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WRIA 30 - Klickitat County Home


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<strong>Klickitat</strong> River BasinWatershed Management Plan3.0 OVERVIEW OF IDENTIFIED DATA GAPSSeveral data gaps were identified during the watershed assessment and planning processes.These gaps limit the understanding of water resources in <strong>WRIA</strong> <strong>30</strong>. The WatershedManagement Plan identifies approaches to address issues identified in the basin. Theseapproaches include the filling of important data gaps. Once the data gaps are filled, informationgained may suggest modifications to the Watershed Management Plan (see Section 8.0).An overview of the data gaps that have been identified are discussed briefly below. Detailedinformation regarding the data gaps is provided in Sections 5.0 through WATER QUANTITYData gaps related to water quantity issues are listed in this section. Note that several of thesedata gaps also affect the understanding of water quality and fish habitat issues.qqqEstimates of Actual Water Use and Water Budgets are uncertain. Additionalinformation is needed to improve those estimates: Uncertainty remains regardingactual water use in the <strong>WRIA</strong>. Estimates of stream flow in some cases are poor or out ofdate. Uncertainty also remains regarding the size of aquifers, ground water-surface waterinteractions, and interactions between ground water aquifers.Estimates of Current and Historical Little <strong>Klickitat</strong> Stream Flows are out of date orunavailable: As was mentioned above, current estimates of stream flow need to beupdated. Additionally, questions have arisen regarding the magnitude of historical flowsin the Little <strong>Klickitat</strong> and the effects of land use on those flows. Hence, studies havebeen recommended to close those information gaps.Snow level information and relationships between snow levels and subsequentsummer water availability are not available in sufficient detail to support efforts toforecast drought conditions : The Simcoe Mountains are the primary water sources forthe eastern portion of the basin. Local droughts can occur in the basin due to low snowpacks in those mountains. Additional information regarding snow levels and a method topredict pending drought situations is needed.3.2 WATER QUALITYData gaps related to water quality issues are listed in this section. Note that several of these datagaps also affect the understanding of fish habitat issues.qqNatural background temperature in the Little <strong>Klickitat</strong> River: Questions have arisenregarding the levels of shade that can be achieved along the Little <strong>Klickitat</strong> River and,consequently, the stream temperatures that can be attained.Sediment Inputs: Limited data is available regarding sediment concentrations instreams and the sources of sediment inputs. A study estimating the sediment inputsIdentified Data Gaps 31 May 3, 2005

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