Volume 14 - Issue 3 - November 2008

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NEw PRooucT10N sP o NsoR,§ Scotiabank•Nov 8, 11, 12, <strong>14</strong>, 15@ 7:30 pmNov 9 @ 3:00 pmElgin Theatre, 189 Yonge StreetEnglish Surtitles'"Tickets from $30Ticketmaster: 416.872.5555www.ticketmaster.caUnder 30? Ask about Operatix.Photo by Bruce ZingerArtists Jack Rennie and Cave l! Woodwww.operaatelier.comCelebrate Christmaswith Toronto's renownedSt. Michael's Choir Schoolas they present their overture tothe season. Each of the school's choirs will perform sacred choralmasterpieces from Christmases past and present. This concertpremieres a new arrangement of the piece Christmas Overture.Originally written in 1940 by the Choir School's founder Msgr. J.E.Ronan, this version features brass accompaniment composed byprominent Canadian Howard Cable.Join St. Michael's Choir School and their special guest,True North Brass for a spirited celebration of the season.For concert & school information, visitwww.smcs.on.caArts Ed1.1C,1tion Partnership with thesupportoftll('Ont.irio Ministry of EducJtionandMi11istryol Culture.NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM3

DON'T MISS THIS UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY to enjoy extraordinarily great artists in a trulyextraordinary space, the new home of The Glenn Gould School and The Royal Conservatory.YOAVTALMI GGS VOCAL STUDENTS ANTON KUERTITHE GLENN GOULD SCHOOLPRESENTSThursday, <strong>November</strong> 20, <strong>2008</strong>, 8:00 pmRoyal Conservatory OrchestraYOAV TALMI, conductorSONIA SIELAFF, clarinetRepertoire:STRAUSS Till EulenspiegelNIELSEN Clarinet ConcertoMAHLER Symphony No. 1Celebrated conductor and artistic director ofthe Quebec Symphony Yoav Tai mi will lead theRoyal Conservatory Orchestra in this vividlyprogrammatic set of classical cornerstones.Location: Toronto Centre for the Arts -George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St.Tickets: $20 adults, $10 students - Tickets onlyavailable through Ticketmaster 416.872.1111Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 12, <strong>2008</strong>, 8:00pmThe GGS Vocal ShowcaseEnjoy the rare opportunity to see these operaticsingers of the future on stage at The RoyalConservatory. Join The Glenn Gould School's talentedstudents of the vocal department up-close as theypresent an evening of arts songs and opera arias.Location: Mazzoleni Hall -The Royal Conservatory, 273 Bloor St. W.Tickets: FREE - Donation proceeds in support ofThe GGS Opera WorkshopGEORGE GAO MARTIN BEAVER ADITYA VERMA JUDY LOMAN &NORA SCHULMANTHE ROYAL CONSERVATORYPRESENTSLocation: All concerts at Mazzoleni Ha II -The Royal Conservatory, 273 Bloor St. W.TICKETS AVAILABLE THROUGH RCM BOX OFFICESunday, October 26, <strong>2008</strong>, 2:00 pmGreat Artists SeriesANTON KUERTI, pianoAl I Beethoven ProgrammeTickets: $30 adult, $10 studentsThursday, <strong>November</strong> 6, <strong>2008</strong>, 7:30pmWorld Music ConcertsGEORGE GAO, erhuTraditional Chinese erhu fused with western musicTickets: $20 adult, $10 studentsFriday, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2008</strong>, 8:00 pmGreat Artists SeriesARC's Music in Exile (Artists of The Royal Conservatory)Programme includes the Canadian premiere ofAdolph Busch's String Sextet and Robert Kahn'sSuite for violin and piano.Tickets: $30 adult, $10 studentsJOIN US FOR THE FIRST OF A 5-PARTBEETHOVEN PIANO CONCERTO LECTURESERIES WITH INTERNATIONALLYACCLAIMED PIANIST ANTON KUERTIon Friday, <strong>November</strong> 28, <strong>2008</strong>, 2:00pm atThe Royal Conservatory. Admission is free.Please visit rcmusic.ca for a list of all ourother free concerts, master classes and events.LEON FLEISHERFriday, <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>, 8:00pmGreat Artists SeriesMARTIN BEAVER & LI WANG, violin and pianoProgramme: BEETHOVEN Sonata Op. 24, BRAHMSSonata Op. 78, BACH Chaconne from Partita No. 2and PROKOFIEV Sonata Op. 94a.Tickets: $30 adult, $10 studentsThursday, <strong>November</strong> 20, <strong>2008</strong>, 7:30 pmWorld Music ConcertsADITYA VERMA, sarodJoin this Montreal based sarod artist in aprogramme of traditional music from India.Tickets: $20 adult, $1 O studentsSunday, <strong>November</strong> 23, <strong>2008</strong>, 2:00 pmGreat Artists SeriesJUDY LOMAN & NORA SCHULMAN, harp & fluteProgramme: SPOHR Sonata Op. 113, DONIZETIISonata, LIEBERMANN Sonata, GLENN BUHR DansesAbstraites, PIAZZOLLA Three PiecesTickets: $30 adult, $10 studentsWednesday, December 3, <strong>2008</strong>, 8:00 pmGreat Artists SeriesLEON FLEISHER, pianoSolo repertoire first half, second half performingBrahms Piano Quintet in f minor with members ofARC (ERIKA RAUM & MARIE BERARD, violins,STEVEN DANN, viola and BRYAN EPPERSON, cello)Tickets: $30 adult, $10 students(Please note: new concert date - LI WANG,solo piano recital - Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009 at 4:00pm)

wholenote<strong>Volume</strong> <strong>14</strong> #3 <strong>November</strong> 1 - December 7, <strong>2008</strong>06 EDITOR'S OPENER: The Walking Ovation? David Perlman07 FEATURE: Shape Shifter: Mary McGeer's Talisker Colin Eatock10 FEATURE: Toronto in <strong>November</strong>: The Paris Connection Allan PulkerBEAT BY BEAT (The Live Music Scene)13 World View Karen Ages15 In with the New Richard Marsella17 Early Music Frank Nakashima18 Choral Scene ml buell20 Jazz Notes Jim Galloway20 In the Clubs: Autumn's Day Ori Dagan21 Band Stands and Podiums Jack MacQuarrie23 On Opera Christopher HaileMUSICAL LIFE (1)24 Choral Life Q & A: Jurgen Petrenko ml buellCALENDAR (Live Music Listings)26-42 Section I: Concerts: Toronto & GTA43-46 Section 2: Concerts: Beyond the GTA46-47 Section 3: Jazz in the Clubs (listings)48 Section 4: Announcements, Lectures, Workshops, ... EtceteraMUSICAL LIFE (2)50 We are All Music's Children ml buellDISCOVERIES - Records Reviewed53 Editor's Corner David Olds54 Vocal and Opera55 Early, Classical and Beyond56 Modern and Contemporary57 Jazz and Improvised Music58 Pot Pourri - Extended Play60 Old Wine in New Bottles Bruce SurteesENCORE!62 Engaging Toronto's Music Classrooms Matthew Tran-AdamsOTHER ELEMENTS06 Contact Information and Deadlines25 Index of Advertisers49/52 WholeNote MarketPlace51 C lassified AdsIN THIS ISSUETHE PARIS CONNECTIONLeslie NewmanPage 10N EW VOICEKiyoshi NagataPage 13JAZZ NOTESMolly JohnsonPage 20CONTEST:Music's Chi ldPage 50N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEM BER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 5

6IDholenoteNThe Toronto Concert-Goer's Guide<strong>Volume</strong> <strong>14</strong> #3, <strong>November</strong> 1 - December 7, <strong>2008</strong>Copyright© <strong>2008</strong> WholeNote Media, Inc.720 Bathurst Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4Main Tel: 416-323-2232 Fax 416-603-4791Publisher: Allan Pulker- publisher@thewholenote.comEditor: David Perlman - editorial@thewholenote.comAssociate editor: Matthew T ran-Adams-wmieditor@thewholenote.comCD Editor: David Olds - discoveries@thewholenote.comEvent advertising/membership:Karen Ages - members@thewholenote.comProduction liaison/retail & educational advertising:Jack Buell -adart@thewholenote.comClassified Advertising; Announcements, Etc:Simone Desilets -classad@thewholenote.comListings department:Colin Eatock- listings@thewholenote.comJazz Listings:Ori Dagan - jazz@thewholenote.comCirculation, Display Stands & Subscriptions:Chris Malcolm- circulation@thewholenote.comProduction Management:Peter Hobbs, production@thewholenote.comProduction Tel: 416-351-7171; Fax: 416-351-7272Thanks to this month's contributorsBeat by Beat: Early (Frank Nakashima); Choral (mJ buell); New Music(Richard Marsella); Jazz (Jim Galloway, Ori Dagan); Orchestra and Band(Jack MacQuarrie); Opera (Christopher Haile); Musical Life (mJ buell);Encore! (Matthew Tran-Adams)Features: Colin Eatock, Allan PulkerCD Reviewers: Larry Beckwith, Ori Dagan, Daniel Foley, John S. Gray, RichardHaskell, Tiina Kiik, Alison Melville, Allan Pulker, Cathy Riches, Bruce Surtees, RobertTomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsPhoto research: Matthew Tran-AdamsEditorial research: Nick TortiProofreading: Karen Ages, Simone Desilets, Nick TortiListings: Colin Eatock, Richard Haskell, Felix Deak, Ori DaganLayout and design: Verity Graph ics, Rocket Design (cover)Cartoon: Van Tran-AdamsUPCOMING DATES AND DEADLINESNext issue is <strong>Volume</strong> <strong>14</strong> #4 covering December 1 - February 7, <strong>2008</strong>Free Event Listings Deadline: 6pm Friday <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>Display Ad Reservations Deadline: 6pm Friday <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>Advertising Materials Due: 6pm Tueday <strong>November</strong> 18Publication Date: Monday December 1WholeNote Media Inc. accepts noresponsibility or liability for claims madefor any product or service reported onor advertised in this issue.Circulation Statement,September <strong>2008</strong>:30,000 printed and distributedAgreement 1263846ISSN <strong>14</strong>888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement#40026682Return undeliverable Canadianaddresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.503-720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4foR OPENERS •••The Walking Ovation?Let us stray together, you and I, far into the realm of the fantasticalby pretending that this little editorial, huffing and puffing along itsmerry way, actually has the power, just by naming an abuse, toeradicate it forever. Ready, ... set, ... ZAP! Just like that, all thepractitioners of the single most infuriating breach in concert-andopera-going etiquette lie dead, slumped across seats or sprawled inthe aisles of RTH and the Four Seasons Centre.No, I am not referring to the dowagers who think that symphoniesstart loud and operas have overtures so they (the dowagers) can commencevigorously massaging the cellophane scalps of their blastedcough drops. Or start chatting without fear of being overheard.Nor am I referring to the brutes who bellow "brava" from theback of the hall before even a second's silence has splashed like atear on the diva's dying breath. Or to the handclappers who poise onthe edge of their seats like sprinters waiting for the starting gun,competing to be the first to applaud at the end of a piece, desperate toshow that they know to the split second how and when a piece isgoing to end (and thereby depriving everyone in the hall of the gift ofexhaling into silence after sitting with bated breath).All of these will be punished in hell, so I don't need to bother withraking them over my little bed of coals. I have my sights on a gang farworse. Your time has come. I have you in my sights. Tremble and beafraid, all you practitioners of the "walking ovation". Your days, justlike your seats (Orchestra, row BB, 138 and 139, for example) arenumbered.You know who you are! You blast to your feet at the final bell, rightafter the brutes bellowed "brava", yapping your kudos, pretending tohave been be enthralled. But by the time the curtain rises for the call,or the recitalist returns to the stage, you're halfway up the aisle, havingtrodden over all and any in your way, beating as hasty a retreat asyou can connive. Pretending to ovate in order to perambulate. Hypocrisyrearing its ugly head (or heading its ugly rear) in, and out of, thehallowed hall.I'm onto you, busters. Beware.David Perlman, editorOOOPS, We Goofed!Last month we ran a contest in our October "Blue Pages": identifythe photos, and win a prize. But we forgot to mention a cut-off date .We've already awarded a couple of "early bird" prizes, one to DawnHenderson of Etobicoke, the other to Andrew Prins of Mississauga,who were the first to correctly identify all eleven photos. Dawn getsPrinted in Canada bya pair of tickets to the Canadian Opera Company's production of DonCouto Printing and Publishing ServicesGiovanni, and Andrew a pair of tickets to the Hannaford Street SilverCanadian Publ ication Product SalesBand. So here's the cut-off date: get your answers in by <strong>November</strong>------------~------------+-10 (e-mail members@thewholenote.com, or fax 416-603-4791) andwww.thewholenote.comwe'll draw from entries with the most correct answers for a chance towin more prizes'WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

FEATURESHAPE SHIFTERMARY MCGEER'S TALISKERBy Colin EatockIn an interview over brunch in a Bloor Street cafe, it soon becomesapparent that Mary McGeer isn't used to a lot of public attention. (She'sa violist by trade, and we all know how much attention violists get.)Yet it soon becomes apparent that she's very proud of the musical organizationshe founded: the Talisker Players.Perhaps it would be more accurate to speak of the two organizationsshe founded: the Talisker Players Choral Music Orchestra and TaliskerPlayers Chamber Music. While they both share the name "Talisker"and employ some of the same musicians, structurally they are twocompletely different entities.The orchestra came first, and is now in its fourteenth year. "It started,"McGeer recalls, "when I put together a pickup band for a choralconductor. Another choir heard about us, and so I put together anotherone. I used violinist Valerie Sylvester as concertmaster for both ofthose. And I remember Valerie and I were walking out of the hall andshe said to me, 'You know, if I could spend my life doing this repertoire,I would be perfectly happy. ' That's when the idea was plantedthat this was something we could specialize in and get really good at.We began to think about it that way, and we gave it a name."STEINWAY &SONS" if I could spend my life doing this repertoire,I would be perfectly happy."These days, the Talisker Players Choral Music Orchestra plays betweentwenty and thirty engagements per year, accompanying choirswith instrumental groups ranging from four to forty players. In town,they've performed with the Toronto Classical Singers, Orpheus Choirand the Tallis Choir, among many others. Further afield, they've beenengaged by choirs in Peterborough, Midland, St. Catharines, Georgetown,Orangeville and Kitchener.Better known to Toronto concert-goers, however, is the chambermusicseries-which, as McGeer explains, wouldn't have happenedwithout the orchestra. "We started Talisker as a loosely configuredensemble that worked with choirs, and somewhere along the way someonesaid, 'You know, there's a lot of interesting music for voice andchamber ensemble- you should start a series. ' It was the beginning ofthe end of my life!"That was nine years ago. And in a city where chamber-series comeand go like commuters at Union Station, Talisker Players ChamberMusic has succeeded in carving out an enviable place for itself: a threeconcertseries (with two performances of each programme, on consecutivenights) at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, that attracts a loyal audience.In large part, this is due to the series' unique programs, which arecomprised of works composed for voice and small instrumental groups.The performance of this repertoire is the cornerstone of the series- butMcGeer confesses that, at the outset, she didn't know much about it."We knew about a few pieces for solo voice and chamber ensemblethat are famous, " she notes, "such as Vaughan Williams' On WenlockEdge, Britten's Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, and Barber'sDover Beach. But we didn't know what else was out there. We wonderedif there was more, and started to do some research. We discoveredan amazing repertoire that hardly ever gets done - because onceyou get beyond voice with piano, things get complicated. We did a coupleof trial concerts: people came, and they liked what they heard."Thanks to the years she'd already spent running the Talisker PlayersChoral Music Orchestra, she was already well acquainted with Toronto'sfreelance musicians. She assembled a core group of players whofrequently appear on the series: violinists Valerie Sylvester and RonaGoldensher, cellist Laura Jones, flautist Anne Thompson, clarinetistPeter Stoll, bassoonist Christian Sharpe, oboist Vicky Hathaway, hornistNeil Spaulding, percussionist John Brownell, and pianist Peter Long-QUALITY & SERVICE SINCE 1890A Steinway piano is a unique instrument that sets theworld standard for how a piano should look, play andsound. It is also a singularly inspired investment. Aninstrument that combines the joy of musical perfectionwith the security and reassurance of financial appreciation.It is, quite simply, a treasured possession thatgrows in value over the course of time -- a rare andenduring creation which is handed down with pridefrom one generation to the next.We invite you to visit us today and view the entire line ofSteinway designed pianos, with something for everytaste and budget.REM ENYI .COMS T R ING S P I A N O S P R IN T MUS I C G UI T AR S2 10 B LOOR ST. W EST, TORON TO • 4 1 6 .961.3 1111 455 1 6 T H AV E . #6, R IC HMO N D HILL • 9 0 5 .8 8 1.3400N OVE M BER 1 - D ECEM BE R 7 <strong>2008</strong> W WW. TH EWHO LENOTE.COM 7

worth. McGeer plays viola - and many othermusicians have also performed.Of course, singers are also needed. But, accordingto McGeer, that's the least of her worries."In Toronto that'snot a problem," shestates. "We've got someabsolutely amazing singers.Not all of them wantto do this kind of repertoire,but the people whora and Ottawa, and at FestivalVancouver. As well ,the group has been appointedartists-in-residence atthe University of Toronwantto do it really love it-and don't get much opportunity todo it." Some of the finest singers inToronto have graced the series, includingsopranos Krisztina Szabo,Teri Dunn and Jennie Such, mezzosVilma Vitols and Norine Burgess,and tenor Colin Ainsworth.Also intergral to the Talisker Playerschamber series is the idea of thematicprogramming: concerts arebuilt around a unifying idea, such asNight Songs, A Medieval Tapestry, orRumours of Peace, among many others."It's just obvious," remarks Mc­Geer. "With vocal music, you'redealing with text-and this led to findinga common link in the repertoire."Sometimes specific poets have served asthemes: programmes of various composers'settings of texts by William Blake or RabindranathTagore, for example. But more frequently,the theme is a central concept: Perfect Proprietywas a lighthearted look at modern etiquette,and Spirit Dreaming was inspired by indigenouspeoples from around the world.To underscore the focus of Talisker's concerts,performances always include a narratorwho reads texts related to the subject at hand."For the first concert," says McGeer, "weasked the singers to do some readings. We veryquickly discovered that singers are not trainedreaders- it's a whole different art. So we startedto use actors instead." The narrator also hasa second purpose: with so many changes to thestage set-up during concerts (often a new configurationis needed for every piece), he or shereads while the stage is quietly rearranged.Although the theme acts as a unifying forceon each program, the content can be remarkablydiverse. Schubert, Beethoven, and Faurehave been heard on Talisker programmes - butso also have Harry Somers, John Burge, andDaniel Foley. In the last nine seasons, Taliskerhas commissioned fifteen new works fromCanadian composers, all of which have beenperformed alongside works from other localesand eras. (English music seems to hold a specialplace in McGeer's heart: Britten, Bax,Vaughan Williams et al. have often been presented.)"We started commissioning Canadian composersfrom day one," says McGeer, "whenwe had a gap in a programme, or if we hadsome poetry that seemed perfect, but I couldn'tfind a setting of it. Now it's just as likely thatcomposers will come to us with ideas."McGeer is quick to point out that TaliskerPlayers Chamber Music isn't a contemporary"We do performances in shelters and drop-in centres for homelesspeople-places that are way below the radar of most arts groups.".f -Mary McGeer of Talisker Playersence. People come to our concerts and are surprisedwhen they liked something that theywouldn't have expected to-and it's partly be-music ensemble. "New works are presentedin a context that's not about new music per se,"she says, "and I think that's a very effectiveway to introduce new music to a general audicauseof the way they're drawn into the programme."In the last few years, Talisker PlayersChamber Music has started touring, playing atsummer festivals in Elo­to's Massey College.They can also be heard ona recently released CD (Naxos8.559371), performing Americancomposer Gloria Coates' Cantata daRequiem.As well, McGeer mentions thegroup's outreach performances."We present smaller versions of ourconcerts at Regent's Park. We doperformances in shelters and dropincentres for homeless people -places that are way below the radarof most arts groups. We're oftenstunned by the response we get,because there are so many peoplethere who understand and respondto music."Talisker's next concert (the firstin the <strong>2008</strong>-09 season) is The Lost Generation,on <strong>November</strong> 11 and 12, and will include theworld premiere of Juliet Hess's The Poplars,8WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMNOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

for voice and piano quartet. Looking to future seasons, McGeer hopesto expand the number of performances per year. To be sure, she's notrunning out of ideas, commitment or repertoire."One of my favourite things about the series," she explains, "istracking down music. The more research we do, the more music weuncover. It's a treasure trove - almost all of it written since the latenineteenth century. We've had many adventures contacting librariesand publishers around the world. And we've done a lot of music that'sunpublished or out of print. "Colin Eatock is a Toronto-based composer and writer.GREAT CHAMBER MUSIC DOWNTOWNTHE GRYPHON TRIOPictured on our coverTa/isker Players:Mary McGeer, viola;Alexander Dobson, baritone;Kathryn Sudgen, violin;Sanya Eng, harp; MarionNewman, mezzo-soprano;and Mary Katherine Finch,cello.Toronto's beloved trio plays works old and newHaydn, Heather Schmidt, MendelssohnThursday Nov. 6 at 8 pmMARC-ANDRE HAMELINVirtuoso pianist plays sonatas from Haydn to jazzTuesday Nov. 11 at 8 pmChristmasAroundthe WorldFRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, <strong>2008</strong> AT 8 :00 PMSt. T h omos ' s Anglic::on Churc::h383 Huron Street, TorontoMIAMI STRING QUARTETTICKETS Regular $25, Senior $20, Student $ 15To order or for more information: 416.971 .9229www.exultote.net exultote@exultate.netHCA Piano Concert SeriesHamilton Conservatory for the ArtsTill FellnerStmday, <strong>November</strong> 30, <strong>2008</strong>@ 2pm ~/ ,V alerie Tryon:f:~~9~)-5~8-;itO}OSunday. Janua1y 25, 2009 @ 2pm ~w ~-·~(\vw:hGart.S-.(>3Janina Fialk owska (.'~ ~ 6 _:",..,., ,. St = ""fbFriday, February 13th 2009 @ Spm'.1~ -~;f;~J,!,!~"'. --~ ~,JI1• '\\ H3miltonMichael L enin ~ ,'.1) I 1 [!1Satmday. April 25, 2009 @ Spm -~~, lcelebrates its 20th anniversary with its Toronto debutThursday Dec. 4 at 8 pmtorontda rts bou n cil#.o auo·, 1engthbody ol1he C,ty of Toro n10l ~iTdii6N~www.music-toronto.comatJane Mallett TheatreSt. LAWRENCE CENTRE~~~ ARTS416-366-7723 • 1-800-708-6754order online at www.stlc.comN OVEMBER 1 - D EC EMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> W WW. THEW HOLENOTE.COM 9

Toronto in <strong>November</strong>:The Paris Connectionby Allan FulkerThe two musicians I chose to talk to this month- Leslie Newman, aToronto flute player, and Charles Ketcham, a pianist and conductorfrom San Francisco- are both giving Toronto recitals in late <strong>November</strong>:Newman on <strong>November</strong> 27, Ketcham on <strong>November</strong> 21. Both featuremusic by individuals not as well known for being composers as forother reasons, and who lived in Paris in thelate nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Ketcham will perform some of the three hundredshort piano pieces composed by two collaborators,George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff andThomas de Hartmann; Newman will performworks by Paul Taffanel (remembered todayas the father of modem flute playing) and twoof his contemporaries.Leslie NewmanA. v\lho was Paul Taffanel and why do youwant to do a recital in his honour?L. I've had a lot to do with his music- playedand recorded quite a lot of it. The recital iswithin six days of the lOOth anniversary of theactual day of his death, so it feels like a wonderfultime to bring him to the attention ofpeople who don't know about him. Pretty well every modem day fluteplayer can trace his lineage back to Taffanel, either through MarcelMoyse who was taught by Taffanel's student, Philippe Gaubert, orthrough Julius Baker, who was taught by another ofTaffanel's students,Georges Barrere. In Toronto, for instance, Robert Aitken studied withMoyse and Susan Hoeppner studied with Baker.Leslie Newman, fluteIt was a happy coincidence that such a developed musical sensibilityas Taffanel became a flute player at such a crucial moment in the historyof the flute. The instrument had just been completely remodelledby Theobald Boehm, and it was the far greater expressive potential ofthe Boehm flute that Taffanel developed and championed. In addition herediscovered and revived the flute music of Bach, Handel and Mozart,and encouraged composers to write for the flute as a serious solo instrument.He reintegrated the flute into mainstream chamber musicthrough the Society of Chamber Music for Wind Instruments, which hefounded in 1879; and the great orchestral flute writing of Debussy andRavel can be traced right back to him as well,such as Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.Could you say something about your own exposureto Taffanel?Before I went to study with Thomas Nyfengerat Yale, I had played some of the Paris ConservatoireMarceaux de Concours that manyof us play as students, like the Faure Fantaisieand Gaubert's pieces. They're wonderful,0t: very beautiful pieces, but I hadn't really given>ci them much thought. At Yale, Nyfenger introducedme to a piece by the German compos­!:;;"'er, Anton Bernhard Fiirstenau, called "Theii!Illusion," quite a spectacular showpiece. It was~ just a fun piece, not particularly deep in any- ~~iE way, but it did get me interested in showpiec-es as a genre. Then I moved to England andauditioned for Radio Three. It so happened thatthe producer for whom I auditioned, Edward Blakeman, was a fluteplayer himself and had a very deep interest in Taffanel, not only inTaffanel's life but also his compositions, digging up manuscripts of unpublishedworks by Taffanel in various French libraries. I ended uplearning the Mignon and Freischiitz Fantasies and three or four others,Artafliine~4ND!IEW IIU!ASHKO,ARTISOC0ff!ECTOIIConcert no. 2: End of TimeSunday December 7, <strong>2008</strong>, 3:00pmGlenn Gould Studio (250 Front St. W.)Pre-concert chat hosted by Keith Horner, 2:30pmPerforming works by Arutunian, Kradjian andMessiaen's Quartet for the End of Timewith Artists:Benjamin Bowman, violin ; Serouj Kradjian, piano;Joaquin Valdepenas, clarinet and David Hetherington, celloTickets and Subscriptions availableCALL: 416-368-8743 www.amiciensemble.comto ro ntdartsbo u n c i IAn arm's length body of the City of Toronto.9A_ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL B§e, Canada Council Conseil des ArtsM CONSEILDES ARTS DE rnNTARIO c!; for the Arts du Canada10 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM

leading to the project of recording these pieces,which I'm sure I would never have done ifit hadn't been for meeting Edward Blakeman.Blakeman has gone on to publish a fantastic bookabout Paul Taffanel. He has also edited and publishedsome of the pieces he discovered.Please tell us about your <strong>November</strong> 27 programme.About half the programme will be compositionsby Taffanel. We're starting with the Suite forFlute and Piano by Charles Marie Widor, acolleague of Taffanel at the Conservatoire.Widor wrote this and dedicated it to him in theearly 1880s. Taffanel performed it many timesin the 80s and 90s before it was finally publishedin 1898. It is so interesting that the earlyreviews of it were glowing but always had somecomment marvelling that such a large scalework was possible "even on the flute" . The flutewas still finding its place as a major instrument,just over a hundred years ago. It is on apretty large scale, about twenty minutes long,and just a wonderful piece! After that I'm goingto do the Mignon and Freischiitz Fantasies,which are pretty much regarded as the best ofTaffanel's operatic fantasies. They really standout from other works in this genre because theyare a real pairing of the piano and the flute. Tome they have a deep musical intention: they'renot just virtuosic showpieces. When he wrotethem he was playing in the Paris Opera Orchestra,which he went on to conduct. This toowas quite extraordinary, as it was extremelyunusual for a non string player to become a conductor.We're also going to do the Meditation fromThai:s by Jules Massenet, who, as a senior studentat the Conservatoire when Taffanel was afreshman, was his first harmony teacher. Later,after they had both gone on to become professorsthere, Taffanel conducted the premiereof Thai:s. According to Blakeman, he so admiredthe beauty of the Meditation that he transcribedit for the flute.So I hope this recital will be an interestingand musically satisfying introduction to a greatmusician whose influence is still all around us.of the world.De Hartmann met Gurdjieff in Russia in 1916and was one of his earliest pupils. At that timede Hartmann was already an extraordinarilygifted musician, very well trained, and poisedto have a major career in Russia as a composerand as a pianist. The combination of the Bolshevikrevolution in 1917 and his meeting withGurdjieff, however, put him in a very differentplace in the history of music. Despite therebeing a significant body of music that he wroteboth before and after he met Gurdjieff, he isstill relatively unknown.The music that I will be playing on <strong>November</strong>21 is from a collection of 300 pieces thathe and Gurdjieff composed together over thecourse of two years from 1925 to 1927. Remarkably,it really is the creation of two peoplewith a common understanding.How did they collaborate?As one of the three editors of the published editionof this music, I had the opportunity to studythe original manuscripts, from which it wasapparent that de Hartmann's part in the collaborationwas much more than just taking downwhat was dictated by Gurdjieff. He had a verydeep understanding about what Gurdjieff wastrying to express. He was also an incrediblyskilled musician and composer in his own right,and so was able to give a kind of polish to eachpiece. Gurdjieff would give the basic elements-the rhythm and the melody- and onthe spot de Hartmann would take these downand then go on to add the harmony. To do thishe had to bring his own understanding, both ofmusic and of Gurdjieff's vision. What I foundremarkable was that de Hartmann understoodalmost instantly what was needed. You see verylittle change between the rough draft and thefinal version. Also remarkable, in the earlycompositions the melody was taken down witha rhythm indicated and then it was developedin a second draft. In the later pieces all the elementswere already there on the first pagemelody,harmony and rhythm. As de Hartmanntook down the melody he could already hearthe harmonic progression.This would suggest that some kind of evolution;frmason & 1!}amlinDiscover whyMason & Hamlin pianos ~,are referred to as -~"The World's Finest" .t.l -~h~'frCharles Ketchamtt'ho were Gurdjieff and de Hartmann?One has to start with Gurdjieff, who from myperspective is best revealed in the film, "Meetingswith Remarkable Men," a man who had avery deep search for the meaning of life, whywe are here, what is our purpose. This questionwas so intense for him that he, with a fewothers who felt the same, tried to search forthe origins of that knowledge, and through thatsearch found real knowledge preserved in differentparts of the world. He brought this to thewest in 1913, when he settled in Moscow andthen, about ten years later, in Paris. What hasevolved since, of course, is a teaching and centresaround the world, where people with similarquestions continue the lineage of those whowere closest to him. He died in Paris in 1949.His closest pupil, Jeanne de Salzmann, continuedhis work with the other people who werearound him, forming groups in different partsN OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>L'RRESTRICTED TOLimited Production built by handusing only the finest materialsFor an appointment to see and play Canada's largest selection(all models !) of new Mason & Hamlin grand pianos you are invitedto call 1-866-631-6696 or email willem@masonhamlin.cawww.masonhamlin.caWWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM 11

took place in de Hartmann.Absolutely. You feel that, and for me that is a remarkable aspect of thisunique collaboration, unprecedented in the history of music.Stylistically or even philosophically, whose music do you feel theirs isclosest to?I am now more inclined to speak of influences than of similarities.First, what I feel most is that both were raised in the Orthodox Church.The influence of Orthodox liturgical music is apparent in a great numberof the pieces, but evoked rather than melodically borrowed. In somepieces the influence of Armenian folk music can be heard, not dissimilarto Komitas ' music. Sometimes you even hear things reminiscent ofSatie's music- its simplicity andWhat is the organizing principle used in this music?There's a strong melodic element, which, unlike the music of the Germanicclassical tradition, is not repetitive .. . when you hear each piece,you feel that it is complete, that a complete sentiment has been expressed,that it holds together, and that the melodic writing is logicaland coherent in the way it is orabsenceof elaboration. Therewas a time when Gurdjieff tookde Hartmann to hear the musicof the dervishes, which was alsoan influence. The structure ofthe scales they used and the remotenessof the instruments to the piano, however, make that influencedifficult to detect. Yet another influence was the fact that de Hartmannwas Russian. You can hear this music as an amalgam from the crucibleof Gurdjieff and de Hartmann's understanding . It is also importantto remember that this music is actually part of the teaching that Gurdjieffabsorbed and brought to the West in a form designed specifically forthe Western mind. It was originally written just for the relatively smallgroup of people who were interested in and were working with theseideas. It was only published in the 1990s, at the insistence of Jeanne deSalzmann, who felt that this music should be heard throughout the world.Do you see any connection between it and the way Bart6k worked, notatingand preserving traditional melodies from Eastern Europe?Something Gurdjieff expressed was that there are truths or understandingsabout human nature preserved in folk dances and folk music . Bar-m£infqniat6k had a great feeling for his Hungarian roots and the really essentialelements of music that were preserved in its folk traditions. Similarly,this is what Stravinsky did in his earlier works. So even though it seemsunlikely that Gurdjieff and de Hartmann actually knew these two composers,I feel there is a common understanding, an appreciation, of theinner content of folk music."Gurdjieff taught that our thoughts, feelings, and physicalexistence are all part of one whole, and this music . . . "Grace Church on-the-Hill300 Lonsdale Rd10rOfiLO 1·, ~·rn ~-~N U R H A N A R M A N ~·Mij• 'r.!"'M USIC DIRECTO R\ r,s,rr..-Tomnlo's Chambe , o,chesl, a '\;? I ~Friday, Nov <strong>14</strong>, 8 pm~ .MARY-BETH BROWN Violinist ,JANACEK SuiteSCHUBERT Rondo '-SARASATE ZigeunerweisenMACMILLAN Two SketchesDVORAK Serenade ,Friday, Dec 12, 8 pmDARKO BRLEK ClarinetistROYER MisticoWEBER Clarinet QuintetHOLST St. Paul's SuiteGRIEG Selections from Peer GyntMENDELSSOHN Sinfonia No. 10Single tickets: $40, $32, $12 - $5 off onl inewww.sinfoniatoronto.com 905 825 9477...ganized around a tonal centre.A formally distinct part of thecollection is the "Sayyids,"which begin with a kind of recitativefollowed by a dance-likesection. It is as if, in the recitative,there is a kind of recognition of one aspect of the human condition,which is then somehow objectified in the dance section. The two sectionsusually use different melodic material, but are still related. Leavingaside all analysis ... Gurdjiefftaught that our thoughts , feelings, andphysical existence are all parts of one whole, and this music, I feel, hasa way of touching our whole being. I have played many programmesfor people who have never heard this music before, and without tryingto understand it from a musical point of view, they feel moved by it. Noone can tell you exactly why. The why has to do with being more perceptiveof one's own condition, one's own- to use Gurdjieff' s word,consciousness. One 's receptivity to any music varies, but it appearsthat if a person, for whatever reason, is receptive, this music can be verymoving.l!JJtorontoERROL GAY, MUSIC DIRECTOR AND CONDUCTORCatherine Manoukian, Artist-in-ResidenceCek6rating Creative LivesSunday, December 7, <strong>2008</strong> at 3pmToronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.Grace H_ong m· . . ~ Ines Pagli anv1ol1n : ~-,~, violin'?!APPLEBAUM Action StationsVAUGHAN WILLIAMS The Lark AscendingPUCCINI"Christmas Eve at Cate Momus"VAUGHAN WILLIAMS Serenade to MusicRIMSKY-KORSAKOV Suite from Christmas EveANDERSONSleigh RidePre-concert talk at 2:15 pmTickets: Adults $35, Sr/Std $30 at the TCA Box Office or TicketMasterSpecial Rates: Children/Youth up to 18 years $10 and groups of 10 ormore $22. Call Orchestra Toronto office at 416-467-71 42 for information.otoronto@on.aibn.com www.orchestratoronto.cato ro ntdartsbo un c i IAn ar m's length bodyo! theCi1yof To rontoSeason Presenter:Canada Trust~ ONTARIOARTSCOUNCIL ouo,~.uufConcert sponsor:TRIDELJI-\ (ONSEILDBARTS [{l'ONTARIO ~ .• • Ouur; ·DH'on~R lo12 WWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMB ER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

