
Dictionary - American Brain Tumor Association

Dictionary - American Brain Tumor Association


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W X YZwhite matter Brain tissue composed of myelin-coated nerve cellfibers. White matter carries information between the nervecells in the brain and spinal cord. The inner portion of thecerebrum is composed of white matter.WHO World Health Organization. The author of the mostwidely used brain tumor classification system.WNL Within Normal Limits.X-Knife Brand name of a machine used to deliver linearaccelerator stereotactic radiosurgery.xray High-energy radiation used in low doses to diagnose diseaseand in high doses to treat cancer.XRT or RT Radiation therapy.yolk sac tumor A type of germ cell tumor. Also calledendodermal sinus tumor.Zubrod Performance Scale Performance status from zero(fully active) to four (completely disabled) that expresses aperson’s ability to function and perform normal daily activities.Medical AbbreviationsBX biopsyDX diagnosisHX historyIA intra-arterialIM intramuscularIV intravenousNPO nothing by mouthPO by mouthPX prognosisR/O rule outRX treatmentincreasedecreasePertaining to MedicinesBID twice a dayH hourQ everyQ 4 H every four hoursQ 6 H every six hoursQ 12 H every twelve hoursQD every dayQID four times a dayTID three times a dayi oneii twoiii three122123

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