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e 11 : (cf., èd).i: n., cry of pain (derived from ér, ír, 'tears; complaint' ?) [I archaic frequency: 17].v., to capture, defeat, overcome (cf., éd, è; i)ì: (cf., ìa).i 7 :(cf., ída).u: (cf., þà).ú: n., pl<strong>an</strong>t; vegetable; gr<strong>as</strong>s; food; bread; p<strong>as</strong>ture; load [U 2 archaic frequency: 225; concatenates 3 signs].v., to nourish, support.adj., strong, powerful (m<strong>an</strong>).ù: n., sleep (cf., u 5 ). [according to S. Lieberm<strong>an</strong>, u, ù, <strong>an</strong>d u 4were pronounced /o/]v., to sleep.prep., <strong>an</strong>d; <strong>the</strong> prospective modal prefix: if; when; after; often used <strong>as</strong> a polite imperative.pron., a pronominal prefix in a compound noun, to derive a more specific me<strong>an</strong>ing.u (3,4,8) :u 4 :n., <strong>an</strong> expression of protest; cries, screams; <strong>the</strong> grunting, p<strong>an</strong>ting of battle; fight, dispute.v., to bend over.(cf., ud).u 5 : n., male bird, cock; totality; earth pile or levee; raised area (sometimes written ù) [U 5 archaic frequency: 1].v., to mount (in intercourse); to be on top of; to ride; to board (a boat); to steer, conduct.adj., (raised) high, especially l<strong>an</strong>d or ground (sometimes written ù).u 6 : (cf., ug 6 ).u 8 : (cf., us 5 ).u 18 [GIŠGAL]:u 20 [ŠE]:barley.huge.ab: window; opening; niche, nook (cf., aba) [AB archaic frequency: 384; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts (sign also usedfor èš <strong>an</strong>d aba - for this reading <strong>an</strong>d me<strong>an</strong>ing in Fara period, see Krebernik, Beschwörungen].áb: domestic cow (a,'water, liquid', + íb,'middle') [AB 2 archaic frequency: 288].ib: corner, <strong>an</strong>gle, nook [IB archaic frequency: 252; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].íb, éb: n., middle; waist; loins; thighs.v., to be <strong>an</strong>gry; to flare up in <strong>an</strong>ger; to curse, insult.ub: corner, <strong>an</strong>gle, nook; a small room [UB archaic frequency: 124].(kuš) ub 3,5 :a drum.ub 4 : cavity, hole; pitfall.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 4

ad: (cf., ada).ád: (cf., adda 4 ).ad 3,6 : (cf., adda).ad 4 : lame, cripple.éd, è; i:èd, e 11 :to go out, emerge; to send forth; to lead or bring out; to rise; to sprout; to be or becomevisible; to appear <strong>as</strong> a witness (<strong>the</strong> final d appears in marû conjugation) [ED 2 archaic frequency: 12;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].to exit; to rise; to descend, set; to bring down (or up); to import; to fetch; to remove; to drain (èdè(-d)in marû).íd: (cf., ída).id 4,8 , it 4 :(cf., itud).ud, u 4 : n., sun; light; day; time; wea<strong>the</strong>r; storm (demon) [UD archaic frequency: 419].prep., when; since.úd[ÁŠ]:ud 5 : (cf., ùz).ag: (cf., ak).emmer (wheat).ég, ék, íg, e:n., levee, emb<strong>an</strong>kment, dike, bund (a, e 4, 'water', + ig, 'door') [EG 2 archaic frequency:12; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to water; to speak, say (e = sing. marû, plural hamtu, <strong>an</strong>d plural marû; cf., dug 4 , also di); to do (<strong>as</strong>auxiliary verb preceded by a noun).demonstrative pron., this one; in <strong>the</strong> immediate vicinity; suffixed to ergative agent.prep., locative/terminative suffix - in; toward.ig: door, entr<strong>an</strong>ce [IG archaic frequency: 43; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ug (2) : lion; <strong>an</strong>ger, fury; storm.ug 4,5,7,8 :n., death; dead person.v., to kill; to die (singular <strong>an</strong>d plural marû stem; plural hamtu, which is sometimes reduplicated; cf., úš).ug 6 , u 6 [IGI.É]:n., amazement; gaze, gl<strong>an</strong>ce (['EYE' + 'HOUSE']).v., to look at; to stare at, gaze; to be impressed.adj., <strong>as</strong>tonishing.áñ: (cf., áña).ùñ: (cf., ùña).àþ; uþ: (cf., laþ).uþ (3) : lice, louse; nit; flea; moth; insect, par<strong>as</strong>ite, vermin [UÞ 3 archaic frequency: 14; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].úþ; uþ, aþ:phlegm; spittle; slaver, froth; p<strong>as</strong>te; venom; malice.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 5

ak, ag: genitival suffix: 'of' (cf. also, aka).ñiš al: digging stick; wooden mattock, pickax; forked hoe with from 2 to 4 teeth; spade [AL archaic frequency:95].al: verbal prefix: used immediately before stative verbs; indicates: 1) dist<strong>an</strong>ce; 2) <strong>the</strong> speaker is not involved;or 3) <strong>the</strong> lack of a tr<strong>an</strong>sitive relationship.íl: (cf., íla).il 5 : (cf., ili 5 ).ul: n., joy, ple<strong>as</strong>ure, satisfaction; star; flower; bud; ornament; a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure of 36 liters in PresargonicGirsu.v., to glitter, shine.adj., remote, dist<strong>an</strong>t (in time); <strong>an</strong>cient, enduring.ùl: (cf., úllu).ul 4 : to be quick; to hurry, h<strong>as</strong>ten, har<strong>as</strong>s [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].am: (cf., àm <strong>an</strong>d áma).ám: (cf., áña).àm[A.AN]:<strong>the</strong> <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> enclitic copula - 'to be', occurs after a noun [e.g., William king-is]; who, which,what; (same) <strong>as</strong>, like (in scholarly lists).im, em: (cf., imi).ím: (cf., gim 4 ).(gi) um:a rope made of reeds (cf., umu).<strong>an</strong>: n., sky, heaven; <strong>the</strong> god An; grain ear/date cluster ('water' + 'high') [AN archaic frequency: 806].v., to be high.adj., high.prep., in front.en: n., dignitary; lord; high priest; <strong>an</strong>cestor (statue); diviner [EN archaic frequency: 1232; concatenates 3 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to rule.adj., noble.en (2,3) : n., time; enigmatic background [EN 2 archaic frequency: 17].prep., until.in: he, she; straw; insult, offense, invective [IN archaic frequency: 21].un: (cf., ùña).ar: (cf., ara 4 ).ár: (cf., ára).àr: (cf., þar).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 6

ér, ír: n., tears; lamentation; prayer; complaint.ir (10) :v., to weep.n., sweat; smell, odor, scent; perfume, fragr<strong>an</strong>ce [IR archaic frequency: 53; concatenation of 4 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., scented, perfumed, fragr<strong>an</strong>t.ir (10) , er: v., to bring; to lead away (Emesal dialect for túm, cf., re 7 ).ir 3,11 : (cf., arad (2) ).ur: n., dog; carnivorous be<strong>as</strong>t; serv<strong>an</strong>t; young m<strong>an</strong>, warrior; enemy (cf., téš) [UR archaic frequency: 114;concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to tremble.adj., humble.ur (2,3,4) :wipe out; to shear, reap, mow (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (cf., gur 10 ).to surround; to flood; to throw overboard; to drag (over <strong>the</strong> ground) (often with -ni-); to er<strong>as</strong>e,úr: floor; b<strong>as</strong>e; lap, loins; thighs, leg(s); root; trunk of a tree [UR 2 archaic frequency: 78].ùr: roof; entr<strong>an</strong>ce; mountain p<strong>as</strong>s; beam, rafter (cf., ur (2,3,4) ) [UR 3 archaic frequency: 27; concatenation of 5 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].ur 4 : (cf., gur 10,14 ) [? UR 4 archaic frequency: 41; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ur 5 [ÞAR]:profit; interest-bearing debt; repayment; slave-wom<strong>an</strong> (cf., þar, mur) [UR 5 archaic frequency: 34;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].n., liver; spleen; heart, soul; bulk, main body; foundation; lo<strong>an</strong>; obligation; interest; surplus,in<strong>an</strong>imate pron., it; <strong>the</strong>se, <strong>the</strong> referenced; his, hers, <strong>the</strong>irs.v., to chew; to smell; to belch, burp; to roar; to clog, block; to imprison; to be bowed with grief; to rubsomething in; to rent.demonstrative, thus; so; in this way; in <strong>the</strong> same way; followed by a negation: not at all.ur 11 : (cf., uru 4 ).<strong>as</strong>: (cf., <strong>as</strong>a).us, uz mušen : domestic goose or duck (cf., bibad) (lo<strong>an</strong>word into Akkadi<strong>an</strong>) [US archaic frequency: 18;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ús, úz [UŠ]:n., side, edge; dist<strong>an</strong>ce; in geometry: length; height; vertical; perpendicular.v., to follow; to drive; to come near to, reach; to let reach; to tr<strong>an</strong>sport, bring; to join; to be next to, border;to moor, dock; to le<strong>an</strong> against (cf., ñíš).us 5 , u 8 : mo<strong>the</strong>r ewe, adult female sheep [US 5 archaic frequency: 86].aš: one; unique; alone.aš (5) : spider.áš: n., wish; curse (abbreviated tàš ?, ašte ?) [AŠ 2 archaic frequency: 5].v., to desire; to curse.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 7

aš 3,4,8 :six (ía, 'five', + aš, 'one').eš: n., m<strong>an</strong>y, much.v., to <strong>an</strong>oint.adv., adverbial force suffix (sometimes followed by -šè).éš: (cf., éše).èš: shrine [AB archaic frequency: 384; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].eš 5,6,16,21 :iš: (cf., iši).three.uš, ús: n., foundation (cf., ñíš) [GIŠ 3 archaic frequency: 16; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; UŠ archaicfrequency: 101; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to support, lift; to st<strong>an</strong>d upon.UŠ: a length me<strong>as</strong>ure, reading unknown, = 6 ropes = 60 nind<strong>an</strong> rods. [UŠ archaic frequency: 101; concatenates2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].úš: n., blood; blood vessel; death [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to die; to kill; to block (singular hamtu stem).adj., dead.ùš: placental membr<strong>an</strong>e, afterbirth.uš 7 : spittle.uš 8 : foundation place, b<strong>as</strong>e.uš 11 :az: (cf., <strong>as</strong>a).uz: (cf., us).venom, poison; spittle, slaver; moistening; spell, charm.úz: (cf., ús).ùz, ud 5 , ut 5 :she-goat [UD 5 archaic frequency: 109; concatenates 3 signs].ba: n., share, portion; rations, wages [BA archaic frequency: 523].v., to give; to divide, apportion, distribute; to pay (interch<strong>an</strong>ges with bar).conjugation prefix, used when <strong>the</strong> subject is in<strong>an</strong>imate <strong>an</strong>d/or non-agentive (intr<strong>an</strong>sitive).possessive or demonstrative suffix -bi plus nominative -a.(ku6) ba:a shelled creature (such <strong>as</strong> a turtle or a snail); a scraping tool.bà: liver; liver model; omen.ba 4 : Emesal dialect, cf., ñá, 'house'.ba 7 : (cf., bar).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 8

e: (cf., bad).bi, bé: v., to diminish, lessen; to speak, say (accusative infix b 3rd pers. sing. neuter + e 'to speak'); tomurmer, chirp, twitter, buzz, hum, howl, cry; mention (cf., biz; bi[z]) [KAŠ archaic frequency: 261;concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].pron., it.poss. suffix, 'its' applies to in<strong>an</strong>imate (things <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>imals) <strong>an</strong>d collective objects.demonstrative suffix, this (one), that (one) - in this sense c<strong>an</strong> occur with <strong>an</strong>imates.conj., <strong>an</strong>d.art., <strong>the</strong>.adv., adverbial force suffix.conjugation prefix, differentiates <strong>the</strong> sem<strong>an</strong>tic me<strong>an</strong>ing of certain verbs.bí: (cf., i-bí).bi 6 [BA]: to tear; to tear off (with -ta-).bi 7 : (cf., bìd).bu (3,6) :(cf., bur 12 ; bul) [BU: archaic frequency: 393; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].bu 5 : to rush around (cf., bul).da: n., arm; side; nearness (to someone) [DA archaic frequency: 227; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to hold; to be near; to protect.prep., comitative suffix, 'with'; copula, '<strong>an</strong>d' (mainly in Sargonic date texts).da 5 : (cf., dab 6 ).dé: to pour (often with -ni-); to water; to incre<strong>as</strong>e, be full; to shape, form; to instruct; to sink (for o<strong>the</strong>rme<strong>an</strong>ings - cf., de 6,2 ; ég; gù...dé).dè: <strong>as</strong>hes; marû form suffix - often indicates a present participle to be tr<strong>an</strong>slated by English -ing or connotesfuture sense. Used like <strong>the</strong> terminative postposition -šè after verbal phr<strong>as</strong>es to indicate intent or goal.de 5 , di 5 [RI]: to advise; to remove (earth clods) (reduplicated).de 6,2 , ðe 6 : to bring, carry (-ši- or -ta- denote direction); to continue on (singular hamtu, cf.,tumu 2,3 , laþ 4 ; Emesal ga (14) ).di: n., lawsuit, c<strong>as</strong>e; judgment, decision, verdict; sentence [DI archaic frequency: 99].v., to judge, decide; to conduct oneself; to go; to escape (di-dé used <strong>as</strong> non-finite marû form of dug 4 ,'to speak').di 4 : (cf., tur).du: to walk; to go; to come (sing. marû, cf., ñin, re 7 , súb) [DU archaic frequency: 299].dú: (cf., tud).dù('), ðú: n., work; totality.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 9

v., to build, make; to mould, c<strong>as</strong>t; to erect something on <strong>the</strong> ground; to raise up; to set up; to pl<strong>an</strong>t; tof<strong>as</strong>ten, apply (dù-e in marû).du 5 : (cf., sug 5 )du 6 : (cf., dul (6) ).du 7 : to be finished, complete; to be suitable, fitting; to be necessary; to butt, gore, toss (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s?)(regularly followed by rá) [DU 7 archaic frequency: 7].du 8 : (cf., duþ).du 9 : (cf., dun 5 ).du 10 :(cf., dùg).du 11 : (cf., dug 4 ).du 12 :du 14 :(cf., tuku).quarrel, struggle, fight.ga: n., milk (chamber + water) [GA archaic frequency: 245; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].conjugation prefix, 'also'; '<strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong>n'.modal prefix, cohortative, used with hamtu forms.ga 6 : (cf., gùr).ge (2,6) :girl.gi: reed; length me<strong>as</strong>ure, reed = 6 cubits = 3 meters (circular + to sprout) [GI archaic frequency: 484].gi(n), ge(n): v., to act justly; to stabilize, streng<strong>the</strong>n; to confirm; to establish something <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong>property of someone (dative) (lo<strong>an</strong>word from Semitic, Orel & Stolbova #1403, *ka'Vn- 'be true', Akkadi<strong>an</strong>kânu; cf., ñin, ñen).adj., just; firm; fixed; reliable, trustworthy.gi (4) : to surround, besiege; to lock up (circle + to descend into).gi (17) :adj., small.gí, gé: reed mat.gi 4 , ge 4 :n., young m<strong>an</strong> (small <strong>an</strong>d thin like a reed).to return, come back; to send (back) (with -ši-); to reject, dislike; to restore; to <strong>an</strong>swer(person to whom <strong>an</strong>swer is given resumed by dative prefix, <strong>an</strong>d with -ni-) (circular motion + to go out,send) [GI 4 archaic frequency: 37; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gi 7 : (cf., gir 15 ).gi 9 , ge 9 : (cf., gir 10 ).gi 17 :(cf., gig).gi 25 [DUGUD]:(cf., gíg).gu: string, thread; wool yarn; flax; hemp; snare; net; orig. word for needle (circular + gr<strong>as</strong>s-like) [GU archaicfrequency: 53].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 10

gú: neck; nape; river b<strong>an</strong>k; side; o<strong>the</strong>r side; edge; front; l<strong>an</strong>d; pulse, chick pea (for 'l<strong>an</strong>d, district' cf., gún;for 'load; talent' cf., gun; gún, gú) (circular + u 5 , 'on top of'; cf., Orel & Stolbova #982, *gun-"occiput, neck, nape") [GU 2 archaic frequency: 34].gu 2,4 : (cf., gud (2) ).gù: n., noise, sound; voice.v., to exclaim; to utter a cry (said of <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal) (throat + u (3,4,8), 'cries, screams').gu 7 , kú: n., food, susten<strong>an</strong>ce; fodder; <strong>an</strong>gle [GU 7 archaic frequency: 236].v., to eat, swallow, consume, use; to eat up, finish off; to feed, nurse, benefit (with -ni-) (throat + ú, 'food').ñá: b<strong>as</strong>ket; house; stable (cf., ñar) [GA 2 archaic frequency: 125; concatenation of 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñá: (cf., ñál, ñar, ñe 26 <strong>an</strong>d ma (3) ).ñe: (cf., me).ñe 6 : (cf., gíg).ñe 26 , ñá:ñi 6 : (cf., gíg).ñu 10 :my, mine.I, myself; my.þa: precative <strong>an</strong>d affirmative verbal prefix: may; let; indeed.*þa:þá, þi-a:fish (not <strong>the</strong> usual word for fish, but <strong>the</strong> fish sign may get its syllabic reading of ÞA from *þ 'm<strong>an</strong>y' + a'water' = 'fish', <strong>an</strong> alternative to <strong>the</strong> usual ku 6, kua) [KU 6 archaic frequency: 282; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].þà, þù, a 6 , u:numerous; diverse; <strong>as</strong>sorted; mixed.ten (usually written: u).þe, þi: to mix [ÞI archaic frequency: 291].þe (2) : abund<strong>an</strong>ce; abund<strong>an</strong>t.þé: precative <strong>an</strong>d affirmative verbal prefix (same <strong>as</strong> þa).þu: bird (earlier word th<strong>an</strong> mušen).ia 2,7,9 , í: five.ìa, ì: n., oil, fat, cream.impersonal verbal conjugation prefix, indicates dist<strong>an</strong>ce from speaker.ia 4 , i 4 :pebble, counter.ka: mouth [KA archaic frequency: 108; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ka: in late usage <strong>the</strong> difference between a rough me<strong>as</strong>uring <strong>an</strong>d a final me<strong>as</strong>uring of a qu<strong>an</strong>tity of grain.ká: gate [? KA 2 archaic frequency: 11; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ka 5 -(a):fox.ka 9 : (cf., k<strong>as</strong> 7 <strong>an</strong>d níñ-k<strong>as</strong> 7 /ka 9 ).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 11

-ke 4 : often occurs at <strong>the</strong> end of a genitival compound which functions <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> actor or agent of <strong>the</strong> sentence(ak, genitival suffix 'of', + e, ergative agent marker).ki: n., earth; place; area; location; ground; grain ('b<strong>as</strong>e' + 'to rise, sprout') [KI archaic frequency: 386;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].prep., where; wherever, whenever; behind.kì: (cf., kìd).ku: to b<strong>as</strong>e, found, build; to lie down (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) [KU archaic frequency: 64; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kú: (cf., gu 7 ).kù: (cf., kug).ku 4 : (cf., kur 9 ).ku 5 : (cf., kud).ku 6 , kua: fish (kú, 'food', + a, 'water') [KU 6 archaic frequency: 282; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ku 7 : (cf., kuruš).ku 10 :(cf., gíg).la: abund<strong>an</strong>ce, luxury, wealth; youthful freshness <strong>an</strong>d beauty; bliss, happiness; wish, desire [LA archaicfrequency: 20; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].lá: to penetrate, pierce, force a way into (in order to see); to know; to look after; to have a beard (cf. also,lal) [LA 2 archaic frequency: 57].ñiš li: juniper/cedar tree [LI archaic frequency: 14].lí: true me<strong>as</strong>ure; fine oil.li 9 : to glisten, shine.lu: n., m<strong>an</strong>y, much; m<strong>an</strong>, men, people; sheep.v., to be/make numerous, abund<strong>an</strong>t; to multiply; to mix; to graze, p<strong>as</strong>ture (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s [?]) (cf., lug).lú: grown m<strong>an</strong>; male; hum<strong>an</strong> being; someone, <strong>an</strong>yone, no one; gentlem<strong>an</strong> [LU 2 archaic frequency: 85].lù: to disturb, agitate, trouble; to fluster, embarr<strong>as</strong>s; to stir, blend.lu 5 : (cf., lub, lul).ma: to bind (Emesal dialect for ñál; ñá) [MA archaic frequency: 250].ma (3) ; ñá: to go (Akk. alaaku).ñiš má: boat [MA 2 archaic frequency: 6].mà: (Emesal dialect for ñá-e).ma 4 : to leave, depart, go out (cf., mud 6 ).ma 5 : (cf., mù).me, mì; ñe:n., function, office, responsibility; ideal norm; <strong>the</strong> phenomenal area of a deity's power;divine decree, oracle; cult [ME archaic frequency: 363; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 12

v., to be; <strong>the</strong> <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> copula; to say, tell.poss. suffix, our.mé: (cf., gíg).me 3,6,7,9 : battle [ME 3 archaic frequency: 4].me 6 : to act, behave.mi: (cf., gíg).mí[SAL]: n., wom<strong>an</strong>; female (this pronunciation of <strong>the</strong> sign found in compound words <strong>an</strong>d verbs or inenclitic or proclitic position, Hallo & v<strong>an</strong> Dijk, p. 85) (cf. also, mu 10 , munus) (compounds are morelikely to preserve <strong>an</strong> older word) [SAL archaic frequency: 435].adj., feminine.mu: n., name; word; year; line on a tablet, entry; oath (cf., ñu 10 ) [MU archaic frequency: 99].v., to name, speak (cf., mug).prep., because.conjugation prefix, suggests involvement by speaker, used especially before dative infixes, preferred for<strong>an</strong>imate <strong>an</strong>d agentive subjects.mú: (cf., mud 6 ).mù, ma 5 [KA׊È]: to mill, grind; to burn (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).mu 4 : (cf., mur 10 ).mu 5 : well-formed, beautiful; plump, fattened.mu 7 [KA×LI]: to shout, scream, roar; exorcism ?.mu 10 [SAL]: wom<strong>an</strong>; female (cf. also, mí, munus) [SAL archaic frequency: 435].na: n., hum<strong>an</strong> being; incense [NA archaic frequency: 105; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., no.modal prefix, emphatic in p<strong>as</strong>t tense; prohibitive in present/future tense.ná, nú: (cf., nud).na 4 ; na:na 5 : chest, box.pebble, rock, ordinary stone; stone weight; token; hailstone.ne(-e), ne.en: this (one); that (one); demonstrative affix [NE archaic frequency: 303; concatenation of 4sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].nè; ní: strength, vigor, violence; forces, host.ni; na: he, she; that one (hum<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imate pronoun or possessive suffix) [NI archaic frequency: 263;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ní: self; body; one's own [NI 2 archaic frequency: 34].ní; ne 4 :fear; respect; frightfulness; awe.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 13

nì: (cf., níñ).ni 9 : (cf., nìñin).nu: n., image, likeness, picture, figurine, statue [NU archaic frequency: 101].adj. & adv., no, not; without; negative.pron., a pronominal prefix in a compound noun describing a person; or a phonetic writing for lú.nu 11 [ŠIR]: light; fire, lamp; alab<strong>as</strong>ter [NU 11 archaic frequency: 32].(ñiš) pa:leaf, bud, sprout; br<strong>an</strong>ch; wing; fea<strong>the</strong>r [PA archaic frequency: 378; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].pà: (cf., pàd).pa 4,5,6 (-r):irrigation ditch, small c<strong>an</strong>al, dike.pú: well, cistern, pool, fountain; depth [PU 2 archaic frequency: 37].ra(-g/þ): n., inundation [RA archaic frequency: 25].v., to strike, stab, slay; to stir; to impress, stamp, or roll (a seal into clay); to br<strong>an</strong>ch out (from <strong>the</strong> side of ac<strong>an</strong>al); to flood, overflow; to me<strong>as</strong>ure; to pack, haul, or throw away (with -ta-).prep., dative suffix - for - denotes <strong>the</strong> <strong>an</strong>imate being towards whom or in favor of whom <strong>an</strong> action is done.rá: (cf., re 7 ).rà: (cf., ara 4 ).re 7 ; ri 6 , rá, ir 10 ; e-re 7 ; er, ir:along or away; to stir, mix (plural hamtu e.re 7 .er; cf., du, ñin, súb).to accomp<strong>an</strong>y, lead; to bear; to go; to driveri: v., to throw, c<strong>as</strong>t; to place, pour, put into; to place upon or against (with -ši-); to be located; to touch;to moor a boat; to break open; to expel, remove, throw away, sweep away (with -ta-); to emit; to beget;to blow (said of a storm); to inundate; to exch<strong>an</strong>ge; to take; to ga<strong>the</strong>r, gle<strong>an</strong>; to pl<strong>an</strong> something (ri ishamtu form, ri-g is marû form, ri-ri-g is plural; cf., rig) [RI archaic frequency: 1].adj., far.demonstrative affix, that, those; regarding that (where <strong>the</strong> reference is to something outside <strong>the</strong> view of <strong>the</strong>speaker - over yonder).RI: calendar month 5 at Umma during Ur III.ru: n., present, gift [RU archaic frequency: 120].v., to blow; to give; to send (cf., rúg).rú: (cf., dù).rù: to be equal in size or r<strong>an</strong>k.ru 5 : to send forth shoots, buds, or blossoms; to butt; to gore.sa: n., sinew, tendon; cord; net; mat; bundle; string of a musical instrument [SA archaic frequency: 54;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to ro<strong>as</strong>t (barley) (cf., si; sa).sá: n., advice.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 14

