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2010Rifles and ShotgunsAmmunition
2010Winchester ® Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition AccessoriesSummary 2Model 70 Bolt-Action Rifles 6-11Rifle Ammunition Families 36-39Accessories 66Introduction 4-5Model 94 Lever-Action Rifles 12-15Rifle Ammunition 40-45.22 Wildcat Bolt-Action Rifles 16-17Ballistic Tables 46-7SXR Vulcan Semi-Automatic Rifles 18-21Pistol Ammunition 48SX3 Semi-Automatic Shotguns 22-27Primers, Shell Cases & Bullet Components 49Select ® Over/Under Shotguns 28-33Rimfire Ammunition 50-53SXP Pump Shotguns 34-35“Traditional” Lead Hunting Shotshells 54-57Substitute & Steel Hunting Shotshells 58-59Guide to Hunting Shotshells 60-61Slug and Buckshot Hunting Shotshells 62-63Competition Shotshells 64-653
IntroductionIn 2010, we celebrated what wouldhave been the 200th birthday ofOliver F. Winchester, founder of theWinchester ® brand. This year alsosees the return of two legendarymodels, the Model 94 and theWinchester SXP pump shotgun.Last year we introduced the updatedModel 70 and this year weare strengthening the line with twonew models.4
®The history of Winchester ® was anintegral part of the conquest ofthe West...2010 marks the bicentennial of thebirth of Oliver Fisher Winchester.Born in Boston, Massachusettson 30 November 1810, he foundfinancial success in the manufactureof shirts, and began his industrialventure in 1857 in the field of armsand ammunition by investing in anexisting company in Connecticut:the Volcanic Repeating ArmsCompany, based in New Haven 80miles east of New York, becomingthe principal stockholder andpresident.Although he was not an inventor, hehad a precise idea of the arms thathe hoped to see produced.He wanted them to be lighter andnot limited to a single shot. He alsoagreed on the importance of safetyand metallic ammunition.Winchester ® entrusted a talentedgunsmith, Benjamin Tyler Henry,with the mission of refining themixtures of powder and mercuryfulminate to improve the propulsionof the projectiles and to producerifled barrels to refine the precisionof the shots as early as 1860.A year later, Henry perfected thefirst repeating rifle with a tubularmagazine. The cowboys and goldprospectors appreciated that.A legendary weapon is born.Winchester ® did not directly profitfrom the Civil War, which lastedfrom 1861 until 1865. Nevertheless,the fact that the army spurned hisweapons encouraged him to favourselling to individuals and to export.This strategy would pay off at the endof the war when Oliver Winchestertook control of the business that herenamed the Winchester RepeatingArms Company ® in 1867.One year earlier, he had createdthe “Model 1866”, with its yellowreceiver, which quickly becameknown as Yellow Boy.A further development of the riflecreated by Henry, was the Winchester® rifle capable of usingcentrefire ammunition with a leveraction which turned out to be avery useful defensive weapon forthe time, but also for combat andwas appreciated for hunting.The versatility of the weapon ledto the sales of more than 100,000in the first seven years of itsproduction.A legendary weapon was born - therifle that conquered the West.Other Winchester ® models followed,fine vintages like champagne:the 1873 (Model 73, .44cal.), the 1876, the 1892, and the1894, the first .30 or .32 calibreWinchester specially conceived forhunting that later was all the ragein Hollywood films.Oliver Winchester died in New Havenon 11 December 1880.In 1901, one John Moses <strong>Browning</strong>approached FN Herstal in Belgiumand the start of today’s relationshipwas born making guns underlicence.Eighty years later, in 1981, theWinchester Repeating Arms ® plantwas purchased by FN Herstal.Thus, Winchester ® remains a recognisedbrand of arms and ammunition.Thousands of shooters – clay orgame, own at least one or use theammunition.The legend continues…5
Bolt-action RiflesImpeccable qualityMade in the USAModel 70 rifles are manufacturedby our American gunsmithsin our FN Manufacturing plantthat produces rifles and machineguns for the American ArmedForces.They are manufactured to theexact ISO 9001 quality standardthat Uncle Sam insists upon fordemands for military firearms.6
The return of a legendary weaponCABM.O.A. Trigger System.Controlled-Round Feed (CRF) Bolt.Blade-type Ejector.Three-position Safety.Hammered Barrel.The M.O.A. Trigger System of theModel 70 operates on a simple leverprinciple. The trigger A, actuatorB, and sear C are shown above.All internal components, axis’s andsprings, are carefully precisionmadein stainless steel.In addition, in order to increasetheir resistance to corrosion, andfor a maximum reduction of parasiticfriction, the sear and actuatorhave received a nickel Teflonplating.This is one of the characteristicsthat allowed the Model 70 rifle tobe chosen as the ”Bolt-action Rifleof the Century”.The wide-jaw puller slides smoothlyand contacts about a quarter of thebase of the cartridge, which allowsperfect control from the time itleaves the magazine and enters thechamber, then immobilises it until itis completely ejected.This proven concept allows theextraction of an unfired cartridgeeven if it has not been completelyintroduced into the chamber.A blade-type ejector allows fullcontrol when ejecting a case. Pullthe bolt back slowly and the emptycase gently pops out, which is perfectfor target shooters and vermincontrol rifles.Pull the bolt back quickly and thecase to exits the chamber withgreater force. The blade-type ejectorhelps to eliminate short-strokingmalfunctions.We have again improved the threepositionsafety on the new Model70. It has proved effective andhighly popular with hunters andshooters for decades.Convenient to operate with thethumb of the firing hand, the Model70 safety lifts the firing pin awayfrom the sear. When the safety isin the middle position, the bolt canstill be operated, allowing unfiredcartridges to be ejected with thesafety on.It engages smoothly, and it allowseasy determination of the safetystatus of the rifle.The barrels for the Model 70 areproduced in the same Americanplant that produces barrels forthe rifles and machine guns usedby the American Armed Forces allacross the world.Each Model 70 barrel is cold hammeredfrom a solid billet of steel forexcellent accuracy and longevity.Rotary hammers shape the barrelaround a mandrel to create therifling.The barrel is threaded, bevelled,and installed on the receiver. Thechamber is then reamed and thebolt is headspaced.Bolt-action rifles7
SearCBOvertraveladjustmentscrewCAPull weight adjustmentscrewTrigger housing2X1Sear retractionspringTriggerActuatorTake-up compression spring2XReady-to-firepositionPosition afterrelease of the firingpinAB2:1 Mechanical AdvantageZero Take-upZero CreepZero OvertravelThe M.O.A. Trigger System triggershoe offers a wide, smooth surfaceto better distribute finger pressure,hence the touch sensation is lighterand more comfortable.Thanks to the new M.O.A. triggergeometry and its 2:1 mechanicaladvantage, when the trigger is displacedby X, the actuator that pullsthe sear back is displaced by 2X.The trigger travel necessary for ashot is thus considerably reduced.Any perception of trigger travel orof overtravel is virtually eliminated.Take-up is the distance travelled bythe trigger shoe before the triggeractivates the firing system and theshooter feels an increase in theresistance in its movement.The new Model 70 M.O.A. Systemeliminates take-up because a takeupelimination spring maintains apermanent contact between theupper trigger boss and the actuator.Creep is the perceptible travel ofthe trigger before freeing the firingpin.Creep has a negative influence onaccuracy as it adds incoherence anduncertainty during the action onthe trigger by causing the triggerto flutter and thus move the rifleduring the shot.The 2:1 mechanical advantagecreated by the unique geometryof the trigger permits the virtualelimination of creep in the newModel 70 M.O.A. System.It may move the weapon from itsvisual target point and interferewith the shooter.This is why the new Model 70M.O.A. Trigger System is adjustedat the factory to have no noticeableovertravel.You shoot exactly where you aim.Bolt-action rifles9
Bolt-action riflesModel 70 Ultimate ShadowModel 70 Ultimate ShadowA modern and extremely preciserifle. The buttstock of the UltimateShadow is unique and very comfortable;it asks only to be tried. Thismodern buttstock is also strong andlight at the same time. It will withstandbad weather and allow you touse it with intensity in the field.Model 70 Classic HunterIn addition to all of the technical innovationsfound on the new Model70, this Classic Hunter versionhas the feature of being equippedwith adjustable battue rib sights.Its battue strip and fibre-opticforesight that is adjustable in allpositions allow rapid and preciseshots without a scope.Model 70 FeatherweightThis classic version of the Model70 is characterised by an angledcomb walnut buttstock ending witha tapered hand guard. It is enrichedby a satin finish with elegant cutcross hatching. A Pachmayr “Decelerator”pad helps absorb recoil.ReferenceCalibreMagazineBarrel (cm)Total weight (*) (kg)Rifling twist rate (cm)535114212 535114228243 Win 30-06 Spg5+1 5+156 562.9 2.925.4 25.4535112128 53511213330-06 Spg 300 WM5+1 3+156 663.1 3.125.4 25.4535109212 535109228243 Win 30-06 Spg5+1 5+156 563 325.4 25.4ReferenceCalibreMagazineBarrel (cm)Total weight (*) (kg)Rifling twist rate (cm)535114233 535114264300 WM 270 WSM3+1 3+166 612.9 2.925.4 25.45535112164270 WSM3+1613.125.4(*) (Average values)10
Model 70 Classic HunterModel 70 FeatherweightBolt-action rifles11
Model 94 Lever-action Rifles®The Prestige of a NameThere are no more prestigiousnames that have been associatedthan those of Winchester ® andthe Model 1894. In 1862, OliverFisher Winchester agreed tocommercialize the Henry rifle.Then in 1893 John M. <strong>Browning</strong>appeared on the scene, accompaniedby the Model 1894, usingthe new 30-30 cartridge, openingthe way to a new era in the developmentof firearms.In 2010, we are launching twolimited editions of the Model 94that commemorate the 200thanniversary of the birth of OliverFisher Winchester, a visionary ofgreat destiny whose name hasbecome celebrated across theworld.12
Model 94 Lever-action Rifles®Model 94 Oliver F. WinchesterCustom GradeModel 94 Oliver F. WinchesterCustom GradeModel 94 Oliver F. WinchesterHigh GradeThere is no better way to celebratethe return of the legendaryWinchester ® Model 94 than by thishomage to Oliver Fisher Winchester.Model 1894 started its life on JohnM. <strong>Browning</strong>’s workbench and wasthe first sporting rifle to use moderncalibres. The Model 94 is reputedto have killed more deer than anyother rifle in the world. More thansix million of them have been soldand it has become the most popularrifle in history, by far.The Custom Grade model, whichcommemorates the 200th anniversaryof the birth of Oliver F. Winchester,is endowed with the choiceof either Grade IV or V Americanwalnut. Deep gilded engravingscover both sides of the bronzedreceiver. This rifle has a magnificent24” (61 cm) half-circular, half-octagonalbronzed barrel.The Custom Grade Model 94 isvery limited. Only 500 numberedcommemorative Custom Grades,paired with a High Grade Model94, will be produced.The Winchester High Grade Model94 also honours and commemoratesthe 200th anniversary of thebirth of Oliver F. Winchester in NewEngland in 1810 - a particularly fittingway to remember a gentlemanwhose genius and vision saw thepotential of a product in the developmentof firearms.The model is richly decorated withfine engravings and carries thesignature of Oliver F. Winchester onthe top of the breech. The left sideof the receiver displays the historicshield of Winchester RepeatingArms ® .On the right side appear the words”Two Hundred Years, Oliver F. Winchester,”as well as the dates1810 — 2010.The unusual buttstock of GradeII/III walnut is finely chequered,complementing the exceptionalornamentation of the silvered receiver.This model is also made in thetimeless 30-30 Win calibre.The first 500 of these rifles will besold paired with the Custom Grade.The remaining limited quantities willbe sold individually.ReferenceCalibreMagazineBarrel (cm)Total weight (*) (kg)Rifling twist rate (cm)53416511430-30 Win8 + 1613.625.453416411430-30 Win8 + 1613.625.4(*) (Average values)14
