B-17 Pilots Manual.pdf

B-17 Pilots Manual.pdf

B-17 Pilots Manual.pdf


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IIiTEM'ILLER9Aas,es)le,e-USB OXYGBNFor normal operation the" Auto-Mix"should always be turned to "ON"position as shown here. This assuresa proper mixture of oxygen with theoutside air. When" Auto.Mix" is"OFF" the regulator will furnish pureoxygen on demand.INTB..LIGBNT..'YU,.p'op."y fitt.d mall o..clfa, '.oh byholding,humbov.,mo.1 ho..; dl,conn.,' Rtt'n.ond ,.hol. .ormolly.< .~S~.y~'~/P,'o,'0 tnoh'.Iw.y. chod'hi. burl.dcoli..,I'm'"b. TIGHT.To get oxygen, place the endconnection of mask hose into thefitting, on end of feede, hosecoming from the DemandRegulator.3. Check to see that there is a portable "walk-around"unit at each station, filled to 400 pounds, and in workingorder.4. Check system pressure before flight; it should be400 pounds.5. Check function of demand regulator in both "ON"and "OFF" positions. Flow gage should function whenauto-mix is "OFF."6. Check knurled collar on elbow connecting mask,hose to regulator for tightness.7. Open emergency valve to check flow; then close.This valve should not be open except in case of emergency.8. Turn regulator to auto-mix "ON" position.9. Use auto-mix "OFF" only -When oxygen officer advises the use of pure oxygenbefore take-off, in which case, use it all theway up as protection against "bends."When treating men for shock, loss of blood, or asprotection against poisonous gas.10. Start using oxygen at 10,000 feet. At night useoxygen from ground up, with auto-mix in "ON" position.11. In flight above 10,000 feet, always use "walkaround"unit when moving from one station to another.If Regulator fails to function, tu,n onEmergency Valve. This allows a constantflow of oxygen to the mask.di,ect from the supply line. Flow in.dicato, will not operate under thiscondition, ond oxygen will flow fromthe supply line at a higher ,ate.Watch your p,essu,e gage.!)~Figure 16 -Use of OxygenCAUTIONEXERCISE EXTREMECAUTION TO INSURE THAT OXYGENEQUIPMENT DOES NOT BECOME CON-TAMINATED WITH OIL OR GREASE.FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULTWHEN EVEN SLIGHT TRACES OF OILOR GREASE COME IN CONTACT WITHOXYGENUNDER PRESSURE.1. Have your own mask which has been checked forfit by the oxygen officer.2. Carry your bail-out cylinder charged to 1800pounds.To use portable unit;first: Check pressuregage of portable unit;2nd: Inha Ie deeply,then disconnect maskfrom regular hose andquickly open springcover of regulator connectionand snap inmale fitting on end ofmask hose. Clamp port~able unit to clothing.DON'1 DELAY-When pointer on pressuregage reaches redarea refill cylinder.Figure <strong>17</strong> - Portable Oxygen Unit in Use11

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