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<strong>WEBCAST</strong> <strong>AUCTION</strong><br />
Auction on behalf of Samsung SDI Germany GmbH<br />
according to conditions of sale and notices to purchasers<br />
SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
Final Sale Peripheral Equipment<br />
for CR-Tube Production<br />
Pos. 172<br />
Cooler ULTRAFILTER Model<br />
Ultracool 300 SP, Cooling<br />
Capacity 33.55 kW<br />
Pos. 002 Eroding Machine<br />
EBKoE 400x 630/2PA2Erl<br />
Europräzisa 400<br />
Pos. 050 Vacuum System BUSCH<br />
consisting of 3 Turn Slide Pumps,<br />
Year of Manufacturing 1996<br />
Auction dates<br />
<strong>AUCTION</strong>Webcast<br />
Pos. 032<br />
Exhaust Gas Combustor<br />
SCHEUCHL Model RNV,<br />
Capacity 14,500 m 3 /h<br />
Auction date Tuesday, 13 th February 2007, 11.00 a.m. (CET)<br />
Auction location and Ostendstraße 1-14,<br />
inspection location D-12459 Berlin Treptow-Köpenick, Germany<br />
Inspection date Tuesday, 13 th February 2007, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.<br />
For further information GoIndustry Karner & Co, Mr. Axel Schmidt<br />
please contact phone +49 (0) 30 773 263 0 · fax +49 (0) 30 773 263 20<br />
email:<br />
1. The bidder and the purchaser recognize the following Terms of Auction with the<br />
participation in our auction.<br />
2. The articles shall be sold in the name of and for the account of the client in their<br />
condition at the time of the auction. The purchaser recognizes that any complaint<br />
whatsoever is excluded and that we accept no guarantee whatsoever for quality,<br />
condition, completeness, apparent or hidden defects, other damage or special<br />
characteristics. Technical data, measurement or weight details and years of manufacture<br />
are non-binding. Lists of the articles are drawn up carefully and to the best<br />
of our belief.<br />
3. Articles are generally auctioned on the basis of consecutive numbers. In individual<br />
cases we reserve the right to alter the order and to exclude or combine items.<br />
4. Every bid can be rejected without indicating reasons and the acceptance of the bid<br />
can be refused or effected subject to reservation.<br />
5. The bid of the highest bidder shall be accepted once his bid has been repeated<br />
three times by the auctioneer. If several people make the same bid at the same<br />
time, then the auctioneer shall decide. If there are doubts regarding the acceptance<br />
of a bid, then the auctioneer can call for bids once again. In all cases the<br />
orders of the auctioneer shall solely be applicable.<br />
6. All prices are expressed in EURO plus a surcharge of 15 % (Webcast 18,5%) plus<br />
the statutory rate of value added tax.<br />
7. The amount of the reserves shall be determined by the auctioneer at his discretion<br />
for the complete auction.<br />
8. The payment of the total claim must be effected in cash or by a cheque confirmed<br />
by a bank to the auctioneer after the acceptance of the bid. If this obligation is not<br />
met, then the purchased article shall be auctioned once again. The first purchaser<br />
shall not be permitted to participate in this case. He shall remain personally liable<br />
for the shortfall in proceeds; he shall have no claim to additional proceeds.<br />
Terms of auction and sale<br />
Versteigerungs- und Verkaufsbedingungen<br />
1. Mit der Teilnahme an unserer Auktion erkennen Bieter und Käufer die nachstehenden<br />
Versteigerungsbedingungen an.<br />
2. Die Objekte werden im Namen und für Rechnung des Auftraggebers in dem<br />
Zustand verkauft, in dem sie sich zum Zeitpunkt der Versteigerung befinden. Der<br />
Käufer anerkennt, dass jegliche Reklamation ausgeschlossen ist und wir keinerlei<br />
Gewähr für Güte, Beschaffenheit, Vollständigkeit, offene oder versteckte Mängel,<br />
sonstige Schäden oder besondere Eigenschaften übernehmen. Technische Daten,<br />
Maß oder Gewichtsangaben u. Baujahre sind unverbindlich. Auflistungen der<br />
Objekte sind sorgfältig und nach bestem Gewissen erstellt.<br />
3. In der Regel wird nach fortlaufenden Nummern versteigert. In Einzelfällen behalten<br />
wir uns das Recht vor, die Reihenfolge zu ändern und Positionen auszuklammern<br />
oder zusammenzufassen.<br />
4. Jedes Gebot kann ohne Angaben von Gründen zurückgewiesen und der Zuschlag<br />
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5. Den Zuschlag erhält der Höchstbietende, nachdem sein Gebot vom Versteigerer<br />