v., to approach or equal in value; to compare with; to compete (with -da-).sa 4 : to name; to call by name.sa 5 : n., red ocher.adj., red, red-brown.sa 6 : (cf., sag 9 ).sa 7 : well-formed.sa 9 [MAŠ]:sa 10 :sa 12 :half.to be equivalent; to buy (cf., sám).(cf., sañ).si: n., horn(s); <strong>an</strong>tenna(e); line; ray(s); light; plowl<strong>an</strong>d (cf., sig 5 ) [SI archaic frequency: 417].v., to st<strong>an</strong>d upright; to be straight; to be in order; to become completely still.adj., regular, normal.si; su; sa; sa 5 : v., to fill up; to fill with (with -da-); to survey a field; to inundate; to be full; tobe sufficient, enough; to incre<strong>as</strong>e; to compensate, repay, replace; to grow weak (probably reduplicationcl<strong>as</strong>s) (cf., sum, sug 6 , rúg, sig, sig 5 ).adj., suitable, fit.sì, sè: (cf., sig 10 ).si 4 , su 4 , sa 11 : red [SI 4 archaic frequency: 116; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].si 14 :a small pot.su: n., body; flesh; skin; <strong>an</strong>imal hide; relatives; substitute (<strong>as</strong> verb, cf., si; sug 6 or rúg) [SU archaicfrequency: 188; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].lú SU:adj., naked.Subari<strong>an</strong>.su (3) : (cf., sud, sug 4 ) [SU 3 archaic frequency: 6].sú: (cf., zu)su 4 : to grow; to multiply.su 5 : (cf., suþ 5 ).su 6 : (cf., sun 4 ).su 7 : (cf., sug 8 ).su 8 : (cf., súg, súb).su 9 ; ša 4 :su 11 :v., to mourn, grieve.(cf., zú).su 13 : (cf., sud 4 ).n., red ocher.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 15

su x (TAG):to spread (cf., sud).ša: to dry up [ŠA archaic frequency: 97].šà: (cf., šag 4 ).ša 4 , še 13 : (cf., su 9 ).ša 5 : to cut, break (reeds).ša 6 : (cf., sag 9 ).še: n., barley; grain; a small length me<strong>as</strong>ure, barleycorn = 1/6 finger = 1/30 cubit = 1.67 centimeter in Presarg.-OB period; <strong>as</strong> a surface area me<strong>as</strong>ure = 432 square linear barleycorns = 12 square fingers; <strong>as</strong> a volumeme<strong>as</strong>ure = 1/180 gín = 1/3 gín-tur = 1 2/3 sìla = 360 cubic fingers = 1/10800 sar = approx.1.667 liters; 1/180 of a gín or shekel of silver = ca. 0.0463 grams (cf., še-ga/ge) [ŠE archaicfrequency: 639; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].demonstrative affix, may indicate '<strong>the</strong>re' within <strong>the</strong> view of <strong>the</strong> speaker.šè: n., portion [ŠE 3 archaic frequency: 152].prep., to, unto, <strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong>, up to; <strong>as</strong> regards, concerning; because of, for <strong>the</strong> sake of; until (terminative suffix<strong>an</strong>d in Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period terminative prefix).še 4 : (cf., sed).še 6 : (cf., šeñ 6 ).še 7 : (cf., šèñ).še 8 : (cf., šéš).še 10 :excrement, dung.še 17 : (cf., sed 4 ).še 29 [LÚ×KÁR, LÚ-KÁR]: (cf., šaña).ši: contrapunctive modal prefix; terminative prefix after Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period (cf., šè).šu: n., h<strong>an</strong>d; share, portion, bundle; strength; control [ŠU archaic frequency: 360].v., to pour.šú: (cf., šúš).šu 4 (-g):šu 4 : (cf., šuš).šu 12 :to st<strong>an</strong>d; to be deployed, set up (plural, reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).(cf., šùde).ta, dá: n., nature, character [TA archaic frequency: 34; concatenates 6 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].prep., from; to; for; by me<strong>an</strong>s of (ablative-instrumental noun suffix <strong>an</strong>d verbal prefix; <strong>as</strong> a noun suffix c<strong>an</strong> bea locative with remote deixis, <strong>as</strong> in <strong>an</strong>-ta <strong>an</strong>d ki-ta).ta 6 : (cf., taka 4 ).te, de 4 : n., cheek, chin (cf., temen) [TE archaic frequency: 199].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 16

te, de 4 ; ti: v., to approach, meet (someone: dative); to attack, <strong>as</strong>sault; to be frightened (alternatingcl<strong>as</strong>s, hamtu stem; cf., te-ñe 26 ).tè: <strong>an</strong> alkaline pl<strong>an</strong>t (?); soapwort (?); cardamon (cf., naña).te 8 [Á] mušen :bearded vulture.ti: side, rib; arrow (cf., te, diþ, <strong>an</strong>d tìl) [TI archaic frequency: 105; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].tu: to interfere (cf., tud <strong>an</strong>d tur 5 ) [TU archaic frequency: 54; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].tu mušen : (cf., tum 12 mušen ).tú: (cf., tam).tu 2,3 : (cf., tumu 2,3 ).tu 5,17 :n., bath.v., to w<strong>as</strong>h, ba<strong>the</strong>; to pour; to make libation (probably reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).tu 6 : exorcism; conjuration; exorcistic formula.tu 7 : soup; soup pitcher.tu 9 : (cf., túg).tu 10,11 :tu 15 :(cf., dun).(cf., tumu).za: you (singular).za: to make noise (occurs <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> verb in compounds with repetitive, onomatopoeic syllables symbolizing arepeated monotonous noise or motion (Krebernik, Beschwörungen, p. 70, summarizes <strong>the</strong> differentcompounds that occur in ED IIIB texts).za (2) : precious stone, gemstone; bead; hailstone; pit; kernel [ZA archaic frequency: 9].zà: (cf., zag).zé[ZÍ]:to cut; to shear, cut hair; to pluck (Emesal dialect for dùg, cf., zil; zé-er).zi: n., breathing; breath (of life); throat; soul (cf., zid, zìg) [ZI archaic frequency: 116; concatenates 3 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., (with -r Auslaut) to destroy; to <strong>an</strong>nihilate.zí: stench; bile; bitter.zì: (cf., zíd).zu, sú: n., wisdom, knowledge.v., to know; to underst<strong>an</strong>d; to inform, teach (in marû reduplicated form); to learn from someone (with -da-);to recognize someone (with -da-); to be experienced, qualified.adj., your (<strong>as</strong> suffix).pron., yours.zú, su 11 [KA]:tooth, teeth; prong; thorn; blade; ivory; flint, chert; obsidi<strong>an</strong>; natural gl<strong>as</strong>s.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 17

zu 5 : (cf., azu).aba, ab:abba:ubi ku6 :ubu [AŠ]:ada, ad:v., to balk.lake; sea [AB archaic frequency: 384; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].(cf., ab-ba).a marine <strong>an</strong>d fluvial fish [UBI archaic frequency: 7; concatenates 2 signs].area me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 1/2 of <strong>an</strong> iku (= 50 sar).n., fa<strong>the</strong>r; shout; song [AD archaic frequency: 36; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adda (2) , ad 3,6 : carc<strong>as</strong>s, corpse; skeleton [ADDA archaic frequency: 4].adda 4 , ád:to dispatch, send; to drive away; shrub, thornbush [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21; concatenates3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ída, íd, i 7 : river; main c<strong>an</strong>al; watercourse (éd,'to issue', + a,'water').udu:aga (3) :uga mušen :sheep; small cattle; ram, we<strong>the</strong>r [UDU archaic frequency: 452; concatenates 2 signs].diadem, circlet, crown (of legitimate kingship); turb<strong>an</strong> [TUN 3 archaic frequency: 96; concatenates 3 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].raven.egi (2) : (cf., egir 2/3 ).égi:(cf., ègir).igi: n., eye(s); gl<strong>an</strong>ce; face; <strong>as</strong>pect, looks; front (reduplicated ig, 'door') [IGI archaic frequency: 21].igi:v., to see.prep., before, in front of.reciprocal of a number (= <strong>the</strong> multiplier that will give 60; <strong>the</strong> igi of 5 is 0;12) (abbreviation of igiñál,'that which is opposite').ugu[U.GÙ]: n., skull; top of <strong>the</strong> head; top side; upper part; voice (cf., ùgun, ugu (4) ) (ù,'after it', +gú,'neck').pron., him, her, <strong>the</strong>m, this one.prep., upon, over, on top; after; comparative enh<strong>an</strong>cer of adjectives.úgu[A.KA]: debits part of account tablet.ugu 4 [KU]:áña, áñ, áka, ám:to bear, procreate, produce (cf., ugu 4-bi).to me<strong>as</strong>ure out, mete; to me<strong>as</strong>ure (area, length, time, capacity); to check.ùña, ùñ, ùku, un(-ñá): people; population; crowd.áþi, aþ 5 , á: arm; wing; horn; side; strength; work perform<strong>an</strong>ce; wages; moment. [A 2 archaic frequency:3]aka, ak, ag, a 5 :to do, act; to place; to make into (something) (with -si-) [AK archaic frequency:149; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 18

àka:iku:fleece.a surface me<strong>as</strong>ure of 3600 meters 2 = 100 sar = 1 square 'rope' = 1/18 bùr (plural Akk. form of ég,ék, 'levee').uku 2,5 : (cf., ukur 3,4 ).ùku:(cf., ùña).íla, íli, íl: n., carrier.v., to lift, carry; to deliver; to bring; to endure; to support; to carry forward (in accounting); to be high; toshine (íl-i in marû).ili 5 : to rise, get up.illu:ùlu: (cf., u 18 ).high water, flood; (amniotic) fluid; resin.úllu[KIB], ùl: le<strong>as</strong>h; reins [KIB archaic frequency: 7].ama:áma, am:mo<strong>the</strong>r [AMA archaic frequency: 241; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].wild ox or cow (aurochs).ama (4,5) , áme: women's quarters; living room.eme:ñiš eme:emma:émma:tongue; speech; plow's share.a utensil.(cf., enmen).(cf., énmen).éme: (cf., ummeda (2) ).eme 3,5,6 :imi, im, em:imi, im, em:umu, um:ùmmu:únu:ùnu(-d):she-<strong>as</strong>s, jenny.clay, loam, mud; tablet [IM archaic frequency: 67; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].wind; direction; wea<strong>the</strong>r; storm; cloud; rain (cf., tumu).old wom<strong>an</strong>; nurse; wise or skillful teacher.(cf., ummud).(cf., únug).fe<strong>as</strong>t; chief cowherd.unu 6 : (cf., ùnug).ára, ár[UB]:n., praise, glory.v., to praise, glorify.ara 3,5 : (cf., þara).ara 4 ; ar; rà:adj., bright; clear; polished.v., to shine; to blaze.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 19

iri:(cf., uru).uri (2) : Akkadi<strong>an</strong> (cf., kínda) [URI archaic frequency: 35; URI 2 archaic frequency: 1].ùri[ŠEŠ]:(cf., urin).uri 2,5 : (cf., urim 2,5 ).uru (2) (ki) , iri, rí; iri 11 : city, town, village, district [URU archaic frequency: 101;concatenation of 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; UNUG archaic frequency: 206; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].uru 2,5,18 :adj., high, deep.n., dev<strong>as</strong>tating flood; thunderstorm.ùru(-m)[ŠEŠ]: n., watch fire; light; glowing, luminous object.v., to watch, guard; to protect.uru 4 [APIN], ur 11 (-ru):to plow, till, cultivate.uru 9 : st<strong>an</strong>chion, support.uru 12 :uru 16 (-n):same me<strong>an</strong>ing <strong>as</strong> ur (2,3,4) with <strong>the</strong> marû <strong>as</strong>pect-e suffix <strong>an</strong>d vowel harmony.vali<strong>an</strong>t; strong, mighty; clever.<strong>as</strong>a, <strong>as</strong>, az: cage; fetter; bear; myrtle [AZ archaic frequency: 13].esi:isi:usu:ussu (2,3) :(cf., (na4) esig).pit; clay pit.skill; strength.aša 5 : (cf., ašag).eša, eše 4 :éšša:eight (ía, 'five', + eš 5 , 'three').emmer wheat flour.to be satiated, full.éše, éš[ŠÈ]: rope; me<strong>as</strong>uring tape/cord; length me<strong>as</strong>ure, rope = 10 nind<strong>an</strong> rods = 20 reeds = 120cubits = <strong>the</strong> side of 1 square iku in area = 1,0,0 [60 2 ] fingers; a surface area me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 6 iku; le<strong>as</strong>h (c<strong>an</strong>be <strong>an</strong> adverbial suffix like eš) (eš, 'much', + eš, 'much') [ŠE 3 archaic frequency: 152].èše:iši:eššu:ušu:ùšu:itu, iti:a surface me<strong>as</strong>ure = 2.16 hectares or 6 iku.mountain [IŠ archaic frequency: 88; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ear of barley or o<strong>the</strong>r grain.a crop-devouring insect.thirty (eš 5,'three', + þà/u,'ten').iti 6 [UD. d NANNA]:(cf., itud).moonlight.d utu: <strong>the</strong> sun <strong>as</strong> a god (cf., ud).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 20

útu:a dish prepared with milk.azu, úzu, zu 5 : doctor (cf., a-zu) [AZU archaic frequency: 7].izi[NE]:uzu:fire (cf., iz-zi) [NE archaic frequency: 303; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].flesh; cut of meat; omen (ùz, 'goat', + zé, 'to cut').uzu 5 : evening, sunset.dab (2,4,5) , dib (2) :n., fetter.v., to hold; to take, seize, catch; to bind, tie up; to take away; to hire; to receive (motion into opencontainer).dab 6 , da 5 :dib (2) :dub:to surround; to beset, besiege.to traverse, cross; to infringe upon; to p<strong>as</strong>s (by/along); to send over; to w<strong>an</strong>der [? DIB archaicfrequency: 6].n., (clay) tablet; document (motion into open container) [DUB archaic frequency: 229; concatenates 6 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to store, heap up; to pour out; to move in a circle; to shake; to sprinkle off, strew (with -ta-); to dye(fabrics) (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s ?).dúb, túb:gaba:gib:gub:gúb:gùb:þab (2) :to kick, flop (said of fish, newborn <strong>an</strong>imals, <strong>an</strong>d slaughtered <strong>an</strong>imals); to strike, hammer,knock down; to (make) tremble, quake; to rumble [DUB 2 archaic frequency: 2].bre<strong>as</strong>t; chest; side (of a field or mountain) (ga, 'milk', + ba, 'to give').(cf., gilim[-b]).to st<strong>an</strong>d; to set, erect, install (singular); to set down in writing; to st<strong>an</strong>d by, to serve (with -da-); to doservice (with -ši-); to st<strong>an</strong>d <strong>as</strong>ide (with -ta-) (to be long <strong>an</strong>d throat-like in open container).to purify, cle<strong>an</strong>se.left (h<strong>an</strong>d) (cf., þab <strong>an</strong>d þúb; <strong>the</strong> left w<strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d that st<strong>an</strong>k from wiping excrement) [GUB 3 archaicfrequency: 15; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].n., foul smell; resin; gall(nut) (attracting m<strong>an</strong>y vermin in open container).v., to stink; to rot.adj., malodorous.þub, þup: depth; defeat [ÞUB archaic frequency: 1].þúb, þúp:acrobat, athlete; a type of weaver (?); a left-h<strong>an</strong>ded or ambidextrous person (?) [ÞUB 2 archaicfrequency: 2].káb: flaxen me<strong>as</strong>uring string ?.kib:<strong>an</strong> object, that could be made of gold.kib x [GIG](-ba): wheat.lib x [Í.UDU]: mutton fat; gre<strong>as</strong>e (abund<strong>an</strong>ce collected in open container).lub[LUL](-bi):a cut of meat.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 21

urudu lub(-bi): <strong>an</strong> ax for use in agriculture or <strong>as</strong> a weapon.nab:nib:oce<strong>an</strong>; musici<strong>an</strong>; Elamite word for 'god' (ní, 'fear, respect', + aba, ab, 'lake, sea') [NAB archaic frequency:10].cheetah; leopard (ní, 'fear, respect' + íb, 'to be <strong>an</strong>gry').pab, pap, pa 4 :fa<strong>the</strong>r; bro<strong>the</strong>r; m<strong>an</strong>; leader [PAP archaic frequency: 501; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].(ñiš) rab, rap: ring; clamp; fetter, shackle; stock; pillory; snare (to slide + open container).rib:sub; su-ub:to be higher in r<strong>an</strong>k; to go away (Akk. rabbu).to suck; to suckle; to clog; to bless; to pray (naked flesh + open container).súb, súg, su 8 : to lead out; to st<strong>an</strong>d; to travel (plural marû su 8 -bé, said of two or more, such <strong>as</strong>a herd; cf., also du, ñin, re 7 ).sub 2/3 :(cf., sipad).šab (PA.IB): n., middle; stem (cf., sabad; dug šab) [ŠAB archaic frequency: 61; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].dug šab:v., to subtract, deduct; to bite off; to snip out, chip out; to fall out, disappear; to apportion (lots); to ga<strong>the</strong>rup (portion + divide).šib, šip:šub:pot; pail; vessel.exorcism.to c<strong>as</strong>t, throw; to be c<strong>as</strong>t; (with -da-) to drop, let fall; to fall (upon); to fell a tree; (with -ta-) to throwout, remove (šu, 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + bu 5 , 'to rush around').šub 6 [ŠID]:šuba (2/3) :tab:to lick.n., a precious stone - agate (?); a priest (cf., sipad).v., to be ba<strong>the</strong>d, cle<strong>an</strong> ('licked cle<strong>an</strong>' ?).adj., pretty; shining.n., comp<strong>an</strong>ion; pair; sting; fever.v., to hold, cl<strong>as</strong>p; to bind; to burn; to tremble, shake; to make h<strong>as</strong>te; to join (with -da-); to be/make double(sometimes reduplicated) (side + open container).adv., toge<strong>the</strong>r (precedes <strong>the</strong> modified verb).tub x : (cf., tun).zib (2) :haunch; stamp, br<strong>an</strong>d; distinguishing mark; color (izi, 'fire' + íb, 'thigh').zubu, zubi: sickle (zú, 'flint; tooth', + bu[r], 'to pull, draw, cut off') [? ZUBI archaic frequency: 2;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].bad, be: to open; to let out; to go away; to be at a dist<strong>an</strong>ce; to drive away; to separate, remove(regularly followed by rá; cf., bara 4 <strong>an</strong>d sem<strong>an</strong>tics of bar) (open container with motion away from)[BAD archaic frequency: 23].bàd:n., (city) wall [? EZEN archaic frequency: 114; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to climb, <strong>as</strong>cend.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 22

ad 4 : fortress; hardship, difficulty; inarable l<strong>an</strong>d.bìd, bi 7 :dida:didi:v., to defecate; to urinate.n., <strong>an</strong>us (open container with motion away from).beer; beer ingredient.young, small.gada: flax; linen (clothing) (gu, 'flax, thread', + da, 'to protect') [GADA archaic frequency: 96; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gíd[BU]:n., length [BU: archaic frequency: 393; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to leng<strong>the</strong>n; to draw, pull, tow; to me<strong>as</strong>ure out; to m<strong>an</strong>age; to reach out (to take) (to be long <strong>an</strong>d throatlikewith motion away from).adj., long; dist<strong>an</strong>t.gud, guð x , gu 4 :n., domestic ox, bull (regularly followed by rá; cf., gur (4) ) (voice/sound withrepetitive processing - refers to <strong>the</strong> bellow of a bull) [GU 4 archaic frequency: 182].v., to d<strong>an</strong>ce, leap (cf., gu 4 -ud).gud ku6 ; gu-ud ku6 :gud (2) , gu 2,4 :gùd:nest.warrior.carp ('d<strong>an</strong>cing, leaping fish').gud 8 : short (related to but opposite in me<strong>an</strong>ing to gíd).gúda, gudu 4 : (cf., gudug).þáda, þad (2) : v., to dry; to shine brightly (þé, 'let it become', + dág, 'brilli<strong>an</strong>t').adj., dry; dried (e.g., fish); white.þúd: morning [UD archaic frequency: 419].kad 4,5 :gi kid:kid 2,7 :kìd, kì:to tie, bind toge<strong>the</strong>r [KAD 4 archaic frequency: 13; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].reed mat [KID archaic frequency: 76; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].to pinch off (clay); to remove; to divorce; to dispossess; to open (ground with motion away from;cf., kìr, 'to nip off clay').kid 6 , kad 6,8 :to build; to make; to act (ground/floor plus motion).to weave a mat (ground/floor plus motion).kud, kur 5 , ku 5 :(regularly followed by rá; cf., gur 5 , kìr, <strong>an</strong>d gur 10 ) (b<strong>as</strong>e with motion away from).lud:to cut off (with -ta-); to breach (a dike); to separate; to levy tax or tribute; to cursea small bowl; a pestle (abund<strong>an</strong>ce + motion).mud: n., heel; h<strong>an</strong>dle; a right-<strong>an</strong>gled tool [MUD archaic frequency: 88].v., to give birth; to be afraid; to frighten (closed container with motion out from).adj., dark, dim.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 23

múd:mud 3,4 :blood (closed container with motion out from).a large vat for beer [MUD 3 archaic frequency: 27; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].mud 5 : exultation, jubilation.mud 6 , mú: to sing; to blow; to ignite, kindle; to make grow; to sprout, appear (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (mu,'word', + éd, 'to go out').mud 8 [NUNUZ-ÁB = LAK 449]: <strong>an</strong> amphora in <strong>the</strong> 30-60 liter r<strong>an</strong>ge with two neck h<strong>an</strong>dles, = 50ku-li, Presargonic Girsu.ñiš nàd, ná:nud, nú:bed, couch (ná = nú-a, 'to lie down' + nominative [from R. Englund]) [NA 2 archaic frequency:72; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].to lie down; to lie toge<strong>the</strong>r with (with -da-); to lay down (with -ni-); to sleep; to kill (nu, 'not',+ éd, 'to go out').pad, pað x :n., bite, small rep<strong>as</strong>t (regularly followed by rá; cf., bur <strong>an</strong>d búru) (sprout + repetitiveprocessing) [? PAD archaic frequency: 38; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to break off.pàd, pà: to show, reveal; to choose, call; to seek; to find; to declare; to swear, take <strong>an</strong> oath; to chooseout of (with ablative prefix) (pà-dè in sing. marû; pà-pà-dè in plural marû) (sprout, br<strong>an</strong>ch + togo out; cp., pa...éd, 'to show; to make appear'; cf., ér...pàd) [PA 3 archaic frequency: 30].ñiš rad[ŠÌTA]: a tree, possibly a citrus tree [ŠITA 3 archaic frequency: 139; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sed (4,5,6) , šed 7,10,11,12 , še 4,5,17,18,23 : n., cold water; coolness (si, 'to fill up', + éd, 'to go out').v., to cool down; to repose; to be calmed, quieted; to pacify; to abate, subside.sud, sù; su:súd:v., to be/make remote, far away, l<strong>as</strong>ting; to stretch; to wag (a tail); to rejoice, feeldelight; to sip; to sprinkle; to strew; to furnish, provide; to immerse; to sink; to drown (reduplicationcl<strong>as</strong>s) (regularly followed by rá) (su 4 , 'to grow up, multiply', + éd, 'to go out').adj., dist<strong>an</strong>t, remote; long (duration).sud 4 , su 13 :to pound, crush; to gn<strong>as</strong>h (<strong>the</strong> teeth) (su 9 , 'red ochre', + motion).v., to be long; to prolong, leng<strong>the</strong>n; to l<strong>as</strong>t; to give, present (regularly followed by rá)(narrow line + repetitive process) [BU: archaic frequency: 393; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., long.šed 7,10,11,12 : (cf., sed (4,5,6) ).šid, šed: (cf., šita 5 ).šid 3,4,5 : (cf., šita (4) ).šùde, šùdu, šùd, šu 12 : n., prayer, blessing [ŠU 12 archaic frequency: 1].v., to pray, bless (šu, 'h<strong>an</strong>d', + dé, 'to hail').tud, tu, dú:túd:zid, zi:to bear, give birth to; to beget; to be born; to make, f<strong>as</strong>hion, create; to be reborn,tr<strong>an</strong>sformed, ch<strong>an</strong>ged (to approach <strong>an</strong>d meet + to go out).to sp<strong>an</strong>k; to c<strong>an</strong>e (tu, 'to interfere', + motion).n., faith, confidence; legitimacy, s<strong>an</strong>ction; truth (zi, 'soul', + éd, 'to go forth').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 24

