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Take a SeatNewsletterJuly EditionBrought to you by the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan KeyClub District Committee Chairs1
Take a Seat NewsletterTable of ContentsDirector of Committees Introduction: Page 3Public Relations Chair: Page 4Awards and Contests Chair: Page 5Governor’s Project Chair: Page 6Membership Development Chair: Page 7Eliminate Project Chair: Page 8District Project Chair: Page 9Committee Chair Member Application: Page 10Contact Information: Page 122
Director of Committees IntroductionTaylor HurstHappy Summer Key Clubbers!I am ecstatic to introduce to you the first Take a Seat Newsletter! (Do you get it? It’s a newsletterabout the district committee chairs; emphasis on chairs and how one sits in a chair. It’s a pun.) Thisnewsletter has been designed to give you all the latest information and act as a guide to help each KeyClubber throughout the year! Each of the chairs wrote introductions that have been published in the firstissue of Key to Caring, so please feel free to check those out!I am also proud to announce that you have the opportunity of becoming a member on one of thedistrict committees! This is a perfect way to learn more about Key Club and improve your leadershipskills. The application is attached within the newsletter, and it is super easy to complete and definitelyworth it!I hope that everyone is enjoying the warm sun and long summer days! The district committeechairs have been hard at work creating materials that are made specifically to benefit you and your club.Many of these materials focus on different ways to volunteer, because that’s truly what Key Club is allabout: giving back to your community through service! In this issue of “Take a Seat”, you will learn moreabout the Governor’s Project and the District Project, as well as the new banner patches and awardsavailable to your club! You’ll get the latest scoop on the Eliminate Project, and you’ll even get more ideasfor summer service and membership retention! If there is a resource that your club needs; the committeechairs have either done it or are hard at work finishing it! There is nothing that the committee chairscannot do. Without further ado, I encourage you to ‘Take a Seat’ and immerse yourself within our veryfirst newsletter.If you have any questions, please feel more than welcomed to contact either myself or any of thecommittee chairs. We are always happy to help Key Clubbers like you with anything that you need. That’swhy we are here; to support and serve you!Yours in friendship and service,Taylor Hurst3
Public Relations Committee ChairMaxwell LaCosseHello! To start off, I would just like to say happy summer! This is a great time for everyone. There is noschool, no homework, and no problems! While this time of year is supposed to be used as a break away from thenormal hustle and bustle of the school year, it does not mean that the amount of Key Club service has to decrease!Included in this newsletter is a brochure to help you and your club continue the awesome work that you havecompleted during the school year! It includes not only ideas for summer service, but also ways to keep the membersinvolved and active in your club. The Membership Development Chair, Matthew Jewell, and I have been hard atwork creating the pamphlet. We hope it is very helpful!Next, are new Banner Patches announcements! The Awards and Contests Committee Chair, JenniferEnglebert, has been very busy this summer to ensure that the patches are there to benefit you! The first patch is the“Forms are Us” Patch. To qualify for this patch, you need to turn in your club’s Monthly Report Forms and NewOfficer Information Sheets on time!Additional patches your club can earn! Are “Service for Service” by participating in at least two serviceprojects that assist and involve our veterans. You can earn the “Summer Service” patch by completing at least twoservice projects over the summer. The “International Volunteer” patch is obtainable if you have an active membercomplete volunteer work outside of the United States. The “Next Kiwanian” patch can be earned if active membersattend at least two Kiwanis meetings throughout the year. And, the “Key Leader” patch can be yours if at least oneactive member attends Key Leader in the fall. More information on these patches along with many other bannerpatches can be found at the WIUM District’s website! (http://www.wiumkeyclub.com/banner-patchapplications.html)The newest issue of the Key to Caring can also be found on the WIUM District’s website. It is full ofinteresting news from around the district and is worth the read! (http://www.wiumkeyclub.com/currentnewsletters.html)Before I go, I would like to mention one more thing. Summer is a time for fun in the sun, so spend everymoment you can this summer making the most of it. Whether it is being with friends or meeting a summer readinggoal, be sure to make this summer yours! Our summer months are limited and before you know it you will bereturning to school. Now go out and seize the summer!With Excitement,Maxwell LaCosse4
