis villi/era L.) by anther culture ................... 464D. HARTL, P. MALES and S. JELASKA: Vegetative multiplicati<strong>on</strong> of five Dalmatianamochth<strong>on</strong>ous grape cultivars in vitro 464G. STAt"DT and H.·H. K..-\SSE~EYER: Eliminati<strong>on</strong> of virus diseases by in l'ilrO culture ............. 465V. GCELLEC, C. D.-\\1D, A. PETIT, J. TEMPE and M. BRASCHARD: Agrobacterium-mediatedtransformati<strong>on</strong> of grapevine (Vilis villi/era L.) ... ... .......... ...... ......... ........... .................... 465M.H. :\ETZER and M. BRA:-\CHARD: Vitis sp.: Somatic embryos obtained <strong>on</strong> mediuminducing calcareous chlorosis .................................................................. .................... 466J. K-\ROGLA:--':, ;\. MIROSE\lC and S. JELASKA: <strong>Grape</strong>vine shoot f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> ill vitro ................. 466?:\. MATsCTA and 1. HIR.-\BAYAsHJ: Embryogenic cell lines from somatic embryos of grape(Vilis villi/era L.) ......................................................................................................... 467ZI YI c.-\o, WEl LI, c.-\J Y,,"E Gl;O and Yt; Sm' Ql: The regenerati<strong>on</strong> of plant lets from cultureanthers picked from anther culture derived plants in grape ill vitro ............ .................... 467Secti<strong>on</strong> 6: Cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong>P. ROSATI, O. SlL YESTRO:-\I. C. hTRlERl and G. MeRRl: Effects ofin viTro gamma irradiati<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong> two grapevine culti\'ars ( Vilis I'illifera L.) ......................... ...... ................................. 471EDIT H.-\JDl:: Selecti<strong>on</strong> advance and envir<strong>on</strong>mental variance in cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> of the winegrape variety K6vidinka .............................................................................................. 478H. BECKER: Applicmi<strong>on</strong> of mutagenesis in imp<strong>on</strong>am varieties and evaluati<strong>on</strong> of newcl<strong>on</strong>es ......................................................................................................................... 484A. MARTl:

xM. KLIEWER and P. Bo\\'E:": The influence of cl<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong>, pruning severity and canestructure <strong>on</strong> )ield comp<strong>on</strong>ents of three Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> cl<strong>on</strong>es .............................. 512G. VERSI!"I, A. R.-\pP. C. VOLK:I4A'';l'\ and A. SCIEl'\ZA: Flavour compounds of cl<strong>on</strong>es fromdifferent grape varieties ............................................................................................... 513M. VLACHOS: Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of some cl<strong>on</strong>es of the table grape vallety Hellas ............................. 524A. SCHNEIDER, F. MAK,,"I:"I, V. GERBI and G. ZEPPA: Effect of vine "igour of Vilis villi/era CV.l'iebbiolo cl<strong>on</strong>es <strong>on</strong> wine acidity and quality ................................................................. 525L. BEREZl'\AI. Z. BEREZ:"M and L. OLAH: Cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> ofCabemet ................................. 531Y. S. AGAOGLt:, H. C:ELlK and E. G()K~AY: Brief al11pelographic characterizati<strong>on</strong> ofindigenous grapevine culti\'ars subjected to cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> in Turkey.......................... 532L. P. TROSH!:': Selecti<strong>on</strong> of highly productive grape variati<strong>on</strong>s using methods oflTIultidimensi<strong>on</strong>al analysis ........................................................................................... 538Final remarksG. ALLE\\'ELDT .................................................................................................................... 547

Welcoming addressG. ALLEWELDTLadies and Gentlemen,dear friends and colleagues:On behalf of the Organizing Committee I have the h<strong>on</strong>our 10 welcome all guests andparticipants of the Vth <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding.In particular I welcomeDr. PADBERG, who is representing our Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry,Mr. KIECHLE, B<strong>on</strong>nState Minister ZIEGLER, Ministry of Agriculture. Viticulture and Forestry, Mainzand our colleagueProfessor FREGO~I, Vice·president of the 0.1. V., who represents the Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de laVigne et du Vin. Paris.This S)luposium is the fIfth in the series and is intended 10 provide an opportunity forexchange of infoffi1ati<strong>on</strong> between workers from all over the world, to discuss and evaluateadvances in grape breeding and to share their expertise.I welcome the members of the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> Cl<strong>on</strong>al Selecti<strong>on</strong> who decided tobe part of the body of this <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g>.Viticulture is and has always been accompanied by a desire ro improve the vine and itsproduct for the benefit of both the producer and the c<strong>on</strong>sumer. Thus. improvements in viticultureand in new cultl\"ars are still facrors which govern the prosperity of \1ticulrure world·wide.:i\owadays. haying hardly recovered from the catastrophe caused by mildew and phylloxerawhich befell Europe's \'ineyards in the last century. ne\\ challenges have to be faced:1) The emir<strong>on</strong>mental stress caused by the use of agroci1emicals urges the utilizati<strong>on</strong> of genesresistant, to pests and diseases in order to underpin our eff<strong>on</strong>s to introduce imegrated pestcomro!.2) The maintenance and evoluti<strong>on</strong> of genetic resources is the essential prerequisite for theprotecti<strong>on</strong> offuture requirements of grape breeders.3) An unavoidable improvement of fruit and wine quality. an oyerproducti<strong>on</strong> of wine and tablegrapes in some regi<strong>on</strong>s and the una\'ailability of adapted cultivars in others (particularly in thetropics and subtropics). requires urgent breeding attenti<strong>on</strong>.4) The existing new possibilities offered by gene technology must be introduced into breedingprograms.These problems can <strong>on</strong>ly be solved through the comprehensive exchange of researchinformati<strong>on</strong> and by internati<strong>on</strong>al cooperati<strong>on</strong>.May this <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> renew the spilit of challenge in \ine breeding, tighten the b<strong>on</strong>ds offriendship and encourage all of us to face and to sunnount the f<strong>on</strong>hcoming demands.I am pers<strong>on</strong>ally saddened to have to tell you of the recent death of two of our colleagues:Prof. Dr. DARJS of Greece and Dr. FeRJ of Hungary.

2We had hoped to welcome them to this <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> but this was not to be.In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> I want to express my gratitude to our Federal Minister for his generous financialsupport, to the many sp<strong>on</strong>sors of our <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g>, to the Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne et du Vin,Paris, for taking over patr<strong>on</strong>age, and last bur not least, to all members of my staff who have helpedin the organizati<strong>on</strong> of this c<strong>on</strong>ference.Let us have inspiling discussi<strong>on</strong>s and. to speak in tertns of breeding. let us sow new seeds toenter and sunnount the challenges of the forthcoming 2151 century.I declare the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> breeding open I

Secti<strong>on</strong> 1: Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong>and screening

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening5Research <strong>on</strong> the meaning of the enzymatic systems (GPI andPGM) as parameters for the definiti<strong>on</strong> of varieties (Vitis sp.):The Italian case of Cabernet francA. CALO, A. COSTACURTA, R. Dr STEFANO, G. CALO and G. PALUDETTIIstituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura, Viale XXVII Aprile, 26, 1-31015 C<strong>on</strong>egliano (TV), ItalySum mar y: Several studies carried out at Davis and C<strong>on</strong>egliano showed that isozyme analysis of theGPI and PGM enzymatic systems agrees with the c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al defmiti<strong>on</strong> of the variety in ampelography.Differences were rep<strong>on</strong>ed am<strong>on</strong>g varieties but not am<strong>on</strong>g biotypes of the same varieties. The <strong>on</strong>ly excepti<strong>on</strong>recorded was in the populati<strong>on</strong> of Cabernet franc in which GPI and PGM reveal two different types (A - thetraditi<strong>on</strong>al type encountered in France and B - type encountered in the Italian regi<strong>on</strong> of Veneto ).Further ampelographic, ampelometric, phenological and chemical studies <strong>on</strong> the polyphenolic andaromatic substances in fruits have shown c<strong>on</strong>siderable differences between the two types. Such differencesdem<strong>on</strong>strate that the type B is a different variety and not a cl<strong>on</strong>e of Cabernet franc. Preliminary ampelographicanalysis and the equality in GPI and PGM patterns lead to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that the type B very probably isCarrnenere.Therefore, the hypothesis of variety discriminati<strong>on</strong> based <strong>on</strong> the analysis of GPI and PGM is valid and thismethod is useful to help to characterize the varieties.Key w 0 r d s: variety of vine, biotype, Italy, ampelography, biometry, analysis, morphology,leaf, berry,enzyme, pyrazine, polyphenol, phenol.In trod ucti<strong>on</strong>Generally, ampelography provides the definiti<strong>on</strong> of vine varieties according to morphological,phenological and chemical features that may differ in more or less significant ways. C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>ally,when the basic morphological features of a variety's populati<strong>on</strong> are the same, cl<strong>on</strong>es aredistinguished according to the genotypical variati<strong>on</strong>s of the physiological and/or phenologicaland/ or chemical features.Studies carried out at Davis and C<strong>on</strong>egliano over a 2-year period (1987-1988), at first <strong>on</strong> 225varieties and subsequently <strong>on</strong> 9 variety populati<strong>on</strong>s and 63 cl<strong>on</strong>es of these (8), showed thatisozyme analysis of the GPI and PGM enzymatic systems by starch gel electrophoresis of leafeXjracts agrees with the c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al definiti<strong>on</strong> of the valiety in ampelography.Differences were reported am<strong>on</strong>g varieties but not am<strong>on</strong>g biotypes of the same varieties,probably because the genes of which these enzymes are the main expressi<strong>on</strong>, did not cause anysignificant variati<strong>on</strong>s of the morphological, physiological and chemical features, practically andc<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>ally c<strong>on</strong>sidered in the variety's definiti<strong>on</strong>.So far, the <strong>on</strong>ly excepti<strong>on</strong> recorded was the populati<strong>on</strong> of Cabe1l1et franc, widely employed inItaly, in which the GPI and PGM reveal two different types, i. e. A - the traditi<strong>on</strong>al typeencountered in France and B - the type mainly encountered in the Italian regi<strong>on</strong> of Veneto. Theaforementi<strong>on</strong>ed types have significantly different features requiring further ampelographic,ampelometric, phenological and chemical studies <strong>on</strong> the polyphenolic and aromatic substan~es infruits in order to provide objective differences that the operative world is also suggesting.The Cabe1l1et varieties seem to date back to the Bituriea menti<strong>on</strong>ed by PLINIUS andCOLUMELLA. in relati<strong>on</strong> to the ancient syn<strong>on</strong>yms Viduve and Vidure, according to PETIT-LA.FITTE(who relied <strong>on</strong> the authority ofVr~ET, an expert of the 18th century). Although impossible to prove,it is quite evident that the varieties date back to a very early age, a fact of which trustworthyevidence is found in Gir<strong>on</strong>de. where Cabe1l1et franc was well-known at the times of the Cardinal ofRrcHELIEL'

6 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1During the diffusi<strong>on</strong> of these varieties, started in the 17th century, several populati<strong>on</strong>s spreadout with different syn<strong>on</strong>ymities or distincti<strong>on</strong>s, still existing at the present time. The distincti<strong>on</strong>sinvolved varieties, i. e. Cabernet franc, Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, Carmenere and then a series ofsyn<strong>on</strong>yms recalled by the different ampelographies (14, 15, 17,20). It may be worth underliningthe fact that in the 19th century, the ampelographical expert, Count ODART, mistook Cabernetfranc and Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, since the latter was still not very well-known in French regi<strong>on</strong>s otherthan Gir<strong>on</strong>de.In Italy (10, 11, 16), apparently Cabernet franc was imported for the first time by the Count ofSAMBuvin Piedm<strong>on</strong>t at the beginning of the 19th century. By the end of the century, the variety wascultivated in approximately 45 provinces, fi'om Piedm<strong>on</strong>t to Southern Italy. Noteworthycultivati<strong>on</strong>s were present in Veneto. where the variety had come directly from France throughBORTOLO CLEMEC\"TI, the Count OfSCHIO, Count CORI"ALDI and other vine-growers.The origins of the vines and thus of the populati<strong>on</strong>s were naturally diverse, as still can benoticed in some vineyards propagated with this material.The Istituto Spelimentale per la Viticoltura has been perf<strong>on</strong>ning selecti<strong>on</strong>s since 1980 <strong>on</strong> theabove-menti<strong>on</strong>ed popUlati<strong>on</strong>s that led to the identificati<strong>on</strong> and now to the characterizati<strong>on</strong> of thetypes examined in this report.Materials and methodsResearch was c<strong>on</strong>ducted in 1987-1988 by the Istituto Spelimentale per la Viticoltura in twofields situated <strong>on</strong> the Eastern Venetian plain in entirely different pedoclimatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. In eachfield of comparis<strong>on</strong> the two types of Cabernet franc were represented by 24 vines per biotype with6 repetiti<strong>on</strong>s each.Examinati<strong>on</strong> involved the following features:1. Biochemical featuresThe starch gel electrophoretic analysis of leaf extracts was performed for the enzymaticsystems glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM). The methods andprocedure employed were those previously reported (3, 18).2. M 0 r ph 0 log i c a I f eat u l' e sTesting of these features was perf<strong>on</strong>ned according to the instructi<strong>on</strong>s of the internati<strong>on</strong>alO.LV. descliptor list. Features are described in Table 1. The following informati<strong>on</strong>s were alsorecorded:- phenological ages c<strong>on</strong>sidering the average time of the phenomen<strong>on</strong>'s appearance;- potential and actual fertility of the buds al<strong>on</strong>g the fruit bearing tendrils (7).3. Ampelometric measurementsThese tests analyze the features provided by measurements and the relati<strong>on</strong>s that define the'leaf, in particular:- ratios between veins L/LLiLl- depth of petiole sinus S/L lS..,IL~- angles between veins: a-between Land Llf3 between L land L2y between L2 and L3- leaflength/width- petiole/leaflength

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 7Measurements were perf<strong>on</strong>ned <strong>on</strong> adult leaves selected in summer from the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> to the8th node of the main shoots.The following grape bunch characteristics were also c<strong>on</strong>sidered:- ben)' weight in g - ben,)' number per bunch- bery volume in ml - petiole length in cm- berry dimensi<strong>on</strong>s (length and width) in cm - bunch size (width and length) in cmThe data were gathered up<strong>on</strong> ripening from 10 bunches and 100 grapes.4. Berry samples were taken weekly £I-om verais<strong>on</strong> to ripening to establish the following j u icecomp<strong>on</strong>ents:- total acidity (gil) - malic acid (gil)- pH - tartaric acid (gil)- sugar (% ml) - potassium (gil)5. Volatile berry comp<strong>on</strong>ents and berry skin phenolic comp<strong>on</strong>ents5.1. Berry pyrazines1 kg of berries were homogenized and steam distilled to establish the amount of pyrazines.The distillate was extracted 3 times with 25 ml ofCH~Cl~. After solvent distillati<strong>on</strong>, the extract wasanalyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry by means of the SJ.M. programme withacquisiti<strong>on</strong> of i<strong>on</strong>s 123-138, 124-137, 124-151, respectively. related to 2-ethyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxy pyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxy pyrazine.5.2. Volatile juice comp<strong>on</strong>ents250 ml of juice was extracted with CSHJ2:CH2Cl2 in a 60:40 ratio for 12h. After thesolvent's evaporati<strong>on</strong> by distillati<strong>on</strong>, the extract was subjected to gas chromatography.5.3. Phenolic ben,)' skin comp<strong>on</strong>entsAnthocyanins: These were extracted from 10 berries with ethanol + 0.1 % of c<strong>on</strong>centratedHCI and with mixture ethanol: H 20: c<strong>on</strong>centrated HCl in the ratio 70: 30: 1.Phenolic acids: The ethanol extract of skins was employed for the analysis of the hydroxycinnamoyl, tartaric acids.6. 0 r g a n 0 I e p tic t est s were perfom1ed <strong>on</strong> wines produced by the microvinificati<strong>on</strong> of thetwo types ofCabemet franc and tasting the grapes by means of the statistical duo-trio test.1. Isoenzymatic analysisResults and discussi<strong>on</strong>As may be seen in Fig. 1, the two types of Cabemet franc have different GPI and PGMpattems.2. M 0 r p hoi 0 ~ i c a I f eat u resOf all the features examined (see Table 1). the following proved to be repeatedly different andsteady in the two types ofCabemet franc (Table 2). .Type B has higher anthocyanic pigmentati<strong>on</strong> levels in the shoot tip, more blisters <strong>on</strong> the upperleaf side, a larger amount of hairs between veins <strong>on</strong> lower leaf side and a looser cluster. Thesefeatures will be emphasized in further detail by analyzing the ampelometJic tests.Moreover. a particular feature is the special shape of stamen that may be spiral-shaped intype B, as previously illustrated (7) <strong>on</strong> this populati<strong>on</strong> (see Fig. 10).

8 Secti<strong>on</strong> 13. Ampelometric testsTable 3 illustrates the features that proved to be significantly different am<strong>on</strong>g those examined.The analysis of the results c<strong>on</strong>cerning the leaves shows that the dimensi<strong>on</strong> of the apex lobedetermined by the ratios L/L and S/L 1are major in type A than in type B.With regard to the bunch, type B, as already menti<strong>on</strong>ed, is looser (l<strong>on</strong>ger bunch, fewer berriesand less compact) and it has larger berries (size and volume).4. Berry juice comp<strong>on</strong>entsThe course of sugar development in the berries, of the degradati<strong>on</strong> of total tartaric and malicacidity. and of the pH increase does not differ c<strong>on</strong>siderably from <strong>on</strong>e type to the other (Fig. 2).Type B, however, ripens earlier and thus it attains higher sugar in berries earlier and, at thesame time, has a significant degradati<strong>on</strong> of total acidity, related to the decrease of both malic andtartaric acid, whereas the pH is higher.In the juice, there is also a c<strong>on</strong>siderable difference in potassium c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s: higher intype A, an aspect that is probably interesting in enological tenns.Table 1: Morphological features examinedO.I.V. CODEFEATURE001003004/005007/008009/010011/013068075076079081084/085088/089090/091151153204young shoot: form of tipintensity of anthocyanin colorati<strong>on</strong>of tiphair density ot tipsshoot: color of internodescolor of nodesdensity of hairs of nodesmature leaf: number of lobesblistering of upper sideshape of teethgeneral shape of petiole sinusparticularities of petiole sinusdensity of hairs between the veins(lower side)density of hairs <strong>on</strong> main veins(upper side)" . density of hairs <strong>on</strong> petioleinflorescence: sex of flowernumber of inflorescence per shootbunch: density

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 9Table 2: Features proved to be repeatedly different and steadyIOIV CODE FEATURE EX~RESSION LEVELTYPE A TYPE B003 I young shoot: intensity of anthocyanincolora-Iti<strong>on</strong> of tip 3 5075 Imature leaf: blistering of up-Iper side 5 7084 density of hairsbetween the veinslClower side) 5 7204 I bunch density 6,65 5,42Table 3: Ampelometric measurements proved to be significantly different am<strong>on</strong>g those examinedFEATURE CABERNET FRANC CABERNET FRANCTYPE BLi/L (in em) 0,893 0,842Sl /L l (in em) 0,544 0,497S2 /L 2(in em) 0,628 0,5910( (in degrees) 48,62 53,56 (in degrees) 51,52 55,27r (in degrees) 48,32 53,25berry weight (in grammes) 1,54 1,90berry volume (in ml> 1,39 1,67berry length (in em) 1,43 1,52berry width (in em) 1,33 1,45average number of grapes 99,44 85,32bunch length (in em) 12,26 13,04

10 Secti<strong>on</strong> 15. Volatile grape comp<strong>on</strong>ents and berry skin phenolic comp<strong>on</strong>ents5.1. Berry pyrazinesThe two types (A and B) differ in the 124 i<strong>on</strong> chromatograrri profile and partly the 151 i<strong>on</strong>profile, related to 2-isobutyl-3-methoxy pyrazine, the c<strong>on</strong>tent of which seems to be c<strong>on</strong>siderablyhigher in type B (Fig. 3). The presence ofa great number of peaks leads to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that thepreparati<strong>on</strong> system generates adulrerati<strong>on</strong>s.5.2. Volatile berry juice comp<strong>on</strong>entsT~e profiles of the samples are practically similar (Fig. 4). There are C 6comp<strong>on</strong>entsoriginated by the enzymatic attack of linoleic and linolenic acids, besides other unidentifiedcomp<strong>on</strong>ents and a c<strong>on</strong>siderable amount of benzylic alcohol.5.3. Phenolic berry skin comp<strong>on</strong>entsAnthocyanins: The analysis of the chromatogram HPLC of the anthocyanins (Fig. 5 and 6)revealed that the two types of Cabernet franc differ in the percentage of pe<strong>on</strong>idin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside(higher in type B), acetates (higher in type B), and p-cumarates (higher in type A). The amhoeyaninsof both varieties are trisubstituted. The amount of anthocyanins in the skins of type B isapproximately double the amount of type A (Table 4).Table 4: Anthocyanins %ANTHOCYAN INSICABERNET FRANCTYPEACABERNET FRANC ITYPEBIDelphinidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside6,57ICyanidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside0,67IPetunidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside6,96IPe<strong>on</strong>idin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside3,66IMalvidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside41,45IDelphinidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside acetate 1,50ICyanidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside acetate 0,11IPe<strong>on</strong>idin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside + MalvidinIm<strong>on</strong>oglucoside acetate12,99IDelphinidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside p.Cuma- 1,48IrateICyanidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside p.Cumarate 0,06IPetunidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside p.Cumaratel 1,83IPe<strong>on</strong>idin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside + MalvidinIm<strong>on</strong>oglucoside p.Cumarate 21,166,021,375,9610,8438,771,630,3120,580,870,070,5111,28

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening11Table 5: Differences between type B ofCabemet franc and type AMorphological differences1. Major anthocyanic pigmentati<strong>on</strong> of shoot tip2. Major blistering of adult leaf upper side3. Major presence of hairs between veins of adult leaf lower side4. Spiral shaped flower stamen5. Minor bunch compactnessAmpelometric1. Lower ratio Ll/LLower ratio Sl/LlLower ratio S2/L22. Major angle ~ (between Land L 1)~ (between Ll and L )r2(between L2 and L ) 33. Looser berry bunch:* l<strong>on</strong>ger bunch* lower number of berries4. Major berry dimensi<strong>on</strong>:* size* weight* volumeBiochemical and chemical1. Different isoenzymes for enzyme systems GPI and ~GM2. <strong>Grape</strong> pyrazines: higher c<strong>on</strong>tent of 2-isobutyl-3methoxy pyrazine3. Skin anthocyanins: higher c<strong>on</strong>tent of pe<strong>on</strong>idin m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside4. Phenolic acids~ higher c<strong>on</strong>tentOrganoleptichigher c<strong>on</strong>tent of acetateslower c<strong>on</strong>tent of p-cumaratedouble quantity of total anthocyan insClear identificati<strong>on</strong> of the two types and a more herbaceous taste intype B.

12 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Phenolic acids: The chromatogram at 320 nm shows that type B has a higher incidence ofthese comp<strong>on</strong>ents. The same test pelf<strong>on</strong>ned at 280 nm (Fig. 7 and 8) shows that type B c<strong>on</strong>tains alarge amount of an unidentified comp<strong>on</strong>ent with a characteristic spectrum (Fig. 9), of which thereare no traces in type A or in wine.6. 0 r g a no I e p tic t est sC<strong>on</strong>tinuous organoleptic research <strong>on</strong> wines has allowed the preparati<strong>on</strong> of a merit list inwhich Cabernet franc type B appears to be more appreciated and with a specific individuality.Funhennore, grape tasting perf<strong>on</strong>ned by means of the duo-trio test indicated that the two typesmay be distinguished quite clearly (80 %). with a major mark of the herbaceous taste of type B.GPI66u •-c GPI-l'.-43->-•""'.-4......•.-4 .c 2 GPI-Z-0EI-UPGM-A 13• uc•.-4>-'.-4...... ""''.-4.c -0E!Jti PGM-l- -3 PGM-Z2I-0A 8Fig. 1: GPI and PGM patterns in Cabernet franc type A (A) and type B (B).

Genetic resources~ evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening13,..,til....:nu:;...0If,;0...4Q3929199TOTAL ACIDITY1 2 3 4 6 7DATEpll3. 2 34DATE56 7DabSUGAR,..i1 2 34 56 7DOTEFig. 2: Berry comp<strong>on</strong>ents ofCabernet franc type A (A) and type B (B). (C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf.)

14Secti<strong>on</strong> 1,.....~ ....o... " os."~,. s....~ : l ~--,--- ______TARTARIC ACID--"'J-"'J- -41-111--5-..._~. .----.-----a ......--_~5 I ~---..,.4~1----______________ __1 2 3 4DATE567aa•,..,~~v.0"0.......1$E35392520151059HAllC ACID- 11 ==I1 2 3 4 5 6 7DATE=a•bPOTASSIUM,...... ,InvE:I...1ft1ft"~0Do.L6~1.41.2 i1 j.8 I.611-"-- /,/~ .'/'~~--=1 2 3 4 5 6 7':!a•J.,DATEFig, 2 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued),

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 15Cl.IUc:tT1I<strong>on</strong> 124.00 amu. fro", DATA:CrISH1.D4; 0E4 4.0E43.0E42.0E4l0000.0I<strong>on</strong> 151.00 amu. from DATA:CrISIH.D-0c:~4. 0E4 4.0E4II3.0E4 3.0E42. (IE4I (10[11)11.'Uc:(tju[Il0 20 30 40T I me (", in. )I<strong>on</strong> 124.00 a.lnu. frorrl DATA:CTrSII1.D1.2E4 l.2[410000CABERNET FRANC type A1000CB000B0006000 680B:~~~ ~JJ~~~.L ~.~--................ -,"--t- :.~~:(1I<strong>on</strong> 151.00 arilli. from DRTA:CrrSHI.D~ I. 2E4& I 00001.2E4I (H!I(J{~BflQ0. B (JOCI6880 6000: ~~~:J ______, .-J"~J~~~~k.,,--"J--.J I t; ~:~;:1l:I -ITi-----il1-~·- ju --"'................. 4-0-~~............. [jFig. 3: I<strong>on</strong> chromatogram of the CH,C!, extract of the homogenizated grapes.~ = I<strong>on</strong>s 124 and 151 are the <strong>on</strong>esrelated to 2·isobutyl·3·methoxy pyrazine.

16 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Cabernet Franc type B:1fIFCabernet Franc type Ar{TRHH5-2-E5EHALE].,'11.8J E5AHOLOTRAH5-3-E5EHOLO CI5-3-E5EHOLO I~. 59~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;d!:;!:b:=~ IU!!I~ . If;Inllr~ ,1~6'5.21 3~~ _ Z2.!l4L Z'i!lJ_ u.~i.U4\',fi€ 1836 rzCAPROHIC ACIDBEHZILIC ALCHOOL4U62-FEIHL ETAI10LOTRAI15-2-E5EI10IC ACIDFig. 4: Chromatogram of grape juice volatile comp<strong>on</strong>ents.

Genetic resources~ evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 175-3.,.").f L2.59DELPHIHIDIH I'IOHOGWCOSIDE8.141 e .:3 1 CVAHIDIH I'IOHOGLUCOSIDEPETUHIDIH I'IOHOGWCOSIDE-====================~~===-112 .82CPEOHIDIH PlONOGWCOSIDE--~-~===============_=_~=_=_=_=_=====_=_==__t~c___~_---::;:. 22 .13 1.q_.2 ______________________ ~I'IALVIDIH PlOHOGWCOSIDEDELPHIHIDIH I'IOHOGWCOSIDE ACETATE17 .411CVAHIDIH PlOHOGWCOSIDE ACETATE-==========- 2 6 .3'3 PETUNIDIH PlONOGLUCOSIDE ACETATE.c::::::PEDHIDIH PlONOGLUCOSIDE ACETATE~.~ :; 1 .! l DELPHIHIDIH PlONOGWCOSIDE p - CUMARATE..c::::=:::""_CVANIDIH I'IOGLUCOS11lE p - CUI'IARATE-- :. 2 •'5 :3 PETUNIDIH PlONOGLUCOSIDE p - CUPIARATEPlALVIDIH I'IOHOGWCOSDE ACETATEPEOHIDIH I'IDHOGLUCOSIDE + I'IALUIDIH PlONOGLUCOSIDE P - CUI'IARATE••. ,;L~Il.10-15-25-3~-35-413-Fig. 5: HPLC chromatogram of the anthocyanins of the skins ofCabemet franc type A. A = 520 nm.


Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening19--~~~~==~~r=22~.9933====~=================-------------------- 2.2:7 .90 UNIDENTIFIED COMPONENT_ 11.2114.76 CAFFEIL TARTARIC ACIDp - CUI'IARIL TARTARIC GWCDSIDE ACID19.7121 .1:322 .Oldp - CUMARIL TARTARIC ACIDCAFFEIC ACIDFERULIL TARTARIC ACID33 .1635-37.314e- .3.P 400Fig. 7: HPLC Chromatogram of the phenolic acids of the skins ofCabernet franc type A. .A = 280 nm.

20Secti<strong>on</strong> 15-1 4 .4:3 CAFFEIL TARTARIC ACIDp - CUl'IARIL TARTARIC GLUCOSIDE ACID1 '~ .6 1 p - CUI'IARIL TARTARIC ACIDCAFFEIC ACIDfERULIL TARTARIC ACID24.5138.HI10-15-20-25-31]-35-413-Fig. 8: HPLC chromatogram ofthe phenolic acids of the skins ofCabemet franc type B. A = 280 run.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 21C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sA series of studies carried out <strong>on</strong> different varieties and <strong>on</strong> cl<strong>on</strong>es of the same varieties provedthat isozyme analysis of the GPI and PGM enzymatic systems could be used as a discriminatingfactor when identifying varieties since different patterns may occur between varieties but notbetween the cl<strong>on</strong>es of the variety.However, the populati<strong>on</strong> ofCabernet franc employed in Italy exhibited two different types (Aand B) for GPI and PGM.In this report the aforementi<strong>on</strong>ed types were carefully analysed for several morphological,ampelomenic and chemical features. C<strong>on</strong>siderable differences were recorded between type B(mainly qiffused in Veneto) and type A (the traditi<strong>on</strong>al type popular in France). Such differences,illustrated in Table 5, led to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that it is a different variety and not a cl<strong>on</strong>e ofCabernetfranc.Type B is very probably Carmenere, whose populati<strong>on</strong> spread in Veneto since last centuryand has been frequently c<strong>on</strong>fused with Cabernet franc. This hypothesis is c<strong>on</strong>firmed by preliminarampelographic analysis as well as the equality in GPI and PGM patterns and it will be moreoverexaminated \vith further checks.Fig. 9: Spectrum of the unidentified comp<strong>on</strong>ent present in the skins ofCabemet franc type B.

22 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Fig. 10: Shape of the stamen in the twO populati<strong>on</strong>s ofCabemet franc.Left: stamen of type A; right: spiral-shaped stamen oftype B.Therefore, the hyporhesis ofa variety discriminati<strong>on</strong> based <strong>on</strong> the analysis ofGPI and PGM isbasically valid and thus the method is presently useful to help to characterize the varieties and infuture will be suitable for the definiti<strong>on</strong>.ReferencesALBACH, G.; KEPNER, R.; WEBB, A; 1959: Comparis<strong>on</strong> of anthocyanic pigments of red Vinifera grapes. Amer.J. Enol. Viticult. 10, 164.ALLEWELDT, G.; DETT\\,EILER, E.; 1986: Ampelographic studies to characterize grapevine varieties. Atti IVSimp. Intern. Genetica della Vite, 55-59.ARt.:LSEKAR, S.; PARFITT, D.E.; 1986: Isozyme analysis procedures for st<strong>on</strong>efruits, alm<strong>on</strong>d, grape, walnut,pistachio and fIg. H<strong>on</strong>Science 21 , 928-933.ASTEGIA~O , V.; CIOLFI, G.; 1974: Indagine sui costituenti antocianici dei vini rossi piem<strong>on</strong>tesi. Riv. Viticolt.Enol. 27, 497-507.B :KH~A:-;K , 0 .; 1989: lsoenzymes as a tool for grape cultivar identifIcati<strong>on</strong>. Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 42, 27 -31.BOlJRSIQl;OT, J. M .; VIG~AC, L.; BOULET, J. c.; 1989: Ricerche sulJ'utilizzazi<strong>on</strong>e dell'ampelometria. Riv.Viticolt. Enol. 42, 37-52.CALO, A ; COSV.ct;RTA, A.; CERSOSI~O, A; C.~~CELLlER, S.; Ml:CIG:-;.U , D.; 1988: La selezi<strong>on</strong>e d<strong>on</strong>ale deivitigni bordolesi: Cabemet Franc N, Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> N, Merlot N . Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 41 , 181-200.-.. - ; .. . - ; P.-\UJOETTI, G .; CALO, G.; ARl;LSEKAR, S.; PARFITT, D. E.; 1989: The use of isozyme markers tocharacterize grape cultivars. Ri\'. Viticolt. Enol. 42, 15·22 ..... ; LI CKl, C.S.; 1963: Indagini sulla fenilita del Cabernet franc. Ani Accad. ltal. Vite e Vino, Vol. XV.COSMO, 1.; 1940: Rihevi ampelografici comparativi su varieta di FiTis villi/era. I vitigni bordolesi. Iti:tlia Agricola7, 473. •.. .. ; POLSI:-;ELLl, M .; 1960: Principali vitigni da vino coltivati in Itaha: Cabernet franc. Vol. I. MinisteroAgricoltura e Foresle, Roma.DI ROVASE~OA , G.; 1877: Saggio di una Ampelografia Universale. Torino.DJ STEFAKO, R. : CORJ l'\O, L 1984: Terpeni ed antociani di uve rosse aromatiche. Riv. Viticoit. Enol. 37, 581 ..595.GALET, P.; 1962: Cepageset Vignobles de France. Imprimerie du Paysan du Midi, M<strong>on</strong>rpellier.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening23MASSE; PULLlAT; 1877: Le Vignoble, Vol. II. G. Mass<strong>on</strong> Editeur, Paris.MOLo~, G.; 1906: Ampelografia. Vol. I, II. Milano.ODART, A P.; 1849: Ampelographie Universelle ou Traite des Cepages. Librairie Agricole De Dusaco, Paris.PALUDEHI, G.; CALO, G.; 1988: Elettroforesi di estratti enzimatici in l'''itis sp.: nota metodologica. Riv. Viticolt.Enol. 41,365·374.RAPP, A; HASTRICH, H.; ENGEL, L.; 1978: Analyse par chromatographie capillaire des c<strong>on</strong>stituantsaromatiques des vins et des raisins; possibilites d'identificati<strong>on</strong> des varietes. Genetique et Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> dela Vigne, Bordeaux, 417·428.VIALA, P.; VERMOREL, v,; 1901: Ampelographie, Vol. II, Paris.

24 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Vitis vinifera - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach:Seed storage proteinsA. SCIEKZA 1), R. ANZANI 1), O. FAILLA 1), F. M.UTm 1), P. L. VILLA 1), G. TEDESCO 2), P. G.RIGHETTI 3), C. ErrORl 3). S. MAGE]\"ES 3) and E. GIANAZZA 3)1) Istituto di Coltivazi<strong>on</strong>i Arboree, via Celoria 2, 1·20133 Milano, Italy2) Dipanimento di Biologia, Sezi<strong>on</strong>e di Botanica Sistematica, via Celoria 26, 1·20133 Milano, Italy') Dipanimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche. Sezi<strong>on</strong>e di Biochimica, via Celoria 2, 1·20133 Milano, ItalySum mar y: The IEF pattern of the c<strong>on</strong>stituent peptides for the storage protein from Viris viniferaendosperm is used for the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of a dendrogram relating 74 seed specimens.Key W 0 r d s: seed, protein, analysis, Vitis vinifera, variety of vine, cl<strong>on</strong>e, ampelography, Italy.Introducti<strong>on</strong>In a previous report (Gl.-\>,,;AZZA et al. 1989), we investigated the major endospenn proteins ofVilis vinifera saliva utilizing seeds from cv. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay. The storage protein was found to be aglobulin. homogeneous by size (M r> 400 kDa after PAGE) and highly heterogeneous by charge,23 bands being resolved by IEF, with pIs 4.8-5 for the major comp<strong>on</strong>ents. From SDS·PAGE underreducing and n<strong>on</strong>-reducing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, the native structure appeared to be assembled from n<strong>on</strong>·covalently bound subunits, with M ca. 65 kDa. which in turn were composed of disulfide·bridgedpeptides, Mr = 19-21 kDa and 38-44 kDa. The focusing pattern of the denatured protein (8 M ureaafter -S-S-reducti<strong>on</strong>) included 15 acidic (pIs = 4.25-4.80) and 2 alkaline (M = 26 kDa, pIs = comp<strong>on</strong>ents. rWe compare here the subunit compositi<strong>on</strong> of the storage proteins from a number ofcultivarsgrown across Italy. This data base is then used for the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of a dendrogram relating thevarious cultivars to <strong>on</strong>e another.Materials and methodsThe seeds fi'om 54 cvs of V. vinifera saliva from the follo\\1ng Italian regi<strong>on</strong>s: Val d'Aosta(AO), Piem<strong>on</strong>te (TO), LigUlia (GE), Lombardia (PV), Trentino (TI\'), Veneto (VE), Friuli (TS),Emilia (BO), Toscana (FI), Sardegna (CG). Puglia (BA), as well as from different cl<strong>on</strong>es of cvsSchiava (SC, l'\ = 5). Malvasia (M-\L. 6} and Trebbiano (TB, 7) and of two V. vinifera silvestrisspecimens (Reppi2 and Reppi3, SI), were collected at vintage 1988. For each sample, theendospenn dissected from 30·35 seeds was ground and extracted with 10 volumes of 0.2 Mglycine(GIANAZZA et al. 1989).Isoelectric focusing was perf<strong>on</strong>ned <strong>on</strong> immobilized pH gradients (lPGs) (BJELLQVIST et al.1982) in the pH range 4·5.5 (I·D) or 4-6 (2-D experiments). The IPG plates were polymerizedaccording to standard procedures (RIGHETTI and GIA]\"AZZA 19.87) with Immobiline m<strong>on</strong>omerspurchased from LKB; the washed and dried gel slabs were reswollen in 8 M urea - 0.5 % carrierampholytes (0.25 % 4-6 Ampholine and 0.25 % 4-6.5 Phannalyte, fi'om Phannacia·LKBBiotechnology, Uppsala, S). Prior to loading. the protein samples were diluted 1 : 1 with 8 Murea - 2 % 2-mercaptoethanol. Gels were run ovemight at 500 V, followed by 1 hat 1,300 V. For2-D mapping, the gel strips from the 1st d run were equilibrated for 15 min in electrode buffer

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 25(according to L."'EMMLI 1970) with 3 % SDS and 2 % 2-mercaptoethanol added. The 2nd dseparati<strong>on</strong> was <strong>on</strong> a 7.5-17.5 % T polyacrylamide gradient, at 50 mA/gel (140 x 140 x 1.5 mm).A total of 57 bands were analyzed in the I-D pattem of the various samples. Data reducti<strong>on</strong>was for presence/absence of any given comp<strong>on</strong>ent - disregarding quantitative variati<strong>on</strong>s. Adendrogram using average linkage was c<strong>on</strong>structed \vith the statistical program SPSS-X run <strong>on</strong> aVAX-VMS computer (Istituto Agrario Provinciale, San Michele all'Adige, TN).2345123Fig. 1: Isoelectric focusing <strong>on</strong> immobilized pH gradients (lPG) 4·5.5 of the endosperm proteins from Vilisvini/era seeds. 15 /-Ll of a glycine extract diluted 1: 1 with 8 M urea - 2 % 2-mercaptoethanol were applied perlane. The gel had a polyacrylamide matrix T % = 4, C % = 4 and was made to c<strong>on</strong>tain 8 M urea and 0.5 % carrierampholites in the pH range 4-6.5. Gels were run at 15°C for 12 hat 500 V, then for 1 h at 1,300 V. Coornassiestain according to RIGHETTI and DRYSDALE (1974). Samples: gel A = Reppi 2 (V. villi/era silvestris), Cagnina,Ribolla Nera, Canina, Cann<strong>on</strong>au, Lambrusca d'Ales~andria, Malvasia Brindisi, Verdicchio, TrebbianoValtenesi, Th. Soave, Th. Lugano, Torbiana Soave, Carignano, Malvasia Casorso, Ancellotta, Schiava Grigia,Coda di Volpe di Labico, Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco Sorbara, Fumat, Lambrusco Grasparossa, Mal~asiaCandia, Malv. Candia N. A., Lambrusco Oliva, Lambrusco Maestri, Brunello, Prugnolo, Sangiovese, Aglianico,Grechetto Bianco, Malv. Lecce, Malv. Lunga Chianti, Croatina, Freisa, B<strong>on</strong>arda, Pignola, Sc. Lombarda, Uvad'Oro, Th. Rornagnolo, Sc. Gentile, Trollinger, Lambrusco F. F., Neyret, Reppi3 (V vini/era silvestris); gelB = Trollinger, Lambrusco F. F., Neyret, Reppi3 (V Villi/era sill'estris), Malv. Asolo, Lagrein, VermentinoSpoletino, Pigato, Vermentino Finale, Favorita, Colorino, Marzemino, Teroldego, Mammolo, Vemaccia SanGiminiano, Sc.Grossa, Th. Toscano, Nebbiolo, Barbera Bs., Barbera, Ribolla Spizade, Croa Rosso, Sc. Grossa,Vernaccia, Rossetta di M<strong>on</strong>tagna, Dindarella, Cabrusina, Cividino. Picolit, Corvina Cl. 7, Corvina Cl. 47,R<strong>on</strong>dinella, R<strong>on</strong>dinella Cl. 77, Timoraccio, Refosc<strong>on</strong>e, Vien de Nus. Canaiolo, Malvasia.

26 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1ResultsFig. 1 A and B shows the isoelectric focusing pattern of the storage protein subunits from theseeds of various V. villi/era cvs. The sequence of the samples is based <strong>on</strong> pattern similarity asevaluated hy "isual inspecti<strong>on</strong> for the presence (from left to right) of cathodal to anodal majorcomp<strong>on</strong>ents. 10-15 prominent bands in 5 clusters and a number of minor comp<strong>on</strong>ents can berecognized in each lane. N<strong>on</strong>e of the major comp<strong>on</strong>ents is present in all samples, i. e. a typicalpattern includes <strong>on</strong>ly 2-4 band clusters.The relati<strong>on</strong>ships between the different clusters are better evaluated from the 2·D maps of Fig.2 A-D. The Mr of the polypeptide chains tend to increase with their pI, but clusters 1-2 and 3·4share essentially the same size.The dendrogram in Fig. 3 depicts the dissimilarity hierarchy between the banding patterns forthe various cultivars. The same results were obtained when specifying either the squared Euclideanor the city block measure as the agglomerati<strong>on</strong> method. Within the widely grown cultivars, 5 out of7 Trebbiano cl<strong>on</strong>es are virtually identical, while the specimens from cvs Schiava and Malvasia arefound more scattered across the tree. From the point of view of the geographical origin, thecultivars from Veneto appear the most, and those from Val d'Aosta the least homogeneous.Fig. 2: Two dimensi<strong>on</strong>al mapping of the endosperm proteins from Filis rillijera seeds. 1st d: isoelectric focusingin presence of 8 M urea under reducing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> a 4-6 IPG; 2nd d: SDS·PAGE according toLAEMMLI( 1970) <strong>on</strong> a polyacrylamide gel T 0J0 = 7.5·17.5 0J0, after reducti<strong>on</strong> and denaturati<strong>on</strong> of the sample.Coomassiestain. A = Canina, B '"' T rebbiano Lugano. C =Prugnolo, D = Schiava Grossa.

RONDINELLARONDINELLACORVINA 7CORVINA 47TUfORACCIOREFOSCONEVIEN DE NUSHALV. ASOLOCIVIDINOPICOLIT NEROROSSETTAOINOARELLACABRUSINACOLORINOHARZEMINOVERH. FINALEFAVOR ITAVERH. SPOLET.PIGATOLAGREINTEROLDEGOHAHl-IOLOTREBB. TOSC.NEBBIOLOSCHIAVA GROSSAVERN. S. GIM.CROA ROSSOSCIIIAVA GROSSARI80LLA SPIZ.BARBERA BSBARBERA VAL.VERNACCIAANCELLOTTAFUl-fATLAMB. SALAMINOWIB. SORBARASCHIAVA GRIGIACODA VOL. LAB.SCHIAVA GENT.SCIIIAVA LOMB.UVA D'OROTREB. ROHAGN.LAMB. F.F.HALV. CAN.N.A.LAMB. OLIVALAMB. MAESTRIHALV. CANDIALAMB. GRASPAR.BRUNELLOTROLLINGERPRUGNOLOLMIB. ALESS.HALV. BRINO.BONAROAPIGNOLACROATINAFREISAGRECHETTO B.HALV. LECCESANGIOVESEAGLIANICOREPPI 2CAGNINARIBOLLA NERATREB. SOAVETREB. LUGANAVERDICCHIOTREB. VALT.TORB. SOAVECARIGNANOCANINAHALV. CASORSONEYRETREPPI 3VEVEVEVEPVT8AOHALTST8VEVEVEFITNGETOGEFITNTNFITBTOSCCGPVTNTSTOTOCGBOTSBOBOSCGESCSCPVTBTNHALBOBOHALBOFISCFITOMALTOTOPVTOBAHALFIBOSIBOTSTBTBTBTBTBCGBOHALAOSIGenetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening-+-+-+-------+-+ +---------+---------+ +-----------+-----+-------------+ I-----+ +---+-------------------------+---+ I I-------------------------+ +-+ I-----------------------------+ I-----------+-----+ +-----+-----------+ +---------+-----------------+---+---------+---+ +-----+-+-----+ I +-------+-+ +-----+ +-------+---+---+ I I---+ I I-------------------+ I---------+-----------+ I---------+ II-+-+ +-----+-+ +-----------+---+-+ +-----+-+---++---+-+---+ +-----+-+---------+-------------------+-----------+-------------------+ +-----+-------+---------------+ I I-------+ +-------+ I---------+-------+ I---------+ +-----+ I-----------------+ I---------------+-----+ +---+---------------+ +-----+---------------------+ +-------+-------------------------~-+-+-+-+ +---------+IIIIIIIIIIII+-----+---+ +-+ +-+-------------+ +-----+ +-+---------------+ +-----+---------------------+ +-+---------------------------+-----------------------------++---++-+-----------+-------------------+ I-----------+ +-+-------+---------------+-------+ +-------+---+------------~--+ I---++---+-+---+I-+ +-------------+-+---+-+I-----+-------+I-----+ +-----------------+I-------------+ II-+II+-----+-+---------------------+I-+ +-----+I---------------+-------+ +-+ +---------+ I---------------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------------+---------------------+Fig. 3: Dendrogram relating various Vitis l'inifera sativa cvs.•27

28 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Discussi<strong>on</strong>Our current investigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the seed proteins from V. vini/era addresses several problems:a) the biochemistry of the storage protein (structure and biosynthesis),b) the ability of various sets of biochemical parameters - i. e. the IEF banding pattern ofdifferent endospenn proteins, with or without enzy!natic activity - to characterize a given cultivar,or cl<strong>on</strong>e, for identificati<strong>on</strong> purposes, andc) their significance in c<strong>on</strong>structing genealogic trees for tax<strong>on</strong>omy studies.As for the first point. the present results generalize the findings OfGIA~AZZA et al. (1989) <strong>on</strong>cv. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay. and assign pI-M rrelati<strong>on</strong>ships between the 5 major protein clusters. Furtherstudies will include: thorough purificati<strong>on</strong> of the storage protein from Cjlosolic comp<strong>on</strong>ents,separati<strong>on</strong> of individual pep tides from the different clusters and comparis<strong>on</strong> of their V8-proteasefragments while searching for sequence homologies. The hypothesis of a proteolytic processing forthe protein subunits from a 65 kDa polypeptide chain (GIA~AZZA et al. 1989) will be tested byanalyzing the set-up of the storage protein across seed development as well as by quantitating in apanel of samples the low- and high-M rspecies resolved by SDS-PAGE under reducing vs. n<strong>on</strong>reducingc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.We have defined the size of our samples (1'\ = 30-35) from the evidence of a variability (forpresence/absence as well as for relative c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s) for the various bands of the native storageprotein in cv. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay (GL-\:!\:AZZA et al. 1989). We could then show that this sampling wasindeed representative of the average genetic make-up ofa given cultivar (to be published). In orderto get an impressi<strong>on</strong> of the data dispersi<strong>on</strong> around the median, we are currently analyzing theextracts from single seeds in a number of cl<strong>on</strong>es. The banding pattern for storage protein subunits isusually fairly stable across a given cl<strong>on</strong>e and th4s represents a useful parameter in systematicstudies.The dendrogram based <strong>on</strong> the Coomassie-stained pattern of the proteins focusing (underdenaturing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s) in the pH range 4-5.5 is often close to the <strong>on</strong>es in which more data, from theanalysis of a number of enzymes, were also included (to be published). Thus, the simplest analyticalapproach - requiring no special chemical nor further processing of the gels - may provide sufficientinf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> for c<strong>on</strong>'eCl cultivarduste11ng.ReferencesBJELLQ\lST, B.; EK, K.; RIGHETTI, P. G.; GIA:-;AZZA, E.; GOERG, A.; WESTERYlEIER, R; POSTEL, W.; 1982:Isoelectric focusing <strong>on</strong> immobilized pH gradients: Principles, methodology and some applicati<strong>on</strong>s. J.Biochem. Biophys. Methods 6,317-339. .GIAl'AZZA, E.; TEDEsco, G.; VILLA, P.; SCIE:\"ZA, A.; CARGKELLO, G.; RIGHETTI, P. G.; OSNAGHI, A.; 1989:Proteins from Vilis l'inifera seeds. Plant Sci. 62, 73-81.LAEMMLI, U. K.; 1970: Cleavage of structural protein during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4.Nature 227,680-685.RIGHETTI, P. G.; DRYSDALE, J. W.; 1974: Isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels. 1. Chromatogr. 98,271-321.-- -- ; GIANAZZA, E.; 1987: Isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients: Theory and newer methodology. In:GLYCK, D. (Ed.): Methods of Biochemical Analysis, 215-278. Wiley-Interscience, New York.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening29A model of discriminant analysis <strong>on</strong> the basis of descriptorvariables for the ampelography of Vitis sp.A. CAMUSSI 1), A. CALO 2), A. COSTACURTA 2), C. LORE~ZONI 3) and E. OTTA\1ANO 1)I) Dipanimento di Genetica e di Biologia dei Microorganismi, Universita di Milano, Italy2) Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura, C<strong>on</strong>egliano, Italy3) Istituto di Agr<strong>on</strong>omia, Botanica e Genetica Vegetale, Universita di Piacenza, ItalySum mar y: Use of descriptor variables in ampelography is recommended to simplify recording of dataand to enable useful comparis<strong>on</strong>s. Parametric assumpti<strong>on</strong>s are, however, poorly satisfied especially with regardto statistical interference. In the paper some statistical procedures to improve the discriminant ability ofdescriptor variables are c<strong>on</strong>sidered. The use of variances and covariances of variety by year interacti<strong>on</strong>s issuggested for the error matrix within a multiple discriminant analysis procedure. The adequacy of this model isverified in a 3-year experiment with Italian wine varieties. The discriminant power, as evaluated <strong>on</strong> the basis ofthe estimated distances am<strong>on</strong>g varieties, is satisfactory.Key w 0 r d s: ampelography, shoot, leaf, berry, biometry, analysis, descriptor variables, multiplediscriminant analysis, genotype by envir<strong>on</strong>ment interacti<strong>on</strong>, normality assumpti<strong>on</strong>s.The basic aim of ampelography is the complete descripti<strong>on</strong> of vine varieties in order toprovide the most precise definiti<strong>on</strong> of their features. The identificati<strong>on</strong> of highly discriminatingfactors is imp<strong>on</strong>ant in order to derive an efficient and reproducible classificati<strong>on</strong> of varieties. Use ofdescriptor variables, as suggested by tfie O.LV. protocols, is recommended to simplifY datarecording and to favor useful comparis<strong>on</strong>. These variables, expressed as rating scales, are difficultto analyse statistically especially with regards to statistical inference.In the present paper, some statistical procedures are c<strong>on</strong>sidered to improve the discriminantability of descriptor variables, particularly as regards data collected in different years ofexperimentati<strong>on</strong>. As an example, discriminant analysis is applied to data from a set of 31 vinevarieties evaluated over 3 years at the Istit.uto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura (Italy).Multivariate approach: the can<strong>on</strong>ical analysisDiscriminant analysis is a well established statistical procedure (see, for example, SRIVASTAVAand CARTER 1983, 231-252), nevenheless a short summary of the main characteristics is givenbelow.Multiple discriminant analysis (often refen-ed to as can<strong>on</strong>ical analysis) is a very powerful toolused to reduce the complexity of a multivariate sysiem of observati<strong>on</strong>s by means oflinear functi<strong>on</strong>s(discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s) of original variables: they are estimated so that the divergency am<strong>on</strong>ggroups (here varieties) will be maximized <strong>on</strong> the basis of the variability existing within groups. Thecoefficients (a) defining the can<strong>on</strong>ical variates (y) are found by the maximizati<strong>on</strong> of~ k 11.- ( , - '-)' ( , S )-1L.., i ~"\ a Xi - a x ~ a awhere X. is the mean vector of the i-th group (variety) and x is tlH~ overall mean vector. N. is thenumber10f observati<strong>on</strong>s of the i-th group al'l.d S is the valiance-covariance matrix of erro~s. Thesoluti<strong>on</strong> is found by solving(B - A S) a = 0where A is an eigenvalue ofS- 1 B, and B is the between groups variance-covariance matrL'X:

30 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1B = L 7 1'\i (Xi - x) (Xi -i)' / (k - 1)Ifwe achieve a dimensi<strong>on</strong>al reducti<strong>on</strong> taking into account <strong>on</strong>ly the can<strong>on</strong>ical variates relatedto the largest eigenvalues ofS·1 B, the following results can be obtained:(1) an eliminati<strong>on</strong> of most of the redundancy of the original multivaliate system, where the traits arecorrelated to a different extent;(2)a statistical tool to assign a new object (plant)~ whose origin is unknown, to <strong>on</strong>e of the groupsinduced in the analysis;(3) a projecti<strong>on</strong> of the mean values (centroids) of the groups in the orthog<strong>on</strong>al space defined bycan<strong>on</strong>ical variates, with possible tax<strong>on</strong>omic derivati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the basis of a reduced but significantnumber. of axes. As the last point is c<strong>on</strong>cerned, use or standardized discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s isgenerally suggested:An applicati<strong>on</strong> of discriminant analysis to the classificati<strong>on</strong> of vine varietiesAs matter of exemplificati<strong>on</strong>, the procedure was applied to describe and discriminate 31 vinevarieties. Data were recorded at the Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura in Susegana (EasternVenetia) in 3 different years c<strong>on</strong>sidered as repetiti<strong>on</strong>s with 3 stocks per variety within each year(Calo et al. 1989).The traits used in the analysis are rep<strong>on</strong>ed in Table 1. Numerous traits were recorded but <strong>on</strong>lythose showing in the 3 years a variability am<strong>on</strong>g groups (varieties) greater than the variabilitybetween plants within groups are c<strong>on</strong>sidered here. Following this simple criteria, a minimal level, asregards the discriminant power, is assured. Most of the traits are expressi<strong>on</strong> of underlyingquantitative c<strong>on</strong>tinuous variables. Others describe qualitative characteristics.Normality assumpti<strong>on</strong>s and the matrix of errorsOur data are expressed according to different rat i n g s c a I e s. Since the can<strong>on</strong>icalanalysis is an applicati<strong>on</strong> of, or better is based <strong>on</strong>. the multivariate analysis of variance(M-\NOVA), it is assumed that the variables used in the analysis are c<strong>on</strong>tinuous and jointly follow amultivaliate normal distributi<strong>on</strong>. When the variables are discrete, as in the present case, theassumpti<strong>on</strong> ofn<strong>on</strong>nality is generally not obvious. .We have undertaken the discriminant analysis <strong>on</strong> the basis of the following c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>s:(1) The generalizati<strong>on</strong> of the c e n t r a I lim itt h e 0 rem to the multivariate case says that ifXI ... X have variances (J 12 ... (J 2 and correlati<strong>on</strong>s p .. (i = 1 ... p, j = 1 + 1 ... p), then the meansp p lJXI ... X of a sample of size ~ 11ave a joint disnibuti<strong>on</strong> that as N increases approaches to amulti~ariate n<strong>on</strong>nal distributi<strong>on</strong> with variances 1 /~ (J ~ .. I /~ (J 2 and with correlati<strong>on</strong>s p .. the sameas those of the X's. The robustness of most multivariate statiftical tests is based <strong>on</strong> tht~ theorem,provided that variances are independent from means (see MARIOTT 1974, 15). For this reas<strong>on</strong> oursampling design includes replicati<strong>on</strong>s in different years and within year.(2) Even if the distributi<strong>on</strong> of single variable is not n<strong>on</strong>nal, the distributi<strong>on</strong> of a linear functi<strong>on</strong> ofnumerous variables is approximately n<strong>on</strong>nal and the n<strong>on</strong>nality increases with the number ofvariables entering the linear functi<strong>on</strong> (SEAL 1964, 139). A 'caveat' is the fact that the coefficientsapplied to 1 or 2 of the n<strong>on</strong>-n<strong>on</strong>nal variables allow to dominate the results (this point will be raisedlater).(3) Incidental deviati<strong>on</strong>s from n<strong>on</strong>nality of single comp<strong>on</strong>ent variables will not cause distorti<strong>on</strong> ofthe point estimates, which are of main interest in discriminant applicati<strong>on</strong>s (for a discussi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> thec<strong>on</strong>sequences ofde\-iati<strong>on</strong>s from n<strong>on</strong>nality, see SCHEFFE 1959, chap. 10).

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 31Table 1: Descriptor variables from O.I.v. protocolVariableCode Descripti<strong>on</strong> Scale003004/005007/008009/~10012/014068068/B068/C075079081084/085090/0910932022062202252362383011213141517110III112Il3116117118121122128129131133137138141Young shoot: intensity of anthocyanincolorati<strong>on</strong> of tipYoung shoot: density of hairs ofShoot: color of internodesShoot: color of nodesShoot: density of hairs <strong>on</strong> internodesMature leaf: number of lobesMature leaf: angle between weins (L and L1)Mature leaf: ratio L1/LMature leaf: blistering of the upper sideMature leaf: general shape of petiole sinusMature leaf: particularieties of petiole sinusMature leaf: density of hairs between the veinsMature leaf: density of hairs <strong>on</strong> petioleMature leaf: lenght of petiole as compared tomiddle veinBunch: sizeBunch: length of peduncoleBerry: sizeBerry: color of skinBerrry: particular flavorBerry: length of pedicelTime of bud burstFtip FAAFCFEAFFFFFFDBFF(scale values: A = 1 2 3, B = 1 2 3 4, C 1 2 3 4 5,D = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F 1 3 5 7 9)Choice of the matrix of error variances and covariancesThe choice of an adequate model in M-\':'\OVA is also of importance for the arguments in theprevious secti<strong>on</strong>. As the replicati<strong>on</strong> within years refers to single plants (stocks), we have c<strong>on</strong>sideredas variance-covariance S matrix, the manix from the effects of interacti<strong>on</strong> varieties by years (seetable below). In this way we achieve two important points. First, the unit of observati<strong>on</strong> becomesthe mean value over three stocks within each year assuring a better fit to normality than individualplants. Sec<strong>on</strong>d, the weighting of the variability am<strong>on</strong>g varieties is performed <strong>on</strong> the basis of thejoint perf<strong>on</strong>nance over 3 years, which increases the discriminating power of more stable traits. Thisaspect is in agreement with the simple co e ffi c i e n t 0 f dis c rim ina t i<strong>on</strong> of LUBISCHEW(1962) as regards single traits.

32Secti<strong>on</strong> 1ItemsyearsBetween varietiesInt. year x varietiesResidual from the modelMANOV A modelD.F.3060186MatricesBSIt is possible to asses the adequacy of this model with the M-\NOV A assumpti<strong>on</strong>s by theexaminati<strong>on</strong> of the frequency distributi<strong>on</strong> of the errors (variety x years effects) as shown in Fig. 1 forsome traits included in the analysis. The fit to n<strong>on</strong>nal distributi<strong>on</strong> is generally good and particularlywith the ·traits that are more relevant to the discriminant process: this aspect is in agreement withthe expectati<strong>on</strong>s of point (2), above.The use of interacti<strong>on</strong> effects in the c<strong>on</strong>test of discriminant analysis is original and we thinkthat it can meet the requirements of a multivariate analysis based <strong>on</strong> rating scores.Table 2: Eigenvalues and percentages of variance explainedRoot No. Eigenvalue Pct. Cum. Pct.1 210.27516 61.62073 61.620732 44.70333 13.10022 74.720963 27.76431 8.13628 82.857234 16.22094 4.75351 87.610755 12.59509 3.69097 91.301716 7.89587 2.31387 93.615587 4.74879 1.39162 95.007208 3.19846 .93730 95.944519 3.17576 .93065 96.8751610 2.50119 .73297 97.6081311 1.93070 .56579 98.1739112 1.45800 .42726 98.6011813 1.13728 .33328 98.93445Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of the discriminant powerThe eigenvalues ()..1) whose value is greater than 1 and the relative percent of varianceexplained are rep<strong>on</strong>ed in Table 2. The first 7 eigenvalues account for 95 % of the total variati<strong>on</strong>am<strong>on</strong>g varieties and we achieve a dimensi<strong>on</strong>al reducti<strong>on</strong> by ignoring the smallest 14 eigenvalues.Can 0 n i c a I loa din g s (correlati<strong>on</strong>s between original traits alid the can<strong>on</strong>ical variates) allow abiological interpretati<strong>on</strong> of the results oflinear transformati<strong>on</strong>. They are rep<strong>on</strong>ed in Table 3.Ihe null hypothesis of no differences between varieties was rejected by a Hotelling-Lowley testfollowing M-\I\'OVA, which, when approximated by an F statistics, received the value 20.09.Mean values of varieties according to the first 7 can<strong>on</strong>ical variates were used to derivetax<strong>on</strong>omic aspects. Since can<strong>on</strong>ical variates are orthog<strong>on</strong>al, the simple square distances between

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 330C\I ~ QIt) ~ @ :2 ~ I()LL0 Q;)...f~1:')Q -09t")IQ(\JI'f>S g(QCQ IQd ~ ~ ~ d S g(QCQ I()C'o/0 0 0 0 d 0 c5 ~ ~ 0dQ g @ ~w~~(Q~00d 8 ~d S 0 0 (j d 0 0 0 d d ~ I!'l C'o/~ 0 0 0 dU) 0C\I (\J 10L~_~_« c

34 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1varieties corresp<strong>on</strong>d to M a h a I an 0 b is' g e n era liz e d dis tan c e s :D 2 (. ')' ( • .) (. ~)' S·l (~ .)i i' = Zj' Zj' Zi • Zi' = Xi' Xj' Xi' Xi'The significance of a distance can be obtained referring to the critical values at different levelsofa. These critical values can be obtained by an approximati<strong>on</strong> of the T2 statistic to F:T2 = [(v·p)/(IJ·p+ l)]F",. .1v., p, IJ'PTand noting that T.t = [(~.K,) / (N. + K,)] D .. ~ . v are the degrees of freedom of Sand p thenumber ofvariate~lused in cbl~puting\he Distan~e (here p = 7),The critical values of distances received the following values:a = 0.05 D2 = 3.22, a = 0.01 D2 = 4.05Table 3: Can<strong>on</strong>ical loadingsCan<strong>on</strong>ical variates1 2 3 4 5 6 712 -.031 -.005 -.075 -.148 -.212 .028 .24013 -.034 -.202 -.046 .163 -.107 .035 .17314 -.037 -.070 -.347 -.210 -.007 -.265 .46615 -.020 -.030 -.330 -.225 -.010 -.257 .24417 -.017 -.238 -.013 .168 -.064 -.189 -.115110 -.038 -.158 .034 .137 -.255 .394 .135III -.005 .001 .040 .082 -.101 -.220 -.036112 .003 .017 -.026 .044 -.016 -.052 .069113 -.052 -.003 -.062 .147 -.164 -.103 .188116 -.018 -.108 .170 .211 -.528 -.388 -.163117 .008 -.006 -.015 .078 -.055 -.121 -.049118 -.132 -.495 -.068 .188 .060 -.091 .086121 -.020 -.094 .052 .010 .012 -.264 -.062122 -.059 -.032 -.119 .083 .059 -.187 -.121128 -.006 -.265 .063 -.342 -.192 .310 -.465129 .011 -.085 -.065 -.099 -.084 .027 -.247131 -.020 -.027 -.006 -.246 -.170 .234 -.272133 -.774 .273 .187 -.078 .134 -.170 -.290137 -.002 .110 .027 .181 -.060 .060 .244138 -.013 -.034 .024 -.119 -.198 .059 -.209141 .033 -.095 .614 -.433 -.032 -.243 .319A graphical representati<strong>on</strong> of the discriminant results is the projecti<strong>on</strong> of varieties in the plot ofthe first 2 can<strong>on</strong>ical variates. Even though two·dimensi<strong>on</strong>al diagrams may be somewhatmisleading, these plots can reveal the divergencies am<strong>on</strong>g groups (clusters) of varieties. Varietieswhose relative distances are not significant at the a = 0.01 level were included in the same cluster,following a UPGM-\ (unweighted pair group with arithmetic mean) procedure (SNEATH andSOKAL 1973, 230·234). The plot shows some varieties not included in clusters and clusters with areduced number of members (Fig. 2). This pattern can be regarded as a good result for adiscriminant process.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 3510.----------------------------------------------,Q)·c-mm>(ij0'E0c:::m()~c:::C\I50-5•~• •• •••~0~ .~•@ (2)• •-10r--------.--------~--------~--------~------~-15 -10 -5 o 5 101stCan<strong>on</strong>ical VariateFig. 2: Projecti<strong>on</strong> of variety centroids in the plot of the first 2 can<strong>on</strong>ical variates. Circles include variates withrelative distances not different from zero at ex. = 00.1 level of significance.Regarding the discliminating power of single Oliginal descriptor variables, the matrix ofloading reveals that the first can<strong>on</strong>ical variate is mainly dominated by the color of the berry skin,while in general the large weight is assumed by traits linked to vegetative characteristics of the plant.Though these results are preliminary and presented merely as an example ofa statistical procedure,the standardized discriminant coefficients of the first 3 can<strong>on</strong>ical variates are rep<strong>on</strong>ed in Table 4.The inspecti<strong>on</strong> of figures can be of great interest when choosing the variables with a higherdiscriminant power in the c<strong>on</strong>text of the examined covariati<strong>on</strong> structure.The use of interacti<strong>on</strong> effects in the c<strong>on</strong>text of discriminant analysis is original and we thinkthat it can meet the requirements of a multivariate analysis based <strong>on</strong> rating scores. Morepanicularly, assuring a good fit to normality, it allows the use of usual statistical procedures, asstepwise selecti<strong>on</strong> and related statistical tests to choose the most discriminant descriptors.AcknowledgementsC. A. is grateful to Prof T. CAU?\SKI for useful discussi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the topic.

36 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 4: Standardized discriminant functi<strong>on</strong> coefficientsFuncti<strong>on</strong> No.Variable 1 2 312 -.19235 .36414 -.1318313 -.15294 -.13837 -.0514014 -.22991 -.13317 -.5649615 .00150 -.05174 -.4513117 -.05234 -.34306 .04656110 -.31959 -.19086 .02672III .40305 .31301 .03755112 -.23082 -.30224 -.11383113 -.34818 .15428 -.10186116 .00050 -.09670 .18503117 .18351 .26616 -.15830118 -.47610 -1.29967 .04751121 .40265 .35096 .07206122 -.25843 -.39268 -.46230128 -.00298 -.28686 .08117129 .10030 -.19566 -.25988131 -.18423 -.29449 -.38828133 -1.12760 .23569 .11122137 -.04240 .26009 .16466138 -.06007 .23255 -.07179141 .00432 -.38915 .80115Literature citedCALO, A; COSTACURTA, A; GIL'ST, M.; OTTAVIA~O, E.; CAML'SSI, A; LORE~ZOKI, c.; 1989: Preliminarc<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to the identificati<strong>on</strong> of ampelographic and ampelometric features for the characterizati<strong>on</strong> ofvine varieties (Vitis sp.). Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 42,71·76.LUBISCHE\\", A A; 1962: On the use of discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s in tax<strong>on</strong>omy. Biometrics 18, 455·477.MARIOTT, F. H. c.; 1974: The Interpretati<strong>on</strong> of Multiple Observati<strong>on</strong>s. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>, New York.SCHEFFE, H.; 1959: The Analysis of Variance. 1. Wiley and S<strong>on</strong>s, New York.SEAL, H.; 1964: Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Biologists. Meuthen and Co. Lelt., L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.SNEATH, P. H. A; SOKAL, R. R.; 1973: Numerical Tax<strong>on</strong>omy. The Rrinciples and Practice of NumericalClassificati<strong>on</strong>. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco.SRIVASTAVA. M. S.; CARTER, E. M.; 1983: An Introducti<strong>on</strong> to Applied Multivariate Statistics. North·Holland,New York.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening37Improvement of Vitis yinifera satiya D. C. tax<strong>on</strong>omyL. P. TROSHI]\', P. K NEDov, A. 1. LITVAK and N. 1. GlJZlJNNati<strong>on</strong>al Institute for <strong>Grape</strong> and Products of <strong>Grape</strong> Processing 'Magarach', 31, Kirov Street,Yalta (Crimea), USSRSum mar y: A method of mathematical statistics for evaluati<strong>on</strong> of the tax<strong>on</strong>omic usefulness ofcharacters included in the litis )'inijera satil'o D. C. cultivar clustering has been developed. The method works asfollows: The irregularity of the distributi<strong>on</strong> of characters in tax<strong>on</strong>s is calculated. and the probability of achievingsuch estimates is calculated when all tax<strong>on</strong>s are assigned to the same general populati<strong>on</strong> after a certain character.The method does not depend <strong>on</strong> the type of the distributi<strong>on</strong> of characters and is computer-programmed (a CM-4computer), Using the method, it is possible to c<strong>on</strong>clude that the higher the tax<strong>on</strong> hierarchy, the smaller is theamount of tax<strong>on</strong>omically useful characters the tax<strong>on</strong>s differ in, i. e. in order to differentiate tax<strong>on</strong>s of lowerhierarchy a smaller amount of descriptive characters is necessary. Var. transco ucasica and var. mediiasica havebeen isolated in the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. orielltalis subc<strong>on</strong>var. caspico NEGR. and in the tax<strong>on</strong> subc<strong>on</strong>var. antasiaticaNEGR., while the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. pOliticO NEGR. has been supplemented with subc<strong>on</strong>var. meridi<strong>on</strong>ali-balcanicaand georgica-caspica al<strong>on</strong>g with subc<strong>on</strong>var. balcallico and georgica N EGR.Using discriminant analysis, assignment of many cultivars to proper tax<strong>on</strong>s has been verified. Thephenogenetic proximity of tax<strong>on</strong>s has been established. Some problems of the theory of evoluti<strong>on</strong> and those ofpractical breeding are discussed.Key w 0 r d s: ampelography, biometry, systematics, tax<strong>on</strong>omy, variety of vine, gene resources, Asia,Europe, Africa.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Progress in the theory and practice of grape breeding is due to achievements of ampelographyand genetics used by originators in creating genotypes after the models of ideal cultivars(GOLODRYGA and TROSHIl' 1978). Understanding of the combining ability of gene complexes of theinitial forms depends <strong>on</strong> their assignment to proper tax<strong>on</strong>s.Studies of wild grape in Bulgaria (1\EGROllL et al. 1965), Moldavia (Y ANUSHEVICH andPELIAKH 1971), Daguestan (PIRMAGOMEDO\' 1980), Georgia (R.~MISH\lLI 1988) and in the Crimea(TRosHI]\' and S\lRIDE::\,KO 1980) have shown a relati<strong>on</strong>ship between the local cultured and wildgrape and have made it possible to establish its origin.The origins of some large-fruited table grape cultivars still need elucidati<strong>on</strong>. VIDAL (1948)suggested that large-fruited wild grape growing in the Atlas Mountains may have been used asinitial material for popular selecti<strong>on</strong> oflarge-fi-uited grape cultivars in ?\OI1h Africa.Taking into account the vast area of wild grape distribl~ti<strong>on</strong> and its isolated locati<strong>on</strong> in cenainregi<strong>on</strong>s with different natural and climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. it is impossible to c<strong>on</strong>sider the species Vilissilvestris GMEL. homogeneous (VA \lLOV 1931; VASILCHE~KO 1955). In every ancient centre ofculture, wild grape has its own morphological and biological peculiarities, which makes it necessaryto name it after the places of growth( the Daguestan grape, the Crimean grape, the East Georgeangrape, the West Georgean grape, the Transcarpathian grape, etc.}.Local grape cultivars are also classified by authors after their places of origin.According to the classificati<strong>on</strong> of 2"EGROn (1946, 1968), grape cultivars are arranged intothree ecological-geographical groups. Several hierarchic tax<strong>on</strong>s have been isolated in two of thesegroups, but NEGROUL himself thought that the problem needed further elucidati<strong>on</strong>. Studies <strong>on</strong>grape classificati<strong>on</strong> were also d<strong>on</strong>e by h'.~~O\'A (1947), ALlYE\, (1956), NEMETH (1967),GRAMOTEl'KO (1975, 1978), TSERTS\,ADZE (1986).

38 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Materials and methods<strong>Grape</strong>vines <strong>on</strong> their own roots (studied since 1970) and grafted plants (studied since 1983)were described and measured according to standard ampelographic methods. In the matrices ofinitial data, 30 quantitative characters were detennined using a natural scale (scale of relati<strong>on</strong>s),and 74 qualitative characters were established using a numerical scale (scores 1-5) (MethodicalInstructi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 1974). More recently, the O.l.V. numerical scale (1984) (scores1-10) was used.The quantitative characters included 11 morphometrical, 6 phenological, 9 biologicalagricultural.2 chemical-technological and 2 adaptive characters. Botanical, uvological, physiologicaland other characters were c<strong>on</strong>sidered altemative (1 ROSHI~ and FEDORO\" 1988).<strong>Grape</strong> cultivars were classified after complexes of characters according to their origin(GRAMOTENKO and TROSHI]>; 1988). The validity of the classificati<strong>on</strong> was checked using methods ofcluster and discriminant analysis (KEKDALL and STUART 1976).In establishing pattems of a classificati<strong>on</strong> it is necessary to detennine the tax<strong>on</strong>omic usefulnessof characters. For this purpose, the criteri<strong>on</strong> ofKRUSKAL and WALLIS can be useful (ZAITSEV 1984),but we c<strong>on</strong>cluded that tax<strong>on</strong>omically useful characters were those minimizing transgressi<strong>on</strong> ofclusters of the 'teaching' sampling. Of n<strong>on</strong>-dimensi<strong>on</strong>al methods, the criteri<strong>on</strong> of MANN-WHITNEYcan be used as index of the transgressi<strong>on</strong> value (SACHS 1972), but its disadvantage is that, withmore than two clusters and a c<strong>on</strong>siderable transgressi<strong>on</strong> am<strong>on</strong>g some of them, the value of the totalcriteri<strong>on</strong> may become so large that even under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> of complex isolati<strong>on</strong> of several clusters thecharacter will be c<strong>on</strong>sidered insignificant.We suggest a criteri<strong>on</strong> of our own v.'hich is based, for all pairs of clusters, <strong>on</strong> how many timescultivars of the first cluster are included into the variati<strong>on</strong> range of the sec<strong>on</strong>d cluster. Thus, thecriteri<strong>on</strong> is defined as follows:!\ M. !\Criteri<strong>on</strong> = L L J L Ajj k where:j=1 i=1 k=1N - amount of groupsM. - amount of cultivars in the jth groupA J 1 if the value of a character of the ith cultivar bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the jth group is included into1J kthe variati<strong>on</strong> range of the kth group; otherwise,Ajjk= O.In detennining the significance of the criteri<strong>on</strong>. we nied to make theoretical calculati<strong>on</strong>s of itscritical values c<strong>on</strong>sideling the values of the cliteri<strong>on</strong> between pairs of tax<strong>on</strong>s to be an independentsampling from a cOlTesp<strong>on</strong>ding distributi<strong>on</strong>. But the check using the method of M<strong>on</strong>te Carlo (AFlFIand AZE:!' 1982) showed substantial systematic deviati<strong>on</strong>s from the values obtained. It is due to thefact that with 3 tax<strong>on</strong>s. A, Band C, for instance, the value of the criteri<strong>on</strong> for tax<strong>on</strong>s A and Bdepends to a great extent <strong>on</strong> its values for A- Band B - C. Thus. the sampling cannot be c<strong>on</strong>sideredindependent. We failed to take into account the relati<strong>on</strong>ships and G;hose the method of M<strong>on</strong>teCarlo.We made a special program for a CM-4 computer to calculate numerical values qf thecriteri<strong>on</strong> to s<strong>on</strong> out characters according to the value of the criteri<strong>on</strong> and to estimate the pr.obabilityof error, when the assumpti<strong>on</strong> that all the tax<strong>on</strong>s bel<strong>on</strong>g to the same ge~eral populati<strong>on</strong> after this orthat character was omitted. In doing so, there is no need to produce the numerical value of thecriteli<strong>on</strong> as it is not the values themselves that count but the imp<strong>on</strong>ance of every character for theclassificati<strong>on</strong>.The estimates of the tax<strong>on</strong>omic usefulness of characters do not depend <strong>on</strong> the type ofdistributi<strong>on</strong> of large samplings and can be calculated with as few as two cultivars in a tax<strong>on</strong>;

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 39naturally, the larger the amount of cultivars, the more reliable are the estimates (TROSHIN et al.1988).Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>The results obatined of the classificati<strong>on</strong> of grape cultivars made it possible to isolate somenew tax<strong>on</strong>s in additi<strong>on</strong> to those already known (GRAMOTENKO and TROSHIN 1988).Cultivars of the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. boreali-africana GRAM. are characterized by a l<strong>on</strong>g vegetati<strong>on</strong>period, late bud break, very late leaffall and weak resistance to frosts and fungal diseases. The tax<strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>tains local table and wine cultivars of Morocco, :\lgelia and Tunisia, e. g. Ahmar bou Ahmar,Farrana,"Khadari, Ribier, etc. Their adaptivity in the European part ofthe USSR is poor, but theycan be of interest there as initial material in breeding for large-fi'uitedness.Cultivars of the tax<strong>on</strong> orientali-medirerranea GRAM. are characterized by a l<strong>on</strong>g vegetati<strong>on</strong>period, weak frost resistance, finn berry flesh and tough ben-y skin; in many cultivars, muscatflavouredfruit is comm<strong>on</strong>. As far as their morphological and biological characters are c<strong>on</strong>cerned,these cultivars have a certain phenotypic similarity to those of the previous group, but the EastMediterranean group is older and differs genetically from the other <strong>on</strong>es. Cultivar types ofmuscadine grape and Chasselas are examples of this group.<strong>Grape</strong> cultivars of Spain, P<strong>on</strong>ugal and the southern pan of France differ substantially fromthose of Gennany and the central pan of France. The f<strong>on</strong>ner culrivars are characterized by a l<strong>on</strong>gvegetati<strong>on</strong> period, late leaf fall and weak frost resistance. As far as their biological characters arec<strong>on</strong>cerned, cultivars of the south-western part of Europe are closer to the North African ecologicalgeographicalgroup though with regard to their geographical positi<strong>on</strong> they enter the West Europeangroup. That is why the subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var. pyrenaica GRAM. was established within this group. Intable cultivars, Bican, Vennentino, Gros Vert, Catal<strong>on</strong> d'Hiver are representatives of thissubgroup, while Mourvedre, Morastel, Sersial are its representatives in wine cultivars.The South Balkan subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var. meridiollali-balcanica TROSCH. can be c<strong>on</strong>sideredanalogous to the previous subgroup as far as its origin is c<strong>on</strong>cerned. The South Balkan subgroupc<strong>on</strong>tains cultivars Limberger, Kabassia, Kadarka, Maisky tcheurny, etc. characterized underc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the Crimea, the D<strong>on</strong> and the Kuban regi<strong>on</strong>s by low sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent and larger size ofleaves, berries and bunches. Greek and Albanian cultivars are also included into this subgroup.Some Georgean grape cultivars of this subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var. georgica NEGR. which is indudedinto the Black Sea Basin ecological-geographical group have characters of the group of eastern winegrape oriemalis caspica l'EGR. Their intennediate positi<strong>on</strong> between these ecological-geographicalsubgroups made it necessary to arrange them into the subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var. georgica-caspicaGRAM. c<strong>on</strong>tained by the Black Sea Basin ecological-geographical group. This separate subgroupc<strong>on</strong>tains cultivars Rkatziteli, T chinouri, Boudechouri teni, Sirgoula, Goroula, etc.We developed the tax<strong>on</strong>omic scheme of NEGROIJL having classified Transcaucasian andMiddle Asiatic cultivars with regard to their uses, too.While establishing phenogenetic relati<strong>on</strong>ships am<strong>on</strong>g tax<strong>on</strong>s, we evaluated the tax<strong>on</strong>omicusefulness of characters. In doing so, values of quantitative characters were transf<strong>on</strong>ned into scoresof the numerical scale as required by the use of methods of multidimensi<strong>on</strong>al analysis.Having analyzed the tax<strong>on</strong>omic usefulness, estimates of 104 characters of 120 grape culti.varsarranged into 12 tax<strong>on</strong>s revealed the following correlati<strong>on</strong>: the higher the tax<strong>on</strong> hierarchy and thelarger the amount of tax<strong>on</strong>s of the same leveL the smaller the amount of tax<strong>on</strong>omically usefulcharacters the tax<strong>on</strong>s differ in. Thus, in order to classi~' tax<strong>on</strong>s of a lower level (cultivar types,cultivar groups), a smaller amount of descriptive characters is necessary (TROSHIN and FEDORO\"1988).Tax<strong>on</strong>omically useful characters (P < 0.05) for 12 tax<strong>on</strong>s had the following probabilityestimates (%):

40Secti<strong>on</strong> 1TAXONS123TAXONS4523TAXONS1 • 11.2it2. • 1 • !--------------------------------1 l--~1---------1--------------.--~---------~----!PHENOGRAM 2-----~----------~---------------l l---l-------_.-----------------------1 !-----!1 !------------------------------------1 ::---------------------------------1 1------------------------------1!---~-------lPHENOGR A~1 3------------------·------~------1 1------------------------!1-------11-------------:------------------------1 1------------------------------11 1 f------------------------------! 11---1 1----------------------~--------! 1·11 1---11 i !---~------------------------, 1 1~-·----11 1------------------------1 1 11-----..... --1 1-~----------------------li I------------~----~-----------------~--1------------~-~-------------··------l 1----~-----------------------11 1I--p-----·_·----------!-----------------.----1 1 , : 1 1-~---~--------·-------1 1 I----.------------~----------: 1 , 1----------------~-·-------~---------1 1---------~~----------------------11------------------.---~-------l 1--------------------------1 t-l f--------------------------! 1---1 1-----------1!------------------------11-------·11------------------------1Phenograms of cluster analysis: Phenogram 1 - 3 tax<strong>on</strong>s; Phenogram 2 -5 tax<strong>on</strong>s; Phenogram 3 - 10 tax<strong>on</strong>s;Phenogram 4 - 12 tax<strong>on</strong>s. The names of tax<strong>on</strong>s are given in the text.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 41cobwebby pubescence am<strong>on</strong>g veins of young leaf(O.l.V.descriptive character code 053): 100cobwebby pubescence am<strong>on</strong>g veins of mature leaf(084): 100berry size (220): 100berry shape (223): 100texture of berry flesh (235): 100cobwebby pubescence of shoot tip (004): 99durati<strong>on</strong> of interphase period 'beginning of bud break -beginning of bloom': 99coefficient of shoot fi'uiting (total ofbunchesltotal of shoots ratio): 96field resistance ofleaves to mildew: 95degree oflignificati<strong>on</strong> oftenninal shoots: 89length of shoot internodes (353): 78bunch size (202): 75berry length (221): 68use offruit: 66average bunch weight: 56coefficient of shoot fruitfulness: 44blistered aspect of upper surface ofleafblade (075): 39degree of shoot fruitfulness: 33titratable acidity of juice: 33density offruit in bunch (204): 19color of berry skin (225): 14degree oflignificati<strong>on</strong> of shoots: 12Tax<strong>on</strong>s were arranged into clusters after ta.:mnomically useful characters and c<strong>on</strong>gruence ofcultivars with corresp<strong>on</strong>ding tax<strong>on</strong>s was estimated using discriminant analysis. The resultsobtained are shown in phenograms (see Fig.).Phenogram 1 shows that the tax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. po mica ?\EGR. (2) and c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis:KEGR. (3) reveal a greater degree of the phenogenetic similarity to each other after a complex ofcharacters than, if compared separately, to the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. orientalis J',;EGR. (1). This disagreeswith NEMETH'S (1967) belief that the ecological-geographical group c<strong>on</strong>var. p<strong>on</strong>tica NEGR. is theoldest and the group c<strong>on</strong>var. occide11lalis ~EGR. is the youngest. Cultivars of these two tax<strong>on</strong>scould have been formed during thousands of years, both <strong>on</strong> the basis of local wild grape underanificial selecti<strong>on</strong> and as a result ofintrogressi<strong>on</strong> of genes of cultured f<strong>on</strong>ns coming from warmerMediterranean countries.The phenograms obtained show that the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. orie11lalis NEGR. differs from thetax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. p011lica l\EGR. and c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis :\EGR., l<strong>on</strong>ger lines in the phenogram of theformer tax<strong>on</strong> indicating later evoluti<strong>on</strong>ary changes. Earlier, NEGROtJL (1968) and SMIRNOV (1974)rep<strong>on</strong>ed the origin of Middle Asiatic cultivars to be sec<strong>on</strong>dary.Using ampelographic data of the two ecological-geographical groups established byGRAMOTENKO (1978) in doing cluster analysis made it possible to affinn the phenogeneticrelati<strong>on</strong>ship between the tax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. p012lica r\EGR. and c<strong>on</strong>var. occidemalis NEGR. and toreveal that the tax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. orientalis ?\EGR. and c<strong>on</strong>var. boreali-africana GRAM. (4) formedanother phen<strong>on</strong>e showing in its turn a greater degree of similarity to c<strong>on</strong>var. orientali-mediterraneaGRAM. (5) than to each of the f<strong>on</strong>ner 2 tax<strong>on</strong>s (Phenogram 2). The intermediate positi<strong>on</strong> of thetax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var. oriemali-mediterranea GRAM. shows that genes of its cultivars are found in cultivarsof the remaining 4 tax<strong>on</strong>s. It agrees with literature data c<strong>on</strong>cerning the earlier origin of.EastMediterranean cultivars, which reflects the development of human civilizati<strong>on</strong> since theMycenaean times.Phenogram 3 also shows the intennediate geographical positi<strong>on</strong> of the tax<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>var.orientali-mediterranea GRAM. The phen<strong>on</strong>e c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis :KEGR. is made by the subgroupssubc<strong>on</strong>var. gallica :\EM. (3.1) and subc<strong>on</strong>var. pyrenaica GRAM. (3.2), and the phen<strong>on</strong>e c<strong>on</strong>var.p<strong>on</strong>tica NEGR. c<strong>on</strong>tains the subgroups subc<strong>on</strong>var. georgica l'\EGR. (2.1), balcanica NEGR. (2.2),meridi<strong>on</strong>ali-balcanica TROSCH. (2.3) and georgica-caspica GRAM. (2.4), the subgroups within each

42 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1phen<strong>on</strong>e being closely related. It can be seen from the phenogram that the subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var.caspica NEGR. (1.1) c<strong>on</strong>tained by the eastern ecological-geographical group of cultivars is olderthan the subgroup subc<strong>on</strong>var. antasiatica NEGR. (1.2), which agrees with the data OfSMIRNOV el al.(1987).Further arrangement of data into clusters made it possible to obtain Phenogram 4 showingthat the tax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. occide11lalis NEGR. and c<strong>on</strong>var. p011lica NEGR. preserved their hierarchy inregard to the other tax<strong>on</strong>s. The tax<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>var. 'orie111alis NEGR., boreali-a/ricana GRAM. andorientali-mediterranea GRAM. f<strong>on</strong>ned a separate phen<strong>on</strong>e. Within this phen<strong>on</strong>e, the tax<strong>on</strong>sc<strong>on</strong>var. boreali-a/ricana GRAM. and c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta lis subc<strong>on</strong>var. antasiatica NEGR. var.lranscaucasica GRAM. eT TROSCH. (1.2.1). i. e. North African and Transcaucasian table cultivars,revealed the highest degree of relatedness. Transcaucasian wine cultivars (1.1.1) al<strong>on</strong>g with EastMediterranean cultivars are the oldest. Thus, it is~ possible to c<strong>on</strong>clude that Middle Asiatic wine(1.1.2) and table (1.2.2) cultivars were f<strong>on</strong>ned later.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sBased <strong>on</strong> ampelographic material including representatives of various ecologicalgeographicalgroups of cultured grape, we made an attempt to improve the natural system ofclassificati<strong>on</strong>.As the results obtained show, the principal centre of cultured grape origin is the EastMediterranean regi<strong>on</strong> from where grapevine moved to the eastern. northern and western parts ofEurasia and to the north of Africa following great trade ways of ancient civilisati<strong>on</strong>s and withmigrati<strong>on</strong>s of ancient tribes. This c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> agrees with the opini<strong>on</strong> of DE CANDOLLE (1885).Using methods of modern tax.<strong>on</strong>omy in order to improve the natural system of Vilis viniferasaliva D. C. made it possible to find grounds for the relative independence of the 5 ecologicalgeographicalgroups and to establish the divergence of tax<strong>on</strong>s within these groups.The improved tax<strong>on</strong>omy of cultured grape with isolated hierarchic groups of cultivars of theEuro-Asiatic species makes it possible to provide a more rati<strong>on</strong>al introducti<strong>on</strong> of planting materialinto new regi<strong>on</strong>s of culture, to develop agrotechnical methods aimed at increasing productivity andto more effectively use cultivars of various tax<strong>on</strong>s in creating Dew adaptive genotypes.Literature citedAFIFI, A A; AZE;';, S. P.; 1979: Statistical Analysis. A Computer Oriented Approach. Academic Press, NewYork, San Francisco, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.AuYE\" AM.; 1956: On grape assortment of the Daguestan ASSR [Russ.]. Bulletin of Scientific and TechnicalInformati<strong>on</strong> of the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology, 1, 32-34, Novocherkassk.DE CANDOLLE, A; 1885: Origin of Cultured Plants [Russ.]. St. Petersburg.GOLODRYGA, P. YA.; TROSHI;';, L. P.; 1978: Biological aJ;}d technical program of breeding new highly productivegrape varieties with complex resistance [Russ.]. In: <strong>Grape</strong> Genetics and Breeding for Immunity, 259-264.Naukova Dumka, Kiev.GRAMOTENKO, P. M.; 1975: Natural cultivar types of the eastern ecological-geographical group of grapecultivars (c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta/is NEGR) [Russ.]. In: Works <strong>on</strong> Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding S4 (2),156-166. VIR, Leningrad. •-- -- ; 1978: Improvement of the classificati<strong>on</strong> of the European-Asiatic group of grape cultivars [Russ.]. In: MainDirecti<strong>on</strong>s of the Development of Enology and Viticulture in the USSR. Theses of the Reports for theNati<strong>on</strong>al <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> the Occasi<strong>on</strong> of the 150th Anniversary of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Institute for Enology andViticulture 'Magarach', 88-90. Moscow. .-- -- ; TROSHIN, L. P.; 1988: Improvement of the classificati<strong>on</strong> of Vitis l'inijera L. [Russ.]. In: Prospects of <strong>Grape</strong>Genetics and Breeding for Immunity, 45-52. Naukova Dumka, Kiev.IVANOVA, E. B.; 1947: Ampelographic Study <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong> Cultivars of the Khalili Group [Russ.]. Tashkent.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 43KENDALL, M. G.; STUART, A; 1976: The Advanced Theory of Statistics. Design and Analysis, and Time-Series[Russ.). Nauka, Moscow.NEGROUL, AM.; 1946: Origin and classificati<strong>on</strong> of cultured grape [Russ.). In: The Ampelography of the USSR,VoL 1,159. Pischepromizdat, Moscow.-- -- ; 1968: Problems of grape origin and breeding <strong>on</strong> the genetic basis [Russ.]. Genetika 3, 84-97.-- -- et af.; 1965: Wild <strong>Grape</strong> of Bulgaria [Russ.). Kolos, Moscow.NEMETH, M.; 1967: Ampelografiai Album. Budapest.O.LV.; 1984: Code des caracteres descriptifs des varietes et especes de Vitis. Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne et duVin, Paris.PIRMAGOMEDO\", P. M.; 1980: Wild grape J-llis sill'eSTris in Daguestan [Russ.]. Bot. Zh. 68.(8),1177-1184.RAMIsHvlLl, P. M.; 1988: Wild <strong>Grape</strong> of the Transcaucasus [Russ.). Ganatleba, Thilisi:SACHS, L.; 1972: Statistische Auswertungsmethoden. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.SMIRNOV, K. V.; 1974: Origin and formati<strong>on</strong> of grape ass<strong>on</strong>ment in Uzbekistan [Russ.). In: <strong>Grape</strong> Varieties ofUzbekistan, 14-28. Tashkent.-- -- et af.; 1987: Viticulture [Russ.]. Moscow.TROSHIX, L. P.; ADIBEKOV, O. V.; FEDOROV, Ye. K.; 1988: Computers in grape ampelography and breeding[Russ). In: Prospects of <strong>Grape</strong> Genetics and Breeding for Immunity, 53-61. Naukova Dumka, Kiev.-- -- ; FEDOROV, Ye. K.; 1988: Biometrical Analysis of <strong>Grape</strong> Genof<strong>on</strong>d [Russ.). Nati<strong>on</strong>al Imtitute for <strong>Grape</strong> andProducts of <strong>Grape</strong> Processing 'Magarach', Yalta.-- -- ; Sv1RIDENKO, N. A; 1988: Resistant <strong>Grape</strong> Cultivars [Russ.]. Tavriya, Simferopol.TSERTSVADZE, N. V.; 1986: Classificati<strong>on</strong> of cultured grape Vilis vini/era L. in Georgia [Russ.). In: Scientific andTechnical Progress in the Viticulture of Georgia, 229-240. Thilisi.VA\1LOV, N. I.; 1931: Wild relatives of fruit trees of the Asiatic pan of the USSR and the Caucasus and theproblem of origin of fruit trees [Russ.). In: Works of Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding, 26 (3), 93.Leningrad.-- -- ; 1987: The Five C<strong>on</strong>tinents [Russ.). Nauka, Leningrad.VASILCHEXKO, I. T.; 1955: New <strong>Grape</strong> Species for Culture [Russ.). Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, Leningrad.VIDAL,1. P.; 1948; La Vigne au Maroc.Y A]'\"USHE\1CH, Z. v.; PELlAKH, M. A; 1981: Wild <strong>Grape</strong> of Moldavia [Russ.). Acad. Sci. MSSR, Kishinev.ZAITSEV, G. N.; 1984: Mathematical Statistics in Experimental Botany [Russ.]. Nauka, Moscow.