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Gebot abgeben, entscheidet der Versteigerer. Bestehen Zweifel über einen Zuschlag,<br />
kann der Versteigerer neu ausbieten. In allen Fällen gilt alleine die Anordnung<br />
des Versteigerers.<br />
6. Alle Preise verstehen sich in EURO zuzüglich eines Aufgeldes von 15% plus der<br />
gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer. Aufgeld bei Webcastteilnahme 18,5% zuzüglich der<br />
gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer.<br />
7. Die Höhe der Mindestgebote wird vom Versteigerer nach seinem Ermessen<br />
bestimmt.<br />
8. Die Zahlung der Gesamtforderung muss bar oder durch bankbestätigten Scheck<br />
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nicht eingehalten, wird der Kaufgegenstand nochmals versteigert. Dabei wird dererste<br />
Käufer nicht zugelassen. Er bleibt für den Mindererlös persönlich haftbar, auf<br />
- 2 -<br />
9. The purchased article shall be regarded to be surrendered to the purchaser with<br />
the acceptance of the bid, meaning that liability and the risk of the accidental loss<br />
or destruction of the article, of the loss or damage by fire, water, storms, theft and<br />
burglary shall also pass to the purchaser. This also and especially applies to accessories.<br />
Title shall, however, only pass to the purchaser after payment in full, in the<br />
case of cheques after crediting confirmed by a bank.<br />
10. The articles purchased at auction shall only be handed over after payment in full,<br />
in which respect the prices for every article are expressed ex foundations or location,<br />
without dismantling and loading. If the acceptance date is exceeded, then the<br />
purchaser shall be liable for all consequential costs.<br />
11. No liability is assumed for accidents during the inspection, auctioning and collection.<br />
The operation of appliances is strictly prohibited.<br />
12. All visitors to the auction shall be liable f. damage that they cause, irrespective of<br />
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13. The purchaser shall be liable for accidents, damage to buildings, third-party articles<br />
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14. The auctioneer shall be entitled to collect and sue for purchase money and ancillary<br />
claims in his own name for the account of the client.<br />
15. A bidder who buys at auction on behalf of another party shall be liable as a principal<br />
in addition to the other party.<br />
16. The same terms shall be applicable to any private sale after the auction.<br />
17. Invoices issued during or directly after the auction must be checked once again,<br />
meaning that subsequent corrections are permissible.<br />
18. The address data of the bidders and purchasers is stored in order to provide information<br />
on our future auctions or items for sale.<br />
19. Place of jurisdiction is Mainz.<br />
20. For to participate the auction we have to check your passport.<br />
auf einen Mehrerlös hat er keinen Anspruch.<br />
9. Das Kaufobjekt gilt mit Zuschlagserteilung als dem Käufer übergeben, womit auch<br />
Haftung und Gefahr des zufälligen Unterganges, des Verlustes oder Beschädigung<br />
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Dies trifft auch und insbesondere für Zubehörteile zu. Das Eigentum geht<br />
jedoch erst nach vollständiger Zahlung – bei Schecks nach bankbestätigter Gutschrift<br />
– auf den Käufer über.<br />
10. Erst nach vollständiger Zahlung erfolgt die Aushändigung der ersteigerten Objekte,<br />
wobei sich die Preise für jeden Gegenstand ab Fundament oder Standort undemontiert<br />
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11. Für Unfälle während der Besichtigung, Versteigerung und Abholung wird keine<br />
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12. Alle Besucher der Versteigerung haften für verursachte Schäden, gleich welcher Art.<br />
13. Für Unfälle, Beschädigungen an Gebäuden, Fremdobjekten etc. haftet der Käufer.<br />
14. Der Versteigerer ist berechtigt, in eigenem Namen für Rechnung des<br />
Auftraggebers Kaufgelder und Nebenforderungen einzuziehen und einzuklagen.<br />
15. Ein Bieter, welcher im Auftrag eines Anderen ersteigert, haftet neben diese selbstschuldnerisch.<br />
16. Für den ev. freihändigen Verkauf im Anschluß an Versteigerung gelten die gleichen<br />
Bedingungen.<br />
17. Während oder unmittelbar nach der Versteigerung erstellte Rechnungen bedürfen<br />
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18. Die Adressdaten der Bieter u. Käufer werden zum Zwecke der Information über<br />