Awards and Contests Committee ChairJennifer EnglebertHi Key Clubbers!I am Jennifer Englebert - the Contests and Awards Committee Chair for 2015-2016! I amalso the president of Preble High School’s Key Club, where I am an incoming senior! I am fromGreen Bay, Wisconsin and I absolutely love traveling, reading, watching Netflix, playing piano, andhanging out with friends and family. When I am not working on banner patch applications (orworking as a lifeguard), I am doing one of those activities. But since the District LeadershipConference (DCON) and the International Leadership Convention, (ICON) I have been diligentlyworking on Key Club!So far, I have revised the distinguished officer and distinguished member awards. You canfind the applications for these awards on the District website under the ‘Resources’ tab. It is nevertoo early to start working towards these awards! At ICON this year, an amendment passed, andnow, the Webmaster is a recognized position by Key Club International! So whether you are theWebmaster, the President, Vice President, Bulletin Editor, Secretary, Treasurer, or a member,check out what you need to do to be recognized as distinguished!(http://www.wiumkeyclub.com/club-officer-resources.html)Now that those awards are revised, I am back to creating banner patch applications. I amcreating 16 new banner patches for the Wisconsin - Upper Michigan District! Most of these yourclub will need to work towards over the course of the school year. However, the Summer ServiceBanner Patch can only be earned during the summer! Did your club perform a service project orwork at a fundraiser this summer? Check out the WI-UM District Website to see the other bannerpatches and what your club needs to do to earn them! (http://www.wiumkeyclub.com/bannerpatch-applications.html)As you can see, I have been quite busy the last few months! However I am so fortunate to be ableto spend my time doing what I love, Key Club. I hope your passion is as great as mine and that thedistinguished officer criteria and the banner patches will make your club members happy too!In service,Jennifer Englebert5
Governor’s Project Committee ChairAbbey ClaesHello Key Clubbers! My name is Abbey Claes and I am the 2015-16 Governor’s ProjectChair. This year our project is 'Service for Service' or serving Veterans. These men and womenrisked their lives to keep us safe and preserve our freedom. Our goal is to serve these heroesbecause of all they have done for us.Since our District Leadership Conference, I attended New Board Training and theInternational Convention in Indianapolis. Currently, I am working on a “Cookbook” which willcome out in August. This book will be your recipe for success and will contain contact information,needs lists for Veterans hospitals, locations where you can volunteer, and service projectsuggestions. Also, I worked on a banner patch for any clubs that complete two or more ‘Service forService’ projects. In addition, clubs will receive a letter outlining three other service projects tocomplete this summer.Here are some fun service projects you can do this summer:Red Poppies are used to show support for Veterans, so let's showour support. Get crafty and make pins with Red Poppies. You canuse fabric or fake flowers to make them, just grab some glue andgather your club together. You can sell the poppies during school,sporting events, and at places around your town. This website hastemplates to make the poppies. (http://poppytime.com/poppycraft-activities.htm)Make cards for Veterans Day. Although it is a few months away, this is a great way to showyour appreciation to Veterans. You can then stash the cards and have a nice pile to send outto hospitals or other places on Veterans Day.Now you know what this year’s Governor’s Project is and a few projects you can do. Sohave fun getting started and if you have any questions or want to tell me about your serviceprojects, please feel more than welcomed to send me an email!In service,Abbey Claes6
Membership Development Committee ChairMatthew JewellHello! My name is Matthew Jewell and I am the Membership Development CommitteeChair! The 2015 District Leadership Conference was the first DCON my club had ever attended,and once I was there I knew it was where I belonged. Luckily, the former Division 16 LieutenantGovernor pulled me aside on the last night of the convention and strongly suggested that I applyfor a position on the District Board. I am so glad I listened to her because after DCON I appliedfor a position and was appointed as the Membership Development Committee Chair! Ever sincethen, I have worked very hard at being the president of my home club, and working with memberson the District Board as a Committee Chair!Since New Board