44 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Activities c<strong>on</strong>cerning c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of Vitis germ plasmERIKA DETT\\ "EILER- M (rl\iCHBundesforschungsanstalt fUr Rebenziichtung Geilweilerhof, D·67 41 Siebeldingen, F. R. GermanySum mar y: Activities in the field of Vitis germplasm c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> in the Federal Republic of Germanyare reported. The results of the worldwide inventory of Vilis species, cultivars and genotypes are given.The questi<strong>on</strong>able identity of grapevine cultivars requires appropriate identificati<strong>on</strong> tools. Efforts to improvethe currently performed methods in this field are described.The necessity of nati<strong>on</strong>al and internati<strong>on</strong>al collaborati<strong>on</strong> is stressed.Key w 0 r d s: Vitis, germplasm, gene resources, gene bank, ampelography, ampelometry.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The loss of plant species is a worldwide stateable phenomen<strong>on</strong>. Likewise all the grape growingnati<strong>on</strong>s are c<strong>on</strong>cerned by the loss of genetic resources of Vitis species and cultivars, due toexpanding cultivati<strong>on</strong> causing the loss ofland races and due to progressing civilizati<strong>on</strong> and naturaldisasters.For example the populati<strong>on</strong> of V. silvestris was decimated from some 1,000 plants recordedin the last century by BRO~NER (1857) (quoted at SCHUMAK)\ 1974) to about 100 specimensrecorded by SCHUMAK~ (1976) today. In the USA similar phenomen<strong>on</strong>s have been observed. Forexcample, COMEAUX (1984) did not find V. rupestris at those sites in Texas described by MUNSON(1909) (quoted at COMEAUX 1984) at the beginning ofthis century. With the invasi<strong>on</strong> ofphylloxerathe decline of land races started and nowadays through restrictive legislati<strong>on</strong> old cultivars areomitted anyhow.Breeding makes use of genetic resources to provide viticulture with cultivars which areadapted to cultivati<strong>on</strong> requirements and more disease resistant. In additi<strong>on</strong> to the search forresistance genes, genetic resources will always be needed as a reservoir for future, still unknownrequirements. That is why a maximum of genetic diversity is indispensable.This attempt is supported by the OIY and the IBPGR. At the beginning in 1984 in closecollaborati<strong>on</strong> with both organizati<strong>on</strong>s, the Federal Centre of<strong>Grape</strong>\'ine Breeding (BFAR) startedan inventory of the worldwide existing Vitis species, cultivars-and genotypes.Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Some of the results are shown <strong>on</strong> the following tables.Tab 1 e 1 gives a general view of the results:Informati<strong>on</strong> was received from 34 countries, 106 lists of grapevine collecti<strong>on</strong>s were analysed,further informati<strong>on</strong> was obtained through 300 ampelographies and varietal descripti<strong>on</strong>s.The number of recorded prime names is 15,382. The number of recorded syn<strong>on</strong>yms is 11,430and the number of standing places for all genotypes is 25.742.Tab I e 2 shows the number of genotypes from collecti<strong>on</strong> lists and/ or from literature:The total number of accessi<strong>on</strong>s· 15,382 - is divided in genotypes we know from collecti<strong>on</strong>sand from literature, which are 10,511 and 9,822 respectively.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening45Table 1: Informati<strong>on</strong> obtained fromCountries<strong>Grape</strong>vine collecti<strong>on</strong>sAmpelographic publicati<strong>on</strong>s34106300Resultsn° prime namesn° syn<strong>on</strong>ymsnO standing places incollecti<strong>on</strong>s15 38211 43025 742Table 2: Number of cultivars known from collecti<strong>on</strong> lists and/or from literaturen:) prime namesin collecti<strong>on</strong>sin literature15 38210 5119 822n:)prime namesin collecti<strong>on</strong>s and literaturein collecti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong>lyin literature <strong>on</strong>ly*- without indicati<strong>on</strong>s5 2765 2354 546325* there seem to be no living examples any more

46 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 3: Repartiti<strong>on</strong> of prime names <strong>on</strong> litis speciesTotal in collecti<strong>on</strong>s in literature <strong>on</strong>ly· no coli.·pure hybrid pure hybrid no lit.V. vinifera 9345 4627 1722 2320 475 201I.C. 4225 2909 1189 127V. species 677 203 83 272 110 9withoutspecificati<strong>on</strong> 1155 950 10 150 17 28• the loss of these genotypes is probableGenotypes found in collecti<strong>on</strong>s and also described in literature are 5,276, found in collecti<strong>on</strong>s<strong>on</strong>ly are 5,235 and described in literature <strong>on</strong>ly are 4546 genotypes; without any specificati<strong>on</strong>s are325 individuals.Most of the genotypes menti<strong>on</strong>ed <strong>on</strong>ly in literature have probably been lost.Tab 1 e 3 shows the number ofthe recorded prime names alotted to V. spp.:9,345 recorded prime names bel<strong>on</strong>g to V. villi/era, 4.225 are interspecific hybrids, 677 bel<strong>on</strong>gto V. spp. and 1.155 are of unknown membership. The most important column is where genotypesmenti<strong>on</strong>ed <strong>on</strong>ly in literature are listed. They may no l<strong>on</strong>ger exist.About 2,320 pure v: vini/era, probably old land races, have disappeared as have 475V. vinifera crossings, 1,189 interspecific hyblids, 382 V. spp. and descendants and 167 ofunknown V. spp. membership.The questi<strong>on</strong>able identity of many grapevines complicates the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of the grapevinegenetic resources. If a cultivar is held under different names, it may be c<strong>on</strong>served twice or more. Onthe other hand, if <strong>on</strong>e name is utilized for several different genotypes, some genotypes may beunintenti<strong>on</strong>ally lost.Therefore, identificati<strong>on</strong> of grape\'ines is urgent. C<strong>on</strong>sideling the large number of differentgrape\'ines in the world (12·15,000), it is important that identificati<strong>on</strong> can be accomplished with aminimum number of descriptors. The descriptors should ensure an objective evaluati<strong>on</strong>.Measurable charactelistics are prefered because they are reproducible. Furthermore, descriptorsshould be little influenced by envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and they should be quick and ~asy torecord and should not depend <strong>on</strong> a high technical equipment.My doctoral thesis (DETTWEILER 1987) was carried out with these requirements in mind.39 grapevines were desclibed through measured leaf characters. Recording of data was made fromleaves of three different climatic areas: arid - Jerez de la Fr<strong>on</strong>tera/Spain, humid­Lausanne/Switzerland, and an intennediate climate - M<strong>on</strong>tpellier/France. Data processing wasperformed using discriminant analysis. A mathematically reduced number of21 descriptors andthe berry color were sufficient to obtain a 90 % identificati<strong>on</strong> accuracy. An identificati<strong>on</strong> analysis

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 47was calculated with data obtained from leaves of 12 cultivars collected at sites other than thosementi<strong>on</strong>ed above. The average recogniti<strong>on</strong> accuracy was 87 %.Based up<strong>on</strong> these results, the following research is currently being performed:(1) The number of grapevine cultivars treated by discriminant analysis will be increased to test theperformance of this identificati<strong>on</strong> toolFrom more than 500 genotypes leaves have been collected and will be added to the system.But indispensable for varietal recogniti<strong>on</strong> is the establishment of the basic model with specimenscoming from different climatic areas. Therefore, the collaborati<strong>on</strong> of collecti<strong>on</strong> holders from aridregi<strong>on</strong>s would be very much appreciated. Interesting collecti<strong>on</strong>s would be for example:Greece: Thessal<strong>on</strong>ikiTunesia: ArianaItaly: Palenno, Bari, T<strong>on</strong>nancina, RomeTurkey: IzmirPortugal: Regua, OeirasYugoslavia: Novi Sad, SplitSoviet Uni<strong>on</strong>: Tibilissi(2) The usage of additi<strong>on</strong>al berry and seed characteristicsInitial results suggest that measured berry and seed characters are suitable for varietaldescripti<strong>on</strong> and could increase the identificati<strong>on</strong> accuracy.(3) The computerized eyaluati<strong>on</strong> ofleaf, berry and seed descriptorsLeaf characters will be recorded by means of a digitizer tablet. A computer program has beendeveloped for this purpose. Likewise recording of berry and seed characters will be d<strong>on</strong>e with thecomputerized evaluati<strong>on</strong> of their pictures.(4) The quest for the applicati<strong>on</strong> of a minimal descriptor list composed of measurable and notableleaf, berry and seed descriptorsThis evening in the workshop 'Ampelographic Methods', we will discuss the principaldescriptors for identificati<strong>on</strong> and we intend a resoluti<strong>on</strong> recommending a preliminary minimaldescriptor list and its comprehensive applicati<strong>on</strong>.(5) The additi<strong>on</strong>al applicati<strong>on</strong> of isoenzyme analysis and RFLPAt BF AR, Prof. BLAICH and Dr. BACHMANN are currently investigating RFLP and isoenzymeanalysis respectively as tools for varietal descripti<strong>on</strong>. These methods are to be applied if theidentificati<strong>on</strong> by morphological features is not possible.Documentati<strong>on</strong> data obtained from the inventory of the worldwide existing grapevines,including their desclipti<strong>on</strong>s will be transfen'ed to a nati<strong>on</strong>al data base if it is established.Informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> grapevine species and cultivars would be available from there. .In Germany the establishment of a nati<strong>on</strong>al gennplasm repository is planned. In 1987 theproject group 'Plant Genetic Resources in the Federal Republic of Germany' foresaw theinstallati<strong>on</strong> of specific 'Advisory Committees' for different plant species. Anticipating theimplementati<strong>on</strong> of such an 'Advisory Committee for <strong>Grape</strong>vines', a working group for 'Grap'evineGenetic Resources' was initiated. Members are the collecti<strong>on</strong> holders from 8 viticulture instituti<strong>on</strong>sin Germany. Future goals are the double c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of genotypes at two different sites, theirdescripti<strong>on</strong> and evaluati<strong>on</strong>, the c<strong>on</strong>trol ofvims·free status, the exchange of genetic material and theannouncement of any intended changes.Tab 1 e 4 is listing the actual number of V. vinifera, interspecific hyblids and V. spp. existing inGerman collecti<strong>on</strong>s:

Table 4: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of grapevine genotypes in the German collecti<strong>on</strong>sJ:o.00occurrence in collecti<strong>on</strong>s total number oft x 2 x 3 x genotypesTotal number ofgenotypes1272 294 294 1860V. vinifera479 164 211 844pure genotypes(- old cu Itivars)286 103 110 490land racesI.C.hybridst93 61 101 355686 tOt 60 847interest in diseaseresistant genotypesU)1'1)~o·::lV. species cu Itivars23 8 6 37V. species62 t9 17 98V. species and cl<strong>on</strong>es(V. silvestris)V. speciesmembership unknown32 2 34

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 49The total number of distinct genotypes in Gennan collecti<strong>on</strong>s is 1,861. 1,272 occur in <strong>on</strong>ly 1collecti<strong>on</strong>, 294 exist in 2 collecti<strong>on</strong>s and the same number can be found in at least 3 collecti<strong>on</strong>s.844 are V. vinifera cultivars, of those no parentage is indicated for 479, so they could be c<strong>on</strong>sideredas land races. 847I.C are maintained in Gennan collecti<strong>on</strong>s, which reveal the great interest inGennany for genetic resources providing disease resistant genes. 98 V. spp. and cl<strong>on</strong>es areregistered, of that 48 are V. silvestris cl<strong>on</strong>es.As I menti<strong>on</strong>ed before, the aim of the Gennan gennplasm repositories is the maintenance ofgenotypes at two different sites to avoid their loss. This means for the more than 1,277 genotypes,currently found in <strong>on</strong>ly 1 collecti<strong>on</strong>, a 2nd locati<strong>on</strong> must be found.But. at the moment, no adequate evaluati<strong>on</strong> systems for screening the genetic material exist.Therefore. all of them should be retained.It should be discussed so<strong>on</strong> how many genotypes should be kept for specific biotic and abioticstresses. Is it sufficient to keep for example about 50 genotypes resistant to plasmopara orphylloxera or about 20 genotypes for seedlessness if the material assembled comes from thedifferent centers of diversity, America, Eastern Asia and 'Eurasia' ?On an internati<strong>on</strong>al level since 1984 a bilateral cooperati<strong>on</strong> exists between the ResearchInstitute of Jerez de la Fr<strong>on</strong>tera/Spain and the BF AR. The complementary c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> ofgrapevines is planned. Frost resistant and disease resistant cultivars could be maintained at theGeilweilerhofstati<strong>on</strong>, whereas frost susceptible or mediterrean cultivars could be maintained in theJerez collecti<strong>on</strong>.Besides the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> in vivo at the BFAR, the l<strong>on</strong>g-term storage of675 genotypes in vitroand seeds of V. spp. is intended to maintain their genetic diversity.As I menti<strong>on</strong>ed before, varietal identificati<strong>on</strong> is dependent <strong>on</strong> the descripti<strong>on</strong> of individualcultivars in at least two different climatic areas. Therefore, the Jerez grapevine collecti<strong>on</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>sistingof about 1,400 genotypes, will also be described.It would be very desirable if collecti<strong>on</strong> holders could c<strong>on</strong>tribute and assist in the efforts toidentify and to maintain the grapevine genetic resources.ReferencesCOMEAUX, B. L.; 1984: Tax<strong>on</strong>omic Studies <strong>on</strong> Cenain Native <strong>Grape</strong>s of the Eastern United States. Thesis,North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh (USA).DETTWEILER, E.; 1987: Ein Modell zur Unterscheidbarkeit v<strong>on</strong> Rebs<strong>on</strong>en mit Hilfe blanmorphologischerMerkmale. Diss., Univ. Hohenheim, BR Deutschland.SCHUMANN, F.; 1974: Untersuchungen an Wildreben in Deutschland. Vitis 13,198·205.

50 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Studies <strong>on</strong> germplasm resources of wild grape species (Vitis spp.)in ChinaZHANG FENGQIN, Lua F ANGMEI and Gu DABINBeijing Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, ChinaSum mar y: China is the country rich in germplasm resources of the genus Vilis, with nearly 40 nativespecies. This paper introduces into their geographical distributi<strong>on</strong> and chief characteristics, utilizati<strong>on</strong> andresearch qn 11 wild species.Key W 0 r d s: gene resources, China, geography, Vitis, variety of vine, new breeding, ampelography,enzyme, selecti<strong>on</strong>, must quality, frost resistance, disease resistance.Introducti<strong>on</strong>China has a vast territory with complex geographical envir<strong>on</strong>ments and greatly differentclimate, soil and topography in various areas, possessing various species of plants. Am<strong>on</strong>g thesethere are abundant species of Vitaceae and Vilis gennplasm resources. The collecti<strong>on</strong> of Vilisspecies and study <strong>on</strong> them made by the present authors over many years show that nearly half of the80 or so species of Vitis in the world are native to China (and 10 more new species yet to bepublished), some of which have been directly used in winemaking industry or used for breeding oras rootstock, and V. amurensis is the most valuable <strong>on</strong>e. By means of updated biologicaltechniques an overall study of wild grape gennplasm resources in . China may offer a gloriousprospect for breeding.I. Distributi<strong>on</strong> of wild grape germplasm resources in ChinaThere are over 30 species of the genus, distributed almost throughout China. According totheir geographical distributi<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>on</strong>e may distinguish 4 groups: G r 0 u p A of 20 species are inJiangxi, Guangd<strong>on</strong>g. Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Anhui,Guangxi, YUl1l1an, with 12-20 species in each province. G ro u p B of10 species are in Guizhou,Gansu, Hebei, Shanxi, Shan d<strong>on</strong>g, Taiwan, with 6-10 species in each. G r 0 u p C of 3 species arein Hainan, Tibet and Inner M<strong>on</strong>golia, with 2-3 species in each. G r 0 u p D has <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e speciesin Heil<strong>on</strong>gjiang, Jilin and Lia<strong>on</strong>ing. The distributi<strong>on</strong> map shows that Viris species are mostnumerous in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the regi<strong>on</strong> of the Nanlingrange, whereas in the vast areas ofN<strong>on</strong>hwest and N<strong>on</strong>heast China the number of wild species isvery small, and it is notew<strong>on</strong>hy that in N<strong>on</strong>h-East China there is <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e species, V. amurensis.This is due to their different places of origin, ecological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s in their area') of distributi<strong>on</strong> andthe result of evoluti<strong>on</strong> and development of the species.1. From the map of distributi<strong>on</strong> it can be seen that Jiangxi, Guangd<strong>on</strong>g, Hubei, Hunan,Henan, Zhejiang Provinces have the most species, with over 17 species in each. The funher iiwayfrom this central area of distributi<strong>on</strong>, the fewer species there are. For example, <strong>on</strong>ly 1 species isfound in N<strong>on</strong>h-East China, in Inner M<strong>on</strong>golia 2. in Tibet 3, and in Hainan Province 3.2. Am<strong>on</strong>g these species V. f/exuosa is most widely disuibuted. followed by V. fiei/o/ia.v. quinquangularis REHD.. V. davidii FOEX. V. bry<strong>on</strong>iaefolia BGE.; v. amurensis andV. yensi1anensis are not found in this area.3. The central area of distributi<strong>on</strong> is not <strong>on</strong>ly abundant in the number of species, but also hasspecies which are regarded as primitive, such as V. quinquangularis, V. davidii, V. davidii var.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 51cd]U (5.SIII.~ 0~ -S! C-' '"'~~'"0~'0c::.9ia.~ill]Il.~~§'eC-'.~

52 Secti<strong>on</strong> 11. Vilis amurensis R UPR.II. Several important wild species of grapeThe growing tip is yellow-green with a purplish red t<strong>on</strong>e and covered with thick, l<strong>on</strong>g,canescent tomentum. The young leaf is yellowish green with a light purplish red t<strong>on</strong>e. The lowersurface of the young leaf is covered with extremely thick, light yellow tomentum. The leaf is thickand rough. The leaf is 3-5 lobed or entire, with shallow and obtuse serrature and with setae <strong>on</strong> thevein of the lower surface. The petiole is often shorter than the mid vein. In autumn, the leaf turnsbright purplish red.It is dioecious. but some have perfect flowers. The cluster is c<strong>on</strong>ical or cylindric. The berriesare uniform in size, loosely born. The mean length of the clusters measures 12.0 cm, the 'width6.7 cm, each weighs 38 g. The berry is small, weighing 0.56 g, near round, diamerernear 1 em, darkpurple, with thick skin, less flesh and juice, tastes very sour; <strong>on</strong> average there are 4 seeds in eachberry.Trained <strong>on</strong> espalier, the vine is vigorous. In Beijing, it breaks bud in early April, 10-15 d earlierthan other comm<strong>on</strong> cultivars of V. vini/era, and blooms in mid May. In mid and late July shootsbegin to mature; the berries ripen in mid August. The growing period is 137 d <strong>on</strong> average. Activetemperatures sum up to 2985 Dc. The fertility of bearing canes is best between the 4th and the 9thnodes, in general a shoot bears 1-2 (3) clusters. The juice is bright reddish purple. The juiceextracti<strong>on</strong> rate is 51.3 %, the °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent 10.5 %, the acid c<strong>on</strong>tent 2.53 %.The distributi<strong>on</strong> of species is the most north of China. This species is very hardy. It toleratessevere below zero temperature down to -40-52°C. It is resistant to powdery mildew, scab andwhite rot, but not to downy mildew. It is mainly used locally for red wine, but also as pigment forfood. It is also a valuable hardy and disease resistant parent for breeding.2. Vilis ./ici/olia Be:SGEThe young shoots, petioles and rachis are covered with thick, white, arachnoid tomentumwhich is later lost. The mature shoot presents dark brown color, covered with thicP, whitepubescence. The tendril is l<strong>on</strong>g, up to 20 cm but few in number. The gro\\lng tips are yellowishgreenwith a light yellow t<strong>on</strong>e, and covered with thick, milky, arachnoid tomentum. The young leafis yellowish-green with a dark red t<strong>on</strong>e. The lower surface ofthe leafis covered with thick, milky andarachnoid tomentum. Sometimes the lower leaves have a ferrugineous t<strong>on</strong>e. The leaves are thick,scabrous, dark green, finely serrated, 11-25 cm l<strong>on</strong>g, most with 3 shallow lobes or entire, 5 deeplobes at lower part of vines. The leaf stalk is often shorter than the mid vein. In autumn, the leafturns brownish yellow.The cluster is nearly c<strong>on</strong>ical, small and loose; the berries are unif<strong>on</strong>n; the length and width ofclusters are 14.5 cm and 9.35 cm respectively, each cluster weighing 29.5 g <strong>on</strong> average. The berry issmall and round, weighing 0.81 g, black, with thick skin and little pulp, tastes sour and astringent;most berries c<strong>on</strong>tain 1-2 seeds.Under espalier training. the vine gro\\1h is moderate. Its phenological periods are later thanthose of comm<strong>on</strong> cultivars of V. vini/era and a m<strong>on</strong>th later than that of V. amurensis. In Beijing, itbreaks bud in mid April and blooms in early June. The shoot begins to mature in late August andhas reached maturity in early October. The growing period lasts 158 d. The accumulated ~ctivetemperature requires for ripening 3518 Dc. Its fruiting ability is the best of all wild species. Over80 % of all buds f<strong>on</strong>n fruiting shoots. often the canes bear 5 -7 fruiting shoots, some up to 10, eachwith 3-4 (5) clusters. The juice is dark red; the juice c<strong>on</strong>tent is 57.5-63.8 %, the °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent12.2-14.6 %, the acid c<strong>on</strong>tent 1.35-1.73 %.This species tolerates below zero temperature down to -20°C. It can survive winter safelywithout being buried in North China. It is resistant to scab, powdery mildew, downy mildew. Asthe berry is small and of poor quality it is not used as table grape. Since the lower surface of the leaf

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 53is covered with very beautiful thick, silvery tomentum, it is used for ornamental purpose. It is also agood high-yield, hardy and disease resistant parent for breeding.3. Viris davidiiFoExThe vine is sturdy and covered densely with spines. The spine is straight or slightly bending <strong>on</strong>top. The leafis large with undulated teeth; the upper surface is dark green and the lower surface isgray; <strong>on</strong>ly the vein axils are covered with glandular hair; the leaf stalk is usually covered sparselywith small spines.It is dioecious, but in recent years hennaphrodite individuals were also found with panicles,which are often l<strong>on</strong>ger than the leaf: 21.5 cm in length. The berry is large, round, dark purple,1-1.5 cm in diameter, 3 g in weight; the skin of berry is thick: the berry c<strong>on</strong>tains little juice, tasteslightly sweet and matures late; it endures l<strong>on</strong>g storage and transp<strong>on</strong>; most berries c<strong>on</strong>tain 2 (1-4)seeds. The sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent is 11.5-15.0 %, the acid c<strong>on</strong>tent is 0.62-0.91 %.It tolerates very humid, shaded c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and hot, dry climates. It is l<strong>on</strong>g-lived, high yielding,resistant to scab, anthracnose and other diseases and insect pests. In Nanjing Sun Yat-senBotanical Garden, it has been used as a pollen parent in breeding for disease resistance.There is a variety of this species, with nodule vines, V. davidii var. cyanocarpa SARG., which isslender, with fewer spines and smaller leaves than V. davidii. The cluster is 20-35 cm in length, theberry is larger than that of V. davidii, blue in color, c<strong>on</strong>tains much juice and tastes sweet. Thisvariety is more tolerant to humid and shaded c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s than V. davidii and is a better parent forbreeding new cultivars adaptable to the wet and hot climate in South China.4. Viris flexuosa Tm:xB.The vine is slender, the young shoot is canescent, the tendril is thin and l<strong>on</strong>g; the leaf is small,wide cordif<strong>on</strong>n or near truncate at the base; the leaf margin is undulate with uneven teeth; the leafisthin and tough; the vein axils <strong>on</strong> the lower surface of the leaf are puberulent; the leafstalk is 3-7 cml<strong>on</strong>g, covered with canescent, arachnoid tomentum.The panicle is slender, 6-14 cm in length; the berry is round, 6-8 mm in diameter, dark purple,very acid. It c<strong>on</strong>tains 2-3 seeds. The °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent is 12 %.This species has str<strong>on</strong>g sprouting ability and adaptability, it tolerates humid and hot climate,lives l<strong>on</strong>g, is lightly less resistant to scab than V. davidii and V. adstricta. There is a varietyV. flexuosa var. parvifolia (ROXB.) GAG:'\EP. within this species.5. Vilis penrag<strong>on</strong>a DIELS et GILG (syn<strong>on</strong>ym V. quinquangularis REHD.)Growing tip and young leaves are covered with white or brownish red, thick, arachnoidtomentum, mature shoots purplish brown. The leafis nan'ow ovate or pentag<strong>on</strong>al, with or withoutthree obscure lobes, 10-15 cm in length; the margin teeth are thin, shallow and obtuse; the base isnear truncate or shallow cordif<strong>on</strong>n; the lower surface is covered with thick, brownish redtomentum: leaf stalk is covered with white pubescence.The vine is dioecious with panicle 8-16 cm l<strong>on</strong>g. It produces many clusters \\lith sparsely borneberries; the ben'y is dark purple and round; 6·8 mm in diameter; the juice extracti<strong>on</strong> rate is 63.7 %;the °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent is 17 %: most benies c<strong>on</strong>tain 2·3 seeds.It is resistant to scab and can be used as breeding matelial for disease resistance.V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a var.llOnanensis REHD. has leaves with marked incisi<strong>on</strong>s with narrower sinuses.It is distributed over the n011h slope of Qinling range in Shaanxi Province.6. Viris piasezkii M.-\XI\-1.The young shoot and leaf stalks are covered with brown, puberulent and glandular hairs.Almost all ShOOlS sprouted from the canes bear fruit. Leaves are very variable in shape, eithersimple or compound <strong>on</strong> the same shoot. The simple leaf is ovate, 4·9 cm in length; the leaf tip is

54 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1acute, the base is wide cordif<strong>on</strong>n; the leaf is lobed, partite or sected with 3-5 leaflets, most have 5leaflets. The mid leaflet is rhombic, 9-12 cm l<strong>on</strong>g. The leaf base is cuneate, with short stalk; theleaflets <strong>on</strong> both sides have no stalk, the base is oblique; some leaves have all the leaflets with stalks.The leaf margin has coarse teeth. The upper surface is glabrous, dark green; the lower surface lightgreen with yellowish·brown tomentum.The panicle is 5-15 cm in length; the cluster is cylindrical; the berries are borne evenly. Thediameter of the dark purple berry measures 1 cm. The berry is covered with thick bloom, is sweet toeat; the berry brush is scarlet.This species yields bountifully, with well·adapted character. It is resistant to fungus disease;besides for eating and winemaking it is valuable for breeding.V. piasezkii var. pagnuccii (ROMAN) REHD. has young shoots and leaf stalks nearly glabrous;the lower surface ofleaves has little hair.7. Vilis adstricta HA~CEThe vine is slender. The young shoots are covered with ferrugineous (in South China) or pale(in North China) pubescence; leaf is small, tripartite with the central part rhombic, or trilobobate,or entire and with few obtuse teeth; the lobes <strong>on</strong> both sides aTe unequally bilobous or entire; thelower surface is covered with rusty or canescent pubescence. The leaves tum red in autumn.The panicle is short, covered with ferrugineous pubescence; the berry is round and darkpurple, 8-10 mm in diameter, with °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent up to 10-16 %; sweet to eat; the juice proporti<strong>on</strong> isover60%.The plant is resistant to scab, it can be used as a parent for breeding new cultivars which are ofgood producti<strong>on</strong> and resistant to humid, hot climates and also to diseases.V. adstricta var. temata W. T. WA"NG is <strong>on</strong>ly native to Zhejiang Province. The leaf iscompletely trisected (temately compound) and the middle leaflet with or without stalk.V. bry<strong>on</strong>ii/olfa BGE. is similar to this <strong>on</strong>e. The leaf measures up to 15 cm; it has larger leavescompared with others in Korth China; the lower surface is covered \\~th thin, white or brownpubescence. Inflorescence measures 12 cm in length; the blue·black berries are borne loosely. Thefruit bearing character is good, <strong>on</strong>e fruiting shoot can produce up to 7 clusters.8. Vilis yenshanensisThis is a woody climber with slender vines. Old wood is light brown; the surfaces of youngleaves and shoots are mauve, smooth and glabrous. The tendrils are slender. The leafis small andthin, 7-14.5 cm in length, \\~th 3-5 partiti<strong>on</strong>s, the lobe at center is often with 2-3 partiti<strong>on</strong>s again; theleaf base truncate or wide cordif<strong>on</strong>n; the margin has coarse and large teeth; the upper surface issmooth and the lower surface is covered with setae. The petiole is thin, purple.It is dioecious, but some have perfect flowers. The panicle is small, the cluster also small,cylindrical, 6-8 cm in length, subcluster large, weighing 25.2 g. The round berry is small, darkpurple; the extracti<strong>on</strong> of the bright·coloured juice is over 60 %; the °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent is 21.5 %; acidc<strong>on</strong>tent 2.3 %; each berry c<strong>on</strong>tains 2-3 seeds.This species tolerates drought and below zero temperature down to - 25°C and is resistant todiseases, especially scab, white rot, downy mildew and anthracnose. C<strong>on</strong>sidering the high sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent, it is a valuable breeding material for resistance.9. Vilis romanetiiRoM. or V. rutilansGARR.This species is a sturdy woody climber which grows vigorously. The purple young shoots andleaf stalks are thickly covered with ferrugineous, pubescence and glandular setae (gland spines).The leafis large, thick, obscurely shallow trilobed or entire; leafmargin finely teethed; the tip spiny;the upper surface is dark green, the lower surface is covered with light ferrugineous, dense

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 55pubescence; the veins are covered with glandular hair; the leaf stalk is 4-9 cm in length and is alsocovered with dense pubescence and glandular setose hair.The panicle is loose and as l<strong>on</strong>g as or l<strong>on</strong>ger than the leaf blade; the rachlets are sh<strong>on</strong>. Theberry is round, 1 cm in diameter, dark purple. The °Brix c<strong>on</strong>tent is 12-16 %; the belTY is edible butwith <strong>on</strong>ly weak taste;juice rate is 67 %.The species tolerates humid and hot climate and resists anthracnose.10. Vilis pseudoreliculata W. T. WANGThe young shoots are at first puberulent and later <strong>on</strong> glabrous. The leathery leaf is large,cordiform, cordate· pentag<strong>on</strong>al or reniform: margin entire with fine teeth: the lower surface of theleaf al<strong>on</strong>g the vein is covered with sh<strong>on</strong>, light brown pubescence or is pruinose.The panicle is large with many branches. The belTY is round, dark:purple. Yield is high.This species is well adapted and tolerant to humid and hot climate; it is useful for breedingnew cultivars adapted to the climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of South China.11. Vilis wils<strong>on</strong>ae VEITCH or V. reticulata PAMP •The young leaf is sometimes red; the young shoot is covered with white tomentum, later itbecomes glabrous. The leaf is thick, leathery, usually entire, with fine teeth; the lower surface al<strong>on</strong>gthe veins is covered with ferrugineous tomentum; the veins <strong>on</strong> both surfaces are prominent, forminga clear net, they are often pruinose.The panicle is slender, 8-15 cm in length; the belTY is large, round, 7-12 mm in diameter, darkblue and covered with bloom.V. wils<strong>on</strong>ae is a sun· loving vine which does not tolera~e shade and wet c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>, but isresistant to fungus diseases. .1. Selecti<strong>on</strong> and useIII. Study <strong>on</strong> and use of grape germplasm resourcesMany achievements have been made since we began to study and utilize wild grapegermplasm in the 1950's especially with research <strong>on</strong> V. amurensis. Its belTY is not <strong>on</strong>ly used formaking superior red wine offamous brand but also for breeding new varieties which are adapted indifferent regi<strong>on</strong>s for its cold and disease resistant genes. For example, in the Beijing BotanicalGarden we crossed this species with the cultivar Muscat Hamburg and selected the new cultivarsBeichun, Beih<strong>on</strong>g and Beimei which are hardy and disease resistant, \vith high yield and with highsugar c<strong>on</strong>tent in fruits. In additi<strong>on</strong>, the juice is bright·coloured and suitable for winemaking. TheInstitute of Pomology of Jiling Province selected several V. amurensis seedlings includingG<strong>on</strong>gniang No. 1 and G<strong>on</strong>gniang No.2. The Institute of <strong>Grape</strong> for Winemaking in Shand<strong>on</strong>gProvince crossed Sweet Water with V. amurensis and selected new variety Baotuh<strong>on</strong>g.·AlI thesevarieties possess fine characteristics for winemaking together with hardy propeny of V. amurensis.At present, repeated cross and back·cross for breeding F 2 and F 3 hybrids are being carried out inorder to screen out the progenies with superior wine quality. In recent years, the Beijing BotanicalGarden crossed F I hybrid of V. a murensis with European varieties and selected the new varietyBeiquan, which is hardy, with fine quality. high yield and disease resistance, and is suitable for whitewine. In the mean while. we have also selected a F, variety 79-3-172 which is disease resistant andgood for winemaking. The Institute ofPomology in~ Lia<strong>on</strong>ing Province also crossed the F I.hybrid ofV. amurensis with the native Chinese variety L<strong>on</strong>gyan and selected a hardy new varietyXi<strong>on</strong>gynebai for white wine. A series of new selecti<strong>on</strong>s. such as Shuangqing, with perfect flowers,and T<strong>on</strong>ghua ~o. 1. T<strong>on</strong>ghua No.2, T<strong>on</strong>ghua No.3, Changbai ~o. 6, Changbai No.9, ZuoshanNo.1 and Zuoshan No.2, etc., with big cluster and belTY have been distributed into producti<strong>on</strong>.

56 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1In N<strong>on</strong>h-East China, V. amurensis is used as rootstock to increase the cold resistance anddisease resistance for local cultivars to reduce the depth of covering in v.,inter, thereby saving largeamount of labour and burying material and expanding the area of viticulture funher n<strong>on</strong>h.Grafting of tender shoots <strong>on</strong> rootstocks of V. amurensis can also speed up the propagati<strong>on</strong> rate.In Benxi, Lia<strong>on</strong>ing Pro\'ince, V. amurensis is also used instead of Parthenocissus spp.PLANCH. in venical greening of the city, with excellent effects of beautificati<strong>on</strong>.V. jici/oUa is also used as a relatively hardy and good parent for breeding. In the BeijingBotanical Garden, we crossed this species with Muscat Hamburg and Muscat of Alexandria andselected the new varieties Beifeng and Beizi, which have the characters of cold and diseaseresistance and high yield and are suitable for producing juice \-vith beautiful colour and good taste.V. pseudorericulala, distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is <strong>on</strong>e of the wildspecies with utilizati<strong>on</strong> value. Through selecti<strong>on</strong>, the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the berry of some individualplants is as high as 19 %. With downy mildew resistance, it is also a good parent material forbreeding. In recent years, the Institute of H<strong>on</strong>iculture of Shanghai Academy of AgricultureSciences used this species as a parent in breeding new varieties.Funhennore, many wide-spreading wild species such as V. jlexuosa, V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a,V. davidii, V. piasezkii, V. bry<strong>on</strong>i/olia, V. adstricta, V. jlexuosa var. parvi/olia etc. produce berriesgood for eating fresh and for winemaking, seeds for oil, roots and the whole plants used formedicine which cures rheumatic disease, muscle pains, broken b<strong>on</strong>es, swelling and inflammati<strong>on</strong>.Some of them are also good ornamental plants for gardening or used as rootstocks. It is w<strong>on</strong>hmenti<strong>on</strong>ing that a purple-leaved species of Viris, newly discovered in Xishuangbanna, YunnanProvince, and not yet named, is good to be introduced as a new foliage vine.2. Stu die s<strong>on</strong> res i s tan c eIn recent years. Chinese scientists c<strong>on</strong>ducted research <strong>on</strong> resistance of wild species of grapesin N<strong>on</strong>h China. They tested the cold resistance of 8 species and a variety, using electric.c<strong>on</strong>ductance method. The results showed that the cold resistance of V. amurensis is the best; thatof V. adslricta, V. bry<strong>on</strong>ii/olia and V. piasezkii is reas<strong>on</strong>ably good; that of V. romanetii andV. davidii is slightly better than that of Muscat Hamburg: and that of V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a is poor.Much research work has been d<strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong> the resistance to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola),scab (Sphaceloma ampelinum), white rot (C<strong>on</strong>iathyrium diplodiella) and anthracnose (Glomerellacinguiala), the four major diseases of some wild grape species. Through natural determinati<strong>on</strong> inthe field, inoculati<strong>on</strong> test in the field and <strong>on</strong> detached leaves in laboratory, it was shown that thefollowing species are almost immune to scab: V. jlexLlosa, V. yenshanensis, V. adslricta var.temata, V.' adstricta, V. wils<strong>on</strong>ae and V. piasezkii. Different lines .of some species show otherresistance, for example V. davidii, V. pseudoreticulma, V. piasezkii, V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a, V. amurensis,V. davidiivar. cyanocarpa, V. romanelii, and two species without Latin names.So far, no species immune to downy mildew has been found. There exist <strong>on</strong>ly disease resistantand susceptible species. The disease resistant species and varieties are: V. jlexuosa, V. wi/s<strong>on</strong>ae,V. bry<strong>on</strong>ii/olia, V. pseudoreticulata, V. romanetii, V. davidii var. cyanocarpa, V. piasezkii,V. hancock;;, and V. yenshanensis. The disease susceptible species and varieties are: V. davidii,V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a, V. amurensis, V. wi/s<strong>on</strong>ae, V. adstricta, V. adstricta var. lemma, V. betuli/olia,V. jlexuosa var. parvi/olia, and a species without a Latin name. Though the number of disease.susceptible species is over that of disease resistant species. most of the species are less susceptible tothe disease than V. vini/era cultivated in vineyards.The resistances of the lines of V. davidii. V. pseudoreticulata and a species without Latinname do not vary greatly. But the variati<strong>on</strong> of the resistances between the lines of V. davidii var.cyanocarpa, V. piasezkii. 'V. romanelii, V. amurensis etc. is very great.All of the species menti<strong>on</strong>ed above are not immune to white rot. Nevenheless, in the field theyare not infected. After anificial inoculati<strong>on</strong>, they are infected to various degrees. The species of

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 57str<strong>on</strong>g disease resistance are a n<strong>on</strong>-denominated Vitis sp., V. davidii, V. amurensis andV. yenshanensis. The susceptible species is V. romanelli. But all these species are better inresistance than V. vini/era.The disease resistance of different lines within <strong>on</strong>e species is different. The variati<strong>on</strong> ofresistance between the lines of V. adstricta, V. bry<strong>on</strong>ii/olia and V. davidii is little. But lines ofV. piasezkii, V. pseudoreticulata, V. romanetii, V. amurensis and V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a include bothdisease resistant and susceptible types.Some lines of a n<strong>on</strong>-denominated Vilis sp., V. davidii, V. amurensis and V. pentag<strong>on</strong>a arealmost immune to anthracnose. Lines of V. amurensis, V. davidii, T·~ pentag<strong>on</strong>a, V. romanelii andV. pseudoreticulata have very str<strong>on</strong>g disease resistance.All the experiments menti<strong>on</strong>ed above showed that the resistance character is not related to thegeographical origin of the species. The disease resistances of lines of some species show evidentvariati<strong>on</strong>. Only lines which passed disease resistance tests should be chosen as the most reliableparents for effective breeding work of disease resistant cultivars.Through much research effort it has been detennined that the disease resistances of somespecies are not <strong>on</strong>ly inherited but also expressed in the structure of their tissues. For example, thethickness of the skin and the cuticle <strong>on</strong> the fruit are positively correlated to the potentiality ofresistances to white rot and anthracnose. The density of stomata <strong>on</strong> the leafis negatively correlatedto the resistance of lines of a species to downy mildew. In leaf and berry, the ·less the c<strong>on</strong>tent ofsoluble sugars and the higher the free organic acids are, the str<strong>on</strong>ger is the anti-disease potentialityofa line to scab, white rot and anthracnose. The activity of peroxide enzyme is positively correlatedto the resistance potentiality against white rot.The results of research also show that the isozymes of peroxidase in functi<strong>on</strong>al leaf ofgrapevine possess characters which are stable and can be tested repeatedly within a species. Thisoffers the possibility of identificati<strong>on</strong> by use of isozyme test. The isozyme spectrum of peroxidase inberries of wild grape species native to China is distinct from and much more complicated than thatof European grapevines. This shows that China is <strong>on</strong>e of the major centers of Vilis origin.ReferencesCHAO Wti-Jr; 1988: The applicati<strong>on</strong> of isozyme analysis in the tax<strong>on</strong>omic study of Chinese wild species of Vilis.Viticulture and Wine-Making of China, 1-6.CHEK JrNG-Xr:-;; 1979: Yanshan grape, a wild grape of str<strong>on</strong>g resistances and with berries high in sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent.Zh<strong>on</strong>g Guo Guoshu, 11-15.HE PC-CHAO; CHAO Wu-Jr; 1982: Studies <strong>on</strong> the hardiness of eight species of wild Vilis L. in China. ActaHorticulturae Sinica, 17-21.-- -- ; WANG Guo-YrNG; 1986: Study <strong>on</strong> the resistance against downy mildew of wild Vilis species native toChina. Acta Horticuiturae Sinica, 17-24.-- -- ; WANG YAO-JIl'; 1988; A study <strong>on</strong> identificati<strong>on</strong> of white rot resistance of Chinese wild species of Vilis.Zh<strong>on</strong>g Guo Guoshu, 5-8.Institute of Botany; 1972: Ic<strong>on</strong>ographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Tomus II, 769-775. Chinese Academy ofSciences Ed.LJ SHENG-CHEl' el al. (Eds.); 1960: The Breeding for New Cultivars of <strong>Grape</strong>, 59-64.WANG WE1\'-C.-\J; 1979: The newly discovered species of Fili5 L. Acta Phytotax<strong>on</strong>omica Sinica, 73-98.Wang Yao-Jin; He Pu-Chao; 1987: A study <strong>on</strong> identificati<strong>on</strong> of scab resistance of Chinese wild species of Vitis ..Journal ofPomology, 1-8.Yu DE-JU1\'; 1979: Tax<strong>on</strong>omy of Chinese Fruit Trees, 176-185.Zuo DA-XU1\'; YCA::-: YI-WEI; 1981: The geographical distributi<strong>on</strong> and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of Vilis L. in China. Bulletinof the Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen, 25-31.

58 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Eval uati<strong>on</strong> and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of vine genetic resources inCzechoslovakiaDOROT A POSPISILOVAResearch Institute for Viticulture and Enology, 83311-Bratislava, Matuskova 25, CzechoslovakiaSum mar y: The organizati<strong>on</strong> of research with plant collecti<strong>on</strong>s in Czechoslovakia, including grapevine,is described. The collecti<strong>on</strong> of Vilis genotypes maintained at the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enologyincludes about 1,500 varieties. Research is directed toward collecti<strong>on</strong>, preservati<strong>on</strong>, investigati<strong>on</strong> of varietalcharacters, use for breeding programs and establishment of a computerized informati<strong>on</strong> system. The resultsobtained up to now and new perspectives are discussed.Key w 0 r d s: gene resources, gene bank, collecti<strong>on</strong>, varietal evaluati<strong>on</strong>, breeding, informati<strong>on</strong> system,Czechoslovakia.Czechoslovakia has a rich traditi<strong>on</strong> in the collecti<strong>on</strong>, storage and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of geneticresources of cultural plants. Since the beginning of this century, collecti<strong>on</strong>s of species and varietieshave been established in several research centres and intensive work with them was started in the1930's. Since 1954, the Research Institute for Plant Producti<strong>on</strong> in Praha· Ruzyne has assumed thecoordinative activity of this work and at present there are 29 research and breeding institutesinvolved in this field (BARES 1987). At the Research Institute for Plant Producti<strong>on</strong> the Board forPlant Genetic Resources was established. the members of which are researchers resp<strong>on</strong>sible forindividual crop collecti<strong>on</strong>s and those others from cooperating organizati<strong>on</strong>s. The Board is ac<strong>on</strong>sultative authority for all instituti<strong>on</strong>s researching and utilizing genetic resources inCzechoslovakia. For each crop the work in collecti<strong>on</strong>s is methodically c<strong>on</strong>trolled by resp<strong>on</strong>siblepers<strong>on</strong>s. The Research Institute for Plant Producti<strong>on</strong> in Praha·Ruzyne secures in a centralized waythe introducti<strong>on</strong> of plant genetic resources, the evidence of the informati<strong>on</strong> system of plant geneticresources and since 1988 the l<strong>on</strong>g·tenn storage of collecti<strong>on</strong>s of seed species.The internati<strong>on</strong>al soluti<strong>on</strong> programme is linked up to the cooperati<strong>on</strong> of COMECO~member countries under the coordinati<strong>on</strong> of the Research Institute for Plant Producti<strong>on</strong> inLeningrad. Funher cooperati<strong>on</strong> has been developed panicularly in the framework of the<str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and of its European programme ECP·GR (European Cooperative Programme <strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> and Exchange of Crop GeneticResources) in which Czechoslovakia has panicipated since 1983. Cooperati<strong>on</strong> is also developed inthe framework of the EUCARPIA (European Associati<strong>on</strong> for Research <strong>on</strong> Plant Breeding) genebank (DOTLAClL 1987).The work with the vine collecti<strong>on</strong> is included in this framework.In the past, the vine collecti<strong>on</strong>s created an inseparable comp<strong>on</strong>ent of the viticultural research,breeding and educati<strong>on</strong>al instituti<strong>on</strong>s in Czechoslovakia. Until the 1950's, their functi<strong>on</strong> was moreor less collecti<strong>on</strong>al or they served pedagogical purposes. The first larger vine collecti<strong>on</strong> ofapproximately 350 valieties was established at the Viticultural Research Stati<strong>on</strong> in Mutenice.in the1930's. Later, this collecti<strong>on</strong> was transfen'ed to the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enologyin Bratislava where it has become the basis oftoday's large collecti<strong>on</strong>. It is also w<strong>on</strong>h menti<strong>on</strong>ingthe smaller collecti<strong>on</strong> of the Agricultural University in Lednice na Morave which c<strong>on</strong>tains from thetolal number of28 7 cultivars 173 interspecific hyblids.The work with the vine collecti<strong>on</strong> is divided into the following programmes:Collecti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of varieties in situStudy of collecti<strong>on</strong> varieties

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening59Utilizati<strong>on</strong> of collecti<strong>on</strong> varietiesInf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> system creati<strong>on</strong>.1. Collecti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of varieties in situSince 1962, we have collected about 1,300 cultivars from many countries of Europe, Asia andAmerica in our central collecti<strong>on</strong>, the majority of which are Vilis vinifera L. varieties.For today as well for future, we have directed the introducti<strong>on</strong> of varieties towards theextensi<strong>on</strong> of the basis of species of the Vitis genus. We also try to obtain new hybrid materials fromthe interspecific resistant breeding. We c<strong>on</strong>sider the registrati<strong>on</strong> of our own materials fromhybridizati<strong>on</strong> programmes as inevitable. The c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of cl<strong>on</strong>es of currently grown varieties aswell as those of less ec<strong>on</strong>omic importance in the collecti<strong>on</strong> is also <strong>on</strong>e of our tasks. Systematiccl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> narrows varietal populati<strong>on</strong>s genetically. Therefore, genetic variability of thesepopulati<strong>on</strong>s can <strong>on</strong>ly be c<strong>on</strong>served in collecti<strong>on</strong>s.Intensificati<strong>on</strong> tendencies in viticulture have substantially reduced the varietal compositi<strong>on</strong> ofour producing vineyards which was found in old private vineyards until 1945 . One of our tasks is toc<strong>on</strong>serve these autochth<strong>on</strong>ous or acclimatized varieties in the collecti<strong>on</strong> for the needs of the future.During the last few years, even the supply of foreign varieties in the collecti<strong>on</strong> seems to beproblematic. Increasingly strict phytoquarantine precauti<strong>on</strong>s often hinder the release oflabouriously obtained material in the collecti<strong>on</strong>. We also struggle with practical aspects of theproducti<strong>on</strong> unrentability of the collecti<strong>on</strong> stands.The situati<strong>on</strong> of decreasing genetic resources in Czechoslovakia is also being managed fromthe ecological point of view. At the Kati<strong>on</strong>al Academies of Sciences commissi<strong>on</strong>s for protecti<strong>on</strong>,c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> and rati<strong>on</strong>al utilizati<strong>on</strong> of gene pools including also vine were established with the·goal of maintaining a diversified ecosystem of plants and animals. The situati<strong>on</strong> is urgent and it isthe subject of discussi<strong>on</strong>s of the highest managing authorities. 'Producti<strong>on</strong> intensificati<strong>on</strong> not <strong>on</strong>lyreduces the genetic variability of species but it also threatens the weed flora and the fauna.2. Stu d y 0 f colI e c t i<strong>on</strong> v a r i e tie sOne of the main tasks in the work with the collecti<strong>on</strong> was the study of foreign varieties underthe ecological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of our country. The entire work was aimed at the following two directi<strong>on</strong>s:a) The collecti<strong>on</strong> of 60-70 varieties was studied in approximately 80 ampelographic,biological and agrotechnical characters over 3-year periods. The hitherto obtained results of thestudy of about 500 foreign varieties and 200 selecti<strong>on</strong>s from our own crossings were c<strong>on</strong>centratedin 8 final reports with detailed results, ampelographic descripti<strong>on</strong>s of varieties and recommendati<strong>on</strong>sto their utilizati<strong>on</strong> for growing and breeding purposes as well as for their collecti<strong>on</strong> value.b) In Czechoslovakia we have established and evaluated an ecological experiment with fourdifferent geographic and ecological groups of varieties in three significantly different localities. Wehave attained the following generalized c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s (POSPISILOYA 1978, 1979):The divisi<strong>on</strong> of varieties in accordance with the territory of their origin into geographic groups(NEGRVL) appeared to be correct.Regi<strong>on</strong>al differences influence the varieties of the occidentalis group inexpressively but thoseof the groups orie11lalis a11lasiatica significantly. The groups proles p011lica are intennediate.Regi<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s do not influence <strong>on</strong>ly the physiological characters (fertility, ~ugarc<strong>on</strong>tent, acid c<strong>on</strong>tent etc.) but they also cause morphological c<strong>on</strong>vertibility (leaf size andshape; cluster, berry and grapeseed size). The most significant differences are to be foundagain in the group of orie11lalis varieties and the least <strong>on</strong>es in the occidemalis group.Similarly, the individual varietal groups are also influenced in their growth intensity,lignificati<strong>on</strong> and other physiological characters.These results have practical utilizati<strong>on</strong> in the introducti<strong>on</strong> and acclimatizati<strong>on</strong> of foreignvarieties as well as in the applicati<strong>on</strong> of their genome in breeding.

60 Secti<strong>on</strong> 13. Utilizati<strong>on</strong> of collecti<strong>on</strong> varietiesThe vine collecti<strong>on</strong> is also utilized for practical purposes.a) It serves for the establishment of breeding collecti<strong>on</strong>s at viticultural breeding andeducati<strong>on</strong>al instituti<strong>on</strong>s in Czechoslovakia.b) It is the source for varietal exchange at internati<strong>on</strong>al level.c) Some of the collecti<strong>on</strong> varieties have practical utilizati<strong>on</strong> (Pann6nia kincse, Guzal kara,Feteasca regala, Alibemet, Zweigeltrebe etc.). However, the collecti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>sists of <strong>on</strong>ly a smallquantity of such varieties especially in c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of the geographical c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s inCzechoslovakia.d)It is <strong>on</strong>e of the sources for breeding of new vine varieties.During the last 30 years, c<strong>on</strong>siderable work has been d<strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong> the breeding of new varieties inCzechoslovakia and particularly this collecti<strong>on</strong> of varieties has c<strong>on</strong>tributed to their creati<strong>on</strong>.In spite of a c<strong>on</strong>siderably str<strong>on</strong>g representati<strong>on</strong> of traditi<strong>on</strong>al white wine varieties, newcrossings (of traditi<strong>on</strong>al varieties with those from the collecti<strong>on</strong>) e. g. De'Vin, Breslava, Mopr etc.have found their place in practice. Also, the limited number of traditi<strong>on</strong>al red wine varieties hasbeen enriched with our new breedings. With the use of French, Italian and Soviet varieties (Castets,Abouriou noir, Teinturier, Aleatico nero and Puchljakovski) we have bred a whole range of newtypes from am<strong>on</strong>g which especially the varieties Dunaj, Vah and Hr<strong>on</strong> have come in practice.The c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> of table grape varieties in Czechoslovakia is relatively low and this factinduced us to breed table grape varieties suitable for our ecological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. With the use ofPann6nia kincse, lulski biser, Cardinal, Aptish aba, Dunavski misket and many others we havecreated a whole range of table grape varieties of significant producti<strong>on</strong> importance which are grownin our warmest viticultural regi<strong>on</strong>s. These are for example D6ra, Diamant, Opal, Topas etc.Seedless grape types have their specific place. They were created with the help of collecti<strong>on</strong>varieties Kana kurgan, Perletta, Delight, Ceaus roz, Chibrid bessemen V-6 and others. We havebred seedless grape varieties, small-fruited as well as large-fruited, which doubtless have theirimportance at least for amateur gardeners (Muscat Susannax Delight 11/8,12/17; Ceaus rozxDelight 5/1, 6/6, 5/9; Ceaus roz x Perletta 17/40; Ceaus rozx Calica na lozjatax Bolgar 5/11;Ceaus rozx Chibrid bessemen V-6 2118; Kana kurganx Perletta 14/44, 15/42; Kana kurganxChibrid bessemen 25/34).The latest trend in plant breeding in Czechoslovakia is the breeding of resistant varieties,especially of table grape cultivars which practically cannot be bred without pertinent geneticalresources from our own as well as foreign collecti<strong>on</strong>s.4. Informati<strong>on</strong> system creati<strong>on</strong>The effective work with genetic resources is dependent <strong>on</strong> a functi<strong>on</strong>al informati<strong>on</strong> system.Such a system was founded in Czechoslovakia at the Research Institute for Plant Producti<strong>on</strong> inPraha-Ruzyne under the designati<strong>on</strong> EVIGEZ (RoGALE\lCZ el al. 1986). It secures informati<strong>on</strong> for:all instituti<strong>on</strong>s in Czechoslovakia <strong>on</strong> the following issues:Import, distributi<strong>on</strong> and export of genetic resourcesPassport data of genetic resourcesDescriptive data of genetic resourcesOther inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>The vine collecti<strong>on</strong> is included in this system and at present the passport data of each varietyhave been entered into the computer. For the descriptive data we have developed the Classifier ofthe Vilis Genus (POSPISILOYA el al. 1988) which allows the coding of 11 0 descriptors and alsoc<strong>on</strong>tains the codes of botanical tax<strong>on</strong>s. This Czechoslovak vine classifier has become the basis forthe elaborati<strong>on</strong> of the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Classifier in the framework of the COMECON member states.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 61After the passport introducti<strong>on</strong> of varieties into the computer system, it will be c<strong>on</strong>tinued withdata processing through coding of individual descriptors in case of about 700 evaluated varietiesfor the creati<strong>on</strong> of the database and its universal utilizati<strong>on</strong>.In the sense of the internati<strong>on</strong>al informati<strong>on</strong> activity <strong>on</strong> the state of the vine genetic resources,Czechoslovakia has become involved in the working programme of the O.I.V. (Groupe d'Experts'Selecti<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne ') with providing offoundati<strong>on</strong>s from about 1,000 varieties for the elaborati<strong>on</strong>of the world survey of sorts and varieties of the Vilis genus (ALLEWELDT 1987).Perspectives of the work with vine genetic resourcesAll activities c<strong>on</strong>nected with vine genetic resources in the future will be c<strong>on</strong>centrated <strong>on</strong> thecompleti<strong>on</strong> of the collecti<strong>on</strong> especially with species and varieties relevant to plant breeding, <strong>on</strong> thestudy of the main characters of those varieties of the collecti<strong>on</strong> which have not yet been evaluated,and <strong>on</strong> the completi<strong>on</strong> of the database.Also important is the collecti<strong>on</strong> of Viris silvestris G:M. resources from meadow soil forests ofthe Danubian Lowland, of old regi<strong>on</strong>al varieties and participati<strong>on</strong> in internati<strong>on</strong>al expediti<strong>on</strong>sespecially in the Caucasian centre of origin of vine varieties.At present we are founding a biotechnological laboratory at our institute. One of its activitieswill be the screening of varieties <strong>on</strong> stress and pathological factors as a porti<strong>on</strong> of our resistant vinebreeding programme. The detecti<strong>on</strong> and evidence of genes of major effect (major genes) and theiralleles play an important role in genetic resources. It is a very complicated task by the use ofclassical methods in persistent cultures. .Another possibility for the future is the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of the collecti<strong>on</strong> in vitro. These culturesare useful for genetic studies and manipulati<strong>on</strong>. But up to now, in vitro culture does not enable thec<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of gennplasm in its original c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> for unlimited periods. Therefore, it seems that'the in vitro collecti<strong>on</strong>s \vill <strong>on</strong>ly complement the c<strong>on</strong>temporary collecti<strong>on</strong>s in vine plantati<strong>on</strong>s.C<strong>on</strong>cerning the cl<strong>on</strong>es. especially the virusfree <strong>on</strong>es, the collecti<strong>on</strong>s in vitro will play their importantrole.Even though much work has been d<strong>on</strong>e for the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> and utilizati<strong>on</strong> of vine geneticresources, new plant breeding and cultivati<strong>on</strong> methods will require further work with geneticresources. The most important demand of the present time is the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of the geneticvariati<strong>on</strong> of cultural plants and its utilizati<strong>on</strong> for the benefit of mankind in the future.ReferencesALLEWELDT, G.; 1987: The Genetic Resources of Vitis. Table 1, 2, 3. Bundesforschungsanstalt fur RebenzuchtungGeilweilerhof, Siebeldingen.BARES, I.; 1987: Historie studia gerietickych zdroju kultUmich rostlin. In: 100 vyroci narozenin N. I. Vavilova.Sbomik VURV Praha-Ruzyne, 19-22.DOTLACIL, L.; 1987: Genova banka a dalsi rozvoj studia genetickych zdroju v CSSR. In: l00vyroci narozeninN. I. Vavilova. Sbomik VURV Praha-Ruzyne, 28-36.Pe>SPISILOVA, D.; 1978,: 1979: Okologisch bedingte Veranderlichkeit der Weinrebensorten I.-IV. Wein-Wiss. 33"266-276. Wein-Wiss. 34,1-8,143-150,249-263 ..... ; SEHNALOVA, 1.; DROZD, 1.; BARES, I.; 1988: Descriptor List, Genus Vitis L. VURV Praha-Ruzyne.ROGALE\\1CZ, v.; BARES, I.; SEHNALO\'A, 1.; MARTINKOVA, M.; 1986: Ceskoslovensky informacni system. gentickych zdroju (EVIGEZ). The Czechoslovak Genetic Resources Informati<strong>on</strong> System. VURV Praha­Ruzyne.

62 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1The role of variety as genetic potential in nutrient utilizati<strong>on</strong>J. ANDRE and E. HAJDUResearch Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, H-6000 Kecskemet, HungarySum mar y: A c<strong>on</strong>tainer model trial was set up <strong>on</strong> sandy soil with 5 replicati<strong>on</strong>s to study the nutrientregime of 16 wine grape varieties in a 10 year program starting in 1982 at Kecskemet-Mikl6stelep in the Institutefor Viticulture and Oenology.Leaf, fruit and wood analysis data and producti<strong>on</strong> parameters (fruit and wood weight, frost tolerance) wereevaluated every year under identical cultural c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. Interacti<strong>on</strong>s between years, varieties and nutrientelements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg,Zn, B, Fe, Mn) were discussed.Trials so far have proved the decisive role of variety characters fixed genetically <strong>on</strong> nutrient uptake andnutrient utilizati<strong>on</strong> at given nutrient supply.Key w 0 r d s: variety of vine, nutriti<strong>on</strong>, mineral, leaf, fruit, wood, yield, must quality, shoot yield, coldresistance.IntrOducti<strong>on</strong>A very important step in breeding is the study of values and producti<strong>on</strong> characteristics in agiven variety or cl<strong>on</strong>e. This study also includes the establishment of the nutrient regime in varietiesand cl<strong>on</strong>es recommended for producti<strong>on</strong> under different c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s (soil, climate, cultivati<strong>on</strong>methods, etc.). For this purpose model c<strong>on</strong>tainer trials were installed in our Institute to test thenutrient regime of 16 wine grape varieties. The trial was planned for 10 years. Observati<strong>on</strong> data of6 years are presented.In the test program, the nutrient requirement and utilizati<strong>on</strong> ability of different wine grapevarieties were determined in sandy soil at different levels of stock nutrient supply.In the test we wanted to detennine:(i) the effect of different nuuient doses <strong>on</strong> the nutrient regime of the varieties, <strong>on</strong> growth, <strong>on</strong>quality and quantity of cluster yield, <strong>on</strong> wood ripening and <strong>on</strong> winter tolerance ofbu9s,(ii)(iii)the role ofvaliety as genetical potential in the rate and quantity of nutrient uptake,the effect of fertilizer doses as recommended for a variety in a given producti<strong>on</strong> areac<strong>on</strong>sidering aspects of envir<strong>on</strong>mental protecti<strong>on</strong>.Material and methodsThe trial started in Kecskemet·Mikl6stelep in 1982 <strong>on</strong> a level site. Methods developed byseveral Hungarian and foreign authors were followed (POL YAK 1968, 1973; P APP 1971; FORI et al ..1974; FORI and KOZMA 1975; EDELBAlJER 1976; Mf:REAl:X et al. 1979; SZOKE and FORI 1980;ARPTJlJNJAN 1981).The closed c<strong>on</strong>tainers were placed, <strong>on</strong>e close to the other, in a 80 cm deep trench, in anunheated plastic tent. The c<strong>on</strong>tainers were plastic barrels, 80 cm high with 50 cm diameter- Thebottom of the barrel was filled with sifted river ballast 15 cm thick (40 kg/barrel) to receive possiblestagnate water. The gravel was covered by a plastic net in two layers. The barrel was filled with soilenriched with nutrients (144 kg sand/ban'el) and slightly pressed. The nutrients used as stocksupply were homogenized with the soil prior to filling in. 1'\0 maintenance fertilizati<strong>on</strong> was given. Inthe trials the nutrient uptake of 16 varieties was studied at two soil nuuient levels. The water supplywas regulated to complete the winter precipitati<strong>on</strong> and remove the surplus water accumulated atthe bottom. The superfluous water was pumped out through a plastic tube placed into the barrel.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 63The own-rooted vines planted in the barrels were rooted in hoses filled with perlite. Highcord<strong>on</strong> training was used with 3 short spurs of 2 buds. Stocks were covered with straw to protectthem from winter fi'osts and the plastic tent was also covered by a plastic film at the end of thegrowing period (A~DRt 1986).The order of the 16 varieties in trial and sand analysis data are presented in Table 1.Since the beginning of the trial the following values have been measured c<strong>on</strong>tinuously:Foliage massTopped green weightCluster yield, cluster number, mean cluster yieldSugar c<strong>on</strong>tent and acidity ofbeniesWater quantity accumulated at the bottom of the barrelWeight of pruned woodsFrost tolerance of wood in heat chambers.Every quantitative measurement was completed with an analysis of the sample. Changes in thenutrient uptake were followed by leaf analysis 4 times in the growing period. Yield and woodanalysis were performed from the 3rd year.Table 1: Trial characteristicsSTUDIED VARIETIES:K - 9MedinaChard<strong>on</strong>nayEzerf urt uZweigeltSteinschillerZalagy<strong>on</strong>gyeSztyepnyakF. K adark aRheinrieslingRF-48Jubileum 75Blaufrankisch Tf.ZengoM 7Kunleanysal L TY P E: calcareous sandy soil of slight humusc<strong>on</strong>tent of 0 - 1,0 m depth.SOIL ANALYSIS RESULTSTRIAL SOIL NUTRIEN T LEVELSLOWHIGHpH8,1 (KC'L)KA 25CaC0 3.,. 4-5H·'. 0,44-0,50Total salt 0AL P,t 05 ppm 86 100 200AL K 1 0 ppm 70 150 300Mg KCI ppm 25 80 150

64 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1ResultsThe role of variety as genetical potential in the nutrient uptakeThe measurement and analysis data accumulated in the 6 years (1982·1987) can be evaluatedfrom several points of view. In this case the role of variety was studied as genetical potential inn~trient uptake.An increase of the nutrient supply caused c<strong>on</strong>siderable differences in the uptake, in the meanof the 16 varieties (Table 2). Differences varied in varieties, plant parts and nutrient elements aswell. Within <strong>on</strong>e variety, however, even extreme differences did not surpass 76 % between the twotreatments (low and high). The low nutrient level served as reference. If, however, the analysis dataof the plant parts (leaf. fruit, wood). of the 16 varieties were compared within identical treatmentsof the varieties, almost 300 % difference was found.Table 2 shows that the variety plays a decisive role in the nutrient uptake of the plant.C<strong>on</strong>sidering any of the 3 plant parts (leaf, fiuit, wood), it is clear that doubling the nutrient supplyresulted in a 20·50 % mean surplus uptake (maximum 76 %), compared to the low nutrient level.At identical nutrient supply, uptake differences varied between 50·70 % in the average, with 300 0 /0maximum am<strong>on</strong>g varieties. The difference can be caused by the different nutrient requirement anddifferent nutrient utilizati<strong>on</strong> ability of the varieties fixed in the genotype.Fig. 1 shows in detail the analysis values of magnesium. C<strong>on</strong>sidering the nutrient elements, itcan be said that uptake differences am<strong>on</strong>g varieties (fixed genetically) were twice as high (in certainelements even more) as obtained by doubling the nutrient supply.Table 2: Treatments and highest nutrient differences am<strong>on</strong>g varietiesHIGHEST NUTRIENT CONTENT DI FFERENCESNUTRIENTSAMONG TREATMENlS WITHIN AMONG VARIETIESTHE SAME VARIETY LOW 1 HIGHEX TREMEV A L U E S ! ',.NUTRIENT EFFECT VARIETY EFFECT1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.N 1 1 40 13 20 97 25 20 63 20p [ll] 50 50 62 91 30 117 54 50K 37 25 36 53 43 49 51 30 60Ca -32 -24 -25 93 68 57 79 122 69Mg 50 35 36 123 54 64 104 38 29Zn 25 -36 36 48 80 63 41 67 1108 38 210 1 7 69 57 33 71 128al 45Fe 49 50 46 50 109 110 53 103 138Mn 1 4 -20 -29 72 56 73 84 44 61Legend: 1. Leaf analysis 2. Fruit analysis 3. Wood analysis

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening65Mg OJ •.bf8f ~ +38 +22 +13 +3 +7 a +18 +11 +14 +25 ~ +8 .. 50 "42 ~a,sOA0,30,20,1FRUIT0,100,080,06OP40,02.:t£.OO.D..0,200,150,100,05- - ,.-- - - - - --,I, I, II I , I I, I I I, II II, II I I I, , , ,I , I I , I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I II , , I II I I I,I II I I I III I I II I , ,I III II,I I II,,I I I I II I I IJ I J. I. I. :. I.+ 4- .. 20 .. 4 -6 - .. 7 ..23 .. 35 .. 7 14 25 9II I I ,I I.. + - .. 14, , , I,I I I I,II I I I I , III I I I I II I I , I III II,I, I I I II II I I I II I I , I I I I III , , , I I I I I I, , ,I I ,I , I I,I I I I II, II I II.I II. I. I. ~ ,:. I!I.. - - ... - - .. '!-... .:L- ... + .. ..& ~ 5 5 9 6 a r 10 ill 17 12 6!l§. 33 5I , I II , I I , II I I , , II , , II I I I I, I I,I I I I I I I ,, II I , I, I ,I , I , I I, , I I I I I I I, III I I ,I II III I II I I I ,I I I I , I I ,I ,I I I. I I , : :., !II, ,. I 1 1. !, I. I I. I~W::::lI.L.:I--UJ t!) :x:0: ttl U~ x:: Z t"-. !Q-oJ4:Z I-- I-- -I Z ~ > -Ix:: x::Z 0:: -I:E :0 z Z If)0:~ zct 0 ::::l WWUQ. -

66 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1SOLIDSper cent0,60,5JUBllEUM 750,40,3 ........ ~~~~0,2 ......... "-0,1 ~------~~--~-T--~K 0,.~"'-.- ...iii iMEPINAPOfo--low nutr. level- high nutr. leve I~SZTYEPNYAKtI'/'eKOfo~r' --- -.. F. KADARKA'I-I ---.......... --r--,...-....,..--f0,6as0,4 RF 480,3 ~..---~ ~0,2 "O'-----T-...;;;;;;::~::Jt:II""'...:....,-___4VI. VII. VIn. IX.M~..... ~-.SZTYEPNYAKr----r...........,.-,...-.......--fl LEAF SAM PlI NGVI. VII. VIIl. IX. DA T EFig. 2: The effect of variety <strong>on</strong> nutrient uptake during the growing period based <strong>on</strong> leaf analysis.The c<strong>on</strong>siderable differences am<strong>on</strong>g varieties in the tested parameters despite identicalnutrient supply and producti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s can be explained by the different nutrient c<strong>on</strong>tent·which is specific for the variety -within the growing period.The role of variety in green, fruit and wood weight, in sugar c<strong>on</strong>tentand acidity and in frost tolerance of budsResults show clearly the imp<strong>on</strong>ance of varieties in the nutrient uptake at identical nutrientsupply. This observati<strong>on</strong> is <strong>on</strong>ly afIinned by the remarkable valiety effect <strong>on</strong> the studied plant,pans(Table 3). While at the double nutrient supply the highest difference produced 3.5 fold surplus(which is very high), the difference due to different genetical properties was much more high,11 fold.There is no variety with the same difference at every elements in identical treatments. That is,in the 9 elements tested the nutrient supply can be supelior or infelior to the average. So, if we takeLIEBIG'S rule strict, the noti<strong>on</strong> of general nunient supply and the variety classing following the rulemay seem rather artificial.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening67DIFF. Of. .14 ~.55 .5 -77 -26 -28 -41 -48 •..1Q. -14 .76 .30 .77 .116 +247.YlEI..Q.917501500--- low nutrient eve-- high nutrient level12501000750500250 -IIIIIIII,II.I. ~I. :.tIIIIII,I II I I II I I II I I I IIII II I I I I I II I I,I I III I I I, II I I I ,II. I, !.1I I. I, I. l I.ilLL:~VARIETYenIx>-«z« 0Z 0a::Cw j!~ ua:: - x If)a:: ...J ~ z:0 Z Z a:: :::l UJ - Il. -«LL.

68 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 3: The highest differences measured (%) for the studied characters am<strong>on</strong>g treatments and varietiesMEASUREDPARAMETERSAMONG TREATMEN TS AMONG VARIETIESWI THIN THE SAME AT LOW I AT HIGHVARIETYNUTRIENT LEVELNUTRIENT EFFECT VARIETY EFFECTGREEN WEIGHTg 230 913 518W~OD WEIGHTg 1 27 182 187FRUIT WEIGHT 9 1347] 1000 [j]]1]CLUSTER NUMBER 262 660 425MEAN CLUSTERWEIGHT 9186 664 429MUST SUGAR ~ -10 128 118MUST ACIDlTY%o -16 187 187FRQ5T TOLERANO 240 650 4200/0-- -- ; KOZMA, F.; 1975: A szolo evapotranszspinki6ja. Idojaras. OMSZ. Kiadvanya 79 (2), 112-120.KOZMA, P.; POL YAK, D.; 1968: Tenyeszedenyek a szoleszeti kutatasban. Ken. es Szol. Foiskola Kozlemenyei32 (1),123-135.-- --; -- --; 1973: A szolo asvanyi anyagellatottsaga, produktivitasa es a levelanallzis adatai koz otti ossefligges. AKen. Egy. Kozlemenye 37 (5), 89-103.MEREAVX, S.; ROLLI]\;, H.; Rt'TTE~, P.; 1979: Effets de la secheresse sur la vigne. 1. Etudes sur CabemetSauvign<strong>on</strong>. Ann. Agr<strong>on</strong>. 30,553-575.PAPP,1.; 1971: A malna tapanyagigenyenek vizsgalata. A Ken. Egy. Kozlemenyei35 (3),177-187.SzOKE, L.; FORI, 1.; 1980: Tenyeszedenyes m6dszer a szolo asvanyi taplalkozasanak tanulmanyozasara.Szolotermesztes 3 (2),1-4.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 69Creati<strong>on</strong> and study of the Pinot noir variety lineageA. BRON~ER and J. OLIVEIRAI.N.R.A. Stati<strong>on</strong> de Recherches Vigne et Vin, Laboratoire de Viticulture, 8, rue Kleber, F-68000 Colmar, FranceSum mar y: The objective of the study presented here is to obtain pure line genotypes able to transmit tocross progeny the most useful characters to wine grapes, particularly the berry colour ofPinot noir. From the veryheterogenous Pinot noir variety we chose a cl<strong>on</strong>e INRA-Colmar as the initial parent of a generati<strong>on</strong> series. In thefIrst 3 generati<strong>on</strong>s of self pollinati<strong>on</strong> we selected <strong>on</strong>ly red berries genotypes. After the 4th generati<strong>on</strong> we made'pedigree' selecti<strong>on</strong>s with seedling separati<strong>on</strong>, retaining not <strong>on</strong>ly the red berries populati<strong>on</strong> but also some white<strong>on</strong>es. This series of generati<strong>on</strong>s shows <strong>on</strong>ly a weak 'inbreeding' effect. Numerous populati<strong>on</strong>s with str<strong>on</strong>g vigourand high fertility were observed. During these crosses, types of bunches and berries have appeared which werevery different in shape from the original parent. Types range from the round berries of the Pinot noir to elliptical,ovoid, tr<strong>on</strong>covoid, cylindrical or other kinds of berries. Berry size is also highly variable. We obtained bunchesfrom small to very big with variable compactness. We obtained homogenous populati<strong>on</strong>s for such characters asberry colour, sexual type, vigour and fertility. These characters can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as homozygous after the6th generati<strong>on</strong>. This study shows the necessity of making numerous generati<strong>on</strong>s of self pollinati<strong>on</strong> to obtainhomozygous forms of useful characters, which are generally polygenic. These observati<strong>on</strong>s must be c<strong>on</strong>fIrmed bytest crosses and in the meantime the self pollinati<strong>on</strong> program will be c<strong>on</strong>tinued to enable us to fIx the unstablecharacters.Key w 0 r d s: Pinot noir, variety of vine, crossing, self pollinati<strong>on</strong>, seedling, selecti<strong>on</strong>, pure line, flower,berry, bunch, growth.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The research for 'parents' able to transmit to progeny some characters which allow theimprovement of red wine grape varieties has been often studied by different authors with the help ofcomplex selecti<strong>on</strong> strategies.At the Laboratoire de Viticulture de la Stati<strong>on</strong> de Recherches Vigne et Vin de I'InstitutNati<strong>on</strong>al de Recherches Agr<strong>on</strong>omiques de Colmar, we have obtained numerous progenies bysimple or multiple crosses.In the Pinot noir improvement process, we have found that many of the seedlings from crossesinvolving Pinot noir as parent have white or little coloured ben-ies and the black berries progenyyield a low quality wine.These reas<strong>on</strong>s induced us to study the possibilities of obtaining <strong>on</strong>e or several homozygousgenotypes for some characters such as sexual type, fe11ility and black berry colour with a highpigment c<strong>on</strong>tent, after successive self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s having as an initial parent a Pinot noirvariety cl<strong>on</strong>e. Up to now we obtained abundant new plant material whose main characteristics weare going to explain.Materials and methodsAs the initial parent we chose the Pinot noir cl<strong>on</strong>e selected by I;..JR-\ Colmar. It is the mostcultivated cl<strong>on</strong>e because of its quality.We realized 6 generati<strong>on</strong>s in a greenhouse, <strong>on</strong>e every 2 years, <strong>on</strong>e for seed genninati<strong>on</strong> andfloral initiati<strong>on</strong> and another year for self pollinati<strong>on</strong>, fi-uctificati<strong>on</strong> and grape \'intage.In the first 3 self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s, we did not make a pedigree selecti<strong>on</strong>, to avoid toomany families. The selecti<strong>on</strong> during these 3 generati<strong>on</strong>s eliminated all individuals with weak vigour,weak fenility (or sterility), and red, little coloured or white grapes so that <strong>on</strong>ly the black wine grapepopulati<strong>on</strong>s of the Pinot noir type were retained. All the female seedlings and some with pollinati<strong>on</strong>problems were also eliminated.

70 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Mter the 4th generati<strong>on</strong>, we made a pedigree selecti<strong>on</strong> retaining not <strong>on</strong>ly the red berriespopulati<strong>on</strong>s but also some white genotypes with interesting characteristics. The retained genotypesshould also generate enough seedlings to permit us to study disjuncti<strong>on</strong>.Table 1 shows our selecti<strong>on</strong> diagram and the number of genotypes obtained and selected pergenerati<strong>on</strong>. Table 2 documents different observati<strong>on</strong>s and notati<strong>on</strong>s recorded during differentgenerati<strong>on</strong>s. In Tables 3, 5 and 6 the notes describing the flower, berry and bunch characteristicsare defined.Table 1: Selecti<strong>on</strong> diagramPINOT NOIR"Alsaee" populati<strong>on</strong>x X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X ..... X X XX X X X XvX""*'/ N°162 INRA cl<strong>on</strong>enumber of Dllmberof yeargenotypes genotypesobtained self pollinated1977190 197830 1979120 198060 1981160 198292 1983180 19841 6 1985350 198682 1987868 198819891990

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening71Table 2: Notes taken during the 4th·<str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> and 6th self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s1 st year In greenhouse cultureSeedling vigor at the end of the 1 st yearBase diameter20 0 internode diameter after the first tendrilLength of 20 internodesLeaves colouring at the end of vegetati<strong>on</strong> cycle : red colouring or not2nd year in greenhouse cultureBefo're flowering5 buds fertility, number of inflorescences per shootClass of inflorescences importanceDuring floweringEarly coulureSexual typeCoulureDuring verais<strong>on</strong>BUNCH SizeLengthDensityBERRY Color + additi<strong>on</strong>al colorsSizeShape+ additi<strong>on</strong>al shapesFlavorCoulure and millerandageAmpelographic notesLeaf shapesLobing degreesSeedlings vigor by shoots development measuresCode OJ.V.ResultsFro m 1 s t to 3 r d s elf poll ina ted g e n era t i<strong>on</strong>During the first 3 self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s, we <strong>on</strong>ly retained the hermaphroditic progenieswith black benies of the Pinot noir type.4th gener.ati<strong>on</strong> (S4)The 4th generati<strong>on</strong> is composed of92 genotypes.Here we observed high vigour with low variati<strong>on</strong>, expressed by length of shoots and by thediameter of the principal axis (Table 4). In the greenhouse, this vigour was the same as thai: weobtained from a simple cross with Vilis vini/era valieties.Average fertility is 0.7 but with 9 sterile genotypes and 10 weakly fertile: 21 having a fertilitylevel higher than 1.0, i. e. more than <strong>on</strong>e inflorescence per shoot.The sexual type, which is a very important criteri<strong>on</strong> between generati<strong>on</strong>s, could be clearlydetermined for 49 genotypes: 11 are female and 38 hennaphroditic. The female types wereeliminated.

72 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 3: Notes codeFLOWER BERRY BERRYSEX physiological CCl.QJR SHAPECODE OIV: 151 225 2231 male 1v white-green 1 f I at3 hermaphrodite + 1j white-yellow 2 slightly flat5 female 2 rose 3 roundish3 red 4 short elliptic4 red-grey 5 ovate5 dark-red-viole 6 obtuse-ovate6 black 7 obovate acuminada+ 6a blue-black 8a cylindric+ 6b dull-black + 8b wide cylindric7 red-black 9 l<strong>on</strong>g elliptic10 arched+codes 11 to 31 after GALET P.BERRY BUNCH BUNCHLENGKr SIZE La\G1H221 202 2031 very short 1 very small 13 short 3 small 35 medium 5 medium 57 l<strong>on</strong>g 7 large 79 very l<strong>on</strong>g 9 very large 9

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 73Table 5: O.I.V code no. 223660 o o2 3 4 5Nob ling B. Chasselas Michel Tompa Muller-ThurgauChasselas BlancBicane0 Do 6 Oa6 7 8Kalili 9 to0Ahmeur bouAhmeur RgMu,eat d'AlexandribOlivette NoireSanta PaulaS4Nr-NHE5Table 6: Berry shapes according to GALETSail MarUllo lJhc..( "'Ie OUvc th noire ch<strong>on</strong>

Table 7: Disjuncti<strong>on</strong> in S5 of the main S4 genotypes having S6 progenies-....l"""S4 S5 Ieffect. intlor. nb sex beml colour berry shape size bunchNI SX CB FB CD ON LG NI SX CB FB PM0 1 2 3 3 5 1 3 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 3 5NHFO 4 3 1 3 5 5 3 70 9 28 19 6 4 1 39 30 2 5 3 13 16 1 1enalh bunchLG7 1 3 5 7 912 17 1 1 1Nb.ofS5aivina1 progenyin S619effectifinS6243NHNO 1 3 1 4 7 5 3 69 13 31 20 1 44 4 40 14 3 16 2 1 1 13 1 11 24 12 114150NHEO 2 3 3 4 5 1 1 5 1 1 1110NHE9 1 3 3 3- 11 6 5 1 3 211NHF5 2 3 3 6 5 3 3 35 4 6 21 2 7 1 8 8 10 1 3NHE1 2 3 6 3 5 1 1 10 6 3 9 8 5 3 2 6 1NHF4 2 3 6 3 5 5 3 17 2 9 6 1 1 3 8 1 1 5 61 52 6 0 15 623442860U'>(1)no·::lNHF6 1 3 6 4 5 1 1 14 3 6 3 5 1 8 1 5 2 3 58621NHI6 2 3 6 3 3 3 3 29 2 11 15 1 7 1 10 4 5 10 710 71284NHL6 2 3 6 3 5 5 5 16 3 2 10 5 1 6 3 3 1 3 22 1 3334NHN4 1 3 6 4 5 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 6 2 4 1 4 1 1 2 3644NHN6 1 3 6 3 7 3 3 13 2 6 3 6 7 5 3 2 3 32 1 4 134NHN7 1 3 6 4 5 1 1 37 13 16 5 13 4 1 4 4 2 3 5 7 51 4810total337tolal80total653

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 75At this stage (S4), the bunch characters are similar to those of Pi not noir but some seedlingsdiffer substantially and we can see in Table 4 how the length and compactness of the bunchesincrease.With regard to berries, the original f<strong>on</strong>n is class 3, but we see many genotypes of classes 4, 5,6, 7 and even 8. From size observati<strong>on</strong>s it appeared that 83 % of the berries are thicker than those ofthe initial parent and 25 % of them are very thick.<str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> generati<strong>on</strong> (S5)During the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> generati<strong>on</strong> obtained by self pollinati<strong>on</strong> from the 16 genotypes identified in the4th generati<strong>on</strong>, 80 genotypes were selected and selfpollinated.When we study the sexual type of the progenies of the 4th generati<strong>on</strong> of self pollinati<strong>on</strong>genotypes (Table 7) we notice that 7 genotypes produced <strong>on</strong>ly seedlings with flowers of class 3(hennaphroditic); 6 other genotypes produced <strong>on</strong>ly black berries and 4 produced berries ofdifferent classes.Table 8: S5 general characters by S4 familyfamily vigor height buds leaves lobing lobesidentificati<strong>on</strong> June-87 coulour size d~rees numberNHE1 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red-green very large deeply lobed 5NHE9 medium 1-1.5 red medium deeply lobed 5NHF4 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red-green very large lobed 3 - 5NHF5 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red medium deeply lobed 5NHF6 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 ~ery dark-ree small to medium unlobed 3NHI6 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red-green large lobed 3 - 5NHK7 weaktomed. 1 red-green medium lobed 3 - 5NHL5 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red-green medium to large deeply lobed 5NHL6 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red large deeply lobed 5NHM3 very weak < 1 red-green small lobed 3 - 5NHM6 very str<strong>on</strong>g >2 red very large deeply lobed 5NHN4 str<strong>on</strong>g 2 red medium deeply lobed 5NHN6 medium 1-1.5 red-green medium lobed 3 - 5NHN7 medium 1-1.5 red medium unlobed 1 - 2NHNO str<strong>on</strong>o 2 red medium de~lobed 3 - 5Table 9: Germinati<strong>on</strong> percentage by S4 familyS4 familly Total number Percentageof seeds of germinati<strong>on</strong>NHN6 227 6.6NHE1 649 7.4NHE9 57 8.8NHL6 560 15.3NHF5 101 21.8NHEO 268 23.5NHN7 185 41.1NHN4 194 43.3NHI6 486 43.4NHF4 445 47.8NHFO 2367 54.1NHF8 74 59.5NHNO 1183 61.1

76 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Only 1 genotype of the 4th generati<strong>on</strong> is stable for this character: NHF4. The remaining S4progenies have berries identical to the original Pinot noir but also progenies with extremely differentberry shape such as I"HFO: 8a.The size of the bunches varies greatly but c<strong>on</strong>cerning the length notati<strong>on</strong> of the bunches,4 genotypes yield a stable progeny for this character. Table 8 shows the general characters of thedifferent families. We can see that <strong>on</strong>ly 1 family has a weak vigour, 9 show str<strong>on</strong>g vigour and theother 5 are medium. In S4, the coefficient of c<strong>on</strong>·elati<strong>on</strong> between vigour and fenility is 0.49: thepassage to each following generati<strong>on</strong> induces an automatic selecti<strong>on</strong> for vigour. The size of theleaves is not to be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as an important character because we know that its expressi<strong>on</strong> in agreenhouse has no cOlTelati<strong>on</strong> with that in the vineyard.6th generati<strong>on</strong> (S6)The 6th generati<strong>on</strong> includes 82 progenies from 16 genotypes ofS5 coming from 13 genotypesofS4.Table 10: Disjuncti<strong>on</strong> of the sexual type in S4·S5·S654 55 56H F H F H FNHEO 1 1 0 4 0NHE1 1 9 0 18 0NHE9 1 5 1 4 0NHFO 1 41 0 129 0NHF4 1 1 1 0 14 0NHF5 1 7 0 1 1NHF6 1 5 1 10 1NHI6 1 17 0 30 4NHL6 1 5 1 9 1--NHNO 1 44 4 50 5NHN4 1 6 0 1 1 0NHN6 1 6 0 0 0NHN7 1 13 4 24 2H F H F H FEffect. 13 0 170 11 304 14Table 11: Disjuncti<strong>on</strong> of the berry colour in S4-S5-S654Nr colour 55 code colour 56 code colour1 v 1 j 2 3 4 5 6 6+ 6t 7 1 v 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 6+ 6t 7NHEO 3 red 1 4NHE1 6 black 8 2 1 2NHE9 6 black 3 1NHFO 1 white 39 102NHF4 6 black 3 8 3 46NHF5 3 red 1 8 8NHF6 6 black 8 3 6NHI6 6 black 1 1 0 30NHL6 6 black 6 9NHNO 1 white 40 46NHN4 6 black 2 4 6 1 3NHN6 6 black 7NHN7 6 black 14 3 1 9Effect. 13 83 4 76 166 3 1 126

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 77In Table 9 we can see the seed genninati<strong>on</strong> power leading to the seedlings of the6th generati<strong>on</strong> of self pollinati<strong>on</strong>. This power of genninati<strong>on</strong>, as per cent, is extremely variablebetween the S4 families. The vigour in S6 remains str<strong>on</strong>g. Expressed by the measure of the growthof the 1 st year primary axis, the vigour differs from 1 to 5.75 m at the end of the development withan average of2.80 m for 655 plants. The average of shoot growth per family differs in the 2nd yearof greenhouse culture from 1.90 to 2.90 m. The fenility level varies from 1 to 3 and was noted for455 of the 655 plants ..270 plants, i. e. 59.3 %, are fe11ile. 30.3 % could not be detennined because there were <strong>on</strong>ly 1or 2 buds or they had not burst.In S6 progenies the percentage offenile plants is very variable but no progeny is stable. As tothe sexual type (Table 10) checked in S5, there were 8 progenies out of 13 with no plants withfemale flowers. However in S6 the plants of these same progenies presented a few female plants.Nevenheless, we obtained some other progenies of sexual type hennaphroditic homozygous. Afterflowering, we made a notati<strong>on</strong> about coulure and millerandage. We observed large variability <strong>on</strong>coulure notati<strong>on</strong>s of progenies with an average of3.0 in most of the families and general average of3.2, which is a high value. 6 progenies had a total coulure <strong>on</strong> the 82 progenies.Millerandage notes are as variable as coulure notes, of the same size and with a generalaverage of3.1.Table 11 shows the disjuncti<strong>on</strong> of berry colour regrouped with regard to S4 families. NHEO,NHFO and NHNO families are homogeneous: white berries. NHE9, NHI6 and NHL6 are alsohomogeneous but with black berries. The other families have heterogeneous progenies. Thedisjuncti<strong>on</strong> of the berry shape is shown in Table 12 where we presented the main shapes. In thistable we notice the dispersi<strong>on</strong> of the berry shape within some families and the distance compared tothe original shape of the Pinot noir.6th generati<strong>on</strong>: the progeniesMter studying all 82 S6 progenies in relati<strong>on</strong> to generati<strong>on</strong>s S5 and S4, we wanted to know ifthere existed progenies with several homogeneous characters. In many cases we found ahomogeneity c<strong>on</strong>ceming the colour and the shape of the berry, the vigour of the plant or the shapeof the leave. But of the 82 progenies, 1 <strong>on</strong>ly was homogeneous for all observed traits. S4.NH~7·S5.REZ2-S6.THP2 to THR1 shown in Table 13.All the notati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> bunches were stable, the values of growth were extremely similar, <strong>on</strong>lyfenility was variable. However, the relatively low number of plants does not allow us to c<strong>on</strong>cludewith cenainty that it IS a lineage. More observati<strong>on</strong>s will be necessary as well as culture in thevineyard.Discussi<strong>on</strong>The aim of the successive self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s is to obtain pure lines, i. e. individualsthat are genetically identical and completely homozygous. However, self pollinati<strong>on</strong> induces thewell-known inbreeding phenomen<strong>on</strong>s (LE\"ADoex 1950; and other authors): weak percentage ofgenninati<strong>on</strong>, high seedling m<strong>on</strong>ality, low vigour of the survivors and low fenility or even sterility~In the 6 successive self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s of the Pinot noir it is obvious that an automaticselecti<strong>on</strong> was made with the eliminati<strong>on</strong> of seedlings which are weak (appearance of a highpercentage oflethal or sublethal genes), sterile, sensitive to coulure and millerandage and/or havefemale flowers.Every time it was possible, we applied some technics. which pennitted us to preserve amaximum of seedlings in each generati<strong>on</strong> by the ameliorati<strong>on</strong> of the percentage of seed genninati<strong>on</strong>(B.~LTHAZARD 1979) and by the use of new breeding techniques.

•-.J00Table 12: Disjuncti<strong>on</strong> of the berry shape in S4-S5-S6ecm OIV em GaletflatS4 S5 S6 23 4 5 6 7 9 1 1 8NHEO 4 1NHE1 3 5 3 4NHE9 3 2NHFO 3 30 2 5 3 1 3NHF4 3 11 1 6NHF5 6NHF6 4 1 5 2NHI6 3 4 5 1NHL6 3 3 3NHNO 4 14 3 1 6 2 3NHN4 4 1 4 1NHN7 4 4 2 3 5NHN6 3 5 377 7 28 27 5 4 2 17ovateroundish obtuse-ovate and obovate acuminada3 20 5 6 7 12 17 22 24 261 1 13 301441 114 13 1 1 1 10 3786 13414 17 11 6 13 16 164 0 73 13 0 0 1 1 1 3 04 8 9 1 023 28 311119 7 5 138.4 16 12244 7 9 1c\ lind ric15 16 19 215 110 5 0 225 27 290 0 0.en(1)~o·::l

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 79Most of the time, we obtained from plants of the 4th, <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> and 6th generati<strong>on</strong> families normalvigour that allowed the plant to initiate flowers.From a genetical point of view, we chose as an initial parent a cl<strong>on</strong>e selected from a varietypopulati<strong>on</strong> including numerous types.The staning variability was quite naITOW. According to G AL

80 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1selecti<strong>on</strong> cycle. C<strong>on</strong>cerning the sexual type of the flowers, the progress to homozygoty is very slowand corroborates, if necessary, that sexual type is dependent <strong>on</strong> a complex multiallelic system witheffect of relati<strong>on</strong>s of epistasie and of occasi<strong>on</strong>al dosage (CARBONNEAC 1983). The berry colour, thedimensi<strong>on</strong> and length of the bunches become quickly stable.C<strong>on</strong>cerning the shape of the berries we observed a very large dispersi<strong>on</strong> tat also became stableduring the following generati<strong>on</strong>s (Table 14). After 6 generati<strong>on</strong>s of self pollinati<strong>on</strong> and am<strong>on</strong>g82 progenies, <strong>on</strong>ly 1 is homogeneous and can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as a pure line. The progress towardshomozygoty as in the case of the sexual type quoted before is extremely slow: the noticed charactersare under the dependence of sexual genes.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>Summarizing the reported results leads us to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that in the case of the cl<strong>on</strong>e ofPinot noir chosen as the original parent it is necessary to carry out at least 6 generati<strong>on</strong>s of selfpollinati<strong>on</strong> to obtain 1 homogeneous progeny or lineage am<strong>on</strong>g 82. This homogeneity c<strong>on</strong>cerns allthe phenological characters expressed by the plant issued in the 2nd year of cultivati<strong>on</strong> after sowingin a greenhouse. Many progenies are homogeneous <strong>on</strong>ly for <strong>on</strong>e or several characters. This workwill be c<strong>on</strong>tinued with several more self pollinated generati<strong>on</strong>s and test crossing of the selecti<strong>on</strong>s.The advantage of chosing <strong>on</strong>e or the other obtained lineage will then be c<strong>on</strong>sidered.Literature citedBALTHAZARD, 1.; 1979: C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> a l'Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la Germinati<strong>on</strong> des Graines de Vigne. These, Univ. deDij<strong>on</strong>.CARBO~NEAV, A; 1983: Sterilites male et femelle dans Ie genre V'tis. Agr<strong>on</strong>omie 3,635-649.GALAIS, A; 1981: Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> des populati<strong>on</strong>s en vue de la creati<strong>on</strong> de varietes. Le Selecti<strong>on</strong>neur Fran9ais1981 (29),5-23.LEVADOUX, L.; 1950: La selecti<strong>on</strong> et l'hybridati<strong>on</strong> chez la vigne. Ann. Ecole Natl. Agricult. MoDtpellier 38 (3,4).

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 81Genetic improvement for crossbreeding in table grape varietiesS. CANCELLIER, A. CALO and A. COSTACURTAIstituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura, Via XXVIII Aprile, 26, 1-31015 C<strong>on</strong>egliano (lV), ItalySum mar y: Genetic improvement by crossbreeding of table grape varieties was realized at the IstitutoSperirnentale per la Viticoltura for the achievement of the following main targets: early species, seedless species,species with high c<strong>on</strong>tent of fructose in grapes and, at the same time, a research c<strong>on</strong>cerning the hereditarytransmissi<strong>on</strong> of these features.The·results are the followings:Registrati<strong>on</strong> in the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Catalogue of the varieties of 4 new table grape varieties that are interesting fortheir ripening (I.e. 199, I.e. 218, I.e. 120, I.e. 213).Informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>cerning the heritability of earliness, average weight of grape and bunch for the varietiesexamined.Achievement of varieties that have a ratio between the two m<strong>on</strong>osaccharides c<strong>on</strong>siderably tending towardsfructose. This feature remains c<strong>on</strong>stant throughout the years.Key w 0 r d s: table grape, variety of vine, Italy, breeding, heritability, berry, bunch, maturati<strong>on</strong>,seedlessness, glucose, fructose.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The cultivati<strong>on</strong> of table grapes in Italy has an ec<strong>on</strong>omically imp<strong>on</strong>ant positi<strong>on</strong> in someregi<strong>on</strong>s of Southel11 Italy such as Apulia and Sicily and a reas<strong>on</strong>ably imp<strong>on</strong>ant positi<strong>on</strong> in regi<strong>on</strong>sof Central Italy such as AblUZZO and Latium.The most widely cultivated varieties are: Regina and Italia (J.P. 65) which corresp<strong>on</strong>d to 80 o,.uof the total producti<strong>on</strong>. The remaining 20 % is produced by earlier ripening cultivars such asCardinal, Regina dei Vigneti, Panse precoce and Plimus.Therefore, offer of table grapes is c<strong>on</strong>centrated in the m<strong>on</strong>ths of September and October.While some cultivati<strong>on</strong> techniques employed by viticulturists (e. g. covering) allowed an extensi<strong>on</strong>of the aforementi<strong>on</strong>ed period, market demand in the m<strong>on</strong>th of July can <strong>on</strong>ly be fulfilled with earlyripening grapes. The simultaneous arrival oflarge amounts of table grapes in September-Octobersometimes decreases market prices due to an overabundance.The current spectrum of table grape varieties would thus require improvements mainly forwhat c<strong>on</strong>cerns the time of ripening; so research institutes have the duty to provide all theinformati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>cerning current varieties and new <strong>on</strong>es to viticulturists in order to meetrequirements.Until recently, practically no seedless table grape varieties were grown in Italy for freshc<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> or raisin producti<strong>on</strong>. In fact, Italy is' a large importer of raisins. Furthermore, weshould point out mind that the markets trends in Italy and abroad are directed towards seedlessgrapes.The old seedless cultivars, i. e. Sultanina. Perlette, etc., never met with viticulturists' approval,whereas more recent varieties obtained abroad (Sugra<strong>on</strong>e, Red Flame, Pasiga, Perl<strong>on</strong>a, etc.) arecurrently being c<strong>on</strong>sidered.There is also a plan to obtain cultivars c<strong>on</strong>taining large quantities of flUctose for directc<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> and for the extracti<strong>on</strong> of m<strong>on</strong>osaccharide, c<strong>on</strong>sidering its dietetic and physiologicalimp<strong>on</strong>ance. This would diversify the market for table grapes.For all these reas<strong>on</strong>s, the Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura started table grapecrossbreedings in 1968 in order to examine the mechanisms of hereditary transmissi<strong>on</strong> of thecharacters that were interesting for this purpose and to produce:

82 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1A) ear I y rip e n i n g varieties with good morphological and producti<strong>on</strong> characters;B) see die s s varieties suitable for Italy with a good productivity and early ripening time;C) table grape varieties with an elevated c<strong>on</strong>tent of f r u c t 0 S e in grapes.Materials and methodsThe crossbreeding systems adopted for the various operating programs were as following:A) EarlinessWork began in 1968 using as parents the medium ripening varieties: ltalia, Alph<strong>on</strong>seLavallee, Baresana, and as early ripening varieties: Perla di Csaba, Volta, Primus, Panse precoce,Regina dei Vigneti, Maddalena Bruni.Self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>s were performed with all varieties. The pattern was subsequently varied byintroducing some new varieties produced through previous work, i. e. I. e. 120, I. e. 199, I. e. 218,each of them back-crossed with <strong>on</strong>e of the two parents: Italia (LP. 65).B) See die s s n e s sWork began in 1984 by employing as parents the following varieties with seeds: Italia(LP. 65), Alph<strong>on</strong>se Lavallee, Regina, I.e. 199, I.e. 218, and the seedless varieties Perlette, Rubyseedless, Sugra<strong>on</strong>e, and some crossbreedings produced by A. GARGIULO in Argentina, i. e. Perl <strong>on</strong>,Pasiga, Ner<strong>on</strong>a, etc.Self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>s were perf<strong>on</strong>ned with all these varieties. Operati<strong>on</strong>s were also carried outboth with traditi<strong>on</strong>al methods and with new in vitro techniques (since 1988). In vitro culture hasbeen employed to develop both ovules in crossbreedings seedless x seedless and seeds of lowgerminating varieties such as Regina.C) G I u co s e / fr u c to s era t i 0In 1976 the analysis of the variability of the glucose/fructose (G/F) ratio and of reducing sugarin the different varieties of the ampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong> bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the Istituto Sperimentale perla Viticoltura allowed us to select some varieties as follows:variety A: low ratio G/F (average of 2 years 0.80)B: high ratio G/F ( " 1.21)C: low ratio G/F ( " 0.78)to be introduced into a program of crossbreeding and self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>.A) EarlinessResults and discussi<strong>on</strong>Tests carried out <strong>on</strong> the phenological. morphological and productive characters of thedescendants from crossbreedings and self-pollinati<strong>on</strong> allowed to acquire imp<strong>on</strong>ant knowledge forthe following work.In particular, the analysis of the transmissi<strong>on</strong> of phenological times (budding, blooming,colouring, ripening) to descendants, in order to identify the most suitable parents for breeding earlyripening varieties, proved high heritability for the period blooming-colouring and for the total cycle(budding-ripening): h 2 = 0.76 and h 2 = 0.69. respectively.The analysis of the phenological behaviour of self-pollinated progeny proved that there isc<strong>on</strong>siderable variability am<strong>on</strong>g the descendants of crossbreedings and that there may exist twomechanisms of transmissi<strong>on</strong> for earliness encountered by us in the types:

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 83Volta (I.P. 105)Perla di CsabaThese results also indicate that the cultivar Volta is a parent capable of transmitting its ownearliness to descendants (CALO et al. 1980). The analysis also shows that the descendants of thecross Italia x Volta have an elevated heritability for the average bunch weight (h 2 - 0.50). Thesedimensi<strong>on</strong>s are intermediate and inclining towards the parent with smaller dimensi<strong>on</strong>s. Besidesthese theoretical results, the study led to the identificati<strong>on</strong> of some descendants that were not <strong>on</strong>lyinteresting because of their early ripening, but also for their organoleptic and morphologiccharacters.Four of them were registered in the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Catalogue of Varieties:C<strong>on</strong>egliano 199: Italia (J.P. 65) x Volta (I.P. 105)C<strong>on</strong>egliano 218: Italia x VoltaC<strong>on</strong>egliano 213: Italia x Panse precoceC<strong>on</strong>egliano 120: selfing ofltalia.Tables 1 and 2 summarize some characters of these varieties, even compared with theirparents.The cultivati<strong>on</strong> prospects are interesting for the varieties C<strong>on</strong>egliano 199 andC<strong>on</strong>egliano 218. In fact, they both have an extremely early ripening (they ripen before Cardinal)and interesting market characters (interesting size grapes and bunch, pleasant and even blue-blackcolour, particular taste).C<strong>on</strong>egliano 120 is similar to Italia from which it originates, although grapes are l<strong>on</strong>ger andripen approximately 2 weeks earlier than the parent. This character makes it interesting because itripens at a time in which there is not a great flow of grapes to the market.The two early cross breedings C<strong>on</strong>egliano have been tested more thoroughly to verify the effectof some cultural operati<strong>on</strong>s which improve the average bunch weight and the size of grapes.Table 1: Phenological times of new varieties and of parents at C<strong>on</strong>egliano (averages of years 1986-87-88)IPHENOLOGICAL TIME 1 VOLTA 1 PANSE IITALIA 1 PERLA 1 C.199 1 C.218 1 C.213 1 C.1201 II.P.I05IP~CO~II.P.65 1 CS~A 1 _____ 1 _____ 1 _____ 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 BUDDING 17/4 25/4 20/4 15/4 814 10/4 16/4 17/41 BLOOMING 216 10/6 616 3/6 28/5 1/6 5/6 6/61 COLOURING 1817 3117 18/8 1517 1517 1717 8/8 15/81 RIPENING 6/8 8/9 26/9 6/8 6/8 7/8 21/8 10/91--------Table 2: Some morphological features of the new C<strong>on</strong>egliano varieties compared to Italia (I.P. 65)FEATURE C 199 C 218 C 213 C 120 ITALIAI1 AVERAGE WEIGHT OF BUNCH (g) 206 328 316 457 5751IAVERAGE WEIGHT OF GRAPE (g) 2,30 3,32 2,70 6,7 7,1311 1 1 1 1 11 _--_1----_1----_1----_1-----1

84 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 3: Effects of grape bunch thinning <strong>on</strong> new early varieties (averages of 3 years)CONEGLIANO 199 CONEGLIANO 218TEST ITHINNED OUTI TEST ITHINNED OUT II I I IIAVERAGE WEIGHT OFIIBUNCH (9) 206 263 328 405IIAVERAGE WEIGHT OFI GRAPE (9) 2,30 3,00 3,32 5,00ITable 4: Effects of some agr<strong>on</strong>omic operati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>egliano 199 in ApuliaI THINNING I INCISION IGIBBEREL-ITHINN.+IGIBBEREL.ITHINN.+TEST lOUT I ILINS IINCIS. I+INCIS. IINCIS.+I I IGIBBERELII IIAVERAGE WEIGHT OFIIGRAPE (9) 2,36 3,60 3,20 3,30 3,92 3,90 5,50IIAVERAGE WEIGHT OFI BUNCH (9) 205 245 266 277 267 323 374I----The tests carried out showed how interesting and favourable the resp<strong>on</strong>se of the crossesc<strong>on</strong>sidered were (Table 3). In fact, just grape bunch thinning had favourable effects, especially <strong>on</strong>C<strong>on</strong>egliano 218.Researches carried out in Apulia <strong>on</strong> the variety C<strong>on</strong>egliano 199 using different techniques(bunch thinning, giberellic acid, etc.) (Table 4), both simple and combined, c<strong>on</strong>firmed the results.B) See die s s n e s sWork started, as already menti<strong>on</strong>ed~ in 1984, and the plants produced with traditi<strong>on</strong>almethods and by in vitro techniques are being trained. We obtained the first producti<strong>on</strong> in 1989.Embryo culture provided different results according to the variety.There is little knowledge c<strong>on</strong>cerning the heritability of seedlessness. Some authors believe thatit is c<strong>on</strong>trolled by some recessive genes (SPIEGEL-Roy et al. 1986).The percentage of seedless individuals in the progenies Oliginated by seeded x seedlesscrossbreedings seems to be rather low. The use of the seedless x seedless crossbreedings allows anincrease in the percentage of seedless individuals, although it may aggravate some negativecharacters in the existing seedless varieties (small size of grapes, low fertility of buds).C) Glucose/fructose ratioA program of crossbreeding using as parents the varieties (A), (B) and (C) \\lith a differentratio between m<strong>on</strong>osaccharides at ripening was canied out for some years. These tests allowed theproducti<strong>on</strong> of a group of plants with a G/F ratio more favourable for fructose. The first results havealready been presented in a report to the 4th <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Grape</strong>vine Genetics atVer<strong>on</strong>a (CALO e1 al. 1986). In the following years, the observati<strong>on</strong> of the evoluti<strong>on</strong> of the ratio in theparents and in the different progenies c<strong>on</strong>tinued.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening85GLUCOSE/FRUCTOSE RATIO~1.41.3351.27" 1.205~1.140 1.075~1.01E-tC 0.9~~0.880.8150.750 10 ZDDAIEABCy .. 1,313-0,Ol!53xy" 1,3-8,66E-O,3xy'" O,96-5E-O,3xAxe: y .. 1,03-3,33E-O,;3xAxC; y .. O,993-4E-O,3x1,OO6-2,66E-O,3xBAxBCxBAxCACFig. 1: Course of glucose/fructose ratio in different genotypes during ripening.The further stud)~ emphasized the different behaviour of the two varieties (A) and (C) with alow ratio at ripening, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In fact, type (A) starts with a very high ratio (1.30-1.40)and reaches a low ratio <strong>on</strong>ly up<strong>on</strong> ripening. On the other hand, the low ratio of type (C) starts at thestage of colouring and c<strong>on</strong>tinues through the entire period.The analyses of the ratio at ripening c<strong>on</strong>finned what had already been noticed and illustratedin the previous report. In particular, as can be seen in Fig. 2, there is a movement of the ratiobetween starting populati<strong>on</strong> and populati<strong>on</strong> deriving fi'om crossbreeding program, with a manifestincrease offructose as related to glucose.Fig. 3 shows the marked ddrerence of the G/F ratio in two types of progenies. This differenceremains throughout the variability between years, thus c<strong>on</strong>firming the genetic base andpolyfactorial origin of the character.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThe results c<strong>on</strong>cerning the programs described herein are presently encouraging for theear lin e s s character.For what c<strong>on</strong>cerns see dIe s s n e s s and the producti<strong>on</strong> of varieties "vith a low g 1 u cos e /fr u c t 0 S era t i 0 in grapes, c<strong>on</strong>siderable variability has been observed am<strong>on</strong>g progeny which isimportant for future studies.