unsere künftigen Versteigerungen oder Kaufofferten gespeichert.<br />
19. Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Mainz.<br />
20. Für die Ausstellung einer Bieterkarte bitten wir um Vorlage eines Lichtbildausweises.
Webcast Auction<br />
Webcast Auction on behalf of Samsung SDI Germany GmbH<br />
according to conditions of sale and notices to purchasers<br />
SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
Final Sale Peripheral Equipment for CR-Tube Production<br />
Auction date Tuesday, 13th February 2007, starting at 11:00 a.m. (CET)<br />
Auction location and Ostendstraße 1-14,<br />
inspection location D-12459 Berlin Treptow-Köpenick, Germany<br />
Inspection date Tuesday, 13th February 2007, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (CET)<br />
Contact GoIndustry Karner & Co, Mr. Axel Schmidt<br />
phone +49 (0) 30 773 263 0, fax +49 (0) 30 773 263 20<br />
email:<br />
Collection From Wednesday, 14th February to Friday, 16th February 2007,<br />
from 9.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CET)<br />
A buyer’s premium of 15 % is charged to the purchaser.<br />
Besichtigungsort<br />
Versteigerungsort<br />
Directions<br />
- 3 -<br />
Digitale Kartensoftwarelösungen<br />
vom Feinsten<br /><br />
© 2006 map&guide
Pos. 001 - 032 · Webcast Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
001 Exhaust System TBN Model M2C9/<br />
1,1 P, S/N 95248, Pressure 2,500 Pa,<br />
Air Volume 1,000 m 3 /h, Power<br />
1.1 kW, Weight approx. 90 kg<br />
002 Eroding Machine FRITZ HECKERT<br />
Model EBKoE 400x630/2PA2Erl, S/N<br />
1252.04.20, Europräzisa 400, Power<br />
1.6 kW, Weight 2,800 kg, including<br />
Power Cabinet VEB Type BT 63-102,<br />
Fabr.-No. 0947, Ident.-No. 710796,<br />
Suction VEB Type SF 40-006, Fabr.-No.<br />
0458, Ident.-No. 590063, Y.o.m. 1983<br />
003 Vacuum-Tube Lift SCHMALZ, Model<br />
BB30-H-PGriff, S/N 01.11110102/0,<br />
Capacity 30.0 kg, including Tube,<br />
Y.o.m. 2000<br />
004 Tool Cabinet OP, Steel grey, 2 doors,<br />
W/D/H approx. 1.20 / 0.40 / 1.95 m,<br />
including Contents: various Spare<br />
Parts (Sprocket Belts, etc.)<br />
005 28" Q-Checker SAMSUNG, Q-Value<br />
Measurement of Panel/Mask<br />
Assembly, Stainless Steel, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
006 25" Q-Checker SAMSUNG, Q-Value<br />
Measurement of Panel/Mask Assembly,<br />
Stainless Steel, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
007 Crane, Capacity 3.2 t, including<br />
4-armed Chain<br />
008 28" Panel-Mask-Assembly, No. 1,<br />
consisting of 28" 4:3 S/F Welder M/C,<br />
4 Welding Power Supplies TAESUNG,<br />
1 Frame Holder, 1 Mobile Table,<br />
Stainless Steel<br />
009 28" Panel-Mask-Assembly, No. 2,<br />
consisting of 28" S/F Welder C/P,<br />
4 Welding Power Supplies TAESUNG,<br />
1 Frame Holder, 1 Mobile Table,<br />
Stainless Steel<br />
010 Sewage System, Model L65, for Water<br />
Pos. 002<br />
Retreatment, Type Gebhardt, Supply<br />
Area: Waste Air Panel-Input/Panel<br />
Washing, Y.o.m. 1997<br />
011 Lot of Ultrasonic Generators CREST<br />
ULTRASONICS Model 4G-500-6-T,<br />
consisting of 9 pieces, Genesis Type<br />
Tru Sweep<br />
012 Vessel STAG Model 53317F, Volume<br />
2,000 l, max. Working Pressure 10<br />
bar, max. Working Temperature 95 °C,<br />
Weight 800 kg<br />
013 Mobile Air Suction TAKETSUNA,<br />
Model TSK-100, Type 3380-45-2.2Y,<br />
Power Consumption 47.2 kW, Heater<br />
Capacity 45 kW, Output Gas<br />
Temperature max. 350 °C, max. Gas<br />
Capacity 32 m 3 /min, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
014 Mobile Air Suction TAKETSUNA,<br />
Model TSK-100, Type 3380-45-2.2Y,<br />
Power Consumption 47.2 kW, Heater<br />
Capacity 45 kW, Output Gas<br />
Temperature max. 350 °C, max. Gas<br />
Capacity 32 m 3 /min, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
015 Base Robot Controller HIRATA Model<br />
HNC-P38D4, S/N 15067 (no further<br />
information)<br />
016 Lot of Ultrasonic Generators ILSUNG,<br />
Model UG-200, consisting of 5 pieces<br />
(no further information)<br />