World ViewOld Instrument, New Voiceby Karen AgesA theme of last month's issue was anniversaries - and, among otherthings, 11 groups celebrating their JOth seasons were named. But onewas left out: Nagata Shachu (formerly the Kiyoshi Nagata Ensemble)also celebrates JO years this season, with a CD release concert atRyerson Theatre on <strong>November</strong> 29. 1 spoke with founder and director ofToronto's best known Taiko drumming ensemble, Kiyoshi Nagata.Born in Toronto, Kiyoshi received his first training at the JapaneseCanadian Cultural Centre, beginning in 1981 at the age of 12.Instruction was provided by a local Taiko group (Suwa Daiko), whichhe joined a year later.KN: I played with them for 10 years, directing the group for the last 6;along with the drums we also learned other instruments such as bambooflutes, and dancing; then I went to Japan, where I lived in Tokyo,working part time and studying with a local group, with the intention ofjoining the Koda Drummers. I finally got an interview in 1992, wasaccepted as an apprentice, and was eventually accepted into the groupin 1994, but declined the offer because of the rigorous lifestyle: livingcommunally, waking up at 4:30 am, daily lOK run, practising all day,etc. It was very intense and a great experience, no regrets, but not thelifestyle for me.Has any of that experience carried over into your current musical life?Musically I've been influenced by Koda - their goal is to take thetraditional instrument and say something new with it - we take thisancient instrument and find a new voice for it through original compositionsand recordings. This is a big event for us as it's our tenthanniversary and our 5th CD. (The CD is dedicated to the memory ofone of Kiyoshi's first instructors, Daihachi Oguchi, grand master drummerfrom Japan and founder of the original Toronto group Suwa Daiko,who recently passed away at the age of 84).After returning from Japan, Kiyoshi felt he couldn't go back to what hewas doing before, given the training and experience he now had underhis belt.I started soloing around, working with other musicians, and formed across cultural percussion group called Humdrum with Ritesh Das ontabla, Patrick Parson from Ballet Creole, Zhou Wei, a Chinese bambooflute player, and classical percussionist Jurij Konje; we did severalshows in Toronto and parts of Ontario, but everyone had their owncareers and we eventually disbanded; I was invited to start a group atthe Toronto Buddhist Church in 1994, and also one in Burlington(they 're both still around, he coaches occasionally), and in 1998, startedmy own group. Because I was teaching the 2 local groups, and in 2000started teaching at the Faculty of Music and 2 years later at the RCM,I had a large pool of people to draw from; so I chose the most talentedstudents, and other times we'd be performing and people would askfor private lessons etc. We now have an ensemble of 7 dedicated members.And what's your rehearsal schedule like?We have a studio out in Scarborough, in an industrial area where wecan pretty much make as much, well, I don't want to say "noise" ...we can play our drums to our hearts' content, at any time of the day;everyone gets paid for performances and a certain number of rehearsals;the group meets twice a week, for 3 hours each time, and throughoutthe rest of the week members are expected to come and practise ontheir own. Mostly, we're so busy, we practise for the next show. Ifwe're not so busy, we do some stretching together, training exercises,and go through our repertoire of 60 pieces, all memorized.Of the 60 pieces, how many are traditional and how many are composedby yourself or other members of the group ?Around 10 pieces are traditional. The other 50 are composed by me orother members; for me (in composing) I'd like to think that I have thatconnection to tradition. In order to create something new I have tohave a good foundation and be deeply rooted in where it all comessmall world presentsChinese music virtuosoLIU FANGThursday Nov. 13, 8:00Enwave Theatre,231 Queens Quay W.$30 @ 416 973-4000 Iharbourfrontcentre.com'Masterful, graceful and riveting.'- Charlie Gillett, BBCChile's legendary bandINTI-ILLIMANISunday Nov. 16, 8:30Phoenix Concert Theatre,4 1 O Sherbourne St.$30 @ www.smallworldmusic.comSoundscapes, 572 College St.'pure exhilaration.'- Washington PostSix-String StarsINTERNATIONALGUITAR NIGHTThursday Nov. 20, 8:00Studio Theatre,Harbourfront,235 Queens Quay W$30 @ 416 973-4000 Iharbou rfrontcentre. co m'Superb ... artists at the top of their field'.- Lane Series, Vermont~ smallworldmusic.comto ro nt dart sbou n ci ICanada Councilfor the ArtsConseil des Artsdu CanadaPA_ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILM CONS Ell DES ARTS DE l'ONTARIOT HE 01'tT

from-I don't want to pull something out of thin air; yet at the sametime I can't help but be influenced by all the different kinds of musicand cultures that exist around me in everyday life. But to be really trueto the art form and what it 's about you need to have a good understandingof what the traditional music is before you can take a step forward.In addition to drums, Nagata Shachu incorporates other instruments,including shinobue (transverse flute), shakuhachi (end blown verticalflute), shamisen (3 stringed lute played witha large plectrum), and koto (a horizantalplucked zither).We're one of the only groups to combineall of these instruments; others usually justdo drums, maybe a bit of flute. There areother groups that do more fusion, with otherartists, but I'm fortunate to have artistswho play other traditional instruments; I'mstill looking within the box, looking at whatthe possibilities are within the frameworkof tradition. Sometimes it's all too easy tosay let's work with a guitar player or choir;I want to say let's look at what the possibilitiesare within the instruments that weplay. One of the great compliments I get fromJapanese people is, it sounds traditional but Iknow it's not.Kiyoshi NagataIn Japan, is drumming considered a Classicalor Folk art?More of a folk art. In post-war Japan people were looking to the west,to rock & roll etc; then a handful of pioneers in the sixties rejuvenatedthe art of drumming; instead of the drum accompanying dance or ritualor prayer, they formed these groups that performed on drums as amusical art in its own right. In the last 50 years it's gone from zeroTaiko groups to well over 10,000 in Japan. I think Canada has about 20-30 groups , and the US about 200-300, and still growing.Nagata Shachu acquired an agent a few years ago, and has been busy,touring parts of Canada, the US and Italy, averaging about 60 shows peryear. And yes, they bring their own instruments, each drum valued atbetween $10,000 and $30,000! They 're proud to be sponsored by fourmajor drum manufacturers in Japan, some of them in business for over 400years; "it means they believe in us, they 'reendorsing what we do".Other highlights this month: the Artists ofthe Royal Conservatory present Music inExile - Emig re Composers of the 1930's,<strong>November</strong> 7 at the new/old RCM location(273 Bloor Street West) . The concert commemoratesthe 70th anniversary ofKristallnacht(when thousands of Jewish businesses,homes and synagogues were attackedthroughout Germany in a single night just~ prior to the beginning of WW2), and fea­~ tures music of Jewish composers forcedili to flee the Third Reich, as well as Ger­~ man composers who resisted the Nazi regime.Small World Music presents Chinesepipa soloist Liu Fang, <strong>November</strong> 13at Harbourfront's Enwave Theatre. TheMaryem Tollar Ensemble presents theirCD release concert, Cairo to Toronto , <strong>November</strong> 16, also at the Enwave.Please see our daily listings for details on these and other events.Karen Ages is a freelance oboist who has also been a member ofseveral world music ensembles. She can be reached atworldmusic@thewholenote.com.New Music Concerts • www.NewMusicConcerts.com<strong>14</strong>Canada Councilfor the ArtsConscil des Arts PA OMTARIO ARTS COUNCILdu Canadi' JI-I\ COHSEIL DES ARTS. DE L'OfHARIOWWW. THEWHOLENOTE , COMCanadianHeritagePatrimoinecanadlenliDETHEIIISTITUTlrHEA IIATIOrHSN OVEM BER 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 <strong>2008</strong>

In with the New<strong>November</strong>: In Like a Lionby Richard MarsellaAfter a quiet October, <strong>November</strong> comes in like a new music lion,reminiscent of the days when the Massey Hall New Music Festivalmade <strong>November</strong> the month for new music in the city of Toronto.Several major new music presenters are unveiling significant seasons.The <strong>2008</strong>-2009 Esprit Orchestra season gets under way with a concerton Sunday <strong>November</strong> 23rd at the Jane Mallett Theatre. If you'vealmost, but never quite taken the plunge and gone out to an Espritconcert, there'll never be a better moment. It's something to witnesscontemporary works on a symphonic scale performed by an orchestrawith a total commitment to contemporary repertoire (rather than theapologetic go-through-the-motions-and-make-it-to-intermission approachsometimes brought to new music by players accustomed tomore traditional repertoire.) And if ever there was a concert designedto bridge the gap between the traditional and the contemporary, this isit. With works by R. Murray Schafer, John Adams, Aaron Copland,and Valentin Silvestrov, Esprit, in their 27th season, are hitting theground running."We've done the Adams twice before" says Esprit conductor AlexPauk. "It's a zappy piece, full of spark, always successful with ouraudiences. We've framed the whole concert as something that willappeal to a broad audience. Each piece is not only something worthdoing in its own right but connects back to a different musical tradi0tion. In the case of the Adams piece, the relationship is to minimalism,but infused with snap and humour. The Schafer is something we'veprobably done three times since its premiere 20 or more years ago. Itwas on the first recording we did for the CBC. It's Schafer at his mosthyper-romantic, evoking the castle of mad King Ludwig of Bavaria.Murray was in the region and something about it all just grabbed him.It's wonderfully atmospheric in the way that Strauss's Heldenlebenand some of Wagner is. The Copland is interesting too. He's probablythe most familiar of the four composers to a general audience, but it isone of his least performed works, and one that Andrew Burashko, oursoloist, particularly wanted to do. It's in a jazz-inflected classical traditionbetter known to audiences via Gershwin and Bernstein. And theSilvestrov is a tour de force-a symphony for violin and orchestra, ifyou will, the full blossoming of Silvestrov's highly individual voice.Think Shostakovitch for a comparison in terms of transcendence of theconstraints of the old Soviet Union. Or Mahler even, for its universal,resonating quality."Lawrence Cherney's Soundstreams takes the "hit'em early, hit 'emoften" approach this month, demonstratingthe organization's rangeand versatility. I admire whatSoundstreams have been doingover the last few years, as theysuccessfully explore new ways ofdelivering ideas, and making connectionsin the new music communityof Toronto, and Canada. Startingthis month, and continuingthroughout the season, Soundstreamswill present Salon 21 atthe Bata Shoe Museum. This informalprocess to connect curiouspeople in the community to newmusic through readings and conversation,is a 21st century ap- Choral conductor Maria Guinand,proach that will help bridge a gap <strong>November</strong> 5, Bata Shoe Museumin the new music community. <strong>November</strong>'stwo salons explore unique topics in music: on <strong>November</strong> 5th,Venezuelan conductor Maria Guinand launches a discussion on socialaction through music, as she discusses choral projects that bring hopeto Latin-American youth; and on <strong>November</strong> 18th, Glenn Buhr fromWilfrid Laurier University will provide a fascinating portrait of composerand mystic Arvo Part.And that's not all. On Friday <strong>November</strong> 7th, Soundstreams presentsUniversity Voices <strong>2008</strong>: Youth, Music, Passion! at Metropolitan UnitedChurch, with Maria Guinand conducting Canada's most talented UniversityChoirs. One hundred and sixty of Canada's best student voiceswill perform music of the Americas including: a world premiere byvisiting Venezuelan composer Alberto Grau, and works by OsvaldoGolijov, Alberto Ginastera, R. Murray Schafer, Jose Evangelista,Claude Vivier, Eric Whitacre, Pinto Fonseca and more. And finally,on <strong>November</strong> 20th, don't miss Soundstreams' presentation of the EstonianPhilharmonic Chamber Choir and the Tallinn Chamber Orchestraat the St. Anne's Anglican Church. The EPCC will performthe transcendent music of Estonian mystic Arvo Part including Orient& Occident and Da Pacem; excerpts of Paul Frehner's ethereal TheSeven Last Words of Christ; and the dazzling and radiant Beatus Vir ofAntonio Vivaldi, a revolutionary sacred work of its time.New Music Concerts has two compelling concerts coming up, twoweeks apart. First, the organization pays tribute to the great Germancomposer Karlheinz Stockhausen on <strong>November</strong> 15th at the EnwaveTheatre. "When polling our audience, the name of the composer mostfrequently mentioned is Karlheinz Stockhausen" said Robert Aitken,NMC's artistic director. "For that reason we planned this concert withLise Daoust and four other Montreal musicians who have worked extensivelywith Stockhausen and whose performances have met with hissatisfaction. Our original idea was to commemorate his 80th birthday,but with his passing at 79 on December 7, 2007 there is even morereason to present this concert with musicians who know exactly howhis music should be performed. " ...NMC's second offering, <strong>November</strong> 30th at the Music Gallery, offersCalgary-based composers Hope Lee and David Eagle who willlaunch their new CD, celebrating 25 years of marriage. On the Centrediscslabel, the CD features Lee's piece Fei Yang and Eagle's pieceBreath which will be performed at this concert by New Music Concerts'core string players Accordes, and Joseph Macerollo on accordion.This concert will also feature works by composer Sydney Hodkin-SUNDAY NOVEMBER ZTERRI HRON: BIRD ON A WIREComputer-assisted composition and improvisation for recorderTHURSDAY NOVEMBER 27TORQ PERCUSSION QUARTETWorks by Cage, Casey Cangelosi, Jude Vaclavik + moreSATURDAY DECEMBER 6REMOVABLE PARTSA series of love songs about voluntary amputationCreated by Corey Dargel • Featuring Kathleen Supove, pianoTHURSDAY DECEMBER 11WALLACE HALLADAY & RYAN SCOTTNew Music for Saxophone and PercussionFeaturing world premieres by Erik Ross & Andrew StanilandFRIDAY DECEMBER 12ALAN LICHT/AKI ONDA/MICHAEL SNOWCanadian excusive engagement with three free music mastersBECOME A MUSIC GALLERY MEMBER AND SAVEO N TICKET PRICES! Email info@musicgallery.orgThe Music Gallery· 197 John St. · Toronto MST 1X6416-204-1080 · www.musicgallery.orgBfB Canada Council Conseil des Ans

~~ UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO¥ FACULTY oF MUSICUpcoming EventsNOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTSSteven lsserlis, celloThe Lorand Fenyves Resident Artist performs sonatas by Brittenand Poulenc, Mendelssohn's Variations concertantes, Schumann'sAdagio and Allegro, and Violin Sonata No. 3 arranged for cello.Connie Shih, piano.11/3 - 7:30 pm. Walter Hall. $25 ($15.)Master Classes: 11/4 & 5 -1 pm. Walter Hall. FreeAlberto GrauThe Michael and Sonja Koerner Distinguished Visitor in Compositionpresents a lecture. 11/6-12:10 pm. Walter Hall. FreeSherrill Milnes Master ClassesThe John R. Stratton Visiting Artist hosts two voice master classesfeaturing Faculty of Music vocalists.11/7 - 7:30 pm & 11/8 - 2 30 pm. Walter Hall. FreeRussian NightsSoprano Lorna MacDonald and pianist Che Anne Loewen reprisethe 1958 Moscow recitals by Lois Marshall in celebration of the50th anniversary of the historic event.11/<strong>14</strong> - 7:30 pm. Walter Hall. $25 ($15•)In with the New (Continued from page 15)son, who now directs the prestigious Aspen Colorado Music Festival."Winnipeg-born composer Sydney Hodkinson feels himself very mucha Canadian in spite of having spent his professional career south of theborder" says Aitken. Recently a number of musicians have suggestedvarious works of his so we made the effort to seek out the pieces. Theyare indeed fascinating works, highly crafted and original - a marvellouscontrast to the fine music of Lee and Eagle."Finally, be sure to catch the premiere performances of AndrewStaniland's new piece for symphony orchestraentitled Voyageur. "Voyageur was commissionedfor the TSO's Northern Residencytour in 2007," says Staniland, "as part of aprogram to also feature Beethoven's venerable5th, penned in the early 1800s in Austria- a time and place that was producing whatwe now call the classical canon, but also apoint in time at which Canada was so youngwe had yet to traverse it by water. In Europe,composers were defining and exploring thesymphonic form; in North America, voyageursAndrew Stanilandwere searching for a water route over theRocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean-an interesting comparison. Iwas inspired by the adventurous, boisterous spirit that these early voyageursmust have had. Composers at their best embody this very spirit:exploring the new and unfamiliar, charting new courses of statementand expression."The new work will be performed October 30, <strong>November</strong> 1 and 2, byAlain Trudel and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra at Roy ThomsonHall.And there is much more in the listings: Nov I at the Royal OntarioMuseum, do not miss works by Michael Pepa and Philip McConnell,as part of Holocaust Education Week; Nov 20, 21, and 22, at theWinchester Street Theatre, Toronto Masque Theatre presents "Masquesof War", music by Monteverdi and Stravinsky - both compositionalvoyageurs in their time. It's a great month to explore!Wind EnsembleGillian MacKay, conductor. Wallace Halladay, saxophone soloist.Music by Karel Husa, Aldo Forte, Michael Daugherty, Wagner,and John Barnes Chance.11 /22 - 7:30 pm. MacMillan Theatre. $<strong>14</strong> ($1 o·)Vocal .Jazz Ensemble& 11 O'Clock Orchestra11/27 - 7 30 pm. Walter Hall. $<strong>14</strong> ($8•)U of T Symphony OrchestraBernstein Candide Overture, Brahms Violin Concerto, and DvorakSymphony No. 9 ("From the New World" ).David Briskin, conductor. Luri Lee, violin solo11/28 - 730 pm. MacMillan Theatre. $18 ($10·)Wind SymphonyFolk music from around the world. Jeffrey Reynolds, conductor11 /29 - 7 30 pm. MacMillan Theatre. $<strong>14</strong> ($1 o·)'Senior/student price in brackets416.978.3744BOX OFFICEWalter Hall and MacMillan Theatre are located in the Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park (Museum subway stop).www.music.utoronto.ca. 'MASQUES OF WAR:Two provocative, entertaining andengaging works of conflict and struggle.Claudio Monteverdin Combattimento di Tancredi et Clorinda (1624)with baritone Nathaniel Watson, soprano Teri Dunnand baritone Andrew Mahonand a period instrument ensemble led by Larry BeckwithIgor StravinskyA Soldier's Tale (1918)with narrator Derek Boyes and an instrumentalensemble conducted by Eric PaetkauDesigned by Caroline Guilbault with choreography by Marie-NathalieLacoursiere and lighting design by Gabriel CropleyWhat shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world,and lose his own soul?416-410-4561 www.torontomasquetheatre.ca16WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

EARLY MusicWhen Old is Newby Frank NakashimaOur desire for up-to-the-minute information and technology-like theBlackBerry, high-speed internet, instant noodles, text messaging-suggeststhat finding listeners for early music might be a daunting proposal.Not so for this city's many outstanding crusaders of historical performance.When I ask Opera Atelier's choreographer,Jeannette Zingg, who has prepared sixteendancers for their next production The Abductionfrom the Seraglio, how she managesto find both the authenticity and freshness inthat which, to many, is old and unfamiliar,she informs me that her inspiration comes fromMozart's music.Mozart wrote dance music, or certainlymusic that suggests dance in his operas. Zinggis like an archeologist who has discoveredbones and now wonders with excitement whatkind of dinosaur she has found . She concedesOpera Atelier's choreographer, Jeanette Zinggthat the storyline or drama often dictates whatkind of dance might be used or that she might even use dance during thechoruses."The choreography largely depends on which opera we're talkingabout. Sometimes I will choreograph the choruses, something that Gluckdeveloped, where the singers move offstage and then the dancers taketheir place onstage."I am curious to know what kind of dance was used. Zingg acknowledgesthat dance had evolved beyond 'baroque' at this point in history."Actually, yes, baroque dance in Mozart's time was developing alittle bit into the ballet as we know it today. But I use baroque and veryearly ballet steps to make dances that are always, hopefully, part of theaction, driving the drama forward, expressing joy, or anguish, or whateveris happening at that time."What about staging? Mozart's references to Turkish music are aclue, as is the Commedia dell' Arte style of the 18th century, to thestaging and costumes, not to mention architecture of the period."Although [Vienna] still had diplomatic ties with the Turks, I don'tthink they tried to make authentically-Turkish dances." Zingg states."So I use baroque and pre-romantic ballet steps, but add some curvesto the movement. You know the architecture has a lot of curves, andthat is very much reflected in the sets, and of course, I'm trying toreflect that in the choreography as well."I note that her inspiration for the dance seems to come from beyondthe immediate vicinity of Vienna. At that time, she confirms, they wereaware of many other cultures."There is one scene where we enter to herald the entrance of thePasha, and we're playing finger-cymbals, small hand cymbals and castanets,another nod to the Middle East. And we open with the men doinga wonderful martial-arts-based wushu sword dance which was actuallydeveloped by one of our dancers."Obviously, it's human nature to enjoy action, movement, and newthings in Mozart's time as well as in the present. Co-directors, JeannetteZingg and Marshall Pynkoski, certainly prove that to be true inOpera Atelier's presentation of The Abduction from the Seraglio. DavidFallis conducts Tafelmusik in the North American stage premiere onperiod instruments (<strong>November</strong> 8, 9, 11, 12). www .operaatelier.comIn a comparison of the old with the not-so-old, both rarely heard, theToronto Masque Theatre presents Monteverdi's Il Combattimento diTancredi et Clorinda (1624) with baritone Nathaniel Watson, sopranoTeri Dunn, baritone Andrew Mahon, and a period instrument ensembleled by Larry Beckwith, along with Stravinsky's A Soldier's Tale(1918) with narrator Derek Boyes, conducted by Eric Paetkau (<strong>November</strong>20, 21 , 22). (www.torontomasquetheatre.ca)You will hear the adventurous spirit that one finds in the pursuit ofnew things, in the music of Johann Adam Reincken (Scaramella, Nov.29), characterized by unpredictable melodic turns and surprising harmonies.His improvisational skills were known to have dazzled andstartled. He inspired later works by J.S. Bach. Catch the spirit withElizabeth Blumenstock, Kathleen Kajioka, Borys Medicky, and JoelleMorton. (www.scaramella.ca)Haydn's genius as a composer inspired generations of musicians,including Mozart and Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges. These three brilliantclassical composers are honoured in this Tafelmusik concert featuringprincipal cellist Christina Mahler, and violinists Aisslinn Noskyand Julia Wedman (December 4, 5, 6, 7). Genius and virtuosity providea winning combination. (www.tafelmusik.org)The Tallis Choir marks the 250th anniversaryof Handel's death with a re-creationof a baroque vespers service as it might havebeen celebrated on Christmas Eve, 1720, inRome (December 6). (www.tallischoir.com)Jan Dismas Zelenka (1670-1745) wasknown to have been admired by both Bach andTelemann. What does that tell you? His workis bold, stunning, and obviously, highly-regarded.The Toronto Chamber Choir performshis Magnijicat, also cantatas by Bach,in what is described as "an evening of discovery''(December 6) Website:www. torontochamberchoir .eaSpeaking of new, this month, a new choral ensemble dedicated to theperformance of early choral music, Cantemus, makes its debut. Theirentirely a cappella program consists of 16th century madrigals (English,French, German and Italian) and sacred choral music (<strong>November</strong>29).Frank T. Nakashima (franknak@interlog.com) is the President of theToronto Early Music Centre, a non-profit charitable organization whichpromotes the appreciation of historically-informed peiformances of earlymusic.presentsHEPMEfORWSCHR!STMASVESPERSDecember 12 & 13, <strong>2008</strong> at 8Singers, violins, cornetti, sackbuts, theorbos andkeyboards arranged around the balconies and stage ofTrinity-St. Paul 's Church, recreating the joyfulcelebration of Christmas Vespers as it might have beenheard under the direction of Michael Praetorius inl 7th-century Germany - this lavish Toronto ConsortYuletide offering has become a beloved Torontotradition. In the spirit of celebration, the audience willjoin with the assembled musical forces in singingfavourite Christmas carols.A Christmas concert like no other!Order online at www.torontoconsort.orgN OVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>WWW. THEWHO LENOTE.COM

n-tee SAST yoR.K. Cl-tOIR. p,ese"'tsWinter's Night*Seasonal and sacred choral and instrumental selectionsDaniel Rubinoff, saxophoneRay Dillard, percussionCharlie Roby, guitarArtistic DireCLor:Jenny Crober Accompanist: Elizabeth Acker*SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, <strong>2008</strong>, 7:30 pmEastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave.$20; $15 (Sr.); $10 (St.) 416-463-8225; 416-425-3812Choral SceneCan't Write: Too Music Music!!by mJ buellThere it was on the menu, below the omelette made of egg-whites,the fresh-fruit crepes, and the Eggs Benedict: "Can'tTalk ... Eating!".I read on, slack-jawed, my coffee rapidly cooling, my appetitedisappearing : "Steak & two eggs, baked beans, hash browns, twopancakes, with fresh fruit and maple syrup on the side. "The young waitress topped up my coffee and noticed my baffledexpression."Can I help with something?""Just coffee, for now thank-you. But...I have to know: do peopleactually order this?"She laughed." Well yes, they do , but almost always to share ... andthen everyone kind of picks their spots. "What does this have to do with choral music? Two things, in fact.I look at what's on the menu for <strong>November</strong> and December and it'salmost enough to make a person lose their appetite. Something forevery taste, and it all looks really good, but just no way to do itjustice. I picture myself hiding at home, in a darkened room, listeningto Emma Kirkby's "Feather on the Breath of God" (Hildegard VonBingen).But what a waste! So much beautiful living music is happening: andso much creative human energy is pouring into this seasonal choralfeast!I'm going to pick my spots . Also, I'm going to find people to sharewith. I'll offer a taste of what I heard in exchange for the same."Tell me how you enjoyed ... .. " provides a way of conjuring upsome of the music I could not possibly have taken in.For choral people I know who are in the thick of things, thistranslates into a (sometimes sorrowful) "Can't listen ... singing!".Their musical lives may involve more than one choir. Rehearsal andELMER ISELER SINGERSLydia Adams, Conductor<strong>2008</strong>-2009: 30TH ANNIVERSARY SEASONGeorge Frederick Handel's~Sir David WillcocksGuest ConductorFriday, December 5 at 8:00 p.m.Metropolitan United Church56 Queen St. East, TorontoSpecial Guest Artists:The Amadeus ChoirLeslie Fagan, Soprano; Jennifer Enns, Mezzo-SopranoColin Ainsworth, Tenor; Tyler Duncan, BaritoneRobert Venables & Robert Di Vito, TrumpetsPatricia Wright, Organ and Orchestra18WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM

performance schedules at thistime of year sometimes leaveroom in their lives for little else.For them in particular I proposethat it's a good time of year toremember that there is muchpleasure and satisfaction to behad from knowing one issurrounded by such generousbeauty, even if we cannotpartake of it all.This being said, who couldpossibly have time to read achoral column any longer thanthis one?Can't read: listening!WholeNote's listingsfor <strong>November</strong> andDecember include noless than nineteenMessiahs or excerptperformances .... .. and there aretlffcllCONSORfJCHORUS & ORCHE STRAChristmasHear selections from their original CD,1he Bach Consort at Camphi/1, 1995Toronto Classical SingersH A N D E L' S M E S S I A H f1ighlights)TicketsAdult $25.00Seniors & Students $20.00T: 416-443-<strong>14</strong>90On~Line: www.totix.ca01,....0l'T,.SUNDAY DECEMBER 7, <strong>2008</strong>4:00PMConductor Jurgen PetrenkoAccompanied byThe Ta/isker Players OrchestraSoloistsJennifer Tavener, sopranoSandra Boyes, mezzo-sopranoCory Knight, tenorMichael Uloth, bass:'.~ · Christ Church Deer Park1570 Yonge Street (atHeathStW)::,t~~i;,g.~'J':r ~iei?;,r,

Jazz NotesArts Fundingby Jim GallowayThis month's column is being written well in advance, since I'll be inEurope at deadline time, but looking back at October and at the monthahead, there are some events worth a mention.October was an exciting month at Massey Hallfeaturing such big names as Wynton Marsalis and theLincoln Center Jazz Orchestra and Molly Johnson.Mr. Marsalis can be a controversial figure on thescene with his neo-classical approach but he is asuperb musician and the orchestra is, without aquestion, a wonderful musical organization. Mollytook to the stage just before her European tour. Shewas performing from her newest album, "Messin'Around." Just in case you don't already know, Mollyhas a regular slot on CBC Radio 2, hosting the newweekend morning shows airing Saturdays from 6 amto 10 am, and Sundays from 6 am to 8 am. No morelate night hangs on Friday or Saturday, Molly!Massey Hall will continue to feature other greatjazz artists in <strong>November</strong> such as Colin Hunter andStarlight Orchestra with guest artist Joe Sealy. Colinand the orchestra will be presenting music from theirnewest album "Timeless" which features classicsongs sung by artists such as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat KingCole, and Tony Bennett. Colin's career has an interesting spin, as heis the founding president, CEO and owner of the airline carrierSunwing Airlines by day and a crooner by night. He will be performingat Massey Hall <strong>November</strong> 7 at 8 pm.Looking ahead to December, it looks like big band season withJAZZ.FM91 at The Old Mill. On December 8, I'll be there withThe 17 piece Wee Big Band, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, December16 and 17 The Boss Brass will be there, in a history-makingreunion concert.Sometimes I cast around in my mind for a topic-sometimes pastor upcoming events suggest a subject. No matter what, I always findmyself taking detours as I do research into a theme. It's time-consuming,but always rewarding .Well, on October <strong>14</strong>, Canada went to the polls; funding for thearts, or lack of it, has been a hot topic . Patronage of the arts hasbeen around since the ancient world, and without it we would bewithout many of our great artistic achievements. It was for centuriesbestowed mainly by individuals with influence, power, and deeppockets, which was mostly royalty, nobility, or the church. By the20th century the pattern had changed and patrons tended to be politicalparties, the state, private industry and foundations .In the process of doing a bit of research into the business of patronageand funding for the arts, I found some revealing facts, onegoing back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I. She instructed LordBurleigh, the Lord High Treasurer, to give one hundred pounds to thepoet Edmund Spenser, best known for his epic poem "The FaerieQueen", written at a time when it meant just that. Apparently nogreat lover of the arts, Lord Burleigh's emotional response was ,"What? All this for a song? "The 18th century author, Samuel Johnson, defined a patron as"one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in thewater, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him withhelp" , while George Crabbe, the English poet and naturalist, writingin The Newspaper (a satire published in 1785) said, "Feed the musicianand he's out of tune." A hundred years later, W.S Gilbert composedthe following lines for The Mikado: "A wandering minstrel I­A thing of shreds and patches. " Gustav Holst is quoted as saying,"Music making as a means of getting money is hell."The reality is that without patronage and sponsorship, symphonicmusic, opera and ballet would not survive. Jazz has always been thechurch mouse when it comes to support for the arts. It is still regardedby too many people as not quite respectable, perhaps because ofCatch Molly on CBC Radio 2 from6 am to 10 am on Saturdays and6 am to 8 am on Sundays.its ability to make us aware of our emotions. Wikipedia, the freecontentinternet encyclopedia, has the following entry: "Canadianculture is a term that encompasses the artistic, musical, literary,culinary, political , and social elements that are representative ofCanada, not only to its own population, but to people all over theworld. " Some of this country's leaders would do well to understandthe importance of that definition.Throughout history, music has had a huge influenceon the way people and communities interact.Likewise, music reflects the attitudes of people ina community. Examples of this sort of connectioninclude the Baroque era in Europe, and in recenttimes, New Orleans, which is undeniably differentfrom any other culture in the world. It hasalways inspired musicians and artists, who in turninfluence cultures worldwide.Research has shown that those with an interestin the arts say they would almost always or frequentlybuy a product sponsoring arts or culturalevents. Even more revealing is that almost onehalf( 48 %) of Americans with an interest in artand cultural events indicated that they hold a highertrust in companies that sponsor these events. Itmight also be the case that governments that don'tshow support for the arts will lose votes . Politiciansbeware!Closing thought-A Gallup Poll-the rush ofpeople going to cast their vote.Happy listening.In the Clubs: Autumn's Dayby Ori DaganAlthough temperatures will surely decline this month, don't expectthe jazz to follow suit. Example: The Rex Jazz & Blues Bar offers19 shows a week, year-round, making it the ultimate jazz hang, hereor anywhere. Some highlights this month:· Sly Juhas Quintet: Tuesdays at 6:30 with saxmen Richard Underhilland Sal Rosselli, James McEleney on bass and Tom Juhas onguitar. Typically a sought-after sideman, drummer Sly guarantees agood time.· Holly Clark Trio: first four Saturdays at 7:00. Beautiful vocals ,sensitively delivered.· Shannon Butcher: Sundays at 7:00. Sunshine-like, this radiant singerexudes warmth.· Bob Brough Quartet CD release: <strong>November</strong> 7th at 9:45. A prominenttenor player in Toronto for over 25 years, Brough is a commandingsoloist and skilled composer. Supported by Adrean Farrugia onpiano, Artie Roth on bass and Terry Clarke on drums .Two other CD release parties to mention: charming pianist RonDavis launches "The Bestseller" at Hugh's Room on <strong>November</strong> 20thand scintillating singer Yvette Tollar releases "Ima" at Glenn GouldStudio on <strong>November</strong> 28th.Ragtime piano master John Arpin (1936-2007) was one of the mostversatile Canadian musicians in generations. On <strong>November</strong> 30th atThe Diesel Playhouse, Louise Pitre, Michael Burgess, Peter Appleyard,Robert Scott, and others will pay tribute to this virtuoso. Ticketsare $42.50 and proceeds go to the St. Michael's Choir SchoolAlumni Gala Fund, one of Arpin's favourite institutions and a placehe taught at for many years .Parents take note: The Beaches Jazz Festival Youth Initiatives is anew program aimed to provide opportunities for youth as audiencemembers, learners and performers. As part of this innovative program,The Next Generation Jazz Jam happens every other Sundayfrom 3:00-6:00pm at The Dominion on Queen with a rhythm sectionled by host Robert Scott.20 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE .COM N OVEM BER 1 - D ECE M B ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Bandstand and Podiumsby Jack MacQuarrieI thought I'd start with the true story of an incident during a concert bya local community symphony orchestra some years ago: a performancewhich laid an egg, but in a very different way. It was not a memberof the orchestra who laid the egg. On the contrary, the egg waslaid on the performer. A trombone player with, coincidentally, thesame name as me, had his slide extended to sixth position in anticipationof the downbeat for the next movement of a Brahms symphony.Then it hit. A solid strike of an egg on the inner slide provided an unintendedlubricant for the astonished musician. As it turned out, theconductor was not aware of the missile, and the performance went offwithout a hitch. After the performance, a noted contralto, and wife ofthe conductor, who had been in the audience, related how she hadwatched in disbelief, contemplating during the egg's arc where themissile might most disastrously strike.It was an unusually warm evening for that time of year, you see,and the auditorium was a bit on the warm side. To provide a morecomfortable temperature for the orchestra members, the stage crewdecided to open the stage doors to let in cooler air. They had not anticipatedwhat else they might let in.If you think you can top that, let me know. I'll wager that there is abook's worth of similarly memorable moments out there. Point is thefall season is well under way and most orchestras and bands are preparingfor their fall and winter concerts, and with all their carefulplanning behind them, they will now be well into rehearsals and lookingforward to memorable performances. But what about the unforeseen,the unexpected, the unanticipated: the incident which could notpossibly have been considered in the planning? There is always thepossibility of something occurring to make the performance memorable,but for the wrong reasons.All of which leads us, by a somewhat circuitous route, to the topicI wanted to get you thinking about-namely planning for contingencies.Granted, one can't guard against qualified critics happening to walkpast an open stage door, but how can we minimize the impact of unwantedsurprises? As a key component of the planning process, insurancecomes to mind. Is your group's insurance adequate? Does itprovide for adequate coverage? What is realistic coverage? To explorethe topic we contacted some insurance brokers, hoping to bring yousome definitive answers. Some of the forms of coverage we inquiredabout included: liability, personal injury, damage to or loss of instrumentsand music, and event cancellation.I can report, as I am sure some of you could have told me, thatdefinitive answers were in short supply. Our questions tended toprompt questions in reply. Here is a summary:In the case of personal injury, such as a group member falling offthe stage or off a riser, who, if anyone, was negligent? Would anyclaim be covered by your policy or that of the performance venue? Doyou have a contract with that venue which spells out such matters?What about injuries to audience members? Litigious lawyers love tosue everyone in sight.When querying damage to, or loss of, instruments and music, wewere asked about the worst case scenario. One insurance contactsuggested a situation where the group might own an irreplaceable setof parts for a composition no longer in print. When such a case isdiscussed, the result is usually that the premium would be prohibitivelyexpensive. In such cases, perhaps the best that can be done is to providestorage that is reasonably safe from fire and water damage. Afew years ago the Newmarket Citizens Band had their rehearsal venuedestroyed by arsonists. Fortunately, most of their music was stored insturdy steel filing cabinets rather than on open shelves. For the most,the music survived both heat and water damage.Event cancellation is a form of insurance that one rarely hearsmentioned. Is it important for your group? Would a cancellation resultin a financial loss? How often are performances cancelled? Last year,in the two week period just before Christmas, heavy snow stormsforced the cancellation of no fewer than three performances in whichI was involved. In these cases there was no financial loss, but if therehad been, we had no cancellation insurance. I have met brokers whospecialize in such insurance, but some digging would be required tolocate one.As with my story of the egg toss, I hope this brief discussion ofsome of the whys and wherefores of insurance will prompt some interestingand useful observations. I'll be sure to pass them along.Coming Events - Please see the listings section for full detailsHannaford Street Silver Band (Nov. 16)The Northdale Concert Band (Nov. 17, Dec. 7, <strong>14</strong>)The Etobicoke Community Concert Band (Dec. 19)Please write to us: bandstand@thewholenote.com-----:)\'C051fl0 Exp erts in m eeting a ll of your'--music musica l needs for ove r 4 0 years.Featuring some of Toronto's best jazz musicianswith a brief reflection by Jazz Vespers ClergySunday, <strong>November</strong> 2nd at 4:30 p.m.MARK EISENMAN TRIOMARK EISENMAN - piano; JOHN SUMNER - drumsSTEVE WALLACE - bassSunday, <strong>November</strong> 16th at 4:30 p.m.JOE SEALY - piano; PAUL NOVOTNY - bassChrist Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street(north of St. Clair at Heath St.) 416·920·5211Admission is free.An offering is received to support the work of the church, including Jazz Vespers.N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW. TH EWHO LENOTE.COM 21

.A the..yr.i_·n n exsingersChoruses & CarolsHighlights from Mendelssohn,Bach, Handel and LauridsenFriday, December 12at 7:30 pmBloor Street United Church300 Bloor St. WestSaturday, December 6at8:oo p.m.Central Presbyterian Church165 Charlton Ave. West,Hamilton, ONTickets: $25{$20 Senior; $10 Student).Attention: Opera SingersDo you have a dream rolethat you want orneed to perform?It is easier than you th111klMore info: www.OperabyRequest.caope r~ by requestD11cctc 1. W,ll .:11n She-0' .. haffTRYPTYCH1 Oth ANNIVERSARYIll'.AUDITIONS<strong>2008</strong>/9 & 2009/10SeasonsNew Cdn Opera • - HAMLETEducational WorkshopFeb/March 2009• OperaCabaretOratorioSaturday ••<strong>November</strong> 22, <strong>2008</strong>For audition and detailsinfo@tryptych.org416 763 5066 ext 1THE CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANY0Pflra11 IN CONCERTII Cuillccr1110 Silv.i -M.irin, Cencr;:il DirccclorLaA Cdmdidn Prernieresponsored bylstituto lt;ili;rno di Cultur;iVe staleMercadante's masterpiece sets inmotion a revolution against theexcesses of the bel canto schoolin favour of dramatic truth inboth music and vocal lines.Frederique VezinaWendy Hatal;i FoleyEdgar Ernesto RamirezPeter McGillivraySean CatharoyRaisa Nakhmanovich, Mu','c [)'rectorRobert Cooper, C'horu', Dirccc lor<strong>November</strong> 30I SaverioMercadantein /t;:;/hm withEnglish SurtltlesIat 2: 30om ...St. LAWRENCE CENTRE ~~~ ARTS416-366-7723 www.stlc.com 1-800-708-6754CANADIAN OPERA V OLUNTEER COMMITTEEPRESENTST.0.S.C.A.THE OPERA SCHOLARSHIP CELEBRATION AWARDSCONCERT AND ART SALEMONDAY.DECEMBER 1. <strong>2008</strong>WALTER HALL. FACULTY OF MUSICUNIVERSITY OF TORONTORECEPTION AT 6,00PM CONCERT AT 730PMCONC ERT ONLY $35.00 CALL 416-978-3744CONCERT AND RECEPTION $125.00CALL 416-863-0364~THE MUSICAL! IfBased on Charles Dickens' timeless classic, A Christmas CarolEVERYONE 1 S HOLIDAY FAVOURITE!FAIRVIEW LIBRARY THEATRE35 Fairview Mall Dr., Sheppard/Don Mills.December 3 to 21Wed. - ?pm/Thurs. to Sat. - 8pm/Sun. - 2pm/Dec. 20- 2 & 8pmTICKETS $20 to $27.50cove SUPPORTS,cove JEAN A. CHALMERS AWARDNATIONAL COMPETITIONSDIVERSE SCHOOLS OF MUSIC&ENSEMBLE STUDIO PROGRAMMEcocDIVERSE SCHOOLS OF MUSIC&WWW. THEWHOLENOTE,COM