86Secti<strong>on</strong> 14030.20.10Ii,,\I' , , I \! \I ,,: \t--. ,.,e . "' I.r "iI I'. , ", ,, ,\; :• II :, :,•t•,• I •• rI . ,II' ,e ,rII,,COLLEZIONEPROGENIE DELL'INCROCIO A x 8PROGENIE DELL'INCROCIO A x C0.650,., 0.9S lOSUSusFig. 2: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of glucose/fructose ratio in the grapevine collecti<strong>on</strong> and in crossbreeding progenies.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 87lao9ala70$0//1988504030A x CA x B 1987/201000,7Q 0.80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20Fig. 3: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of glucose I fructose ratio in two progenies for years 1987 and 1988.ReferencesCALD, A; CAi"CELLIER, S.; COSTACURTA, A; LOREl'ZOKI, c.; 1980: Heredity of earliness of fruit ripening inVilis villi/era L. 3rd Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, Davis, 15-18 June 1980; 227-234.-- -- ; COSTA CURTA, A; CANCELLIER, S.; 198'· a: Ereditarieta del carattere precocitit in una serie di incroci diVilis villi/era. 4° Symp. Intern. Genetica della Vite, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, 13-18 Aprile 1985; 185-188.-- --; -- --; -- -- ; 1986 b: Variabilitit del rapp<strong>on</strong>o glucosio-fruttosio nelle bacche, in discendenza da incrocio di viti.4° Symp. Intern. Genetica della Vite, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, 13-18 Aprile 1985~ 188-191.COSTACURTA, A; CANCELLIER, S.; DE Ltjc.~, R.; 1980: Influenze genetiche nel determinismo del peso delgrappolo in uve da tavola. Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 33,481-485.-- -- ; CATALA~O, V.; 1988: Risultati dell'applicazi<strong>on</strong>e di alcune tecniche agr<strong>on</strong>omiche per migliorare Iecaratteristiche morfologiche e merceologiche dell'incrocio ad uva da tavola precocissimo 'C<strong>on</strong>egliano 199'.Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 41,149-157.SPIEGEL-RoY, P.; SAHAR, N.; BARON, 1.; LA\1, u.; 1986: Ovule and seed culture from early ripening seedlessand seeded grape cultivars. 4 0 Symp. Intern. Genetica della Vite, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, 13-18 Aprile 1985; 34-36.

88 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Isozyme pattern comparis<strong>on</strong> between tissue-cultured grapevinesand mother plants 1)R. BOTTA 2), R. VALLANIA 2), M. L. MIAJA 3), G. VERGANO 3), G. ME 3)2) Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico della Vite, CNR, Via P. Giuria, 15, 1-10126 Torino, Italy3) Istituto di Frutticoltura Industriale dell'Universita, Via Ormea, 99, 1-10126 Torino, ItalySum mar y: Isozyme analysis is <strong>on</strong>e ofthe means suitable to characterize cl<strong>on</strong>ally propagated cultivars.Isoelectric focusing was used to reveal differences in isozyme patterns between tissue-cultured plants andmother plants, for the cultivars Barbera, Queen of the Vineyards, Dolcetto and Delight. In cultivar Barbera both2n and 4n plants were c<strong>on</strong>sidered.Leaf samples were collected from shoots grown <strong>on</strong> cuttings under c<strong>on</strong>trolled envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s andfrom plants obtained by tissue culture. The buds used for tissue culture were taken from the same shootedcuttings.Leaf extracts were analyzed by isoelectric focusing c<strong>on</strong>sidering the following isozymes: AcPH (acidphosphatase), GPI (glucose phosphate isomerase) and PGM (phosphoglucomutase).The banding patterns of GPI and PGM showed differences am<strong>on</strong>g the cultivars, while for AcPH thereseemed to be no differences am<strong>on</strong>g them in the pH range c<strong>on</strong>sidered. There were no differences between isozymepatterns of the Barbera 2n and Barbera 4n.The main difference between ill vitro plants and mother plants was the amount of isozyme evaluated bydensitometric measurements. In all the cultivars, the amount of isozymes for AcPH was higher in mother plantsthan in ill vitro <strong>on</strong>es, while for PGM and GPI it was the opposite.This can be due to the different envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s affecting cellular metabolism.Key w 0 r d s: enzyme, protein, analysis, leaf, variety of vine, cl<strong>on</strong>e, tissue culture, ampelography.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Isozyme analysis of grapevine has been canied out with leaves, berries and canes using eitherstarch gel or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (WOLFE 1976; DAL BELl!\" PERUFFO et al. 1981;ARl)LSEKAR and PARFITT 1986; BE~IN et al. 1986; SUBDE!\" et al. 1987; BACHMAKN and BLAICH1988; BE!\"I:\ et al. 1988; PALUDETTJ and C.~LO 1988). These authors pointed out that isozymeanalysis is <strong>on</strong>e of the means suitable to characterize cultivars and cl<strong>on</strong>es.In this investigati<strong>on</strong> isoelectric focusing was used to ascertain possible differences in isozymepatterns between tissue-cultured plants and mother plants for the cultivars Barbera, Queen of theVineyards, Dolcetto and Delight.The grapevines used came from a vineyard of ilTadiated plants (y-rays) and presentedinteresting characters: Dolcetto was early ripening; Delight had berries larger than usual; Queen ofthe Vineyards was panhenocarpic; Barbera was tetraploid. In C\!. Barbera a diploid plant was alsoc<strong>on</strong>sidered.Materials and methodsSamples of young, expanding leaves were collected from the 1st up to the 3rd node of shootsgrown from cuttings and of tissue-cultured plants. The buds used for tissue culture were taken·fromthe same shoeted cuttings.The cuttings were kept in the Knoop nutritive soluti<strong>on</strong> at 22°C with a 16-h photoperiod.The tissue-cultured plants were gro~11 <strong>on</strong> MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium added with511M BAP (6-benzylaminopurine); to stimulate rooting 1 mg/l IBA (3-indolebutyric acid) was1) C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> no. 208 of the Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico della Vite, CNR.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening89AINTENSITY PROFILE o~16/6PGM04(lII!!as.. Seal e = B. AbsR. = 0.5)60 70 BO90PEAK AREAS o~16/6PGM04( Scal!! = B. AbsR.= 0.5)Scalin9 factor 1.000Background horiz<strong>on</strong>tal linePeak areas fittedPeak Positi<strong>on</strong> Area Area YoPea": Positi<strong>on</strong> Area Area Yo1 3.1 162.3 2.37 31. 2 716.5 10.32 7.7 812.6 11.78 34.0 512.5 7.43 13.6 1379.3 19.99 37.3 897.7 12.94 17.2 1086.1 15.610 43.1 165.6 2.45 23.3 874.7 12.611 47.4 112.4 1.66 27.8 228.1 3.3Fig. 1: Cultivar Delight; densitometric measurement ofPGM banding pattern. A) in vitro cultured plants;B) mother plants. (C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf.)added. The envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s were kept at 24°C during 16 h light and 16°C during 8 hdark.Leaf extracts were obtained according to BE~I~ eT al. (1986, 1988) with 1 ml of the buffer(pH 8.5) proposed by SCHAEFER (1971) u~ing 0.1 or 0.2 g ofleaves.The homogenized samples were centrifuged at 4 °C for 15 min at 10,000 rpm; 20/11 of eachsample were put <strong>on</strong> a polyacrylamide gel plate (LKB Ampholine·PAGplate) for isoelectricfocusing.PAGplate pH range was 4.0·6.5 for AcPH and PGM with running c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of 2,000 V,40 rnA., 50 W at 4.3 °C for about 2 h. The pH range was 3.5·9.5 for GPI and the running c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>swere 1,500 V, 50 rnA, 30 W at 5 °C for about 2 h. The isoelectric points were estimated with LKBmarkers.Staining soluti<strong>on</strong> for AcPH was prepared according to ARlTLSEKAR and PARFITT (1986); forPGM and GPI a staining soluti<strong>on</strong> modified from SHAW and PRASAD (1970) was used.The densitometric measurements were made with an LKB 2202 UL TROSCAN laserdensitometer.

90Secti<strong>on</strong> 18INTENSITY PROFILE oT16/6PGM05(me2S •• ScalI! = B. AbsR.= 0.5160 70 soPEAK AREAS oT16/6PGM05 ( ScalI! = B. AbsR.= 0.51Scaling factor 1.000Background horiz<strong>on</strong>tal linePeak areas fittedPeak Positi<strong>on</strong> Area Area ./ Peak Positi<strong>on</strong> Area Area Yo1 2.9 163.7 4.0 7 31.0 487.2 12.02 6.7 212.8 5.2 8 33.8 432.6 10.63 12.9 426.5 10.5 9 38.2 776.8 19.14 16.5 630.1 15.5 10 43.9 203.8 5.05 23.7 317.7 7.8 11 45.6 2.7 0.16 29.2 411.6 10.1Total Area 4065.5 100.0 7.90Fig. 1 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>The isozymes studied catalyze reacti<strong>on</strong>s in the glucide cycle leading to the f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> of sugarsand starch that can be accumulated in the leaves.The leaf amount used for the extracti<strong>on</strong> (0.1 g/ml) of PGM and GPI gave scarcely evidentbands for the mother plants. For this reas<strong>on</strong>, the extracti<strong>on</strong> was perf<strong>on</strong>ned doubling the leafamount of the mother plants (0.2 g/ml), thus obtaining more evident bands and revealing thedifferent isozyme c<strong>on</strong>tent of the plants. This difference was c<strong>on</strong>finned by densitometricmeasurements (Fig. 1).The banding patterns ofPGM showed no differences between in vitro cultured and J,l1.otherplants and between Barbera 2n and 4n (Fig. 2) and the differences am<strong>on</strong>g the cultivars that aredepicted in Fig. 3. The isoelectric range ofPG M was 4.85·6.4 5.C<strong>on</strong>sidering GPI, the cultivars showed similar anodal and cathodal bands; in the isoelectricrange 5.65-5.92 the cultivar Barbera showed two bands more than the cultivars Delight and Queenof the Vineyards, while the cultivar Dolcetto had <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e of them. 1\0 differences between in vitrocultured and mother plants or between Barbera 2n and 4n were observed. The isoelectric range ofGPI was 5.65-7.3.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 91A a B b C c D d E e F f G 9Fig. 2: banding patterns ofPGM. A-a and B-b: Barbera 4n; C-c: Barbera 2n; D-d: Queen of the Vineyards; E-e:Dolcetto; F-f and G-g: Delight. Capital letters for mother plants; small letters for in "itro cultured plants.GP I PGM AcPHpi.6.45+- - --7.3p.i.5.65-4.85~5.65A B C D A B C D A B C Dp.i.4.'25Fig. 3: Banding patterns of both in vitro cultured and mother plants. A) Barbera 2n and 4n; B) Queen of theVineyards; C) Dolcetto; D) Delight.The AcPH banding patterns showed many and quite close bands which made the comparis<strong>on</strong>am<strong>on</strong>g the patterns difficult. Yet, the banding patterns seemed to be the same for all the cultivarsc<strong>on</strong>sidered (Fig. 4) and no differences were noticed between in vitro cultured and mother plants,apart from the isozyme c<strong>on</strong>tent which was lower for the in vitro plants. The isoelectric range ofAcPH was 4.25-5.65.The banding patterns ofPGM, GPI and AcPH are depicted in Fig. 3.Therefore, for the three isozymes, the differences between tissue-cultured plants and motherplants were <strong>on</strong>ly in their amount. This can be due to the different envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>saffecting cellular metabolism.

92 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1A a B b c c o d E e F f G 9Fig. 4: Banding patterns of AcPH. For explanati<strong>on</strong> ofletters see legend to Fig. 2.Literature citedARULSEKAR, S.; PARFITT, D. E.; 1986: Isozyme analysis procedures for st<strong>on</strong>e fruits, alm<strong>on</strong>d, grape, walnut,pistachio, and fig. H<strong>on</strong>Science 21, 928·933.BACHMAN~, 0.; BLAICH, R.; 1988: lsoelectric focusing of grapevine peroxidases as a tool for ampelography.Vitis 27,147-155.BENI,,", M.; GASQL'EZ, J.; BESSIS, R.; 1986: Caracterisati<strong>on</strong> biochimique des cepages de Vilis vinifera L. paranalyse d'isoenzymes foliaires. 3< Symp.Intern. Physiologie de la Vigne, Bordeaux, 24-27 Juin, 33.-- -- ; -- -- ; MAHFOt.:DI, A; BESSIS, R.; 1988: Caracterisati<strong>on</strong> biochimique des cepages de Vitis vinifera L. parelectrophorese d'isoenzymes foliaires: Essai de classi~cati<strong>on</strong> des varietes. Vitis 27, 157-172.DAL BELl1\' PERUFFO, A,.; VARANI1\I, Z; MAGGIO,,"I, A; 1981: Caratterizzazi<strong>on</strong>e di specie, varieta e cI<strong>on</strong>i divite mediante elettrofocalizzazi<strong>on</strong>e di estratti enzimatici fogliari. 3° Simp. Intern. Selezi<strong>on</strong>e Cl<strong>on</strong>ale Vite,Venezia, 8-12 Giugno, 31-40.PALUDETTI, G.; CALO, G.; 1988: Elettroforesi di estratti enzirnatici in Vitis sp.: nota metodologica. Riv. Viticolt.Enol. 41,365-374.SCHAEFER, H.; 1971: Disk-elektrophoretischer Nachweis der Polyphenoloxydasen aus Rebenblattern. Vitis 10,31-32.SHAW, C. R; PRASAD, R; 1970: Starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes. A compilati<strong>on</strong> of recipes. Biochem.Genet. 4,297-320..SUBDEN, R E.; KRlzes, A; LOt.:GHEED, S. c.; CAREY, K.; 1987: Isozyme characterizati<strong>on</strong> of f.-Itis species andsome cultivars. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 38,176-181.WOLFE, W. H.; 1976: Identificati<strong>on</strong> of grape varieties by isozyme banding patterns. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 27,68-73.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 93Variability of must acidity in self pollinated Chard<strong>on</strong>nay progenyP. VILLA 1.3), A. SCIE!\"ZA 1.2), F. ROMANO 2) and S. STEFIKI 3)I) Istituto di Coltivazi<strong>on</strong>i Arboree, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 2, 1-20133 Milano, Italy2) Istituto Agrario Provinciale, Via E. MachI, 1-38010 San Michele all'Adige, Trento, Italy3) Centro Vitivinicolo Provinciale, Via Romiglia 2, 1-25124 Brescia, ItalySum mar y: From a total of 2.200 seedlings, obtained by self-pollinati<strong>on</strong> of cv. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay cl<strong>on</strong>eSMA 130,250 plants were chosen and grown in a hot microclimate area. During 1986-88, morphological traitsof shoot tip, leaf and bunch, as well as juice quality (sugars, pH, titratable acidity, malic and tartaric acid) wereevaluated A wide variability of the acid characteristics was noticed in the offspring. There was a significantpositive correlati<strong>on</strong> between total acidity and bunch size. Tartaric acid c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> was highest in medium-sizebunches. A highly significant negative correlati<strong>on</strong> was found between tartaric acid c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> and berryvolume. More acid juice was also obtained from grapevines with a narrower apex.Key w 0 r d s: self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>, seedling, selecti<strong>on</strong>, biometry, analysis, morphology, shoot, leaf, bunch,must quality, acidity.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The heterozygous nature of grapevine is an interfering feature for any effective breedingprogram, hence the requirement for an investigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the genetic variability of desirable traitswithin each cl<strong>on</strong>e (FA~IZZA and RADDI 1973; FIROOZABADY and OLMO 1987). One of the classicalapproaches for gathering informati<strong>on</strong> about the distributi<strong>on</strong> of the genes of interest across a givenpopulati<strong>on</strong> is the study of the offspring from recurrent self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>s (WAGNER 1975; VINCOURTand GALLAIS 1983). According to this scheme, a genetic program was undertaken with the cv.Chard<strong>on</strong>nay. The trait c<strong>on</strong>sidered was: highly acidic must - a most needed feature for grapes to begrown in hot climates across Italy.Material and methodsThe populati<strong>on</strong> under investigati<strong>on</strong> over the 1986·88 period included the SMA 130Chard<strong>on</strong>nay cl<strong>on</strong>e and 250 fert~le plants out of the about 2,200 seedlings obtained through self·pollinati<strong>on</strong>. The vines were planted <strong>on</strong> their own roots in the vineyard of the Centro VitivinicoloProvinciale, Brescia, which is located in a hot microclimate area. The circumference of the trunk20 cm above ground and the number of nodes were used to define the general vigor. A number ofmorphological traits (tip f<strong>on</strong>n, leaf size, lobe number, tooth shape. shape ofpetiolar sinus, clustersize, berry shape and size) were classified according to O.I.V. standards (O.I.V. 1983). The widthand length of the cluster \\'ere measured and their compactness rated as: 1 = compact, 2 = wellfilled, 3 = loose. The fruits were crushed and total sugar coment, pH, titratable acidity, malic andtartaric acid c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> of juice were determined. Data reducti<strong>on</strong> was by uni- and multiva~atestatistics.ResultsThe figure shows the frequency distributi<strong>on</strong> of titratable acidity. tartaric and malic acid, asmeasured in the must from the of[

\0~403040total aCiditytartaricacidmalic acid3030202020C/)(1)n0-::l101010I5 10Ill. ••15 20 5II IltJl10_Io~.h.5 10Frequency distributi<strong>on</strong> oftitratable acidity, tartaric acid and malic acid in the must from the offspring of selfpollinatedChard<strong>on</strong>nay_

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 95Table 1: Variability range <strong>on</strong> 3 harvest years for quality traits in a Chard<strong>on</strong>nay cl<strong>on</strong>e and its self-pollinati<strong>on</strong>ACIDITY MALIC ACID TARTARIC ACIDparent offspring parent offspring parent offspring1985 4.42-6.72 5.25-9.21 .2.13-5.85 3.49-7.39 2.22-3.70 2.24-3.701986 6.61-10.7 6.85-12.7 2.07-5.81 2.46-6.32 6.24-8.40 6.29-9.111987 6.90-11.6 6.10-10.8 2.36-7.10 1. 38-5.44 4.02-4.81 3.51-5.99mean 5.97-9.67 6.06-10.9 2.18-6.25 2.44-6.38 4.16-5.63 4.01-6.26Table 2: Correlati<strong>on</strong> between must acidity and morphological traits for the self-pollinated progeny from aChard<strong>on</strong>nay cl<strong>on</strong>eACIDITY MALIC ACID TARTARIC ACIDCLUSTER SIZE 0.315*** 0.077 -0.139*BERRY SIZE -0.090 0.054 -0.356***BERRY SHAPE -0.071 -0.087 -0.054NUMBER OF NODES 0.051 -0.002 -0.051GENERAL VIGOR 0.094 0.037 -0.107FORM OF TIP -0.109 -0.217*1

96 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sSince its establishment, the cv. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay has underg<strong>on</strong>e a - direct or indirect - selecti<strong>on</strong>favoring the biotypes with highly acidic must, intended for the producti<strong>on</strong> of sparkling wine. Thischaracter is very stable within the cl<strong>on</strong>e, as shown by the c<strong>on</strong>stancy of the figures evaluated <strong>on</strong>different vintages as well as from the small standard deviati<strong>on</strong> for this character am<strong>on</strong>g the progenyseedlings.Also to be taken into account and further tested in any future breeding program is the findingthat in this cultivar a larger bunch but a smaller berry size parallel a higher acidic c<strong>on</strong>tent.ReferencesFA~IZZA, G.; RADDI, P.; 1973: The heritability of fruit ripening date in Vitis villi/era L. Vitis 12, 93·96.FIROOZABADY, E.; OLMO, H. P.; 1987: Heritability and correlati<strong>on</strong> studies of certain quantitative traits in tablegrapes, Vilis spp. Vitis 26,132-146.O.LV.; 1983: Codes des caracteres descriptifs des varietes et especes de Vitis. Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne etdu Vin, Paris.VINCOURT, P.; GALLAIS, A.; 1983: Sur la recherche des criteres de selecti<strong>on</strong>: La regressi<strong>on</strong> geno-phenotypique.Agr<strong>on</strong>omie 3,827-830.W AG;-';ER, R.; 1975: Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> genetique de la vigne. Ann. AmeliOf. Plantes 25, 151-175.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening97Wild grapevine (Vitis viniferll var. si/vestris) in Italy:Distributi<strong>on</strong>, characteristics and germ plasm preservati<strong>on</strong> -1989 reportR. ANZANI 1), O. FAILLA 1), A. SCIENZA 1,2) and F. CAMPOSTRINI 2)I) Istituto di Coltivazi<strong>on</strong>i Arboree, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 2, 1·20133 Milano, Italy2) Istituto Agrario Provincia Ie, Via E. Mach 1, 1-38010 San Michele all' Adige, Trento, ItalySum mar y: Research <strong>on</strong> the distributi<strong>on</strong> and characteristics of wild grapevines (Vilis vini/era var.silvestris) in Italy was started whose main goals are:the preservati<strong>on</strong> of the germplasm by setting up plant collecti<strong>on</strong>s;the furthering of biological knowledge about this plant;the study of relati<strong>on</strong>s between wild and cultivated grapevines by means of chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic techniques;the assessment of the possibility of using wild plants for genetic improvement of grapevines.The gathering of data began in 1984.221 sites in 15 out of the 20 Italian regi<strong>on</strong>s have been indicated as possible locati<strong>on</strong>s in which wildgrapevines grow. So far, 49 of these sites have been inspected. The greatest number of individuals were found incentral Italy. This populati<strong>on</strong> is dioecious (male/female = 1.8) with few (2.0 %) hermaphrodite examples.The leaves of the Italian wild grapevines generally have 3 lobes (57 %), but 5 to 7-lobe (36 %) and n<strong>on</strong>lobed(8.9 %) plants exist. Lower variability exists with regard to leaf shape. The study of seed morphology hasclassified the plants into three groupe, <strong>on</strong>e of which is very numerous.Two germplasm collecti<strong>on</strong>s have been established with approximately 400 vines.Key w 0 r d s: Vitis vinifera var. silvestris, Italy, geographical distributi<strong>on</strong>, gene resources, gene bank,ampelography, biometry, analysis, sexuality, morphology, leaf, seed.Introducti<strong>on</strong>6 years ago (SCIENZA 1983) research <strong>on</strong> the distributi<strong>on</strong> and characteristics of wild grapevines(Vitis vini/era var. silveslris) in Italy was started whose main aims are:- the preservati<strong>on</strong> of the germplasm by setting up plant collecti<strong>on</strong>s;- the furthering of biological knowledge about this plant;- the study of relati<strong>on</strong>s between wild and cultivated grapevines by means of chemotax<strong>on</strong>omictechniques;- the assessment of the possibility of using wild plants for genetic improvement of grapevines.Initial results have already been published (SCIENZA el al. 1986 and in print). Thedistinguishing feature of wild European grapevines as compared to cultivated <strong>on</strong>es is theirsexuality. Wild vines are mostly dioecious: the male/female ratio ofItalian populati<strong>on</strong> is 2 : 1, withfew hermaphrodite examples (2.6 %).From the data obtained it seems likely that wild vines grow all over the country up to analtitude of800-1 000 m a.s.l.These plants are liana-like and can achieve a remarkable development up to IS-20 m inheight. They adapt to the most geologically diverse soils and can grow in different botanicalassociati<strong>on</strong>s, provided there are trees available to serve as SUPPOl1s. Clusters are of imalldimensi<strong>on</strong>s, scattered or dense. Berries are small, usually sphericaL with about 2 seeds each, blackis' the predominant colour (9 % are white). The degree of variability in sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent, acidity,tartaric and malic acid c<strong>on</strong>tents is rather large, even the anthocyanin and polyphenol c<strong>on</strong>tentsshow high valiability.Chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic studies to compare wild and cultivated vines are being carried out usingpollen (TEDESCO el al. 1990) and embry<strong>on</strong>ic (SCIE:--iZA el al. 1990) protein; and anthocyaninprofiles (M:HTI\1 el al. 1990).

98 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Gennplasm collecti<strong>on</strong>s are being set up by multiplying sci<strong>on</strong>s from wild plants.In this paper we rep<strong>on</strong> the developments achieved by this project with panicular emphasis <strong>on</strong>leafand seed morphology.Leaf and seed morphology have been recognized as important in Vilis tax<strong>on</strong>omy. Leaf sizeand petiolar sinus angle width are imp<strong>on</strong>ant phylogenetical characteristics, indeed wild grapevineshave smaller leaves with a wider sinus petiolar angle than cultivated <strong>on</strong>es (LEVADOUX 1956).According to STUMMER (LEVADOUX 1956), two kinds of seeds exist: 'sativa' and 'silvestris', the firsttype is larger and l<strong>on</strong>ger, with a higher length/width ratio than the sec<strong>on</strong>d <strong>on</strong>e.Materials and methodThe gathering of data began in 1984. Based up<strong>on</strong> spot inspecti<strong>on</strong>s and inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> obtainedfrom the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (Italian Forestry Service). some geographical sites where wildgrapevines are present were singled out in different regi<strong>on</strong>s of the country.Fig. 1: Scheme of the phyllometric measures.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 99Whenever possible, the sex type of each individual vine was detennined, and a sample madeup of 10 leaves located opposite to the flower clusters was taken from each plant and measured.With male plants, a pollen sample was taken. With each female or hennaphrodite plant, samples ofripe grape clusters were collected, so that data from clusters, berries and seeds could be gathered.During winter, ligneous sci<strong>on</strong>s were gathered from each plant in order to multiply them ingennplasm collecti<strong>on</strong>s.On the lower side of each leaf the following measurements were taken (Fig. 1):L 1 = main vein length;L2D, L25, L3D· L 35 , L 4D' L 45p = petiolar length;L f= maximum leafwidth;SlD,Sl~S2D,S2~S3D,S3S12 phyllometric indexes were calculated:standardized superior vein:standardized median vein:standardized inferior vein:a angle (aD + as) / 2;13 angle = (13 D + 13 s) /2;r angle = (r D + r s) / 2;superior lobature coefficient:median lobature coefficient:inferior lobature coefficient:superior lobe extensi<strong>on</strong> coefficient(GREKAN 1984):SECinferior lobe extensi<strong>on</strong> coefficient: IECR coefficient (GALET 1956): Ll / Lf"sosuperior (2). median (3) and inferior (4) lateral vein length;D = right, S = left;apex lateral vein distances; (1) higher, (2) median and(3) lower;superior (1), median (2) and inferior (3) sinus length;D = right, S = left;angles between vein at their inserti<strong>on</strong> point or at theirextremity ('); D = right, S = left.SS~ (L 2S+ L 2D) / (2 XLI);SMN = (L 3S+ L ) / 3D(2 XLI);AIN = (L 4S+ L 4D) / (2 XLI);These 12 coefficients and the main vein length are sufficient to describe shape and lobaturecharacteristics of grapevine leaves (GALET 1956; GRENAN 1984).The length and ma.ximum width of 1 00 seeds per vine, when possible, were measured.Two methods of numerical ta.'(<strong>on</strong>omy were used: discriminant and cluster analyses.Discriminant analysis was carried out using Wilks' method, step-wise procedure, minimizing theWilks' lambda. Cluster analysis was realized with weighted pair group method centroid, usingsquare Euclidean distances.Distributi<strong>on</strong>Results221 sites have been indicated as possible locati<strong>on</strong>s of wild grapevines, 189 of which by theItalian Forestry Service. 49 sites were inspected to ascertain the genetic nature of the vines(excluding the American species) and to collect all data and samples. On average, 3-4 vines occupyeach site. Wild grapevines may occur in 15 out of 20 Italian regi<strong>on</strong>s, their presence has been

100 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Fig. 2: Locati<strong>on</strong> of Vilis l'inijera var. siiveslris sites in some Italian regi<strong>on</strong>s. Indicated (0) and visited (e) sites.ascertained in 10 until now. The greatest number of individuals have been fouI}d in central Italy(Fig. 2, Table 1).SexAbout 65 % of the plants were studied during their flowering seas<strong>on</strong>. Of these the male/femaleratio was approximately 1.8 while hermaphrodite plants accounted for <strong>on</strong>ly 2.0 % (Tables 2and 3).•Leaf morphologyTable 4 indicates the main statistical characteristics of the 13 phyllometric indices studied.Wild grapevine leaves are small (L l35-110mm), with low length/width ratio (R 0.60-1.00),wide sinus petiolar angle (a+f3=65-120° and lEe 0.7-1.5). Leaves range from n<strong>on</strong>-lobed(SLC 1) to highly lobed (SLC 0.4).

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 101Table 1: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of wild grapevine sites as located in some Italian regi<strong>on</strong>sDISTRICTS S I T E SINDICATED I VISITED/VINESTRENTINO 3 3 13LOMBARDY 13 0VENETIA 1 1 1EMILIA 7 3 11LIGURIA 2 2 3TOSCANY 37 24 92UJlBRIA 6 2 3LATIUM 45 8 23ABRUZZO 16 2 7MOLISE 11 1 2APULIA 10 0CAMPANIA 18 0BASILICATE 21 1 6CALABRIA 29 0SARDINIA 2 0/TOTAL 221 49 161

I-"ot-JTable 2: Ratio distributi<strong>on</strong> of wild vines in relati<strong>on</strong> to their sexTOT A L It ALE S FElt ALE S HERllAPHRODITESINDIVIDUALS I S INDIVIDUALS I S INDIVIDUALS I S INDIVIDUALS I SI I I II I I101 I 100 64 63.4 35 I 34.6 2II 2.0I 1en('1)$lo·::lTable 3: Sex characteristics of the wild vines sampled in ItalyIFEMALESTOT A L I PROBABLY I. ALE S I FE. ALE S I HERJlAPHRODITES I UNCLASSIFIED I ORI POST-CULT'JRAL*I I I HERJlAPHRODITESI I I I I I I I I IINDIVIDUALS I s I INDIV. I s I INDIV. I s I INDIV. I s I INDIV. I s I INDIV. I s I INDIV. I sI I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I161 100 8 I 5.0 I 64 I 39.8 I 35 I 21.7 I 2 I 1.2 I 32 I 19.9 I 20 I 12.4I I I I I I I I I I I* ACCORDING LEVADOUX (1956)

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 103Table 4: Main characteristics of the wild grapevine leavesAVERAGE S.D. MIN. MAXMAIN VEIN LENGTH mm 73.3 19.2 28 169/STAND. S'JPERIOR VEIN 0.86 0.08 0.59 1.12STAND. MEDIAN VEIN 0.61 0.09 0.34 0.94STAND. INFERIOR VEIN 0.35 0.07 0.17 0.67SUPERIOR LOBATURE COEFF. 0.71 0.15 0.25 0.97/ MEDIAN LOBAT'JRE COEFF. 0.84 0.10 0.38 1.10// INFERIOR LOBAT'JRE COEFF. 0.88 0.06 0.60 1.18// a ANGLE 45.5 6.90 26.5 70.0// f3 ANGLE 48.0 7.43 27.5 75.5// y ANGLE 47.0 7.36 21.5 70.5// SUPERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF ./ 0.63 0.08 0.41 0.96/ // INFERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF ./ 1.07 0.21 0.17 1.71/ /I R COEFF. / 0.80 0.10 0.53 1.12Cluster analysis canied out <strong>on</strong> the lobature coefficients (SLC, MLC and ILC) of the averageleaf of each plant classified the wild grapevines in four groups (Fig. 3, Table 5): Al (38 individuals)5 to 7-lobe leaves, A2 (7 individuals) 5 to 7 marked-lobe leaves, Bl (11 indi'viduals) light-lobeleaves and B2 (59 indi'viduals) 3-lobe leaves.Cluster analysis carned out <strong>on</strong> shape coefficients (SS~, SMI\", SI1\", a, f3, y, SEC, IEC, andR) of the average leaf of each plant classified the v.rild grapevines in four groups (Fig. 4, Table 6): Cl(1 individual) very close sinus petiolar angle, C2 (15 individuals) close sinus petiolar angle, Dl(3 individuals) very wide sinus petiolar angle and D2 (97 individuals) wide sinus petiolar angle.The validity of the results of the cluster analyses has been verified with discriminant analysis.These analyses were canied out using all the collected leaves, after having classified the vinesaccording to cluster analysis groups, and using the same phyllomenic indexes as used in therespective cluster analyses.

104Secti<strong>on</strong> 1A,(29.6·'.)II- 5- 10- 15- 20I- 25Fig. 3: Dendrogram and average leaf types of the cluster analysis relative to lobature characteristics of the wildvine leav.es.C,(0.7·'.)D,(2.2·'.)D2(86.1·'.)W W ¢ WI~mmo- 5- 10- 15- 20I- 25Fig. 4: Dendrogram and average leaf types of the cluster analysis relative to shape characteristics of the wild vineleaves.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 105Table 5: Average lobature coefficients of the four lobature cluster groupsGROUP S~ERIOR MEDIAN INFERIORB2 0.76 0.87 0.89B1 0.87 0.91 0.91A2 0.38 0.58 0.82A1 0.61 0.80 0.86Table 6: Average angles of the four shape cluster groupsGRO~ANGLESa ft yD2 44.8 47.1 46.5D1 32.1 37.2 38.2C2 52.6 56.6 53.0C1 60.4 55.7 44.3The discliminant analysis regarding the lobature groups (Fig. 5, Table 7) indicates thatsuperior and median lobes are of greater importance than inferior <strong>on</strong>es, 68 % of cases correctlyclassified show a high variability in leaflobature both within plants and groups.The discriminant analysis regarding the shape groups (Fig. 6, Table 8) indicates the greaterimportance of the angles a, ft and A(. The results of grouped cases correctly classified (76 %) sh~w asatisfactory difference between the groups.Leaflobature is different in northern, central and southern Italy. In n<strong>on</strong>hern Italy, type Al (5to 7·lobe leaves) is prevalent; in southern Italy, type B2 (3·lobe leaves) is prevalent, in central Italyboth types are present (Table 9).Leaf morphology is related to plant sex. Leaves in male plants are smaller than in female <strong>on</strong>es,of analogous and petiolar sinus angle. Hermaphrodite plants show greater leaf size and a less openpetiolar sinus angle (Table 10).

106Secti<strong>on</strong> 106 0600666A • 0 006~ 0 06A 660c:. 06A6 0

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening107Table 7: Discriminant analysis about lobature cluster groupsCANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONSFUNCTION EIGEN'JALUE % OF VARIANCE CANONICAL AFTER D.F.CORRELATION FUNCTION0 91 1.44 95.1 0.77 1 42 0.07 4.8 0.26I WILKS'I LAMBDA11 0.38***11 0.93***11 1STANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS COEFFICIENTSS~PERIOR LOBAT~RE COEFF.MEDIAN LOBAT~RE COEFF.INFERIOR LOBATURE COEFt.FUNC. 10.710.420.07FUNC. 20.87-1.130.36POOLED WITHIN - GROUPS CORRELATION BETWEEN DISCRIMINATINGCANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONSFUNC. 1 FUNC. 2VARIABLES ANDSUPERIOR LOBATURE COEFF.MEDIAN LOBAT~RE COEFF.INFERIOR LOBAT~RE COEFF.0.920.790.250.35-0.590.07CLASSIFICATION RESULTSACT~AL I N° OFGROUP I CASES1B2 1 779Bl 1 122A2 1 63A1 1 406PREDICTEDA255. MEMBERSHIPI Bl11 29.71 91.01 0.01 4.7(%)I11111A2Al0.9 13.60.0 0.081.0 19.012.1 63.1PERCENT OF "GRO'JPED" CASES CORRECTLY CLASSIFIED : 62.3%Seed morphologySeed characteristics and variability are shown in Table 11. Cluster and discriminant analyseswere used in the same way as in the leaf morphology study.Cluster analysis carried out <strong>on</strong> length. width and length/width ratio of the average seed ofeach of the 30 vines of which the seeds could be measured classified the wild grapevines in threegroups (Fig. 7, Table 12): A (25 individuals) average seed type, B (2 individuals) small and roundseeds; C (3 individuals) large and l<strong>on</strong>g seeds.

108 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 8: Discriminant analysis about shape cluster groupsFUNCTION EIGENUALUE % OF VARIANCE CANONICAL AFTER D.F. WILK'S ICORRELATIION FUNCTION LAMBDA I0 27 0.59***11 0.55 B1.6 0.60 1 16 0.B9***12 O.OB 12.0 0.27 1STANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTSFUNC. 1 1 FUNC. 2 1STAND. SUPERIOR VEIN -O.lB 1 -O.OB 1STAND. MEDIAN VEIN 0.14 1 1.64 1STAND. INFERIOR VEIN -0.62 1 0.00 1a ANGLE 0.47 1 0.10 1f3 ANGLE 0.43 1 0.15 1r ANGLE O.lB 1 0.44 1SUPERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF.-O.OB 1 -0.37 1INFERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF.-0.49 1 -0.30 1R COEFF. 0.03 1 1.60 1POOLED WITHIN-GROUPS CORRELATION BETWEEN DISCRIMINATINGDISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONSFUNC. 1a ANGLE0.75f3 ANGLE0.69r ANGLE 0.44S'JPERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF. 0.48INFERIOR LOBE EXTENSION COEFF.-O.57STAND. INFERIOR VEIN -0.10R. COEFF.STAND. MEDIAN VEINSTAND. SUPERIOR VEIN-0.10-0.15-0.14FUNC. 2- AND CANONICALCLASSIFICATION RESULTSACTUAL GROUP I N° OF PREDICTED GROUP MEMBERSHIPI CASES D2 I D11 102 1 1179 74.7 1 B.601 1 30 3.3 1 96.7C2 1 151 15.9 1 0.0C1 1 10 0.0 1 0.0(%)I11111C2C114.3 2.40.0 0.07B.8 5.30.0 100.0PERCENT OF "GROUPED" CASES CORRECTLY CLASSIFIED75.B4%Discriminant analysis (Fig. 8. Table 13) indicates the great imp<strong>on</strong>ance of seed length ingrouping the vines. 72 % of grouped cases correctly classified show a satisfactory differencebetween the groups.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 109Ilmmo- 5- 10- 15- 20I - 25Fig. 7: Dendrogram and average leaf types of the cluster analysis relative to seed morphology of the wild vines.oooo000 0o6 S1• S2o S3..-~.-o.••H.•Fig. 8: Diagram of the discriminant analysis relative to seed morphology of the wild vines.

110 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 9: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of the four lobature cluster groups in relati<strong>on</strong> to grographicallocati<strong>on</strong> of the wild vinesI LOCATION N° OF LOBATURE CLUSTER GROUPI VINES A1 A2. I B1 I B2I I II NORTH 16 62.4 1808 I 000 I 1808I I II CENTER 93 29.0 403 11108 I 54.9I I I"I SOUTH 6 1607 000 I 000 I 83.3Ta ble 10: Leaf characteristics in relati<strong>on</strong> to plant sexANGLES INFERIOR MAINIEXTENSION VEl:Na J3 r COEFFICIENT LENGTHMALES 4501a 4706a 4609a l.lla 70aFEMALES 4505a 4800a 4700a l.03b 76bHERMAPHRODITES 5l.8b 5508b 4909b 0079c 95cTable 11: Main characteristics of wild grapevine seedsAVERAGE S.D. MIN. MAX.LENGTH mm 6005 0057 3070 7080WIDTH mm 4012 0036 3000 5030LENGTH/WIDTH 1.48 0016 1004 2006

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 111Table 12: Average dimensi<strong>on</strong> and shape of the three seed cluster groupsGROUP N° OF LENGTH I WIDTH LENGTH/WIDTHCASES mm I mmI53 158 6:.'6 I 4.,2 1.61I52 177 5~O6 I 3.'3 1.29IS1 2206 6~O6 I 4 .. ~2 1.48ITable 13: Discriminant analysis about seed cluster groupsCANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONSFUNCTION EIGENUALUE % OF VARIANCE CANONICAL AFTER D.F. WILK'SCORRELATIION FUNCTION LAMBDA121 6 0.59***10.59 90.3 0.61 0 2 0.94*** 1o • 06 9 • 7 0 • 24 1STANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTSFUNC.1 1 FUNC.2 1LENGTH 0.05 1 -7.13 1WIDTH 1.12 1 7.97 1LENGTH/WIDTH 1.26 1 9.49 1POOLED WITHIN - GROUPS CORRELATION BETWEEN DISCRIMINATING VARIABLES ANDCANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONSFUNC.1 1 FUNC.2LENGTH 0.99 1 -0.13LENGTH/WIDTH 0.52 1 0.08WIDTH 0.26 1 -0.09CLASSIFICATION RESULTSACTUAL GRO~ N° OF PREDICTED GRO~ MEMBERSHIP (%)CASES S3 S2 SlS3 158 88.0 0.0 12.0S2 177 0.0 92.0 7.9Sl 2206 17.5 12.8 69.7PERCENT OF "GRorJPED" CASES CORRECTLY CLASSIFIED : 72.37

112 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Germplasm c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong>Gennplasm collecti<strong>on</strong>s are being established by multiplying sci<strong>on</strong>s from wild plants. Thanksto the collaborati<strong>on</strong> of European institutes, in these collecti<strong>on</strong>s wild grapevines of differentEuropean, North-African and Asiatic regi<strong>on</strong>s are being gathered in additi<strong>on</strong> to Italian wildgrapevines (Table 14).Table 14: Number of genotypes and vines gathered in the germplasm collecti<strong>on</strong>I COLLECTIONI GENOTYPES I VINES ISIENATRENTOIITALIAN 33 I 106OTHER 36 I 160IIITALIAN 48 I 90OTHER 32 I 85C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>The research studies are helping to precisely define the distributi<strong>on</strong> and characteristics of wildgrapevines in Italy.From the data obtained and the recent inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> from the Italian Forestry Service, we canassert that wild vines grow all over the country from 0 to 800 m a.s.l.This populati<strong>on</strong> is dioecious (male/female = 1.8) with few (2.0 %) hennaphrodite examples.The leaves generally have 3 lobes (57 %) but 5 to 7-lobe (36 %) and n<strong>on</strong>-lobed (8.9 %) plantsexist. Lower variability exists with regard to leaf shape: 86.1 % of the vines were classified in thesame cluster group.Due to the increase in sampled vines, the differences between the leaves of male and femaleplants have become less important with respect to our previous observati<strong>on</strong>s (SCIENZA et al. 1988);instead, the differences between the leaves of hennaphrodite and unisexual plants have beenc<strong>on</strong>finned.The study of seed morphology has classified the plants into three groups, <strong>on</strong>e of which is verynumerous (83.3 %).Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the unvisited sites should c<strong>on</strong>finn these results.Furthering leaf and seed morphology studies will compare wild and cultivated plants. Thegennpiasm collecti<strong>on</strong> will be useful for the comparis<strong>on</strong>.•Literature citedGALET, P.; 1956: Cc~pages et Vignobles de France. I. Les Vignes Americaines. Dehan, M<strong>on</strong>tpellier.GREl'\A:\" S.; 1984: Po)ymorphisme foliaire c<strong>on</strong>secutif a la culture ill ritro de Vitis rillifera L. Vitis 23, 159·174.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 113LEYADOL'X, L.; 1956: Les populati<strong>on</strong>s sauvages et cultivees de Viris vini/era. Ann. Amelior. Plantes 1, 59·118.MATTI"I, F.; SCIE};ZA, A; FAILLA, 0.; VILLA, P.; A!'ZANI, R; TEDESCO, G.; GIANAZZA, E.; RIGHETTI, P.;1990: Vitis vini/era - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Anthocyanins in the skin. Proc. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp.<strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 12·16 Sept. 1989, St. Martin/Pfalz, FRG.SCIENZA, A; 1983: Notizie ed importanza di alcuni recenti ritrovamenti di Vitis vini/era silvestris GMELIN inItalla. Not. Ortoflorofrutticolt. 6,297·310 ... .. ; ANZANI, R; FAILLA, 0.; MATTI\1, F.; VILLA, P. L.; TEDESCO, G.; RIGHETTI, P. G.; ETTORI, c.;MAGENES, S.; GIANAZZA, E.; 1990: Viris l'ini/era - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Seed storage proteins.Proc. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 12·16 Sept. 1989, St. Martin/Pfalz, FRG.; FAILLA, 0.; ANZA;>.iI, R: Wild grapevine (fTitis vini/era L. si/vestris GMEL.) in Italy: Diffusi<strong>on</strong>,characteristics and germ plasm preservati<strong>on</strong>. Proc. Germplasm Preservati<strong>on</strong> of Horticultural Crops: Wildand' Cultivated Plants, 1·3 Sept. 1988, Bejing, Chin. Pop. Rep. (in print) ... .. ; PROTTI, A; CONCA, E.; ROMANO, F.; 1986: Diffusi<strong>on</strong>e e caratteristiche della Vitis Villi/era silvestrisGMELIX in Italia. Proc. 4th Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 13·18 April 1985, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, Italla.TEDESCO, G.; CARGNELLO, G.; ZA~ARDlXI, E.; VILLA, P.; MANINI, F.; GIANAZZA, E.; 1990: Viris vini/era -a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Pollen wall proteins. Proc. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 12·16 Sept.1989, St. Martin/Pfalz, FRG.

114 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Vitis vinifera - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach:Pollen wall proteinsG. TEDESCO, G. CARGNELLO, E. ZAKARDINI, P, VILLA, F. MANINI and E. GIANAZZADipartimento eli Biologia Luigi Gorini, Sezi<strong>on</strong>e eli Botanica Sistematica, Universita degli Studi,Via Celoria 26, 1·20133 Milano, ItalySum mar y: The electrophoretic panern of the pollen wall proteins from cl<strong>on</strong>es of cv. Nebbiolo grown indifferent areas show a geographical clustering. Vermentino, Pigato and Favorita are found virtually identical bothby morphological and biochemical criteria.Key wo r d s: pollen, cell wall, protein, Vitis vinifera, variety of vine, cl<strong>on</strong>e, ampelography, Italy.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Pollen wall proteins as extracted by 0.2 M glycine give <strong>on</strong> pH 3.5-10 focusing range complexbanding patterns with tens of comp<strong>on</strong>ents clustered in the acidic to neutral p<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong> of the gradient(CARGNELLO el al. 1988). For cvs Cabernet and Merlot, the IEF pattern has been shown to bespecific to individual cl<strong>on</strong>es and independent from the envir<strong>on</strong>ment as well as from the growingc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s (CARGKELLO et al. 1988; TEDESCO et al. 1989). The above approach was thus appliedwhen addressing two problems in Vilis systematics.Materials and MethodsFor each sample 0.2 M glycine buffer extracts were obtained with 1: 20 (w/v) ratio andadjusted to ca. 20-30 Ilg/lane.Isoelectric focusing under native c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the pollen wall extracts was performed <strong>on</strong> an<strong>on</strong>-linear pH 3.5-10 gradient. Proteins were stained with silver nitrate according to MERRIL et al.(1981). Zymograms were developed for esterase (COATES et al. 1975), phosphoglucomutase(SPENCER et al. 1964), acid phosphatase (SWALLOW and HARRIS 1972), alcohol dehydrogenase(SMITH et al. 1971) and peroxidase (T.A.KET A 1987).After reducti<strong>on</strong> with 2-mercaptoethanol, the subunits of the storage protein from the seedendosperm were resolved <strong>on</strong> a pH 4-6 gradient in presence of8 M urea (GIANAZZA et al. 1989).ResultsCultivar Nebbiolo is widely grown in the north-eastern part of Italy (Piem<strong>on</strong>te throughLombardia). When the banding patterns of the pollen wall proteins for cl<strong>on</strong>es from different areaswere compared, a geographical clustering was obvious: Sassella, Valgella and Inferno fromValtellina gave identical bands, as did Bolla, Michet, Lampia and Rose from Asti. Grumello wasfound to be more similar to the former group, Gattinara to the latter (Fig. 1). The samerelati<strong>on</strong>ships were observed when the subunits of the seed storage -proteins were analyzed by IEF inpresence of8 M urea after reducti<strong>on</strong> with 2-mercaptoethanol (Fig. 2).Cvs Vennentino, Pigato and Favorita are not easily distinguished by ampelographic criteria.Likewise, the banding patterns of their pollen wall proteins are very similar, with some quantitativevariati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong>ly for the minor comp<strong>on</strong>ents (Fig. 3 A). Vinually identical results for the three samplesare also obtained for the seed comp<strong>on</strong>ents - storage proteins (Fig. 3 B) as well as a number of

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 115BIII 1~lllIllllllIlIruJlllJUL~1~t4~LllL[[[I[ ~[i[[[[ [[ [[[ [[1]][ [[I [[ [[ [ [[ [ [ [ GalIilllJmrI[~[[lrTr]rr~ [ c:::.r:: n[[ Imllil[[[I[I[[[[[II[[IIU_IU III [III I--~[I 11I[[IlllJ]DUmJillOl~~~Fig. 1: IEF pattern of the pollen wall proteins 0 a n<strong>on</strong>-linear pH gradient (range 3.5-10) under native c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.Samples: Nebbiolo cultivars. Sassella (S), Valgella (V), Inferno (I), Grumello (GR), Gattinara (GA), Bolla (B),Rose (R), Lampia (L), Michet (M), Barolo (BA). - A) Original gel. B) Schematic drawing. •enzymes (Fig. 3 CoG). These findings are in agreement with the hypothesis that the three cl<strong>on</strong>es d<strong>on</strong>ot corresp<strong>on</strong>d to distinct cultivars but to different names given to a single cultivar in differentareas.

116 Secti<strong>on</strong> 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllillAIIIIIFig. 2: IEF pattern of the subunits of pollen wall proteins <strong>on</strong> a n<strong>on</strong>-linear pH gradient (range 3.5-10) in 8 M urea.Sample abbreviati<strong>on</strong>s as in Fig.!. - A) Original gel. B) Schematic drawing.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 117Fig. 3: Samples: Favorita (F), Pigato (P), Vermentino (V). - A) IEF pattern of the pollen wall proteins <strong>on</strong> a n<strong>on</strong>linearpH gradient (range 3.5-10). - B) IEF pattern of the subunits of seed proteins <strong>on</strong> a n<strong>on</strong>-linear pH graQient(range 4-6) in 8 M urea. - CoG) IEF pattern ofisoenzymes for seed extracts: C) Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)<strong>on</strong> pH range 4-10. d) Esterase (EST) <strong>on</strong> pH range 4-10. E) Acid phosphatase (ACP) <strong>on</strong> pH range 4.5-7.F) Peroxidase (POD) <strong>on</strong> pH range 4-10. G) Phosphoglucomutase (PGluM) <strong>on</strong> pH range4-10. (C<strong>on</strong>tinuedoverleaf)

118 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1F,Gv9GluMtFFpvFig. 3 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)ReferencesCARGNELLO, G.; GIA~AZZA, E.; TEDESCO, G.; CAPPELLA, M.; GEROLA, F. M.; 1988: Wall proteins of Vitisvinifera pollen. I. C<strong>on</strong>stancy of the phenotype. Vitis 27,47-55.COATES, P. M.; MESTRI~ER, M. A; HOPKINSO!', D. A; 1975: A preliminary genetic interpretati<strong>on</strong> of esteraseisozymes of human tissues. Ann. Hum. Genet. 39, 1-8.GIAl'AZZA, E.; TEDESCO, G.; VILLA, P.; SCIENZA, A; CARGNELLO, G.; RIGHETTI, P. G.; OSNAGHI; A; 1989:Proteins from Vitis villifera seeds. Plant Sci. 62, 73-81.MERRIL, C. R.; GOLDMAN, D.; SEDMAl', S. A; EBERT, M. H.; 1981: Ultrasensitive stain for proteins inpolyacrylamide gels shows regi<strong>on</strong>al variati<strong>on</strong> in cerebrospinal fluid proteins. Science 211, 1437-1438.SMITH, M.; HOPKINSON, D. A; HARRIS, H.; 1971: Developmental changes and polymorphism in humanalcohol dehydrogenase. Ann. Hum. Genet. 34, 251· 256.SPENCER, N.; HOPKI:"SOl'\, D. A; HARRIS, H.; 1964: Phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in man. Nature 204,742·745.SWALLOW, D.; HARRIS, H.: 1972: A new variant of the placental acid phosphatase. Ann. Hum. Genet. 37,31-34.T AKET A, K.; 1987: A tetrazolium method for peroxidase staining. Electrophoresis 8, 409-414.TEDESCO, G.; GIA!'AZZA, E.; ARRIGOTTI, S.; CARGNELLO, G.; 1989: Wall proteins of Vitis vinifera pollen.II. Influence of envir<strong>on</strong>ment and rootstock <strong>on</strong> the electrophoretic pattern. Vitis 28, 65-72.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening119Vitis yinifera - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach:Anthocyanins in the skinF. MATTI\1 \ A. SCIE"ZA 1.2), O. FAILLA 2), P. VILLA 2), R. A!\'Z.""I 2), G. TEDESCO 3),E. GIA"AZZA 4) and P. RIGHETTI 4)') Istiruto Agrario Provinciale, Via E. Mach 1, 1·38010 S. Michele all'Adige, Trento, Italy') Istituto di Coltivazi<strong>on</strong>i Arboree, Universita di Milano, Via Celoria 2, 1·20133 Milano, Italy1) Dipanimento di Biologia, Sezi<strong>on</strong>e di Botanica Sistematica. Universita di Milano, Via Celoria 26,1·20133 Milano. Italy') F acolta di F armacia, Dipanimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche, Universitil di Milano, Via Celoria 2,1·20133 Milano, ItalySum mar y: The gaining ofnev.: knowledge about varietal differences in grapevines can be useful for thedesigning of genetic improvement programs. More and more, chemical methods complement ampelographic<strong>on</strong>es in the study of variability in grapevines.This work is aimed at the anthocyanin profiling of red·coloured grapes, of which ca. 120 cultivars weresampled; am<strong>on</strong>g these there were a high number of old Italian vines and. 30 Vilis vinifera ssp. silvesrrisoriginating from different areas of Italy. Anthocyanins were HPLC separated and quantified with the aid of aninverse phase rnicrobore column and a photodiode detector.<strong>Grape</strong>vines were numerically separated in groups using as indexes the percentage of the 5 m<strong>on</strong>oglucosidespresent, the summati<strong>on</strong>s of: acetic esters; rnalvidin·3·m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside·caffeoate plus all 5 p-coumaric esters; aswell as a series of relati<strong>on</strong>s correlated to cenain enzymatic activities necessary for the esterificati<strong>on</strong> of gluCDsides,hydroxylati<strong>on</strong> and methylati<strong>on</strong> in the biosynthesis of several anthocyanins. Data derived from the study ofindexes of varietal enzymatic activity enable us to qualify differences between grapevines linked to the synthesisof anthocyaruns. The stability of anthocyanic profUes within the same grape variety enables the use of thistechnique for tax<strong>on</strong>omic purposes. This research study discusses the use of this technique for classificati<strong>on</strong> andanalysis of grape phylogenesis. An in·depth look into the relati<strong>on</strong>s between cultivated and wild varieties is given.Key w 0 r d s: Vitis vinifera, variety of vine, Italy. berry, skin, anthocyanin, glucoside, ester, analysis,statistics, ampelography, tax<strong>on</strong>omy.Introducti<strong>on</strong>WUF and :\AGEL (1978) developed the first method ofseparali<strong>on</strong> of pigments in CabemetSauvign<strong>on</strong> grapes skin by means of high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Since then,anthocyanins analysis proved to be useful in grapevine classificati<strong>on</strong> and chemotax<strong>on</strong>omy.The technique has been improved further, as shown by several studies <strong>on</strong> the gaining of thefirst analytical data (PIERGIO\A""I and VOLO"TERJO 1981: DI STEFA>';O and CORI"IO 1984; BAKKERand TIMBERLAKE 1985) and also <strong>on</strong> the interpretati<strong>on</strong> of anthocyanin metabolism (ROGGERO el of.1986; DAR"E 1988 b).The str<strong>on</strong>g discriminating power of this technique was dem<strong>on</strong>strated by the firstclassificati<strong>on</strong>s, based <strong>on</strong> direct observati<strong>on</strong> of chromatograms or parts of chromatograms: groupswere assembled according to similality of m<strong>on</strong>o glucoside profiles (WE"ZEL el 01. 1987).Some of the studies were aimed at developing statistical procedures. in order to obtain morecomplete and systematic utilizati<strong>on</strong> of the data derived fi'om analysis of grape skin antl10cyaninsand of the individuati<strong>on</strong> of the variables·set more suitable to these purposes (SCIE"ZA el 01. 1985;ROGGERO el af. 1988).From these works the unanimous opini<strong>on</strong> that the anthocyanin profile of grape skins cancomplement ampelographic methods in the study of grapevine variability was derived. Thisknowledge can be very useful for the development of genetic improvement progl:ams.

120 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Lately, an analogous applicati<strong>on</strong> was suggested for anthocyanins ofleaves of Vitis genus andVitis vini/era varieties (DARKE 1988 a: DAR~E et GLORIES 1988).In Italy, at S. Michele Institute, a databank c<strong>on</strong>taining analyses of skin anthocyanins of manygrape varieties was c<strong>on</strong>stituted and these data were used for chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic and phylogeneticstudies <strong>on</strong> some red-coloured grapes typical ofTrentino Alto-Adige (SC1ENZA et al. 1989).This report is aimed at the presentati<strong>on</strong> of the analytic and methodologic work <strong>on</strong> which theclassificati<strong>on</strong> technique is based.For a further examinati<strong>on</strong> of the tax<strong>on</strong>omic and phylogenetic implicati<strong>on</strong>s of this report, andof its c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong>s with other chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic techniques, please refer to other parts of thisresearch work (SCIE~V. et af. 1989).Materials and methodsIn order to obtain a classificati<strong>on</strong> of anthocyanins we sampled technologically ripe grapesfrom approx. 120 varieties (Table 1). The samples were chosen am<strong>on</strong>g the most significant varietiesfrom the tax<strong>on</strong>omic point of vie\\', and they included a high percentage of old Italian vines. Approx.10080S04020100806040200-¥o1~!!-.--~4 2SPINOT NERO35TEROLDEGOCORVINA1008060402026AGLIANICOBONARDAFOGLIA FRAST.26DEKROT MOSC. ROSA TENERONEFig. 1: ChromatogJaphic patterns of gJ3pe skin anthocyanins of some cultivars. Time as min; 1 = delphinidin· 3·glucoside, 2 ~ cyanidin·3-glucoside. 3 ~ petunidin.~·glucoside. 4 ~ pe<strong>on</strong>idin·3·glucoside, 5 ~ malvidin·3-glucoside. 6·10 ~ (l-5)·acetates. 11-14 = (l-5)-p-coumarates_

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 12130 V. vinifera ssp. Sill'eSlris grapevines originating from various Italien regi<strong>on</strong>s were also sampled.We studied a total number of 500 samples harvested in the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 primarilyfrom l'\<strong>on</strong>h Italian ampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong>s. Some samples were taken directly from countryvineyards.These samples were subjected to spectrophotometric determinati<strong>on</strong> of total skinanthocyanins, and anthocyanins were HPL( separated and quantified.The skins of 20 frozen berries were extracted in two phases for 12 h with 100 and 50 ml ofmethyl alcohol, HCl 0.1 %. The extract was evaporated to dryness in a rotary evaporator at 36 O(and redissolved with a soluti<strong>on</strong> suitable for injecti<strong>on</strong> in HPLC.The detenninati<strong>on</strong> of total anthocyanins was made spectrophotometrically at 520 nm, withthe method based <strong>on</strong> differences in pH.The separati<strong>on</strong> of single anthocyanins was made by means of gradient eluti<strong>on</strong>s using achromatograph Hewlett Packard 1090M with diode·array detector HP 1040 and column type(18 Hypersil ODS (5 /lm, 200x2.1 mm). Eluants were: A = perchloric acid 0.3 %, B = methanol.Identificati<strong>on</strong> was made according to retenti<strong>on</strong> times and LTV-VIS spectra of each peak.Quantificati<strong>on</strong> was made <strong>on</strong> areas at 520 nm (Fig. 1).Data thus obtained were statistically processed using the statistic package SPSS· X.Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>A classificati<strong>on</strong> of cultivated varieties was thus obtained; as a sec<strong>on</strong>d step we also evaluatedthe resemblance of wild varieties to cultivated <strong>on</strong>es.36Fig. 2: Classificati<strong>on</strong> of cultivated varieties obtained by cluster analysis.

122 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 1: List of varieties subjected to the present classiflcati<strong>on</strong>, They are divided into groups according to resultsof cluster analysisGROUP 0: Pinot nero, Pinot grigio,Pinot*Dekrot, Pinot tete de negre.GROUP I-a: Ancellotta, Barbera, Bombino,Braubana, Cabernet franc, Cabernet sauvign<strong>on</strong>,Cabrusina, Codel<strong>on</strong>ghe, Colorino pisano, Croatina,Fortana, Fumat, Fumin, Givan, Lagrein, Lambrusco diI Sorbara, Lambrusco grasparossa, Lambrusco maestri,Lambrusco salamino, Malbo gentile, Malvasia di Casorzo,Malvasia nera di Leece, Malvasia nera di' Pisa,Mariabino, Marzemino, Merlot, Negrat, Nera grossa,Peti t Verdot, Refosc<strong>on</strong>e, Ribolla nera, Teroldego, Viende nus, 107-2 (Merlot x Marzemino), 107-3 (HerIot xHarzemino), 95-5{Cab.Franc x Merlot).GROUP I-b: Aleatico, B<strong>on</strong>amico, Burghisana,Canaiolo, Cesanese comune, Ciliegiolo, Cclorinc,Corvina, Fortana nera (Brugncla), Gamay, Grill<strong>on</strong>e,Kolor, Lambruscc di Alessandria, Lambrusco marani,Moscato violetto, Mourvedre, Negrara,Neyret, Pomela schiava, Rafosal, R<strong>on</strong>dinella,Rossara, Uvarosa, 200-496.GROUP 2: Aglianico, Albanina, Aram<strong>on</strong>,Balsarnina, Canena, Cornacchia, Groppello ruberti,Malbech, Negretto, Pavana, Schiava lombarda, Syrah,Tosca, Turca, Incrocio Bruni 147.GROUP 3: B<strong>on</strong>arda, Brugnola, Casetta,Corvino, Cuneute, Dene1a, Dindarella, Forgiarin,Jagodinka, Lambrusco oliva, Molinara, Oseleta, Pelara,Picoli t nero, Pignul, Quaiara, Rossetta di m<strong>on</strong>tagna,Rossiola, Simesara, Sangiovese (Brunello) Sangiovese(Prugnolo), Sangiovese (Chianti g.n.), Sangiovese(Chianti p.), Uva d'oro, Vercluna.GROUP 4: Cianorie, Colorinofrastagliata, Forselina, Groppello,Brindisi, Rossignola.di Lucca, FogliaMalvasia nera diGROUP 5:Dekrot, Tocai rosa.GROUP 6: MammoloMoscato rosa, Muscat rouge,Schiava grossa, Trollingher.pisano,Nebbiolo,Moscato d'Adda,Schiava gentile,GROUP 7:Tener<strong>on</strong>e.Am<strong>on</strong>g the varieties studied. the Pinot group was singled out as the <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e different from thequalitative poi11l of yie\\', as this cultivar lacks esterificated anthocyanins, For this reas<strong>on</strong>, thisvariety was not included in funher elaborati<strong>on</strong>s.

FUNCTION1*2*3*4*5*6*EIGENVALUE12 052632. 842431 31966o 34797o 045300,00114Table 2: The 6 can<strong>on</strong>ical discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>sPERCENT OFVARIANCE72 5717. 117.952,100.270.01CUMULATIVEPERCENT72. 5789. 6897. 6399. 7299.99100. 00CANONICALCORRELATION0,9609303o 8600860O. 7542566O. 50808040.20817860.0337203STRUCTURE MATRIX:POOLED WITHIN-GROUPS CORRELATIONS BETWEEN DISCRIMINATING VARIABLESAND CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS(VARIABLES ORDERED BY SIZE OF CORRELATION WITHIN FUNCTION)FUNC 1 FUNC 2 FUNC 3 FUNC 4 FUNC' FUNC 6'J4V2SCINNAMV3VlV5SACILATI0.63193* 0,408680,289'9-0.8213'*-0.41314 0,49538-0.02890 -0410040.00087 -0,45684-036503 0.17682-0.10245 0,04917-0. 160'8-0,47218-0,65091*0.351-;'30.323050.398520. 112990, 4476'0.03277-0,25071-0. 66091*-0,64191*0, 63652*-0.23219-0.23703-0,02424-0, 042140.03317-0, 10481-0, 183360,81604*UNSTANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTSFUNC FUNC 2 FUNC 3 FUNC 4VIV2V3V4V5SACILATISCINNAM(CONSTANT!0, 59440210, 58833250, 66687330, 75053370, 50547390, 60418210, 5232926-59,26904° 1188802 0 1547636-0,3051396E-Ol -0,11638670. 2861497 O. 6093347E-Ol0,2667792 O. 5683941E-Ol0. 1614975 O. 9598790E-Ol0.1926011 ° 7046074E-Ol0,2710039 -08984169E-Ol-19 06001 -5 1041431.6009721, 6759481.2588271. 5697091. 6642381. 5716631. 593276-158.0238-0. 34903-0, 088450, 305880. 084130, 51300-0 466520,41544FUNC 5-0, 16668060, 7740529E-Ol0, 18428560, 1818205E-OlO. 1458670E-Ol0,2705803-0. 1125723E-Ol-2. 546739FUNC 62. 4783632, 2572651,9422932. 2672602. 2666692,2422972. 379620-226.0329~ ~ ~ ~ 8~ ~ ~ ~. ~'~~E~~O\OE~~~OONn ........ tn,,:j 2.. ~ o· 9}I ~ § ~ g5- (') 0. ~ (5'P> 8 - ~ ::l::: a ~~ ~::r -. c.n (1) ~(!) ::l C :;I'l tnr-o ~ 3 r.; 3::ao3o..~~S-~~~Vl ('!) _.~::r§~~;:!:a ori8::rO~(1)""'1~;''9g&.(1) n () p:l ::Itn tn 0 (]Q C)Q., U;" c (1) .....~ 3 (') 0('\) Po)::r ,...,.:::p ~ ~. a g-0::1, 3 '"3 => r-o r-o~6.~8~::r~~(JQ:::So ':n. '""1 ~P>iO'-l.§9..g..,::r::rog ~ ~ o· 5.o ~ C ~ :::s'(')P>o::lo-,(')c'"1r-oro'"Clr-o::l~n;:jlo'"Einro.;nr-o..-:po2"~(5::lpo~'" n;:jlrt>!:l5{JQ......tJ'-'-'

124 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1We obtained a mean anthocyanic profile for every grapevine variety from which we hadavailable analyses over different years, origins and cl<strong>on</strong>es.These data were processed in order to make a research <strong>on</strong> typologies. Classificati<strong>on</strong> wasobtained by means of cluster analysis, following the method 'average linkage between groups'. Asto the proximity measures, we used the squares of Euclidean distances.The cultivars were thus divided into 7 groups, Their classificati<strong>on</strong> obtained is shown in Table 1and in the corresp<strong>on</strong>ding dendrogram (Fig. 2).ca- 0 t{?I Ia:n.=>a:C)N .., ;-E>I*, '3.D uVl 0)0-

ACTUAL GROUPNO. OFCASES--------------------GROUP 170GROUP 2 17GROUP 3 219GROUP"'13GROUP ~ 2GROUP 6 10GROUP 7Table 3: Classificati<strong>on</strong> results for cases not selected for use in the analysisPREDICTED1--------15993. 5Y.15. 9Y.219. 6Y.17. 7Y.0O. OY.0O. OY.0O.OY.GROUP MEMBERSHIP2 342.4'l.1588.2Y.oO. OY.oO. OY.oO. OY.oO. OY.oO. OY.O. 6Y.oO. OY.19086. 8Y.17. 7Y.oO. OY.oO. OY.oO. OY.4 5-------- --------3 31. 8Y. 1. 8Y.0 1O. OY. ~. 9Y.0 20.0';(; o. 9Y.11 084. 6';(; O. OY.00.0';(;2100. 0';(;1 010.0~ O.OX0 0O.OY.O. OX6 7-------- --------0 0O.O~O.O~0 0O. 0% O. OX0 6O. 0';(; 2.n.0 0O. OX O.OX0 0O.OX O. O~9 090. OX O.OX0 1O.O~ 100.0~C'l(1)::l~0"1(1)<strong>on</strong>0c..,()(1).. <strong>on</strong>(1)~ec~a::l~::l0-<strong>on</strong>()"1(1)(1)::ls·(JQPERCENT OF "GROUPED" CASES CORRECTLY CLASSIFIED:89.58Y.......t..>v,

126 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1The subdivisi<strong>on</strong> into groups obtained in this way was further c<strong>on</strong>firtned by discriminantanalysis. The discriminant analysis was carried out following the 'stepwise' method based <strong>on</strong> Wilks'lambda; we used the seven parameters fom1erly used for the cluster analysis. With this method weobtained six linear can<strong>on</strong>ic discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s. Some of [he most important characteristics ofthis elaborati<strong>on</strong> are reported in Table 2:The first three functi<strong>on</strong>s can account for 97.6 % of total variance. The first discriminantfuncti<strong>on</strong> (Fl) accounts for 72.6 % of variance and is well correlated (0.632) to pe<strong>on</strong>idin-3-m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside.The sec<strong>on</strong>d discriminant functi<strong>on</strong> (F2) explains 17.1 % of variance, and is inversely correlated(-0_821) to cyanidin-3-m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside.The third functi<strong>on</strong> (F3) explains 7.9 % of variance and is inversely correlated (-0.651) to thesummati<strong>on</strong> of p-coumaric esters.The six can<strong>on</strong>ic discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s thus obtained c<strong>on</strong>firtn 95 _8 % (i. e. in 113 cases out of118) of the subdi\1si<strong>on</strong> obtained using cluster analysis.The distributi<strong>on</strong> of the cultivars in the space defined by the first three can<strong>on</strong>ic discriminantfuncti<strong>on</strong>s is shown in Fig_ 3_The classificati<strong>on</strong> ofthe 118 cultivars into 7 groups explained abm'e was obtained using meananthocyanin profiles. We decided to evaluate reliability of these results by assigning the 432samples stored in our databank to these seven groups. The divisi<strong>on</strong> into seven typologies wasc<strong>on</strong>finned in 89.6 % of the cases (i. e_ in 387 cases ou! of 432), as shovm in Table 3.Table 4: Mean compositi<strong>on</strong> parameters ofSangiovese grapes sampled in the years 1987 and 1988 in differentareas of Tuscany. The single anthocyanins are expressed as percentage areas at 520 nm: the total anthocyaninsappear as malvidin diglucoside chloride (mg/100 g of grapes)BRUNELLO (N=53)PRUGNOLO (N=46)ParameterMeanC<strong>on</strong>e.StandardDeviati<strong>on</strong>MeanC<strong>on</strong>e.StandardDeviati<strong>on</strong>DpCyPtPnMvSum aeet.Sum eoum.Total c<strong>on</strong>e.11.22 3.1321.82 6.2812.99 2.4218.63 5.2133.74 7.8300.28 0.1001.24 0.45110.4 66.9CHIANTI P. (N=26)13 .54 3.4218.92 5.3115.15 2.6614.66 4.9436.19 6.0300.26 0.1001.21 00.27132.0 81. 2CHIANTI G.N. (N=67)ParameterMeanC<strong>on</strong>e.StandardDeviati<strong>on</strong>MeanC<strong>on</strong>e.StandardDeviati<strong>on</strong>DpCyPtPnMvSum aeet.Sum eoum.Total c<strong>on</strong>e.12.40 2.2218.88 4.1814.60 1. 5115.85 2.7336.59 6.5400.22 00.0701. 41 00.6250.9 12.611. 83 3.2918.10 7.0514.08 2.1415.79 3.6138.58 11. 0100.21 00.0801. 35 00.64126.0 89.1

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 127This outcome proved that classificati<strong>on</strong> obtained through mean anthocyanin profiles issufficiently valid even for identificati<strong>on</strong> of single samples.A distinguishing characteristic of each cultivar is the variability of anthocyanin profilesbetween individual samples. In order to illustrate this difference in behaviour, we show in Fig. 4 theclassificati<strong>on</strong> of 63 samples bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the Teroldego variety (this grapevine is cultivated in acircumscribed and homogeneous area) and 194 samples ofSangiovese (cultivated in an area muchwider both from the geographical and climatic point of view). This figure clearly shows that theyariability range ofSangiovese is much wider than that ofT eroldego.c&jJ

128 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 4 shows how a sufficiently high number of samples can lead to average anthocyaninprofiles extremely similar even when working <strong>on</strong> different cl<strong>on</strong>es of the same cultivar. This tablerefers to Sangiovese grapes sampled in the years 1987 and 1988 in different areas of Tuscany. Thisgrape underwent various selecti<strong>on</strong>s over the years, which resulted in a remarkable polymorphismand to the c<strong>on</strong>sequent attributi<strong>on</strong> of different names (Brunello, M<strong>on</strong>tepulciano, Prugnolo,Sangiovese, Sangioveto)..~..Qto

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 129The similarity of these samples is such that they have been assigned to the same group (~o. 3),as shown in Table 1, and in the cluster analysis of mean profiles these cultivars are placed as nearestneighbours.Further subdivisi<strong>on</strong> can be obtained by studying the groups singled out <strong>on</strong>e by <strong>on</strong>e.For example, a cluster analysis was perfom1ed <strong>on</strong> the cultiyars bel<strong>on</strong>ging to group 1'\0. 1, thelargest am<strong>on</strong>g the 8 groups identified so far (7 plus Pinot).We were able to further divide this group imo two sub· groups, shown in Table 1 with thecodes l'a and l·b. Discriminant analysis of these two sub· groups resulted in a correct classificati<strong>on</strong>in 97.7 % of the samples (i. e. 166 out 0[170). as shown in Fig. 5.I ,...II •III•III• •• I• I: :'\!k: :\: :, • I, I I" :1\ •I, I.' I: '\. :, , I: \{.: '\,: :\I I '~';j:=~~==~;:::=~'::--oIIII '\ : \ II~~j\!I,,!'.,'~... ,~... ,111N.. ,

130 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Vi tis v i 11 if era ssp. s i / \' e Sir i SThe analysis of anthocyanins in wild grape samples originating from different areas of Italyrevealed a wide range of anthocyanic profiles. At present, not the whole range shown in cultivatedvarieties is covered by wild varieties, but this is probably due to the fact that the number of wildsamples examined is c<strong>on</strong>siderably lower than that of cultivated <strong>on</strong>es.47 samples coming from 30 V. villi/era ssp. silveslris were plotted within the space definedfrom the three can<strong>on</strong>ic dIscriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s previously calculated. Their distributi<strong>on</strong> covers ac<strong>on</strong>siderable space. as shown in Fig. 6.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThis research <strong>on</strong> anthocyanin profiles of approx. 500 samples bel<strong>on</strong>ging to about 120cultivated varieties and 30 V. vini/era ssp. silveslris resulted in a subdivisi<strong>on</strong> of samples into9 groups.The utilizati<strong>on</strong> of percentages (instead of absolute quantities) reduces the influence ofvariability due to phenotype <strong>on</strong> classificati<strong>on</strong> (synthesis of different absolute quantities c<strong>on</strong>nectedto ripening phase and year).The utilizati<strong>on</strong> of percentages also allows a better verificati<strong>on</strong> of similarities between varietiesbel<strong>on</strong>ging to the same family, often very different from <strong>on</strong>e another as far as the absolute quantitiesof anthocyan ins are c<strong>on</strong>cerned, but with similar profiles (see Moscati).The seyen variables suggested are homogeneous and c<strong>on</strong>sequently a standardizati<strong>on</strong> is notnecessary. This procedure allows avoidance of possible loss of informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>sequent tostandardizati<strong>on</strong>.In Table 5 the mean compositi<strong>on</strong> of the parameters of the groups studied is shown. In thistable, besides the percentage compositi<strong>on</strong> and the total anthocyanins, a series of relati<strong>on</strong>ssupposed to be correlated to certain enzymatic activities necessary for the esterificati<strong>on</strong> ofglucosides (Ratio 2 and Ratio 5), hydroxylati<strong>on</strong> (Ratio 1) and methylati<strong>on</strong> (Ratio 3 and Ratio 4) inthe biosynthesis of several anthocyanins are shown.These relati<strong>on</strong>s. within each <strong>on</strong>e of the 9 typologies. show a dispersi<strong>on</strong> of values higher thanthat of the initial c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s from which they derived, depending <strong>on</strong> the way groups werec<strong>on</strong>stituted.It can be clearly seen that the two 'methylati<strong>on</strong> indexes' of [Ii· and di-substituted, althoughthey have different absolute values, are generally covariant.The fOrlnati<strong>on</strong> of acetic esters and p-coumaric esters seems to be independent from <strong>on</strong>eanother, as can be infeITed from the remarkable variability of the ratio between the two esters(Ratio 2).The examinati<strong>on</strong> of the values of the variables pe<strong>on</strong>idin-3-m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside, cyanidin·3-m<strong>on</strong>oglucoside and summati<strong>on</strong> of p-coumaric esters shows the str<strong>on</strong>g correlati<strong>on</strong> between thesefactors and our first three discriminant functi<strong>on</strong>s, and c<strong>on</strong>sequently their importance as'differentiating factors.Literature citedBAKKER, 1.; TIMBERLAKE. F.; 1985: The distributi<strong>on</strong> of anthocyanins in grape skin extracts of p<strong>on</strong> winecuJtivars as determined by HPLC. 1. Sci. Food Agricult. 36, 1315·1324.DAR!'I'., G.; 1988 a: Pem·<strong>on</strong> envisager de distinguer les especes du genre Fitis au moyen des anthocyanes des[euilles:. C<strong>on</strong>naiss. Vigne Yin 22,85·87 ... .. ; 1988 b: Evoluti<strong>on</strong> des differemes anthocyanes des pellicules de Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> au cours dudeveloppemem des baies. Ccnnaiss. Vigne Yin 22, 225· 23 L

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 131Table 5: Mean compositi<strong>on</strong> parameters of the groups. The single anthocyanins are expressed as percentage areasat 520 nm; the total anthocyanms appear as rnalvidin·diglucoside chloride (mg!l00 g of grapes)GROUP 0 (N=4)GOUP l-a (N=36)Parameter Mean Std. Notes Mean Std. NotesC<strong>on</strong>e. Dev. C<strong>on</strong>e. Dev.Dp 03.16 1.08 14.34 3.75 (++)Cy 02.09 0.83 (-) 03.66 1.93Pt 05.12 1.37 11.53 2.91 (++)Pn 35.07 10.31 (+) 08.57 3.95 (-)Mv 54.55 11.00 (++) 38.45 4.05Sum acet. 00.00 (---) 08.90 5.04 (+++)Sum COUID. 00.00 (---) 14.17 4.12 (+)Total c<strong>on</strong>e. 106.9 94.1 214.7 101.0Ratio 1(tri)/(di) 01. 94 1.13 06.51 3.37 (+)Ratio 2(Acet/Coum. ) *** *** 00.68 0.47 (+++)P.atio 3(Mv/Dp) 19.16 8.28 (++) 02.94 1.08 (-)Ratio 4(Pn/Cy) 17.75 3.73 (++) 2.68 1.20 (-)Ratio 5(Esters/Free) I 00.00 0.00 (---) 00.31 0.13 (++)GROUP 1-b (N=24) GROUP 2 (N=15)Parameter Mean Std. Notes Mean Std. NotesC<strong>on</strong>e. Dev. C<strong>on</strong>e. Dev.Dp 05.56 2.28 04.55 2.02Cy 02.95 1. 53 00.63 0.22 (--)Mv 48.49 4.93 (+) 43.89 6.98PtPn06.7719.092.736.5105.7804.602.141.66 (---)Sum acet. 02.75 2.37 06.49 3.36 (++)Sum coumar. 13.65 5.13 32.62 7.50 (+++)Total c<strong>on</strong>e. 096.7 68.4 106.6 77 .4Ratio 1(tri}/(di) 03.09 1.19 11. 36 3.85 (++)Ratio 2(Aeet/Coum. ) 00.20 0.16 00.21 0.12 (--)Ratio 3(Hv/Dp) 10.64 5.43 11. 74 6.12Ratio 4(Pn/Cy) 08.28 5.53 07.84 2.83IRatio 5I(Esters/Free) l 00.20 0.09 00.69 0.22 (+++)(C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf)

132 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Table 5 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)GROUP 3 (N=25)GROUP 4 (N=7)Parameter Mean Std. Notes Mean Std. NotesC<strong>on</strong>c. Dev. C<strong>on</strong>c. Dev.Dp 16.14 5.07 (+++) 07.41 3.64 (-)Cy 14.33 6.39 (++) 09.73 4.37 (+)Pt 12.32 2.32 (+++) 06.57 2.43 (-)Pn 18.77 5.13 38.19 5.63 (++)Mv 28.28 6.99 27.06 4.76 (-)Sum acet. 03.64 3.56 (+) 02.22 1.46Sum coumar. 06.26 2.97 08.47 2.88Total c<strong>on</strong>c. 167.6 123.3 124.4 90.3Ratio 1(tri) / (di) 01.84 0.58 00.87 0.18 (-)Ratio 2(Acet/Coum. ) 00.55 0.48 (++) 00.28 0.18 (+)Ratio 3(Mv/Dp) 02.00 0.93 (--) 05.90 6.77Ratio 4(Pn/Cy) 01.77 1. 32 (--) 06.75 8.57IRatio 5I(Esters/Free) : 00.11 0.07 00.12 0.04GROUP 5 (N=2)GROUP 6 (N=8)Parameter Mean Std. NO.tes Mean Std. NotesC<strong>on</strong>c. Dev. C<strong>on</strong>c. Dev.Dp 02.27 0.44 (--) 01.55 0.98 (---)Cy 00.39 0.20 (---) 07.99 3.86Pt 03.91 0.56 (--) 03.03 1.30 (---)Pn 07.48 4.69 (--) 62.54 6.78 (+++)Mv 68.20 1.19 (+++) 18.00 8.85 (--)Sum acet. 01. 36 0.65 (-) 01.42 1.05Sum coumar. 15.68 3.77 (++) 05.23 2.34 (-)Total c<strong>on</strong>c. 105.8 92.5 052.2 34.2Ratio 1(tri)/(di) 11. 73 7.31 (+++) 00.33 0.16 (---)Ratio 2(Acet/Coum. ) 00.08 0.02 (---) 00.24 0.16Ratio 3(Mv/Dp) 30.67 6.45 (+++) 13.72 6.58 (+)Ratio 4(Pn/Cy) 18.50 2.63 (+++) 10.39 6.39 (+)Ratio 5(Esters/Free) : 00.21 0.07 (+) 00.07 0.04 (-)(C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf)

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 133Table 5 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)GROUP 7 (N=l)Parameter Mean Std. NotesC<strong>on</strong>e. Dev.Dp 13.25 (+)Cy 47.50 (+++)Pt 09.09 (+)Pn 15.65Mv 13.10 (---)Sum aeet. 00.24 (--)Sum eoumar. 01.10 (--)Total c<strong>on</strong>e. 020.8Ratio 1(tri)/(di) 00.56 (--)Ratio :2(Acet/Coum. ) 00.22 (-)Ratio 3(Mv/Dp) 00.99 (---)Ratio 4(Pn/Cy) 00.33 (---)Ratio 5(Esters/Free) 00.01 (--)•... ; GLORIES, Y.; 1988: Les anthocyanes des [euilles de differentes varietes de nlis l'ill(jera L. entre Ia verais<strong>on</strong>des raisins et la chute des feuilles. Vitis 27. 71-78.DI STEFA,\;O, R.; CORINO, L.; 1984: Terpeni ed antociani di aJcune uve rosse aromatiche. Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 10,581·593.PIERGIO\'AN,\;I, L.; VOLONTERlO, G.; 1981: Studio della frazi<strong>on</strong>e antocianica delle uve. Nota 1. Vignevini 8,49·53.ROGGERO, 1_ P.; COE,\;, S.: RAGO,\;,\;ET, B.; 1986: High performance liquid chromatography survey <strong>on</strong> changesin pigment c<strong>on</strong>tent in ripening grapes of S)Tah. An approach to anthocyanin metabolism. Amer. 1. Enol.Viticult. 37, 77-83.•. ; LARICE, 1. L.; ROCHE\1LLE·DIYOR,\;E, c.; A/Thier, P.; COE'\;, S.: 1988: Compositi<strong>on</strong> anthocyanique descepages. Rev. Fran~. Oeno!. 112, 41-41',_SCIE,\ZA, A; ANZA,\I, R.: F.-\ILLA, 0.; MATII\1, F.: VILLA, P. L.: TEDESCO, G.; RIGHETII, P. G.; ETIORI, c.;MAGE);ES, S.: GIA'\;AZZA, E.: 1990: Fitls l'in(jera - a chemotax<strong>on</strong>omic approach: Seed storage protein_Proc. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 12·16 Sept., S1. Martin/Pfalz, FRG ..... ; MATII\1, F., VILLA, P. L.: FAILLA, 0.: 1989: Rapporti filogenetici tra il Teroldego, alcuni vitigni trentini edaltri appartenemi a z<strong>on</strong>e geografiche diverse. Ani del C<strong>on</strong>vegno: II Teroldego Rotaliano, S. Michele a/A,T remo, Italia ..... ; PIERGIOYA'\;NI, L; VISAI, C; CO,\;CA, E.; RmL-\:-;o, F.; 1985: 11 profilo antocianico delle uve Quale mezzotass<strong>on</strong>omico per il ric<strong>on</strong>oscimento dei \'itigni rossi. Ani del C<strong>on</strong>vegno di Genetica della Vite, Ver<strong>on</strong>a.Vignevini 13 Supp!. al (12), 75-81... ; VERSI"1, G.; MA TTI\ 1, F.; 1989: II profilo aromalico ed antocianico dell'uva e del vino di Moscato rosa. Attidella Tornata della Accademia ltaliana della Vile e del Vino, Tornata di Parenzo, Istria.WE,\ZEL, K.; DITTRICH, H H., HEI\1FAR TH, M.; 1987: Die Zusammensetzung der Anthocyane in den Beerenverschiedener Rebs<strong>on</strong>en. Vilis 26, 65-78.WCLF, L. W.; NAGEL, C W.; 1978: High·pressure liquid chromatographic separati<strong>on</strong> of anthocyanins of Vilisvill(jera. Amer. 1. Enol Viticult. 29, 42·49.

134 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1Inheritance of isoenzymes and soluble proteins in grape varietiesand F 1 hybridsP. KOZMA 1), A. H. NAGY 2) and O. JUHASZ 1)1) Depanment of Viticulture, University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest, Hungary2) Department of Genetics, Eotvos L<strong>on</strong>lnd University, Budapest, HungarySum mar y: The aim or our experiments was to verify the existence of a genetically interpretablemolecular polymorphism in several grape varieties and their F hybrids, which we can employ for genetical andampelographical characterizati<strong>on</strong>. In additi<strong>on</strong>, we also progranimed the progress of investigati<strong>on</strong> methods.The authors present protein and enzyme analysis oftwo pairs of parents, Pearl ofCsabax S. V.12375 andSaperavi x Blaufrankisch, and often other cultivars and several F progenies.The best experimental results for genetic markers can be gained when shoot and callus samples arecollected at the end of winter, in February, at the same time. Spring shoot collecti<strong>on</strong> is less effective because ofhigh chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tents, and must and wine samples are less suitable due to their microbial c<strong>on</strong>taminati<strong>on</strong>.The esterase enzyme group gives well reproducible, characteristically differentiated patterns. The enzymepatterns of parental varieties typically segregate in individual progenies, hence they prove to be good markers.Key w 0 r d s: genetics, ampelography, protein, enzyme, analysis, variety of vine, hybrid, Hungary,shoot, callus, must, wine.Introducti<strong>on</strong>After developing investigati<strong>on</strong> methods for plant proteins and enzymes in the last twodecades, these methods are widely used for the ampelographical and genetical characterizati<strong>on</strong>and segregati<strong>on</strong> of grape varieties. The proteins and isoenzymes are the most acceptable andsimple gene markers which are co-dominant in hereditary processes.For the analysis of protein and enzyme samples in the grape, leaves (SCHAEFER 1969,1970;WOLFE 1976; DAL BELl?\" PERllFFO eT al. 1981; FALLOT eT al. 1985; ARtJLSEKAR and PARFITT 1986;BENIN eT al. 1988), pollen grains (SAMAA~ and.WALLACE 1981; LOUKAS et al. 1983; STAVRAKAKlSand LOUKAS 1983; CARG"ELLO et al. 1988), shoots (SUBDE]\" et al. 1987), internodal phloem ofshoots (B..KH:\1ANl" and BLAICH 1988), juice of berry (DRAWERT and GORG 1974; CORREA et al.1988) have been used. From the samples, proteins and enzymes were separated and determinedwith gel electrophoresis and isoelectr<strong>on</strong>ic focusing methods. Am<strong>on</strong>g enzymes, a -esterase, acidicphosphatase, glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, catechol oxydase, phenol oxydase,indophenol oxydase, leucine aminopeptidase, alcohol dehydrogenase, peroxydases, etc. have beenctetected.The re~ults of our experiments made possible ampelographical and genetical characterizati<strong>on</strong>of a great number of grape varieties.Materials and methodsThe experiments were carried out in 1987 and 1988. Our task was to resolve protein andenzyme analysis first <strong>on</strong> several typical grape varieties of three c<strong>on</strong>varietates of Viris vinifera L. andnext <strong>on</strong> parental valieties of two hybrid families and their F 1 progenies. We also decided to detectgenetically interpretable molecular polymorphism.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening135<strong>Grape</strong>vine materialVilis si/veslris GMEL.c<strong>on</strong>varietas occidentalis:Pinot gris B. 10Welsch riesling B.20TraminerMUller-ThurgauOther varieties:S.V.18315Berlandieri x Riparia T 5 CCsFT 3166 (composed species hybrid)Hybrid families:S.Y. 12375 x Pearl ofCsaba (KOZMA P.)CsFT 175CsFT 194CsFT 195Pearl ofZala (CSIZMAZIA, BEREZNAI)Samplingc<strong>on</strong>varietas p<strong>on</strong>tica:Noble Furmint~oble Kadarkac<strong>on</strong>valietas orie11lalis:Chasse las blancAfuzAliSaperavi x Blaufrankisch (= Limberger)(KOZMAP.)CsV 463CsV 525CsY 528HindognU x Blaufrankisch (KOZMAP.)CsY 420In 1987 the following samples were used: at the end of winter, shoots from field-grown vinestocks;shoots collected in June; in the autumn freshly made and preserved must; in Marchfermented new wine. Shoots were collected <strong>on</strong> 6th November, 1987; 6th February, 9th March,1lthApril, 1988. Two-bud cuttings of the latter sample were sprouted at 26°C and fresh callustissues were also used.Extracti<strong>on</strong>a) Shoots deep-frozen at -30°C, vine-stocks and callus tissues derived from them were slicedinto 5 mm pieces and broken in a special disc grinder. Extracti<strong>on</strong> buffer soluti<strong>on</strong>s coded to belowo °C were added at c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s ofl : 5 (w/v). The compositi<strong>on</strong> of buffers was the following:1. 0.2 M HEPES buffer, pH = 6.50.02MMgCI 'l1 % (v/v) T\P-400.005 M 2-mercapto-ethanol2. 0.05 M Tris-HCI buffer, pH = 6.50.5mMNaCI2 % (v/v) LiDS5 % (vA) 2-mercapto-ethanolAfter blending. the mixture for enzyme detecti<strong>on</strong> was frozen to -20°C for 24 h and thesamples that c<strong>on</strong>tained i<strong>on</strong>ic detergent were kept in water bath at 50°C for 3 h.The samples were then centrifuged, and after dissolving them in 20 % (v/v) saccharose theywere stored at -20°C until electrophoresis.b) Preparati<strong>on</strong> of wine and must samples: Into 1 ml centrifuged must and wine the followingcomp<strong>on</strong>ents were measured: 20 mg LiDS, 50 ml 2-mercapto-ethanol, 200 mg saccharose. "Aftersoluti<strong>on</strong> of the comp<strong>on</strong>ents, the samples were kept in water bath for 3 hat 50°C. Afterwards thesamples were stored at -20°C until electrophoresis.Electrophoresis, staininga) Separati<strong>on</strong> and detecti<strong>on</strong> of enzymes: 8 x 8 x 0.2 cm polyacrylamide gel slabs were used.The m<strong>on</strong>omer c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> was 30 % (stock soluti<strong>on</strong>). the c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> gradient of polymer was

136 Secti<strong>on</strong> 14-10 %. Solidity pH = 6.0, separati<strong>on</strong> pH = 7.0, electrode buffer: 0.01 M Tris, 0.03 M 5,5'-diethylbarbituricacid. The electrophoresis has run for 1.5 h at 200 V. The hydrolase activity possessingprotein comp<strong>on</strong>ents, the esterase isoenzymes, were made visible in 0.01 M phosphate buffer(pH = 6.5) by applying a -naphtyl-acetate as substrate, and diaz<strong>on</strong>ium salt dye.b) Separati<strong>on</strong> of proteins <strong>on</strong> the basis of molecular weight: The separati<strong>on</strong>s were performed<strong>on</strong> 8 x 8 x 0.2 cm polyacrylamide gel slabs. The m<strong>on</strong>omer c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> was 30 % (stock soluti<strong>on</strong>),the gel c<strong>on</strong>tained 0.2 % i<strong>on</strong>ic detergent (LiDS). Solidity pH = 6.5, separati<strong>on</strong> pH = 8.9, thecompositi<strong>on</strong> of electrode buffer: 0.05 M Tris, 0.4 M glycine, 0.1 % (v/v) SDS. The relativemolecular masses were detennined by parallel running of Phannacia's molmass standard. Themolecular masses of the calibrati<strong>on</strong> series were as follows:phosphorylase-balbumineovalbuminecarboxylic acid anhydrasetrypsin inhibitora -lactalbumineMolecular mass (kD)9467433020.114.4ResultsEsterase isoenzymes of shoot samplesThe enzyme pattems originated from different samples of a certain variety were the same,c<strong>on</strong>sequently they can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as an adequate biochemical characteristic.Fig. 1 shows enzyme patterns of the parental varieties: (1) Pearl ofCsaba, (2) S. V. 12375; oftheir F 1 progenies: (3) CsFT 194, (4) CsFT 195, (5) Pearl ofZala. We could establish that parentalpatterns appear in additive manner in hyblids and that hybrids also differ from each other. It isrecognizable that: 1. sample (3) (CsFT 194) is similar to sample (1) (Pearl of Csaba) in bandnumber; 2. the bands of S.V. 12375 sample dominate in all hybrid samples, although lessintensively; 3. the characteristic bands of Pearl ofCsaba can be detected in samples (4) and (5).Fig. 2 presents enzyme patterns from shoot samples of seven grape varieties. Significantalterati<strong>on</strong>s could also be found am<strong>on</strong>g them. Pinot gris B. 10 (11) and Welschriesling B. 20 (12)which bel<strong>on</strong>g to c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis group, are characteristic of identical intensive upper (anodic)bands, while the others are different. Noble Funnint (14) and I'\oble Kadarka (15) originated fromc<strong>on</strong>var. p<strong>on</strong>tica have both identical and divergent bands. Chasselas (13) (c<strong>on</strong>var. orientalissubc<strong>on</strong>var. caspica) has less intensively stained bands, but the pattern corresp<strong>on</strong>ds to (11) or moreto (12) sample. The enzyme patterns of(10) and (16) samples are markedly different from those ofthe others. A possible explanati<strong>on</strong> may be that these hybrids are descendants of North AmericanV. vini/era yarieties.Esterase isoenzymes of callus samplesEnzYIT!-e patterns of callus origin are generally more complicated, differentiated and havemore bands than those of shoot samples. But in our opini<strong>on</strong>, they are more suitable for isoenzymeanalyses, b~cause they more accurately show the heredity of parental features in F 1 progenies. Thealterati<strong>on</strong>s am<strong>on</strong>g varieties and their descendants are well recognizable as is the additivity of themarkers in the hyblids.It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the boltom and upper bands of Pearl ofCsaba (1) are similar tothose of CsFT 194 (3). S. V. 12375 (2) upper band and middle band of(1) and (3) are equivalent

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 137Parental polypeptide comp<strong>on</strong>ents of Pearl ofCsaba and S. V. 12375 hybrids in shoot extractshybri ~194Polypeptides /kD/Pearl of Csaba s.v. 1237519.8 59.519.2 58.518.5 31.030.517530.5 59.519.8 58.519.218.5Pearl of Zala30.5 59.519.8 58.519.218.5with Pearl ofZala (5) bands. Bands of Pearl ofCsaba appear also in CsFT 195 (4) sample, but lessintensively.In Fig. 4 shoot callus esterase patterns are shown from varieties Blaufrankisch (6) andSaperavi (7) \\1th those of their hybrid, CsV 525 (8) and of Hindognli x Blaufrankisch hybrid,CsV 420 (9). The patterns of parents are essentially different but in hybrids they appear additive.Fig. 5 presents esterase patterns of four V. vinifera cultivars. All of them have identical andn<strong>on</strong>-identical bands.Results of protein analysesWe separated proteins by their molecule masses isolated from shoots and calli with i<strong>on</strong>icdetergents, and investigated the protein compositi<strong>on</strong> of enzymatic isolates. The results of shootanalyses in 1987 and 1988 are shown in the table and Figs. 6 and 7.Saperavi and Blaufrankisch have easily distinguishable polypeptides of molecular masses at58.5 and 59.0 kD, respectively. In their hybrids, these two comp<strong>on</strong>ents appear in additive mannerand f<strong>on</strong>n two-banded patterns in the regi<strong>on</strong> in questi<strong>on</strong>, as Fig. 6 shows. This is also characteristicofCsV 463, CsV 525 and CsV 528.

138 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1•" .2 .3 4 56 '1 8 3Fig. 1: Zyrnogram for shoot esterases of Pearl of Csaba (1) and S. V.12375 (2) parental varieties andCsF[ 194 (3), CsF[ 195 (4), Pearl ofZala (5) hybrids.Fig. 2: Esterase enzymes of Pinot gris B. 10 (11), Welschriesling B. 20 (12), Chasselas (13), .NobleFunnint (14), Noble Kadarka (15), S. V. 18315 (16) and Berlandieri x Riparia T 8B (10) shoot samples.Fig. 3: Esterase patterns of calli from Pearl of Csaba (1) and S. V. 12375 (2) parental varieties andCsF[ 194 (3), CsFT 195 (4) and Pearl ofZala (5) hybrids.Fig. 4: Esterase patterns of shoot calli from Blaufrankisch (6) and Saperavi (7) parental varieties andCsV 525 (8) and CsV 420 (9) hybrids.Fig. 5: Esterase patterns of shoot calli from Welschriesling (12), Chasselas (13), Noble Furmint (14) and NobleKadarka (15).

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 139C5 1:11, 115' Z~la e 1~ 1~ i~ 1~~ ~ ~.cd~-".\U(n-..~~".....~-2.tJA..9~-"'.!t-~ i 2, ~ At 5 ~ ~ 1, ":;8 S "'t"+ig . .fo,L~ . :HS' AQ/I. •Fig. 6: Polypeptide range of shoot extract from Saperavi and Blaufrankisch varieties, as well as of their hybrids.Fig. 7: Polypeptide range of shoot extract from Pearl ofCsaba, S. V. 12375, and of their hybrids.Fig. 8: Polypeptide patterns of Noble Furmint (14) and Noble Kadarka (15) shoots collected <strong>on</strong>6th February (2) and 9th March (3),1988.Fig. 9: Callus protein compositi<strong>on</strong> of Pearl of Csaba (1), S. V. 12375 (2) parents and CsFI' 194 (3),CsFf 195 (4) and Pearl ofZala (5) hybrids.Fig. 10: Callus proteins from Vitis silvestris species (1), Pinot gris B.1O (2), Welschriesling B.20 (3), Chasselasblanc (4), Afuz Ali (5), Noble Furmint (6), Noble Kadarka (7) varieties and S. V. 12375 (8), CsIT 3166 (9)species hybrids.