017 Lot of Ultrasonic Generators DSH-<br />
INJIN, consisting of 5 pieces, Auto<br />
Tuning Ultrasonic Generator, Output<br />
1,200 W<br />
018 Exhaust System TBN, Pressure 2,500<br />
Pa, Air Volume 1,000 m 3 /h, Power<br />
1.1 kW, Weight approx. 90 kg<br />
019 PA-Amplifier MONACOR Model PA-<br />
1202, 4 Mic/line, 1 Mic Aux/Phono<br />
020 Washing Table CHESTERTON Model<br />
RKR 200/2E, S/N 94071319, for Small<br />
Parts, Steel grey, Capacity 30.0 kg, Air<br />
Brush RR, Dike DENIOS Type Basis<br />
E-tray, Manufact.-No. 110073407-<br />
000400-001, Volume 200 l, max.<br />
- 4 -<br />
Capacity 850 kg/cm 3 , Y.o.m. 2004<br />
021 Vacuum-Tube Lift SCHMALZ, Model<br />
BE30-H-Griff, S/N,<br />
Capacity 30.0 kg, including Tube,<br />
Compressor Type SV 1040 B00 INZZ,<br />
Ultimate Pressure 120 bar, Y.o.m.<br />
1999<br />
022 Cooler ETTSCHEID Model IK-E18,<br />
Working Temperature 32 °C, Refrigerant<br />
R404a, Filling Weight 14.5 kg,<br />
max. Working Pressure 28 bar, Power<br />
13.54 kW, Weight 320 kg, Y.o.m.<br />
2002<br />
023 Lot of Drawer Cabinets, consisting of<br />
4 pieces, Steel, 4 Drawers, W/D/H<br />
approx. 1,300 / 950 / 400 mm<br />
024 Lot of Drawer Cabinets STUMPF<br />
METALL, consisting of 2 pieces, Steel,<br />
2x17 Drawers, W/D/H approx. 1.00 /<br />
0.50 / 1.80 m<br />
025 3 Air Heater HAPRO Model LE-R-118,<br />
400 V, 26 A, 50 Hz, Heating Capacity<br />
6 x 3,000 W, max. Output Temperature<br />
250 °C, min. Air Rate 2,600<br />
l/min, Y.o.m. 2002<br />
026 Air Heater HAPRO Model LE-R-112,<br />
400 V, 26 A, 50 Hz, Heating Capacity<br />
4 x 3,000 W, max. Output Temperature<br />
330 °C, min. Air Rate 1,800<br />
l/min, Y.o.m. 1995<br />
027 Spray Lacquer Unit SSCP CO., LTD.<br />
Model IB-30 Korea, No. I<br />
028 Spray Lacquer Unit SSCP CO., LTD.<br />
Model IB-30 Korea, No. II<br />
029 Dike KAISER + KRAFT Model 2-38.5-<br />
102, S/N AM-2-S 38047, Capacity<br />
192 l, Weight 71 kg, max. Load<br />
760 kg, Y.o.m. 2002<br />
030 Dike KAISER + KRAFT, no information<br />
031 Balance RHEWA, max. 50 kg, d=100 g<br />
032 Exhaust Gas Combustor SCHEUCHL<br />
Model RNV, Capacity 14,500 m 3 /h,<br />
45 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, including Air<br />
Pos. 018 Pos. 022
Pos. 033 - 059 · Webcast Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
E 160/71-18 M-B, S/N 54290/12-02,<br />
Capacity 1,080 m 3 /h, Rotation 2,900<br />
rpm, 4.5 kW, Y.o.m. 2003<br />
033 Cooling Tower SULZER ESCHER WYSS<br />
GmbH, Model EWK 900/09, S/N<br />
8313227, Düsen-Type EW-12, Ventilator<br />
Type 705-1-19NZ22HR<br />
034 Cooling System STULZ Model<br />
AAHY101, S/N 79943, 400 V, 50 Hz,<br />
Refrigerant Circuit Number 1, max.<br />
Refrigerant Pressure 16 bar, Refrigerant<br />
R407c, Refrigerant Volume<br />
8.6 kg, max. Hydraulic Pressure 4 bar,<br />
Y.o.m. 1997<br />
035 Vacuum-Tube Lift SCHMALZ, Model<br />
Jumbohandy 30, S/N,<br />
Capacity 30.0 kg, including Tube,<br />
Compressor Type SV 1040 B00 INZZ,<br />
Ultimate Pressure 120 bar, Y.o.m.<br />
2000<br />
036 Vacuum-Tube Lift SCHMALZ, Model<br />
Jumbohandy 30, S/N,<br />
Capacity 30.0 kg, including Tube,<br />
Compressor Type SV 1040 B00 INZZ,<br />
Ultimate Pressure 120 bar<br />
037 Chain Hoist ABUS Model GM1, Lifting<br />
Capacity 80 kg, Y.o.m. 2001<br />
038 Label Printer WEBER Model 5100,<br />
including Stand and Metal Cabinet,<br />
Height approx. 800 mm, (Bluhm<br />
System), Vacuum Pump, pneumatic<br />
Label Transfer, manually adjustable<br />
Height<br />
039 Systembox KRAUSE, for Clean Room,<br />
Pos. 026<br />
Stainless-Steel lamella Door, Width<br />
approx. 1.40 m, Height approx.<br />
0.70 m, with Base Frame, total<br />
Height approx. 1.80 m<br />
040 Systembox KRAUSE, for Clean Room,<br />
Stainless-Steel lamella Door, Width<br />
approx. 1.40 m, Height approx.<br />
0.70 m, with Base Frame, total<br />
Height approx. 1.80 m<br />
041 Malleablising Furnace, 380 V, with<br />
Time/Temperature Control, optical<br />
Singal at End of Process, max.<br />
Temperarture 400 °C<br />