On Operaby Christopher HaileThe second last day of October marks a new beginning for a venerableopera company in Ontario, and in mid-<strong>November</strong> a Toronto companypresents a new production of an old favourite. Although it is fall, notspring, it seems like a time for renewal-of both subscriptions andoperatic life.OPERA HAMILTONIn this column we have anxiously followed the difficulties encounteredby Opera Ontario. Once the fourth largest producer of opera inCanada, the company had to cancel its 2007-08 season because ofsevere financial difficulties and an accumulated deficit of $1 .6million. Yet, due to the hard work of general director David Speersand the amazing generosity of Hamilton businesses that forgave thecompany its loans and of the 87 % of subscribers who donated theirtickets, the company was able to demonstrate that it had firm localsupport and could rebuild. I chatted with Mr. Speers on October 9 justas he returned from a board meeting and he was filled with enthusiasm.He announced that the deficit was "basically gone" . In fact,because the company became eligible for grants from government foundations,it now has a $300,000 surplus.The company has reverted to its original mandate and to its originalname as Opera Hamilton. The best news is that OH is already $40,000ahead of its goal for subscriptions with three more weeks to go beforesingle tickets go on sale. The company has come together again withfew changes and "is raring to go". Of the 43 artists Opera Ontario hadengaged for the cancelled season, only two, amazingly, had to be boughtout.The company plans to continue its tradition of showcasing youngCanadian talent. The <strong>2008</strong>-09 season will replicate the plans for lastseason with the omission of Massenet's "Werther". The season beginswith performances on October 30 and <strong>November</strong> 1 of "The MagicFlute" with Colin Ainsworth as Tamino, Shannon Mercer as Pamina,Alex Dobson as Papageno, Kevin Langan as Sarastro, and American,Audrey Elizabeth Luna as the Queen of the Night. The productionfrom Philadelphia Opera will be conducted by Speers and directedby Michael Cavanagh. January 29 and 31, 2009, sees the continuationofOH's ever-popular "Popera", this year featuring Kimberly Barber,Miriam Khalil , Marc Hervieux and Nathan Berg with the HamiltonPhilharmonic under Daniel Lipton. Its second and final opera is "MadamaButterfly" in a production from Virginia Opera. Ai Lan Zhu starsas Cio-Cio San, Gordon Gietz is Pinkerton, Lauren Segal is Suzuki,Gaetan Lapierre is Sharpless and Gerald Isaac is Goro. Daniel Liptonconducts and Graham Cozzubbo directs. A non-subscription event (towhich subscribers have first access) is the Great Singers Recital, thisyear featuring soprano, Adrianne Pieczonka with guest artist, mezzosoprano Laura Tucker on <strong>November</strong> 16, <strong>2008</strong>.Next year OH will return to offering three operas per year, with thecancelled "Werther" as a likely choice. This year OH added a schooltour of an abridged "Hansel and Gretel" that visited 40 schools. Nextyear that number will expand to 60. Another programme called YoungPeople's Night at the Opera will see 600-1000 high school studentsattending rehearsals. Discounted tickets for people under age 23 willbe made available-all with a view to cultivating new generations ofopera-goers. To subscribe call Jana Rees at 905-527-7627 ext.221 ore-mail jrees@operahamilton. ea. For more information visitwww . operahamil ton . ea.OPERA ATELIERThis year Toronto's Opera Atelier adds yet another new Mozart productionto its repertoire, this time "Die Entfiihrung aus dem Serail"("The Abduction from the Seraglio") from 1782, the year followinghis "Idomeneo." Like "The Magic Flute" written nine years later,"Abduction" is a "Singspiel" in which spoken dialogue alternates withsung passages. "Abduction" is difficult to cast because three of thecentral roles were written for virtuoso performers. If one looks at thecasting for "Abduction" on the Opera Atelier website(www.operaatelier.com), one will encounter the unusual fact of threesingers making their company debuts in these difficult roles.On October 8, I asked OA co-artistic director Marshall Pynkoskihow he came to meet these three singers. Frederic Antoun, who playsthe hero Belmonte, is a lyric tenor from Montreal. Pynkoski met himalmost three years ago and was so enthralled by the beauty of his voiceand his command of technique that he offered him several up-comingroles. Antoun, however, had become so popular that Belmonte wasthe first role that fit into his schedule . Belmonte's beloved Konstanzeis American coloratura Amanda Pabyan, famed for her Queen of theNight, a role she has sung at the Met. Pabyan came to Pynkoski'sattention through Michael Maniaci (recently Idamante and Nero forOA). She is a singer who thrives on new challenges and the idea of aperiod production intrigued her. Pynkoski says "Abduction" will be avery physical production and that Pabyan fits right in because she is"absolutely fearless", perhaps because she favours boxing for her physicaltraining. The most difficult role to cast was Osmin, the TurkishPasha's overseer, since it requires a virtually bottomless bass voice. Incontrast to his normal practice, Pynkoski cast Norwegian-AmericanGustav Andreassen without meeting him first, simply after hearing alive recording of him as Osmin, a role he has sung 36 times. Uponmeeting him Pynkoski was delighted to find that the man with the"incredibly dark tone" who has sung Wagner's Hunding, Fafner andHagen is also adept at physical comedy.This last point is important because what Pynkoski wants to bringout in "Abduction" is its relation to the commedia dell'artetradition. Completing the cast will be soprano Carla Huhtanen in therole of Blonde, Konstanze's British maid, tenor Lawrence Wiliford asPedrillo, bass-baritone Curtis Sullivan in the speaking role of PashaSelim and the dancers of the OA Ballet. "Abduction" runs at the ElginTheatre <strong>November</strong> 8, 9, 11, 12, <strong>14</strong>, and 15, <strong>2008</strong>. The work will besung in German with the spoken dialogue in English. David Fallisconducts the Tafelmusik Orchestra. To subscribe phone 416-703-3767ext. 28 or e-mail subs@operaatelier.com.N OVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE .COM 23

<strong>2008</strong> -2009({);(}J((J; IS CoursesTours & SeminarswithIain ScottINTRODUCTORY COURSEAll courses are held on Tuesdays 2.30- 4.30 or 7.00- 9.00at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, <strong>14</strong>1 St. George St.Opera 102 - Other Forms of OperaKey things to listen for in French, Germanand Russian operas3 APPRECIATION COURSESNov. 18 - Dec. 2, <strong>2008</strong>3 Weeks I $150Bel Canto Techniques Jan. 13 - Feb. 3, 2009Astonishing gymnastic control 4 weeks I $200Maria Callas - an operatic legend Feb. 24 - March 17, 2009Her tragedy, innovations, rivals and her men 4 weeks I $200OPERA TOURS IN <strong>2008</strong> - 2009with New Wave Travel. Itineraries are on website below.Strauss Week in Berlin (5 operas) 7 nights, Feb. 9 - 16, 2009Der Rosenkavalier, Ariadne au! Naxos, Die Aegyptische Helena, Salome & ElektraBerlin, Leipzig, Dresden (5 operas) 9 nights, April 16 - 25La Traviata, Macbeth - La Rondine - Die Zauberfliite, La Cenerentola• Post-Option: Prague, Apr. 25-28, Eugene Onegin, Le Nozze di FigaroRoyal Opera and Ballet, Covent Garden 7 nights, May 6 - <strong>14</strong>Lohengrin, II Trovatore, L'Elisir d'Amore - Les Sylphides, Firebird* Post-Option: Paris, May 13-16, Eugene Onegin, The Makropoulos CaseLa Scala, Milan! Verona! Venice! 8 nights, June 24 - July 2New Zeffirelli Aida - Turandot & Carmen - Giitterdiimmerung* Pre-Option: Turin, 2 nights, June 22 - 24, Adriana LecouvrieurWEEKEND SEMINARLohengrin -Angelic Knight in Shining Armour Jan. 24 - 25, 2009At the Rosedale Golf Club 10 - 4 pm daily w. lunches I $250SUMMER WEEKEND COURSEThe Trojan War in OperaMon. - Fri., July 13 -17, 2009At Classical Pursuits3 - 5 pm daily I $250Mus1CAL L1FE: A Choral Life Q&Acompiled and edited by ml buellFEATURINGJURGEN PETRENKOFirst experiences?I always wanted to play the organ, butwas less interested in the choir. I wasfinally allowed to start piano at fivebut switched to the organ at age ten,when my feet reached the pedals. Iwas intrigued by the organ and themany sounds it could produce .. .it's asclose as you can get to being a onepersonorchestra.At age 16 I sang with the choir ofSt. Simon's Anglican Church in Torontoto learn the repertoire; half ayear later I became the assistant organist.Conducting came along with my first organist job: St. Luke'sUnited on Sherbourne Street in Toronto. Suddenly I had a choir and aprofessional quartet to conduct. I was 18. I made many mistakes, butquickly learned what works in theory and what works in the real world.After St. Simon's, I sang with the Faculty of Music Concert Choirfor two years. Both taught me that singing is not one of my strengths.What are your strengths?Playing the organ can be lonely. I love being with people and bring alot of enthusiasm to my choirs. After all, what can be better than workingtogether to create music? It is such a thrill to explore a masterpiece,and I never cease to marvel at the profound truths inherent ingreat art.Currently?I am in my 17th season as conductor of the Toronto Classical Singers,a 100-voice choir that performs large-scale oratorios withorchestra. I am very excited to be the new conductor of the RenaissanceSingers, a chamber choir based in the Kitchener area, whereI'm enjoying working on more intimate repertoire. I teach a course inoratorio performance for graduate voice majors at the Glenn Gould!'Violins, violas, cellos, and bowsComplete line of strings and accessoriesExpert repairs and rehairsCanada's largest stock of string musicFast mail order serviceBrass - Woodwind -String Instruments - GuitarBuy direct from the DistributorAUTHORIZED DEALER FOR:Armstrong, Artley, Besson, Buffet,Conn, Getzen, Holton, Jupiter,Keilworth, King, Noblet,Selmer, Vito, YanagisawaMUSIC BOOKSBEST SELECTIONOF POPULAR&EDUCATIONAL MUSICPiano - Guitar - Instrumental905-477-1<strong>14</strong>12650 John Street, Unit 15Uust North of Steeles)www.harknettmusic.com24WWW. TH EWHO LENOTE.COM

School of the RCM, and I serve asthe titular organist at St. John'sAnglican Church in Elora, whichhas a professional choir of 24 singersunder the direction of NoelEdison. I am also the GeneralManager of the Elora Festival andSingers.I enjoyed my time at the CBCvery much, but I always felt I wasa musician who happened to beworking in radio, rather than abroadcaster who happened to be amusician. I am very glad to be ableto devote more time to actuallymaking music.What do you admire in a conductor?I admire conductors who serve themusic. Ego-driven performancesget tired very quickly ...I remember being at Roy ThomsonHall for a performance by theEnglish Concert led by Trevor Pinnock.This was the earlyl980s: concertstended to be much more formalthan today. The maestros weremostly formidable and unapproachable.Mr. Pinnock walkedin, bowed, and sat down at the harpsichord.He gave a huge smile tohis musicians, and off they went,playing orchestral music withchamber intensity and precisionthat was very rare. It was a teameffort, and they were obviouslyhaving a good time. I try to bringthat sort of spirit wherever I go.Looking ahead?Two concerts which I am particularlylooking forward to: In Marchthe Renaissance Singers will bepresenting music from the Renaissancecontrasted with music fromthe "new choral renaissance" byPart, Lauridsen, and Tavener. .. itwill be a wonderfully reflectiveconcert. In May the Toronto ClassicalSingers will perform theBrahms Requiem, a work I'vebeen wanting to conduct for manyyears.Jurgen Petrenko will conduct theRenaissance Singers (Nov. 29,Kitchener) in Rejoice: Vivaldi,Bach, Handel (Messiah excerpts);and the Toronto Classical Singers(Dec. 7, Toronto) in Messiah Highlights:with soprano JenniferTavener, mezz.o Sandra Boyes, tenorCory Knight, bass MichaelUloth, and the Talisker PlayersOrchestra.BOSLEYREAL ESTATED0SLEY ~Er\L ESTATE lTD .. REAL T O RPETER MAHONSales Representative416-322-8000pmahon@trebnet.comwww.petermahon.comIhusic AT SAinT IhARY IhAGDALEnE'sMonday, <strong>November</strong> 3 at 6pm .......... Requiem Mass for All SoulsSaturday, <strong>November</strong> 22 at 1 Oam ..... Festival of Chant ColloqiumSunday, <strong>November</strong> 23 at 4:30pm .... Festival of Chant ConcerttHE CHVR._CH OFSt. mAR._Y mAGDALEllEto11.._orrtoSunday, December <strong>14</strong> at 4:30pm .... Evensong & Advent CarolsWednesday, December 24 ............. Midnight Massindex of advertisersALDEBURGH CONNECTION 31, 40ALL THE K ING'S VOICES 18ALL SAINTS K INGSWAY ANGLICANCHURCH 29AMADEUS C HOIR 29AMICI CHAMBER ENSEMBLE 10AMOROSO 59ANALEKTA 53ANNEX SINGERS 22ART OF TIME ENSEMBLE 10ATMA 5BACH CHIL DREN'S CHORUS 61BACH CONSORT 19BEACH UNITED CHURCH 48BIRD PROJECT, THE 36BLOOR CINEMA 52BLOOR STREET UNITED CHURCH 40BRETT C HAPMAN & SEPIDEH EsLAHJOU 40CANADIAN CHILDREN' S OPERA COMPANY 61CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 23, 61CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY VOLUNTEERCOMMITTEE 22CANCLONE SERVICES 51CANTEMUS 39CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONYORCHESTRA 30CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK JAZZ VESPERS 2 1CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK 28CHURCH OF ST MARY MAGDALENE 25Civic LIGHT OPERA COMPANY 22CLAUDE WATSON PROGRAMME FOR THEPERFORMING ARTS (EARL HAIGSECONDARY) 50CONTINUUM CONTEMPORARY Music 30CosMo Music 21COUNTERPOINT CHORALE 37EAST YORK CHOIR 18EGLINTON ST. GEORGE ' S UNITED CHURCH 19ELMER ISELER SINGERS 18ELDRA FESTIVAL SINGERS 44ENSEMBLE POLARIS 31ENSEMBLE ViVANT 35EXULTATE CHAMBER SINGERS 9FORTE - TORONTO MEN'S CHORUS 38GEORGE HEINL 49HAMILTON CONSERVATORY FOR THE ARTS 9HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 24HELICONIAN HALL 52JOHN LAI NG SINGERS 22KITCHENER-WATERLOO CHAMBERORCHESTRA 44KIWANIS Music FESTIVAL 50KLAUS HARTWIG - TAPE RECORDER 5 IKOFFLER CENTRE OF THE ARTS 33LONG & MCQUADE 48MASON AND HAMLIN I IMIKROKOSMOS 59Music AT METROPOLITAN I RCCO 34Music GALLERY 15Music TORONTO 9, 28, 31, 41NAGATA SHACHU 38NEW Music CONCERTS <strong>14</strong>, 26, 32, 40NORTH YORK CONCERT ORCHESTRA 280AKHAM HousE CHOIR 390AKVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY 48OFF CENTRE Music SALON 36OPERA ATELIER 3OPERA BY REQUEST 22, 29, 35OPERA IN CONCERT 22OPERA-IS 24ORCHESTRAS MISSISSAUGA 29ORCHESTRA TORONTO 120SHAWA-DURHAM SYMPHONYORCHESTRA 43PASQUALE BROS . 52PAX CHRISTI CHORALE 42PETER MAHON 25REMENYI HOUSE OF MUSIC 7RENAISSANCE SINGERS 43ROEL OLAY INVESTMENT ADVISOR 51ROY THOMSON HALL 18ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF Music 4SAINT BLAISE 39SECOND VINYL 59SINFONIA TORONTO 12, 32SMALL WORLD Music 13SOCIETY FOR TRADITIONAL STUDIES 34SOUND POST 24ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL 32ST. MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOL 3T AFELMUSIK 64TALLIS CHOIR 41T ALISKER PLAYERS 30TORONTO BEACH CHORALE 40TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 33TORONTO CLASSICAL SI NGERS 19TORONTO CONSORT 17TORONTO MASQUE THEATRE 16TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 19TORONTO PHILHARMONIA 32TORONTO SINFONIETTA 27, 35TORONTO SINGING STUDIO 42TORONTO WELSH MALE VOICE CHOIR 39TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2TRUE NORTH I LINUS ENTERTAINMENT 8TRYPTYCH 22U oF T FACULTY OF Music 16VILLAGE VOICES 37VIVA! YOUTH SINGERS 38WHOLENOTE CLASSIFIEDS 51WHOLENOTE INDEX OF ADVERTISERS 25WHOLENOTE MARKETPLACE/EDUCATION 49WHOLENOTE MARKETPLACE/SERVICES 52WENDY LIMBERTIE 49WiNDERMERE STRING QUARTET 33YAMAHA CANADA Music LTD. 63NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM25

WHOLENOTE LISTINGSSECTIONS 1-4: INTRODUCTIONWholeNote listings are arranged inFOUR DISTINCT SECTIONS:1) Toronto & GTA (Greater Toronto Area)2) Beyond the GTA3) Jazz in Clubs4) Music-related events(a.k.a. "Announcements ... EtCetera")This issue contains listings from <strong>November</strong> 1 to December 7 <strong>2008</strong>SECTION 1: Toronto & GTA (pages 26-42) covers all of theCity of Toronto plus the adjoining "905" area - more or less correspondingto the areas accessible from Toronto by phone withoutlong distance charges. Section l includes communities as far westas Oakville, as far north as Aurora and as far east as Ajax.In this issue Section 1 includes:Ajax, Brampton, Markham, Mississauga, Oakville, Richmond Hill,Thornhill, Toronto & GTASECTION 2: Beyond the GTA (pages 43-46) covers all areas ofOntario outside Toronto and GTA. The towns and cities vary frommonth to month.In this issue Section 2 includes:Alliston, Bancroft, Barrie, Bolton, Brampton, Brantford,Burlington, Cambridge, Chatham, Cobourg, Colgan, Dundas,Guelph, Hamilton, Huntsville, Kingston, Kitchener, London,Midland, Newmarket, Oakville, Orangeville, Orillia, Oshawa,Owen Sound, Peterborough, Port Hope, St. Catharines, Uxbridge,Waterloo, WhitbySECTION 3: Jazz in Clubs (pages 46-47) is organized alphabeticallyby club, and provides as much detail on what the clubs areoffering as we had at the time of publication, which varies greatlyfrom club to club. Phone numbers and website addresses are providedto facilitate access to more up-to-date information.SECTION 4: Announcements, Lectures/Symposia, MasterClasses ... EtCetera (page 48) is for music-related events andactivities, other than performances, which in our judgment will beof interest to our readers.A general word of caution: a phone number is provided withevery WholeNote listing; in fact, we won 't publish a listing withoutone. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed; artists oreven venues change after the listings are published; or occasionallycorrected information is not sent to us in time. So please checkbefore you go out to a concert.HOW TO LISTListings in WholeNote Magazine in these four sections are a freeservice available, in our discretion, to eligible presenters. If youhave an event, send us your information NO LATER than the l S'hof the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear. Please note, our next issue is a double one,covering the two-month period from December l /08 to February 7 /09.Listings can be sent by e-mail to Iistings@thewholenote.com or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.Phone 4 l 6-323-2232 x2 l for further information.LISTINGS: SECTION 1CONCERTS: Toronto and GTASaturday <strong>November</strong> 01- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. Rodgers & Hammerstein.Princess of Wales Theatre, 300 King St. W.416-872- 1212. $36-$200. Also Nov. 2, 4·9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30, Dec. 2· 7.- 2:00 & 8:00: Curtain Call Players.Cats. Webber. Fairview Library Theatre, 35Fairview Mall Dr. 416-703-6181 . $22. AlsoNov. 2, 6, 7 and 8.- 2:00 & 8:00: Oancap Productions. JerseyBoys. Gaudio & Crewe. Eric Bates(Tommy deVito), Joseph Leo Bwarie (FrankieValli), Andrew Rannells !Bob Gaudio),Steve Gouveia (Nick Massi), and others.Des McAnuff, director; Sergio Trujillo, choreographer.Toronto Centre for the Arts,5040 Yonge St. 416-872- 1111. $55-$125.Also Nov. 2, 4-9.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. Hamlisch & Kleban. NationalTouring Company. Canon Theatre, 244Victoria St. 416-872-1212. $40-$89. AlsoNov. 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. Eleanor Bergstein. RoyalAlexandra Theatre, 260 King St. W. 416·872-1212. $26-$99. Also Nov. 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30, Dec. 2-7.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. Music of Queen. PanasonicTheatre, 651 Yonge St 416-872-1212.$25-$85. Also Nov. 2, 5-9, 12-16, 19-23,26-30, Dec. 3-7.- 7:00: Aaron Brock Memorial lnterna·tional Guitar Competition. Final ConcertoRound. Mazzoleni Hall, Royal Conservatory ofMusic, 273 Bloor St. W. 416- 728-4647. Free.- 7:00: Canadian Opera Company. Warand Peace. Prokofiev. Russell Braun, baritone!Andrei); Elena Semenova, soprano(Natasha); Mikhail Kit, bass-baritone IKutu·zov); Sonya Gosse, mezzo IAkhrosimova);Vassily Gerello, baritone (Napoleon); andothers; CO C Orchestra and Chorus; TimAlbery, director; Johannes Debus, conduc·tor. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, <strong>14</strong>5 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231 .$60-$290.- 7:30: Opera by Request. ldomeneo inconcert. Mozart. Avery Krisman, sopranolldomeneo); Rachel Jewell, mezzo (Ilia);Carrie Gray, soprano IEletra); Zachary Win·dus, countertenor lldamante); WilliamShookhoff, music director. College StreetUnited Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. $20; $151sr/s1).- 7:30: Orpheus Choir of Toronto. AConcert of Hope and Reconciliation. Esta·cio: The Houses Stand Not Far Apart; J.Willcocks: Lux Perpetua. With Chorus Niagara;Talisker Players; Robert Cooper, DavidWillcocks, conductors. Metropolitan UnitedChurch. 56 Queen St. E. 416-530-4428.$30; $25(sr); $151s1).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Series - II Matrimonio Segre·to. Cimarosa. Miah Im, conductor; AllisonGrant, director. MacMillan Theatre, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. $26; $151sr/s1). Also Nov. 2.- 8:00: Academy Concert Series. Mozartin Paris, 1778. Chamber works by MozartRona Goldensher, violin; Nicolai Tarasov,clarinet; Sharon Burlacoff, fortepiano. EastminsterUnited Church, 310 Danforth Ave.416-927 -9089. $17; $11 lsr/st).- 8:00: Brampton Symphony Orchestra.Symphonic Postcards - Sympfusion. Jas·mine Ragual, vocals; The Three Young Ten·ors; Brampton Neighbourhood ResourceCentre Chorus; BSD Chorus; Robert Raines,conductor. Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane,Brampton. 905-874-2800. $50; $401sr/st);$20 !children under 12).- 8:00: Dancemakers. The Home Season·Bloodletting and Other Pleasant Things.Tony Chong, choreographer. Created withand performed by Robert Abubo, KateHilliard, Kate Holden, Benjamin Kamino andSteeve Paquet. Dancemakers Centre forCreation, The Distillery Historic District, 55Mill St. The Cannery, Bldg. 58, Suite 313.416-367-1800. $22; $18(sr/s1/cada).- 8:00: Encore Entertainment. leader ofthe Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical. Musicby Greenwich; book by Greenwich,Spector & others. Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111.$28.50-$30; $27-$28.501sr/st). Also Nov.2.- 8:00: Korean Canadian SymphonyOrchestra. Chausson: Poeme de !'amour etde lamer, op. 19; Haydn: Ariadne auf Nax·os; Brahms: Symphony no. 3 in F, op. 90.David Dong Qyu Lee, countertenor; RichardLee, conductor. George Weston Recital Hall,5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. $40; $30;$201st).- 8:00: New Music Concerts. Generation<strong>2008</strong>. Works by Shi, Good, Berger and Har·man. Tim Brady, electric guitar; ScottGood, trombone; Ensemble contemporain deMontreal; Veronique Lacroix, conductor.Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-961 ·9594. $33; $201sr/ar1s workers); $10ls1).7: 15: Pre-concert chat.NEW MUSICCONCERTSPresents ECM+The Music Gallery<strong>November</strong> 1- 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Great Masterworks. Brahms: Double Con·certo; Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherezade.Akemi Mercer, violin; Rachel Mercer, cello;Roberto De Clara, conductor. Oakville Centre,130 Navy St., Oakville. 905-815-2021.$45; $40(sr); $20(s1).- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Stefan Milenkovich, violin. Glenn26 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872·4255. $35; $30(advance).- 8:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. GlamorousNights. A Tribute to lvor Novello.Programme includes: Waltz of my Heart; ICan Give You the Starlight; We'll GatherLilacs; Keep the Home Fires Burning; andothers. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. $35.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Mendelssohn Reformation Symphony. Haydn:Symphony No. 50; Bruch: Violin ConcertoNo.1; Staniland: Voyageur; Mendelssohn:Symphony No.5 "Reformation". Jacqueslsraelievitch, violin; Alain Trudel, guest conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-593-4828. $37-$125.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 02- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Curtain Call Players. Cats. SeeNov. 1.- 2:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Encore Entertainment. Leader ofthe Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical. SeeNov. 1.- 2:00: Jazz at Royal York. All Star JazzTrio. Gene Di Novi, piano; Neil Swainson,bass; Rick Wilkins, sax. Royal York RoadUnited Church, 851 Royal York Rd. 416-231 -1207. $20; $ l 7(sr/st).- 2:00: KUMF Art Gallery. Colours &Keys. Maria Dolnycky and Irina Semenova,piano. Solo and duo works by Debussy,Satie, Poulenc, Matton and others, againstbackdrop of abstract artwork. 2118-ABloor St. W. 416-621-9287. $15-$20.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Great Masterworks. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundaySerenades. North Toronto CommunityBand. Rotunda, 150 Borough Dr. 416-338-3295. Free.- 2:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. GlamorousNights. See Nov. 1. President's Receptionto follow, $30.- 2:00: Toronto Sinfonietta. Through theRoof of My Heart. McConnell: Through theRoof of my Heart it Rains; The Museum; TheBurning Book; Pepa: Psalm de Liliane; Singer:The Burning Book; Traditional Hebrew Songs.Guest: Baycrest Music Society Choir; PhilipMcConnell, guest conductor. Royal OntarioMuseum, 100 Queen's Park. 416-410-4379.Free with admission to ROM.- 2:00: Trio Bravo. Concert No. 7. Gershwin:Three Preludes; Bruch: Two Studies;Juon: Miniature Suite; Beethoven: TrioOp.38. All Saints Kingsway AnglicanChurch, 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-242-2131.$20; $ l 5(sr/st).- 2:30: Alicier Arts Chamber Music.Beethoven's Ghost. Beethoven: "Ghost"Trio, "Moonlight" Sonata excerpts; Schumann:Phantasiestuck for Cello and Piano;Brahms: Geistliches Wiegenlied; Buczynski:Preludes for Piano. Stephanie Chua, piano;Peter Cosbey, cello; Elyssa Lefurgey-Smith,violin; Allison Marcaccini, soprano; andothers. St. George's on-the-Hill AnglicanChurch, 4600 Dundas St W. 416-731-3599.$20; $ l 8(sr/st); $ l 5(advance).- 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Series - II Matrimonio Segreto.See Nov. 1.- 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Mendelssohn Reformation Symphony. SeeNov. 1. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-593-4828. $39-$89.- 3:00: Udo Kasemets/Susan layard.sUnDD SDUND(word/time}SCAPES: Lastessay by Robert Creeley. Kasemets: Musicfor speaking and singing voices and piano.Udo Kasemets, Susan Layard, performers.Emmanuel College Chapel, 75 Queen's Park.416-929-5849. Free.- 3:00: Weston Silver Band. WSB inConcert. Curnow: Concert piece for Cornet;Lovatt -Cooper: An Untold Story; works bySparke, Howarth, Heaton and Wood. De LaSalle College, Oaklands Auditorium, 131Farnham Ave. 416-249-6553. $20; $15,children under 12 yrs free.- 4:00: Dancemakers. The Home Season ·Bloodletting and Other Pleasant Things.See Nov 1. PWYC.- 4:00: St. James Cathedral. TwilightRecital Series. Patricia Wright, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzA SPECIAL INVITATIONto TORONTO SINFONIETTA'sextraordinary concerts in <strong>November</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Matthew Jaskiewicz, Art1st1c DirectorSunday, Nov. 2, 2:00 pm, Royal Ontario MuseumTHROUGH THE ROOF OF MY HEARTWorld premiere, Music: Phil McC.Onnell, Text:: Steven M. Berzensk.yTuesday, Nov. 11, 7:30 pm, Isabel Bader TheatreREMEMBERING INDEPENDENCEChopin's Piano C.Oncerto No 1, and more music by Moniuszko,Paderewski and LutoslawskiSaturday, Nov. 22, 7:30 pm, Isabel Bader TheatreGALA CONCERTEvening of beloved solo concertos featuring winners of 3rc1 TorontoSinfonietta C.Oncerto C.OmpetitionIsabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. West (Museum Subwa}?Box Office: 416 410 4379, tickets $20-$45m>.w.tamtainfcnit1ta.am'°' I 11: WHOLENOTE.COMVespers. Mark Eisenman Trio. 1570 YongeSt. 416-920-5211. Free (donations welcomed).- 5:00: Czech Community Center. Nocturnesin the City. Works by Fibich,Janacek, and Dvorak. Panocha Quartet. St.Wenceslas Church, 496 Gladstone Ave.905-232-3092. $25.- 7:30: Jubilee United Church. BobGreenwood Memorial Concert. Faure: Requiem.Jubilee Festival Choir and Orchestra;soloists; Ian Sadler, organ. 40 Underhill Dr.416-447-6846. $25.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Contemporary Music Ensemble.Gary Kulesha, director. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Music Gallery. Bird on a Wire.Terri Hron, recorder. Works by Altieri, Boersen,Hannan, Mathien, Cancino and others.197 John St. 416-204-1080. $15; $5(st).Monday <strong>November</strong> 03- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical instrumentalrecital featuring student soloists.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, AccoladeEast, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Chamber Music Series. Britten:Cello Sonata; Poulenc: Cello Sonata; Mendelssohn:Variations Concertantes; Schumann:Adagio and Allegro. Steven lsserlis,cello; Connie Shih, piano. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. $25; $ l 5(sr/st).- 8:00: Consulate-General of Italy/Inter·national Touring Productions/InternationalResource Centre for PerformingArtists. Gala Italia. Operatic and orchestralworks by Puccini and others. Orchestralnternazionale d'ltalia; Francesca Ruospo,soprano; Claudio Marcotulli, guitar; KerryStratton, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $35; $25(sr/st).- 8:00: ERGO Projects. Works by Mexicanand North American Indigenous Composers.Larry Bond Trio and ERGO Ensemble.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.,416-872-4255. $30; $20(seniors/artsworkers); $ lO(st). 7: 15: Pre-concert of ja zzby Latin American composers.- 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. WurlitzerTheatre Organ Pops. Jerry Nagano, organ.416-499-6262. $21; $ 20(advance).Tuesda <strong>November</strong> 04- 9:30am & 1 :00: Brampton FestivalYouth Choir. Day Concert. Rose Theatre, 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-28 00.- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Claudia and Friends. ClaudiaMoore's Moonhorse Dance Theatre. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 QueenSt. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Voice Performance Class. Studentperformances. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 1 :00: St. James Cathedral. Music atMidday. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Broadway Rocks. Selections from Tommy;Phantom of the Opera; The Wiz; Godspell;Jesus Christ Superstar and other musicals.Kirsten Bracken, soprano; Mark Willett,tenor; Matthew Scott, bass; EtobicokeSchool of the Arts Chorus; Erich Kunzel,guest conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. $33-$99.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 05- 9:30am & 1:00: Brampton FestivalYouth Choir. Day Concert. See Nov. 4.- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company/Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. ChamberMusic Series: Fantasy Land. Vaughan Williams:The Lark Ascending; Waxman: CarmenFantasy; Prokofiev: Violin SonataNo.2. Jinjoo Cho, violin; Louise-Andree Baril,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, <strong>14</strong>5 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:00 noon: Hart House. MiddayEvents: Catherine Su/em Ensemble. HartHouse Music Room, 7 Hart House Circle.416-978-2452. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Ruben Diaz Duartet. Works by Luciaand Diaz. Ruben Dia z, flamenco guitar; andband. Martin Family Lounge, 219 AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. William Lupton,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922 -1167. Free.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus Line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Broadway Rocks. See Nov. 4.Matinee: $28-$69.- 7:30: Mozart Society of Toronto. PanochaDuartet. Works by Mozart, Beethoven,Haydn. Sunderland Hall, First UnitarianCongregation of Toronto, 175 St. Clair Ave.w. 416-201 -3338. $25.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 06- 1 O:OOam to 9:30pm: York UniversityDepartment of Music. World Music Festival.West-African Drumming, Isaac Akrong(dir.); Klezmer Ensemble, Brian Katz (dir.);West African Drumming and Dance, KwasiDunyo & Larry Graves (directors); Escola deSamba, Rick Lazar (dir.); Cuban Music, PaulOrmandy, Ruben Esguerra, Steve Mancuso(directors); West-African Drumming, AnnaMelnikoff (dir.); Middle Eastern Ensemble,Bassam Shahouk (dir.). Martin FamilyLounge, 219 Accolade East Building, 4 700Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 12: 10: St. Paul's Bloor Street Angli-27

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAcan Church. Noon Hour Organ RecitalSeries. Angus Sinclair, organ. 227 BloorSt. E. 416·961·8116. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. NoondayChamber Music. Rachel Mercer, cello;Angela Park, piano. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free (collection).- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: The Royal Conservatory of Music.World Music Concerts. Traditional Chineseerhu with Western music. George Gao,erhu. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321 . $30; $ lO(st).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Curtain Call Players. Cats. SeeNov. 1.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Harbourfront Centre. Cantos dela Tierra. Esmeralda Enrique Spanish DanceCompany. Premiere Dance Theatre, HarbourfrontCentre, 235 Queen's Quay W.416-973-4000. $20-$40. Also Nov. 7-9.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Gryphon Trio.Haydn: Piano Trio in A; Schmidt: Lunar Reflections(Toronto premiere); Mendelssohn:Piano Trio No.1 in d. Jane Mallett Theatre,St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, 27 FrontSt. E. 416-366- 7723. $41-$45; $5(st; accompanyingadult pays half price); pay your age(18-35).Friday <strong>November</strong> 07- 1 O:OOam to 9:30pm: York UniversityDepartment of Music. World Music Festival.Caribbean Ensemble, Lindy Burgess(dir.); African-American Piano, CatherineWilson (dir.); Chinese Orchestra, KimChow-Morris (dir.); Korean Drum Ensemble,Charles Hong (dir.); Japanese Ensem-ble, Linda Caplan (dir.); Guitar Ensemble,Roger Scannura (dir.); World Music Chorus,Judith Cohen (dir.); Balkan Music Ensemble,Irene Markoff (dir.) . Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 7:30: Metropolitan United Church.Carols United. Sing-along with MetropolitanSilver Band and organ. 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Opera by Request. Oon Giovanniin concert. Mozart. Andrew Tees, baritone(Don Giovanni); Natalie Donnelly, soprano.(Donna Anna); Melinda Delorme, soprano(Donna Elvira); Ada Balon, soprano (Zerlina);Neil Aronoff, baritone (Leporello);Taras Chmel, tenor (Don Ottavio); WilliamShookholl, conductor. St. John's PresbyterianChurch, 415 Broadview Ave. 416 455-2365. $20; $15(sr/st).- 8:00: Curtain Call Players. Cats. SeeNov. 1.- 8:00: Oancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Harbourfront Centre. Cantos dela Tierra. See Nov. 6.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Timeless. Songs of Frank Sinatra,Dean Martin, Nat King Cole and Tony Bennett.Colin Hunter; Starlight Orchestra.Guest: Joe Sealy. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $30.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.ARC Ensemble: Music in Exile. Vandor:Air; Kahn: Suite for Violin and Piano Op.69;Seiber: Divertimento for Clarinet and StringQuartet; Busch: Sextet for Strings in G.Marie Berard and Erika Raum, violin; StevenDann and Vose! Tamir, viola; Bryan Eppersonand David Hetheringon, cello; JoaquinValdepeiias, clarinet; David Louie and DianneWerner, piano. Mazzoleni Hall, Royal Conservatoryof Music, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321. $30; $ lO(st).- 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. AMan Divine. Vaughan Williams: Dona NobisPacem: Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem.Cindy Koistinen, soprano; Peter Barrett,baritone; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir FestivalOrchestra; Noel Edison, conductor.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585Yonge St. 416-598-0422. $35-$70. 7:15:pre-concert chat.- 8:00: University Voices <strong>2008</strong>/Sound·streams. Youth, Music, Passion! Grau:World premiere, and other works by Golijov,Ginastera, Schafer, and more. EstonianPhilharmonic Chamber Choir, and TallinnChamber Orchestra. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-366- 7723.$25; $15(sr/st/arts worker).- 8:00: Windmill Theatre. The Fab Five.Great Hall, Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga,84 South Service Rd. 905-338-5702. $25.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 08- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Curtain Call Players. Cats. See Nov. 1.1hirteenth annual series ofLUNCHTIME CHAMBERatCHRIST CHURCH DEER<strong>November</strong> 6: Rachel Mercer, cello;Angela Park, piano.Debussy Cello Sonata and other music<strong>November</strong> 13: Bruce KirkpatrickHill, organ.Bach Passacaglia and other works<strong>November</strong> 20: John Juli, piano.Works by Mozart, Schumann, andBrahms<strong>November</strong> 27: Allan Pulker, flute;Andrew Ager, piano.Widor Suite and Kuhlau Duo concertanteAdmission by donation1570 Yonge St. (at Heath), TorontonycSymphonyOrchestraDavid Bowsor, Music Director and ConductorWagnerRimsky-KorsakovLisztMozartBeethoven<strong>November</strong> 8, <strong>2008</strong> 8:00 pmGrace Church on-the-HillPeter Longworth, pianoNYCO Symphony ChorusDie Meistersinger PreludeScheherazade (excerpts)Concerto No. 1 in E~Magic Flute OvertureFantasia for piano, chorusand orchestraAdults $20 • Seniors/Students $15Christmas Choral ConcertDecember 13, <strong>2008</strong> 3:00 pmNYCO Symphony ChorusGeorge Fredrick HandelMessiah (excerpts)andA selection of sing-alongL.::::~~:::;:::;;::o1 holiday carolsAdults $15,::..,.......;G~hildren under 12* FREE28 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE,COM

- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Show Dne Productions.Tango Fire. Winter Garden Theatre, 189Yonge St. 416-872-5555. $39-$120.- 2:00 & 8:00: Women in Dance. A CreativeShowcase Celebrating the WomanDancer. Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 647-889-5955. $25-$30.- 3:30: Suzuki Association of Dntario. AGala Group Concerto Concert. Students andteachers from Ontario Suzuki Schools performorchestral and solo works for piano,violin, viola, cello and flute. Katharine Rapoport,conductor. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-466-0208.Donations accepted.- 6:00: Toronto Latvian Concert Association.New York Latvian Concert Choir. St.Andrews Latvian Lutheran Church, 383Jarvis St. 416-512-7348. $33; $151st).- 7:00: Chinese Canadian Choir of Toronto.25th Anniversary Gala Concert:Chinese Art Songs. Rutter: A Sprig ofThyme; Vivaldi: Gloria; Orff: CarminaBurana. Guests: Silverthorn SymphonicWinds Orchestra; Li Wang, piano; DaphneHsu, soprano. Chinese Cultural Centre,P.C. Ho Theatre, 5183 Sheppard Ave. E.905-273-4821. $20.- 7:30: Amadeus Choir. Amadeus Choirand Friends. Watson Henderson: Voices ofEarth; Orff: Carmina Burana. Lydia Adams,conductor; guests: Gerald Fagan Singers andthe Fanshawe Chorus, Gerald Fagan, conductor;Leslie Fagan, soprano; Darryl Edwards,tenor; Mark Pedrotti, baritone; Ruth WatsonHenderson and Peter MacDonald, piano;Bach Children's Chorus, Linda Beaupre, conductor.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. 416-446-0188. $35.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Abductionfrom the Seraglio. Mozart. Frederic Antoun,tenor !Belmonte); Lawrence Wiliford, tenorIPedrillo); Amanda Pabyan, soprano IKonstanze);Carla Huhtanen, soprano !Blonde);Gustav Andreassen, bsss IOsmin); CurtisSullivan, baritone !Pasha Selim); TafelmusikBaroque Orchestra; Marshall Pynkoski,director; David Fallis, conductor. Elgin Theatre,189 Yonge St. 416-872-5555. $30·$135; $201st). Also Nov. 9, 11 , 12, <strong>14</strong>, 15.- 7:30: St. John's Norway Church.Choirfest '08. Choirs of Beaches United,Calvary Baptist, Fallingbrook Presbyterian,Kingston Road United, Neighbourhood Unitarian,St. Aidan's Anglican and St. John'sNorway. 470 Woodbine Ave. 416-691-4560. $20; $10lchildren).- 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Classical Favourites. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons!selections); Wagner: The Ride of the Valkyries;Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade !selections);Beethoven: Symphony No.5. Barton Woomer!& Steven Woomert, trumpets; John MorrisRussell, guest conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-5934828. $27-$ 73.- 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club.Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman (UK}.Birchcliff Bluffs Church, 33 East Rd. 416-264-2235. $15-$25.- 8:00: Harbourfront Centre. StephanieMartin and George Meanwe/1 in concert.Enwave Theatre, 235 Queen's Quay W.416-973-4000. $28.- 8:00: North York Concert Orchestra.Season Opener. Wagner: Prelude to DieMeistersinger; Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade!excerpts); Liszt: Piano ConcertoNo.1 in B flat; Mozart: Magic Flute Overture;Beethoven Fantasia for piano, chorusand orchestra. Peter Longworth; piano;David Bowser, conductor. GraceChurch on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Road.416-628-9195. $20; $151sr/st).- 8:00: Orchestras Mississauga. WeRemember. Bruch: Kol Nidre; Suk: Serenade forStrings; and other works. Ruth Fazal, violin;John Freund, narrator; Sinfonia Mississauga;John Barnum, conductor. First United ChurchPort Credit, 151 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga.905-306-6000. $30; $271sr); $151st).- 8:00: Rose Theatre. Forbidden Broad·way. 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. $60-$75.- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Joan Baez. Massey Hall, 15 ShuterSt. 416-872-4255. $49.50-$69.50.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 09- 1 :00: Mooredale Concerts. Music andTruffles - Made in Canada. Faure: PianopresentsDON GIOVANNIin concertWilliam Shookhoff, DirectorFriday, <strong>November</strong> 7, 7:30pmSt. John's Presbyterian Church415 Broadview Ave. (at Gerrard)$20 general admissioncall 416-455-2365 for info", s soss~:l,tmyEgmont OvertureJohn Barnum, Music DirectorpresentswithBEETHOVEN TOO!Robert Silverman, pianoPiano Concerto No. 2Symphony No. 2Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 22, <strong>2008</strong> 8:00 p.m. in the acousticallysublime Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre, MississaugaFor Tickets Call: 905.306.6000.:i:'aamaaeusllllcnoirLydia Adams.Conductor & Artistic DirectorVoices of Earth - Ruth Watson HendersonCarmina Burana - Carl OrffSaturday, <strong>November</strong> Bth, <strong>2008</strong>, 7:30 p.m.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge StreetMonks singing as they enjoy their pleasures, a swan singing ashe roasts - the joys and sorrows of love and life are celebratedin Carl Orff's spirited Carmina Burana and Ruth WatsonHenderson's rapturous ode, Voices of Earth.Guest Artists:Leslie Fagan, sopranoDarryl Edwards, tenorMark Pedrotti , baritoneThe Gerald Fagan SingersLondon Fanshawe ChorusThe Bach Children's Chorus,Linda Beaupre, directorRuth Watson Henderson andPeter MacDonald, pianoLydia Adams and Gerald Fagan, conductorsnckets: $35.00 Student Rush Seats $10.00 (at the door only)Please call 416-446-0188Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 9, <strong>2008</strong> ~~,.7 p.m.SPECIAL GUESTS:TORONTO PREMIERE THE HIGH PARK CHOIRS OF TORONTOB Y KARL JENKINS Join us as we remember those whoWITH ORCHESTRA I have been affected by war and violenceboth past and present. MargaretBardos, mezzo-soprano; Shawn Grenke,conductor. Suggested donation $20.Sunday, December 21. <strong>2008</strong>4p.m.An Afternoon Of Carols and Choir,featuring the works of Chilcott, Rutter,', Buxtehude and Daley. With guest stringplayers. Come celebrate the ChristmasSeason with family and friends. ShawnGrenke, conductor; Andrew Adair,organist. Free Will offering.(Royal York Subway Station I Prince Edward/Bloor Intersection)www.allsaintskingsway.caCONTACT SHAWN GRENKE, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC ATmusic@allsaintskingsway.ca • 416-233-1125OVEMBER 1 - ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM 29

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAQuartet and other works. Made in CanadaQuartet (Judy Kang, violin; SharonWei, viola; Rachel Mercer, cello; AngelaPark, piano). Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-587-9411.$10.- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra. Subscription Concert No. f.Rossini: Overture, Barber of Seville; Ravel:Piano Concerto in G; Mozart: SymphonyNo.41. Claudia Chen, piano; Norman Re·CathedralBluffsSy_mphonyOrchestraNorman ReintammPrincipal ConductorClaudia Chan plays RavelPiano Concerto in Galso Mozart Symphony No. 41Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 9, 2:00 p.m.(JP.C . Ho Theatre5183 Sheppard Ave. Econtinuumcontemporary music[Foreshadow]Tuesday, <strong>November</strong> 11, 8 pmThe Music Gallery197 John Streetintamm, conductor. P.C. Ho Theatre, ChineseCultural Centre, 5183 Sheppard Ave.E. 416-879-5566. $20-$25. 1 :30: pre-concertchat with Glenn Mallory.- 2:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mississauga Pops ConcertContinuum performs the night before leaving forits European tour and shift in AmsterdamWorks byPeter Adriaansz (NL)Martin Arnold (CA)Linda Bouchard (CA)Nicole Lizee (CA)Ian Vine (UK)Continuum with Gregory Oh conducting$[] 5 adults/$15 seniors & arts workers/$5 students416.924.4945www.continuummusic.org~ c.,n~d

Boys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Marc-Andre Hamelin.Haydn: Sonata in F; Sonata in B flat; Weissenberg:Sonata in a State of Jazz; Chopin:Barcarolle Op.60; Ballade No.3 in A Op.47;Hamelin: Etude No.8 "Erlkoenig" (afterGoethe); Etude No.7 (after Tchaikovsky); Godowsky:Symphonic Metamorphoses on JohannStrauss "Wine, Women and Song". JaneMallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for theArts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. $41-$45;$5(st; accompanying adult pays half price);pay your age (18-35).- 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.The lost Generation. Vaughan Williams:Along the Field; Gurney: The WesternPlayland; Orr: Songs from a ShropshireLad; Hess: The Poplars (premiere).Guests: Colin Ainsworth, tenor; JesseClark, baritone. Trinity St. Paul's Centre,427 Bloor St. W. 416-504-7529. $30;$20(sr); $ lO(st).Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 12- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. Emilja Neufeld,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167.Free.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. JazzSeries: Stride and the Vamp. Ragtime andcabaret. Adi Braun, vocals; Jordan Klapman,piano. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. PeterPan. Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-874-2800. $27; $23(sr/st);$18(children). Also Nov. 13-1 5.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Abductionfrom the Seraglio. See Nov. 8.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.The GGS Vocal Showcase. Selected operaarias and arts songs. Mazzoleni Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.- 8:00: Talisker Players Chamber Music.The Lost Generation. See Nov. 11.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dundjian & Tetzlaff. Britten: Four Sea Interludes;Turnage: Mambo, Blues, and Tarantella(North American premiere); VaughanWilliams: Symphony No.5. Christian Tetzlaff,violin; Peter Dundjian, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. $37-$125.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 13- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Prokofiev Piano~ Celebrating theArt of SongArtistic Directors:~ Stephen Ralls and Bruce UbukataAviva WilkssopranoDiscovery SeriesFrank Mutyatenorwith Bruce Ubukata, pianoTuesday, <strong>November</strong> 11, 7:30 pmWalter Hall, University of TorontoTickets: $18 (Seniors/Students $12)Tickets: 416.978.3744,Ai\. ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILJI-\ CONSBL DES ARTS DE rDNTARIOGenerously supported by RBCIJeremy Ludwigbaritonewww.aldeburghconnection.org~~;ncial torontdartsbouncilGroup An arm's length body of the City of TorontoSonata No. 5. Benjamin Chapman, piano.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts,<strong>14</strong>5 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:10: St. Paul's Bloor Street AnglicanChurch. Noon Hour Organ Recital Series.William Maddox, organ. 227 Bloor St.E. 416-961-8116. Free.- 12: 10: University ofToronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon Series - Henri-PaulSicsic, piano. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12: 15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Benjamin Stein, tenor,theorbo and lute. 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. NoondayChamber Music. Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill,organ. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free(collection).- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York U BaroqueEnsemble. Mark Chambers, director. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-21 DO x22926. Free.- 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. PeterPan. See Nov. 12.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Crystal Journey. A Musical, Vibrationaland Colour Journey Through theSolar System. David Michael Hickey, planetgongs, quartz crystal bowls, vibraphone.Guest: Eden Martin, artist. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255.$30.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Ensemble Polaris. Winter Revels.Church of St. George the Martyr/Music Gallery,197 John St., 416-588-4301. $20; $<strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Music for Lute and Voice. Time'sEldest Son. Music by Dowland, Campion,Muddara and Hume. Peter Orobac, baritone;Adam Wead, lute. Thompson-LandryGallery, Distillery District, 55 Mill St. 647-378-6607. $20.- 8:00: Opera Lirica ltaliana. Tosca. Puccini.Marianne Zin-Orlowski, soprano (Tosca);Michael Toby, tenor (Cavaradossi);Terence Shawn, baritone (Scarpia); lsmayilHajiyev, conductor; ChristopherBurton, pianist. Betty Oliph ant Theatre,404 Jarvis St. 416-882-0246. $30; $25(sr/Winter REVELS withEnsemble POLARISIIst); $20(children/youth). Also Nov. 15.- 8:00: Opera York. Carmen. Bizet. AdrianaAlbu, mezzo (Carmen); Keith Klassen,tenor (Don Jose); Andrew Tees, baritone(Escamilla); Giovanna Carini, soprano (Micaela);Geoffrey Butler, artistic director;Melissa Bencic, stage director. MarkhamTheatre for Performing Arts, 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905- 763-7853.$35-$45. Also Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Small World Music. Liu Fang,pipa. Enwave Theatre, 231 Queen's Quayw. 416-973-4000. $30.- 8:00: Toronto Philharmonia. Hope andGlory. Healey: Tribulation and the morningtrumpet; Martinu: Memorial to Lidice;Beethoven: Symphony No. 9. Toronto PhilharmoniaOrchestra and Chorus; KerryStratton, conductor. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-872-1111. $29-$59; $25-$59(students); $25-$49(seniors).Friday <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York U BrassEnsemble, James Macdonald, director. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416- 736-2100 x22926. Free.- 7:30 St. James Cathedral. Widor OrganSymphony. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. PeterPan. See Nov. 12.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Abductionfrom the Seraglio. See Nov. 8.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Faculty Artist Series - RussianNights. A celebration of Lois Marshall's 5D'hanniversary in Russia. Lorna MacDonald, soprano;Che Anne Loewen, piano. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. $25; $15(sr/st).- 8:00: Bloordale United Church. ClimaxJazz Band. 4258 Bloor St. W. 416-620-5377. $25; $20(sr/st). Refreshments followingconcert.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. Harron & Campbell.Burnhamthorpe Auditorium, 500 The EastMall. 416-248-041 D. $23; $17(youth). AlsoNov. 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.Marco Cera - Kirk ElliottMargaret Gay - Ben GrossmanKatherine Hill - Alison MelvilleColin Savage - Deb SinhaThursday <strong>November</strong> 13 - 8 pm - $20 ($12)Church of St. George the Martyr/Music GalleryInfo: 416-588-4301N OVEMBER 1 - D EC EMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW. THEW HO LE NOTE.COM 31

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA- 8:00: Music for Lute and Voice.Time's Eldest Son. See Nov 13.- 8:00: Opera York. Carmen. See Nov. 13.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Great Artists Series: Martin Beaver, violin,and Li Wang, piano. Beethoven: SonataOp.24; Brahms: Sonata Op.78; Bach: Cha·conne from Partita No.2; Prokofiev: Sona·ta Op.94a. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-2824 x321. $30; $1 O(st).- 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Violin Magic.Janacek: Suite; Schubert: Rondo for Violin;Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen; Prevost:Scherzo; Dvorak: Serenade. Nurhan Arman,conductor; guest: Mary-ElizabethBrown, violin. Grace Church on-the-Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-499-0403. $40;$32(sr); $12(st & 16-29 years).- 8:00: Small World Music/Mishindi.Parvardegare Mast. Persian music. Homay& the Mastan Group. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $30-$120.- 8:00: Vic Chorus. Fall Concert. "RoundsResounding," Three Spanish Carols; Purcell:Come, Ye Sons of Art. Taylor Sullivan,director. Victoria College Chapel, 73Queen's Park. 416-585-4521. Free.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 15- 1 :00: Canadian Opera Company. TakeMe Out to the Opera: The Barber of Seville.Rossini. Members of the CanadianOpera Company Ensemble Studio. Joeyand Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227Front St. E. 416-363-8231. $15; $1 O(stJ.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Oancap Productions. Jer·sey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Oirty Oancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 3:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. TheMagic of Song. Works by Haydn, Men·delssohn, Poulenc, Daley, Hatfield, andSirett. Elise Bradley, artistic director;guests: Hamilton Children's Choir. Metro·TORONTO PHILHAR)fONIApolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.416·932·8666. $30; $25(sr/st).- 3:30: Canadian Opera Company. TakeMe Out to the Opera: The Brothers Grimm.Burry. Members of the Canadian OperaCompany Ensemble Studio. Joey andToby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227 FrontSt. E. 416·363-8231. $15; $1 O(stJ.- 7:30: Bloor Street United Church.Soul Influence. The Nathaniel Dell Chorale.300 Bloor St. W. 416-512-0959.$25(advance); $30(door). Benefit concertfor Stephen Lewis Foundation.- 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. PeterPan. See Nov. 12.- 7:30: Music on the Oonway. Elmerlseler Singers: JO'h Anniversary Concert.Choral masterpieces and Canadian folk·songs. Lydia Adams, conductor. DonwayCovenant United Church, 230 The DonwayWest. 416-444-8444. $25.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Abductionfrom the Seraglio. See Nov. 8.- 7:30: Thornhill United Church. <strong>November</strong>Delights. Light music by the church'schoirs and instrumentalists. Ethel Briggs,music director. 25 Elgin St. Thornhill. 905·889-2131. Freewill offering.- 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Oundjian & Tetzlaff. See Nov. 12 (no Brit·ten). 6:45: pre-concert chat.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Concert and Chamber Choir.Durufle: Requiem and Ouatre Motets surdes themes gregoriens. 74 young singersdirected by Lisette Canton; Patricia Wright,guest organist; faculty performers CatherineRobbin, mezzo-soprano; Michael Donovan,baritone; Mark Chambers, cello. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. $15; $5(sr/st)- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Kevin Fox. CO Release: "Songsfor Cello & Voice''. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. $22.50.- 8:00: Mezzanine. lonely House. Songsof Kurt Weill. Sung Chung, baritone; JenniferGriffith, Aidan Cusson, sopranos. 41Britain St. 416-546-7045. $25; $20(st).Reception to follow.- 8:00: New Music Concerts. The MontrealStockhausen Project. Stockhausen:Entfuhrung; Flautina; Ave; Kathinkas Ge·sang. Lise Daoust, flutes; Genevieve De·raspe, piccolo & electronics; Chloe Labbe,flute; Fran~ois Duval, basset horn; Marie·Helene Breault, flute & electronics. En·wave Theatre, 231 Queen's Quay W. 416·973-4000. $33; $20(sr/arts workers);$1 O(st). 7:15: pre-concert chat.- 8:00: Opera Lirica ltaliana. Tosca. SeeNov. 13- 8:00: Oriana Women's Choir. Carols ofthe Continents. Music from both sides of theequator. Guests: Nukariik (Inuit throat·sing·ers); Andrew Chan, harp; Rob MacDonald,guitar; Andrew Morris, percussion; LeslieThurs Nov 13@ 8 pmToronto Centre for the ArtsWeston Recital Hall5040 Yonge StreetKerry Stratton, ConductorToronto Philharmonia ChorusBeethoven Symphony No. 9Martinu Memorial to LidiceFeel the power of t he "Ode to Joy" all overagain this fall!http://www.torontophil.on.caORGANRECITALWidor - Symphony no.2Andrew AgerDirector of Music &Composer-in-ResidenceFriday <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>7:30 pmThurs Dec. 4 @ 7 pmA joyous holiday concert of favorites with Kerry and theorchestra joined by the Toronto Philharmonia chorusTICKETS: 416-733-0545Free-will offeringST. JAMES CATHEDRAL65 Church St. (King at Church)416 364 786532 WWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEM BER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Newman, flute; and Stephen Buck, cello.Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd.416-538-1650. $25; $20(sr); $1 O(st).- 8:00: Toronto International FlamencoFestival. Junca. Mercedes Ruiz, flamencodancer; guests: Esmeralda Enrique, CarmenRomero, dancers; El Landro cantaor;Santiago Lara, guitar. Bluma Appel Thea ­tre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723/1 -800-708-6754. $45-$90.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 16- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Kathleen Battle, soprano in Recital.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $45-$125.- 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Toronto Mandolin Orchestra. Guests:Eugene Draw, violin; Ira Erokhina, domra.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. $30.- 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundaySerenades. North York Concert Orchestra.Rotunda, 150 Borough Dr. 416-338-3295. Free.- 2:00: The Sound Post. Fall Salon Concert.Bach: Cello Suite No.3; Kodaly: DuoAOp. 7; Dohnanyi: Serenade. Rachel Mercer,cello; Jin-Shan Dai, violin; Eric Nowlin,viola. 93 Grenville St. 416-971 -6990. Free.- 2:30. Sunday Afternoon CommunityConcert. How Can I Keep From Singing?Jude Johnson, pop, jazz and blues vocalist;Carl Horton, piano. Unitarian Congregation-GreatHall, 84 South Service Rd.905-278-5622. $15; $5(st).- 3:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band.Showcase in Brass. Programme includesVizzutti: Rising Sun; Clarke: Carnival ofVenice; and other works. Allen Vizzutti,trumpet; Curtis Metcalf, conductor;guests: members of Hannaford Youth Programme.Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E.416-366-7723. $39; $33(sr); $25(st).- 3:00: Manfred Petz & Schola Cantorum.Part 1: From the Swiss Alps to Karlsruhe.Music and pictures along the riverRhine. St.Clement's School, Powell Hall, 21St.Clement's Ave. 416-481-8484. $15-$18.- 3:00: Windermere String Quartet.Vachon: Quartet in G minor Op. 5 No. 3;Arriaga: Quartet No. 3 in E flat; Mozart:Quartet in F K590. St. Olave's AnglicanChurch, 360 Windermere Ave. 416-769-7054. $18; $12(sr/st).- 4:00: All Saints Anglican Kingsway.Choral Evensong. All Saints Choir andguests. 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-233-1125.Free with offering.- 4:00: St. James Cathedral. TwilightRecital Series. Andrew Ager, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Joe Sealy, piano; Paul Novotny,bass. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211 . Free(ifi) toronto children's chorusljliElise Bradley, Artistic Director(donations welcomed).- 7:00: An Evening of Song. The Spiritof love. G&S, comedy, opera, Broadway,and more. Amy Dodington, soprano; SvetlanaGojevic, piano. Greenborough CommunityChurch, 2000 Keele St. 416-651 -7074. $20; free(under 18).- 7:00: Koffler Chamber Orchestra.From the Did World to the New World: Musicof England and America. Holst, VaughanWilliams, Barber, and Bloch. Henri-PaulSicsic, piano; Jamie Kruspe, violin; Jacqueslsraelievitch, music director. Hart HouseMusic Room, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-636-1880 x222. $20; $10(st).- 7:30: ORT. lily Savannah Chapnik, clarinet.Classical and klezmer music. JerusalemRoom, Bathurst JCC, 4588 Bathurst St.416-636-1880. $18; $1 O(st).- 8:00: Contact Contemporary Music.Resist! Ogborn: The City Is Burning; Neceski:The Regnant Republic; Rolle: raW(arr.); Wolfe: Peace March; Pergolesi: StabAt Matter; Kline: Zippo Songs. Mary KatherineFinch, cello; Sarah Fraser Raff, violin;Wallace Halladay, saxophones; Rob Mac­Donald, guitar; Peter Pavlovsky, bass; JerryPergolesi, percussion; Allison Wiebe, piano;guests: Joel Green, trombone; AlexSamaras, voice. Music Gallery, 197 JohnSt. 416-204-1080. $20; $10; $5.- 8:00: Maryem Tollar. CD launch: "Cairoto Toronto ". Enwave Theatre, HarbourfrontCentre, 235 Queen's Quay W.416-973-4000. $12; $1 O(sr/st/underemployed/artists).- 8:30: Small World Music. lnti-1/limani.Pan-Latin music. Phoenix Concert Theatre,410 Sherbourne St. 416-922-3620. $30.Monday <strong>November</strong> 17- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: York U Jazz Orchestra.Al Henderson and Mike Cada, directors.Works by Duke Ellington, Gil Evansand other new arrangements. MartinThe Magic of SongToronto Children's Chorus de but concert of theyear, featu ri ng Haydn, Mendelssohn, Poulenc, •HatAeld and much more With special guests,the Hamilton Children's Choir and Z1mfira• 1 •Poloz, Art1st1c Director Two renowned \children's choirs Join 1n songSat Nov 15, <strong>2008</strong> · 3 PM • 1 'Metropolitan United Church - 56 Queen Street EastTickets $30 adults, $25 students/seniorsTo purchase tickets: info@torontochildrenschorus.com(416) 932-8666 ext. 231 www.torontochildrenschorus.comFor information and ticketst: 416.636.1880 x 222 I e: info@kofflerarts.org I w: kofflerarts.orgkofflerCome ea rly. Stay late. (and bring your mother) centre of t he artsN OVEMBER 1 - DECE MBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM 33

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAFamily Lounge, 219 Accolade East Building4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 8:00: Rose Theatre. The Evolution.Squid Precision !percussion ensemble). 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800.$35-$50.Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 18- 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Voice Performance Class. Musicby Villa-Lobos. Carol McDavit, vocals.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: New Music byYoung Composers. Original compositionsby young composers from the studio ofDavid Mott.Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Accolade East Building, 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 1 :00: St. James Cathedral. Music atMidday. Christopher Dawes, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. JazzSeries: Say When. Jazz. Kye Marshall, eel·lo; Don Thompson, piano/bass. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 QueenSt. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Choirs. MimAdams and Bob Hamper, directors. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade EastBuilding, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Jau FM.91. Sound of Jazz. IanShaw, jazz vocalist. Old Mill Inn, 21 Old MillRd. 416-595-0404 x258. $30; $27{students).- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small ensembles.Mike Malone, Jim Vivian and Kelly Jeffer·son, directors. Martin Family Lounge, 219Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416- 736-2100 x22926. Free.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 19- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Day Dream - The Music ofBilly Strayhorn. Sarah Jerrom Trio. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 QueenSt. W. 416-363-8231 . Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival.· Jazz Vocal ensembles.Richard Whiteman, director. Martin FamilyLounge, 219 Accolade East Building, 4700Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. William Maddox,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-925-1167. Free.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions. Jer·sey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.Gurdjieff/de HartmannCharles Ketcham, pianoCasey Sokol, percussion- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small ensembles.Artie Roth, Mark Eisenman and Lorne Lofsky,directors. Martin Family Lounge, 219Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 8:00: Rose Theatre. The Canadian Tenors.Pop, opera and music-theatre repertoire.1 Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874·2800. $45-$60.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Rachmaninoff Paganini Rhapsody. Liadov:Kikimora; The Enchanted Lake; Baba Yaga;Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme ofPaganini; Brahms/orch. Schoenberg: PianoQuartet No.1. Stephen Hough, piano; AndreyBoreyko, conducto r. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. $37-$125.- 9:00: Patrizia Music. My Beloved: CDRelease Show. Works by Beethoven, Schu·bert, Orff, Mozart, Puccini, Radiohead, theCranberries, and others. Patrizia, rock so·prano. Tattoo Rock Parlour Club, 567Queen St. W. 416-703-5488.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 20- 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. 12" Annual Free Choir and OrganConcert. Baroque treasures. Ottawa BachChoir; Lisette Canton, conductor; JenniferLoveless, organ. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. Free.- 12: 10: St. Paul's Bloor Street AnglicanChurch. Noon Hour Organ Recital Series.Giles Bryant, organ. 227 Bloor St. E.416-961 -8116. Free.- 12: 15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Andrew Ager, organ. 56Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. NoondayChamber Music. Works by Mozart, Schu·mann and Brahms. John Juli, piano. 1570Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free {collection).- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Vocal ensembles.Frank Falco, director. Martin FamilyLounge, 219 Accolade East Building, 4 700Keele St. 416- 736-2100 x22926. Free.- 1 :30: Women's Musical Club of Toronto.Music in the Afternoon. Works byLigeti, Beethoven, Bloch, Stravinsky, Kuzmenko{WMCT commission and premiere).Kaori Yamagami, cello; Peter Longworth,piano. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen's Park. 416-923-7052. SOLDOUT {wait list for single tickets).- 2:00: Northern District Library. Orchardviewers:John Christopher & Friends.Folk songs from Newfoundland. 40 OrchardView Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free.- 6:00: Toronto Mass Choir. look WhatHe's Done. Fundraising Gala. Crowne Plaza,1250 Eglinton Ave. E. 416-901 -9844. $50;$45{in a group).- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music.Great Artists Series: Aditya Verma, sarod.Traditional music from India. MazzoleniHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321.$20; $ lO{stJ.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744, Free.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small ensembles.Frank Falco, Kevin Turcotte and Roy Patterson,directors. Martin Family Lounge,219 Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Rose Theatre. Julie Crochetiere.Vocalist, with Andrew Craig, piano. 1 TheatreLane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. $35-$50.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory Orchestra. InConcert. Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel; Nielsen:Clarinet Concerto; Mahler: Symphony No. 1.Sonia Sielaff, clarinet; Yoav Talmi, conductor.Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-872-1111 . $20; $ lO{stl.- 8:00: Small World Music. InternationalGuitar Night. Brian Gore, Cecilia Zabala,Dale Kavanagh, and Andy Sheppard, guitars.Studio Theatre, Harbourfront Centre,Temple music, hymns, Dervish chants,Sayyids and Asian songsFriday, <strong>November</strong> 21st8 pm at Glenn Gould StudioCBC Building, 250 Front St W$25/$15 students, available at the doorOpen discussion follows concertDr. Maxine Thevenot,Canadian organist,in recitalFriday, <strong>November</strong> 21, 7:30 pmAdmission: $20 / $15 RCCO membersMetropolitan United Church, etc.• I34 WWW. THEW HOLE NO TE.COM

235 Queens Quay W. 416 973-4000. $30.- 8:00: Soundstreams. Music for the Soul.Works by Part and Frehner. Estonian PhilharmonicChamber Choir; Tallinn Chamber Orchestra;Tonu Kaljuste, conductor. St. Anne'sAnglican Church, 270 Gladstone Ave. 416-366-7723. $37; $29(sr); $15(st).- 8:00: Toronto Masque Theatre.Masques of War. Monetverdi: II Combattimentodi Tancredi e Clorinda; Stravinsky: ASoldier's Tale. Nathaniel Watson, baritone(Narrator in Monteverdi); Andrew Mahon,baritone (Tancredi); Teri Dunn, soprano(Clorinda); Derek Boyes (all roles inStravinky); Eric Paetkau, conductor. WinchesterStreet Theatre, 80 Winchester St.416-410-4561. $30; $25. 7:15: Pre-concertchat. Also Nov. 21 and 22.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Rachmaninoff Paganini Rhapsody. See Nov.19. 7: 15: pre-concert chat.Friday <strong>November</strong> 21- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York U ChamberStrings. Peggy Hills, director. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 416-736-21 DO x22926. Free.- 7:00: Oriole York Mills United Church.Third Annual Fall Studio Concert. Featuringstudents from the studios of Derrick Lewisand Meri Dolevski. 2609 Bayview Ave.647-209-7598. Free (donations accepted).- 7:30: Metropolitan United Church/RCCO.Organ Horizons. Maxine Thevenot, organ. 56Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. $20.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Tapestry for Equal Voices · UniversityWomen's Chorus. Robert Cooper, conductor.Victoria College Chapel, 91 CharlesSt. W. 416-978-3744. $<strong>14</strong>; $8(sr/st).- 8:00: Art of Touch. Kevin Komisaruk.Bach: English Suite VI, Partita I; Couperin:Pieces de clavecin; van Noordt, and Cornet.Kevin Komisaruk, harpsichord & organ.Knox College Chapel, University of Toronto,59 St George St. 416-436-8717. $40; $20(st).- 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Oemon Barber of FleetSt. Book by Hugh Wheeler, music byStephen Sondheim. Steve Kirk (SweeneyTodd); Jo Kemp (Mrs. Lovett); Don Beams(Judge Turpin); Blair Barnsdale (Anthony);Jennifer Peace, music director; Bob Ridell,director/choreographer. Meadowvale Theatre,6315 Montevideo Rd. Mississauga.905-615-4720. $23; $21(sr/st). Also Nov22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Ensemble Vivant. CO release for"Audience Favourites". Wilkins: Divertissement;music by Anderson, and other composers.David Young, bass; Norman Hathaway,viola; Philip Seguin, trumpet/percussion.St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts,Jane Mallett Theatre. 27 Front St. E. 416·366-7723. $42-$48.- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorusand Orchestra. Handel's Judas Maccabeus.Janet Obermeyer, soprano; Erica Iris Huang,mezzo-soprano; John Janisse, tenor; GilesTomkins, bass; guests: St. Andrews Ghil·dren's Choir. Charles Demuynck, artisticdirector. St. Andrew's Church, 47 ReynoldsN OVEMBER 1 - D ECE MB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>St., Oakville. 905-845-3131. $20-$30.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Oirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Performing Arts York Region.Fabulous Fridays. Janet Horvath, cello;Heather Maclaughlin, piano. Thornhill PresbyterianChurch, 271 Centre St., Thornhill.905-881 -1344. $25; $20(sr); $10(st).- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall & MasseyHall. Compafiia Flamenco Jose Poree!. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $39.50-$69.50.- 8:00: Society for Traditional Studies.Gurdjieff de Hartmann. Temple music,hymns, Dervish chants, sayyids and Asiansongs. Charles Ketcham, piano; CaseySokol. percussion. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416-485-7908. $25; $15(st).- 8:00: Toronto Masque Theatre.Masques of War. See Nov. 20.- 8:00: Toronto Youth Wind OrchestraEnsembles. The Ride Program. SamuelHaza, guest conductor. Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-872-1111. $35; $25(st).Saturday <strong>November</strong> 22- 1 :30 & 3:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Beethoven Lives Upstairs. Guests:Classical Kids; Joey Pietraroia, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. $18-$28. 1 :00 & 3:00: pre-concertperformance.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Oemon Barber of FleetSt. See Nov 21.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus Line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.opera by request presentsjfau~tFaust, Lenard WhitingMarguerite, Kristine DandavinoMephistopheles, Larry TozerSiebel, Laura McAlpineValentin, Tyler KuhnertMarthe, Melanie Hartshorn-WaltonWagner, David EnglishWilliam Shookhoff, DirectorSaturday, <strong>November</strong> 22, <strong>2008</strong> 7:30PMHebron Christian Reformed Church4240 Anderson St., WhitbySunday, <strong>November</strong> 23, <strong>2008</strong> 7:30 PMTrinity Presbyterian York Mills2737 Bayview Avenue, TorontoTickets: $20, Seniors/Seniors $i5lnfonnation/Reservations(416)455-2365www.opera yreques .eaOirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Toronto Sinfonietta. Gala Concert.Concerto movements, performed bywinners of the Toronto Sinfonietta's concertocompetition. Coral Solomon, JacquelineMokrzewski, piano; Sarah Velasco,Sarah Ryu, violin; Hugo Lee, oboe;Matthew Jaskiewicz, conductor. IsabelBader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W. 416-410-4379. $35; $20(youth to 21 ).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind Ensemble. Husa: Concertofor Alto Saxophone; Forte: Dali; Daugherty:Niagara Falls; also works by Wagnerand Chance. William Halladay, saxophone;Gillian MacKay, conductor. Mac­Millan Theatre, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. $<strong>14</strong>;$10(sr/st).- 7:30: Westminster United Church.The Advent of Song. Westminster Choir.4094 Tomken Rd., Mississauga. 905-273-9505. $12; $5(sr/st); $30(family of four).- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Marjorie Sparks, soprano;Brahm Goldhamer, piano. Voice & PianoRecital. The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto,<strong>14</strong> Elm St. 416-944-3343. $20.- 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorusand Orchestra. Handel's Judas Maccabeus.See Nov 21 .- 8:00: Orchestras Mississauga.Beethoven Too. Leonore Overture No.2 inC; Piano Concerto No.2 in B-flat; SymphonyNo.2 in D. Robert Silverman, piano;J:gsem/Jle CVivantIN CONCERTCD Release Concert for "Audience Favourites" (Opening Day Records)Performing to sold-out houses throughout North America and Europefor over 20 years, Ensemble Vivant is pianist/artistic directorCatherine Wilson, violinist Erica Beston, and cellist Sharon Prater.Fri. <strong>November</strong> 21, 8:00 pmJane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts27 Front Street East, TorontoTickets - $42, $48StLC Box Office - 416-366-7723 - Toll Free 1-800-708-6754www.ensemblevivant.comWWW. TH EWHOLE N OTE.COM 35

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAMississauga Symphony; John Barnum, conductor.Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre,4<strong>14</strong>1 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. $35-$45; $31.50-$40.50(sr/st).- 8:00: Toronto Masque Theatre.Masques of War. See Nov. 20.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 23- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov. 21.- 2:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Off Centre Music Salon. Schubertiade.Schubert: Die Winterreise; alsoworks by T urina and Granados. PeterMcGillvray, bass-ba ritone; lnna Perkis,Boris Zarankin, pianos. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255.$45;$35(sr/st).- 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundaySerenades. Ragweed Jazz Band. Rotunda,150 Borough Dr. 416-338-3295. Free.- 2:30: Pickering Community ConcertBand. Christmas <strong>2008</strong>, Here We Come.Forest Brook Community Church, 60 KearneyDrive, Ajax. 905-509-2459. $15;$1 O(sr/st).- 4:00: St. Philip's Anglican Church.Jazz Vespers. Kate Schutt Trio. 25 St. Phillip'sRd. 416-247-5181. Pwyc.- 4:30. Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.Festival of Chant. 477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955. $15.- 7:00: Masi Eisler, soprano. Music andLiterature. Music by Polgar and readings byJonas. Norman Amadio, piano. HeliconianHall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416 447-3247. $20.- 7:30: Opera by Request. Gounod'sFaust. University of Toronto (Scarborough)Concert Singers; William Shookhoff, musicdirector and pianist. Trinity York Mills PresbyterianChurch, 2737 Bayview Ave. 416-455-2365. $20; $15(sr/st).- 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music.Great Artists Series: Judy Loman, harp,and Nora Schulman, flute. Spohr: SonataOp.113; Donizetti: Sonata; Liebermann:Sonata; Buhr: Danses Abstraites; Piazzolla:Three Pieces. Mazzoleni Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321. $30;$1 O(st).tll• Bird projec,- 8:00: Esprit Orchestra. Inspired by Traditions.Adams: Short Ride in a Fast Machine;Schafer: Dream Rainbow, DreamThunder; Copland: Piano Concerto No.1;Silvestrov: Dedication for violin and orchestra.Andrew Burashko, piano; Marie Berard,violin; Alex Pauk, conductor; St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, Jane Mallett Theatre. 27Front St. E. 416-366- 7723. $32; $24(sr);$15(st). Pre-concert talk at 7: 15.Monday <strong>November</strong> 24- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic York U Women's Chorus & York UMen's Chorus. Works by Brahms, Gerton,Faure, Galuppi, Saint-Saens, Raminsh,Schubert, Walker and Whalum. Lisette Canton,director; Melisande Sinsoulier, pianist.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416- 736-21 OD x22926. Free.- 8:00: Cirrus Ensemble. Linea : Music foroboe and piano; works by Dutilleux, Mozart,Schumann and Birtwistle. CaitlinBroms-Jacobs, oboe; Adam Sherkin, piano.College Street United Church. 454 CollegeSt. 416-769-4100. $10-$15.- 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. GeorgeHeldt, organ. St. James United Church, 400Burnhamthorpe Rd. 905-824-4667. $12;free(under 10 years).Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 25- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: The Voice of theViola. Schumann: Miirchenbilder, Op.113;Hindemith: Sonata Op.11 No.4; Benjamin:Caribbean Set. Nicolo Eugelmi, viola;Michael McMahon, pianist. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 QueenSt. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:10: University ofToronto Facultyof Music. Voice Performance Class. Studentperformers. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz at Noon: Robb CappellettoOuartet. Works by Chris Potter. Robb Cappelletto,guitar, Mark Herrera, keyboards,David Steffan, drums, James McEleney,bass. Martin Family Lounge, 219 AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: New Music byYoung Composers. Original compositions byyoung composers from the studio ofMichael Coghlan. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East Building, 4700Keele St. 416- 736-21 OD x22926. Free.- 1 :DO: St. James Cathedral. Music at~ R.,flect;ons on the natural world,music, poetry and live visuals, withA.Melville - K.Hill - A.StreliaevK.Kajioka.- D.Sinha - B.Grossman.First Unitarian Church, 175 St. Clair Ave. W.Weds, Nov. 26@ 8 pm. Info: 416-588-4301Midday. Michael Bloss, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364- 7865 x224. Free.- 1 :OD: York University Department ofMusic. Medieval & Renaissance Ensembles.Works include monophonic songs, instrumentaldances, and polyphonic pieces. JudithCohen, director. Sterling Beckwith Studio,235 Accolade East Building, 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Student Composers Concert. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A ChorusLine. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. Harnick and Bock. Bathurst StreetTheatre, 736 Bathurst St. 416-872-1111.$22. Also Nov. 26-29.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 26- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. Andrew Adair,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.- 1 :30: York University Department ofMusic. Singing for Non-Majors: ChristmasConcert. Works range from classical tocarols. Stephanie Bogle, director. Someaudience participation. CIBC Lobby, AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus Line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. 7 O'Clock Big Band. JehanbakhshJasavala, conductor. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov.21.- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. See Nov. 25.- 8:00: The Bird Project. In Concert. SunderlandHall, First Unitarian Church, 175 St.Clair Ave. W. 416-588-4301. $20; $<strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Violin Concerto. Hindemith: Newsof the Day; Brahms: Violin Concerto;Franck: Symphony in d. Leonidas Kavakos,violin; Andrew Davis, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.$37-$125.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 27- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Artists of the U of T OperaDivision. Sandra Horst, music director. Rich·ard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 QueenSt. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12: 10: St. Paul's Bloor Street AnglicanChurch. Noon Hour Recital Series. JanetPeaker, organ. 227 Bloor St. E. 416-961-Off Centre Music Salon.', 2' Q. o ~ a se~son of many firsts<strong>14</strong>th Seaion ,, ~L 0 0 9<strong>14</strong>.th .Annual S.chubertiad: Die Winterreisel ~ . fr. , 7ite inhabitants of Toro-9to a~e going to hateus: bass baritone ]?eter McGillivray and pianistBoris Zarankin-bring in the Winter early withSchubert's immortal vocal cycle, Die Winterreise. Butnot to worry, W!': pr0mise a taste of the SpanishCosta de! Sol too - to balance out the afternoonsoprano Shannon Mercer will be on hand singingsonlgs of Turina and Granados! As always, ·Inna Perkis and Boris Zarankin will delight uswith their four hand piano du0. rt-:iSingle Tickets ."~$40 SN/ST - '..SPONSQRED BY THE SPANISHCONSULATE GENERAL$50 ADPartial subscriptionsare still on sale!1All concerts begj.n @ 2 pm and take placeat Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front Street West36 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DE CEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