140 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1In the hybrid family of Pearl ofCsaba x S. V. 12375 progenies (CsFT 175, 194, Pearl of Zala) ,the patterns are more complicated. The differences observable am<strong>on</strong>g polypeptides of two varietiesappear in various degrees: some regi<strong>on</strong>s are similar to patterns of the <strong>on</strong>e parent, some to those ofthe other parent (Fig. 7, Table).Fig. 8 shows comparative electrophorograms of protein extracts coming from shoots sampledin February, March and April 1988. Significant differences in the polypeptide compositi<strong>on</strong>s arevisible between winter and spring samples with regard to the relative amount and number ofcomp<strong>on</strong>ents. It can be stated therefore, that samples for characterizati<strong>on</strong> of some varieties, hybridlines, cl<strong>on</strong>es, etc. must be collected at identical times.The results <strong>on</strong> soluble proteins extracted from calli are dem<strong>on</strong>strated in Fig. 9 by examinati<strong>on</strong>of parents and their hybrids. In c<strong>on</strong>trast with shoots, the protein range of parental calli turned to bec<strong>on</strong>siderably divergent. Hybrids are also well distinguishable from each other and from parents.Several characteristic bands of Pearl of Csaba (<strong>on</strong> upper pan and lower third pan of photo) comeout in progenies: most intensively in CsFT 195 and Pearl of Zala. Nevenheless, generallyS. V. 12375 is dominant.In Fig. 10. protein patterns are seen bel<strong>on</strong>ging to six cultivars of V. silvestris and V. vini/eraand two species hybrids. Pinot gris (2) and Welschriesling (3) bel<strong>on</strong>g into c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis,Chasselas (4) and Afuz Ali (5) to c<strong>on</strong>var. oriema/is, Noble Furmint (6) and Noble Kadarka (7) toc<strong>on</strong>var. p011lica. V. silvestris has alterati<strong>on</strong>s in 80-85 kD interval, and in a 21 kD comp<strong>on</strong>ent incomparis<strong>on</strong> to the other samples. The differences found am<strong>on</strong>g varieties are in number, width andintensity of the bands.Results of spring collecti<strong>on</strong>The samples collected had high chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tents which may affect the method applied.The protein ranges of green samples differ significantly from those of winter samples. It is probablethat major photosynthetic comp<strong>on</strong>ents which are present in each of green plants should also bec<strong>on</strong>sidered.Polypeptide analysis of wines and musts. The results of our experiments indicate that the protein patterns of wine and must aredivergent from those of shoot and callus samples. C<strong>on</strong>sidering the existence of microbial proteins inmust and wine samples, these are less suitable for detecti<strong>on</strong> of varietal divergencies. For this reas<strong>on</strong>,we will review our results <strong>on</strong> this topic.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sOn the. basis of our 2-year investigati<strong>on</strong>s we can draw the following c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s.1. Genetically and ampelographically useful markers can be obtained from esterase isozymesand protein ranges from shoots and from calli originated from shoots.2. Both the shoot and the callus samples result in well reproducible, characteristically different,variety specific enzyme patterns. On zymograms, the simple and additive appearan.ces ofparental markers can be traces in their hyblids. The 18 varieties examined showcharacteristically identical and definite bands related to their-Oligin and tax<strong>on</strong>omic status.3. On the basis of n<strong>on</strong>· specific protein staining results, the protein patterns of shoot change verysensitiv'ely parallel with the physiological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> of the given plant, and the differencesam<strong>on</strong>g varieties are less characteristic. For this reas<strong>on</strong>, the method is applicable <strong>on</strong>ly tosamples collected at the same point of physiological development. As for calli, proteincompositi<strong>on</strong> separated by molecular mass may also be valiery or cl<strong>on</strong>e specific.

Genetic resources, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and screening 1414. For each type of analyses in comparative studies identical sampling (e. g. timing, physiologicalc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>, localizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> plant specimen) must be perf<strong>on</strong>ned. Within a given time interval,the same day and, moreover, the same time of day is imp<strong>on</strong>ant for collecti<strong>on</strong> of samples and,in additi<strong>on</strong>, equivalent storage c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s are also necessary. For callus samples, light anddark periods during its culture may also be imp<strong>on</strong>ant.5. Must and especially wine samples are less suitable for the comparis<strong>on</strong> of varieties because ofmicrobial influences.ReferencesARULSEKAR, S.; PA,RFITT, D, E.; 1986: Isozyme analysis procedures for st<strong>on</strong>e fruits, alm<strong>on</strong>d, grape, walnut,pistachio, and fig. HortScience 21,928-933.BACHMANN, 0.; BLAIC.H, R; 1988: Isoelectric focusing of grapevine peroxidases as a tool for ampeiography.Vitis 27,147-155.BENIN, M.; GASQUEZ, 1.; MAHFOl:DI, A; BESSIS, R; 1988: Caracterisati<strong>on</strong> biochimique des cepages de VitisVilli/era L. par electrophorese d'isoenzymes foliaires: Essai de classificati<strong>on</strong> des varietes. Vitis 27, 157-172.CARGNELLO, G.; GIA::\,AZZA, E.; TEDESCO, G.; CAPPELLA, M.; GEROLA, F. M.; 1988: Wall proteins of Vitisvini/era pollen. I. C<strong>on</strong>stancy of the phenotype. Vitis 27, 47-55.CORREA, 1.; POLO, M. c.; AMIGO, L.; RAMOS, M.; 1988: Separati<strong>on</strong> des proteines des mouts de raisin au moyende techniques electrophoretiques. C<strong>on</strong>naiss. Vigne Yin 22,1-9.DAL BELIN PERCFFO, A; VARANINI, Z.; MAGGIONI, A; 1981: Caratterizzazi<strong>on</strong>e di specie, varieta e cl<strong>on</strong>i divite mediante elettrofocalizzazi<strong>on</strong>e di estratti enzimatici fogliari. C. R. 3e Symp. Intern. Selecti<strong>on</strong> Cl<strong>on</strong>ale dela Vigne, Venise, 8-12 Juin 1981,31-40.DRA WERT, F.; GbRG, A; 1974: Uber die elektrophoretische Differenzierung und Klassifizierung v<strong>on</strong> Proteinen.111. Disk-Elektrophorese und isoelektrische Fokussierung in Polyacrylamid-Gelen v<strong>on</strong> Proteinen undEnzymen aus Trauben verschiedener Rebsorten. Z. Lebensm.-Untersuch.-Forsch.154, 328-338.F ALLOT, 1.; MAVRO, M. CL.; AMBID, c.; NEF, c.; LELIEVRE, 1. M.; BUIS, R; BARTHOU, H.; PHILIPPE, I.;ALBERTIXI, L.; PETITPREZ, M.; 1985: Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de Vitis Villi/era var. Cabernet-Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. Methoded'evaluati<strong>on</strong> precoce de la variabilite. Moet-Hennessy, Colloq. Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> la Vigne et Culture in Vitro,Paris, 83-99.LOUKAS, M.; STA\'RAKAKIS, M. N.; KRIMBAS, C. B.; 1983: Inheritance of polymorphic isoenzymes in grapecultivars.1. Heredity 74, 181-183.SCHAEFER, H.; 1969: Untersuchungen zur Methodik der Extrakti<strong>on</strong> und Disk-Elektrophorese der Blatteiweilleder Gattung n·ris. Wein-Wiss. 24,205-232.-- -- ; 1970: Uber die Isolierung und Disk-Elektrophorese der Isoenzyme der Peroxidase aus den Blattern derGattung Vitis. Wein-Wiss. 25, 277-282.-- --; 1971 a: Enzympolymorphismus in RebenbUittern. Phytochemistry 10, 2601-2607.-- -- ; 1971 b: Vergleichende disk-elektrophoretische Untersuchungen fiber die EiweiBe der Blatter undTriebspitzen der Gattung Vitis. Wein-Wiss. 26,57-74.-- -- ; 1971 c: Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber das Auftreten v<strong>on</strong> Isoenzymen der Peroxidase in den Blattern. und Triebspitzen der Rebe. Wein-Wiss. 26,112-134.-- --; 1971 d: Disk-elektrophoretischer Nachweis der Polyphenoloxidasen aus Rebblattern. Vitis 10, 31-32.STAVRAKAKIS, M.; LocKAs, M.; 1983: The between- and within-grape-cultivars genetic variati<strong>on</strong>. Sci. Hort.19,321-334.SUBDEX, R E.; KRIZ'CS, A; LOUGHEED, S.c.; CAREY, K.; 1987: Isoenzyme characterizati<strong>on</strong> of Viris species andsome cultivars. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult. 38,176-181.WOLFE, W. H.; 1976: Identificati<strong>on</strong> of the grape varieties by isozyme banding patterns. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult.27,68-73.

142 Secti<strong>on</strong> 1The use of isozymes for characterizati<strong>on</strong> of SpanishVitis cultivarsJ. M. ORTIZ, H. ALTUBE, J. R. LISSARRAGlJE and V. SaTEsDepanamento de Biologia Vegetal. E.T.S.I. Agr<strong>on</strong>omos. Universidad PolitECnica de Madrid,E·28040 Madrid. SpainA b s t r act: Cuttings and leaves from Vilis cultivars were sampled and extracted in abuffered medium throughout the growing seas<strong>on</strong>. From the extracts, several isozyme systems wereelectrophoretically separated in polyacrylamide slab gels and stained with adequate soluti<strong>on</strong>s. Theisozymes studied \vere: catechol oxidase (CO), acid phosphatase (ACPH), esterase (EST),peroxidase (PER). malate dehydrogenase (MDH), glucophosphate isomerase (GPI), andglutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT). The results of the analysis indicate the usefulness ofisozymes for distincti<strong>on</strong> am<strong>on</strong>g Vilis species and cultivars for the studied varieties. The utilizati<strong>on</strong>of these analyses as a standard method for characterizati<strong>on</strong> of grape cultivars and rootstocks isdiscussed.The anthocyanins of grapevine leaves and theirtax<strong>on</strong>omic importanceG. DAR);]':Universite de Bordeaux I, Laboratoire de Physiologie Vegetale et Ampelologie. F-33405 Talence. FranceA b s t r act: The anthocyanin compositi<strong>on</strong> of red leaves of some Vilis species wasdetennined by HPLC at berry maturity. Chromatograms show imp<strong>on</strong>ant variati<strong>on</strong>s betweenspecies:Asiatic species (Vilis amurensis. V. coigneliae and V. lhunbergii) have a lot of cyanidinm<strong>on</strong>oglucoside (MG-Cy L 90 % of total anthocyanins). They also have diglucosides ofcyanidin and delphinidin. but no acylated anthocyanins.American species (V. berlandieri, V. riparia and J.: rupestri,l) have no anthocyanins in theleafblade, but they have some traces of these pigments in the petioles.Two groups occur in V. vinifera cultivars: The first group (Sultanine rouge, Merlot noir ... ) hasa prep<strong>on</strong>derance ofhydroxylated anthocyan ins (cyanidin and delphinidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucosides)over related methoxylated (pae<strong>on</strong>idin and malvidin m<strong>on</strong>oglucosides). and has some traces ofacylated anthocYanins. The sec<strong>on</strong>d group (Gamay Freaux, Malbec, Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> ... )has a prep<strong>on</strong>derance of methoxylated anthocyanins over related hydroxyl at ed, and largeamounts ofacylated anthocyanins.

Secti<strong>on</strong> 2: Genetic improvement of grapevineform or functi<strong>on</strong>

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 145Plant breeders' rights for vine varieties based <strong>on</strong> the<str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> for the Protecti<strong>on</strong> of New Varieties ofPlantsR.BECHERBundessortenamt, Priifstelle Hafiloch, Neustadter StraBe 42, D·6733 Hafiloch, F. R. GermanySum mar y: Plant breeders' rights offer an ec<strong>on</strong>omic stimulant for the creati<strong>on</strong> of new and improvedvarieties. Only the holder of the right is authorized to commercialize the protected variety. The UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>tains the necessary rules for the grant of protecti<strong>on</strong>. The following c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s must be fulfilled before plantbreeders' rights can be granted: distinctness, homogeneity, stability, novelty and an acceptable varietydenominati<strong>on</strong>. At present is is being discussed as to how far the new developments in plant breeding, especiallyin biotechnology, necessitate a revisi<strong>on</strong> of the UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>.Key w 0 r d s: law, plant breeders' rights, UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>, variety of vine, characteristic,distinctness, homogeneity, stability, novelty, variety denominati<strong>on</strong>, biotechnology, patent.Introducti<strong>on</strong>It is a well known fact that man's food supply and farmer's operating income depend to a highdegree <strong>on</strong> plant breeder's efficiency. But the creati<strong>on</strong> of new varieties of plants requiresc<strong>on</strong>siderable investment in qualified staff, suitable fields. buildings and technical equipment.Therefore, plant breeding can <strong>on</strong>ly be ec<strong>on</strong>omically interesting for a breeder if thecommercializati<strong>on</strong> of a new variety depends <strong>on</strong> his prior authorizati<strong>on</strong> in such a way that he can getthe remunerati<strong>on</strong> necessary for further investments.Based <strong>on</strong> this background, in 1961 the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> for the Protecti<strong>on</strong> of NewVarieties of Plants was created. The purpose of the C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> is to recognize and ensure theproprietary right of plant breeders which is clearly defined in the rules of the C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>. Today 18states of all five c<strong>on</strong>tinents apply the rules of the C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>. These states f<strong>on</strong>n the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g>Uni<strong>on</strong> for the Protecti<strong>on</strong> of~ew Varieties of Plants (UPOV).Rules of the C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>With regard to vine varieties the following rules of the UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> are important:1. - It is immaterial whether a variety is the result of systematic breeding activities or it is a mutant ofan existing variety which has been discovered. In principle all genera and species of plants fall underthe rules of the C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>.2. - The prior authorizati<strong>on</strong> of the holder of the right is required before propagating material of aprotected variety can be produced for the purpose of commercial marketing, offered for sale ormarketed.3. - ?\o authorizati<strong>on</strong> of the holder of the right is required if his protected variety is used as a basicsource for the creati<strong>on</strong> of a new variety (breeder's privilege). However, such authorizati<strong>on</strong> isrequired when, for instance, the repeated use of a protected inbred line is necessary for thecommercial producti<strong>on</strong> of a hybrid, e. g. inaize or sunflower.4. - The minimum period of protecti<strong>on</strong> for grapevine varieties lasts 18 years. In the FederalRepublic ofGennany the right is granted for 30 years. :\0 prol<strong>on</strong>gati<strong>on</strong> is possible.

146 Secti<strong>on</strong> 25. - C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s required for plant breeders' rights5.1 Test for distinctness, homogeneity and stabilityEach new grapevine variety has to undergo a test for distinctness, homogeneity and stability.In the, Federal Republic of Gennany this test is c<strong>on</strong>ducted at a testing stati<strong>on</strong> of theBundessortenamt in l\;eustadt-Mu13bach. At least 2 years of observati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> fully developed plantsare necessary to test grapevine or rootstock varieties. 24 or 20 plants, respectively, are needed forthe examinati<strong>on</strong>s. In the Federal Republic of Gennany all grapevine varieties protected orregistered in the variety list or already in test serve as a reference collecti<strong>on</strong>.Distinctness. homogeneity and stability are judged by characteristics which are coded in up to9 different states of expressi<strong>on</strong> in order to facilitate data processing and internati<strong>on</strong>alcommunicati<strong>on</strong>. In cooperati<strong>on</strong> with professi<strong>on</strong>al organizati<strong>on</strong>s and experienced scientists UPOVhas established test guidelines for grapevine varieties. They c<strong>on</strong>tain 77 different characteristics ofwhich 38 are observed in the Federal Republic ofGennany. These characteristics are important inthe sense of the UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> for distinguishing varieties. They are also used for thedescripti<strong>on</strong> of the variety.Example of characteristic coding:Young shoot: intensity of anthocyanin colorati<strong>on</strong> of tipState of expressi<strong>on</strong>absent or very weakvery weak to weakweakweak to mediummediummedium to str<strong>on</strong>gstr<strong>on</strong>gstr<strong>on</strong>g to very str<strong>on</strong>gv~ry str<strong>on</strong>gNote123456789To receive protecti<strong>on</strong>s the following test criteria must be fulfilled:5.1.1 DistinctnessEvery variety has to be clearly distinguishable by at least <strong>on</strong>e important characteristic fromany other variety whose existence is a matter of comm<strong>on</strong> knowledge. For that purpose a minimumdistance is applied to each characteristic.5.1.2 Hom 0 g e n e i t yThe new variety must be sufficiently homogeneous, taking into account the particular featuresof its sexual or vegetative reproducti<strong>on</strong>. It is evident that an allogamous species like rye cannot be ashomogeneous as an autogamous species like pea or a vegetatively propagated species. likegrapevine. Dependent <strong>on</strong> the number of plants observed~ a tolerance for the number of off-typeplants is fixed.5.1.3 StabilityThe new variety must be stable in its essential characteristics and must corresp<strong>on</strong>d to ist initialdescripti<strong>on</strong> after repeated reproducti<strong>on</strong>.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 1475.2 Novel tyAt the date of applicati<strong>on</strong> for plant breeders' rights the variety has to be new, i. e. in the case ofgrapevine varieties commercializati<strong>on</strong> with the agreement of the breeder must not date back morethan 1 year in the state where the applicati<strong>on</strong> was filed and must not date back more than 6 years inany other state.5.3 Variety denominati<strong>on</strong>Every variety needs an acceptable denominati<strong>on</strong> which enables the variety to be clearlyidentified.Current statistics1.- Number of applicati<strong>on</strong>s for plant breeders' rights between July 1,1988 and July 1,1989UPOV member statesFederal Republic ofGennanytotalgrapevine varietiesrootstock varieties> 5000> 1000722.- Number of protected varieties in the Federal Republic ofGennany <strong>on</strong> July 1,1989totalgrapevine valietiesrootstock varieties3405475Final remarksIn the light of the new development in plant breeding especially in biotechnology it is beingdiscussed within UPOV as to how far the rules of the UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> have to be strengthened.Three of the most imp<strong>on</strong>ant points for grapevine varieties are menti<strong>on</strong>ed below:1.- At present, <strong>on</strong>ly propagating material falls under the scope of protecti<strong>on</strong>. Especially in respectto tissue culture, it is discussed if all material of the protected valiety should fall under the scope ofprotecti<strong>on</strong>. Every material means all matelial out of which the variety can be reproduced.2. - In order to avoid plagiate breeding with the help of easy mutati<strong>on</strong>s or quick changes bybiotechnological means, it is being discussed if a system of dependent rights should be introducedinto the UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>. But this <strong>on</strong>ly when the new variety is mainly based <strong>on</strong> an alreadyexisting variety.3. - In respect to patent legislati<strong>on</strong> it is comm<strong>on</strong> understanding in most countries that newprocedures in plant breeding can be patented as process patents. On the other hand it is alsocomm<strong>on</strong> understanding that artificial genes can be patented as product patents. These "twoexamples indicate that c<strong>on</strong>flicts may arise by an overlapping of patent legislati<strong>on</strong> and plantbreeders' rights.Therefore <strong>on</strong> an internati<strong>on</strong>al basis groups of patent expens and plant breeders' rights expensare deliberating <strong>on</strong> workable interfaces between these two sectors.Possible changes of the present UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> in these and many other questi<strong>on</strong>s areexpected to be made during a diplomatic c<strong>on</strong>ference in 1991. Meanwhile, a discussi<strong>on</strong> has also

148 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2starred in Brussels to establish a comm<strong>on</strong> plant breeders' rights system for the 12 member states ofthe European Ec<strong>on</strong>omic Community. It is the declared intenti<strong>on</strong> of the Community to establish asystem which is in full c<strong>on</strong>formity with the c<strong>on</strong>tent of the present and any future UPOV C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong>149Investigati<strong>on</strong>s about the influence of some physiological andphenological characteristics <strong>on</strong> quality and their heredityR. EIBACHBundesforschungsanstalt fur Rebenzuchtung Geilweilerhof, D-67 41 Siebeldingen, F. R. GermanySum mar y: The analysis of the offspring of 6 crossings "vith a total of 360 genotypes revealed that, of atotal of 13 characteristics taken into account by the investigati<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>on</strong>ly the yield or the yield comp<strong>on</strong>ents, thebeginning of berry ripening and the degree ofbotrytis infecti<strong>on</strong> have a significant influence <strong>on</strong> the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent ofthe must. About 60 % of the fluctuat.i<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must could be explained by these, whereby atapprox. 35 % the beginning of berry ripening accounted for the highest percentage. The coefficient ofdeterminati<strong>on</strong> for the three yield parameters which were investigated was between 12 and 19 %. The weight ofthe berries was the most important factor, while the number of clusters per shoot was nearly neutral with respectto its effect <strong>on</strong> the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must. C<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of these relati<strong>on</strong>s when selecting seedlings may, if <strong>on</strong>lyto a limited extent, lead to an increase in the success of selecti<strong>on</strong> for varieties with a high sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent. It shouldbe menti<strong>on</strong>ed that these results, which were reached under the climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of Central Europe, cannotnecessarily be applied to wine growing areas in other climates.Some of the heritability levels determined differ c<strong>on</strong>siderably for the individual characteristics. While a lowheritability coefficient was ascenained for the number of clusters per shoot, the single berry weight and thebeginning of berry ripening indicate a high percentage of additive genetic effect, i. e. their degree in the offspringcan be influenced to a great extent by the selecti<strong>on</strong> of the parents for crossing combinati<strong>on</strong>s.By taking into account both the heritability levels when making the crossing combinati<strong>on</strong>s and the relati<strong>on</strong>sbetween these characteristics and the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the berries when selecting, a breeding programme toincrease the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent is likely to make rapid progress. In additi<strong>on</strong>, the selecti<strong>on</strong> criteria pointed out may beuseful in cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> with regard to better quality. Last but not least, values for combining ability, which canbe calculated by a similar model of variance analysis, may help by the identificati<strong>on</strong> of varieties.Key w 0 r d s: genetics, heritability, crossing, selecti<strong>on</strong>, biometry, yield, must quality, maturati<strong>on</strong>,botrytis.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The quality of the must is not <strong>on</strong>ly affected by external factors such as climate or methods ofcultivati<strong>on</strong>, but also by the yield. As early as 1927 SARTORIUS identified this negative correlati<strong>on</strong>between yield and the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must, known as a quantity/quality ratio. Results ofprevious research (BADER 1979) showed that this quantity/quality ratio was not identical for everyvariety. It was also shown that the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent tends to correlate more negatively to the weight ofthe cluster than to the number of clusters per plant (ALLE\VELDT and KOEPCHE~ 1978). It isassumed that greater knowledge of the influence of the different yield parameters <strong>on</strong> the sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent of the must and other substances such as acid and aroma compounds could mean animprovement of selecti<strong>on</strong> cnteria within seedlings.In c<strong>on</strong>tinuati<strong>on</strong> of previous research (ALLE\\,ELDT and KOEPCHE~ 1978) these investigati<strong>on</strong>sare primarily c<strong>on</strong>cerned with the influence of the yield parameters <strong>on</strong> the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must.Material and methodsGenotypes from 6 populati<strong>on</strong>s were studied in 1987 and 1988. For each populati<strong>on</strong> the sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent of the must, the yield per plant as well as the yield parameters of approx. 60 individualplants were detennined. Funher characteristics which might have an effect <strong>on</strong> the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tentwere scored. These include the density of the clusters and the degree ofbotrytis infecti<strong>on</strong> at the timeof the harvest, as well as phenological characteristics such as the beginning of flowering and berryripening. The number of shoots per plant, which is hardly affected by genetic factors, is mainly

150 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2detennined by pruning. For this research it was standardized by retaining 10 buds per plant. Atotal ofapprox. 360 genotypes were included in the investigati<strong>on</strong>s.In additi<strong>on</strong>, the collected data was used to estimate the heritability coefficients forcharacteristics which influence the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must. The design of the experimentcorresp<strong>on</strong>ds to a diallel crossing model and enables <strong>on</strong>e to estimate the variance comp<strong>on</strong>entsaccording to the variance analysis model with nested classificati<strong>on</strong> (WEBER 1978; WRICKE andWEBER 1986).Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>By using multiple regressi<strong>on</strong> analysis the influence of all recorded parameters <strong>on</strong> the sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent of the must can be detennined. First of all, <strong>on</strong>ly the total yield per plant is taken intoaccount instead of the individual yield parameters. The summarized results in Fig. 1 show that the<strong>on</strong>ly characteristics which have a significant effect <strong>on</strong> the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent ofthe genotypes used in theresearch are the yield per plant, the beginning of berry ripening and the degree ofbotrytis infecti<strong>on</strong>.Variati<strong>on</strong>s of these characteristics explain 51 % of the fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of theberries. It is at first surprising that the total yield accounts for <strong>on</strong>ly 8 % of the differences in the sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent of the must, while the percentage for the beginning of berry ripening is about 4 times as highat 34 %. If the yield is replaced by the individual yield parameters for the statistical analysis, theresults are as follows (Fig. 2): The single ben)' weight accounts for 8 % of the variati<strong>on</strong>s of the sugarR-SQUARE0.600.500.400.3051%0.2034%0.109%~I»>-._ ~>.c" .. c'-,Q e .'c I»lo'~Fig. 1: Yield and other characteristics affecting the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent in berries (n = 357); probability ofF> 0.05.• :;:~'0m...caoI-

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 151c<strong>on</strong>tent of the berries, thus reaching the same level as the total ~~eld in Fig. 1. The sum of the singlecoefficients of detenninati<strong>on</strong> for all yield parameters now reaches 14 Ok. These results show that ac<strong>on</strong>siderably higher percentage of the fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent can be explained by theindividual yield comp<strong>on</strong>ents than by the total ~eld per plant. It also becomes evident that theindividual yield parameters affect the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must to varying degrees. Because of theexisting but more or less weak positive c9rrelati<strong>on</strong>s between ~eld per plant and ~eld parameters,and negative correlati<strong>on</strong>s between the different yield parameters, this analysis can imply <strong>on</strong>lytendencies. These weak correlati<strong>on</strong>s can be explained by the ~eld structures of the seedlings, someof which vary c<strong>on</strong>siderably.As an example of this, Fig. 3 shows the number of berries per cluster compared to the total~eld. The mass of points indicates the relati<strong>on</strong> between the two characteristics. However, it coversa large area and there are many stray points. Genotypes which lie 'within a very limited area andthus have a high correlati<strong>on</strong> between the number of berries per cluster and the total ~eld were nowchosen for funher calculati<strong>on</strong>s. For these genotypes the variati<strong>on</strong> of the ~eld per plant dependsmainly, but not exclusively, <strong>on</strong> the variati<strong>on</strong> of the number of the berries per cluster. For suchselected genotypes as these a correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficient ofr > 0.98 between the number of berries andthe ~eld as well as a minimum of 55 genotypes was fixed. By shifting this marked area parallel toR- SQUARE0.600.500.400.3060".0.2035%0;102: .!!at'j:t.. CD1-5~'5'-., .. ., .. &IIIJ2E~z12%9%~at .!.c at~= ..IVCD c'- c >-'- 0.~.! & .. t-l ! o'i:III.,(I)'5..(I)~(jFig. 2: Yield parameters and other characteristics affecting the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent in berries (n = 357); probability ofF> 0.05.

152Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Yield(g per plant)4000.03000.02000.01000.050 100 150 200 250Number ofberries perclusterFig. 3: Number of berries per cluster plotted against total yield per plant with corresp<strong>on</strong>ding regressi<strong>on</strong> line(n = 357).R-SQUARE0.140.1014%6%..~01'j:I~i(I) ...Q)Q).- ... (I)... ~Q)-.au'0&......Q)i~z1 2 %.. co00~(I)!...IV...& !(1)-.. ~ "'i(I)'>.~(3 CiFig. 4: Influence of yield parameters <strong>on</strong> sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of berries; selected genotypes with r) 0.98 between totalyield and number of berries per cluster (n > 55).

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 153the regressi<strong>on</strong> line, groups of genotypes can be found which show various yield levels, but still meetthe requirements menti<strong>on</strong>ed. It was possible to f<strong>on</strong>n between 4 and 6 groups for each yieldparameter. The multiple correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficients were calculated for each group.Fig. 4 shows the means from these evaluati<strong>on</strong>s for the number of berries per cluster. When anincrease in yield is mainly the result of the number of berries per cluster thus maximizing thevariati<strong>on</strong> of the number of berries and minimizing the valiati<strong>on</strong> of the other yield parameters, thefluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must can be explained as follows: 6 % by the number ofberries per cluster, 6 % by the single berry weight and 2 % by the number of clusters per shoot. If thesame principle is used for the single berry weight, which is maximizing the variati<strong>on</strong> for this yieldparameter, the results shown in Fig. 5 are reached.: Now the single berry weight is resp<strong>on</strong>sible for12 % of the fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must. At 6 % the coefficient of determinati<strong>on</strong> forthe number of berries is 50 % lower and the number of clusters per shoot <strong>on</strong>ly reaches 1 °Al.Fig. 6 shows the summarized results when th~ variati<strong>on</strong> of the number of clusters per shoot ismaximized. Despite the increase in yield due primarily to the number of clusters per shoot, <strong>on</strong>ly 3 %of the fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the must are subject to this parameter, whereas the figuredoubles for fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s due to the single bery weight.In additi<strong>on</strong> to the practical c<strong>on</strong>sequences for the selecti<strong>on</strong> of seedlings which can be derivedfrom these relati<strong>on</strong>s, the type of heredity of these characteristics is of special interest to the breeder.With knowledge of the coefficients of heritability, 'he might be able to influence the degree of thecharacteristics within the offspring by selecting suitable parents. In so doing, he might be able toincrease the success of selecti<strong>on</strong>.R-SQUAREQ.19 •0.10-19%12%6%..l:-g•~>-t:II.....e~-;...~e-.aU'0&...e.aE~z11%- ..0•i•... Ie!!. as~!'0S 1•>-~0 cFig. 5: Influence of yield parameters of sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of berries; selected genotypes with r > 0.98 between totalyield and berry weight (n > 55).

154 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2R-SQUARE0.120.1012%6%3%f1: CI):L.01 .- CI)1:-; i••iJ.=as>- u ... ...as... '0- 3.a.• ...& '1J~.!...• iE -; >-~z~13~Fig. 6: Influence of yield parameters <strong>on</strong> sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of berries; selected genotypes with r > 0.98 between totalyield and clusters per shoot (n > 55).gThe most important parameter for cross-breeding with regard to polygenic characteristics(such characteristics are being dealt with exclusively here) is the heritability in the narrow sense. Inthis case <strong>on</strong>ly additive genetic effects are taken into account while dominant gene effects, whichreduce the breeding value of a variety, are omitted.For the investigati<strong>on</strong>s the same 6 populati<strong>on</strong>s were used. The populati<strong>on</strong>s were progenies oftwo female parents, Shius and Gf. Ga-54-14, both fungus resistant varieties of BFAR - eachcrossed with the male parents Marechal Joffre, Vidal blanc and Bellandais noir.Fig. 7 shows the frequency of the single berry weight in each populati<strong>on</strong>. The range of variati<strong>on</strong>extends from 0.5 g to 3.1 g per berry. The low single berry weight ofMarechal Joffre is evident in theoffspring of this variety, where the frequency distributi<strong>on</strong> deviates to the left in each case. N<strong>on</strong>e ofthe genotypes produced from a crossing with this variety had a single bery weight of more than2.0 g. When the male parents Bellandais noir and Vidal blanc are compared, there are traces of afrequency distributi<strong>on</strong> of the crossing with Bellandais noir which deviates somewhat towards ahigher single berry weight. This c<strong>on</strong>'esp<strong>on</strong>ds to the somewhat higher single berry weight of thisvariety compared to Vidal blanc. There are no significant differences between the female parents,which is evidenced by their nearly equivalent single berry weight. The horiz<strong>on</strong>tal bar drawn acrossthe frequency distributi<strong>on</strong> shows the range of variati<strong>on</strong> of the parent varieties. On the <strong>on</strong>e hand, thesingle berry weights of the offspring are also c<strong>on</strong>centrated within this area but, <strong>on</strong> the other hand,the deviati<strong>on</strong>s to the left and to the right are nearly equal, thus indicating a relatively highpercentage of additive genetic effects. One wouid expect a clearer deviati<strong>on</strong> of the frequencydistributi<strong>on</strong> either to the left or to the right if the degree of the characteristics in the parent varietieswas mainly subject to dominant genes.C<strong>on</strong>trarily to the single berry weight, a differentiati<strong>on</strong> of frequency distributi<strong>on</strong>s for thenumber of clusters per shoot both between the male parents within a female parent and betweenthe female parents is nearly impossible' (Fig. 8). The curve is very similar for all the crossings.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong>1555040~ SiriuscI Marechal JoffreVidal blancBellandais nOir302010OA 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1%5040302010",'I, .,.'\ '\,\" V'.,, ,.,, '. '.~ Gf.Ga - 54 -14t! Marechal JoffreVidal blancBellandals nolr\.. ....... ~.!::-.... ,.",. ....."0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3. 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1Fig. 7: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of frequency of mean berry weight for some selected cross populati<strong>on</strong>s.Particularly in the crossings with Gf. Ga-54-14 the frequency distributi<strong>on</strong>s of the offspringdeviate clearly from the range of variati<strong>on</strong> of the parent varieties. The Gf. Ga-54·14 variety, whichis characterized by a high average number of clusters per shoot, does not seem to transmit thischaracteristic well.The calculated heritability coefficients for both the yield per plant and the individual yieldcomp<strong>on</strong>ents are shown in Table 1. The mean for the heritability coefficients over the 2 years ofresearch for the yield per plant is 50 %. At 69 % the single berry weight has the highest heritabilitycoefficient of the yield parameters and at 12 % the number of clusters per shoot has the lowest.

156Secti<strong>on</strong> 25040\~ Sirius8 Marechal JoffreVidal blancBellandaia noir3020100.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.25040~ Gf.Ga.54-14f! Marechal JoffreVidal blancBellandaj. noir --3020100.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2Fig. 8: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of frequency of clusters per shoot for some selected cross populati<strong>on</strong>s.According to this, the markedness of the characteristic of single berry weight in the offspring isthe most easily influenced characteristic when selecting the parents for the crossing combinati<strong>on</strong>. Inc<strong>on</strong>trast, the high number of clusters per shoot is apparently due to a great degree to dominantgenetic effects. Therefore, for varieties with a high number of clusters per shoot, a low breedingvalue for this characteristic can be expected.As menti<strong>on</strong>ed at the outset, the sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of the berries is not <strong>on</strong>ly influenced by the yieldparameters, but also by the extent of the botrytis infecti<strong>on</strong> and, above all, by the beginning of berryripening. There is no point in calculating the heritability of the resistance to botrytis infecti<strong>on</strong> since it

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 157Table 1: Calculated coefficients of heritability for yield and comp<strong>on</strong>ents of yieldheritability (%)Characteristic 1987 1988 Meanyield 46 54 50mean berry weight 73 65 69number of berries 31 38 35clusters per shoot 10 13 12Table 2: Calculated coefficients of heritability for begin of berry ripening and density of clusterheritability (%)Characteristic 1987 1988 Meanbeginning of berry ripening 58 44 51density of cluster 25 28 27str<strong>on</strong>gly c<strong>on</strong>"elates to the stage of ripening, and it is not possible to standardize. However, theevaluati<strong>on</strong>s show that the density of the clusters, in particular, str<strong>on</strong>gly influences the degree ofbotrytis infecti<strong>on</strong>, which is reflected in the highly significant correlati<strong>on</strong> of r = 0.42. In additi<strong>on</strong> tothe yield parameters, Table 2 shows the heritability levels for the beginning of berry ripening and forthe density of the clusters. A medium heritability coefficient of 51 % was reached for the beginningof berry ripening. According to this, this characteristic is inherited quite well. The low dependencyof the density of the clusters <strong>on</strong> the envir<strong>on</strong>ment and the relatively low heritability in the narrowsense at 27 % imply a high percentage of dominant genetic effect and, therefore, a type of hereditywhich is not very much influenced by the selecti<strong>on</strong> of the crossing parents.LiteratureALLEWELDT, G.; KOEPCHEN, W.; 1978: Criteria of breeding for quality. <strong>Grape</strong>vine Genetics and Breeding. Proc.2nd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong>vine Breeding, Bordeaux, 14·18 June; 387·396.BADER, G.; 1979: Einflu13 des Anschnittes auf Menge und GUle des Enrages bei den wichtigsten Rebs<strong>on</strong>en auf128 Stand<strong>on</strong>en der deutschen Weinbaugebiete. Diss. Univ. Gie13en.

158 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2SARTORIUS, 0.; 1927: Zur Rebenselekti<strong>on</strong> unter bes<strong>on</strong>derer Berucksichtigung der Methodik und der Ziele aufGrund v<strong>on</strong> 6-14jahrigen Beobachtungen an einem Kl<strong>on</strong>. Z. Pflanzenziicht. 12, 31-74.WEBER, E.; 1978: Mathematische Grundlagen der Genetik. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena.WRICKE, G.; WEBER, E. W.; 1986: Quantitative Genetics and Selecti<strong>on</strong> in Plant Breeding. Walter de Gruyter,Berlin.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 159The heritability of methyl anthranilate and total volatile esters inVitis spp. hybridsK. H. FISHER 1), T. FULEKI 1) and A. G. REYNOLDS 2)1) H<strong>on</strong>icultural Research Institute of Ontario, Vineland Stati<strong>on</strong>, Ontario, Canada2) Agriculture Canada Research Stati<strong>on</strong>, Summerland, British Columbia, CanadaSum mar y: Two grapevine seedlings, V. 72181 and V. 72182, selected for extremely high methylanthranilate (MA) and total volatile esters (TVE) c<strong>on</strong>tent, were selfed to create families 8020 and 8021respectively, to test the inheritance of these two comp<strong>on</strong>ents of labrusca flavour character. REYNOLDS et al.(1982) had postulated a three-gene, dominant and complementary system (M, A, F) for MA and a two-genedominant and complementary system (T, V) for TVE. Families 8020 and 8021 segregated 3: 1 for MA,indicating <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e heterozygous locus for MA in the parents. This would Questi<strong>on</strong> REYNOLDS' assignment ofgenotypes for the grandparents of these two families and would suggest a more complex envir<strong>on</strong>mentallyinfluenced system. The TVE segregati<strong>on</strong> patterns followed REYNOLDS' hypothesis and segregated 3: 1 for <strong>on</strong>eheterozygous locus.Key w 0 r d: genetics, heritability, flavour, methyl anthranilate, volatile esters, biometry, sensory rating,breeding.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Since 1913, the grape breeding programme at the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario(HRIO) has been striving to produce wine grapes of suitable hardiness for the climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s insouthern Ontario, Canada. Flavour and colour requirements have changed markedly since thattime and the breeding programme has been altered to meet the new requirements. With morerecent demands for n<strong>on</strong>-Iabrusca flavoured varieties, the heritability of labrusca flavourcomp<strong>on</strong>ents has become quite critical.Since 1970, Dr. T. FULEKI of this Institute has been surveying the HRIO variety collecti<strong>on</strong> aswell as the seedlings resulting from the HRIO breeding programme for compounds thought to beinstrumental in the percepti<strong>on</strong> of labrusca flavour, i. e. methyl and ethyl anthranilate (MA) andtotal volatile esters (TVE). He later used these comp<strong>on</strong>ents to develop the Vineland <strong>Grape</strong> FlavourIndex (VGFI) that became the objective flavour selecti<strong>on</strong> criteri<strong>on</strong> for the grape seedlingpopulati<strong>on</strong>s at the Institute (FULEKI 1982).The analysis of grape seedling selecti<strong>on</strong>s for the above compounds became routine procedure,but perhaps more important was the impact <strong>on</strong> the choice of parents in the breeding programmefor subsequent generati<strong>on</strong>s. The M~ and TVE survey values were examined to assess the potentiallabrusca flavour of seedlings according to the M~(TVE/VGFI values of the parents. Based <strong>on</strong> thehypothesis that heritability could be predicted from these values, REYNOLDS studied three seedlingfamilies, 7216, 7218 and 7219, which had high and low labrusca flavoured parents. The seedlingpopulati<strong>on</strong>s of these three families were examined in 1977 and 1978 and REYNOLDS postulatedgenotypes for MA and TVE synthesis for their parents. He also identified two seedlings, V. 72181and V.72182, with extraordinarily high MA and TVE values (REYNOLDS 1980). These twoseedlings were maintained in the HRIO vineyard and were selfed in 1980 to create families 98020and 8021, respectively (Fig. 1).REYNOLDS postulated that M~ synthesis was governed by three dominant andcomplementary genes (M, A and F), \\ith the F locus necessary in the dominant c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> for MAsynthesis to proceed and M and A loci both dominant for excessive Ml\. producti<strong>on</strong>. The presenceof M and/or A in the recessive c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> would result in lower amounts of MA, below theorganoleptic threshold oflabrusca flavour influence, and the presence of the F locus in the recessive

160 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2C<strong>on</strong>cord x De Chaunac (Seibel 9549)V.54077 X Le General (Bertil1e Seyve 5563).~V.~81V.~828020 8021a Fisher, Ann. Rept. HRIO, 18-20, 1981.Fig. 1: Genealogy of grape vine cultivarsl seedlings used in MA/lVE inheritance studies I.MIn Aa Ff X MM Aa ffTt Vv X tt Vv(excess MA) 3:5 (low or no Ma)(excess TVE) 3:5 (low TVE)a Reynolds et aI, Am • J. Enol. Vitic., 33:1:14-19, 1982.Fig. 2: Segregati<strong>on</strong> ratios for MA and 1VE for Family 7218 (V. 54077 x Le General) I.c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> would preclude any MA synthesis. REYNOLDS also postulated that TVE was governed bytwo dominant complementary genes (T and V) and that either in the recessive c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> wouldc<strong>on</strong>stitute TVE producti<strong>on</strong> below the organoleptic level oflabrusca flavour influence (REYNOLDS etal.1982).These hypotheses led to the genotypic assumpti<strong>on</strong>s presented in Fig. 2.Since seedlings V. 72181 and V. 72182 were selected for their excepti<strong>on</strong>ally high M-\ andTVE, it is assumed that they would have the genotypic make-up for excess MA and TVEproducti<strong>on</strong>. Based <strong>on</strong> REYNOLDS' genotypic assignments for the parents, the following geneticcombinati<strong>on</strong>s could be assigned to the above seedlings, as outlined in Table 1.In order to c<strong>on</strong>firm the ratios postulated in Table 1, the following study was initiated.Plant materialMethodParental lines were planted in the vineyard as individuals or as populati<strong>on</strong>s of vegetativelypropagated cl<strong>on</strong>es. Their genealogy is illustrated in Fig. 1.Selfed populati<strong>on</strong>s were created by bagging flower clusters of the appropriate parental vinesprior to capfall. Seedling populati<strong>on</strong>s (8020, 8021) were planted as a group in the seedling block ofthe main vineyard.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 161Table 1: Proposed genotypes and segregati<strong>on</strong> ratios for MA and 1VE for F 2 populati<strong>on</strong>s derived from V. 72181and V. 72182 a crossesExcess MA Segregati<strong>on</strong> Ratio Excess TVE Segregati<strong>on</strong> RatioMM AA Ff L/NL 3:1 Tt VV L/NLMM Aa Ff L/NL 9:7 Tt Vv L/NLMM aA FfTt vVroM AA FfroM Aa Ff L/NL 27:37roM aA oFf3:19:7a Reynolds et aI, Am • J. Enol. Vitic., 33:1:14-19, 1982b L = labrusca, NL = n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca flavour characterTable 2: Threshold values for organoleptic detecti<strong>on</strong> oflabrusca flavour charactersMethyl anthranilateTotal volatile esters0.10 ppm12.0 ppm(Nels<strong>on</strong> et aI, 1977)(Fuleki,1982)HarvestAt maturity, the total crop was harvested from each seedling vine (total crop was sub-sampledfrom a parent vine). <strong>Grape</strong>s were washed, removed fi'om the stems, frozen and maintained at-30°C until analysis. Analyses for MA and TVE were carried out within 3 m<strong>on</strong>ths of the harvestdate. Data are presented for the harvests 0[1986, 1987 and 1988 in Tables 3-6.To obtain representative samples for analyses, frozen grape samples were ground withoutbreaking the seeds. A household and a 5 HP commercial meat grinder (Butcher Boy, ModelA42.50, Laser Mfg. Co. Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA) were used for smaller and larger lotsrespectively. The ground frozen material was thoroughly mixed and two 50 g aliquots wereremoved for steam distillati<strong>on</strong>.Steam distillati<strong>on</strong>Samples were placed in an all·glass distillati<strong>on</strong> apparatus (Cat. No. JD·2115, SGA Sci.,Bloomfield, 1'.1., USA). The distillati<strong>on</strong> was carried out <strong>on</strong> duplicate 50 g ~amples, collecting100 ml in 15 min. The distillate was used to determine both the M-\ and the TVE. Glass distilledwater was steam distilled under the same c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s as the grapes to produce blanks for the MAand TVE analyses. .Determinati<strong>on</strong> of MAA highly sensitive fluor

162 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 3: Methyl anthranilate values and equivalent labrusca/n<strong>on</strong>-Iabrusca codes for Family 8020 (1986 to 1988)SeedlingNumberMethyl anthranilate (ppm)1986 1987 Code 1988 Code1 1. 776 L 7.446 L 2.776 L2 0.136 L3 5.096 L 4.5964 0.618 L 0.560 LL5 17.218 L 14.746 L6 . 0.290 L 0.482 L 0.767 L7 0.244 L 0.676 L 2.164 L8 8.546 L9 0.037 NL10 0.143 L 0.042 NL 0.052 NL11 1. 786 L 1.950 L12 6.446 L 11. 326 L13 0.541 L15 0.866 L 0.039 NL 1.654 L16 4.076 L 4.076 L 5.386 L17 5.436 L 5.556 L19 0.022 NL 0.079 NL20 0.163 L 0.239 L 0.261 L21 0.358 L 0.565 L 0.882 L23 0.093 NL 0.479 L 1. 733 L24 0.106 L 0.192 L25 7.956 L 9.836 L 6.819 L26 1. 746 L 4.876 L 2.626 L27 0.096 NL 0.301 L 0.354 L28 2.167 L29 0.006 NL 0.006 NL 0.014 NL30 0.079 NL 0.471 L31 3.436 L32 0.366 L 1.356 L 1.119 L.33 4.166 L 12.606 L 11.796 L34 0.065 NL 0.070 NL35 2.936 L 2.826 L 6.071 L37 0.000 NL 0.011 NL 0.031 NL38 0.992 L39 0.013 NL 0.032 NL 0.044 NL40 0.032 NL 0.018 NL 0.015 NL42 0.000 NL 0.006 NL 0.044 NL43 0.036 NL 0.060 NL44 3.046 L 2.583 L45 10.096 L 15.776 L 7.826 La L1abrusca, NL = n<strong>on</strong>-1abrusca flavour character365 nm m<strong>on</strong>ochromatic filter from the line spectrum of a mercury lamp. The 4MQIII m<strong>on</strong>ochromatorof the spectrophotometer was set at 425 nm to measure the fluorescence emitted by theMA. The fluorometer reading was related to the M-\' c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> by using a standard curve. Toeliminate interference from fluorescent volatile substances other than methyl and ethylanthranilate, the reading taken <strong>on</strong> a Vilis vini/era L. cultivar corresp<strong>on</strong>ding to a few ppb MI\ wassubtracted from each measurement.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 163Table 4: Methyl anthranilate values and equivalent labrusca/n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca codes for Family 8021 (1986 to 1988)Seed1inqNumberMethyl anthranilate (ppm)1986 1987 Code 1988 Code1 0.176 L 1.526 L 2.370 L2 0.179 L 0.816 L 0.72 L3 0.037 NL 0.087 NL4 2.726 L 7.516 L 2.836 L5 0.189 L 1.436 L 0.931 L6 0.655 L 0.530 L8 0.386 L 0.024 NL 0.097 NL10 0.748 L 0.511 L11 0.023 NL 0.361 L 1.346 L12 0.336 L 1.137 L13 0.082 NL 0.075 NL 0.066 NL14 0.081 NL 0.121 L 0.172 L15 3.696 L 15.676 L 11. 776 L17 17.696 L 13.966 L18 3.976 L 8.216 L 2.832 L19 0.077 NL 0.221 L20 0.136 L 0.053 NL 0.202 L21 0.471 L 1.112 L 2.206 L23 0.452 L 0.630 L 0.571 L24 0.020 NL 0.026 NL 0.029 NL25 0.034 NL 0.137 L 0.140 L27 0.251 L 0.683 L 0.436 L28 0.627 L 1.416 L 1. 715 L29 1.236 L 2.776 L 4.055 L30 0.730 L 1.876 L31 2.919 L32 0.028 NL 0.384 L 0.213 L33 0.480 L 1.424 L 0.639 L34 1.236 L 2.546 L 2.366 L35 0.451 L 0.752 L 0.925 L38 1.326 L 2.705 L 2.266 L39 0.484 L 1.276 L 1.074 L40 2.836 L 3.766 L 5.207 L42 2.566 L 3.586 L 6.336 L43 0.038 NL44 0.018 NL 3.266 L45 0.924 L 0.920 L46 0.559 L 1.626 L 0.694 L47 0.051 NL 0.081 NL48 0.159 L 0.096 NL 0.193 L50 0.010 NL 0.063 NL 0.043 NL54 5.206 La L labrusca, NL n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca flavour characterDeterminati<strong>on</strong> of TVEA modificati<strong>on</strong> of THOMPSON'S method (1950) was used. The reacti<strong>on</strong> of esters withhydroxylamine in aqueous alkaline soluti<strong>on</strong> f<strong>on</strong>ns hydroxamic acids, which react with the ferric i<strong>on</strong>to f<strong>on</strong>n red ferric hydroxamate complexes.

164 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 5: Total volatile esters values and equivalent labrusca/n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca codes for Family 8020 (1986 to 1988)SeedlingNumberTotal volatile esters (ppm)1986 Code a 1987 Code 1988 Code1 56 L 66 L 59 L2 128 L3 90 L 456 L4 170 L 28 L5 81 L 197 L6 233 L 223 L 126 L7 3 NL 5 NL 9 NL8 20 L9 2 NL10 212 L 6 NL 162 L11 19 L 15 L12 22 L 61 L13 266 L15 92 L 70 L 70 L16 150 L 141 L 208 L17 288 L 58 L19 2 NL 3 NL20 235 L 20 L 42 L21 5 NL 8 NL 21 L23 2 NL 2 NL 4 NL24 62 L 297 L25 127 L 32 L 48 L26 239 L 75 L 134 L27 144 L 255 L28 36 L29 20 L 22 L 21 L30 3 NL 2 NL31 116 L32 89 L 58 L 95 L33 52 L 51 L 181 L34 20 L 166 L35 45 L 39 L 66 L37 1 NL 1 NL 1 NL38 3 NL39 80 L 36 L 72 L40 4 NL 62 L 186 L42 1 NL 2 NL 2 NL43 4 NL 2 NL44 40 L 152 L45 194 L 154 L 119 La Llabrusca, NL = n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca flavour characterFresh alkaline hydroxylamine soluti<strong>on</strong> was prepared by mixing equal volumes of 6 Mhydroxylamine hydrochloride and 10.5 ~ sodium hydroxide. 2 ml of this soluti<strong>on</strong> and 20 ml of thedistillate were added to a 25 ml volumetric flask. These were mLxed thoroughly and allowed tostand for 5 min. Then, 1 ml of c<strong>on</strong>centrated hydrochloric acid was added, followed by 1 ml of1.11 M ferric chloride. The flask was filled to volume with 0.046 M ferric chloride soluti<strong>on</strong> and thecolour measured <strong>on</strong> a Zeiss DMR21 spectrophotometer at 500 nm. A standard curve, prepared by

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 165Table 6: Total volatile esters values and equivalent labrusca/n<strong>on</strong>-labrusca codes for Family 8021 (1986 to 1988)SeedlingNumberTotal volatile esters (ppm)1986 Code a 1987 Code 1988 Code1 139 L 63 L 38 L2 6 NL 55 L 2 NL3 1 NL 4 NL4 1 NL 3 NL 3 NL5 89 L 24 L 59 L6 L 59 L 61 L810911LL56 L 554LNL11 56 L 55 L 79 L12 120 L 26 L13 168 L 15 L 30 L14 4 NL 1 NL 1 NL15 183 L 147 L 261 L17 56 L 93 L18 105 L 100 L 58 L19 1 NL 1 NL20 118 L 28 L 100 L21 108 L 54 L 51 L23 174 L 82 L 154 L2425441LNL170LNL251LNL27 204 L 95 L 187 L28 1 NL 1 NL 3 NL29 2 NL 2 NL 2 NL30 83 L 40 L31 3 NL32 54 L 16 L 128 L33 165 L 59 L 238 L34 51 L 12 NL 66 L35 35 L 15 L 22 L38 63 L 18 L 52 L39 175 L 42 L 79 L40 80 L 72 L 81 L42 88 L 28 L 35 L43 1 NL444504NLNL3323LL46 184 L 36 L 170 L47 0 NL 5 NL48 56 L 28 L 52 L50 1 NL 0 NL 2 NL54 73 La L1abrusca, NL = n<strong>on</strong>-1abrusca flavour characterusing various c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s of ethyl acetate, was used to determine the c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> of the TVEin the sample.Statistical analysisChi square· analyses were performed <strong>on</strong> the observed ratios oflabruscaln<strong>on</strong>-labrusca flavourcomp<strong>on</strong>ents as they were identified by the M-\ and TVE analyses.

166 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2ResultsThe seedling families 8020 and 8021 (selfed populati<strong>on</strong>s of V.72181 and V.72182,respectively) displayed transgressive segregati<strong>on</strong> in both MA and TVE distributi<strong>on</strong> (Tables 3-6).All four distributi<strong>on</strong>s were highly skewed to the lower values ofMA and TVE. To simplify the data,all MA. and TVE values were coded as to labrusca or n<strong>on</strong>-Iabrusca in flavour c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>,according to the threshold values in Table 2, and presented in Tables 3-6. These threshold valueswere also used by REYNOLDS et al. (1982).The ratios postulated by the authors using genotypic assumpti<strong>on</strong>s of REYNOLDS et al. (1982)were tested and are presented in Tables 7·10.Table 7: Chi square tests for MA segregati<strong>on</strong> of Family 8020 (1986 to 1988)Year Predicted a ObservedStatisticX a EP value Significance1986 L/NL 3:1 18:9 0.50 O. sO

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 167Discussi<strong>on</strong>The 3 : 1 segregati<strong>on</strong> ratio for both M-\ and TVE in both families 8020 and 8021 had the mostacceptable Chi square values. This would mean that the V. 72181 and V. 72182 genotype for bothMA and TVE must be segregating for <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e heterozygous locus each. For MA, if that locus is F,then the ff recessive must allow for some producti<strong>on</strong> of MA because no seedlings measured infamily 8020 or 8021 had a zero level for MA with any c<strong>on</strong>sistency over the three harvest seas<strong>on</strong>s.For it to be a locus other than F would preclude the grandparent Le G~n~ral and the greatgrandparent De Chaunac from having such low levels of MA. Perhaps the REYNOLDS hypothesis(REYNOLDS 1980) of an alternate MA synthesis pathway exists under the ff recessive c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> aswell as under the aa and/ or mm recessive c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.The TVE inheritance pattern for both families 8020 and 8021 follows REYNOLDS' hypothesis(REYNOLDS 1980) since there was no c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> completely precluding the synthesis ofTVE.Table 9: Chi square tests forlVE segregati<strong>on</strong> of Family 8020 (1986to 1988)YearPredicted aObservedStatisticX a P value significance b1986 L/NL 3:1 18:8 0.20 0.70

168 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2AcknowledgementsThe assistance ofR.B. P ALABA Y with the analytical determinati<strong>on</strong>s is gratefully acknowledged.Literature citedCASIMIR, D. 1.; MOl'ER, 1. c.; MATTICK, L. R.; 1976: Fluorometric determinati<strong>on</strong> of methyl anthranilate inC<strong>on</strong>cord grape juice. 1. Assoc. Offic. Analyt. Chern. 59,269·272.FISHER, K. H.; 1981: Breeding for wine and table grapes adapted for Ontario c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. Ann. Rpt. Hort. Res.Inst. Ont. 18·20.FULEKl,.T.; 1982: The Vineland <strong>Grape</strong> Flavour Index· a new objective method for the accelerated screening ofgrape seedlings <strong>on</strong> the basis offlavour character. Vitis 21,111·120.NELSON, R. R.; ACREE, T. T.; LEE, C. Y; Butts, R. M.; 1977: Methyl anthranilate as an aroma c<strong>on</strong>stituent ofAmerican wine. 1. Food Sci. 42, 57·59.REYNOLDS, A. G.; 1980: The Inheritance of Methyl Anthranilate and Total Volatile Esters in Vitis spp. M. Sc.Thesis, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada..... ; FULEKI, T.; EVANS, W. D.; 1982: Inheritance of methyl anthranilate and total volatile esters in Vilis spp.Amer.J. Enol. Viticult. 33,14·19. .THOMPSON, A. R.; 1950: A colourimetric method for determining esters. Austral. J. Sci. Res. 3 A, 128·135.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 169Breeding grapevines for tropical envir<strong>on</strong>ments1. V. POSSINGHAM, P. R. CUNGELEFFER and G. H. KERRIDGECSIRO Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Horticulture, GPO Box 350, Adelaide, South Australia 5001Sum mar y: <strong>Grape</strong>vines are increasingly grown in the latitudes between the Tropics of Cancer andCapricorn. In many cases envir<strong>on</strong>ments modified by elevati<strong>on</strong> are utilized to create temperate growing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.The majority of tropical grapes are c<strong>on</strong>sumed fresh but some are dried (India) and others are made into wine(Brazil, Venezuela). Currently most plantings are of pure Fltis vinijera varieties. Early ripening, low acidcultivars such as Cardinal, Perlette, Ribier and Thomps<strong>on</strong> Seedless which have a relatively short cycle betWeenbudburst and harvest are comm<strong>on</strong>ly used, and pruning is timed to ensure maturati<strong>on</strong> before the <strong>on</strong>set of heavytropical rains. Other V l'inijera varieties used in the tropics such as Muscat Hamburg, Tener<strong>on</strong>, Anab-e-Shahi,and Italia have bunch and skin characteristics that give them some resistance to rain damage.There are a number of grapevine varieties that are hybrids between V. vinijera and other Vitis specieswhich are currently grown in the tropics. These have some degree of resistance to fungal diseases and includeIsabella, Kyoho, Delaware, Himrod, Campbell Early (V labrusca hybrids), the Criolla hybrids (V. caribaeahybrids and Villard blanc (a complex French hybrid based <strong>on</strong> American species).There is c<strong>on</strong>siderable scope to increase the resistance of grapes to the main fungal diseases encountered inthe tropics such as downy and powdery mildew, anthracnose and bunch rots by using a range of Vilis species asparents. These hybrids should be based <strong>on</strong> species that do not give str<strong>on</strong>g 'foxy' flavours and could involvecomplex French hybrids, J'~ rotulldijolia and also Asian species such as 1': amurensis and V. armata. CSIROMerbein has a small hybridisati<strong>on</strong> program aimed at developing new varieties for tropical envir<strong>on</strong>ments.Key w 0 r d s: tropics, Australia, Asia, America, Africa, ecology, physiology, cultivati<strong>on</strong>, variety of vine,rootstock, pest, disease, resistance, breeding, genetic engineering.Introducti<strong>on</strong><strong>Grape</strong> producti<strong>on</strong> in the latitudes between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn is increasingwith the development and expansi<strong>on</strong> of industries in South-East Asia (Australia, South China,India, Ind<strong>on</strong>esia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan), Central and South America (Brazil, Colombia,Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, West Indies) and Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe). The majorityof tropical grapes are used fresh but some are dried (India) and others made into wine (Brazil,Venezuela). In general the fruit produced is low in sugar and acid, <strong>on</strong>ow quality and used for localc<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong>. However some countries are now exporting table grapes (e. g. India, Thailand,Venezuela). The wide diversity of envir<strong>on</strong>ments (climate and soil), varieties, producti<strong>on</strong> techniquesand major disease and pest problems provides a substantial challenge to breeders. A recentworldwide survey was c<strong>on</strong>ducted by CSIRO Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Horticulture, as part of its commitments toa tropical viticulture working group of the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Society of Horticultural Science, to providedetailed documentati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the many diverse approaches to tropical viticulture and supplementexisting limited inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>. It will provide a more rati<strong>on</strong>al basis for approaches to tropicalgrapevine breeding.The Divisi<strong>on</strong> maintains an interest in tropical viticulture because table grape productioR hasdeveloped in tropical regi<strong>on</strong>s in northern Australia to provide early ripening fruit, ahead of thetemperate z<strong>on</strong>es. The Australian situati<strong>on</strong> is unique because commercial developments, althoughin their infancy, have occurred in a diverse range of envir<strong>on</strong>ments, including the three mainsituati<strong>on</strong>s identified in the survey, i. e. in both the wet and dry tropics and at higher elevati<strong>on</strong>s tocreate temperate growing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. Material from the CSIRO table grape varietal evaluati<strong>on</strong> andbreeding program (POSSINGHAM and CUNGELEFFER 1986) is evaluated in the Australianenvir<strong>on</strong>ments and has been widely distributed to many of the countries producing tropical grapes.

170 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2This paper aims to provide an overview of current practices in tropical viticulture, both inAustralia and overseas, identify the major problems requiring attenti<strong>on</strong> by breeders and discussrelevant aspects of the Divisi<strong>on</strong>'s breeding program.1. Tropical grape growing in AustraliaCommercial plantings of table grapes for the producti<strong>on</strong> of early ripening fruit are located inboth the dry and wet tropical regi<strong>on</strong>s of Australia.Dry tropicsPlantings in the dry tropics are located in central Australia in the Northern Territory near TeaTree, lat. 22 oS, in sandy-loam soils and irrigated by trickle irrigati<strong>on</strong> from subterranean basins.The total rainfall of around 270mm falls mainly in the summer, December-March. Averagemaximum daily temperatures range from 20°C in June, July to 36 °C in summer, December­February.Because frosts occur in winter, a result of c<strong>on</strong>tinental influences <strong>on</strong> climate, the vines godormant in winter. They are pruned in June-July and managed similar to those in more temperateregi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> sloping T-trellis (CLINGELEFFER 1985) to produce <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e crop per year. Winterchilling is insufficient to fully break the dormancy and hydrogen cyanamide (Dormex) at a rate of2-3 % is used to both advance maturity (MCCOLL 1986) and promote uniform budburst. Varietiesgrown for early ripening in November are Beauty Seedless, Perlette, Fresno Seedless (POSSINGHAMet al. 1989), Flame Seedless and Cardinal.Sultana is also grown but due to later ripening in December may be damaged by m<strong>on</strong>so<strong>on</strong>alrains. All varieties except the less fruitful Sultana are spur pruned. Gibberellic acid (GA) is used forbunch el<strong>on</strong>gati<strong>on</strong>, berry thinning and to enhance berry size of the seedless varieties but the resp<strong>on</strong>seis lower than in more temperate regi<strong>on</strong>s, possibly due to the higher temperatures. Fungal diseaseshave not been a problem, although c<strong>on</strong>trol measures are required for oidium {Ullcinula necator}.The major pest is the giam termite, Mastotermes dariwiniellsis which can completely destroy vines.CSIRO Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Horticulture in collaborati<strong>on</strong> with the Department of Primary Industry inthe Northern Territory have established rootstock trials with about 20 genotypes of comm<strong>on</strong>nematode and phylloxera resistant rootstocks to evaluate those most suited to the very hot, dry aridenvir<strong>on</strong>ments.Wet tropicsCommercial plantings in the wet tropics extend from as far north as Kununurra, lat. 16 oS inwestern Australia and Mareeba, 17 oS, Townsville, 15 oS, Charters Towers 20 oS andRockhampt<strong>on</strong>, 23 oS. Rainfall at all locati<strong>on</strong>s follows a distinct sea:s<strong>on</strong>al, wet-dry pattern withannual totals ranging from 665 mm in Charters Towers to 810 mm in Rockhampt<strong>on</strong>. Soil types,even for <strong>on</strong>e locati<strong>on</strong> may vary from sands to heavy clays.Highland producti<strong>on</strong>The high elevati<strong>on</strong>s at Mareeba (840 m) and Charters Towers (600 m) in Queensland providetemperature c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s with winter frosts. The growth pattern of the vines is similar to thatdescribed for the dry tropics and the vines are managed as temperate plantings. Muscat Hamburgis the dominant variety followed by Cardinal. Italia, Muscat Gordo blanco, Ribier and the diseaseresistant Isabella, a V. labrusca hybrid are also grown at Mareeba and Royal Ascot in ChartersTowers.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 171Lowland producti<strong>on</strong>Kununurra is the hottest and driest of these locati<strong>on</strong>s with daily maximum temperatureexceeding 30°C in all seas<strong>on</strong>s and relative humidities ofless than 50 % for the drier part of the year.Plantings are mainly experimental and include Flame Seedless, the Indian variety Anab-e-Shahi,the disease resistant species complexes Carolina Blackrose and Muscat St. Vallier and the CentralAmerican selecti<strong>on</strong>, Criolla negra.Plantings at Rockhampt<strong>on</strong> are dominated by Muscat Hamburg and Cardinal with some Italiaand Early Muscat. In this locality, 23 oS <strong>on</strong> the tropic of Capric om, frosts occur in winter and thevines are managed similar to in more temperate regi<strong>on</strong>s. By c<strong>on</strong>trast, significant plantings atTowns"ille are in a frost free z<strong>on</strong>e at low altitude. 730mm of the annual rainfall of873 mm fallsbetween ·October and March, daily maximum temperatures, except for the peak of summer, rangebetween 25 and 30°C and the relative humidity between 50 and 75 % in the drier periods. Thesec<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s produce c<strong>on</strong>tinuous, rapid and vigorous shoot growth and the vines, which lack aperiod of winter chilling, remain evergreen without a period of dormancy. Twice yearly pruningtechniques based <strong>on</strong> the Indian system of renewal pruning are used (CLIKGELEFFER 1987). L<strong>on</strong>gerfruiting canes of 6-8 nodes are retained in May-June to produce a crop in September-Novemberand then pruned to short, unfruitful spurs for the development of renewal wood. The main varietiesgrown are Cardinal and Muscat Hamburg, but promising results have also been achieved withSultana and Marroo Seedless, a large black berried variety, bred by CSIRO (CLINGELEFFER andPOSSINGHAM 1988). Flame Seedless has not been productive. The vines are trained <strong>on</strong> sloping T·trellis and the pruning staggered so that the Cardinal, which has proved to be sensitive to rain,crops in September and Muscat Hamburg, which is rain tolerant, is harvested last in November.Hydrogen cyanamide is used to advance maturity and promote unif<strong>on</strong>n budburst. The mainfungal problems are anthracnose or black spot (Elsinoe ampelina),

172 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2PhysiologyProducti<strong>on</strong> in the frost free, wetter regi<strong>on</strong>s provides a marked c<strong>on</strong>trast to wann temperatureviticulture. The c<strong>on</strong>stant high temperatures, high relative humidities and high rainfall (600-1,500 mm) produce rapid and vigorous shoot growth and amplify fungal and disease problems.The vines lack a period of winter chilling and remain evergreen without a period of d<strong>on</strong>nancy. Anumber of crops may be produced in <strong>on</strong>e year as the rapid rate of growth gives a very short growthcycle (e. g. Cardinal in the Philippines and Venezuela can produce 3 crops p. a.). It is notuncomm<strong>on</strong> for vineyards to have vines at all stages of growth \\1th producti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> a c<strong>on</strong>tinual basisthroughout the year. Time of pruning and pruning techniques are adjusted in some countries tominimise producti<strong>on</strong> during high rainfall periods (i. e. m<strong>on</strong>so<strong>on</strong>al wet seas<strong>on</strong>s) when it is difficult toc<strong>on</strong>trol pest and diseases and also to meet market demands. Tropical grape vines exhibit a highdegree of apical dominance (CHADHA 1984) attributed to the lack of winter chilling c<strong>on</strong>siderednecessary in wann temperate climates for high and unif<strong>on</strong>n bud burst. Special pruning techniques(see below) are required to overcome this problem. Commercial attempts to c<strong>on</strong>trol apicaldominance by leaf removal prior to pruning or restricting irrigati<strong>on</strong> after harvest to induced<strong>on</strong>nancy have been unsuccessful. The use of hydrogen cyanamide to promote a more unif<strong>on</strong>nbudburst is currently being tested.Producti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>straints include a short vine life (e. g. 7-10 years in Thailand), low budfruitfulness and poor maturity (i. e.lignificati<strong>on</strong>) of replacement wood. The short vine life is thoughtto be due to the l<strong>on</strong>g tenn depleti<strong>on</strong> of carbohydrates caused by the rapid and c<strong>on</strong>tinuous shootgrowth and producti<strong>on</strong> of more than <strong>on</strong>e crop p. a. (OLMO 1970). Depleti<strong>on</strong> of nutriti<strong>on</strong>alresources, nematodes and copper toxicity from fungicides are also given as reas<strong>on</strong>s for the shortvine life. Low bud fruitfulness can be attributed to excessive shade associated \\1th the overheadpergola trellis system and the rapid and excessive shoot gro\\1h (CHADHA 1984). The poormaturati<strong>on</strong> of replacement wood may also be associated with low carbohydrate levels (OLMO1970), excessive shade, c<strong>on</strong>tinuous growth and cropping, the lack of a d<strong>on</strong>nant period andpruning so<strong>on</strong> after crop removal.ManagementTropical vineyards, with few excepti<strong>on</strong>s are low d~nsity plantings trained <strong>on</strong> overheadpergolas. This system c<strong>on</strong>tributes to excess vegetative gro\\1h, poor light intercepti<strong>on</strong>, poor canequality and poor colour development in berries (CHADHA 1984). To achieve acceptable levels ofproducti<strong>on</strong>, high bud numbers are retained <strong>on</strong> cane pruned vines. Cane pruning is used becausebasal nodes are unfruitful. Retenti<strong>on</strong> of high bud numbers gives sufficient fruitful shoots andovercomes problems associated with apical dominance and n<strong>on</strong>-unif<strong>on</strong>n bud burst as it is usual for<strong>on</strong>ly the tenninal nodes to burst.In most situati<strong>on</strong>s, the canes are about 6-10 buds in length. In India they are selected fromrenewal spurs or water shoots <strong>on</strong> head pruned vines (OLMO 1970), in Venezuela from establishedcord<strong>on</strong>s (ROJXIC et al. 1972), and in Thailand from the tenninal snoots of last seas<strong>on</strong>s fruitingcanes. In the Philippine island of Cebu the vines are planted in rows and trained <strong>on</strong> wide T-trellis\\1th a central cord<strong>on</strong> al<strong>on</strong>g the rows. Canes from 2-bud renewal spurs are placed in a horiz<strong>on</strong>talpositi<strong>on</strong> at right angles to the directi<strong>on</strong> of the row <strong>on</strong> both sides of the cord<strong>on</strong>, similar to the swinganntrellis proposed for Sultana (CLINGELEFFER and MAY 1981).The time of pruning is adjusted to stagger the supply, meet market demands and to avoidunfavourable climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s during shoot and fruit development (CHAI?HA 1984). In India,renewal pruning, where the vines are pruned to unfruitful short spurs, is used to avoid croppingduring the wet seas<strong>on</strong> (OLMO 1970). This practice also favours the maintenance of the vine shapeand improves 'cane quality'.To improve fruit set, the shoots may be tipped just prior to, or at flowering. Standard bunchtrimming and thinning (i. e. to <strong>on</strong>e bunch per shoot) is used to improve berry size and bunch

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 173appearance. Leaf and lateral removal to develop an open canopy is also routinely used. Judicioususe of supplementary irrigati<strong>on</strong> and fenilizer, both inorganic and organic, is used to c<strong>on</strong>trol thevigour <strong>on</strong> infenile soils. In Thailand the vines are planted in high mounds. The ditches betweenthese mounds are used for the supply of supplementary irrigati<strong>on</strong> and for drainage (PUNSRI andSUKUMALANDANA 1977).VarietiesC<strong>on</strong>trary to popular opini<strong>on</strong> most plantings are of pure V. vini/era varieties. Some havebunch and skin characteristics that give them resistance to rain damage (e. g. Muscat Hamburg,Tener<strong>on</strong>~ Anab-e-Shahi. Italia). Early ripening. low acid cultivars which have a relatively sh<strong>on</strong> cyclebetween budburst and harvest are comm<strong>on</strong>ly used to produce a number of crops per year or toensure maturati<strong>on</strong> before the <strong>on</strong>set of heavy tropical rains (e. g. Cardinal, Ribier, Perlette,Thomps<strong>on</strong> Seedless, syn. Sultana). Hybrids between V. vini/era and other Vilis species are alsogrown. These have some degree of resistance to fungal disease and include V. labrusca hybrids(American hybrids), complex species hybrids (French hybrids) and V. caribaea hybrids (Criollahybrids).The main varieties grown in South-East Asia are Ribier (2-3 crops p. a.) in Ind<strong>on</strong>esia,Cardinal (3 crops p. a.) in the Philippines and White Malaga (Tener<strong>on</strong>, 2 crops p. a.) and Cardinal(3 crops p. a.) in Thailand. The main varieties which produce 2 crops p. a., grown in Taiwan, arethe V. labnlsca hybrids Kyoho, Golden Muscat and Niagara and Cardinal, Black Queen andItalia. In South China Kyoho and Campbell Early, both V. labrusca hybrids are grown.A diverse range of varieties producing 2 crops p. a. are grown in Bangalore, India. The mostimp<strong>on</strong>ant are Sultana, Anab-e-Shahi and the V. labrllsca hybrid Isabella (syn. Bangalore Blue)with smaller plantings of Perlette, Muscat Hamburg, Beauty Seedless, the local Indian selecti<strong>on</strong>sBhokri, Cheema Sahebi, Kali Sahebi and the V. labrllsca hybrid, Himrod. In the more n<strong>on</strong>hernIndian regi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong>ly 1 crop p. a. is produced. Sultana, used for both table and drying purposes, is animp<strong>on</strong>ant variety but Anab-e-Shahi, Ribier and Cheema Sahibi are also grown.Varieties grown in the wetter frost free, low altitudes of Venezuela are Cardinal (3 crops p. a.),Italia and Isabella (both 2 crops p. a.) while at the more temperate, elevated sites comm<strong>on</strong> tablegrapes are grown, i. e. Ribier, Italia, Cardinal, Waltham Cross, Muscat Hamburg, GoldenChampi<strong>on</strong>, Emperor and Gros Colman (ROJ;o..;IC et al. 1972). The comm<strong>on</strong> varieties grown inColombia are Ribier, Gros Colman, Italia and Isabella. Varieties grown at low altitudes to produce2 crops p. a. in Ecuador are the V. labrusca hybrids Isabella and Niagara while Ribier is the mostimp<strong>on</strong>ant variety grown at elevated sites. Varieties grown in Mexico are the standard table grapevarieties from California.RootstocksRootstocks are not widely used in the tropics although nematodes are widely rep<strong>on</strong>ed toaffect productivity. Phylloxera is also rep<strong>on</strong>ed in Mexico and Ecuador. CHADHA (1984) states thatrootstocks will be necessary in India to overcome nematode problems, saline soils, low vine vigourand fruitfulness. In Thailand 1613 (Sol<strong>on</strong>is x Othello) is used to some extent. The rep<strong>on</strong>ed use ofrootstocks in Ecuador includes local Criolla hybrids (V. caribaea), Rupestris du Lot (V. rupestris)for phylloxera and SO 4 (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) and Richter (V. berlandieri x V. rupestris)for nematodes. Similarly, in Venezuela Criolla negra, 1103 Paulsen (V. berlandieri x V. rupeStris)and 5 BB (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) are used for nematodes.Pests and diseasesCopious quantities of fungicides are required for producti<strong>on</strong> of grapes in tropicalenvir<strong>on</strong>ments. The V. vini/era varieties are susceptible to a large range of fungal diseases, asituati<strong>on</strong> exacerbated by the tropical climate which favours microbial development. The fungal

174 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2diseases anthracnose or black spot (E/sinoe ampelina), downy mildew (Plasmopara vitieo/a),powdery mildew (Uncinu/a necator) and bunch rots, in panicular Botrytis cinerea andmiscellaneous sec<strong>on</strong>dary infecti<strong>on</strong>s of damaged fruit are the major pests. Dead ann is rep<strong>on</strong>ed as aproblem in a number of countries although it is unclear whether it is Phomopsis viticola or dyingarm (Eutypa armeniacae). Unspecified rusts are rep<strong>on</strong>ed as a problem in Asian countries.Insect pests thrive under tropical c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. The most serious problems are mealy bug(Pseudococcus spp.) and a range of mites including the bunch mites (Brevipalpus spp.) andEriophyes spp. A diverse range of unspecified pests are also rep<strong>on</strong>ed as problems. These includefruit piercing and sucking flies, moths, wasps, leaf hoppers and leaf skelet<strong>on</strong>izers, possibly thripsand aphids. stem boring beetles and American <strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong> w<strong>on</strong>n.3. B r e'e din g for t r 0 pic a len vir 0 n men t sVarietal inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> in the preceding secti<strong>on</strong>s indicates that tropical grape producti<strong>on</strong> has anarrow genetic base, limited to a narrow range of V. vini/era varieties and a few hybrid varietiesgrown for disease resistance. These include the V. /abrusca hybrids Isabella, Delaware, CampbellEarly, Kyoho, the complex French hybrids of American species, Villard blanc and Niagara and theV. caribaea, Criolla hybrids. More effort in vine breeding and varietal evaluati<strong>on</strong> is required to fullyexploit grape'Vine variability and develop varieties more s'uited to tropical envir<strong>on</strong>ments. While themajor benefits are likely to accrue from improved disease resistance, other areas of vineimprovement must not be overlooked.Physiological problems of poor budburst and apical dominance may be reduced by selecti<strong>on</strong>of varieties with a low chilling requirement, similar to st<strong>on</strong>e fruit, or indirectly by the selecti<strong>on</strong> ofvarieties which are fruitful in basal nodes and suited to spur pruning. Selecti<strong>on</strong> of varieties which aremore fruitful and develop larger bunches under tropical c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s which favour rapid shootgrowth may improve productivity. The very high yields that are aC~lieved with Anab-e-Shahi inIndia indicate that producti\lity should not be a limiting factor in tropical grape producti<strong>on</strong>. Fruitquality may be improved by selecti<strong>on</strong> of varieties with higher levels of acid and which mature toadequate sugar levels and have good fruit colour.Priority should also be given to the development and selecti<strong>on</strong> of rootstocks for tropicalc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s as they have the potential to regulate excessive vine vigour, reduce problems associatedwith soil type and soil born pests and improve vine l<strong>on</strong>gevity. For sandier soil types, in particular indrier regi<strong>on</strong>s, the nematode resistant rootstocks currently used for table grape producti<strong>on</strong> inAustralia (POSSINGHAM et al. 1989) should be included in such a breeding and selecti<strong>on</strong> program,e. g. Ramsey (V. champinij or the lower vigour Teleki 5 A (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) andSchwarzmann (V. rupestris x V. riparia). The drought tolerant types, e. g. 110 Rand 1103 P (bothV. ber/andieri x V. rupestris) warrant study. Phylloxera resistant rootstocks selected for wetterareas in Europe, i. e. SO 4 and 5 BB (both V. ber/andieri x V. riparia) should be included. Thenew selecti<strong>on</strong>s of V. rotllndi/olia rootstocks developed by H. P. OLMO, University of California,Davis, which have some resistance to Xiphinema index nematode, have some potential to reduce'fanleaf problems where it occurs and should also be tested. CSIRO has a rootstock breedingprogram which aims to develop multi-species complexes suited to a range of soil typesincorporating genes for nematode resistance from V. champini, phylloxera resistance from;V. ber/andieri, V. rupestris and V. riparia, drought resistance, V. rupestris and tolerance of wetterc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, V. riparia. Other species distributed in more tropical regi<strong>on</strong>s have also been incl~ded,i. e. V. aestivalis, V. cinerea, V. caribaea, V. l<strong>on</strong>gii and V. r01Undi/olia.The major fungal disease problems, anthracnose, oidium, downy mildew and bunch rotsfound in the tropics have their origins in the American c<strong>on</strong>tinent. Although there are varyingdegrees of susceptibility between various varieties of V. vini/era, which originaie from the CentralAsian/European regi<strong>on</strong>s, there appears to be little opportunity to breed disease resistant varietieswithout broadening the genetic base. Vine breeders at the tum of the century, both in Europe andthe USA, who aimed to develop direct producers that were tolerant ofphylloxera were also able to

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 175incorporate genes for disease resistance from various American species. These selecti<strong>on</strong>s arecomm<strong>on</strong>ly referred to as American hybrids, i. e. hyrids involving mainly V. vinifera andV. labrusca or French hybrids based <strong>on</strong> many American species, e. g. Villard blanc is an 8 speciescomplex. Although some of these hybrids or their progeny are currently grown for diseaseresistance in the tropics for table grapes (e. g. Isabella, Kyoho, Campbell Early) or wine producti<strong>on</strong>(e. g. Villard blanc) their fruit characteristics are less than desirable as V. labrusca hybrids generallyhave a 'foxy' flavour. There is c<strong>on</strong>siderable scope to increase the resistance of grapes to diseasesencountered in the tropics and to reduce the heavy reliance <strong>on</strong> chemical protecti<strong>on</strong>. Breedingprograms now include routine screening for disease resistance by dual culture in vitro e. g. fordowny mildew (STEIr-; et al. 1985; BARLASS el al. 1986) or oidium (STEIN et al. 1985). Detailedinform31i<strong>on</strong> can now be accessed by breeders to identify species and species combinati<strong>on</strong>s likely tobe resistant to the various diseases. For example DOSTER and SCHN .\THORST (1985) were able toshow that cultivars of V. labrusca and hybrids between V. vinifera and V. rupestris were resistantto oidium. Most V. vinifera cultivars tested were not resistant. We also know that V. labruscacultivars grown in the tropics are more resistant to anthracnose than V. vinifera. The Chinese havebeen panicularly successful in the development of quality table grape varieties from hybrids ofV. labrusca and V. vini/era (i. e. F<strong>on</strong>una 12, 14, 17, 18 and Phoenix 51). In the CSIRO breedingprogram, genes for resistance to downy mildew have been incorporated from complex hybrids. Forexample, Marroo Seedless, a cross of Carolina Blackrose and Ruby Seedless is resistant to downymildew, even under wet tropical c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s in Townsville, a characteristic derived from its diseaseresistant breeding line which dates back to Villard blanc. Marroo Seedless is, however, susceptibleto oidium. There is funher potential to involve in breeding the Muscadine grape, V. rotundifolia,rep<strong>on</strong>ed to be resistant to most diseases and also Asian species such as V. amurensis andV. armala.There have been a number of new varieties recently released from breeding programs in theUSA, rep<strong>on</strong>ed to have disease resistant and acceptable fruit quality when grown in warm, humidenvir<strong>on</strong>ments in Florida, Arkansas and New York State. These varieties warrant testing in theirown right and as parents in the tropics as they are resistant to anthracnose, oidium and powderymildew and various bunch rots. They include the black V. labrusca, V. vinifera seedless selecti<strong>on</strong>s,Reliance Seedless (MOORE 1983), Mars Seedless (MOORE 1985), and Einset Seedless (REISCH et al.1986), very complex species hybrids involving V. labrusca, French hybrids and V. aestivalis, anative of Florida, Suwannee and C<strong>on</strong>quistador (MORTENSEN 1983), Orlando Seedless(MORTENSEN and GRAY 1987) and Remaily Seedless (POOL et al. 1981).CSIRO Merbein has a hybridizati<strong>on</strong> program aimed at developing new varieties for tropicalenvir<strong>on</strong>ments. A diverse range of genotypes with disease resistance, e. g. V. rotundifolia (DRX55),complex species hybrids such as Chambourcin, Muscat St. Vallier, Villard blanc, Aurelia, CarolinaBlackrose, Lady Patricia, Illinois 271·1, S14664, SV 12·309, SV 12·303 and V. labrusca hybridssuch as Isabella, Glenora, Mantey and Suffolk Red have been used in crosses with V. vinifera tablegrapes e. g. Muscat Hamburg. In additi<strong>on</strong> to the named variety Marroo Seedless (CLINGELEFFERand POSSINGHAM 1988), a cross of Carolina Blackrose and Ruby Seedless, promising selecti<strong>on</strong>sbeing evaluated include progeny from DRXS5 x Aurelia, Carolina, Blackrose x Flame Seedless,Kishmishi (a misnamed large, red benied seeded variety) x Lady Patricia, Bicane x Villard blanc,Muscat Hamburg x Lady Patricia, Blackrose x Illinois 271·1. In some cases 2nd and 3rd generati<strong>on</strong>crosses have produced very complex and involved breeding lines. As well in-ovulo embryo cl1lturefrom seedless x seedless genotypes (BARLASS et al. 1988) has been used to develop new breedinglines from material in the CSIRO germ plasm collecti<strong>on</strong> or pollen imp<strong>on</strong>ed from the USA.4. Plant transformati<strong>on</strong>In additi<strong>on</strong> to the c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al breeding strategies for tropical grapevine improvement, theemerging technologies of direct plant transf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> must also be c<strong>on</strong>sidered. The technology is

176 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2already established for many herbaceous annuals and will doubtless be applied to woodyperennials. Research within the CSIRO Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Horticulture has been used to developtechniques for grapevine transformati<strong>on</strong> and an experimental gene has been successfullyintroduced. The task lies ahead to introduce genes of ec<strong>on</strong>omic importance. Of particular interestin relati<strong>on</strong> to grapevine transformati<strong>on</strong> is protecti<strong>on</strong> from fungal disease. Currently attenti<strong>on</strong> isbeing given to the resp<strong>on</strong>se of plants to pathogenic infecti<strong>on</strong>s. Many plants resp<strong>on</strong>d by synthesizingpathogenic resp<strong>on</strong>se proteins (PR) which include hydrolytic enzymes to defend against pathogenicattack. Two such enzymes are chitinase which degrades chitin, the major cell wall comp<strong>on</strong>ent ofoidium and fi -glucanase which degrades fi -glucans, c<strong>on</strong>stituents of cell walls of downy mildewhyphae.In c<strong>on</strong>trast to c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al breeding, where progeny are highly heterozygous and includevarietal characteristics from both parents, a better approach might be to provide a selected varietywith a gene for chitinase or fi -glucanase or both, by plant transf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> methodology. The aimwould be to lyse the hyphae of invading fungal diseases. This would allow the c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al breederto c<strong>on</strong>centrate <strong>on</strong> the many pleiotropic (multigenic) gene characters which are not suited to thesenew methodologies, i. e. yield, flavours etc.ReferencesBARLASS, M.; MILLER, R. M.; ANTCUFF, A 1.; 1986: Development of methods for screening grapevines forresistance to infecti<strong>on</strong> by downy mildew. I. Dual culture in vitro. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult. 27, 61-66.-- -- ; RAMMING, D. W.; DAVIS, H. P.; 1988: In-ovulo embryo culture: a breeding technique to rescue seedless xseedless table grape crosses. Austral. <strong>Grape</strong>grower Winemaker, No. 272, 123·125.CHADHA, K. L.; 1984: <strong>Grape</strong> research in India - priorities and suggested approach for the future. Indian J. Hort.41,145-159.CUNGELEFFER, P. R; 1985: Specialised trellis design for table grape producti<strong>on</strong>. Proc. The Producti<strong>on</strong>,Promoti<strong>on</strong> and Marketing of Western Australian Table <strong>Grape</strong>s, September, 1985,68-71. Rural and AlliedIndustries Council, Perth, W. A-- -- ; 1987: Producti<strong>on</strong> of grapes in tropical areas. Proc. 2nd Natl. Table <strong>Grape</strong> Tech. C<strong>on</strong>f., July 1986,46-49.Stanthorpe, Qld.-- -- ; MAY, P.; 1981: The swing·arm trellis for Sultana grapevine management. S. Afr. 1. Enol Viticult. 2, 37-44.-- _. ; POSSINGHAM, 1. V.; 1988: Marroo Seedless: A new table grape variety. Agricult. Sci. (Austral.) 1 (2),18·19.DOSTER, M. A; SCHKATHORST, W. c.; 1985: Comparative susceptibility of various grapevine cultivars to thepowdery mildew fungus, Uncin ula necator. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult. 36, 101·104.MCCOLL, C. R; 1986: Cyanamide advances the maturity of table grapes in central Australia. Austral 1. Exp.Agricult. 26; 505·509. .MOORE, 1. N.; 1983: 'Reliance' Seedless <strong>Grape</strong>. HortScience 18, 963·964 ..... ; 1985: 'Mars' Seedless <strong>Grape</strong>. HortScience 20, 313.MORTENSEN, 1. A; 1983: 'Suwannee' and 'C<strong>on</strong>quistador' grapes. HortScience 18, 767·769 ..... ; GRAY, D. 1.; 1987: 'Orlando Seedless' grape. HortScience 22, 327·328.OLMO, H. P.; 1970: Report to the Government ofIndia. FAO/UNDP Report No. TA 2825. FAO, Rome.POOL, R M.; REMAILY, G. W.; REISCH, B. I.; WATSOK, 1. P.; KIMBALL, J. H.; 1981: 'Remaily Seedless' grape.HortScience 16, 232·233.POSSINGHAM, 1. V.; CUNGELEFFER, P. R; 1986: Selecti<strong>on</strong> and breeding of table grapes for Australia~ Proc.19th Intern. Viticultural and Oenological C<strong>on</strong>gr. 1986, Santiago Chile, 808·819 ... .. ; .... ; KERRIDGE, G. H.; 1989: Developments in the Australian table grape industry. Proc. 20th Intern.Viticultural and Oenological C<strong>on</strong>gr. (in press).PUNSRI, P.; SUKUMALANDANA, c.; 1977: <strong>Grape</strong> growing in Thailand. In: CHADHA, K. L.; RANDHAWA,G. S.; PAL, R. N. (Eds.): Viticulture in Tropics, 24·31. Horticultural Society ofIndia, Bangalore.REISCH, B. I.; REM AIL Y, G. W.; POOL, R M.; W A TSOK, 1. P.; 1986: 'Einset Seedless' grape. HortScience 21,155·156.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 177ROJNIC, I.; ROMERO, T.; SALAS, A; 1972: Manual Practico para el Cultivo de la Vid en Estado Zulia. F<strong>on</strong>do deDesarrollo Fruiticola -F<strong>on</strong>defru. Caracas, Venezuela.STEIN, u.; HEINTZ, c.; BLAICH, R; 1985: The in-vitro testing of grapevine cultivars for oidium and plasmopararesistance. Z. Pflanzenkrankh. Pflanzensch. 92,355-359.

178 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Study of phenotypic variati<strong>on</strong> by analysing data gatheredtogether by 0.1. V. <strong>on</strong> new varieties of table grapesR. WAGNERINRA Stati<strong>on</strong> de Recherches Viticoles, B.P. 13, F-34750 Vjlleneuve-Ies-Maguel<strong>on</strong>ne, FranceSum mar y: Ifwe c<strong>on</strong>sider progenies of seedless, muscat or early cultivar (SME cv.), they may be pr<strong>on</strong>eto show some differences in their distributi<strong>on</strong> for phenologic or cultural characteristics, when compared to morecomm<strong>on</strong> varieties (c<strong>on</strong>trol cv.). Data gathered together by O.I.v. <strong>on</strong> 190 new table grape cultivars originatingfrom 37 different breeding stati<strong>on</strong>s was used to test this hypothesis .. Only the most objective characteristics (forinstance: berry weight) were chosen, so as to reduce observer's influence <strong>on</strong> cv. descripti<strong>on</strong>s. Differences betweenSME and c<strong>on</strong>trol cvs could be shown in mean, variance and/ or distributi<strong>on</strong> analysis for some characteristics. Incomparis<strong>on</strong>, no significant change appeared for the same features between black versus white cvs. Theseprovisi<strong>on</strong>al results have to be c<strong>on</strong>firmed by experimental studies, but the tendencies shown may still be of interestin breeding work.Key w 0 r d s: table grape, variety of vine, variati<strong>on</strong>, ecology, phenotype, seedlessness, muscat flavour,early maturity, biometry, analysis, breeding.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Breeding is <strong>on</strong>ly possible if some variati<strong>on</strong> exists in the biological material to be improved. Tomaintain variability, every breeder is c<strong>on</strong>cerned about genetic resources.Ifwe are interested in seedless, muscat or early cvs, the questi<strong>on</strong> is: is the variability potentialof progenies of these cvs equal to that of progenies from more comm<strong>on</strong> cvs? The problem ispanicularly imp<strong>on</strong>ant with seedlessness. Since most of these cvs are related to Sultanina, theseprogenies may be more inbred than other, n<strong>on</strong>-seedless progenies. This situati<strong>on</strong> may also befound, but to a lesser degree, with characters such as muscat or earliness. It is well known thatinbreeding implies a risk ofloss of variability, but also the possibility of reduced fitness.The study published by the Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne et du Vin <strong>on</strong> new varieties of tablegrapes (WAGNER and TRUEL 1988) gave us the opp<strong>on</strong>unity to see if differences can be detected, atleast for some characters, am<strong>on</strong>g these groups of cvs.Plant materialMaterials and methodsData used in this study were collected from all known grape breeders. OJ.V. asked them to fillout two types off<strong>on</strong>ns:<strong>on</strong>e for each new variety registered: inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> cultural characters,<strong>on</strong>e for the locati<strong>on</strong> where these varieties had been bred: inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> climatic and trainingsystem variables.Characters selected for the studyOnly the most objective characteristics described were chosen to reduce observer bias <strong>on</strong> cvsdescripti<strong>on</strong>s.Experimental design37 stati<strong>on</strong>s bel<strong>on</strong>ging to 19 countries, situated in very different climatic areas (ranging fromCanada and USSR to Israel) gave inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> 190 cvs. As every stati<strong>on</strong> often c<strong>on</strong>tributed to

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 179Table 1: Regressi<strong>on</strong> between cultural variables (x1-x6) and climatic variables: average temperature and watersupplyfor the 72 to 139 cvs observed. t values for null hypothesis and significanceindependant temperature water supplyvariablesdependantvariablesxl = time ofbud bursting 2.23 * 0.49 NS(DIV d.n.)x2 = time offruit maturity 3.42 *** 0.67 NS(DIV d. n.)x3 = c:lusterweight 5.71 *** 0.32 NS(DIV d.n.)x4 = berryweight 5.26 *** 0.27 NS(OIV d.n.)x5 = numberof seeds 1.64 NS 1. 45 NSper berryx6 = weightof 100 seeds 0.59 NS 2.36 *(g)*,**,***,NS : signific:ant at the 5%, 1%, or 0.1% levels, respec:tively.OIV d.n. = OIV desc:riptor numbers for the different variables.every group of cvs, differences due to soil, climate or training systems may be minimal whenmaking comparis<strong>on</strong>s between groups of cvs. This hypothesis can be <strong>on</strong>ly valid if enough stati<strong>on</strong>sare c<strong>on</strong>sidered. As climatic variables were available for most stati<strong>on</strong>s, a c<strong>on</strong>trol of the validity ofthis hypothesis was possible: if the assumpti<strong>on</strong> made is true, then temperature and wateravailability averages from relevant groups of cvs are expected not to be significant. If they are,.thendifferences am<strong>on</strong>g groups may originate both from cvs differences and unbalanced locati<strong>on</strong>distributi<strong>on</strong> of these cvs. In the latter case it is not easy to detennine which factor is the mostimportant.Soil differences could not be c<strong>on</strong>trolled. Also c<strong>on</strong>sidered was whether growth regulators andringing were used; all places (and cvs) submitted to such cultural practices were discarded from thestudy. For this reas<strong>on</strong>, seedless cvs could not generally be analysed, or when they were, thisc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> could not be applied, so that the results must be c<strong>on</strong>sidered with this restricti<strong>on</strong>.

180 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 2: Comparis<strong>on</strong> between seedless and seeded CVS, muscat and neutral CVS, early and n<strong>on</strong>-early CVS, blackand white cvs. The <strong>on</strong>ly characters listed in the table are those which are significantly different for their means,their variances or their distributi<strong>on</strong>sstatistics comparisi<strong>on</strong> between :SOL/SOD MUSCAT/ EARLY/NON- BLACK/cvs NEUTRAL cvs EARLY cvs WHITE c\cluster wghtmean berry wght berry wght berry wghtcluster wghtvarianceberry wghtnb s./b.distri-cluster wghtbuti<strong>on</strong> berry wght berry wght berry wghtcluster wght = cluster weightberry wght = berry weight(x3)(x4)nb s./b. = number of seeds per berry (x5)As black versus white cvs showed no differences with either climatic variables or with culturalcharacters, <strong>on</strong>ly random differences were used to evaluate differences which were found am<strong>on</strong>gother groups of cvs with a completely nested design (random effect model).Results1. Test of the hypothesis: no differences in climate variables betweengroups of cvsTemperature and water supply showed no differences between:- black and white cvs,- early versus n<strong>on</strong> early cvs.Between muscat and neutral cvs, no differences were found for water supply, but a highlysignificant difference appeared for temperature:the average temperature for locati<strong>on</strong>s where muscat cvs were _bred and observed was.12.04 DC,to compare to: 13.48 DC for neutral cvs.The same result was found for- seedless. 14.97 DC and- seededevs.12.95 dc.which was not unexpected, as seedless cvs are mostly gro~vn and bred in hot countries.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 181Table 3: Means of different variables for black and white cultivars. Only seeded cvs have been c<strong>on</strong>sideredvariables WHITE cvs BLACK cvs F valuexl = time ofbud bursting 4.84 4.63 0.58 NS(OIV d.n.)x2 = time offruit maturity 4.52 3.84 3.10 NS(OIV d.n.)x3 = cluster 4.62 4.39 0.91 NSweight(OIV d.n.)x4 = berryweight 5.44 5.31 0.30 NS(OIV d.n.)x5 = numberof seeds 2.14 2.17 0.07 NSper berryx6 = weightof 100 seeds 4.60 4.31 1. 34 NS(g)Significance levels, see table 1.OIV d.n. = OIV descriptor numbers for the different variables.2. Regressi<strong>on</strong> between cultural and climatic variable (Table1)In general, <strong>on</strong>ly regressi<strong>on</strong> with temperature gave significant positive coefficients, with theexcepti<strong>on</strong> ofx5 and x6. All cultural variables were independant of water supply, <strong>on</strong>ly x6 (weight of100 seeds) was positively correlated with water supply.3. Comparis<strong>on</strong>s made for cultural variables between- seedless (SDL) and seeded (SDD) cvs,- muscat and neutral cvs (am<strong>on</strong>g <strong>on</strong>ly SDD cvs),- early and n<strong>on</strong>-early maturing cvs (am<strong>on</strong>g <strong>on</strong>ly SDD cvs),- black and white cvs (am<strong>on</strong>g <strong>on</strong>ly SDD).In general, <strong>on</strong>ly cluster weight and/or berry weight are found significantly different for theirmeans (or variances, or distributi<strong>on</strong>s) between the groups of cvs compared (Table 2).Black and white cvs have similar means (Table 3), variances and distributi<strong>on</strong>s for all the sixcharacters c<strong>on</strong>sidered.

182 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 4: Means of different variables for early and n<strong>on</strong>-early cvs. Only seeded cvs have been c<strong>on</strong>sideredvariables EARLY c:vs NON-EARLY F valuec:vsx3 = c:lusterweight 4.29 4.57 1. 03 NS(OIV d.n.)x4 = berryweight 4.70 5.63 14.66 **(OIV d.n.)x5 = numberof seeds 2.10 2.18 0.47 NSper berryx6 = weightof 100 seeds 4.58 4.36 0.66 NS(g)Signific:anc:e levels, see table 1.OIV d.n. = OIV desc:riptor numbers for the different variables.Early cvs have smaller berries than more later <strong>on</strong>es (Table 4) and their seed number per berryseems to be less variable:s5",,3.15, standard deviati<strong>on</strong> for early cvs,to compare withs5 -= 5.57 forn<strong>on</strong>-earlycvs.Between muscat and neutral cvs two characters are different: cluster weight and berry weight.In both comparis<strong>on</strong>s neutral cvs show greater means (Table 5) and variances.Only mean and distributi<strong>on</strong> in berry weight are different between SDD/SDL cvs. Mean berryweight found for SDL cvs isX4 = 3.94to compare withX4 = 5.37, forSDDcv.(Fvalue = 22.76 ••• ).4. Correlati<strong>on</strong>s between cultural variablesTable 6 gives simultaneously three different c<strong>on</strong>-elati<strong>on</strong> matrices; each of the first three linescorresp<strong>on</strong>ds to the first line of a correlati<strong>on</strong> matrix, respectively for:- muscatcvs- black-and-neutral cvs- white-and-neutral cvs.As before, <strong>on</strong>ly SDD cvs were c<strong>on</strong>sidered. These three groups of cvs gave significantcorrelati<strong>on</strong> coefficients betweenx1 and x2, xl and x4, x3 and x4.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 183Table 5: Means of different variables for muscat and neutral cultivars. Only seeded cvs have been c<strong>on</strong>sideredvariables MUSCAT cvs NEUTRAL cvs F valuexl = time ofbud bursting 4.47 4.89 2.35 NS(OIV d.n.)x2 = time of4.04 4.18 0.14 NS(OIV d.n.)x3 = clusterweight 4.14 4.72 6.05 **(OIV d.n.)x4 = berryweight 5.05 5.58 5.09 * 0.001),when calculated <strong>on</strong> all seeded (SDD) cvs.Correlati<strong>on</strong> between xl and x4: Early bud burst is correlated with small berry weight. Thevalue of the correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficient is lower than the f<strong>on</strong>ner:r=+0.48 (P > 0.001),when calculated for all SDD cvs.Correlati<strong>on</strong> between x3 and x4: Cluster weight and berry weight are highly correlated:r= +0.64 (P > 0.001),when calculated <strong>on</strong> all SDD cvs.As the other c<strong>on</strong>-elati<strong>on</strong> coefficients of these manices are generally just at the edge ofsignificance (P = 0.05), it seems safer, provisi<strong>on</strong>nally, to doubt their reality.

