
Green light for Bridport streetscape - North Eastern Advertiser

Green light for Bridport streetscape - North Eastern Advertiser


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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST !9, 2009 THE NORTH EASTERN ADVERTISER - 7Plea for volunteerhelp heededby Tony ScottThe constant search forvolunteers at theScottsdale VisitorInformation Centre hasbeen helped out byBridestowe Estatelavender farm.Thevisitorinformation centre’sstatus as a “yellow i”facility requires it toopen seven days a week,but it’s always stretchedto find enough volunteerhours to provide theservice.Centre co-ordinatorRosemary Calder put outa call for help frombusinesses, particularlytourism operators, whichbenefit most directlyfrom the centre’soperation, and waspleased to be answeredby Bridestowe Estate.“It’s quite a mutuallybeneficial arrangementwe’ve come up with,”Mrs Calder said.“Through the winterwhen things are a littlequieter at the lavenderfarm, they offered toprovide a staff memberwho might otherwise bestood down to bolster ourvolunteer ranks for oneday a fortnight.“But it quicklyshowed what a benefit itwas, so they decided todouble the donation oftime to a shift per week.”Mrs Calder said theMeals on WheelsMonday August 24 - B. WiseTuesday August 25 - Mr & Mrs W CalderWednesday August 26 - P TaylorThursday August 27 - Mr & Mrs WilloughbyFriday August 28 - Miss J Staggagreement was that thevolunteer would notonly promote the hostbusiness, but havinginside knowledge ofthat particular productthey were invited tobrief other volunteersand could obviouslypass on information tovisitors.“I understand theyquickly noticed a pickupin visitors who hadcalled at the centre.”Bridestowe also sawan advantage in keepstaff employed throughthe quieter times sothey would still beavailable when businesspicks up again ratherthan have them findother work.Volunteer SandraForbes-Ewan said sheappreciated the change.“It’s interesting toexperience anotherperspective of tourism,especially with visitorswho have no setitinerary and have timefor a chat about whatthey might like to see ordo in the area,” she said.Your guide tothe businessservices of theNorth-East• Scottsdale Visitor Information Centre volunteer Rosie Watson (left) discusses the centre’s brochuredisplay with industry-provided colleague Sandra Forbes-Ewan.Community Events• The North-Eastern Advertiser, offers a free service to local organisations and groups who wish to publicise thedates of significant events of interest to the community. Information must be provided to our office by FRIDAYWednesday August 26 - Presbyterian Ladies birthday.Guest speakers, fellowship, singing and afternoon tea. Allwelcome.Wednesday September 9 - Reunion for boarders SalvationArmy Tower House Hostel, Launceston. Enquiries Ph 63314670 or 6326 3879• Mental Health Counsellor Ph 6352 5535: Monday to Friday• Laurel House counsellor: Last Monday of each month atDorset Community House• The Heart Foundation ‘Scottsdale Strutters', meet and walkevery Tuesday at 9.30am, Hedley street car park (behindANZ bank).• Dorset County Quilters meet every third Wednesday atUniting Church meeting room, 9-4pm.• The Haven drop-in centre at Uniting Church, Scottsdale.open every Thursday from 10-1.30pm.• Social worker for information, support and referrals,Scottsdale Day Centre, Ph 6352 5504. Tuesday Wednesday,and alternate Thursday.• Men's Shed is open, 9.30-3.00pm. All welcome. EveryMonday, Wednesday and Friday.• Friends of Aminya meeting. First Thursday.• Bridport CWA Meeting, 1.30pm. New members welcome.First Tuesday.• NE Regional Arts committee meetings. Last Friday eachmonth. Enq: Ph 0439 856 191.• NESM Hospital Auxiliary meeting. First Monday.• Dorset Rural Youth meeting, 7.30pm. The second Mondayof each month.• N.E. Horticultural Society meeting. Ph 6356 1261. Everysecond Monday of each month.• Bridport Bowls Club social bowls, all welcome especiallynew players. Every Tuesday 1.30pm• Salvation Army Friendship Club, 11.30am. ThirdWednesday of month.• Scottsdale Probus Club meets at Scottsdale Hotel, 10.00am.Every fourth Wednesday.