Model 94 Oliver F. WinchesterHigh Grade®Lever-action Rifles15
Accuracy Recessed Target Crown Adjustable Sighting Equipment Removable Magazine Easy to use and maintainAccuracy starts with the barrel.The hammered barrel of theWildcat is of excellent quality andoffers extreme accuracy thanks inparticular to its 21-inch (40.6 cm)rifling.Other elements essential to theaccuracy of the Wildcat are acareful polishing and a recessedtarget crown.When the bullet leaves the barrel,it is imperative that the final rifling,ensuring accuracy, is preservedand protected.The target crown of the Wildcatis recessed in order to protectthis critical area, which allowsthe preservation of accuracy andavoids damaging friction.The barrel has a micro-adjustablefolding rear sight as well as a bladeforesight.The back of the receiver ismanufactured to allow easymounting of a scope.The forward-mounted releasebutton lets the detachablemagazine drop right into yourhand for easy retention and rapidreloading.The polished bolt, removablewithout tools, has a remarkablesmoothness.The two-position trigger and theeasy-to-reach two-position safetylever of the Wildcat give completecontrol over every shot..22 Rifle17
Semi-automatic RiflesImpeccable qualityManufactured by the FabriqueNationale in Herstal, BelgiumThe barrels of the SXR Vulcanare manufactured by ourBelgian gunsmiths in our FNHerstal plant.The SXR Vulcan is reliable,fast, and offered to you at thebest price.18
Reliable under all conditions!Winchester ® Gas Auto LoadingEfficiencyFinishingDesign and ErgonomicsWinchester ® Locking SystemSystemThe supply-cycle regulation systemensures perfect operation with alltypes of bullets, even with magnumcalibres.• Regulation of the gas system ispossible in order to optimise theoperation according to the type ofcartridge.• Welded gas cylinder for a perfectseal.• Breech damping system thatreduces wear and stress of themechanical parts.Hinged or removable magazine anddrop-down magazine available,according to applicable law.Exclusive Winchester ® sightingequipment with a micro battue stripand adjustable multidirectionalforesight for ultra fast aiming inany circumstance.Mono-block receiver of aeronauticalquality alloy.Threaded receiver for easymounting of a scope.Reversible safety for left-handedshooters.Visible locking mechanism for thereceiver with a red dot situated atthe rear of the arming lever, idealfor a silent locking in the field.The SXR Vulcan has a modernstyle and line, a buttstock inchequered walnut, easy to shoulderand take aim.The black ”W” inscribed on thehand guard as well as the red lineon the receiver are the classic signsof the Winchester ® identity.The locking system in the barrelis made up of seven lugs. Thissystem provides excellent shootingaccuracy, as well as the possibilityof firing magnum cartridges.• The regulating system’s floatingmass ensures a regular supplyand improved reliability.Semi-automatic Rifles19
The SXR Vulcan is made in three famous hunting calibres:270 WSM, 30-06 Sprg. and 300 Win. Mag.300 win. mag.30-06 Springfield270 WSMThe SXR Vulcan is available inthe three calibres that are bestrecognised and effective for drivenhunting of big game.The 270 WSM is a fast weapon witha flat trajectory perfect for roedeer and boar.If you prefer a weapon that beat alltrajectory records for the past century,the 30-06 is second to none.If you hunt larger deer like stag,you will want to take a 300 Win.Mag. SXRWhatever game is to your liking,there is an SXR with the calibresuited to your needs.A battue rib is available for the SXR semi-automatic rifles. You canorder it from your gunsmith.(REF U3177189F4)Precision-adjusted at the factorywith Winchester ® bulletsSemi-automatic Rifles21
Semi-automatic Shotguns3 WORLD RECORDSPatrick FlaniganImpeccable qualityManufactured by the FabriqueNationale in Herstal, BelgiumAs a measure for their quality,the barrels of the SX3 shotgunsare manufactured in the FabriqueNationale.22
The fastest shotgun in the world,12 cartridges shot in 1.442 seconds28 g 56 gEasy Adjustmentof the Buttstock LengthInserts can easily be added orremoved between the buttstockand the anti-recoil pad toadapt your gun to your exactmeasurements.Thanks to these inserts, thebuttstock length can be adjustedfrom 363 mm to 377 mm(Composite version) and from 358mm to 372 mm (wood version).Back Bored Barrel “Ultra Tough Cote” Finish The Active Valve system Gas pistonBack Bored Technology barrelsallow the best performance of theshell.With the SX3, you can fire allammunition types, from light loadsto heavy magnums, and even steelpellets.“Ultra Tough Cote” finish means anultra-resistant finish.The unique metallic grey of the newSX3 is a high-resistant finish that,in addition to having a beautifulappearance, is extremely resistantto corrosion, even in extremeconditions.The SX3 has been redesignedto make it the most reliable andfastest semi-automatic shotgunwith the most reliable recoil. Itoperates as simply as possiblethrough the use of a gas pistonwith an internal Active Valve thatadjusts automatically so that youcan reliably use a wide range ofloads.The gas piston and Active Valveoperate independently, whichmeans that less pressure isapplied to the piston to achievegreater longevity and enhancedefficiency. The extremely shortpiston stroke also limits the amountof combustion gas that enters thereceiver for cleaner, more reliableoperation.With light loads (28 g), most of thegas is used in arming.With heavy loads (56 g), the ActiveValve system adjusts automaticallyand expels the excess gas.Semi-automatic Shotguns23
Semi-automatic ShotgunsSX3 Field 12MSX3 Field 12MSX3 Big Game Combo 12MSX3 Composite Big Game 12MThe SX3 Field is ideal for allkinds of hunting, particularly dueto its 76 mm chambered 12-gaugemagnum barrel allowing the firingof shotshells of different loads, aswell as those with steel pellets.A latest-generation anti-recoil padis also used to improve the comfortof the shot even more.The design of the handle and handguard also contribute to very goodoperation and to the vivacity of thisweapon.A shotgun as comfortable in themarsh as well as in the field, or in adriven hunt for boars or roe deer:the SX3 Combo is the shotgun forall uses. This is how we baptised ourSX3 Combo, a shotgun delivered ina case with two barrels and two handguards. A 61 cm rifled slug barrelideal for shooting slugs, and a smooth71 cm barrel fitted with removablechokes. An integrated track and anextension of the slug barrel allow forinstallation of a scope.The big-game version of the SX3,the Big Game Composite modelhas formidable efficiency for drivenhunts as a result of the followingcharacteristics: great accuracy withthe rifled 61 cm barrel, ultra fastaiming with its special fibre-opticbattue sight and rear sight, andalso an integrated track allowingeasy mounting of a red dot scope.ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesMagazineButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)511063377 51106337112 /76 12 /7666 66Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)FIXREM36.1 36.144 4450 503 351106337812 /7671Invector Plus (3)FIX36.14450351108138912 /7661 + 71rifled + Invector Plus (3)REM36.144503.3/351111438912 /7661rifledREM36.144503.324ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesMagazineButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)(*) (Average values)FIX: Fixed magazineREM: Removable magazine511063361 51106337912 /76 12 /7671 76Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)REMFIX36.1 36.144 4450 503 351106336012 /7676Invector Plus (3)REM36.14450351108038912 /7661 + 71rifled + Invector Plus (3)FIX36.144503.3/351111338912 /7661rifledFIX36.144503.3
SX3 Big Game Combo 12MSX3 Composite Big Game 12MSemi-automatic Shotguns25
Semi-automatic ShotgunsSX3 Composite8 Rounds 12MReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesMagazineButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)SX3 Composite 8 Rounds 12M SX3 Composite 12M 3.5” SX3 Camo Mobu 12M 3.5”This is the hunting version of the”shooting machine” of choice forPatrick Flanigan, the Winchester ®exhibition marksman who holdsnumerous records. A tubularmagazine with a 7-shell capacityprovides significant firepowerin this semi-automatic magnumchambered shotgun, and can shootshots made of steel pellets.511072361 51107237812 /76 12 /7671 71Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)4+1 REM 2+1 FIX36.1 36.144 4450 503.5 3.5This composite version of the SX3presents a futuristic and veryhi-tech appearance. This is dueto the association of a compositebuttstock and hand guard of avantgardedesign with the exclusivetreatment of the receiver and barrelin anthracite grey. The SX3 isalso chambered 3.5’’ (89 mm) forfiring heavy loads, including steelbuckshot.511066277 511066271 51106627812/89 12/89 12/8966 66 71Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)2+1 FIX 4+1 REM 2+1 FIX36.1 36.1 36.144 44 4450 50 503.3 3.3 3.3This model is designed for huntswhere discretion is required, sharesthe same features as the compositeSX3, meaning, chambered 3.5’’(89 mm), proofed with steel shot,composite buttstock and handguard, and inserts for adjusting thebuttstock. The famous Mossy-Oak ®New Break-Up ® camouflage coatingis certainly one of the most effectivefor perfect blending in with all kindsof vegetation.511071278 51107126112/89 12/8971 71Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)2+1 FIX 4+1 REM36.1 36.144 4450 503.3 3.3Buttstock InsertsIn order to perfectly adapt yourcomposite SX3 to your body,buttstock inserts can be placedbetween the buttstock andreceiver, which allow a modificationof drop and cast.Pachmayr ® Decelerator ® Pad26ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesMagazineButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)(*) (Average values)FIX: Fixed magazineREM: Removable magazine511072360 51107237912 /76 12 /7676 76Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)4+1 REM 2+1 FIX36.1 36.144 4450 503.5 3.5511066261 511066279 51106626012/89 12/89 12/8971 76 76Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)4+1 REM 2+1 FIX 4+1 REM36.1 36.1 36.144 44 4450 50 503.3 3.3 3.3511071279 51107126012/89 12/8976 76Invector Plus (3) Invector Plus (3)4+1 FIX 2+1 REM36.1 36.144 4450 503.3 3.3This very efficient pad has thefunction of considerably reducingrecoil during the firing of shotshellswith heavy loads. Shooting comfortand accuracy.