v., to streng<strong>the</strong>n (e.g., <strong>the</strong> levees of a c<strong>an</strong>al).adj., right (h<strong>an</strong>d); righteous; good; firm; faithful; true; legitimate; lawful; appropriate.zíd, zì[ŠÈ]:dag:dág:dig:dug:flour, meal (life + motion <strong>as</strong> in grinding).n., resting-place, dwelling, chamber (motion <strong>as</strong> in traveling + throat-like chamber) [DAG archaic frequency:4].v., to add; to stretch (out); to roam about.adj., moist.brilli<strong>an</strong>t; pure; cle<strong>an</strong> ('to go out' + aga (3) , 'diadem, circlet, crown').v., to become moist, soft, workable; to be in a weakened state (motion + throat-like chamber, vagina).st<strong>an</strong>dard size ear<strong>the</strong>n jar, pot, jug, vessel, = 30 liters (sìla), except at Presargonic Girsu = 20 liters[DUG archaic frequency: 581; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].dùg, du 10 : n., gladness; knee(s); lap; loins; member (motion + throat-like chamber, vagina).v., to enjoy; to be/make enjoyable.adj., sweet, good; beautiful; favorable; ple<strong>as</strong>ing; fresh (water).dug 4 , du 11 :n., speech.v., to speak; to order, comm<strong>an</strong>d; to sing; to speak with, converse (with -da-) (singular hamtu form, cf. also,ég); to do (<strong>as</strong> auxiliary verb preceded by a noun) (nonfinite form = di) (to make a motion in <strong>the</strong> throat).(ñiš) gag, kak: peg; nail, spike; bone; hinge, joint, knee (reduplicated to be long <strong>an</strong>d neck-like; cf., gub)gig, gi 17 :[KAK archaic frequency: 46; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].16].n., illness; injury; wheat (cf., kib x ) (throat + i, 'cry of pain', + throat) [GIG archaic frequency:v., to be/make sick; to be painful to (with dative); to reject.adj., painful.gíg, ñíg, gi 6 , ge 6 , ñi 6 , ñe 6 , mi, mé, ku 10 ; gi 25n., night (soundsrepresent <strong>the</strong> throat chamber or <strong>the</strong> mouth <strong>as</strong> <strong>an</strong> enclosed dark chamber) [GI 6 archaic frequency: 105].v., to be black or dark (ku 10 : reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).adj., black, dark (cf., kúkku).gug: monthly offering; br<strong>an</strong>d; carneli<strong>an</strong> (with na 4 ).ninda gúg: cake; pressed-date bread (gu 7 , 'to eat, swallow, consume' + round <strong>an</strong>d neck-like) [GUG 2 archaicfrequency: 70; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gug 5 : hostility, war (might be reduplicated ug 5,7,8, 'to kill; to die').kug, kù:n., silver; precious metal; money; noble (ku, 'to b<strong>as</strong>e, build' + aga (3) , 'diadem, circlet, crown')[KU 3 archaic frequency: 181; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to cle<strong>an</strong>se, purify; to make cultically pure.adj., bright, pure; white; sacred, holy.lag, lañ:piece; lump, gob; clod; bulk size, collected m<strong>as</strong>s (abund<strong>an</strong>ce + round).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 25

lug, lu:to swarm (said of birds <strong>an</strong>d fish) (lu, 'to be numerous' + gù, 'noise, sound').mug, muk; mu: n., chisel; short, broken wool fibers, tow; sty, eyesore.mug (2) :nug:nig:níg:v., to hew out, hollow out; to engrave, carve; to abrade, erode (chamber + ku, 'to build').v., to be in heat.n., nakedness; pudenda (mu 10 , 'female' + ig, 'door, entr<strong>an</strong>ce').a perfume pl<strong>an</strong>t.bitch; lioness (ní, 'strength, respect, fear' + ig, 'door, entr<strong>an</strong>ce'; cf., nib, 'cheetah; leopard').(cf., níñ).nigu, niga (2) :+ nominative a).fattened (e.g., oxen or sheep); grain-fed (ní, 'body' or níñ, 'thing', + gu 7, 'to feed, eat'pag, bag[ÞU]: to cage, shelter (birds) (br<strong>an</strong>ches + round chamber).rig; ri:rìg:rig 5,7 :to bring; to tend; to pull; to gle<strong>an</strong>, pick (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (flowing motion such <strong>as</strong> re 7, 'toaccomp<strong>an</strong>y, lead, drive along' + ig, 'door, entr<strong>an</strong>ce').mace, weapon (ri, 'to throw' + ug 5,7,8, 'to kill').n., list; temple ward, slave.v., to deed, gr<strong>an</strong>t (see etymology of sa 12 ...rig 7 ).rúg [SU or NAM.SU]; ru:to restore; to replace; to pay back; to receive (reduplicationcl<strong>as</strong>s) (ru, 'to give; to send' + entr<strong>an</strong>ce).sag 5 : (cf., zàg).sag 9 , šag 5 , sig 6 , sa 6 , ša 6 :n., good fortune; (divine) grace, favor.v., to be/make good; to ple<strong>as</strong>e, satisfy; to be friendly (with dative or -da-) (reduplicated in hamtu; sa 6 -ge in marû).adj., sweet, good, ple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t; beautiful; fruitful (sa 7 , 'well-formed' + ge (2,6), 'girl').sagi [SÌLA.ŠU.DU 8 ]:cupbearer (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akk. šaaqû).sig; si(-ga): adj., low; late; small, narrow; weak (cf. si-ga <strong>as</strong> noun, verb, <strong>an</strong>d adjective incompounds) [SIG archaic frequency: 66].síg:(cf., siki).sig 3,10,11,18 , sag 2,3 , sì, sè:n., stroke, blow.v., to chop down (trees); to strike, hurt, damage; to beat (rhythmically, for inst<strong>an</strong>ce a drum); to (make) totter,shake, quake; to demolish, raze; to flatten, crush; to remove, doff; to become still, settled (si, 'to st<strong>an</strong>dupright' + ug 5,7,8, 'to kill'; cf., sug 5).sig 4 : sun-dried unbaked brick; brickwork; wall(s) [? SIG 4 archaic frequency: 2].sig 5 , sag 10 :sig 5,9 ; šeg 5 ; si:(to be) mild, sweet, good; of fine quality (narrow, fine + throat for eating).n., silence.v., to stay silent; to silence (si, 'to be still' + throat for vocalizing).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 26

sig 7 , se 12 (-g), sa 7 (-g): v., to let live; to create; to live; to dwell; to complete; to be/makeple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t or beautiful; to garden; to pull out weeds; to tear out; to complain (in me<strong>an</strong>ings 'to live', pluralstem of tìl) (si, 'upright stalks' + ég, 'to water') [SIG 7 archaic frequency: 61].adj., pale, sallow; green, yellow.sig 9 ; si: to be narrow (narrow, fine [ + neck-like]).sig 10 , sì, sè: to apply, place, set, put in; to engrave; to make flat, even; to subject, subdue; to sweepalong; to do, cause; to surround; to compare; to match (cf., sum, sig 3 ) (combination of me<strong>an</strong>ingssuch <strong>as</strong>: su x , 'to spread', sig 3 , 'to knock down', <strong>an</strong>d sá, 'to compare').sig 17 (GI): <strong>the</strong> color of <strong>the</strong> low or setting sun = reddish yellow or gold (cf., sig).sigga, sig 14 , šeg 8,9 : wild mountain boar ? (cf., šaþ, šenbar) [ŠEG 9 archaic frequency: 10].sug: swamp; flood b<strong>as</strong>in; lake; fertile l<strong>an</strong>d (to fill, inundate + ég, 'levee, dike') [SUG archaic frequency: 15].súg, su 8 :sug 4 , sù; su:to st<strong>an</strong>d (plural marû) (cf., gub, súb) (su, 'body' + 'long <strong>an</strong>d neck-like').v., to strip naked, lay bare; to empty (su, 'body' + ig, 'entr<strong>an</strong>ce'; cp,mug (2),'nakedness').adj., empty, destitute.sug 5 [GÍN]:to bring low; to knock down (also read dùn, du 5 with this me<strong>an</strong>ing) (cf., tùn) (si, 'tost<strong>an</strong>d upright' + ug 5,7,8, 'to kill'; cf., sig 3,10,11,18, sag 2,3, sì, sè) [SUG 5 archaic frequency: 67].sug 6 , su: to replace, restore, return (a lo<strong>an</strong>, etc.) (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (cf., rúg) (to fill up + entr<strong>an</strong>ce,chamber).sug 8 , sul 4 , sur 12 , su 7 :threshing floor; grain pile; a small <strong>an</strong>imal (cf., su-a, 'cat').šag 4 , šà: n., intestines; gut; heart; stomach; abdomen; entrails; content; womb; body; interior, midst,inside; bed of a river; will, volition; mood; me<strong>an</strong>ing, signific<strong>an</strong>ce (grain/excrement + water/urine +chamber) [ŠA 3 archaic frequency: 137; concatenates 6 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].prep., in; at.šag 5 : to slaughter (ša 5, 'to cut, break' + ug 5,7,8, 'to kill').šag 5 : (cf., sag 9 ).šeg 4 : frost; cold shudder, chills.šeg 8/9 :šug:tag:snow; ice (cf., sigga).(cf., šuku).(cf., taka).tag 4 : (cf., taka 4 ).tigi [BALAÑ.NAR]; tígi [NAR.BALAÑ]:túg, tu 9 :lú TÚG:fuller.tug 4 : (cf., tuku 4 ).harp (ti, 'life', + gi 4, 'to restore').cloth; cloth garment (side + to encircle) [TUG 2 archaic frequency: 311; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 27

zag, zà:boundary, border, limit, side; cusp, beginning; territory, district, place; s<strong>an</strong>ctuary; percentage;a me<strong>as</strong>ure for fish; shoulder; right (side); front; outside of (life + to encircle) [ZAG archaic frequency: 71;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].zàg, sag 5 , zàñ, sañ 5 [ŠID]:zìg, zi:to choose; chosen.n., wall, partition (úz, 'side, edge', + ig, 'door').v., to st<strong>an</strong>d up, rise ; to rise up from (with -ta- or -ra-); to rouse; to go out or make go out; to tear out,uproot, weed; to take out, extract; to spend or credit; to approach; to recruit (zi-zi in marû).adj., high.zug 4 [KA×LI]: (cf., ú-zug 4 ).giñ 4 : (cf., gín).þuñ, þun(-ñ): to hire or rent (someone or something); to introduce (to a job); to rest, repose; to abate(m<strong>an</strong>y + to mete out to).kíñ, kin: n., message, order; t<strong>as</strong>k, work (to build + to mete out to) [KIN archaic frequency: 9].v., to seek, fetch (with locative-terminative -ni-); to send; to order (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).luña[PA.ÑÁ], lúñ[PA], lu 9 :nañ, na 8 :n., drink.fault, error; bad; abusive remark; impudence.naña:v., to drink; to water, irrigate; to drink out of (with -ta-) (na 8 -na 8 in marû) (ní, 'body, self', + a, 'water', +áñ, 'to mete out to').soda, alkali, pot<strong>as</strong>h (used <strong>as</strong> soap); <strong>an</strong> alkaline pl<strong>an</strong>t; soapwort (nañ, 'to drink', + a, 'water') [NAGAarchaic frequency: 125; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].[ñiš] naña 3,4 , nañ X [GAZ, KUM]: to crush; (with nominative -a) pestle.níñ, nì:property, tre<strong>as</strong>ure, valuables, <strong>as</strong>sets; thing; a matter; something; used <strong>as</strong> a prefix to formconcrete nouns (self + to mete out to) [GAR archaic frequency: 409].sañ, sa 12 : head; point; leader; present, gift; slave; hum<strong>an</strong>, individual (sá, 'to equal'; sa 4, 'to name', +ñe 26, ñá, myself) [SAG archaic frequency: 420].sañ 2/3 :adj., first, first-cl<strong>as</strong>s, prime.prep., in front.sañ 5 : (cf., zàg).to scatter; scattered (to multiply; to spread + to mete out).saña 11 , sañ 11 , siñ 18 [KIN]:šaña, še 29 , þeš 5 [LÚ×KÁR, LÚ-KÁR]:to cut, break, harvest.šeñ 3,7 , še 7 : rain; to rain (šu, 'to pour' + to mete out).šeñ 6 , še 6 :zàñ:(cf., zàg).captive (tied up with a rope éše; cf., lú-éše).to heat, cook, bake, boil; to be hot; to dry a field (redup. cl<strong>as</strong>s) (ša, 'to dry up' + to mete out).daþ, taþ: n., substitute, replacement [DAH archaic frequency: 21].v., to add; to multiply; to repeat; to say fur<strong>the</strong>r; to help (motion into numerousness).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 28

diþ (2) :to sting; sting, barb, point; sickness, fever; torpidity (?) (cf., ti) (motion + cry of pain + insect).duþ, du 8 : n., residue, by-product; br<strong>an</strong> (motion + pl<strong>an</strong>t, gr<strong>as</strong>s + numerous times) [DU 8 archaic frequency: 29;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to crack, loosen, open; to untie; to adorn, clo<strong>the</strong> (reduplicated); to spread; to caulk a boat (with pitch); togouge (eyes); to bake bread/bricks; to prepare <strong>the</strong> threshing floor; to remit (a debt).adj., free.laþ, àþ[UD]; uþ: to dry up; to dry out; to sparkle, shine (cf., luþ, làþ).adj., dry.laþ 4,5 : to bring (plural); to drive off; to plunder, capture, take away; to fling (away) (plural form, cf., de 6 ,tumu 2,3 ) (íla, 'to bring', + þá, 'numerous').luþ, làþ:maþ:to be cle<strong>an</strong>, fresh; to cle<strong>an</strong>; to w<strong>as</strong>h; to sweep (la, 'youthful freshness', + þe, 'to mix').v., to be or make large (ama, 'mo<strong>the</strong>r of', + numerous) [MAÞ archaic frequency: 6; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., high, exalted, great, lofty, foremost, sublime.máþ[AL]:paþ[LUL]:suþ (2,3,5) :<strong>an</strong> adjective for cows (<strong>as</strong> opposed to ñiš for bulls).leg.n., confusion, disorder; encircling wall (cf., ñiš ù-suþ 5) (ussu, 'eight', + numerous, cf. <strong>the</strong><strong>an</strong>cillary me<strong>an</strong>ings of imin, 'seven' - <strong>as</strong> more th<strong>an</strong> seven, eight is confusing) [SUÞ 3 archaic frequency: 4].v., to uproot, displace; to relocate, tr<strong>an</strong>sfer; to become confused.adj., carefully chosen.suþ 4 : reed matting (fine, narrow + pl<strong>an</strong>t + numerous).šaþ (2) : domestic pig (grain + water + numerous (offspring) - pigs efficiently turn feed into food) [ŠAH 2archaic frequency: 39; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].zaþ:zaþ 2,3 :to be calm, tr<strong>an</strong>quil; a mark or impression, esp. on <strong>the</strong> liver.n., secrecy.v., to flee; to hide; to ab<strong>an</strong>don; to be lost; to perish (describes workers/slaves who have fled state control)(derives from zag, 'boundary, border, district', just <strong>as</strong> þúb relates to gùb).zeþ[SAL.ÁŠ.GÀR]: female goat-kid (ùz, 'goat', + numerous, abund<strong>an</strong>t).zuþ[ZÚ]:kak:(cf., gag).to steal, rob (zú, 'teeth' + numerous).siki, síg: hair (of head, beard, body); wool; fur, hide (si, 'long, thin things', + ku 10 , 'black' ? or kul,'thick, heavy' ?) [SIG 2 archaic frequency: 224; concatenates 12 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].suku 5 :šika:(cf., súkud).potsherd; shell; rind (h<strong>an</strong>d, portion + mouth).šuku, šug: allotted food portion, ration, provision; allotted field plot (regularly followed by rá) (šu,'portion', + kud, 'to separate').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 29

adj., big, large; mighty; great (chamber + abund<strong>an</strong>t, numerous) [GAL archaic frequency: 1004; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gala[ÑÌŠ.DÚR]:c<strong>an</strong>tor, ritual singer, lamentation priest; tr<strong>an</strong>svestite (throat + la, 'youthfulfreshness <strong>an</strong>d beauty').gal 4 (-la), gála:gala 3,4,5 : (cf., kala 3,4,5 ).galla, gulla x :gil:gul:(cf., gilim).vagina, vulva, female genitalia (throat-like chamber + lá, 'to penetrate, pierce').police chief (?); a demon (cf., gal 5 -lá).v., to destroy, demolish (<strong>as</strong> preparation for rebuilding); to be destroyed; to obstruct; to extinguish; toce<strong>as</strong>e; to fall upon (with -ši-); to wreck to pieces, to destroy utterly (with -ta-) (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s)(gu 7 , 'to consume' + ul, '<strong>an</strong>cient, enduring') [GUL archaic frequency: 24].adj., evil; enormous.gùl, gal 5 :to overwhelm.ñala 7 , ñál; ñá: to be (somewhere); to be available; to place, put (with -ni- or bi-); to placeinto (with -ši-); to be with someone (with -da-); to have on one's person (with -da-); to bepossible (with -da-); to take <strong>an</strong> oath; to dwell (ñá, 'storage b<strong>as</strong>ket' + íla, 'to be high').ñèle:þal:(cf., míli).n., crotch, upper thigh;secret; divination expert; portion, share (cf., þa-la <strong>an</strong>d pap-hal(-la)) (lo<strong>an</strong>s from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> hallu I <strong>an</strong>d pahallu; cf., Orel & Stolbova #1928, *pahal- "leg, thigh" <strong>an</strong>d#1929, *pahal- "break through, split") [ÞAL archaic frequency: 53].v., to stream, run; to divide; to deal out, distribute (þal-þa in marû).þul (3) : n., evil (vermin + abund<strong>an</strong>t, numerous) [ÞUL archaic frequency: 1].þúl:v., to destroy; to ruin; to harm.adj., bad, evil; hated; hostile, malicious.n., joy (þé, 'let <strong>the</strong>re be' + ul, 'joy, ple<strong>as</strong>ure').v., to be happy; to rejoice over (usually with -da-, but also -ši-).adj., joyous.kal-(l):v., to esteem, value; to be rare; to make dear, endear; to be appreciated (cf., kalag) (ka,'mouth' + la, 'youthful beauty, abund<strong>an</strong>ce') [KAL archaic frequency: 60; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., excellent; precious, valuable (cf., kalag).kala 3,4,5 , gala 3,4,5 : store-pit; cellar (cf., ki-lal/lá, 'cellar gr<strong>an</strong>ary, silo' with vowel harmony).kul:lal, lá:heavy; thick; sexually mature; to bring toge<strong>the</strong>r, unite (b<strong>as</strong>e + abund<strong>an</strong>t, numerous).v., to be high; to hold; to lift; to carry; to h<strong>an</strong>g (from) (with -ta-); to weigh; to pay; to deduce;to strap, harness (with -ši-); to dress oneself; to place, set; to bind (a reed pillar); to stretch, extend,reach; to load; to lessen, be few, diminish; to accuse, denounce; to fall back, retreat (cf. also, lá)(reduplicated íla, 'to carry, support') [LA 2 archaic frequency: 57].adj., light, deficient; minus (cf. also, lá).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 31

(ú) lál:n., noose, l<strong>as</strong>so.làl:v., to h<strong>an</strong>g, suspend; to bind; to silence [LAL 2 archaic frequency: 27; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].honey; date-syrup (reduplicated la, 'luxury, bliss') [LAL 3 archaic frequency: 14; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].la(l)'u (2,3,4,5,6,7) : debt, owed amount (cf., lá-ìa[NI], 'arrears').lalla: shortage, deficiency (reduplicated lal/lá, 'light, deficient').lil:fool, moron (lallation word = unintelligible baby talk; or lal/lá, 'deficiency', + íla, 'to carry').líl: n., wind; breath; infection; spirit (of a place); back or open country (reduplicated li, 'cedar scent' ?) [?KID archaic frequency: 76; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to infect.lul, lu 5 :n., liar; lie; malicious act.v., to lie, deceive (reduplicated lù, 'to trouble, disturb').adj., false; treacherous; malicious.mèl: 'scorching' = heartburn (?).méli, míli, mél, ñèle, ñìli[KA×LI]; mèl:throat, pharynx; voice (me,'tosay, tell' + ?; cf., mu 7[KA×LI]; cf., Semitic root which m<strong>an</strong>ifests in Akkadi<strong>an</strong> <strong>as</strong> qâlu, 'be silent', but whichme<strong>an</strong>s 'voice' in Hebrew, Syriac, <strong>an</strong>d Ge'ez [P.R. Bennett, Comparative Semitic Linguistics, p. 50).milla[IŠ]: (cf., zíd-milla).mul: n., star; constellation; pl<strong>an</strong>et; meteor (ñi 6/mi, 'night', + ul, 'star, ornament') [MUL archaic frequency: 6].mùl:v., to (let) sparkle, shine, glow.pala (2,3) :pil (2) :a destructive insect; caterpillar (mù,'to mill, grind', + ul, 'flower, bud').vestments, clothing (of gods <strong>an</strong>d rulers) (cf., pa-paþ, 'inner s<strong>an</strong>ctum', <strong>an</strong>d lal/lá, 'to drape'<strong>as</strong> in túg-níñ-lal).to be/make obscure; to be/make dirty, de<strong>file</strong>d, disgraced (could refer to soot from bil,'to burn').sal, šal: n., uterus; vulva (narrow + numerous) [SAL archaic frequency: 435].v., to be narrow, thin, wide, spacious; to spread; to persist; to belittle.sil: to praise; to recline (in preparation for <strong>the</strong> love-making implied by sil 5,6).sil 5,6 :ple<strong>as</strong>ure, joy, bliss (si,'to st<strong>an</strong>d up like a horn', <strong>an</strong>d si,'to fill', + ul, 'joy, ple<strong>as</strong>ure').sila, sil; síl, zil; si-il:sila (3) :penetrate, pierce').sìla, sìl, šál:to cut into; to divide (si, 'long <strong>an</strong>d narrow', + lá, 'tostreet; path; trail; road; market place (si, '<strong>an</strong>ything long <strong>an</strong>d narrow', + lá, 'to extend, reach').me<strong>as</strong>ure of capacity, liter = 0.842 modern liters in <strong>the</strong> Neo-<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period;me<strong>as</strong>uring pot (si 14, 'a small pot', + lá, 'to weigh'; but cp. also, sal, 'uterus') [SILA 3 archaic frequency: 57;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sila 4 : (male) lamb; bait (cf., kir 11 ) (síg, 'hair, wool', + la, 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce') [SILA 4 archaic frequency: 73;concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sùl: (cf., sun 4 ).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 32