042 Malleablising Furnace, 380 V, with<br />
Time/Temperature Control, optical<br />
Singal at End of Process, max. Temperature<br />
400 °C<br />
043 Malleablising Furnace, 380 V, with<br />
Time/Temperature Control, optical<br />
Singal at End of Process, max. Temperature<br />
400 °C<br />
044 Malleablising Furnace, 380 V, with<br />
Time/Temperature Control, optical<br />
Singal at End of Process, max. Temperature<br />
400 °C<br />
045 Small Parts Cleaning Table CHESTER-<br />
TON Model RKR 200/2E, S/N 9604/<br />
521, Capacity 200 l, with Collecting<br />
Tray DENIOS Basis E tray, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
046 Small Parts Cleaning Table CHESTER-<br />
TON Model RKR 200/2E, S/N ,<br />
Capacity 200 l, with Collecting Tray<br />
DENIOS Basis E-tray, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
047 Gantry Rack DENIOS, Model LW, S/N<br />
Pos. 032<br />
- 5 -<br />
110073407-000300-001, Capacity<br />
60 l, max. Load 240 kg, Y.o.m. 2004<br />
048 Industrial Hoover ELECTROSTAR,<br />
Model 1232 St/041124, S/N<br />
024059142, Type GS, max. 1,400 W<br />
049 Motor KUENLE Model KDG2-200-lx2H,<br />
for Main Ventilation RTK, repaired<br />
050 Vacuum System BUSCH consisting of<br />
3 Turn Slide Pumps BUSCH Type RC<br />
0400 B401 DUCJ, Vacuum 20 mbar,<br />
Y.o.m. 1996<br />
051 High Voltage Probe FARNELL, Model<br />
HV40B, capacity 40 kV, in box<br />
GmbH, Model RM12<br />
053 8 Sensors with cable TESA, in boxes<br />
and bags<br />
054 Measuring Unit CARL ZEISS JENA,<br />
Model 3383 (no further information)<br />
055 Digital Thermometer AMR Model<br />
Therm 2288-2, in case<br />
056 3 Digital Thermometers EBRO Model<br />
TFX 392 SKW-T, measuring range<br />
+300 °C<br />
057 Digital Thermometer AMR, Model<br />
Therm 2285-2B, in leather case,<br />
1 Digital Thermometer AMR model<br />
Therm 2280-2<br />
058 Digital Thermometer AMR, Model<br />
2281-8, 2 pieces, with various sensors<br />
059 Lot of Calipers and Micrometers<br />
various Models, amongst others<br />
1 Digimatic Caliper MITUTOYO, Model<br />
CD-15, 1 Vernier Caliper WHALE<br />
Pos. 050 Pos. 055<br />
Pos. 034
Pos. 060 - 114 · Webcast Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
BRAND, 0 - 300 mm, 1 touching lever<br />
micrometer CARL ZEISS JENA, 25 - 50<br />
mm, 1 digital micrometer MITUTOYO<br />
model MDC-25M, 1 micrometer,<br />
0-25 mm<br />
060 Lot of Micrometers MITUTOYO,<br />
approx. 11 pieces<br />
061 Direct Reading Balance NAGEMA<br />
Model 34002, precision class 3<br />
062 Lot of Recording Charts KOBAYASHI,<br />
in box<br />
063 Q-Checker TOSHIBA Model 42199,<br />
oscillation frequency 1.25 MHz<br />
064 Capillary Balance VEB FEINWAEGE-<br />
TECHNIK Model AVIVS/3, Scale 1 mg,<br />
maximum 200 g<br />
065 Digital Analytical Balance SARTORIUS<br />
Model BL600, S/N 11305995 (no<br />
further information)<br />
066 Photometer SPECTRA Model Pritchard<br />
(no further information)<br />
067 Analytical Balance SHIMADZU Model<br />
L-200SM, no further information<br />
068 3 Direct Reading Balances NAGEMA,<br />
Model Owalabor, Type 34.011,<br />
precision class 3<br />
069 High Voltage Probe PTB Model<br />
HMS30e-Uni 11e, 1 High Voltage<br />
Probe MIKI Model D.C. Kilovoltmeter<br />
3150-7, various cables<br />
070 Analytical Balance NAGEMA, Model<br />
AVIVS/3-3, S/N 21568, max. 200 g,<br />
min. 50 mg, precision class 1<br />
071 Analytical Balance NAGEMA, Model<br />
SAHM02, S/N 4451, max. 100 g,<br />
min. 5 mg, precision class 1<br />
072 Analytical Balance WAEGETECHNIK<br />
RAPIDO, Model PHMK05, S/N 3434<br />
(no further information)<br />
073 Color Camera CCD Model TELI,<br />
including power supply<br />
074 2 DC-Milli-Pico-Meter PRAECITRONIC<br />
Model MV40<br />
075 AC-Multivoltmeter PRAECITRONIC<br />
Model MV21<br />
076 Control Unit OMEGA Model OM-300,<br />
S/N OM3-30208 (no further information)<br />
077 Scratch Hardness Tester ERICHSEN<br />
Model 291 (no further information)<br />
078 5 Thermometer TS, max. 100 °C<br />
079 Measuring Projector CARL ZEISS JENA<br />