SX3 Composite 12M 3.5”SX3 Camo Mobu 12M 3.5”Semi-automatic Shotguns27
Winchester ® ReliabilityAme Std. ø18,4Ame BB ø18,85The lowest profile on the market Barrels proofed for steel pellets Signature Choke TubesBack Bored Technology barrels allow the best performance of the(Select ® Energy)shell:The Winchester ® Select ® shotgunshave an action frame that offersone of the lowest profiles on themarket.A low-profile action frame hasseveral advantages compared toa traditional one with a higherprofile: it provides better targetacquisition, recoil absorption,weight reduction, and a fasterhandling of your firearm.All Winchester ® Select ® Over/Undershotguns, having been tested withhigh performance steel shot at1370 BAR, allow you to hunt in allconditions and to shoot traditionalshotshells as well as those withsteel pellets without damaging yourbarrels.(Original on Select ® Energy andSporting II Top Cote models)A complete range of chokes.Signature Invector-Plus, top ofthe line, manufactured by Briley,is now available for optimal shotpatterns.Each Select ® Energy is delivered ina hard resistant case bearing theWinchester ® logo.1. Increase in speed and penetrationBy using Back Bored technology,there is less friction between theshot and the barrel wall.Instead of having to overcomefriction, the gas from the powderputs more energy into propellingthe shell, thus imparting greaterspeed to the load.The shots retain their ballisticqualities. The walls of the barrelhave less tendency to act as abottleneck or pressure on the load,the amount of non-deformed shotis considerably greater.2. Improvement of patterningThe ballistic characteristics arebetter and you get exceptionallyuniform impacts with much moreof the shot effectively hitting thetarget.3. 6% reduction in recoilLess perceptible recoil means moreshooting comfort.The shot load passes more easilydown a perfectly bored barrel, andbecause of this the shooter feelsless recoil, which makes it easier touse the weapon. Everyone benefitsfrom the comfort level in the use ofthe firearm.®Over/Under Shotguns29
®Over/Under ShotgunsSPORTSelect ® Sporting IITopCote Signature 12MSelect ® Sporting II TopCoteSignature 12MThe engraving of the SignatureTopCote Sporting II is emphasisedby the TopCote coating thatprotects the wood. This elegantcompetition shotgun featuresoriginal Signature Invector-Pluschokes, manufactured by Briley.Select ® Energy Trap AdjustableSignature 12MThe Select ® Energy Trap Adjustablehas several highly meticulous andsought-after features. The mostimportant is the buttstock withadjustable comb that allows forindividual adjustment of drop andcast in seconds. It also has a wide13 mm strip, intermediate foresightand a system of interchangeableTRUGLO ® TRU-BEAD ® foresights.Select ® Energy SportingSignature 12MThe Select ® Energy Sporting Signature,with its easily adjustable comb,has many unique features includinga set of 5 Signature Briley chokesand an adjustable trigger to adjustthe length of the pull. A choice of 71cm and 76 cm barrels, with 10 mmrib and a competition TRUGLO ® TRU-BEAD ® foresight complement thisshotgun.Select ® Sporting II 12MThe Sporting Select ® isdistinguished mainly by itstraditional engraving that evokesmixed usage for both shootingand hunting. Its Back-Bored barrelis equipped with 5 Invector-Pluschokes and proofed with steelpellets.ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)51306536112/7071Invector Plus Signature (3)37.238603.451302546312/7076Invector Plus Signature (5)37.232 —> 41573.551302436212 /7671Invector Plus Signature (5)37.232 —> 41573.551305136112 /7671Invector Plus (5)37.238603.451305136012 /7676Invector Plus (5)37.238603.45ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)(*) (Average values)51306536012/7076Invector Plus Signature (3)37.238603.4551302548412/7081Invector Plus Signature (5)37.232 —> 41573.651302436312 /7676Invector Plus Signature (5)37.232 —> 41573.5530
Select ® Energy Trap AdjustableSignature 12MSelect ® Energy SportingSignature 12MSelect ® Sporting II 12MChokes Signature made by Briley®Over/Under Shotguns31
®Over/Under ShotgunsHUNTINGSelect ®Light Gold 12MSelect ® Light Gold 12MThe Select ® Gold Light is the luxuryversion of the Select ® Light. Wehave beautified the Select ® Lightwith a gold-plated animal engravingand 2.5 grade sanded and oiledwalnut. This back-bore shotgunand proofed steel pellets come in aWinchester ® case with 5 InvectorPlus chokes.Select ® Light 12MThis light alloy shotgun with anaction frame reinforced withsteel trunnions and insert, showsthe technical characteristics ofsteel Select ® models. Its animalengraving is ultra-realistic. The lowaction frame of this shotgun alongwith its low weight give it incrediblelife and astonishingly quickshouldering.Select ® English Field 12MAs its name suggests, theengraving of the Select ®English Field is both an elegantand traditional style. Like allWinchester ® Select ® shotguns,the high performance steel shotproofing allows you to hunt in allconditions and to shoot traditionalshotshells and high performancesteel shot in equal fashion.ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)51306439112 /7666Invector Plus (5)3738602.751305839112 /7666Invector Plus (5)3738602.751305637112 /7666Invector Plus (5)3738603.151305636112 /7671Invector Plus (5)3738603.15ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)(*) (Average values)51306439212 /7671Invector Plus (5)3738602.851305839212 /7671Invector Plus (5)3738602.851305636012 /7676Invector Plus (5)3738603.232
Select ® Light 12MSelect ® English Field 12MSelect ® Light 12MSelect ® English Field 12M®Over/Under Shotguns33
Pump ShotgunSXP Black ShadowSXP Black ShadowThis reliable shotgun with a modernappearance is available with achrome back-bored 66 or 71 cmbarrel. The Black Shadow, thehunting version of the compositeSXP, is delivered with threeInvector Plus chokes.SXP DefenderThis model is a 6 shot (5+1) pumpshotgun, easy to carry and use.Its black composite buttstockand smooth chrome 46 cm barrelmake it a perfect weapon for lawenforcement. Discreet, reliable andlight, it is already an establishedvalue in its class.The SXP Rotary BoltThe rotary bolt featured in theSXP gives this shotgun impressivespeed.We have used this robustsystem for decades, well beforeour competitors, and we haveconstantly improved it to make itperfect.ReferenceGauge / Chamber dimensionsBarrel (cm)ChokesMagazineButtstock (*) (cm)Drop at comb (mm)Drop at heel (mm)Total weight (*) (kg)51225139112/76661/4, 1/2 & Full4+13544503.251225139212/76711/4, 1/2 & Full4+13544503.351225239512/7646N/A5+13544502.95Aside from its speed, this systemprovides a solid lockup andtightened barrel.(*) (Average values)34
SXP DefenderPump Shotgun35
AmmunitionInnovation andResearchInnovation and research inperformance are the values thathave driven Winchester ® and itsengineers for over 140 years.In recent years, the limits havebeen pushed again with new biggame XP3 ® and E-Tip ® ammunition,Super Speed ® Generation 2hunting shotshells, which continuethe legend born 50 years ago,the Rackmaster ® and XP3 ®slugs, or even the Drylok ® andXtended ® lead-free cartridges thatdemonstrate this unique abilityto adapt to the advances in themarket.36
2010The legend continues…Throughout the 20th century,Winchester ® created magnificentcartridges, such as the .243, .270,.284, the .300 Magnum or the .338,which are all best-sellers.This quest for the perfect cartridgedid not stop on this strong path;we continued to produce productsfor the Short Magnum, such asthe .270WSM, and Super ShortMagnum (WSSM), which recall theincredible experience and qualitiesof innovation at Winchester ® in thefield of hunting ammunition.This expertise is reflected inthe incredibly rich supply ofcartridges for rifles with almost 100references, from the .22 calibreHornet to the .458 Win. Magnum.Since 2009, Winchester ® hasbeen reinforcing its technologicalsuperiority with the innovativeE-Tip with ”E-Energy &Expansion” cavity, a solid nonleadbullet developed jointly byWinchester ® and Nosler thatensures expansion and maximumknockdown power.The new line of ammunition forSAFARI has been designed toconfidently hunt the most robustanimals in Africa. It combines thefamous .375 H&H Magnum and.458 Winchester ® Magnum calibreswith the best bullets on the marketfor hunting in Africa, the Nosler ®Partition ® and the new Nosler Solid ® .The shotgun shells currentlynumber more than 170 options,including 30 produced solely aslead substitutes!Winchester ® had revolutionisedthe world of hunting shotshellsmore than 50 years ago whenit introduced the Super Speed ® ,which then became the benchmarkin terms of speed and performanceover long distances.With the new Super Speed ®Generation 2, Winchester ®continues the legend. The newG2 powder allows significantincrease in speed while maintainingmoderate pressure.For hunting in marshes, theXtended ® cartridges use an originaltungsten-based non-toxic alloythat, due to their density that ishigher than lead, can be shot atvery long distances with maximumenergy.The line of steel pellets cartridgeshas also been expanded to ensurethat you find the shell that bestsuits your hunting style and guns.These steel cartridges and theXtended ® cartridges benefitfrom a Winchester ® innovation,the Drylok wad technology, atechnology that protects the shellsfrom moisture and corrosion.The growing success of Drylokand Xtended ® is confirmed withthe introduction of new 12 - 70mmcalibre cartridges.Finally, the line of sportingcartridges has grown with theintroduction of the Parcours 28g,an incredibly effective ammunitionfor Sporting clays with itsextremely high speed. The targetshotshells are also available in steelpellets.Their ballistic performances areexceptional, with very high muzzlevelocity (420 m/s) that ensureenergy and efficiency even atlong distances, as well as superbpatterns resulting in the nondeformationof the pellets at thepassage of the chokes. Classifiedas standard pressure, they can beused in all shotguns proofed at 930BAR.Whether for hunting or shooting,Winchester ® combines the best ofguns and ammunition.37