184 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 6: Correlati<strong>on</strong> matrices for six characteristics (xl-x6) and three groups of seeded varieties: muscat cvs(MUS.cvs), black-and-neutral cvs (BL.cvs), white-and-neutral cvs (WH.cvs). The names of cvs groups are put atthe place where significant correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficients should flgure. - = n<strong>on</strong>-significant correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficientsvariablesvariables xl x2 x3 x4 x6xl = time of 1.00 MUS.c:vs MUS.c:vsbud bursting 1.00 BL.c:vs BL.c:vs(OIV d.n.) 1.00 WH.c:vs WH.c:vs WH.c:vs WH.c:vsx2 = time of 1.00 MUS.vc:sfruit maturity 1.00

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 1851. Regressi<strong>on</strong> between cultural and climatologic variablesxl, x2, x3 and x4 (earliness of bud burst and berry maturity, cluster weight and berry weight)are positively correlated with average air temperatures. This means that hot areas are pr<strong>on</strong>e tobreed later CVS, with bigger bunches and larger berries. But it is unexpected that cluster and berryweight are not related with water supply, as x6 (weight oflOO seeds) is.2. Seeded versus seedless cvsThe big difference found for berry weight (x4 .. 3.94 and x4 = 5.37) was expected. It includesnot <strong>on</strong>ly varietal factors, but also climatic (SDL cvs are bred in hotter climates) and cultural factors(ringing, gibberellic acid treatments not applied <strong>on</strong> SDD cvs). It must be emphasized that x4 is the<strong>on</strong>ly character which gave a significant difference between SDL and SDD cvs, as the other culturalcharacters (earliness, cluster weight) showed similar means, in spite of climatic and cultural factorscapable of causing divergences.3. Muscat versus neutral cvsDifferences were found for cluster weight (x3) and berry weight (x4). In fact, these results canalso be explained by the highly significant positive regressi<strong>on</strong>s between x3, x4 and averagetemperature of the place of breeding: it seems that new muscat cvs are more frequently registered incooler areas than neutral cvs. In c<strong>on</strong>sequence they have, <strong>on</strong> average, smaller clusters and smallerberries.4. Early versus n<strong>on</strong>-early cvsNeither climatic nor cultural factors differ between these two groups, so differences found (forberry weight) may really be attributed to earliness divergence.5. Correlati<strong>on</strong> between cultural variablesThe preceding result is c<strong>on</strong>firmed in these correlati<strong>on</strong>s: x4 (berrx weight) is correlated with xl(time of bud burst), and also with time offruit maturity (<strong>on</strong>ly in white-and-neutral cvs).The other remarkable fact is the str<strong>on</strong>g correlati<strong>on</strong> between:- xl and x2 (earliness of bud burst and offruit maturity),- x3 andx4 (cluster weight and berry weight).In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>, it appears that few characters show differences for mean, variance and/ordistributi<strong>on</strong> between the groups of cvs c<strong>on</strong>sidered. Of the six variables c<strong>on</strong>sidered, <strong>on</strong>ly clusterweight and berry weight gave significant results for SDL/SDD, muscat/neutral and early/n<strong>on</strong>earlycvs, but not for black versus white CVS. Differences not related with climatic or cultural factorswere <strong>on</strong>ly observed between early and n<strong>on</strong>-early cvs for berry weight. .ReferencesBENIN, M.; GASQUEZ, 1.; BESSIS, R.; LABROCHE, c.; 1985: Tests de laboratoire pour revaluati<strong>on</strong> de lavariabilite enzymatique et morphologique chez la vigne. CoU. Moet-Hennessy Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne etCulture in vitro, Paris, 31.CALD, A.; COSTACURTA, A.; CANCELLIER, S.; 1987: Variabilita del rapp<strong>on</strong>o glucosio-fruttosio neUe bacche, indiscendenza da incrocio di viti. Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 40, 91-102.FANIZZA, G.; 1979: Genotypic and phenotypic variati<strong>on</strong> and correlati<strong>on</strong>s in wine-grape varieties (Vilis l'inijera)grown in Apulia (Italy). Genet. Agr. 33,37-44.

186 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2HUGLlN, P.; 1958: Recherches sur les Bourge<strong>on</strong>s de la Vigne: Initiati<strong>on</strong> Florale et Developpement Vegetatif.These, Univ. de Strasbourg.LEFORT, P. L.; BRONNER, A.; 1981: Modalites, c<strong>on</strong>traintes et efficacite de la selecti<strong>on</strong> sur descendances de plein·freres chez la vigne. Agr<strong>on</strong>omie 1, 667-678.SANDHU, A. S.; JAWANDA, 1. S.; UPPAL, D. K.; 1985: Phenotypic variability in respect of berry quality inintercultivar crosses of grapes. Indian 1. Agricult. Res. 42, 213-217.WAGNER, R.; TRUEL, P.; 1988: Nouvelles Varietes de Raisins de Table et de Raisins Sees. Ouvrage edite parl'Office <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong>187Potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and clusters:Role of rootstocko. FAILLA 1), A. SCIENZA 1.2), G. STRINGARI 2), M. F ALCETTI 2)1) Istituto di Coltivazi<strong>on</strong>i Arboree, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria, 2, 1-20133 Milano, Italy2) Istituto Agrario Provinciale, Via E. Mach, 1,1-38010 San Michele all' Adige, Trento, ItalySum mar y: Different sci<strong>on</strong>/rootstock combinati<strong>on</strong>s in grapevine (Vilis villi/era I Vilis spp.) were testedfor nutritiOnal propenies and juice compositi<strong>on</strong>. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay and Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> each grafted <strong>on</strong> 22rootstock varieties (10 new crosses and 12 already used in viticulture) were grown in outdoor pots c<strong>on</strong>taining verypoor nutriti<strong>on</strong>al substrate.Crop load had a str<strong>on</strong>g effect <strong>on</strong> juice compositi<strong>on</strong> and potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong>. Results indicate that under ourexperimental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s rootstock can have an effect <strong>on</strong> potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and cluster: 9 outof 22 rootstocks that we tried were able to improve leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent without inducing a significant increaseinjuice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent.Key w 0 r d s: potassium, nutriti<strong>on</strong>, translocati<strong>on</strong>, rootstock, sci<strong>on</strong>, leaf, bunch, growth, yield, mustquality, biometry.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Excessive or deficient mineral c<strong>on</strong>tent in fruits can impair fruit quality in many hor:ticulturalcrops. Frequently, optimal fruit mineral nutriti<strong>on</strong> does not corresp<strong>on</strong>d with optimal leaf mineralnutriti<strong>on</strong>, but optimal leaf mineral nutriti<strong>on</strong> is important for high yield and high plant efficiency(FAUST 1980). Thus, regulati<strong>on</strong> of mineral partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and fruits is an importantfactor in regulating plant productivity and crop quality.In grapevines, high yield can be obtained with high leaf potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong> (CHAMPAGNOL1988), but frequently high leaf potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong> corresp<strong>on</strong>ds to excessive potassiumaccumulati<strong>on</strong> and high pH values in berry juice, and particularly to insufficient wine quality(MATTICK el al. 1972; HALE 1977; MUNYON and NAGEL 1977; BOULTON 1980; MORRIS andCAWTHOX 1982; MORRIS et al. 1980, 1983, 1987; CHAMPAGNOL 1986; RYSERet al. 1989).Potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and clusters depends <strong>on</strong> grape variety, crop load of thevines, harvest date, potassium and water soil availability. Data of MORRIS et al. (1987) indicatethat in Arkansas Gewurztraminer had higher potassium petiole c<strong>on</strong>tent and lower potassium juicec<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> than Cynthiana, and that the applicati<strong>on</strong> of potassium fertilizer to Gewurztraminerdid not cause an increase in potassium in petioles or juice, whereas fertilizati<strong>on</strong> caused an increasein petiole potassium with De Chaunac and an increase in both petiole and juice potassium withCabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>.Data from HEPKER and BRAVDO (1985) indicate that in Carignan and Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> a:'high crop load was able to reduce potassium levels in leaves and juice and that in Cabemet S. highsoil water availability increased the leaf and juice potassium, but that both the effects were morec<strong>on</strong>sistent in leaves than injuice.MORRIS and CAWTHON (1982) were able to indicate an effect of crop load and irrigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>juice potassium but not <strong>on</strong> petiole potassium with C<strong>on</strong>cord. Similarly, FREEMAN and KLIEWER(1983) noted a more c<strong>on</strong>sistent effect of irrigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>juice potassium than <strong>on</strong> petiole potassium. .MORRIS el al. (1983) in a pot trial showed that with C<strong>on</strong>cord, when the potassium supplyranged from 0 to 12 g/plam, the leafpotassium coment passed from 1.25 to 3.5 %dw and the juicepotassium c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> raised <strong>on</strong>ly from 2.7 to 3.3 gil.

188 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 1: Rootstock varieties and new crosses tested for nutriti<strong>on</strong>al behaviour grafted with Chard<strong>on</strong>nay andCabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>RootstockParents'Jsed varietiesKOBER 5BB (K5BB)3309 C1103 P420 A110 R140 Ru41 B504GOLIASCHWARZMANNFERCALVitis Berlandieri x V. ripariav. riparia x v. rupestrisv. Berlandieri x V. rupestrisV. Berlandieri x V. ripariaV. Berlandieri x V. rupestrisV. Berlandieri x V. rupestrisV. vinifera (cv. Chasselas) x V. BerlandieriV. Berlandieri x V. ripariaCastel 15.612 x Vitis rupestris du LotVi tis riparia x V. rupestrisBCI (V. Berlandieri x V. vinif. cv. Colombard) N. 1x 333 EM (V. vinifera cv. Cabernet S. x V.Berlandieri)New crossesUSMI 1USMI 2USMI 3'J5MI 4'JSMI 5USMI 6USMI 7'JSMI 8USMI 9'JSMI 10V. Berlandieri self pollinatedV. Berlandieri self pollinatedV. Berlandieri x V. ripariaV. riparia x V. rupestrisV. Berlandieri x V. viniferaV. Berlandieri self pollinatedV. riparia x V. rupestrisV. Berlandieri x V. ripariaV. Berlandieri x V. ripariaV. riparia x V. rupestrisDELAS et al. (1989) indicated that potassium fenilizati<strong>on</strong> had greater effect <strong>on</strong> petiolepotassium than <strong>on</strong> juice potassium and that at low potassium availability the petiole potassiumc<strong>on</strong>tent decreased with greater extent than juice potassium.Also, rootstocks seem to be effective <strong>on</strong> potassium paniti<strong>on</strong>ing. DELAS et al. (1989) foundthat the correlati<strong>on</strong> coefficients between petiole and juice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent were affected byrootstock. They also showed some different behaviours of Cabernet S. grafted <strong>on</strong> differentrootstocks: Riparia at the same petiole potassium levels as SO 4 and Fercal induced lower juicepotassium c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>.Our hypothesis is that rootstock could have a significant role in potassium panirj<strong>on</strong>ingbetween leaves and clusters. It should assure an adequate leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent for adequateproductivity (source activity, bud differentiati<strong>on</strong> and assimilate translocati<strong>on</strong>) but should notfavour high potassium accumulati<strong>on</strong> in grape juice.Different physiological patterns are possible to explain the rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> potassiumpaniti<strong>on</strong>ing: e. g. rates in potassium uptake during the vegetative seas<strong>on</strong>, intensity and persistencyof shoot apex growth that can compete with cluster for potassium, and regulati<strong>on</strong> ofleafsenescenceand thus of potassium translocati<strong>on</strong> from leaves to clusters.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 189Data from screening of new rootstocks for nutriti<strong>on</strong>al efficiency verify the possible role ofrootstock in potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and clusters.Materials and methodDifferent sci<strong>on</strong>/rootstock combinati<strong>on</strong>s in grapevine (Vilis vinijeraiVitis spp.) were tested fornutriti<strong>on</strong>al properties and juice compositi<strong>on</strong> and characteristics in 1988 at the experimental farmof the University of Milano in M<strong>on</strong>tanaso Lombardo (Po Valley).4-ye.ar-old vines were grown in outdoor pots (301) c<strong>on</strong>taining very poor nutriti<strong>on</strong>al substrate,c<strong>on</strong>stituted of 50 % peat (in volume), with the following characteristics: pH in water 7.6; total Cacarb<strong>on</strong>ate (De Astis method) 8.2 %; soluble Ca carb<strong>on</strong>ate (Drouineau-Galet method) 0.50 %; totalnitrogen (Kjeldhal method) 0.46 %; available P (Olsen method) traces; exchangeable K (AcNH 4method) 30/J.g/g in K 20. Pots were kept at field capacity during the entire seas<strong>on</strong> by means oftrickle irrigati<strong>on</strong>, water loss was replaced daily. To measure the mineral efficiency under these poorsoil nutriti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, every pot was <strong>on</strong>ly slightly fertilized. Each pot was supplied with nitrogen(0.28g as NH/,03)' potassium (0.75g as K 2 S0 4), phosphorus (2.4g as Ca(Hl0 4 )2)'magnesium (0.5 gas MgS0 4• 7 H 20) and micr<strong>on</strong>utrients (Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo and Fe).Two cult ivaI's, Chard<strong>on</strong>nay and Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, each grafted <strong>on</strong> 22 rootstocks, werechosen. 10 new crosses (US~I series) from the Milano Pomology Institute were compared torootstocks already used in viticulture (Table 1). Vines were arranged in <strong>on</strong>e randomized block withtwo replicati<strong>on</strong>s. To standardize the plants at the beginning of the seas<strong>on</strong>, 4 shoots with 2 flowerclusters each per vine were retained. Flowering was the 1 st week of June in Chard<strong>on</strong>nay and the2nd in Cabernet S., while verais<strong>on</strong> was the lst and the 2nd week of August, respectively.When ripe (Chard<strong>on</strong>nay 30th August, Cabemet S. 4th October), all the grape clusters werecollected and weighed. The juice obtained with a manual wine press was analysed for soluble solids(refractometric method), titratable acidity (with NaOH N/10, end pH 8.2), pH, malic acid(enzymatic method), tartaric acid (colorimetric method) and potassium (spectrophotometricmethod). A sample of basal (4-6 node) and apical (last 3-4 fully expanded) leaves were collected.Potassium was determined by plasma emissi<strong>on</strong> spectrometer in the leaf samples. The total shOOt"length was also measured.Relati<strong>on</strong>s between nutriti<strong>on</strong> and juice characteristics were analysed by correlati<strong>on</strong>. The effectsof rootstock and sci<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> nutriti<strong>on</strong> andjuice characteristics were tested by variance and covarianceaI)alyses. Differences between the average values were verified by TUKEY (1956) test (p .. 0.05).ResultsThe sci<strong>on</strong>/rootstock interacti<strong>on</strong> was never significant, therefore results 'will be presented anddiscussed <strong>on</strong>ly as sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock main effects.R.elati<strong>on</strong>ships between crop load and juice compositi<strong>on</strong> (Table2)Both in Chard<strong>on</strong>nay and Cabemet S. grape yield per vine was negatively related with solublesolids, pH and K c<strong>on</strong>tent of juice, whereas tartaric acid and tit ratable acidity were negativelyassociated with crop load.Relati<strong>on</strong>ships between crop load and potassium leaf c<strong>on</strong>tent (Table3)Crop load decreased the potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent both in basal and apical leaves.

190 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 2: Regressi<strong>on</strong> coefficients of the relati<strong>on</strong>s between vine crop load and juice compositi<strong>on</strong>.CH = Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, CS = Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. NS: n<strong>on</strong>-significant, *, **, ***: P ~ 0.05,0.01,0.001J!JICE CV SOLUBLE pH TITRAT. IlALIC TARTARIC KCOMP. SOLIDS ACIDITY ACID ACIDCROP CH -0.58*** -0.57*** 0.34** NS 0.48*** -0.42***LOAD CS -0.44*** -0.57*** 0.31** 0.35***1 0.30** -0.51***Table 3: Regressi<strong>on</strong> coefficients of the relati<strong>on</strong>s between vine crop load and leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent at haIvesttime. CH = Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, CS = Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. NS: n<strong>on</strong>-significant, *, **, ***: P ~ 0.05,0.01,0.001LEAF It CV BASAL APICALLEAVESICROP CH -0.45*** I -0.31***ILOAD CS -0.31*** I -0.29**Table 4: Regressi<strong>on</strong> coefficients of the relati<strong>on</strong>s between juice K andjuice compositi<strong>on</strong>. CH = Chard<strong>on</strong>nay,CS = Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. NS: n<strong>on</strong>-significant, *, **, ***: P ~ 0.05,0.01,0.001I J!JICE CV SOLUBLE pH TITRAT. MALIC TARTARICI COMP. SOLIDS ACIDITY ACID ACIDII J!JICE CH 0.46*** 0.48*** NS NS NSII K CS 0.42*** 0.22* -0.24* NS -0.22*Rei at i<strong>on</strong> s hip s be t wee n j u ice pot ass i u m c<strong>on</strong> ten tan d j u ice com p 0 sit i<strong>on</strong>(Table 4)Both in Chard<strong>on</strong>nay and Cabemet S. potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent of the juice correlated with itssoluble solids c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> and with its pH levels.•Relati<strong>on</strong>ships between leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent and juice compositi<strong>on</strong>(Table 5)Potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent of leaves correlated with potassium in the juice in both the cultivars. Theotherjuice characteristics correlated with leaf potassium <strong>on</strong>ly in Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, where soluble solids,pH and malic acid values were positively associated with leafpotassium.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 191Table 5: Regressi<strong>on</strong> coefficients of the relati<strong>on</strong>s between leafK c<strong>on</strong>tent and juice compositi<strong>on</strong>.CH = Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, CS = Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. NS: n<strong>on</strong>-significant, *, **, ***: P ~ 0.05,0.01,0.001JUICE CV SOLUBLE pH TITRAT. IlALIC TARTARIC KCOMPo SOLIDS ACIDITY ACID ACIDBASAL CH 0.32* 0.43*** NS 0.34** -0.23* 0.58***LEAF K CS NS NS NS NS NS NSAPICAL CH 0.27* 0.22* NS 0.35** NS 0.52*LEAF K CS NS NS NS NS NS NSTable 6: Sci<strong>on</strong> effect <strong>on</strong> juice compositi<strong>on</strong>; means a

192Secti<strong>on</strong> 2TOTAL SHOOTLENGTH em600LSD4000.05as* USMI 3II 140 RuII 3309CII GOLIAII S04 * USMI 6* USMI 9II 420Ar.::1 * USM I 8~eHeJ* USMI 6II II 1103P *USMI 4300 SCHW * USMI 1 II 101-14* USMI 2II FERCALII K5BBII 110R* USMI 10* USMI 7 LSD 0.05 asII 41B400 500 600 700 800CROP LOADgFig. 1: Sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> vine vigour and crop load.In spite of the initial plant standardizati<strong>on</strong>, the number of grape clusters per vine wasinfluenced both by sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock, whereas average weight of grape cluster was influenced<strong>on</strong>ly by sci<strong>on</strong>. C<strong>on</strong>sequently, crop load per vine was c<strong>on</strong>trolled both by sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock.Chard<strong>on</strong>nay had a higher grape producti<strong>on</strong> than Cabernet S.; USMI6 and 41 B induced highgrape yield; USMI 2 , USMI 3 and USMI 9 induced low grape yield.Sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> juice characteristics (Tables6and7)Due to the correlati<strong>on</strong> between juice characteristics and crop load, sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effects<strong>on</strong> juice compositi<strong>on</strong> were studied by variance and covariance analyses.Table 8: Sci<strong>on</strong> effect <strong>on</strong> leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent at harvest time; means adjusted by crop load effect. ·Meansfollowed by the same letter are not different (P = 0.05). CH = Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, CS = CaOOrnet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>LEAVES CH CSBASAL 0.41a 0.32bAPICAL 0.40a 0.36b

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong>193APICAL LEAFK 1. dill0.60• SCHWLSD0.050.50* USMI 3• GOLIAH GROUP* USMI a* USMI 9* USMI 5420A• II 3309C* USMI 2* USMI 60, 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* USMI 1 II 110R* USMI 7L GROUPII 140RuII FERCALII 1103P0.30II 41B II K5BB II 101-14II S04 * USMI 10* USMI 4O. 20 LSD 0.050.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60BASAL LEAF K 1. dillFig. 2: Sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> basal and apical leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent. Means adjusted by the crop loadeffect.Sci<strong>on</strong> varieties were different in juice characteristics with the excepti<strong>on</strong> of tartaric acidc<strong>on</strong>tent.. Rootstock had an effect <strong>on</strong> soluble solids and pH but these effects were related with thedifferent crop load induced by the rootstock itself: in fact its effect was still not significant whenevaluated with covariance analysis with crop load as covariate variable.Titratable acidity and potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent of the juice were affected by rootstock. This effectwas reduced, but still Significant when adjusted by crop load. Malic and tartaric acid c<strong>on</strong>tents of thejuice were not affected by rootstock.Sci 0 nan d roo t s toe k e ff e c t<strong>on</strong> pot ass i u m nut r i t i<strong>on</strong> in I e a v e s (Table 8,Fig. 2)Both sci<strong>on</strong>-and rootstock had an effect <strong>on</strong> leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent.Cabemet S. had a lower leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent than Chard<strong>on</strong>nay.

194Secti<strong>on</strong> 2JUICE Krtleq/l20191817·r0.05ASIt 140RuIt 418 * USMI 5It GOLIA* USMI 3USMI 2* USMI 8CS 1'=0.23 nsCN 1'=0.58 111116* USMI 10It K58B* USMI 615LSD 0.05 AS0.200.300.40 0.50 0.60BASAL LEAF K 1. dwFig. 3: Sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between basal leaves and berry juice. Means adjustedby crop load effect.Two rootstock groups were detected: the first group (L group) with potassium level belowapproximately 0.4 % dw both in basal and apical leaves; the sec<strong>on</strong>d group (H group) withpotassium level above approximately 0.4 % dw both in basal and apical leaves.Sci<strong>on</strong> and rootstock effect <strong>on</strong> potassium partiti<strong>on</strong>ing between leavesand b err y j u ice (Fig. 3)Cabernet S. had higher juice potassium and lower leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent than Chard<strong>on</strong>nay.Rootstock had a greater effect <strong>on</strong> potassium leaf c<strong>on</strong>tent in respect of potassium juice c<strong>on</strong>tent.With the excepti<strong>on</strong> ofUSMI 1, Fercal and 1103 P which induced a juice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent lowerthan 16 meq/l, all the other rootstocks induced an average juice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent ranging from16 to 18.5 meq/l with 'high' or 'low'leafpotassium c<strong>on</strong>tent.Discussi<strong>on</strong>Under our experimental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, potassium nutrltl<strong>on</strong> and juice characteristics werestr<strong>on</strong>gly related to crop load of the vines. it reduced sugar and potassium accumulati<strong>on</strong> in theberry, increased their acidity and reduced leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent. For this reas<strong>on</strong>, resultinterpretati<strong>on</strong> has to take in c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> the crop load effect.In Chard<strong>on</strong>nay the similar effect of crop load <strong>on</strong> potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent ofleaves and juice, and <strong>on</strong>soluble solids in juice, determined the correlati<strong>on</strong> am<strong>on</strong>g these parameters. Therefore, the positiverelati<strong>on</strong> between potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong> and sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent of juice does not seem due to a greater leafefficiency but to a different 'source-sink' relati<strong>on</strong>.In Cabernet S. the lack of relati<strong>on</strong> ofleafpotassium with soluble solids and potassium in juiceseems to be related to the late leaf sampling date. At sampling time leaves were senescent due t<strong>on</strong>utrient sh<strong>on</strong>age and were not at a proper nutriti<strong>on</strong>al index.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 195When adjusted by crop load effect, the sci<strong>on</strong> effect was significant <strong>on</strong> juice compositi<strong>on</strong>(Table 6). The differences in juice compositi<strong>on</strong> between the two cultivars seem to be related withtheir different length and period of the ripening phase. In fact, the higher soluble solid andpotassium c<strong>on</strong>tent of Cabernet S. could be related with its l<strong>on</strong>ger ripening period, and the lowermalic acid c<strong>on</strong>tent of Chard<strong>on</strong>nay with the higher temperature that occurred during its ripening.Similarly, the sci<strong>on</strong> effect <strong>on</strong> potassium leaf c<strong>on</strong>tent seems to be related with the differentsampling dates and the different states of leaf senescence. Cabernet S. leaves were sampled1 m<strong>on</strong>th after Chard<strong>on</strong>nay leaves.For what c<strong>on</strong>cerns the rootstock effect when it was adjusted by the crop load effect, it was <strong>on</strong>lysignificant <strong>on</strong> vigour, titratable acidity and potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent of the juice, and <strong>on</strong> leaf potassiumlevels. .The small effect of the rootstock <strong>on</strong> plant vigour seems to be related to the pot c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>. Thepot volume limiting root growth also limited shoot growth.The great effect of rootstock <strong>on</strong> vine crop load has to be related to the young age of the vines,during which rootstock has generally a higher effect <strong>on</strong> flower initiati<strong>on</strong>.Rootstocks had an effect <strong>on</strong> potassium paniti<strong>on</strong>ing between leaves and berry juice, indeedthey induced similar juice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tents, with different levels ofleafpotassium.Rootstocks could be divided into two groups in relati<strong>on</strong> to their capability of c<strong>on</strong>trolling leafpotassium nutriti<strong>on</strong>. The first group (H group) was able to assure higherleafpotassium nutriti<strong>on</strong>, inthe sec<strong>on</strong>d group (L group) leaf potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong> was low.These results c<strong>on</strong>finn the variability am<strong>on</strong>g rootstocks in potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong> and suggestthat, at least in poor soil c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, an adequate rootstock can raise the leaf potassium nutriti<strong>on</strong>without increasing thejuice potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent.From our data, choice of rootstock seems to be a mild method in regulati<strong>on</strong> of potassiumpaniti<strong>on</strong>ing within the vine.Literature citedBOULT01'

196 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2-- -; SIMS, C. A; CAWTHON, D. L.; 1983: Effects of excessive potassium levels <strong>on</strong> pH, acidity, and color of freshand stored grape juice. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult. 34,35-39.- -- ; -- -- ; STRIEGLER, R. K.; CACKLER, S. D.; DONLEU, R. A; 1987: Effects of cultivar, maturity, clusterthinning, and excessive potassium fertilizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> yield and quality of Arkansas wine grapes. Amer. J. EnolViticult. 38, 260-264.MUNYON, 1. R.; NAGEL, C. W.; 1977: Comparis<strong>on</strong> of methods of deacidificati<strong>on</strong> of musts and wines. Amer. J.Enol. Viticult. 28, 79-89.RYSER, 1. P.; AERNY, 1.; MURISIER, F.; 1989: Foliar diagnosis as a tool in achieving quality. In: Methods ofK­Research in Plants, 249-257. <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Potash Institute, Worblaufen-Bem, Switzerland.TUKEY, 1. W.; 1956: The problem of multiple competiti<strong>on</strong>. In: SNEDECOR, G. W. (Ed): Statistical Methods,251-254. Iowa State University Press, Ames, lA, USA

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong>197On the new very early table varieties obtained by crossingdifferent varieties of grapevineL. AVR..

198 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2ResultsFrom the results obtained during the producti<strong>on</strong> of grapes in different agroecological areas ofour country, the varieties Demir Door, Early of Belgrade and Grochanka were the most successfuland ec<strong>on</strong>omically most interesting <strong>on</strong>es. C<strong>on</strong>trol variety was Pearl ofCsaba.Variety Demir Door (Table 1)This variety resulted from the crossing Muscat Ott<strong>on</strong>el x Queen of Vineyard.The most important morphological and physiological characteristics are: vigorous growth,flower physiologically hermaphroditic, medium-sized cluster, large berries, yellow-green berrycolour, semi-firm berry texture, muscat-like taste. The time of ripening is <strong>on</strong> average 6 d earlier thanPearlofCsaba.Compared with the c<strong>on</strong>trol variety, Demir Door is more resistant to Botrytis cinerea, tooidium and to low winter temperatures.Analysis of the data given in Table 1 shows that compared to Pearl ofCsaba the variety DemirDoor exhibited significant quantitative differences which under index points reach the next limits:average yield (kg/ha) 134 IP; average cluster weight 110 IP; average berry weight 152 IP; averagecluster length 123IP; average sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent 105IP; berry skin crush resistance 208IP;organoleptic characteristics value 138 IP.Table 1 shows that we have obtained a new genotype which in comparis<strong>on</strong> with the varietyPearl of Csaba exhibits better agrobiological and technological charactelistics, including very earlyripening, <strong>on</strong> average 6 d before Pearl ofCsaba.The analysis of variance (0.05-0.01 level) showed that compared with c<strong>on</strong>trol variety DemirDoor exhibited significantly greater yields, very significantly larger average cluster and berryweights, a very significant increase in berry skin crush resistance and also very significant increase ofthe resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong> from pedicel. Yield, cluster weight, berry weight and sugarc<strong>on</strong>tent showed very high correlati<strong>on</strong>s with temperature, rainfall and solar radiati<strong>on</strong>.Variety Early of Belgrade (Table2)This variety was obtained from a crossing of the varieties Chasselas Bouvier x Dattier deBeyrouth.Most important morphological and physiological characteristics are: vigorous growth, flowerfuncti<strong>on</strong>ally hennaphroditic, large cluster, large berries, yellow-green skin, berry texture semi-firm,taste very pleasant. Ripening occurs 3-5 d earlier than with Pearl ofCsaba.Compared with Pearl of Csaba, Early of Belgrade is much more resistant to diseases, todrought and to low winter temperatures.Multiple regressi<strong>on</strong> analysis indicates that yield is poorly c<strong>on</strong>'elated with temperature, rainfalland solar radiati<strong>on</strong>. However, cluster weight, sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent and acid c<strong>on</strong>tent are· str<strong>on</strong>glycorrelated with these meteorological factors.The data in Table 2 show that the variety Early of Belgrade exhibits significant differences incomparis<strong>on</strong> to Pearl of Csaba and the values in index points reach the next limit: average yield168 IP; average cluster weight 287 IP; average berry weight 125 IP; average cluster length 177 IP;average sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent 125 IP; berry skin crush resistance 163 IP: resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong>from pedicel 121 IP; organoleptic characteristics value 145 IP.Table 2 also shows that we have obtained with variety Early of Belgrade a new genotype whichin comparis<strong>on</strong> with the variety Pearl of Csaba exhibits better agrobiological and technologicalcharacteristics including very early ripening.The analysis of variance (0.05-0.01 level) showed that compared to Pearl of Csaba Early ofBelgrade exhibits significantly very greater )~elds, cluster and berry weights and sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent.

Table 1: Average values of major characters for varieties Pearl ofCsaba and Derni Door investigated under different ecologicalc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>sPearl of Demir DoorCharacters Csaba (New Difference(C<strong>on</strong>trol) variety)1. Yield (kg Iha) 8,687 11,691 3,0042. Cluster weight (g) 131,80 144,80 13,003. Cluster length (cm) 8,50 10,50 2,004. Berry weight (g) 2,21 3,36 1,155. Sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent (%) 16,80 17,60 0,806. Total acid c<strong>on</strong>tent (g 11) 6,60 6,70 0,107. Berry skin crush resistance (g Icm 2 ) 489,00 1022,60 533,608. Resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong> from pedicel (g) 375,40 715,40 340,009. Organoleptic characteristics value (points 1 - 10) 6,30 8,70 2,4010. Time of ripening 24.07. 18.07. 6 daysIndex ofincrease(Points)134,50110,00123,00152,00105,00101,00208,00190,00138,000('1):l~o·3''0"'10

NoTable 2: Average values of major characters for varieties Pearl ofCsaba and Early of Belgrade investigated under differentecological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>sPearl of Early ofCharacters Csaba Belgrade Difference(C<strong>on</strong>trol) (New variety)Index ofincrease(Points)1. Yield (kg Iha) 9.206 15.456 6.2592. Cluster weight (g) 137,90 396,20 258,303. Cluster length (cm) 8,50 15,10 6,604. Bery weight (g) 2,08 2,55 0,475. Sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent (%) 14,00 17,50 3,506. Total acid c<strong>on</strong>tent (g II) 7,20 7,40 0,207. Berry skin crush resistance (g Icm 2) 324,80 531,70 206,908. Resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong> from pedicel (g) 463,70 980,80 517,109. Organoleptic characteristics value (points 1 - 10) 5,96 8,66 2,7010. Time of ripening 3.08. 29.07. 5 days168,00287,00177,00122,00125,00102,00163,00211,00145,00Cf)I"DQ

Table 3: Average values of major characters for varieties Pearl ofCsaba and Grochanka investigated under different ecologicalc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s1. of GroschankaCharacters Csaba (New Difference(C<strong>on</strong>trol) variety)Yield (kg Iha) 9,206 16,271 7,065Cluster weight (g) 137,90 302,10 164,20Cluster length (cm) 8,50 16,72 8,22Berry weight (g) 2,08 3,03 0,99Sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent (%) 14,00 18,10 4,10Total acid c<strong>on</strong>tent (gil) 7,20 6,70 0,50Berry skin crush resistance (g/cm 2 ) 324,80 567,30 242,50Resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong> from pedicel (g) 463,70 644,60 180,90Organoleptic characteristics value (points 1 - 10) 5,96 8,16 2,20Index ofincrease(Points)176,00219,00196,00145,00129,000,93174,00139,00137,00

202 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Variety Grochanka (Table3)The variety Grochanka resulted from the crossing Pearl of Csaba x Dattier de Beyrouth.The most imp<strong>on</strong>ant morphological and physiological characteristics are: vigorous growth,flower functi<strong>on</strong>ally hennaphroditic, medium-sized cluster, large berry, firm berry texture, verypleasant wine taste. Variety Grochanka ripens at the same time or 1·3 d later than variety Pearl ofCsaba.The variety is more resistant to diseases and to low winter temperatures than the c<strong>on</strong>trol.Multiple regressi<strong>on</strong> analysis shows that yield was poorly correlated 'with temperature, rainfalland solar radiati<strong>on</strong>. The cluster weight was str<strong>on</strong>gly correlated and the sugar and acid c<strong>on</strong>tentswere very str<strong>on</strong>gly correlated with these factors.Th'e data in table 3 show that in comparis<strong>on</strong> with Pearl of Csaba the new variety Grochankaexhibits significant differences and the values in index points reach the next limit: average yield176 IP; average cluster weight 219 IP; average berry weight 145 IP; average cluster length 196 IP;average sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent 129 IP; berry skin crush resistance 174 IP; resistance of berry to separati<strong>on</strong>from pedicel 139 IP; organoleptic characteristics value 13 7 IP.Analysis of variance (0.05-0.01 level) showed that in comparis<strong>on</strong> to variety Pearl ofCsaba thevariety Grochanka has very significantly greater yield, cluster weight, sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent and a verysignificant increase in -berry skin crush resistance.Table 3 shows that we have obtained with variety Grochanka also a new genotype which incomparis<strong>on</strong> with Pearl of Csaba exhibits better agrobiological and technological characteristicsincluding very early ripening.Discussi<strong>on</strong>The results obtained show that from crossings where <strong>on</strong>e of parents or both were very earlyripening we attained F 1 seedlings which had characteristics of earlyer maturati<strong>on</strong> than the parents.From many populati<strong>on</strong>s and after a large number of crossings we obtained many interestingseedlings with very early maturati<strong>on</strong>. After acknowledgement of the varieties, in our praxis the bestresults exhibited the three varieties Demir Door, Early of Belgrade and Grochanka.The fundamental idea was to create varieties which mature earlier or at the same time asvariety Pearl of Csaba. Our varieties obtained exhibited under different ecological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s veryearly maturati<strong>on</strong>, namely:The variety Den1ir Door ripens <strong>on</strong> average 6 d before Pearl of Csaba.The variety Early of Belgrade ripens 3-5 d before Pearl ofCsaba.The variety Grochanka ripens at the same time or 1-3 d after Pearl ofCsaba.From the genetical point of view we can assume that the d<strong>on</strong>ators for the early maturati<strong>on</strong>were the varieties Pearl ofCsaba, Chasselas Bouvier and Queen of Vineyard.Our results also show that new varieties have significantly or very significantly betteragrobiological and technological characteristics than Pearl of Csaba taking into account widegeographical areas. The data given in Tables 1, 2 and 3 dem<strong>on</strong>strate greater yields, larger clusterand berry weights, higher sugar c<strong>on</strong>tents, better uvological characteristics of berry and greaterresistance to cryptogamic diseases and to low winter temperature.Coefficients of multiple regressi<strong>on</strong> analysis show that the new varieties exhibited low, str<strong>on</strong>gand very str<strong>on</strong>g dependence <strong>on</strong> mesoclimatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of locati<strong>on</strong> and of years of theinvestigati<strong>on</strong>s.The new very early ripening varieties do not have very large berries as varieties Cardinal,Dattier de Beyrouth, Ribier, etc. Future crossings to improve berry size are necessary to meet therequirements of our own and offoreign markets.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 203A''RAMOV, L.; 1987: Posebnovinogradarstvo. Beograd.Literature-- -- ; 1988; Savremeno gajenje vinove loze. Nolit, Beograd.-- --; LOVIC, R.; TADIJANOVIC, Dj.; JURCEVIC, A.; JOVANOVIC, M.; Rt;ZH1C, M.; 1982: C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> a l'etudedes caracteres agrobiologiques de quelques nouveaux cultivars yougoslaves de la vigne. Symp. Intern.Raisin de Table et Raisin Sec, Heracli<strong>on</strong>, 193-200.-- - ; STANOJEVIC, S.; TODORO'lC, N.; TADIJANm1C, Dj.; JURCE\1C, A.; JOVANO'1C, M.; 1978: L'influence dequelques facteurs meteorologiques dans differentes localites sur Ie rendement et certains caracteresphysicochimiques des raisins nouveaux de table en Y ougoslavie. 1er Symp. Ecologie de la Vigne,C<strong>on</strong>stanta, 287-294.-- --; ZUNIC, D.; GASIC, N.; SUBOTICKl, M.; 1988: Prilog poznavanju rodnosti i nekih uvoloskih karakteristikanovih jugoslovenskih veoma ranih st<strong>on</strong>ih sorti stvorenih u Radmilovcu. Jugoslovensko Vinogradarstvo iVinarstvo (3-4).INTERNATIONAL BOARD FOR PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES; 1983: <strong>Grape</strong> Descriptors. IBPGR Secretariat,Rome.KORAc, N.; 1989: Arnpelographic investigati<strong>on</strong>s of table grapevine varieties in the Fruska Gora viticulture area.Doctoral dissertati<strong>on</strong>, Novi Sad.PAVLOVIC, K.; 1983: Ispoljavanje nekih agrobioloskih i tehnoloskih svojstava novih jugoslovenskih st<strong>on</strong>ih sortivinove loze u zavisnost od mezoklimatskih uslova lokaliteta. Mrs. dissertati<strong>on</strong>, Zemun.

204 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the photosynthetic productivity of some newlyselected grapevine varietiesTODORKA SLAVCHEVAInstitute of Viticulture and Enology, 5800 Pleven, BulgariaSum mar y: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s were carried out <strong>on</strong> the photosynthetic productivity of 5 wine varieties whichhad been selected at the Institute of Viticulture and Enology: Storgoziya, Nikopolski mavrud, Pomorilski biser,Dunavska garnza and Dunavski lazur. The first of them was grafted <strong>on</strong> Chasselas x Berlandieri 41 B rootstock,each of the others was <strong>on</strong> three rootstocks: Chasselas x Berlandieri 41 B, Berlandieri x Riparia SO 4, and.(Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5 BB) x (Rupestris Manin) III· 102 D.For all varieties, the leaf dry matter per unit leaf area was greatest when they were grafted <strong>on</strong> III·102rootstock. During the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period, the specific leaf weight increased. but the rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong>in leaves was not c<strong>on</strong>stant and gradually decreased with time.The c<strong>on</strong>tent of pigments and the leaf area per vine were greatest <strong>on</strong> SO 4 rootstock. On this rootstock, thehighest yield was obtained for all cultivars mainly at the expense of the grape cluster weight. The thickness of thetrunk under the graft·uni<strong>on</strong>, though, was smallest and an irregular increase of the diameters of the twocomp<strong>on</strong>ents, rootstock and sci<strong>on</strong>, occurred.Key w 0 r d s: rootstock, sci<strong>on</strong>, variety of vine, grafting, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, yield. producti<strong>on</strong>,phenology, statistics, Bulgaria.Introducti<strong>on</strong>In our previous investigati<strong>on</strong>s (SUWCHEVA 1981, 1988; SToEyand SLAVTCHEVA 1982) theeffect of the most important ecological factors - light, temperature, carb<strong>on</strong> dioxide, soil humidity -and of some agricultural factors - training systems, planting density - <strong>on</strong> the photosynthetic rate ofgrapevine was shown. Our efforts have recently been directed to investigating physiological andbiochemical peculiarities of grapevine plant in relati<strong>on</strong> to variety and also choice of rootstock. Thisis aimed at facilitating selecti<strong>on</strong> of perspective grapevine varieties with optimum parameters ofleafphotosynthesis and with valuable agrobiological characteristics, as well as at utilizing the obtainedknowledge for the progress of grapevine breeding. Some results in this field are presented in thispaper.Materials and methodsThe experimental work was carried out at the Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven.Five wine varieties bred at the institute were investigated: Storgoziya, Nikopolski mavrud,Pomorilski biser, Dunavska gamza and Dunavski lazur. The first of these was grafted <strong>on</strong>Chasselas x Berlandieli 41 B rootstock, each of the other cultivars <strong>on</strong> three rootstocks: Chasselas x·Berlandieri 41 B, Berlandieri x Riparia SO 4 and (Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5 BB) x (RupestrisMartin) III-I 02 D 1 ), the latter having been developed at the Institute of Viticulture and Enology(DIMITROY 1977, author's certificate no. 23562). During the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period, dry matteraccumulati<strong>on</strong> in leaves, pigment c<strong>on</strong>tent, leaf area, grape yield, as well as other additi<strong>on</strong>alcharacteristics were detennined.Dry matter accumulated in leaves during the day was detennined after the method of SACHS(Popovet al. 1957), leafsamples were taken for this purpose at 8. a.m., 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. threetimes during the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period in phenophases of flowering, <strong>on</strong>set of grape maturati<strong>on</strong>1) For brevity: 41 B, SO 4, III· 102 .

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 205(verais<strong>on</strong>), and maturati<strong>on</strong>. Specific leaf (dry) weight was measured as mg/dm 2 • Pigment c<strong>on</strong>tent(chlorophyll a, chlorophyll band carotenoids) was detennined spectrophotometrically (POCHINOK1976) during the same phases as mg % (mg per 100 g dry weight). Leafareapervine was calculatedas m 2 (CARBONNEAU 1976; SLAVCHEVA 1983, 1987). <strong>Grape</strong> yield was measured as kg pergrapevine.The data were statistically processed (MUDRA 1958; BARovand NAIDENOYA 1969).Table 1: Specific leaf weight during the day (mg drywt/dm 2 )to'C k sCultivarsNikopolski Pomoruski Dunavska Dunavski Storgoziyamavrud biser gamza lazurFioweling41 B 11) 454.4 494.2 495.4 459.1 469.4III) 488.8 524.7 522.1 497.8 498.1III I) 500.3 555.5 559.6 521.5 524.9S04 I 451.8 493.0 502.3 467.4II 488.2 526.5 543.3 492.6III 503.1 549.2 566.6 520.6III-I 02 I 469.3 504.2 527.6 469.1II 493.1 537.0 553.0 509.2III 528.0 549.2 573.4 519.5Onset of maturati<strong>on</strong>41 B I 675.9 727.4 717.1 684.5 627.9II 708.7 775.4 766.3 721.2 660.6III 722.4 767.6 781.4 733.0 665.8S04 I 670.3 718.2 737.6 684.3II 712.8 762.3 781.5 716.5III 728.6 795.2 795.0 724.5III·I02 I 697.5 757.4 747.8 687.9II 743.2 791.1 790.5 728.2III 746.2 806.0 812.5 738.6Maturati<strong>on</strong>41 B I 675.4 796.0 763.3 700.2 656.8II 698.0 825.6 784.5 712.5 694.8III 711.4 830.9 801.5 712.9 694.6S04 I 680.5 791.5 798.1 697.1II 712.4 841.5 811.5 708.0III 724.8 820.4 816.5 709.3111·102 I 726.6 841.5 811.6 740.9II 766.1 901.5 833.5 768.7III 757.1 868.1 828.2 748.31) First (8 a.m.), sec<strong>on</strong>d (12 p.m.), third (4 p.m.) samples in the day-time.

206 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>In Table 1 data are shown <strong>on</strong> specific leaf weight at 8 a.m., 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. duringflowering, <strong>on</strong>set of maturati<strong>on</strong> and maturati<strong>on</strong>. The specific weight of leaves increased during theday as a result of their photosynthetic activity irrespective of variety and rootstock. This allowed touse summarized equati<strong>on</strong>s for characterizati<strong>on</strong> of the general regularities. The dry matterincrement ofleaves during the day can be described by linear regressi<strong>on</strong>s as follows:Rootstock Flowering Onset of maturati<strong>on</strong> Maturati<strong>on</strong>41 B Y = 408.6 + 8.06x y = 629.6 + 8.30x y=695.7 +4.46xS04 y == 415.1 + 7.74x y ... 634.6 + 8.21x y == 717.3 + 3.39x1II-102 y=435.3 +6.95x y= 657.6 + 7.83x y=763.7 +2.88xIn the equati<strong>on</strong>s y is the specific leaf weight, i. e. the leaf dry weight per unit leaf area(mg/dm2), and x the time of day (h between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.). During flowering the t-test for thethree rootstocks was t expo > ttab.' during <strong>on</strong>set of maturati<strong>on</strong> this was relevant to 41 B and SO 4rootstocks, during grape maturati<strong>on</strong> t < t b' The rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> in leavesduring the day, i. e. the change in leaf dr1~eight per unit leaf area per unit time, was highest <strong>on</strong> 41 Brootstock, and lowest <strong>on</strong> 111-102. The specific leaf weight, in c<strong>on</strong>trast, was greatest <strong>on</strong> 111-102 andlowest <strong>on</strong> 41 B (significant differences). Furthermore, the dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> rate in leavesduring the day depended also <strong>on</strong> the phase; it was highest during <strong>on</strong>set of maturati<strong>on</strong> and lowestduring maturati<strong>on</strong>.Changes in specific leaf weight during the day can be described by a n<strong>on</strong>-linear regressi<strong>on</strong>,polynomial of sec<strong>on</strong>d degree:Rootstock Flowering Onset of maturati<strong>on</strong> Maturati<strong>on</strong>41 BS04III-I 02y -=324.6 + 22.75x -0.60X2 y = 464.9 + 37.77x -1.24x2 y = 612.2 + 18.53x -0.56x2y= 307.1 + 26.62x -0.78x2 y = 500.2 + 31.43x -0.95x2 y = 624.2 + 19.10x -0.63x2y = 311.2 + 28.64x -0.89x2 y = 456.6 + 42.54x -1.42x2 y = 435.8 + 58.28x -2.22x2The meaning ofy and x is the same as above.After differentiating the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed equati<strong>on</strong>s the following was obtained:Rootstock Flowering Onset of maturati<strong>on</strong> Maturati<strong>on</strong>41 B ~=.,., 75-1 "Ox r= 37.77 -2.48 x ~= 18.53 -1.12 xdx ....... . ...xS04 ~= 26.62 -1.56x Qy= 31.43 -1.90xdxQy= 19.10 -1.26 xdx1II-102 ~~ 28.64 -1.78x ~=42.54 -2.84x ID;= 58.28 -4.44xxdxIn the equati<strong>on</strong>s dy / dx is the rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> in leaves during the day(mg/dm2 • h) and x as f<strong>on</strong>nerly the time of day between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (h). This dry matteraccumulati<strong>on</strong> rate depended <strong>on</strong> the rate of net assimilates producti<strong>on</strong> and the rate of theirtranslocati<strong>on</strong> to the other organs. It decreased linearly with time from the morning hours (8 a.m.)towards the afterno<strong>on</strong> hours (4 p.m.), which was probably due to overcharging the photosyntheticapparatus with assimilates, causing a depressi<strong>on</strong> of photosynthesis. The coefficient before x is ameasure of the reducti<strong>on</strong> of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> rate in leaves per unit time.

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 207Statistic data processing was complicated by the use of a n<strong>on</strong>-linear regressi<strong>on</strong> to describe thechange in specific leaf weight during the day. Verificati<strong>on</strong> by an F-test did not give better results, sowe could satisfy ourselves with a linear regressi<strong>on</strong>. Experimental data, however, are betterdescribed by a n<strong>on</strong>-linear regressi<strong>on</strong> and, provided a sufficiently large number of replicates isavailable, it is preferable.Data examinati<strong>on</strong> for each variety showed that the already menti<strong>on</strong>ed tendencies remain withlittle excepti<strong>on</strong>s, so that the use of generalized data proved to be adequate. (Under the aspect ofvarieties the data will be examined in more detail in another paper.) Highest values of specific leafweight were obtained for cvs Pomori"iski biser and Dunavska gamza, and lower values wereobtained for Dunavski lazur, Kikopolski mavrud and Storgoziya. The differences between the twogroups of cultivars were significant (F > Fo 001)' Specific leaf weight is a typical characteristic ofexpo .variety and rootstock.In Table 1 it is also seen that the specific leaf weight increased during the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period. Itschange could be described by a n<strong>on</strong>-linear regressi<strong>on</strong>, as follows:41 B y=475.1 +4.870x·0.0207x 2 (F expo =54.94> F O. 001-27.00)S04 y =477.9 + 5.047x· 0.0223x2 (Fe",-p .... 44.66> F o . 001 = 27.00)III·I02 y"" 486.3 + 5.012x· 0.0199x2 (F expo = 49.12> F 0.001 - 27.00)In the equati<strong>on</strong>s y is the specific leaf weight (mean value from the three measurements duringthe day) as mg/ dm2, and x the time in days (d) after the earliest date of mea~uring (in this caseduring flowering).When we differentiated the equati<strong>on</strong>s, the first derivative ofy with respect to x was c<strong>on</strong>sideredas rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> in leaves during the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period. This looked like this:41 BS04III· 1 02.Qy = 4.870· 0.0414xdxgydd 7 ... 5.047. 0.0446xx~ = 5.012· 0.0398xu..."\In the equati<strong>on</strong>s dy / dx is the gain in leaf dry matter, calculated per unit leaf area per unit time(mg/ dm 2 • d) and x the time in days (d) after florescence. The rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong>decreased unif<strong>on</strong>nly in the course of time, most slowly <strong>on</strong> III· 1 02 and most rapidly <strong>on</strong> SO 4rootstock. C<strong>on</strong>sidered for each cultivar, the results are analogous; the value of dy / dx (average forthe vegetati<strong>on</strong> period) was smallest <strong>on</strong> SO 4 and it was highest <strong>on</strong> III· 1 02 except for cv. Dunavskagamza, where in general the differences were small.This fact could be related to the translocati<strong>on</strong> of assimilates toward clusters and other sinks.According to VASEY (1976), interrupted or retarded assimilate flow causes an increase in leaf dryweight and reduces water c<strong>on</strong>tent and plastid pigment amount. Exp<strong>on</strong> of photosynthates fromleaves is c<strong>on</strong>trolled by the needs of the individual sinks (SToEvand IVANTcHEv 1977; ORTH 1983;EIBACH and ALLEWELDT 1985). The cluster becomes the principal sink for photosYI1thatesproduced in the middle third of the shoot after fruit·set during its most intensive growth (BALCARand HERNANDEZ 1988) and panicularly at <strong>on</strong>set of maturati<strong>on</strong> (STOEV and IVANTCHEV 1977).From Table 2 it is seen that for all cultivars <strong>on</strong> SO 4 rootstock a higher yield was obtainedmainly at the expense of clust€r weight, i. e. reciprocally to the rate of dry matter accumulati<strong>on</strong> inleaves. This shows the correctness of such an approach.Leafarea correlates to yield (r = +0.799 > r O. 01= 0.684). For all varieties the leaf area per vinewas greatest <strong>on</strong> SO 4 rootstock, mainly at the expense of the mean area per leaf (Table 3).

208 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2Table 2: <strong>Grape</strong> yield (kg/vine)RootstocksCultivarsNikopolski Pomoriiski Dunavska Dunavski Storgoziyamavrud biser garnza lazur41 B 4.619 5.600 5.844 5.540 7.530S04 6.520 7.304 6.717 6.495111-102 5.403 4.864 4.404 5.056Table 3: Leaf area (m 2 /vine)RootstocksCultivarsNikopolski Pomoriiski Dunavska Dunavski Storgoziyamavrud biser garnza lazurS04 12.0 12.2 7.0 12.6111-102 10.2 6.3 6.3 5.3Table 4: Thickness of the trunk (mm) (A) above and (B) under the graft-uni<strong>on</strong>RootstocksCultivarsNikopolski Pomorilski Dunavska Dunavski Storgoziyamavrud biser garnza lazur41 B 32.5 1 ) 32.0 28.5 29.9 32.4S04 34.3 33.6 29.1 31.0111-102 32.6 33.6 29.1 31.241 B 32.7 35.6 33.2 33.3 35.9S04 28.4 28.9 25.7 28.2111-102 34.7 35.1 31.1 34.7The data are mean values from 3 years.ABAs to thickness of the trunk (which is a c<strong>on</strong>sumer as well) under the graft-uni<strong>on</strong>, it was smallestwhen the cultivars were grafted <strong>on</strong> SO 4, probably owing to rival interrelati<strong>on</strong>s, i. e. the assimilates

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 209Table 5: Pigment c<strong>on</strong>tents in the leaves (mg/l00 g dry wt)RootstocksCultivarsNikopolski Pomoriiski Dunavska Dunavski Storgoziyamavrud biser garnza lazurChlorophyll a41 B 415 1 ) 406 382 406 497S04 477 439 383 435III· 102 434 408 369 391Chlorophyll b41 B 138 130 114 128 159S04 141 154 108 126III· 102 124 119 107 116Carotenoids41 B 209 204 191 198 238S04 239 216 198 213111·102 229 218 194 1951) The data are mean values from the three measurements in phenophases of flowering, <strong>on</strong>set of grapematurati<strong>on</strong>, and maturati<strong>on</strong>.were distributed predominantly in the overground pan and besides an irregular thickening of bothcomp<strong>on</strong>ents, rootstock and sci<strong>on</strong>, OCCUlTed (Table 4). In c<strong>on</strong>trast, <strong>on</strong> 111·102 rootstock, probablyo'wing to the presence of a smaller c<strong>on</strong>sumer (cluster) a greater porti<strong>on</strong> of dry matter wasaccumulated in the leaves and subsequently in the perennial pans, which corresp<strong>on</strong>ds to someresults obtained by DI\1ITRO\, (1984, unpublished data).The c<strong>on</strong>tents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll band carotenoids in leaves are shown in Table 5.The data c<strong>on</strong>cerning rootstock III·102 are from 2 years. The highest pigment c<strong>on</strong>tent wascharacteristic of cv. Nikopolski mavrud, followed by Pomori'iski biser, the lowest of cv. Dunavskagamza; <strong>on</strong> 41 B rootstock, the pigment c<strong>on</strong>tent was greatest for cv. Storgoziya. Cv. Pomori'iskibiser was not significantly different (F expo < F 0.05) from l'ikopolski mavrud in regards to pigmentc<strong>on</strong>tents, but the differences were significant for Dunavski lazur and Dunavska gamza(F exp . > F tab). For all varieties the total c<strong>on</strong>tent of pigments was highest <strong>on</strong> S04 rootstock, mainlyat the expense of chlorophyll a and the carotenoids.Pigment c<strong>on</strong>tents c<strong>on</strong>tinuously decreased during the vegetati<strong>on</strong> period. This could beexpressed for chlorophyll a by a linear regressi<strong>on</strong>, as follows:41 B y = 530· 1.840x (t exp . = 6.523 > t o . OOI = 5.408)S04 y=515·1.158x (te>:p.=7.163>to.001-5.408)111·102 y=571·2.302x (te>.'P.=7.328>t o . 01 ... 4.604)In the equati<strong>on</strong>s y is the c<strong>on</strong>tent of chlorophyll a (mg/1 00 g dry weight) and x the time (d) afterflorescence.Analogous equati<strong>on</strong>s were obtained for chlorophyll b:41 B y = 163 ·0.509x (t expo . = 5.052> to . 01 = 3.499)S04 y = 156· 0.325x (te>.'P. = 2.287 < t o . 05 = 2.365)III·I02 y=164·0.634x (t =2.309 < t o05=2.776)ell.'P. .

210 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2where y is the c<strong>on</strong>tent of chlorophyll b and x as above.For the carotenoids:41 BS04111-102y - 248 -0.685xy .. 251-0.491xy=273-0.871xAnd, finally,jointly for chlorophylls + carotenoids:41 BS04III-I 02y = 926 -2.868xy = 921·1.973xy = 1002 - 3.794x(texp. = 3.686> t o . Ol- 3.499)(texp ... 2.775 > t o . 05" 2.365)(te~,'p. E 5.496 > t o . 01c 4.604)(t~'P. = 5.788> t o . OOI= 5.408)(t = 6.479> to 001 = 5.408)expo .(te:\'P. = 7.503 > t o . Ol = 4.604)Therefore, with all the three rootstocks pigment c<strong>on</strong>tents in leaves decreased during thevegetati<strong>on</strong> period. This change was not observed for chlorophyll b (SO 4 and III -102 rootstocks).It should be noted that during flowering pigment c<strong>on</strong>tents in the leaves of the cultivars, grafted<strong>on</strong> III-I02 rootstock, was higher compared to the other two rootstocks, but at the end of thematurati<strong>on</strong> phase it was already lower. Obviously <strong>on</strong> III-I 02 rootstock c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s were created forfaster shoot maturati<strong>on</strong>, which is <strong>on</strong>e of the premises for its better frost resistance (SLAVCHEVA,unpublished data; Popov 1988).A negative correlati<strong>on</strong> (r> r O. OOl) existed between the specific leaf weight and the pigmentc<strong>on</strong>tents in leaves, both characteristics depended <strong>on</strong> the time (date), i. e. they changed during thevegetati<strong>on</strong> period.In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>, differences were established in the investigated physiological and othercharacteristics in rela~i<strong>on</strong> with variety and rootstock. The obtained knowledge can be utilized ingrapevine breeding.AcknowledgementsThe valuable technical assistance of Mrs. A GADEVSKA. and Mr. T. TRIFONOV is gratefullyacknowledged.ReferencesBALCAR, 1.; HERNA~DEZ, 1.; 1988: Translocati<strong>on</strong> of photosynthate in grapevine shoots during the growthperiod. Vitis 27,13-20.BAROV, V.; NAIDEl'OVA, P.; 1969: Statistical Methods fot Field and Vegetati<strong>on</strong> Experiments [Bulg.]. Zemizdat,Sofiya ..CARBONNEAU, A; 1976: Principes et methodes de mesure de la surface foliaire. Essai de caracterisati<strong>on</strong> destypes de feuilles dans Ie genre Vilis. Ann. Amelior. Plantes 26,327-343.EIBACH, R.; ALLE\\'ELDT, G.; i985: Einfluf3 der Wasserversorgung auf Wachstum, Gaswechsel undSubstanzprodukti<strong>on</strong> traubentragender Reben. III. Die Substanzprodukti<strong>on</strong>. Vitis 24,183-198.MUDRA, A; 1958: Statistische Methoden fur Landwirtschaftsversuche. Paul Parey Verlag, Berlin, HambUfS.ORTH, c.; 1983: Einfluf3 der Wasserversorgung auf (lie Assimilattranslokati<strong>on</strong> bei Reben. Diss., Univ.Hohenheim. [Ref.: Vitis 23,1 C 3).POCHINOK, KH. N.; 1976: Method~ of Biochernical Analysis of Plants [Russ.]. Naukova Dumka, Kiev.PoPov, K.; 1988: Investigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the influence of rootstock III -1 02 D <strong>on</strong> the vegetative and reproductive growthof grapevine CV. Merlot [Bulg.). Lozar. Vinar. 37 (3), 20-22.-- -- ; DOCHEVA-POPOVA, R.; GEORGIE\', G. KH.; GUSHTEROV, G. K.; 1957: A Practical Handbook of PlantPhysiology [Bulg.]. Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofiya.

Genetic improvement of grapevine fOlm or functi<strong>on</strong> 211SLAVCHEVA, T.; 1981: Influence of Some Ecological Factors of <strong>Grape</strong>vine Photosynthesis [Bulg.]. Thesis, Inst.Viticulture and Enology, Pleven ... •. ; 1983: Theoretical curves for determining the leaf area in some grapevine varieties [Bulg.]. Grad. Lozar.NaukalO (3), 89-97 ..... ; 1987: The effects of planting density and plant formati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the leaf area ofcv. Dimiat grapevines [Bulg.].Rasteniev dni Nauki 24 (12), 92-98 .• - -- ; 1988: The productivity of grapevine (V: vini/era L.) and the methods of cultivati<strong>on</strong>. Intern. Symp. PlantMineral Nutriti<strong>on</strong> and Photosynthesis, Varna, 4.-10.10.1987, Vol. II, 310-314. Bulgarian Academy ofSciences, Sofiya.STOEV, K. D.; IYANTCHEY, V.; 1977: D<strong>on</strong>nees nouvelles sur Ie probleme de la translocati<strong>on</strong> descendante etascendante des produits de la photosynthese de la vigne. Vitis 16, 253-262 .. _._; SLA,,.CHEVA, T.; 1982: La photosynthese nette chez la vigne (V vini/era L.) et les facteurs ecologiques.C<strong>on</strong>naiss. Vigne Vin 16,171-185.VASEY, V.; 1974: Influence of the flow of assimilates <strong>on</strong> the structure of the leaves as photosynthetic apparatus[Bulg.]. In: Plant Physiology, Vol. 2,121-133. Georgi Dimitrov Agricult. Acad. Sofiya.

212 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2<strong>Grape</strong> breeding in ChinaLuo F ANGMEI and ZHANG FENGQINBeijing Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, ChinaSum mar y: The paper introduces the achievements of grape breeding in China since 1950. So far,around 50 new varieties and many new lines of grape have been produced. Some new varieties are cold resistant,disease resistant with high yield and are suitable for making wine. Some are early maturing with large, seedlessberries. Some are suitable for the climate of high humidity and for cultivati<strong>on</strong> in rainy areas of southern China.Some bear large clusters and berries of beautiful appearance and are of high yield and quality. Some are suitablefor canning and making juice.Key w 0 r d s: breeding, variety of vine, Vitis arnurensis, China, wine grape, table grape, juice, yield,must quality, maturati<strong>on</strong>, frost resistance, disease resistance, salt resistance, ecology.Although viticulture has a history of over 2000 years in China, grape breeding was <strong>on</strong>lystarted in the early 1950s. So far, the best method for breeding new varieties of grape is crossbreeding.Therefore interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong> and intervarietal hybridizati<strong>on</strong> are carried outwidely at different instituti<strong>on</strong>s and colleges all over China. ,\round 50 new varieties and many newlines of grape have been produced through selecti<strong>on</strong>, evaluati<strong>on</strong> and cultivati<strong>on</strong> experiments in thepast 40 years and remarkable su:ccess has been achieved.In 1951, Jilin Institute of Pomology produced G<strong>on</strong>gniang No.1 (Muscat Hamburg x Vitisamurensis) and G<strong>on</strong>gniang No.2 (V. amurensis x Muscat Hamburg).G<strong>on</strong>gniang No. 1 is a highly cold resistant variety which can overwinter safely without beingburied for protecti<strong>on</strong>, even in places where the lowest temperature reaches -22°C. It is also adisease resistant variety with high yield and good quality. T<strong>on</strong>ghua Winery of Jilin Province w<strong>on</strong> aprize in the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Wine Competiti<strong>on</strong> 1984, for its 'Princess Red Wine' made from grapes ofG<strong>on</strong>gniang No.1. This variety is cultivated in large areas in Jilin, Heil<strong>on</strong>gjiang, Lia<strong>on</strong>ing, GansuProvinces and the Inner M<strong>on</strong>golia Aut<strong>on</strong>omous Regi<strong>on</strong>.The grape variety Heishan was produced by Xingcheng Institute of Pomology, ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Sciences by crossing Black Hamburg and V. amurensis, and Shanmeiguiwas produced by crossing Muscat Hamburg and V. amurensis in 1952.Beichun, Beimei and Beih<strong>on</strong>g were produced by crossing Muscat Hamburg andV. amurellsis at the Beijing Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciencesin 1954. Beichun, in panicular, is a disease resistant variety with high yield, cold resistance and highsugar c<strong>on</strong>tent in fruits, suitable for making red wine. It can overwinter safely without being buriedfor protecti<strong>on</strong> in n<strong>on</strong>hem Chinii. It is also disease resistant, tolerant to humid c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> and veryadaptable to rainy areas of south em China. It is distributed everywhere in China.Besides these, several table grape varieties were bred by the Beijing Botanical Garden in 1960through hybridizati<strong>on</strong> between varieties. These include Jingzaojing (Queen of the Vineyards xThomps<strong>on</strong> Seedless) and Jingkejing (French Blue x Black M<strong>on</strong>ukka), which are seedless and. earlymaturing varieties, Jingyu (ltalia x Queen of the Vineyards), which is an early maturing variety withlarge berries, and Jingfeng (Queen of the Vineyards x Black MotlUkka), which is a late maturingvariety with high yield. Am<strong>on</strong>g these, Jingzaojing is outstanding, producing large and handsomeclusters with berries bigger than those of Thomps<strong>on</strong> Seedless. The berries are oval, yellowish-green,with thin skin, crisp pulp, and of high quality, weighing <strong>on</strong> average 2.6 g. It is also suitable formaking raisins· and for canning. It is cultivated in large areas in Xinjiang, Gansu and InnerM<strong>on</strong>golia of China.

Genetic improvement of grapevine f<strong>on</strong>n or functi<strong>on</strong> 213In 1956, H<strong>on</strong>gshan Horticulture Fann, Pingdu County in Shan d<strong>on</strong>g Province produced thenew table grape varieties Zexiang, Zeyu and Zefeng by crossing Muscat Hamburg and L<strong>on</strong>gyan.The variety Zexiang is disease resistant and has high yield. Clusters are medium and c<strong>on</strong>ical; berriesare medium, elliptical or oval, weighing <strong>on</strong> average 5.6 g each, yellowish-green, with str<strong>on</strong>g muscatflavor similar to Muscat Hamburg, and of good quality. It has been cultivated widely in Shand<strong>on</strong>gProvince.In 1957, breeding work for wine varieties was staned in the Shand<strong>on</strong>g Institute of Wine<strong>Grape</strong>. The main target was breeding varieties which are good for making high quality red or whitewine and suitable for cultivati<strong>on</strong> in the area of middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. At thesame time, breeding for table grape varieties and varieties for canning and juice-making was alsocarried out at this Institute. Varieties produced include Quanbai (Riesling x Verdot) and Quanyu(Riesling x Muscat Hamburg), suitable for making dry white wine, Meiyu and Mein<strong>on</strong>g, suitablefor making dry red wine, Meichun, suitable for making red wine and H<strong>on</strong>gzhilu, suitable formaking red wine and for pigment. The parents of the last four varieties are Merlot and Verdot. Inadditi<strong>on</strong>, the quality variety Baotuh<strong>on</strong>g which is cold resistant, disease resistant and suitable formaking red wine was produced at this Institute by crossing Sweet Water and V. amurensis in1964. These varieties all have high yield and the wines made from them are of good quality. Theyare favoured by growers and are widely distributed.Table grape varieties, Shan d<strong>on</strong>g Zaoh<strong>on</strong>g, Zaohuang, Quanl<strong>on</strong>gzhu and H<strong>on</strong>glianzi werebred at the same Institute by crossing Muscat Hamburg and Queen of the Vineyards in 1963,Cuih<strong>on</strong>g and H<strong>on</strong>gxiangjiao were bred by crossing Muscat Hamburg and Triumph in 1964.Shangd<strong>on</strong>g Zaoh<strong>on</strong>g is a good variety producing medium clusters, with medium berries weighing<strong>on</strong> average 4-5 g each. It is a disease resistant variety with high yield and the berries ripen in earlyJuly in Jinan, Shan d<strong>on</strong>g Province. It is an early matUling variety of good quality, the colour, flavorand taste of its berries are just like those of Muscat Hamburg. It is a favorite of people in large areasand is being disseminated.In 1960, The Institute of Saline-Alkali Soil Utilizati<strong>on</strong> in Lia<strong>on</strong>ing Province produced Zifeng(Black Hamburg x Niagara), which has the distinguished feature of tolerating saline-alkalic<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and can grow n<strong>on</strong>nally in a soil with 0.22 % salinity.A F 1 hybrid progeny produced from Muscat Hamburg x V. amurensis was obtained in 1961by Agr<strong>on</strong>omy College in Xi<strong>on</strong>gyue of Lia<strong>on</strong>ing Province. A new cold resistant variety Xi<strong>on</strong>gyuebaiwas bred in 1967 with L<strong>on</strong>gyan as the maternal parent, and the best hybrid progeny of MuscatHamburg x V. amurensis as the male parent. It has been evaluated as a fine variety suitable formaking high quality white wine through selecti<strong>on</strong>, cultivati<strong>on</strong> trials and experience with winemaking for several years. It is presently very popular.In 1962, Zhengzhou Institute ofPomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences bredZhengzhou Zaoh<strong>on</strong>g (Muscat Hamburg x Pearl of Csaba), and Heijianiang (Seibel No.2 xCarignane), the latter shows str<strong>on</strong>g disease resistance, unif<strong>on</strong>n maturity and produces rubycolouredhigh-quality wine. These two varieties are now popular in the area of the f<strong>on</strong>ner course ofthe Yellow River.In 1963, Zaomeigui was produced by the Depanment of Horticulture, NorthwestAgricultural University by crossing Muscat Hamburg and Pearl of Csaba. It is an early maturingvariety, with grapes harvested in early July in Baoji of Shaanxi Province. Its yield is higher than thatof Pearl of Csaba. The berries are purple-red, with str<strong>on</strong>g muscat flavor and the quality is alsohigher than that of Pearl ofCsaba.In 1963, Baimeikang and Zimeikang were bred by the Department of Horticulture, JiangxiAgricultural University by crossing Muscat Hamburg and Campbell Early, Meiye was bred bycrossing Muscat Hamburg and V. jlexuosa, and Meiyehei by crossing Meiye and Black Hamburg.These varieties are adapted to climates of high humidity.

214 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2In order to solve the problem of insufficient supply of grapes with rich pigments to the winemaking industry, two new good varieties, Yan No. 73 and Yan No. 74 (Alicante BouschetxMuscat Hamburg), which bear dark-colour berries, were bred by Yantai Wine-making Companyin 1966. These two varieties played a positive role in adjusting wine colour and improving winequality.In 1973, the Institute of Forestry and Pomology, Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciencesstarted to breed table grape varieties. The target was to produce early-maturing or seedlessvarieties. Zaomanao, Cuiyu and Yanh<strong>on</strong>g were bred by crossing Muscat Hamburg andJingzaojing; Zizhenzhu was bred by crossing Muscat Hamburg and Pearl ofCsaba. Am<strong>on</strong>g them,Zaomanao has high yield, large clusters and very beautiful, medium-sized berries, weighing 4.2 geach <strong>on</strong> average. The berry is obl<strong>on</strong>g, purple-red, and of high quality, with thin skin: crisp pulp andsweet taste. These four varieties were already being grown <strong>on</strong> a trial basis in Beijing, Lia<strong>on</strong>ing, Jilin,Ningxia, Gansu, Shan d<strong>on</strong>g, Henan and Hebei Provinces.In 1973, the Institute ofPomology, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences produced a newtable grape variety, Guibao, by crossing Ispissar and Muscat VIRa. The main characteristic of thisvariety is the large and uniform cluster with beautiful appearance. The berries are also large, purplered,with crisp pulp and str<strong>on</strong>g muscat flavor. It produces high yields of good quality. The berriesdo not drop or split and tolerate transportati<strong>on</strong>. The variety is suitable for cultivati<strong>on</strong> in ShanxiProvince.Different new grape varieties were produced by Dalian Institute of Agricultural Sciences in1973 through hybridizati<strong>on</strong> between varieties. Some bear extra large berries of beautifulappearance, produce high )~elds and are of quality; some bear seedless, large berries, produce highyields and are of quality; some are suitable for making wine or for canning; some have str<strong>on</strong>g coldresistance and disease' resistance; such as Jifeng (Kyoho x Jixiang), Fenghuang No. 12 (Muscat ofAlexandria x Flame Tokay and Pobeda), Fenghuang No. 51 (Muscat of Alexandria x Cardinal),Meigui Seedless (Muscat of Alexandria x Jingzaojing), etc. Am<strong>on</strong>g them, Fenghuang No. 51 is anearly maturing variety, its clusters and berries are large, berries are of special shape, purple-red,with thin skin, thick pulp, and sour-sweet flavour. The berries do not split or fall off, toleratetransportati<strong>on</strong>, and are of fine texture. In short it is a variety of high quality and high yield, whichhas been well received by a great number of cultivators. Its area of cultivati<strong>on</strong> is expanding.A number of instituti<strong>on</strong>s have engaged in grape breeding, they are: Institute of Pomology,Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Shanxi; Shand<strong>on</strong>g Agricultural University; ShanxiAgricultural University; Jilin Institute of Special Local Products; Institute of Horticulture, XinjiangAcademy of Agricultural Sciences; Shan shan Research Center of <strong>Grape</strong>, Mel<strong>on</strong> and FruitsExploitati<strong>on</strong> of Xinjiang; Institute of Horticulture, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Inner M<strong>on</strong>golian Institute of Horticulture; Changli Institute of Pomology in Hebei Province; andothers.These instituti<strong>on</strong>s have not <strong>on</strong>ly bred new varieties, but also studied the genetics of parentsand hybrid .progenies, including the inheritance of cold resistance, flower types, phenologicalphases and ec<strong>on</strong>omic characters offruits of progenies of hybrids between different species. Thesestudies and analyses provided guidelines for cross-breeding and parent selecting.Chinese grape breeders agree that the native wild species of China, V. amurensis, is anexcellent cold resistant parent for breeding cold resistant grape varieties. Some of the F 1 hybridsproduced can overwinter safely without being buried for protecti<strong>on</strong> even at -29°C. When repeatedhybridizati<strong>on</strong> was performed between cultivars and F 1 hybrids, the cold resistance decreased, butthe characters and quality of the fruits were improved.V. amurensis is dioecious. In the 1950s the Beijing Botanical Garden hybridizedhermaphroditecultivars and male plants of V. amurensis. As the result of this hybridizati<strong>on</strong>, 50 %male flowers appeared. Recently, a hennaphrodite-flowered f<strong>on</strong>n of V. amurensis was obtained in

Genetic improvement of grapevine form or functi<strong>on</strong> 215China. Jilin Institute of Pomology has crossed the hennaphrodite form of V. amurensis withhermaphrodite cultivars, and the ratio of hermaphrodite flowers in the progeny was more than70 %. When the female-flowered f<strong>on</strong>n of V. amurensis wao; crossed with the hermaphroditecultivars, the ratio of hermaphrodite flowers in the progeny was 50 %. Therefore, thehermaphrodite form of V. amurensis is the best parent for breeding a cold resistant variety.When V. amurensis was crossed with early maturing or late maturing varieties, the progenytended to be mid-late or late maturing, neither early maturing nor extremely late maturing progenyappeared.The cluster of V. amurensis is loose, berries are small, and the berries of labrusca-viniferahybrid varieties have strawberry or foxy flavor. Since the fragrance of strawberry affects the qualityof wine, vinifera varieties which are Df high yield and could make good wine were selected aliparents to be crossed with V. amurensis for breeding cold resistant wine varieties. No labruscaviniferahybrid variety was selected.The inheritance tendency of wild characters of V. amurensis is str<strong>on</strong>g. Cultivars which bearlarge and high-quality fruits should be selected to cross with V. amurensis for breeding coldresistant table grape varieties. After that, the excellent plants am<strong>on</strong>g the progeny should be selectedfor repeated hybridizati<strong>on</strong>.Experiments have dem<strong>on</strong>strated that Pearl of Csaba and Queen of the Vineyards are goodparents for breeding early maturing table grapes. Jingzaojing, Thomps<strong>on</strong> Seedless, BlackM<strong>on</strong>ukka are good parents for breeding seedless grapes. Muscat Hamburg, Muscat of Alexandria,Black Hamburg and Flame Tokay are good parents for breeding table grape varieties. Viniferavarieties which are of high yield and good for making wines should be selected for breeding winevarieties.These are the main achievements of grape breeding in China. Research is c<strong>on</strong>tinuing in manyChinese instituti<strong>on</strong>s. Results of such research will be published in different pomological orhorticulturaljournals. Any suggesti<strong>on</strong> will be appreciated.References (translated titles)FAN, BANGWEK et 01.; 1985: The biological characteristics of new grape cultivars, Baimeikang, Zimeikang,Meiye and Meiyehei. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 4, 27-32.FENG, YIBIAO et 01.; 1981: Van No. 73 and Van No. 74 - new good cultivars of pigment grapes. Science andTechnology of <strong>Grape</strong> 3, 6-8.HE, N ING e t 01.; 1981: Inheritance of characteristics of gra pe vines in breeding for cold resistance by interspecifichybridizati<strong>on</strong>. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 1; 1-8.HE, PUCHAO et 01.; 1980: Results of the test <strong>on</strong> grape cv. Zaomeigui <strong>on</strong> Baoji Horticultural Farm. Science andTechnology of <strong>Grape</strong> 2, 8-10.LI, JIANYI et of.; 1985: Zifeng, a new good cultivar of grape. Lia<strong>on</strong>ing Fruits 2, 38-40.LI, SHENGCHEN et 01.; J 983: Thirty years of grape introducti<strong>on</strong> and acclimatizati<strong>on</strong>. Collected Papers <strong>on</strong> PlantIntroducti<strong>on</strong> and Acclimatizati<strong>on</strong> 3, 11-17.LI, YlYUAN et 01.; 1987: Breeding for new cultivars of table grape. China Fruits 2,11-12.LI, YlYUAK et 01.; 1987: Zaomanao, Zizhenzhu, Cuiyu and Yanh<strong>on</strong>g - new grape varieties. Acta AgriculturaeBoreali-Sinica 2 (3),90-98.LI, XIANJUN et of.; 1985: Characteristics and cultivati<strong>on</strong> technique of grape cv. Zifeng. Viticulture and Enology3,12-14.OUYANG, SHOURC et 01.; 1989: Experiment of selecting and breeding table grape cv. Guibao. Shanxi Fruits 1,2-5.SHANDONG EXPERIMEKTAL STATIOK OF VITICULTURE; 1978: New cultivars of grape. Science andTechnology of <strong>Grape</strong> 1, 8·9.SHANDONG EXPERIMEKTAL STATION OF VITICCLTURE; 1979: An introducti<strong>on</strong> of new grape cultivars forwine-making. Science and Technology of <strong>Grape</strong> 3, 4-6.

216 Secti<strong>on</strong> 2SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF WINE GRAPES; 1985: New grape cultivars for wine-making. Viticulture and Enology4,1-lSHAD, JIYUAN et 01.; 1981: The descripti<strong>on</strong> of three new cultivars of grape. Shand<strong>on</strong>g Fruits 2, 8-11.Wu, DELING et 01.; 1981: Tendency of characteristics inheritance of grapes in breeding for cold resistance.Science and Technology of <strong>Grape</strong> 3,1-5.Wu, JINGJING; 1988: Some promising lines of grape vines. Shanxi Fruits 3, 27-28.Wu, JINGJING; 1989: Report <strong>on</strong> the breeding of Fenghuang No. 51, a new cultivar of early grape with largeberries. North China Fruits 1,22-26.ZHANG WEI CHANG; 1987: Experiment report <strong>on</strong> breeding grape cv. Xi<strong>on</strong>gyuebai. Viticulture and Enology 4,4-9.

Secti<strong>on</strong> 3: Resistance/tolerance to pestsand diseases

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases219<strong>Grape</strong> selecti<strong>on</strong> for resistance to biotic and abioticenvir<strong>on</strong>mental factorsN.1. GUZVK, P. N. NEDov, V. T. USATOV, I. A. KOSTRIKIN and L. F. MELESHKOThe Moldavian Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology 'ViruI', 59, Virul Street, Kishinev, 277034, USSRSum mar y: Most of the viticultural regi<strong>on</strong>s of the USSR are located under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of limiting bioticand abiotic factors, with frosts, drought, fungal diseases, phylloxera, mites, grape berry moths and some othersbeing of primary importance. The main breeding organizati<strong>on</strong>s have been creating for more than 40 years newtable and wine cultivars with complex resistance according to l<strong>on</strong>g-term programs. These cultivars are ownrootedand capable of wintering in outdoor culture with a limited amount of spray treatments, if any.In crossing, Amur grape and its hybrids, cultivars Seibel and Seyve Villard and some others are used asd<strong>on</strong>ors of resistance. Using biophysical and cytoembryological methods, gametes are treated with physical andchemical mutagenic factors in order to increase the variability range ofF seedlings, aiming at higher efficiency ofselecti<strong>on</strong>. The process of selecti<strong>on</strong> is accelerated if seedlings are grown liydrop<strong>on</strong>icaUy. Analysis of the F hybridpopulati<strong>on</strong> determines the nature of the inheritance of valuable agricultural characters and the selecti<strong>on</strong> 6f pairs.The in vitro method is used when seedlings are grown from n<strong>on</strong>-vital seeds, callus embryoids and in acceleratedpropagati<strong>on</strong> of valuable genotypes providing virus and bacteria eliminati<strong>on</strong>.More than 50 cultivars with complex resistance have been bred during 35 years. More than 10 of themhave been recommended for culture (Moldova, Lyana, Vostorg, Sukholimanski biely, Pervenets Magaracha, andothers), while the remainder are being tested in different viticultural regi<strong>on</strong>s of the Soviet Uni<strong>on</strong>.Key w 0 r d s: genetics, breeding, selecti<strong>on</strong>, analysis, resistance, cold, drought, virus, bacteria, fungus,pest, Vitis, variety of vine, USSR.Once in 10-12 years grapevines in the vineyards of the Black Sea regi<strong>on</strong>s are damaged byfrosts and dangerous winters, leading to producti<strong>on</strong> losses in commercial plantings. During yearswith rainy summer outbreaks of diseases (downy mildew, oidium, anthracnose, grey rot) and pests(spider mites, grape berry moths etc.) are observed, which reduce yield quantity and quality. Underthese c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, classical varieties do not always produce stable yields. New varieties withimproved resistance to limiting factors of biotic and abiotic nature are necessary.In the scientific centres dealing with viticulture (Kishinev, Odessa, Yalta, Novocherkassk,Erevan), more than 30 years of basic research and l<strong>on</strong>g-tenn grape breeding programmes haveperf<strong>on</strong>ned to meet requirements of modern industrial viticulture. A variety model is elaborated foreach regi<strong>on</strong>. The requirements for new varieties depend <strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>sumer's needs and taste, theindustry's plan and the cultivati<strong>on</strong> methods to be used. Quality characters combined withcharacters of resistance to low temperatures, dangerous fungal diseases and pests, necessary foreach regi<strong>on</strong>, are accounted for in the 'variety model' and the selecti<strong>on</strong> procedure. Selecti<strong>on</strong> criteriainclude: for table varieties - appearance, taste qualities, transportability, ability to l<strong>on</strong>g-tennstorage, short vegetati<strong>on</strong> period; for wine varieties - high sugar c<strong>on</strong>tent, short vegetati<strong>on</strong> period,high juice yields, suitability for mechanized harvest, colour quality and stability of wines, combinedwith quality characters peculiar to varieties which ate already recommended.The next step of the programme is the identificati<strong>on</strong> of parent material for breeding newvarieties. Successful selecti<strong>on</strong> of parent pairs provides with a high variability of characters, plasticityof hybrid progeny and results in elite selecti<strong>on</strong>s. It has been detennined that crosses involving thespecies V. cordi/olia, V. l<strong>on</strong>gii, V. cinerea, V. m0111icola, V. berlandieri, V. riparia, V. rupestris,V. amurensis result in valieties which are bearers of complex characters of resistance. V. vini/eravarieties of the Black Sea basin group are used as d<strong>on</strong>ors of physiological factors of high adaptati<strong>on</strong>to growing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. Some varieties fi-om Georgia have higher resistance to downy mildew, greyrot and phylloxefa (E.I.CHAMAGUA, V.P. GOTSERYDZE). Varieties of the West European group ared<strong>on</strong>ors of high quality. Valieties of the eastern group are grown for transportable table grape

220 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3varieties suitable for storage. R. Seibel's and Seyve Villard's interspecific hybrids give the possibilityof advancing the creati<strong>on</strong> of complex resistant varieties (frost, fungal diseases, root phylloxera,etc.).Analysis of our investigati<strong>on</strong>s dem<strong>on</strong>strated that the method of introgressive selecti<strong>on</strong>,applicati<strong>on</strong> of interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong>, using physical and chemical mutagenic factors increasethe variability spectrum in the F 1 generati<strong>on</strong>. The following rules are used in hybridizati<strong>on</strong>:1) Varieties obtained as a result of the latest selecti<strong>on</strong>s are used as d<strong>on</strong>ors of resistance.2) Selecti<strong>on</strong> of parent pairs is directed to growing new varieties for their use in special purpose(early table grape, champagne trend, cognac etc.).3) Analysis of the F 1 generati<strong>on</strong> (elements of genetics by ec<strong>on</strong>omic valuable characters) iscarried· out using accelerated methods of growing seedlings in c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of closed hydrop<strong>on</strong>ics(NPO 'Vierul'). On this basis, the combining ability of parent pairs is determined, allowing moreeffective selecti<strong>on</strong>.4) Seedling (elite) selecti<strong>on</strong> is carried out <strong>on</strong> the basis of careful evaluati<strong>on</strong> of plants in regardsto quality (micro-vinificati<strong>on</strong>, organoleptic evaluati<strong>on</strong>), resistance to winter frost, fungal diseasesand phylloxera.5) Producti<strong>on</strong> testing of candidates in valieties w1der different climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s,transferring the best of them to state variety test.The heritability ofmalvidin-diglucoside c<strong>on</strong>tent shall be especially menti<strong>on</strong>ed. Scientific workcarried out in l\"ovocherkassk and Kishinev <strong>on</strong> this problem showed that heredity of oak andcolouring propenies in the berries ofF 1 hybrids occurred with clear divisi<strong>on</strong> into classes, which wasevidence of discrete character heritability. Malvidine c<strong>on</strong>tent is inherited independently. In somecombinati<strong>on</strong>s, elite selecti<strong>on</strong>s are obtained, which have no trace ofmalvidine. Variability amplitudeof the given group of chemical combinati<strong>on</strong>s shows the polygenic character of inheritance. Whencrossing V. vinifera and V. amurensis, seedlings both with and without diglucosides are obtainedin the first generati<strong>on</strong>. It may be supposed that it depended from a 'dose effect', introduced by theEuropean comp<strong>on</strong>ent and the possibility of partial or complete regressi<strong>on</strong> of a 'wild type' geneseffect from the Amur grape.In the past 25-30 years more than 500,000 seedlings have been obtained at the selecti<strong>on</strong>alcentres of the USSR. 80 of these genotypes have been proposed to state for advanced testing and25 varieties have been registered until 1989 .<strong>Grape</strong>vine resistance to pests and diseasesIn 'Plant Immunity to Parasitic Diseases' by N. I. VA\1LOV (1935) it was noted that the mosteffective c<strong>on</strong>trol method against pests and diseases of agricultural plants is breeding andintroducti<strong>on</strong> of resistant varieties into producti<strong>on</strong>. The basic method of selecting agricultural plantsfor resistance in general and in grapevine especially includes determinati<strong>on</strong> of susceptibility ofinitial breeding material (species, present interspecific hybrids and cultured varieties) for use ofresistant genotypes as d<strong>on</strong>or parents. .For providing the resistance value of collecti<strong>on</strong> specie.s, complex interspecific hybrids andVitis varieties a~ well as progeny f<strong>on</strong>ns received from different crossing combinati<strong>on</strong>s it appearedpossible to carry out investigati<strong>on</strong>s in the next basic ways:1) Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the nature of resistance (factors causing n<strong>on</strong>-susceptibility) of grapevineto main hannful organisms.2) Exposure of correlated c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong>s between resistance factors and outer manifestati<strong>on</strong> ofresistance under field c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.3) Elaborati<strong>on</strong> of methods for forming anificial and natural infectious background forcarrying out resistance evaluati<strong>on</strong> of parent comp<strong>on</strong>ents and hybrid progeny and creati<strong>on</strong> ofreliable score scales for determining the degree of resistance of species, varieties and selecti<strong>on</strong> elitesof grapevine to pathogenic organisms and pests.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 2214} Investigati<strong>on</strong>s of resistance genetics exposing regularity of inheritance of characters ofresistance and quality for their using in selecti<strong>on</strong> for resistance in future.Above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed investigati<strong>on</strong>s have been carried out and are being c<strong>on</strong>tinued by scientificworkers of Plant Protecti<strong>on</strong> Depanment, immunologists ofMoldavian Institute of Viticulture NPO'Vierul' and Phytopathology Department of Kishinev Agricultural Institute (D.D. VERDEREVSKY,K.A VOITOVICH, I.K NAIDYONOVA, P.N.1\EDov, AP. GULER, G.E. VESMINSH, L.F. SUPOSTAT,E.A KYABURU, O.S. REBEzA, PEREPELYTSA, and others). Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> grape selecti<strong>on</strong> arec<strong>on</strong>tinued by scientific workers of Selecti<strong>on</strong> Depanment of Moldavian Research Institute ofViticulture and Enology NPO 'Vierul' (M.S. JURAVEL, G.M. KARADJY, N.J. GUZUN, M.V. TSYPKo,G.M. BORZYKOVA, F.A OU .. RI, G.A SAVIX, AD. POpov. J.P. GAVRILOV, and others).Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> resistance of grapevines to pathogenic organisms and pests during the last10 years yielded the following principle results:1) The presence of well expressed resistance of Vitis varieties to pathogens of main grapevinefungal diseases has been determined. These included: downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola BERL. etDE JONI), oidium (Uncinula necator BURR, Oidium tuckeri BERK.), grey rot (Botrytis cinerea PERS.),anthracnose (Gloeosporium ampelophagum SACC.), and brenner (Pseudopeziza tracheiphilaMULL. THURG.). 1\0 resistance (at degree needed for selecti<strong>on</strong>) to spot necrosis pathogen(Racodiella vitis STERENB., Mollisia vitis) was discovered. All grapevine species and varietiespresented in ampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong> are affected almost to an equal degree by this disease underc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s favourable for pathogen development.Chr<strong>on</strong>ic diseases of bacterial and viral etiology occupy a special place. As to bacterial canker(Agrobacterium tumejaciens CONK.), it was determined that there are cenain different qualities ofresistance to this disease am<strong>on</strong>g Vitis species, leading to tumor formati<strong>on</strong>. However, all species,interspecific hybrids and European grapevine varieties may be potential infecti<strong>on</strong> bearers. Andanalogy to harmful virus diseases of grape\-ine was noted. As to chr<strong>on</strong>ic diseases of viral andbacterial origin, phytosanitary selecti<strong>on</strong> methods may be applied for obtaining healthy cl<strong>on</strong>es to beused in breeding of virus and bacterium free plantings. Virus free and bacterial canker tested cl<strong>on</strong>esare widely planted and intensively bred.2) Anatomical-morphological, physical·biochemical and antimicrobial factors resp<strong>on</strong>sible forn<strong>on</strong>-susceptibility of grapevine to fungal diseases have been exposed. The principal <strong>on</strong>es are:activity of oxidati<strong>on</strong>·reducti<strong>on</strong> processes, identity of readyly soluble protein fracti<strong>on</strong>s of plant tissueand parasites, as well as some antimicrobial tissue propenies.3) A method of resistance evaluati<strong>on</strong> using 5-score scales of resistance to fungal diseases wasdeveloped and applied to determine the degree of resistance of approximately 2500 species,interspecific hybrids and European grapevine varieties. Several species, interspecific hybrids and afew varieties which were distinguished by resistance to fungal diseases are used successfully asd<strong>on</strong>ors in resistance selecti<strong>on</strong>.4) Factors resulting in grapevine resistance to.the principal pests were studied; these are: rootand grape phylloxera (Dactylosphaera viti/olii SHIMER), red spider mite (Pan<strong>on</strong>ychus ulmi KOCH),grape berry moths (Lobesia botrana DEN. et SCHIFF. and Eupoecilia ambiguella HB.). It wasdetermined that the character and intensity of rot process played a principal role in destructi<strong>on</strong> ofroots after phylloxera damage. We came to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that different (by virulence) grapephylloxera races are absent. Different damage degree of the same species is c<strong>on</strong>nected to· thephysiological-biochemical state of the plant but not to the presence of races differing inaggressiveness. Morphologicalleaffeatures and some biochemical factors, referring 'preferance orn<strong>on</strong>-preferance' of tissues for feeding are the main factors of resistance to red spider mite. As tophylloxera (root and grape) and red spider, well evident resistance differentiati<strong>on</strong> was shown.Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the resistance to grape berry moths led to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that within the genusVilis there are insignificant differences in susceptibility. It was also noted that an imp<strong>on</strong>ant factor in

222 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3comparable resistance of grapevine varieties to grape berry moths are aromatic c<strong>on</strong>stituents, whichare c<strong>on</strong>tained in the flowers and act as attractants to these pests.5) Laboratory, vegetative and field evaluati<strong>on</strong> methods for selecti<strong>on</strong> of genotypes resistant tofungal diseases and to pests were developed; in this case 5-score scales were used for mathematicalprocessing of the obtained data. The results showed that in the F 1 generati<strong>on</strong> resulting fromdifferent crossing combinati<strong>on</strong>s of interspecific hybrids and high quality European grape varieties,resistances vary within wide limits and are inherited polygenic dominantly independently (in manycases) from each other exposing heterosis and transgressi<strong>on</strong>.In general it may be c<strong>on</strong>cluded that there are no absolute genetic limits for obtaining varietiesrecombinants having complex field resistance to abiotic and biotic factors in combinati<strong>on</strong> with fruitquality similar to that of European varieties. Selecti<strong>on</strong> practice of resistant varieties which is carriedout in different regi<strong>on</strong>s of the USSR and countries of Council for Mutual Ec<strong>on</strong>omic Assistance(CMEA) testify to this. As a result of resistance breeding, the following varieties are being cultivatedor undergoing advanced testing: table grape varieties: Moldova, Juravel's Jubilee, Kodryanka,Frumoasa alba, Suruchensky bely, Vierul-59, Vostorg, Agat d<strong>on</strong>skoy, Lanka, Tayr, Muscatodessky; wine varieties: Vioryka, Muscat de Yaloveny, Plai, Negru de Yaloveny, Golubok, Rubintairovsky, Karin, Adysy, Pervenets Magaracha, Antey, etc. These varieties may be cultivated using<strong>on</strong>e to two pesticide sprayings, or without chemical protecti<strong>on</strong>, are resistant to low temperaturesdown to -26°C, regenerate fruiting shoots after severe winters, have stable annual yields equal inquality to those of regi<strong>on</strong>alized varieties, some of them are tolerant to root phylloxera and may begrown in own-rooted culture.In the USSR, work in grapevine selecti<strong>on</strong> is d<strong>on</strong>e in close collaborati<strong>on</strong> with scientists ofBulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia. An active exchange of selecti<strong>on</strong> material and newvarieties takes place.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases223Resistance to transmissi<strong>on</strong> of grapevine fanleaf virus byXiphinemll index in some Vitis species and hybridsG. STAUDT and H.-H. KAssEMEYERStaatliches Weinbauinstitut Freiburg, Merzhauser Str. 119,0-7800 Freiburg, F. R GermanySum mar y: Many vineyards in Germany are infested by nematodes which can transmit virus diseases.Breeding of rootstocks resistant to nematode feeding and virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> is an important way to c<strong>on</strong>trol thesevirus dise~ses.A method has been developed for testing breeding stocks for these characteristics with regard to grapevinefanleafvirus (GFV) and its vector Xiphinema index.The plants to be tested were first grown together in a single pot with both GFV-infected plants of Vilis cv.Siegfried and plants of the same cultivar which were virus negative according to an ELISA test: 2 m<strong>on</strong>ths afterplanting, the pots were inoculated with about 50 nematodes. In a sec<strong>on</strong>d experiment, single healthy plants ofdifferent hybrids and species were potted and inoculated with about 200 nematodes carrying GFV. After3-10 m<strong>on</strong>ths, roots were inspected visually for swellings and galls and tested for the presence ofGFV by ELISA.In all cases, the previously healthy cv. Siegfried showed symptoms of feeding <strong>on</strong> the roots and these rootsshowed a positive reacti<strong>on</strong> to the ELISA test. After 6 m<strong>on</strong>ths, GFV could also be detected by ELISA in the basalparts of the stems.The reacti<strong>on</strong> of the test plants was dependent <strong>on</strong> their genotype. A high susceptibility to feeding by thenematodes and high percentage of transmissi<strong>on</strong> to GFV was displayed by American species and interspecifichybrid rootstocks. One of the V villi/era x V rOlundi/olia hybrids showed no visual symptoms of nematodefeeding and no virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> 9 m<strong>on</strong>ths after inoculati<strong>on</strong>.Key w 0 r d s: Vitis, variety of vine, root, fanleaf, virus, nematodes, Xiphinema index, vector,transmissi<strong>on</strong>, resistance, bioassay.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Many "ineyards in Gennany are infested by nematodes which can transmit viruses. The mostserious viral pathogens are:grapevine fanleafvirus (GFV)arabis mosaic virus (ArMV)raspberry ringspot virus (RRV)tomato blackring virus (T oBR V)strawberry latent ringspot "irus (SLRV)These so-called nepoviruses are transmitted by different species of nematodes, of whichXiphinema index is perhaps the most important <strong>on</strong>e due to its known ability to transmit GFV andto its worldwide distributi<strong>on</strong>. It is widely accepted that ArMY is vectored by X. diversicaudatum,raspberry ringspot virus by LOllgidorus macrosoma, and tomato blackring virus by L. attenuatus.For many years Gennan grape growers were quite successful in c<strong>on</strong>trolling virus diseasestransmitted by nematodes with pre-plant soil fumigati<strong>on</strong>. However, in recent years efficientnematicides have become unavailable. Breeding rootstocks resistant to nematodes now appears tobe the sole soluti<strong>on</strong> to the problem of nematode transmitted virus diseases.As pointed out by KUNDE et al. (1968) and in accordance with ROHDE (1965), COOK. andEVANS (1987) and MOLLER (1989), resistance against nematodes can be defined as an interacti<strong>on</strong>between the nematodes and grapevines which retards or prevents maturati<strong>on</strong> and/ or reproducti<strong>on</strong>of the nematodes. Damage of feeding of the parasitic nematodes is not the problem in Gennany,but rather virus transmissi<strong>on</strong>. Therefore, <strong>on</strong>ly an extreme of resistance, which could be calledabsolute or high resistance, is the type of resistance we are looking for. Some authors, for exampleHARRIS (1983), used the tenn immunity for this type of resistance. But, as immunity is widely usedwith describing antigen-antibody reacti<strong>on</strong>s, this tenn should be avoided in plant pathology.

224 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3The producti<strong>on</strong> of swellings and/or galls is a reacti<strong>on</strong> of the host plant and therefore aquesti<strong>on</strong> of sensitivity to the attack of the nematodes. Differences occur with respect to thischaracteristic between species and cultivars, but this reacti<strong>on</strong> should not be regarded as a type ofresistance. Plants which show no reacti<strong>on</strong> or decline in yield are called tolerant. As pointed outearlier, we are not interested in tolerant plants because virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> is the paramountproblem and this can <strong>on</strong>ly be solved satisfactorially by absolutely resistant rootstocks or suchplants which do not allow virus transmissi<strong>on</strong>.Any breeding project should begin with screening the collecti<strong>on</strong>s for resistance. In regard toresistance against the dagger nematode X. index, this has already been d<strong>on</strong>e bgy various authorssuch as KUNDE eT al. (1968), BOUBALS and PISTRE (1978), BOUQUET (1981) and COIRO et al.(1985). In regard to transmissi<strong>on</strong> of viruses the results are not always c<strong>on</strong>vincing. KUNDE et al.rated V. ariz<strong>on</strong>ica and V. candicans, in additi<strong>on</strong> to other species, as resistant. According to theinvestigati<strong>on</strong>s of WEI SCHER (1980) these are <strong>on</strong>ly tolerant. This has been c<strong>on</strong>firmed by our recentinvestigati<strong>on</strong>s which showed that GFV could easily be transmitted to V. arizorzica by X. index.Materials and methodsTests for nematode resistance with absolute resistance in view should <strong>on</strong>ly be c<strong>on</strong>ductedunder c<strong>on</strong>trolled applicati<strong>on</strong> of nematodes, as described by BOUBALS and PISTRE (1978) andBOUQUET (1981). The goal of our investigati<strong>on</strong>s was to develop a method with which plants couldbe screened for nematode resistance and/ or "irus transmissi<strong>on</strong> within a reas<strong>on</strong>able time.All plants tested were in vitro propagated and therefore absolutely free of nematodes andGFV. In our initial experiments, a plant to be tested was grown together in a single pot with a GFVinfected plant of cv. Siegfried, which is an interspecific hybrid very sensitive to nematode feedingand to which it is very easy to transmit GFV. Another plant of the cv. Siegfried, which was virusnegative according to an ELISA test, was planted in the same pot. 2 m<strong>on</strong>ths after planting, the potswere inoculated with 20 ml soil c<strong>on</strong>taining about 50 nematodes. Occurrence of nematode feedingand subsequent transmissi<strong>on</strong> of virus was m<strong>on</strong>itored by the virus negative Siegfried plant.In our funher experiments the pots with single plants to be tested were inoculated directly withca. 200 viruliferous (GFV) nematodes. After different lengths of time, roots were inspected visuallyfor swellings and/ or galls and tested for the presence ofGFV by ELISA.Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Already 3 m<strong>on</strong>ths after inoculati<strong>on</strong> it was possible to make definite statements about the hostreacti<strong>on</strong> and virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> as well. This was, for example, the case for V. rupestris, V. ripariaand the rootstocks Kober 5 BB and 125 AA. There were cenain genotypes which needed funherinvestigati<strong>on</strong> or needed a l<strong>on</strong>ger exposure to nematode feeding to assure an accurate rating.In the table results are summarized which were collected over a period of 3·10 m<strong>on</strong>ths ofexposure to nematodes. A high susceptibility to feeding by X. index and high percentage oftransmissi<strong>on</strong> ofGFV was displayed by:the rootstocks:cv. Kober 5 BBcv. Kober 125 AAcV. FR419the interspecificcv. SiegfriedcV. FR 993·60(V. riparia x V. berlandieri)(V. riparia x V. berlandieri)a newly released cultivar with V. cinerea in its pedigreehybrids:<strong>on</strong>e of the most prOlTIlSmg selecti<strong>on</strong>s for wine producti<strong>on</strong>(STAUDT eT al. 1984) and

Transmissi<strong>on</strong> ofGFV by Xiphinema index to Vilis species and cultivars within 3-10 m<strong>on</strong>thsSpecies/cultivar Number of plants Number of GFV % Infecti<strong>on</strong>testedinfected plantscv. Kober 125AA 26 26 100cv. Kober 5BB 26 26 100cv. FR 419 16 16 100cv. Siegfried 120 95 79cv. FR 993-60 53 45 85V. ariz<strong>on</strong>ica 15 9 60V. riparia gloire 24 22 92V. rupestris 37 35 95No. 030-51 110 64 58Symptoms of rootsto nematode feeding+++++++++++:;0(1)la.tilS::s0(1)'-80-~::s0(1)8'0(1);Ctil~::s0.0.Vi'(1)~til(1)tilcv. Riesling 26 9 35No. 043-43 62 10 16No. 039-16 60 0 0+++t-.Jt-.JV.