8116. Free.- 12: 10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon Series.Works by, or connected to Paul Taffanel.Leslie Newman, flute; Peter Longworth,piano. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744.Free.- 12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Gordon Mansell, organ.56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. NoondayChamber Music. Kuhlau: Duo Cancer·tante in g; Widor: Suite. Allan Pulker, flute;Andrew Ager, piano. 15 70 Yonge St. 416·920-5211. Free (collection).- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Rhythm & Blues Ensemble. Works byStevie Wonder, Earth Wind & Fire, Tower ofPower. Mike Cada, director. Martin FamilyLounge, 219 Accolade East Building, 4700Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 2:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Violin Concerto. See Nov. 26 (noHindemith). 1 :15: pre-concert chat.- 7:00: York Mills Collegiate Institute.Talent Show <strong>2008</strong>. 490 York Mills Rd.416-395-3340 x20<strong>14</strong>4. $8; $5.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.-Royal Conservatory of Music. AnEvening of Works for Four Hands. Adams:Hallelujah Junction; Piazzollo: Grand Tango;Stravinsky: Sonata for Two Pianos; Schubert:Fantasie in f. Penny Johnson andYuko Kato, piano. Mazzoleni Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Vocal Jazz Ensemble and 11O'Clock Jazz Orchetra. Lisa Martinelli, JimLewis, directors. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. $<strong>14</strong>; $8(sr/st).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Symphony Orchestra. Worksby Beethoven, Rossini, Dvorak and West·coll. Mark Chambers, director. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade EastBuilding, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888.$15; $5(sr/st).- 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov. 21.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dane·ing. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Music Gallery. TorD PercussionDuartet. Programme includes Cangelosi:Theatric no. 4; Vaclavick: St Vitus Dance.197 John St. 416-204-1080. $15; $1 O(st).- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. See Nov. 25.- 8:00: The Sixth Sphere. Convergenceand Departure. Contemporary music byBritish composers: Birtwistle, MacMillan,Sawer and Tippett. Adam Sherkin, piano;Caitlin Broms-Jacobs, oboe; Ivan lvanovich,viola. College Street United Church, 454College St. 416-769-4100. $10-$15.Friday <strong>November</strong> 28-12:15: St. Andrew's United Church.Noonday Organ Recitals. Andrei Streliaev. 32Main St. N., Markham. 905-294-0351. Free.- 7:00: Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella.Book by Chris Earle. Paula Brancati(Cinderella); Jake Epstein (Prince); PattySullivan (Fairy Godmother); Adam Brazier,Dan Chamerov, Ross Petty (stepsisters);Ted Dykstra, director; Tracey Flye, choreog·rapher; Elizabeth Earle, music director. ElginTheatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-5555. $57-$77; $49 (children under 12). Also Nov 29,30, Dec 3-7, 9-<strong>14</strong>, 16-21, 23-28, Jan 2- 4.-7:00 Viva! Youth Singers of Toronto.Gala Fundraiser. Variety show hosted byMary Lou Fallis. Trinity St. Paul's Centre,127 Bloor St. W. 416-788-8482. $25.- 7:00: York Mills Collegiate Institute.Talent Show <strong>2008</strong>. See Nov. 27.- 7:30: Canadian Children's Opera Company.A Dickens of a Christmas. MichaelAlbano, libretto; Errol Gay, music. MarkPedrotti, baritone (Scrooge); Ryan Harper(Cratchit, Marley); Ann Cooper Gay, artisticdirector. Enwave Theatre, 231 Queen'sQuay W. 416-973-4000. Also Nov 29, 30.- 7:30: Counterpoint Chorale. Sing-AlongMessiah. Handel. Betty Allison, soprano; LaurenSegal, mezzo; Adam Luther, tenor; Alexan·der Hajek, baritone; William Woloschuk, conductor;Matthew Coons, organ. MetropolitanUnited Church, 56 Queen Street E. 416-253-4674. $25; $20 (advance).- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto SymphonyOrchestra. Brahms: Violin Concerto Op.77;Mahler: Symphony No. l. Luri Lee, violin;David Briskin, conductor. MacMillan Thea·Ire, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. $18; $1 O(sr/st).- 7:30: Village Voices. Village Messiah.Highlights from Messiah; also seasonalmusic and sing along. Joan Andrews, direc·tor; Barry Peters, accompanist. St. An·drew's Presbyterian Church, <strong>14</strong>3 Main St.,Markham. 905-294-8687. $20; $15(sr).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Gospel Choir. Works byPace, Walker, Sapp and more. Karen Burke,director. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East Building, 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov. 21.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra.A Symphony of Dance. Faure: Pelleas etMelisande; David: Concertina No.4 for Trom·bone & Orchestra; Beethoven: SymphonyNo. 7. Joel Green, trombone. Scarlett HeightsEntrepreneurial Academy, 15 T rehorne Or.416-239-5665. $20; $15(sr); $10(st).- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorusline. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Oanc·ing. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. See Nov. 25.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 29- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.:]-{ave you wanted to sing in a full-scale peeformanceof Messiah but needed a "refresher"? Have you everwanted to "tl')' on" a choir experience before joining?Then we have a special offer just for you!~~C \ COUNTERPOINTC CHORALEWILLIAM WoL OSCH UK , Artistic Directorinvites you to join them for theirannual presentation of:sing-alongMessiahONE FINAL REHEARSAL TO THE PUBLIC:Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 18, 7:30 • 9:15 pmSt. Vladimir Institute, 620 Spadina Ave., TorontoCONCERT:Friday <strong>November</strong> 28, <strong>2008</strong>7:30 pmMetropolitan United C hurch56 Queen Street East, TorontoThis is a wonderful opportunity to participatewith Counterpoint Chorale, professionalsoloists and orchestra.For infonnation go to www.counterpointchorale.comor call 416-253-4674Village Voices, directed by Joan Andrews andaccompanied by Barry Peters presenlc; part oneand highlights from Handel's Messiah withorchestra and soloists. Followed by carols andour traditional audience sing-along.Friday <strong>November</strong> 28th. 7:30 pm.St. Andrews Presbyterian Church<strong>14</strong>3 Main St. North MarkhamTickets: $20 Seniors $15.At the door or call 905.294.8687.Children 12 and under free.N OVEM BE R 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM 37

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA- 2:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. <strong>14</strong>.- 2:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Electroacoustic Music. Recentworks by student, faculty, and guest corn·posers. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744.Free.- 2:00 & 7:00: Ross Petty Productions.Cinderella. See Nov 28.- 2:00 & 7:30: Canadian Children's Op·era Company. A Dickens of a Christmas.See Nov 28.- 2:00 & 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov.21.- 2:00 & 8:00: Oancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:30 & 7:30: Saint Paul's United Church.Celtic Christmas Celebration. Celtic music forchoir, bagpipes, flute, harp. Merched DewiWelsh Choir; Graham School of Irish Dancers;Variante, harp & flute duo; James Thomson,piper; Jacqueline Smith School of HighlandDancers; and The Tartan Terrors. 1 ColonelSamuel Smith Park Drive. 416-259-6541. $25lby reservation only).- 4:00: Vox Finlandiae Chamber Choir.Celebrate Finnish Independence. Guests: CindyKoistinen, soprano; Heidi Saario, piano. StudioTheatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-872- 1111. $30.- 7:30. Toronto Sinfonietta/OakhamHouse Choir of Ryerson University. ASymphonic Cantata. Mendelssohn: SymphonyNo. 2 "Hymn of Praise". Eunsil Choi,Chantelle Gran, Cory Knight, soloists. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W.416-2<strong>14</strong>-0183 x13. $20-$25; $151st).- 7:30: Mississauga Choral Society.Christmas CD launch. Mervin Fick, conductor.First United Church, 151 Lakeshore Rd.W., Mississauga. 905-278-7059. $10.- 7:30: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Silver Anniversary Concert. Bach: BrandenburgConcertos. Stephen Sitarski, violin;Norman Engel, trumpet; Douglas Perry,viola; Ronald Greidanus, harpsichord;Charles Demuynck, conductor. Central BaptistChurch, 340 Rebecca St., Dakville.905-483-6787. $25; $201sr); $151st);$1 Olchildren under 12)- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind Symphony. Arnold: Prelude,Siciliano and Scherzo; Bell: From Chaos tothe Birth of Dancing Star; also works byProkofiev, Sparke, and Van Der Roost. JeffreyReynolds, conductor. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. $<strong>14</strong>; $10(sr/st).- 8:00: Bell'Arte Singers. The Many Facesof Mary. Works by Josquin des Pres, Brahms,and Tavener. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge St. 416-699-5879. $20; $15.- 8:00: Cantemus Singers. Debut Concert.Madrigals and sacred music. Michael Erdman,conductor. Beach United Church, 2 BellefairAve. 416-578-6602. $15; $1 Oisr/st).ot.JfORS of fO~Friday. .1'l--l s1t.JGt- <strong>November</strong> 28, 7pm~ou,··Gala Fundraiserfor their July 2009 tour to England and WalesA variety show hosted byMary Lou FallisTrinity-St Paul's Centre427 Bloor St W, TorontoTickets: $25416788 8482TICKETS $25 at door • ADVANCE from Chorus membersON LINE: www.forte-chorus.com • BY PHONE: 416-763-3783Ask about our $5 discount couponsJapanese taiko and music groupNAGATA SHACHU~ ._~: _ ~b~ ,-~_- ,--~"'- _..\ _-_._Saturday Bpm ~ {~ .· M·-, ..NOVEMBER 29, <strong>2008</strong> . . , l ·_. . . ~-.. _ .,,I IRYERSON THEATRE 43 Gerrard St. East .·-!!J!f._.,· - "" ,!, -; -~ - .... ' _,,,._ 1·~ -,1 · . ,_;... ~ -,......Ticket: $25-$30, $20 St/Sr -~ - · -- r,,_;v:; j.UofTTIX:416-978-8849/www.UofTtix.ca --::.~'.""' :,, • t · · ~ ,) • .-!...--:1 ·~· ~J 1-,www.nagatashachu.com "- 'L ~/ 1 O ,A,.:Nt./t~~~IU 8:-ale. CanadaCouncll Comllde,Aru A\. OIHARIOARTSCOUNCIL torontdartsbouncii--CD R~LJ:;,AS~ ,cpNCERT~~ for the Arts du Canada )'-\ CONSEIL DES ARTS DE L'ONTARIO An o,m·, 1a .. g111 body ot l~o C1ly or Toronlo ~j a -· - - ~ I ,.,. I#WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

- 8:00: Forte· The Toronto Men's Chorus.Midnight Clear · A Concert for World AIDSDay <strong>2008</strong>. Metropolitan United Church, 56Queen Street E. 416-763-3783. $25.- 8:00: Nagata Shachu. Tenth Anniversaryand CD release concert. Japanese taikodrumming. Kiyoshi Nagata, artistic director.Ryerson Theatre, 43 Gerrard St. E. 416-978-8849.- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. See Nov. 25. $25-$30; $20(sr/st).- 8:00: Saint Blaise. Byrd to Britten.Richard Whittall, countertenor; JamesTuttle, tenor; Andrew Mahon, baritone.Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Ave. 416-356-6179. $25; $15; $5.- 8:00: Scaramella. Abendmusik. North·ern German music of the late 17th century.Elizabeth Blumenstock, Kathleen Kajioka,violins; Borys Medicky, harpsichord; JoelleMorton, gamba. Victoria College Chapel, 91Charles Street W. 416-760-8610. $25;$20(sr); $15(st).ml51NCE- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Violin Concerto. See Nov. 26.- 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. ThePlanets. Ridout: Fall Fair; Mozart: PianoConcerto No.27; Holst: The Planets. VeronicaPang, piano; Robert Hart Baker, conductor.Trinity Anglican Church, 79 Victoria St.Aurora. 416-410-0860. $25; $20(sr/st);$1 O(under 12).Sunday <strong>November</strong> 30- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Collegium Musicum. Works byVivaldi, Valentini, Bach, De Falla, and oth·ers. Borjana Hrelja, piano; Chris Malone,guitar; Janko Marjanovic, cello. Noel RyanAuditorium-Central Library Mississauga,301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. 905-274-2573.$15; $1 O(sr/st).- 2:00: Oancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorus118.,1:: ,,:: OAK HAM HOUSE CHOIROF !C\'f.H.."OX li:s'IVEHSlTYOakham House Choir of Ryerson University presentsMendelssohn's Symphony No. 2 "Hymn of Praise"A Symphonic cantataMatthew Jaskiewicz, Director, Toronto SinfoniettaSoloists Eunsil Choi, Chantelle Grant & Cory KnightSaturday, Nov. 29, <strong>2008</strong>, 7:30 pm, Bloor Street United Church300 Bloor St. West (between Spadina & St. George subway stations)Tickets: $20 in advance; $25 at the door; $15 studentsFor tickets or information, please call 416-2<strong>14</strong>-0183 x13Line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella.See Nov 28.Featuring William Byrd's Mass forThree Voices and BenjaminBritten's Canticle IV: Journey ofthe Magi29 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2008</strong>, 8 pmTrinity College Chapel, U of T6 Hoskin Aveo$25/$15 senior/$5 student (ID reqo)Tickets available at the door- presents -Byra to Brjtten- 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundaySerenades. Metropolitan Silver Band. Rotunda.150 Borough Dr. 416-338-3295. Free.- 2:00 & 7:30: Canadian Children's Op·era Company. A Dickens of a Christmas.See Nov 28.- 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. SundayToronto Welsh Male Voice ChoirWilliam Woloschuk, Artistic DirectorJulie Loveless, Accompanistpresents'A Child's Christmas in Wales"featuringChristopher Thomas, narratorBetty Allison, soloistMetropolitan Silver Band (Toronto only)Clement Carelse, organ<strong>November</strong> 29, 7:30 pmKingsview United Church,505 Adelaide Street EastOshawaDecember 3, 7:30 pmMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street EastTorontoTickets: 416-410-22541-877- 410-2254 (Area codes 906 & 705)www.Ticketbreak.comwww.twmvc.comWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 39

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAAfternoon Series - Parnassus on Elm Street.A tribute to the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto.Monica Whicher, soprano; LaurenSegal, mezzo; Colin Ainsworth, tenor; GilesTomkins, baritone; Stephen Ralls, BruceUbukata, pianos. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. $50.- 2:30: Opera in Concert: La Vestale. Mercadante.Frederique Vezina, soprano; WendyHatala Foley, mezzo; Edgar Ernesto Ramirez,tenor; Peter McGillivray, baritone; and others;Raisa Nakmanovich, music director/piano;Opera in Concert Chorus; Robert Cooper, chorusdirector. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 FrontSt. E.416-366-7723. $38; $28.- 2:30 & 7:30: Scarborough Bel CantoChoir. A Bel Canto Christmas. Virgina GallopEvoy, director. St. Dunstan of CanterburyChurch, 56 Lawson Rd. 416-284-4428. $15.The Choir & Soloists ofBLOOR STREET UNITED CHURCH- 3:00: Markham Concert Band. A SeasonalCelebration. Holiday favourites.Doug Manning, music director. MarkhamTheatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469. $20.50;$15.50isr/st).- 3:00: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Silver Anniversary Concert. See Nov.29. St.Simon's Anglican Church, <strong>14</strong>50 LitchfieldRd., Oakville.- 3:00: Opera by Request. Humper·dinck's Hansel and Gretel Concert versionwith piano accompaniment. Gillian Grossman,soprano !Gretel); Andrea Rebello, soprano!Hansel) ; Loralie Kirkpatrick, mezzo!witch); Andrew Tees, baritone (father); MariaKnight, soprano !mother); Ada Balon,soprano !Dew Fairy and Sandman); Children'sChorus, Marion Samuel-Stevens, conductor;William Shookhoff, piano and musicdirector. Hansa Haus, 6650 Hurontario St.,Mississauga. 905 277-8595. $25; $22 lad·vance); $ lO(child); $ ?(child advance).- 3:00: Penthelia Singers. Christmaswith Penthelia. Carol of the Bells, Candle·light Carol, Wassalin', carol sing-along.Mary Legge, organ; Judith deHaney,piano. Rosedale Presbyterian Church, 129Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-255-6359. $15.- 4:00: All the King's Voices. CathedralCarols. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 LonsdaleRd. 416-225-2255. $15; free (12 and under).- 4:00: St. James Cathedral. Twilight RecitalSeries. Simon Waegemaekers, organ. 65Church St. 416-364- 7865 x224. Free.- 5:00: Czech Community Center. Nocturnesin the City. Laco Deszi, trumpet;George Grosman Jazz Trio. St. WenceslasChurch, 496 Gladstone Ave. 905-232-3092. $25.- 7:00: Les Amis. Atis Bankas, violin,and Ellen Annor-Adjei, piano. Works byMussorgsky and Ravel. Glenn Gould Siu·dio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. $35.Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 30, 7:30 pm - 7:30: Bloor Street United Church Choir300 Bloor Street W. at Huron and Soloists. Strike the Harp and Join theChorus. Saint-Saens: Christmas Oratorio;~ Celebrating theArt of SongArtistic Directors:~ Stephen Ralls and Bruce UbukataPamassus on Elm StreetToronto's Arts & Letters ClubAn Enchanted Eveni; ;}Love Songs from Screen & Stag~::~Sepideh Eslahjou, Soprano >1~{Brett Chapman, Tenor ··Danny Mc.Erlain, PianoWhitney Smith Jazz QuattetArt by Mojan TaheriBritten: A Ceremony of Carols; Passmore(arr): Canadian Christmas Carols. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. 416-924-7439 x35. $20; $151sr/st unwaged).- 7:30: Canadian Opera Volunteer Committee.The Opera Scholarship CelebrationAwards. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Build·ing, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744/416-863-0364. $35. 6:00: Reception, $125.- 7:30: Sepideh Eslahjou, soprano, andBrett Chapman, tenor. An EnchantedEvening: Songs of Love from Screen andStage. Danny McErlain, piano; WhitneySmith Quartet; Mojan Taheri, visual artist.Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-480-0967. $20.- 7:30: Toronto Beach Chorale. A Choirfor Christmas. Bach: Cantata <strong>14</strong>0 "WachetAul!"; also works by Rutter and seasonalfavourites. Guests: Janet Obermeyer, soprano;Michael Downie, bass; Sean Clark,tenor; with orchestra; Mervin Fick, conductor.Kingston Road United Church, 975Kingston Rd. 416- 778-0949. $20; $1 D.- 7:30: York Symphony Orchestra. ThePlanets. See. Nov. 29. Markham Theatre,101 Town Centre Blvd. 905-305- 7469.- 8:00: New Music Concerts. SydneyHodkinson, Hope Lee and Oavid Eagle. Lee:Fei Yang; Eagle: Breath; Hodkinson: RogatioGravis; Bricks - Concerto fantasia; Requiescant.Accordes Quartet; Joseph Macerollo,accordion; Fujiko lmajishi, violin; New MusicConcerts Ensemble. Music Gallery, 197 JohnSt. 416-961-9594. $33; $20(sr/arts workers);$10(stl. 7:15: pre-concert chat.Tuesday December 02- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: Music from the Templesand Palaces of Bali. Dharma Santi; IWayan Sinti, Balinese suling. Richard Brad·shaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5 Queen St. W.416-306-2369. Free.- 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Voice Performance Class. Musicperformed by first-year students. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 1 :OD: St. James Cathedral. Music atMidday. Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. Free.- 2:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Instrumental Ensembles. GuitarOrchestra, Jeffrey McFadden, director.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.Wednesday December 03- 12:00 noon: Ross Petty Productions.Cinderella. See Nov 28.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. Janet Peaker,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.Monica Whicher, sopranoLauren Segal, mezzoColin Ainsworth, tenorGiles Tomkins, baritoneStephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata, piano<strong>November</strong> 30, 7;30 pmHeliconian Hall35 Hazelton Ave. in YorkvilleToronto !)each ChoralepresentsSunday, <strong>November</strong> 30, 2:30 pmWalter Hall, University of TorontoTickets: $50 (Students $12)Afternoon tea at intermission.Tickets: 416.735.7982www.aldeburghconnection.orgJanet Qberme~er, sopranoMichael Downie, bassSean Clark, tenorwith o rchestra::,0 <strong>November</strong>, 7,::,0 p.m.~ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL to ro ntdartsbo u n ci I975 Kingston R_oad Tickets,$20M CONS Ell DES ARTS DHONTARIO An arm's length body of the City of Torontowww.torontobeachchorale.com40 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

- 1 :30 & 7:30: Mirvish Productions. TheSound of Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Dancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. JazzSeries: Songs of Canada and Beyond. ChrisMcKhool, violin; Kevin Laliberte, guitar.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, <strong>14</strong>5Queen St. W. 416-306-2369. Free.- 6:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. ThePlanets. Holst: The Planets. Women of theElmer lseler Singers; Tom Allen, host; PeterOundjian, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. $20-$69.- 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.A Child's Christmas in Wales. Betty Allison,soloist; Christopher Thomas, narrator; MetropolitanSilver Band; Clement Carelse, organ.Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-410-2254. $25.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. World Music. Gamelan Ensemble.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. Based on Dickens'classic tale. Music and lyrics by LeslieBricusse. Fairview Library Theatre, 35Fairview Mall Dr. 416-755-1717. $20;$25. Dec. 3 sold out. Also Dec. 4-7.- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Leon Fleisher, piano. Brahms: Piano Quintetin f; also solo repertoire. Erika Raumand Marie Berard, violins; Steven Dann,viola; Bryan Epperson, cello. MazzoleniHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824x321. $30; $10(st).Thursday December 04- 12: 10: St. Paul's Bloor Street AnglicanChurch. Noon Hour Drgan RecitalSeries. Tom Fitches, organ. 227 Bloor St.E. 416-961-8116. Free.- 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon - Songs of theSeason. A showcase of graduate voice students.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Michael Capon, organ. 56Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.- 7:00: Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella.See Nov 28.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Jall Series. !O O' Clock Jazz Orchestra.Terry Promane, director. EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. $<strong>14</strong>; $8(sr/st).- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec. 3.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Miami Quartet.Mozart: Quartet no. 15 in d K.421; Tower: Angels(string quartet no.4); Debussy: Quartet in gOp.10. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723.$41-$45; $5 (st; accompanying adult pays halfprice); pay your age (18-35).- 8:00: Richmond Hill Centre for the PerformingArts. Celtic Tenors. Richmond HillUnited Church, 10201 Yonge St. RichmondHill. 905-787-8811. $52; $46.80(sr/st).- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart andle Chevalier de Saint-Georges. Saint­Georges: Symphony in D Major Op.1 1No.2; Simphonie concertante for TwoViolins and Orchestra; Haydn: Concertofor Violoncello in C; Mozart: Symphony inA KV.201. Aisslinn Nosky and Julia Wed·man, violins; Christina Mahler, cello. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W.416-964-6337. $29-$72.ALLIS CHOIRDirected By Peter Mahon-pre.1ent.:1-'ctUhd: fil4risf mas ~tsptrsDL,;.it DominuJ - Lau'Jate Pueri -Mwic by ViPal'Ji d AlbinoniWith apecial gueJt Jolout Laum AlbinoThe 250th anniverJary of Handel:, birth open,, with arecreation of a Baroque ve.1pe1'J ad it may have beencelebrated on Chr&1tma

Assault & Domestic Violence Care Centre.- 8:00: Civic light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec 3.- 8:00: Music Gallery. Removable Parts.Song cycle by Dargel. Kathleen Supove,piano; Corey Dargel, voice and electron·ics; Emma Griffin, director; Yvan Greenberg,choreographer. 197 John St. 416·204-1080. $15; $1 O(st, advance).- 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic.Christmas Concert. Nicolai: Merry Wivesof Windsor Overture; Puccini: La BohemeAct 1 (conclusion); Anderson: ChristmasFestival; Boito: Ave Signor from Me·fistofele; also music by Mozart, Handel,Franck, and Christmas carols. SineadSugrue, soprano; Michael Toby, tenor;Toronto Choral Society; Sabatino Vacca,conductor. Birchmount Collegiate, 3663Danforth Ave. 416-429·0007. $30;$25(sr); $1 O(st).- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart andle Chevalier de Saint-Georges. See Dec. 4.- 8:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. Magnificat!Zelenka: Magnificat; also works byHandl and Bach. Agnes Zsigovics, soprano;Mark Vuorinen, conductor. Christ ChurchDeer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-763-1695.$27·$30; $20-$22(sr/st). 7:00: Pre·concertchat.- 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn YouthChoir. A Season at light. Multi-cultural celebration.Lynn Janes, conductor; JamesBourne, piano. Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26Delisle Ave. 416·598·0422. $30; $25(sr);$15(st 15·25yrs); $1 O(child to 15yrs).- 8:00: Toronto Singing Studio. Songs atComfort and Jay. Alleluias, spirituals, songsof celebration. Vivace Vox Vocal Ensemble;Linda Eyman, music director; Christine Kim,pianist; guest: Katie Murphy, soprano. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. 416-455·9238. $15; $1 O(sr/st).- 8:00: Voices. Christmas Concert. Vivaldi:Gloria; Holst: Christmas Day; VaughanWilliams, and more. Ron Ka Ming Cheung,conductor; John Stephenson, organ·ist. St. Thomas's Church, 383 Huron St.416-519-0528. $20; $15(sr/st).Sunday December 07- 1 :00: HarbourKIDS Music with Bite/Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. Fiestanga!(bilingual performance). Tangos by Piazzolla,Bizet, Gardel. Amelie Lamontagne, violin;Janie Caron, piano; Genevieve Gigonnesse,bass. Brigantine Room, Harbourfront Centre,235 Queen's Quay W. 416-973-4000.Free.- 1 :00 & 6:00: Ross Petty Productions.Cinderella. See Nov 28.- 2:00: Civic light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec. 3.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions . Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRack Yau. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Northdale Concert Band. Mati·nee Concert. Stephen Chenette, music di·rector; guest: Gifford Toole, piano. Scarbor·ough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-486-3011. Free.- 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Tea. Humperdinck's Hanseland Gretel. Miniature version of this operaticfavourite . MacMillan Theatre, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. $26.- 3:00: Amici. End of Time. Arutiunian:Suite for Violin, Clarinet and Piano; Kradjian:Elegy for Restive Souls; Messiaen:Quartet for the End of Time. BenjaminBowman, violin; Serouj Kradjian, piano;Joaquin Valdepeiias, clarinet; David Hetherington,cello. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416-872-4255. $45; $40(sr);$35(st). 2:30: pre·concert chat.- 3:00: Ballet Creole. Glorious SoulfulMessiah. See Dec. 5.- 3:00: Hart House Singers. SeasonalFantasias. Choral music by Bach, Robino·vitch, Glick, Chilcott, Vaughan Williams,and others. May Ing Ruehle, violin; Samu·el Huang, clarinet; Cecilia Lee, piano; DavidArnot-Johnston, conductor. Great Hall,Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416·978·2452. Free. Food donations for UofT FoodBank welcome.- 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. In Concert.Applebaum: Action Stations; Vaughan Wil·Iiams: The Lark Ascending, Serenade toMusic; Puccini: Christmas Eve at CateMomus; Rimsky·Korsakov: Suite fromChristmas Eve; Anderson: Sleigh Ride. ErrolGay, conductor; guests: Ines Pagliari andGrace Hong, violins. George Weston Recit·al Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416·872-1111. $35; $30(sr/st);$10118 & under). 2: 15: Pre-concert talk.- 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. Haydn'sCreation. See Dec.6.- 3:30: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart and leChevalier de Saint-Georges. See Dec. 4.- 4:00: St. James Cathedral. TwilightRecital Series. Andrew Ager, organ. 65Church St. 416·364· 7865 x224. Free.- 4:00: Toronto Classical Singers.Messiah Highlights. Handel. JenniferTavener, soprano; Sandra Boyes, mezzo;Cory Knight, tenor; Michael Uloth, bass;Talisker Players Orchestra; JurgenPetrenko, conductor. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-443· <strong>14</strong>90. $25;$20(sr/st).- 7:00: Brampton Festival Singers. ChristmasFavourites Concert. Rose Theatre, 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800.$45; $42.50(sr/st); $15(16 and under).- 7:30: Echo Women's Choir. FramCockburn ta Kodaly. Music from Hunga·ry, Finland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgiaand North America. Guest: Jani Lauzon,multidisciplinary artist; Alan Gasser, con·ductor; Becca Whitla, conductor and piano.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 TrinitySq. 416·588·9050 x3. $15; $12(ad·vance); $8(underwaged). Reception to follow.- 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundat Music. See Nov. 1.- 7:30: Mississauga Choral Society.Messiah. See Nov. 6. St. Dominic's RomanCatholic Church, 625 Atwater Ave., Mississauga.- 7:30: Music at Glenview. ChristmasCara/ Sing. Heather Chappell, Celtic harp.Glenview Presbyterian Church, 1 GlenviewAve. 416-488-1156. Freewill offering. Receptionfollows.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Instrumental Ensembles. PercussionEnsemble, Beverley Johnston, director.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. JerseyBays. See Nov. 1.THE TORONTO SINGING STUDIOLinda Eyman, DirectorPRESENTS IN CONCERT:8\').,v~e VoxSongs ol Contlorl and JoyWith guest artist, Katie Murphy, sopranoExsultate, jubilate K.165 - W.A. Mozart8:00 p.m., Saturday, December 6Bloor Street United Church$15 General Admission, $10 Students & SeniorsCelebration Choir& Vocal MosaicLet There Be SongWith special guest, Peter Stuckless, tenor8:00 p.m., Saturday, December 13Bloor Street United Church$12 General Admission, $8 Students & Seniors42WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

LISTINGS: SECTION 2CONCERTS BEYOND THE GTAN.B. For a list of communities in this sectionsee LISTINGS INTRODUCTION, page 26Saturday <strong>November</strong> 01- 2:30 & 7:00: Theatre Orangeville.Magic Moments. Barbershop favourites.The Upper Canada Chordsmen. TweedsmuirPresbyterian Church, 6 John St., Orangeville.519-942-3423. $20(matinee);$25(evening).- 3:00: University of Western Ontario.Faculty of Music 40th Anniversary Concert.Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble and Alum·ni Band. Althouse College, UWO, London.519-661-2043. $15; $10(sr/st).- 7:30: University of Western Ontario.Alumni Reunion Gala. UWO Choirs andAlumni Singers. Althouse College, UWO,London. 519-661-2043. $15; $1 O(sr/st).- 8:00: Opera Hamilton. The Magic Flute.Mozart. Colin Ainsworth, tenor (Tamino);Shannon Mercer, soprano (Pamina); AlexDobson, baritone (Papageno); Audrey ElizabethLuna, soprano (Queen of the Night);Kevin Langan, bass (Sarastro); DavidSpeers, conductor. Hamilton Place, 1 Sum-OSHAWA DURHAMSYMPHONY ORCHESTRAMAR C O P A RISOTTOmers Lane, Hamilton. 905-527-7627 x221/236. $35-$95.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 02- 2:00: Citizen's Forum in Victoria Hall.Classical Guitar from Bach to the Beatles.Steve Thachuk, guitar. Victoria Hall, 55King St. West, Cobourg. 905-372-2210.$20; $ l 5(sr/st).- 2:00: Visual and Performing ArtsNewmarket. Stephane Lemelin, piano. 505Pickering Cres., Newmarket. 905-953-5122. $24; $ l 9(sr); $1 O(st).- 2:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra.Sweet Strings. Sharman: new work (premiere);Barber: Violin Concerto; Mendelssohn:Symphony No.3. Sharlene Wallace,harp; Gisele Dalbec, violin; Glen Fast,conductor. Grand Theatre, 218 PrincessSt., Kingston. 613-530-2050. $36-$45;$33-$41; $15-$25.- 3:00: Chorus Niagara. In Concert. Estacio:The Houses Stand Not Far Apart; J.Willcocks: Lux Perpetua. Allison Angelo,E xperience the power andrh.!:lthmic thrill of [)eethoven's Jth 5,!:lmphon.!:Iand the opulent sounds of Strauss' Don QuixoteE.njo~ one of the most exciting s~mphon~ orchestrasin Ontario led b~ international!~ acclaimedconductor Marco F arisottoFriday, <strong>November</strong> 2 1 st <strong>2008</strong>7,:)0 pm UOIT/Durham C ollege2000 Simcoe S t. North, OshawaFree parkingsoprano; Sean Watson, baritone; OrpheusChoir Sidgwick Scholars; Robert Cooper,conductor. Lake Street Armory, 81 LakeSt., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550. $34;$32(sr); $ l 5(st).- 3:00: Grand River Chorus. Requiems byDurufle and Faure. Richard Cunningham,artistic director. St. Pius X Church, 9Waverly St., Brantford. 519-759-7885.$25; $20(sr/st); $5(children).- 3:00: Port Hope of Friends of Music.Orchestra lnternazionale d'ltalia. KerryStratton, conductor. Port Hope UnitedChurch, 34 South Street, Port Hope. 800-434-5092. $35; $ l 5(st).- 6:30: Toronto Mass Choir. In Concert.Gospel music by Smallwood, Pace Kee andothers. Alliston Pentecostal Church, 7810Hwy 89, Alliston. 705-435- 7991 . Free.Monday <strong>November</strong> 03- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Jacques Thibaud StringTrio with Anton Kuerti, Piano. Mozart: Pi·ano Quartet in g, K.478; Schubert: StringTrio, 0471; Beethoven: Sonata No.6 in F;Piano Quartet in E flat Op.16. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. $30; $25 (sr); $20 (st).Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 04- 12:00 noon: Brock University Departmentof Music. music@noon. Patricia Dydnansky,flute; Erika Reiman, piano. SeanO'Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 05- 12:00 noon: Midday Music WithShigeru. Jane Black, soprano; KathyKuehl, piano. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N. Barrie. 705-726-1181. $5;free(st).- 12:00 noon: University of Waterloo.Noon Hour Concert. Music by Faure. Madein Canada Quartet (Judy Kang, violin; SharonWei, viola; Rachel Mercer, cello; AngelaPark, piano). Davis Centre Atrium, <strong>14</strong>0Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226. Free.- 12:15: St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch. Noonhour Concerts. Daniel Lichti,baritone; Douglas Haas, piano. 54 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-578-4430. Free(optional light lunch $5).- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. DiscoverySeries - Adams and Stravinsky. Adams:The Wound Dresser; Stravinsky: L'Histoire duSoldat. Timothy Vernon, conductor. Wolf PerformanceHall, 251 Dundas St., London. 519-679-8778. $45.36; $41.42.Thursda <strong>November</strong> 06- 12:15: Trinity Anglican Church. NoonhourRecital: Stephanie Burgoyne, WilliamVandertuin, organ. 12 Blair Rd, Cambridge.519-770-0763. Free.Friday <strong>November</strong> 07- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays. Martin Hackleman, horn.Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519-661 -2043. Free.- 7:30: Hamilton Music Collective. Ham·ilton/New York: Portraits of Sound. DarcyHepner Jazz Orchestra; Sophia Perlman,guest vocalist. Hamilton Place, Studio Theatre.1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905-645-1267. $75.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Eve Egoyan, piano. Evangelista:Nuevas monodias espaiiolas; Tana·ka: Crystalline; Satie: Six Nocturnes;Southam: In Retrospect; Scriabin: SonataNo. l 0; Norgard: Turn. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519·886-1673. $ 20; $15 (sr); $10 (st)- 8:00: McMaster University. CelebrityConcert Series: London Ouartet Cantabile.A cappella vocal ensemble performs jazz,madrigals, folk, Broadway, and other gen·res. Convocation Hall, University Hall, 1Scholar's Rd., Hamilton. 905-525-9<strong>14</strong>0x24246. $17; $ l 2(sr); $ 5(st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Guest Recital Series - French Music for thePiano. Michel Fournier, piano. Von KusterHall, Music Building, UWO, London. 519·661-2043.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 08lrnr & Johy 1.,-.:r-.b.,u,1Edmo..J & .£~t.1a()!.,,..,,,,&;.,f , C...n,,da Trust TICKETS:GENERAL$40STUDENT $15Subscribe today!Call 905-579-6711On-line www.odso.ca- 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Passions. Current: Symphonies inSlanted Time; Dvorak: Symphony No.7 in dOp.70; Brahms: Violin Concerto in D Op.77.James Sommerville, conductor; Scott St.John, violin. Hamilton Place, 1 SummersLane, Hamilton. 905-526-7756. $36-$59;$32-$54(sr); $10(st); $5(child).- 8:00: Barrie Concerts. Orchestra lnternazionaled'ltalia. Rodrigo: Concierto deAranjuez; Beethoven: Symphony No.7.Claudio Marcotulli, guitar; Kerry Stratton,conductor. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. $160;$80(st). Subscription series only.- 8:00: Cellar Singers. Rutter: Mass of theChildren. Also Dvorak: Te Deum; Willan: Comethou Beloved of Christ. Sandra Tucker, soprano;David Jefferies, bass baritone; CellarSingers Youth Choir and Chamber Orchestra.Albert Greer, conductor. St. Paul's UnitedChurch, 62 Peter St. N., Orillia. 705-326-8011/1 -888-6745542. $25; $1 2(st)- 8:00: Clearly Classic Concerts. DianaPanton and Friends. Vocal jazz. Diana PanfJlt;JoiceGloriaby Vivaldi, with excerpts from Bach'sSleepers Wake and Handel's Messiah.Plus seasonal favourites, and carols for all to sing.Tickets at Twelfth Night Music Store in Waterloo, Kelly Green'sFlowers in Galt, Etcetera Unique Gifts in Preston or at the door.J§ISPAE NAURN OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong> WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM 43