RifleAmmunitionFamiliesSupreme Elite ® Supreme ®XP3 E-Tip Accubond ® Ct ® Ballistic Silvertip ®The ultimate Winchester ® linebrings together the latest innovationsto offer the best performance.The Supreme ® products are the best in their class.Supreme ammunition is based on the most advanced technologies and offers hunters every possibleadvantage.Hunting methodsCXP (page 47)All2-3 / all gameAll3 / large gameDriven Hunt & Stalking3 / large gameDriven Hunt & Stalking2-3 / medium gameKnockdown powerMass retentionLead core bonded to jacketAccuracyBullet PointNickeled caseLubalox ® Coating• • •• • •yes• • •plastic tipyesyes• • •• • •Solid lead-free bullet• • •plastic tipyesyes• • •• •yes• • •plastic tipyesyes• • ••no• • •plastic tipyesyesType of upsetPenetration2 Phases of Expansion:4 petals +swelling of the body• • •4 petals• • •quick and traditional• •quick and effective•38• • • Excellent • • Very good • Good See Ballistic Table p. 46
Super-X ®USAPower-Point ®Silvertip ®Pointed Soft PointFull Metal JacketWinchester ® quality and technology at a balanced price.The legendary Super-X Ammunition ® delivers exceptional knockdown power.In line for decades, they are now manufactured using the best production process to ensure a stable andreliable performance that generations of users can continue to count on.Full Metal JacketVery good performance at an excellentvalue for moneyDriven hunt2-3 / medium gameStalking & High seat2-3 / medium gameStalking & High seat1 / varmintsPractice ShootingTarget shooting• ••no• •lead tipnono• ••no• • •aluminium tipnono••no•lead tipnonorapidprogressivecomplete•• ••See Ballistic Table p. 4739
RifleAmmunitionSupreme Elite ® XP3 12Plastic tipResistant to deformationsImproves ballistic qualityJacketIts H-design ensures massiveexpansion and maximumknockdown power, regardless ofthe size of the game345Lead CoreBonded to the jacket for excellentmass retention and highimpact resistanceBoattailFor extreme accuracyLubalox ® CoatingReducing friction in the barreland its coppering.4132Available calibres270 WSM270 WIN30-06 Spr300 WSM300 WM.308 WIN7 mm WSM7 mm Rem Mag5Lead Core Jacket Plastic Tip40
Winchester ® presents its new big game ammunitionA Winchester ® ExclusiveWinchester ® ammunition has beenat the forefront of innovationfor nearly 140 years and is thebenchmark in the hunting industry.Today, Winchester ® pushes thelimits again with its revolutionarynew bullet that is exclusive to itsbrand: XP3The performances are exceptional:accurate and powerful, the XP3gives optimum performance atall distances and on all types ofgame, whether they are light, suchas deer, or more resistant, suchas wild boar, roe deer, and elk, oreven African game.Power & PenetrationWith its lead core bonded to thejacket, the XP3 bullet expandsin a controlled manner withoutfragmenting. The result is excellentmass retention and a high impactresistance, essential whenshooting tough animals, such aslarge deer or wild boar.Maximum effectiveness assured.The XP3 differs from existingbullets with its dual expansion thattakes place in two phases:• phase 1: formation of 4 veryclear petals at the top of thebullet. Very sharp, they remainfully intact the rest of theprojectile and promote rapidbleeding as well as ensuredperforation of the shot game.• phase 2: bulging of the bulletbody for a double effect:-> to increase the knockdownpower of the XP3 and delivermaximum energy and powerin the shot game to stop it asquickly as possible.-> to strengthen the 4 petalsformed on the top of the bulletby providing them with basicsupport. The XP3 bulletis very homogeneous andconstant in its action, even forshooting dense game.Accuracy• The red Polycarbonate tip of theXP3 keeps the end of the bulletin perfect condition when loadingand unloading your rifle, whichis crucial to ensure extremeaccuracy. It also helps to initiateand increase expansion of thebullet• The plastic tip improves theballistic coefficient of the XP3 byalmost 15%• The boattail favours its flightand provides stability for perfecttrajectory, even over very longdistances.• The Winchester ® Lubalox ® coatinghas two major advantages:-> Reduction of friction of the bulletin the barrel to increase its speedand stability.-> Decrease of barrel fouling and,as a result, of the dirtying of thebarrel, to improve accuracy.2 phases of expansionPHASE 1Designed for maximum penetrationeven for large gamePHASE 2Expanding the body of the bullet formaximum knockdown powerSee Ballistic Table p. 46Rifle Ammunition41
RifleAmmunitionWinchester ® Safari, designed for the most robust animalsNosler Partition ® Nosler Solid ®®Winchester ® ’s new SAFARI linehas been designed to meet therequirements of the most extremehunting and to hunt with totalconfidence the most robust animalsin Africa and other continents.123 4 5Each piece of ammunition in thisline provides the energy andknockdown power required forthe most powerful and dangerousanimals anywhere.These ammunition are loaded intonickeled cases and packaged intonew reusable plastic boxes of 20shells.Accuracy and PerformanceWith the H-structure of the copperalloy jacket bonding the dual corelead alloy, this bullet is recognisedworldwide for its accuracy andunparalleled performance. It’sthe perfect bullet for dangerousanimals or large animals with thickskin.12345Crimp on the base to hold thelead core.The rear lead core is bonded toincrease mass retention.H-structure to increase theresistance of the bullet and massretention.Contoured front jacket forcontrolled expansion.Soft tip for massive expansion.Exclusive DesignThe new Nosler Solid bullet hasbeen developed based on anexclusive design and a lead-freehomogeneous alloy.The solid bullet, without expansion,ensures exceptional penetrationinto the toughest bones toreach vital organs and create animportant straight wound channel,even in large animals withthick skin.Available calibres375H&H MagnumRéf : CS375SLSPAvailable calibres375H&H MagnumRéf : CS375SLS458 WMRef : CS458WSLSP458 WMRef : CS458WSLS42See Ballistic Table p. 46
Winchester ® Supreme E-Tip , designed for medium and big gameE-Tip RifleAmmunitionExpansion and energie35412®Developed jointly by Nosler andWinchester ® , the new E-Tipbullet is characterised by itssimple structure and incredibleeffectiveness.Aimed at medium and largegame for short and long distanceshooting, E-Tip offers the bestof 2 worlds by combining a solidlead-free bullet with maximumexpansion and knockdown power.LEAD FREEPROJECTILE123456The ”Energy Expansion E2” cavity is particularlybroad and deep, guaranteeing a full and rapidexpansion in soft tissue, such as in dense organsor the skeleton.The polymer tip that protects the head of thebullet during loading or unloading of the weaponalso helps initiate and enhance the expansion ofthe bullet while increasing its accuracy.The boattail and very sharp profile of the bulletmaximize accuracy and ensure maximumconservation of speed for very high energy at alldistances.Due to the unique “Gilded metal” alloy, madewith copper and zinc, the mass retention of thisrevolutionary bullet is close to 100%, a guaranteeof maximum energy and deep penetration.The anti-friction Lubalox ® coating and specialalloy reduce barrel fouling, which is characteristicof pure copper bullets.Nickeled case for better operation during ejection.Available calibres270 WSM270 WIN30-06 Spr300 WSM300 WM.308 WIN6PROJECTILESA NS PLOM BSee Ballistic Table p. 4643
RifleAmmunitionWinchester ® Supreme4 3452 21 13®1The polymer tip resists deformation in themagazine and accelerates expansion upon impact.Accubond ® CT ® : a bullet that bringstogether excellent accuracy,deep penetration and high weightretention due to the bonding of thecore with the jacket.It can therefore be used fordifferent types of game andhunting:• Driven hunts and stalking.• Medium game: limited upset andnon-destructive exit.• Large game & thick tissues:maximal upset and guarantee ofeffective exit.12345The polymer tip resists deformation in themagazine and initiates expansion upon impact.The jacket is completely bonded with the corein a special lead alloy, which results in variableexpansion and high weight retention.Lubalox ® coating for reduced friction andimproved ballistic characteristics.The base of the bullet, solid and massive, allowsdeep penetration. The polymer tip, taperedjacket and streamlined base promote maximumaccuracy.Nickeled cases for better operation on ejection.The combination of the NoslerBallistic Tip bullet with the exclusiveWinchester ® Lubalox ® coating allowsfor extreme accuracy for hunting andlong-range shooting.The high-speed Winchester ® BallisticSilvertip ® bullet provides the flattesttrajectory and is available for:• Varmints, with a single taperedjacket and pure lead core for instantfragmentation.• Large game, with a double taperedjacket and a core of harder lead forcontrolled expansion of the bullet.23456The tapered jacket and boattail ensure extremeaccuracy.The ultra thin jacket and pure lead core of thecalibres for varmints ensure violent fragmentationupon impact. The double tapered jacket andhardened lead core of the calibres for big gameallow controlled expansion and optimal weightretention.Exclusive Winchester ® Lubalox ® coatingfor reduced friction and improved ballisticperformance.The heavy base of the jacket preventsdeformation of the bullet and serves as a platformfor a large diameter upset.Nickeled cases for easier loading and ejection.Available calibres270 WSM270 Win.7mm WSM7mm Rem. Mag.300 WM30-06 Springfield.338 WM5Available calibres22-250 Rem.223 WSSM223 Rem.243 WSSM243 Win.270 WSM270 Win.280 Rem.7mm Rem. Mag.300 WSM300 WM30-06 Springfield.308 Win.644See Ballistic Table p. 46
Silvertip ®Power-Point ®Winchester ® Super X ®Pointed Soft PointRifleAmmunition22131321The Silvertip ® bullet is ideal forhunting large and medium gamewith the assurance of a controlledexpansion.The Power-Point ® is Winchester ® ’smost popular bullet and the mostwidely used by rifle hunters andshooters for over 40 years. Thestunning simplicity of this leadsoft-tipped bullet and speciallynotched jacket provides a very goodknockdown power on the game.The Pointed Soft Point is designedfor hunting at medium and longrange and generates an importantdestructive upset, ideal forvarmints.12The cap of the advanced aluminium alloytip protects the lead core and allows deeppenetration and a controlled expansion.The notched jacket ensures uniform expansionwithout fragmentation.The soft tip allows maximum energy on the targetwith a rapid expansion.The jacket and notched muzzle enhance the upsetand enable uniform expansion.1 12 23The solid lead core allows an important upset andstrong knockdown power, ideal for driven hunts.3The pointed design allows the bullet to maintainits speed over long ranges.The soft tip allows rapid expansion of the bullet.The resistance of the jacket and core will varydepending on the size and weight of the bullet.The solid lead core allows significant upset.Available calibres Available calibres Available calibres270 Win.30-30 Win.300 WM30-06 Springfield.308 Win.243 WSSM243 Win.270 WSM270 Win.7mm Rem. Mag.30-30 Win.300 WSM300 WM30-06 Springfield.308 Win..338 WM222 Rem.22-250 Rem.223 Rem.223 WSSM243 Win.30-06 SpringfieldSee Ballistic Table p. 4745
