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Eliminate Project Committee ChairShiyue XieHello Key Clubbers,This is your Eliminate Committee Chair, Shiyue Xie. I hope you are all having an awesomesummer so far! I’m very excited for our first ‘Take a Seat’ newsletter. Since everyone must be busyduring this wonderful weather, I will keep this short and sweet.During the International Convention, Kiwanis celebrated its 100th year anniversary as wellas its five year partnership with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. As of June25, 2015, the Kiwanis family raised a total of US$4,941,772.14. Even though we have not yetreached the International 110 million dollar goal, I’m very proud of everyone in the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District for putting all the time, effort, and hard work into the project that willsave 2,745,429 mothers and their future babies. But the project does not just end here! TheEliminate Project will continue for this upcoming Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF season. After this,the project will still continue but it will no longer be the Major Emphasis Project. Clubs can stillparticipate, but it will remain active solely through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Since Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is the most successful fundraiser for Key Clubbers, the Key Club InternationalBoard has created a pledge to make the next five Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF seasons solelydedicated to the Eliminate Project. For more information on the Eliminate Project, you can visitthe Eliminate Project website.(http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx)I hope you are all as excited for the upcoming Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF as I am! Thankyou for your precious time. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.In service,Shiyue Xie8