Mod. MP320 (no further information)<br />
080 Readout System CARL ZEISS JENA,<br />
Mod. IPA300 (no further information)<br />
081 Readout System CARL ZEISS JENA,<br />
Mod. IPA300 (no further information)<br />
082 Strain Viewer TOSHIBA Model SVP-<br />
10-II (no further information)<br />
083 Direct Reading Balance NAGEMA,<br />
Model 750.01, precision class 3<br />
084 Readout System CARL ZEISS JENA,<br />
Mod. IPA300 (no further information)<br />
085 Robot NOKIA Model Puma, cabin no.<br />
007, 1 kVA, gripper AITEC<br />
086 Robotarm MOTOMAN Model S604,<br />
net weight 150 kg<br />
087 Spare Part Cleaner, Stainless Steel,<br />
B/H/W approx. 850 / 1,010 / 1,020 mm<br />
088 19" Rack RITTAL, glass front, B/H/W<br />
approx. 600 / 340 / 450 mm, including<br />
1 amplifier TOSHIBA, Model<br />
AVA-301 Solid State Amplifier<br />
089 Emission Repair System (no further<br />
information)<br />
090 Waste Air Damper, B/H/W approx.<br />
640 / 970 / 500 mm<br />
091 Lot of Air Dryers PAPST, Mod. 8556N,<br />
in 2 boxes on pallet, for TURBOVAC<br />
pumps<br />
092 Hot Cabinet MLW Model WS3, 1,080<br />
W, B/H/W approx. 750 / 600 / 580 mm<br />
093 Lot of various tubes in wooden box<br />
094 Double Wheel Stand VEB Model SFH<br />
2x200, on socket<br />
095 X-Ray Tester UPA TECHNOLOGY,<br />
Model XC-6S (no further information)<br />
096 Mesuring Unit CARL ZEISS JENA,<br />
- 6 -<br />
Model MD 100, plus 1 Sparstelltrafo<br />
TFT Type LSS 010<br />
097 Lot of Measuring Units, amongst<br />
others: 1 Dryer VEB FOTO GALVANO<br />
Ideal-D, 1 Timer RFT 2G1, on pallet<br />
098 2 Viewer CARL ZEISS JENA, on pallet<br />
099 Microfilm-Reader PENTACON Model<br />
Pentakta L100, plus 1 Microscope<br />
CARL ZEISS JENA, 4 Foto Cameras,<br />
on pallet<br />
100 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer YEW<br />
Model 3257, X-Y-Writer type 3036<br />
101 8 Ultrasonic Generators HANSONIC,<br />
Model UG-1200, in Stainless Steel<br />
Cabinet<br />
102 Heat Cabinet VEB FOTOLABOR-<br />
GERAETE, Model 141, 800 W<br />
103 Systembox, Air-pureness Tester,<br />
Stainless Steel, B/H/W approx.<br />
1.44 / 1.46 / 1.00 m<br />
104 Control Cabinet ITEC Model 963023,<br />
3 x 400 V, 50 Hz, 30 kVA<br />
105 Beam Size Measuring Unit TOSHIBA<br />
Model CodeNo. 26-11-04, including<br />
Power Supply SPELLMANN<br />
106 Measuring Unit SHIMADZU, including<br />
Microscope and Sensors<br />
107 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer YEW,<br />
X-Y-Writer Type 3036<br />
108 Puncture Tester TOSHIBA, Model<br />
PT-5000, weight 80 kg<br />
109 Sposeeker 50 MICROVISION, Model<br />
1.00 Mils/Step, S/N 9-133 (no further<br />
information)<br />
110 Chain Hoist NAMSUNG Model NB 0,5,<br />
capacity 0.5 t<br />
111 Piezo Parts Feeder HANSHIN LIMITED<br />
Model PEF-300AL (no further information)<br />
112 Welding System, including 2 motors<br />
VEXTRA model PK 569 AW<br />
113 Welding System, including 2 motors<br />
VEXTRA model PK 569 AW<br />
114 12 Control Cabinets, Mask Inverter<br />
Pos. 095 Pos. 067<br />
Pos. 121
Pos. 115 - 152 · Webcast Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
Control Panels and Mask Inserter<br />
Control Panels<br />
115 12 Transformers GEW Model T-3B,<br />
5 kVA<br />
116 Fan VEB PLASTLÜFTER Model VRE<br />
400/731, Capacity 0.92 - 2.4 m 3 /s,<br />
850 rpm, 1.17 kW<br />
117 Automated Door BESAM Model EMJ,<br />
250 W, 2 glass doors, suspension and<br />
motor<br />
118 Fluorescent Tube SEIDENSHA CO.,<br />
Model Fluorescent Lighting Fixture,<br />
4 boxes, including 4 fluorescent<br />
tubes each, variable angles of incidents<br />
of light<br />
120 Cleaning Waggon, including 2 driven<br />
brushes<br />
121 Eroding Machine AGIE Model Agie<br />
Cut, Type CNC 100/3, Series 04,<br />
Device no. 202, Device List 783004,<br />
Power 0.85 kW, Y.o.m. 1983<br />
122 Exhaust System RECO Model i-1500,<br />
Fabr.-No. 126 (no further information)<br />
123 Flexible Exhaust Tube NEDERMANN,<br />
including Fan, stainless steel, and<br />
control box, 5-stepped adjustable<br />