RifleBallistic TableWeightAmmunition Calibre Ref GR g Bullet CXPSpeed in m/s0m 100m 300mEnergy /Joules0m 100m 300mTrajectory /cm50m 100m 300m270 WSM270 Win.7mm WSM7mm Rem. Mag.300 WSM300 WSM300 WM300 WM30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield308 Win.CSXP270SCSXP270WCSXP7WSMCSXP7RMCSXP300SCSXP300SACSXP300WMCSXP300WMACSXP3006CSXP3006ACSXP3081501501601601801501801501801501509.729.7210.3710.3711.669.7211.669.7211.669.729.72XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP3XP32&32&32&32&32&32&32&32&32&32&32&39518999308999171.0069149948388928618928428728438629358599247868277977817357657387588047567936887056784.3963.9294.4804.1914.9094.9164.8774.7984.0973.8633.6043.8643.4463.9453.6854.3364.2494.3064.1453.6043.3193.0902.9612.6253.0302.8203.3533.1403.3283.0592.7582.4162.237-0.8-0.5-0.8-0.5-0.5-0.8-0.5-0.8-0.3-0.5-0.500000000000-24.9-28.7-26.2-28.7-26.9-22.1-27.2-22.9-34.0-30.5-33.3375HHM375HHM458WinM458WinMCS375SLSPCS375SLSCS458WSLSPCS458WSLS30030050050019.4419.4432.432.4Nosler ® Partition ®Nosler ® SolidNosler ® Partition ®Nosler ® Solid33447947946836837286646105956044464794436.1286.1287.5527.5525.1454.2826.0205.7283.5501.9313.7183.175-®22-250 Rem.223 Rem.223 WSSM243 Win.243 Win.243 WSSM243 WSSM270 Win.270 Win.270 Win.270 WSM270 WSM270 WSM270 WSM280 Rem.7mm WSM7mm Rem. Mag.7mm Rem. Mag.7x65 R300 WM300 WM300 WM300 WM300 WSM300 WSM300 WSM30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield308 Win.308 Win.308 Win.338 WMCSBST22250CSBST223BCSBST223SSCSBST243ACSBST243CSBST243SACSBST243SSCS270WETCS270CTCSBST270CS270SETCS270WSMCTCSBST2705ACSBST2705CSBST280CS7MMWSMCTCS7MMCTCSBST7CSP765CS300WMETCS300WMETACS300WMCTCSBST300CS300SETCS300SETACSBST300SCS3006ETCS3006ETACS3006CTCSBST3006ACSBST3006CS308ETACSBST308ACSBST308CS338CT505555955595551301401301301401501301401601601501751801501801801801501501801501801681501501681502253.243.563.566.163.566.163.568.429.078.428.429.079.728.429.0710.3710.379.7211.3411.669.7211.6611.6611.669.729.7211.669.7211.6610.899.729.7210.899.7214.58Ballistic Silvertip ® 1Ballistic Silvertip ® 1Ballistic Silvertip ® 1Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 1Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 1E-TIP2AccuBond CT ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2E-TIP2AccuBond CT ® 3Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2AccuBond CT ® 3AccuBond CT ® 3Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Nosler Partition ® 2E-TIP3E-TIP3AccuBond CT ® 3Ballistic Silvertip ® 3E-TIP3E-TIP3Ballistic Silvertip ® 2E-TIP3E-TIP3AccuBond CT ® 3Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2E-TIP2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2Ballistic Silvertip ® 2AccuBond CT ® 31.1619881.1739451.1929911.2379308999309989759519989279308999458008999948998999171.0061.0068388848388508848568148568531.0188751.0488701.0659141.106866839862931911891927866872843885744844928843842862940933786824784792819797757793803773675829735843774853747725736806792778795753765738772-7418067377367578177986867106826836986866506747072.1841.7382.4542.7402.5313.0612.7293.6403.6673.6404.1984.3174.3964.1983.8944.4824.1914.3393.6304.7164.7984.7164.7164.9094.9164.9194.0973.7984.0973.9363.7983.5643.6053.5645.3121.6801.3641.9582.3312.0192.5732.1793.1583.1893.1313.6513.7683.8573.6193.4043.9473.6853.8043.1374.1574.1874.1424.1414.3324.2914.2323.6003.2963.5873.4173.2593.0903.1203.0554.7019688121.2261.6611.2661.8431.3732.3482.3822.2852.7392.8432.9452.6632.5733.0332.8202.896-3.2013.1583.1643.1603.3423.2423.0982.7482.4532.7172.5382.3662.2892.3042.2063.644-1.0-0.8-1.0-0.8-1.0-0.8-1.3-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.8-0.8-0.8-0.8-0.5-0.8-0.5-0.80.1-0.5-0.8-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.8-0.8-0.3-0.5-0.3-0.5-0.5-0.8-0.3-0.5-0.500000000000000000000000000000000000-18.5-27.7-16.8-26.9-16.0-23.6-14.2-26.9-29.2-27.2-22.4-23.6-24.9-22.6-26.7-26.2-28.7-25.4--28.4-22.4-28.7-28.7-27.2-21.6-22.4-34.3-30.7-34.3-33.5-31.2-21.6-37.6-33.8-32.346The ballistics results are obtained on standardised test barrels. The values are nominal and indicative. Results may vary depending on individual weapons
WeightCalibre Ref GR g Bullet CXPSpeed in m/s0m 100m 300mEnergy /Joules0m 100m 300mBallistic TableTrajectory /cm50m 100m 300mRifleAmmunition22 Hornet22 Hornet222 Rem.22-250 Rem.223 Rem.223 WSSM243 Win.243 Win.243 WSSM6.5x55 Swedish270 Win.270 Win.270 Win.270 WSM7mm Rem. Mag.7mm Rem. Mag.30-30 Win.30-30 Win.30-30 Win.30-30 Win.30-30 Win.30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield30-06 Springfield300 WSM300 WM300 WM300 WM308 Win.308 Win.308 Win.338 WM375 Win.44-40 Win.45-70 GovernmentCX22H1CX22H2CX222RCX222501CX223RCX223WSSCX2432CX2431CX243WSSCX6555CX2703CX2704CX2705CX270WSMCX7MMR2CX7MMR1CX30304CX30303CX30302CX30306CX30301CX30066CX30064CX30065CX30063CX30061CX300WSMCX30WM3CX30WM2CX30WM1CX3083CX3086CX3085CX3381CX375WCX4440CX4570H454650555555100801001401301501301501751501701701501501501801801651501501802201801501801801502002002003002.922.983.243.563.563.566.485.186.489.078.429.728.429.7211.349.7211.0211.029.729.729.7211.6611.6610.699.729.7211.6614.2611.669.7211.6611.669.7212.9612.9612.9619.44Soft PointHollow PointPointed Soft PointPointed Soft PointPointed Soft PointPointed Soft PointPower-Point ®Pointed Soft PointPower-Point ®Soft PointSilvertip ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Silvertip ®Power-Point ®Silvertip ®Power-Point ®Hollow PointSilvertip ®Power-Point ®Pointed Soft PointSilvertip ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Silvertip ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Silvertip ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Power-Point ®Soft PointJacketed Hollow Point11111121222222322222232222322232232228208209571.1229881.1739021.0219487779338699339608729426716717287287288238238538878909058179021.0037997998609026703635736226227939568371.0268229018657198467888548748068635855736156156157537527737987868407468188997297297588105613075033443445186775817746756897146106896407107166847184394104264264266226216256356017176166657146026015776433862513769801.0021.4832.2431.7382.4542.6372.7022.9112.7413.6633.6673.6634.4804.3094.3132.4772.4772.5792.5792.5793.9493.9493.8943.8233.8494.7814.7564.7474.8883.7193.7193.5905.2742.9158533.1935655781.0201.6281.2491.8762.1902.1032.4262.3473.0173.0183.0743.7113.6843.6201.8871.8061.8381.8381.8383.3033.2993.1933.0933.0064.1143.9683.9063.9323.1023.1012.7944.2532.0416092.4611721764358186011.0701.4761.2281.6501.6891.9961.9902.1222.4932.6492.5061.0599268838838832.2592.2492.0891.9591.7563.0022.7022.5792.4772.1112.1061.6172.6809684071.3760.00.0-0.5-1.0-0.8-1.0-0.5-1.0-0.80.0-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.8-0.5- Rem.308 Win.CUSA223R1CUSA3081551473.569.53Full Metal JacketFull Metal JacketTT9888538707876626631.7383.4711.3492.9507812.095-0.8-0.300-28.4-34.5TVarmintsFox and smallvarmintsRapid expansion andfragmentation upon impactMedium & LightGameRoe deer and smallboarControlled and fast expansion.Penetrates thin skin, muscles andthin bones.Average, Light & LargegameRoe deer, wild boar and deerControlled expansion adapts to the typeof game. Penetration and maximumenergy for all types of game andhunting.Large GameDeer and large boarControlled and delayed expansion.Deep penetration in thick, hardhide, muscles, and heavy bones.African Game &Dangerous AnimalsBuffalo, elephant, lion,rhinoceros and leopardDesigned to penetrate extremelystrong, thick hide, heavy bones,strong muscles.Target/RangeIndoor and outdoorrange, Target shootingand Match.Accuracy, reliable operation andcontrolled recoil.RIFLE <strong>AMMUNITION</strong>USER GUIDE47
PistolAmmunitionBallistic TableCalibre32 Auto9mm Luger9mm Luger9mm Luger9mm Luger9x219x2138 S&W380 Auto38 Special38 Special38 Special38 Special38 Special38 Special38 Special38 Special357 Mag.40 S&W40 S&W44 S&W Special44 Rem.Mag.44 Rem.Mag.44-40 Winchester ®45 Auto45 Auto45 Auto45 Colt45 ColtWeightRef GR g Bullet Family CXPCQ4255CUSA9MMVPCUSA9MMCUSA9MM1CWC91CQ4270CQ4269CX38SWPCQ4206CUSA38SPCWC381CUSA38SPVPCX38SMRPCQ4196CUSA38CBCX38S1PCX38WCPSVCWC3571CUSA40SWCQ4238CUSA44CBCX44MHSP2CQ4240CUSA4440CBCUSA45ACWC452CUSA45AVPCUSA45CBCX45CP271115124147115122124145951251251301481501581581581251651802402402402251852302302502554.67.458.049.537.457.918. Metal JacketFull Metal JacketFull Metal JacketFull Metal Jacket - Flat NoseBrass Enclosed BaseTruncated ConeFull Metal JacketLead Round NoseFull Metal JacketJacketed Flat PointJacketed Flat PointFull Metal JacketLead Wad CutterLead Round NoseLeadLead Round NoseLead Semi-Wad CutterJacketed Soft PointFull Metal Jacket - Flat NoseFull Metal JacketLead Round NoseHollow Soft PointJacketed Soft PointLeadFull Metal Jacket - Flat NoseBrass Enclosed BaseFull Metal JacketLeadLead Round NoseUSAUSAUSAUSAWinCleanUSAUSASuper-XUSAUSAWinCleanUSASuper-XUSACowboySuper-XSuper-XWinCleanUSAUSACowboySuper-XUSACowboyUSAWinCleanUSACowboySuper-XTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHTTTTTTSpeed in m/s0m 50m276363347302363347347209291259236244216258244230230418323302229360360229277267255229262261326320288332323320198264245226233193247232220220361305287219329329220262256244219250Energy /J0m 50m17549148543449147748520325827322625122532330527127170655953040710051005381461530483423569156397411396409406411183217243207229179297275248247527498483373845845354412488442390515Ammunition userGuideHHuntingThin-skinned game.Massive influx of energy, optimal accuracy andpenetration, consistent expansion.TTarget/RangeIndoor and Outdoor range,Target shooting and Match.Accuracy, reliable operation and controlled recoil.The ballistics results are obtained on standardisedtest barrels. The values are nominal and indicative.Results may vary depending on individual weapons.Full metal jacketWinclean ®Jacketed soft/hollow pointLead semi & wadcutterLead round noseFor over 100 years, Winchester ®has been the benchmark in termsof performance and innovation forpistol ammunition.For millions of marksman aroundthe world, the name ”Winchester ® ”has always been synonymous withquality and efficiency through itsline of ammunition, which is themost complete, extensive andreliable on the market.Whatever your discipline, you canalways count on each Winchester ®cartridge to deliver the performanceyou expect, that is to say—thebest!• Reliable functioning• No expansion• Good accuracy• Reduced fouling of thebarrel• Lead-free primer and noheavy metals• Excellent accuracy• Brass covered baseprevents the vaporisationof lead• Self-combustion gas• Less residue in the barrel,action lever and case• Reliable functioning• Reliable expansion• Accuracy proofed due tothe precise shape of theheel of the bullet• Notched jacket• Precision Match Bullet• Consistent performance• Clean target signature• High accuracy• Lubricated bullet• Consistent performance• Ammunition forcowboy action shootersand requiring highaccuracy and consistentperformance48