Training, the District Board has been working very hard in order tosupport Key Clubbers in Wisconsin-Upper Michigan. I am lucky enough that I have been able towork on projects with the other Committee Chairs. For example, the Public Relations Chair, MaxLaCosse, and I created a Summer Service and Membership Retention Brochure for all of the clubsin our District! Also, I have recently finished helping our Awards and Contests Committee Chair,Jennifer Englebert, with some membership related banner patch applications that you can find onthe District website! (http://www.wiumkeyclub.com/banner-patch-applications.html)I am so excited for you all to see what I, and the other committee chairs, have been workingon! We have a lot of projects planned to benefit Key Clubbers like you and I could not be happier!I am currently working on membership recruitment resources and some out of the box ideas toboost membership in the District! If you have any fun or interesting membership recruitment ideasplease feel more than welcomed to send me a quick email. I would be more than happy to hearfrom you!In service,Matt Jewell7
Eliminate Project Committee ChairShiyue XieHello Key Clubbers,This is your Eliminate Committee Chair, Shiyue Xie. I hope you are all having an awesomesummer so far! I’m very excited for our first ‘Take a Seat’ newsletter. Since everyone must be busyduring this wonderful weather, I will keep this short and sweet.During the International Convention, Kiwanis celebrated its 100th year anniversary as wellas its five year partnership with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. As of June25, 2015, the Kiwanis family raised a total of US$4,941,772.14. Even though we have not yetreached the International 110 million dollar goal, I’m very proud of everyone in the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District for putting all the time, effort, and hard work into the project that willsave 2,745,429 mothers and their future babies. But the project does not just end here! TheEliminate Project will continue for this upcoming Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF season. After this,the project will still continue but it will no longer be the Major Emphasis Project. Clubs can stillparticipate, but it will remain active solely through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Since Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is the most successful fundraiser for Key Clubbers, the Key Club InternationalBoard has created a pledge to make the next five Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF seasons solelydedicated to the Eliminate Project. For more information on the Eliminate Project, you can visitthe Eliminate Project website.(http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx)I hope you are all as excited for the upcoming Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF as I am! Thankyou for your precious time. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.In service,Shiyue Xie8
District Project Committee ChairDerek KaminHello Key Clubbers,My name is Derek Kamin and I am serving you as the District Project Chair. The DistrictProjects are Bay Cliff Health Camp located in Big Bay, MI (UP) and Camp Wawbeek in theWisconsin Dells. These camps provide a safe place to help campers with disabilities become moreindependent and have a fun camp experience. When you think about it, one of these camps are inyour state and may help the kids in your school and community.Now what can we do to help?The name of the game is fundraising; and the camps,like everything else, need money to function. Along with that,not everyone can afford these camps so some of the campersneed financial support. If we fundraise we can help send acamper to a pristine camp where they will meet new friends,learn skills, and have great experiences that last a lifetime.What has been happening since DCON?After our District Leadership Conference (DCON) the board wentto new board training. While there, we made a District Goal to raise 7,500dollars for the camps. In order to achieve this goal, we need help fromevery club in the District! I have also been working with our Contest andAwards Committee Chair, Jennifer Englebert, to reward to clubs that goabove and beyond the call by raising 800 dollars or more for the camps.We will be awarding these clubs with a banner patch. I know this is a challenge but that is whatmakes it worth it. Remind your Club Secretary to add monies raised to your Monthly Report Form(MRF) each month. Lastly, I have been working on a ‘Cookbook’, which will have ideas for serviceprojects in support of the District Project, so stay in touch with your LTG for more information!I am excited to work with you and make a difference in someone's life. To get ahold of meyou can contact me using my email. We can and will help these camps and campers because we aremembers of the greatest organization in the world. We are Key Clubbers and together we will dogreat things!In Service,Derek Kamin9
Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District Key ClubCommittee DescriptionsFrom the Governor’s Project Chair, Abbey Claes,For the 2015-2016 Key Club year, the Governor’s Project will be “Service for Service”, enabling Key Clubbers toserve the veterans who have served us! On the committee, we will be finding new and fun ways to support andhelp out our nation’s veterans. One idea can be as simple as sending out thank-you letters and holiday cardsto the veterans. We will brainstorm ways to give back to the veterans and find more ways to do service projectsin order to say thanks! Also, there are many hospitals, soup kitchens and other organizations that supportveterans in our District. As a committee, we will get contact information for these organizations and help spreadawareness throughout the entire District!From the Public Relations and Communications Chair, Max LaCosse,The Public Relations and Communications Committee is in charge of spreading Key Club spirit and improvingcommunication throughout the District! Joining this committee will be an exciting roller coaster ride of Key ClubSpirit! If you are able to be a part of the Public Relations/Communications Committee, you will not only get tobe with other amazing committee members, but you will also be able to raise awareness about Key Clubthroughout our entire District through fun videos and designing new materials! Fresh and new ideas are a must;so come prepared with fun and interesting ideas on how to achieve new heights that we have never seenbefore!From the Awards and Contests Chair, Jennifer Englebert,All Key Clubbers are encouraged to join the Contests and Awards Committee! On this committee, KeyClubbers will brainstorm innovative and new ideas for contests, banner patches, and awards. The committeewill also work together in order to design the banner patches and awards! As a part of this committee,members will be in contact with me, Jennifer Englebert, the Committee Chair of Contests and Awards, throughemail, Google Hangouts, and Skype. With your help, Key Clubbers will make service fun and be awarded fortheir hard work at the upcoming District Leadership Conference!From the District Project Chair, Derek Kamin,This year for the District Project we will be raising money for Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin and Bay Cliff HealthCamp in Upper-Michigan. As a committee, we will be helping clubs complete projects and educate them onboth of the camps and why they are beneficial to the community and the campers that stay there! We will alsobe coming up with new and clever ideas for service projects and fundraisers. It would be very helpful to getpeople from around the District on this committee so we can work with as many clubs and divisions as possible!The committee members will stay in contact with one another and work as a team in order to make this a greatyear and celebrate everything that these amazing camps do!10
Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District Key ClubCommittee ApplicationThe committees serve as a useful asset to the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Club District Board. Eachcommittee’s purpose is to improve the District by providing resources to members and making them readilyavailable by advertising and communicating. Committees work to support all of the divisions within the Districtand work directly with members in order to give Key Clubbers opportunities to improve their Key Clubexperience! All Key Club members are strongly encouraged to apply!1. Other than Key Club, what groups and activities are you involved in?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What Committee are you interested in joining, and why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Do you have any specific projects that the committee could do?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: ______________________________________Grade: ______________________________________Division: ____________________________________Phone Number: _______________________________Email: ______________________________________Completed applications are due by Thursday, October 1. Please send them to your LTG or emailthe Director of Committees, Taylor Hurst, at wium.taylorhurst@gmail.com. Thank you!11
Contact InformationWisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Club DistrictDistrict GovernorJoshua Dvorakgovernor.wium@gmail.comDirector of CommitteesTaylor Hurstwium.taylorhurst@gmail.comGovernor’s Project ChairAbbey Claesgovernorproject.wium@gmail.comAwards and Contests ChairJennifer Englebertjaenglebert.keyclub@gmail.comDistrict Project ChairDerek Kamindpc.wium@gmail.comPublic Relations ChairMaxwell LaCosseprlacosse.wium@gmail.comMembership Development ChairMatthew Jewellmattjewellkc@gmail.comEliminate ChairShiyue Xiewiumexeassistant15@gmail.com12