Canadians and Their Money

Canadians and their money: building a brighter financial - EduGAINS

Canadians and their money: building a brighter financial - EduGAINS

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www.financialliteracyincanada.comThe Honourable James M. Flaherty, P.C., M.P.Minister of FinanceHouse of CommonsOttawa, Ontario K1A 0A6Dear Minister Flaherty:On behalf of the Task Force on Financial Literacy, we are pleased to submit our final reportsetting out a proposed National Strategy on Financial Literacy <strong>and</strong> recommendations, inaccordance with our m<strong>and</strong>ate.Throughout this past year, the Task Force has had the privilege of consulting with <strong>Canadians</strong>on an issue that is critical to their prosperity. The objective of strengthening the financial skillsof <strong>Canadians</strong> is a long-term undertaking that is increasingly relevant to each individual <strong>and</strong>household <strong>and</strong> to our society as a whole, irrespective of the particular state of the economy.Yet our consultations, research <strong>and</strong> deliberations took place during a turbulent period in theCanadian <strong>and</strong> global economy. <strong>Canadians</strong> have never before faced such a combination ofeconomic circumstances: low interest rates, volatile equity markets, high personal debt levels,<strong>and</strong> a vast number of choices in financial products. This both explains the strong interest in theTask Force’s m<strong>and</strong>ate among stakeholders <strong>and</strong> underscores the timeliness of this initiative.Five priorities underpin our proposed National Strategy: (1) We believe that responsibility for theStrategy’s outcome must be shared among all stakeholders. (2) The coordination of the variousinitiatives will require strong leadership <strong>and</strong> multi-stakeholder participation. (3) Financial literacyrequires lifelong learning, which must start at school <strong>and</strong> accompany <strong>Canadians</strong> through theirkey life events. (4) Resources <strong>and</strong> innovative approaches will be necessary to raise theawareness of <strong>Canadians</strong> about the importance of adopting good financial behaviours, <strong>and</strong> toreach them in the most effective ways possible. (5) Accountability will be key to the success ofthe Strategy: stakeholders will need to be able to demonstrate the impact of their interventions,<strong>and</strong> solid indicators will be required to measure progress over time.We would like to express our thanks to all stakeholders – private citizens, government agencies,business, labour organizations, non-profit agencies <strong>and</strong> voluntary organizations – who attendedour public meetings <strong>and</strong> who submitted written briefs of their proposals to improve financialliteracy. <strong>Their</strong> valuable contributions not only helped our work, but have also advanced the overallunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of financial literacy in Canada. While much excellent work had been done in thisfield by other countries <strong>and</strong> international bodies <strong>and</strong> was captured in our preliminary research,we now have a truly Canadian perspective from which to build future programs.We would also like to recognize the significant contribution of our fellow Task Force memberswho devoted themselves to this vital work. Despite a long <strong>and</strong> strenuous journey, their energy<strong>and</strong> enthusiasm have remained undiminished.Finally, on behalf of the entire Task Force, we express our appreciation for the privilege ofparticipating in this important initiative. Hearing views from every region <strong>and</strong> from all walks oflife has been an unforgettable <strong>and</strong> tremendously rewarding experience. We are confident thatour recommendations will set us on a clear path toward greater financial literacy <strong>and</strong>, in doingso, will help all <strong>Canadians</strong> build a brighter future.Donald A. StewartChairL. Jacques Ménard, O.C., O.Q.Vice ChairTASK FORCE ON FINANCIAL LITERACY – Message from the Chair <strong>and</strong> Vice Chair 3

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