Primers Cases Cases#209 for shotshells 100/5000Winchester ® # 209 primers for reloading shotshells in all standard gauges ensure the bestperformance and regularityCWSR Small rifle #6-1/2 - 116 100/5000218 Bee 223 Remington 357 Remington Maximum22 Hornet 25-20 Winchester ® 9x23 Winchester ®222 Remington 256 Winchester ® Magnum 454 Casull222 Remington Magnum 30 CarbineCWLR Large rifle #8-1/2 - 120 100/500022-250-Remington 7mm Mauser 300 Savage223 WSSM 7mm-08 Remington 303 Savage225 Winchester ® 7mm STW 303 British243 Winchester ® 7mm Remington Magnum 308 Winchester ®243 WSSM 7mm WSM 32 Winchester ® Special6mm Remington 280 Remington 8mm Mauser25-35 Winchester ® 7.62 x 39mm 338 Winchester ® Magnum250 Savage 30-30 Winchester ® 35 Remington25-06 Remington 30 Remington 356 Winchester ®257 Roberts +P 30-06 Springfield 358 Winchester ®7mm-08 Reminaton 30-40 Krag 375 H&H Magnum270-Winchester ® 300 WSM 38-55 Winchester ®270 WSM 300 Winchester ® Magnum 458 Winchester ® Magnum284 Winchester ® 300 H&H MagnumCWLRM Large rifle Magnum #8-1/2M - 120 100/5000The magnum primers for rifle ammunition are recommended for heavy loadsof slow-burning powder when extra firing is necessary. For use only in situationswhere a magnum primer is specified.CWSP Small regular pistol #1-1/2 - 108 100/500025 Automatic 32 Colt New Police 38 Colt New Police30 Luger 9mm Luger 38 Super Automatic +P32 Automatic 9mm Winchester ® Magnum 38 Automatic32 S&W 38 S&W 380 Automatic32 S&W Long 38 Special 357 SIG32 Short Colt 38 Short Colt 40 S&W32 Long Colt 38 Long ColtRef PackagingCWSC22HU 22 Hornet 100/2000CWSC22250U 22-250 Rem. 100/2000CWSC222RU 222 Rem. 100/2000CWSC223RU 223 Rem. 100/2000CWSC223WSSU 223 WSSM 50/1000CWSC243WU 243 Win. 50/1000CWSC243WSSU 243 WSSM 50/1000CWSC6555SU 6.5x55 Swedish 50/1000CWSC270WU 270 Win. 50/1000CWSC270WSM 270 WSM 50/1000CWSC708RU 7mm-08 Rem. 50/1000CWSC7MMRU 7mm Rem. Mag. 50/1000CWSC7MMWSM 7mm WSM 50/1000CWSC30CU 30 Carbine 100/2000CWSC3030WU 30-30 Win. 50/1000CWSC3006SF 30-06 Springfield 50/1000CWSC300WMU 300 WM 50/1000CWSC300WSM 300 WSM 50/1000CWSC308WU 308 Win. 50/1000CWSC4570GU 45-70 Gov. 50/1000BulletsRef Grains g PackagingCWB22HP46 22 (.224) 46 2.98 Hollow Point 100/2000CWB222PSP5 22 (.224) 50 3.24 Pointed Soft Point 100/2000CWB223PSP5 22 (.224) 55 3.56 Pointed Soft Point 100/2000CWB270PP13 270 (.277) 130 8.42 Power Point 100/2000CWB7PP150 7mm (.284) 150 9.72 Power Point 100/2000CWB762MC14 7.62 (.310) 147 9.53 Full Metal Jacket 100/2000CWB30PP150 30 (.308) 150 9.72 Power Point 100/2000CWB30FN150 30-30 (.308) 150 9.72 Power Point 100/2000CWB308SP18 308 (.308) 180 11.66 Power Point 100/2000User GuideRef PackagingCWSC9U 9mm Luger 100/2000CWSC380AU 380 Auto 100/2000CWSC38AS+U 38 Super Auto +P 100/2000CWSC357MU 357 Mag. 100/2000CWSC40SWU 40 S&W 100/2000CWSC44MU 44 Rem. Mag. 100/2000CWSC45AU 45 Auto 100/2000All components, bullets, cases, andprimers meet the same quality criteriaand standards of performance as theline of shells.PrimersCasesBulletsCWSPM Small Magnum pistol #1-1/2 - 108 100/5000357 magnumCWLP Large regular pistol #7 - 111 100/500038-40 Winchester ® 44 S&W Special 45 Colt10mm Automatic 44-40 Winchester ® 45 Automatic41 Magnum 44 Magnum 45 Winchester ® MagnumBulletsRef Grains g PackagingCWB9MC124 9mm (.356) 124 8.04 Full Metal Jacket Flat Base 100/2000CWB357HP15 38/357 (.357) 158 10.24 Jacketed Hollow Point Notched 100/2000CWB45MC230 45 (.451) 230 14.90 Full Metal Jacket 100/100049
RimfireAmmunitionVarmintsSubsonic ® Power Point ® Laser Super Speed ®Rodents / Small animalsSmall AnimalsVarmintVarmintSilent due to its subsonic speed,but very effective with maximumexpansion and a significant transferof energy.Power Point ® Hollow Point Designfor maximum expansion. Highaccuracy. Copper-plated bullet,designed to reduce barrel fouling.High speed, flat trajectory andgreat accuracy. Copper-platedbullet, designed to reduce barrelfouling.General high-speed huntingammunition. Copper-plated bullet,designed to reduce barrel fouling.ReferenceCalibreGrain weightWeight in gGrain weightSpeed at 0 m (m/s)Speed at 100 mEnergy at 0 m (J)Energy at 50 mEnergy at 100 mType of bulletCW22SUB.22LR402.59325-138113-Copper bullet withtruncated hollow pointCPP22LRH.22LR402.59386-197143-Copper bullet withtruncated hollow pointCLAS22LRH.22LR372.43418-218152-Copper bullet withhollow pointCSS22LRHT.22LR372.43393-194141-Copper bullet withhollow point50
Multi-purpose: Value boxes of 500 units#12 ShotXpert 22 ® WildCat ®Rodents.22LR shot #12 for short rangeshooting of rodents like rats andmice.Varmint / Leisure shootingEconomical hollow-pointammunition for mixed usage.Target shootingThe ideal lead round nose bullet fortraining in target shooting.CX22LRS.22LR251.62-----Shots #12CXPERT22.22LR362.4372292165-102Hollow PointCWB22LR.22LR402.59383310190-125Lead round noseRimfire Ammunition51
RimfireAmmunitionMulti-purpose: Varmint / PlinkingSubsonic ® Super Speed ® .22 Super Speed ®Small animals / Plinking Small animals / Plinking Small animals / PlinkingReduced speed.The absence of expansionpreserves venison. Rounded tip foran excellent loading. Copper-platedbullet, designed to reduce barrelfouling.New 40 g high performancebullet: ideal for plinking and smallanimals; its absence of expansionguarantees a deep penetrationof bullet. Copper-plated bullet toreduce barrel fouling as well as aplastic ammunition box of 100 unitswith a slide for useful and practicalhandling.ReferenceCalibreGrain weightWeight in gSpeed at 0 m (m/s)Speed at 100 mEnergy at 0 m (J)Energy at 50 mEnergy at 100 mType of bulletCW22SUBT.22LR402.59334-142116-Lead noseCSS22LR.22LR402.59386-197144-Copper-plated roundlead noseCX22LRSS1.22LR402.59396316203-130Copper-plated roundlead nose52
Target shooting 17HMR 22MagT22 ® Zimmer V-Max Silvertip Super-X ® MagnumTarget shooting Target and Plinking / rodents Varmint Varmint - Hunting / PlinkingLong standard velocity cartridgefor pistols and rifles with excellentaccuracy (2 cm to 50 m), whetheryou are competing or training.Ideal training cartridge used forshort range shooting and reducednoise production for indoors targettraining at 10 metres (accuracy:1.3 cm to 10 m).Convenient for conventionalmagazines.Also ideal for destruction of rodentsat subsonic speed.New .17 calibre HMR V-Maxof Silvertip type, for excellentaccuracy and a massive and violentexpansion on varmints, even at along distance. The quickest rimfirewith a flat trajectory and a plastictip for extreme accuracy andviolent expansion. Clean and fullcombustion of powder and primer.The 40 g Jacketed Hollow Pointenables an exceptional upset alongwith an elevated energy transfer.The Full Metal Jacket versionof the bullet guarantees deeppenetration, great accuracy and aflat trajectory.CWT22LR.22LR402.59331-144118-Lead round noseCZ22L.22LR291.88235-49--Lead round noseCS17HMR17 HMR171.1777555332-170V-maxCX22MH.22LR402.59582404439-212Hollow PointJacketedCX22M.22LR402.59582404439-212Full MetalJacket bulletRimfire Ammunition53
“Traditional”Lead HuntingShotshellsSUPER SPEED ® Generation 2The ExcellenceGreater speedand controlled pressure®For more than half a century now,the Winchester ® Super Speed ® hasbeen leading the market as thebenchmark in hunting cartridges,with its high speed, plastic wadand extraordinary performancesdelivered in long-distance shots.Today, strengthened by thisprestigious heritage of this pioneercartridge, the new Super Speed ®generation 2 once again establishesnew standards in hunting. The coreof this new outstanding cartridge isits innovative G2 powder.Only this cartridge uses a perfectbalance between its essentialparameters of the load, speed,pressure and pattern, thus offeringa guaranteed efficiency andregularity that are necessary foryour special hunts.Connoisseurs will finally rediscover,with nostalgic pleasure, thedistinctive signs of this legendarycartridge, like the flat box or thewelded star crimping in its centre.The Super Speed ® generation 2carries on the legend born some 50years ago!Only this new G2 powderspecifically conceived for the 36 gSuper Speed ® generation 2 hasenabled the consolidation of someparameters which were previouslyincompatible: Increase shot speedby maintaining the pressure underthe 740 BAR, which equals themaximum limit for a “standard”type shotshell, used in mosttraditional shotguns.The secret of this new G2 powderlies in its controlled vivacity,translated to a reduced pressureduring its combustion.Our engineers had thus been ableto increase the quantity of thepowder in each shell and therebyincrease its speed by almost 20m/s, all while keeping the pressureunder the limit of 740 BAR.ReferenceCalibreTubeHeadLoadShotSpeed in m/sCHS2136P127020360 2 4 5 6 7417CHS2EX40P12702040Ni 0 2 4 5 6395CHS2150MP127620500 2 4 6385CHS220P207016284 6 7390CHS2232P207016322 4 5 6380CHS216P167016322 4 5 6 7380S : Steel • Ni : Nickeled leadRegularity of patternsWelded CrimpingThe new Super Speed ® generation 2is loaded with the type-”Z” wad with4 compression legs.This specifically designed plasticwad enables an excellent ratio inits regularity of the Super Speed ®patterns, even with the significantimprovement in speed, and even atgreat distances.By welding the centre of the starred crimp, theshell is thus completely sealed and the pellets areenclosed within, perfectly protected while providing agreater regularity of pressures.54