sul 4 : (cf., sug 8 ).šal:šál:(cf., sal).šul, sul:tal:(cf., sìla).n., young m<strong>an</strong>; warrior; invader; a bad dise<strong>as</strong>e involving skin eruptions (probably Akkadi<strong>an</strong>lo<strong>an</strong>word from šalaalu, 'to plunder; to deprive').v., to hurry, h<strong>as</strong>ten, speed up (cf., ul 4); to rub into <strong>the</strong> skin (duplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).adj., strong, heroic, proud, splendid.tál[PI]:til:large jug (sides + abund<strong>an</strong>t).n., breadth; underst<strong>an</strong>ding (sides; character + abund<strong>an</strong>t).v., to be/make wide, broad; to spread, unfold (said about wings, arms).to be ripe, complete; to pluck; to put <strong>an</strong> end to, finish; to ce<strong>as</strong>e, perish (iti, 'moon', + íl, 'to be high;to shine' ?) [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].tìla, tìl, ti:n., life (tu, 'to be born', + íla, 'to lift, carry').v., to live; to keep alive; to survive (with -da-); to dwell; to be halted (singular stem; cf. sig 7 ).til 4,5,6 , tal 3,4,5 : cry, shout, scream (te; ti, 'to be frightened', + ?).tílla: market place; crossroads (tìl,'to keep alive' + nominative) [TILLA 2 archaic frequency: 5].túl:zal[NI]:public fountain, well, cistern; lowl<strong>an</strong>d (tu 5,17 , 'bath', + to lift, be high, deep; cf., pú-lá, deep well).n., supply.v., to be full or abund<strong>an</strong>t; to flow; to continue; to p<strong>as</strong>s, elapse (said about time); to spend <strong>the</strong> day; to tarry,wait (often with -ni-; with -ta- in a temporal sense) (cf., zalag) (za,'monotonous repetition' +numerous).zil; zi; zé:zíl:dam:ñiš dam:dim:to undress; to peel off; to pare, cut; to shell; to flay (cf., sila) (zé, 'to shear, pluck',+ ul, 'joy, ple<strong>as</strong>ure').to make beautiful, ple<strong>as</strong>ing; to be loving, gentle, affectionate; to caress (usually reduplicated) (cf.,zil).spouse (husb<strong>an</strong>d or wife) (da, 'side; nearness; to hold, protect', + àm, 'to be; who') [DAM archaicfrequency: 10].<strong>the</strong> (curved) beam that connects <strong>the</strong> bottom of <strong>the</strong> plow to <strong>the</strong> pole.n., bond, tie; rope (dam, 'spouse', modified by i, 'to sprout', that indicates long <strong>an</strong>d narrow <strong>as</strong> in si)[DIM archaic frequency: 52; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to make f<strong>as</strong>t.dím[GIM]:ñiš dím:dìm:post (cf., dim).to make, f<strong>as</strong>hion, create, build (dù, 'to build, make', + im, 'clay, mud').n., sickness demon; pole of a water lift.adj., weak (di 4 , 'small', + àm, 'to be' ?).dim 4 : n., begging; tendril, clinging vine (cf., dim).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 33

v., to approach; to bow; to beg.adj., subservient (di 4 , 'small', + àm, 'to be' ?).dima, dimmu:dumu:gam:gàm:news, information; intention, decision (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akk. t.eemum).child; son; daughter (dú,'to bear, give birth', + mú,'to sprout, grow'; probably pronounced domu).n., decline, incline; death; depth (cf., gúr).v., to bend, curve; to bow down, kneel (for someone: dative; direction: terminative); to shrivel; to succumb(like a circle + to be).n., sickle; h<strong>an</strong>dle (like a circle + to be).v., to shine, glitter (like a crown, aga (3), + to be).géme, ñéme(?):wom<strong>an</strong>; workwom<strong>an</strong>; maid; slave-girl (ñeš, 'tool', + mí, 'wom<strong>an</strong>').gim, kim, gin 7 : prep., equative suffix; <strong>as</strong>, like; instead of; just <strong>as</strong>, during (cf., dím) (syllabicspellings indicate both gim <strong>an</strong>d gin 7; cf., Akk. kiima with same me<strong>an</strong>ings).gim 4 , ím: n., runner(cf., kaš 4 ).v., to trot, run (mainly said of <strong>an</strong>imals) (gi 4, 'to come back' + im, 'wind').gim 7 : (cf., kìm).gum:(cf., kum).gúm, gun 5 :to influence; to neglect, ignore (ga, 'milk' + um, 'old wom<strong>an</strong>').þum: to wrestle; to be p<strong>as</strong>sionate; to bruise, punch; to sm<strong>as</strong>h, break; to thresh grain; to paralyze (m<strong>an</strong>y +u (3,4,8), 'fight, dispute' + me 3,6,7,9, 'battle'; cf., þúb, þúp, 'acrobat, athlete').kam (2) :kàm:n., gr<strong>as</strong>p, grip.v., to desire (cf., ki...áñ, 'to love').n., tablet; disk (of metal or wood) (ka, 'mouth' + imi, 'clay').v., to ch<strong>an</strong>ge; to overturn; to b<strong>an</strong>ish, drive out (<strong>the</strong>se verbs make me wonder if this became <strong>the</strong> <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>word for a ch<strong>an</strong>geable wax-coated writing tablet).kìm[BU], gim 7 :kum, gum:kúm:willow tree.n., mortar (for grinding) [GUM archaic frequency: 47; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to crush, bruise (cf., þum; alternation between þ <strong>an</strong>d k/g like <strong>the</strong> alternation between þab, þúb <strong>an</strong>d gùb).v., to heat.adj., hot.kum 4 [UD]:lam:n., heat; summer; fever (kù, 'bright' + to be).<strong>an</strong> adjective describing flour [that would be ground in a mortar, kum] <strong>an</strong>d bread.n., abund<strong>an</strong>ce, luxuri<strong>an</strong>ce; almond tree; ne<strong>the</strong>rworld [LAM archaic frequency: 47; concatenates 3 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to grow luxuri<strong>an</strong>tly; to make grow luxuri<strong>an</strong>tly (la, 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce' + to be).láma, lám: <strong>an</strong> awe-inspiring quality (la, 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce' + me, 'function, power').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 34

d lamma, làma: a female spirit of good fortune; tutelary genius (lam, 'to make grow luxuri<strong>an</strong>tly', + a,nominative suffix).lima, limi, lim: thous<strong>an</strong>d (four hundred greater th<strong>an</strong> ñéš×u, 'six hundred').limmu (2,4,5) , lím: four (cp., lam).lum: n., fertilizer, m<strong>an</strong>ure; cloud [LUM archaic frequency: 23].v., to be satiated, full; to soften, soak; to grow luxuri<strong>an</strong>tly; to be fertile, productive; to make productive; tobear fruit (abund<strong>an</strong>ce + gr<strong>as</strong>s, pl<strong>an</strong>t + to be, behave).lùm[DUG]:nam:a small drinking pot.(area of) responsibility; destiny, fate, lot, sign; office; governor; province; m<strong>an</strong>ner, way; used mainly<strong>as</strong> a prefix to form abstract or collective nouns, such <strong>as</strong> nam-lugal, 'kingship' or nam-maþ,'greatness' (n, 'precise essence', + àm, enclitic copula, 'to be') [NAM archaic frequency: 30; concatenation of 4sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].nám[TÚG]: pl<strong>an</strong>ning ability; destiny; prince, noble (time; high + to be) [NAM 2 archaic frequency: 375].nim, num: n., prince; flying insect; highl<strong>an</strong>d; e<strong>as</strong>t; morning (high + to be) [NIM archaic frequency: 109;concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to be high; to multiply in arithmetic.adj., high; early.adv., above.rim 4 : (cf., kaš 4 ).sám, šám, sa 10 :n., equivalent; (barter) purch<strong>as</strong>e; sale price; merch<strong>an</strong>dise (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word fromšâmu(m), 'to buy, purch<strong>as</strong>e', cf., Orel & Stolbova #2281 *su'um- 'sell, buy') [ŠAM 2 archaic frequency: 51].v., to buy (with -ši-); to sell (with -ra-, ablative) (sa 10 -sa 10 in marû).sim, sín[NAM]:sim, sín mušen : swallow (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> sinuntu).sum, šúm, sím, sì:to strain, filter; to sift (flour); to see through (fine, narrow + to be).to give, lend (with dative) (sum-mu in marû) (cf., sám) [SUM archaicfrequency: 43; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sum 4 : (cf., sun 4 ).šim, šem; ším[NAM], sim:n., herb; aromatic wood; resin; spice; fragr<strong>an</strong>ce, perfume (seecomments on šúm; sam is 'spice' in Hebrew; cf., ir-si-im) [ŠIM archaic frequency: 50; concatenates 2 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., fragr<strong>an</strong>t.šem 3,5 (zabar) :šum:tambourine (þalþallatu drum in Akkadi<strong>an</strong>) (m<strong>an</strong>y + me, 'functions').n., saw; sickle with serrated edge (ša 5, 'to cut, break' + eme, 'tongue, utensil' ?; cf., šag 5, 'to slaughter')[? TAG archaic frequency: 48 ?; concatenates 7 ? sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to slaughter, butcher.šúm, sum:garlic; onion (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word from šuumu, 'garlic', related to šammu, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t, drug,medicine', Orel & Stolbova 2185, sam-, 'poison').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 35

šum 4 : (cf., suñin).tam, ta (5) , tú:tum:tuma:polished; shiny; reflective; pure; reliable (tu 5,17, 'to w<strong>as</strong>h, ba<strong>the</strong>', + àm, 'to be').work, action; crossbeam; arrow quiver [TUM archaic frequency: 48; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].to break wind, emit flatus (tu 15, 'wind', + ma 4, 'to leave, depart, go out').tumu, tum 9 , tu 15 :wind; cardinal point, direction (ta, 'from', + mú, 'to blow').tumu 2,3 , tum 2,3 , tu 2,3 : to bring; to carry away; to obtain; to be suitable, fit; to prepare (marûsingular; cf., de 6 , laþ 4 ) (in marû plural, tùm-tùm[-mu] or túm-túm-mu) (ta, 'from', + ú,'food', + ma 4, 'to leave').tumu 4 , tum 4 [NIM]: to carry (ta, 'from', + ú, 'food', + ma 4, 'to leave').tum 12 mušen , tu mušen :zum:b<strong>an</strong>:bán:bàn:bird of <strong>the</strong> pigeon <strong>an</strong>d dove family (cf., tum 2,3, 'to bring, carry', <strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong> term "carrierpigeon" for a homing pigeon).to leak, seep, overflow (repetitive motion + closed container; cf., zal, 'to flow', <strong>an</strong>d zar, zur 4, 'tospout, flow').(cf., p<strong>an</strong>a).vessel; a me<strong>as</strong>ure of capacity or volume = 10 liters (sìla) in <strong>the</strong> Ur III period; = 6 liters atPresargonic Girsu (cf., b<strong>an</strong>da 2,4,5 ) (ba, 'portion, rations', + na, 'hum<strong>an</strong> being').(cf., bànda).bun (2) , bu (7) : n., lamp, light; blister; bag-type of bellows; rebellion (hollow container + nu 11 , 'lamp' ?).din:dun:v., to be swollen; to blow; to shine brightly (cf., bul, 'to blow; to ignite').(cf., tin).n., ward, pupil, subordinate.dun, du 24 ; tun, tu 10 ; tu 11 :v., to heap, pile up; to scrape, dig (a field, furrow, hole); to strike,smite; to open (to move + to raise high; cf., dul (6)).dùn: (cf., sug 5 ).dun (4) :n., warp (threads on <strong>the</strong> frame of a weaving loom).v., to lay a warp (onto a weaving loom) (to move + to raise high).dun 5 , du 9 [BÚR]: v., to churn butter; to sway, stagger; to complain (redup. cl<strong>as</strong>s) (see instead sun 5if <strong>the</strong> sign is used <strong>as</strong> <strong>an</strong> adjective) (to move + to raise high).g<strong>an</strong>a, g<strong>an</strong>, k<strong>an</strong>:n., st<strong>an</strong>d, rack, support; pestle, grinding stone (circular + to raise high) [GANarchaic frequency: 125; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to bring forth, bear.gána, gán: tract of l<strong>an</strong>d, field parcel; (flat) surface, pl<strong>an</strong>e; me<strong>as</strong>ure of surface; shape, outline; cultivation(cf., iku) (cf., Orel & Stolbova #890, *g<strong>an</strong>- "field") [GAN 2 archaic frequency: 209].genna, gena, ginna, gina[TUR+DIŠ]:const<strong>an</strong>t; regular; small; <strong>the</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>et Saturn(possible lo<strong>an</strong> from Akk. kajjama<strong>an</strong>u, kajja<strong>an</strong>u, <strong>an</strong>d ka<strong>an</strong>u 'const<strong>an</strong>t'; cf., gi(n), ge(n) <strong>an</strong>d ñin, ñen).gín, giñ 4 : small ax(-head) used <strong>as</strong> money; shekel (of silver) = ca. 8.333 grams; a surface area me<strong>as</strong>ure,1/60 square nind<strong>an</strong> (sar) = 180 surface še = 2160 (=36,0) square fingers; a volume me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 0.3<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 36

gìn:cubic meters (Akk. kiinu 'true me<strong>as</strong>ure', cf., Orel & Stolbova #1459, *kin- "count") [TUN 3 archaic frequency:96; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].lapis lazuli (igi, 'eye', + na 4, 'pebble, stone', but cf., gùnu, 'decorated with colors, lines, spots').gin 7 : (this is sometimes <strong>the</strong> preferred form, but cf., gim).gun[GÚ-UN]; gún, gú: back of a m<strong>an</strong>'s neck = load, burden = a talent in weight = 30 +/- 2 kg.;tribute (gú, 'neck; nape' + ùña, un, 'people'; cf., gú).gún, gú:l<strong>an</strong>d, region, district (gú, 'edge' + ùña, un, 'people, population').gùnu, gùn: n., dot, spot (circle + discrete point; cf., ugun) [GUN 3 archaic frequency: 23; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to decorate with colors, lines, spots; to sparkle; to put on <strong>an</strong>timony p<strong>as</strong>te makeup.adj., dappled; striped; speckled, spotted; sp<strong>an</strong>gled; variegated, multicolored; embellished, decorated;brilli<strong>an</strong>t.gun 5 : (cf., gúm).ñin, ñen:þun:n., steadiness, reliability, const<strong>an</strong>cy (to be + at a distinct point).v., to go; to send; to come (with dative or -ši-) (sing. hamtu, cf., du, re 7 , súb) (Akk. g<strong>an</strong>a 'come!', cf.,Orel & Stolbova #892, *g<strong>an</strong>-/*gin- "go").adj., ordinary; firm, solid.(cf., þuñ).k<strong>an</strong>a 3,5 , k<strong>an</strong> 3,5 : n., apprehension, worry; affliction, trouble (ka, 'mouth' + ní; ne 4, 'fear').v., to be troubled.urudu KIN: (cf., gur 10,14 ; ur 4 ).kin:(cf., kíñ).na4 kín[ÞAR]:h<strong>an</strong>d mill (saddle quern for grinding); millstone (b<strong>as</strong>e/ground + stone) [KIN 2 archaicfrequency: 11; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kun: tail; reservoir, storage b<strong>as</strong>in, outlet (of a c<strong>an</strong>al); gr<strong>as</strong>p (b<strong>as</strong>e/seat + high) [KUN archaic frequency: 2].(ñiš) kun 4,5 :ladder; stairs, stairc<strong>as</strong>e; threshold, slab, doorsill (b<strong>as</strong>e/ground + high).m<strong>an</strong>a, mìna, m<strong>an</strong>, mìn, men 5 :partner; comp<strong>an</strong>ion; equal; two (cf., mina, 'two').men (4) : crown, tiara (metaphor of divine en-ship) (me, 'function, office' + en, 'lord') [MEN archaic frequency: 48;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].mén:men 2,3 :min (3,5,6) :both; alike (cf., m<strong>an</strong>a).mina, min (5,6) :I, myself (cf., me-en).(cf., mina <strong>an</strong>d m<strong>an</strong>a).two; second (mí, 'wom<strong>an</strong>', + na, 'distinct things', because a wom<strong>an</strong> h<strong>as</strong> two bre<strong>as</strong>ts).munu (3) , mun: salt [MUN archaic frequency: 24 ?; concatenates 5 ? sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; MUNU 3 archaic frequency: 15].múnu:a caustic salt (mú, 'to make grow', + nu 11, 'fire'; saltpeter is <strong>the</strong> oxygenating ingredient in gunpowder).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 37

munu 4,6 :munu x , mun 4 [ŠEŠ]:nin:malt - soaked <strong>an</strong>d germinated grain for use in brewing (mù, 'to mill', + nud, 'to lie down, sleep').alkaline, brackish.queen, mistress, proprietress, lady; lord (reduplicated ní, 'fear; respect; frightfulness; awe') [NIN archaicfrequency: 75].nin 9 : sister (reduplicated ní, 'self; body; one's own').mušen nínna:nocturnal bird - owl (nin, 'fearsome lady', + a, nominative suffix; <strong>the</strong> predatory owl with itshum<strong>an</strong>-like face probably gave rise to <strong>the</strong> demon Lilith myth; cf., d nin-nínna mušen ).ninnu, ninu:ninni 5 :fifty (nimin/nin 5, 'forty', + þà/u, 'ten',).a rush used in b<strong>as</strong>ketry; bulrush (reduplicated nin or nin 9, where reeds <strong>an</strong>d rushes were seen <strong>as</strong>belonging to a young wom<strong>an</strong> goddess similar to <strong>the</strong> grain goddess Nisaba).nun: n., prince, noble, m<strong>as</strong>ter (ní, 'fear; respect',+ un, 'people' ?) [NUN archaic frequency: 652; concatenation of 4sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to rise up (n, 'to be high',+ u 5 , 'to mount; be on top of; raised high').adj., great, noble, fine, deep.p<strong>an</strong>a, p<strong>an</strong>, b<strong>an</strong>: bow (pa, 'br<strong>an</strong>ch', + na 4, 'pebble, stone') [BAN archaic frequency: 27; concatenates 2 ?sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].rín[ERIM]: to be/make bright (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s); to attach, join, hitch (cf., érin, rín) (ara 4;ar; rà, 'bright', + to be high).sín:sun:sún:(cf., sim).(cf., suñin).aurochs cow, wild cow; beerwort (su, 'to fill, be sufficient',+ un, 'people').sun 4 , sum 4 , sùl, su 6 :chin; lower lip; beard (cf., si, 'long, thin things', <strong>an</strong>d tùn, 'lip') [SU 6 archaicfrequency: 1; BU 3 archaic frequency: 21].sun 5 [BÚR], su 16 : n., modesty.v., to enter (plural ?; cf., kur 9 ).adj., humble; with bowed head; dominated (su 9 , 'to mourn, grieve' + ní, 'fear; respect').sun 7 [KAL]:quarrel, discord.šen[SU×A]: n., a copper p<strong>an</strong>, pail, vessel; mirror (?) (liquid + stone) [ŠEN archaic frequency: 66; concatenates4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].šén:adj., clear, pure; polished, shiny.verdigris.šún[MUL]:n., star.v., to shine brightly.tán[MEN]:to become cle<strong>an</strong>, clear, light, free (ta, 'nature, character' + <strong>an</strong>, 'sky, heaven').ten; te-en: n., cold, coolness (te, 'to approach, near' + en, 'time' referring to shorter days ?).v., to trample, extinguish; to soften, allay; to cool (te-en-te in marû).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 38

tin: n., life; wine [TIN archaic frequency: 93].v., to cure; to be healthy; to live.tun (3) , tu 10 :to constrict; to defeat; to m<strong>as</strong>sacre; to break up, sm<strong>as</strong>h (cf., dun).tùn[GÍN]: n., pocket, pouch, c<strong>as</strong>e; wrap, b<strong>an</strong>dage; stomach; lip (te, 'cheeks' + nu, 'likeness') [SUG 5archaic frequency: 67].adj., intact, bound.pap: (cf., pab; pa 4 ).rap:sipa:(cf., (ñiš) rab).(cf., sipad).bar: n., (out)side; soul, innards; fleece [BAR archaic frequency: 306].bár:bar 6,7 :bára:v., to open; to uncover, expose; to see; to remove; to be absent; to rele<strong>as</strong>e; to peel, pare, shell; to select; todivide; to split; to distribute; to keep away (with -ta-) (container plus to expel, remove <strong>as</strong> in ri).adj., foreign.prep., because of.(cf., barag).v., to shine, be bright; to break (of <strong>the</strong> day) (cf., bar, 'to expose', which refers here to <strong>the</strong> sun; <strong>an</strong>dcf., ara 4, 'to shine; to blaze').adj., white.(cf., barag).bàra, pàra, bàr, pàr[DAG]; para 4 , par 4 [KISAL]: to stretch or spread out;to p<strong>as</strong>s over; to be stretched or spread out (cf., bárag) (interch<strong>an</strong>ges with búru) (ba, 'to apportion,divide', + ra(-g/þ), 'to overflow'; cf. compound word, ba-ra(-g)) [BARA 3 archaic frequency: 13].bara 4 [BAD]:bara 5,6 :(cf., barag).to spread out, open wide; rele<strong>as</strong>ed; separated.bir: to scatter, mix; to wreck; to murder (ba, 'to divide', + ir 10 , re 7, 'to stir, mix') [BIR archaic frequency: 9;concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].bir (2,4) :n., mistiness (of <strong>the</strong> eyes) (ba, 'in<strong>an</strong>imate conjugation prefix', + ér, ír, 'to weep' <strong>an</strong>d ur 5 , 'to smell',with possibly a hidden me<strong>an</strong>ing of 'to dry' for Vr or ara 4<strong>as</strong> also seen in dúr).v., to sniff, wrinkle one's nose; to dry up, shrivel up.adj., flaccid, shriveled up (said of a penis).bìr[ERIM]: team (of donkeys/<strong>an</strong>imals) (ba, 'in<strong>an</strong>imate conjugation prefix', + ir 10 , 'to accomp<strong>an</strong>y, lead; tobear; to go; to drive along or away', <strong>the</strong> plural hamtu for 'to go', cf., re 7) [?? BIR 3 archaic frequency: 23;concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; ZATU-143 ERIM archaic frequency: 175; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].bir 4,5 :bir 6,7 :bir 9 [NE]:locust; sparrow (cf., bìr for <strong>an</strong>imals in plural numbers).to rip to pieces; to break (cf., bir for similar sem<strong>an</strong>tics).to blaze, flame up (cf., bar 6,7 for similar sem<strong>an</strong>tics).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 39

ur:meal, rep<strong>as</strong>t; stone bowl, pot (cf., búru) (ba, 'portion, rations, open container', + úr, 'lap, thighs,legs') [BUR archaic frequency: 51; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].búru, bur (2) : n., burin; thread [BUR 2 archaic frequency: 45].bùr:v., to open, rele<strong>as</strong>e, loosen; to spread out (a garment); to dissolve; to interpret (a dream); to dispose of; topay (with -ta); to knap, flake off (flint); to tear out; to despoil (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s; cf., bar,bur 12 ) (cf., bar <strong>an</strong>d bàra for similar sem<strong>an</strong>tics).a square surface me<strong>as</strong>ure = 6.48 hectares = 18 iku = 3 area éše = 1800 sar = <strong>the</strong> amount of l<strong>an</strong>dthat supported a family (also cf., bùru) (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> buuru IV, "hunger", but cf., bii/eeru IV,"space, dist<strong>an</strong>ce").bùru(-d), bùr:n., opening; receptacle; hole; mine; depth (Akk. buuru 'cistern, well', cf., Orel &Stolbova #164, *ba'Vr-/*bu'Vr- "well, pit"; could also be <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> from, ub 4 , 'cavity, hole', + úr, 'floor' -<strong>the</strong> u vowel especially correlates with round objects or openings).v., to receive; to bore through, pierce; to break into (a house).buru 4,5 mušen :raven ?, crow ?; sparrow ?; locust, gr<strong>as</strong>shopper (cf., bìr for <strong>an</strong>imals in plural numbers, birfor destructive wreckers, <strong>an</strong>d bur 12, bu (3,6)+ nominative for <strong>an</strong>ything that harvests or destroys pl<strong>an</strong>ts).buru 7 [GURUN]:buru 8 :fruit tree; fruit; berry [rare word].to vomit (Akk. arû IV, parû III, 'to vomit', cf., Orel & Stolbova #120, *'or- "vomit").bur 12 , bu (3,6) : to tear, cut off; to pull, draw; to be drawn; to tear out, uproot; to remove, keep away (ba,'to divide' + úr, 'b<strong>as</strong>e, root') [BU archaic frequency: 393; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].buru 14 , bur 14 : harvest; hot se<strong>as</strong>on, harvest time (bur 12, 'to tear, cut off', + ei<strong>the</strong>r ú, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t' or a,nominative suffix with vowel harmony).dar:n., fr<strong>an</strong>colin, phe<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t [DAR archaic frequency: 36; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to slice, split; to shatter (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (da, 'sides', + ur 4, 'to shear, reap').dára, dár: n., belt, s<strong>as</strong>h (compare dur, 'bond, tie').v., to bind, pack.dàra, dàr: (cf., duraþ).dara 4 , dar 4 : dark, dim; high (compare dirig, 'to be darkened; to go over') [DARA 4 archaic frequency: 81;concatenation of 9 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].diri, dir: (cf., dirig).dur:bond; string, thread; strap, tie; amulet chain, necklace; umbilical cord (da, 'arm, side', + ur, 'tosurround') [DUR archaic frequency: 58; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].dúru, dúr: (cf., duruna).(<strong>an</strong>še) dùr (ùr) :duru 5 , dur 5 [A]:'fresh').he-<strong>as</strong>s; donkey foal (pack <strong>an</strong>imal - cf., dur, 'strap').irrigated; moist; fresh; supple (dé, 'to water' + ru 5, 'to send forth shoots'; cf., a-dé,(<strong>an</strong>še) dur 9 [ŠUL]: donkey stallion (usually written du 24 -ùr or dur 9 (ùr) ) (cf., <strong>an</strong>še dùr (ùr) ).dur 10 :gar:ax (compare dar, 'to slice, split').(cf., ñar).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 40