... SECTION 2: Beyond the GTAton, vocals; Don Thompson, bass; RegSchwager, guitar. Carnegie Gallery, 10King St. W., Dundas. 905-627 -4265. $25;$221sr/st).Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 09- 2:00: Huntsville Association for thePerforming Arts. Chamber Music Series:Carmen Unzipped. Music by Bizet, Bucchi·no, Arlen, Charlap, Weill, and others. JeanStilwell, mezzo; Patti Loach, piano; JohnLoach, trumpet. Trinity United Church, 33A Village MessiahSunday, December <strong>14</strong>3:00 p.m.St. John's Church, Elora$40.00Festival of CarolsThursday, December 185:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.Monday, December 227:00 p.m.St. John's Church, Elora$35.00Elora Festival SingersNoel Edison, conductorTickets & Information33 Henderson Street519.846.03311.888.747.7550info@elorafestival.comwww.elorafestival.com~ Iara festivalc/ - ~nd singers~·7iwfMain St. E. Huntsville. 705-787-1918. $25.- 2:00: Young People's Concerts. Eng·fish Castles. 660 Plains Rd. W. Burling·ton. 905-648-7737. $20; $151sr/st).- 3:00: Guelph Symphony Orchestra.Classically Yours. Grieg: Holberg Suite;Dvorak: Serenade in d; Albinoni: ConcertoNo.9 for Oboe !arr. for trumpet); Mozart:Symphony No.24. Cristi Cigolea, trumpet;Simon Irving, conductor. River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519- 763-3000.$28-$35; $<strong>14</strong>-$171st); $9lchild 12 and un·der).- 3:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberOrchestra. 4 X B. Music by J.C.F. Bach,Bertoni, Bossi and Beethoven !Piano ConcertoNo.5). Sarah Ho, piano; GrahamColes, music director. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-744-3828 $20; $151sr/st); children free.- 3:00: Mac Neill Baptist Church. In Recital.Works by Telemann, Prokofiev andYounis. Patricia Oydnansky, flute; ErikaReiman, piano. 1<strong>14</strong>5 King St. W., Hamil·ton. 905-528-2861. $20; $101sr/st).- 7:30: Performing Arts Bancroft. Hitsof the Blitz. Music from the two GreatWars. Julian Gallo, tenor. Bancroft VillagePlayhouse, 5 Hastings St. South, Ban·croft.1-888-474-1556. $22.- 7:30: Show One Productions . TangoFire. Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane,Hamilton. 905-527-7666. $29.50-$69.50.- 8:00: Kitchener.Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. British Romantic cello/piano works. Liddle: Sonata in E flat; Elegyfor Cello and Piano; Ashton: Sonata in GOp.75; Stanford: Sonata No.2, Op.39. SimonFryer, cello; Leslie De'Ath, piano. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. $20; $ l 51sr); $10lst).Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 11- 5:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. James Hill, ukelele. 120 Harrison·LeCaine Hall, 39 Bader Lane, Kingston.613-533-2066. $1 O; $5lsr/st).Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 12- 12: 15: St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch. Noonhour Concerts. Daniel Lichti,baritone; Douglas Haas, piano. 54 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-578-4430. Free!optional light lunch $5).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Papa Knows Best! C.P.E.Bach: Sinfonia No.1 in G; Muffat: Concer·to No.12 in G; Haydn: Cello Concerto in C,Symphony No.59; Stravinsky: Dumbarton'A Kitchener-WaterlooChamber OrchestraGraham Coles, Music Director24th Season presented byCanada Tru,t ,,t{P;;cCHRISTMAS WITH HANDELRichard Cunningham and the Grand River ChorusAll the best bits of M essiah plus other Hondel excerptsSunday, December 7, <strong>2008</strong> at 7:00 pmMaureen Forrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University, WaterlooFor ticket information and program details go to. www.kwchamberorchestra.ca44 WWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COMOaks. Tania Miller, guest conductor; AndreaHerzog, cello. First United Church, 16William Street W., Waterloo . 519-578·1570. $32; $201st).Friday <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong>- 12:30: University of Western Ontario .12:30 Fridays - Eckhardt Gramatte Winner.Works by Stravinsky, Vivier and Kurtag.Kristin Mueller-Heaslip, soprano. VonKuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519-661-2043. Free.- 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. A VillageMessiah. Noel Edison, conductor. St.John's Church, Corner of Smith and Hendersonstreets. 519-846-033111 ·888-747·7550. $40.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Papa Knows Best! HarcourtMemorial United Church, 87 Dean Ave.,Guelph. See Nov 12.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 15- 7:30: Music at St. Luke's. Choral Pas·sions. Repertoire from Mozart to Webber.Vocal Horizons Chamber Choir. 1382 OntarioSt., Burlington. 905-639-7643.$20.00. Refreshments at intermission.- 8:00: Da Capo Chamber Choir. Earth -Receiving and Giving life. Estacio: Ella Sunlight;Swayne: Magnificat; Tavener: Svyati.Guest: Ben Bolt-Martin, cello; LeonardEnns, director. St. John the Evangelist AnglicanChurch, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener.519- 725-7549. $ 20; $ l 51sr/st).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Papa Knows Best! CentralPresbyterian Church, 7 Queen's Sq., Cam·bridge. See Nov. 12.- 8:00: Sanderson Centre for the Perform·ing Arts. Sultans of String. 88 Dalhousie St.Brantford. 519-758-8090. $32; $291sr/st).Sunday <strong>November</strong> 16- 3:00: Opera Hamilton . Great SingersRecital. Works by Puccini. Mozart, Bellini,Brahms, Schumann, and others. AdriannePieczonka, soprano; Stephen Ralls, piano;guest: Laura Tucker, mezzo. CentenaryUnited Church, 24 Main St. W ., Hamilto n.905-527-7627 x221/236. $50.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Faculty Artists Series. Music by Schnittkeand Schmidt. Pierre van der Westhuizen,piano; Annette Barbara-Vogel, Mel Martin,violins; Virginia Barron, viola; Joel Becktell,cello. Von Kuster Hall, Music Building,UWO, London. 519-661-2043.Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 18- 12:30: McMaster University. LunchtimeConcerts: lo/tan Kalman, clarinet, &Cecile Desrosiers, piano. Convocation Hall,University Hall, 1 Scholar's Rd., Hamilton.905-525-9<strong>14</strong>0 x24246. Free.- 5:00 & 8:00 : Elora Festival Singers .Festival of Carols. Noel Edison, conductor.St . John's Church, Corner of Smith andHenderson streets. 519-846-0331 / 1-888-747-7550. $35.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 19- 12:00 noon: University of Waterloo.Noon Hour Concert. Music of the Baroque.Trio Savrtri !Wendy Wagler, flute ; Kie·ment Hambourg, violin; Boyd McDonald,fortepiano). Davis Centre Atrium, <strong>14</strong>0Westmount Rd . N., Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226. Free.- 12: 15: St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch. Noonhour Concerts. Koichi Inoue,piano. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-4430. Free !optional light lunch $5).- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Celebrating Canada Music Week. Works byCanadian composers. Gwen Beamish, pi·ano . Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO,London. 519-661-2043. Free.- 7:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. Mosaic. Electroacoustic and acous·tic compositions. 120 Harrison-LeCaineHall, 39 Bader Lane, Kingston. 613-533·2066. Free.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 20- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Duo Turgeon, piano 4-hands. Archer: Four Vignettes !excerpts);Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op.32 No.10;Larsen: Gavel Patter; Schubert: Fantaisie inf, 0.940; Moszkowski: Polish Folk Dances;works by Chopin, Mendelssohn and Mozart.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. $25; $20 lsr);$ l 51st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Smokey Joe's Cate. Review by Lieber &Stollar. Members of UWOpera Workshop.Althouse College, 1137 Western Rd., Lon·don. 519-661-2111. $15; $10. Also Nov.21 and 22.Friday <strong>November</strong> 21- 12:30: Oueen's University School ofMusic. <strong>2008</strong> Kingston Symphony Scholar·ships and Milsom Scholarship Winners Concert.120 Harrison-LeCaine Hall, 39 BaderLane, Kingston. 613-533-2066. Free.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays -Canadian Guitar Ouartet.Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, Lon·don. 519-661-2043. Free.- 4:30 to 7:00: Guelph Youth Singers.Annual Singathon. Old Quebec St., Guelph.519-821-8574. Free.- 5:30: Perimeter Institute. Black HoleCabaret: A Taste of Burgundy. 31 CarolineSt. N., Waterloo. 519-883-4480. $72.- 7:30: Oshawa Durham Symphony Orchestra.Beethoven's Apotheosis of theDance. Strauss: Don Quixote Op.35;Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A Op.93.Eric Picard, cello; Marco Parisotto, conduc·tor. University of Ontario Recreation Hall,2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 905-579-6711. $40; $ l 51stl.- 7:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. Oueen's Polyhymnia. Queen's BrassEnsemble; Or. Aurora Dokken and DanTremblay, directors. Grant Hall, 43 UniversityAve. Kingston. 613-533-2066. $10;$5lsr/st).- 8:00: Orchestra Kingston. Composingin the Classroom. Beethoven: Egmont Overture;Grieg : Piano Concerto; Staniland !newwork). Kim Duca, piano. Gary Kulesha, con·ductor. St. George's Cathedral, 270 KingSt. East, Kingston. 613-530-2050. $15;$1 Olsr/st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Smokey Joe's Cate. See Nov 20.Saturday <strong>November</strong> 22- 2:00 and 8:00: University of WesternOntario . Smokey Joe's Cate. See Nov. 20.- 3:00: University of Waterloo. EnsembleConcert: Gloria. University of WaterlooChoir; Gordon Burnett, director. St.NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 54 QueenSt. N., Kitchener. 519-885-0220 x24226.$12; $10(sr/st).- 7:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra.Ode to Joy. Raminsh: Laudate Dominum;Coulthard: Quebec May; Beethoven: SymphonyNo.9. Elizabeth McDonald, soprano;Janice Coles, mezzo; Michael Colvin, tenor;Daniel Hambly, baritone; Kingston ChoralSociety; Queen's Choral Society; GlenFast, conductor. Kingston Gospel Temple,2295 Princess St, Kingston . 613-530-2050. $36; $33(sr); $20 (st).- 7:30: Opera by Request. Gounod'sFaust. University of Toronto (Scarborough)Concert Singers; William Shookhoff, musicdirector and pianist. Hebron Christian ReformedChurch, 4240 Anderson St. Whit·by. 416-455-2365. $20; $15(sr/st).- 7:30: Arts Dunnville & the RotaryClub of Dunnville. Christmas ChoralSpectacular. Toronto Mendelssohn Choir;Noel Edison, artistic director. DunnvilleSecondary School, 110 Helena St., Dunn·ville. 905-774-7695. $35; $30(advance).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Canadian Guitar Duartet.Beethoven: Minuet & Allegro Op.59 No.3;Rossini: Overture to William Tell; Roux:Envol; Comme un tango; Concerto Tradicionuevoi;Trepanier, Cuerda pa'rati. KWC·MS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. $25; $20 (sr); $15(sl).- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. OvationSeries - King of Instruments. Poulenc:Organ Concerto; Saint-Saens: SymphonyNo.3 "Organ". Ian Sadler, organ; TimothyVernon, conductor. Centennial Hall, 550Wellington St., London. 519-679-8778.$35.17-$57.17.Sunday <strong>November</strong> 23- 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara.Brahms Cycle Continues. Brahms: PianoTrio Op.101; Dvorak: Piano Trio Op.65.David Louie, piano; Julie Baumgartel, via·Jin; Margaret Gay, cello. St Barnabas'Church, 33 Queenston St., St. Catharines.906-468-1525. $24-$27.- 2:30: Georgian Bay Symphony. Blastof Brass. Hannaford Youth Band; DarrylEaton, conductor; Anita McAlister, horn;Georgian Bay Symphony brass section.Knox United Church, 890 4th Avenue E.,Owen Sound. 519-372-0212. $17, $15(sr/st).- 2:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra.Ode to Joy. See Nov 22.- 3:00: Durham Community Choir. Sing­Along Messiah. Erin Bardua, soprano; VickiSt. Pierre, mezzo; James T utile, tenor;Alexander Dobson, bass; Talisker Players;J-C Coolen, director. College Park AdventistChurch, 1164 King St. E., Oshawa.905-725-1121. $20. Bring a score or buyone at the door.- 3:00: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series - Turn of the last Centu·ry. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.1; Rimsky-Korsakov:Capriccio Espagnole; Barlak:Concerto for Orchestra. UWO SymphonyOrchestra; Alan Demir, piano; JamesMcKay, conductor. Alumni Hall, UWO, Lon·don. 519-679-8778. $15; $10(sr/st).Monday <strong>November</strong> 24Kingston. 613-533-2066. $10; $ 5(sr/st).Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 25- 5:30: University of Western Ontario.Studio Recital Series: Vogel Studio. Studentsfrom the studio of violinist Annette- BarbaraVogel. Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO,London. 519-661-2043. Free.Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 26- 12:00 noon: University of Waterloo.Noon Hour Concert: 26 Mad Songs. Musicof Playford and Purcell. Stephanie Kramer,soprano; Greensleaves (Marilyn Fung, violada gamba; Shannon Purves-Smith, viols,recorder). Davis Centre Atrium, <strong>14</strong>0 WestmountRd. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220x24226. Free.- 12: 15: St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch. Noonhour Concerts. Mark Lewis,singer and storyteller. 54 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-578-4430. Free (optionallight lunch $5).- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series: Tuneful Gifts. Works byCopland, Ives, Reed, and others. UWO SymphonicBand. Althouse College, 1137 WesternRd., London. 519-661-8778. Free.- 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Time for Three. Fusion of classi·cal, bluegrass and other styles. Edwin Outwater,conductor; guests: Time for Three.River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph.519-763-3000. $35; $20(st).- 7:30: Plumbing Factory Brass Band.Masonic Masterpieces For a Night Exem·plar. Works by Masonic composers, includingMozart, Meyerbeer, Sousa, Sibelius andothers; also Christmas songs and hymns.Henry Meredith, director. Byron UnitedChurch, 420 Boler Rd. London. 519-471-1250. $15; $13(advance); $1 O(st).- 7:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. Dueen's Wind Ensemble. GordonCraig, music director. Grant Hall, 43 Univer·sity Ave. Kingston. 613-533-2066. $10;$5(sr/sl).- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. CathedralSeries - J.C. Bach, Gossec and Haydn.J.C . Bach: Symphony in G minor; Gossec:Symphony in F; Haydn: Trumpet Concerto;Symphony No.101. Shawn Spicer, trumpet;Gary Thor Wedow, conductor. St. Paul'sCathedral, 427 Richmond St., London. 519·679-8778. $45.36; $42.74.Thursday <strong>November</strong> 27- 1 :00: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series - True North-South· East­West. Works by Holst, Ives, Tull, and oth·ers. UWO Wind Ensemble and True NorthBrass. Banting Secondary School, 125 SherwoodForest Square, London. 519-661-8778. Free.- 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Time for Three. Humanities Theatre,200 University Ave. W., Waterloo.See Nov 26. $35; $20(st).Building, UWO, London. 519-661-2043.Free.- 2:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. Messiah Sing-a-long. Foyer, Harrison-LeCaineHall, 39 Bader Lane, Kingston.613-533-2066. Free.- 7:30: Queen's University School ofMusic. Dueen's Symphony Orchestra. Vir·ginia Lew, piano; Gordon Craig, music director.Grant Hall, 43 University Ave. King·ston. 613-533-2066. $10; $5(sr/st).- 7:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series - A Christmas Celebration.Songs of hope and light. UWO Singers andSt. Cecilia Singers. St. Peter's CathedralBasilica, 196 Dufferin Ave., London. 519-432-3475. $15; $10(sr/st).- 8:00: McMaster University. CelebrityConcert Series: Ian Parker & Jamie Parker,pianos. Convocation Hall, University Hall, 1Scholar's Rd., Hamilton. 905-525-9<strong>14</strong>0x24246. $17; $12(sr); $5(sl).- 8:00: Numus. Cellodramatic. AnneBourne, Matt Brubeck, Paul Pulford, andNick Starring, cellos; Germaine Liu, percussion.Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St.,Kitchener. 519-896-3662. $20; $12(st).Saturday <strong>November</strong> 29- 9:00am to 4:30: Kitchener-WaterlooChamber Orchestra. Student ConcertoCompetition. Graham Coles, music director.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid LaurierUniversity, 75 University Ave. W. Waterloo.519-744-3828. $10.- 7:30: Burlington Civic Chorale. ChristmasConcert. Rutter: Magnificat; Fancies;Mechem: Seven Joys of Christmas. St.Christopher's Anglican Church, 662 GuelphLine, Burlington . 905-549-5897. $18;$15(advance).- 7:30: Guelph Youth Singers. Walking inthe Air. Traditional and new Christmas andHanukah songs. River Run Centre, 35 Wool·wich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. $22;$16(sr/st).- 7:30: Serenata . A Serenata Christmas.Gary Heard, artistic director. St. Paul'sUnited Church, 308 King St., Midland. 1-866-461-1830 . $20; $15(st).- 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male VoiceChoir. A Child's Christmas in Wales. BettyAllison, soloist; Christopher Thomas, narra·tor; Clement Carelse, organ. KingsviewUnited Church, 505 Adelaide St. E. Os·hawa. 1-877-410-2254. $20.- 7:30: University of Waterloo. EnsembleConcert: It Can't be Christmas Yet. UWChamber Choir, Richard Cunningham, direc·tor. Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100Benjamin Rd., Waterloo. 519-885-0220x24226. $12; $1 O(sr/st).- 2:00: University of Waterloo. EnsembleConcert: Swing's the Thing. Universityof Waterloo Stage Band. Conrad GrebelGreat Hall, <strong>14</strong>0 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo.519-885-0220 x24226. $8; $5(sr/st).- 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Diversions and Divertissements. Adaskin: Di·version; Mozart: Bassoon Concerto in B flatK.191; Weber: Andante and Rondo OngareseOp.35; Mendelssohn: Symphony No.1 in cOp.11. Eric Hall, bassoon; conductor TBA.Sean O'Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave.,St. Catharines. 905-687-4993. $35-$40;$16(st). 1 :45: pre-concert chat.- 7:30: University of Waterloo. Ensem·ble Concert: It Can't Be Christmas Yet. SeeNov.29. Three Willows United Church, 577Willow Rd., Guelph. 519-885-0220x24226. $15; $12(sr/sl).- 8:00: The Achill Choral Society. TrueNorth Sounds of Christmas. True NorthBrass. St. James RC Church, 2118 Adjala­Tecumseth Townline, Colgan. 519-925·3765. $25.- 8:00: The Jazz Mechanics. The Musicof the laBarberas. Pat LaBarbera, saxophone.The Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane.Brampton. 905-874-2800. $20; $18(sr/st);$10( 12 and under).Monday December O 1- 7:30: University or Waterloo. EnsembleConcert: UW Instrumental ChamberEnsembles. Ben Bolt-Martin, director. ConradGrebel Chapel, <strong>14</strong>0 Westmount Rd . N.,Waterloo. 519-885-0220. Free.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Till Fellner, piano.Beethoven: Sonatas Op.31 Nos.1-3;Op.101. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. $30;$25(sr); $20(st).Tuesday December 02- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series. Chamber Orchestra.James McKay, conductor. Von Kuster Hall,Music Building, UWO. London. 519-661-2043. Free.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series: Christmas at St. Peter'sSeminary. Thames Scholars and Early MusicStudio. Early music for the season. St.Peter's Seminary Chapel, 1040 WaterlooSt. N., London. 519-679-8778. $15;$1 O(sr/sl).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Guest Recital. Molinari String Quartet. VonKuster Hall, Music Building, UWO, London.519-661-2043. Free.Wednesday December 03- 7:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series. Songs of Mary. Music for - 12:00noon: Midday Music Withthe season. Les Choristes and Chorale. St. Shigeru. Marilyn Reesor, piano; Joy Bain-Paul's Cathedral, 472 Richmond St. Lon- borough, vocalist. Hi-Way Pentecostaldon. 519-434-3225. Students free. Church, 50 Anne St. N. Barrie. 705-726-- 8:00: Renaissance Singers. Rejoice. 1181. $5; free(st).Friday <strong>November</strong> 28Vivaldi: Gloria; Bach: Wachet Aul (ex· - 12:00noon: University of Waterloo.cerpts); Handel: Messiah (excerpts). Jurgen Davis Centre Carol Sing .. Traditional music- 12:30: Queen's University School of Petrenko, director. St. George's Anglican for the season, sing-along. University ofMusic. Student chamber ensembles. 120 Church, 321 Fischer Dr., Kitchener. 519· Waterloo Chamber Choir and Chapel Choir.Harrison-LeCaine Hall, 39 Bader Lane, King- 745-0675. $20; $15(sr/st); $5. Davis Centre Atrium, <strong>14</strong>0 Westmount Rd.ston. 613-533-2066. Free. N., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226.- 12:30: University of Western Ontario. Free.12:30 Fridays. from Brazil. Works by Bra- - 2:00: Hamilton Conservatory of the - 12: 15: St. Andrew's Presbyterian- 7:30: Queen's University School of zilian composers. Fredi and Cristina Ger- Arts. Piano Concert Series. Till Fellner. 126 Church. Noonhour Concerts. Cherry Fraser,Music. Dueen's Jall Ensemble; Samba ling, piano duo. Von Kuster Hall, Music James St. S., Hamilton. 905-528-4020. mezzo; Douglas Haas, organ and piano. 54Ensemble. Grant Hall, 43 University Ave. $27; $22(sr); $15(st). Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-4430.~N~O-V-EM_B_E_R_1~ -~D~E-C-EM~BE-R~7~ 2~0~0~8~~~~~~~~~~~-w-w_w __ T_H-EW~ H-O-LE_N_O_T_E.-C-O-M~~~~~~~~~HF~re~eH(~op~twiornAa~1~1i~Qh1-1HtlU11cil.-$-....~~~ 4-5

- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series: A Christmas Celebration.UWO Singers; St. Cecilia Singers.Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO,London. 519·661 ·2043. Free.Thursday December 04- 7:30: Perimeter Institute. Lynn Harrell,cello, and Jon Kimura Parker, piano. MikeLazardis Theatre of Ideas, Perimeter lnsti·lute, 31 Caroline St. N., Waterloo. 519-883-4480. SOLD OUT.- 8:00: Art Gallery of Hamilton. NewYork I Hamilton. The Nick Marchione I Dar·cy Hepner Jazz Quintet. Art Gallery of Hamilton,123 King St W. Hamilton. 905·527·6610, ext.232. $15·$20; $17(sr/st).Friday December 05- 7:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra.Nutcracker. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker.Guests: Quinte Ballet School of Canada;Glen Fast, conductor. Grand Theatre, 218Princess St., Kingston. 613-530·2050.$25; $20(sr); $15(st); $10(child).- 7:30: The Monday Morning Singers.Christmas in Song and Story. St. Paul'sAnglican Church, 59 Toronto St. S. Ux·bridge. 905-473-5640. $15.- 8:00: Folk Under The Clock. Danu: anIrish Christmas. Showplace, 290 George St.N., Peterborough. 705-742-7469. $47.- 8:00: Bravado! Show Choir. Songs ForA Winter's Night. Central United Church,15 Ross St. Barrie. 705-728-7828. $20.- 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Jazz Meets Drchestra. Gersh·win: Cuban Overture; Hatzis: Rebirth, Con·certo for Viola; Bernstein: Halil; SymphonicVariations from West Side Story. JoanaCarneiro, guest conductor; Thomas Kay,flute; Steven Dann, viola. Centre in theSquare, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578·1570. $20-$75.- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. PopsSeries - John McDermott with DrchestraLondon Canada. Holiday favourites. JohnMcDermott, tenor; Eric Bodle, singer/songwriter;Brian Jackson, conductor. ChathamCultural Centre, 75 William St. North,Chatham. 519-534-8338/866-807-7770.$38.Saturday December 06- 2:00 & 7:30: Kingston Symphony Or·chestra. Nutcracker. See Dec 5.- 3:00: Grand Philharmonic Children'sChoir. 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime.Robert Wilkie, conductor. St. AloysiusChurch, 11 Traynor Ave., Kitchener. 519·578-6885. $15; $1 O(sr/st).- 7:30. Grand Philharmonic Choir Cham·ber Singers. Handel: Messiah. Nota BenePeriod Orchestra; Sookhyung Park, so·prano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor; LawrenceWiliford, tenor; Sean Watson, bari·tone. First United Church, 16 William St.W. Waterloo. 519-578-1570. $20-$35;$18-$31.50(sr); $10(st).- 8:00: Barrie Concerts. A Christmas toRemember. Driana Women's Choir, WilliamBrown, conductor. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. North, Barrie. 705·726-1181. $160; $80(st). Subscriptionseries only.- 8:00: Bravado! Show Choir. Songs ForA Winter's Night. See Dec 05.- 8:00: John Laing Singers. Sweet is theSong. Works by Bach, Charpentier, Holst,46Haydn, Vaughan Williams, Lauridsen,Wearmouth, Laing. Central PresbyterianChurch. 165 Charlton Ave. W. Hamilton.905·628·5238. $25; $20(sr); $10(st).- 8:00: Kitchener·Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Jazz Meets Orchestra. See Dec5.- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. PopsSeries - John McDermott with OrchestraLondon Canada. See Dec. 5. CentennialHall, 550 Wellington St., London. 519·679·8778. $37.73·$53.20.- 8:00: The Achill Choral Society. TrueNorth Sounds of Christmas. True NorthBrass. St. Timothy RC Church, 42 DawsonDr. Orangeville. 519·925-3765. $25.- 8:00: Renaissance Singers. Rejoice.See Nov. 29. Trinity Anglican Church, 12Blair Rd., Cambridge. 519·745-0675. $20;$15(sr/st); $5.Sunday December 07- 2:00: Young People's Concerts. ItalianMaestros. 660 Plains Rd. W. Burlington.905-648· 7737. $20; $15(sr/st).- 2:30: Kitchener·Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Jazz Meets Orchestra. SeeDec. 5.- 2:30: Orchestra London Canada. PopsSeries - John McDermott with OrchestraLondon Canada. See Dec 5.- 3:00: Brantford Symphony Orchestra.Christmas Favourites. Music celebratingthe season. Guests: Brant Youth SymphonyPlayers; Philip Sarabura, conductor. Sand·erson Centre for the Performing Arts, 88Dalhousie St. Brantford. 519· 758·8090.$15·$42.- 3:00 & 7:30. Grand PhilharmonicChoir Chamber Singers. Handel: Messiah.Nota Bene Period Orchestra; SookhyungPark, soprano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor;Lawrence Wiliford, tenor; Sean Watson,baritone. St. Andrew's Hespeler PresbyterianChurch, 73 Queen St. E. Cambridge.519·578· 1570. $20·$35; $18·$31.50(sr);$10(st).- 3:00: St. Luke's Church Burlington. ASpecial John Rutter Christmas Concert.Programme includes Rutter Christmas se·lections. Brother Heinrich Choristers; BurlingtonChildren's Choir. 1371 Elgin St.,Burlington. 905·639· 7643. $20. Proceedsto child-based charities. Reception to follow.- 4:00: Halton Youth Symphony. ChristmasConcert. Holy Trinity High School,2420 Sixth Line, Oakville. 905·616·2760.- 6:30: Toronto Mass Choir. In Concert.King Street Pentecostal Church, 611 KingSt. W., Oshawa. 905-433-8100. Free.- 7:00: Kitchener·Waterloo ChamberOrchestra. Christmas with Handel. Excerptsfrom Messiah and other works.Grand River Chorus; Richard Cunningham,counter·tenor and co·conductor; GrahamColes, music director. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-744·3828. $20; $15;(sr/st); children free.- 8:00 : Kitchener·Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Three. Bach: Standingwith One Foot in the Grave; Villa·Lobos:Bachianas Braslieras No.6; Koechlin: TroisPieces; Piazzolla: Tango Etude No. 4;Lussier: Rhapsodie; Bacchanale;Beethoven: Trio, WoO 38. Guy Few, trum·pet /corno/piano; Nadina Mackie, bassoon;Leslie Newman, flute. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886·1673. $20; $15(sr); $10(st).- 8:00: The Achill Choral Society. TrueAlleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481 ·6865www.alleycatz.caEvery Mon Salsa Night with Frank BischunEvery Tue Whitney Smith's "Swing House"with vocalist Jen SagarEvery Wed Jasmine Bailey & Co. Jazz & SoulNov 1 Liquid. Nov 6 Lady Kane. Nov 7Lady Kane. Nov 8 Lady Kane. Nov 13 LadyKane. Nov <strong>14</strong> Lady Kane. Nov 15 Liquid.Nov 20 Lady Kane. Nov 21 Sonic Playground.Nov 22 Sonic Playground. Nov 27lady Kane. Nov 28 Lady Kane. Nov 29lady Kane.Anabella Lounge, The (basement of Picco·lo restaurant)226 Carlton Street 416·944-3738Every Friday: Whitney Smith's "JAZZCAB" with Jordan O'Connor and featuredvocalist. <strong>November</strong> is Gus Kahn Month.$5 Cover Charge.Nov 7 Amy McConnell. Nov <strong>14</strong> Lynda Covello.Nov 21 Jen Cook. Nov 28 Gina lewis·Watts.Black Swan, The154 Danforth Ave. 416-469·0537Every Wed The Danforth Jam w/ Jon longand Friends.Chalkers Pub Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Avenue 416-789-2531www.chalkerspub.comNO COVEREvery Wed Salsa lesson followed by livemusic w/ La Nueva Revalacion.Every Thu Girls Night Out Vocalist·FriendlyJazz Jam w/ Lisa Particelli.Every Fri, Sat Dinner Jazz 6-9Every Sun Dinner Jazz 7-10Weekend listings unavailable at press time:check website.Chick N' Deli744 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-489-3363www.chickndeli.comEvery Mon Big Band Night.Every Tue Jam Night.Every Sat Climax Jazz Band 4-1.Cobourg, The533 Parliament St. 416·9 J3. 7538Jazz Sundays 9PMNO COVERCommensal, Le655 Bay St. 416·596·9364www.commensal.caJazz Fridays & Saturdays 6:30pm · 9:30pmNO COVERNov 1 Don Campbell & Dan Eisen. Nov 7Ashley St. Pierre & Matt Newton. Nov 8Mark Kieswetter. Nov <strong>14</strong> Beverly Taft &Dan Eisen. Nov 15 Sophia Perlman &Adrean Farrugia. Nov 21 Samantha Clayton·Carnes& Peter Hill. Nov 22 Darryl Orr& Dan Eisen. Nov 28 Peter Kauffman. Nov29 Warren Grieg & Dan Eisen.Concord Cate, The937 Bloor Street W 416-532-3989LISTINGS: SECTION 3JAZZ IN THE CLUBScompiled and edited by Ori DaganNorth Sounds of Christmas. True NorthBrass. Holy Family RC Church, 60 AllanDr. Bolton. 519-925-3765. $25.Corktown, The175 Young St. Hamilton 905·572-9242www.thecorktownpub.caEvery Mon Mohawk College Student JazzJam NightEvery Wed Jazz@ The Corktown hostedby Darcy HepnerDave's Gourmet Pizza730 St. Clair Ave. West 416·652·2020Occasional Fri/Sat Jazz Bookings, No Cover.Call Ahead.Every Thu Uncle Herb Dale & Friends Open Mic.Dazzling Modern Restaurant291 King Street West 416-506·8886www.dazzlingrestaurant.comEvery Wed Dri Dagan Sings 6:00-10:00Every Sun Ori Dagan Sings 5:30·9:30Nov <strong>14</strong> The Tynes: 60's & 10's R&B, Soul& Funk. Nov 21 Errol Fisher Blues Band.Nov 28 Errol Fisher Blues Band.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. East 416-368-6893www.dominiononqueen.comNov 1 The Royal Crowns. Nov 2 The NextGeneration Jazz Jam with host Robert Scott.Nov 7 George Grosman Trio. Nov 9 Sean PinchonBlues. Nov 12 Paula Shear. Nov <strong>14</strong>Robin Jessome presents Blunt Object. Nov 15Kyle McGyle Experience. Nov 16 The NextGeneration Jazz Jam with host Robert Scott.Nov 21 Maureen Kennedy Ouartet. Nov 22The Chaser Blues Band with vocalist RobinWhite. Nov 23 Sean Pinchon Blues. Nov 24Big Smoke Big Band.Drake Hotel, The1150 Queen Street West 416·531 ·5042www.thedrakehotel.caEvery Fri Jenni Burke 8pm $5 coverEton House710 Danforth Ave. 416-466·6161First Sunday of Every Month Joel Hartt.Gate 403403 Roncesvalles 416·588·2930www.gate403.comNO COVER, Pay What You CanNov 1 Bill Heffernan & Friends, MelissaBoyce & Kevin Laliberte. Nov 2 Cleta Err·ington Jazz Brunch, Starry Nights, Joe VanRossem Jazz Band. Nov 3 Double A JazzDuo, Tova Kardonne Jazz Duo. Nov 4 Arau·Jo, Harnett & Rahbek Jazz Trio, Julian Fauth& James Thomson Blues Duo. Nov 5 Chan·telle Wilson Jazz Band, Patrick Tevlin's NewOrleans Rhythm. Nov 6 Sarah Jerrom JazzTrio, Kevin Laliberte Latin Jazz Band. Nov 7Morgan Sadler Piano Solo, The Peddlers.Nov 8 Bill Heffernan & Friends, Eric St. Lau·rent Jazz Band. Nov 9 Klaus Anselm JazzBrunch, Shannon Butcher & Cam MacCar·roll Jazz Duo, Bobby Hsu & Sophia PerlmanJazz Band. Nov 10 Marion Jago Jazz Duo,Sean Bellaviti Jazz Band. Nov 11 Ken YoshiokaBlues Duo, Julian Fauth & JamesThomson Blues Duo. Nov 12 Amy MedvickBossa Nova Guitar Solo, Patrick Tevlin'sNew Orleans Rhythm. Nov 13 Donna Gar-WWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMBE R 1 - D EC EMB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