124 Automatic CO2 Fire Fighting System<br />
DONG SHIN FIRE CO., LTD., in<br />
Cabinet, B/H/W approx. 450 / 1,900 /<br />
400 mm, including Gas Bottle CO2<br />
1013, Tara 80.6 kg, Volume 67.0 l<br />
125 Vessel ATLAS COPCO, Volume 500 l,<br />
max. Working Pressure 11 bar, max.<br />
Working Temperature 80 °C, Y.o.m.<br />
126 Mateertank, Stainless steel, including<br />
Mixer, on Aluminum Doly<br />
127 Mateertank, Stainless Steel, including<br />
Mixer, on Aluminum Doly<br />
128 Pump GRUNDFOS Model B33330008<br />
P19627, Type CRN 16-80 A-F-G-BUBV,<br />
Q=16 m 3 /h, H = 94.3 m, n = 2,900<br />
rpm, Working Pressure 16 bar, max.<br />
Working Temperature 120 °C<br />
129 Electro Fork Lift HYSTER Model A1.00<br />
XL, S/N A203A07934T, Capacity 1.0 t,<br />
Lift 3.00 m, Accessory Tool 1.05 -<br />
1.22 m Forks, Tire Size 18 x 7-8,<br />
Weight without Battery 2,059 kg,<br />
Weight with Battery max. 2,739 kg,<br />
including Rectifier, Code …2Ti, 230 V,<br />
50 Hz, Power 1,000 W, Output 24V<br />
/30A, Y.o.m. 1996<br />
130 3 Roller Conveyor Belt, Steel, Width<br />
approx. 1.25 m, Length approx. 4.00 m<br />
131 2 Fan & Blower DAEMYUNG ENGINEE-<br />
RING Model DMSF 2,5, S/N 2001117,<br />
Air Flow Rate 30 m 3 /h, 1,160 rpm,<br />
Power 2.2 kW, Y.o.m. 2002<br />
132 Isopropanol Distillation Unit (no<br />
further information)<br />
133 Frit Glas Mixer TOSHIBA, Code no.<br />
14-11-33, IP 54, 380 V, 50 Hz, Power<br />
0.4 kW, Stainless Steel Mixer, Weight<br />
340 kg, Y.o.m. 1982<br />
134 Fan & Blower (no further information),<br />
in soundproof box W/H/D approx.<br />
680 / 1,630 / 680 mm, spring bedded<br />
135 Cooler ETTSCHEID Model IK-E28, S/N<br />
199.110.571, Working Temperature<br />
32 °C, Refrigerant R404a, Filling<br />
Weight 28 kg, max. Working Pressure<br />
28 bar, Power 14.8 kW, Weight 510 kg<br />
136 Turbo Fan, Model WTFZ, Air Flow Rate<br />
400 m 3 /h, 1,740 rpm, max. Working<br />
Temperature 400 °C, Power 5.5 kW<br />
137 Heater-Blower-Combination HAPRO,<br />
3 Phases, 400 V, 50 Hz, Motor Power<br />
3kW, Heating Power 12 kW, max.<br />
Working Temperature 100 °C, including<br />
Control Cabinet, Y.o.m. 1997<br />
138 Conveyor Belt, approx. 0.80 x 2.30 m,<br />
including Chain Drive, on Aluminium<br />
Stand, with Control Unit YASNAC<br />
Type VS mini J7, 3 Phases, 400 V,<br />
50 Hz, Power 0.55 kW<br />
139 Infrared Gas Analyzer FUJI ELECTRIC,<br />
Model ZRH, Cabinet, including D.P<br />
Meter KONICS Type KP 5500<br />
- 7 -<br />
140 Hydraulic Palett Fork Lift GENKINGER,<br />
Model FTGP 0325, S/N 96.1138,<br />
Capacity 300 kg, Weight 453 kg,<br />
Y.o.m. 1996<br />
141 2 Blowers CAT BLOWER S.p.A Model<br />
SQR, Size 16 RD, Job 960468, Y.o.m.<br />
1996<br />
142 2 Blowers CAT BLOWER S.p.A, Model<br />
SQR, Size 16 RD, Job 960468, Y.o.m.<br />
1996<br />
143 Heater-Blower-Combination HAPRO<br />
Model LGK 971201, 3 Phases, 400 V,<br />
50 Hz, Motor Power 3 kW, Heating<br />
Power 12 kW, max. Working Temperature<br />
100 °C, min. Air Flow Rate<br />
1.6 m 3 /h, including Control Cabinet,<br />
Y.o.m. 1997<br />
144 Cooler (no further information),<br />
W/H/D 1.20 / 1.80 / 0.65 m<br />
145 Filter Unit (no further information),<br />
W/H/D 1.25 / 1.42 / 1.25 m<br />
146 Fan & Blower WOLF Model KG 160,<br />
S/N 644332/01, 3 Phases, 400 V,<br />
50 Hz, Motor Power 7.5 kW, Cooling<br />
Power 148.0 kW, 1,500 rpm, Air Flow<br />
Rate 15,000 m 3 /h, Y.o.m. 2001<br />
147 Automatic Voltage Regulator ASTRO<br />
ELECTRONIC Model FA-5MR-22Z,<br />
S/N 2A-0260, 230 V, 50 Hz, Y.o.m.<br />
1983<br />
148 Motor VEB MOTORS Wernigerode,<br />
Model KPR 250 M-6, S/N 9.61760,<br />
WKL F, IP 54, Power 0.88 kW, Weight<br />
520 kg<br />
149 Refrigerator ELECTROLUX Model FKS-<br />
G 500, S/N 389501569004, for bottles,<br />
Capacity 500 l, with glass door,<br />
W/H/D approx. 710 / 1.540 / 620 mm<br />
150 Metal Shears, on socket (no further<br />
information)<br />
151 Lot of various Electronic Control<br />
Devices, Cable, on pallet<br />
152 Lot of various Electronic Control<br />
Devices, Cable, on pallet<br />