gàr, kàr:knob, pommel; hair lock on <strong>the</strong> back of <strong>the</strong> head (sign of a slave); cake; filled sack (of silver?) = purse; used for round <strong>an</strong>d high objects ('circular' + 'to send forth; to protect').gar 4 [GUD/GUÐ]: early (<strong>the</strong> 'bull of <strong>the</strong> sun', Mercury, c<strong>an</strong> only be seen right before sunrise; cf., gu 4-ud).gara 2,9,10 , gar 2,9,10,11,12 : thick milk, cream; cheese (cf., ga-àr-ra) [GARA 2 archaic frequency: 106;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gir, kir:cow or mare of intermediate age; a fish, possibly a car<strong>an</strong>gid (ki,'place', + ir (2), 'fluidsecretion') [GIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gir 4 , kir 13 : kiln (for lime or bitumen); oven (cf., udun) (ki,'place', + ara 4 , 'to shine, blaze') [GIR 4archaic frequency: 1].gir 5 : (cf., ñiri 5 ).gir 10 , gi 9 , ge 9 [NE]: <strong>an</strong>ger, fury (compare bir 9 ).giri 11 , gir 11 [KEŠDA]: to be tidy, neat (cf., þir) (gi 4 ,'to restore', + ri, 'to sweep away').gir 15 , gi 7 [KU]: noble; domestic, civilized; belonging to <strong>the</strong> native in-group (circle + city) [ŠE 3 archaicfrequency: 152].giri 17 : (cf., kìri).gur, kùr:<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> periods; = 144 sìla in Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> Girsu/Lag<strong>as</strong>h; in admin. texts = 2 bariga) [? GURarchaic frequency: 14] (circle + to reap; to send).n., reed b<strong>as</strong>ket; me<strong>as</strong>ure of capacity - Biblical kor (= 300 sìla in Old Akkadi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d Neo-v., to make a circular motion; to come back; to return; to give back; to protest, contradict; to reject evidence(in a legal c<strong>as</strong>e); to turn away from (object h<strong>as</strong> ablative -ta); to wipe off.gúr:n., sphere; circle, ring; loop; hoop (circle + ur, 'to surround').v., to bow down, submit; to curb, subdue; to die (cf., gam).gùr, ga 6 :to bear, carry; to be full, loaded, laden (Umma reading for íla sign, cf., mir) (circularcontainer + er, 'to bring'; cf., gur, kùr, 'b<strong>as</strong>ket').gur (4) , kur 4 , gir 8 :v., to be or feel big; to be endowed with; to turn, roll over; to run; to gallop; togrind (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (circle + flowing motion).adj., thick, coarse; fattened, plump; bright, preeminent; very strong; great (cf., gud, guð x, 'bull').guru 5 , gur 5 , kur 12 :guru 6 :n., f<strong>an</strong>gs.v., to separate, divide; to cut, pull (weeds) (gú, 'neck; nape' + ra, 'to strike'; cf., kud, kur 5; <strong>an</strong>d gúgur5...dug 4/du 11/e).(cf., kára).guru 7 , gur 7 , kara 6 : grain heap; gr<strong>an</strong>ary, silo; a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure, ca. 909 liters (cf., gur, 'b<strong>as</strong>ket').guru 8 , gur 8 [TU]: high; deep.(urudu) gur 10,14 ; ur 4 : n., copper sickle (semi-circle + flowing motion).v., to reap, harvest; to pluck; to shear (sheep); to ga<strong>the</strong>r in; to catch (in a net); to ga<strong>the</strong>r toge<strong>the</strong>r; to join in<strong>as</strong>sent (probably reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (cf., saña 11 [KIN]).ñar: n., storeroom; form, appear<strong>an</strong>ce (to be + to send) [GAR archaic frequency: 409].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 41

v., to store, accumulate; to deliver, deposit; to put, place, set down upon; to make, establish, restore (with -ši-); to remove <strong>an</strong>d set elsewhere (with -ta-); to expel (with -da-) (ñá-ñá in marû).ñíri, ñír: n., knife, dagger, sword; thorn; scorpion; lightning fl<strong>as</strong>h; road; expedition, trip (ñiš, 'tool', +ra, 'to strike, stab, slay' with vowel harmony) [GIR 2 archaic frequency: 114].v., to stab; to fulgurate, lighten, fl<strong>as</strong>h.ñìri, ñìr: n., foot, feet; step; way, path (ñiš, 'tool', + uru 9 , 'support'; úr, 'leg(s)'; cf., ñidri <strong>an</strong>d ñušurfor similar <strong>an</strong>d different phonetic developments).prep., via.ñiri 2,3 , ñir 2,3 : n., booty; captive (additional <strong>as</strong>sociations of 'road' <strong>an</strong>d 'sword').v., to pillage; to capture; to drive away; to take away; to be taken.ñiri 5 , ñir 5 [KAŠ 4 ]:v., to run, trot; to seek refuge.n., refugee, str<strong>an</strong>ger.ñiri 16 , ñir 16 [ÑÌR×KÁR]: fortress, refuge.þar, àr, ur 5 : n., millstone; ring; link (in a chain); coil or spiral of silver or o<strong>the</strong>r precious metal thatc<strong>an</strong> be worn <strong>as</strong> a ring or bracelet <strong>an</strong>d w<strong>as</strong> used <strong>as</strong> money (cf., kín, kikkin, þara,ara 3,5 , ur 5 ) (m<strong>an</strong>y small explosions + sliding motion) [UR 5 archaic frequency: 34; concatenation of 2 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to chew.adj., small; young.þara, ara 3,5 : n., miller (reduplicated þar/àr, 'millstone').þara 5 :v., to pulverize (in a mortar); to destroy; to make groats.adj., ground, milled, crushed, pulverized.þir[KEŠDA]:spout; vessel with a large spout (þa, precative prefix, + ra, 'to br<strong>an</strong>ch out from <strong>the</strong> side of').v., to squeeze, tighten (cf., giri 11 ).þur, ur 5 [ÞAR]:kar:n., produce, yield (abund<strong>an</strong>ce + to go out + to flow).n., hole; limb, stem, h<strong>an</strong>dle (þù, ten, + ra, 'to impress into clay', where a round holew<strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> symbol for 10).v., to scratch, draw, sketch, inscribe, outline; to grind; to dig (m<strong>an</strong>y small explosive sounds + ùr, 'to drag').n., emb<strong>an</strong>kment; quay-wall; mooring-place; harbor; marketplace; port authority (place + water + toflow, send, take, drive away; cf., kur 9, 'entr<strong>an</strong>ce') [KAR archaic frequency: 7].v., to take away; to steal; to raid, capture, pillage; to escape, run away; to avoid.kára, kár, guru 6 :kàr:kir:kír:to encircle, besiege; to impute, accuse; to shine, illuminate; to be bright (oflight, day) (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (sometimes written for kúr) (place + ur, 'to surround' + a, nominativeending, <strong>an</strong>d ara 4, 'to shine') [? KAR 2 archaic frequency: 68; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].(cf., gàr).(cf., gir).a large vessel; beer keg (ki,'place', + ir (2), 'fluid secretion'; cf., gir, kir, 'cow or mare').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 42

kìr[LAGAB]:off').to nip off (clay) (ki, 'earth', + ur 4, 'to shear, reap'; cf., kud, kur 5; <strong>an</strong>d kid 2,7, 'to pinchkiri 3,4 , kir 4 , giri 17 : nose; muzzle (of <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal); hyena (cf., kir 6,4 ) (ki, 'place', + ir, 'smell').kir 6,4 :ñiš kiri 6 :stream dam, weir (cf. also, kiri 3,4 ) (ki,'place', + ir (2), 'fluid secretion'/ra, 'to flood').orchard, garden, palm grove (ki, 'place', + ru 5, 'to send forth shoots, buds, or blossoms').kir 11 [MÍ.SILA 4 ]: female lamb [KIR 11 archaic frequency: 3].kir 13 : (cf., gir 4 ).kur:n., mountain; highl<strong>an</strong>d; (foreign) l<strong>an</strong>d; <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (ki,'place', + ùr, 'roof, mountain p<strong>as</strong>s'/úr, 'root,b<strong>as</strong>e') [KUR archaic frequency: 145; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to reach, attain; to kindle; to rise (sun).kúr[PAB]:kùr:n., str<strong>an</strong>ger; enemy; hostility (from kur,'mountains, foreign l<strong>an</strong>d').v., to be different; to ch<strong>an</strong>ge; to break a seal (often with -da-) (kúr-re in marû).adj., str<strong>an</strong>ge, alien; hostile; in <strong>the</strong> future.(cf., gur).kur 4 : (cf., gur 4 ).kuru 5 , kur 5 :(cf., kud).kur 6 : (cf., kurum 6 ).kuru 7 , kur 7 : (cf., kurum 7 ).kur 9 , ku 4 :n., entr<strong>an</strong>ce (ki,'place', + ùr, 'entr<strong>an</strong>ce').v., to enter; to bring; to deliver (-ni- specifies delivery location); to enter before someone (with dativeprefix); to let enter (with -ni-); enter into <strong>the</strong> presence of (with -ši-); to turn round, turn into, tr<strong>an</strong>sform(with -da-) (singular [?] reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s stem; cf., sun 5 ).liru, liri:(ñiš/urudu) mar, ñar 7 :(cf., lirum).n., wagon; winnowing shovel; spoon (ma (3); ñá,'to go', + flowing motion; Akk.marru "shovel; spade"; Orel & Stolbova #1738 *mar- 'hoe') [MAR archaic frequency: 117; concatenates 2 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to sow, scatter; to coat, apply; to don; to immerse; to enclose, lock up.mar; mur:worm; earthworm.mer (2) , mir (2) ; gùr:n., storm wind; violent storm; north(wind); <strong>an</strong>ger; belt, waistb<strong>an</strong>d; <strong>an</strong>encircling snake (var. of gùr) (me 3,6,7,9,'battle', + to flow / circle + ur, 'to surround') [MER archaicfrequency: 48; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to blow fiercely; to get <strong>an</strong>gry.adj., fierce, <strong>an</strong>gry, furious.mur, ur 5 [ÞAR]: n., lungs; liver; fodder for fattening; lattice, grate (mu 7,'to shout'/mud 6, mú, 'to sing;to blow' + úr, 'root, b<strong>as</strong>e').v., to surround; to guard; to shout; to grind, mill.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 43

mur 7,8 :demonstrative, thus; so; in this way.mur 10 , mu 4 :(cf., murgu).to clo<strong>the</strong>; to dress oneself (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s [?]) (mu 10,'wom<strong>an</strong>', + ur, 'to surround').muru 5 [MÍ.U 4 .RU 6 = SAL.UD.EDIN]:muru 9 :fog, mist, haze (mi,'to be dark', + to flow).muru x [GI.KID.MAÞ]:nar:nir, ner:nir:reed mat.bro<strong>the</strong>r-in-law (mu 10,'wom<strong>an</strong>', + rù, 'equal in r<strong>an</strong>k').singer; musici<strong>an</strong> (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> naaru II, "musici<strong>an</strong>", which derives from Akk. naaru I, "river" in<strong>the</strong> same way that <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> nab me<strong>an</strong>s both "oce<strong>an</strong>" <strong>an</strong>d "musici<strong>an</strong>") [NAR archaic frequency: 69].adj., proper.n., frog; omen.n., prince, lord [NIR archaic frequency: 45; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to stretch, reach, extend; to raise high; to winnow, cle<strong>an</strong> grain; to overcome, v<strong>an</strong>quish (to be high + to goout + to flow).adj., victorious.na4 nír[ZA.GÍN]:par 3/4 :sar, šar:(cf., bàra).a precious stone with black <strong>an</strong>d white flecks.n., vegetable(s) [SAR archaic frequency: 102; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to insert, enter; to begin; to write; to pay, deliver punctually; to disturb someone; to drive (with -ni-); todrive, ch<strong>as</strong>e away (with -ta-); to make hurry, run (to be skilled, precise + flowing motion; for 'to driveaway', cf., ús, 'to follow, drive', but me<strong>an</strong>ing probably derives from <strong>the</strong> act of ch<strong>as</strong>ing vermin from <strong>the</strong>vegetable garden, cf., kar for such a progression from <strong>the</strong> noun to <strong>the</strong> verb).adj., driven out, pursued.sar, šar: a surface me<strong>as</strong>ure, 'garden plot' = 1 square ninda = 60 surface shekels = 1/100 iku = 4square reeds = 144 square cubits = 36 meters 2 ; a volume me<strong>as</strong>ure of one square ninda times 1 kùš= 144 kùš 3 = ca. 18 cubic meters = 1,0 gur [= 60 gur] of capacity = 1,0 gín in weight.sár:sír:(cf., šár).n., density.adj., dense; weak, feverish (si; su; sa; sa 5,'to be full; to grow weak', + ir (10), 'sweat').sir 5 ; sur: (cf., zara 5 ).sur: n., a garden pl<strong>an</strong>t; rushes; chaff, chopped straw [? SUR archaic frequency: 6].súr:sùr:v., to delimit, bound, divide (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s ?)(cf., šur) (si, 'long <strong>an</strong>d narrow', + ur, 'to surround'; cf.,sila, sil; síl, zil; si-il, 'to cut into, divide').(cf., sumur).ditch; deep furrow; drain (to fill, inundate + to flow; contr<strong>as</strong>t sug, 'flood b<strong>as</strong>in').suru 5 , sur 5 : to h<strong>an</strong>g, suspend; to hover; to wear (cf., sur 6,7).sur 6,7 :height; depth; foundation pit (ús, uš, 'height; foundation; to support, lift', + uru 2,5,18, 'high, deep').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 44

sur 8 : (cf., zar).sur 12 : (cf., sug 8 ).šar:šár, sár:(cf., sar, šar).'ring, coil').n., totality, all; world; horizon; ball, counter, token; <strong>the</strong> number 3600 = 60 2 (m<strong>an</strong>y, much + àr,v., to be m<strong>an</strong>y; to multiply or mix (with -da-); to make abund<strong>an</strong>t; to slaughter; to request, implore(reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s).adj., numerous; innumerable.lú šár: a military officer = comm<strong>an</strong>der of 3600.šar 8 [NI]:šér, šír:šèr, šìr:to interpret, explain.to shine brightly (cf., sír) (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong> from šaraapu(m), 'to burn').n., decision.v., to bind; to decide (éše, 'rope', + ur, 'to surround').šir, sir 4 : testicles (m<strong>an</strong>y + to go out + to flow; cf., þir, nir, <strong>an</strong>d ñiš 2,3) [ŠIR archaic frequency: 24;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].šìr[EZEN]; šur:šìr:v., to sing.(cf., šèr).šur, sur:šúr:tar:tir:tur:n., song; lament (Orel & Stolbova #2258 *sir-/*sur 'sing').to rain; to produce a liquid; to flow, drip; to extract seed oil; to process wine <strong>an</strong>d juices; topress (out); to spray out; to brew (beer); to submerge; to fl<strong>as</strong>h, gleam (šu, 'to pour' + to flow; cf., šeñ 3,7).(cf., sumur).v., to cut; to decide; to determine; to inquire; to smoke; to break, destroy (ta, 'from', + ur 4, 'to shear,reap'; cf., dar <strong>an</strong>d nam...tar) [TAR archaic frequency: 56; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., deliberate, judicious.forest, grove, thicket (ti, 'arrows' + ùr, 'beams, rafters'; early example of <strong>as</strong>yndetic hendiadys).n., child; young (of herd <strong>an</strong>imals); second in r<strong>an</strong>k (tu, 'to be born', + ùru, 'to watch, guard, protect')[TUR archaic frequency: 272].v., to be/make small; to be insufficient; to reduce.adj., small, little, young.tùr; tur 5 :birth-hut; byre; sheepfold, pen; stable; a frequent metaphor for a temple, s<strong>an</strong>ctuary (cf.,tur) [TUR 3 archaic frequency: 121; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].tur 5 , tu: n., newborn; weakness; sickness.v., to be or become sick.adj., weak; sick.zar, zur 4 , sur 8 :to tap, pour; to spout, flow; to exude; to spin (a cocoon) (cf. <strong>the</strong> graphicallysimilar sign, sug 8 ) (repetitive motion + to flow) [? ZAR archaic frequency: 15; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 45

(ñiš) zar:wagon shaft (cf., za-ra) (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word from ,serru(m) II).zàr[SUM]; zar[LAGAB×SUM]:zara 5<strong>an</strong>d zar).sheaf, sheaves (rolled up <strong>an</strong>d bound stalks <strong>an</strong>d ears, cf.,zara 5 , zar 5 ; sir 5 ; sur: to spin, twine (yarn or thread); to roll up (repetitive motion + to flow).zur:dusu:n., offering, sacrifice; prayer (repetitive activity + to flow/protect).v., to furnish, provide; to rock (<strong>an</strong> inf<strong>an</strong>t); to arr<strong>an</strong>ge, tend; to offer; to pray.tr<strong>an</strong>sportation b<strong>as</strong>ket, used in working at <strong>the</strong> lower levels in excavating a c<strong>an</strong>al; corvée (du, 'to walk',+ si;su, 'to fill up').dúsu [ANŠE.LIBIR]:walk', + usu, 'strength').<strong>an</strong> <strong>as</strong>s or equid used <strong>as</strong> a draft <strong>an</strong>imal in front of plows <strong>an</strong>d wagons (du, 'tok<strong>as</strong> 7 , ka 9 : deduction; settlement of accounts; possession (back-formation from níñ-k<strong>as</strong> 7/ka 9).kisi:mes, mèš:chamber pot (kàš, 'urine', + si 14, 'a small pot').young m<strong>an</strong>; prince; son; hackberry tree in <strong>the</strong> elm family (me, 'endowment', + usu, 'strength';Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word - meesu I, 'hackberry tree'; cf., Orel & Stolbova #1766 *mi’es- 'tree') [MES archaicfrequency: 32].nisi, nissa:(cf., nisig).sisi (ANŠE.KUR.RA): horse (reduplicated si, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d upright').šes:(cf., šeš).diš (2) , deš:ñiš, ñeš:one (dili, 'single', + aš, 'one'; <strong>the</strong> form resembles that of <strong>the</strong> sem<strong>an</strong>tically appropriatemale body part, ñiš 2,3, ñeš 2,3; cf., mina, min (5,6), 'two').n., tree; wood; wooden implement; scepter; tool; org<strong>an</strong>; plow; natural phenomenon(describes a trunk that goes out into m<strong>an</strong>y br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>an</strong>d leaves) [GIŠ archaic frequency: 381].adj., describes <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal <strong>as</strong>signed to <strong>the</strong> plow (sometimes ñiš-šè).ñiš 2,3 , ñeš 2,3 , uš: penis; m<strong>an</strong> (self + to go out + m<strong>an</strong>y; cf., nitaþ (2)<strong>an</strong>d šir) [GIŠ 3 archaic frequency:16; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; UŠ archaic frequency: 101; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñeš 2,3,4 , ñiš 2,3 : (cf., ñešta).þaš:(cf., þaz).þáš; þaš 4 :þeš 5 : (cf., šaña).þuš:lower abdomen; loins; back; thigh (numerous + foundation, b<strong>as</strong>e).v., to be <strong>an</strong>gry (compare guz, þuz).adj., furious, terrible, awesome; wild (said of <strong>an</strong>imals); fiery red (Akk. ruššû).kaš, kás:kàš:beer; alcoholic beverage (ka, 'mouth', + áš, 'to desire') [KAŠ archaic frequency: 261; concatenates4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].urine (<strong>an</strong> etymology involving še 10, 'excrement', would have to be forced so much, that <strong>the</strong> homophonekaš, 'beer', with its similar appear<strong>an</strong>ce, probably replaced <strong>the</strong> use of a, 'water', to me<strong>an</strong> 'urine' at somepoint).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 46

kaš 4 , k<strong>as</strong> 4 : n., speed; runner, courier, messenger; nonresident, noncitizen, tourist (place(s) + locative +m<strong>an</strong>y) [KAS 4 archaic frequency: 1].kéš:v., to run f<strong>as</strong>t; to gallop; to travel f<strong>as</strong>t.adj., quick; fluent.kiš, keš:(cf., kešda).totality, entire political world (name of <strong>the</strong> powerful city in <strong>the</strong> north of Sumer that firstbound toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>an</strong>d defended <strong>the</strong> cities of Sumer) (places + m<strong>an</strong>y) [? KIŠ archaic frequency: 46].ñiš kiša (2) , kiši 16/17 : (cf., kišik (2) ).kiši 4 :half; forelock (sign of a freem<strong>an</strong>; contr<strong>as</strong>t gàr, kàr) (ki, 'place', + šè, 'portion').kiši 7,8,9 : (cf., kišib 7,8,9 ).kuš, kus[SU]: skin, hide, lea<strong>the</strong>r (ku 5, 'to cut', + ús, 'to be joined, next to'/šè, terminative suffix/ šú, 'tocover').kúš:kùš:to be tired; to be out of breath; to worry; to calm (kúš-(ù) in marû) (aka, 'to do, act', + úš, 'dead').ell/cubit = 1/2 meter = 30 fingers [šu-si] = dist<strong>an</strong>ce from elbow to fingertips; forearm; ch<strong>an</strong>nel (cf.,šu-da) (ku, 'to b<strong>as</strong>e, found, build', + m<strong>an</strong>y).kuš 6 : (cf., kuruš).kuš 7 : dev<strong>as</strong>tation, destruction; groom, valet, esquire, body-serv<strong>an</strong>t, boy (ki, 'place', + úš, 'to kill').kušu: (cf., kušum x ).kúšu:turtle (cf., ŠIM×KÚŠU, where 'whale' must be me<strong>an</strong>t) (ku 6, 'fish', + šú, 'to cover') [? UÞ 3 archaicfrequency: 14; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].liš: morsel (happiness + small + šè, 'portion') [LIŠ archaic frequency: 4].maš: one-half; twin (ma 4, 'to leave, depart, go out', + šè, 'portion') [MAŠ archaic frequency: 133].maš; máš: interest (of a lo<strong>an</strong>); rent; profit; produce, yield (of a field) (ma 4, 'to leave, depart, go out', +šè, 'portion') [MAŠ archaic frequency: 133].máš; maš: kid; he-goat [MAŠ 2 archaic frequency: 60].máš:mèš:muš:n., extispicy (divination b<strong>as</strong>ed on <strong>the</strong> entrails of a sacrificed <strong>an</strong>imal); sacrificial <strong>an</strong>imal [MAŠ 2 archaicfrequency: 60].v., to scrutinize, inspect.(cf., mes).n., snake; reptile (eme, 'tongue'/ma 4, 'to leave, depart, go out', + úš, 'to kill'/uš 11, 'venom, poison') [MUŠarchaic frequency: 3; BU: archaic frequency: 393; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., bitter.muš 2,3 : n., face, appear<strong>an</strong>ce, <strong>as</strong>pect; diadem; a city's irrigated, cultivated territory; surface (mu 10 , 'female', +áš, 'to desire') [MUŠ 3 archaic frequency: 284; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to glisten, shine.muš 4 : a biting insect (cf., <strong>the</strong> etymology of muš, 'snake').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 47

muš 5 [ŠEŠ]:niš, neš:bitter (eme, 'tongue', + ú, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t', + eš, 'to <strong>an</strong>oint'; cf., šeš).twenty (ní, 'self, body', + aš, 'one [finger, toe]').peš: n., womb; palm frond; three [GIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts] (moist container +ùš, 'placental membr<strong>an</strong>e'; pa, 'leaf, br<strong>an</strong>ch', + eš, 'm<strong>an</strong>y, much'; eš 5,6,16,21, 'three').peš (7) :v., to exp<strong>an</strong>d; to be thick, wide.adj., precious, valuable.péš, píš:ñiš pèš:child; son.a type of edible mouse (probably derives from pèš, 'fig').fig; fig tree (moist container + šè, 'portion').peš 4,13 : n., river pebble.peš 5,6 :v., to be pregn<strong>an</strong>t; to conceive.n., deep breathing; scent; spider; combed wool, fluff (cf., aš (5), 'spider').v., to brea<strong>the</strong> deeply; to make <strong>an</strong> incision; to pluck apart; to comb <strong>an</strong>d cle<strong>an</strong> wool.piš 10 , peš 10 ; peš x (KI.A):púš:suš:suš 2,3 :šeš, šes:šeš, ses:shore, river b<strong>an</strong>k.pain; tightness; difficult circumst<strong>an</strong>ces (derives from peš 4, 'to be pregn<strong>an</strong>t').to sit down; to reside (su, 'body, relatives', + uš 8, 'foundation place, b<strong>as</strong>e'; cf., tuš).to rub, <strong>an</strong>oint (with oil) (su, 'body', + eš, 'to <strong>an</strong>oint').v., to t<strong>as</strong>te bitter.adj., bitter, brackish.šeš (2,4) :bro<strong>the</strong>r; brethren; colleague [URI 3 =ZATU-595 archaic frequency: 77; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].n., myrrh (reduplicated eš, 'to <strong>an</strong>oint').to <strong>an</strong>oint; to rub; to er<strong>as</strong>e; to be dense (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (reduplicated eš, 'to <strong>an</strong>oint')[ERIN=ŠEŠ 4 archaic frequency: 105].šeš 2,3,4 : to weep, cry; to mourn; to wail (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (to become moist ?).šuš (2) , šu 2,4 :to overthrow; to throw down; to go down; to set, become dark, be overc<strong>as</strong>t (said of <strong>the</strong>sun); to cover (with -da-) (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) (reduplicated šu, 'h<strong>an</strong>d'; cf., šub) [ŠUŠ 2 archaic frequency:243].šuš 4 : to fell trees; to chop away (reduplicated šu, 'h<strong>an</strong>d').šuš 5,6 , šu 5,6 :téš[UR]:tuš:bedding, litter, feed, fodder (scattered for <strong>an</strong>imals) (reduplicated uš, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d upon').n., sexuality, sex; shame, modesty; all kinds, all sorts; each of <strong>the</strong>m (te, 'to approach', + áš, 'todesire'; cf., ašte).v., to feel <strong>as</strong>hamed.adv., toge<strong>the</strong>r (often with suffix -bi, -ba or -e).n., home (te, 'to approach', + uš 8, 'foundation place, b<strong>as</strong>e').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 48

