Davco Lankolatex 751 data sheet - Waterproofing Warehouse

Davco Lankolatex 751 data sheet - Waterproofing Warehouse

Davco Lankolatex 751 data sheet - Waterproofing Warehouse


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SBR ADDITIVEFOR MORTAR SYSTEMS<strong>751</strong>LANKOLATEXA D D I T I V EDESCRIPTION:Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> is a flexible SBRadditive designed for use with Lankomortar systems. Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> willimprove the strength, increase theadhesion, water resistance and flexibilityof any mortar system to which it is added.USES:Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> may be used as anadditive with Lanko Cement basedtechnical mortars, in particular mortars forscreeding, rendering, patching and repair.Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> can be used inconjunction with neat cement as a bondingcoat prior to the application of any mortarsystem. Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> can also beused as an additive for any of <strong>Davco</strong>’srange of ceramic tile adhesives andgrouts.TEST DATA:Properties:Appearance:Specific Gravity of Mix:Tensile Strength (28 days):Working Time of Mortars:Drying Time of Mortars:White Liquid1.00kg/L1.8MPa5 – 20 mins4 – 6 hoursSURFACE PREPARATION:• Surfaces, must be dry, structurallysound, clean, free of dust, dirt, wax,oil, grease, asphalt, mastic, latexcompounds, adhesives, paint, gypsumbased products, and othercontaminants.• All concrete sub-floors must be fullycured and dry, in accordance withAS1884-1985 (maximum moisturecontent 5.5% or 70% humidity). Theymust be free of laitance, loose ordeteriorated concrete, curing or formrelease agents, other contaminantsand have a wood float finish. For subfloorswith a high moisture content orsubject to rising damp, apply Lanko531 Epoxy Moisture Barrier. Refer to<strong>data</strong><strong>sheet</strong> for specific instructions.• Non-porous surfaces, such as powertrowelled or steel floated concrete,must be primed with Lanko 531 EpoxyMoisture Barrier or <strong>Davco</strong> Ultrabond.Alternatively, they can be acid etchedor mechanically abraded.• Deeply contaminated substrates mustbe abraded to a clean, sound surfaceor some substrates can be preparedwith the use of <strong>Davco</strong> Ultrabond – abonding coat for contaminatedsurfaces. Contact the Lanko TechnicalAdvisory Line for further details on thesuitability of Ultrabond over differentcontaminants.• Rendered surfaces must be allowed tocure for at least 7 days.• Old concrete and rendered surfacesmust be thoroughly cleaned prior tousing Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong>.• Ensure release agents are removedfrom cement surfaces, especially tiltupslabs.MIXING INSTRUCTIONS:• Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> needs to bediluted prior to use. Under mostcircumstances, it is recommended todilute Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> 1 partwith 2 parts water. This is then mixedand gauged, according to the specificmortar being used – refer to individualproducts for exact mix details.APPLICATION TECHNIQUES:• Refer to individual mortar <strong>data</strong><strong>sheet</strong>sfor details on application techniques.COVERAGE:1 part of Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> is dilutedwith 2 parts of water for most applications.Refer to individual products for specificcoverage details.CLEAN-UP INSTRUCTIONS:• Excess Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> andtools can be cleaned with water priorto drying.PRECAUTIONS:• Do not allow the product to freeze.• Do not use the product intemperatures below 5 0 C or above35 0 C.• Not to be used over non-poroussurfaces, such as power trowelled orsteel floated concrete. Refer to surfacepreparation section for instructions.January 2004 Page 1

SBR ADDITIVEFOR MORTAR SYSTEMS<strong>751</strong>LANKOLATEXA D D I T I V E• Do not use on highly porous slabs orin hot windy conditions without priorwetting down the slab – seeapplication instructions for theindividual mortar product for specificapplication information.PACKAGING:1L and 5L Jerry Cans, 20L Plastic Pailswith pourer spout lids.DISCLAIMER:The use of this product is beyond the manufacturer’s control,and liability is restricted to the replacement of materialproven faulty. The manufacturer is not responsible for anyloss or damage arising from incorrect usage. Allworkmanship must be carried out in accordance with <strong>Davco</strong>’sspecific instructions.The information contained herein is to the best of ourknowledge true and accurate. No warranty is implied or givenas to its completeness or accuracy in describing theperformance or suitability of the product for a particularapplication. Users are asked to check that the literature intheir possession is the latest issue.SHELF LIFE / STORAGE:• Storage: must be stored in a cool, dryelevated place and protected fromhigh humidity.• Shelf Life: Up to 12 months inunopened containers, if stored asspecified aboveENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETYPRECAUTIONS:• Lanko <strong>751</strong> <strong>Lankolatex</strong> is nonhazardous,according the AustralianDangerous Goods Regulations ForTransport By Rail And Road.• Care should be taken when handling,that applicators wear PVC or similargloves and safety goggles.• For a full MSDS on this product,contact the Lanko Technical AdvisoryLine.TECHNICAL SERVICE:For application procedures or surfaceconditions not specified above, pleasecontact the Lanko Technical Advisory Lineon 1800 653 347 or visit our website onwww.lanko.com.au.January 2004 Page 2

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