Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Aug 12 - Everything Epping Forest


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<strong>Everything</strong> <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>Page 16 of 23The design will be brought to life by professional graphic designers and will cover theentire bus.The winner will also have the opportunity to accompany the bus on the parade. They willalso receive four tickets for the grandstand at St Paul's.The design should be based around the four core values of the Jack Petchey Foundation- Encouragement, Motivation, Inspiration and Recognition.Lee said: "You don't have to be an excellent designer or illustrator, it's more aboutcreativity in a big and bold design and being adventurous."The judging will be done in conjunction with Dominic Reid OBE, Pageantmaster of theLord Mayor's Show.The closing date is Friday, September 21.Entries must be sent to Lee Thompson, Jack Petchey Foundation, Exchange House, 13-14 Clements Court, Clements Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 2QY, or emaillthompson@petchey.co.uk.More information about the competition visit www.jackpetcheyfoundation.org.ukColourful entries at society show4.14pm - 11th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>FLOWERS and vegetables, cakes and preserves were on show at CoopersaleHorticultural Society's show.Among the first prize winners were Letitia Berry for her jar of strawberry jam and ValerieMarks for her fruit cake while Myra Amos took first prize in two floral art classes and alsoreceived a first prize for her petite floral display.There was also a raffle and visitors to the show at Coopersale Village Hall today couldalso buy handmade greetings cards and refreshments.For a slideshow of pictures, click hereFor details on how to order any of the pictures featured, emaileverythingeppinggforest@googlemail.com or ring David Jackman on 07710447868.Ongar man given memorial tribute4.<strong>12</strong>pm - 11th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>A MEMORIAL bench has been unveiled in Ongar Cemetery in tribute to much loved andpopular Ongar man Richard 'Dick' Argent.Dick, 71, spent his life working in and around Ongar and at the time of his death in 2011was a groundsman for Ongar Town Council which brought him into contact with manymembers of the public.His primary responsibility was maintaining the town cemetery so it is a fitting location forthis tribute from his friends and colleagues.Following his death a fund was created and publicised by some friends and donationswere invited. Over £1,100 was received, a mark of the high regard in which he was held.Before inviting Dick's wife, Bessie, and daughter, Lynn, to unveil the bench, fundadministrator Peter 'Snowy' Evans thanked those present, about 20 including towncouncil chairman Diana Roberts and deputy town council clerk Judith Cook for attendingand all those who contributed to the fund.He also thanked the council for granting permission to install the bench.Acknowledgment was also given to Michael Wager for securing the bench with the help ofSean Calver, of the council's staff and to Martin Shaw, Poulton's Funeral Services andBarclays Bank for acting as receiving points for donations.Bessie Argent, son-in-law Steve Smith and family pet Barny enjoy the bench clickhereShops and flats plan for High Street7.49am - 11th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>PLANS have been unveiled for a development of shops and flats in Ongar High Street.A planning application has been submitted to <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> District Council by D. G.Property Consultants for land next to Central House.The proposal is to demolish the existing outbuilding and replace it with a buildingconsisting of two shops and five flats.The application will be considered by Ongar Town Council before a decision is taken bythe district council.Residents voice Green Belt fears1.16pm - 10th <strong>Aug</strong>ust 20<strong>12</strong>CHIGWELL residents have reacted angrily to a suggestion that Green Belt land in andaround Chigwell could be used for housing.The wording in <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> District Council's 'issues and options' questionnaire onplanning in the district that four sites in Chigwell have been identified for possibledevelopment has sparked opposition from residents.One option in the consultation document is that Green Belt land could be released.Chigwell Residents Association chairman Eddie Bow said such actions would be "totallyinappropriate" and "foolish".He said: "The four sites identified in Chigwell are totally inappropriate for housing."To suggest that Chigwell could accommodate 1,250 more houses is foolish. Suchbuilding around the centre would destroy the character of the village, and there is just notthe space to build any suitable infrastructure in terms of school capacity, wateravailability, or roads and transport facilities."Such a whole scale grabbing of Green Belt land would be completely destructive on thevisual impact and the harmony of Chigwell."The four Chigwell sites identified in the consultation document are the farmland betweenCourtland Drive and the Central Line (with the suggestion it could have 355 houses), theMetropolitan Police Sports Club grounds (suggestion 575 houses); the Glebe Land (thefield facing the Bluebell restaurant - suggestion 54 houses) and the farm fields east ofChigwell County Primary School, alongside Vicarage Lane (suggestion 290 houses).The residents' association is holding a meeting at St Mary's Church, High Road, Chigwell,for its members on Thursday, <strong>Aug</strong>ust 23 (7.30pm).Mr Bow said: "Many of our residents have not realised the threat to our neighbourhood.The <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> District Council document is available online but many of our membersare finding it difficult to locate all the information, and others are not yet even aware of thepotential danger."It is vital that Chigwell residents respond to the consultation to express their views aboutthese proposals, and so we shall be trying to work with them to devise a united strategy."We are working with Chigwell councillors and hope to hold series of meetings to alert allour residents to these unacceptable suggestions."Hospice secures Children in Need grant01/10/20<strong>12</strong>

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