• Bridport Combined Probus Club meets at Ex-ServicesClub, 10.00am. Every fourth Friday (each month).• CWA market, 10am, CWA Hall, Bridport. Every secondSaturday of each month.• N.E. Field Naturalists outing. Ph 6352 3004. Every secondSaturday.• Bridport Coastcare meetings, Mermaids Pool car park, 9-12noon; every fourth Sunday; bring secateurs and gloves. Ph:0419 306 285.• Bridport RSL Sub-Branch meeting, 5.00pm. Clubrooms,Bridport. Every second Wednesday.• NSAA North-East Sub Branch, Scottsdale RSL Club, 4pm.Second Wednesday each month.• Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings, St Barnabas Church Hall(at rear) every Wednesday night 7-8.30 pm. All welcome.Enquiries Jill Ph: 6352 3927.• Nabowla Community Assoc. meets on the third Sunday ofevery alternate month at 3pm Nabowla Memorial Hall. Allwelcome.• Lietinna Hall - available for parties, Christmas break-ups,and fundraisers. Enq: 6352 2166, 0419 522 017.BUILDER / HANDY MANDennis Smith• Home maintenance• Repairs• Renovations• Alterations• Reasonable ratesNO JOB TOO SMALLPhone 0428 507 095ENGINEERING0428 635 410www.clarkmet.com.auJEWELLERSNorth East JewellersTedora & LovelinksClearance Sale•Tedora Buy 1item 10 % discount•Buy 2 items 20 % discount• Buy 3 or more 30 %discountLovelinks 10%discount off all stockTREE REMOVALCONCRETE & LANDSCAPEBridport PremixConcrete & LandscapeGarden suppliesLot 11 Heckrath Rd (off the Waterhouse Rd)NEW IN for your Gardening Pleasure!!ORGANIC MUSHROOM COMPOST• Crushed Brick and White Pebbles• Amazing organic fertilizer mulch/dirt foryour garden • Pea StrawAND LOTS MORE... Call in andsee what else we have or give Steve a call....Ph 0419 561 469GARDENSCLMGarden Care• Lawns mowed • Edges trimmed• Heavy duty brush cutting • Weedsremoved and controlled • Pressurecleaning, e.g. houses, pathways,rubbish removal. • Hedge trimming• Small Welding jobs e.g. gates etc.• Gutters cleaned. FULLY INSUREDPH 6352 3388 0428 338 109Advertiser Crossword 778CRYPTICAcross7. Go against fried favouritemashed.(6)8. Therefore the fellow of thenorth certainly had a coupleof starts.(5)10. A cut can easily besevere.(5)11. Deluge from rocky peakwill tear after.(7)12. Before another time for thehermit.(7)13. It may come to pass forrelay runners.(5)14. Unpaid so go win anotherway.(5)16. Part of the heath war tendedto go from side toside.(7)18. Breathing space neededas I pester annoyingly.(7)20. Tropical fruit chap will gofor.(5)21. Not right to suffer to providewith ability.(5)22. Explain small items.(6)Down1. Very little time.(6)2. It is giving in to the clergy.(8)3. Her wit can make onesquirm.(6)4. Black tea.(4)5. Official order to dine differentlyat the NationalTrust.(6)6. Journey's end.(11)9. To dreamer do get exactlywhat is wanted.(4,2,5)13. He be another flyer thehuge creature.(8)15. Sounds as if the battingteam are not out.(6)16. A good dean makes thetimetable.(6)17. It can hang around the finger.(6)19. Frozen dice to playwith.(4)QUICKAcross7. Abdominal organ.(6)8. Pebble.(5)10. Angry.(5)11. Pamphlet.(7)12. Creased, gathered.(7)13. Most bad.(5)14. Horseshoe bend inriver.(5)16. Part ape.(anag)(7)18. Cry out.(7)20. Wild dog.(5)21. Toughen.(5)22. Got away from.(6)Down1. Optical illusion (6)2. Rude town (anag) (8)3. Covering for sight organ (6)4. Largest continent (4)5. Unit of money (6)6. Payment to compensate forinjury etc (11)9. Inducing perspiration (11)13. International soccer com-91 2 3 4 5 67 810 1112 1314 15 16 1718 19 2021 22petition (5,3)15. Help, support (6)16. Spoil, cosset (6)17. Satisfy someone's desires(6)19. So be it (4)CROSSWORD NO. 777SOLUTIONSCRYPTICAcross:1.petty 4.officer 8.illicit9.roust 10.exit 11.espalier13.iodine 14.becalm 17.internal 19.skin 21.thing22.antenna 23.retreat24.pieceDown: 1.prime minister 2.tallied3.yack 4.obtuse 5.forsaken6.cauli 7.retirementage 12.intrigue15.askance 16.vacant18.twist 20.stopQUICKAcross: 1.shell 4.shocked8.riotous 9.circa 10.ibis11.misplace 13.hamper14.dermis 17.animated19.dean 21.grand 22.martini23.emended 24.digitDown: 1.straight angle 2.egotism3.look 4.siskin5.occupied 6.karma 7.do aperson dirt 12.regarded15.meeting 16.beamed18.image 20.prod

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