nita:v. sing., to (cause to) dwell, reside; to be at home; to settle; to set up, establish; to sit; to lie down (singular;cf. plural, duruna).šita, èšda:(cf., nitaþ).cle<strong>an</strong>; ba<strong>the</strong>d; a priest (eš, 'to <strong>an</strong>oint', + ta, dá, 'by me<strong>an</strong>s of'/dé, 'to pour, water') [ŠITAarchaic frequency: 373; concatenates 7 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].(ñiš) šíta, ešda: mace (úš, 'to kill', + ta, dá, 'by me<strong>an</strong>s of') [EŠDA archaic frequency: 26].šìta: ch<strong>an</strong>nel, small c<strong>an</strong>al (šè, 'portion' + ída, íd, i 7, 'main c<strong>an</strong>al') [ŠITA 3 archaic frequency: 139;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].šita (4) , èšda; šid 3,4,5 :v., to bind; to be toge<strong>the</strong>r; to join, link with; to couple.n., b<strong>an</strong>d; bond, tie (šè, 'portion', + te, 'to approach'; cf., ašte, téš).adj., bound, intact.šita 5 , šit, šid, šed:n., me<strong>as</strong>ure; number (šè, 'portion', + ta, dá, 'nature, character').šita 6 :v., to count; to consider; to calculate, figure out; to memorize; to recite; to read aloud.biz; bi(z):gaz (2) :a type of vessel.n., tears (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from bi,s,su, 'flow of tears' <strong>an</strong>d ba,saa,su, 'to (let) drip', cf., Orel &Stolbova #256 *baz- 'flow, be wet').v., to drip, trickle; to cry; to ooze; to pour; to rinse off; to impute, accuse; to push someone away; to dry (cf.,bi-bi-zé).n., powder; break, fracture; war (chamber + repetitive motion; cf., [ñiš] naña 3,4, nañ X[GAZ, KUM]).v., to crush; to kill, slaughter (with -da-); to v<strong>an</strong>quish, defeat.gazi: a spice - c<strong>as</strong>sia, used on meat ('let it brea<strong>the</strong>'; Akk. k<strong>as</strong>û II) [GAZI archaic frequency: 14].guz, þuz[LUM] v., to gn<strong>as</strong>h <strong>the</strong> teeth; to bare <strong>the</strong> teeth; to rage at; to cut, trim, clip; to c<strong>as</strong>trate(reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s: þu-þu-uz) (gù, 'noise', + zú, 'teeth').adj., long, shaggy (hair).þaz, þaš:nuz, nus:meze:ziz:zíz[ÁŠ]:zìz:to break or cut off (twigs, br<strong>an</strong>ches); to thresh grain (þá, 'numerous', + zé, 'to cut, pluck').egg (na 4,'pebble', + uz/us,'goose', cf. also, nunuz).a type of drum (function + repetitive noise).moth (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from sa<strong>as</strong>u, 'moth' <strong>an</strong>d ašaašu, 'moth', cf., Orel & Stolbova #1034 *‘açuç- 'insect').emmer (wheat) (reduplicated zé or zi).a crop-devouring insect (see etymology for ziz).abgal (2) : sage, wise m<strong>an</strong>, wizard (abba, 'elder', + gal, 'great') [ABGAL archaic frequency: 31].ablal (3) :bird niche, nest (ab, 'niche, nook', + lal, 'to be high; to h<strong>an</strong>g').abrig: a purification priest (a, 'water', + barag, 'ruler; throne') [ABRIG archaic frequency: 9].absin (3) :(seeded) furrow (ab, 'niche', + sín, 'to sift').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 49

abul[KÁ.GAL]: city gate (lo<strong>an</strong>word from Semitic for 'door', Orel & Stolbova, Hamito-SemiticEtymological Dictionary (1995), #287).abzu:<strong>the</strong> 'sentient' sea - <strong>the</strong> sea personified <strong>as</strong> a god (aba/ab, 'sea' + zu, 'to know') [ABZU archaic frequency:28].adamen (2,3) :argument; fight.addir[A.PA.ÑISAL.PAD.DIRIG]:addir x :agam:over').wages.ág<strong>an</strong>, ak<strong>an</strong>:swamp (a, 'water', + gam, 'to decline, incline').(cf., ak<strong>an</strong>i).agar (2,3) , ugar: field; commons [AGAR 2 archaic frequency: 16].ferry; bridge (ída/íd, 'river', + dirig/dir, 'to goagargara ku6agarin (2,3) :agarin 4,5 :[NUNtenû]: a fish.fa<strong>the</strong>r; mo<strong>the</strong>r; womb.beer-wort; crucible, vat.agrun: inner s<strong>an</strong>ctuary [ZATU-413 archaic frequency: 4].añar x [IM×IM; IM.DUGUD]:to deposit').heavy rain shower, cloudburst (a, 'water', + ñar, 'to accumulate;añrig: steward, superintendent (áña, 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure; to check', + rig 7, 'to deed, gr<strong>an</strong>t').aþþur (2,3) , uþþur (2,3) :ak<strong>an</strong>i, ak<strong>an</strong>:udder.(cf., imþur).ák<strong>an</strong>, aka 4 [KÁ]: door-frame, lintel.akar:lea<strong>the</strong>r armor.akkil: lamentation, ritual wailing.alad:a life force; a male protective spirit.alañ, al<strong>an</strong>, alam, ál: image, statue; figure, appear<strong>an</strong>ce [ALAN archaic frequency: 51;concatenates 6 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].alal:alam:al<strong>an</strong>:pipe, conduit, gutter; pipe for making libation offerings to <strong>the</strong> dece<strong>as</strong>ed (a, 'water', + lal, 'lift, carry').(cf., alañ).(cf., alañ).alim: wild ram; bison; aurochs; powerful [ALIM=ZATU-219 [GIR 3 ] sign per P. Steinkeller, archaic frequency: 73;concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].allal x , alla:amagi (2,3) , mabi (2,3) :net, seine; crab.ice.amar: calf; young <strong>an</strong>imal (áma, 'wild cow mo<strong>the</strong>r', + re 7, 'to accomp<strong>an</strong>y, plural') [AMAR archaic frequency: 297].amaš:sheepfold, cattle-pen (é, 'house', + maš, 'goat').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 50

ambar, abbar: marsh; reeds, c<strong>an</strong>ebrake (imi/im, 'clay, mud', + bar, 'to obtain').<strong>an</strong>še: male donkey; onager; equid; pack <strong>an</strong>imal (<strong>an</strong>,'sky; high', + šè, terminative postposition = 'up to' ='to raise up, carry') [ANŠE archaic frequency: 48; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts;? KIŠ archaic frequency: 46].<strong>an</strong>zalub:reed pulp.<strong>an</strong>zud (2) , <strong>an</strong>zu (2) -(d)[ d IM.MI/DUGUD mušen ]: a mythical gi<strong>an</strong>t bird; vulture, eagle [ANZU 2archaic frequency: 1].ñiš apin:n., seeder plow (a, 'seed', + bun, 'to blow') [APIN archaic frequency: 181; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].adj., describes a plow <strong>an</strong>imal (also apin-šè).arad (2) , urdu (2) , ir 3,11 :(male) slave; serv<strong>an</strong>t; subordinate (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from wardum, 'maleslave, m<strong>an</strong>-serv<strong>an</strong>t') [IR 11 archaic frequency: 10].araþ 4 [É.UŠ.GÍD.DA]:storehouse.arala, arali: <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (þara/àra, 'to pulverize', + la, 'youthful freshness <strong>an</strong>d beauty').arþuš: n., womb; comp<strong>as</strong>sion, pity (úr, 'b<strong>as</strong>e; root', + þáš, 'lower abdomen').v., to be sympa<strong>the</strong>tic.ñiš ásal, ásar: Euphrates poplar tree [ASAL 2 archaic frequency: 16].<strong>as</strong>il (3,4,5) : (cf., <strong>as</strong>ilal (3,4,5) ).<strong>as</strong>ila: (cf., <strong>as</strong>ilal).<strong>as</strong>ilal (3,4,5) :joy, gladness.ašag, aša 5 [GANÁ]: field, plot (cf., a-šà-(g)).ašgab: lea<strong>the</strong>r-dresser, currier (kuš, 'lea<strong>the</strong>r', + gúb, 'to cle<strong>an</strong>se').(ú) aški:bulrush (Typha gr<strong>as</strong>s; cf, ú númun) (éš, 'rope', + kid (6), 'to weave a reed mat').aškud: wedge (<strong>as</strong> a device to bar a door); ramp (?).ašlag: (cf., lú azlag).ašte:azag:need; necessity; desirable or beloved object (áš, 'to desire', + te, 'to approach'; cf., téš).taboo.lú azlag (2,3,4,5,6) , ašlag:fuller, felt-worker; launderer (a, 'water', + zalag, 'to cle<strong>an</strong>se').babbar (2) : bright; white; <strong>the</strong> rising sun (reduplicated bar 6, 'bright, white') [UD archaic frequency: 419].báþar: potter [BAÞAR 2 archaic frequency: 50; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].balañ: lyre (?); drum (?); funeral song [? BALAG archaic frequency: 20].b<strong>an</strong>da 2,4,5 :bànda (da) :ñiš b<strong>an</strong>šur (2,3) :prop, support.young; junior; vigorous; impetuous; fierce; proud.table; container [? BANŠUR archaic frequency: 7; concatenates 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 51

appir (2/3) :[munu 4 ] to make m<strong>as</strong>h [titab] for beer); brewer [BAPPIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenates 6 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].beer bread (a sweet <strong>an</strong>d possibly pungent bread made from barley dough - mixed with maltbarag, bára, bár; bara 5,6 :throne dais; king, ruler; cult platform; st<strong>an</strong>d, support; crate, box;sack; chamber, dwelling (container plus ra(g), 'to pack') [? BARA 2 archaic frequency: 69; concatenates 2 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts; ? ZATU-764 archaic frequency 21].bárag, bàra, bàr [DAG]: nest [BARA 3 archaic frequency: 13].bariga [PI or UL(in Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period)]: a me<strong>as</strong>ure of capacity - 36 sìla in <strong>the</strong> Old<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period <strong>an</strong>d 60 sìla in <strong>the</strong> Old Akkadi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d Neo-<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> periods. Equals 6 bán. (bán-rig-a, '<strong>the</strong>bán from picking, gle<strong>an</strong>ing').barzil (AN.BAR): (meteoric) iron (bar 6 , 'to shine', + zil, 'to cut, peel').bibad[UZ.TUR] mušen :duck.billuda, biluda[PA.AN]:ñiš bugin:buñiñ x , búgin:b<strong>as</strong>ket; trough.worship, cult, rite; ordin<strong>an</strong>ce.b<strong>as</strong>ket (for carrying food) (cf., buniñ).bulug: shoot, sprout; barley malt; needle; awl; drill; seal pin; boundary post; border (bul, 'to sprout', +aka/ag, 'to do') [BULUG archaic frequency: 4].bùluñ: n., pupil, novice; foster child [BULUG 3 archaic frequency: 19].v., to grow; to grow big; to rear, make grow.buluþ: to worry; to be nervous, frightened; to h<strong>as</strong>ten, hurry; fright.buniñ x , puniñ x , bunin:bur<strong>an</strong>un:bitumen-coated reed container (for carrying liquids), vat, tub(bún/buñ x, 'blister; to be swollen', + níñ, 'valuables').buzur (2,4,5) , puzur (2,4,5) :Euphrates river (bu 5, 'to rush around', + ra, 'to flood, overflow', + nun, 'great, noble').safety, security; secret, mystery; a merch<strong>an</strong>dise tax.bùzur: h<strong>an</strong>d, palm.dabin [ZÌ.ŠE]:dadag [UD.UD]:coarse (?) barley flour.v., to cle<strong>an</strong>, clear (reduplicated dág, 'brilli<strong>an</strong>t, cle<strong>an</strong>').adj., brilli<strong>an</strong>t; pure; sacred.dagrim: fields, vicinity, precinct (cf., ñarim) (dag, 'resting place', + rim 4 , 'to run f<strong>as</strong>t'; cf., bar-rim 4 ).dañal: n., width, breadth (da, 'side', + gal/ñal, 'big') [AMA archaic frequency: 241; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to widen, enlarge; .adj., wide, broad; copious.dakk<strong>an</strong>, dagg<strong>an</strong>:dalþamun:harem, living quarters, chamber (dag, 'dwelling', + g<strong>an</strong>, 'to bear').tornado; violent storm; duststorm; whirlpool; riot, revolt (dal, 'to fly', + þa-mun, 'mutuallyopposing or contr<strong>as</strong>ting').dalþamun 4 :confusion, disorder.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 52

d<strong>an</strong>na, d<strong>an</strong>a:double hour (twelfth part of a full day) = <strong>the</strong> time it takes to march a length of 1 d<strong>an</strong>na (Akkadi<strong>an</strong>etymology from 'place of strength or safety') [DANNA archaic frequency: 2].didila:very small, young.road-length me<strong>as</strong>ure, 'march' = 30 UŠ = 21600 cubits = ca. 6.7 miles/10.8 kilometers;didli: <strong>as</strong>sorted, various; separate, individual, single (reduplicated dili).diñir, dingir:god, deity; determinative for divine beings (di, 'decision', + ñar, 'to deliver').dìlib: hair, locks (cf., dalla, 'beam, ray', dálla, 'needle', <strong>an</strong>d dul; dal, 'to cover, clo<strong>the</strong>, hide').dílim, dél:dìlim[BUN]:dilmun ki :dimgul:frequency: 35].spoon (dal, 'to fly, remove', + eme, 'tongue').funnel-shaped bowl containing seeds for <strong>the</strong> drill plow.<strong>the</strong> isl<strong>an</strong>d of Bahrain, noted for its sweet water springs (cf., tilmun) [DILMUN archaicm<strong>as</strong>t (dim, 'to bond, tie', + gul, 'enormous').dinig[KI.NE]: pot<strong>as</strong>h; salt; crucible, kiln, brazier; air vent (dè, '<strong>as</strong>hes', + naña, 'pot<strong>as</strong>h').dirig, diri, dir [SI.A]:of <strong>an</strong> account tablet exceed debits - appears in <strong>the</strong> credits section of <strong>the</strong> succeeding period's accounttablet; intercalary month after ei<strong>the</strong>r 11th month or 12th month (b<strong>as</strong>ed <strong>as</strong> much on whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> wintercrop will be ready for <strong>the</strong> harvest month <strong>as</strong> on <strong>the</strong> need to reconcile <strong>the</strong> lunar year with <strong>the</strong> solar year,which required <strong>an</strong> average of 7 intercalary months in 19 years) (cf., (gi) ušub).n., addition; excess; overdraft; trouble; amount by which creditsv., to go over; to float (with <strong>the</strong> current); to exceed, st<strong>an</strong>d out; to be extra; to be darkened, eclipsed; to beer<strong>as</strong>ed; to be greater th<strong>an</strong>, to surp<strong>as</strong>s, to be supreme over (with dative/locative).adj., superior, outst<strong>an</strong>ding; surplus; superfluous; additional.ñiš dubšik[ÍL], dupsik:dubur (2) :b<strong>as</strong>ket.testicles (dub, 'to store; to pour', + ir (2), 'tears or <strong>an</strong>y bodily secretion').dugud: n., weight; cloud [DUGUD archaic frequency: 2].adj., m<strong>as</strong>sive; heavy; difficult, hard (du 7, 'complete', + gud, 'bull').IM dungu:cloud, cloudb<strong>an</strong>k.duraþ, dàra, dàr:mountain goat buck; ibex (dur, 'bond, tie', + áþi, 'arm') [DARA 3 archaic frequency:11; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].durun: (cf., duruna).duruna, durun, dúru, dúr; durun x [DÚR.DÚR]:dwelling [DUR 2 archaic frequency: 52].n., buttocks; <strong>an</strong>us;v. plural, to sit; to be seated; to break wind; to dry out; to occupy, dwell; to set down, place (objects) (plural,cf., singular tuš) (èd, 'to bring down (or up); to exit, drain' + úr, 'root, lap, thighs', + ùña/un, 'people').dúruna, dilina, dìlim: oven for baking <strong>an</strong>d ro<strong>as</strong>ting.ebir (2) , epir (2) :ebla:edakua (2) :small pot; beer mug.a watery type of beer - 'light beer' (íb, 'waist', + lal/lá, 'to lessen').fish bones (adda, 'skeleton', + ku 6/kua, 'fish').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 53

edim x , edin: ear<strong>the</strong>nware vat for oil <strong>an</strong>d fats.edin, eden:n., steppe, plain; grazing l<strong>an</strong>d between <strong>the</strong> two long rivers; back, spine (éd, 'to sendforth', + in, 'straw') [EDIN archaic frequency: 5].prep., on; against.egir 2,3 , egi (2) : princess.eñar, iñar:eñir, eñer:prep., behind.adv., afterwards.brick wall (é, 'house', + ñar, 'to deposit'/ñar 8, 'to mortar bricks').n., back; stern (of a ship); end; limit; future; inherit<strong>an</strong>ce.elamkuš (2,3,4) : bladder (éllañ, 'kidneys', + kuš, 'skin').ellañ [LAGAB]:éllañ: kidneys.emedu (2) :émeš:summer.hoop or wooden ball ?; driving stick ?; bow ?; block of wood; a number word.house/estate-born slave (eme, 'mammy', + tud/dú, 'to be born').endub, endib: cook (en, 'lord', + dub, 'to move in a circle, shake') [ENDIB archaic frequency: 6].engar: irrigator, farmer (en, 'lord', + agar, 'field'; Akk. 'ikkar from Semitic "to hoe, cultivate").engiz [ME.EN.GI]:22].cook (en, 'lord', + gaz, 'to fracture, crush, slaughter') [ENGIZ archaic frequency:engur: subsoil water; abyssal sea of fresh water (a, 'water', + nañ, 'to drink', + úr, 'floor; root'; cf., <strong>an</strong>-gur 4).ñiš enkara:enku:a weapon.fishing overseer (en, 'lord', + ku 6/kua, 'fish'; same signs (ZAG.ÞA) <strong>as</strong> ešsad).enku x [ZAG-ÞI-A]:tax <strong>as</strong>sessment official.enkum: temple tre<strong>as</strong>urer; guardi<strong>an</strong> deity of <strong>the</strong> foundations [ENKUM archaic frequency: 14].enmen, emmen, immen, immin, emma, imma: thirst (en, 'time', + mun, 'salt').énmen, émmen, ímmen, ímmin, émma, ímma: to drink beer.ensi (3) :énsi(-k):enten(a):dream interpreter (en, 'enigmatic background' + sig 7 , 'to dwell; to complete' ?) [ENSI archaicfrequency: 8].city ruler (Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>); city governor (post-Sargonic) (en, 'lord, m<strong>an</strong>ager', + si, 'plowl<strong>an</strong>d',+ genitive; cf., nísañ, 'governor') [ENSI 2 archaic frequency: 1].ereš, ereç ?[NIN]:ereš 5 [GAL-AN-ZU]:erib:winter (en, 'time', + ten, 'cold', + a(k), 'of').daughter-in-law.queen, lady.knowing, intelligent.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 54

erim, érin, éren:m<strong>an</strong>, serv<strong>an</strong>t, soldier; troops, army; g<strong>an</strong>g of workers; people, folk [ERIM archaicfrequency: 175; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].érim, erin 7 , rim (3) : n., enemy; destruction [ERIM 2 archaic frequency: 20].adj., hostile; evil.erim 3,4,5 :tre<strong>as</strong>ury, storehouse; tre<strong>as</strong>ures.(ñiš šim) erin, eren: cedar; to <strong>an</strong>oint with cedar-oil [ERIN archaic frequency: 105].érin, rín: bal<strong>an</strong>ce scale (cf., erim).erum 2,3 , eru 2,3 : slavegirl.esañ:heir son (a/e 4, 'seed, offspring', + sañ, 'first, prime').ésañ[ÑÁ׊E]; esañ x [É׊E; É.ŠE; É.SAÑ]:temple', + sañ, 'first, prime').(na4) esig, esi:esir (2) :kuš èsir:ešda:èšda:ešemen (2,3) :good, fine; solid, strong; ebony; diorite; olivine-gabbro.crude bitumen (usu, 'strength' or esi, 'strong', + ir (2), 'liquid secretion').s<strong>an</strong>dal; shoe.(cf., šíta).(cf., šita).jump rope; play; celebration (éše, 'rope', + men, 'both, two').ešgar: (cf., zeþ) [? EŠGAR archaic frequency: 12].eškiri, ešgiri:gr<strong>an</strong>ary, storeroom (é, 'house,nose rope, halter, bridle; jumping rope (éše, 'rope', + kìri, 'nose, muzzle').ešsad: fisherm<strong>an</strong> (éše, 'rope', + sud, 'to immerse, sink'; same signs (ZAG.ÞA) <strong>as</strong> enku).eštub ku6 :ezem:a river carp: binnî.(cf., ezen).ezen, ezem: festival, fe<strong>as</strong>t (uzu, 'cut of meat', + en, 'time') [EZEN archaic frequency: 114; concatenation of 3sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ezinu: grain, cereal; <strong>the</strong> deity Ašn<strong>an</strong> [EZINU archaic frequency: 24; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].gagar [KI]:area.gagig: to lament; to wail (gù, 'to exclaim', + gig, 'illness; injury').gakkul:galam: n., stairs.v., to <strong>as</strong>cend, climb.clay brewing-vessel, m<strong>as</strong>h tun.adj., ingenious, clever, artistic, complicated, elaborate; tall, high.gamar: to be overwhelming (gam, 'to kneel', + mer, 'violent storm').gamun: cumin; caraway seed.g<strong>an</strong>am 4 , g<strong>an</strong>a 4 : (cf., us 5 , u 8 ).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 55

g<strong>an</strong>am 6 , g<strong>an</strong>a 6 [DARA 4 ]:ewe.g<strong>an</strong>ba: marketplace; price equivalent.g<strong>an</strong>zer (2,3) :darkness; <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (cf., ga-<strong>an</strong>-zír).garadin (4,5) , karadin (4,5) : shock, pile of sheaves (on a harvested field) (guru 7, 'grain heap', +tun (3), 'to constrict').garaš: straw; supply m<strong>as</strong>ter.gáraš, karaš: military encampment; cat<strong>as</strong>trophe.gàraš sar :garaš 3,4 :leek(s).decision; oracle.gašam: craftsm<strong>an</strong>, artis<strong>an</strong>; skilled person; job, work; office holder; wisdom.gaš<strong>an</strong>: lady, mistress; queen (cf., ga-ša-<strong>an</strong>) (Emesal dialect word, in which nin becomes š<strong>an</strong>).gaššu: intelligent.gazinbu, gazimbi, gazibu:gibil (4) :pole; stake; beam.new; fresh; renewal; to renovate (gúb, 'to purify, cle<strong>an</strong>se', + ul, 'to shine') [GIBIL archaicfrequency: 77].gíbil: to burn; burning (gu 7, 'to consume', + bil, 'to burn').gidim (2,4,7) :spirit, ghost (gig, 'to be sick', + dìm, 'sickness demon', or gi 6, 'black', + dim 4, 'to approach').gidim 6 , gidi 6 : eclipsed, darkened (gíg/gi 6, 'black', + dím, 'to make').ñiš gigir (2) :37].wheel(s); chariot; wagon; coach (reduplicated gur 4/gir 8, 'to turn, roll') [PU 2 archaic frequency:gilim-(b), gili, gil, gi 16 :'abund<strong>an</strong>ce') [GIL archaic frequency: 1].n., reed bundle; d<strong>an</strong>cer; bride crown (gi, 'reeds', + lam,v., to twist; to bend, bow; to cross, bar; to fence off; to lie athwart; to go across; to cross plow; to mess up.adj., to be twisted, t<strong>an</strong>gled; opaque; to be corrupted; destroyed.girim, girin, gir 8 :piece of clay; to detach a piece of clay; to creep or glide on <strong>the</strong> ground(gur 5, 'to separate, divide', + imi/im, 'clay'; cf., gurun).gìrim, gírin: (cf., gurun).giriš: butterfly; moth.gitlam (2,3,4) , nit(a)lam (2,3,4) :gúdibir:m<strong>an</strong>', + lam, 'luxuri<strong>an</strong>ce').gudug, gudu 4 , gúda:gukin (2) :divinely <strong>an</strong>ointed.war (gud (2), 'warrior', + bir, 'to wreck, murder').entire inhabited world.gukkal [KUN.GAL]:lover; honeymooner; first husb<strong>an</strong>d; spouse (nitaþ, 'male,a ritually pure, linen-clo<strong>the</strong>d priest who cares for <strong>an</strong>d feeds <strong>the</strong> gods;(cf., kungal).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 56