226 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3the species:V. ariz<strong>on</strong>icaV. ripariaV. rupestrisNo. 030·51 which is identical with V. vini/era #4 from the Middle East(WALKERet al. 1985).There seems to be a reas<strong>on</strong>able resistance to virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> in cv. Riesling and this is beingfurther investigated.As expected, the two V. vini/era x V. rotundi/olia hybrids obtained by OLMO (1954) (PATELand OLMO, 1955: JELENKOVIC and OLMO 1968) showed the best resistance ratings. Only 10 out ofthe 62 piants tested of No. 043·43 showed virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> as a result of nematode feeding. Thisresult, similar to that of cv. Riesling, but to a lesser extent, is as yet unexplained. It may beaccounted for by a reduced attracti<strong>on</strong> of nematodes by the roots, or to a reduced transmissi<strong>on</strong> orreplicati<strong>on</strong> of the viruses.The highly resistant No. 039·16 showed visually no symptoms of nematode feeding at all. Upto now, we do not know whether this really can be attributed to preventi<strong>on</strong> of nematode feeding,virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> or virus replicati<strong>on</strong>.Our investigati<strong>on</strong>s under way are in favor of the first explanati<strong>on</strong>. According to recent resultsof WEISCHER (1988), the failure of virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> to V. rotundi/olia by X. index may beattributed to a sensitivity reacti<strong>on</strong> which prevents virus replicati<strong>on</strong> and/or virus distributi<strong>on</strong>. Thiswould mean that we can reck<strong>on</strong> with sources of resistance against nematode feeding and virustransmissi<strong>on</strong> in V. rotundi/olia and their hybrids.Both hybrids are already patented by the University of California Da"is and recommended forplanting (WALKER et al. 1989). Unfortunately, these hybrids cannot be used as rootstocks inGermany. Poor adaptati<strong>on</strong> to our climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s is the main handicap. But there are alsosome difficulties in using l\;o. 039·16 in our breeding program. Cytological dishann<strong>on</strong>ies in thishybrid, which may result from the different chromosome numbers of the parent species, lead to aserious reducti<strong>on</strong> in fertility. Pollen fertility of No. 039·16 is below 1 % and the pollen grains, whichseem to be functi<strong>on</strong>al, are giant pollen grains which may have originated by restituti<strong>on</strong> duringmeiosis. As a c<strong>on</strong>sequence, they may have the doubled somatic chromosome number.From the investigati<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>ducted to date it can be c<strong>on</strong>cluded that resistance to nematodefeeding and virus transmissi<strong>on</strong> is a rare charactelistic and screening relevant species will benecessary to search for further sources of resistance.LiteratureBOUBALS, D.; PISTRE, R; 1978: Resistance de certaines Vitacees et des porte-grefTes usuels en viticulture aunematode Xiphinema index et a I'inoculati<strong>on</strong> par Ie virus du court-noue (GFLV). Genetique etAmeliorati<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne. INRA, Paris, 199·207. .BOUQUET, A; 1981: Resistance to grape fanleafvirus in Muscadine grape inoculated with Xiphinema index.Plant Dis. 65,791-793.COIRO, M. I.; LAMBERTI, F.; BORGO, M.; EGGER, E.; 1985: Reproducti<strong>on</strong> of Xiphinema index <strong>on</strong> differentgrapevine rootstocks. Phytopathol. Medit. 24, 177-179.COOK, R; EYANS, K; 1987: Resistance and tolerance. In: BROWN, R H.; KERRY, B. R. (Eds.): Principles andPmctice of Nematode C<strong>on</strong>trol in Crops. Academic Press.HARRIS, A R; 1983: Resistance of some Vilis rootstocks to Xiphillel1!a index. 1. Nematol. 15,405·409.JELENKOVIC, G.; OLMO, H. P.; 1968: Cytogenetics of Vilis. III. Partially fertile F diploid hybrids betweenV Villi/era L. x V rOlll1ldi/olia MICHX, Vitis 7, 281-293.IKUNDE, R. M.; LIDER, L. A; SCHMITT, R. V.; 1968: A test of Vitis resistance to Xiphinema index. Amer. 1.Enol. Viticult. 19, 30·36.

Resistanceltolerance to pests and diseases 227MOLLER, J.; 1989: Zur Defmiti<strong>on</strong> v<strong>on</strong> Resistenz und anderer Fachbegriffe in der Nematologie. Nachr.bl. Dt.Pfl.schutzd. 41,137-139.OLMO, H. P.; 1954: L'hybride l'inifera x rotzmdifolia et sa valeur en obtenti<strong>on</strong>. Bull. OIV 27 (278), 68-75.PATEL, G.!.; OLMO, H. P.; 1955: Cytogenetics of Vitis: 1. The hybrid V. vinifera x T'-: rotundifolia MICHX. Amer.J. Bot. 42,141·159.ROHDE, R. A; 1965: The nature of resistance in plants to nematodes. In: <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> Nematology.Phytopathology 55, 1159·1162.STAVDT, G.; BAUER, 0.; KOEPCHEl', W.; 1984: Resistenzzuchtung bei Reben. Dt. Weinbau 39, 1538·1543.WALKER, M. A; MEREDITH, C. P.; GOHEEN, A c.; 1985: Sources of resistance to grapevine fanleaf virus(GFV) in Vitis species. Vitis 24, 218·228.-- _. ; WOLPERT, J. A; VILAS, E. P.; GOHEE:K, L. A; LIDER, A c.; 1989: Resistant rootstocks may c<strong>on</strong>trol fanleafdegenerati<strong>on</strong> of grapevines. Calif Agricult. 43,13-14. .WEISCHER, B.; 1980: The host· parasite relati<strong>on</strong>ships between the vector nematode, Xiphinema index, and someVitis spp. Proc. 7th Meeting Intern. Counc. Virus Disease <strong>Grape</strong>vine, Niagara Falls, Canada, 139-146._. _.; 1988: Angewandte Nematodenforschung . Herausforderung und Nutzung. Wiss. Z. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt·Univ., Greifswald, Math.·Nat.wiss. Reihe 37,47·51.

228 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3The genetics of resistance to grapevine fanleaf virus in VitisJlinifersM. A. WALKER and C. P. MEREDITHDepartment of Viticulture and Enology, University ofCalifomia, Davis, California 95616, USASum mar y: Two wild Vitis l'inifera accessi<strong>on</strong>s from the Middle East previously found to be resistant tograpevine fanleaf virus (GFV) were selfed and also crossed to a GFV-susceptible female cultivar. Five seedlingpopulati<strong>on</strong>s of 60 plants each were established. A micrografting procedure was developed for screening theseedlings 'whereby single-node seedling stem segments were cleft-grafted go GFV-infected stocks in vitro. After8 weeks, sci<strong>on</strong> tissue was scored phenotypically and assayed by ELISA to measure virus titer. Resistance to GFVappears to segregate as a recessive trait c<strong>on</strong>trolled by at least two genes.Key w 0 r d s : fanleaf, GFV, resistance, genetics, crossing, selecti<strong>on</strong>, micrografiing, serology, ELISA.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Fanleaf degenerati<strong>on</strong>, <strong>on</strong>e of the most serious diseases affecting world viticulture, is a diseasecomplex caused by grapevine fanleafvirus (GFV) and the feeding of the vector, Xiphinema index.The nematode-vectored nature of the disease was first discovered by HE\\lTT et al. (1958), and thisdiscovery initiated efforts to c<strong>on</strong>trol the disease. Fumigants and nematicides aimed at eradicatingthe vector were used at first, but they proved unsuccessful in California (RASKI et al. 1983). Arootstock breeding program at the University of California, Davis began with a screen of Vilisspecies for X. index resistance (KUNDE et al. 1968). These efforts resulted in the release of tworootstocks with field resistance to fanleaf degenerati<strong>on</strong> (LIDER and GOHEEN 1986), VR 039-16(United States Patent # 6166) and VR 043-43 (United States Patent # 6319). Since the release ofthese rootstocks, GFV has been detected in sci<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> both of them (WALKER el al. 1989). Itappears that, although the two rootstocks have high levels of resistance to X. index feeding (LIDERand GOHEEN 1986), chance nematode probing transmits GFV. The next step in the developmentof fanleaf degenerati<strong>on</strong>-resistant rootstocks is to combine GFV resistance with X. index feedingresistance.The search for GFV resistance began with· a screen of the Vilis germplasm held at theUniversity of California, Davis and resistance was·found in Middle Eastern V. vinifera accessi<strong>on</strong>s(W ALKER et al. 1985). Resistant and susceptible plants identified in that study have been used toproduce bybrid, selfed and open-pollinated seedling populati<strong>on</strong>s in an effort to characterize GFVresistance.Materials and methodsThe V. villifera accessi<strong>on</strong>s used as parents are as shown in the table.All of these accessi<strong>on</strong>s except Almeria were collected by H. P. OLMO in 1948 in the MiddleEast - 030-44 in Shirwandah, Iran and the siblings, 030-51 and 030-53, in Adhai, Afghanistan(H. P. OLMO, pers<strong>on</strong>al communicati<strong>on</strong>). Almeria is a pistillate cultlvar and does not set fruitwithout external pollen (OLMO 1943). 030-53 was OIiginally classified as pistillate, but hadfuncti<strong>on</strong>al pollen and was used as a male parent in these crosses. 030-44 was classified asstaminate, however it behaved as a hermaphrodite and produced seed each year. 030-51 wasstaminate and <strong>on</strong>ly set seed after chemical hennaphrodizati<strong>on</strong> following the techniques of NEG!and OLMO (1966) and SRINIVASAN and MULLINS (1979).

Resistanceltolerance to pests and diseases229Accessi<strong>on</strong> number, vineyard locati<strong>on</strong> and GFV resp<strong>on</strong>se of the parents used in the crosses forcharacterizati<strong>on</strong> ofGFV resistanceAccessi<strong>on</strong>Locati<strong>on</strong>G F'V_re.s.p<strong>on</strong>secv. Almeria (UCD cl<strong>on</strong>e 1)Tyree IV R7v22susceptible030-53 (UCD number) Armstr<strong>on</strong>g M3v20030-44 ( " " ) " M3v17030-51 ( " " ) " M3v18susceptibleresistantresistantThe following seedling populati<strong>on</strong>s were produced:(1) 030-44 open pollinated (resistant plant O. P.)(2) 030-51 chemically hermaphrodized and selfed (resistant selfed)(3) Almeria x 030-44 (susceptible x resistant)(4) Almeria x 030-51 (susceptible x resistant)(5) Almeria x 030-53 (susceptible x susceptible).60 seedlings from each cross were randomly selected for each of the populati<strong>on</strong>s, except for the030-51 selfed populati<strong>on</strong>, which c<strong>on</strong>sisted of all 51 plants produced.The seedlings were inoculated with GFV by micrografting. Highly GFV-infected (ELISAvalues> 1.9990D40\m) v. vinifera cv. Cabernet Sau\lign<strong>on</strong> from a vineyard in the Napa Valley,California, was used as the inoculum source. Shoots were harvested from greenhouse-grown GFVinfectedvines and brought into the laboratory for sterilizati<strong>on</strong>. Sterilized <strong>on</strong>e-node stem segments(to be used as rootstocks) were trimmed to about 30 mm, their lateral buds removed, and placed in25 x 150 mm culture tubes, c<strong>on</strong>taining 25 ml of rootstock medium, capped and sealed withparafilm. The rootstock medium c<strong>on</strong>sisted of 112 strength MS (MURASHIGE and SKOOG 1962)packaged salts (# 500-1117 EF, Gibco Laboratories, Grand Island, NY) , 112 strength MSvitamins, no sucrose, 1 mgll indole-3-acetic acid (# 1·1250, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO),300 mgll cefotaxime (Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Somerville, NJ), and 6 gil Sigmaplant tissue culture agar (# A-1296). Endophytic bacteria (Pseudom<strong>on</strong>as sp.) were present in theGFV inoculum plants and in the potted seedlings. The cefotaxime was added to c<strong>on</strong>trol thisbacterium and did not appear to have a deleterious effect <strong>on</strong> GFV spread or graft compatibility.The rootstocks were grown for 3-4 weeks at 27°C in a growth chamber with 16 h daylength priortomicrografting. C<strong>on</strong>taminated cultures or those that had not initiated roots were discarded.Sterilized single-node seedling stem pieces, approximately 30 mm l<strong>on</strong>g, were used as sci<strong>on</strong>sand the pre-rooted GFV-infected stem pieces as rootstocks. The rootstock and sci<strong>on</strong> were placed<strong>on</strong> sterile filter paper in a stelile 125 mm glass petri dish. A 10-15 mm l<strong>on</strong>gitudinal cut was· made atthe apical end of the rootstock stem piece through the node towards the base. The basal end of theseedling stem piece was tapered with two slanting cuts and fitted into the rootstock piece withforceps. Care was taken to match the cambium layers of rootstock and sci<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> at least <strong>on</strong>e side.The completed grafts were placed into 25 x 150 mm culture tubes, c<strong>on</strong>taining 25 ml of rootstockmedium modified with the additi<strong>on</strong> of 10 gil sucrose and the omissi<strong>on</strong> of growth regulators,capped and wrapped with parafilm. Culture c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s for the micrografts were the same as forrootstock cultures. Four micrografts were made for each seedling.Samples were collected after 8 weeks. The optimal sample included <strong>on</strong>ly sci<strong>on</strong> shoot growthfrom the lateral bud. Any additi<strong>on</strong>al sci<strong>on</strong> stem tissue needed to bring sample weights up to theminimum 100 Illg was taken with care to avoid the graft uni<strong>on</strong> and uni<strong>on</strong> callus tissue to insure thatrootstock tissue was not sampled.

230 Secti<strong>on</strong> 320181614(;c:12Q)10::::JC'"~8LL6420030-440P0 LO 0 LO 0~0 LO 0~0~0 LO0 .... ('t) "It

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 23120181614(j'c:12Q):::l 10~u. 86420Almeria X 030-440 Il) 0 Il) 00 Il) 00 ..... C") 'V co ~ 0') q "! &.q ~ «! ~ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ..... ..... ..... .....~0 Il) 0 Il)ELISA Value OD 405 nm20181614~ 12c:Q):::l 10~u. 86420Almeria X 030-510 Il) 0 Il) 0 Il) 0 Il) 0 Il) 0 Il) 0 Il)0 ..... C") 'V co ,... 0')C! "! ~ &.q ~ «! ~ci ci ci ci c:i c:i c:i ..... ..... ..... .....ELISA Value OD 405 nmFig. 1 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf).1 - n<strong>on</strong>nal growth2 - internodes el<strong>on</strong>gated; tall, but not as vigorous as 1; leaves smaller and often vitreous andmisshapen3 - internodes compressed; 3-5 shoots produced from a single lateral bud4 - internodes greatly compressed with multiple shoots from the lateral bud, producing amoss-like mat of tissue.

232 Secti<strong>on</strong> 320181614~t:12CD10:::3C'"~8u..6420Almeria X 030-538 ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ~ ~ ~ ~ELISA Value OD 405 nmFig. 1 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued).ResultsThere was a broad distributi<strong>on</strong> of ELISA values within and am<strong>on</strong>g the seedlings in eachpopulati<strong>on</strong>. In order to reduce some of this variability, the highest ELISA value obtained for eachseedling was selected and histograms were c<strong>on</strong>structed (Fig. 1). Histograms were also plotted forthe morphological ratings corresp<strong>on</strong>ding to the high ELISA values (Fig. 2).All levels of gene c<strong>on</strong>trol for <strong>on</strong>e gene and two unlinked genes were evaluated using ELISAand morphological ratings. Only the highest ELISA value obtained for each seedling was used.Morphological ratings of the replicati<strong>on</strong>s within a seedling were relatively c<strong>on</strong>sistent and all of thevalues were used to evaluate gene models. ELISA values and morphological ratings were classifiedinto various numbers of groups depending <strong>on</strong> which gene c<strong>on</strong>trol model was being tested. Fig. 3presents the four classes that might be expected if a parent heterozygous for two genes withdominance at both loci was selfed.When ELISA and morphological data were c<strong>on</strong>sidered as representing either resistant orsusceptible classes, without intennediate groups, and seedlings within each populati<strong>on</strong> wereclassified <strong>on</strong> this basis, the 030-440P and the 030-51 selfed seedling populati<strong>on</strong>s appear tosegregate as though GFV resistance is c<strong>on</strong>trolled by two unlinked recessive genes with duplicatedominant epistasis c<strong>on</strong>trolling susceptibility. Chi-square analysis supported this hypothesis. Therewere no good fits of the seedling data with any other gene c<strong>on</strong>trol mode.!.Discussi<strong>on</strong>The ELISA frequency distributi<strong>on</strong>s did not appear to fit into discrete classes. This lack ofdefiniti<strong>on</strong> could have been due to broad segregati<strong>on</strong> for resistance in the progeny, inc<strong>on</strong>sistencies inthe micrografting procedure and ELISA evaluati<strong>on</strong>, or envir<strong>on</strong>mentally induced variability in theseedling and stock pieces. Multigene segregati<strong>on</strong> or segregati<strong>on</strong> of an envir<strong>on</strong>mentally unstabletrait may have been resp<strong>on</strong>sible for the broad distributi<strong>on</strong> of ELISA values in each seedlingpopulati<strong>on</strong>. Micrografting did produce variable results in many of the inoculated seedlings.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 2336050030-440P>.0c:0,)::l0-0,)It4030201002 3 4Morpholog ical rating6050030-51 SELFED>.0c:0,)::l0-~u.4030201002 3 4Morphological ratingFig. 2: Morphological rating corresp<strong>on</strong>ding to the highest ELISA value of each seedling within the differentseedling populati<strong>on</strong>s. 1 = normal growth; 2 = internodes el<strong>on</strong>gated, tall, but not as vigorous as 1, leaves small andoften vitreous and misshapen; 3 = internodes compressed, 3-5 shoots produced from a single lateral bud;4 = internodes greatly compressed with multiple shoots from the lateral bud, producing a moss-like mat of tissue.(c<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf)Limiting the frequency distributi<strong>on</strong>s to each seedling's highest ELISA value and its corresp<strong>on</strong>dingphenotype (Figs. 1 and 2) was a means of reducing this variability, but these histograms may notrepresent the actual resistance reacti<strong>on</strong>, and may impair a quantitative appraisal of resistance.The stem pieces taken from both seedlings and stock plants for micrografting were usedwithout regard to positi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the shoot, or vigor of the seedlings. The physiological state of thesed<strong>on</strong>or plants may have c<strong>on</strong>tributed to the observed variability within and between the micrografts,both in terms of their stored carbohydrate reserves and their horm<strong>on</strong>e levels.Another possibility is that the c<strong>on</strong>tinuous, quantitative nature of ELISA values was notamenable to detecti<strong>on</strong> of discrete classes. This last c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> may be imp<strong>on</strong>ant when

44interpreting the results after the ELISA and phenotypic values were reduced to susceptible orresistant classes.The 030·44 OP and the 030·51 selfed progeny ELISA values seemed to segregate widely,which may have been due to inc<strong>on</strong>sistencies in the micrograft system and its ELISA evaluati<strong>on</strong>, orto the heterozygosity of the parents. If the resistant parents, 030·44 and 030·51, are hetero~ygousfor two unlinked resistance genes, then the susceptibility of Almeria needs to be questi<strong>on</strong>ed. IfAlmeria is c<strong>on</strong>sidered homozygous susceptible, then crosses between it and the resistant parentsshould mirror the genotypes of the resistant parent's gametes, and give 1: 1 : 1 : 1 ratios. Theseratios were not detected; there are at least two possible explanati<strong>on</strong>s to account for this. Almeria isc<strong>on</strong>sidered to be ancient Spanish cultivar, but it shares morphological features with Middle Easterncultivars. It could have originated in the Middle East 'and been brought to Spain later. Given thehypothesized coevoluti<strong>on</strong> of GFV and V. vini/era in the Middle East (HEWITT 1970; VUITTENEZ

1970), Almeria may share resistance genes with the resistant parents. Ifresistance is a quantitativetrait, then 'test crosses' to Almeria would not be easily resolvable wpether it is homozygous orheterozygous. .C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s about the inheritance of resistance to GFV require a better understanding ofparental reacti<strong>on</strong>s to GFV after micrografting and c<strong>on</strong>clusive data to allow quantitativecomparis<strong>on</strong>s between parents and progeny. Parental micrograft data were weak and producedmore questi<strong>on</strong>s than answers. Detecti<strong>on</strong> of a quantitative trait is dependent up<strong>on</strong> accurate parentalappraisal, which is necessary for comparis<strong>on</strong>s with progeny populati<strong>on</strong>s.GFV was not detectable in 15 seedlings in the Almeria x 030·44 populati<strong>on</strong> and 4 in the030-51 selfed populati<strong>on</strong>, but at the same time these seedlings had morphological ratingssuggesting G FV infecti<strong>on</strong>. This occurrence was unusual and might be explained as a diseasereacti<strong>on</strong>. GFV could be localized at the graft uni<strong>on</strong> in these cases and prevented from spreadinginto sci<strong>on</strong> tissues. This localizati<strong>on</strong> might alter the seedling's n<strong>on</strong>nal horm<strong>on</strong>al balance and causemorphological change in the absence of GFV. Seedlings resp<strong>on</strong>ding in this manner should bereexamined, not <strong>on</strong>ly for virus, but also for unusual h<strong>on</strong>n<strong>on</strong>e levels in the sci<strong>on</strong>.2 seedlings in the 030·44 OP populati<strong>on</strong>, 87·7·29 and 87·15·14, and 1 in the Almeriax030·51 populati<strong>on</strong>, 88·9·10, exhibited tolerance, that is, GPV was detectable in their sci<strong>on</strong>s, butno corresp<strong>on</strong>ding disease symptoms were observed. There were no problems with the grafts orsci<strong>on</strong>s that might raise doubts about this resp<strong>on</strong>se. Tolerance to GFV may bcrentirely separatefrom resistance, since GFV was readily detectable in the sci<strong>on</strong>s, but there were no corresp<strong>on</strong>dingphenotypic reacti<strong>on</strong>s. Such tolerance may also be due to envir<strong>on</strong>mental interacti<strong>on</strong>, and may notbe reproducible in whole plant studies. Tolerance might be expected to be a r~latively comm<strong>on</strong>occurrence in a co evolving plant/pathogen complex, since tolerance would have a reducedselective impact <strong>on</strong> the pathogen compared to the selective pressure of resistance. Middle Easterncultivars and V. vini/era populati<strong>on</strong>s should be reexamined with GFV tolerance in mind,particularly if in vitro tolerance can be correlated with whole plant studies.In additi<strong>on</strong> to tolerance, GFV resistance seems to be present in 2 seedlings: 87·6·39 in the030·440P populati<strong>on</strong>, and 87·5·17 in the 030·51 selfed populati<strong>on</strong>. The graft and culture data

236 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3030-44 OP ALMERIA X 030-44Morphological RatingMorphological RatingA B c D A B c DA 1 0 0 0 A 0 3 12 0 15(J)(J):::l:::l(ij B 0 1 0 0(ij B 0 4 15 0 19> >en<

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 237Fig. 3: Number of seedlings in each of 4 classes by both ELISA and morphological rating. Morphological ratings:A = seedlings with replicates having <strong>on</strong>ly class 1 ratings (1111), B = 1112 through 2222, C = 2223 through 3333,D = 3334 through 4444. ELISA values: A = readings S 0.075 OD 405 ,B == > 0.075-0.250, C = > 0.250-0.800,D = > 0.800.nmtaken for 87-6·39 did not reveal any reas<strong>on</strong> to doubt its resistant status. ELISA did not detect GFVam<strong>on</strong>g the 4 replicati<strong>on</strong>s of87·5·17, and 3 of the 4 replicati<strong>on</strong>s had n<strong>on</strong>nal morphology, while the4th had a rating of2 (reduced vigor and small leaves). This moderately affected replicate did notgraft or grow as well as the other 3 and its abn<strong>on</strong>nal morphology may not have been caused byGFV. These 2 seedlings seem to have a high degree of resistance toGFV. Although they have notyet been screened for resistance in other than a tissue culture envir<strong>on</strong>ment, they did exhibit muchgreater resistance to GFV than either of the parents or any of the other seedlings.GFV resistance seems to be genuine~ but further crosses and tests are needed before thenumber of genes c<strong>on</strong>trolling resistance can be accurately detennined. Paramount am<strong>on</strong>gc<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>s for the next generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and selfings is more accurate appraisal of theparental reacti<strong>on</strong>s to GFV, both resistant and susceptible~ so that a quantitative trait could beassessed. The results suggest that GFV resistance is recessive and c<strong>on</strong>trolled by two unlinked geneswith duplicate dominant epistasis. However, given the single envir<strong>on</strong>ment in which the seedlingswere evaluated and the seemingly ambiguous parental reacti<strong>on</strong>s, this c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> is tentative at best.This work has produced seedlings with a wide range of GFV reacti<strong>on</strong>s (both resistant andhighly susceptible) that can be used to produce a sec<strong>on</strong>d generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and selfings. Theresults from a sec<strong>on</strong>d generati<strong>on</strong> will better characterize G FV resistance, and should elucidate theheritability ofGFV resistance. Tolerance seems to exist in 2 of the seedling popuiati<strong>on</strong>s, and it mayor may not be associated with resistance. If in vitro tolerance can be verified and shown to persist inwhole plant studies it may be more valuable, and in the l<strong>on</strong>g term more durable, than resistance.The 2 seedlings that appear to be resistant will be reexamined, by micrografting and whole plantapproach grafting. Once they are better understood, they will be crossed to known sources ofX. index feeding resistance to produce rootstocks that will resist the vector and the virus andprovide l<strong>on</strong>g tenn protecti<strong>on</strong> against fanleaf degenerati<strong>on</strong>.ReferencesCLARK, M. F.; ADAMS, A N.; 1977: Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay for the detecti<strong>on</strong> of plant viruses. J. Gen. Virol. 34, 475-483.HEWITT, W. B.; 1970: Viruses and virus-like diseases of the grapevine. In: FRAIZER, N. W. (Ed.): Diseases ofSmall Fruits and <strong>Grape</strong>vines, 195-196. University ofCaliforna Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Agricultural Science. Berkeley,California. .; RASKI, D. J.; GOHEE", A c.; 1958: Nematode vector of soil-borne fanleaf virus of grapevines.Phytopathology 48,586-593.KUNDE, R. M.; LIDER, L. A.; SCHMITT, R. V.; 1968: A test of r'lts resistance to Xiphinema index. Amer. J.Enol. Viticult.19, 30-36.LIDER, L. A.; GOHEEK, A c.; 1986: Field resistance to the grapevine fanleafvirus-Xtphinema index complex ininterspecific hybrids of f'llis. In: 4th Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong>vine Breeding, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, Italy. April 13-18, 1985.Vignevini 13 Suppl. al (12),166-169.•MURASHIGE, T.; SKOOG, F.; 1962: A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissuecultures. Physiol. Plant. 15, 473-497.NEGl, S. S.; OLMO, H. P.; 1966: Sex c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> in a male Vilis l'intjera L. by a kinin. Science 152,1624-1625.OLMO, H. P.; 1943: The pollinati<strong>on</strong> of the Almeria grape. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 42, 401-406.RASKI, D. J.; GOHEE~, A c.; LIDER, L. A; MEREDITH, C. P.; 1983: Strategies against grapevine fanleafvirusand its nematode vector. Plant Dis. 7, 335·339.

238 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3SRINIVASAN, c.; MVLLINS, M. G.; 1979: Flowering in Vilis: C<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> of tendrils into inflorescences andbunches of grapes. Planta 145,187-192.VUITIENEZ, A; 1970: Fanleaf of grapevine. In. FRAIZER, N. W. (Ed.): Diseases of Small Fruits and <strong>Grape</strong>vines,217-228. University of California Divisi<strong>on</strong> of Agricultural Science. Berkeley, California.WALKER, M. A; MEREDITH, C. P.; GOHEEN, A c.; 1985: Sources of resistance to grapevine fanleaf virus(GFV) in Vltis species. Vitis 24,218-228.-- -- ; WOLPERT, 1. A; VILAS, E. P.; GOHEEN, A c.; LIDER, L. A; 1989: Resistant rootstocks may c<strong>on</strong>trol fanleafdegenerati<strong>on</strong> of grapevine. Calif. Agricult. 42 (2),13-14.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 239<strong>Grape</strong>vine breeding for resistance to powdery mildew: Bioassaysystem for evaluati<strong>on</strong> of plant resistance and for characterizati<strong>on</strong>of different UncinuJa necator strains') Sumory Ltd., Osaka, Japan2) Stati<strong>on</strong> de Recherches de Viticulture,lN.R.A., B.P. 131, F·33140P<strong>on</strong>tdela Maye, FranceSum mar y: Several isolates of Vlleillula Ilecator were separated and kept in vitro. The pathogenicity ofthese isolates was compared by a bioassay system using small leaves issued from in vitro plants; 2 III of sporesuspensi<strong>on</strong> was inoculated <strong>on</strong> these leaves.Significative differences in sporulati<strong>on</strong> time, aggressiveness, sporulati<strong>on</strong> rate and resistance to fungicidetriadimenol were observed between these isolates. Host plant variety also affects some of these characters ofpathogenicity.The isolates were classified into 2 mating types c<strong>on</strong>cerning the aspect of perithecia formati<strong>on</strong> by pairedcombinati<strong>on</strong> between 2 isolates. Productivity of perithecia varied in resp<strong>on</strong>se to the combinati<strong>on</strong> of isolates and tohost plant varietY.Key w 0 r d s: oidium, variety of vine, resistance, biotype, fungicide resistance, perithecium, bioassay,breeding.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Powdery mildew, caused by Uncinula necator, is <strong>on</strong>e of the most imp<strong>on</strong>ant diseases ofgrapevines. Susceptibility of cultivars to powdery mildew has been studied by various authors(BOUllALS 1961: POSPISILOYA 1978; DOSTER and SCHNATHORST 1985), however the levels ofsusceptibility rep<strong>on</strong>ed for a given variety are not equivalent. These discrepancies could be ascribedto different causes namely the climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, the physiology of host plants and pathogens.DELP (1954), DOSTER and SCHI'ATHORST (1985) studied the effects of leaf maturity <strong>on</strong>development of powdery mildew and suggested that cultivar susceptibility should be compared <strong>on</strong>young leaves. R\SARESCO and EIBACH (1987) Observed the influence of nitrogen fenilizati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>resistance to powdery mildew. Therefore studies <strong>on</strong> susceptibility should be d<strong>on</strong>e with stablephysiological c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of host plant under the c<strong>on</strong>trolled envir<strong>on</strong>ments.U. necator is an obligate parasite which requires a living host plant to be maintained, so thatthe studies <strong>on</strong> powdery mildew are difficult to be carried ou! in the laboratory. For this kind ofobligate parasite, dual culture in I'irro of the pathogen and its host can provide an excellent systemfor studying pathogen races and host·pathogen interacti<strong>on</strong>. MOREL (1948) realized dual culture ofdov.ny mildew and callus tissue of grapevines and also tried for powdery mildew. Owing tosuccessful procedures for propagati<strong>on</strong> techniques of grapevines in vitro (GALZY 1969; BARLASSand SKE:>1E 1978; HARRIS and STEVENSOI' 1982), steIile shoot culture provides a desirable systemfor inoculati<strong>on</strong>.Recently, LEE and WICKS (1982) applied dual culture for evaluati<strong>on</strong> of systemic fungicidetreatment against do\\ny mildew and BARLASS el al. (1986) developed it for screening grapevinesfor resistance to downy mildew. ALDWI!'CKLE and BUTURAC (1980), KLEMPKA et al. (1984)established dual cultures of powdery mildew and several cultivars of grapevines. Thus dual culturewould be useful for valious investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> 0 bligate parasites under laboratory ·c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.PeIithecia are observed in many viticultural regi<strong>on</strong>s but their f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> is very erratic undernatural c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s (BERNARD and MeR 1986; MAGAREY and WICKS 1986; DIEHL and HEI~'TZ1987). PEARSON and GADOl'RY (1987) dem<strong>on</strong>strated that perithecia are the source of primary

240 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3infecti<strong>on</strong> in New York. But in other regi<strong>on</strong>s overv.~ntering of mycelium in the d<strong>on</strong>nam bud isc<strong>on</strong>sidered as a primary inoculum (BuLIT and L-I.FOX 1978; VAN DER SPCY and M.UIHEE 1977;SALL and WRYSINSKY 1982; BERNARD 1985) and till now the sexual reproducti<strong>on</strong> cycle of powderymildew is not well known.This paper describes an in vitro inoculati<strong>on</strong> procedure and assay system for U. necator, and acharacterizati<strong>on</strong> of several isolates by their aggressiveness, their resistance to systemic fungicidesand their heterothallic properties.Materials and methods1. Dual culture of grapevine and powdery mildew in vitroOne-node cuttings of grapevine cultivars Cinsaut and Muscadelle were propagated by tissueculture method (GALZY 1969) and maintained by subculturing them every 3-4 m<strong>on</strong>ths. Isolates ofvarious geographical origin were obtained by collecting c<strong>on</strong>idia from young col<strong>on</strong>ies andinoculating them <strong>on</strong>to sterile Cinsaut plants ill vitro. C<strong>on</strong>idia of each isolate were transferred Ontosterile plants at 3-4 weeks intervals.2. B i 0 ass a y s y s t emHost plants: Sterile shoots of Cinsaut and Muscadelle were divided into <strong>on</strong>e-node cuttingsincluding the leaf. These systems of leaf-petiole-stem were planted in Petri dishes c<strong>on</strong>taining agarmedium (1.5 % agar in distilled water).Preparati<strong>on</strong> of inoculum as spore suspensi<strong>on</strong>: Some col<strong>on</strong>ies (3 weeks old) were washed insterile distilled water c<strong>on</strong>taining Tween 20 in order to remove c<strong>on</strong>idia from c<strong>on</strong>idiophore intowashing liquid which was centrifuged tv.'ice_ The c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> of spores was adjusted to a level of3 x 10 4 c<strong>on</strong>idia/m!.Inoculati<strong>on</strong>: One drop (2 t.d) of the spore suspensi<strong>on</strong> was inoculated <strong>on</strong>to each detached leafwith a micro-pipette, Sterile filter paper (5 mm x 5 mm) was put <strong>on</strong> the drop to absorb water, andwas removed 4 d later. Petri dishes were sealed and incubated in a chamber (26-27 °C during 16 hilluminati<strong>on</strong>. 20-22 °C during 8 h dark).3. Characterizati<strong>on</strong> of isolates of powdery mildewa) Development of sporulati<strong>on</strong>Time from inoculati<strong>on</strong> to sporulati<strong>on</strong> and growth of col<strong>on</strong>y diameter were used as criteria forthe comparis<strong>on</strong> between several isolates <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut and Muscadelle leaves ill vitro. Observati<strong>on</strong>swere made at 24 h intervals. Number of c<strong>on</strong>idia produced were estimated 3 weeks after inoculati<strong>on</strong>for average size of col<strong>on</strong>y. C<strong>on</strong>idia were collected in accordance with the method of preparati<strong>on</strong> ofinoculum described above. Estimati<strong>on</strong> of c<strong>on</strong>idia number was based <strong>on</strong> the numerical values aftercalculati<strong>on</strong> with bacterial counter.b) Resistance to triadimenol fungicideA study was perf<strong>on</strong>ned to detennine resistance of isolates to the systemic fungicidetriadimenol which was added to the agar medium at c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s of 5 mg/I, 0.5 mg/l and0.05 mg/!. Several isolates (Bordeaux. Greece and 2 from Portugal. the latter supplied by PlantPathology Research Stati<strong>on</strong> of I;\,RA.-Bordeaux) were inoculated <strong>on</strong>to Cinsaut leaves.Observati<strong>on</strong>s were made <strong>on</strong> col<strong>on</strong>y groMh according to the method of DES A YMARD (1968).

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 241Table 1: The number of days from inoculati<strong>on</strong> to sporulati<strong>on</strong> for 11 isolates of powdery mildew <strong>on</strong> two hostcu1tivars Cinsaut and MuscadelleISOLATECINSAUTNUMBER OF DAYSMUSCADELLEGREECE M-1 5.33 :!: O. 50( 1) 6.47 :!: 0.41GREECE M-2 5.22 :!: 0.32 8.20 :!: 1. 57AZAMBUJA 5.47 :!: 0.35 7.38 :!: 0.89MONTEMOR 5.17 :!: 0.19 6.81 +- 0.49DIJON 6.61 :!: 0.52 8.06 :!: 0.31MONTPELLIER 5.88 +- 0.54 6.56 :!: 0.58ITALY 5.22 .. + 0.32 6.50 :!: 0.74SWITZERLAND 4.71 +- 0.40 5.78 :!: 0.51BORDEAUX 86 M-2 5.95 :!: 0.42 7.64 :!: 1.13BORDEAUX 86 M-3 6.15 :!: 0.48 7.44 :!: 0.80BORDEAUX 87 7.29 :!: 1. 03 10.22 :!: 1. 95TOTAL 5.64 :!: 0.15 7.28 :!: 0.28(1) STANDARD ERROR OF THE MEANc) Aspects of peri the cia fo<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>Dete<strong>on</strong>inati<strong>on</strong> of mating types: 5 cl<strong>on</strong>al isolates were obtained by separati<strong>on</strong> of single sporeswith a small fragment of sterile razor. These single spore cl<strong>on</strong>es were multiplied and maintained <strong>on</strong>Cinsaut leaves. Paired combinati<strong>on</strong>s were made by inoculating 2 of them <strong>on</strong> the same leaf ofCinsaul. Inoculati<strong>on</strong> was carried out by dusting c<strong>on</strong>idia <strong>on</strong>to the system of detached leavesdescribed before. Inoculated leaves were incubated in a chamber for 4 weeks and the presence ofperi the cia was observed.Effect of cultivars <strong>on</strong> perithecia productivity: 2 isolates of opposite mating types (from Greeceand Bordeaux) were inoculated <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut and Muscadelle leaves with a mixed spore suspensi<strong>on</strong>(2,.. d). Detached leaves were planted in Petri dishes and were incubaled in chamber for 4 weeks.Percentage of col<strong>on</strong>ies which induced perithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> and number of perithecia with yellow tobrown color were observed periodically.1. Development of sporulati<strong>on</strong>Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Times from inoculati<strong>on</strong> to sporulati<strong>on</strong> varied according to isolates and to host plant cultivars.Times <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves tended to be sh<strong>on</strong>er than that <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle for all isolates. Swiss isolatesporulated in sh<strong>on</strong>er time <strong>on</strong> both cultivars, isolate of BordealL'': 87 took the l<strong>on</strong>gest time <strong>on</strong> thesecultivars. Other isolates sporulated in 5.2 .. 6.6 d <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves, whereas in 6.5 .. 8.2 d <strong>on</strong>Muscadelle leaves (Table 1).Evoluti<strong>on</strong>s of col<strong>on</strong>y diameter were shown in Fig. 1. Except the isolate of Bordeaux 87 all ofthem increased in col<strong>on</strong>y diameter more rapidly <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves than <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle leaves.Generally the differences in diameter between two host plants were more evident <strong>on</strong> the 7th d than<strong>on</strong> the 11 th or 14 th d after inoculati<strong>on</strong>. The Momemor isolate grew most rapidly am<strong>on</strong>g the tested

::E::Ezex:lLJ.....lLJ~ 5Cl>­Zo..JoU 0ex:lLJ.....lLJ~5Cl>­Zo..JoUo.----. ON CI NSAUT LEAVES0---0 ON MUSCADELLE LEAVES,.'.,."..,. ......1',' ",,.,0" .,..'" 0 ......I ",,, " ,,­ ,­,-f/7 11ITALY5o1//1"",/, T 5r//' ..' J:..-·'·'Yr. .' Iy""".---­", ."" 0------0"" ",I "'"en(1)~o::IV.J7 11 14 days 11 14 days 7 11 14 days 7 11 14 days 7 11 14 daysBORDEAUX 86 M-2 GREECE M-l DIJON MONTPELLIER MONTEMORFig. 1: Evoluti<strong>on</strong> of col<strong>on</strong>y diameter for 10 isolates <strong>on</strong> two host cultivars.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 243Table 2: Estimati<strong>on</strong> of c<strong>on</strong>idia formati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the 21th d after inoculati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut and Muscadelle leavesISOLATENUMBER OF CONIDIA (x104/lEAF)CINSAUTMUSCADEllEGREECE M-1 13.19 :!: 5.30( 1) 2.02 :!: 1.63MONTEMOR 23.28 :!: 5.58 1. 95 :!: 1.88DIJON 12.87 :!: 7.78 2.55 :!: 2.29MONTPELLIER 11.72 :! 3.17 2.35 :! 1. 50ITALY 16.24 :!: 4.20 4.69 :!: 4.19Sw ITZERLAND 19.17 ! 4.58 2.12 ! 2.27BORDEAUX 86 M-2 13.14 :!: 3.75 2.84 ! 3.11BORDEAUX 87 1.60 ! 1.55 1. 49 ! 2.01(1) STANDARD ERROR OF THE MEANisolates <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves, whereas <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle leaves it was the Italian <strong>on</strong>e. The Bordeaux 87isolate grew very slowly <strong>on</strong> both cultivars.The number of c<strong>on</strong>idia produced for each col<strong>on</strong>y was estimated <strong>on</strong> the 21st dafterinoculati<strong>on</strong> (Table 2). A great variability was observed according to isolates and cultivars. Allisolates except Bordeaux 87 produced more c<strong>on</strong>idia <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut than <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle. Some of themsuch as M<strong>on</strong>temor, Switzerland and Italy were very productive <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves but theBordeaux 87 isolate was less productive.BOUBALS (1961) rated Cinsaut and Muscadelle as very susceptible, whereas in this study itseems that the degree of susceptibility could be affected by isolates. With Bordeaux 87 for example,these two cultiYars showed the same rapidity of col<strong>on</strong>y growth but the M<strong>on</strong>temor isolate grew morerapidly <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves than <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle. These results show great variability in sporulati<strong>on</strong>time and in col<strong>on</strong>y growth in resp<strong>on</strong>se to isolate. DOSTER and SCHKA THORST (1985) suggested thatthe time needed for sporulati<strong>on</strong> allows susceptibility discriminati<strong>on</strong> bet\veen host plants.Therefore, it could be an expressi<strong>on</strong> of the aggressiveness of an isolate. In our test, negativecorrelati<strong>on</strong>s (1'= -0.87** for Cinsaut. r= ·0.86**' for Cinsaut and Muscadelle combined) wereobserved between time and col<strong>on</strong>y diameter <strong>on</strong> the 7th d. The coefficient of correlati<strong>on</strong> betweentime and the number of c<strong>on</strong>idia estimated <strong>on</strong> the 21st d was not very clear for Muscadelle, butsignificant for Cinsaut (I' = ·0.86**·) and for Cinsaut and Muscadelle combined (r '" -0.69**).Aggressiveness of isolates could be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as a degree of rapidity of col<strong>on</strong>y growth and atthe same time as abundance of c<strong>on</strong>idia producti<strong>on</strong> which would be an inoculum for the sec<strong>on</strong>daryinfecti<strong>on</strong>. These results might suggest that the sporulati<strong>on</strong> time can express the aggressiveness ofisolates.At any rate, great variability of aggressiveness was found in resp<strong>on</strong>se to isolates <strong>on</strong> two verysusceptible cultivars. This variability in aggressiveness should be taken into c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> in furtherstudies.2. Res i s tan c e t 0 I h e t ria dim e n 0 I fun g i c ide2 isolates (Azambuja, M<strong>on</strong>temor) from Portugal could grow in the presence of higherc<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> of triadimenol. Azambuja isolate sporulated at 0.5 mg/I of triadirnenol as well asc<strong>on</strong>trol. M<strong>on</strong>temor isolate also sporulated at this c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>, but col<strong>on</strong>y gro"tru "eresignificantly lower than that of the c<strong>on</strong>trol. Bordeaux and Greece isolates developed mycelium bu:did not sporulate. Sporulati<strong>on</strong> of these isolates at 0.05 mg/I was less active than the r<strong>on</strong>~ ".±

244 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3the Greece isolate being very sensitive to triadimenol. At 5 mg/l of triadimenol, no sporulati<strong>on</strong>occurred in any isolate (Fig. 2).STEVA et al. (1988) rep<strong>on</strong>ed that some P<strong>on</strong>uguese isolates seemed to be resistant totriadimenol. Our results c<strong>on</strong>finn the tendency of these isolates to be resistant to this inhibitor of thesterol biosynthesis. Azambuja isolate is the most resistant, while isolates of Bordeaux and Greecewere very sensitive to triadimenol. These propenies c<strong>on</strong>cerning resistance to a fungicide could beintroduced by selecti<strong>on</strong> pressure of fungicide treatment in the vineyard. LEE and WICKS (1982)UJI-0zz«UJ~86420• ---.0 TRIADIMENOL0---00. 05 mg/l.& ---.& 0.5 mg/lt:..---t:.. 5 mg/l ,-•// /,////'"" ...." " " " 0"" "", "",,'", ",':.......... ""A~" ""," , ..." ",~~' 0'• ----------------t:.. ----------------t:..0 14daysISOLATE OF AZAMBUJA86420. ,,-,,-,,,-"",,'- ,,-0,- ,-,-,-,." ",,I' ", ,-,-,l" ,,10',' ,," "I",'" .. ~-----~--------- .&/,",,,, ,-"",";,, ""., ".".~~------------- t:..----------------t:..II0 14daysISOLATE OF MONTEMOR886644UJI­oZz«UJ~2o2oo 14daysISOLATE OF BORDEAUX 86 M-3ISOLATE OF GREECE M-2daysFig. 2: Evoluti<strong>on</strong> of mean note of col<strong>on</strong>y development for 4 isolates at several c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong>s of triadirnenol: Eachnote (note 0 to 10) represents the percentage of leaf surface infected by sporulati<strong>on</strong>. Note 0: 0 %, 1: Q.2.5 %,2: 2.5-5 %, 3: 5-15 %, 4: 15-30 %,5: 30-50 %,6: 50-70 %,7: 70-85 %. 8: 85-95 %, 9: 95-97.5 %, 10: 975-100 %.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases245Table 3: Perithecia formati<strong>on</strong> by paired combinati<strong>on</strong> of isolatesISOLATEBORDEAUX M-2SWITZERLANDGREECE M-lGREECE M-2BORDEAUX 86 M-lBORDEAUX 86 M-2--- ------++++SWITZERLANDGREECE M-l++---+ : PERITHECIA FORMEDNON-PERI THEClA FORMATIONdeveloped an experimental system with dual culture that can be used for fungicide studies <strong>on</strong>grapevine downy mildew. Our assay system is very c<strong>on</strong>venient for the evaluati<strong>on</strong> of systemicfungicides against grapevine powdery mildew.3. Aspects of perithecia formati<strong>on</strong>a) Mating typesN<strong>on</strong>e of the single-spore isolates ever f<strong>on</strong>ned perithecia by themselves. But pairedcombinati<strong>on</strong>s of some of them induced perithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> (Table 3). Initiati<strong>on</strong> was observed <strong>on</strong>the 14th d after inoculati<strong>on</strong>. The isolates Bordeaux M-1. Bordeaux M-2 and Swiss did not produceperithecia when combined with each other. Likewise. the combinati<strong>on</strong> between 2 Greece isolatesdid not induce perithecia. Meanwhile, combinati<strong>on</strong>s between these two groups induced peritheciaf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>.Peri the cia appear late in the seas<strong>on</strong> in the vineyard. but their frequency varies in resp<strong>on</strong>se toyear and regi<strong>on</strong> (BERxARD and Mt:R 1986; MAGAREY and WICKS 1986; DIEHL and HEINTZ 1987).HIURA (1962) rep<strong>on</strong>ed heterothallism for Er)'siphc graminis and S:\IITH (1970) first observed thischaracter <strong>on</strong> U. necator. Our results c<strong>on</strong>finn this phenomen<strong>on</strong>, and 5 isolates could be divided into2 groups. The first <strong>on</strong>e includes 2 Bordeaux isolates and the Swiss isolate, the sec<strong>on</strong>d groupincludes 2 Greece isolates. The combinati<strong>on</strong> of isolates bel<strong>on</strong>ging to opposite groups inducedperithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>. HIURA (1962) rep<strong>on</strong>ed that this phenomen<strong>on</strong> is c<strong>on</strong>trolled by <strong>on</strong>e pair ofgenes in Er)'Siphe, and it is also likely to be true in U. necalOr.The combinati<strong>on</strong> of two opposite mating types is a necessary c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> to induce peritheciaf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>. But this does not account for the great va11ati<strong>on</strong>s in perithecia number. We suggest thatseveral factors such as weather which affect the metabolism of the host and the fungus may play animp<strong>on</strong>ant role in the frequency of occurrence of appropl1ate mating types <strong>on</strong> a given host, thusresulting in abundance of peri the cia.b) Effect of cultivars <strong>on</strong> pel1theciaFirst perithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> was observed <strong>on</strong> the 11 th d after inoculati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves and<strong>on</strong> the 14th d <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle leaves. The percentage of col<strong>on</strong>ies which induced perithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> .increased to 100 Ofo for Cinsaut leaves and 67 Ofo for Muscadelle leaves <strong>on</strong> the 21st d (Fig. 3).Perithecia productivity (Fig. 4) was significantly different between Cinsaut and Muscadelle afterthe 14th d of inoculati<strong>on</strong>.

246Secti<strong>on</strong> 3100>- 80 z0-l0 60ul.L0 40I- zUJ 20U0::UJc.. 0.,,,,,•.,, ,,.' .-. .,.' ,#0,. .•... "0',.­... - ..•.........•-.-9 ... 0 ...•....• 0.•••••••• CINSAUT0"""0 MUSCADELLE7 11 141821 28daysFig. 3: Evoluti<strong>on</strong> of percentage of col<strong>on</strong>y which induced perithecia formati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> two host cultivars.pUJ:E:0::0 40l.L«u 30UJ:cI-0::UJ 20c..l.L00:: 10UJco:E:::Jz 0...... CINSAUT0-···0 MUSCADELLE.',,,..••.' ". .' ,,..'..•. .-0... 0 ......... 0••• :::~••• O···9 11 14 18 21 28daysFig. 4: Effect of host cultivars <strong>on</strong> the productivity of perithecia: number of perithecia initiated <strong>on</strong> CinS:iut andMuscadelle leaves by a paired combinati<strong>on</strong> of isolates (Greece and Bordeaux isolate).Cinsaut leaves facilitated more perithecia f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> than Muscadelle leaves. DIEHL andHEIl\'TZ (1987) rep<strong>on</strong>ed a significant correlati<strong>on</strong> between powdery mildew infecti<strong>on</strong>s and numberof perithecia under field c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. Cinsaut and Muscadelle are rated as very susceptible(BOUBALS 1961), in this study, however, it seemss that the degree of susceptibility of these twocultivars is variable according to isolate: with isolates from Greece and Bordeaux, Cinsaut issignificantly more susceptible than Muscadelle. It is too early for c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s as to the relati<strong>on</strong>shipbetween susceptibility and producti<strong>on</strong> of perithecia. but it seems reas<strong>on</strong>able that productivitycorrelates with susceptibility.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 247C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>With the in vitro method using detached leaves with petiole and stem, we investigated thepathogenicity of U. necator. This system was applied to characterizati<strong>on</strong> ofisolates.Aggressiveness of several isolates was compared <strong>on</strong> CinsaUl and Muscadelle leaves, and greatvariability <strong>on</strong> time from inoculati<strong>on</strong> to sporulati<strong>on</strong>, col<strong>on</strong>y development and c<strong>on</strong>idia producti<strong>on</strong>was found in resp<strong>on</strong>se to isolate. Sporulati<strong>on</strong> time correlates fairly well \'I'ith col<strong>on</strong>y developmentand c<strong>on</strong>idia producti<strong>on</strong>. These parameters correlating with each other, sporulati<strong>on</strong> time couldindicate the aggressiveness of isolate. The resistance of isolates to systemic fungicide was alsostudied: those originating from P<strong>on</strong>ugal were found to be more resistant to triadimenol than other<strong>on</strong>es. It seems that such resistance was introduced by natural selecti<strong>on</strong> in the vineyard under thepressure offungicide treatment.Perithecia formati<strong>on</strong> was dem<strong>on</strong>strated in our assay system. Single spore isolates wereheterothallic and they were divided into two mating type groups. Perithecia producti<strong>on</strong> was moreabundant <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves than <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle leaves, and initiati<strong>on</strong> of perithecia formati<strong>on</strong> wasearlier <strong>on</strong> Cinsaut leaves than <strong>on</strong> Muscadelle leaves. The productivity of perithecia seems tocorrelate with the susceptibility of host.The variable reacti<strong>on</strong>s of the host to its parasite as well as the genetic variability of U. necatorshould be carefully c<strong>on</strong>sidered in every breeding programme for resistance.ReferencesALD\\oI~CKLE. H. S.; Bt:TIJRAC, L; 1980: In viTro techniques for studying obligate pathogens of f!zlis. hoc.3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, Davis, 15-18 June, 1980; 87·91.BARLASS, M.; MILLER, R. M.; ANTCLIFF, A 1.; 1986: Development of methods for screening grapevines forresistance to infecti<strong>on</strong> by powdery mildew Amer. J Enol. Viticult. 37, 61-66,-- --; SKEENE K G. M.; 1978: III vitro propagati<strong>on</strong> of grapevine (Vitis villi/era L.) from fragmented shoot apices.Vitis 17,335-340.BAYARESCO, L.; EIBACH, R.; 1987: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the influence of N fertilizer <strong>on</strong> resistance to powderymildew (Oidium TlIcken), downy mildew (Plasmopara 1'iticola J and <strong>on</strong> phytoalexin synthesis in differentgrapevine varieties. Vitis 20,192·200.BER~ARD, A C; 1985: Presence du mycelium de l'Oldium (Uncillula necator (SCHW.) BliRRIL) dans lesbourge<strong>on</strong>s latents de Fitis villi/era cv. Carignan, pendant l'hiver. Progr. Agric. Vitic. 102, 360-361.-- -- ; MuR, G.; 1986: Presence des peritheces de I'oidium, en 1985, dans Ie midi. Progr. Agric. Vitic. 103,258·261.Bm.i1IALS, D.; 1961: Etudes des causes de la resistance des Vitacees a I'oldium de Ia vigne - Uneinuia necator(SCHW.) BURR' et de leur mode de transmissi<strong>on</strong> hereditaire. Ann. Amelior. Plantes 11, 401·500.BmIT, 1.; LAFON, R; 1978: Powdery mildew of the vine. In: SPE~CER, D. M. (Ed.): The Powdery Mildews,525·548. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>, New York, San Francisco.Dap, C 1.; 1954: Effect of temperature and humidity <strong>on</strong> the grape powdery mildew fungus. Phytopathology 44,615-626. .DEsA"{~ARD, P.; 1968: Notati<strong>on</strong> et methodes de notati<strong>on</strong>s en phytophannacie. Phytiatrie-Phytopharmacie 2,163-173.DIEHL, H. 1.; HEIl'."[Z, C; 1987: Studies <strong>on</strong> the generative reproducti<strong>on</strong> of grapevine powdery mildew (UllcinulanecarorBERK.). Vitis26, 114-122.DOSTER, M. A.; SCH~ATHORST, W, C; 1985 a: Comparative susceptibiliry of various grapevine cultivars to thepowdery mildew fungus Uncinula necator. Amer. 1. Enol. Viticult. 36,101-104.-- --; -- --; 1985 b: Effects of leaf maturity and cultivar resistance <strong>on</strong> development of powdery mildew fungus <strong>on</strong>grapevines. Phytopathology 75,318-321.GALZY, R.; 1969: Recherches sur Ia croissance de Vilis rupestris sain et court-noue cultive in vitro it differentestemperatures. Ann. Phytopathol.l, 149·166,HARRIS, R. E.; STEVENSON, 1. H.; 1982: III 1'ilrO propagati<strong>on</strong> of Filis. Vitis 21,22·32.

248 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3HIURA, u.; 1962: Hybriclizati<strong>on</strong> between varieties of Er.1'siphe graminis. Phytopathology 52, 664-666.KLEMPK.-I., K. c., MEREDITH, C. P.; SALL, M. S.; 1984: Dual culture of grape powdery mildew (Uncinulanecator Bt.:RR.) <strong>on</strong> its host (Vitis l'inijera L.). Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 35, 170-174.LEE, T. c.; WICKS, T.; 1982: Dual culture of Plas1l!opara l'iticola and grapevine and its applicati<strong>on</strong> to systemicfungicide evaluati<strong>on</strong>. Plant Dis. 66, 308- 31 O.MAGAREY, P. A.; WICKS, T. 1.; 1986: A new spore type for grapevine powdery mildev,·. Austral. <strong>Grape</strong>growerWinemaker (No. 268), 92-94.MOREL, G.; 1948: Recherches sur la culture associee de parasites obligatoires et de tissus vegetaux. Ann.Epiphyt. 14, 85-87.PEARSO!', R. c.: G.-I.DOl;RY, D. M.; 1987: Cleistothecia, the source of primary inoculum for grape powderymildew in New York. Phytopathology 77,1509-1514.POSPISILOVA, D., 1978: Sensibilite des cepages de Vitis vil1ifera a l'oidium de la vigne (Uncinllia necator SCH\\·.BuRR.). He Symp. Intern. Amelior. Vigne, Bordeaux, 14-18juin 1977. Genetique et Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de laVigne, 251-257, INRA, Paris.SALL, M. A.; WRYSINSKI. 1.; 1982: Perennati<strong>on</strong> of powdery mildew in buds of grapevines. Plant Dis. 66,678-679.SMITH, G. G.; 1970: Producti<strong>on</strong> of powdery mildew cleistocarps in a c<strong>on</strong>trolled envir<strong>on</strong>ment. Trans. Brit. Mycol.Soc. 55,355-365.STEVA, H.; CARTOLARO, P.; CLERJEAU, M.; LAFON, R.; GOMES DA SILVA, M. T.; 1988: Une resistance del'oidium au Portugal. Phytoma (No. 402), 49-50.VAN DER SP1,;Y,J. E.; M.UTHEE, F. N.; 1977: Overwintering of the oidium stage of Uncinllla necator in the budsof the grapevine. PIant Dis. Rep. 61, 612-615.Phenol and silica incrusts in epidermal cells of Vitis spp. as ageneral defence mechanismR. BLAICH. C. HEI:\"TZ. G_ Hoos and R. WINDBundesforschungsanstalt fur Rebenziichtung Geilweilerhof, D-6 7 41 Siebeldingen, F. R. GermanyA b s t rae t: The host-parasite interacti<strong>on</strong>s between the grapevine Vitis vini/era, powderymildew Uncinu/a necmar (Oidium tuckeri) and grey mold Batrytis cinerea were studied by lightmicroscopy-histochemistry and electr<strong>on</strong> microscopy.Chemical defence mechanism involves incrusting of the walls of the infected cell and ofneighbouring cells with phenolic substances associated \\1th a cell wall bound peroxidase activity.This indicates the f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> oflignin-like comp<strong>on</strong>ents. In additi<strong>on</strong>. silica deposits were observed inwhole cell walls or pans of them. Pure, mechanically resistant silica skelet<strong>on</strong>s remained after a;treatment with c<strong>on</strong>e. H 2S0 4+ HP2 at 400 DC and washing \\1th c<strong>on</strong>c. HCL They c<strong>on</strong>sisted ofgroups of 1-20 cells of the upper epidennis with adhering pans of the corresp<strong>on</strong>ding palisade cellsor of the lower epidennis (including stomatal cells) with adhering sp<strong>on</strong>gy parenchyma. Not <strong>on</strong>ly.cell walls but also wrinkles of the upper epidennis, defence papillae and fungal haustoria weresilicified. Silica accumulati<strong>on</strong>s were greater in resistant than susceptible cultivars.These reacti<strong>on</strong>s are induced not <strong>on</strong>ly by parasitic fungi but also by mechanical damage of the .leaf. Our studies corroborate observati<strong>on</strong>s in other host-parasite systems and indicate the existenceof an unspecific. fast-reacting mechanism serving as an early defence line which allows theactivati<strong>on</strong> of slower, more specific defence reacti<strong>on</strong>s.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 249Recent results in vine improvement regarding its resistance todowny and powdery mildewsM. P. COLJTINHO and A. MARTINSInstituto Superior de Agr<strong>on</strong>omia, Departamento de Botanica, Tapada da Ajuda, P-1399 Lisboa, P<strong>on</strong>ugalSum mar y: Resistance to mildew remains very important under Portuguese c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and inducedmutati<strong>on</strong>s preSent a great interest to obtain ity-rays irradiati<strong>on</strong> was applied to woody material and Xray was used <strong>on</strong> in viTrO cultures of stem apexesand leaf explants. After doses up to 2000 rad, two resistant mutants were selected: with "(-rays, the resistancebeing expressed as surrounding necrotic patches; with X-rays, the plant coming out from in vitro culturepresented small necrotic patches.C<strong>on</strong>cerning powdery mildew, we are developing new techniques for laboratorial inoculati<strong>on</strong>, including atechnique for sowing isolated spores. By using these, we can c<strong>on</strong>duct studies <strong>on</strong> morphology and biology of theisolated col<strong>on</strong>y, variability of the resistance \vithin the lItis varieties and genetic variability of the parasite. Someresults c<strong>on</strong>cerning these areas are presented.Key w 0 r d s: Plasmopara, oidium, biorype, variety of vine, cl<strong>on</strong>e, resistance, mutagenesis, irradiati<strong>on</strong>,bioassay, geography, Portugal.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Am<strong>on</strong>gst the ph)10sanitary problems of the Portuguese vineyards, downy and powderymildews still have great importance.Last year, special weather c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s were favourable to the development of these diseases,particularly for Plasmopara, the damages caused being estimated at more than 30 % of the normalyield.In spite of the higher efficacy of some new fungicides, it is still important to obtain cultivarsshowing resistance or semiresistance, due to the high cost of chemical treatments and the necessityof reducing to a minimum the polluti<strong>on</strong> effects of pesticides.So, we have been working <strong>on</strong> interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong> and, more recently, <strong>on</strong> irradiati<strong>on</strong>mutagenesis in order to obtain semiresistant varieties (COUTI"HO 1977).C<strong>on</strong>cerning powdery mildew we are trying presently to develop new techniques forinoculati<strong>on</strong>s and evaluati<strong>on</strong> of infecti<strong>on</strong>s under laboratory c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. By using these techniqueswe intend to clarifY the morphology and the kinetics of the growing process of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>ycoming from a single spore. In the same way we search for cl<strong>on</strong>al variability of resistance within vinevarieties and for genetic variability of the fungus regarding some important traits.Material and methodsC<strong>on</strong>cerning downy mildew, the experimental material chosen was cv. Touriga, largely grownboth in Douro (Port wine regi<strong>on</strong>) and in Dao. At present this variety is being submitted to d<strong>on</strong>alselecti<strong>on</strong> through a nati<strong>on</strong>al project.Woody material, cuttings with 2 or 3 buds, and plants resulting from in vitro culture of stemapexes and leaf explants were utilized.In vitro culture is, for several reas<strong>on</strong>s, well suited for irradiati<strong>on</strong> treatment, incrasing themutagenic rate (COLTI~HO 1987).For "(-ray irradiati<strong>on</strong> we employed the 60Co equipment of the Physical and NuclearEngineering Laboratory at Lisb<strong>on</strong>. The X-ray treatments were perf<strong>on</strong>ned in our laboratory bymeans of a Baltograph apparatus.

250 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Selecti<strong>on</strong> criteri<strong>on</strong> was based <strong>on</strong> leaf tissue reacti<strong>on</strong> to the fungus after natural infecti<strong>on</strong>s andanificial inoculati<strong>on</strong>s.For the powdery mildew studies we perform anificial inoculati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> detached leaf discs bytwo alternate methods: detachment and depositi<strong>on</strong> of the spores by air flow (ColmNHo andMARTINS 1985) and by sowing isolated c<strong>on</strong>idia. The sec<strong>on</strong>d technique c<strong>on</strong>sists of obtaining singlespores adherent to a very thin glass stylet (~ 30 11m diameter) and placing it by micromanipulati<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong> the inoculati<strong>on</strong> surface. This technique allows us to cultivate genetically homogeneous lines(cl<strong>on</strong>es) of powdery mildew, a very good way to study the biology of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>y. the geneticvariability of the fungus, etc. After inoculati<strong>on</strong>, the spores are incubated in Petri dishes withhumidified paper filter at 26°C for periods from 5 to 10 d.For the evaluati<strong>on</strong>s of artificial infecti<strong>on</strong>s we estimate the density of the mycelium by countingthe number of hyphae which cross a line segment (0.52 mm l<strong>on</strong>g) focused <strong>on</strong> the disc in arandomized way (COl;TI:-IHO and MARTINS 1985).All the microscopic observati<strong>on</strong>s are made in a n<strong>on</strong>-destructive way, allowing replicatedmeasurements during the growth offungus.Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>C<strong>on</strong>cerning downy mildew program. we are presently studying plants originated from woodymaterial that has been X-ray irradiated and planted in vegetati<strong>on</strong> boxes under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s suitablefor the selecti<strong>on</strong> tests. 2'\0 significant phenological differences have been found in the plantsresulting from cuttings treated with 500 and 1000 rad (Fig. 1).In material treated with "(-rays, <strong>on</strong>e mutant was detected at 1000rad. This mutant'sresistance character shows leaf infecti<strong>on</strong> patches of ' rings pot' type, with an infecti<strong>on</strong> z<strong>on</strong>e rapidlysurrounded by necrotic tissue avoiding the spread of the parasite. These symptoms point out to aphytoalexins reacti<strong>on</strong>, as described by POOL el al. (1980) around the leaf parenchyma at the site ofthe mycelium penetrati<strong>on</strong>.%5045403530252015________ 500 rad_._. _. _ 1000 rad______ c<strong>on</strong>trol105ABc o E F GFig. 1: Phenological stages of plants coming from cuttings treated with X·rays.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 251The speed of infecti<strong>on</strong> blocking by surrounding necrosis is clearly c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed by weatherc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.Plant regenerates from in vitro culture submitted to X-ray irradiati<strong>on</strong> were transplanted tojiffypots. After inoculati<strong>on</strong>, <strong>on</strong>e plant of this modality showed resistance symptoms: limited andscattered small necrotic patches.For the discussi<strong>on</strong> regarding powdery mildew we shall follow the order of the objectivesreferred in the introducti<strong>on</strong>.Biology of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>yAfter depositi<strong>on</strong> of the spore <strong>on</strong> the disc surface. genninati<strong>on</strong> begins within 6 h. The firsthypha appears at <strong>on</strong>e end of the spore and when its length reaches around 20 JIm it inflates andoriginates the primary appressorium. The appressorium penetrates the epidennal cell andproduces a haustorium. After this, an el<strong>on</strong>gating sec<strong>on</strong>dary hypha grows from the appressoriumand <strong>on</strong>e or two more from the c<strong>on</strong>idia. The hyphae grow, ramificate and produce new appressoriaand haustoria (Fig. 2).The growing rate of the hyphae depends up<strong>on</strong> the host susceptibility and envir<strong>on</strong>mentalfactors. Studies c<strong>on</strong>ducted <strong>on</strong> an intennediate susceptible variety, Mourisco do Douro, gave theresults shown in Table 1.Results of other evaluated morphological and biological traits of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>y arepresented in Table 2.Funher studies <strong>on</strong> this subject \\~ll allow a better understanding of the biological beha~our ofpowdery mildew and host-parasite interacti<strong>on</strong>s. As an example, during another study we verifiedthat sporulati<strong>on</strong> occurs when mycelium density reaches a c<strong>on</strong>stant value around10 hyphae/0.52 mm. independent of the incubati<strong>on</strong> period (MARTINS 1984). Therefore, if we canidentify races that differ in col<strong>on</strong>y compactness, this may corresp<strong>on</strong>d to sporulati<strong>on</strong> perioddifferences, that is differences in pathogenicity.Fig. 2: Structure of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>y of powdery mildew growing <strong>on</strong> detached leaf discs of cv. Mourisco doDouro during 11 d at 26°C. • = appressoria.

252 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 1: Growth rate of powdery mildew individual hyphae ofisolated col<strong>on</strong>ies <strong>on</strong> discs of cv. Mourisco at 26 ·Cclasses ofdaily growth. (mm) 0-.09 .1-.19 .2-.29 .3-.39 .4-.49 .5-.59 .6-.69number of casesobserved 6 8 28 24 30 2 4Table 2: Some biological and morphological traits of the isolated col<strong>on</strong>y of powdery mildew growing <strong>on</strong> leaf discsof cv. Mourisco at 25 ·CGROWTH OF THE INDIVIDUAL HYPHAEMEAN LENGHT BETWEN HAUSTORIADIAMETER OF THE COLONYTOTAL AREA OF THE COLONYNUMBER OF HYPHAE IN THE COLONYTOTAL LENGHT OF THE HYPHAEMEAN ANGLE OF THE RAMIFICATIONSMEAN LENGHT BETWEEN RAMIFICATIONSBEGINNING OF THE SPORULATION. 34mm/day.1 mm5.0 mm25 mm24238 mm66°.47 mm14 dayTable 3: Mycelium growth rate of powdery mildew <strong>on</strong> discs of different cl<strong>on</strong>es of cvs Jaen and Trincadeira(inoculum density: 3.2 c<strong>on</strong>idia/mm'; incubati<strong>on</strong>: 6 d at 26 °elJAENTRINCADElRA--------------------- ---------------------cl<strong>on</strong>es hyphae/.52mm cl<strong>on</strong>es hyphae/.52mmJ0566 9.4 TR1 2.2J0609 4.1 TR2 1.7J1612 15.3 TR3 12.4J0656 2.4 TR5 5.4J0771 6.6 TR12 1.7J1402 11.1 TR15 4.2J1417 6.7 TAl 7.1J1602 11.4 TA3 3.9J1626 10.3 TA4 6.6J1636 5.6 TA5 3.0Genetic variability of powdery mildewSowing isolated spores under the technique we described above enables us to cultivategenetically homogeneous lines of powdery mildew (cl<strong>on</strong>es) al<strong>on</strong>g several generati<strong>on</strong>s. These linesare observed in order to detect genetic differences regarding several traits: number of hyphaegrowing from the initial c<strong>on</strong>idia of the col<strong>on</strong>y; ramificati<strong>on</strong> angle between two hyphae; mean lengthbetween appressoria: mean length between c<strong>on</strong>tiguous ramificati<strong>on</strong>s; growing rate of the indi\oidualhyphae.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 253Our results point out differences in the angle of ramificati<strong>on</strong> and the morphology of theramificati<strong>on</strong> point. These studies will be c<strong>on</strong>tinued investigating powdery mildew strains ofdifferent geographic origin.Variability of resistance within varietiesBy artificial inoculati<strong>on</strong>s performed over several years with c<strong>on</strong>idia carried by air flow, weverified that differences of resistance between cl<strong>on</strong>es exist. The results of two comparative assays(am<strong>on</strong>gst much others) regarding two ancient Portuguese varieties with good morphologichomogeneity, Jaen and Trincadeira, are presented in Table 3. By comparing these results withthose of many other assays we verify that cl<strong>on</strong>es J0656 and TR2 show highest resistance, whereascl<strong>on</strong>es 11612 and TR3 are more sensible.At present we are applying the same tests to other varieties submitted to cl<strong>on</strong>al selecti<strong>on</strong> inorder to include the resp<strong>on</strong>se to powdery mildew in selecti<strong>on</strong> criterium.ReferencesCOUTlNHO, M. P.; 1977: Utilisati<strong>on</strong> des ray<strong>on</strong>nements pour l'ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la vigne au point de vue de laresistance au mildiou. Induced Mutati<strong>on</strong>s Against Plant Diseases, IAEA, Wien, SM 214/41, 233·240 ... --; 1987: The utilisati<strong>on</strong> of ill vitro culture in a panicular case of vine breeding. Experimental Mutagenesis inPlants, Plovdiv, 230-233.-- -- ; MARTI !'IS, A; 1985: Quelques resultats sur la resistance de la vigne au mildiou et a l'o·idium. C. R. IVe Symp.Intern. Generique de la Vigne, Ver<strong>on</strong>a, 148·152.MARTI~s, A; 1984: C<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to vine breeding regarding its resistance to powdery mildew [P<strong>on</strong>.]. Thesis,Techn. Univ., Lisb<strong>on</strong>.POOL, R. M., CREASY, L. L.; FRACKEL TO'>;, AS.; 1980: Resveratrol and viniferins, their applicati<strong>on</strong> toscreening for disease resistance in grape breeding programs. Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding,Davis, 251·262.

254 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Search for genotypes resistant to PJllsmopllTIl viticoJa bycross breedingM. BORGO, S. CANCELLIERandA. COSTACURTAIstituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura, Viale XXVIII Aprile 26, 1·31015 C<strong>on</strong>egliano 1V, ItalySum mar y: Crossbreeding between Vitis vinifera and hybrids resistant to some grapevine diseasesbegan in 1985 in order to create biotyJ>es which are tolerant or resistant to Plasmopara vitico/a. Oidium tuckeriand BOlr.,vtis Cinerea and show quality features similar as the European parent varieties (Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, Sauvign<strong>on</strong>blanc, Prosecco, Moscato bianco and Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>) in order to reduce chemical plant protecti<strong>on</strong>practices.Analysis of the F I, populati<strong>on</strong> emphasized that 20 % of the plants have a favourable tol~rance to downymildew and can be employed in back· crossbreeding with European varieties. This proves that there is a differentintensity ofleaf reacti<strong>on</strong> to the pathogenic agent.The above· menti<strong>on</strong>ed tolerance appeared to be steady throughout the years.An interesting tolerance to oidium was also recorded in open field and greenhouse cultivati<strong>on</strong>s.Key w 0 r d s: Plasmopara, oidium, variety of vine, genotype, resistance, tolerance, quality, crossing,analysis, Italy.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Vine downy mildew, caused by the pathogenic agent Plasmopara viticola (B. et C.) BERL. etDE TONI, is the main parasitic adversity that causes serious damages to producti<strong>on</strong> in many Italianvineyards.The viticultural areas of Northern Italy are c<strong>on</strong>sidered those most subject to such risksbecause of summer climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s which are typically rainy and humid. The frequentinfecti<strong>on</strong>s of downy mildew force viticulturists to perform a great number of treatments to preventand restrict damages.The growing attenti<strong>on</strong> towards envir<strong>on</strong>ment problems and the c<strong>on</strong>sequent awareness that it isnecessary to reduce chemical treatments used to c<strong>on</strong>trol the various para~ites that attackcultivati<strong>on</strong>s, induce research <strong>on</strong> new systems of plant protecti<strong>on</strong> and pest c<strong>on</strong>trol.For this purpose, new plant protecti<strong>on</strong> systems for the major cryptogamic diseases o(vines arebeing perfected according to expected models of infecti<strong>on</strong> and utilizing new chemical products(TRAN MA~H SUNG 1988).A further c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to the reduced use of plant protecti<strong>on</strong> products is provided by geneticimprovement with studies aimed at creating genotypes capable of resisting or tolerating P. viticolaan.d preserving organoleptic features that are equivalent and sometimes better than the bestcultivated varieties.Many researchers, in fact, emphasized the possibility of exploiting the genetic resources ofvines to produce new varieties particularly resistant to downy mildew (MILLARDET 1891, 1894;BOUBALS 1956; DOAZAN and KIM 1978; KIM 1978; ALLEWELDT 1979; BECKER and ZIMMERMANN1980; Li 1985).The Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura has also been promoting, for some years now,programmes of genetic improvement to obtain new genotypes with a certain degree of tolerance tothe main vine fungus diseases (COSTACURTA et al. 1986; BORGO et al. 1987). The purpose is toselect new individuals that require a reduced amount of chemical treatments, without, however,facing the serious risk of stimulating the diffusi<strong>on</strong> of other pathogenic agents, such as Phomopsisviticola and Guignardia bidwellii, that cause excoriose and black rot.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 255Materials and methodsThe activity of genetic improvement by crossbreeding for the above-menti<strong>on</strong>ed purposesbegan in 1985 according to the illustrati<strong>on</strong>s in Fig. 1. The latter shows the European cultivars andthe hybrids employed for the introducti<strong>on</strong> of the character of 'resistance'.The method of selecti<strong>on</strong> adopted for the F 1 generati<strong>on</strong> mainly involved the degree ofresistance to P. wrieo/a. The plants selected for their resistance will be subject to producti<strong>on</strong> qualitytests.Mter a short period of greenhouse cultivati<strong>on</strong>, F 1 populati<strong>on</strong>s were planted in an open fieldwhere downy mildew infecti<strong>on</strong>s developed naturally. With regard to the type of vine protecti<strong>on</strong>~ wemust menti<strong>on</strong> that these populati<strong>on</strong>s were <strong>on</strong>ly treated with fungicides during the 1st year ofVITIS VINIFERA X HYBRIDPROSECCO SEIBEL 4986SAUVIGNON SEYVE-VILLARD 5276CHARDONNAYBACOMOSCATO B. SEIBEL 12.375MOSCATO G.CABERNET SAUVIGNONF1~BACK-CROSSFig. 1: Scheme of crossbreeding.Fig. 2: Different symptomatology of downy mildew <strong>on</strong> F I hybrids (for further explanati<strong>on</strong> see text).

256 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 1: F 1 descendants of 1985 crossbreedings with different symptomatology of downy mildew recorded <strong>on</strong>leaves in the 3-year period 1987-1989% DESCENDANTSPARENTS NECROTIZED 1 MANIFESTDOWNY MILDEWDOWNY MILDEWIt:>ROSECCO X S 4986 82,6 17,4ICHARDONNAY X S 4986 78,6 21,4ISAUVIGNON X S 4986 86,0 14,0IMOSCATO B. X 4986 71,4 28,6IMOSCATO B. X SV 52761 75,8 24,21cultivati<strong>on</strong>, i. e_ 1986, and that no chemical treatments were perf<strong>on</strong>ned during the following years.Tolerance was determined by evaluating the evidence of downy mildew <strong>on</strong> the leaves ofcrossbreedings, comparing them with those visible <strong>on</strong> self-fertilized c<strong>on</strong>trol samples. Two types ofsymptomatologies were noticed:downy mildew with well defined necrotic spots of different sizes <strong>on</strong> which mosaics ofsporangiophores f<strong>on</strong>ned <strong>on</strong>ly in a later stage (Type 1\; Fig. 2, left);manifest downy mildew with extensive spots and a large amount of sporangiophores (type P;Fig. 2, right).Affected leaves and bunches were examined and classified according to a system composed of7 classes, according to the organs involved and the extent of damage.The results were processed according to the Townsend-Euberger formula to calculate theinfecti<strong>on</strong> degree (1.0. %).a) Downy mildew toleranceResultsThe F 1 descendants of crossbreedings produced in 1985 and 1986 (several hundredprogenies) were repeatedly evaluated during the years of cultivati<strong>on</strong>.With regard to the results of a preliminary screening of 1985 crossbreedings, we refer to aprevious report (COSTACURTA et al. 1986). In the following years, the genotypes selected for theirdegree of resistance were kept and observed. They proved to maintain their resistance throughoutth~ years in which c<strong>on</strong>trol was performed. About 80 % of the descendants c<strong>on</strong>stantly showedsymptoms of downy mildew with necrotic type spots, whereas the residual 20 % showed mixedmildew spots, more evident under the worst climate c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s (Table 1).The incidence of downy mildew's influence <strong>on</strong> the different groups of crossbreedings recordedin the course of the period is illustrated in graphs of Fig. 3.The intensity of downy mildew attacks differed in the various years and was recorded in Julyand at the end of summer. The latter is the period that provides the most appropriate evidence ofthe genotypes' behaviour, especially when compared to the c<strong>on</strong>trol testing of European varietiesand their self-fertilizati<strong>on</strong>s grown without chemical protectant treatments, <strong>on</strong> which downy mildewaffects almost 100 % of all plants with early defoliati<strong>on</strong>.The distincti<strong>on</strong> between the different types of evidence of the disease's presence shows itsmajor incidence" in the group of descendants with evident signs of downy mildew <strong>on</strong> leaves in boththe testing times.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 257Tests perf<strong>on</strong>ned <strong>on</strong> bunches, present <strong>on</strong> 80 % of the descendants in 1989, showed that thedisease occurred in 11-30% of the individuals in all seedling populati<strong>on</strong>s. These amounts may bec<strong>on</strong>sidered as acceptable according to the testing c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s; the more c<strong>on</strong>sistent attacks werenoticed <strong>on</strong> genotypes with evident downy mildew ofleaf(Fig. 4). .The results of surveys <strong>on</strong> more recent plants, planted in fields in spring 1988, are summarizedin Table 2. The figures show the average number of attacks recorded at the end of 1988 and in thefirst 10 d of August 1989.The genotypes with necrotic downy mildew are, <strong>on</strong> average, 28.7 % of the entire populati<strong>on</strong> ofF 1 descendants, whereas those showing mixed necrotic and evident symptoms of the diseaseinclude about 13 % of the populati<strong>on</strong>.The percentage of leaves affected is lower in the plants c<strong>on</strong>sidered ·resistant'. Self-fenilizedplants proved to be greatly affected with early defoliati<strong>on</strong>.1 9 86PROC£()1) x 84986afRIXl'tfW x 34986SUJItID1 x 34986Iml1TO B. x S4986I()91lTO B. x ~5716liMENIlTWEP1 9 87PROC£()1) x 84986()fp.lXNf1V x S4986SUJItID1 x S4986MlrnTO B. x 84986B. x ~5'l7660Fig. 3: Incidence of infecti<strong>on</strong> degrees (% 1.0.) by P. viticola <strong>on</strong> leaves in crossbreedings Fl-1985 in several yearsand periods: July and August-September. (C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf)

258 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3The figures rep<strong>on</strong>ed show that am<strong>on</strong>g the European cultivars employed as parents seedlingsofSauvign<strong>on</strong>, Prosecco and Chard<strong>on</strong>nay seem to receive good resistance, in terms offrequency, tothe disease, whereas am<strong>on</strong>gst the d<strong>on</strong>or parents the hybrid S. 4986 proves to be the best, especiallywhen compared with S. 12.375.b) Powdery mildew toleranceThe presence of Oidium tuckeri was examined <strong>on</strong> various F 1 descendants, by applying thesame quantity survey systems as in downy mildew tests. The crossbreedings produced in 1985were evaluated in field and greenhouse cultivati<strong>on</strong>s; those produced in 1987 were examined in thefield.Under n<strong>on</strong>nal cultivati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, powdery mildew was recorded <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong> a few plants(2.5 %) that seldom formed spots <strong>on</strong> some leaves and berries.1 9 88PRI'B:()J) x S4986~xS4986mNIGm x S4986~TO B. x S4986~TO B. x SV57l6IITM NIjTVPEP1 9 8910070PRC(£()J) x S4986!JFP1XNf1V x S49869=UoJI(}Ol x S4986t(001TO B. x S4986I{)OO1TO B. x SV5l16IITWENIITYf'EPFig. 3 (c<strong>on</strong>tinued).100%

Table 2: F 1 descendants of 1987 crossbreedings divided according to different types of downy mildew <strong>on</strong> leavesPARENTSIPROSECCO x S 4986I x SV 5276I x S 12375ISAUVIGNON x S 4986x SV 5276IPROSECCO x SEIICHARDONNAY x 5 4986I x SV 5276I x S 12375ICASERNET S. x SAIDOWNY MILDEW ON LEAVESNECROTIZED (N) MIXED (N-P) MANIFEST (P)GENOTYPE % I 1.0. % GENOTYPE % I 1.0. % GENOTYPE % I 1.0. %40,5 58,4 16,2 58,5 43,268,636,0 74,2 8,0 75,0 56,078,118,7 45,0 18,8 47,3 62,563,327,6 50,3 13,8 70,0 58,638,9 61,9 10,7 67,3 49,735,7 55,3 21,4 59,2 42,842,8 66,7 57,218,2 32,0 81,89,7 38,5 16,1 56,4 74,218,8 48,0 31,2 36,0 50,072,971,786,075,080,076,077,2~~5!l.Vl~::sn~.........8(b~::sn~8"0~~Vlj:I)::s0-0.tn·~j:I)Vl~VlI AVERAGEI28,7 53,0 13,6 58,7 57,774,9tJVo\0

260 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 3: Incidence of oidium attack <strong>on</strong> crossbreeding descendants of Pro sec co x S. 4986 cultivated in greenhouse(Susegana, Treviso)CROSSBREEDING DESCENDANTSCONTROLPARAMETERS 1988 I 1989 1988 I 1989IIIr. infected plants 19,8 6,9 100 100I I.D. r. <strong>on</strong> leaf 2,5 1,2 82,5 65,3I I.D. r. <strong>on</strong> wood 2,2 0,8 64,7 18,7IThe tests carried out <strong>on</strong> plants trained in greenhouses allowed us to better examine thebehaviour of crossbreedings (Table 3). In 1988 approximately 20 % of the plants developed lightinfecti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> leaves and wood, whereas all the plants used as comparis<strong>on</strong>s were str<strong>on</strong>gly affected.In 1989 there was a minor incidence of the disease, primarily due to an earlier survey.Discussi<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThe analysis of the descendants of some interspecific crossbreedings perf<strong>on</strong>ned over severalyears, utilizing some of the most interesting European vine varieties cultivated in Venetia andseveral hybrid varieties resistant to P. vilicola, dem<strong>on</strong>strated that this character is transmittedrather frequently to F) genotypes, with percentages ranging from approximately 20 to 40 %.The results recorded so far proved that there are different behaviours for what c<strong>on</strong>cerns'resistant parents: S. 4986 seems to be capable of transmitting resistance to P. Vilicola to a greaternumber of descendants, but S. 12.375 does not seem to be suitable for the same purpose. All theEuropean varieties tested provided good results.Over the years of observati<strong>on</strong>, the selected genotypes maintained the acquired featurec<strong>on</strong>stantly,. even when climate c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and the epidemiology of P. Vilicola varied. Thedescendants affected by necrotic dovmy mildew recorded lower infecti<strong>on</strong>s than those primarilybearing evident f<strong>on</strong>ns of the disease.1 989~xS4986SlJII~ x S4986~TOB.IIlWEN~lWEPFig. 4: Incidence of infecti<strong>on</strong> degrees (% LD.) by P. 1'iticoia <strong>on</strong> bunches in crossbreedings F\·1985.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 261Plants with intennediate features could be just as interesting c<strong>on</strong>sidering the low incidence ofdowny mildew. The viticultural material selected was also of interest for what c<strong>on</strong>cerns itsO. tuckeri tolerance, i. e. the number of plants affected and the extremely low incidence of diseaseattacks.At present, there is no inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>cerning resistance to Botrytis cinerea PERS., as therewas <strong>on</strong>ly a s!llall amount of bunches <strong>on</strong> which tests could be perf<strong>on</strong>ned in 1989.We must emphasize that at this moment there were no other diseases due to cryptogams thatmight appear <strong>on</strong> unprotected plants.Research will c<strong>on</strong>tinue in the coming years according to the established crossbreedingprogramme: At the same time, new and future genotypes will be selected for resistance to grapevinediseases. The resistant genotypes will be subject to c<strong>on</strong>trol to examine their productive and,primarily, organoleptic features.ReferencesALLEWELDT, G.; 1979: Selecti<strong>on</strong> de varietes resistantes en R. F. d'Allemagne. XVIe C<strong>on</strong>gr. Vigne Yin, Stuttgart,21-27 rnai 1979_AVRAMOY, L.; BABO\1C, M.; JOVANO\1C, M.; RUZE\1c, M.; 1980: Breeding plasmopara-resistant varieties in·Vilis. Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, Davis, 302-307.BECKER, N.; ZIMMERMAKN, H.; 1980: Wine quality of newly bred grape varieties resistant to downy mildew.Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, Davis, 308-323.BORGO, M.; CANCELLIER, S.; COSTACURTA, A; 1987: Protecti<strong>on</strong> integree de la vigne avec l'ameliorati<strong>on</strong>genetique par croisement. Symp. Influence of Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Factors in the C<strong>on</strong>trol of <strong>Grape</strong> Pests,Diseases and Weeds. Thessal<strong>on</strong>iki, 6-8 October, 1987.BOUBALS, D:; 1956: Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la resistance de la vigne au mildiou (Plasmopara viticola (B. et C.) BERL. etDE TONI). Recherche de geniteurs de resistance. Ann. Amelior. Plantes 4, 481-525.COSTACURTA, A; CANCELLIER, S.; CORI;\TO, L.; MORGO, M; 1986: Resistenza a Plasmopara viticola inincroci di Vilis villifera c<strong>on</strong> ibridi. Riv. Viticolt. Enol. 39, 532-539.DOAZAN, I. P.; KIM, S. K.; 1978: Recherche de genotypes resistants au mildiou dans des croisementsinterspecifiques. Genetique et Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne, 243-249. INRA Ed., Paris.KIM, S. K.; 1978: Etude de croisements interspecifiques chez la vigne, transmissi<strong>on</strong> hereditaire de quelquescaracteres physiologiques et de la resistance au mildiou et au phylloxera. These Doct. Ing., Univ. deBordeaux II.LI, H.; 1985: Etude de la relati<strong>on</strong> entre Ie mildiou de la vigne (Plasmopara vWcola (B. et C.) BERL. et DE TONI) etl'espece Vilis vinifera L., variabilite de l'agent pathogene et de la sensibilite de l'h6te. These Doct. Oen.Amp., Univ. de Bordeaux II.MILLARDET; A; 1891: Essai sur l'Hybridati<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne. Mass<strong>on</strong> Ed_, Paris.-- --; 1894: Sur les resultats generaux de l'hybridati<strong>on</strong> de la vigne. Rev. Viticult. 1, 57-61, 84-88, 108.TRAN MANH SVNG, C.; 1988: Le comportement epidemique de Plasmopara viticola vu au travers de modelesEPI, POM et PeOP. C. R. 2e C<strong>on</strong>f. Intern. Maladies des Plantes, Tome III. ANPP, Paris.

262 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Vitis cllribaell as a source of resistance to Pierce's disease inbreeding grapes for the tropicsL. G. JIMENEZ A. and A. INGALLSP. O. Box 10135, San Jose 1000, Costa RicaSum mar y: A native Costarican vine, VWs caribaea, was found growing unaffected by Pierce's disease(PD: 1~vlella fastidiosa) in the forests surrounding a dying V vintfera plantati<strong>on</strong>. V caribaea was tested byinoculati<strong>on</strong>, isolati<strong>on</strong>, ELISA and DNA hybridizati<strong>on</strong> and in all cases no bacteria were detected. It was decidedthat V. caribaea or Agra (its Indian name) is resistant or at least highly tolerant to PD. Crosses of V. vini/era andV. caribaea were made and no compatibility barriers were found, germinati<strong>on</strong> of the hybrids seeds was high anda high percentage of fertile plants were produced. Many hybrids were made and planted in the field to test themfor resistance to PD.Since some of the F hybrids do transmit resistance when backcrossed to V vini/era, resistance must bedetermined by dominant Igenes. Some F hybrids, although apparently resistant themselves, are either nottransmitting resistance or are doing so in k reduced proporti<strong>on</strong>. Several hybrids developed at the University ofFlorida were tested, <strong>on</strong>e of these, F 5·8, has led to the establishment of the first successful vineyard in Costa Rica.Key w 0 r d s: Pierce's disease, bacterium, Vitis, resistance, breeding, genetics, tropics, Costa Rica,America.Introducti<strong>on</strong>The Spanish have a very old viticultural traditi<strong>on</strong> and it is remarkable that this traditi<strong>on</strong>should have been today lost when they col<strong>on</strong>ized tropical America. It is said that the Spanishgovernment forbade the planting of grapes in their col<strong>on</strong>ies to prevent competiti<strong>on</strong> with their owndomestic wine producti<strong>on</strong>. Undoubtedly in the l<strong>on</strong>g history of these col<strong>on</strong>ies thousands of Spanishsettlers have tried to establish their own vineyards. Indeed, in our own lifetimes we have known ofnumerous cases of people who, having planted a vineyard, had some success at first <strong>on</strong>ly to bedisillusi<strong>on</strong>ed a few years later when all the plants died. A similar experience in southern Californiawas described by PIERCE (1892).The symptoms of Pierce . s disease (PD) are very similar to those of acute water stress: the edgesof the leaves bum and later drop off, the berries shrivel up, and the plant dies. We can distinguishthe symptoms ofPD from simple drying if we notice that the leaves bum asymmetrically in secti<strong>on</strong>s,more <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e side than <strong>on</strong> the other side of the leaf, and that a yellow or red band appears <strong>on</strong> theborder between vital and necrotic secti<strong>on</strong>s. The plant seems to recover between attacks leaving anarrow dark line between each successive bum. Eventually the leaves fall from the petioles whichstay c<strong>on</strong>nected to the stem, the wood of the vine matures unevenly leaving islands of immaturewood <strong>on</strong> mature canes which are then subject to winter damage.For <strong>on</strong>e hundred years all attempts to discover the cause of this disease were unsuccessful,although much field work was d<strong>on</strong>e to establish its wild hosts (grasses and many weeds) (FREITAG1951) and its vectors (leafhoppers) (HEWITT et al. 1942). Recently, the possibility of applyingmodem laboratory techniques and the discovery that tetracycline antibiotics (HOPKU.lS andMORTENSEN 1971) could suppress symptoms in PD diseased vines suggesting that the diseasemight be caused by a mycoplasma-like organism, revitalized interest in the disease. Using theelectr<strong>on</strong> microscope, rickettsia-like bacteria (RLB) were found to be associated with the disease(GOHEEN et al. 1973; HOPKINS 1973). A few years later the causal bacterium was isolated andcultivated (DAVIS et al. 1978). This opened up the possibility of using techniques such asinoculati<strong>on</strong>, ELISA (R.~Jlj el al. 1980, 1981) and D~Ahybridizati<strong>on</strong> (JIMENEZ and DAVIS 1987).

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 263In 1988 the name X.v/ella fastidiosa was proposed (WELLS et al. 1987) for this bacterium.Studies of host-vector-pathogen relati<strong>on</strong>ships have shown that PD is endemic in California, theGulf States (HE\\1TT 1958), Mexico (RAJU et al. 1980), Central America (GOHEEN et al. 1979;JIMENEZ 1980, 1982) and Venezuela (JIMENEz 1985) and it is of ancient origin.Preliminary workFollowing the discovery (GOHEEN et al. 1979) and c<strong>on</strong>firmati<strong>on</strong> (HOPKINS, unpublished;JIMENEZ 1980) of PD in Costa Rica, a search was made for material having resistance to thisdisease. Several hybrids developed by MORTENSEN in Florida were tested, <strong>on</strong>e of these, F 5-8, whichwas never released in Florida because of its susceptibility to fungus diseases, has led to theestablishment of the first successful commercial vineyard in Costa Rica. A native Costarican vine,Vilis caribaea, was fOund growing unaffected by any disease in the forests surrounding a dyingV. vini/era plantati<strong>on</strong> in M<strong>on</strong>tezuma <strong>on</strong> the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It was tested byinoculati<strong>on</strong>, isolati<strong>on</strong>, and ELISA and in all cases either no bacteria were found or they were so lowin number that the results were untrustworthy. It was decided that V. caribaea or Agra (its Indianname) is resistant or at least highly tolerant to PD and that it might be a good source of resistance ifit could be crossed with V. vini/era. In mid forties JOSEPH FENNELL had used V. caribaea in some ofhis crosses at the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Science in Turrialba, but when thisorganizati<strong>on</strong> was reorganized all his genetic material (FENNEL 1948) was lost to Costa Rica.Turrialba is in a wet tropical rainforest, a notoriously bad climate to grow grapes in.Starting in 1978, new crosses were made, this time in M<strong>on</strong>tezuma which is in a hot drytropical forest just <strong>on</strong> the edge of the climatic z<strong>on</strong>e of maximum dryness in which V. caribaea canstill be found growing naturally. In some crosses female V. caribaea was pollinated withV. vini/era, in others V. vini/era was hand emasculated and pollinated with V. caribaea. Nocompatibility barriers were found. Germinati<strong>on</strong> of the hybrid seed was high and a high percentageof fertile plants were produced. Many F 1 hybrids and backcrosses to V. vini/era were made andplanted in the field at a distance of 40 cm x 200 cm to test for resistance to PD. The field wasprepared for planting by machetti in order to preserve the roots of the native hosts ofPD intact. Theweeds were allowed to grow freely to facilitate infecti<strong>on</strong> of the new plants. Weeds were choppedand insecticides were used <strong>on</strong>ly when absolutely necessary. We slowly began to realize that we werec<strong>on</strong>fr<strong>on</strong>ted with a happy but frustrating circumstance: Whereas in a temperate climate the spreadof the disease is more or less slow, <strong>on</strong>ce it enters the vine, the latter succumbs in a reas<strong>on</strong>ably shorttime (3 m<strong>on</strong>ths to 1 y~ar). In the tropics, however, the spread is very rapid, in 6 m<strong>on</strong>ths over 80 % ofa new planting in M<strong>on</strong>tezuma was c<strong>on</strong>taminated (JIMENEZ 1982), and yet after infecti<strong>on</strong> thedisease develops very slowly within the plants which degenerate over a period of 2-9 years.Cardinal produced high fruit for 3 years despite the fact that typical symptoms of PD wereobserved throughout this time and bacteria were c<strong>on</strong>sistantly isolated from them. In laboratoryte'sts, Costarican strains ofPD were found to have virulence similar to those of the North Americanstrains (GOHEEN et al. 1979). It is possible that a small difference in virulence not observable in thelab could corresp<strong>on</strong>d to a large difference in the field, but it is obviously in desirable and illegal totest this in the open. Instead, HOPKINS (private c<strong>on</strong>versati<strong>on</strong>) attributes this greater l<strong>on</strong>gevity to anincreased tolerance of plants grown in the tropics: Using good cultural practices, in a trol?icalclimate the plant can sustain c<strong>on</strong>stant vigorous gro\\'th under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s oflittle stress, this allows itto outgrow the damage (to the xylem) caused by the bacteria almost as fast as it is produced. In factin some micro climates (Alajuela, Costa Rica and Maracaibo, Venezuela) (JIMENEZ) vini/era grapescan be grown successfully in spite of PD. The frustrating aspect is that we can never be quite surewhether a hybrid we have made is really tolerant or whether waiting just <strong>on</strong>e more year it will die.After waiting so many years to selecting a vine for resistance, it becomes rather uncertain whether itdied ofPD, another disease or accident.

