Telemecanique Altivar 56 manual - Northern Industrial

Telemecanique Altivar 56 manual - Northern Industrial

Telemecanique Altivar 56 manual - Northern Industrial


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Bulletin No. 50006-519-01BChapter 5 — ConfigurationDecember 1996 7 → General Configuration Menu7→GENERALCONFIGURATIONMENU7‘GENERAL CONFIG.DRIVE PARAMETERSAPPLICATION FUNC.OUTPUT ASSIGNMENTFAULT MANAGEMENT,† & ENT to selectThe 7→General Configuration menu allows access to four sub-menus:• 7.1→Drive Parameters• 7.2→Application Functions (including input assignments)• 7.3→Output Assignments• 7.4→Fault Management.These menus can be accessed only if the drive controller is stopped.7.1→Drive Parameters7.1‘DRIVE PARAMETERSMOTOR PARAMETERSCONTROL PARAMETERSCONTROL TYPE: NORMAL†, & ENT to modifyThe 7.1→Drive Parameters menu allows access to basic motor and controlparameters, and control type. The menu is accessible only if the drive controller isstopped and in Terminal Command mode (page 64). To verify adjustments, returnto the Display screen by pressing F2, then start the motor. To readjust, stop themotor and return to the desired menu.The parameter choices available on the sub-menus vary depending on the torquetype selected from the 6.1→Torque Type menu, and the control type selected fromthe 7.13→Control Type menu. See Table 27.7.11→Motor Parameters7.11‘MOTOR PARAMETERNOM. CURRENT: ANOMINAL FREQ.: HZNOMINAL VOLT.: VDAMPING: %†, & ENT to modifyROTATION NORM: ABCCURRENT LIMIT ....Use the 7.11→Motor Parameters menu to adjust basic motor parameters. Thefunctions available from this menu vary depending on the type of control selected(page 76). Table 27 shows the functions available from the menu under the varioustypes of control.Adjustments to motor parameters are made either to sub-menus or directly on the7.11→Motor Parameters menu itself. To select a parameter, scroll with the ▲ and ▼keys and press ENT. Adjust the parameter value to the desired setting, then pressENT to confirm.© 1996 Square D All Rights Reserved69ηττπ://νιχοντρολσ.χοm

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