gunni: kiln; stove.gurdub:gurud (2) :gurum[GAM]:reed b<strong>as</strong>ket.to throw.v., to be bent; to subdue.n., heap, pile; arched beam; bending.gúrum: inspection.gurun, gurin; girin, girim; gìrim, gírin:fruit; berry; flower (cf., girin)(gúr, 'sphere', + <strong>an</strong>, 'high'; cf., kurun).guruš, ñuruš: sledge (archaic pictogram); adult workm<strong>an</strong>, laborer (hum<strong>an</strong> sledge); young m<strong>an</strong> (gúr,'wheels' [cf., gigir], + uš, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d upon') [? GURUŠ archaic frequency: 68; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].guruš 3,4 , guru 5 , gur 5 ; kur 5 :gurušda:to circumcise (?); to trim away, strip; to cut, clip (a part of<strong>the</strong> body); to notch, incise; to fell trees; to be parted, relieved of (gur 10, 'sickle', + ñìš/uš, 'penis').guzza: throne; chair.(cf., kurušda).ñadub: tablet container (ñar;ñá, 'to store', + dub, 'clay tablets'; cf, lú ša 13[ÑÁ]-dub-ba).ñagia: cloister; reed b<strong>as</strong>ket; a me<strong>as</strong>ure of fish.ñalga, malga: advice, counsel; wise one; reflection, consideration (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> milkum; cf.,Orel & Stolbova #1791 *mulak-/*mulik- 'str<strong>an</strong>ger, chief') [GALGA archaic frequency: 16; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñ<strong>an</strong>sis, ñ<strong>as</strong>is x : darkness; <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld; eclipse.ñ<strong>an</strong>un: barn, storehouse, gr<strong>an</strong>ary (ñar;ñá, 'storeroom', + nun, 'great') [GANUN archaic frequency: 3].ñarim: pool, pond (cf., dagrim) (ñar, 'storeroom', + imi/im, 'clay, mud').ñarza, ñarzu[PA.DIÑIR]:or ñar, 'to deliver', + zu, 'to know').ñárza, ñárzu, ñirza[PA.LUGAL]:ñešbu, ñešba, ñešpa[ÑIŠ-ŠUB]:custom(s); rite(s); divine or royal orders (ñar, 'form, appear<strong>an</strong>ce'office, duties; rules.boomer<strong>an</strong>g; throw-stick.ñéšbu, ñéšpu[ŠU.DIM 4 ]: fist(s); grappling hook for a wrestler (ñiš, 'wooden tool', + bu (6), 'topull, draw').ñešta, ñeš 2,3,4 , ñiš 2,3 : sixty (ñiš, 'tool', + tar, 'to cut; to determine' ?).ñeštin:vine; wine; grape juice; bunch of grapes (ñiš, 'tree', + tin, 'life; wine') [GEŠTIN archaic frequency:42; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñeštug (2,3) , ñeštu (2,3) [PI]: n., ear(s); hearing; underst<strong>an</strong>ding, intelligence (ñiš, 'tool', +tuku/tug, 'to receive') [GEŠTUG archaic frequency: 108; concatenation of 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to hear; to underst<strong>an</strong>d.ñeš'u: (cf., ñéš×u in compound section).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 57

ñiš ñidru, ñidri[PA]:ñiñri (2) :stick; staff; scepter; stick used to me<strong>as</strong>ure <strong>the</strong> height of a pile of grain (ñiš,'wood', + dúru, 'low end, b<strong>as</strong>e' where stick w<strong>as</strong> thrust to <strong>the</strong> b<strong>as</strong>e of a grain pile; cf., duru 6reading of PA<strong>an</strong>d še ñiš-è-a).to dive; to sink, founder (reduplicated ñiri 5, 'to seek refuge').ñiš ñisal: oar; rudder (ñiš, 'wooden tool', + sal, 'thin, wide') [GISAL archaic frequency: 3; concatenation of 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñiskim, ñiškim, iskim, izkim, ñizkim:'message').ñissu, ñizzu[ÑIŠ.MI]:ñišbun:(cultic) fe<strong>as</strong>t.sign, signal; omen (ñiš, 'tool', + kíñ,shadow; shade (ñiš, 'tool, agent', + su, 'substitute'[Akk. tarib(t)um]).ñišgal: chair; throne; station (ñiš, 'wooden thing', + gal, 'big, great') [GIŠGAL archaic frequency: 9].ñiš ñišimmar: date palm; trunk of a date palm tree (cf., ñiš nimbar) [GIŠIMMAR archaic frequency: 55;concatenation of 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ñizzal: attention; intelligence (ñiš,'tool', + zal,'to p<strong>as</strong>s time') [? GIZZAL archaic frequency: 1].ñuruš: (cf., guruš).ñuškin: (now read <strong>as</strong> kù-sig 17 ).ñušur: rafter beam (ñiš, 'wood, tool', + ùr, 'roof; beam').þabrud:cesspit; pit, hole; cave, cavern (þab, 'to stink', + bùru(-d), 'hole').þalba (2,3) , þalbi (2,3) :þarub[DAG.KISIM 5 ]: carob.(ñiš) þašþur:frost, freezing.apple (?); apricot (?) (þaš, 'to break off (twigs or br<strong>an</strong>ches)', + gurun;gúr, 'fruit; sphere')[ÞAŠÞUR archaic frequency: 101].(gi) þenbur (2) : (green) reed shoots, stalks (þe, 'abund<strong>an</strong>t', + in, 'discrete individuals', + buru 14/bur 14,þenzer:'harvest').weakling; cripple; inf<strong>an</strong>t.þilib: ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (possible foreign lo<strong>an</strong>word).þirin, þirim: <strong>the</strong> root stalks of <strong>the</strong> spikenard, imported from India, <strong>an</strong>d used in perfumes; a weedgr<strong>as</strong>s (þe, 'abund<strong>an</strong>t', + ir, 'perfume', + in, 'straw').þubur: ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (þab, 'to rot, stink', + úr, 'root; b<strong>as</strong>e').þuluþ: to tremble; to be terrified; to terrify.ibila: son; heir, successor; inherit<strong>an</strong>ce (íb (subj. prefix) + íla, 'he carries it').idigna: <strong>the</strong> Tigris river (ída/íd, 'river', + ì, 'impersonal verbal conjugation prefix', + ñin, 'to go', +nominative a, "<strong>the</strong> river that goes", <strong>the</strong> Tigris w<strong>as</strong> a f<strong>as</strong>ter-moving river th<strong>an</strong> <strong>the</strong> Euphrates; it w<strong>as</strong> lesslikely to overflow because, not depositing <strong>as</strong> much silt, it did not built up its bed <strong>as</strong> high) [? IDIGNAarchaic frequency: 25].idim:n., spring, underground water; weight, m<strong>as</strong>s (ída, 'river', + mú, 'to sprout, appear').adj., wild, raging, mad; considerable, distinguished.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 58

ígira: heron (igi, '<strong>the</strong> eye', + ra, 'to strike').ñiš ildag (2,3) : a species of poplar tree (íl, 'to be high; to shine', + dág, 'brilli<strong>an</strong>t').ilduma (2,3) , ildum (2/3) , ildu (2/3) : crowd [ILDUM archaic frequency: 5; concatenation of 2 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].ilimmu:nine (ía/í, 'five', + limmu, 'four').ñiš illuru, illulu, illar:imñaña (2,3) :imin (2,3) :immal (2) :husked (?) emmer wheat.seven; totality; innumerable; all (ía/í, 'five', + min, 'two').milk cow (cf., im-ma-al).immen, immin, imma: (cf., enmen).ímmen, ímmin, ímma: (cf., énmen).immindu:imþur[IGI.A]: foam.inim:ro<strong>as</strong>ting, baking oven (imi/im, 'clay', + ninda, 'bread').throw-stick; javelin; bow; arc (íla, 'to lift', + ru, 'to send').word; statement; comm<strong>an</strong>d, order, decree; oath, agreement; matter, affair, concern, subject (in, 'onediscrete individual', + eme, 'speech').isimu 2,3 , isim 2,3 : shoot, sprout; offspring, descend<strong>an</strong>t (i, 'sprout', + si, 'straight, long, narrow', +mú, 'to grow').isiš 2,3 :v., to weep; to laugh.n., mo<strong>an</strong>ing; laughter.iskim: (cf., ñiskim).išib:n., priest who performs exorcisms, inc<strong>an</strong>tations, lustrations <strong>an</strong>d purification.adj., cle<strong>an</strong>; <strong>an</strong>ointed.išin [PA-ŠE]: stalk.itima, itim, idi:cella, chapel.itud, itid, itu, iti, id 8 ; it 4 ,id 4 : moon; month; moonlight (te, 'to approach,meet', + ud, 'sun').izkim: (cf., ñiskim).kabar, kapar[PA.DAG.KISIM 5 ×GAG]:kadra (2) :kalag, kala, kal:gift, bribe (kad 4, 'to tie toge<strong>the</strong>r', + ru, 'present, gift').shepherd boy (ká, 'gate', + bar, 'to open').v., to repair, mend (kal, 'excellent', + aka/ag, 'to make').adj., strong; swift [GURUŠ+2-N14 (wagon pictogram) archaic frequency: 7; concatenation of 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kalam: <strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>d (of Sumer); nation [KALAM archaic frequency: 91; concatenates 6 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].k<strong>an</strong>kal:kapar: (cf., kabar).hard soil; uncultivated l<strong>an</strong>d (ki, 'earth, place', + nu, 'not', + kal[-l], 'excellent, valuable').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 59

k<strong>as</strong>kal:kašbir:expedition, carav<strong>an</strong>; road; journey (kaš 4/k<strong>as</strong> 4, 'to travel f<strong>as</strong>t', + kalag/kal, 'swift') [KASKALarchaic frequency: 35].small beer; sweet beer (kaš, 'beer', + bír, 'to sniff').kešda, kešdr?, kéš-(d): n., knot; taboo; inhibition (ki, 'place', + šita 4, 'to bind') [KEŠ 2archaic frequency: 6].v., to bind, wrap, tie; to join; to f<strong>as</strong>ten; to harness; to snatch.ñiš kešda:weir.kíbir: firewood, kindling.ñiš kíbir:pitchfork.na4 kikkin [ÞAR]: mortar.kíkkin [ÞAR.ÞAR]:milling; mill house; adj. for milling women (reduplicated kín, 'h<strong>an</strong>d mill').kilib[LAGAB]: package, bundle.kìlib, kìli:totality; star(s).kilim, gílim, gilili:kinbur:kinda: barber.group of (wild) <strong>an</strong>imals; rodents or o<strong>the</strong>r very small mammals.bird's nest or perch (ki, 'place', + <strong>an</strong>, 'high', + bùru/bùr, 'receptacle').kínda[URI]; kinda x [LAK-419]: a type of vessel for me<strong>as</strong>uring barley or holding water.kindañal (2) :overseer of a group of (five) slaves.kingal: comm<strong>an</strong>der, director (kíñ, 'to order', + gal, 'big, great') [KINGAL archaic frequency: 39].kingusili: greater part; five-sixths (5/6) (kíñ, 't<strong>as</strong>k', + sílig, 'h<strong>an</strong>d [of five fingers]').kiraši:emmer wheat for making beer.kisal: courtyard; weight me<strong>as</strong>ure (ki, 'place', + sal, 'spacious') [KISAL archaic frequency: 145 ?; concatenates 5? sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kisim (3,5,6,7) : milk-processing w<strong>as</strong>ters; spoiled milk; smelly cheese [KISIM archaic frequency: 67;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kisim (4) :kisim 2,3,5 :cheese maggot.stable, pen.kislaþ (2) [KI.UD]: empty lot; threshing floor (ki, 'place', + luþ/làþ, 'to sweep cle<strong>an</strong>'; cf., ki-sug 8).kissa: supporting wall.kišib, kiši 5,10 :kišib (3) :mouse.n., h<strong>an</strong>d; fist; seal; sealed bulla; receipt (cf., kéš, 'to snatch; to bind').v., to seal.kišib 7,8,9 , kiši 7,8,9 :<strong>an</strong>t.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 60

ñiš kišik (2) , kiša (2) , kiši 16/17 [Ú.ÑÍR]: a thorny bush [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kúkku [MI.MI]:dark.kukkuš, kukkuç ? [IŠ]: a type of flour.kunga[ŠÚ.MUL]; kúnga[BAR.AN, ŠÚ.AN]:kungal, gukkal [LU.ÞÚL]:36; concatenation of 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].kuniñ x , kúnin:kurku (2) :kurum 6 , kur 6 :kurum 7 , kuru 7 , kur 7 :donkey; onager; mule.fat-tailed sheep (kun, 'tail', + gal, 'big') [GUKKAL archaic frequency:refined <strong>as</strong>phalt, bitumen (ku, 'to build', + níñ, '<strong>as</strong>sets').bounty, abund<strong>an</strong>ce (reduplicated kur 9, 'to deliver').a b<strong>as</strong>ket of food-rations; share(s).n., lookout, spy (ki, 'place', + ùru(-m), 'to watch, guard').v., to watch.kurun (2,3) :sweet red wine; wine grape, grapevine, or grape cluster (cf., gurun).kuruš, kuš 6 , ku 7 : sweet; plump, fat; honey (cf., kurušda).kurušda, gurušda, kuruça ?:sweet fodder (for fattening cattle); fattener (of cattle);stock-breeder (kuruš, 'sweet; fat', + da (5) , 'side; to surround' ?) [GURUŠDA archaic frequency: 61].kušum: to scorn, reject, hurt; to ab<strong>an</strong>don (ki, 'place', + ušum, 'solitary').kušum x , kušu[U.PIRIÑ]: herd of cattle or sheep.lagab: block, slab (of stone); trunk (of tree) (cf., kilib) (lag, 'clod, piece', + gub, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d') [LAGABarchaic frequency: 84; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].lagar: temple serv<strong>an</strong>t who pronounces invocations to <strong>the</strong> god [LAGAR archaic frequency: 51; concatenates 4sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].lagar x [SAL.ÞÚB]:laþt<strong>an</strong> (2) : beer vat [LAÞTAN 2 archaic frequency: 7].(divine) vizier; a high r<strong>an</strong>king cultic functionary.laþt<strong>an</strong> x , laþta: a w<strong>as</strong>hing vessel (luþ/làþ, 'to w<strong>as</strong>h', + tán, 'to become cle<strong>an</strong>').libir: n., old age [LIBIR archaic frequency: 1].v., to l<strong>as</strong>t long; to live long.adj., old, <strong>an</strong>cient; traditional; used, worn (la, 'youthful freshness', + bír, 'to shrivel up').libiš, lipiš: courage; <strong>an</strong>ger; core, heart; family (Akk. libbu 'heart').lidim: to receive (in charity) (la, 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce', + dim 4, 'to beg').lilib[IGI.IGI]:liliz: a drum.lill<strong>an</strong>:to steal.stalk with ripe ear of grain.lirum, liru, liri:n., physical strength.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 61

adj., strong, powerful.lugal: king; owner, m<strong>as</strong>ter (lú, 'm<strong>an</strong>', + gal, 'big') [LUGAL archaic frequency: 80].lugud, luñud(?): pus; serous fluid (lúñ, 'fault, error' + éd, 'to emerge').lúgud: short; short person (lú, 'person', + gud 8, 'short').lukur: ch<strong>as</strong>te priestess, nun; courtes<strong>an</strong> (?) (lú, 'grown m<strong>an</strong>', + kúr, 'hostile').lulim: stag, hart (male of <strong>the</strong> red deer; cf., máš-lulim) (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).luþummu[ÑIŠ-MI]: mud (cf., lu-þu-um).lunga (2,3) , lumgi (2,3) : (cf., lú ningi (2,3) ).makkaš (2) :m<strong>an</strong>gaga:wailing; clamor (maþ, 'great',? + kuš 7, 'dev<strong>as</strong>tation').palm fiber, b<strong>as</strong>t (m<strong>an</strong>, 'partner', + gag, 'peg, nail', + a(k), 'genitive').mašda: drawing; gazelle (máš, 'to scrutinize', + dù, 'to make, apply') [? DARA 3 archaic frequency: 11; concatenationof 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].mašda (2) :maškim:commoner; destitute.inspector, monitor, sheriff, commissioner (máš, 'to inspect', + kíñ, 'work').megida (2) , megidda (2) : sow (female pig).mezem [ÚMBISAG]: mainten<strong>an</strong>ce, support (?).middu (2) , mitum (2) : mace (<strong>the</strong> weapon).mudla, madlu, mudul: pole; stake (mud, 'a right-<strong>an</strong>gled tool', + lal/lá, 'to h<strong>an</strong>g').múdru: fuller; launderer (mur 10/mu 4, 'to clo<strong>the</strong> oneself', + duru 5, 'moist, fresh').muþaldim [MU]:mùnsub:shepherd.baker, cook (mù, 'to mill, grind', + þal, 'to divide; portion', + dím, 'to f<strong>as</strong>hion, create').munšub (2) : hair; hairy skin; pelt, hide; barber ('it falls down oneself') [? MUNŠUB archaic frequency: 3;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].munus[SAL]; nunus[Emesal]: female; wom<strong>an</strong> (this pronunciation found in absolute inflection,cf., mí) (mí, 'wom<strong>an</strong>', + nuz/nus, 'egg') (cf., mí/mu 10 , nunuz, <strong>an</strong>d etymology of nitaþ).ú munzur[KI.AN.ŠEŠ.KI]: bitter pl<strong>an</strong>ts.murgu: dung (sheep).murgu (2) , mur 7,8 :neck; back; shoulders; ridge (mur, 'lungs', + gú, 'neck').murub (2) : vulva; wom<strong>an</strong>; sexual charm [MURUB 2 archaic frequency: 4].murub 4 , múru:central, medi<strong>an</strong> area; middle; waist, hips; in-between terrain; interval; battle (mur 10, 'todress oneself', + íb, 'middle; loins'; cf., iti murub 4).murum 5,11 , muru 3,5 , urum: bro<strong>the</strong>r-in-law (mí, 'wom<strong>an</strong>', + ùru(-m), 'to watch, guard' or úrum,'relatives').mušen: bird (muš, 'reptile', + <strong>an</strong>, 'sky') [MUŠEN archaic frequency: 178].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 62

muššag<strong>an</strong>a: voracious hunger.nañar: adze, wood-chisel; carpenter; craftsm<strong>an</strong> (na 4, 'stone', + ñír, 'knife') [NAGAR archaic frequency: 168;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].nañña, niññi [AN.NA]:tin, pewter (níñ, 'valuable thing', + ñar;ñá, 'to store').namešda[ŠITA.ÑIŠ.NÁM]: top warrior, king (lit., '<strong>the</strong> power of <strong>the</strong> mace').n<strong>an</strong>am: n., true me<strong>as</strong>ure (na 4, 'token, counter', + nam, 'destiny' or just reduplicated nam).adj., reliable, true; honest, decent.d n<strong>an</strong>na:nidba (2) :nigida[PI]:<strong>the</strong> moon <strong>as</strong> a god [NANNA archaic frequency: 49; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].(cf., nindaba).(cf., ni-gi-da ;bariga).niñar[NI 9 .ÑAR]: a dark room; premature or monstrous fetus (ni 9 ,'premature birth', + ñar,'todeliver').niñin (2) :frequency: 11].n., enclosure, circle; capacity; whole (cf., kilib <strong>an</strong>d gur 4 -gur 4 ) [NIGIN archaicv., to halt, turn away; to turn round; to surround; to <strong>as</strong>semble; to pen up cattle; to w<strong>an</strong>der about; to circle;to make <strong>the</strong> rounds (usually níñin[LAGAB] for hamtu form <strong>an</strong>d niñin or ni 10 -ni 10 [LAGAB.LAGAB] for marû form) (ní;ne 4, 'fear', + ñin, 'to go').niñin (2,3) :nìñin, ni 9 :vertigo (<strong>as</strong> a dise<strong>as</strong>e); faintness, dizziness; thirst.niñin 5,7,8,9 , nimen (3,4,5) ; naña:premature or stillborn child; malformed child; monstrosity.district, province.niñir (2) , miñir (2) : a bride's male attend<strong>an</strong>t; herald, night watchm<strong>an</strong>, town crier; bailiff (probableconflation of separate words: mí,'wom<strong>an</strong>' <strong>an</strong>d nim,'morning', + ñar,'to deliver') [NIMGIR archaicfrequency: 62].ñiš nimbar:nimgir (2) : (cf., niñir (2) ).date-palm (nim, 'to be high', + bar;bur, 'to rele<strong>as</strong>e; meal').nimin, nin 5 : forty (niš, 'twenty', + min, 'two').nimur[KI.NE]: kiln; pot<strong>as</strong>h.nimur x [PIRIÑ.TUR]: leopard, p<strong>an</strong><strong>the</strong>r (from Akk. nimru(m) I).ninda: bread; bakery good; food (níñ, 'valuables', + dar, 'to slice') [GAR archaic frequency: 409].nind<strong>an</strong>, ninda:a length me<strong>as</strong>ure, rod = 12 cubits (kùš) = 6 meters; one side of a sar/šar,'garden plot' square me<strong>as</strong>ure (from Akk. middatu, mindatu, 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure').nínda, inda; índa:hopper or seeding apparatus of <strong>the</strong> seeder plow; funnel, tube; flower;bushel; pure-bred breeding bull; fish roe; milt; <strong>an</strong>cestors (from Akk. middatu, mindatu, 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure')[NINDA 2 archaic frequency: 20].nindaba (2) , nidba (2) :lú ningi (2,3) , lunga (2,3) , lumgi (2,3) :'a small pot').food offering (ninda, 'food', + ba, 'to give').brewer (nañ, 'to drink'; lum, 'to be satiated, full'; lùm,<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 63

ninindu, nindu, inda 4 : oven; stove (cf., immindu).ninkum[NIN.PAB.SIG 7 .NUN.ME.UBARA]: temple tre<strong>as</strong>urer; guardi<strong>an</strong> deity of <strong>the</strong>foundations [NINKUM archaic frequency: 11].nisañ (2) , nesañ (2) : first fruits (offering); spring time (month); dough; wine cellar ?; foremost;governor (ní, 'self; vigor', + sañ, 'first') [NISAG 2 archaic frequency: 94; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].nisig, nisi, nissa: n., greens, vegetables (níñ, 'valuables', + sig 7, 'green, yellow').adj., beautiful; blue; green.nitadam, nitalam:wife.nitaþ (2) , nita (2) : male; m<strong>an</strong>; m<strong>an</strong>ly (ní,'self', + taþ,'to multiply') [GIŠ 3 archaic frequency: 16;concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts; UŠ archaic frequency: 101; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].numun, nuñun x , niñun x :n., seed; sowing; cornfield; offspring, progeny (níñ, 'thing', + gùn,'dots, speckles') [NUMUN archaic frequency: 22].v., to produce.(ú) númun: a type of gr<strong>as</strong>s (halfâ'), rushes (cf., ú aški) [NUMUN 2 archaic frequency: 2].nundum, nundun:lip (reduplicated tùn, 'lip').nunuz, nunus: egg(s); offspring; female (reduplicated nuz, 'egg') [NUNUZ archaic frequency: 134;concatenation of 5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].palil (2) :adv<strong>an</strong>ce troops, shock troops, leader (bala, 'to cross over', + lú, 'men').parim: arid l<strong>an</strong>d; dry l<strong>an</strong>d (<strong>as</strong> opposed to marsh l<strong>an</strong>d or water) (cf., bar-rim 4 ).piriñ (3) :lion (poetic); light (bar 6/7, 'to shine', + níñ, 'thing') [PIRIG archaic frequency: 103; concatenation of5 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].píriñ: bright.pisañ (2/3) , pis<strong>an</strong> (2/3) :(open) b<strong>as</strong>ket; box, chest; frame (bad/be, 'to open', + sañ, 'head').puniñ x : (cf., buniñ x ).puzur: (cf., buzur).sabad (2,3) , sad 2,3,4 [ÑÁ×U, ÑÁ×BAD, ÑÁ×SIG 7 ]; šab, sab [PA.IB]:hips, loins; middle (su, 'body', + bad, 'to open').sañdul x [U+SAÑ]: hat, headdress (sañ, 'head', + dul, 'to cover, protect').sañña (2,3,4) , s<strong>an</strong>ña (2,3,4) :a sprinkler, used for ritual cle<strong>an</strong>ing; economic director of a temple oroccupation (such <strong>as</strong> all <strong>the</strong> smiths) (sañ, 'head', + ñar;ñá, 'to store') [SANGA archaic frequency: 530;concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sañšu: helmet, cap, headdress (sañ, 'head', + šúš/šú, 'to cover') [SAGŠU archaic frequency: 14].sañtag, s<strong>an</strong>tak (2,3,4) :tri<strong>an</strong>gle; (written) wedge; single (sañ, 'head', + tag, 'to hold').sañtuš x [U+SAÑ]: hat, headdress (sañ, 'head', + tuš, 'to reside, sit').ñiš saþab (2) , suþub 3,4 : bar, bolt (of a door).saþar: silt, dust, s<strong>an</strong>d, earth, mud, loam; rubbish; sediment (cf., kuš 7 ) (sa 5, 'red-brown', + þara, 'crushed,pulverized').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 64