Winchester ®SPECIALBecause you are looking forthe most efficient cartridgefor every game, because allgame do not have the sameresistance, and because thedistances for shooting variesfrom game to game, we havedeveloped a line of products foryou and for these specific huntsnamed SPECIAL.These cartridges, their load,lead number and type of powderwere thoroughly studied so thateach hunt is a success.Special pigeonSpecial chasse Special migrateur Special petits calibres Special Steel CanardThe pigeon is a resistant game,with its dense plumage, for it fliesquickly and far, always on guardfor predators. In order to hunt thispopular yet demanding game, thehunter will have confidence in theWinchester ® Special Pigeon.With its heavy load of 36 g, speedof 400 meters/second and shotnumbers 6 or 7 that are perfectlycalibrated for this game, thiscartridge is your best bet forgreat distance shooting with aconcentrated pattern.The Special Chasse shell is fordriven hunts of pheasants orpartridges as well as walked-upgame. With its 34 g load, plasticwad, 16 mm head and high speed,it is effective for shooting numerousdifferent game animals, and itsrange does a remarkable job forshooting partridges or for highflyingpheasants. The SpecialChasse has the most general use ofany of our specific shells. In number4, the shot is nickeled for excellentrange and penetration. It is theideal shell for hare hunting.The Special Migrateur wasdesigned with small birds in mind(woodcocks, quails, etc.). Its 32 gload, wad cup and speed lessthan 400 m/s concentrates andregulates its pattern so that itscoverage is nearly perfect. Thisshell is gentle to shoot, which isimportant when trushes are flyingback and forth, is chambered in67 mm and may be shot in all guntypes, whether new or old models.The Special Petits Calibres weredesigned to offer a 20 gauge shellwith the same performance as a 12gauge shell. Two shells form thisfamily and they differ in their shotloads, 28 g for one and 32 g for theother. In both cases, the shots arenickeled for greater penetrationof the pellets along with a betterpattern. The Special Petits Calibreswill enable you to hunt all types ofgame at any time of year with your20 gauge!Here is the steel-pellet cartridgesfor high performing hunts thatmany waterfowl hunters look for.Along with its specific wad, 34 gload and 395 m/s speed, thiscartridge shoots a little higher foreven greater performances with itssteel shot ammunition and you willbe surprised at its effective range.High-performance cartridgedesigned for guns proofedwith steel pellets (1320 BAR).CHSPPI12P127016366 7400CHSPC34P127016344Ni 5 6 7.5390CHSMI12P12678327.5 9390CHPC228P20701628Ni 6 7390CHPC232P20701632Ni 6380CHSPDS12S412701634S 4395“Traditional” Lead Hunting Shotshells55
“Traditional”Lead HuntingShotshellsSpecific usage shellsSuper x ® Super xx ® Supreme ®double x ® magnumReferenceGaugeTubeHeadLoad (g)ShotSpeed (m/s)NotesSpecific gaugesThe common point betweenthese ammunitions is to alwaysoffer the highest load possible.Thus you will be able to shoot28 g for the 28 gauge and 14and 19 g for the .410 and .410magnums.CX28H CX41 CX41328 .410 .41070 63.5 76- - -28 14 196 7.5 8 4 6 7.5 4 6 7.5370 380 346Specific gaugesIn 28 – 410 – 410 MagHeavy loads and super heavymagnumAvailable in 12 gauge and 35 gor 12 Super Magnum and 63 g,these shells have benefited fromtheir manufacture and theirdesign that incorporates themost recent loading techniquesand components.CHXX125P CHXX12MP12 1270 8920 2035 635 6 0 2 4 5 6410 356Heavy loads andsuper heavy magnumHeavy loads and super heavymagnumFor the Supreme ® Double X ®line of products, divided into12, 12 Magnum and 20 Magnumwith heavy loads, the shotpellets are copper-plated andloaded with a fine powder ofcomposite materials (“buffer”),which prevents deformation forbetter ballistic quality.CX12XC CX123XC CX203XC12 12 2070 76 76- - -43 53 36Cu 4 5 6 Cu 4 6 Cu 4 6385 370 360Heavy loads andsuper heavy magnumCopper-plated shot and bufferWhen shooting, traditionalshot pellets knock into eachother, compress, thus becomedeformed. A copper coating onthe shot pellets lubricates andhardens them.A “buffer” of compositematerial is mixed into thepellets when they are loaded inthe cartridge, which limits theirdeformation.The “Supreme ® Double X ® ”pellets in the Winchester ®cartridges are copper-platedand protected by a “buffer”to guarantee their sphericalshape, which ensures a tightand regular pattern, even atlong distances.56
Multi-purpose ShellsDispersion and fibre hunting shotshellsRanger ®Special FibreRanger ® DisperserSuper Green FiberSmall migratory birds and gameanimalsUpland hunters and hunters ofsmall plain game will find in thenew Ranger ® the smoothness andconsistency of grouping that havemade this cartridge a legend afterdecades of use.Its new red case with the exclusivestar crimping welded in itscenter for better protection of itscomponents brings together allof Winchester ® ’s know-how thatproduced the famous double-basepowder for increased stability,whatever the atmospheric conditionsmay be, as well as optimaland complete combustion forheightened performance.Available with no. 6, 7, or 8 shot,the new Ranger ® 32 g will be yourideal partner on your hunting tripsfor woodcock, turtle dove, or evenpigeon and pheasant.Dense woods shellA thick wad and high speed assurea long and regular dispersion ofthe pattern while the 34 g loadguarantees a sufficient hit ratioeven if a covering separates youfrom your rabbit or woodcocktarget.The largest pattern at shortdistancesCertain biotopes limit shootingranges to 15, 10 or even 7 or 8metres only.In these cases, the dispersionagent is indispensable. TheRanger ® Disperser, of 12 or 20gauge, will offer you the longestpattern available for these shortdistances.Are you a hunter and environmentallyconscious?The Supergreen was made just foryou. With its paper case and thickwad, this ammunition has a limitedimpact on the environment.But watch out, its 36 g of shot and395 m/s speed make this shellformidable for all types of hunting.CHRA122P126712126 7 8390CHSPF34P127016346 7390CHRAD34P127012346 7 8395CHRD227P207016276 7.5390CHSGR12P127020364 5 6395Multi-purpose Shotshells57
SubstitutHuntingShotshellsSteel and TungstenSteelStandard PressureSteel 32 & 35High PerformanceSteel MagnumHigh PerformanceSteel Special CanardHigh PerformanceFor all steel proofed shotguns(930 bar)With its steel load of 32 g, thisshell is designed for waterfowl andis classified as standard pressure,which enables you to shoot it withany shotguns proofed at 930 BAR.For all steel proofed shotguns(1320 bar)Available for steel proofed shotgunschambered in 70 mm, these twohigh performance shells offer anexcellent compromise betweenshooting speed and load (32 gor 35 g), for maximum energy inwaterfowl hunting.For all steel proofed shotguns(1320 bar)36 g shell cartriges in 12-76 mmavailable in pellets sizes for alltypes of waterfowl hunting: geeseand large ducks (number 1 or 3)and small ducks (number 5).For all steel proofed shotguns(1320 bar)Here is the steel-pellet shell forhigh performing hunts that manywaterfowl hunters look for. Withits specific wad, its 34 g load and395 m/s speed, this is a shell thatraises the performance of steelshotammunition even higher andwhich will surprise you by its longeffective range.ReferenceGaugeTubeHeadLoadShotSpeed (m/s)CSTELO32S12701632S 3 4375CSTEEL32S12701632S 3 5410CSTEL35S12702035S 1 3395CSTEL36M12762036S 1 3 5400CHSPDS12S412701634S 4395S: Steel • Tg: TungstenShells With Lead-free PelletsThe usage of lead in humid areasis now banned for environmentalreasons. Winchester ® , puttingits vast experience to use, hasdeveloped a rich line of productsfor shells made of lead-free pellets(either steel or tungsten), whichoffer exceptional performance whilerespecting your rifles with specificplastic wads that protect the barrel.(see page 61).This season, you will huntwaterfowl with more peace of mindwith these lead-free shells fromWinchester ® .58
Penetration at 35 m120 %100 %XTENDEDLEADSTEEL80 %60 %40 %20 %0 %Density (g/cm3)Waterproof steel pellet shellsThe line of Drylok shells wasspecifically designed to resistoxidation and corrosion, which aretwo inevitable facts of hunting inhumid areas.Developed in the United States,this steel shotshell is completelywaterproof as the result of differentinnovations from Winchester ® .The steel shot was first speciallyFor all steel proofed shotguns(1320 bar)treated against corrosion, the starcrimp was hot welded, its wad isalso waterproof from its bipartiteconstruction, and, lastly, the primerwas varnished in order to preventany humidity from entering.High-density pellets for extreme performancesThe tungsten load is 55% denserthan steel and 10% denser thanlead, which enables it to maintainhigh energy and speed whileguaranteeing excellent penetrationof the pellets at great distances.Due to the high density oftungsten, it is possible to shootpellets with the same lead numberas those that are traditionally usedwith lead shells, which considerablyincreases (35%) the number ofpellets that will reach the target inrelation to steel shells.XTENDEDLEADSTEEL0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14PerformanceSTEELXTENDED10 m 27 m 45 mCXSM12 CXSV12312 1270 76- -35 35S 2 4 S 3410 425CXSM12L CXSM20312 1289 76- -44 28S 1 3 S 3400 405Turkey - Heavy LoadsCSTXS12L CSTXS123 CSTXS20312 12 2089 76 76- - -56 49 32Tg 4 5 Tg 4 6 Tg 5375 375 375Waterfowl - High SpeedCSWXR12 CSWXR123 CSWXR20312 12 2070 76 76- - -35 39 30Tg 4 Tg 2 Tg 2400 430 415See technical information on steel on p. 61Substitut Hunting Shotshells59
