Canadians and Their Money

Canadians and their money: building a brighter financial - EduGAINS

Canadians and their money: building a brighter financial - EduGAINS

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Appendix E: Selected BibliographyThe Task Force consulted nearly 700 references in the course of its work. This isan extract from the complete list, representing sources that were directly used forthe final report. Sources in bold type indicate research commissioned by theTask Force. For the comprehensive bibliography <strong>and</strong> research material please visitwww.financialliteracyincanada.com.Altman, M. (2010). “Behavioural Economics Perspectives: Implications for Policy <strong>and</strong>Financial Literacy.” Research paper prepared for the Task Force on FinancialLiteracy. Available from www.financialliteracyincanada.comBenartzi, S. (2010). Behavioral Finance <strong>and</strong> the Post-Retirement Crisis. Retrieved from UnitedStates Department of Labor website: www.dol.gov/ebsa/pdf/1210-AB33-617.pdfBritish Columbia Securities Commission. “Planning 10: Finances.” Internet site.Available at: www.bcsc.bc.ca/planning10/default.aspx?SID=Brown, J. R. (2009). “Financial Education <strong>and</strong> Annuities.” Retrieved from Organisationfor Economic Co-operation <strong>and</strong> Development (OECD) website: www.oecd.org/dataoecd/38/0/44509379.pdfBuckl<strong>and</strong>, J. (2010). “<strong>Money</strong> Management on a Shoestring: A Critical Literature Reviewof Financial Literacy & Low-income People.” Winnipeg: Menno Simons College.Research paper prepared for the Task Force on Financial Literacy. Available fromwww.financialliteracyincanada.comCanadian Alliance of Student Associations. (2010). Canadian Student Survey –Next Steps: Upper-Year Canadian PSE Students’ Future Plans <strong>and</strong> Debt.Retrieved from www.casa-acae.com/policy/reports-canadian-student-surveyCappon, P. (President <strong>and</strong> CEO, Canadian Council on Learning). (2010). Presentation to theTask Force. Ottawa, May 12.Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. (2008). “Learn Canada 2020: Joint DeclarationProvincial <strong>and</strong> Territorial Ministers of Education.” Retrieved from www.cmec.ca/Publications/Lists/Publications/Attachments/187/CMEC-2020-DECLARATION.en.pdfCollin, D. (2010). “Aboriginal Financial Literacy in Canada: Issues <strong>and</strong> Directions.”Waterstone Strategies. Research paper prepared for the Task Force on FinancialLiteracy. Available from www.financialliteracyincanada.comDepartment of Finance Canada. (2009). “Minister of Finance Launches Task Force onFinancial Literacy.” Media release 2009-067. Toronto, June 26. Retrieved fromwww.fin.gc.ca/n08/09-067-eng.aspDepartment of Finance Canada. (2010). Budget 2010. “Chapter 3.3: Building on a StrongEconomic Foundation.” Available from: www.budget.gc.ca/2010/plan/chap3c-eng.htmlTASK FORCE ON FINANCIAL LITERACY – Appendices 97

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