Redemptioners - German Genealogical Services

Redemptioners - German Genealogical Services

Redemptioners - German Genealogical Services


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.j.iThomas..Pennsylvania <strong>German</strong> Society.Date. Name. From thePort ofTo Whom Indentured.Oct. 8*^Kremewald, Jacob, assignedby Jacob Barge.William Harry and hisassigns.Creus, Benjamin London .... John Wood and his assigns.Snuke, John ' John Harken and his assigns.Kirby, Charles Michael DawsonHarding, Thomas,^ assigned Charles Pemberton and his assigns.by Capt. James Garregues.jPontin, Elizabeth ^ Mary Murgatroyd and her assigns.Jordan, George ' Rotterdam. . Adam Kochard and his assignsSenftin, Barbara^ Rotterdam.. Philip Oldwilder and his assigns.October 9 Cain Barnard Ireland George Davis and his assigns..Schrodter, Johan Daniel Rotterdam. .]Ludwick Kuhn and his assigns.Schrodter, Johan Daniel....Trube, Juliana 'Stohes, Robert. .McCarthy, John.RotterdamJacob Shoemaker and his assigns.George Heald and his assigns...William Proctor and his assigns.Ephraim Blain and his assigns- .Young, John George ^ John Eshelman and his assigns. .Young, John George John Hawry and his assigns. . . .Young, Maria Elizabeth'.... Jacob Eshelman and his assigns.Moyer, John Peter Wolfe and his assignsGauffman, Jacob Atmore and his assignsjOctober 10"Young, Jacob, and Maria Rotterdam.Barbara, his wife.Kurtz, John RotterdamMiller, George, and Anna Rotterdam.Barbara, his wife.Miller, David ' RotterdamJacob Stahlv and his assigns.John Cramer and his assigns.John Bishop and his assigns.John Bishop and his assigns.Schnyder, Conrad ' RotterdamSchnyder, Anna^ Rotterdam.October 11" Hamill, John Ireland ...Hamill, JohnDuff, James ' Ireland . .Troan, ThomasSchell, Alexander London . .John Bishop and his assigns...John Bishop and his assigns...Robert Graj' and his assigns...Samuel Woods and his assigns.Samuel Wilson and his assigns.Andrew Scott and his assigns. .Michael Gitts and his assigns..

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