Line ofproductsHunting shotshell guideCalibreTubeHeadLoadShot N°BoxPageLarks(where allowed)Robin(where allowed)QuailsSnipeWoodcockPartridgeDovePigeonPheasantJackRabbitsSmallDucksLargeDucksGooseFoxCHS2136PCHS2EX40PCHS2150MPCHS216VPCHS220PCHS2232PCHSPPI12PCHSPC34PCHSMI12PCHPC228PCHPC232PCHRAN32PSUPER SPEED GENERATION 2 - NEWSUPER SPEED EXTRA GENERATION 2 - NEWSUPER SPEED MAGNUM GENERATION 2 - NEWSUPER SPEED GENERATION 2 - NEWSUPER SPEED GENERATION 2 - NEWSUPER SPEED GENERATION 2 - NEWSPECIAL PIGEONSPECIAL CHASSESPECIAL MIGRATEURSPECIAL PETITS CALIBRESSPECIAL PETITS CALIBRESRANGERCX28H SUPER-X High Brass Game load *CX41 SUPER-X High Brass Game load *CX413 SUPER-X High Brass Game load *CHXX125P SUPER XXCHXX12MP SUPER XX MAGNUMCX12XC SUPREME DOUBLE X Mag Game Loads *CX123XC SUPREME DOUBLE X Mag Game Loads *CX203XC SUPREME DOUBLE X Mag Game Loads *CSTXS12L XTENDED TURKEY - Heavy LoadCSTXS123 XTENDED TURKEY - Heavy LoadCSTXS203 XTENDED TURKEY - Heavy Load - NEWCSWXR12 XTENDED WATERFOWL - High Speed - NEWCSWXR123 XTENDED WATERFOWL - High SpeedCSWXR203 XTENDED WATERFOWL - High SpeedCXSM12 DRYLOK SUPER STEEL - WaterproofCXSV123 DRYLOK SUPER STEEL - WaterproofCXSM12L DRYLOK SUPER STEEL - WaterproofCXSM203 DRYLOK SUPER STEEL - WaterproofCSTELS28S SILVER STEEL - ORDINARY PRESSURECSTELO32S ACIER - ORDINARY PRESSURECSTEL36M ACIER MAGNUMCHSPDS12S4 ACIER SPECIAL CANARDCSTEEL32S ACIER HIGH PERFORMANCECSTEL35S ACIER HIGH PERFORMANCECHSPF34PCHRAD34PCHRD227PCHSGR12PSPECIAL FIBRERANGER DISPERSERRANGER DISPERSER 20gaSUPER GREEN FIBERSuper Speed ”Tradion” Shotshells12 70 20 36 0 2 4 5 6 7 10/250 54 6 5 7 6 5 5 4 7 6 5 4 2 2 0 012 70 20 40 Ni Ni 0 2 4 5 6 10/250 54 6 5 6 5 5 4 6 5 4 2 2 0 012 76 20 50 0 2 4 6 10/250 54 6 6 4-2 6 4 2 2 0 2 016 70 16 32 2 4 5 6 7 10/250 54 7 7 6 5 7 6 5 5 4 7 6 5 4 220 70 16 28 4 6 7 10/250 54 7 6 7 6 4 7 6 420 70 16 32 2 4 5 6 10/250 54 6 5 6 5 5 4 6 5 4 2Special ”Tradition” Shotshells12 70 16 36 6 7 25/150/450 55 7 7 6 7 612 70 16 34 4Ni 5 6 7½ 25/150/450 55 7½ 5 6 7 6 5 4 Ni 4 Ni12 67 8 32 7½ 9 25/250 55 9 9 9 7½ - 9 7½20 70 16 28 Ni Ni 6 7 10/250 55 7 7 620 70 16 32 Ni Ni 6 10/250 55 6Multi-purpose ”Tradition” Shotshells12 67 12 32 6 7 8 25/250 57 8-7 7-6Specific Usage ”Tradition” Shotshells28 70 - 28 6 7½ 8 25/250 56 7½ 7½ - 8 6 6 6410 63.5 - 14 4 6 7½ 25/250 56 7½ 7½ 6 6410 76 - 19 4 6 7½ 25/250 56 7½ 7½ 6 6 4 6 4 612 70 20 35 5 6 25/250 56 6 5 6 5 5 6 512 89 20 63 0 2 4 5 6 10/200 56 6 5 4 2 2 012 70 - 43 Cu Cu 4 5 6 25/250 56 6 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 412 76 - 53 Cu Cu 4 6 25/250 56 4 6 6 4 6 4 6 420 76 - 36 Cu Cu 4 6 25/250 56 6 6 4 6 4 6 4Substitute & Steel Shotshells12 89 - 56 Tg 4 5 10/100 59 4 5 4 512 76 - 49 Tg 4 6 10/100 59 4 6 4 620 76 32 Tg 5 10/100 59 512 70 - 35 Tg 4 10/100 59 4 412 76 - 39 Tg 2 10/100 59 2 220 76 - 30 Tg 2 10/100 59 212 70 - 35 S 2 4 25/250 59 4 2 212 76 - 35 S 3 25/250 59 3 3 312 89 - 44 S 1 3 25/250 59 1 3 1 320 76 - 28 S 3 25/250 59 312 70 22Ni 28 S 7 25/250 65 712 70 16 32 S 3 4 25/250 58 3 4 3 312 76 20 36 S 1 3 5 10/250 58 3 5 3 3 5 3 1 112 70 16 34 S 4 25/150/450 55 4 4 412 70 16 32 S 3 5 25/250 58 3 5 3 3 312 70 20 35 S 1 3 10/250 58 3 3 3 3 1 1Dispersion & Fibre Hunting Shotshells12 70 16 34 6 7 25/150/450 57 7 612 70 12 34 6 7 8 10/250 57 8 < 7 620 70 16 27 6 7½ 8½ 10/250 57 8½ 7½ - 8½ 7½ 7½
HuntingShotshellsSlug & BuckshotSlug Supreme Elite ® Slug Supreme ®Precision, Power and PenetrationThe multi-purpose slugDeveloped for slug-rifled barrels,the XP3 bullet generatesmaximum energy against any gameyou are hunting: deer, boar or roedeer. The XP3 is under calibratedand lodged into a specific sabotwhich eases the passage of thechokes, ensures perfect sealing andguarantees a greater speed of theprojectile.This patented sabot is made ofonly one piece, which ensures agreat speed and especially helpsto maintain a flat trajectory of thebullet for maximum efficiency forall long distance shots. The bullet,which itself also has a specificmechanised jacket and polymertip, will offer you the greatestperformances you’ve ever had.The Supreme ® Rackmaster ® is ultraversatile, capable of being shotby all hunting shotguns, whethershort or long barrels, smooth orrifled, opened or choked, with thesame precision and result at alltimes. The design of the Supreme ®Rackmaster ® was specially studiedto offer the best performancepossible upon impact. The newhardened-lead tip of this bulletprovides considerable upset toensure maximal knockdown power.In the back of the bullet, itspolymer base plays the role ofobturator and guide so that thebullet will be perfectly aligned withthe barrel of the rifle. Thus, thespeed and precision of the bulletare enhanced.ReferenceGaugeTubeHeadLoadBulletsType of barrelSpeed (m/s)CSXP121270-19.5Slug XP3Rifled610CSXP1231276-19.5Slug XP3Rifled640CS12SR11270-31.5Slug Rack MasterRifled/Smooth496CS123SR11276-31.5Slug Rack MasterRifled/Smooth518ReferenceGaugeTubeHeadLoadBulletsType of barrelSpeed (m/s)62
Slug & BuckshotSuper X ® SlugSlug Foster Brenneke ® Emerald Buckshot Buckshot USAHunting big gameLight and medium gameMedium gameLarge game and medium-distanceshootingThe Super X ® Slug is the fastestand flattest Winchester ® slugfor smooth shotguns. Due to its28 g weight and its hollow rear,this bullet combines speed andprecision. Ideal for roe deer andboar hunting, the Super X ® slugconsists of a lightly hollowed pointfor maximum effect and impactsurface. Usage: light and mediumgame at medium distance.This bullet for smooth rifles ishollowed at the rear, which movesthe centre of gravity towards thefront and thus guarantees a flattrajectory, a measure of accuracy.Ideal for medium-distanceshooting, this lightly hollow-pointbullet has maximum expansionfor a large transfer of energy onmedium game.The heavy bullet you need tohunt boar or deer. The bullet isone piece, made of a plastic basewhich serves as a obturator forgas in order to offer the greatestspeed and flight possible, which willguarantee you great accuracy. Withits weight and limited deformationat impact, this bullet will ensure agood penetration.Complete line of shotshellsof backshot inall sizes and all pelletcount.Bior WadWW-18 WadCX12RS151270-28Rifled HP SlugSmooth488CX123RS1512Mag76-28Rifled SlugSmooth536CHSLUG1212702028Slug FosterSmooth450CHBKE1212702034Brenneke EmeraldSmooth420CHBS12P9G12702033.39 x 8.6 mmSmooth410CHBS12P1212702030.512 x 7.6 mmSmooth410CXB12001270-329 x 00 BuckSmooth405CX12XC0B51276-42Cu 12 x 00 BuckSmooth395CX20RSM52070-21Rifled HP SlugSmooth488CX41RS541063.5-6Rifled HP SlugSmooth558Slug & BuckshotCHBS12P16G1270283816 x 7.4 mmSmooth400CHBS12P27G1270203827 x 6.2 mmSmooth400CX12XC3B51276-52Cu 15 x 00 BuckSmooth370CX123C000B1276-44Cu 10 x 000BuckSmooth37563
Lead &Steel TargetShotshellsLead & SteelComplete line of competition lead & steel shells for all disciplines in all authorised gauges or loads.X2X2 SteelStandard PressureX3 PlusParcoursThe X2 is the super shell fromWinchester ® , at the best price.Available in different pelletssizes and three levels of payloads(24/28/32 g), it is practical for allshooting disciplines.The X2 is Winchester ® performanceat the best price.With its steel load, the X2 Steeloffers the best compromise betweenperformance and competitive pricewhile conforming to the strictestenvironmental standards. Classifiedas standard pressure, it may beshot in all shotguns proofed at 930BAR. In 24 g and 28 g, it is availablein number 7 to substitute number7.5 lead pellets. Perfectly adaptedto skeet, the X2 Steel is also loadedin 24 g number 9.The new type-T2 plastic wad withits 2 superposed compression areasoptimises the distribution of shotand thus guarantees a lighter recoileven at great speeds.Its high speed (415 m/s) and 28 gload in hard, perfectly spherical shotmake the new Winchester ® Parcoursa super efficient cartridge forSporting clays and the disciplinesderived from it, as well as on longdistanceshooting ranges. Smooth,regular patterns as well as perfectcombustion of this cartridge areensured under all climatic conditionsby its renowned double basepowder.ReferenceCalibreTubeHeadLoadShotSpeed (m/s)CX224P127012247.5 8 9415CX228P127012287.5 8400CX2S24S12701224S 7 9420CX3PL24P127016247.5415CX3PL28P127016287.5400CX3PL32P127016327.5400CWISN28P127016287.5 8415RReferenceCalibreTubeHeadLoadShotSpeed (m/s)CX232P127012327.5400CX2S28S12701228S 7420CAAP224P207016247.5400CAAP228P207016287.5390S : Steel64
AccessoriesAmmunition bagRef: 12122AShooting Vest Shooting gloves CapRef: 65505150•• (S-XXL) Right handedRef: 65505250•• (S-XXL) Left handedRef: 65709170•• (S-XXL) Ref: 3082051Ref: 3082061Shooting towelRef: 392249 (30 cm x 50 cm)GunslipsRef: 649219 for rifles (122 cm)Ref: 649220 for shotguns (127 cm)GunslipsRef: 649229 for rifles (122 cm)Ref: 649228 for shotguns (132 cm)66
The best shooters put their trust in Winchester ®Gasparini DavideJunior ItalyJunior World Champion of SportingClaysEuropean Champion of ScratchCompak SportingJunior European Champion ofCompak SportingJunior European Champion of TeamCompak SportingJunior World Champion of TeamCompak SportingBronze Medal at the WorldChampionships of Compak SportingSantiago PastorSenior SpainSenior European Champion ofCompak SportingWorld Vice-Champion of TeamCompak SportingBronze medal at the EuropeanSporting Clays ChampionshipBastien HavartJunior FranceJunior World Vice-Champion ofSporting ClaysJunior Medal of the European Cupof Sporting ClaysJunior European Vice-Champion ofSporting ClaysJunior European Vice-Champion ofTeam Sporting ClaysWorld Vice-Champion of TeamCompak SportingSam GreenJunior EnglandJunior European Champion ofSporting ClaysJunior Bronze Medal of “WorldEnglish Sporting”Françoise RosierLadies FranceEuropean Vice-Champion of TeamSporting ClaysBronze Medal at the FrenchChampionships of Compak SportingManaging Editor: Till CussmannMarketing Manager <strong>Browning</strong> <strong>International</strong>Design & Graphics: Tobe Agency, Thimister Belgiumwww.tobe.bePhotographs: Jean Davister, Bruno Angonese, Braindance,Christian Charlier, <strong>Browning</strong>, Olin Corporation (USA)Printing: Imprimerie Saint PaulThe license for the Winchester® trademark is granted to <strong>Browning</strong> <strong>International</strong> by the Olin Corporation (USA).No use thereof will be authorised without the prior formal agreement of <strong>Browning</strong> <strong>International</strong>, and any unauthorised use will be subject to legalaction. The documentation, information, technical data, and photographs in this catalogue may not be reproduced, modified, translated, placedin a database, or communicated to the public, in full or in part, in any form whatsoever without the prior written agreement of <strong>Browning</strong> <strong>International</strong>.All rights are reserved for all countries. The features of this catalogue may be modified without prior notice. The photographs are notcontractual. The purchase and possession of the products presented in this catalogue are subject to applicable law. The weights and dimensionsgiven in the tables are average values.Performers 200967
is distributed byBROWNING <strong>International</strong> S.A.Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts,3 e Avenue 25 B-4040 HerstalBELGIUMwww.winchesterint.com