264 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Materials and methodsIt would be very useful to know which percentage of a certain cross can be expected to survivePD in Costa Rica. In florida, it was shown (MORTENSEN 1968) that using a model of threeindependent dominant genes where all three are necessary for resistance, <strong>on</strong>e could predict theresistant percentage. Could we expect that Agra has the same type of resistance mechanism as thewild grapes native to Florida that were used by MORTENSEN.? Since there is no significantgeographic barrier between florida and Central America and all of this is inhabited by variousspecies of wild grape which are probably related to each other and all are under the pressure ofPD,they might share a comm<strong>on</strong> type of resistance. Until we had more informati<strong>on</strong>, we went <strong>on</strong> thehypothe.sis that this is so. This allowed us to use the backcross system of breeding as l<strong>on</strong>g as we weresure we had selected out plants that were not resistant at each generati<strong>on</strong>. But this is exactly whatwe could not do. In our backcross populati<strong>on</strong>, now 8 years old, <strong>on</strong>ly 27 % of all seedlings have died,instead of the 88 % predicted by MORTENSEN. Many of the survivors however are loosing vigor andbecoming unproductive. Fruit producti<strong>on</strong> is the principle stress that plants have to undergo andthose that are not under stress can survive better an attack of PD. In order to select effectively, allthe plants should be under the same stress. This can be achieved to some extent by c<strong>on</strong>sidering <strong>on</strong>lythe plants that are capable of producing fruit:Plants that are stillAll the plants that would be capable offruiting in absence ofPDHere we have entered an unmeasurable term in the denominator which is equal to:All the plants that have produced at least <strong>on</strong>ce in their lifetime + the plants thatcould have produced but died ofPD before they had time toFrom previous experience with a quasi randomly selected collecti<strong>on</strong> of V. vini/era varietiesd<strong>on</strong>ated by Dr. GOHEEN we found that less than 25 % of villi/era seedlings die before they canproduce fruit. But about 1/2 of the plants in the denominator are resistant to PD, so we have to add1/2 of 1/4 or 1/8 to the denominator. This correcti<strong>on</strong> is not large and will not be made in thefollowing work, however at any time we can include it by multiplying the result by 8/9.Now we arrived at our measurable ratio which we will call sustainability:Number of plants in producti<strong>on</strong>Number of plants that have produced at some time (x 9/8)In doing this we have largely corrected an error in the % survivors due to the fact that someplants die of other causes: extreme susceptibility to fungus, genetic weakness, and accidents. Sincemost of these affect the plants early in their lives they will be prevented from ever producing fruitand so these plants will not enter into the ratio. The numerator and the denominator are not fixednumbers but variables which depend up<strong>on</strong> the year of observati<strong>on</strong>:Number in producti<strong>on</strong>Number that have produced [Based year]= SustainabilityThe based year is the year we look back at our data and calculated the number of plants thathave produced at sOlne time. Ifwe do this too early, our ratio is too high and is close to 1 becauseexactly the same plants appear in the numerator and denominator. If the base year is adequate, theratio will be a functi<strong>on</strong> of the year observed. To illustrate this we use our oldest backcrosspopulati<strong>on</strong> (8 years old) as an example. There are too few plants in each cross to get reas<strong>on</strong>ablecurves by cross, but by bat ching <strong>on</strong>e row of 100 plants of mixed backcrosses we get the followingdata:

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 265Year 6th 7th 8thDead plants 12 15 27Degenerating 18 39 30Producing 33 18 16Have produced 38 38 38ELISA· 3% Survivors 88% 85% 73%Healthy 70% 46% 43%Sustainability 87% 47% 42%• The 3 plants showing positive readings were already degenerating.Am<strong>on</strong>g other things this data serves to clear up any doubts about our use of sustainabilityinstead of% healthy plants, here they turn out almost equal. Also it is clear that, no matter how welook at the data, we get a ratio of survivors much higher than that of MORTENSON in Florida.ResultsFig. 1: Here we present a series of graphs showing the progressi<strong>on</strong> of selecti<strong>on</strong> for PD againsttime for individual backcross families.Fig. 2: At about 3-4 years most plants have started producing fruit, but PD has not yetseriously affected the producti<strong>on</strong> and so the curve has its maximum at this time. After this, the curvedescends as PD kills and degenerates vines, as we hoped after 6 or 7 years the curve levels off as<strong>on</strong>ly plants tolerant to PD will be still producing. Unfortunately this leveling offhas not occurred forall crosses.5 Number of crosses432o75 70SustainabilityFig. 1: Sustainability ofF 1 hybrids Agra used as resistant parent. Data from 9-year old plants used.

266 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Fig. 3: It is too so<strong>on</strong> to tell if this curve will level offleaving a few residual plants or else drop tozero, in which case the 'resistant' parent would not have been transmitt~ng resistance.100% sustainabilityBO%60% .................................................................................•. "-...:..~"""""""""'"-- ....-~N = 2040% .............................................................................................................1.-tt-..- Series20% .............................................................................................................O%~--~----~--~----~--~"----~--~--~7 Bo 2 3 4year5 6Fig. 2: Sustainability of the progeny of75 C (32 A 10 x M. Hamburg).1 sustainabilityO.B ............................................ '! ................................................................... .0.6 .............................................................................................................. .0.4 ............................................................................................................... .N = 480.2 ................................................................................................................O~------~--------~------~--------~------~o 2 4 6 B 10yearsFig. 3: Sustainability of73 A (3 C 15 x Ruby Cabemet; 3 C 15 = Petit Sirah x Agni).

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 267Fig. 4: Plotting together every backcross family with over 15 plants for the denominator (toreduce sampling error) planted in 1982 we notice that the crosses can be divided into two groups,those that seem to be heading for a ratio around SO % and those that are descending to a muchlower level.... 00 upo. ." II)... .... ...o·.,N ...... po.uceo: := ~ ~>~:Jiiicrz~(I)::>(I)'0 0 0 0~ CD .... C&)0It)0•0 0~ N

••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••• 0 ••••••268 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Fig. 5: Here is set of curves that show 3 different backcrosses all with the same 'resistant'parent 56 C 1. Although 56 C 1 (Aleatico x Agra) is 9 years old, is still vigorous and has a negative1 sustainabilityO.B .......................................... .0.60.476 0 M. Hambu g0.2 ...................................................................................... N = 3174 0 Golden M.N = 10o~--------~------~~------~------------------~o 2 4 6 8 10yearsFig. 5: Sustainability of 3 crosses using 56 C 1 (Agra x Aleatico).0.8 sustainability0.7 ........................................... ~~ ........ ········'N'·~··46·····77·F···M:··Ha·mbu g0.6 ............................... .................................. ····················7S·'S··F·.tolo·ffi'ba d0.5 .............................................................................. .... . -_ .................. .0.4 ........................................ 00.3N = 130.2 ............................................................................................................... .0.1O~------~--------~--------~------~--------~o 2 4 6 8 10yearsFig. 6: Sustainability 0[2 crosses using 56 ell (Agra x Aleatico).

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 269reacti<strong>on</strong> with ELISA, it does not seem to be transmitting resistance to its progeny. Its productivityhas been declining, however, and this seems to be the key to the early spotting of plants low intolerance to PD. Many of the other plants that are not transmitting full resistance are, however,sustaining their productivity and there is no visible way to distinguish them.Fig. 6: This graph shows the opposite type of behavior in the progeny of 56 C 11, a sibling to56 C 1. 56 C 11 seems to transmit good resistance to its progeny. The ELISA test was perf<strong>on</strong>ned<strong>on</strong> half of the cross 77 F but no new inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> was gained from this test: <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e plant was foundpositive but it was already visibly degenerating. C<strong>on</strong>trasted to 56 C 1, 56 C 11 has steadilyincreased its producti<strong>on</strong> each year.We should briefly describe the grapes produced. The FI hybrids produce berries that areabout twice the diameter of those of Agra and are all black although the color of those crossed withwhite vinifera is not very intense or stable in the wine. Although the fruit is high in sugar, their taste isusually acid and biting, while their aroma resembles that of vinifera. The backcross fruit is from2·4 times larger than Agra in diameter, sometimes white or red, less acid and sometimes lower insugar than the F I hybrids. The average producti<strong>on</strong> of both the F I and the backcrosses is very lowbeing less than 200 g/plant which is probably due more to the short photoperiod of the tropics thanhybrid infertility. Heavier producers can be selected that give 1·2 kg/plant at the close plantingdistances used to test them (1 m 2 /plant).Some data showing how the extreme acidity of Agra can be easily reduced by backcrossing tovinifera:Code Type T. acid* pH CrossAgra Wild 15.8 32.5 2.79 Betty18 B9 FI 20.9 22.4 3.00 Agra x Carignane57E39 FI 22;7 17.1 2.75 Agra x Aligote6G1 FI 24.8 17.1 2.88 Sauvign<strong>on</strong> blanc x Agra22B8 F 23.9 13.4 3.18 Fernao Pires x Agra80017 Be 23.4 13.3 3.00 (Sylvaner x Agra) x F. Colombard81 B 11 BC I 24.0 12.7 3.20 (Chard<strong>on</strong>nay x Agra) x M. Alex78G9 BC I 23.2 15.5 3.00 (Green VeltlinerxAgra) x Aleatico83 C 12' BC I 18.6 11.2 3.05 (Agra x Carignane) x Ruby Cabernet5903 BC I 17.6 12.2 3.22 (Agra x Ruby Cabernet) x Carignane77F48 BC I I 21.8 7.2 3.23 (AgraxAleatico)xM. Hamburg• in g tartaric acid/lDiscussi<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sSince some of; the F 1 hyblids do transmit resistance when backcrossed to V. vinifera,resistance must be determined by dominant genes. Some F 1 hybrids, although apparently resistantthemselves, are either not transmitting resistance or are doing so in a reduced proporti<strong>on</strong>. Wemight call these plants partially tolerant to explain this genetically, we might hypothesize that thethree genes postulated by MORTENSEN have an additive effect, which in the harsher climate ofFlorida was not evident. In this system, <strong>on</strong>e gene will give a little l<strong>on</strong>ger sUJVival time, two genes willresult in a partial tolerance typified by 56 C 1, three genes will lead to full tolerance like 56 C 11;this would explain the 50 % ratio of the test crosses with 56 C 11: 1/8 of their progeny would be fullytolerant and 3/11 would be partially tolerant.We will have the results of the first test of this hypothesis when we see whether thesustainability of 5 6 C 1 turns out to be 25 % with all the survivors partially tolerant. The existence ofpartial tolerance would be a burdensome impediment to the producti<strong>on</strong> of hybrid grape varietiesfor the tropics.

270 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3A much more favorable alternative would be that Agra has two distinct resistancemechanisms, <strong>on</strong>e depending <strong>on</strong> three genes that gives the low sustainability of 56 eland anotherc<strong>on</strong>trolled by <strong>on</strong>e dominant gene giving the 50 % ratio of 56 ell. We will have to wait severalmore years to resolve this questi<strong>on</strong>.It is feasible to use the resistance of V. can'baea to PD and many other diseases to breedresistant hybrid vines useful for the producti<strong>on</strong> of wine and table grapes for the tropics. Althoughthere are many problems in selecting for resistance to such a weakly aggressive yet virulent diseasein a gentle tropical climate, the lack of a viticultural traditi<strong>on</strong> means that we do not have to satisfy apredetermined taste preference, we have no competiti<strong>on</strong>, and grape and wine prices are extremelyhigh.Literature citedDAVIS,1. M.; PURCELL, A H.; THOMSON, S. V.; 1978: Pierce's disease of grapevines: Isolati<strong>on</strong> of the causalorganism. Science 19,75-77.FENNELL, 1. L.; 1948: Inheritance studies with the tropical grape. 1. Hered 39 (3), 54-62.FREITAG, 1. H.; 1951: Host range of the Pierce's disease virus of grapes as determined by insect transmissi<strong>on</strong>.Phytopathology 41,920-934.GOHEEN, A c.; NYLAND, G.; LOWE, G. K.; 1973: Associati<strong>on</strong> of a rickettsialike organism with Pierce's diseaseof grapevines and alfalfa dwarf and heat therapy of the disease in grapevines. Phytopathology 63, 341-345 .. _._; RAJt;, B. c.; LO\VE, S. J.; NYLAND, G.; 1979: Pierce's disease of grapevines in Central America. Plant Dis.Rep. 63, 788-792.HEWITT, W. B.; 1958: The probable home of Pierce's disease virus. Plant Dis. Rep. 42 (2) .. _.- ; FRA.ZIER, N. W.; JACOB, H. E.; FREITAG, 1. H.; 1942: Circular 353. Univ. of Cal, ColI. of Agricult., Agricult.Exp. Sia., Berkeley, Cal.HOPKINS, D. I.; 1973: Rickettsia-like bacterium associated with Pierce's disease of grapes. Science 19, 298-300 .. _.- ; MORTENSEN', J. A; 1971: Suppressi<strong>on</strong> of Pierce's disease symptoms by tetracycline antibiotics. Plant Dis.Rep. 55, 610-612.JIMENEZ ARIAS, L. G.; 1980: EI mal de Pierce de la vid, su distribuci<strong>on</strong> en Costa Rica y caracteristicasfenotipicas de su agente causal. Tesis presentada para Licenciado en Fitotecnica, Univ. de Costa Rica.-.-; 1985: Evidencia immunologica del mal de Pierce de la vid en Venezuela. Turrialba 3S (3),243-247.-- -- ; DAVIS, M. J.; 1987: DNA probe for detecti<strong>on</strong> of Pierce's disease bacterium and other xylem-limited bacteria.Phytopathology 77, 1769.JIMENEZ MORA, J. M.; 1982: Determinaci<strong>on</strong> de los hospedantes alternos del mal de Pierce de la vid en CostaRica, mediante tecnicas immunologicas de adsorci<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>jugados enzimaticos.MORTENSE~, J. A; 1968: The inheritance of resistance to Pierce's disease in Vitis. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 92,331-337.PIERCE, N. B.; 1892: The California vine disease. U. S. Dept. of Agricult., Div. Veg. Path. Bull. 2.RAm, B. c.; AUSTIN, c.; GOHEEN, A c.; 1981: Relative sensitivity of selected grapevine cultivars to Pierce'sdisease bacterial inoculati<strong>on</strong>s. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 32,155-158.-- .- ; GOHEEN, A c.; TELIZ, D.; NYLA~"D, G.; 1980: Pierce's disease of grapevines in Mexico. Plant Dis. 64,280-282.-- .- ; NOMt, S. F.; DOCAMPO, D. M.; GOHEE~, A c.; NYLAND, G.; LOWE, S. K.; 1980: Alternative hosts ofPierce's disease of grapevines that occur adjacent to grape growing areas in California. Amer. J. Enol.Viticult. 31, 144-148.•WELLS, J. M.; BOLIGALA, c.; RAn..:, B. c.; HUNG, H.-y'; WEISBURG, W. G.; MANDELCO-PAUL, L.; BRENNER,D. J.; 1987: Xylella jastidiosa gen. nov., sp. nov.; Gram-negative, xylem-limited, fastidious plant bacteriarelated to Xanthomollas spp. Intern. 1. Syst. Bact. 37 (2), 136-143.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases271Best combiners during 40 years of breeding Vitis cultivarsresistant to Pierce's disease1. A. MORTENSEN and L. H. STOVERUniversity of Florida, IF AS, Central Florida Research and Educati<strong>on</strong> Center, Leesburg, Florida 34748, USASum mar y: By breeding for resistance to Pierce's disease in Vilis we have obtained useful cultivars thatcan be grown productively in areas formerly c<strong>on</strong>sidered unsuitable for grape producti<strong>on</strong>. Reviewing the mostsuccess~ recombinants from crosses made between 1945 and 1984,6 Vilis cl<strong>on</strong>es were prominent foundati<strong>on</strong>parents am<strong>on</strong>g those tested as primitive resistant germplasm: V: aestivalis, ssp. smalliana cvs Fla. 43-47 andFla. 449, T~ aestivalis ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i cvs Pixiola and Fla.451, and V shuttleworthii cvs Haines City andKissimmee. The best combiners for productivity, fruit size, and high quality were PO susceptible cultivarsAurelia, Carolina Blackrose, Cardinal, Exotic, Golden Muscat, and Villard blanc. The best combiners forseedlessness and early ripening were susceptible cultivars Lakem<strong>on</strong>t and Perlette. Selecti<strong>on</strong> for resistance to POrequired 7 or more years each generati<strong>on</strong> for exposure of seedlings to PO-carrying vectors. Inbreeding wasdetrimental to vine vigor but good combiners were selected am<strong>on</strong>g inbred progeny which were more homozygousfor disease resistance. Subsequent crosses of these inbreds to large-fruited, high-quality cultivars resulted in somerecombinants with restored vigor and superior traits such as Blanc Du Bois.Key w 0 r d s: Pierce's disease, bacterium, Vitis, variety of vine, germplasm, resistance, breeding,inbreeding, parents, Florida, USA.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Pierce's disease ~PD) is a vascular disease of Vitis caused by the bacterium XyleUa fastidiosa(WELLS el al. 1987). PD is the major limiting factor to having l<strong>on</strong>g-lived and productive vineyardsin Florida and the Coastal Plain areas of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,Louisiana, and Texac; (HOPKINS and ADLERZ 1988). Resistance to PD wac; found in Vilis speciesnative to Florida (MORTENSEN el al. 1977). Since 1945 a grape breeding program has been underway at Central Florida Research and Educati<strong>on</strong> Center, Leesburg, to incorporate this native PDresistance into viticulturally acceptable cultivars (STOVER 1960). The purpose of this paper is toreview the most successful recombinants from crosses made between 1945 and 1984 and toemphasize the best parental combinati<strong>on</strong>s used in the program.Materials and methodsSources of resistance to PD were found growing naturally in the woodlands of Florida, andwere collected in 1941 and 1942 (LOUCKS 1942). Cl<strong>on</strong>es of the following Florida species werepropagated from their native habitat to a vineyard located west of Leesburg where their l<strong>on</strong>gevityand health could be observed: Vilis aestivalis MICHX. ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i MUNSOl', V. aestivalis ssp.smalliana BAILEY, V. rufotomentosa SMALL, V. shuttleworthii HOUSE, V. sola BAILEY, V. vulpinaL., V. rotundi/olia MICHX. and V. mUlls<strong>on</strong>iana SIMPSON.Crosses made by LOUCKS during the 1930s using small-berried wild species as female pCl;rentsand larger berried cultivars as male parents produced all small-berried progeny of low quality(LOUCKS 1938). V. shuttleworth;; had larger berries, but when crossed the Fl hybrids had smallclusters. By 1945 a cross was ,made by STOVER between Pixiola (V. aestivalis ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i) andGolden Muscat which produced 20 promising seedlings. Pixiola was collected by LOUCKS as a n<strong>on</strong>·pigmented cl<strong>on</strong>e with fruit that was sweet but green-colored when ripe (STOVER 1951).Crosses between 1945 and 1984 were made with the objective of combining native diseaseresistance derived from Florida native grapes with acceptable fruit size and quality from superior

272 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 1: Cl<strong>on</strong>es resistant to Pierce's disease (PD) used as parents in the first generati<strong>on</strong> of breedingNative species classificati<strong>on</strong> Sex Parental cl<strong>on</strong>e~ aestivalis Hichx. ssp. simEs<strong>on</strong>i f PixiolaVitis aestivalis Michx. ssp. simEs<strong>on</strong>i f Fla. 451Vitis shuttleworthii House f Haines CityVitis'shuttleworthii House m KissimmeeVitis aestivalis ssp. smalliana f Fla. 43-47~aestivalis ssp. smalliana f Fla. 449Table 2: First generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses with Vilis aestivalis MICHX. ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i MUNSON and f·: shuttleworthiiHOUSEYearofResistantprogenyHaincrossCombinati<strong>on</strong>selected1945 Pixiola x Golden Muscat1950 Fla. 451 x Golden l>1uscat1949 V. shuttleworthii open-poll.1961 Haines City x Alden1973 Haines City x Ark. 11051979 Villard Blanc x KissimmeeH38l, H382Lake EmeraldWlOOlManteyl3B-5l3C-12BD7-75CAS-ISB~mBBRSRSBR\,lZUses: B breeding; RS rootstock; RWwine.red wines; WWwhite

Resistanceltolerance to pests and diseases 273cultivars (STOVER 1960; MORTENSEN et al. 1977). Seedlings were planted 2.5 ft apart in a singlewiretrellis vineyard at Leesburg and were fruited to detennine which were usable recombinants.Individual plant pen<strong>on</strong>nance was recorded for sex, budbreak, vine vigor, disease resistance,l<strong>on</strong>gevity, fruit size and quality (including seedlessness), productivity, and earliness. Naturalinfecti<strong>on</strong> from PO vectors was usually adequate to screen for resistance to PO while seedlings grewand fruited. Selecti<strong>on</strong>s were propagated by hardwood cuttings for a sec<strong>on</strong>d test at wider spacing(2.3-3 m in row). Crosses made each year between 1945 and 1984 were reviewed for progenypen<strong>on</strong>nance to detennine which combinati<strong>on</strong>s produced outstanding recombinants.Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Many selecti<strong>on</strong>s that initially were outstanding succumbed in later years to PO or fungusdiseases or else became mediocre in fruit quality, productivity, or vine vigor. Selecti<strong>on</strong> forresistance to PO was found to be necessary each generati<strong>on</strong> through natural exposure of seedlingsfor 7 or more years to PO-carrying vectors. 7 -10 years are thus advisable before naming and releaseof a selecti<strong>on</strong>.Table 3: First generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses with Vilis aestivalis MICHX. ssp. smalliana BAILEYYearResistantof progeny Maincross Combinati<strong>on</strong> selected uses z1948 Fla. 43-47 x Golden Uuscat H7l6 B1948 Fla. 43-47 x Niagara Tampa RS1950 Fla. 43-47 x Caco Blue Lake JL1963 Fla. 43-47 x C<strong>on</strong>cord E12-59 B, JU1977 Fla. 43-47 x Aurelia B05-67 BB08-43 RW1977 Fla. 43-47 x Carolina BOlO-51 BBlackrose CB9-23 RW1977 Fla. 43-47 x Dunstan 236 A01-ll5 RW1950 Fla. 449 x Cardinal v~987 B1954 Fla. 449 x Lake Emerald W152l BzUses: B = breeding; JL jelly; JU juice; RS rootstock;RW = red wine.

274 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 4: Sec<strong>on</strong>d generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and their PO-resistant progenyYearResistantof progeny Maincross Combinati<strong>on</strong> selected uses z1949 t'1381 x Cardinal l'l907 B1961 ~1382 selfed 21C-31 B1956 l-1987 x Lake Emerald Norris B1957 WIOOI x Villard Blanc B3-83, B3-90 B1956 Mantey x Roucaneuf Stover WW1961 W716 x Buffalo Liberty B1961 W716 x Sultanina 15B-23 B1983 BDIO-51 x Ruby Cabernet AN5-75 R\,l1958 W1521 x Villard Blanc C5-50 B1965 W1521 x Aurelia E18-63 B1976 ~n521 x Aurelia DCl-39, DCl-56 BzUses: B breeding; RW red wine; ~1 white wine.Foundati<strong>on</strong> parents selected from V. aestivalis ssp_ smalliana, V. aestivalis ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i,and V. shuttleworthii c<strong>on</strong>tributed PD resistance and tolerance to stresses such as wann nighttemperatures, high humidity, torrential rainfall during ripening, and low fenility soils (Table 1).The best sources of fruit. size, high quality, and productivity were Aurelia (Villard blanc xChaouch), Caroline Blackrose (Aurelia x Blackrose), Cardinal, Exotic, Golden Muscat and Villardblanc. Lakem<strong>on</strong>t and Perlette were the best parents for seedlessness and early ripening. Tables 2through 7 present 5 generati<strong>on</strong>s of the best crosses and their outstanding progeny selected duringthe 40 years. Pedigrees may be traced by proceeding backwards through the tables from a givenoutstanding cultivar selected.Inbreeding reduced vine vigor and resulted in smaller leaves and sh<strong>on</strong>er internodes, but wasuseful in developing parents more homozygous for disease resistance. Subsequent crossing of theseinbreds to large-fruited, high-quality cultivars such as Fla. FS·8 and Cardinal resulted in prosenywith restored vigor and improved recombinati<strong>on</strong>s such as Blanc Du Bois (MORTENSEN 1988). Newcultivars arising fi·om the program now f<strong>on</strong>n the basis for commercial grape growing in Florida(HALBROOKS and MORTENSEN 1989).At least <strong>on</strong>e parent in the combinati<strong>on</strong>s should be resistant to PD and grow vigorously <strong>on</strong> itsown roots. Crosses where both parents require grafting for good perf<strong>on</strong>nance usually had progenylacking in vigor in Florida sand land. In fact, many seedlings from such parentages failed to reachthe trellis wire and fruit n<strong>on</strong>nally. Prevalence of parasitic nematodes in n<strong>on</strong>·fumigated sandy soil is

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 275Table 5: Third generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and their PD-resistant progenyYearResistantof progeny Maincross Combinati<strong>on</strong> selected uses z1956 Fla. 449 x H907 A4-23 B1961 Norris x Schuyler D4-l76 B1963 Norris x C<strong>on</strong>cord E1l-40 B1963 Norris x Blue Lake E9-48 B1964 Norris x Alden F8-35 B1980 B3-83 x Blanc Du Bois BD7-33 \Am1964 B3-90 x Exotic Dayt<strong>on</strong>a T1983 Stover x NC74C039-l RN2-2l W\'l1964 C5-50 x Exotic F5-8 T, B1973 C5-50 x Liberty BD6-47 B1981 E18-63 x NY45791 CAll-17 T, B1982 E18-63 x Lakem<strong>on</strong>t BN8-25 T1982 DC1-39 x Himrod BN6-85 TZUses: B breeding; T table; ~'m white wine.thought to be a major factor inhibiting seedling growth of the progenies. Root-knot nematodes wereprevalent am<strong>on</strong>g roots of older seedlings when removed for discard.One outstanding breeding cl<strong>on</strong>e was Fla. W1521, which c<strong>on</strong>tributed vigor, high budbreakpercentage and l<strong>on</strong>gevity; resistance to PD, anthracnose (Elsinoe ampelina DE BARY (SHEAR»,downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola (8. et C.) BERL. et DE T.) and fruit rots; and adaptability tofrequent summer rainfall without fruit cracking or uneven ripening. Fla. W1521 was a parent of 4outstanding cl<strong>on</strong>es in Table 4, a grandparent of6 in Tables 5 and 6, and a great-grandparent of5cl<strong>on</strong>es in Tables 6 and 7. Another outstanding breeding cl<strong>on</strong>e was Norris, which c<strong>on</strong>tributed largesize of berry and cluster al<strong>on</strong>g with resistance to Pd and downy mildew and susceptibi4ty toanthracnose. Norris was parent to 4 elite cl<strong>on</strong>es in Table 5, grandparent to 4 in Table 6, and greatgrandparentto 4 in Table 7. Both Fla. W1521 and Norris are pistillate-flowered, had LakeEmerald as their pollen parents, and had Fla. 449 as their mother and grandmother, respectively(Tables 3 and 4). .Lake Emerald (a V. aestivalis ssp. simps<strong>on</strong>i derivative) c<strong>on</strong>tributed PD resistance,productivity, and vigorous growth under humid, subtropical envir<strong>on</strong>mental stresses, Fla. 449 (aV. aestivalis ssp. smalliana) c<strong>on</strong>tributed resistance to PD, downy mildew, powdery mildew

276 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 6: Fourth generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and their PO-resistant progenyYearResistantof progeny r-taincross Combinati<strong>on</strong> selected uses z1961 A4-23 se1fed D6-148 B1964 A4-23 x Perlette F9-68 B1973 D4-176 x F9-68 Orlando Seedless T, B1983 BDS-67 x F9-68 DN1S-12 RW1969 E12-S9 x Ell-40 C<strong>on</strong>quistador T, JU,JL1972 E9-48 x Ark. 1105 B012-49 WW, T1968 CS-SO x F8-35 Suwannee WW, B1980 Dayt<strong>on</strong>a x Stover B05-117 T, B1969 21C-31 x F5-8 L9-10 tAm1982 B06-47 x Ark. 1105 BNS-I0l T, BZUses:B = breeding; JL = jelly; JUjuice; RWred wine;T = table; WW= white wine.Table 7: Fifth generati<strong>on</strong> of crosses and their PO-resistant progenyYearResistantofcrossCombinati<strong>on</strong>progenyselectedMainuses z196806-148 x CardinalBlanc DuBoisHW1983BD7-7S x Orlando SeedlessDN21-83B1978W716 x SuwanneeCA4-66, CA4-72RW1982Suwannee x Verde letCNl-90WW,BzUses:B breeding; RW red wine;\1W white wine.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 277(Uncinula necator (SCHW.) BuRR.), anthracnose, black rot (Guignardia bidwellii (ELL.) VIALA etR.WAZ), and grape leaffolder moth (Desmia fimeralis HOBNER).With careful parental selecti<strong>on</strong> and fruiting of progeny with populati<strong>on</strong> sizes of> 100 seedlings per cross it has been possible to obtain new recombinants of superior value ascultivars.Literature citedHALBROOKS, M. c.; MORTENSEN, J. A.; 1989: Origin and significance of Florida hybrid bunch grapes androotstocks. HortScience 24, 546-550.HOPKINS; D. L.; ADLERZ, W. c.; 1988: Natural hosts of )(vlella fastidiosa in Florida. Plant Dis. 72, 429-431.LOUCKS, K. W.; 1938: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s offruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agricult. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rept. for 1938, 118-119.-- --; 1942: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s offruit rots of grapes. Fla. Agricult. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rept. for 1942,124-125.MORTENSEN, J. A.; 1988: 'Blanc Du Bois'grape. HortScience 23, 418-419.-- --; STOVER, L. H.; BALERDI, C. F.; 1977: Sources of resistance to Pierce's disease in Viris. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. 102, 695-697.STOVER, L. H.; 1951: Breeding has produced better grape varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State H<strong>on</strong>. Soc. 44,269-271.-- --; 1960: Progress in the development of grape varieties for Florida. Proc. Fla. State H<strong>on</strong>. Soc. 73,320-323.WELLS, J. M.; R.~JtJ, B. c.; HUNG, H. Y.; WEISBURG, W. G.; MANDELCO-PAUL, L.; BRENNER, D. J.; 1987:X.vlella fastidiosa gen. nov. sp. nov.: Gram-negative, xylem-limited, fastidious plant bacteria related toXallrhomollas spp. Intern. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37,136-143_

278 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of interspecific populati<strong>on</strong>s of grapevine in breedingfor complex resistance to fungal diseases and phylloxeraV. T. USATO\', L. K. KIREYEYA, V. A. VOLYNKlN, V. P. KLIMENKO and N. P. OLEINIKOVNati<strong>on</strong>al Institute for <strong>Grape</strong> and Products of <strong>Grape</strong> Processing 'Magarach',31, Kirov Street, 334200 Yalta, Crimea, USSRSum mar y: Roentgenoscopy was used as a method to determine the quality of hybrid seeds and topredict the development of viable plants from interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong>. The seeds were grouped into fiveclasses of quality (embryo classes) depending <strong>on</strong> embryo size and degree of endosperm development. As theindex number of a class increased, the prop<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong> of plantlets and vigorous plants produced also increased.In order to evaluate genotypic peculiarities of the original forms and seedlings, the seedlings were studied atthe juvenile stage of <strong>on</strong>togeny.Analysis of development of the hybrids studied during 5-6 years under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of complex infecti<strong>on</strong>pressure at a special planting site made it possible to evaluate the degree of their resistance to phylloxera,pathogenic soil microflora and fungal diseases and to eliminate susceptible genotypes.The heritability of resistance to fungal diseases (mildew, oidium, grey rot) and phylloxera was studied,c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s were made c<strong>on</strong>cerning the combining ability of the original forms, and these forms were evaluated asd<strong>on</strong>ors of the desirable characters.Using transgressive resistant hybrids as d<strong>on</strong>ors in backcrossing provided improved quality with a broadrange of resista nce varia bility, which made it possible to select promising genotypes.Key w 0 r d s: resistance, plasmopara, oidium, botrytis, phylloxera, hybrid, Muscadinia, seed,roentgenoscopy, screening, genetics, breeding, USSR.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Am<strong>on</strong>g all worldwide cultivated fruit-bearing plants, apple trees are the most widely spread(24 mill. ha); they are followed in the decreasing order of acreages by species such as pear(7 mill. ha), peach (6 mill. ha), and plum (5 mill. ha). The spread of grapes is rather high, it amountsto about 10 mill. ha. This distributi<strong>on</strong> is not occasi<strong>on</strong>al. <strong>Grape</strong>s have universal therapeuticproperties; fresh grape as well as juice, wine, vine leaves, seeds and grape marc are of greatimportance (KISKl?\ 1984).Generally, the demands of USSR in fresh grape are ill-satisfied. During the 10th and 11th fiveyearplan periods, the annual c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> of this valuable product was <strong>on</strong>ly 0.5 kg per capita,while according to the data of the Institute of Nutriti<strong>on</strong> of the USSR Academy of Sciences theaverage annual physiological rate of fresh grape c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong> should be 10 kg per capita. Inperspective, about 13.5 kg of fresh grape per capita will be required annually to organize therati<strong>on</strong>al nutriti<strong>on</strong> of the country populati<strong>on</strong> (RAILIANU 1985).As a result of the extensive selecti<strong>on</strong> researches, a wide range of high-quality grape varietieswhich satisfy c<strong>on</strong>sumers' demands has been obtained; but the fact that the overwhelming majorityof these varieties is susceptible to frosts, phylloxera, mildew, oidium and grey rot results insignificant complicati<strong>on</strong> of cultivati<strong>on</strong> techniques due to the use of grafted cultures and numerousprotective treatments with toxic chemicals and the restricti<strong>on</strong> of cultivati<strong>on</strong> to the southern regi<strong>on</strong>sof the country.•The prospects of vinegrowing should corresp<strong>on</strong>d to the ecological demands. This isc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed by the present and predicted polluti<strong>on</strong> of envir<strong>on</strong>ment \\1th chemicals used for plantprotecti<strong>on</strong>, as well as to the increasing ec<strong>on</strong>omic demands under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of increasing primaryproducti<strong>on</strong> costs and the transiti<strong>on</strong> to self-repayment and self-financing.The breeding of high-quality productive grape varieties with complex resistance to pests anddiseases and their wide industrial introducti<strong>on</strong> will play the major role in the future intensificati<strong>on</strong>

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 279of this branch of ec<strong>on</strong>omy, and the accelerated breeding of these varieties will evidently be carriedout by selecting promising combinati<strong>on</strong>s of crosses (specific combining ability) as well as bydecreasing the durati<strong>on</strong> of the selecti<strong>on</strong> process.Analysis of data presented in the literature and our own experimental results show that theresistance to phylloxera, mildew and grey rot and good quality of yield are independently inheritedand this fact makes it possible to choose promising genotypes using selecti<strong>on</strong> to resistance(GOLODRlGA el al. 1979).A c<strong>on</strong>siderable progress in the field of breeding for resistance was due to the use of the d<strong>on</strong>orsof resistance in the hybridizati<strong>on</strong> process obtained as a result of over 100 years of breedingresearches which were c<strong>on</strong>ducted by French originators (SEYVE VILLARD, SEIBEL, RAVAT, OBERLIK,JOANNES SEYVE etc.).Several species of plants in Vitaceae family have been distinguished as having resistance topests and diseases. Vilis rotundifolia MICHX., a resistant species, and its DRX hybrids (DUNSTAN1962) are ofpanicular interest in this respect. Some difficulties arising in hybridizati<strong>on</strong> were due todifferences in the chromosome number in V. vinifera L. bel<strong>on</strong>ging to Euvitis with 2n .. 38 and inV. rotundifolia bel<strong>on</strong>ging to Muscadinia with 2n = 40. For a l<strong>on</strong>g time, the breeders could notobtain fenile plants using such crosses. The first fenile hybrid between Euvitis and V. rotundifoliawas obtained in the USA (OLMO 1954,1971; PATEL and OLMO 1955). Later DRX hybrids wereobtained from such crosses (DUNSTA!" 1962) and introduced into France (BOUQUET 1980). In1974, some hybrid seeds were kindly supplied to us by the French breeders.Materials and methodsThe objects under investigati<strong>on</strong> in detennining the quality of grape seeds, the new originalmaterial in breeding for resistance, were 18 grape seed samples obtained by interspecifichybridizati<strong>on</strong> of V. vinifera (diploids and polyploids) with pure V. rotundifolict and its DRXhybrids (these hybrids were encoded as 'Magarach N 100'), as well as seeds obtained by therandom pollinati<strong>on</strong> of these hybrids. Generally, 3257 seeds were investigated with 1434 of themhaving full weight (those which sunk). All seeds obtained both as a result of crossings and randompollinati<strong>on</strong>s were included into study. At first, the seeds were dipped into water. Some of themsank. Examinati<strong>on</strong> of the floating seeds showed them to be hollow, i. e. without embryo andendospenn. The number of the full weight seeds was detennined by counting (in % of the totalnumber). Subsequently <strong>on</strong>ly sunk seeds were studied. Their quality was detennined byroentgenoscopic method (NEKRAsovand SMIRNOVA 1961; SMIRNOVA 1978) using a Svetlana X-rayemitter 1). Seeds under investigati<strong>on</strong> were placed <strong>on</strong> a frame having a sticky film bottom; this framewas put under the X-ray tube of the emitter. The roentgenogram was obtained under definedc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. The quality of seeds <strong>on</strong> roentgenograms was detennined by the degree of endospennand embryo development taking into account the intensity of their fixati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the film andclassifying them into categories of seeds and classes of embryo development. The c<strong>on</strong>tent of seedsof all classes of development (in %) was detennined for each sample studied.At the stage ofplantlets, 2308 seedlings and 15 combinati<strong>on</strong>s with the single pollinator (cv.Podarok Magaracha) were investigated. The variability was estimated according to the followingcharacters: genninati<strong>on</strong> capacity, size of cotyled<strong>on</strong>s, presence of def<strong>on</strong>ned cotyled<strong>on</strong>s, differeRcesin the number of cotyled<strong>on</strong>s, teratologic changes, and seedling survival rate.The juvenile gene pool screening, i. e. the mass screening of hybrids at the juvenile stages of<strong>on</strong>togeny using simple and rapid methods for detennining . the morphological-phenologicalvariability was used for the early selecti<strong>on</strong> of the objects studied (KLIMENKO 1986).I) Investigati<strong>on</strong>s were carried out in cooperati<strong>on</strong> with T. MUKHORTOVA and V. NOVIKOVA in Nikitsky BotanicalGarden.

280 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Resistance to phylloxera and pathogenic microflora was estimated using the methoddeveloped by P. No NEDOY and A. P. GULER (1971); resistance to mildew was rated using the5-point scale according to the method approved by the Secti<strong>on</strong> of Viticulture of the Nati<strong>on</strong>alAcademy of Agricultural Sciences (Methodical Instructi<strong>on</strong>s C<strong>on</strong>cerning the <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding,Erevan, 'Aistan', 1974).Susceptibility to oidium was estimated using the method proposed by 1. N. NAIDIONOVA(1985) at an infected planting site established in the greenhouse. Hybrid seeds and two-budcuttings were placed in hydrop<strong>on</strong>ic channels. C<strong>on</strong>trols were positi<strong>on</strong>ed al<strong>on</strong>g the axis of thechannels. Samples were inoculated with c<strong>on</strong>idia suspensi<strong>on</strong> (35-30 c<strong>on</strong>idia/O.OOl ml ofsuspensi<strong>on</strong>). Suspensi<strong>on</strong> rate was 25 mllm2 of the channel area. Inoculati<strong>on</strong>s were repeated every2 weeks.The following grape varieties investigated by a number of authors were used as c<strong>on</strong>trols:highly resistant varieties: SV 12-375 (BouBALs 1961), Kishmysh Vat kana (Methodical Instructi<strong>on</strong>sC<strong>on</strong>cerning the <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, 1974; NAIDIONOVA 1985), Gangal kara (SOHI and SRIDHAR 1972;SHllX et al. 1986); resistant varieties: Seibel 15062 (BouBALs 1961), Kishmysh rozovy(NAIDIONOVA 1985); susceptible varieties: Ravat 6 (BouBALs 1961), Riesling Italico (NAIDIONOVA1985).In order to reveal the genetically dependent grey rot resistance, a laboratory method ofestimati<strong>on</strong> was used (GOLODRIGA el al. 1979).Fig. 1: Roentgenogram of the hybrid grape seeds.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 281Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Potential advantages of the vast hybrid collecti<strong>on</strong>s of the Breeding and AmpelographyDepartment of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Institute for <strong>Grape</strong> and Products of <strong>Grape</strong> Processing 4Magarach' in<strong>on</strong>togeny and pathogenesis were investigated in order to develop scientific bases and c<strong>on</strong>cepts forcomplex resistance.Promising hybrids destined for the use as original forms in the process of breeding forresistance were selected am<strong>on</strong>g the seedlings of heterogenous populati<strong>on</strong>s (GOLODRIGA andKIREYEYA 1981; GOLODRIGA et al. 1986). Seedlings were selected am<strong>on</strong>g the seed progeny ofDRX x v.. vinifera hybrids; they were characterized by high fenility and productivity and combinedthe great vigor and the disease resistance of muscadine varieties with berry characteristics ofV. vini/era. So Magarach 1'\100-74-1-5 seedling (DRX N60-24x V. vini/era) meets therequirements of the standard European table grape varieties - it has berries and clusters of largesize and gives a high yield.The aims of the research work c<strong>on</strong>ducted by the breeders of the 4Magarach' Institute includethe mobilizati<strong>on</strong> of different forms of V. rmundi/oUa and its hybrids in order to carry outhybridizati<strong>on</strong> with V. villi/era varieties and hybrids, and the investigati<strong>on</strong> of the probability ofintrogressi<strong>on</strong> (when the genetic material of some species gradually penetrates into another <strong>on</strong>ethrough incomplete interspecific isolati<strong>on</strong> barrier) of V. rotundi/oUa resistance in order to form newsources of selecti<strong>on</strong> material. Seedlings of heterogenous populati<strong>on</strong>s obtained using DRX N 58-5and DRX l\' 60-24 were included into the program of breeding for resistance. The degree ofresistance of the most promising seedlings am<strong>on</strong>g those menti<strong>on</strong>ed above was estimated in thecomplex infecti<strong>on</strong> planting site and these seedlings were included into the breeding program asoriginal forms. However, as a result of genetic abn<strong>on</strong>nalities in the process of interspecifichybridizati<strong>on</strong> n<strong>on</strong>-viable seeds which absolutely do not differ in their appearance from the viable<strong>on</strong>es are frequently f<strong>on</strong>ned. The roentgenoscopic method allows preliminary estimati<strong>on</strong> andselecti<strong>on</strong> of viable seeds. This method was used for the first time to determinate the quality of grapeseeds. To make comparis<strong>on</strong>s between the combinati<strong>on</strong>s, the average class of the seed development(KaJ was calculated by determinati<strong>on</strong> of the arithmetical mean of the weighted values using theexpressi<strong>on</strong>:In 1 + 2n2 + 3n3 + 4n4 + 5n 5K = ~av 100where n 1, n 2 , n 3, n 4and n5 are the numbers of the seeds of the corresp<strong>on</strong>ding class as % of the totalnumber of seeds in the sample (n 1+ n 2+ n3 + n 4+ n 5... 100).Thereafter, seeds were germinated in the laboratory at 26-30°C. Germinati<strong>on</strong> in thelaboratory was detennined by the number of germinated seeds (in %) compared to the totalnumber of the seeds sown. Genninated and ungerminated seeds were sown in the hydrop<strong>on</strong>icgreenhouses with the aim of obtaining seedlings and investigating their biological characteristics.The roentgenograms (Fig. 1) clearly show endosperms of different degrees of developmentand comparatively small embryos also of different sizes and degrees of development. Hybrid seedsobtained by crosses and the random pollinati<strong>on</strong> were cla~sified into 3 categories: 1. Filled seedswhich have a well developed endospenn, 2. empty seeds which have no endosperm and embryo,and 3. deficient seeds which are partly filled with an endospenn and have an embryo which is lessthan 1/8 in volume compared to the developed endospenn of the seed; and into 5 classes of embryodevelopment: I. Empty seeds which have no endospenn and embryo; II. seeds with embryos whichare less than 1/1\ in length compared to the developed endospenn of the seed; III. seeds withembryos which are 1/ R in length of the seed endosperm, clearly seen and not closely adjacent to theendosperm; IV. seeds with embryos which are more than l/s in length compared to the seed

Table 1: Distributi<strong>on</strong> of hybrid grape seeds from different cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s to embryo classes:TotalMaterial studied :number :Embryo classes, %: of full:: weightI II III IV V Kav:seedsCross combinati<strong>on</strong>sMuscat VlRa x Mag. N 100-14-1-5 266 0 19 39 33 9 3.3Polyvitis x Mag. N 100-19-34 32 0 36 48 8 8 3.3Mag. N 100-14-1-5 x Podarok Magaracha 59 0 0 1 20 73 4.5Mag. N 100-14-3-1 x Tsvetochny 28 0 14 18 18 50 4.0Mag. N 100-74-2-1 x Tsvetochny 146 0 19 38 41 7 3.4Mag. N 37- 77-44 x Mag. N 100-79-52 38 0 8 40 26 26 3.1 CI'l(l)Mag. N 44-77-18 x Mag. N 100-74-1-5 109 1 8!:l35 41 15 3.6 o·::sMag. N 100-74-1-5 x Tsvetochny 43 0 0 18 50 32 4.1wSV N 52-16 x Mag. N 100-79-58 23 0 0 17 35 48 4.3Mag. N 40-69-11 x Mag. N 100-74-3-1 63 0 0 0 0 100 5.0Mag. N 38-71-5 x Mag. N 100-79-52 101 0 11 39 27 2.3 3.6Mag. N 10-69-17 x Mag. N 100-19-15 36 0 14 14 14 58 4.2Random pollinati<strong>on</strong>Mag. N100-74-1-5 (DRX 60-24 x Vv) 101 0 5 26 47 22 3.4Mag. N 100-19-17 (Polyvitis x Mag. N 100-74-1-5) 81 0 4 5 54 37 4 • .3Mag. N 100-74-3-3 (DRX x 58-5 x Vv) 100 0 3 12 50 35 4.2Mag. N 100-14-3-1 (DRX 60-24 x Vv) 49 0 0 8 16 16 4 .. 7Mag. N 100-74-2-4 (DRX 60-24 x Vv) 37 0 3 22 35 40 4.6Mag. N 100-19~52 (Polyvitis x Mag. N 100-74-1-5) 15 0 0 21 47 26 400N00N

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 283endospenn, they are positi<strong>on</strong>ed much closer to the endospenn and comparatively clearly seen;V. seeds with embryos which are 1/4 or more in length compared to the seed endospenn, white incolour, positi<strong>on</strong>ed close to the seed endospenn in the most cases, not clearly seen <strong>on</strong>roentgenograms and often leading to c<strong>on</strong>fusi<strong>on</strong> when seeds are classified into classes; the secti<strong>on</strong> ofsuch seeds shows a developed embryo close to the endospenn.Am<strong>on</strong>g the full-weight seeds studied, the empty seeds are almost absent, generally there aredeveloped and incompletely developed seeds. The number of developed and incompletelydeveloped seeds varies depending <strong>on</strong> the cross combinati<strong>on</strong> from 35 % to 100% and from 0% to65°,.u, respectively; in the random pollinati<strong>on</strong>, the number of developed and incompletelydeveloped seeds varies from 69 % to 92 % and from 8 % to 31 0/0, respectively.When hybrid grape seeds obtained from various combinati<strong>on</strong>s of crosses and from therandom pollinati<strong>on</strong>s were classified according to the embryo classes, 5 embryo classes wereestablished (Table 1). Embryo class I seeds were practically absent in all cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s and inthe random pollinati<strong>on</strong>. However, the number of seeds of embryo classes II and III varies greatlydepending <strong>on</strong> cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s in the limits of8-36 % and 7-48 %, respectively; in the randompollinati<strong>on</strong>, this variati<strong>on</strong> is in the limits of3-5 % and 5-27 0 /0, respectively. The number of seeds ofembryo classes IV and V also varies: in crosses fi'om 8 % to 50% and from 7 % to 100 %, and in therandom pollinati<strong>on</strong> from 16 % to 54 % and from 22 % to 76 %, respectively. All seeds bel<strong>on</strong>ging toembryo class V were obtained <strong>on</strong>ly in <strong>on</strong>e combinati<strong>on</strong> of Magarach N 40-69-11 x MagarachN 100-74-3-1. The value of the average embryo class is also different and varies in the randompollinati<strong>on</strong> and in crosses from 3.4 to 4.7 and from 3.3 to 5.0, respectively.A wide-range variati<strong>on</strong> of the embryo classes indices suggests the presence of geneticabn<strong>on</strong>nalities in the distant incompatible crosses. Thus, using new sources for interspecific crossesand for obtaining resistant varieties, we should carry out a careful cytogenetic investigati<strong>on</strong> anddetennine the biological mechanism of the f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> of the fully developed seeds.Estimati<strong>on</strong> of the genninated hybrid grape seeds classified according to embryo classes in thelaboratory showed that the number of genninated seeds varied according to embryo classes andcombinati<strong>on</strong>s of crosses.In the random pollinati<strong>on</strong>, the number of genninated seeds of embryo classes II, III, IV and Vwas 0-3, 7-25, 14-33 and 44-86 %, respectively. In crosses, the number of genninated seeds ofembryo classes II, III, IV and V was 6-18, 12-25,20-34 and 32-100 %, respectively. In the randompollinati<strong>on</strong> and in different cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s, the total number of plant lets obtained was 59-89 %and 16-78 0 /0, respectively. In the first case, the variability range was 30, and 62 in the sec<strong>on</strong>d case.A single combinati<strong>on</strong>, Magarach N40-69-11 x Magarach N 100-74-3-1, showed 100% ofgenninated seeds. However, occasi<strong>on</strong>al genninati<strong>on</strong>s of embryo class I seeds were noted inMagarach :K 44-77-18 x Magarach N 100-74-1-5 combinati<strong>on</strong>. In general, the genninated seedsbel<strong>on</strong>ged to embryo classes III, IV and V. The total number of germinated seeds obtained from therandom pollinati<strong>on</strong> and from cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s was 20 % compared to the initial number ofseeds, and 45 % compared to the number. of seeds used for genninati<strong>on</strong> in classes I-V. The numberofgenninated seeds of embryo classes I-V was 0.3,0.5, 15,28 and 52 %, respectively.After estimating the number ofgenninated seeds in the laboratory, the number ofgenninatingseeds and their ability to produce seedlings were detennined according to cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s andembryo classes. Embryo class I seeds failed to produce plantlets. The percentages of plantletsobtained from the seeds of the random pollinati<strong>on</strong> bel<strong>on</strong>ging to embryo classes II, III, IV and Vwere 0.8, 8-38, 8-66 and 0-84 %, respectively. The variability range according to embryo classeswas 8, 28, 59 and 84 units, respectively. Embryo classes II-V seeds obtained from different crosscombinati<strong>on</strong>s gave 0-36, 0-42, 0·46 and 4-100 % of plantlets, respectively, the variability rangebeing 36, 42, 46 and 96, respectively.Seedlings were investigated during the period from the appearance of plantlets up to thedevelopment of mature plants. The number of survived seedlings was detennined according to the

284 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3embryo classes. The highest number of embryo class V viable seedlings was obtained in MagarachN 40-68-11 x Magarach N 100-74-3-1 combinati<strong>on</strong>. 58 viable plants were obtained from62 plantlets. Survival rate of seedlings bel<strong>on</strong>ging to different embryo classes varied exceedingly.Depending <strong>on</strong> cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s, the percentage of survived seedlings obtained fromembryo classes III-V seeds were 0-18, 0-42, 0-48 and 4-100%, respectively, and the variabilityrange was 18,42,48,96, respectively. The number of seedlings surviving from embryo classes II-Vseeds in the random pollinati<strong>on</strong> was 0-8,8-33, 15-67 and 0-77 %, the variability range was 8,25,52, 77, respectively. The total number of seedlings obtained was 395. The survival rate for allcombinati<strong>on</strong>s and for the random pollinati<strong>on</strong> averaged 77 %.The number of vigorous plants varies depending <strong>on</strong> cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s. In MagarachN 40-69-11 x Magarach 1\ 100-74-3 -1 combinati<strong>on</strong>, for example, 23 vigorous plants were obtainedfrom 58 seedlings, and in Magarach N 37-77-44 x Magarach N 100-79-52 combinati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>ly 3vigorous plants were obtained from 11 seedlings generally produced by embryo class V seeds. Mostvigorous hybrid plants proved to be obtained from the seeds bel<strong>on</strong>ging to embryo classes III, IVand V. As a whole, 118 vigorous hybrid plants were obtained. Fig. 2 shows the hybridizati<strong>on</strong> dataaccording to the classes of seed quality in breeding for resistance.The greatest number of plantlets, viable seedlings and vigorous hybrid plants was shown to beobtained generally in all populati<strong>on</strong>s from classes IV and V seeds and partially from class III seeds.Breeding for resistance in grapes as well as in other perennial plants is a labor-c<strong>on</strong>suming andl<strong>on</strong>g-term process, therefore, rapid and simple methods of estimati<strong>on</strong> of parents and their hybridprogeny must find great applicati<strong>on</strong> in practical selecti<strong>on</strong>. To evaluate the grape hybridizati<strong>on</strong>effectiveness, it is desirable and practicable to c<strong>on</strong>sider the objective informati<strong>on</strong> as so<strong>on</strong> aspossible, panicularly at the stage of plant lets.The results show that the seed germinati<strong>on</strong>, the number of plants with defective cotyled<strong>on</strong>s,the number of plants with deviati<strong>on</strong>s from the n<strong>on</strong>nal size of cotyled<strong>on</strong>s, the number of plants withteratologic changes, seedlings survival rate towards the end of the first vegetati<strong>on</strong> seas<strong>on</strong> vary in therange of3.8-90.9, 0-50.0, 0-9.6, 0-13.2 and 1.0-100 %, respectively (Table 2).mQ)., ~.-i" o...j;1I~~.1.'11~ ..);r--....221t I~fl Q,i,iii,.-:- ._-""--/0$,i,~16~'iii' ~9~19I,lj;r~Ii ~ V,;II~libt r .Ii 'IS-"--Ii ...::........~; &G-F 557 ~.3 I . 3 '5Germinated seeds Plantlets Seedlings Vigorous hybridsFig. 2: Dependence of the development of viable seedlings <strong>on</strong> the class of seed quality.

Table 2: Variability of hybrid grape populati<strong>on</strong>s at the stage of plantletsNN :Plant-:Seed : Cotyled<strong>on</strong> Abnormalities :Seed-:lets :germi-: size: : ling' : number: nati<strong>on</strong>: length:width:defor-: deviatl-:ter ato-:survi-C bi tross com na ~<strong>on</strong> % : mm : mm :med :<strong>on</strong>s in :logic :ving:coty- :number : changes: cap a-.led<strong>on</strong>s:of seeds: % :city %% % ~1. Tavrida x Podarok Magaracha 300 2207 24 17 6.7 0 2.0 6303('1)~.2. Madeleine Angevine x -" 68 34.3 24 19 105 0 1.5 97.1 g(")3. Muscat blanc x" 40 19.6 22 15 50.0 0 0 57.5 g.40 Muscat VlRa x" 32 3.8 22 15 50.0 0 3.1 8404o!f5. Sau.vign<strong>on</strong> vert x " 238 51.2 24 16 4.2 0 2.1 16.0~~('1)6. M.47-68-2 x " 355 45.0 25 18 11.3 0.05 2.3 46.8 87. M. 7-69-12 x" 87 7301 24 17 0 1.2 0 100 ~8. M.56-75-1 x " 400 35.7 22 16 0 0 0 1.0 ~::s9. M. 3 7-77-41 x" 69 49.3 20 10 30. 4 0 0 360 2 ~10. M.44-77-11 x" 56 69.0 22 16 8 06 0 0 55.2 ~.~11. M.44-77-1J x " 100 5008 24 16 1500 0 1.0 5800 ~12. M.44-77-19 x " 114 52.5 20 14 33.3 9.6 13.2 39.513. M.44-77-22 x " 300 4504 14 10 26.0 1.3 1.7 610714. M.34-78-7 x II 110 9009 22 14 6.4 0 0 430615. M.34-78-4 x - x - 37 4002 22 14 1.1 0.5 0 73.0Variati<strong>on</strong> coefficient 47.9 12.2 16.9 107.0 272.7 18501 56.2N00VI

286 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3While analysis at juvenile stage is based <strong>on</strong> the investigati<strong>on</strong> of phenological variability, thegenotypic specificity of recombinants is to a c<strong>on</strong>siderable degree expressed during the first year ofplant development (KLIMENKO 1987). The high value of variati<strong>on</strong> coefficients suggests that seed(and possibly seedling) variability is generally detennined by the female genotype (OLMO 1942).The highest values of variati<strong>on</strong> coefficients of the cotyled<strong>on</strong> number and teratologic changesindicate the great asymmetry in the distributi<strong>on</strong> due to the genotypic detenninati<strong>on</strong>. The highestnumber of abn<strong>on</strong>nal plants in Magarach 44-77-19 x Podarok Magaracha hybrid populati<strong>on</strong> issupposed to be due to aberrati<strong>on</strong>s in the genome of Magarach 44-77 -19 hybrid which has a mutantin its genealogy.When planning subsequent crosses in order to get an increase in the yield of hybrid seedlings,it is necessary to exclude those parents that have low seed genninati<strong>on</strong> and survival rate (forexample, Muscat VIRa and Magarach 56-75-1) or to use unc<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al methods of obtainingseedlings from them.Correlati<strong>on</strong>s between morphological characters of juvenile seedlings and ec<strong>on</strong>omicallyattractive features are known to exist and to be used for the early selecti<strong>on</strong> of the promising hybrids(POGOSIAN and KHACHATRIAN 1983). In particular, the study of cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s was aimed atYears of investigati<strong>on</strong>Fig. 3: Dynamics of the development ofvarieties and hybrids with different degrees ofphylloxera resistancerelated to years. Resistance rating: 1-5.

Table 3: Estimati<strong>on</strong> of d<strong>on</strong>ors of resistance as producers of the resistant progenies in breeding for mildew apdphylloxera resistance: Hyb- Phylloxera resistanoe % M~ldew resistanoe % : Breeding:rid aocordi~ to scores aocordiES to scores :value of:num- :popu- : :po-- : :the FCross combinati<strong>on</strong> :ber :lati<strong>on</strong>: :pu- : :popul~laVe2 3 4 5 : la--: 2 3 4 5 :ti<strong>on</strong>:ti<strong>on</strong>: ::00:av. : . ~.;!!f»V.vinifera x S.V. 12309 58 3.2 0 25 42 22 11 2.4 12 50 29 5 4 0.16 ::s(")ItX S.V. 20.366 115 3.1 0 23 48 23 6 3.1 9 32 17 26 16 0.20" x Seibel 7053 51 4.0 0 11 5 58 26 3.9 4 4 26 31 25 0 (i)'""1f»" x S.V. 18.315 109 3.7 0 7 37 .32 24 3.5 0 20 34 24 22 0.03 ::s(")0" x(S.V. 18315 x (5V.vinifera)* 136 3.4 0 18 30 27 25 3.1 13 23 21 29 14 0.04'1j0;!!" x Seibel 13666 127 3.8 0 16 22 28 .34 3.3 9 20 23 25 23 0.06CI>f»::s" - x(Seib.13666 x0-V.vinifera)* 12 3.2 0 10 70 10 10 4.0 0 8 25 25 42 0 0-r;;'0" - x(Ravat 6 xf»';J>II _11 _0Vovinifera)* 549 3.8 0 7 28 46 19 2.8 22 29 12 17 20 0.06 CI>x(S. V. 20365 xV.vinifera)* 79 3.5 0 9 45 32 14 3.3 0 3 72 16 9 0x(S.V. 20347 xV.vinifera)* 56 3.4 0 9 18 37 36 3.9 4 21 13 5 57 0.02* Pollen mixture of'the best European-Asiatio varietiesTotal for all populati<strong>on</strong>s 0.060........(5t..>00-J

288 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3producing wine varieties but judging from the size of cotyled<strong>on</strong>s, it is quite possible to obtain largeberryseedlings in Magarach 47-68-2 x Podarok Magaracha hybrid populati<strong>on</strong>.The successful use of breeding for resistance is to a great extent detennined by thecorresp<strong>on</strong>ding selecti<strong>on</strong> of parents and by the precise evaluati<strong>on</strong> of their resistance. The estimate ofthe resistance of parents and of a vast hybrid fund, c<strong>on</strong>sisting of many thousands of hybrids, tophylloxera and pathogenic microflora under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the planting site complex infecti<strong>on</strong>during a IS-year period indicates the dependence of the dynamics of the hybrid development <strong>on</strong>the degree of resistance expressed in scores (Fig. 3). As the increase in growth is the integrated indexof the phylloxera resistance which correlates well with the root system state and development, theanalysis of the dynamics of the development of the hybrids studied (\\rith the rare excepti<strong>on</strong>s ofgenotypically weakly growing hybrids) c<strong>on</strong>ducted during a 5 to 6-year period provides a ratheraccurate estimate of their resistance degree. Hence, analysis was carried out c<strong>on</strong>cerning theregularities of the inheritance of the hybrid populati<strong>on</strong>s resistance to phylloxera and mildew(Table 3).The main aim of this analysis was to elucidate the role played by the male parent, the d<strong>on</strong>or ofresistance, in transfering this character to the progeny. As the data presented c<strong>on</strong>cerning crossesbetween European-Asiatic varieties and Seyve Villard (S.V.) and Seibel hybrids show, charactersofphylloxera and mildew resistance have a wide range of variability. A c<strong>on</strong>siderable prop<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong> ofseedlings has a high resistance to mildew (scored 1) and to phylloxera (scored 2). These seedlingsare good parents for the use in selecti<strong>on</strong> as indicated by high indices of the value of populati<strong>on</strong>s(Table 3).To improve the interspecific hybrid quality, backcrosses to European-Asiatic varieties, d<strong>on</strong>orsof high fruit quality, are known to be used. From this point of view, it is c<strong>on</strong>siderably interesting inwhich way the resistance will be inherited, if selected transgressive resistant hybrids obtained as aresult of the first backcross of Seyve Villard and Seibel to European-Asiatic varieties are used asparents. As the data of Table 3 show, the number of resistant seedlings generally decreases in suchpopulati<strong>on</strong>s; however, if the selecti<strong>on</strong> of parental pairs is successful, a cenain prop<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong> of hybridswill be of sufficiently high resistance.Estimati<strong>on</strong> of the varieties and the hybrid populati<strong>on</strong>s indicated that S. V. 13-303,S. V. 12-283 interspecific hybrids and Magarach N 100-75-1-5 hybrid showed a resistance tooidium. A highly resistant group (scored 1) c<strong>on</strong>sisted of Po dar ok Magaracha variety, a number ofSeyve Villard interspecific hybrids and their hybrid progeny (Moldova, Magarach N 97 -7 5-1, etc.)as well as Magarach I\ 13-88-2 and Magarach N 33-78-11 elite forms (Nimrangx MagarachN 124-66-26). Varieties such as Antei Magarachsky, Liana, Lanka, Mogis, Muscat Bessarabsky,Margaritar, Pamiaty Verderevskogo, Frumoasa Albe, Pukhliakovsky Magaracha, NimrangMagaracha, Magarach 1'\ 17-82-1 hybrid (Magarach N 57-75-1 x Antei Magarachsky) showed anincreased resistance to oidium (scored 2) (OLEINIKOY 1988).C<strong>on</strong>trol varieties resistance was in close agreement with the literature data.The evaluati<strong>on</strong> of hybrid populati<strong>on</strong>s indicated that some d<strong>on</strong>ors of oidium resistance were ofvalue for breeding and that Podarok Magaracha variety used as a male parent gave rise to seedlingsof different degrees of resistance, but in many cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s plants which were scored 1prevailed. The highest percentage of seedlings scored 1 was obtained in Madeleine Angevine xPodarok Magaracha and Magarach ~ 44-77 -13 (ltalia x Podarok Magaracha) x PodarokMagaracha combinati<strong>on</strong>s (12 and 11 %, respectively) (Table 4).When crossing Magarach N 31-77 -8 (l'imrang x Seibel 13 666) with Ranny Magarachavariety, 16 % of seedlings were scored 1. The use ofRanny Magaracha variety as a female in crosseswith Podarok Magaracha, JS 26205 and S. V. 20-366 did not result in highly resistant hybrids.The d<strong>on</strong>or of complex resistance, S. V. 12-397, in crosses with variety Madeleine Angevineallowed to obtain 4 % of hybrids scored 1. In Madeleine Angevine x Magarach N 124-66-26 and

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 289Table 4: Heritability of oidium resistance in interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong> (seedlings from crosses made in 1986)Madeleine Ang. x Podarok M.N 44-77-13 x Podarok M.N 31-,(7-44N 44-72-11N 44-77-22N 47-68-2Mus ca t V IRe.Hanny M.Hanny M.Hanny M.N 31-77-8Muscat VIRaN 44-77-18Antei Mago x TavriaMuscat Yanto x Antei Mag.N 10-51-1 x Antei Mag.N 4-57-66 x Antei Mag.Madeleine Ang.Madeleine Ang.Madeleine Ang.NimrangBicanChaushTashlyN 4-68-2541 453 3x Podarok Mo 13 4x Podarok M. 15 3x Podarok M. 144 4x Podarok M. 156 4x Podarok M. 22 5x Podarok M. 13 2x J. S. 26-2)5 117 2x S.V.20-366 72 2x Ranny M. 110 2x N100-74-1-5 11 5x N100-74-a-2 75 4x Antei Mag. 28x S.V.12-397 154x N124-66-26 9x N124-66-26 37x N124-66-26 10x N 124-66-26 11x S.V.20-366 55x Crymskaia 22zhemchuzhina23 29 228 414 3:----:i~~.--------------------:Hyb-: Oidium resistance;rid :pa- :populati<strong>on</strong>s (accord­!num-:rental:ing to scores, %)Cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s :ber :pairs :aVescorefor apopu-:~ i U·~. 1 ! 2 ! 3 4 5 lati<strong>on</strong>12 32 52 4 o 20511 15 43 25 6 3.08 38 46 8 o 2 .. 67 27 53 13 o 2.86 29 39 21 5 2.94 10 59 18 9 3.2o 9 77 14 o 3.1o 23 64 13 o 2.92 0 11 63 17 9 302o 0 14 72 14 o 3.02 16 43 39 2 o 2.31 2 16 19 36 27 3.71 1 20 40 34 5 3.23 0 17 44 22 17 3042 0 11 53 33 o 3.22 4 11 39 32 14 3.42 0 14 79 7 o 2.94 2 0 4 42 36 18 3.64 4 22 49 20 5 3.04 o 11 78 11 o 3.05 21 49 21 9 o 2.24 o 20 60 20 o 3.05 o 18 73 9 o 2.04 2 0 20 62 16 2 3.04 12 23 60 5 o 2.6Madeleine Angevine x Antei Magarachsky combinati<strong>on</strong>s, highly resistant plants were notproduced.Nimrang x Magarach :;\1124·66·26 populati<strong>on</strong> where the yield of resistant seedlings was 21 %proved to be the most profitable. In the progeny of crosses between Madeleine Angevine, Bican,Chaush varieties and Magarach ~ 124·66·26, hybrid seedlings were oflow resistance. •The high yield of resistant hybrids was provided by Magarach N 4·68·25 (S. V. 20·366 xV. vini/era) x Crymskaia Zhemchuzhina and Magarach ~ 10· 51·1 x Antei Magarachskycombinati<strong>on</strong>s. The latter was the <strong>on</strong>ly combinati<strong>on</strong> of those studied in which Antei Magarachskyvariety provided the producti<strong>on</strong> of 4 % of transgressive hybrids c<strong>on</strong>ceming the resistance to oidium.In breeding for grey rot resistance, the use of various sources of disease resistance genes maybe recommended. In this respect it is possible to use species such as V. armata (STAUDT 1980)

t..)1.00Cross combinati<strong>on</strong>sTable 5: Heritability of grey rot resistance in F 1 grapevines:Parents:Hyb-: In ~ accordi~ to scores:resis- :rid ::tance :num-:resistantsusceptibleif' ~ber 2 J 4 5~Moldavsky Chiorny x lVltsvane 3 33 30.3 12.1 21.2 21.2 15.2Moldavsky Chiorny x Rkatsiteli 1 3 26 19.2 30.8 19.2 15.4 15.4Moldavsky Chiorny x Seyve Villard 18315 1 2 29 24.1 13.8 13.8 2706 20.7Moldavsky Chiorny x Seyve Villard 20347 1 4 34 5.9 8.8 17.6 29.4 38.3Moldavsky Chiorny x Seibel 7053 1 5 11 0 27.2 18.2 18.2 36.4en01!4Rkatsiteli x Ivlagarach 376 3 5 14 0 0 14.3 35.7 50.0Rkatsiteli x Magarach 2-57-72 3 2 23 0 13.0 13.0 21.8 52.2V-)Rubinovy Magaracha x Magarach 6-68-27 1 1 32 28.1 28.1 21.9 12.5 9.4Tavkveri x lVlagarach 6-68-27 4 1 33 27.3 33.3 18.2 12. 1 9. 1Tagobi x Amursky Oboepoly 4 14 7.2 14.3 35.7 21.4 21.4Nimrang x Amursky Oboepoly 3 1 12 8.3 16.7 41.7 8.3 25.0Bastardo Magarachsky x Khindogny 4 3 14 0 7.2 42.8 35.7 14.3Bastardo Magarachsky x Portugieser 4 4 13 0 0 7.7 38.5 53.8Magarach N :3 76 - lliesling x Muscat blancl\'Iagarach N 2-57-72 - Mtsvane x Sochinsky ChiornyMagarach N 6-68-27 - Havat 6 x pollen mixtureo·::I

Resistanceltolerance to pests and diseases 291having practical resistance to botrytis, V. riparia (ALLEWELDT 1985), V. labrusca (VASILIEVA1975), V. amurensis (T.~MASHI 1964), complex interspecific hybrids of Seyve Villard, Seibel andother breeders as well as highly resistant V. villi/era varieties and hybrids (GOLODRIGA et al. 1979;SUPOSTAT 1986).These findings are supported by the results obtained which are presented in Table 5. Crossingof variety Moldavsky Chiomy with varieties Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli is an example showing thepossibility of obtaining grey rot resistant hybrids in F 1 by breeding within V. vini/era L. A highpercentage of resistant hybrids is obtained in both cases, but in the first case the maximum numberof highly resistant hybrids is observed (30.3 %), and the maximum number of resistant hybrids isdetected in the sec<strong>on</strong>d case (30.8 %). It should be noted in this c<strong>on</strong>text that Moldavsky Chiomybel<strong>on</strong>gs to highly resistant varieties and Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli are c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be varieties ofintermediate resistance.The use of complex hybrids (for example, Seyve Villard 18315, Seyve Villard 20347, Seibel7053) in the hybridizati<strong>on</strong> with the highly resistant variety Moldavsky Chiomy resulted in F 1hybrids which have high grey rot resistance, but the high percentage of susceptible hybrids obtainedin crosses with susceptible and highly susceptible parents indicates the insufficient degree of geneticdominance ofMoldavsky Chiomy in the first generati<strong>on</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>cerning disease resistance.Crossing between Rkatsiteli intermediately resistant females and highly susceptibleMagarach 376 hybrid results in progeny where percentages of intermediately resistant andsusceptible f<strong>on</strong>ns are 14.3 and 85.7 %, respectively; better results are obtained using Magarach2-57-72 interspecific resistant hybrid, but in this case also practically no highly resistant forms areproduced.The use of V. amurensis in crosses when breeding for grey rot resistance can be c<strong>on</strong>sideredpromising, and this is supported by the example of crosses with Tagobi and Nimrang varieties.The use of some varieties in crosses results in F 1 positive transgressi<strong>on</strong>s. When crossingBastardo Magarachsky and Portugieser varieties (both are susceptible), 7.7 % of positivetransgressive intennediately resistant f<strong>on</strong>ns were obtained in the first generati<strong>on</strong>, and crossingbetween Bastardo Magarachsky and Hindogny (susceptible and intermediately resistant varieties)gave practically the same quantity ofintennediately resistant f<strong>on</strong>ns (7.2 %).So, in breeding for grey rot resistance, the resistance of parents should be taken into accountand in spite of the possible producti<strong>on</strong> of resistant transgressive recombinants resistant formsshould preferably be used.On the basis of the data presented, analysis of the specific combining ability was possible. Thehighest combining ability in breeding for grey rot resistance was shown by Magarach 6-68-27interspecific hybrid whose crosses with varieties having different resistance (RubinovyMagaracha - scored 1 and Tavkveri - scored4) resulted in equally large groups of resistantprogenies, 78.1 and 78.8 %, respectively.At the same time, the use of highly resistant Amursky oboepoly males results in a c<strong>on</strong>siderablysmaller quantity of disease resistant f<strong>on</strong>ns compared to Magarach 6-68-27 hybri~.Thus, a high combining ability ofMagarach 6-68-27 provides a c<strong>on</strong>siderably higher number ofresistant f<strong>on</strong>ns compared to Amursky oboepoly which has a lower combining ability.Comparative analysis of Moldavsky Chiomy x S. V. 20347, Tavkverix Magarach 6-68-27,Tagobi x Amursky oboepoly populati<strong>on</strong>s which can be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as reciprocal crosses accordingto grey rot resistance (scored 1 x 4 x 4 x 1) suggests the lack offemale effects in breeding fof thischaracter.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThe results obtained indicate the possible use of the roentgenoscopic method in thepreliminary estimati<strong>on</strong> of parental f<strong>on</strong>ns. Using the roentgenoscopic method, data <strong>on</strong> the quality of

292 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3seeds were obtained c<strong>on</strong>cerning the filling with endospenn and the embryo development. Seedswere classified according to quality classes and preserved for sowing and subsequent investigati<strong>on</strong>of seedlings. The development of plants obtained from different classes of seeds was m<strong>on</strong>itored, thenumber ofplantlets, developed seedlings and vigorous hybrid plants was detennined.In all cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s and in the random pollinati<strong>on</strong>, an increase in the class (I-V) resultedin an increase in the proporti<strong>on</strong> of plantlets, viable and vigorous hybrid plants produced. Despitethe difficulties in obtaining hybrid plants using interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong>, 3-8 % of viable plantswere produced depending <strong>on</strong> cross combinati<strong>on</strong>s and embryo classes.Thus, the roentgenoscopic method makes it possible to detennine the seed quality and topredict the development ohiable plants under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al cultivati<strong>on</strong> as well at; toselect seeds for the use in embryo and tissue culture.The results of investigati<strong>on</strong> of grapevine seedlings at the stage of plantlets can serve as anestimate of the parent and seedling genotypic characteristics, they should be taken into accountwhen planning crossings and selecti<strong>on</strong> of hybrids at the subsequent stages in the breeding process.Analysis of the hybrid development dynamics under c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of the high infecti<strong>on</strong> pressure(phylloxera and pathogenic microflora) during a 5 to 6-year period at a special planting siteprovides a sufficiently accurate estimate of the degree of hybrid resistance to phylloxera and allowsthe rejecti<strong>on</strong> of susceptible genotypes. Detailed analysis of the root system should be carried out<strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong> the isolated resistant f<strong>on</strong>ns.The use of the resistant hybrids as d<strong>on</strong>ors of resistance in backcrosses to V. vini/era L.varieties allows the improvement offruit quality while retaining a sufficiently high variability rangeof hybrid resistance characters, which makes it possible to sel~ct promising genotypes.S.Y. 12309, S.Y. 20366 and Seibel 13666 are c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be the most promising d<strong>on</strong>ors ofresistance to phylloxera, pathogenic microflora and mildew.At the oidium infected planting site established in the greenhouse, a c<strong>on</strong>siderable number ofpromising oidium resistant genotypes were for the first time isolated from the hybrid populati<strong>on</strong>saccording to the intensity of the c<strong>on</strong>idiophore development <strong>on</strong> I-year seedling leaves in MadeleineAngevine x Podarok Magaracha, Magarach 't\ 44-77 -13 x Podarok Magaracha, MagarachN 31-77-8 x Ranny Magaracha, Nimrangx Magarach N 124-66-26, Magarach N 4-68-25 xCrymskaia Zhemchuzhina populati<strong>on</strong>s.The highest yield of transgressive hybrids was provided by Nimrang x Magarach N 124-66-26combinati<strong>on</strong>.The results of our investigati<strong>on</strong>s made it possible to elucidate some of the problems c<strong>on</strong>nectedwith directed breeding of grey rot resistant varieties and to come to the c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> that theincreased producti<strong>on</strong> of the first·generati<strong>on</strong> disease resistant grapevine hybrids was possible byboth interspecific and intraspecific crosses and that the heritability' of this character in both casesdepended <strong>on</strong> the genotype structure of parental f<strong>on</strong>ns and <strong>on</strong> their combining ability; this providesthe possibility of obtaining positive transgressi<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>cerning the disease resistance, but the femaleparent effect c<strong>on</strong>nected with this character was not detected.The development of the bases of the particular grapevine genetics, the evaluati<strong>on</strong> of parentsaccording to their ability to produce resistant progeny, the use of the complex infecti<strong>on</strong> planting sitein the practical selecti<strong>on</strong> and the selecti<strong>on</strong> of promising f<strong>on</strong>ns at the juvenile stage will make itpossible to create a wide range of complex resistant grape valieties of different uses. The wide use ofresistant grape varieties in agriculture will result in a decrease in labor and energy requirements ingrapevine cultivati<strong>on</strong>, and a nearly complete eliminati<strong>on</strong> of treatments with toxic chemicalsubstances used as means of plant protecti<strong>on</strong> against pests and diseases will decrease the pesticidepolluti<strong>on</strong> of envir<strong>on</strong>ment and will allow the producti<strong>on</strong> of dietary grapes without residualquantities of toxic substances.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 293ReferencesALLEWELDT, G.; 1985: Die Resistenzziichtung v<strong>on</strong> Reben. Rebe Wein 38, 75-77.BECKER, H.; 1979: Results· of interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong> in Geisenheim (table-wine varieties). 2e Symp. Intern.Ameliorati<strong>on</strong> de la Vigne, 1978, Bordeaux, 165-171. INRA, Paris.BouBALs, D.; 1961: Etude des causes de la resistance des Vitacees a l'oidium de la vigne, Uncinula necator(SCHW.) BURR et de leur mode de transmissi<strong>on</strong> hereditaire. Ann. Amelior. Plantes 11, 401-500.BOUQUET, A; 1980: V Villi/era x Mliscadinia hybridizati<strong>on</strong>: A new way in grape breeding for disease resistancein France. Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding, Davis, 42-51.DUNSTA1', R. T.; 1962: Some fertile hybrids of bunch and Muscadine grape5. J. Heredity 53,299-303.GOLODRI'GA, P. Ya.; KIREYEVA, L. K.; 1981: The use of V rOlllndi/olia hybrids in breeding for immunity[Russ.]. In: Col.: Problems and Ways of Increasing Plant Resistance to Diseases and to ExtremeEnvir<strong>on</strong>ment C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s in the C<strong>on</strong>text of Breeding Aims [Russ.] 4, 184-188.-- -- ; .... ; AKISHEYA, I. v.; 1986: The use of the intraspecific and introgressive hybridizati<strong>on</strong> in grapevineselecti<strong>on</strong> at the polyploidy level [Russ.]. Vinogradarstvo i Vinodelie SSSR 5, 18-21.._.- ; USATOY, V. T:; MALCHIKO\', Yu. A:; VOL YNKIl', V. A; 1979: Breeding immune grape varieties [Russ.].Vestnik Selskokhoziaistvennoi N auki 3, 87 -91.KISKIl', P. KH.; 1984: Therapeutic properties of grapes [Russ.]. Sadovodstvo, Vinogradarstvo i VinodelieMoldavii 10, 63-64.KLIMENKO, V. P.; 1984: Investigati<strong>on</strong> of grape hybrids at the early stages of their development [Russ.]. 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Sci. 41,171-175.-- --; 1954: L'hybride V vini/era x V rotundi/olia et sa valeur en obtenti<strong>on</strong>. Bull. O.I.v. (278) .. ---; 1971: V Villi/era x l-: rotundi/olia hybrids as wine grapes. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 22, 87-91.PATEL, L. J.; OLMO, H. Po; 1955: Cytogenetics of Vitis: The hybrid Tillis l'ini/era x V rotlllldi/olia. Amer. J. Bot.42,141-159.POGOSIAl', S. A (Ed.); 1974: Methodical Instructi<strong>on</strong>s C<strong>on</strong>cerning <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding [Russ.]. Aistan, Erevan.-- --; KHACHATRIA'!', S. S; 1983: Breeding Table and Wine <strong>Grape</strong> Varieties [Russ.]. Aistan, Erevan.RAILIANU, G: A; 1985: The role of the fresh grape in the human diet [Russ.). Sadovodstvo, Vinogradarstvo iVinodelie Moldavii 8, 58-59.SHTIN, L. T.; FILIPPENKO, I. M_; FILIPPENKO, L. I.; 1986: Results and prospects of grape breeding for complexresistance [Russ.]. In: Prospects of <strong>Grape</strong> Genetics and Breeding for Phytologic Immunity. Theses of theReports of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Scientific and Technical C<strong>on</strong>ference [Russ.], 11-12. Nati<strong>on</strong>al Research Institute ofAgricultural Sciences, Moscow.SMIRNOVA, N. G.; 1978: Roentgenographic investigati<strong>on</strong> of the leaf-bearing arboraceous plant seeds (Russ.].Nauka, Moscow.

294 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3SOHI, H. S.; SRlDHAS, T. S.; 1972: Note <strong>on</strong> resistance and susceptibility of grape varieties to powdery mildew.IndianJ. Agricult. Sci. 42, 641-642.STAUDT, G.; 1980: Vitis armata, a new source of germ plasm in grape breeding. Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong>Breeding, Davis, 62-64.SUPOSTAT, L. F.; 1986: Immunological differentiati<strong>on</strong> of J;: villijera L. c<strong>on</strong>cerning facultative parasites [Russ.].In: Prospects of <strong>Grape</strong> Genetics and Breeding for Phytologic Immunity. Theses of the Reports of theNati<strong>on</strong>al Scientific and Technical C<strong>on</strong>ference [Russ.), 14. Moscow.TAMASHI, I.; 1964: <strong>Grape</strong> selecti<strong>on</strong> and directed breeding [Russ.). Vestnik Selskokhoziaistvennoi Nauki 7,148-151.V ASILIEVA, Z. 1.; 1975: Berry injury of the interspecific and intraspecific grape hybrids caused by grey rotcompared to that of their parents and some factors of resistance to this disease [Russ.]. Author's essay foracquiring Sci. D. ofCand. Biol. Sci., Kishinev.VOLCHEV, V.; 1985: Results of the grape interspecific hybridizati<strong>on</strong> [Bulg.). Genetika i Selektsia 4,348-351.Rootstocks with immunity to phylloxera and nematode resistanceH. BECKER and E. SoppFachgebiet Rebenzuchtung und Rebenveredlung, Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim,0-6222 Geisenheim. F. R. GermanyA b S t r act: BORNER discovered the immunity of V. cinerea type ARNOLD against all knownbiotypes of phylloxera. No galls develop <strong>on</strong> leaves or roots of this particular wild species. It waspossible to transmit this necrotic reacti<strong>on</strong> through cross-breeding. BOR~ER and his team evaluatedabout 16,000 seedlings with genes of V. cinerea ARNOLD in combinati<strong>on</strong> with many rootstocks,crossings and other Euvitis species. At Geisenheim the new rootstock Na 5153-54 (V. riparia 183Geisenheim x V. cinerea ARNOLD) was selected out of many seedlings and was named Boernercommemorating his work. It will be patented and taken to the Gennan varietal list in April 1989 . Itis already in propagati<strong>on</strong> for further grafting. In 1989 about 140,000 cuttings are grafted.The Boerner rootstock is vigorous, winter hardy and tolerant to mildew. The take withbenchgrafting is medium and might be improving with more experience. It grows in many soils andseems to be as tolerant to chlorosis as V. berlandieri x V. riparia stock. We have results of morethan 15 years with Riesling cl<strong>on</strong>e 239 Geisenheim grafted <strong>on</strong> Boemer in different soils. We alsotasted wines of Riesling cl<strong>on</strong>e 239 Geisenheim grafted <strong>on</strong> Boerner in comparis<strong>on</strong> with wines fromother rootstocks for many years and found no negative effects. The yields of the grafted vines <strong>on</strong>Boerner are about the same as SO 4 and other rootstock cl<strong>on</strong>es. Dagger nematodes (Xiphinema)do not induce galls or swellings <strong>on</strong> roots of Boerner. The reacti<strong>on</strong> of the roots of Boerner iscomparable to that caused by phylloxera <strong>on</strong> roots of this vine. In c<strong>on</strong>trast to Boerner, roots ofV. berlandieri x V. riparia produce galls and bigger cells due to phylloxera feeding, but not due todagger nematode. In our research no fanleaf virus could be transmitted to Boerner. Necroticreacti<strong>on</strong>s were studied in histologic investigati<strong>on</strong>s of Boemer roots infested with Xiphinema. Theresults have to be c<strong>on</strong>firmed by further investigati<strong>on</strong>s, experiments and field tests.We expect a breakthrough in the c<strong>on</strong>trol of nepoviruses in the next years. There are morerootstocks with V. cinerea genes to be studied in the future.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 295Influence of the rootstock and potassium fertilizer <strong>on</strong> phytoalexinsynthesis in Pinot blanc grown in a calcareous soilL. BAVARESCO and M. ZAMBONICattedra di Viticoltura, Universita Cattolica S. c., Via Emilia Pannense, 84, 1-29100 Piacenza, ItalySum mar y: Plants of CII. Pinot blanc, grafted <strong>on</strong> Vilis berlandieri x F: riparia Kober 5 BB,V berlandieri x J.~ riparia SO 4, V berlandieri x V rupestris 1103 P, were grown in pots at two levels ofpotassium. supply (0 g K O/pot and 2 g K O/pot) in order to test the phytoalexin synthesis in the leaves.The experimental 2plan included al§o the macr<strong>on</strong>utrient, trace element and chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tents of theleaves.The most important fmdings are:a) Resveratrol synthesis decreases from Kober 5 BB to SO 4 and 1103 P, while leaf chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent increases.b) Resveratrol synthesis is higher in the plants without potassium supply.Key w 0 r d s: rootstock, potassium, nutriti<strong>on</strong>, lime, soil, phytoalexin, resveratrol, chlorophyll, mineral,Botrytis, resistance.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Phytoalexins are low-molecular, antimicrobial compounds that are both synthesized by andaccumulated in plants after exposure to microorganisms (P AXTOl' 1981). Vitaceae, including Vitisvini/era, synthesize stilbene phytoalexins (resveratrol and the viniferins), which <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong>e hand areable to inhibit Botrytis cinerea growth (LANGCAKE and MCCARTHY 1979; BLAICH et al. 1982;STEIN and BLAICH 1985), <strong>on</strong> the other hand they are used as precursors for structural defencemechanisms (Hoos and BLAICH 1988).Envir<strong>on</strong>mental variables, including fertilizer supply, often have a predictable effect <strong>on</strong>phytoalexin synthesis, altering plant resistance. Mineral elements are, in fact, directly involved in allmechanisms of defence as integral comp<strong>on</strong>ents of cells, substrates, enzymes and electr<strong>on</strong> carriers,or as activators, inhibitors and regulators of metabolism (MENGEL and KIRKBY 1978).High levels of nitrogen compared to low levels reduce the quantities of phytoalexinaccumulated in grapevine hybrids and V. vini/era varieties (BAYARESCO and EIBACH 1987).In viticulture, the mineral nutriti<strong>on</strong> of the plant is greatly affected by the rootstock which hasselective uptake for mineral elements, as K, Ca, Mg, Fe.The aim of the work is to clarify the effect of three rootstocks with different K uptake and ofpotassium supply <strong>on</strong> the resveratrol synthesis in Pinot blanc grown <strong>on</strong> calcareous soil, which ismost favourable for the producti<strong>on</strong> of sparkling wines.Materials and methodsPlants of Pinot blanc grafted <strong>on</strong> three different rootstocks (V. berlandieri x V. ripariaKober 5 BB, V. berlandieri x V. riparia SO 4, V. berlandieri x V. rnpestris 1103 P) were grownin pots (9 I volume) c<strong>on</strong>taining a calcareous soil. Before adding basic nutrients, the soil maincharacteristics were: pH s 8.4, active lime = 17 %, total N = 0.5 %, P 205" 24 ppm, exch.K 20 = 67 ppm, Fe ... 96 ppm, CEC .. mEq/100 g.Potassium treatments were 0 g K 20/pot and 2 g K 20/pot, added as K 2S0 4in water soluti<strong>on</strong>to the soil surface (1 g K 20 at the stage of5 expanded leaves and 1 g K 20 at flowering).At the beginning ofverais<strong>on</strong>, the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> leaf(beginning from the shoot tip) was sampled and, afterwashing with 1 % NaOCI soluti<strong>on</strong>, the leaves were investigated as follows:

296 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Table 1: Effects of rootstock and potassium supply <strong>on</strong> resveratrol synthesis and <strong>on</strong> chlorophylls and potassiumc<strong>on</strong>tents of the leavesROOTSTOCKSUPPLY-------------------------- ~-----------------Kober S04 1103 P LSD +K 0 -K 0 LSD5BB 0.052 20.05Resve~atrpl (s.u.) 3390 2020 1840 1050 1980 2850 860Tot. Chl (mg/g fresh wt) 0.82 0.85 0.96 0.06 0.83 0.93 0.05Tot. Chl (mg/100 g dry wt) 241 265 313 19 259 287 15Chl a/Chl b 1.96 2.03 1.92 0.08 2.02 1.93 0.06K i- 0.53 0.98 0.96 -- LOS 0.60 --Res v era t r 0 I s y nth e sis was obtained" by exploiting the elicitor activity of mucic acid(method of STEI!' and Hoos 1984). Leaf discs (17 mm 0) were placed <strong>on</strong> filter cardboard imbuedby mucic acid soluti<strong>on</strong> (0.01 %). After phytoalexin extracti<strong>on</strong> and distillati<strong>on</strong>, resveratrol wasidentified by using thin-layer chromatography; the amount of each sample was 2 /-L 1. The resveratrolvalues were expressed as scan units (s. u.) using a Shimadzu-Chromato-Scanner CS 920, under325 nm UV radiati<strong>on</strong>.Chlorophylls (a, b, total) wereexpressedasmg/gfi·eshwtandmg/100gdrywt. Theywere extracted from leaf discs with 80 % acet<strong>on</strong>e for 72 h in darkness, at +4 °C (T ORRECILLAS et aL1984). Corresp<strong>on</strong>ding equati<strong>on</strong>s have been used for detenninati<strong>on</strong> of the chlorophylls (STRAIN andSVEC 1966).Min era I e I e men t s c<strong>on</strong> ten t, macr<strong>on</strong>utrients (~, P, K, Ca, Mg) and some trace elements(Fe, Mn, B) were analyzed after wet destructi<strong>on</strong> of the dry matter by using the methods ofCOTTENIE (1980).The statistical plan included two-way-ANOV A with interacti<strong>on</strong>s (the means were comparedby using the LSD test at the level of5 %) and linear regressi<strong>on</strong>s.ResultsResveratrol synthesis of Pi not blanc leaves is affected by both rootstock and potassium supply(Table 1). The highest value is found in Kober 5 BB (3390 s. u.) and the lowest <strong>on</strong>e in 1103 P(1840 s. u.). The plants without potassium fertilizati<strong>on</strong> show higher resveratrol c<strong>on</strong>tent (2850 s. u.)than those supplied with potassium (1980 s. u.). Kober 5 BB and S04 show similar resp<strong>on</strong>ses topotassium supply (resveratrol reducti<strong>on</strong>), whereas 1103 P does not change stilbene synthesis in asignificant way (Table 2).Rootstock and potassium supply influence the leaf chlorophylls c<strong>on</strong>tent significantly(Table 1). Total chlorophyll increases, changing between Kober 5 BB (0.82 mg/g fresh wt and

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 297~£ ~e C; 4' C"'\ .-4 0 N8: ,... .0 0 cO .-4 cO.-4 .-4U"I ,...C"'\ C"'\ .-4 4'U"I 4' 4' U"I 4' C"'\c::0~Q)U"I co! ;g .-4 .0~ ,... 11"1 ,....0 C"'\"Q.,.-4.0 ;g,...N N NC"'\ C"'\ .0 4' 11"1X 0 0 0 0 0 0c::(I)0..N ,...N C"'\,...N11"1 11"111"1~~4' 4'a~0 0 0 0 0 0e .0 0 0 ,...0 N11"1 11"1~11"1 N ,...(I) ~~0 0 .-4 0.-4 0~(I),... co .0 .0 0o§ , co~ N'- 0 0~0N0~0N0tI:I~0- 0 N .0 0 ,..."2~ ~~§'tI:I 0.. ~ ~ C; r-: ~ ~:>''''§ov; .-4 I .-4N N N N N NlIS I ,Q 0- C"'\ C"'\ C"'\-E.§ 4' .-4I 00- 0-0 I .-4 .-4 N N N .-4I 00:E'"u~'-0..:;:-0a ~~ ~ ~ co .-4gt;11"1 .0 C"'\~..:.: ..ico co.-4 .-40- .0c:: u .-4 .0 C"'\ 0- N00- NN N N N C"'\ N8~ H o~~e '0"28tI:I ...N N N..i co 4' 0- 0-.~ .-4 till t; ,...0- ,...0-0~ co 0~ H0"i~0 0 0 0 .-4 0 0~I"8 ~ .-4e > J.4 ~~Q)0 0 g 0 0 0 011"1 C"'\ 11"1 .-4 ,... 0-4'Q) 0 co 0- N coIII ~ III N C"'\ .-4 N .-4 .-4 .-4Ill::~M~ :.:: :.:: :.:: :.::~+ ~:.::I + I I~C"'\:.::-,Q -,Q -,Q11"1 0 11"1a .-4 0CI) .-4... ... ...~CI).r! = .r! = .r!Po p..=p..0 0 0 0-1'"Po0241 mg/100 g dry \\1), S04 (0.85 mg/gfresh \\1 and 265 mg/100 g dry \\1) and 1103 P (0.96 Illg/gfresh \\1 and 313 mg/100 g drywt).By potassium supply the chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent decreases, changing from 0.93 mg/g fresh \\1and 287 mg/IOO g dry \\1 to 0.83 mg/gfresh wt and 259 mg/IOO g dry \\1, respectively.The negative effect of potassium supply <strong>on</strong> the chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent is observed with eachrootstock, except for 1103 P which has a positive influence (Table 2).The leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent is str<strong>on</strong>gly related to the rootstock genotype; the lowest valueoccurs with Kober 5 BB (0.53 %), the highest <strong>on</strong>e with S04 (0.98 %) (Table 1). The plants supplied

298 Secti<strong>on</strong> 34'200 Ca,.... e= .n'-J 3'600...0r = 0.96~CISu>en~3'000u0:2'400Y = -5'027 +15'243x1'800ey = 1'770 . x -0.87r = -0.891'200 K600LO.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 K % (e)J~----~'--I~~'~--~i~'----~'~I~--~--~i~~'----~I0.40 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.60 Ca % (A)Correlati<strong>on</strong>s between leaf potassium and calcium c<strong>on</strong>tent, respectively, and resveratrol.show a higher c<strong>on</strong>tent (1.05 %) than those without potassium fertilizer (0.60%): this difference isvery plain in S04~ whereas it is very weak in Kober 5 BB (Table 2).Resveratrol synthesis is negatively related to leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent; <strong>on</strong> the other hand, thephytoalexin synthesis increases by increasing the leaf calcium c<strong>on</strong>tent (Fig.).Discussi<strong>on</strong>The results obtained emphasize the role of the rootstocks <strong>on</strong> mineral element uptake whichmodifies some physiological parameters involved in disease resistance (resveratrol) and chlorosisoccurrence (chlorophylls). Kober 5 BB does not seem suitable for calcareous soils because ofitssusceptibility to chlorosis; besides this, the leaf potassium c<strong>on</strong>tent is lowest, as well as nitrogen andir<strong>on</strong> with Kober 5 BB.The high resveratrol c<strong>on</strong>tent in case of Kober 5 BB is probably related to the leaf nitrogenc<strong>on</strong>tent which is lowest am<strong>on</strong>g the genotypes. This situati<strong>on</strong> can have given rise to a shift of thebalance between the plimary and sec<strong>on</strong>dary metabolic pathways <strong>on</strong>to the shikimate pathway,providing for a large pool of phenolics (GRAHAM 1983).The behaviour of 1103 P is opposite: it seems suitable for calcareous soils because of itschlorosis tolerance and for its high nutriti<strong>on</strong>al level.With 1103 P, the resveratrollevel is lowest, probably due to the high nitrogen leaf c<strong>on</strong>tent.As a rule, resistance increases in resp<strong>on</strong>se to potassium supply~ up to an optimal level; indeficient plants, the synthesis of high-molecular compounds (proteins~ starch and cellulose) isimpaired~ and low-molecular organic compounds (sugars, amino acids, amides) favourable toparasitic attack, accumulate (MARSCHNER 1986).

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases 299According to this asseni<strong>on</strong>, some authors observed in grapevine a positive effect of potassiumsupply in decreasing development of or damage by downy mildew, powdery mildew and greymould (SCHAFFKITet al. 1930, GARTEL 1959, KIRALY 1976; quoted byPERRENOUD 1977).Nevenheless, evidence has not yet been obtained that potassium supply affects phytoalexinsynthesis in grapes.The negative effect of potassium supply, observed in the present work, could be due to tworeas<strong>on</strong>s:1. The potassium leaf c<strong>on</strong>tent is in a deficiency range (CHAMPAGNOL 1984): potassium supplywas not enough to allow an optimal element level in the leaves.2. Potassium is an antag<strong>on</strong>ist to calcium which is positively related to resveratrol synthesis.Calcium seems more effective than potassium in promoting phytoalexin synthesis.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThe most significant findings are that:a) resveratrol synthesis decreases from Kober 5 BB to S04 and 1103 P, while chlorophyll leafc<strong>on</strong>tent increases;b) potassium supply has a negative effect <strong>on</strong> resveratrol sYnthesis.AcknowledgementsThe authors want to thank GIUSEPPE BRUZZI (laboratory staff) for his c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to this project; Prof.G. ALLEWELDT for having allowed the use of the scanner; Prof. R BLAICH for his suggesti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> resultsdiscussi<strong>on</strong>.ReferencesBAVAREsco, L.; EIBACH, R.; 1987: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the influence of N fertilizer <strong>on</strong> resistance to powderymildew (Oidium tuckeri), downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and <strong>on</strong> phytoalexin synthesis in differentgrapevine varieties. Vitis 26, 192-200.BLAICH, R; BACHMANK, 0.; STEIX, U (1982): Causes biochimiques de la resistance de la vigne a Botrytiscinerea. Bull. OEPP 12, 167-170.CHAMPAGNOL, F.; 1984: Elements de Physiologie de la Vigne et de Viticulture Generale. Dehan, M<strong>on</strong>tpellier.COTTENIE, A; 1980: Soil and plant testing as a base of fertilizer recommendati<strong>on</strong>. FAO Soils Bull. 38 (2).GRAHAM, RD.; 1983: Effects of nutrients stress <strong>on</strong> susceptibility of plants to disease with particular reference tothe trace elements. Adv. Bot. Res. 10, 221·276.Hoos, G.; BLAICH, R.; 1988: Metabolism of stilbene phytoalexins in grapevines: Oxidati<strong>on</strong> of resveratrol insingle·cell cultures. Vitis 27, 1·12.LANGCAKE, P.; MCCARTHY, W. V.; 1979: The relati<strong>on</strong>ship ofresveratrol producti<strong>on</strong> to infecti<strong>on</strong> of grapevineleaves by Botrytis cinerea. Vitis 18, 244-253.MARSCHNER, H.; 1986: Mineral Nutriti<strong>on</strong> in Higher Plants. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.MENGEL, K.; KIRKBY, E. A; 1978: Principles of Plant Nutriti<strong>on</strong>. <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Potash Institute, Bern,Switzerland.P AXTOK, 1. D.; 1981: Phytoalexins - A working redefiniti<strong>on</strong>. Phytopathol. Z. 101, 106-109.PERRENOUD, S.; 1977: Potassium and Plant Health. IPI Research Topics N° 3. <str<strong>on</strong>g>Internati<strong>on</strong>al</str<strong>on</strong>g> Potash Institute,Bern, Switzerland.STEIN, U; BLAICH, R; 1985: Untersuchungen tiber Stilbenprodukti<strong>on</strong> und Botrytisanfalligkeit bei Vitis·Arten.Vitis 24,75-87 ..... ; Hoos, G.; 1984: Indukti<strong>on</strong>s· und Nachweismethoden fUr Stilbene bei Vitaceen. Vitis 23,179·194.STRAIK, H. H.; S,r:c, W. A; 1966: Extracti<strong>on</strong>, separati<strong>on</strong>, estimati<strong>on</strong>, and isolati<strong>on</strong> of the chiorophylis. In:VERNON, L. P.; SEELY, G. R (Eds.): The Chlorophylls, 21·66. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.TORRECILLAS, A; LEON, A; DEL AM OR, F.; MARTI~EZ·MoMPEAK, M. c.; 1984: Determinaci<strong>on</strong> rapida decloroflla en discos foliares de lim<strong>on</strong>ero. Fruits 39, 617-622.

300 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Selected hybrids of the wine grape variety Seibel 5279J. FeRI + and E. VISO:\lAIResearch Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, H·6001 Kecskemet, HungarySum mar y: In the resistance breeding programme of our Institute, which was begun after World War II,the French resistant hybrids Seyve Villard and Seibel, both of which resulted from crosses involving Americanspecies, were used for resistance sources. .In the resistance breeding programme at Kecskemet, the variety Seibel 5279 was used flISt as a maleparent to transfer resistance.From the resulting hybrid families the variety candidates RF 5 (Reflex), RF 16 (Refren) ancURF 48(Reform) were selected because of their valuable characters. Data collected over several years dem<strong>on</strong>su.ate thevalue of these selecti<strong>on</strong>s from both a breeding and producti<strong>on</strong> point of view.This generati<strong>on</strong> represents the flISt step in the breeding programme and the results encourage us toc<strong>on</strong>tinue our work.Key w 0 r d s: hybrid, breeding, Hungary, resistance, cold, plasmopara, oidium, botrytis.Chasselas Queen Victoria white x Raisin de CalabreIIIEzereves Magyarorszag emleke x Due ofBuccleuchI I .ISzoloskenek Kiralvnoie Muskotaly x Cegled SzepeI • 'J • I"iS. 788 x S. 29IPann6nia Kincse x Seibe15279IIIRF 5 (Reflex)Year of cross: 1964Year of applicati<strong>on</strong> for qualificati<strong>on</strong>: 1980Expansi<strong>on</strong>: 4281 plants - 1.5 haFig. 1: RF 5 (Reflex) . producti<strong>on</strong> value means from 16 years (1970·1985), Kecskemet·Kat<strong>on</strong>atelep.

Resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases301Chasselas Queen Victoria white x Raisin de CalabreIIIEzereves MafYarorszag emleke x Tha1l6czy Lfjos Muse.Year of cross: 1964Year of applicati<strong>on</strong> for qualificati<strong>on</strong>: 1981Expansi<strong>on</strong>: 23438 plants = 8.2 haS. 788 xS. 29IGl6ria Hungariae x Seibel 5279IIIRF 16 (Refren)Fig. 2: RF 16 (Refren) -producti<strong>on</strong> value means from 18 years (1968-1985), Kecskemet-Kat<strong>on</strong>atelep.Br<strong>on</strong>~erstraube x Muscat Otto,nelYear of cross: 1966Year of applicati<strong>on</strong> for qualificati<strong>on</strong>: 1983Expansi<strong>on</strong>: 4932 plants = 1.7 haS. 788 xS. 29ICsaba Gy<strong>on</strong>gye x Seibel 5279IIIRF 48 (Ref<strong>on</strong>n)Fig. 3: RF 48 (Ref<strong>on</strong>n) -producti<strong>on</strong> value means from 9 years (1977-1985), Kecskemet-Kat<strong>on</strong>atelep.