Pos. 142 Pos. 143<br />
Pos. 148
Pos. 153 - 184 · Webcast Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
153 Lot of various Sensors OMRON and<br />
KOYO on pallet, a.o. OMRON Type<br />
TL-N20MD1, Type TL-N7MD1, Type<br />
E3S-AR81, KOYO Type APS-14-15-N,<br />
Type APS-10-4N<br />
154 Lot of Sensors OMRON Model TL-<br />
N20MD1, on pallet, approx. 30 pieces<br />
155 2 Robots HIRATA Model AR-C550,<br />
Arm Base, on socket (attention:<br />
1 robot only usable for spare part)<br />
156 4 Blower CAT BLOWER S.p.A Model<br />
SQR, Size 11 RD, Job 961120, Y.o.m.<br />
1995<br />
157 Lot of Gears on Pallets, various<br />
Manufacturers and Types, approx.<br />
40 Pieces<br />
158 Lot of Steel Gratings on pallets,<br />
approx. 40 Pieces, Size approx.<br />
0.80 x 1.25 m, approx. 45 Pieces,<br />
Size approx. 1.00 x 1.00 m, approx.<br />
20 Pieces, Size approx. 1.90 x 1.00 m,<br />
plus Fastening Elements<br />
159 Base Robot Controller HIRATA Model<br />
HNC-P38D4, S/N 14522, 14523 (no<br />
further Information)<br />
160 Scissors Lift TRANSLYFT, Capacity<br />
2,000 kg<br />
161 Scissors Lift TRANSLYFT, Capacity<br />
2,000 kg<br />
162 Welding Machine ELEKTRA BECKUM<br />
Model SB 160C, 230/400 V, Setting<br />
Range 30 - 155 A<br />
163 Welding Machine DAE HO ELECTRIC<br />
MFG. CO Model DH 500 Mx (no<br />
further information)<br />
164 2 mobile Steps HAGA, Aluminum,<br />
3 steps each, Width approx. 850 mm<br />
165 7 Blowpipes EWO, various sizes, in<br />
metal box<br />
166 Combination Wrenches GEDORE<br />
Model N01B, 2 Pieces, Size 50,<br />
2 Pieces, Size 46, 1 Piece 1 7/8 AF,<br />
1 Bolt Cutter, 1 Steel Hammer<br />
167 Rope Pulling Machine WADRA Model<br />
832, Traction Force 3.2 t, Rope<br />
Diameter 16 mm, Y.o.m. 1995<br />
168 9 Cut Off Wheels MAKITA, Model-<br />
No. P-08246, Diameter 355 mm (14")<br />
169 Welding Machine SMART Model KD-F,<br />
15 kVA, Setting Range up to 180 A<br />
170 5 Sledge Hammers HABERO, Ash,<br />
Weight 5 kg<br />
171 Lot of Cylinders SMC various Types:<br />
1 Piece, Type CDA1 BN 100-200,<br />
1 Piece Type CDA1 BN 100-300,<br />
1 Piece Type CA1 FN 100-345,<br />
1 Piece Type 20-CDA 1GN 100,<br />
1 Piece Type CS1 DN 125-450<br />
172 Cooler ULTRAFILTER Model Ultracool<br />
300SP, S/N 37936/00, Cooling<br />
Capacity 33.55 kW, Nominal Flow<br />
Rate 5,770 l/h, Nominal Pressure<br />
5.0 bar, 3 Phases, 400 V, 50 Hz,<br />
Power 13.0 kW, Refrigerant R134a /<br />
21 kg, Y.o.m. 2000<br />
173 Label Printer CAB Model Hermes 4F,<br />
S/N 0001540 049, Art.-No. 5537503,<br />
230 V, 50 Hz<br />
174 Lot of Filters for Vacuum Pumps,<br />
approx. 200 Pieces, on Dolly<br />
175 4 Roboter Chains HANSHIN LIMITED<br />
- 8 -<br />
Pos. 153<br />
Pos. 160 Pos. 172<br />
Model TKC 640, Length 1,700 mm,<br />
Width 90 mm, Radius 70 mm<br />
176 Metal Sheet Cutting Machine<br />
NAGEMA Model SK2,5/810, Model-<br />
No. 32172500, Reg.-No. 19474, Band<br />
Width 20 - 650 mm, max. Sheet Thickness<br />
2.5 mm, max. Cutting Velocity<br />
10 m/min, Motor Power 2 PS, Motor<br />
Revalation 950 rpm<br />
177 2 Scissors Lifts TRANSLYFT, Capacity<br />
2,000 kg<br />
178 Lot of Stirring Devices, consisting of:<br />
1 Piece 600 l, 1 Piece 500 l, small<br />
Tack Tanks<br />
179 Mobile Air Filter PLYMOVENT,<br />
Model LF-400<br />
180 Crane, Capacity 2 t, including<br />
4-armed Chain<br />
181 Measuring Projector CARL ZEISS<br />
JENA, Model MP320 (no further<br />
information)<br />
182 Testing Unit SAMSUNG, in 19" Rack<br />
Aluminum, including Computer,<br />
Monitor, Printer, Mini Camera L.T.<br />
183 Magnetic Pinboard, on roller stand,<br />
approx. 2.00 x 1.00 m<br />
184 5 Stacking Chairs, chrome/wood<br />
Pos. 155<br />
Pos. 179
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- 9 -
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- 10 -
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Auction SAMSUNG SDI Germany GmbH<br />
Date Tuesday, 13.02.2007<br />
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- 11 -
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