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WRIA 30 - Klickitat County Home


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<strong>Klickitat</strong> River BasinWatershed Management PlanRimrock Water System: The Rimrock Water System is the only system in the basin that hassufficient capacity and sufficient water rights to meet projected demand. This could change ifgrowth within the service area is greater than expected.City of Goldendale: The City’s current water rights and capacity are sufficient to meet currentdemand. The current rights are also sufficient to meet the projected 20-year instantaneousdemand but are not sufficient to meet its 20-year projected annual volume demand. Options formeeting the future requirement for water rights may include a) increasing withdrawal capacity atSimcoe Springs and/or the Chlorination Station well source, which would require either atransfer of rights from an existing unused source or a new water right, b) acquisition and transferof non-City existing water rights, c) storage of winter excess flows to supply summer demandincluding potential aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), and/or d) improvements of existingwater distribution system to reduce water loss. Other options may also be identified andimplemented to meet demand.<strong>Klickitat</strong> Water System: The <strong>Klickitat</strong> Water System’s current water rights are slightly less thanthe amount needed to meet current demand and are not sufficient to meet projected futuredemand. The KPUD has installed two water wells, has applied for new water rights, and ispreparing to install a third well. The KPUD has a pending application to transfer a portion of theformer surface water treatment plant and the <strong>Klickitat</strong> Mill surface water rights to its wellsources. If approved, the transfer would meet the projected 20-year demand. If the applicationis not approved, the KPUD will have to explore other options to meet future demand.The Lyle Water System: The KPUD has existing water rights for two wells that are not currentlyin use, but has no permitted rights for the water sources in use. Applications for new water rightswere filed at the time the new water sources were constructed. The system has been operating onthe assumption that existing ground water rights held for the inactive sources will be transferredto the new well sources. Multiple options may have to be considered to meet future demand.Wishram Water System: The Wishram Water System is operating without water rights for itscurrent sources, although applications for new water rights for one of the two wells currently inuse were filed at the time of construction. The system has several inactive sources of water thathave water rights. The KPUD has been operating the system on the presumptions that existingwater rights held for the inactive sources were to haven been transferred to the new sources andhad initiated the transfer process. If the transfer is approved, the municipal portions of theinactive supply sources alone are not adequate to meet the projected 20-year demand. Theinactive sources include rights for irrigation use, and the KPUD is pursuing a change tomunicipal use for those existing water rights. Other options may also have to be explored tomeet future demand.Dallesport Water System(s): Currently, water in Dallesport is supplied through one small GroupA system and several smaller Group B systems. The total capacity of the systems is unknown.Agricultural Water DemandIrrigation is the largest water use in the <strong>WRIA</strong>. Estimates of current irrigation use are subject tosome uncertainty. Refinement of the irrigation water use estimates has been recommended forWater Quantity Management 41 May 3, 2005

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