302 Secti<strong>on</strong> 3Breeding of botrytis tolerant V. viniierll and interspecific winevarietiesH. BECKER and H. KONRADFachgebiet Rebenzuchtung und Rebenveredlung, Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim,0-6222 Geisenheim, F. R. GermanyA b s t r act: Amsburger (Gm 22·74), a patented, intravarietal white wine.variety developedat Geisenheim (Gm), is a cross of White Riesling cl<strong>on</strong>e 88 Gmx White Riesling cl<strong>on</strong>e 64 Gm andproved to be very tolerant to botrytis. The skin of the berries is tough and the stems of the clustersexhibit no stem rot, even when no botryticides were applicated. The clusters of Arnsburger are veryloose and not compact. This also helps to prevent the infecti<strong>on</strong>s ofbotrytis.The variety Amsburger was used in Geisenheim as a genetic source for tolerance againstbotrytis. The characteristics of this tolerance are transmitted to seedlings with V. vinifera andinterspecific genome as well. Amsburger was also used as mother plant because of the Rieslingcharacter of the grapes and wines. We were able to select many new types of white and even redwine varieties with high tolerance to botrytis. The new botrytis tolerant V. vinifera varieties werenot sprayed with botryticides but with fungicides against both of the mildews. The new interspecificvarieties need no spray at all and are resistant or tolerant to fungus diseases.The best varieties are as follows:V. vini/era varieties:GmNo.Gm 711·4Gm 7110·3Gm 712·7AmsburgerCrossingAmsburger x ReichensteinerAmsburger x FaberrebeAmsburger x DeckrotRiesling cl. 88 Gm x Riesling cl. 64 GmPicking time14.10.893.10.8914.10.8926.10.89OAlBotrytis11515In t e r s p e c i fi c va r i e tie s :Gm ~o.Gm788·4Gm 789·12Gm 7813·2CrossingAmsburger x Gf. B·6·18 (Pollux)Arnsburger x Fr. 993·60Amsburger x Landot 2282 (red wine variety)They have been propagated for further field tests.Picking time27.10.8927.10.8910.10.89% Botrytis55o

Secti<strong>on</strong> 4: Resistance/tolerance to abioticstress factors

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors305Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> some physiological parameters involved inchlorosis occurrence in different grapevine rootstocks and aVitis yinifera cultivarL. BAVARESCOCattedra di Viticoltura, Universita Cattolica S. c., Via Emilia Parmense, 84, 1-29100 Piacenza, ItalySum mar y: l-year-old grapevine cuttings were grown in pots in order to test, during the growing period,the changes of some leaf compounds related to chlorosis occurrence (chlorophyils a, b and total chlorophyll, Fe-,macr<strong>on</strong>utrients and trace elements).The genotypes tested were three rootstocks showing an increasing degree of chlorosis resistance (Vilisriparia x r-: rupestris 101-14, V berlandierix V riparia SO 4, V berlandierix V rupestris 140Ru) and aV vini/era variety (Chard<strong>on</strong>nay), each of them grown in both a calcareous and a n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soil.At the end of the growing period, the whole cuttings were analysed to test the macr<strong>on</strong>utrients and traceelements c<strong>on</strong>tent of the dry matter.The most important fmdings are:(1) During the growing period, the chlorophyll and leaf Fe- c<strong>on</strong>tent first increases and then decreases.(2) The rootstock most susceptible to chlorosis (101-14) shows in the calcareous soil the highest Fe- and totalleaf chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent, while the most resistant <strong>on</strong>e (140 Ru) has the lowest values. Therefore, theanalysis of such parameters is not a suitable tool to screen rootstocks for chlorosis resistance.(3) Suitable tools to judge the resistance / susceptibility to lime-induced chlorosis in ungrafted rootstocks grown<strong>on</strong> calcareous soils are: a) the dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> at the end of the annual growing cycle; b) the 'ir<strong>on</strong>efficiency ratio' (g dry matter / mg ir<strong>on</strong>) in the shoot at the end of the annual growing period.Key w 0 r d s: chlorosis, resistance, rootstock, variety of vine, soil, lime, chlorophyll, ir<strong>on</strong>, mineral,growth.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Many world-wide agricultural crops, grovlIl in calcareous soils, suffer from lime-inducedchlorosis, usually recognized by yellowed intervein areas in new leaves_ Plant species mainlyaffected include apples, avocado, bananas, barley, beans, citrus, cott<strong>on</strong>, grapes, oats, peanuts,pecans, potatoes, sorghum, soybeans and numerous greenhouse flowers (CHEX and BARAK 1982)_The most important factor resp<strong>on</strong>sible for lime-induced chlorosis is the high bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate (HC0 3-)c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> in the soil soluti<strong>on</strong> (BOXMA 1972; MENGEL and MALISSIOVAS 1981; MENGEL andBUBL 1983; MENGEL et al_ 1984; COULOMBE el al_ 1984; MENGEL and GEURTZEN 1986; KOLESH elat. 1987) related to high pH (JUSTE el at. 1967). Use of soil Fe by plants is genetically c<strong>on</strong>trolled; avariety that can use Fe in an alkaline soil is called Fe-efficient, while a variety that develops ir<strong>on</strong>chlorosis is called Fe-inefficient (BRO\\"N and JONES 1976). Mobilizati<strong>on</strong> of ir<strong>on</strong> in the rhizosphere isdue to both basic or n<strong>on</strong>-specific mechanisms (independent from the ir<strong>on</strong> nutriti<strong>on</strong>al status of theplant) and adaptive mechanisms (MARSCHl'ER 1986), which are activated in Fe-efficient plants inresp<strong>on</strong>se to ir<strong>on</strong>-stress. The adaptive mechanisms differ am<strong>on</strong>g genotypes and they can beclassified according to two strategies (MARSCHl'ER el al_ 1986)_Strategy I (exhibited by most higher plants, dicotyled<strong>on</strong>s and m<strong>on</strong>ocotyled<strong>on</strong>s except forgrasses) c<strong>on</strong>sists off our types of resp<strong>on</strong>se in the roots, as follows: a) enhancement ofH-i<strong>on</strong>s rei, ease(MARSCHNER 1978; LANDSBERG 1981); b) f<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> of rhizodennal or hypodennal transfer cells(KRAMER el al_ 1980; LAKDSBERG 1989); c) enhancement of ferric ir<strong>on</strong> reducti<strong>on</strong> to ferrous ir<strong>on</strong>(BIENFAIT el al_ 1982); d) enhancement of release of reducing/chelating compounds such asphenolics (ROMHELD and M. .. RSCHNER 1981; HETHER el al_ 1984).Strategy II, occurring in barley, oats, rice and probably most other grasses, is characterized byan enhancement. of release of n<strong>on</strong>-protei no genic amino acids (phytosiderophores) and by a highaffinity uptake system (ROM HELD 1987).

306 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of the soilsN<strong>on</strong>-calcareous Calcareoussoil soilpH in H .. O 6.9 S.3pH in KCl 5.9 7.7Sand 317. 297.Silt 457. 557.Clay 247. 167.Carb<strong>on</strong>ates Absent 547.Lime Absent 197.Organic Matter 1. 6% 0.37.CEC 12.9 mEq/100 g 10.1 mEq/100 gSoluble Salts 210 ~s/cm 225 ~S/cmC/N ratio 10.9 8.2Total nitrogen . 0.87.. 0.27. •Phosphorus (P~05) 1) 63 ppm 11 ppmPotassium (K!,.O) 2) 146 " 71 "Magnesium 2) 179 " 27 "Calcium 2) 1960 " 1920 "Sodium 2) 11 " 9 "Ir<strong>on</strong> 3) 130 " 89 "Manganese 3) 225 " 42 "Zinc 3) 7 " 3 "Copper 3) 10 " 3 "Bor<strong>on</strong> 4) 3.4 " 0.3 "1) extracted by Olsen method2) exchangeable cati<strong>on</strong> extracted by NH~OAc iN at pH = 73) extracted by NH 40Ac 0.5 N + EDTA 0.02 M at pH = 4.654) extracted by Truog method and analysed by Azomethine HPhytosiderophores are specific Fe chelating compounds such as mugineic and avenic acid(TAKAGI et af. 1984; ROMHELD and MARSCHNER 1986).The tolerant grapevine rootstocks probably have strategy I resp<strong>on</strong>se mechanisms (BAVARESCOet al. 1989), but "ines are normally grafted and the behaviour of the whole plant towards limeinducedchlorosis is governed by two propenies: 1. the ability of the roots to supply the ir<strong>on</strong>'needsofthe leaves; 2. the leaves ir<strong>on</strong> requirement to secure a normal ir<strong>on</strong> nutriti<strong>on</strong> of the plant (POUGETand OTIENWAELTER 1973).In the present work, the ranges of some physiological parameters involved in chlorosis·occurrence in ungrafted rootstocks are discussed. It is of funher interest to study the reacti<strong>on</strong>s ofdifferent genotypes, which are known from the field, to affect chlorosis symptoms of the sci<strong>on</strong> withdifferent intensities.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 307Table 2: Rootstock resistance to chlorosis based <strong>on</strong> soil IPC (from POUGET and JU5TE 1972; POUGET 1980)RootstockMaximum thresholdfor IPC 1)ViallaRiparia Gloire3309, 101-14Rupestris du Lot99 R, 110 R, S04, 1103 PKober 5BB, 420 A161-49, 41 B333 EM140 RuFercal25102030406070901201) IPCCaCO~(Fe)2..10CaCO~active lime ('7.)Feir<strong>on</strong> (ppm) extracted by amm<strong>on</strong>ium oxalateMaterials and methodsl-year-old grapevine cuttings (about 10 cm l<strong>on</strong>g) rooted in sand were grown in pots in both a .n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous and a calcareous soil (Table 1).The genotypes tested were three rootstocks (related with a decreasing degree of chlorosisresistance in the sci<strong>on</strong>) (Table 2) and a Vilis vini/era cultivar, as follows: V. berlandieri xV. ropestris 140Ru, V. berlandieri x V. riparia S04, V. riparia x V. ropestris 101-14,Chard<strong>on</strong>nay cl<strong>on</strong>e R 8.The shoot length was weekly gauged for each genotype in both soils.15 d after beginning of the trial (1st sampling time), 80 d later (2nd sampling time) and 115 dlater (3rd sampling time), the 4th and the <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> leaf (counting from the tip of the shoot) werecollected. After washing of the leaves in 1 % NaOCl soluti<strong>on</strong>, the following c<strong>on</strong>stituents weredetermined:

308 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Fe (I I): It was expressed as f.lg/g dry wt (ppm) and f.lg/g fresh wt, using the method ofKATYALand SHARMA (1980). 2gof fresh-chopped samples were added to 20ml of 1.5% 1,10-0-phenanthroline soluti<strong>on</strong> at pH 3 in 100 ml glass bottles. After 16 h, the c<strong>on</strong>tents were filtered andFe (II) was estimated in the filtrate by measuring the absorbency of the Fe(II)-phenanthrolinecomplex at 510 nm.ChI 0 r 0 p h y II s: Chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll were expressed in mg/1 00 g d. wt andmg/g f. wt. They were extracted from leaf discs by using 80 % acet<strong>on</strong>e for 72 h in the dark, at +4 °C(TORRECILLAS et al. 1984). The chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> was determined by reading theabsorbencies at 665 nm and 649 nm and use of the equati<strong>on</strong>s given by STRAIN and SVEC (1966).Min era I e I erne n t s: Macr<strong>on</strong>utrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and some trace elements (B, Fe, Mn,Cu, Zn) were analysed after wet destructi<strong>on</strong> of the dry matter using the methods of COTTENIE(1980).At the end of the annual growing period, the plants were divided into leaves, shoot, trunk,roots and each pan was analysed for dry matter and mineral elements c<strong>on</strong>tent.-,-,----~----a-~ "'N~r-:

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 309The statistical plan included three-way ANOVA and two-way ANOV A with interacti<strong>on</strong>s; themeans were compared by LSD test at a 5 % level.cm 14012010080604020N<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soil,,--',,-­" ..!,..,.-'".-',,00,,00...-··00 •• 00.!, ___ S04,.- •••••••• • 140 Ru101-14,.. Chard<strong>on</strong>na," ..' ~,."..-----------------".. " ....'..,.. ..,'. --: -----------'. :--....:........_.!. .. ...111 23 30/11 7 14 21 28/7 418 27/8 IIcm 140Calcareous soil12010080604020!.. -!.:..'•:.!,'.. ". ,.. .., ..'..'... _____________ _~!•••••••• • 140 RuSO 4. ~.,.~ 1~-~..-"t.' _________.._________ Chardollnay------------,,,,,,-----18 27/8 IIFig. 1: Shoot growth in the two different soils depending <strong>on</strong> genotype. Arrows indicate the three sampling times.

310 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4ResultsThe shoot growth (Fig. 1) seems to be affected by both soil and genotype. The calcareous soilhas a negative effect <strong>on</strong> the growth of each genotype.The highest shoot length in the n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soil occurs in SO 4 (136 cm), while in thecalcareous <strong>on</strong>e 140 Ru grows highest (76 em). 101-14 has within the rootstocks the lowest shootgrowth in both soils.The Fe (II) c<strong>on</strong>tent of the leaves (based <strong>on</strong> both dry and fresh weight) is affected in a significantway by the sampling time, the genotype, the soil and their interacti<strong>on</strong>s (Table 3). The valuesincrease from the 1st sampling time (68 ppm and 17.7 p.g/g f. wt) to the 2nd <strong>on</strong>e (84 ppm and22.8 p.g/g f. wt) and then decrease at the 3rd sampling time (45 ppm and 17 p.g/g f. VI'1).101-14 rootstock shows the highest Fe(II) c<strong>on</strong>tent (82 ppm and 21.2 p.g/g f. wt), while 140 Ruhas the lowest <strong>on</strong>e (56 ppm and 17.2 p.g/g f. VI'1).The plants grown <strong>on</strong> the calcareous soil show a lower ir<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tent (64 ppm and 18.8 p.g/gf. wt) than those from the n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous <strong>on</strong>e (68 ppm and 19.6 p.g/g f. wt).The sampling time and the genotype influence the chlorophylls c<strong>on</strong>tent in a significant way.Total chlorophyll (<strong>on</strong> the basis of both dry and fresh weight) first increases (changing from499 mg/100 g d. wt and 1.39 mglg f. wt at the 1st sampling time to 734 mg/100 g d. wt and2.14 mg/g f. wt atthe 2nd sampling time), then it decreases to 502 mg/1 00 g d. wt and 1.52 mg/gf. VI'1.140 Ru rootstock shows the lowest chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent (506 mg/100 g d. wt and 1.37 mg/gf. VI'1); <strong>on</strong> the other hand, 101-14 shows within the rootstocks the highest value (629 mg/100 g d. wtand l.72mg/gf. wt).The differences due to the two soils are not significant. The total chlorophyll and leaf Fe (II)c<strong>on</strong>tent, <strong>on</strong> a fresh weight base, are well related when the plants are grown under stress c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>(calcareous soil) (Fig. 2).3.2'I_ 0.31. 0.073xi 2.8..: ,_ 0.66 . n_12~ 2.4IIIE:c2.0(J: 12 16 20 24 28• Fe.· JIg/a f. wtFig. 2: Correlati<strong>on</strong> between leafFe(I1) and total chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent of the genotypes grown <strong>on</strong> calcareous soil.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 311200 I LSD 0.05 32I LSD 0.05. .. IIa. a.a. 160 ..: 28 0.200.II -....."-"-'"120 "" 24 ~ 160.~E i E oBO 20 12024000 N<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soilCalcareous soil40 .16 80~f;: ~ ~140Ru 101-tI 140Ru 101-14 140Ru 101-14504 Ch. 504 Ch. 504 Ch.~Fig. 3: Leaf ferrous ir<strong>on</strong> and total ir<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tent depending <strong>on</strong> genotype and soil at the 2nd sampling time.When focusing the attenti<strong>on</strong> to the 2nd sampling time (the period of the fastest shoot growth),it is interesting to observe the beha\>iour of each genotype as influenced by the soil. The Fe(I1)c<strong>on</strong>tent decreases from the n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous to the calcareous soil for each rootstock, save for SO 4where it increases from 19.7 p.g/g f. wt to 21.8 p.g/g f. wt (Fig. 3).In the calcareous soil, the total chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent changes within the rootstocks from.674 mg/100 g d. \\1 (101-14) to 742 mg/100 g d. wt (S04) (Fig. 4).The effects ofthe sampling time, the genotype and the soil <strong>on</strong> the mineral element c<strong>on</strong>tent ofthe leaves are summarized in Table 4. The behaviour of the macr<strong>on</strong>utrients depending <strong>on</strong> thesampling time is different, while the trace elements have a uniform trend. Nitrogen first increasesand then decreases, changing from 2.58 % to 3.20%and 1.92 %. Leafpotassium c<strong>on</strong>tent increases(from 0.98 % to 1.28 %), while calcium and magnesium decrease. The trace elements, except Cu,decrease with progress of the growing seas<strong>on</strong>.Am<strong>on</strong>g the genotypes, Chard<strong>on</strong>nay variety shows the highest c<strong>on</strong>tents of nitrogen, calcium, .manganese and zinc, while 101-14 rootstock has the highest potassium value. The leaf ir<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tentis 155 ppm in 140 Ru, 151 ppm in Chard<strong>on</strong>nay, 133 ppm in 101-14 and 124 ppm in S04.1'000I LSD 0.052.7I LSD 0.05i "i...-.....2.7I LSD 0.0&~ 800 ..: 2.3 II 2.5."N<strong>on</strong>-calcareous........ '":c(.)0 '".. o Calcareous soil~ 600E 1.9 2.3";;;- :cE (.):i! 400(.);21.5 2.1;2200 1.1 1.9soil~-; ~140Ru 101-14 140Ru 101-14 140Ru 101-14S04 Ch. S04 Ch. S04Ch.Fig. 4: Leaf total chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent and chlorophyll a Ib ratio depending <strong>on</strong> genotype and soil at the2nd sampling time.

312 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Table 4: Effect of sampling time, genotype and soil <strong>on</strong> the mineral element c<strong>on</strong>tent ofleavesSAMPLING TIME GENOTYPE SOIL---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------1st 2nd 3rd 140 S04 101-Ru -14 Ch n.c. c.~' P~ 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.212.58 3.20 1.92 2.34 2.34 2.71 2.89 2.61 2.530.98 1.14 1.28 0.96 1.08 1.31 1.20 1.18 1.09fCa~ 1.30 0.51 0.55 0.78 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.71 0.87g~ 0.40 0.34 0.30 0.35 0.32 0.35 0.36 0.33 0.37Fe ppm 172 129 122 155 124 133 151 144 138~ ppm 106 69 53 72 71 71 89 84 67Cu ppm 23 30 23 29 29 19 24 24 26Zn ppm 118 39 27 58 59 58 70 55 67B ppm 17 8 10 12 12 11 11 12 12P/Fe 13.4 17.0 18.0 13.5 16.1 18.0 15.9 16.0 15.2Fe/Mn 1.62 1.87 2.30 2.15 1.75 1.87 1.70 1.71 2.06Ch = Chard<strong>on</strong>nayn.c. = n<strong>on</strong> calcareous c. calcareousThe effect of the soil does not seem to be str<strong>on</strong>g, save for calcium, where the plants grown <strong>on</strong> .calcareous soil have a value higherthan those grown <strong>on</strong> the n<strong>on</strong>·calcareous <strong>on</strong>e (0.87 % vs 0.71 %).At the end of the annual growing period, the organ and the genotype affect the c<strong>on</strong>tent of allthe elements (Table 5), whereas the soil influences in an appreciable way the plant c<strong>on</strong>tent ofCa(1.00 % and 1.51 % in the n<strong>on</strong>·calcareous and calcareous soil, respectively) and Fe (377 ppm and186 ppm, corresp<strong>on</strong>dingly).Am<strong>on</strong>g the genotypes, the dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> is affected by soil above all in 101·14(Fig. 5), which has in the calcareous soil the lowest value of the rootstocks (3.2 g). Though 101·14in the calcareous soil has the highest leafir<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tent (355 ppm) am<strong>on</strong>g the rootstocks (Table 6), itshows the lowest 'ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency ratio' (g dry matter/mg Fe) in the shoot (Fig. 6).Discussi<strong>on</strong>The results obtained during the growing period emphasize the role of the shoot growth stageand the genotype <strong>on</strong> some physiological parameters of the leaf involved in chlorosis occurrence.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 313Table 5: Percentage of dry matter, total dry matter and mineral element c<strong>on</strong>tent of the plant depending <strong>on</strong> organ,genotype and soil at the end of the annual growing period______________ ~~~ _____________________________ ~~ ____________ 1 _______ ~~:: _______Leaves Shoot Trunk Roots LSD 140 Ru S04 101-14 Ch. LSD n.c. c. LSD0.05 0.050.05Drymatter 27.95 37.06 50.81 35.81 2.63 37.54 36.46 37.80 39.83 2.63 38.45 37.37 NS(%)Drymatter 4.37 3.53 6.22 4.15 0.59 5.02 5.17 4.56 3.52 0.59 5.25 3.88 0.42(g)N% 1.67 0.75 0.57 1.15 0.08 0.92 0.94 1.02 1.26 0.08 1.03 1.04 NSP% 0.17 0.11 0.07 0.17 0.02 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.02 0.13 0.13 NSK% 1.16 1.32 0.37 0.81 0.10 0.81 0.90 0.96 0.99 0.10 0.92 0.91 NSCa% 2.23 0.89 0.71 1.74 0.12 1.13 1.16 1.11 1.61 0.12 1.00 1.51 0.08Mg% 0.37 0.15 0.10 0.19 0.02 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.26 0.02.. 0.19 0.22 0.0S% 0.17 0.06 0.04 0.14 0.01 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.13 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.01B ppm 22 18 13 13 1. 7 16 17 16 18 1.7 17 17 NSFe ppm 330 61 141 594 100 256 238 233 399 100 377 186 71Mn ppm 73 30 36 26 7 31 32 36 48 7 44 29 5P/Fe15 72 21.40 6.32 4.93 2.9 9.75 10.66 9.29 8.67 NS 8.62 10.57 1.94.Ch.= Chardormay ; n.c. = n<strong>on</strong>-calcareous; c. = calcareousRegarding the role of the genotype, 101·14 is of special interest. This rootstock, whichnormally induces chlorosis in the sci<strong>on</strong> when growing <strong>on</strong> a calcareous soil, does not show any.chlorosis symptom when it is ungrafted. LeafFe(II) c<strong>on</strong>tent of 101·14 is even' higher than in theother rootstocks, as well as the chlorophylls. Only at the stage of fastest shoot growth, the totalchlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent of 1 0 1·14, gro\\~ng <strong>on</strong> the calcareous soil, is lower than in the other rootstocks,but \\~thout "isual differences. This beha"iour seems strange, because in trials performed <strong>on</strong> exci5edroots 101·14 showed a low reducing capacity and uptake rate for ir<strong>on</strong> (BAvAREsco et al. 1989).This rootstock (ungrafted) is probably able to mobilize under stress c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s from the nutrientreserves stored in the cutting a higher ir<strong>on</strong> amount than the other rootstocks, thus supplying thehigh ir<strong>on</strong> needs of the leaves. This hypothesis is supported by the data of Table 6, where a negativecorrelati<strong>on</strong> seems to be between leaf and trunk ir<strong>on</strong> of the three rootstocks groMng <strong>on</strong> thecalcareous soil. Besides this, not always high ir<strong>on</strong> uptake capacity means high transport inside theplant to the leaves (~ERKAR and MISAl 1987).

....-~-.314 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4.---I---~-.-~-8,..If>N-'tNIIII,.. -'t N0 .... ..... If>'"~~.... I If> Na 0.... ...III co N0 0 co-'t.........~0 8 .... ....a-N,..I-'t 0 If>,.. 0,.. a- coI ,..-'t ,.. co0 -'t 0III ,.. ....0 0 .....-'t ~~.... ,..--8co a-..... a-,..'"~I,..,..-'t0 .... a- .....I -'t -'ta .... NIII -'t If>0-'t ... If>.... ~..... -'t--~---- ~-.-.---~--.-.. ---------~-- --III~8 ,..N0 0If>If>I,.. -'t co If>0 .... 0 If>.... I .... ..,a.... coN .....III N N~& ~ ~~Ic:0:2:-BQI~5:;:0QI ........ 0 ~ ·s....In U In~The lack of yellowing in the leaves (measured in this work by the chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent) of arootstock susceptible to chlorosis when growing in a calcareous soil was already observed byPOUGET and JUSTE (1972). These authors explained this apparently paradoxical behaviour by their<strong>on</strong> requirement of the leaves, which is different in ungrafted and grafted plants. ~otherexplanati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>siders the negative effect of the grafted \ine's yield <strong>on</strong> the nutrient reserves,including ir<strong>on</strong>, in the woody parts of the plant (BALASl:BRAHMANYAM et al. 1978); excessive yieldinduces chlorosis symptoms in the following year (MURISIER and BRIGUET 1988), depending <strong>on</strong> thereducti<strong>on</strong> of the sugar reserves in the roots (POliGET 1974).This different beha\iour of a grafted and an ungrafted rootstock disappears when a seedling ora softwood cutting is tested instead of a woody cutting (BYRNE 1988; ROMERA et af. 1989 a,1989 b).

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors3157'"! 6'iiiE>. 5-c43N<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soilo Calcareous soilILSD 0.05IfE '"~! 'iiiE>.-c'"10864lID N<strong>on</strong>-calcareous soilo Calcareous soilI LSD 0.0522~140Ru 101-14504 Ch.140 Ru 101-14504 Ch.Fig. 5 (left); Dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> (average value of the four organs) depending <strong>on</strong> genotype and soil at the endof the annual growing period.Fig. 6 (right); Ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency ratio (g dry matter/mg Fe) in the shoot depending <strong>on</strong> genotype and soil.Despite the lack of chlorosis symptoms, 101-14 rootstock grown <strong>on</strong> calcareous soil differsfrom the other two rootstocks (more resistant to lime-induced chlorosis) by having the lowest shootgrowth, dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> (at the end of the growing period) and 'ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency ratio' (g drymatter/mg Fe) of the shoot. A difference in the dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> between susceptible (3309)and resistant (Fercal, 140 Ru) rootstocks was also observed by CHIADMI and BRANCHARD (1987) inin vitro trials.On the other hand, 140 Ru rootstock shows its characteristics of resistance by having incalcareous soil the highest shoot growth, dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> and 'ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency ratio' of theshoot; moreover, it does not change its beha"iour depending <strong>on</strong> the soil.S04 rootstock has characteristics intermediate between 101-14 and 140Ru. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay(which is n<strong>on</strong>nally grown grafted) seems a genotype with high ir<strong>on</strong> requirements, but low 'ir<strong>on</strong>efficiency ratio'.C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sThe most significant findings are that:1.' during the growing period, the chlorophylls and leaf Fe (II) c<strong>on</strong>tent first increases and thendecreases;2. the rootstock most susceptible to chlorosis (101-14) shows in the calcareous soil the highestFe (II) and total chlorophyll c<strong>on</strong>tent, while 140 Ru rootstock (the most resistant) has thelowest values;3. suitable tools to judge the resistance/susceptibility to lime-induced chlorosis in ungraftedrootstocks grown <strong>on</strong> calcareous soil are: a) the dry matter producti<strong>on</strong> at the end of the annualgrowing period; b) the 'ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency ratio' (g dry matter/mg ir<strong>on</strong>) in the shoot at the end ofthe annual growing period.AcknowledgementsThe author wants to thank Mr. GIUSEPPE BRl.:ZZI (laboratory staff) for his c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to this project.

316 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4ReferencesBALASUBRAHMANYAM, V. R.; EIFERT, 1.; DIOFASI, L.; 1978: Nutrient reserves in grapevine canes asinfluenced by cropping levels. Vitis 17, 23-29.BAVARESCO, L.; FREGONI, M.; FRASCHINI, P.; 1989: Investigati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> ir<strong>on</strong> uptake and reducti<strong>on</strong> by excisedroots of different grapevine rootstocks and a r·~ villijera cultivar. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp. Ir<strong>on</strong> Nutriti<strong>on</strong> andInteracti<strong>on</strong> in Plants, Kibbutz Ramat-Rachel, Israel, 11-17 June 1989.BIENF AlT, H. F.; DUIVENYOORDEN, 1.; VERKERKE, W.; 1982: Ferric reducti<strong>on</strong> by roots of chlorotic bean plants:indicati<strong>on</strong>s for an enzymatic process. 1. Plant Nutr. 5, 451-456.BOXMA, R.; 1972: Bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate as the most important soil factor in lime-induced chlorosis in the Netherlands.Plant Soil 37, 233-243.BROWN, 1. c.; JOKES, W. E.; 1976: A technique to determine ir<strong>on</strong> efficiency in plants. Soil Sci Soc. Arner. J. 40,398-405.BYRNE, D. H.; 1988: Comparative growth of two peach seedling rootstocks under alkaline soil c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s. 1.Plant Nutr.11, 1663-1669.CHEK, Y.; BARAK, P.; 1982: Ir<strong>on</strong> nutriti<strong>on</strong> of plants in calcareous soils. Adv. Agr<strong>on</strong>. 35,217-240.CHIADMI, N.; BRAKCHARD, M.; 1987: Mise au point d'un test 'in vitro' perrnettant la determinati<strong>on</strong> precoce dela sensibilite de p<strong>on</strong>e-greffes de vigne a la chlorose calcaire. 3e Symp. Intern. Physio!. Vigne, Bordeaux,42-44.COTTENIE, A; 1980: Soil and plant testing as a base offenilizer recommendati<strong>on</strong>. FAO Soils Bull. 38 (2).COULOMBE, B. A; CHANEY, R. L.; WIEBOLD, W. J.; 1984: Bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate directly induces ir<strong>on</strong>-chlorosis insusceptible soybean cultivars. Soil Sci Soc. Arner. 1. 48, 1297-130l.FREGONI, M.; SCIENZA, A; 1975: Ricerche sull'assimilabilitil del ferro in vigneti italiani. Vignevini 6, 7-10.HETHER, N. H.; OLSE;';, R. A; JACKSOK, L. L.; 1984: Chemical identificati<strong>on</strong> of ir<strong>on</strong> reductants exuded by plantroots. 1. Plant Nutr. 7, 667-676.JUSTE, c.; POUGET, R.; BRVZAV, F.; 1967: Influence du pH et de I'ani<strong>on</strong> bicarb<strong>on</strong>ique sur l'absorpti<strong>on</strong> du ferpar les racines de vigne. C. R. Acad. Sci. 264, 2781·2784.KATYAL,1. c.; SHARMA, B. D.; 1980: A new technique of plant analysis to resolve ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis. Plant Soil 55,105-119.KOLESCH, H.; HOFNER, W.; SCHALLER, K.; 1987: Effect of bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate and phosphate <strong>on</strong> ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis ofgrape vines with special regard to the susceptibility of two rootstocks. Pan. II: pot experiments. 1. PlantNutr. 10, 231-249.KRAMER, D.; R6MHELD, V.; LANDSBERG, E.; MARSCHNER, H.; 1980: Inducti<strong>on</strong> of transfer-cell formati<strong>on</strong> byir<strong>on</strong> deficiency in the root epidermis of Helialllhus al1l1llllS L. Planta 147, 335-339.LANDSBERG, E. C:; 1981: Organic acid synthesis and release of hydrogen i<strong>on</strong>s in resp<strong>on</strong>se to Fe-deficiency stressof m<strong>on</strong>a- and dicotyled<strong>on</strong>ous plant species. 1. Plant Nutr. 3, 579-59l.-- -- ; 1989: Prot<strong>on</strong> effiux and transfer cell formati<strong>on</strong> as resp<strong>on</strong>se to Fe-deficiency of soybean in nutrient soluti<strong>on</strong>culture. Pland Soil 114, 53-61.MARSCHNER, H.; 1978: Beziehung zwischen der Eisenversorgung v<strong>on</strong> Weinreben und dem pH-Verlaufin derNiihrlosung. Vitis 17, 152-160.-- --; 1986: Mineral Nutriti<strong>on</strong> in Higher Plants. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.-- --; R6MHELD, V.; KISSEL, M.; 1986: Different strategies in higher plants in mobilizati<strong>on</strong> and uptake of ir<strong>on</strong>. 1.Plant Nutr. 9, 695-713.MENGEL, K.; BOBL, W.; 1983: Veneilung v<strong>on</strong> Eisen in Bliittern v<strong>on</strong> Weinreben mit HCO,' induziener Fe­Chlorose. Z. Pflanzenerniihr. Bodenk. 146, 560-571.-- -- ; BREIKINGER, M. TH.; BOBL, W.; 1984: Bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate the most important factor inducing ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis invine grapes <strong>on</strong> calcareous soil. Plant Soil 81, 333-344.-- -- ; GEURTZEN, G.; 1986: Ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis <strong>on</strong> calcareous soils. Alkaline nutriti<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> as the cause for thechlorosis. 1. Plant Nutr. 9,161-173.-- -- ; MALISSIOVAS, N.; 1981: Bicarb<strong>on</strong>at als auslosender Faktor der Eisenchlorose bei der Weinrebe (ViliSvillijera). Vitis 20, 235-243.MURISIER, F.; BRIGUET, c.; 1988: Rendement et chlorose de la vigne. Rev. Suisse Vitic. Arboric. Hortic. 20,165-172.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 317NERKAR, Y. S.; MISAL, M. B.; 1987: Rice breeding for tolerance to ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis. 1. Maharashtra Agricult. Univ.12 (3), 385·386.POUGET, R.; 1974: Influence des reserves glucidiques sur I'intensite de la chlorose ferrique chez la vigne. C<strong>on</strong>n.Vigne Yin 8,305·314.- -- ; 1980: Breeding grapevine rootstocks for resistance to ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis. Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding,Davis, California, 191-197.-- --; JUSTE, c.; 1972: Le choix des porte-greffes de la vigne pour les sols calcaires. C<strong>on</strong>n. Vigne Yin 6,357-364.-- -- ; OTIENWAEL TER, M_; 1973: Etude methodologique de la resistance a la chlorose calcaire chez la vigne:principe de la methode des greffages reciproques et applicati<strong>on</strong> ala recherche de porte-greffes resistants.Ann. Amelior. Plantes 23,347-356.ROMERA, F. 1.; ALCA:-.1TARA, E.; DE LA GUARDIA, M. D.; 1989 a: Characterizati<strong>on</strong> of the tolerance to ir<strong>on</strong>chlorosis in different peach rootstocks grown in nutrient soluti<strong>on</strong>. I. Effect of bicarb<strong>on</strong>ate. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp.Ir<strong>on</strong> Nutriti<strong>on</strong> and Interacti<strong>on</strong> in Plants, Kibbutz Ramat-Rachel, Israel, 11-17 June 1989.- -- ; -- -- ; -- -- ; 1989 b: Characterizati<strong>on</strong> of the tolerance to ir<strong>on</strong> chlorosis in different peach rootstocks grown innutrient soluti<strong>on</strong>. II. Resp<strong>on</strong>se mechanisms. <str<strong>on</strong>g>5th</str<strong>on</strong>g> Intern. Symp. Ir<strong>on</strong> Nutriti<strong>on</strong> and Interacti<strong>on</strong> in Plants,Kibbu~ Ramat-Rachel, Israel, 11-17 June 1989.ROMHELD, V.; 1987: Different strategies for ir<strong>on</strong> acquisiti<strong>on</strong> in higher plants. Physiol Plant. 70, 231-234.- -- ; MARSCHNER, H.; 1981: Ir<strong>on</strong> deficiency stress induced morphological and physiological changes in root tipsof sunflower. Physiol. Plant 53, 354-360.-- -- ; -- -- ; 1986: Evidence for a specific uptake system for ir<strong>on</strong> phytosiderophores in roots of grasses. PlantPhysiol. 80,175-180.STRAIN, H. H.; SYEC, W. A.; 1966: Extracti<strong>on</strong>, separati<strong>on</strong>, estimati<strong>on</strong>, and isolati<strong>on</strong> of the chlorophylls. In:VERNO]'.;, L. P.; SEELY, G. R. (Eds.): The Chlorophylls, 21-66. Academic Press, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong>.TAKAGI, S.; NOMOTO, K.; TAKEMOTO, T.; 1984: Physiological aspect of mugineic acid, a possiblephytosiderophore of graminaceous plants. 1. Plant Nutr. 7, 469-477.TORRECILLAS, A.; LEON, A.; DEL AM OR, F.; MARTINEZ-MoMPEAK, M. c.; 1984: Determinaci<strong>on</strong> rapida declorofila en discos foliares de lim<strong>on</strong>ero. Fruits 39, 617-622.

318 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Use of differential thermal analysis to quantify bud coldhardiness of grape selecti<strong>on</strong>s and cl<strong>on</strong>es 1)R. M. POOL, B. I. REISCH, M. J. WELSER 2)Depattment of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Stati<strong>on</strong>,Geneva, New York, 14456, USASum mary: Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used to characterize primary bud mid·wintercoldhardiness of Vilis spp. Bud hardiness reached a maximum and was rather stable during the m<strong>on</strong>ths of Januaryand Febnmf)' at Geneva, New York. Because cold tolerance increases during periods of prol<strong>on</strong>ged cold, observedfreezing temperature was adjusted <strong>on</strong> the basis of the freezing temperature of cv. C<strong>on</strong>cord <strong>on</strong> the day ofobservati<strong>on</strong>. DTA gives reproducible and meaningful estimates of bud freezing temperature. Such data accountfor at least 50 % of the am<strong>on</strong>g-cultivar variance in overall vine cold hardiness.Key w 0 r d s: cold resistance, analysis, bud, variery of vine, cl<strong>on</strong>e, USA.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Winter cold establishes the n<strong>on</strong>hern limit of wild grapes as well as that of many other genera(BURKE and STUSHNOFF 1979). The n<strong>on</strong>hern limit is approximately coincident with the latitude atwhich the homogeneous ice nucleati<strong>on</strong> temperature can be expected (GEORGE et al. 1974). Generawhich have this n<strong>on</strong>hern limit frequently share a freeze avoidance mechanism to endure wintercold. In such species, when critical tissues freeze, they die. Differential thennal analysis (DTA)detects the temperature at which tissues freeze by detecting the heat of fusi<strong>on</strong> which is releasedwhen liquid water becomes ice. DT A has been used to measure the killing temperature of Vilis.Various claims have been made regarding the relevance ofDTA signals to cold damage of canetissues (PIERQUET and STUSH:-IOFF 1980; BAR:-IEY 1987), but there is general agreement that DTAcan accurately estimate the temperature at which d<strong>on</strong>nant grape buds are killed. We havedeveloped a micro-computer assisted DTA apparatus to estimate the freezing temperature ofexcised grape buds (WOLF and POOL 1986).With grapes as with other perennial fruits, progress in breeding for polygenetically c<strong>on</strong>trolledtraits becomes more cenain when the trait in questi<strong>on</strong> can be accurately and objectively measured.This is especially true of winter cold hardiness. Traditi<strong>on</strong>ally vine hardiness is evaluated by notingthe damage sustained in the field during the winter. Such estimates are difficult to interpret becausefield survival is subject to many influences. The 'dosage' of winter cold is not unif<strong>on</strong>n from year toyear nor is it unif<strong>on</strong>n within a given site. Cold hardiness is influenced by both viticultural andmeteorologic factors. Field hardiness may differ greatly from potential hardiness because ofdifferences in yield or growth during the previous summer or because of the impact of mid-winterclimate_ Prol<strong>on</strong>ged sub-freezing temperature increases cold hardiness while mid-winter thawssoinetimes reduces it. DTA reduces the impact of at least some of these variables. Impact of vineto-vinevariati<strong>on</strong> can be reduced by sampling mature wood within the vine (HOWELL and SHAULIS1980) and meteorologic influences can be accounted for because hardiness is measured <strong>on</strong> aspecific day rather than observing the impact of an entire ",inter.To test the usefulness ofDTA for grape breeding programs, we have used the technique tostudy the killing temperature of a wide variety of grape gennplasm.1) Research supported in part by grants from the New York State Wine and <strong>Grape</strong> Foundati<strong>on</strong> and the U.S.Depattment of Agriculture.2) Respectively, Professor of Viticulture, Associate Professor of <strong>Grape</strong> Breeding and Staff Support Specialist,Department of H<strong>on</strong>icultural Sciences, Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Stati<strong>on</strong>,Geneva, New York, 14456, USA

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 319Differential thermal analysisMaterials and methodsThe basic apparatus has been described (WOLF and POOL 1986). Heat offusi<strong>on</strong> is detected bymounting excised buds c<strong>on</strong>taining a small amount of attached cane tissue <strong>on</strong> a thermoelectric (TE)module (Melcor, Trent<strong>on</strong>, New Jersey). TE modules are attached to an analogue to digitalacquisiti<strong>on</strong> board through a digital relay device which allows multiple plates to be c<strong>on</strong>nected. Theplates are placed in a freezer and cooled at a c<strong>on</strong>stant rate using the micro-computer to c<strong>on</strong>trol thetemperature of a heat sink. For our standard tests, 6 replicate buds were excised from nodes 4-6 ofwell matured canes. They were mounted <strong>on</strong> dampened paper which in turn was placed <strong>on</strong> a TEmodule. After 1 h at - 2°C, the temperature was lowered at 3 °C/h. Exotherms were detected byplotting the TE signal against the heat sink temperature. The high temperature exotherm (HTE),which was caused by extracellular ice, was induced between - 3 and -7°C by seeding a moistcott<strong>on</strong> string in c<strong>on</strong>tact with the paper mount with ice. Low temperature exotherms (LTE's)caused by primary buds were 2-10 times larger than other L TE's. The temperature at which themedian primary bud L TE per plate was recorded (if an even number of L TE's were found, themean of the temperature of the two central LTE's was used). Most often three replicate moduleswere used per test, but sometimes <strong>on</strong>ly duplicates were run and four replicates were used to derivethe seas<strong>on</strong>al curves.Seas<strong>on</strong>al changes in cold hardinessDTA was d<strong>on</strong>e at least bi-weekly during the m<strong>on</strong>ths of September to April for 3 c<strong>on</strong>secutiveyears (1976178, 1977178 and 1978179) <strong>on</strong> three cultivars: C<strong>on</strong>cord, White Riesling and CabernetSauvign<strong>on</strong>. Median L TE's were obtained and the data plotted. These data were used to determinethe period of maximum hardiness. The data for C<strong>on</strong>cord was used to standardize observed L TEtemperature values in other experiments so as to account for variati<strong>on</strong>s cause by c<strong>on</strong>tinuousfreezing (PROEBSTII'G and ANDREWS 1982).DT A of grape cultivars and species accessi<strong>on</strong>sA test of American hybrid table grape cultivars has been underway at Geneva, New York,since 1978. It c<strong>on</strong>sists of both named cultivars of North American origin and selecti<strong>on</strong>s from the0.40-V, rubra0.20mVLTE's0.00-0.20, ,-50 -40Temperatureof Median L TEi,-30 -20-10HTEoTemperatureFig. 1: DTA data for six replicate buds of Viris rllbra mounted <strong>on</strong> a TE module.

320 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Geneva grape breeding program. During the m<strong>on</strong>ths of January and February 1987 three replicatesamples of6 buds were subjected to DT A. C<strong>on</strong>cord was used as a standard, winter hardy cultivar.During January and February of 1978 median LTE temperature of cultivars and cl<strong>on</strong>es ofcultivars of V. vini/era L. growing at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Stati<strong>on</strong>vineyards were estimated using three replicate 6 bud samples. These data were compared with anoverall hardiness rating for these varieties growing at Geneva. Estimates for Pinot noir cl<strong>on</strong>e L TEtemperatures were compared to data <strong>on</strong> field survival following the winters of 198 7/8 8 (little coldstress) and 1988/89 (severe cold injury to Pinot noir). During January and February of 1980duplicate samples of wine and table grape interspecific hybrid cultivars and accessi<strong>on</strong>s of Vilisspecies which are part of the collecti<strong>on</strong> of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Apple and <strong>Grape</strong> Cl<strong>on</strong>al Repository atGeneva, New York, were measured.30201987/88.X: C<strong>on</strong>cord·X White Riesling+ C8bernet Sauvlgn<strong>on</strong>10o-10-20oI!! -30~ Aug SepOct Nov Dec Jan FebMarAprMayQ)c. 30.0E~20.01988/8910.00.0-10.0-20.0-30.0lIC-- lIC:)c--xlS::~~-.)(.-:.x*-~--"+---I---If---t---+-~'" I I x: IAug Sap Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr MayFig. 2: Daily maximum and minimum temperatures and median LTE temperatures for three cultivars, CabemetSauvign<strong>on</strong>, White Rieslingand C<strong>on</strong>cord, growingat Geneva, New York, for the winter seas<strong>on</strong>s 1987/88 and. 1988/89.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 321ResultsSeas<strong>on</strong>al changes in cold hardinessFig. 1 shows a DTA profile of6 nodes from a selecti<strong>on</strong> of V. rubra. The median LTE of thissample is - 32. 5 0c. The occasi<strong>on</strong>al spikes found at higher temperatures are thought to be due todrops of water <strong>on</strong> the plate or to the freezing of previously killed buds.The seas<strong>on</strong>al cold hardiness of the cultivars C<strong>on</strong>cord, White Riesling and CabernetSauvign<strong>on</strong> for the years 1987/88 and 1988/89 are shown in Fig. 2. The data for CabernetSauvign<strong>on</strong> hardiness for 1988/89 stop after December 12, 1989. At that time the curve ofminimum temperature intersected the cold hardiness curve for Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>. As a resultprimary bud kill exceeded 95 % and no further data were collected for that cultivar that year. Theobserved pattern of hardiness was not <strong>on</strong>ly found in 3 years of sampling at Geneva, but also withsamples obtained in other states using the same cultivars and protocol. Three stages of hardinesscan be seen. Acclimati<strong>on</strong> begins at about the time visible periderm forms and c<strong>on</strong>tinues until lateDecember when maximum hardiness is reached. January and February is a period of hardinessmaintenance. During this time hardiness, especially that of the cultivar C<strong>on</strong>cord, is increased whenthe maximum daily temperatures do not exceed O°C for more than a few days. This has beenobserved before (ANDREWS et al. 1984), and for that reas<strong>on</strong> data for other cultivars are reported intwo ways, observed and adjusted. Adjustments are based <strong>on</strong> the deviati<strong>on</strong> of C<strong>on</strong>cord hardinessfrom the period mean median L TE for the year. At the end of February all cultivars begin to deacclimate.Shortly before bud burst the buds lose their ability to fOim L TE's. In every year identicaldifferences were noted am<strong>on</strong>g cultivars. White Riesling and C<strong>on</strong>cord begin to acclimate early andreach maximum hardiness before Cabernet Sau\·ign<strong>on</strong> does. C<strong>on</strong>cord de-acclimates earlier andmore rapidly than do White Riesling and Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>.7Ha 6rd 5Ine 4ss3Rat 2In 19o-30xxxx>x xHardiness = -8.87 • 0.483(L TE)r squared = 43.6%~xx~'~---I---+---+----+---+-.-+~~+---+----j----i-29 -28 ·27 ·26 ·25 ·24 ·23 ·22 ·21 -20Median L TE TemperatureFig. 3: Relati<strong>on</strong>ship between median LTE temperature and field cold hardiness ratings for Vitis viniJera and2 /.: labruscalla eultivars. Each point is a different cultivar. Hardiness ratings range from 1 = very cold tender to6 = very cold hardy at Geneva, New York.

322 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Table 1: Hardiness of22 Vitis vinifera and 2 r: labruscana cuJtivars as measured by DTA or field evaluati<strong>on</strong>FieldDate Mean Adjusted HardinessVariety Sampled LlE LlEY RatingZMuscat Ott<strong>on</strong>el 22-Jan -21.3 -21.9 3Portugieser Blau 27-Jan -22.8 -23.5 2Reichensteiner 9-Feb -22.8 -22.1 2Merlot 13-Jan -23.0 -22.9 2Ehrenfelser 22-Jan -23.1 -23.8 3. Sauvign<strong>on</strong> blanc 9-Feb -23.3 -22.6 2Pinot gris 27-Jan -24.3 -25.0 3Gewurztraminer 15-Jan -24.4 -24.3 3Nobelssa 27-Jan -24.4 -25.1 3Comtessa 15-Jan -24.7 -24.6 4Mettemich 15-Jan -25.0 -24.9 2Limberger 22-Jan -25.1 -25.8 3Optima 13-Jan -25.3 -25.2 2Sylvaner 13-Jan -25.4 -25.3 2Scheurebe 9-Feb -25.6 -24.7 3Baccus 9-Feb -25.7 -24.8 3Siegerrebe 29-Jan -25.8 -25.4 4Perle 15-Jan -26.0 -25.9 2Rieslaner 29-Jan -26.1 -25.7 4Morio Muscat 22-Jan -26.3 -27.1 3Mel<strong>on</strong> 13-Jan -26.3 -26.2 4Cabemet franc 29-Jan -27.0 -26.6 5Niagara 27-Jan -27.3 -28.1 6Delaware 13-Jan -28.4 -28.3 6y. Adjusted by standardizing to the L lE for C<strong>on</strong>cord <strong>on</strong> the date ofsampling.z. Hardiness field ratings 1 = very tender 6 = very cold hardyEvaluati<strong>on</strong> of Vitis vinijera,cultivarsTable 1 lists the observed and adjusted temperature of the median LTE of 22 cultivars ofV. vini/era and 2 V. labruscana cultivars. An evaluati<strong>on</strong> of overall field hardiness is also given. The2 V. labruscanG cultivars had the lowest observed and adjusted L TE temperatures and the highesthardiness rating. The L TE temperature data were regressed against the hardiness rating (Fig. 3). Ahighly significant relati<strong>on</strong>ship was obtained (P = 0.01) but the relati<strong>on</strong>ship explained <strong>on</strong>ly 43.6,% ofthe variance. Field survival data and 1987/88 estimates of the L TE temperatures were obtained for8 Pinot noir cl<strong>on</strong>es (Fig. 4). In 1987/88 the low temperatures did not approach that of the medianL TE. There was severe primary bud injury <strong>on</strong> December 12, 1988, when temperatures rangedfrom -24.5 to -25.3 °C in the vineyard. At this time the vines were not fully acclimated and fieldinjury ranged from 32 to 85 % barren nodes in 1989. Generally the observed injury related wellwith the L TE estimates. A major excepti<strong>on</strong> was the Clevner Mariafeld cl<strong>on</strong>e which had the lowestL TE temperature and the greatest bud injury.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 323Table 2: Observed and adjusted median LIE temperatures for interspecific American table grape selecti<strong>on</strong>s andcultivarsObservedTemperature oftheLTESeedless Selecti<strong>on</strong>sY and cultivarsNY 65.479.1 -23.5NY 46290 -23.0Suffolk Red -23.3NY 65.143.1 -23.2Lakem<strong>on</strong>t -24.1NY 65.483.2 -25.2Canadice -24.6Interlaken -24.8Reliance -24.9Remaily Seedless -24.6Einset Seedless -25.2Mars -25.7NY 65.077.2 -25.1Himrod -25.5NY 63.878.6 -25.3Seeded Selecti<strong>on</strong>sY and cultivarsAlden -23.6Yates -25.4Buffalo -25.6Steuben -24.8NY Muscat -25.6NY 65.112.1 -25.3Coocord -25.5Seneca -25.2Price -27.4Swens<strong>on</strong> Red -27.7Alwood -28.4Bath -28.7Sheridan -29.0AdjustedTemperature ofthe LTEz-22.7-23.1-23.1-23.3-23.9-24.3-24.5-24.6-24.8-25.2-25.6-25.8-26.0-26.1-26.2-23.7-24.5-24.7-24.9-25.0-25.4-25.5-25.5-26.5-27.0-27.4-27.7-28.0y. ParentageNY 46290 (Buffalo X Himrod)NY 63.878.6 (Fred<strong>on</strong>ia X Canner)NY 65.077.2 (Vineland 52084 X Ruby Seedless)NY 65.112.1 Vineland 52082 X Flame TokayNY 65.143.1 (Dunstan 210 X NY 45945 (Athens X NY 33873)NY 65.479.1NY 65.483.2«Muscat Hamburg X Hubbard) X (Ontario X Black M<strong>on</strong>ukka))(NY 10782 X Muscat Hamburg) X (Suffolk Red(Ontario X Black.M<strong>on</strong>ukka))z. LTE temperature adjusted to reflect value of C<strong>on</strong>cord <strong>on</strong> day of measurement.Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of table grape cultivars and selecti<strong>on</strong>sSeedless cultivars and selecti<strong>on</strong>s L TE temperatures generally were no higher than those ofseeded cultivars (Table 2). 60fthe seedless cultivars (l\'Y 65.479.1, Suffolk Red, NY6290,

324 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4~l' 65.143.1, Lakem<strong>on</strong>t and ~l' 65.483) were more than 1 DC less hardy than the standard,C<strong>on</strong>cord. The others had L TE temperatures within 1 DC of C<strong>on</strong>cord. Seeded cuitivars, Yates andAlden, which are rated as <strong>on</strong>ly moderately hardy were more than 1 °C less cold hardy thanC<strong>on</strong>cord. Price, Swens<strong>on</strong> Red, Alwood, Bath and Sheridan were all 1 °C or more hardy thanC<strong>on</strong>cord. Sheridan and Bath were more than 2 °C hardier than C<strong>on</strong>cord.Germplasm evaluati<strong>on</strong>Germpiasm tested from the repository was divided into 6 categories (Table 3). In order ofincreasing mean hardiness they were: American (V, labruscana) seedless cultivars, American winecultivars, American seeded table cultivars, interspecific wine cuitivars, species selecti<strong>on</strong>s androotstock cultivars. The order of mean hardiness by category is not very imp<strong>on</strong>ant as the samplesdo not necessarily represent the range of germ plasm in a category and because differences withincategory, which ranged from 1.4 to 12.9 DC, greatly exceeded the range of means am<strong>on</strong>g thecategories which was <strong>on</strong>ly 1.6 DC. There were 5 American wine selecti<strong>on</strong>s which ranged from - 24.0for cv. Wine King to -25.5 °C for cv. C<strong>on</strong>cord. Most of the American seeded table cuitivars hadmedian LTE's within <strong>on</strong>e degree of that of C<strong>on</strong>cord. The excepti<strong>on</strong>s were Yates and Alwood whichwere less hardy and Bath, Century I and Price which were more hardy than C<strong>on</strong>cord. Century Iand Price have beel) rated as <strong>on</strong>ly moderately cold hardy in field tests at Geneva. With theexcepti<strong>on</strong> of the cultivar of southern origin, Venus, the American seedless cultivars were close to thevalue for C<strong>on</strong>cord, more recently released cultivars were more cold tolerant than older <strong>on</strong>es. Only afew interspecific wine cultivars were tested. The most widely planted of these in New York state isSeyval (S. V. 5·276) which had the highest median LTE temperature of the group, 1.5°C higherthan that of C<strong>on</strong>cord. The other cultivars, including the wine cultivar most recently released by theNew York State Agricultural Experiment Stati<strong>on</strong>· Melody (REtSCH et al. 1986)· were equal to ormore hardy than C<strong>on</strong>cord.9080I§i1 %Barren1988-21CD"C0zcCD...asIII~ 07060504030~%Barren1989 L TE-22-23WI--I"CCD-asE:;::IIIw2010o-24Marlafeld CI. 29 Meunier EspinettePernand Geneva Spatburgunder GamayBeaujolaisFig. 4: ObselVed median L TE temperature and obselVed 1988 and 1989 barren node percentage for Pinot noircl<strong>on</strong>es growing at Geneva, New York.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 325Table 3: Temperature of the median L1E of cultivars and species accessi<strong>on</strong>s growing in the collecti<strong>on</strong> of theNati<strong>on</strong>al Apple and <strong>Grape</strong> Repository, Geneva, New YorkTemperatureAdjustedTemperatureRepository of the Median of the MedianCategory Plant Name Designati<strong>on</strong> LTE LTEzAmerican Wine King 131 -23.2 -24.0Wine or Juice Cannen 588 -23.3 -24.1Diam<strong>on</strong>d 124 -24.0 -24.8Delaware 52 -26.6 -25.0C<strong>on</strong>cool 51 -25.6 -25.5Mean -24.5 -24.6American Table Yates 113 -24.6 -22.9Alwood * -22.2 -24.0Swens<strong>on</strong> Red 439 -25.9 -24.2Stueben 111 -26.7 -25.1Ontario 45 -24.6 -25.4Golden Muscat * -24.0 -25.8McCampbell 44 -24.4 -26.3Bath 109 -24.9 -26.7Century 1 985 -26.3 -27.1Price 98 -26.7 -28.6Mean -24.8 -25.6American Seedless Venus 573 -22.4 -20.8Himrod * -24.1 -24.0Glenora * -22.7 -24.5Einset Seedless 470 -24.9 -26.7Mean -23.5 -24.0Interspecific Wine Seyval 534 -21.3 -23.0Seibel 2583 339 -21.3 -23.1Seibel 1077 535 -22.0 -23.8Melody 581 -27.5 -25.8Ravat 34 354 -24.0 -25.8Seibel 880 559 -24.3 -26.1Chancellor 43 -25.4 -27.1Mean -23.7 -24.9Rootstock C157-11 979 -24.1 -21.8Mill. et Grasset 219A 598 -24.3 -22.0 •Rup. duLot 592 -22.7 -22.5Mill. et Grasset 125-1 606 -23.0 -23.3Teleki 5C 79 -23.2 -23.7Richter 110 266 -23.5 -23.9KoberSBB 70 -23.6 -24.1C 18-815 118 -23.7 -24.2

326 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Table 3 (C<strong>on</strong>t.) Mill. et Grasset 420 605 -26.2 -24.3S04 119 -24.6 -25.1R. gloire 265 -24.8 -25.3SORI 95 -25.1 -25.6C 3309 87 -25.5 -25.9C 1616E 114 -26.2 -26.7C 3306 264 -27.1 -27.6Mill. et Grasset 101-14 63 -27.5 -28.0Azita 263 -25.1 -28.5Shakoka 73 -28.5 -29.0S<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong>a 152 -31.2 -34.7Mean -24.9 -25.6Species V. cinerea (C66-6) 625 -22.9 -20.6V. berlandieri 261 -17.1 -20.6V. cordifolia (Rem 30-77) 1013 -24.0 -21.7V. rubra (Ru-66-10) 168 -24.5 -21.7V. argentifolia 1003 -22.3 -22.1V. riparia (Quebec) 612 -24.6 -22.3V. champini (Salt Creek) 622 -22.3 -22.8V. argentifolia(Rem 46-77) 970 -25.2 -22.9V.labrusca (Rem 26-75) 1023 -22.7 -23.0V. argentifolia 214 -21.4 -23.1V. riparia (Manitoba) 401 -25.1 -23.4V. labrusca (Rem 33-75) 967 -23.5 -23.8V.labrusca (Rem 43 -75) 1029 -23.6 -23.9V. cordifolia(Bl7) 171 -27.1 -24.3V. rupestris (Ganzin) 285 -26.7 -24.4V. riparia (Minnesota) 400 -26.2 -24.5V. argentifolia(Rem NE 19) 896 -26.9 -24.6V. cinerea (C66-14) 236 -27.0 -24.7V. riparia (M<strong>on</strong>treal) 193 -26.4 -24.7V. cordifolia(B18) 184 -27.8 -25.0V. labrusca (Rem 46-75) 1026 -24.8 -25.1V.l<strong>on</strong>gii 1026 -24.9 -25.2V. coignetiae (pulliat) 18 -27.9 -25.6V. cinerea 170 -25.2 -25.7V.rubra 239 -25.9 -25.7V. argentifolia(Rem NE 4) 994 -28.1 -25.9V. riparia (M<strong>on</strong>tana) 417 -27.8 -26.1V. rupestris (pillans) 202 -24.2 -26.2V. champini 172 -24.6 -26.3V. riparia (M<strong>on</strong>tana) 418 -29.2 -27.5V.rubra 174 -24.1 -27.5V. riparia (Colorado) 773 -29.2 -27.5V. anders<strong>on</strong>ii 701 -27.8 -28.3V. riparia (Pulliat) 224 -31.9 -29.1

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 327Table 3 (C<strong>on</strong>t.) V. riparia (M<strong>on</strong>treal) 193 -25.6 -29.1V. sol<strong>on</strong>is 158 -29.1 -29.6V. argentifolia 928 -27.2 -30.6V. rupestris(Tiefenback) 249 -29.2 -32.7V.l<strong>on</strong>gii 138 -29.3 -32.8Mean -25.7 -25.4The range in rootstock hardiness was greater than observed for cultivars grown for fruit.9 rootstock cultivars had median L TE' s more than 1 °C higher than C<strong>on</strong>cord. They includedRupestris du Lot, Teleki 5C, Richter 110 and Kober 5BB. S04, Riparia Gloire, Sori and C. 3309had LTE values similar to that of C<strong>on</strong>cord. C. 1616E, C. 3306, M. GT 101·14 were hardier thanC<strong>on</strong>cord and 2 rarely used rootstocks which share northern V. riparia parents, Shakoka andS<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong>a, were more than 3 °C hardier than C<strong>on</strong>cord.The range in median LTE temperature was much greater am<strong>on</strong>g species selecti<strong>on</strong>s (14.5 0c)than am<strong>on</strong>g the cultivars. Essentially all of the fruiting cultivars were of northern origin. Am<strong>on</strong>g thespecies, with a few excepti<strong>on</strong>s, those which were much less hardy than C<strong>on</strong>cord shared a southernorigin. A V. riparia selecti<strong>on</strong> from Quebec, Canada was more than 3 °C less hardy than C<strong>on</strong>cord,but these plants have symptoms suggesting a virus infecti<strong>on</strong>. There were also some other northernselecti<strong>on</strong>s such as the V. labrusca selecti<strong>on</strong> Remaily 26·75 and the V. argentifolia selecti<strong>on</strong>Remaily 46· 77 which were less hardy than the standard, C<strong>on</strong>cord. In terms of very hardy materialV. riparia dominated, but some southern representatives had cold hardy buds. They includedV. sol<strong>on</strong>is and the V. rupestris selecti<strong>on</strong> Tiefenback.Discussi<strong>on</strong>The dina <strong>on</strong> seas<strong>on</strong>al fluctuati<strong>on</strong>s in median L TE temperature of primary buds show that thechanges in hardiness are reproducible am<strong>on</strong>g years and cultivars. When the field temperature fellbelow the predicted hardiness level, Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> buds died. This c<strong>on</strong>firms that the data aremeaningful. The fluctuati<strong>on</strong> in temperature of the median L TE observed during the period ofmaximum hardiness in the 3 years is clearly related to prol<strong>on</strong>ged freezing of n<strong>on</strong>·vital bud tissueswhich lowers the LTE temperature (POOL et ale 1985). This variability associated with mid-winterc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s is the reas<strong>on</strong> that the observed L TE temperatures need to be adjusted to reflect thestatus of the standard cultivar, C<strong>on</strong>cord.The data with standard v\'ine and grape cultivars dem<strong>on</strong>strates both the validity and the limitof the technique in predicting field cold hardiness. LTE temperature accounted for <strong>on</strong>ly 43 % of thevariance associated with our field ratings. The lack of agreement can be ascribed to several factors.First our ratings tend to be more c<strong>on</strong>servative for cultivars ""ith which we have had little experience.An example is the cultivar Morio Muscat which had hardy buds, but <strong>on</strong>ly a moderate hardinessrating. With more years of experience, we may well revise the field rating of Morio Muscat. Asec<strong>on</strong>d factor is that before DT A can be used, the buds must be 'mature'. The physiological factorsresp<strong>on</strong>sible for the 'mature' node c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> are poorly understood, but it is clear that the bUQs ofmany cultivars poorly adapted to New York fail to develop the ability to supercool. Such buds dieat a temperature higher than - 8 0c. DT A is <strong>on</strong>ly suitable to measure hardiness of the 'mature' budfracti<strong>on</strong> and thus DT A may overestimate hardiness for varieties which do not reliably producebuds capable of supercooling. A third complicati<strong>on</strong> is that we measure maximum mid·winter budhardiness with DT A. A cultivar like Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, in which acclimati<strong>on</strong> is delayed, maysustain early seas<strong>on</strong> cold injury before its buds become fully hardened. The final factor that causesbud L TE temperature to sometimes differ from field hardiness is the tissue evaluated. Some

328 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4cultivars such as Perle, Century I and Price form cold hardy buds, but often fail to produce coldhardy trunks. That produces a situati<strong>on</strong> in which the buds may survive, but the trunk injury is sosevere that the above ground p<strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong>s of the vine die.While DT A cannot give a complete assessment of cold hardiness, it does give reproducibleresults c<strong>on</strong>cerning bud hardiness. The data produce good agreement between assessments made indifferent years except for three cases. Himrod, Alwood and Swens<strong>on</strong> Red produced lower medianL TE temperatures in the table grape assessment than in that of the repository collecti<strong>on</strong>. This mayhave been due to the age and size of the vines in questi<strong>on</strong>. For the table grape assessment manymature vines were available from which to select canes. In the repository collecti<strong>on</strong> most of thevines were <strong>on</strong>ly 1 year old and <strong>on</strong>ly duplicate vines are planted. Thus, we may have inadvenentlyselected less hardy wood from the smaller populati<strong>on</strong> of canes.The results of the DTA assessments of the repository collecti<strong>on</strong> are very interesting. Seyval is<strong>on</strong>e of the most widely planted interspecific hybrid wine cultivars in New York, but its buds werenot very hardy. It has been observed that primary buds of Seyval are frequently killed in the field,but that its fruitful sec<strong>on</strong>dary and base buds allow an adequate crop to be produced (POOL et al.1978). Similarly the rootstock data related well to planting recommendati<strong>on</strong>s for New York (LIDERand SHAULIS 1974). N<strong>on</strong>e of the rootstock cultivars w~ich had higher LTE temperatures thanC<strong>on</strong>cord are recommended for use in New York vineyards. The data for species was of coursemost variable. In general, southern species had higher L TE temperatures than did those fromn<strong>on</strong>hern locati<strong>on</strong>s. However, several of the southern species produced very hardy buds. The'southern' distributi<strong>on</strong> of species like V. nlpestris and V. berlandieri does not mean that thesecultivars are not exposed to very low winter temperatures. Frequently their failure to toleraten<strong>on</strong>hern winters seems to relate to their adaptati<strong>on</strong> to regi<strong>on</strong>s with l<strong>on</strong>g summers rather than toregi<strong>on</strong>s with wann winter temperatures. Such vines will often fail to mature their wood or buds inthe sh<strong>on</strong> growing seas<strong>on</strong> ofn<strong>on</strong>hern New York state.DTA appears to be a very useful tool for the grape breeder. While it will not measure overallvineyard hardiness, it will precisely measure the mid·\vinter freezing point of grape buds. Thus itproduces the kind ofinf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> grape breeders require to plan their crossing strategies and tomake objective assessments of their progenies. We plan to complete the evaluati<strong>on</strong> of the collecti<strong>on</strong>of the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Apple and <strong>Grape</strong> Cl<strong>on</strong>al Repository. The data vllill become pan of the grapedescriptors available <strong>on</strong> the Genetic Resources Inventory Network (GRIr-..l, a plant inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>database operated by the United States Depanment of Agriculture.Literature citedANDREWS, P. K.; SA:-IDIDGE, C. R.III; TOYAMA, T. K.; 1984: Deep supercooling of dormant and deacclimatingVitis buds. 1. Amer. Soc. Enol. Viticu1t. 35, 175·177.BARNEY, D. L.; 1987: An investigati<strong>on</strong> of freezing injwy in dormant, acclimated Vilis canes. PhD Thesis, CornellUniv., Ithaca, NYBURKE, M. 1.; STUSHNOFF, c.; 1979: Frost hardiness: A discussi<strong>on</strong> of the possible molecular causes of injurywith particular reference to deep supercooling of water. In: MUSSEL, H.; STAPLES, R. C. (Eds.): StressPhysiology in Crop Plants, 199·226. John Wiley and S<strong>on</strong>s, New York.GEORGE, M. F.; BURKE, M. 1.; PELLET, H. M.; JOHNSO~, A G.; 1974: Low temperature exotherms and woodyplant distributi<strong>on</strong>. HortScience 9, 519· 522.HOWELt., G. F.; SHAULIS, N. 1.; 1980: Factors influencing within·vine variati<strong>on</strong> in the cold resistance of cane andprimary bud tissues. J. Amer. Soc. Enol. Viticult. 31, 158·161.LIDER, L. A; SHAULIS, N. 1.; 1974: Resistant rootstocks for New York vineyards. NY Food Life Sci. Bull. no. 45.PIERQUET, P.; STUSHKOFF, c.; 1980: Relati<strong>on</strong>ship oflow temperature exotherms to cold injury in Vilis ripariaMICHX. 1. Amer. Soc. Enol. Viticult. 31,1·6.POOL, R. M.; PRA.TT, c.; HUBBARD, H. D.; 1978: Structure of base buds in relati<strong>on</strong> to yield of grapes. J. Amer.Soc. Enol Viticult. 29,36·41.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 329-- - ; WOLF, T.; WELSER, M.1.; 1985: Dormant seas<strong>on</strong> cold hardiness of five grape cultivars growing in NewYork as assessed by differential thermal analysis [Abstr.l. H<strong>on</strong>Science 20, 531.PROEBSTING, E. L. Jr.; ANDREWS, P. K.; 1982: Supercooling and Prrmus flower bud hardiness. In: LI, P. H.;SAKAI, A (Eds.): Plant Cold Hardiness and Freezing Stress, 529-539. Academic Press, New York.REISCH, B. I.; POOL, R. M.; WATSON, J. P.; ROBINSON, W. B.; COTTRELL, T. H. E.; 1986: 'Melody' grape.H<strong>on</strong>Science 21,158-159.WOLF, T. K.; POOL, R. M.; 1986: Microcomputer-based differential thermal analysis of grapevine dormant buds.H<strong>on</strong>Science 21, 1447-1448.

330 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Winter frost resistance of grapevine varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging todifferent ecological and geographical groupsD. ZUNIC, L. A VRAMOV and N. TODORO\1CFaculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, YU-II081 Zemun, SFR YugoslaviaSum mar y: The influence offrost temperatures <strong>on</strong> survival of the buds was investigated in situ during3 winters. The behavior of 375 grapevine varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging to different ecological-geographical groups wasstudied at 3 locati<strong>on</strong>s.The rate of buds killed by frost ranged from 5.4 to 100 %. The varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalisexhibited the greatest frost resistance of buds during 3 winters with very low temperatures. In this group thepercentage of killed buds was significantly lower than in the group c<strong>on</strong>var. p<strong>on</strong>tica and much less than in thegroup c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta/is.Key w 0 r d s: cold resistance, winter frost, bud, variety of vine, c<strong>on</strong>varietas, locati<strong>on</strong>, year, climate,Yugoslavia.Introducti<strong>on</strong>Many factors influence the resistance to low winter temperatures which has been shown bymany authors (LAZIC and ZORZIC 1956; KONDO 1959; POGOSIAK 1967; NAGRU 1971; RATKOVIC1979; TURMANIDZE 1981; CL'IDRIC 1984; AVRAMOY and ZUNIC 1986; AVRAMOV et al. 1987;MlLOSAVJLEVIC et al. 1987; TADlJANm1C et al. 1988, and others).Starting from the existing knowledge about the resistance of grapevine to low wintertemperatures, we report the results from an in situ investigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the resp<strong>on</strong>se of differentgrapevine varieties to low temperatures during the period from 1984 to 1987 in the areas whereampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong>s are located.Materials and methodsThe investigati<strong>on</strong>s were performed at 3 locati<strong>on</strong>s with existing ampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong>s. Thenumber of varietiesy;as different in each collecti<strong>on</strong>. At 'Radmilovatz', 'Svetozarevo' and 'BelaCrkva' 286, 73 and 34 varieties, respectively, were investigated,The age of the plants was. different. The number of developing and n<strong>on</strong>-developing buds waschecked in situ after \-"inters with extremely low temperatures.Analysis of variance was utilized to determine significant differences between the percentagesof killed buds in the same varietal group as well as between the different varietal groups taking intoc<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> the year and locati<strong>on</strong>.Also checked was the significance of correlati<strong>on</strong>s between the temperature limits (0, ·10, -15,-20 and -25 DC) and the degree of killed buds for each of the different groups of varieties. Thedependency is presented by linear regressi<strong>on</strong>.During the 3 years of our investigati<strong>on</strong>, extreme air temperatures were recorded daily fromOctober to April. We also must note that during the ",'inter 1986/87 at the locati<strong>on</strong> 'Svetozarevo'an extraordinarily low temperature (-32 DC) was recorded for several hours.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 331Results and discussi<strong>on</strong>Forclaritylhe results are presented graphically (Figs. 1,2 and 3). We analyzed and presentedexamples <strong>on</strong>ly for 5 varieties which are c<strong>on</strong>sidered models for their ecological-geographical groups(Tables 1, 2 and 3).a) G r 0 u p c<strong>on</strong> v a r i eta s 0 r i e n t a lisThe varieties of this group - Dattier of Bey routh, Red Adacalca, Chirey Bayan, Hindogni andTavriz - at all 3 locati<strong>on</strong>s during the 3 years of the investigati<strong>on</strong> had very high average percentagesof killed buds. The results of investigati<strong>on</strong>s are summarized in Table L the data show:- DJ.lring the winter 1986/1987 in all varieties of this group the highest percentages of killedbuds were determined at all 3 locati<strong>on</strong>s.- Statistically significant differences between the varieties of this group for the 3 years atindividual locati<strong>on</strong>s were not determined.- At the different locati<strong>on</strong>s in the same year, the same varieties exhibited significantdifferences in the percentages of killed buds. This can be explained by the different low temperatureextremes and different times of exposure to these temperatures.Behavior similar to that of the chosen examples was observed \\~th the other varieties of thisecological-geographical group (Fig. 1).b) Group c<strong>on</strong>varietas p<strong>on</strong>ticaThe varieties of this group - Bagrina, Plovdina, Prokupatz, Skadarka and Vranatzexhibiteda middle-high average percentage of killed buds. The results of investigati<strong>on</strong>s aresummarized in Table 2; they show:- The lowest average percentages of killed buds were detennined at 'Radmilovatz' in1985/1986 and at 'Bela Crkva'in 198411985.- In the varieties of this group at the same locati<strong>on</strong>s and years of investigati<strong>on</strong>s, significantdifferences were detennined. The variety Vranatz exhibited a significantly higher percentage ofkilled buds than the other varieties of this group.- Between the locati<strong>on</strong>s and the years of the investigati<strong>on</strong>s statistical differences wereapparent by analysing the percentage of killed buds.- All buds in this group of varieties were completely killed during the \\~nter 1986/1987 at the10cati<strong>on</strong>'Svetozarevo'.- At all locati<strong>on</strong>s the varieties exhibited the highest percentage of killed buds during the \\~nter1986/1987.- Comparing the varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta/is \\~th the varieties of the groupc<strong>on</strong>var. p<strong>on</strong>tica, the latter were found to have few killed buds after winters with extremely lowtemperatures at almost every lcoati<strong>on</strong> investigated. From the varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. pomica,<strong>on</strong>ly Vranatz is similar to the varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta/is.Behavior similar to that of the chosen examples was observed with the other varieties of thisecological-geographical group (Fig. 2).c) Group c<strong>on</strong>varietas occidentalisThe varieties of this group - Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, Cabemet franc, Pinot noir, White Riesiingand Italian Riesling - exhibited the lowest average percentage of killed buds taking intoc<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> the locati<strong>on</strong>s and years investigated, compared with the varieties of the groupsc<strong>on</strong>var. oriemalis and c<strong>on</strong>var. pomica. The results of the investigati<strong>on</strong>s which are summarized inTable 3 show the following:- In the varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis the percentage of killed buds was from5.4 % (Cabemet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>) to 32.1 % (Italian Riesling).

Table 1: The influence oflow winter temperatures <strong>on</strong> the average percentages of killed buds in varieties ofc<strong>on</strong>varietas orientaliswt'"Locati<strong>on</strong>/YearV a rDattier ofBeyrouth%i e t i e 8RedAdacalcaShireyBayanHindogni% % %Tavriz%1.Locati<strong>on</strong>: II Radmilovatz ll1984/19851985/19861986/19872.Locati<strong>on</strong>: II Svetozarevo li1984/19851985/19861986/198737,9462,0590,3861,6624,30100,0026,74 26,22 22,6565,18 64,90 64,0289,83 96,06 87,7848,32 59,70 56,4025,13 48,30 32,08100,00 100,00 100,0023,7868,9788,0752,0030,40100,00en(1)g.o::s",.3 .Locati<strong>on</strong>: IIBela Crkva ll1984/19851985/19861986/198762,36--82,4056,02 61,02 60,08-- -- --80,30 76,40 69,4068,90--65,40LSDo,olLSDo ,05

fOe-30-20-/0yA•9......••:.::: :.~.:•••• .. ~J:",," .... ~" .. ~: ......-:., .. ~ ...."" ........ ~ ........ ... ......':J.Q1~...........1° ~I • ~,,\~.:.. .~'\ '•• •••• •• ~ 1.. ••••• • .,.1.• • ............ U .... ;r..••• :.:: .r~......... ~... .. ........ :~.... • •••• • ••••• :: ........... Z·.. ...........~ ..":...~".: •• ~ •••• ::~t:.l0~9J'36 ••• _~,..... ~ .... _ .... _........ ..... •• ,,0'•••·,·· ,...... .......~. ~: Z ........-4 •• ••.•• •.......... .... ......·t·A:·... ...... ..~..- "" ••• ••: :. .. ........ . .: : ............ . .. .... .. . ... ... ••.. ..... ..... . ..::: ........ .!o ••• :..... .. • ••••••••••• •.: .••• PROLES OCCIDENTALIS• PROLES PONTICA• PROLES ORIENTALIS:;00~:n'§(")(1)'-..<strong>on</strong>~(")(1)o'" 0-g'0';!lri'" <strong>on</strong>~(")o;;ld i A ~I I _75 100 % XiFig, 1: Percentages of killed buds dependent <strong>on</strong> low winter temperatures in varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging to differentecological-geographical groups, Locati<strong>on</strong> 'Radmilovatz',w

Table 2: The influence oflow winter temperatures <strong>on</strong> the average percentages of killed buds in varieties ofc<strong>on</strong>varietas panticaw.1>..Locati<strong>on</strong>/YearBagrina%V a ri e t i e sPlovdina Prokupatz Skadarka% % %Vranatz%1.Locati<strong>on</strong>:"Radmilovatz"1984/19851985/19861986/19872.Locati<strong>on</strong>:"Svetozarevo"1984/19851985/19861986/198726,6342,6084,4436,2528,42100,0046,15 30,91 31,4846,12 + 38,32 31,6093,51 82,14 78,5542,01 38,30 32,6036,20 + 36,20+ 30,08100,00 100,00 100,0058,77 ++64,88 ++96,41 ++46,42 ++49,60 ++100,00en!4 "c.i"::l.I>.3.Locati<strong>on</strong>: "Bela Crkva"1984/19851985/19861986/198738,42--64,0640,20 50,00 46,13-- -- --66,30 61,90 68,4058,40 ++--74,09 ++LSD O ,OlLSDo,05

t·c- 30-20-10y.. . ..'. ..... . . . ---......' ". .'--- ... ~~ '.---'• ..: ++. ~ ••' • .... ~ ..... : ... ~ •••.• ~ ---".. ...... ...... ~.-.~ ~ .......-"''••:',.,,1l.5.2~ : .......... ~ • ...... ~ ~.!>,..-.'" " .~.. .~.......- .....~.~:...-:': ".~.'.2"' ~ "'0"~ ',. I' .... --- • ••'-"'" -=.' ..... ~. ..-..->.-". ....... ...• •••••--;." .> ..••••• ~. ~~ . . --........ .• PROLES OCCIDENTALIS• PROLES PONTICA• PROLES ORIENTALIS:;0(0~.'"~(")(0'-Q.(1)~::I(")(0.,., 6g:~o·;!lOlen~'"~o:;!~ I • I I o 25 50 75 100 0;. XiFig. 2: Percentages ofki11ed buds dependent <strong>on</strong> low winter temperatures in varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging to differentecological-geographical groups. Locati<strong>on</strong>'Svetozarevo'.wu,

-.Locati<strong>on</strong>/YearTable 3: The influence oflow winter temperatures <strong>on</strong> the average percentages of killed buds in varieties ofc<strong>on</strong>varietas occidentaiisV a rCabernetsauvign<strong>on</strong>%-i e t i e sCabernet Pinot Whitefranc noir Riesling% % %ItalienRiesling%..........0\1.Locati<strong>on</strong>:"Radmilovatz"1984/19851985/19861986/19872.Locati<strong>on</strong>:"Svetozarevo"1984/19851985119861986/198712,2910,085,4114,326,30100,0011,00 11,26 14,596,89 11,26 15,2410,60 15,90 15,5016,08 16,99 20,008,50 10,20 11,60100,00 100,00 100,0011,0719,8728,3024,20 ++15,30100,00enn>~5·::s.f>.3.Locati<strong>on</strong>:"Bela Crkva"1984/19851985/19861986/198712,45--15,6618,02 14,82 20,60-- -- --21,65 20,00 20,8630,60 ++--32,13 ++LSDo,olLSDo ,05

yt ·c-30•-20-JO• • ••• ••• •••• •• •••• PROL ES PON TlCA• PROL ES OCCIDENTALIS~:1 .;!:~(")'" "-§.'"~(")'"o~0-g.o·;!:@j;;>~~o255075JOO 0;. XiFig. 3: Percentages of killed buds dependent <strong>on</strong> low winter temperatures in varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging to differentecological· geographical groups. Locati<strong>on</strong> 'Bela Ckrva'.w-.I

338 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4- All buds in the varieties of this group were killed during the winter 1986/1987 at'Svetozarevo' .- Significant differences between the percentages of killed buds in this group were notdetermined comparing individual locati<strong>on</strong>s in the same years of investigati<strong>on</strong> and comparing theyears at the same locati<strong>on</strong>s.- Significant differences were apparent between different varieties. The variety Italian Rieslingexhibited in all investigated years at the same locati<strong>on</strong>s significant and much higher percentages ofkilled buds compared with the varieties Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, Cabernet franc, Pinot noir and WhiteRiesling.Behavior similar to that of the chosen examples was observed with the other varieties of thisecological-geographical group (Fig. 3).Otherv.1se, our investigati<strong>on</strong>s show that the Vitis villi/era varieties exhibit different resistancesto low winter temperatures depending <strong>on</strong> their origin. The most resistant varieties bel<strong>on</strong>g to thegroup c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis, and most sensitive are the varieties of the group c<strong>on</strong>var. orienta/is. Thevarieties which are by origin from the same ecological-geographical group also exhibit differentresistance to Vl1nter temperatures.The frost resistance of buds of grape"ine varieties is also c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed by pruning severity(CI!'ODRIC and BRIZA 1982), trunk height (JURCEVIC and NAKA.LAMIC 1969; MlLOSAVLJEVIC andNAKALAMIC 1969), positi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the cane (AVRAMoyet al. 1987) and the water status of the organsduring Vl1nter (CINDRIC 1975; T ADIJANO\1C et al. 1988). Other significant factors include the lengthof exposure of grapevine to low temperatures and the character of the low temperatures (snow, ice,wind).The genetically c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed resistance to low temperatures also depends <strong>on</strong> the method offenilizati<strong>on</strong> (nutriti<strong>on</strong>) just before Vl1nters with extremely low temperatures (MILOSAVLJH1C et al.1987).C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>sTaking into c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> our investigati<strong>on</strong>s and published data about the percentage ofkilled buds of the varieties bel<strong>on</strong>ging to different ecological-geographical groups during winterswith extremely low tl;mperatures, we can c<strong>on</strong>clude:1. The temperature c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s during the years of the investigati<strong>on</strong>s at all 3 locati<strong>on</strong>s Vl1thampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong>s resulted in significant percentages of killed buds. Extremely low wintertemperatures were apparent during 1986/1987 when ·25 °C was the usual daily low temperatureand at 'Svetozarevo' ·32 °C was observed during a sh<strong>on</strong> interval.2. The varieties of the ecological-geographical group c<strong>on</strong>var. occidentalis exhibited thegreatest bud frost resistance during 3 winters with very low temperatures, which was significantlylower than the percentage of killed buds of the varieties of group c<strong>on</strong>var. pOlllica and much less thanthe percentage of killed buds of the varieties of group c<strong>on</strong>var. orielltalis.3. At locati<strong>on</strong> 'Svetozarevo' during the winter 1986/1987 all buds were completely killed.4. The investigated varieties exhibited the highest percentage of killed buds during the winter1986/1987 at all locati<strong>on</strong>s. .5. In c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> we can say that the resistance of buds of a variety to low temperatures isc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed by a complex of many factors. The ecological-geographical origin of the variety is alsoresp<strong>on</strong>sible for the resistance of the variety to low winter temperatures under our ecologicalc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s: This is also very imp<strong>on</strong>ant when choosing parents for the creati<strong>on</strong> of new adaptedvarieties.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 339LiteratureAVRAMOV, L.; TODORmlC, N.; ZUNIC, D.; RADULOVIC, D.; 1987: IzmrzavaJ\.ie okaca raznih sorti vinove lozetokom zirne 1986/1987 u belocrkvanskom vinogorju. Savremena poljoprivreda 35 (11·13), 565·672 ... - ; ZUNIC, D.; 1986: Oeena otpomosti nekih domacih, novo stvorenih, standardnih i novo introdukovanihst<strong>on</strong>ih i vinskih sorti vinove loze na niske zirnske temperature tokom 1984/1985 godine u uslovimasvetozarevackog vinogorja Jugoslovensko vinograc!arstvo i vinarstvo (7·8), 15·17... .. ; .. .. ; 1986: Prilog oceni otpomosti sorti vinove loze na niske temperature kalemljenih i gajenih nasopstvenom korenu u belocrkvanskom vinogorju. Jugoslovensko vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo (5), 6·12.CINDRlC, P.; 1984: Otpomost vinove loze prema niskim temperaturama. Fiziologija vinove loze. Srpskaakademija nauka, Beograd, 147·174... .. ; J.~ZIC, Lj.; RUZIC, N.; 1983: Ispitivanje vrednosti introdukovanih sorata ikl<strong>on</strong>ova vinove laze ufruskogorskom vinogorju. Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo (37·38),29·40.KONDo, 1. M.; 1959: Morozoustoicivost sortov i vozmoznost razsirenia ploscadi neukrivnoi kulturi vinograda vsevemoi Azii. Trudi NIIV 'Magarac', 8.LAZIC, S.; 1954: Zirnski mrazevi u 1953/1954 godini i njihovo dejstvo na vinovu lozu u Vojvodini PoljoprivredaVojvodine 11, 88·96... .. ; SUPICA, M.; ZORZIC, M.; 1968: Prilog poznavanju centara porekla sorti vinove loze. Arhiv zapoljoprivredne nauke, Beograd, 72, 86·96.- .. ; ZORZIC, M.; 1956: Zirnski mrazevi u 1955/1956 godini i njihovo dejstvo na vinovu lozu u Vojvodini.Poljoprivreda Vojvodine 12, 70-85.LUKTz, 0.; HAGt:, G.; 1986: Os evjariit natiisa szolotermesztesiinkre a fajtak viseJkendese. Szolotermesztes esBoraszat 12,14·18.MILOSAVLJEVIC, M.; VUJINO\1C, D.; SOSKlC, S.; 1987: Mineralna ishrana i otpomost zirnskih okaca sortesmederevke prema niskim zirnskim temperaturama. Savremena poljoprivreda (9·10), 419·424.N AGRU V.; 1971: Fiziologija zirnostoikosti i zasuhoustoicivosti plodovih i vinograda. Kisinev.NEGRUL, AM.; 1946: Klasiflkacia vinograda. Ampelografla SSSR, Tom 1.POGOSIAN, S.; 1967: Fiziologiceskie osobenosti morozoustoicivosti vinogradnogo rastenia. Erevan.RATKO\1C, R.; 1979: Uticaj meteoroloskih faktora na prinos i kvalitet grozdja nekih sorti vinove loze.Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo (29·32), 75·87.TADIJANm1C, Dj.; PULJIZ, M.; BJEKlC, S.; GASIC, N.; 1988: iznaiazenje nekih faktora otpomosti sorti vinoveloze prema niskim temperaturama vazduha u fazi mirovanja. Savremena poljoprivreda (7·9), 449·460.TURMANIDZE, I. T.; 1981: Morozoustoikost i uslovi prezirnovki vinograda. Klimat i urozai vinograda, 26·33.Erevan.ZUNIC, D.; 1988: Ekolosko geografska pripadnost vinskih sorti u SR Srbiji. (Magistarska teza).

340 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4Frost resistance of grapevine cultivars of different originP. CINDRIC, N. KORACFaculty of Agriculture, University of No vi Sad, YU·2100 Novi Sad, YugoslaviaSum mar y: The tests of resistance to low temperature which included a large number of grapevinecultivars showed that the cultivars bore sign of their ecological-geographical and genetic origins with respect tothe resistance to low temperature.The tests, c<strong>on</strong>ducted over several years, c<strong>on</strong>sisted of exposing cuttings of annual shoots to low temperaturein a cold chamber. The tests were repeated three times each winter. following the uniform method and time, inorder to be able to distinguish relative differences in the degree of resistance between the cultivars tested.Most cultivars from Western Europe (occidentalis NEGR., gallica NEM.) had a high degree of resistance tolow temperature. They tended to reach the peak of the resistance in mid winter.The cultivars from the c<strong>on</strong>tinental part of the Balkans (polltica NEGR., balcanica NEGR.) wereunanimously sensitive to low temperature. The cultivars from the warm Mediterranean climate of SouthernEurope (p<strong>on</strong>rica NEGR., balcanica NEGR. and occidelllalis NEGR., iberica NEM.) were still more sensitive thanthe cultivars in the previously menti<strong>on</strong>ed group.The wine cultivars developed from interspecific crosses of European grapevines and American speciesexhibited a high degree of resistance in the middle and at the end of winter while the hybrids vinifera xamurensis were highly resistant at the beginning and in the middle of winter. Both groups can be used as d<strong>on</strong>orsof resistance to low temperature in programs of breeding cold hardy grapevine cultivars.The tested table cultivars were found to be sensitive to low temperature, with the excepti<strong>on</strong> of the wellknowncultivars Muscat Hamburg and Chasselas and the new cultivars Strugurash and Moldova.Key w 0 r d s: cold, resistance, breeding, genetics, selecti<strong>on</strong>, geography, ecology, wine grape, tablegrape, variety of vine.Introducti<strong>on</strong>In many grape-growing regi<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>sistent producti<strong>on</strong> depends largely <strong>on</strong> the occurrence oflow temperatures in winter. However, grape"ine cultivars differ c<strong>on</strong>siderably in resistance to lowtemperature (ZILAI 1981, 1987). These differences are primarily due to genetic factors but theymay also depend <strong>on</strong> the method of growing as well as <strong>on</strong> actual climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s in the period ofdormancy.Ifit is intended to screen for a degree of inherited frost resistance, it is necessary to standardizeall other factors, i. e. the locati<strong>on</strong> and method of growing and the time and method of screening.Even then it is not feasible to assess accurately the absolute values offrost resistance in individualgrapevine cultivars. If, however, all factors are made unif<strong>on</strong>n and a uniform low temperaturetreatment is applied, it is possible to obtain inf<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the relative frost resistance of thecultivars compared. Low temperatures are a potential threat over a period of several m<strong>on</strong>ths.<strong>Grape</strong>"ine cultivars tend to vary in the degree offrost resistance during that period. Some cultivarsare less resistant at the beginning. some in the middle and some at the end of the period. Thiscircumstance imposes a need for repeated screenings for fi'ost resistance in the course of winter(EIFERT 1975).The directi<strong>on</strong> and intensity of biochemical and physiological processes which in factdetermine the degree offrost resistance in overwintering plant pans are directly affected by actualtemperature c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s preceding the occurrence of critical low temperatures (KONDO 1970;POGOSJA]\; 1975; REUTER 1975: MARUTJA" 1978). As temperature c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s vary from <strong>on</strong>e yearto another, screenings should be repeated for several years in order to secure reliable results.The objective of this investigati<strong>on</strong> was to establish differences in the degree offrost toleranceam<strong>on</strong>g grapevine cultivars differing in geographic and genetic origins.

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 341Investigated cultivars and number of years investigatedGroup Cultivar prime name Syn<strong>on</strong>yms (parents)Number ofyearsinvestigatel1. Cultivarsiriginatir.g 1. Pinot gris RuHi.nder 9from 2. Pinot blanc Weissburgunder 9West 3. Pinot nair Blauer Spatburgunder 8Europe 4. Chard<strong>on</strong>nay 95. Traminer 96. Riesling Rhein- Riesling7. Italian Rizling Welschriesling8. Muller-Thurgau 99. Sauvign<strong>on</strong> 910. Muscat Ott<strong>on</strong>el 911. Cabernet sauvign<strong>on</strong> 912. Merlot2. Ancient 1. Medenac beli H<strong>on</strong>igler 7Balkan 2. Ezarjo 9cultivars 3. Slankamenka ervena Plovdina arvana 9cultivated in 4. Slankamenka belac<strong>on</strong>tinental 5. Kreaea Banati rizlingparts of 6. Bagrina 6the Balkans 7. Smederevka Dimjat 98. Kevidinka Ruzica, Crvena Dinka9. Prokupac Zarcsir. 810. Plovdina erna Pamid 711. Izsaki Izsaki sarfeher12. Sremska zelenika S zeremi z61d3. Cultivars l. Blatinacultivated 2. Vranac 8in south of 3, Kratosija 5Yugoslavia4. StanuS"inaand south 5. Aram<strong>on</strong> 7of Europe 6. Carignan 77. Refosk Terano d'Istria 58. Barbera 59. Malvasia blanc 510. Ugni blanc St. Emilli<strong>on</strong> 5II. Zilavka 8(C<strong>on</strong>tinued overleaf)

342 Secti<strong>on</strong> 4MethodsIn vitro test similar to that used by MUELL:,,\ER and MAYER (1970), GUZtJN et a1. (1972),EIFERT (1975), CSERNOMOREC (1976) and SCHOFFLING (1980) was used in this investigati<strong>on</strong>.Cuttings of annual shoots were exposed to low temperature in a cold chamber. After sampling30 representative buds from each cultivar, the cuttings were first kept at·5 °C for 24 h and then thetemperature was lowered to -21°C at the rate of3°C/h. That temperature was maintained for 12 hand then raised gradually to room temperature. The tested materials were kept at roomtemperature for 1 week and then scored for the number ofsuT\llved winter buds. Central buds andlateral buds were scored separately.The test W3.." repeated three times in the course of several winters: in late December, sec<strong>on</strong>dhalf of January and sec<strong>on</strong>d half of February. These dates corresp<strong>on</strong>ded to cultivars resistance tofrost at the beginning, the middle and the end of winter.Table (c<strong>on</strong>tinued)Number ofGroup Cultivar prime name Syn<strong>on</strong>yms (parents) of yearsinvestig"atec4. Cultivars 1. SV 12-375 Villard blanc 8originating from 2. SV 18-315 Villard noir 7interspezific 3. Seibel 70-53 Chancellor 7hybridzati<strong>on</strong> 4. Seibel 49-86 Ray<strong>on</strong> d'or 75. Bianka (SV 12-375 x Bouvier)6. GOcsei zamatos (SV 18-315 x Medoc noir) 67. Zalagy<strong>on</strong>gye (SV 12-375 x Csaba gy<strong>on</strong>ge) 98. Kunleany (BCI V.vinifera xV . amurensis)9. Kunbarat 910. SK 77-12/6 Kunleany x Ruiander 811. SK 77-5/3 Kunbarat x Pinot noir 812. SK 77-14/17 Kunleany x M.Ott<strong>on</strong>el5. Table 1. Cardinal 9grape 2. Queen of vineyard S zolOkertekkirAlynoje 9cultivars of 3. Chasselas Gutedel; Fendantdifferent 4. !talia 9origin 5. Dattier de Beyrouth Afuz-ali; Regina 96. Ribier Alf<strong>on</strong>se Lavallee~7. Muscat Hamburg 98. Muscat P0l6skei (Zalagy<strong>on</strong>ge x IGloriahungariex Erzsebetkiralyne emll!ke / )9. Ljana (Csaus x Pierelle) 910. BV 20-473 Muscat de St. Vallier 911. Strugurash (Koarna njagra x Pierelle) 912. Moldova (SV 12-375 x Guzalj kara)

Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stress factors 343Plant samples to be tested were taken from the ampelographic collecti<strong>on</strong> at Sremski Karlovciin which all cultivars are grown according to the latest cultivati<strong>on</strong> methods (ClNDRIC el at. 1986).The investigati<strong>on</strong> was commenced in 1980/81 when the plants started to bear fruit and it wasc<strong>on</strong>tinued for several years. Most cultivars were tested for 9 years, as presented in the tabie.Let it be emphasized <strong>on</strong>ce again that all cultivars were tested uniformly with respect tomethod and time. Therefore, the results should indicate those differences am<strong>on</strong>g the cultivarswhich are genetically c<strong>on</strong>trolled.The table presents some basic data for the cuitivars tested. The cultivars had been groupedaccording to their origin, locati<strong>on</strong> oflarge-scale commercial produCti<strong>on</strong> or their use.Results1. Cultivars origi nating from Western EuropeAccording to their ecological-geographicai classificati<strong>on</strong>, the cultivars from Western Europebel<strong>on</strong>g to c<strong>on</strong>varietas occide17lalis NEGR. (NEGRtJL 1956), subc<strong>on</strong>varietas galJica NEM. (NEMETH1976; CSEPREGI and ZILAI 1976). In general, these cultivars exhibited a relatively high degree offrost resistance (Fig. 1). Regarding the three dates of testing. their resistance was highest in midwinter and lowest at the beginning of wimer. A high level of resistance was exhibited by the cultivarsRiesling. Traminer and the cultivars from c<strong>on</strong>culta Pinot (Po gris, P. blanc. P. nair andChard<strong>on</strong>nay). A somewhat lower resistance was displayed by Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, Italian Riesling andMUlier Thurgau. The cultivars Muscat Du<strong>on</strong>el and Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong> had a different pattern ofresistance in the course of winter - they reached the peak of the resistance in the sec<strong>on</strong>d half ofFebruary and nor in mid January as the other cultivars in this group. CSEPREGI and ZILAi (1976)did nor class Muscat Dn<strong>on</strong>el in the same group with the other cultivars but in c<strong>on</strong>varietas oriel1lalis1'\EGR.; subc<strong>on</strong>yarietas caspica 1'\EGR., al<strong>on</strong>g with the cultivar Chasselas. This appears to be correctsince Muscat Dn<strong>on</strong>e} and Chasselas share not <strong>on</strong>ly a number of morphological characters but alsothe pattern of frost resistance which is characteristic for the cultivars of subc<strong>on</strong>varietas cas picaNEGR. (CINDRIC er al. 1987). This supports the opini<strong>on</strong> of GALET (1958) that Muscat Dn<strong>on</strong>eldraws origin from Chasselas.It should be menti<strong>on</strong>ed .that the cultivar .Merlot had a perceptibly lower resistance in themiddle and at the end of winter than Cabernet Sauvign<strong>on</strong>, in spite of a number of similaritiesbetween the two cultivars.2. Old Balkan cultivarsFig. 2 shows the results of the cold tests for cultivars grown in the c<strong>on</strong>tinental part of theBalkans. According to their ecological-geographical classificati<strong>on</strong>, .r-.;EMETH (1976), CSEPREGI andZILAI (1976) classed them in c<strong>on</strong>varietas pomica ~EGR., subc<strong>on</strong>varietas balcanica NEGR. Ingeneral, theil' resistance to low temperature was low. :Kamely, most of them exhibited anexcepti<strong>on</strong>ally low degree of resistance at the beginning of ",inter and a somewhat higher resistancein the sec<strong>on</strong>d half of winter. In the climatic c<strong>on</strong>diti.<strong>on</strong>s of their original habitat, these cultivars couldbe grown successfully <strong>on</strong>ly when hilled before wimer. After the introducti<strong>on</strong> of modern cultivati<strong>on</strong>methods which imply high training and the omissi<strong>on</strong> of hilling as a regular agrotechnical practice,the productivity of these cultivars became quite unstable. This, in additi<strong>on</strong> to a somewhat lowerwine quality, was an important reas<strong>on</strong> why these cultivars were aband<strong>on</strong>ed from commercialproducti<strong>on</strong> in the last several decades.3. CUlth'ars originating from southern parts of Yugoslavia andSouthern EuropeFig. 3 shows the tested cultt\'ars which are grown in wann regi<strong>on</strong>s of South em Europe. Thosewere well-known Southern French cultivars Aram<strong>on</strong> and Carignan, classed in c<strong>on</strong>varietas


t::J t- ~Cl '"".. :::.c:..,c:iii " Q~ ~ ~..,•Totally frozen budsD.. Partly f roz en budsAlive buds0'l.~11>!!!.~~n11>"-[11>~n11>o"" 0-S"o·~ri<strong>on</strong>orp;>no;1o I (-:1HedenaclJeliEzerjo Stanka -menkacryenaSlanka -men/wbelaKreacaBagrina Smederevka Kevidinka ProkUpar.I'/ovdinacrnaIzsakiSremskazelenikaFig. 2: Results of cold tests with ancient Balkan cultivars grown in the c<strong>on</strong>tinental part of the Balkans.(;.>-""U>