ner Piano Solo, Son Robert Nu BluesBand. Nov <strong>14</strong> Denise Leslie Jazz Trio,Max Senitt Jazz Band. Nov 15 Bill Heffernan& Friends, John Deehan JazzBand. Nov 16 Klaus Anselm Jazz Brunch,France St. Duartet, Heidi Lange Jazz Duo.Nov 17 Michele Lawrence Jazz Trio, TheOutlanders. Nov 18 Ted Hawkins Jazz &Blues Duo, Julian Fauth & James ThomsonBlues Duo. Nov 19 Joshua GoodmanJazz Band, Patrick Tevlin's New OrleansRhythm. Nov 20 Neil Whitford Jazz Band,String Theory. Nov 21Ventana 5 Jazz Band, Ben Bowen: Book ofGnomes. Nov 22 Bill Heffernan & Friends,Bartek Kuzminski. Nov 23 Klaus AnselmJazz Brunch, Tina Nodwell Jazz Trio, JoannaMoon Duartet. Nov 24 Jerry DuintyneDuet, Mike Field Jazz Duo. Nov 25 BossaTres, Julian Fauth & James Thomson BluesDuo. Nov 26 liam Morin Jazz Piano Solo,Patrick Tevlin's New Orleans Rhythm. Nov27 Kenny Simon Guitar Solo, Cyndi CarletonJazz Duo. Nov 28 Fraser Melvin Blues Band,Elizabeth Shepherd Jazz Band. Nov 29 BillHeffernan & Friends, Mr. Rick & the Biscuits.Nov 30 Klaus Anselm Jazz Brunch, AmyNoubarian Jazz Duo, Peter Hill Jazz Trio.Grossman's Tavern379 Spadina Ave. 416-977 -1210www.grossmanstavern.comNO COVEREvery Mon Laura Hubert Band.Every Tue Brokenjoe of' timey Tuesdays.Every Sat Matinee The Happy Pals.Every Sun Nicola Vaughan Acoustic Jam,The Nationals with Brian Cober - DoubleSlide Guitar Open Stage JamHot House Cafe35 Church Street. 416-366-7800Every Sun Jazz Brunch with the KenChurchill Duartet.Hugh's Room2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531 -6604www.hughsroom.comNot usually a jazz venue, this classy roomis the ideal place to experience Folk andRoots music in Toronto; full music calendaravailable online.Nov 1 Dave Liebman/Mike Murley Ouartet.Nov 13 Kellylee Evans. Nov 18 MicahBarnes Trio/Daniel Barnes Duartet. Nov20 Ron Davis CD Release.Lula Lounge1585 Dundas West 416-588-0307www.lula.caNov 1 Changuito with the Toronto CubanAll-Stars. Nov 2 Rinsethealgorhythm CDlaunch. Nov 5 ''Play" A Night Big BandJazz in the Big City. Nov 6 Carlo BerardinucciCD launch. Nov 7 Samba SquadBrazilian Dance Party. Nov 13 lbtissam:Middle Eastern Bellydancer. Nov <strong>14</strong> TheSon Ache Party with DJ Billy Bryans. Nov15 Saturday Salsa with Moda Eterna.Nov 22 Salsa Dance Party with Cache.Nov 28 Luis Mario Ochoa and Cimarron.Nov 29 Salsa Dance Party with Cate Cubano.Nov 30 Darbazi.Manhattan's Music Club951 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-767 -2440www.manhattans.caEvery Monday Open Stage.Nov 4 Mr. Super Star. Nov 5 ladies Nightin with Ambre Mclean. Nov 7 MichaelKeys. Nov 8 Ralph Edmond. Nov 11 Mr.N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEM BER 7 <strong>2008</strong>Super Comet. Nov 13 Amber Morais &John ladro. Nov <strong>14</strong> Sean Bray. Nov 15Bob Parkins. Nov 18 Mr. Super Sunshine.Nov 19 ladies Night in with AmbreMclean. Nov 20 Brenda lewis & Johnladro. Nov 21 John ladro. Nov 22 Andrewliorti Jazz Duo. Nov 25 Mr. SuperSunset. Nov 27 University of Guelph BigBand conducted by Andrew Scott. Nov28 Dandy Andy's Jazz Pipe Hits.Mezzetta681 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5687www.mezzettarestaurant.comEvery Wed Sets at 9:00 and 10: 15. Cover$7-$10Nov 5 Michael Occhipinti Sicilian JazzTrio. Nov 12 Roland Hunter Jazz Trio.Nov 19 Brian Katz & Rob Piltch. Nov 26Don Thompson & Reg Schwager.Momo's Bistro664 The Oueensway, Etobicoke 416-252-5560www.momosbistro.comN' Awl ins Jazz Bar and Dining299 King St. W. 416-595-1958www.nawlins.caEvery Tue Stacie McGregor.Every Wed Jim Heineman Trio.Every Thu Blues Night with Guest Vocalists.Every Fri/Sat All Star Bourbon St. Band.Every Sun Robi Botos.Old Mill, TheHome Smith Bar & Grill, 21 Old Mill Rd.416-236-2641www.oldmilltoronto.comJazz Fridays & Saturdays, Cover Charge $12.Nov 1 Martin Aucoin Trio. Nov 7 Sultans ofString Duo. Nov 8 Heather Bambrick Trio.Nov <strong>14</strong> Peter Smith Trio. Nov 15 Bob BroughDuo. Nov 21 Harris Mark Duo. Nov 22 BillMcBirnie Trio. Nov 28 Mary Panacci Trio.Nov 29 RC Jazzaphones Duo.Olivia's at Fifty-Three53 Clinton Street 416-533-3989NO COVEREvery Sat Cuban Jazz Night with LuisMario Ochoa.Pantages Martini Bar and Lounge200 Victoria St. 416-362-1777Every Fri Robert Scott.Every Sat Solo Piano: Various artists.Pilot Tavern, The22 Cumberland 416-923-5716www.thepilot.caJazz Saturdays 3:30 - 6:30NO COVERNov 1 Nancy Walker-Kieran Overs Quartet.Nov 8 closed. Nov 15 George Koller Duartet.Nov 22 Pat laBarbera Ouartet. Nov29 Daniel Jamieson Ouartet.Polar Ice Lounge see "Upstairs Cabaret"under Statlers Piano LoungeQuotes220 King Street West 416-979-7697NO COVER"Fridays at Five" with Canadian Jazz Quartet:Gary Benson on guitar, Frank Wright onvibes, Duncan Hopkins on bass, musicaldirector Don Vickery on drums plus andfeatured guest:Nov 7 Mike Murley !sax). Nov <strong>14</strong> JohnMacleod (trumpet). Nov 21 Terry Promane!trombone). Nov 28 Dave Caldwell !sax).Reservoir Lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. 416-955-0887www.reservoirlounge.comEvery Mon Sophia Perlman and the Vipers.Every Tue Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm.Every Wed Bradley and the Bouncers.Every Thu Janice Hagen.Every Fri Chet Valient Combo.Every Sat Tory Cassis.Every Sun Luke Nicholson and the SundayNight Service.Rex Hotel Jazz and Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. 416-598-2475www.therex.caNov 1 Abbey's Meltdown, Robin HawkinsBand, Holly Clark Trio, Harley Card Ouintet.Nov 2 Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, ClubDjango, Shannon Butcher, Nancy WalkerOuartet. Nov 3 U of T Student Jazz Ensembles.Nov 4 Sly Juhas Duintet, Rex ClassicJazz Jam with host Morgan Childs. Nov 5Griffith Hiltz Trio, Will Grafe & the CasualGang. Nov 6 Kevin Ouain, Hilario DuranTrio. Nov 7 Hogtown Syncopators, SaraDell Bob Brough Ouartet CD Release. Nov 8Abbey's Meltdown, Toronto Jazz Orchestra,Holly Clark Trio, Childs/Tosoff Ouintet. Nov9 Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, Dr. Nick & theRollercoaster, Shannon Butcher, Galloway& Fair Ouintet. Nov 10 U of T Student JazzEnsembles. Nov 11 Sly Juhas Ouintet, ClassicRex Jazz Jam hosted by Adrean Farrugia.Nov 12 Griffith Hiltz Trio, RobertoOcchipinti Quartet. Nov 13 Kevin Duain,Cory Weeds Ouartet. Nov <strong>14</strong> Hogtown Syncopators,Sara Dell Cory Weeds Ouartet.Nov 15 Abbey's Meltdown,George lake BigBand, Holly Clark Trio, Sal Rosselli. Nov 16Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, Bohemian Swing,Shannon Butcher, P.J. Perry & Kevin Dean.Nov 17 U of T Jazz Ensembles. Nov 18 SlyJuhas Quintet, Rex Classic Jazz Jam withhost Cameron Wallis. Nov 19 GriffithHiltz Trio, lentropa. Nov 20 Kevin Ouain,Jamie Baum Ouintet. Nov 21 HogtownSyncopators, Sara Dell, Jamie BaumQuintet. Nov 22 Abbey's Meltdown, LauraHubert Band, Holly Clark Trio, AugusteOuintette. Nov 23 Suitelife for Youth fundraiser,Shannon Butcher. Nov 24 PeterHill Quintet, John Macleod Rex Hotel Orchestra.Nov 25 Sly Juhas Ouintet, ClassicRex Jazz Jam with hosts David Lyttle &Nick Morgan. Nov 26 Griffith Hiltz Trio,Leyland Gordon. Nov 27 Kevin Duain, JustinBacchus Group. Nov 28 Hogtown Syncopators,Sara Dell William Cam's RunStop Run. Nov 29 Abbey's Meltdown,Swing Shift Big Band, Darryl Orr Duartet,Joel Frahm with Ernesto Cervini. Nov 30Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, Freeway Dixieland,Shannon Butcher, Barry Romberg'sRandom Access large Ensemble.Saint Tropez, Le315 King St. W. 416-591 -3600Live piano jazz 7 days a weekwww.lesainttropez.comSpezzo Restorante<strong>14</strong>0 York Blvd. Richmond Hill 905-886-9703Live jazz Every Saturday.www.spezzo.comStatlers Piano Lounge487 Church Street 416-962-1209www.statlersonchurch.comNO COVERWWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COMEvery Mon Curtains Down Cabaret OpenMic with Jenni Burke & Michael BarberEvery Tue One Night Stand with DebPearce.Every Wed Julie Michels and Kevin Barrett.Every Thu Ken & Michael's Cocktail Party,Open Mic with Anne-Marie Leonard.Nov 1 June Garber. Nov 7 Mark Cassius.Nov 8 Sara Dell. Nov <strong>14</strong> Alan Reid. Nov 15Singers Playground: Students of MicahBarnes Nov 21 TBA. Nov 22 Heidi Lange.Nov 28 Ricki York. Nov 29 Patricia Kennedy.Upstairs Cabaret in the Polar Ice loungeupstairs at Staffers:New York-style Cabaret: Reserved Seating,Cover Charge + $10 minimumNov 7 Derrick Paul Miller. Nov 8 SharronMcleod. Nov 9 Blair Irwin. Nov 13 ScottPietrangelo. Nov <strong>14</strong> Janet MacEwan. Nov15 private function. Nov 16 Pat Murray.Nov 21 Paula Wolfson. Nov 22 VincentWolfe. Nov 23 Kiki Misumi. Nov 27 Nath·alie Nadon & Friends: The Genius of Sondheim.Nov 28 David Lopez. Nov 29 JohnAlcorn & Heather Bambrick. Nov 30 ShelleyHamilton.Stone Grill, The51 B Winchester 416-967-6565www.stonegrillonwinchester.comEvery Sun Jazz Brunch with Archie Alleyne,Robi Botos, Artie Roth.Ten Feet Tall1381 Danforth Avenue 416-778-7333www.tenfeettall.caSunday Jazz Matinee 3:30-6:30NO COVERNov 2 George Koller & Julie Michels. Nov9 Buddy Aquilina. Nov 16 Lisa ParticelliTrio. Nov 23 Steve K oven Trio. Nov 30Elizabeth Shepherd.Tequila Bookworm512 Queen Street West 416-603-7335Modern/Experimental Jazz Monday, Thursday,Saturday at 9pm, PWYCEvery Saturday The Pocket Ouintet withFelicity Williams and Steve Ward.Nov 6 Will Fisher Ouintet with Eli Bennett.Nov 10 Mark Seggar Trio. Nov 13 GroupHyland Group. Nov 17 Dan Gaucher andFriends. Nov 20 Nicole Rampersaud Ouartet.Nov 24 Run Away Five play VideoGame Music. Nov 27 Equilibrium Projectwith David Lyttle from Ireland.Trane Studio964 Bathurst St. 416-913-8197www.tranestudio.comNov 1 Al/star Jazz Ouintet: Tribute to CharlieParker. Nov 2 Soul Cellar Session Part 1.Nov 5 Trevor Falls Collective. Nov 6 HalfFull with Marni Levitt. Nov 7 From Sudan toIndia with Waleed Kush and Ravi Naimpalli.Nov 9 Soul Cellar Sessions Part 2 Nov 11Acoustic Soul Open Mic. Nov 12 Scott MarshallOuintet. Nov 13 Bernie SenenskyOuartet. Nov <strong>14</strong> Michael Pickett. Nov 15Black Underground Presents: Tribute to TheloniousMonk. Nov 16 Soul Cellar SessionsPart 3. Nov 18 Darren Sigesmund. Nov 19Jordan Klapman Trio and Guests. Nov 20Out of Orbit. Nov 22 The Black UndergroundPresents: Tribute to Art Blakey. Nov23 Soul Cellar Sessions Part 4. Nov 25Acoustic Soul Open Mic. Nov 26 JordanKlapman Trio with vocalist Adi Braun. Nov27 Harley Card Quartet with Special Guests.Nov 28 Waleed Kush with the African Ensemble.Nov 29 Black Underground47

Presents: Tribute to Miles Davis. Nov 30Soul Cellar Sessions Part 5.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137www.tranzac.orgLive music every night, various styles: fulllistings at www.tranzac.orgEvery Monday 7pm: Angela Bower withChristine Bougie and Dafydd Hughes.Nov 4 - 7 The 416 Improvisers Festival.Nov <strong>14</strong> Ryan Driver Ouartet. Nov 18 St.Dirt Elementary School. Nov 25 St. DirtElementary School.Zemra Bar & lounge778 St. Clair Ave. W 416-651 -3123www.zemrabarlounge.comNO COVEREvery Wed Open Mic and Jam with Dave Edie.Every Thu Jazz with Lara Solnicki andSean Bray.Nov 28 Errol Fisher Band.LISTINGS: SECTION 4ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES/SYMPOSIAMASTERCLASSES, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERAANNOUNCEMENTS*<strong>November</strong> 5 7:30: SoundstreamsCanada. Salon 21: A Salon for the 21stCentury: Social Action Through Music -choral projects that bring hope to latin­American youth. Readings, conversation,sharing of ideas. Featuring Venezuelanconductor Maria Guinand. Terrific ToesTickets: a pair of tickets for an upcomingSoundstreams concert will be awarded tothe most sensational pair of shoes. 7:00:Meet and Greet. Bata Shoe Museum, 327Bloor St. West. 416-504-1282. Free.*<strong>November</strong> 18 7:30: SoundstreamsCanada. Salon 21: A Salon for the 21stCentury. A fascinating portrait of composerand mystic Arvo Part, featuring composer,pianist & professor Glenn Buhr. Terrific({)aA:dlfe ?!J~ ~~seeksA CHORAL/ORCHESTRAL CONDUCTORToes Tickets: a pair of tickets for anupcoming Soundstreams concert will beawarded to the most sensational pair ofshoes. 7:00: Meet and Greet. Bata ShoeMuseum, 327 Bloor St. West. 416-504-1282. Free.*Toronto General Hospital invitesmusical performers to participate in itsConcert Series, Music for Heart and Soul.Performances are on Thursday afternoonsand Monday and Wednesday evenings inthe DeGasperis Conservatory, cardiacwing. The series which has beenpresented for three years welcomes newperformers to share their music withpatients, families, staff and public. Forfurther information please call: 416-340·4115.The Oakville Choral Society at Sheridan College is seeking a skilledand experienced choral conductor for an established eighty-voice, nonauditionedcommunity chorus, commencing September 2009. Theability to conduct an accompanying orchestra for some performancesis also required. Availability to attend several rehearsals during theSpring '09 session would be a benefit. References are required.Send resume to oakvillechoral@gmail.com by <strong>November</strong> 22, <strong>2008</strong>.For further information call 905-338-3823.Wanted:Music DirectorunitedchurchDream With Us ...Help us create a bold vision for the future. Are youcreative, energetic and willing to dedicate your talents tohelp us experience the presence of God through music?If yes, then this is the place for you. We are a recentlyamalgamated congregation in the Beach seeking a blendof traditional and contemporary styles in our musicprogram. You will have a wealth of enthusiastic andtalented volunteers and our Ministry team to assist you.LECTURES/SYMPOSIA*<strong>November</strong> 2 2:00: Toronto OperaClub. Present and Past - a trend intoday's CDs to be dedicated to a formersinger. Audio presentation by EricDomville. CDs to be won. Room 330,Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park.416-924-3940. $10 (includesrefreshments).*<strong>November</strong> 6 12:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Lecture byAlberto Grau. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.*<strong>November</strong> 8 7:30: Toronto Gilbert andSullivan Society. Entertainment in theVictorian Age. Lecture and music. St.Andrew's Church, 117 Bloor St. East. 416·763-0832. Visitors $5.*<strong>November</strong> 22 1 O:OOam: Church ofSaint Mary Magdalene. Symposium onGregorian Chant. 477 Manning Ave. 416·531-7955. $20 (includes light lunch).MASTER CLASSES*<strong>November</strong> 1 2:00-4:30: Home MusicClub of Toronto. Auditors are welcome tocome and observe a chamber music masterclass with Shauna Rolston. Room 330,Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park.416-850-0612. Free for auditors.*<strong>November</strong> 2 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation,using textual analysis and otherinterpretative tools for the "sungmonologue". Yonge & Eglinton area -please call for exact location. 416-483·9532, www.singingstudio.ca*<strong>November</strong> 4 & 5 1 :00-3:30:University of Toronto Faculty of Music.Cello master class with Steven lsserlis.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. Free.*<strong>November</strong> 7 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with Cory Weeds, saxophone. BoydNeel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. Free and open to the public.*<strong>November</strong> 7 7:30 and <strong>November</strong> 82:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice master class with SherrillMilnes. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.*<strong>November</strong> 18 12:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Songs ofHeitor Villa-Lobos. Master class withCarol McDavit. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free.*<strong>November</strong> 21 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with trumpet player Dave Smith.Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free and open to the public.*<strong>November</strong> 23 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation.See Nov 2.*<strong>November</strong> 28 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with the Ernesto Cervini Quartet andJoel Frahm, focusing on composition aswell as soloing in odd forms and meters.Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-37 44. Free and open to the public.*<strong>November</strong> 30 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation.See Nov 2.WORKSHOPS*<strong>November</strong> 1 9:30am-12:00 noon:Claim Your Voice Studios. VocalWorkshop. Soul Art Studio, 231 Bay St.North, Hamilton. Space limited soregistration required: 905-544-1302 oremail claimyourvoice@gmail.com*<strong>November</strong> 2 1:00-4:00: Worlds ofMusic Toronto. Percussion Workshop.Led by Francis Kofi Akotuah & LarryGraves. Trane Studio, 964 Bathurst St.416-588-8813, www.worldsofmusic.ca*<strong>November</strong> 2 1:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. ToutEnsemble - Renaissance Music. Led byBetsy MacMillan, performer on viola dagamba. Bring your viols, recorders, voices& stand; music available at the door.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave.705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. $20.*<strong>November</strong> 2 2:00: CAMMAC, TorontoRegion. Singers and instrumentalists areinvited to participate in a reading ofMendelssohn's Symphony #2 (choral),under the leadership of David Bowser.Elliott Hall, Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge Street. 416-421-0779. $10(nonmembers),members/students free.*<strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong> 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other earlyinstrument players are invited toparticipate in small, informal groups(uncoached) to play Renaissance andWhere theMusic BeginsThisHoliday Season.For more information, visit beachunitedchurch.com orcontact our Church office at 416-691-8082. Deadline forapplications is December 31 , <strong>2008</strong>.48 W W W . THE W HOLENOTE.COM

Baroque music. Church of the Transfiguration, 111Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. $1 Dlmembers),$12inon-members).*<strong>November</strong> 15 10:30am -1:00: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation Saturday. Chorusesfrom Bach Cantatas. David Fallis, guest conductor.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church; Cameron Hall, 1585Yonge St. Pre-register: 416-598-0422 x24. $10 !includesrefreshments).*<strong>November</strong> 19 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Singingfrom Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. Music Room,Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. latHuron).416- 922- 7997 or pleasancecrawford@rogers.com*<strong>November</strong> 24 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre.Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choralmusic. Ability to read music is desirable but notessential. For more information: 416-920-5025. $5lnonmembers),members free.*<strong>November</strong> 25 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Aninformal group that meets for the purpose ofperformance & exchange of songs. Audiences arePIANO LESSONS• Over 40 years in business.• Any level and age.• Extremely effective, low-costpreparation for RCM exams,. competitions, concerts, etc.-......! • From $20 for Y, hour.M • Immediate results, or you don't pay!Vladimir Dounin 416·321·56271bethebestinmusic@yahoo.comr ~LoveTo Sing?•All styles •All Levels • Beginnersand Children welcome • Excellentfor public speakers, actors, etc.Breathe new life into your voice with a unique andsensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy.Call Pattie Kelly for private lessons: 905-271-6896info@vocalsense.ca www.vocalsense.caCLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training togain access to your full range, resonanceand vocal freedom. For singers, publicspeakers, teachers, clergy, or if you justwant to enjoy using your voice.Sue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio Toronto Studio905-544-1302 416-523-1154welcome. T ranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532·0900.*<strong>November</strong> 30 2:00: CAMMAC, Toronto Region.Singers and instrumentalists are invited to participate ina reading of Christmas choruses by Bach & Handel,under the leadership of David Fallis. Elliott Hall, ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street. 416-421 -0779.$1 Dinan-members), members/students free.*December 5 7:15: Recorder Players' Society.Recorder and/or other early instrument players areinvited to participate in groups !large group format), toplay Renaissance and Baroque music. Coached by ColinSavage. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd.East. 416-694-9266. $151members), $201non-members).*December 7 1:30-4:00: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Seasonal Frolics. A festive party ofsinging and playing of seasonal music, and feasting onhome-baked goodies. Led by Linda Deshman and ChrisMcClymont. Bring a home-baked goodie, your earlyinstruments & stand; music available at the door.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480,416-537-3733. $20.Education}JJC a.ri. t.a.r el.VIu.si tu.d iosFind your own true voice ...Register now for private OR group lessons:Call: 647 669 4<strong>14</strong>5Or e-mail: singinginriverdale@gmail.comAll levels and styles welcome.25 years experience.Private instruction and exam ~preparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.• Piano • Voice • Guitar • Strings• Woodwinds • Percussion • Theory• Music Theatre • Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East4 l 6-488-2588 www.nlimusic.com~ .Jl All Ages .Jl All Levels .Jl All Styles~ '? .Jl Motivating Beginners' Groups~ Ji Private LessonsPIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR VIOLIN FLUTE SAX CLARINET DRUMSMuJi~~i~ioL 416-224-5590Ql YAMAHAwww.yamahamusicschool.caWholeNote Alert:Please remember that the nextissue of WholeNote is a doubleone, covering events fromDecember 1, <strong>2008</strong> to February 7,2009.Friday, <strong>November</strong> <strong>14</strong> is thedead~neforEvent ~stings andDisplay Ad Reservations.Ad materials are due no later thanTuesday, <strong>November</strong> 18.Book your colour ads early for thefestive season. Space may belimited on the colour pages.WholeNote MarketPlaceMUSIC TEACHERVoice and pianoAll agesHigh Park/Bloor West Village416.347.7245Singing LessonsSing with technical ease and vocal beautyOpera - Pops - Broadwaycall now: (416) 429-4502MARJORIE SPARKS VOICE STUDIOMarjorie Sparks B. Mus., B. Ed.Classical training for private voilessons, university entrance auditions,RCM exams, competitions andperformances. All levels welcome.For more information see our website.STUDIO LOCATION550 Eglinton Ave. E., TorontoGeo~~& Co. LimitedCONSERVATORS & PURVEYORS201 Church S1., Toronto, ON. M5B JY7 Email: ghcl@idirect.comTel: 416-363-0093 • Fax: 4 16-363·0053www.georgeheinl.comCanada•s foremost violin experts.Proud of our heritage. Excited about the future.NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM49

WE ARE All Music's CHILDRENby mJ BuellNOVEMBER's Child ...\ I fJ1.. . I I:iJ''J,Iphoto: 1978. Ottawa is a longway from Cairo!!!Tickets & Recordings!!fThis little girl's childhood homerang with her happy singing. Shewould later sing her way fromConstantinople to "Little Mosqueon the Prairie" and back again.Her grown-up Toronto home isalso a world of music!Think you know whoNOVEMBER s child is?Send your best guess to:musicschildren@thewholenote.com(be sure to send us your mailingaddress, just in case your nameis drawn!)Winners will be selected byrandom draw among correctreplies received by <strong>November</strong> 15<strong>2008</strong>.CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERSAs lucky guests of the Grand Philharmonic Choir:Myrna Foley wins a pair of tickets to Journey Through Fire (GrandPhilharmonic Choir and Youth Choir): Schafer Threnody, Jenkins TheArmed Man, A Mass for Peace (Jan. 31 ); Richard Earls wins a pairof tickets to hear Bach's St. Matthew Passion with the KitchenerWaterloo Symphony and soloists Rufus Millier, Nathalie Paulin, DanielTaylor, Lawrence Wiliford, and Nathan Berg, (April 10); and LoreenEns wins a pair of tickets to Lehar's The Merry Widow, (May 9).(Centre in the Square, Kitchener).Janet Stachow and Emily Burnham each win a pair of tickets to hearRuth Fazal's Terezin Oratorio (February 28, 2009, Hamilton) presentedby The Bach Elgar Choir, with The Hamilton Children'sChoir and the Talisker Players OrchestraMusics Children gratefully acknowledges Robin Vaillancourt,David Duff, Debra Seely, Nadia Hassan, David Wall, The GrandPhilharmonic Choir and The Bach Elgar Choir.The Claude WatsonMusic Program(Earl Haig Secondary School)invites experienced musicstudents to audition for2009-2010.Voice, piano, and allorchestral instruments.Deadline isFriday, December 12, <strong>2008</strong>.For information, call (416) 395-3210 or go towww. ea rlha i g. ea/ de pa rt me nts/ c laud e/ auditions. him l"Earliest musicalmemories? My mothersinging "Jesus LovesMe" to me when I was2. My first classicalmusic memory goesback to when I wasabout I 0: I heardHandel s Messiah forthe first time. I thoughtit was paradise!."OCTOBER's Child ...... was conductor Howard Dyck, recognizedacross Canada as the former voice and programmehost of Choral Concert and Saturday Afternoonat the Opera on CBC Radio.Artistic Director and Conductor ofKitchener­Waterloo's Grand Philharmonic Choir (now in, it's 87 1 1, season), and the Hamilton's Bach ElgarChoir (now in it's 104 1 1, season), Howard Dyck isalso the founding Artistic Director and Conductorof Consort Caritatis. a unique Canadian arts organizationthat donates the proceeds from itsprojects to generate funds for humanitarian causes.Under Howard Dyck's direction, GrandPhilharmonic Choir and Consort Caritatis havebeen broadcast nationally on CBC Radio and Televisionas well as on Vision TV and throughoutthe People's Republic of China. His conductingcareer has taken him to "seventeen countries onthree continents", where he has conducted anextraordinary range of renowned national and internationalorchestras.In addition to his training in Canada and theUnited States, Howard pursued advanced studiesin Germany: Choral, Orchestral and Opera Conductingat the Hochschule fiir Musik Detrnold underProf. Martin Stephani and the IntemationaleBachakadamie under Prof. Helmuth Rilling.Honoured both in Canada and internationallyfor contributions to musical culture, Howard holdshonorary Doctor of Laws degrees from the Universityof Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University,and is an Honorary Professor of Music at theKiwanis Music Festivalof Greater TorontoFebruary 17 · March 2, 2009Through a combination of stage andadjudication opportunities, we offerparticipants extraordinary possibilities forperforming, learning, and sharing theirmusical experience.We offer competition at all levels forindividuals, community groups and schoolsin Piano, Strings, Voice, Musical Theatre,Guitar, Woodwinds, Brass, ChamberGroups, Jazz, Bands, Choirs, Orchestrasand Speech Arts.Over $50,000 in scholarshipswill be awarded.Enrol your students today!Entry Deadline: <strong>November</strong> 10, <strong>2008</strong>www.kiwanismusictoronto.org416-487-588550 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

OCTOBER'S CHILD (continued)Yunnan Arts Institute (Kunming,China). A recipient of the Distin­INSTRUCTIONguished Service Award from both An ENTHUSIASTIC AND INSPIRINGthe Association of Canadian Choral PIANO/ VOICE TEACHER is acceptingConductors and Choirs Ontario, students. RCM, Broadway, Jazz, ClassicalHoward Dyck is a member of the styles. Beginning and Advanced students.Order of Canada, and a recipient of Nancy Sing la M.Mus. 416-629-8805.the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal. nancy.singla@hotmail.comOther musicians in your family?My mother had no musical education(she was a victim of the GreatDepression), but she loved to singand was intensely interested in musicuntil her death in September ofthis year.At the time ...?CONCERT PIANIST EVE EGDYAN(www.eveegoyan.com) offers lessons tocommitted musicians · advanced playersas well as returning adults(emu@interlog.com or 416-894-6344).FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS.RCM exam preparation. Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PG Dip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302,Music was almost exclusively tied samantha.studio@gmail.comup with the life of the church. We www.samanthaflute.comattended a Mennonite church inWinkler, Manitoba where 4 part singingwas as natural as breathing. Theonly reason my parents wanted meto take music lessons was to prepareme for accompanying the choraland congregational singing in thechurch. But music was also a verysignificant part of the high school curriculum.We had an excellent schoolorchestra (I played the violin, badlyto be sure), and there were manychoirs. I also sang in a barbershopquartet during my high school years.First experiences of makingmusic, alone and with others?Playing the piano was my first solitarymusical experience, then the violin.Singing in the church choir wasmy first group experience.When did you start conducting?I started conducting small ensemblesin high school, although it wasn't untilmy first year of teaching in a privatehigh school in B.C. that I beganto develop a serious interest inconducting.When did you begin to think ofyourself as a musician?During my high school years, althoughI wasn't yet thinking of amusical career . I was intensely interestedin politics (I still am), so Ithought quite a lot about studying tobe a lawyer and eventually gettinginto politics. John Diefenbaker, thegreat prairie populist, was my hero!If you could travel back throughtime, is there anything you wouldlike to tell the young person in thatchildhood photo?Howard, practice those scales! Anddon't be discouraged by the fact thatall of the other competitors in theannual music festival are girls, andthey 're younger, and most certainlycuter!CONTINUES ON PAGE 52N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams.Feel the joy of making music! Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS - All ages,various styles. Beginner/intermediate levelsfor classical, pop, country. Sing for fun orprepare for an audition - Express yourselfthrough song! Melissa De Cloet MMus.416-591 -1695 ormelissa _de_ cloet@hotmail.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAIN·ING LESSONS: All grades, RCM examprep (rudiments, harmony, history, counter·point). Learning can be fun and easy! PeterNess, ARCT. 416-767-9747.WARM, EXPERIENCED AMERICAN PI·ANO TEACHER with sterling credentials,unfailing good humor, and buckets of patience.Royal Conservatory washouts andadult learners especially welcome. LovelyCabbagetown studio, with easy parking/TTC access. Testimonials: "Now there's ateacher! " R.D., age 13. "Deep pleasure.Sure beats studying with those Quebecnuns!" S.A., age 50 +. Peter Kristian Mose,416-923-3060 or pkmose@planeteer.com.My students have never won any prizes,except for love of music. (And loyalty.)FOR SALEFOR SALE A rare, extensive reel to reeltape archive of modern jazz collectionsfrom Britain & Germany etc. (list available!).Prefer someone who is acquaintedwith the German language. Please contactKlaus at: 905-277- 1843, Mississauga ON.MULTIPLE COPIES OF SACRED SHEETMUSIC are available free on request. Freewilldonations to the Music Department,Forest Grove United Church will be appreci·ated. Message inquiries to the church office,416-222-2781.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT or re·cital? Looking for a venue? Consider BloorStreet United Church.Phone: 416-924-7439 x22Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgCLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGWWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COMMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide back·ground atmosphere for teas, receptions orother functions - greater Toronto area. Forrates and info call 905-722-5618 or email usat mhpape@interhop.netCALL <

OCTOBER'S CHILD (continued)Howard Dyck Conducts ...Vaughan Williams Dona NobisPacem and Durutle Requiem BachElgar Choir (Nov. 15, Hamilton);Handel's Messiah- Grand PhilharmonicChamber Singers, withNota Bene Period Orchestra(Dec 6, Waterloo, and Dec 7 ,Cambridge);Handel's Messiah with TheBach Elgar Choir and Nota BenePeriod Orchestra (Dec 13, Hamilton).In addition, he will conduct all ofthe wonderful concerts mentioned asMusic's Children contest prizesConsort Caritatis will make their11 th international tour, this year toBrazil and Argentina, in July 2009.Recording & Mastering.Great live room in old movie theatre.Yamaha Grand Piano. Hammond M3& Leslie Milestone Drums.$50 per hour 416.467.9597www.studio92canada.comCall for a coffee and tourInsert your brochure, flyer or rack cardinto WholeNoteGet your promotional material into the handsof the people who matter. Call for rates:advertiser discountsavailable.416-323-2232 x28Services Recordinbacksplit classical soundsuperbly engineered recordingsconcert hall quality9ft Steinwayaudio & video demosfull CD productioncompetitive rates416-461-0635www.classicalsound.caWholeNote MarketPlaceRestaurants-Commensal Vegetarian RestaurantLive Jazz Friday and Saturday Evenings655 Bay St. (entrance on Elm Street)Validated Parking after 6pm 416-596-9364www.commensal.caHome·KENS! NGTQN .. CARF?ETS -1 NCJ.DIRECT IMPORTERS/LIQUIDATORS' Persian, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and Broadloom..... • ' •· t. · • Adi b~auty and warrrith }o ypur room. • LOOKS great unde'r~youfpiano\ ': : • Absor6s sound - music socinds better . .' ; : • Enhances your ability to perform •, . ~ Up t~ 75°& o.ff .. Shop ar?u~d a~d _comeare!·198 Baldwin St., Tordrtto 416~260::'1<strong>14</strong>4Specialized Recording Servicesfor Classical and Acoustic Music647 349 6467lockwood.frank@gmail.com------------Release pain.Relax. Breathe. Move.52'-IDr. Katarina Bulat s.sc. Dc 1&~1us1cu:,1,Chiropractor 416-461-1906Private practice. Coxwell & Danforth area.Professional Services$ ? .~ NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal, business,partnership, and corporate tax returnsincluding prior years and adjustments.Call Norm Pulker905-830-2985npulker@rogers.comfax: 905-830-9810Cheeses from around the world,meats, groceries, dry goodsgift baskets ...Everything you needfor reception planning.416-364-7397www.pasqualebros.com16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke(south of Bloor, west off Islington)• free consultation• accurate work Reach your target market with low-cost• pickup & delivery promotion in WholeNote MarketPlace.arrangedCall (416) 323-2232 for details.-­HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITALbeliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart ofYorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431www.heliconianclub.orgrentals@heliconianclub.orgWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

EDITOR'SCORNERrecordings reviewedCelebrating 20 years since the first release byher Ensemble Vivante - "Palm Court Pleasures"- pianist Catherine Wilson continues tobring her own brand of salon/chamber musicto our city and to the world. On her most re­, .r , .,. • • " • • I • ~ • ~cent offering - AudienceFavourites(Opening Day ODR9348) - the othermembers of the coretrio are violinistErica Beston andcellist SharonPrater, with notablecontributions fromguest artists David Young (bass) and PhilipSeguin (trumpet) and string players NormanHathaway and Jonathan Craig. The repertoireranges from familiar light classics and operatidbits to original compositions by RickWilkins, with stops along the way at arrangementsof music by Piazzola, Gershwin andCharlie Chaplin. As the title suggests thereare no surprises here, simply a solid compilationof bonbons which have proved to be audiencepleasers. A highlight for me is the finalefrom Debussy's all too rarely heard Trio in Gminor.Concert note: George Meanwell and StephanieMartin perform at Harbourfront's EnwaveTheatre on <strong>November</strong> 8.The next CD has received nominations in 5categories at the Newfoundland MusicAwards, the winners of which will be announcedin ceremonies on <strong>November</strong> 9.Guitarist Duane Andrews' Raindrops(DA003 www.duaneandrews.ca) is a verystrong follow-up to "Crocus" which I reviewedin this column back in September2006. As with theprevious release,the dominant influencehere is themusic of DjangoReinhardt. Muchof the music is so(intentionally)reminiscent of thatGypsy master'sthat I confess Iwas surprised to find among the mix anoriginal Reinhardt, Blue Drag, which Ifailed to recognize, assuming it to be another"clone". But there is much more to thisalbum than a simple (and sophisticated) tributeto Django, with music ranging from traditional(and composed) down-home East Coastofferings to several fine original compositionsand an exceptional cover of Charles Mingus 'Fables of Faubus which manages to capturethe spirit of that large ensemble classic withjust an acoustic lead guitar (Andrews),rhythm guitar (Steve Hussey), bass (DaveRowe) , vibes (Bill Brennan) and trumpet(Patrick Boyle) . Hats off to Mr. Andrews,and best of luck with those awards!The final disc hasbeen trying to riseto the top of thepile for aboutthree months now,since I attended itslaunch at theTranzac Club lastsummer. Much asI try to ignore it,the music keeps re-surfacing. The problem isI just can't figure out what to say about it. Imust confess this introduction to FriendlyRich and the Lollipop People was one of theConcert note: Catherine Wilson and EnsembleVivante perform on <strong>November</strong> 21 at JaneMallett Theatre.Another eclecticlocal ensemble thatexplored the boundariesbetween classicalchamber musicand just plain entertainmentis QuartettoGelato and that iswhere I first encounteredcellist andguitarist GeorgeMeanwell. As it turns out, I was picking up onGeorge's career mid-stream, having missedthe fact that he was previously an integral partof the 70s folk phenomenon Short Turn. It isthese roots to which he has returned, first withthe album "Another Street" in 2003, and thisyear's release Late (MIM2127www.midnightislandmusic.ca) with his colleaguesThe Loss Leaders. With fifteen originalsongs, which range from traditional singer-songwriterballads to bluesy and hard-rockingnumbers, "Late" gives us wry and bittersweetinsights into "a life thus far". There arenotable contributions from band members RickWhitelaw (guitar), Ray Parker (keyboards) ,Chad Irschick (bass) and Dave MacDougall(drums), not to mention Gelato alumnusJoseph Macerollo (accordion) and guest vocalistStephanie Martin.CanadaSO DECQuebec gganalekta.comNOVEMBE R 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM53

most bizarre experiences of my long concertgoing career. Imagine if you will, a "pop" bandconsisting of banjo, harpsichord, vibraphone,drum kit, acoustic bass, bassoon, accordion,bass clarinet, trumpet, harp and trombone, withgrowly eccentric vocals vaguely reminiscent ofCaptain Beetheart. Add to the mix a watermelonripe for smashing and an attitude fit to tie oneon. Friendly Rich, aka Richard Marsella whose"In with the New" column can be found elsewherein these pages, arranges all the music,and pens most of the "songs". Rife withsocial comment, Dinosaur Power (PPCD05www.friendlyrich.com) defies description.Suffice it to say that Rich is a story teller, andhis stories are as strange as they come. Itdoesn't help, or maybe it does, that the lyricsare not included with the disc. It means that ifyou want to "get it" you really have to payattention. And even then it doesn't alwayshelp. I admit to obtaining "cheat sheets" fromthe composer - which he promises to uploadto his website if I publish this review - butI'm still at a loss in a number of places. TheBallad of Ken Carter being a case in point. IfI had not Googled Ken Carter and watched aYouTube video (with a voice-over which I'msure was by Gordon Pinsent) I would not havehad the slightest idea of what this song wasabout -a 1970s daredevil "Brighter thanKneivel or Earl The Squirrel" - whoseintended leap off the St. Lawrence River in arocket-powered car was sabotaged by rainand his financial backers. Likewise Fatwa -"I put a fatwa on ya baby, Is what she said inthe Hebrew, Fatwa on ya baby, And then shepoured some tea for two ... " What the??? -and Goodbye Blue Monday - "I knew a guywho tried to light his wife on fire, When thefuzz arrived, they called his wife a liar, 'I'lllive off the land ... I'll cut off my hand, Andplant it in the sand ... water if you can. And atree of me will grow up to the sky, And giveyou the finger forever' (she cried)". Richgoes on to say that this guy "is not a man ofGod." Twisted as these lyrics seem to be,and twisted is the operative term I think, theyare worth the effort of unravelling. And thespoken word Magic Realism adventure TheFamily Tree alone is worth the price of admission.Don't let the cutesy cover fool youinto thinking this is a children's CD-actuallyit should probably have one of those warningstickers on the cover-this is definitely a discfor grown ups.We welcome your feedback and invite submissions.CDs and comments should be sentto: The WholeNote, 503 - 720 Bathurst St.Toronto ON M5S 2R4. We also welcomeyour input via our website,www.thewholenote.com.David OldsD/SCoveries Editordiscoveries@thewholenote. cornVOCAL AND OPERALieder RecitalNathan Berg; Julius DrakeATMA ACD2 2571This program could -----·------- - ---- r------­easily be re-titled"Songs of Death,Dreams & Parting".Though fourcomposers, Schubert,Schumann,Brahms and Straussare represented,the choice of songs(at least in the case of the first three composers)is focused on sunset, death or the lamentfor love lost. British pianist Julius Drakeexpertly accompanies Saskatchewan-bornbass-baritone, Nathan Berg on this his debutsolo recording. They work beautifully togetherto create the tenderness, drama and longinginherent in these romantic works. Deathis explored alternately as terrifying, as inSchubert's familiar Erlkonig, or as a comfortingbalm or tender release, as in his DerTod und das Mii.dchen, or simply as a journeyin Schumann's Lied eines Schmiedes (Song ofthe Blacksmith). At any rate Schubert's giftfor story telling, Schumann's tenderness,Brahms' dark resignation to fate and Strauss'soothing dreamscapes are skilfully deliveredin this excellent recording. Berg's deep,profound tonings are gorgeously virile anddownright chilling in the more fearsomeportrayals, yet, on occasions when moreaffection is called for, he can carry in thatmanliness a certain emotional restraint. Thisis a superb voice delivering both beauty andvigour to a richly crafted program.Dianne WellsMahler - Das Lied von der ErdeStuart Skelton; Thomas Hampson;San Francisco Symphony;Michael Tilson ThomasSan Francisco Symphony Hybrid CD/SACD 821936 00192Michael Tilson Thomas is emerging as, arguably,one of the finest Mahler interpreters ofhis generation. I have been following withenthusiasm theoutstanding recordingsof Mahlersymphonies fromSan Francisco andthis recordingmaintains that veryhigh standard.When Mahlerwrote Das Lied vander Erde he did notspecify the voice opposite the tenor, simplythat it could be a contralto or a baritone. Itwas Bruno Walter, conductor of the firstperformance in 1911, who opted for a contraltoand that became the convention. Performancesby two male voices are not commonbut there have been a few successfulrecordings over the years.Any recording of this work must stand inthe shadow of Klemperer's with ChristaLudwig and the late Fritz Wunderlich (EMI74325 66944). The Klemperer Das Lied isoutstanding not only because it successfullyreflects Mahler's intentions both musicallyand spiritually, he also employs two refinedvocalists who remain the ultimate choices forthis Mahlerian summit.Tilson Thomas's approach is extroverted,treating the work as an orchestral showpiece.This is convincing but in a completelydifferent way from Klemperer. Unfortunately,tenor Skelton just does not measure up toWunderlich either musically or vocally.Luckily, Thomas Hampson, who sings thesongs usually assigned to a contralto is excellentand a true Mahlerian in every way. Theengineering is astounding, faithfully andtransparently reproducing the textures sonecessary for the full impact of Maher'scomplex score.Bruce SurteesMahler - LiederThomas Quasthoff; Hakan Hagegard;KiHn RSO; Gary BertiniPhoenix Edition 105It is safe to say,that together withthose of Schubert,the songs of Mahlerare the most oftenperformed, mostbeloved and mostfrequent! y recordedamong the liederrepertoire. In fact,many classical music lovers have grown upwith "their" reference recordings of TheSongs of the Wayfarer, Kindertotenlieder andDes Knaben Wunderhorn. It is then that muchmore of an unexpected pleasure to listen to apreviously unknown performance only todiscover that it shatters all preconceptionsand instantly vaults itself into a top position onthe list of favourites. If you think my praiseexcessive, then you must listen to this disc.Taken from an early 1990's radio broadcast,the disc opens with Thomas Quasthoff.An artist with a growing North-Americanprofile, Quasthoff deserves to be celebratedas a Mahler artist of the century. His voice,measured, strong and lyrical, touches all theright buttons in a performance that seemseffortless, understated, deeply thought-outand heart-wrenching all at the same time.This is my new "reference" recording!Hakan Hagegard, a Swedish artist with acareer spanning 40 years, is equally at homewith the repertoire, even though his voicepresents less complexity and depth than that54WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMNOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

EARLY MUSIC AND PERIODPERFORMANCELawes - Harp ConsortsMaxine Eilander; Les Voix HumainesATMA ACD2 2372What a completelydelightful recordingthis is. I'm alreadya sucker for musicfrom 17th-centuryEngland, but thisCD makes myDesert Island listfor sure. Likely theonly extant earlyensemble music to feature the harp, theseunique pieces "for the Harp, Bass Viall,Violin and Theorbo" attest to the genius ofWilliam Lawes (1602-45), one of 17th-centuryEngland's brightest musical lights, andthey receive an inspiring performance here.The repertoire includes a fantasy, six sets ofstylized dance pieces, three pavens with precomposeddivisions , and a stand-alone aire.The CD ends with a duo for harp and theorbo,some icing on the proverbial cake.From the sweetly effortless G majorPaven and divisions which open the programto the final consort set of dance movements,the balance of melodic expressiveness, contrapuntalexpertise and rhythmic vigour ofLawes' writing is expertly and affectionatelyhandled. Maxine Eilander's triple harp playingis imaginative and beautiful, whethersupporting the ensemble harmonically oracting in a more soloistic capacity, and thetheorbo playing of Stephen Stubbs is exemplary. (Thanks go to him as well for the excellentand thought-provoking booklet notes .)Margaret Little and Susie Napper take expertturns navigating the demanding divisions inthe bass viol parts, and it's very interesting tohear them individually instead of in theirusual duo formation. David Greenberg'sjudgement and rendition of what's needed inthe violin part, from delicate tenderness torousing fire, is right on the money.This CD will be on regular rotation in ourhouse. If you buy only one CD of 17th-centuryEnglish chamber music, make it this one.Alison MelvilleAlmiranteDeborah York; Lydia Vierlinger;Capella Leopoldina; Jorg ZwickerPhoenix Edition 121N OVEMB ER 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 <strong>2008</strong>of his younger colleague. The album is also a What if the giantstribute to the late Gary Bertini, a conductor of Baroque musicwhose illustrious teachers included Nadia wrote an operaBoulanger, Arthur Honegger and Olivier together? Well,Messiaen. He approaches Mahler's sacrosancttempi with the courage of an iconoclast with the help ofthey did, sort of,and delivers some of the most sensitive readingsof the scores to date .Some of the mostJorg Zwicker.Robert Tomas beautiful sopranoaltoduets of the eracome together onthis disc - not merely as a collection, butlinked, with additional work from Ugo Nastrucci.The result is "Almirante", a cohesive"new" Baroque opera, with music by Bach,Handel, Fux and the brothers Purcell. Theapproach is not new - Handel himself frequentlycompiled pasticcios and copied ariaswritten by others. The Handel scholar DuncanChisholm is quoted to that point: "Handel's most beautiful melodies were written byGasparini."So, what is to be gained from this compilationthat could not have been achieved throughmore traditional methods? Well, for one itdelivers a complete opera-like experience.The tale of two lovers, Elmira and Almirante,augmented by battle scenes (courtesyof Purcell) and other operatic accoutrements,possesses a dramatic structure and continuitythat a simple collection of duets could notprovide. It also offers an intriguing light inwhich to examine the "true" Baroque operas,as they were frequently just as fragmentedand combinative in nature.The strength of this recording lies ofcourse with the musicians. The soloists delivera truly lovely blend of voices and convincingcharacterizations and Capella Leopoldina,assembled and conducted by Zwicker, replicatesthe sound of the courtly orchestras ofthe emperor Leopold I. Together they transportyou to a Viennese court in an era goneby, where the latest opera by Messrs Bach,Purcell, Fux and Handel is presented. Enjoy!Robert TomasCLASSICAL AND BEYONDBach MetamorphosisOrchestre symphonique de Quebec; YoavTalmiATMA ACD2 2570Bruckner 9Orchestre Metropolitain du Grand Montreal;Yannick Nezet-SeguinATMA SACD2 25<strong>14</strong>Charles Dutoit and the OSM started a snowballrolling back in 1980, one that continues toexpand. We now benefit from the many excellentCD's from Quebec. While DeccaRecords was there initially, ATMA is nowthe major player. And presently two noteworthyCD 's have come our way .Yoav Talmi and Yannick Nezet-Seguin aregoing from strength to strength with majorinternational careers, and we should considerWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMourselves lucky tohave giants such asthese in Canada,however briefly.Nezet-Seguin's new Bruckner 9th withl'Orchestre Metropolitain du Grand Montrealis one for the keeping. Readers may recallmy 2004 recommendation of Georg Tintner's9th from Naxos, and this new one exceedseven that, on several levels. The symphonycalls for a sweeping breadth and a grandsense of vision, and receives both in abundanceby these deft hands. The climaxes,particularly in the final Adagio movement,are nothing short of spectacular. The sound ishelped by the interior of Eglise-Sainte-nomde-Jesusin Montreal. With recent successesin Rotterdam, let us hope that we can stillcontinue toenjoy this conductor on our side ofthe "pond". A first-rate effort.Yoav Talmi, meanwhile, has polished theQuebec Symphony's sound like never before,and their new Bach transcriptions disc showsoff this mettle. Listen to Stokowski's transcriptionof BWV 565 with fresh ears, asDisney's people never experienced it. Walton'sThe Wise Virgins suite is welcome,particularly as Wordsworth's 2003 recordingis hard to find. Holst's Fugue a la gigue isusually heard in its original wind band version.Elgar's Victorian arrangement of BWV537 sounds totally correct in this setting.Talmi himself arranged the Italian Concerto,with a solo harpsichord (Alexander Weimann).Webern's transcription of the sixvoicefugue will charm you and Respighi'snotable version of the Passacaglia and Fugue ,done for Toscanini, is a fitting close. Highlyrecommended.John S. GrayMozart - Early Piano ConcertosDavid Greilsammer; Suedama EnsembleNai've V5<strong>14</strong>9The French labelNaive is known forthe promotion of upand coming youngartists and highproduction valuesand this new releaseof early Mozartpiano concertos(originally issuedtwo years agoby Vanguard Classics) is no exception.Born in Jerusalem in 1977, pianist DavidGreilsammer studied in Florence and Parisbefore concluding his training at the Juilliard55

DISSchool. He made his New York debut in2004, and since then, has appeared in majorconcert halls throughout the world. The NewYork based Suedama Ensemble, formed forpurposes of this recording, is comprised of 25young musicians all brought together by concertmasterArnaud Sussmann.That these concertos - K.175, K.238 andK.246 the "Lutzow" - should be played by ayouthful ensemble seems particularly appropriate,for they were the first original pianoconcertos Mozart ever produced, writtenwhen he was 17 and 20 respectively. Thebuoyant and optimistic mood of the music isperfectly matched by the spirited performance- this is definitely Mozart with a smileon his face! At the same time, it's clear thata great deal of thought went into the interpretation- the phrasing is carefully conceived,and the dynamics perfectly balanced. Forthose who dismiss Baroque and Classicalperiod music performed on modern instruments,this recording is proof that a modernchamber group can serve the purpose well,and that Mozart played on a Hamburg Steinwaycan sound as convincing as on a pianoforte.Highly recommended.Richard HaskellMozart - Piano Concertos 21 & 22Jonathan Biss;Orpheus Chamber OrchestraEMI Classics 2 17270 2In an overcrowdedfield of Mozartpiano concertosthere has to be avery good reason toissue new performances,particularlyof the very popular21st, dubbed "ElviraMadigan" sincethe 1967 film.The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra of NewYork enjoys a most enviable reputation as afirst class ensemble that plays without conductor.They are known for well thought out,flawlessly balanced and musically integratedperformances but I did not expect that theircontributions of these two concertos wouldclearly be the best I have heard in theseworks. Beautiful phrasing and a conversational'attitude' between the instruments add anoperatic anticipatory flavour , wherein thelistener hangs on every note.The career of the young American pianist,Jonathan Biss, whom we heard on a fineSchumann CD , is in rapid ascent and he hasappeared with leading orchestras and conductorsin North America and abroad . In these56live performances Biss displays elegance andauthority , yet I couldn't overlook a touch ofnervousness in K467 but perhaps it may havebeen intentional. He settles well into the restof the concerto and throughout the K482where he exhibits and conveys a genuineMozartian spirit, completely dovetailing withthe orchestra.Of course they must have rehearsed, butthe two performances sound charminglyspontaneous. The acoustic of the Lefrak ConcertHall in Queen's University NYC provesideal.Bruce SurteesMODERN ANDCONTEMPORARYBartok - Divertimento;Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste;Romanian Folk DancesLes Violons du Roy; Jean-Marie ZeitouniATMA ACD2 2576Like a giant boaconstrictor crawlingout of its lair inthe primordialdawn so beginsBartok's Music forStrings, Percussionand Celesta ... inPPP with an incrediblylong sustainedcrescendo fugato , twisting and turning withmore and more voices added until the climaxin the middle of the movement, then quicklyreceding into the darkness. This unusual andextremely difficult fugue is a real test for theorchestra, the conductor and recording technologybut in a good performance, like this one, theeffect is literally shattering.Les Violons du Roy , a remarkable group ofQuebec string players only 15 in number, wasformed in 1984 to play the Baroque repertoire,and since then acquired a good reputationin Canada, the US and Europe with theirvirtuosity and dedication. More recently,under Jean-Marie Zeitouni they branched outinto the 19th century and modern repertoireas well.The most ambitious piece on this disc is theaforementioned Music ... , a work of geniusfrom Bartok's middle period when he wasmost influenced by the West and experimentingwith new forms and ideas. It is a bold,brutal work but formidably inventive andimaginative especially in its handling of theorchestra. I give great credit to this littlegroup which plays with great conviction,virtuosity and sounds like a much bigger orchestra.The Divertimento also comes offvery well and the Roumanian Dances in theconductor's orchestration sound atmospheric,incisively rhythmic and full of verve. Excellentlyrecorded, this CD should not take backseat to any other recording of these pieces .Janos GardonyiWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMGubaidulina - In Tempus Praesens:Bach - Violin ConcertosAnne-Sophie Mutter; London SymphonyOrchestra; Valery GergievDeutsche Grammophon 4777450This is the firstrecording of Gubaidulina's secondlarge-scale workfor violin andorchestra, Intempus praesens,and it is stunning.The writing forviolin is idiomaticand precise and the conversations set upbetween the soloist and various combinationsof orchestral instruments and sections arefascinating. While short on practical detailsabout the piece - we 're told merely that it's infive sections - the essay in the CD bookletgives insight into Gubaidulina's inspiration:the figure of Sophia (the first name of bothcomposer and soloist/dedicatee), "the personificationof wisdom who has laid the foundationfor all creativity .. . the fountainhead of artand of the artist's engagement with the lighterand darker sides of human existence." Thisheady inspiration has produced a finely-crafted32-minute one-movement work that isjam-packed with drama, excitement, intensityand great beauty, described (perhaps a tactbombastically) by both the composer and thesoloist as a "triumph over fate" .Gubaidulina should thank her lucky starsshe has such champions of her music asAnne-Sophie Mutter and Valery Gergiev.Their performance, along with the fine playersof the London Symphony Orchestra, iscaptivating and committed. Mutter's playingis free and expressive and a strong reminderof why she is one of the great violinists of ourage.By contrast the Bach performances areperfunctory at best, but the Gubaidulina concertois more than worth the price of thisrecording.Larry BeckwithSo You Want To Write A Fugue?A Celebration of Glenn GouldVarious artistsCentrediscs CMCCD 13208T. Patrick Carrabre - FirebrandGryphon Trio;Winnipeg Chamber Music SocietyCentrediscs CMCCD 13408N OVEMBE R 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

A little over a year ago a cross-section ofeleven Canadian composers were commissionedby CBC producer Neil Crory to createshort piano works (nominally in the form of aprelude and fugue) incorporating the handfulof "musical" letters in Gould's name: G-E­G-D. These in turn were performed by tenToronto-based pianists in Glenn Gould Studiofor a September 25, 2007 recital observanceof what would have been Glenn Gould's 75thbirthday. The choice of composers for thisproject reveal few surprises as they are forthe most part familiar names who have benefitedfrom CBC exposure in the past. Let ushope that their contributions (performersincluded!) do not prove to be their swansongs, now that the CBC has so drasticallycut back on its commitment to art music.Given the paucity of the musical motive thecomposers were assigned - a mere threepitches outlining the nucleus of a pentatonicscale - it is surprising that the results revealsuch variety, at least in the prelude sectionsof the works. I for one have always found thecanonic classroom fugue an academic anachronismof scant relevance to the contemporarycomposer and confess experiencingconsiderable boredom following the predictablesequence of events in this donnish genre. Iwas won over however by Gary Kulesha'sthoroughly convincing Fugue and Prelude,and pleasantly amused by the cheeky goofinessof Chan Ka Nin's take on the form. Bestof all for me were those composers whosubverted their assignment, notably AndreRistic's kinetic Prelude and Fugue and theintriguing Nostalgia for Airs Unheard by theexpatriate Kati Ag6cs.Among those few still holding the fort fornew music at the CBC is Winnipeg composerT. Patrick Carrabre, one of the hosts of thehodgepodge late-night radio broadcast knownas The Signal . His album "Firebrand" featuresexpert performances of two piano triosby the redoubtable Gryphon Trio along withthe quintet A Hammer for Your Thoughtsperformed by the Winnipeg Chamber MusicSociety. For the most part Carrabre writes inan accessible style, often featuring repeatingfigures and dance rhythms which draw thelistener in without sacrificing a moderatelyedgy level of dissonance. Structurally theworks are based on traditional models, mosteffectively realized in the expressionistic2002 trio, From the Dark Reaches. Productionvalues are respectable considering thatboth CDs are live performances marred bymoments of Restless Audience Syndrome.Daniel FoleyRenew'd at ev'ry glance -Music of Hope Lee and David EagleAccordes; Joseph Macerollo;Banff Centre Ensemble; New MusicConcerts Ensemble; Robert AitkenCentrediscs CMCCD 13708This is the second release pairing musicwritten by the inquisitive and prolific Calgary-basedcomposers, David Eagle andHope Lee. Two works from each composerN OVEMBE R 1 - D EC EMB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>are featured in thiscross-section ofcomposition andperformance highlightingsome ofCanada's very bestmusical and artistictalent from roughlythe past two decades.David Eagle is a systematic composer whois able to capture an improvisational attitudein clearly notated scores. The title trackRenew'd at ev'ry glance (1985) is composedfor a mixed 3 to 10 instrument ensemble.This 1991 recording has the Banff CentreEnsemble successfully taking on the challengeof melding their own sensibilities withEagle's finely tuned tonal awareness. Incontrast, Breath (1998) is a more maturecomposition in which the Accordes StringQuartet plays with soundfiles based on outdoorsounds created by the composer and hisdaughter.Two tracks from Hope Lee's Voices inTime cycle provide a unique aural glimpse inthe development of a composer. Voices inTime (1992-1994) is the fifth work in thecycle . This 1994 broadcast recording of theNew Music Concerts Ensemble, soundfilesand live electronics, is a fine performance ofan excellent compositional idea. This ideacomes to fruition in the superb Fei Yang(2000), an emotional and virtuoso powerhousepiece performed with unbelievablepassion by Accordes and accordionist JosephMacerollo. This is ensemble writing andplaying at its best.Though at times challenging aurally, it isthe beauty in texture and rhythm whichmakes Renew 'd at ev 'ry glance a tour deforce showcase of two of Canada's mostdistinctive composers.Tiina KiikConcert Note: New Music Concerts'<strong>November</strong> 30 performance at the MusicGallery includes David Eagle's Breath andHope Lee's Fei Yang with Accordes andMacerollo.JAZZ AND IMPROVISEDGridjamLina Allemano FourLuma Records LM <strong>2008</strong>-3( www .myspace.com/linaallemanofour)Now here's a wholly captivating, unconventionalrecording that manages to push boundariesin an invitingway. In this minimalistchord-lessf1f ,:'setting, each playercontributes enormouslyto theproject's success .The Lina AllemanoFour consists of theleader on trumpet,"' "' ,.."""" ...WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMBrodie West on alto saxophone, AndrewDowning on double bass and Nick Fraser ondrums. Allemano is an admirable, daringplayer. Armed with a richness of tone, sheisn't afraid to squeal, squeak or growl accordingto the given moment; West wailssimilarly , often with fiery pizzazz. The twocomplement each other so well that at timesit is hard to tell them apart. Fraser's tastefulbrushwork is also outstanding throughout thealbum.All of the music is original, mostly pennedby Allemano, and is it ever far out! Dissonant,twisted and angular, these are tunesThelonious Sphere Monk would definitelyhave dug. Nick Fraser composed Also - asolo trumpet feature - and Andrew Downingthe concluding Recall. Haunting as everycomposition is , one almost forgets all aboutthem once the free improvisation sectionsstart. Gridjam, Cameo and Recall all containmoments of awe-inspiring interplay. Ironically,this innovative recording was created liveoff-the-floorthe old-fashioned way, withoutusing headphones or even a bass amp. Thisaccounts for Downing sounding a little low inthe mix, but also for the genuine sense offreedom in the air. Fascinating and full of theunexpected, this recording should win theLina Allemano Four scores of new fans.Ori DaganThe Sound of SongsSteve Koven TrioBungalow Records SK 007 2(www .stevekoven.com)Toronto is a city rich with great jazz pianists.Passionate andplayful, Steve Kovenis one who neverfails to please anaudience. Supportedby Rob Cluttonon bass and AnthonyMichelli ondrums, his trio hasbeen swingin' hardsince '93. Backthen the group was focused on interpretingstandards, but on this, their seventh release,Koven has composed 100 % of the material.Definitely file this one under jazz, but thereare several other influences here, from traditionalto classical, reggae to folk. Logicallycrafted, these songs range from good to excellent;The Universe Loves Lily, LittleDance and Honey-Do are particularly memorableslices of good taste. Although this trioarguably specializes in tunes that beckonfingers to snap, the closing ballad Faith 'sDream proves they can be absolutely poignantif they so wish. Also clear to hear is thatthese guys have toured the world together; theensemble playing is picture perfect.Koven' s accessible delivery is animatedand intense, only enhanced by Clutton's appetizinggrooves and Michelli's perpetual solidity.The disc is further spiced up by the lead-57

Dlls-1,J ~ '·er's occasional use of a Hammond B3 organand cameo appearances by soulful saxophonistKenny Kirkwood and a string quartet onthe title track. It cannot be stressed enoughthat experiencing the Steve Koven Trio live ishighly recommended. They have more energyto give in person than can ever be containedin a mere compact disc .Ori DaganConcert Note: The Steve Koven Trio playsTen Feet Tall, 1381 Danforth Ave. , on Sunday<strong>November</strong> 23rd at 3:30.EXTEN OED PLAY -CANADIANS IN THE MIXBy Ken WaxmanExpatriates or homebodies, Canadian improvisersinteract with many first-class playersfrom and in any country. The results areimposing, even if there's nothing intrinsicallyCanuck about the music. Take the Jeb Bishop/HarrisEisenstadt/JasonRoebkeCD, Tiebreaker(Not Two MW789-2www.nottwo.com).The crowd at thisKrakow, Polanddate probablythought they wereapplauding threeAmericans. Yet while astute trombonistBishop and solid bassist Roebke are bothChicago-based, versatile drummer Eisenstadtis a Toronto native now in New York. Bishop'sgutsy slurs and growls lock in place socompletely with Roebke's steady walking andEisenstadt's rumbling, funky beats that otherinstruments aren't missed. As the tunes flowinto one another, Bishop's buzzing gracenotes elongate into brays, strengthened byEisenstadt's drags and rim shots. In DoubleDog brass chromaticism turns to horn whistlesand squeaks , until the drummer's cymbalembellishments signal the shift into his ownHow Are You Dear. Bishop's lip burblespersonalize the tender line, while addingvocalized tessitura. The bassist's Northstarbrings out trombone snorts and tongue gymnastics,answered with fidgety arco sweepsand timed drum strokes .Another essay in notable co-operation isClockwise (Greenleaf Music 09www.greenleafmusic.com) by MichaelBates' Outside Sources. Like Eisenstadt,bassist Bates and tenor saxophonist/clarinettistQuinsin Nachoff are ex-Torontonians ,now Brooklynites .Americans , trumpeterRuss Johnsonand drummer JeffDavis, join them.Steadfastly tonal,the bassist's ninecompositions flitamong polyrhythms, waltztime, odd bar lengths and multi-part counterpointto tell stories ranging from emotionalballadry to rhythm dissertations. Bates' admirationfor composers such as Prokofiev isexpressed on The Russian School, a nocturnewith its drama and passion channelled throughNachoff's saxophone. As the saxophonist'sguttural lines augment in pitch and strength,they transform into coarse, excited cries,while trumpeter Johnson's muted harmoniesadd placid colouration. Balanced on top of thebassist's fierce string-thumping, the tunedarkens, deepens and is resolved with measuredsul tasto sweeps from Bates and fluttertonguing from Nachoff. Nachoff confirms hisclarinet credentials on Fellini and Lighthousekeeping.The later tune allows him to vibratethe pitch-sliding theme contrasted with parallelstaccato trumpet, bass and drum intonation.Like its namesake's films, Fellini isbuffo and sensuous, as waltz time advancesslinky reed motions, ruffs and bounces fromDavis and the trumpeter'shalf-valve -------·----·ornamentation.Featuring asimilarly otherdirectedsaxophonistand a solid bassist,Within (LeoCD LR 512www.leorecords.com)provides a variation~l/1,c"i.~CAAKllt•~11(:Htl. µ.~uu~, -O:il.~.IM:.OIIISA\·n,TI,on this theme. Alto saxophonist Frarn;oisCarrier and drummer Michel Lambert areMontrealais , but bassist Jean-JacquesAvenel is French. Like Tiebreaker, Withincaptures a first-time alliance that sounds as ifthe players have worked together for years.The three parts of the 60-minute improvisationdepend on mind-melding. Avenel 's spiccatothumps help stretch the thematic line toits furthest without shattering, wheneverCarrier's spetrofluctuation and reed-bitingthreaten to do so. In the tune's mid-sectionhowever, the saxophonist's slithery , humansoundingcries make common cause witheach musician in turn. His contrapuntal interludewith A venel features ground basssweeps and col legno sawing used as connectivetissue to bond with Carrier's curtsqueaks and flutter tonguing. A similar strategyis apparent on the Lambert-Carrier duets.The drummer's opposite sticking andratamacues subtly counter Carrier's blusteringpressure that metaphorically followsevery note with an exclamation point. Ex-panding the time frame the drummer createskalirnba-like plinks and tarn-tarn resonations.His Asiatic echoes moderate Carrier'sstrained Arabic textures so that the resultingtimbres simultaneously resemble a Gagakuorchestra concertizing and Bird and Bags in abop improvisation.Montreal's John Heward playing drums(and actual kalirnba)organized asimilar meetingwith Poughkeepsie,N.Y. pocket trumpeterand sopranosaxophonist JoeMcPhee on Voices:10 Improvisations(Mode Avant 05www.moderecords.com) . McPhee's tenortalents allow him to glide from harsh hocketingto portamento slurs in nanoseconds duringImprovisation 9. When he reorients the lineby blowing coloured air through the instrument'sbody tube, Reward's response encompassesframe drum-like resonation and individualizedstrokes. Beginning the track withbugle-like emphasis in double counterpointwith Reward's press rolls, the saxophonist'sglottal punctuation ceases by the climax.Completing the Reveille inference at the top,his final notes suggest Taps , with the drummer'sstrokes appropriately martial. Equallyimpressive on trumpet, McPhee chromaticallyemphasizes various textures where appropriate.He brings an understated 1950s vibe toImprovisation 2 as his muted grace notes,coupled with Reward's kalimba plucks, conjureup an African savannah as much as anAmerican night club.These CDs confirm that a mixture of Canadiansand others creates a common musicalground impressive by any criteria.Ken WaxmanPOT POURRIIn Last Night's Party ClothesThe Roaring Girl CabaretIndependent(www.myspace.com/theroaringgirlcabaret)The term roaringgirl was originallyadapted as the femaleequivalent to aroaring boy , used toidentify a man whocaroused publicly,brawled, and committedpettycrimes. Such acharacter was immortalized in a Jacobeancomedy, The Roaring Girl by Thomas Middletonand Thomas Decker around 1610. Thespirit of such a cunning wench has found hermodern counterpart in this CD titled "In Last58WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMNOVEMBE R 1 - D ECEMBE R 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Night's Party Clothes".Classically trained, eclectically-influencedand equally skilled as a singer and violinist,Maria Mulholland deftly heads this ensembleof similarly diverse musicians to produce analbum suitable to the varied tastes of an audienceas fun-loving, intelligent and savvy astheir earlier counterparts. Quirky, clever andcompelling accompaniments combined withthe ability to tell a story without excess oftext, by means of innuendo and implied undercurrents,makes for a most agreeable cabaretexperience. There is a trio of songs placedone after the other that provide a lot of fun:Champagne with its saucy vocals and glockenspielbubbles, reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe;I Scare You with its eerie violin harmonicsand Conducting Affairs provide a triptychon the theme of forbidden fruit. Covers aredone equally well, from Kate Bush's anti-warsong Army Dreamers to a nice little cafeversion of Bizet's Habanera complete withelectric guitar solo, to the redemptive SweetBy and By with lovely bluegrass harmoniesand excellent dobro work. Put on your reddress-this CD is a party unto itself.Dianne WellsInternational Guitar Night IIIAndy Sheppard; Dale Kavanagh;Cecilia Zabala; Brian GorePacific Music PM<strong>14</strong>722(www.internationalguitarnight.com)With the recent federal government cuts toarts funding, there's been a lot of discussionlately about the role of the arts in a commercialsociety. The question of whether artshould be self-sustaining or rely on grants iscomplex, and for many artists and musicians,being entrepreneurial and commercially successfulare antithetical to creativity. So it'sheartening when a musician like Brian Gorecan put together, if not a wildly commercialsuccess, at least a viable musical venture thatdoesn't compromise artistic integrity. "InternationalGuitar Night" is a project started bySan Francisco-based Gore 13 years ago, thateach year brings together four top-notch guitaristsand composers from differing culturesand disciplines to collaborate, tour andrecord.International Guitar Night Ill is a live recordingof a concert in British Columbia fromFebruary <strong>2008</strong>, which beautifully captures thenuances and diversity of the group. Variety istough to achieve with an essentially monoinstrumentalgroup - although there is somepretty singing courtesy of Argentinean CeciliaZabala - the stylesof the guitarists aredistinct enough tokeep the interestup. And despite thedifferences theyfind plenty of commonground andblend brilliantly.Dale Kavanagh is adynamic classicalguitarist from Germany via Nova Scotia,Zabala plays nylon-string with a South Americanlilt, Gore is a finger-style steel-stringexpert, and Torontonian Andy Sheppard isalso a masterful finger-style player influencedby South African rhythms. The groupwill be touring extensively in Canada this falland will be in Southern Ontario mid-<strong>November</strong>.Catch them if you can.Cathy RichesConcert note: International Guitar Night willperform Nov.19 at The Studio, HamiltonPlace; Nov .20 Isabel Bader Theatre, Toronto;Nov.21 Show Place, Peterborough.O'Reilly StreetJames Galway; Tiempo LibreRCA Red Seal 88697-32164-2"O'Reilly Street" pairs flutist Sir JamesGalway with Cuban band Tiempo Libre, andis probably Galway's most daring ventureinto a musical genre outside the classical. Hisplaying, as ever, is brilliant: the discipline,precision, sparklingarticulation, evennessof sound, andperfectly executedsyncopations leaveno doubt that SirJames is the greatest.However, inthe context of atight band thatreally swings, Galway simply doesn't.The CD begins with Claude Bolling's Suitefor Flute and Jazz Piano, a mix of oil andwater, written so that the flutist can alwaysremain on safe classical terrain while thejazz quartet does its thing in between. Galway'sflawless precision is effortlesslymatched by pianist Jorge Gomez. But in theinterludes without the flute Gomez just takesoff; the technique that enabled him to shadowGalway suddenly untethered, he soars! Youhear this time and time again throughout theCD: he and the other band members can getout of the way and support the soloist, butwhen it's their turn, they play as if there's notomorrow.In Gomez's compositions Galway faresmuch better. Gomez has given him ampleopportunity to reveal his mastery, as in thecadenza in Espiegle. In Tica Tica percussionistsLeandro Gonzalez and Hilario Bell shinein their supporting roles with Sir James, asdoes bass guitarist Tebelio Fonte matchingthe flute note for note in the intricacies ofBach's Badinerie, arranged by Gomez.It's a mixed review, top marks for theparts but only fair to middling for the whole.The worlds of classical and Afro-Cuban musicmix but never mesh.Allan Pulker~,,~,~p1~,~~~1~1,,,,,.t'~ 3<strong>14</strong> Church ill Ave ;z Toronto, Ontario ~~ 'v M2R 1E7 Canada ;,!~ Tel: 416-224-1956 Fax: 416-224-2964 ifi MIKROKOSMOS wwwm"m-mo,.,om ;~~:~:it~ Icollection i(classical, such as ~Beethoven, Mozart, '-Stockhausen)'~we travel anywhere i, for good collections ~;t,,11111..£.KJllllllll,,I.0SECOND VINYL ) Where to findSPECIALIZING INWhole Note:New & Used Records, CDs & DVDs/11[1.[-?u?J_QSOCDs Vinyl Records DVDsCLASSICAL OPERA JAZZ.WORLD BLUES ;;: & s AUDIOPHILE;l:()(!7: SOUNDTRACK COLLECTABLESWe pay top $$$ for yourCLASSICAL & JAZ.Z COLLECTIONS4 St.Palrick (at Queen near Osgoode station)www.amorosomusic.com 416-591-1313N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>Classical, Jazz, Blues, Soundtracks,Audiophiles & CollectiblesBUY • SELL • TRADE10 Wellesley St. West) near Wellesley subway station)Toronto, ONwww.secondvinyl.comTEL: (416) 977-3737 secondvinyl@hotmail.comWWW. 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OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLESFine old recordings re-released By Bruce SwteesDavid Oistrakhemerged from SovietRussia in themid 1950s and wasimmediatelysigned by EMI tobecome that company'smost illustrious'house' violinist.The entirefruits of this relationship are now available on17 CDs in a super-bargain package, TheComplete EMI Recordings (509992<strong>14</strong>71223), to commemorate the lOOth anniversaryof his birth.Among the works in this monumental collectionare two versions of the Beethovenconcerto, two Triple Concertos, two Brahmsconcertos and two Doubles, both Prokofievconcertos, the entire Mozart works for violinand orchestra, together with repertoire andoff-repertoire from the concertos of Bruch,Khachaturian, Lalo, and Shostakovich toTaneyev's Suite de Concert. There is awealth of sonatas, chamber music and shortencore pieces . Many recordings in this setare available on CD for the first time. Soundquality and production are state-of-the-art.Honestly, deciding what to hear next is akinto the dilemma of a kid in a candy store.The post-war, agingAlfred Cortot waspreceded by aformidable pre-warreputation as a solopianist in theRomanticrepertoire and as amember of thelegendary trio withThibaud andCasals. Pristinetransfers of the 1953 EMI recordings of theChopin's Second Piano Sonata along withSchumann's Kinderszenen and Carnaval(NAXOS 8.111327) reveal that although histechnical dexterity was not up to the pre-warlevel his interpretive insights remained true.Errors and omissions excepted.One of the most admired and respectedcellists of the 20th century, Pierre Fournierwas in his prime inthe period of the1950s and early1960s. He is heardon a Medici ArtsCD (MM028-2) inthe Elgar andDvorak Concertosin live performanceswith the CologneRadio Symphony. Hans Ros baud conductsthe Elgar (1955) and George Szell the Dvorak(1962). Fournier's recordings of both for DGare available but these live renditions areclearly better representations of this superbcellist and musician. Great sound.He may not have acquired the fame or cultfollowing of Heifetz or Oistrakh but JosephFuchs undoubtedly deserved to be in the topleague of 20thcentury violinmasters. Active asa soloist andchambermusician,frequently with hisequally respectedviolist sister,Lillian Fuchs,Joseph enjoyed an illustrious career and leftnumerous recordings as evidence of hisspecial artistry and sweet, irresistiblesonority. In 1952 with pianist Arthur Balsamhe recorded the 10 Beethoven Sonatas forDecca that were issued in a limited"Autograph Edition" of2500 copies. Naxoshas issued their second CD of stunningtransfers containing 5, 6, and 7 (8.111252)which follows <strong>Volume</strong> 1 containing Sonatas Ithrough 4 (8.111251) . These long overduereissues are important additions to thecatalogue, especially in such vital sound.Mariss Jansons is the conductor of theConcertgebouw Orchestra in addition to guestconducting with the world's great ensembles.Among Jansons' early appointments was asassociate conductorof the LeningradPhilharmonic in1973 . He recordedthe threeRachmaninovSymphonies from1992 to 1998 withthat orchestra, bythen renamed theSt PetersburgPhilharmonic, together with the SymphonicDances, op .45, Isle of the Dead op.29,Scherza in D minor and the famous Vocalise.When first issued each symphony was a topchoice among critics. Now all these thrilling,dynamic performances, opulently recorded,are available on a three CD set, modestlypriced as a single disc (EMI 509995 008852).A reminder that the DVD of the SymphonieFantastique with Jansons and the BerlinPhilharmonic, live from the Saint IreneChurch in Istanbul, is without a doubt themost electrifying performance around, bothsonically and visuallytoo (EuroArts2051229). Recorded ontheir 2001 EuropeanTour, the DVDincludes Haydn's 94th,Mozart's 2nd FluteConcerto (EmmanuelPahud) and a tour ofIstanbul. A real gem'In 1985, film makerTony Palmer celebrated the 300thanniversary of Handel's birth with a brilliantfilm God Rot Tunbridge Wells using anentertainment written by John Osborne. 2009marks the 250th anniversary of the death ofMr. Georg Frederic Handel, hence theissue of that film on DVD on Tony Palmer'sown label (TPDVD1<strong>14</strong>) newly remastered to16:9 aspect ratio and in excellent sound. Thisis not a film biographylike Song to Rememberor Song without Endlaced with impossiblescenes , bothapocryphal andanachronistic. HereHandel declaims to allwho will listen or careto hear (i.e. us) anillustrated soliloquy ofunvarnishedremembrances,brilliantly delivered byTrevor Howard as the aged Handel. Weglimpse Handel as a prodigy, a youngcomposer and performer, on through histriumphs and failure, to bankruptcy andpoverty. This is really an entertaining andcaptivating production, appropriatelyillustrated by vocal performances byElizabeth Harwood, James Bowman, EmmaKirkby , Anthony Rolfe-Johnson, JohnShirley-Quirk and also Simon Preston, organ,and pianist Andrei Gavrilov. The EnglishChamber Orchestra is conducted by SirCharles Mackerras. I enjoyed thisimmensely and recommend it.As a footnote, there is a rather pleasantBritish film, "The Great Mr. Handel" (1942)starring Wilfred Lawson who is not toodissimilar in appearance to Trevor Howard(unfortunately not available on DVD on thisside of the Pacific) . Also, Trevor Howardplays Wagner to the hilt in Visconti's 1973film "Ludwig", an extravagant, four hourbiography of Ludwig II just released on a 2DVDs by KOCH LORBER (741952308799).60WWW, THEWHOLENOTE ,COMN OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

Saturday,December 6, <strong>2008</strong> at 7:30pmToronto Centre for the ArtsGeorge Weston Recital Hall5040 Yonge Street(north of Sheppard Ave.)Tickets: $20 and $24 at the Toronto Centrebox office or TicketMaster at 416.870.8000BACH~~~~~Company in Residenceat the Toronto Centrefor the Artsbachorus.orgThe Boch Childr11n 1 1 Choru1, o member of Choirs Ontario, is grateful for funding received from the Ontario Ar1s (oun

ENCOREEngaging Toronto's Music ClassroomsThe diversity of students in Toronto'sclassrooms could be compared to a microcosmof the world. It is both challengingand exciting to teach in the publicschool system and to find ways to makemusic education meaningful to myclasses. As a high school music teacher,I've had the joy of welcoming studentsinto my classroom from just abouteverywhere on the globe. Some comewith a wealth of knowledge about music,either through formal training orpure listening and enjoyment from theirhome countries. Others come with littleknowledge of music and are surprised tofind it a part of their regular studies. Insome rare cases, I have had irate parentswho don't want their children studyingmusic because it does not fit with their religiousbeliefs. At the same time, I oftenhave students who grew up in Canada andhave been through the elementary educationalsystem. Some come with vastamounts of music education, while somehave no musical training or knowledge.So, how does a music teacher in this environmentstrive to accommodate thisplethora of diversities? How do you get agroup of teenagers at completely differentperformance levels to produce somesort of music that they can be proud of?What can you say to this group so that theyare all on the same page in terms of understandinga wide variety of musicalstyles and genres? Well, I can't claim tohave all the answers but I firmly believethat in these types of circumstances theteacher can learn as much from the studentsas the students can learn from theteacher. The teacher doesn't always haveall the answers but has to act as a facilitatorand encourage the students to sharetheir own knowledge of the subject matterto allow for an engaged classroom.This requires that the teacher build a safeclassroom, where students are supportiveand feel open to sharing, opportunities canarise in which students bring in music thatthey enjoy. They can speak about how theyby Matthew Tran-Adamsincorporate music in their daily lives,whether that be dancing and drumming ina village in Africa, rapping along with aCantopop CD in Hong Kong, or thrashingand head banging to death metal in their. . . it is sometimes difficult toteach what I jokingly refer to as"the dead white guys" . . .bedrooms a block from the school. At thisstage I've even felt compelled to take it astep further and start arranging music forthe students to perform. I've had my stringorchestras study Bob Marley and play reggae,taught the history of Bollywood andarranged classics such as Chura Liya HaiTumne . I have taught Tibetan students(many of whom are refugees) to play theirnational anthem (which is banned inChina) on band instruments and evencelebrated the Chinese New Year bySteven !sserUsplaying traditional folk songs on theTrinidadian steel pan.After engaging students in music that theyare more familiar with, it is sometimesdifficult to teach what I jokingly referto as "the dead white guys," also knownas the western classical composers. I'velearned that it becomes easier when youput this into the context: talking abouthistorical styles of music from Europeand then trying to make the composerscome alive as "real people".Author and cellist, Steven Isserlis, whowill visit Toronto this month, has writtentwo very witty books that have the abilityto enlighten and engage young people inthe music of composers such as Bach,Beethoven, and even Stravinsky. Isserlis'two books, Why Beethoven Threw theStew and Why Handel Waggled his Wigcontain a conversational style and indepthknowledge of the composers' personallives which creates an interactiveconversation that students can easily relateto. Whether Isserlis is giving pronunciationhelp: "Bach .. . pronounced halfway between a sheep's 'baa' and a dog 's'bark'~with the 'eh' sounding as if youwere trying to clear your throat" or tellinginteresting stories of how Beethovenwould get so annoyed at students he actuallybit one in the shoulder, he has a creativeway of bringing these characters tolife. The books are an excellent resourcefor students learning about western classicalmusic, students in private lessonswho want to learn about the inspiration ofthese composers, or music teachers whowant to engage students with interestingstories that brings these "guys" to life.Isserlis performs Monday, <strong>November</strong> 3at 7:30pm, gives cello master classes onTuesday, <strong>November</strong> 4 at J pm andWedn esday, <strong>November</strong> 5 at J pm all atWalter Hall at the University of Toronto.Isserlis' books are available from thepublisher Faber and Faber.62WWW . THEWHOLENOTE. COMNOVEMB ER 1 - D ECEMB ER 7 <strong>2008</strong>

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