dug sáþar [SAR]:sam<strong>an</strong> (2,3) :s<strong>an</strong>ña (2,3,4) :clay pot.yoke, le<strong>as</strong>h, or rope (for <strong>an</strong> ox).(cf., sañña).s<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a, š<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong>a, š<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong>:herbalist, horticulturist, date orchard administrator (sañ,'head, hum<strong>an</strong>', + tin, 'to cure'; cf. also, šeñ 4, 'chills' <strong>an</strong>d šeñ 6, 'to be hot') [ŠANDANA archaic frequency: 3;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].sidug: ravine; pit; pitfall; trap (si, 'to be straight, narrow', + dug, 'vessel').sikil: v., to be/make cle<strong>an</strong>, pure (siki, 'hair' ?, + ul, 'to shine'; cf., suku 5, 'to shine brightly', sig 7, 'tocreate; to make beautiful') [SIKIL archaic frequency: 7].adj., cle<strong>an</strong>, fresh, pure, virginal.silañ, sila 11 : to knead (dough or clay); to slay.silig: (cf., šilig).sílig: h<strong>an</strong>d.silig 3,4 :sin.silim[DI]: to be/make in good shape, healthy, complete (usually considered Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word, rootme<strong>an</strong>s 'peace' in 18 of 21 Semitic l<strong>an</strong>guages, but <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>s used word in greeting <strong>an</strong>d root not in Orel &Stolbova's Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary; cf., sil 5, 'ple<strong>as</strong>ure, joy', + lum, 'to growluxuri<strong>an</strong>tly').simug: metal-sculptor, smith (si 4, 'red', + mug, 'to engrave') [SIMUG archaic frequency: 13].sipad, sibad, sipa; šuba; sub 2,3 : n., shepherd; keeper [SIPA archaic frequency: 4].v., to p<strong>as</strong>ture, tend (si, 'to keep in order', + bad, 'to let out', or pàd, 'to find').sipar: (cf., zabar).siskur (2) , sizkur (2) :n., offering, sacrifice with entreaties, prayers, rites.v., to pray; to sacrifice (isiš 2,3, 'to weep', + kur 9, 'to bring, deliver').subar: slave; Nor<strong>the</strong>rner (su, 'body', + bar, 'foreign').d suena, d suen[EN.ZU]:suñin, sumun, sun, šum 4 [BAD]:<strong>the</strong> moon (sú, 'knowledge', + en (2,3) , 'time', + -/ak/, 'of').n., rot, decay; something rotten; <strong>the</strong> p<strong>as</strong>t (su, 'body',+ ñin, 'to go') [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65; concatenation of 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to decay; to ruin.adj., old, <strong>an</strong>cient.suþirin[SU 7 .SUM]: <strong>the</strong> threshing floor with <strong>the</strong> piles of grain <strong>an</strong>d straw (su 7, 'threshing floor', +þirin, 'sweet smelling gr<strong>as</strong>s').suþur: n., hair, scalp; tree top; crest (su 6, 'beard', + þe, 'abund<strong>an</strong>t', + ùr, 'roof'; cf., suþuš) [SUÞUR archaicfrequency: 239].v., to trim or comb <strong>the</strong> hair; to scratch; to make <strong>an</strong> incision.suþur ku6 :gi<strong>an</strong>t carp, barbel.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 65

suþuš: roots; support, foundation; to lift; support (su 4, 'to grow, multiply', + þe, 'abund<strong>an</strong>t', + uš, 'tosupport'; cf., suþur).sukkal:messenger, courier, envoy, representative; minister, vizier (su, 'body', + kalag/kal, 'strong,swift') [SUKKAL archaic frequency: 130].sukud; zugud: n., height; depth (su, 'body', + gíd, 'long') [SUKUD archaic frequency: 15].v., to be/make high.adj., high; tall.súkud, suku 5 : to me<strong>as</strong>ure, distribute; to fl<strong>as</strong>h, shine brightly (cf., zú...kud/ku 5).sulummar[KI.SAÑ.DU]:disgrace (cf., su (11)-lum...mar).sumaš: a common marine fish [SUMAŠ archaic frequency: 3].sumug (3,4,5) , samag (3,4,5) :sumun: (cf., suñin).mole; birthmark (su, 'flesh', + mug, 'to engrave; sty').sumur, šúr, súr: n., fierceness (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word - šamru, 'fierce, enraged, wild') [ŠUR 2 archaicfrequency: 17; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].v., to be enraged (against someone: -da-).adj., fierce; furious; stubborn.surim: (cf., surin).susbu: cle<strong>an</strong>, ba<strong>the</strong>d; a priest.šabra, šapra [PA.AL]:[ŠABRA archaic frequency: 1].temple administrator; commissioner (šab, 'to ga<strong>the</strong>r up', + ru, 'to give')šag<strong>an</strong>, šak<strong>an</strong>: a large jar for oil; god of wild creatures (šag 4/šà, 'stomach, container', + g<strong>an</strong>, 'to bringforth') [? ŠAGAN archaic frequency: 55].šaggina, šaggin, šagina: military governor (šag 4, 'guts', + gi-na, 'steady, reliable') [?ŠAGINA archaic frequency: 1].šañar: hunger (cf., šà-ñar).šak<strong>an</strong>: (cf., šag<strong>an</strong>).šák<strong>an</strong>: official in charge of expenditures - comptroller (šu, 'portion', + g<strong>an</strong>, 'to bring forth'; cf. also,šaggina).šakar: milk jug (šag 4/šà, 'stomach, container', + kir, 'cow').dug šakira (3) , šakir (3) :butter tub, churn; churning; pitcher (šag 4/šà, 'stomach, container', + kir,'cow' + /ak/, genitive) [ŠAKIRA 3 archaic frequency: 56; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ú šakira (2) , šakir (2) : henb<strong>an</strong>e.š<strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong>a:(cf., s<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>a).šar<strong>an</strong>; šarin: tick, bedbug (šár, 'to be numerous', + in, 'straw').šardiš, šarñeš[ŠÁR×DIŠ]; šargal x [ŠÁR×GAL]:'216000'.š<strong>as</strong>suk[SAÑ-GÍN]: registrar of deeds.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 66

šedur: caterpillar cocoon (éše, 'rope', + dúr, 'dwelling').šembi: kohl; <strong>an</strong>timony (<strong>as</strong> makeup).šenbar:ñiš šennur:a type of wild boar (?); Mesopotami<strong>an</strong> fallow deer (?) (šeg 9, 'boar', + bar, 'foreign').a fruit tree, quince or medlar [ŠENNUR archaic frequency: 11; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].šerim (2) , šerin, sérim: a part of <strong>the</strong> loom - ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> harness or <strong>the</strong> heddle [TAG archaicfrequency: 48 ?; concatenates 7 ? sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].šerimsur: caterpillar cocoon (šerim, 'part of a weaving loom', + zar/sur 8, 'to exude; to spin [acocoon]').ñiš šibir, sibir: n., shepherd's staff ending in a curved end, i.e., a crook; also such a staff used by agod or king <strong>as</strong> a scepter (sipad; šuba, 'shepherd', + re 7, 'to lead; to bear').adj., sl<strong>an</strong>ted, crooked.šidim, šitim, šidi[GIM]:šikin 2,3 :[ŠIDIM archaic frequency: 35].a jar for body oil, ointment, salve.šilam: milk-producing mo<strong>the</strong>r cow (šu, 'to pour', + lam, 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce').šilig (5) , silig (5) : v., to ce<strong>as</strong>e, stop; to lay <strong>as</strong>ide one's work.adj., extremely powerful, strong(cf., ñiš šilig <strong>an</strong>d nam-šilig).ñiš šilig:ñiš šinig:axe.tamarisk.šiten: course of march; p<strong>as</strong>sage (šìta, 'ch<strong>an</strong>nel', + un, 'people').šitim: (cf., šidim).šubun: (cf., ñišbun).šubur: earth; slave, deprived person [ŠUBUR archaic frequency: 181].šudug (2) , šutug (2) : a reed hut for purification rites; b<strong>as</strong>ket.architect, m<strong>as</strong>on (šid 3,4,5, 'to bind', + dím, 'to build, make')ñiš šudun (2,3,4,5) , ñiš šudul (2,3,4,5) , ñiš uštil: yoke, crosspiece (šúš/šú, 'to cover', + dun (4),'warp yarns connecting opposite sides of a loom frame' <strong>an</strong>d dul, 'to cover').(kuš) šuþub (2) , suþub (2) [MUL]:n., boots (šúš/šú, 'to cover', + gub, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').v., to step; to feed by grazing; to trample.gi šukur:fence.urudu/ñiš šukur:spear, l<strong>an</strong>ce (šu, 'h<strong>an</strong>d', + kúr, 'enemy').šurun, šurim: <strong>an</strong>imal excrement, dung; stable (šur, 'to flow, drip', + imi/im, 'clay, mud').šurun 4,5 , šurin 4,5 : cockroach; cricket.šuš<strong>an</strong>a:šušur (2) :one third (part).stove grill (šúš, 'to cover', + ùru, 'hot, luminous metal').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 67

šutum[GI.NA.AB.UL]: lizard.tabira, tibira:taltal:metalworker (tab, 'to hold, cl<strong>as</strong>p', + ùru, 'luminous object').knowledge, experience, wisdom (reduplicated tál, 'underst<strong>an</strong>ding').ñiš taškarin, t<strong>as</strong>karin[TÚG]:Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>).box shrub or small tree (or its heavy, hard wood) (may betemen[TE]: perimeter; foundations; foundation-charter; foundation platform; a figure on <strong>the</strong> groundmade of ropes stretched between pegs; excavation (often written te-me-en) [TE archaic frequency: 199].tešlug:tibir: carving knife.tibir (2,3,4,5) :tíbira, ibira:small young <strong>an</strong>imal, fledgling.h<strong>an</strong>d; palm; blow, strike ('life' + 'open, rele<strong>as</strong>e' ? '<strong>the</strong> beggar's open palm').merch<strong>an</strong>t, tradesm<strong>an</strong> (Proverb 3.108 describes how <strong>the</strong> peddler 'flays' or 'skins' <strong>the</strong>open h<strong>an</strong>d of <strong>the</strong> customer).tidnum[UG-UG or ÚG-ÚG], midnum: tiger ?, leopard ? [? TIDNUM archaic frequency: 1].tilþar:cloud.tilmun: distinguished, respectful (same sign <strong>as</strong> dilmun ki ).titab (2) :burn').beer m<strong>as</strong>h - bappir mixed with munu 4 <strong>an</strong>d allowed to ferment (tìl/ti, 'life', + tab, 'totugul: hip, thigh (túg, 'cloth garment', + íla, 'to lift, carry').(ñiš) tukul:mace (thigh bone ?); weapon.tukum, tukun: if, in c<strong>as</strong>e; at once.tukumbi:if, in c<strong>as</strong>e; ple<strong>as</strong>e; certainly (usually followed by hamtu verb form).túkur[KA׊E]: to gnaw, nibble; silence.ubara[EZEN×KASKAL]: patronage, protection.ubilla (2) :ubur:udug, utug:údug, útug:soot (ú, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t', + bil, 'to burn', + lal/lá, 'to be deficient, light, high').female bre<strong>as</strong>t, teat (ub 4, 'cavity', + ir (2), 'liquid secretion').pitfall; a demonic being.a weapon.udul/utul (3,4,5,6,10) : herdsm<strong>an</strong> (udu, 'sheep', + lú, 'm<strong>an</strong>') [UDUL archaic frequency: 32; concatenates 4 signvari<strong>an</strong>ts].udun[GIR 4 ]:kiln (for pottery <strong>an</strong>d bricks); oven.ugnim: crowd; army; troops; workg<strong>an</strong>g; campaign.ugra:reed bundle.ugula [PA]: overseer; captain; forem<strong>an</strong> (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> waklu where Christopher Ehret's 1995Reconstructing Proto-Afro<strong>as</strong>iatic h<strong>as</strong> *wax "to look at").<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 68

ugun[U.DAR/GÙN]: adorning speckles <strong>an</strong>d lines; inlaid decoration (u, 'ten, m<strong>an</strong>y', + gùn, 'to decoratewith colors' may be popular scribal etymology; cf., ug, 'lion, <strong>an</strong>y deadly cat' + n, 'discrete point').úgunu, úgun[GAŠAN]: lady, mistress, ruler; ointment, application.ùgun, ugu (4) : n., progenitor.ukum:úkur:v., to beget, bear.adj., natural, genetic.dust (devil).butcher (ug 5, 'to kill', + kir, 'cow').ukur 3,4 , uku 2,5 : n., poor m<strong>an</strong>; poverty.úkuš:v., to be or become poor.ulul (2) :ulušin:úlutin:umaþ:cucumber.binding; harness; le<strong>as</strong>h, chain (u, 'ten, m<strong>an</strong>y', + lal, 'to strap, harness').emmer beer.attractive, attention-getting.marsh, swamp (u, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t', + maþ, 'high').umbin: nail; claw; talon; hoof; nail impression (on a clay tablet); hair pin; wheel (of a chariot, wagon)[UMBIN archaic frequency: 34; concatenates 4 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].umbisañ:ummeda (2) , éme:scribe (umbin, 'nail impression [on a tablet]', + sañ, 'individual hum<strong>an</strong>').kuš ummud, ùmmu[EDIN.LÁ]:umun:wetnurse; mammy (umu/um, 'nurse', + da, 'to hold, protect').title of respect; Emesal dialect form of en.(goatskin) water bag.úmun, umum: mold; raw form or material; idea; knowledge; scholarship [UMUN 2 archaic frequency: 114].ùmun:umun 5,6,11 :umuš, uš 4 :flea; louse.(stagn<strong>an</strong>t) pool; swamp; a swamp pl<strong>an</strong>t.discernment; intelligence; reflection, consideration; decision (u 6, 'to be impressed' + máš, 'toexamine, inspect').unkin, ukkin: communal <strong>as</strong>sembly, folkmoot (ùña/un, 'people', + kíñ/kin, 'to seek, fetch'; cf.,unkin-ñar-ra) [UKKIN archaic frequency: 108; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].unug (2) , unu (2) : dwelling; fortress; jewelry, adornment; cheek; <strong>the</strong> city of Uruk (ùña/un, 'people', + ig,'door') [UNUG archaic frequency: 206; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ùnug, unu 6 [TEMEN.ÈŠ = TE.AB]:uraš[IB]:úrdu[ARAD×KUR]:úrgu:earth; loincloth; secret.(cf., arad).ferocity, rage (ur + gù, 'barking dog').elevated shrine, temple; living room; s<strong>an</strong>ctuary.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 69

urim 2,5 , uri 2,5 : doorpost (cf., ùru(-m)) [URI 5 archaic frequency: 21].urin, ùri[ŠEŠ]: eagle; st<strong>an</strong>dard, emblem, b<strong>an</strong>ner; blood [ŠEŠ ZATU-523 archaic frequency: 25;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ursub (2) , urrub (2) : (cf., zurzub (2) ).urudu, uruda, urud: copper; metal (ùru, 'luminous object', + dù, 'to mould, c<strong>as</strong>t') [URUDU archaicfrequency: 61; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].urugal:urum, uru 6 , ur 7 :úrum, uru 7 :us<strong>an</strong> (2) :ùs<strong>an</strong>:usug:<strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (uru, 'city', + gal, 'big').relatives, kin.spawn, fry.evening (cf., ú-si 4 <strong>an</strong>).whip.(cf., uzug).ušar (2,3,4) , ušur (2,3,4) , usar:(female) comp<strong>an</strong>ion, neighbor (uš, 'to support', + ára/ár, 'topraise') [UŠUR 3 archaic frequency: 3; concatenates 3 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].ušbar: weaver.ušbar (3/7) :fa<strong>the</strong>r-in-law; mo<strong>the</strong>r-in-law (ñìš/uš, 'm<strong>an</strong>; penis', + bar, 'outside; foreign').ušera: reed bundle (ú, 'pl<strong>an</strong>t', + šár, 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y').(gi) ušub[SI.A/DIRIG]: b<strong>as</strong>ket (uš, 'to support, lift', + ub 4, 'cavity, hole').ušum, ušu: n., dragon, composite creature (uš 11, 'snake venom', + am, 'wild ox').adj., solitary, alone.ušumgal:lord of all, sovereign; solitary; monster of composite powers, dragon (ušum, 'dragon', + gal,'great') [UŠUMGAL archaic frequency: 21].utaþ, útu: dried, powdered milk; sky.uttuku: (cf., níñ-ka 9 ).utua (2) : breed ram; breed bull (udu, 'sheep', + a, 'semen; fa<strong>the</strong>r') [UTUA archaic frequency: 74; concatenates 2sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].utul:utul 2,7 :(cf., udul).pot, kettle, cauldron (ú, 'food', + tal, 'large jug').uzalag, uzalak[GE 22 ]:uzug, usug:uzug 2,3,4,5 :area me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 1/4 of <strong>an</strong> iku (= 25 sar).ti<strong>the</strong>, tenth-part set <strong>as</strong>ide (þà/u, 'ten', + zag, 'outside of').menstruating wom<strong>an</strong>; wom<strong>an</strong> isolated after birth; person under a taboo (cf., ú-sug 4 ) (úš,'blood', + zìg, 'to expend, go out').(ñiš) zabalam:zabar[UD.KA.BAR]:juniper (cf., za-ba-lum) [? ZABALAM archaic frequency: 45; concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].bronze (zil; zi; zé, 'to pare, cut', + bar 6, 'bright, white'; Akk. siparrum,'bronze' borrowed before vowel harmony ch<strong>an</strong>ged <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> word; cf., barzil, 'iron') [ZABAR archaicfrequency: 1].<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 70

zadim: jeweler; stone cutter (cf., za-dím) [ZADIM archaic frequency: 2].zalag (2) ; zal:n., light, brightness; <strong>the</strong> light before dawn, early morning.v., to shine, gleam; to illuminate; to cle<strong>an</strong>se, purify (often reduplicated).adj., bright, luminous, radi<strong>an</strong>t; pure.z<strong>an</strong>bur:zibin (2) :prowling, roaming; foraging (said of <strong>an</strong>imals).chrysalis, pupa; caterpillar (zi, 'life', + bun, 'blister').zilulu[PA.ÑIŠGAL]:zipaþ, zapaþ[ŠU.BAD]:peddler; vagabond (zil, 'to flay, pare' ?, + lú-ùlu, 'people').half; a length-me<strong>as</strong>ure, sp<strong>an</strong> = 1/2 cubit = 15 fingers = 25 cm. (ŠU.BAD:'open h<strong>an</strong>d' - approx. dist<strong>an</strong>ce me<strong>as</strong>ured by sp<strong>an</strong> of outstretched thumb <strong>an</strong>d little finger).zizna: fish roe; abnormal growths on a fetus.zugud, zubud: a kind of club; a fish (cf. also, sukud).zukum: to trample; to walk on; to step on (súg, plural 'to st<strong>an</strong>d', + kum, 'to crush').zurzub (2) , ursub (2) , urrub (2) :(zur 4 , 'to spout, flow', + sub, 'to suckle').a container provided with teat-shaped protuber<strong>an</strong>cesa-a:a-ab-ba:fa<strong>the</strong>r (reduplicated 'offspring').(cf., aba).a-aþ-du 11 -ga: (cf., aþ-du 11 -ga).a-ba:a-ba-al:#2519).a-bala:who (a, 'to', + bi, 'it', + a, '<strong>the</strong>').'dry' <strong>as</strong>phalt (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word - abaalu, 'to be dry; to mourn', may be Orel & Stolbovadrawing of water (a, 'water', + bala, 'turn, duty').a-da-ab: a type of song (also written <strong>as</strong> a-tab, 'burning tears' ?).a-da-al-ta:a-da gub-ba:a-da-lam; i-da-al-àm:a-da-mìn:a-da-mìn...aka:from now on ('now' + 'from').water duty ('water' + 'near' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d' + nominative).now ('now' + 'to be').contest ('when' + 'with' + '<strong>an</strong> equal').to compete (with someone: -da-) ('contest' + 'to do, make').a-da-mìn...dug 4 /du 11 /e: to compete ('contest' + 'to speak, do, make').a-da...tuš:to live near <strong>the</strong> water ('water' + 'near' + 'to dwell (singular)').a-dar-tún ku6 : a fish ('water' + 'to slice' + 'to sm<strong>as</strong>h').a...dé:a-dé:to pour out water; to irrigate; to flood ('water' + 'to pour').fresh.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 71

a-dé-a:<strong>the</strong> yearly spring flood ('water' + 'to pour' + nominative).a-dùg: freshwater ('water' + 'sweet, fresh').a...dug 4 /e:a-dun-a:to irrigate ('water' + 'to do').inshore fisherm<strong>an</strong> (?) ('water' + 'lowly student' + nominative).a-è-a: overflowing or breaks in levees ('water' + 'to emerge' + nominative).A.EN-da-urudu:a-eštub ku6 :a-ga:a-ga...gur:a type of copper.high tide, early flood ('water' + 'river carp').back, backside; after; back room (cf., eñir).to turn back ('back' + 'to return').a-ga-am, a-ga-àm, a-ga-mu-um:artificial pond - a large, marshy, <strong>an</strong>d perm<strong>an</strong>ent orsemi-perm<strong>an</strong>ent lake used <strong>as</strong> a reservoir to dispose of flood waters (prob. Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word).a-ga-aš-gi 4 : <strong>the</strong> most awkward one ('in back' + '<strong>the</strong> one' + 'to send, reject').a-ga-bi-šè:a-ga-zu-ta:a-gáb: (cf., ugu 4 -bi).afterwards ('after' + adverbial force suffix + 'towards').behind you ('back' + 'your' + 'from').a-gal: overflow of flood waters ('waters' + 'big').a-gàr: irrigated field ('water; seed' + 'cake' ?).a-gar 5 :lead, <strong>the</strong> metal.a-gig: bitter tears ('water' + 'pain').-a-gin 7 :a-e...gu 7 (-a):a-gúb-ba:kuš a-ñá-lá:a-ñá-ri-in:A-ñar: (cf., e 5 -ñar).a...ñar/ñá-ñá:a-ñi 6 (-a):a-šè...ñin/gub:<strong>as</strong> (= when) ...; in that way; how! ('if, when' + 'like').eroded by <strong>the</strong> water ('water' + ergative agent marker + 'to consume' ( + nominative)).holy water ('water' + 'to purify' + nominative).lea<strong>the</strong>r sack (for flour) ('water' + 'to store' + 'to lift, carry').a flat area (me<strong>as</strong>ured in sar) (cf., ñarim).to irrigate; to be submerged ('water' + 'to store; to deposit, deliver').flood ('water' + 'to be black' + nominative).a-þur-rum: (cf., þu-ru(-um)).a-ia 10 -lum: stag (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).a...íl:a-ka:to go to fetch water ('water' + 'to <strong>the</strong>' + 'to go').to carry water ('water' + 'to lift, carry').(cf., úgu).a-kúm: hot water ('water' + 'hot').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 72

a-la, a-la-la:a-lu:adjective for small cattle.a-lum: adjective for sheep.a-ma-ru:exclamation, often of joy; exuber<strong>an</strong>ce ('tears' + 'happiness').destructive flood ('water' + 'to go' + 'to send'; cf., u 18-ru).a-maþ: flood, overflow, bursting of a dam ('water' + 'high, mighty').a-maš: sheepfold (cf., amaš).a-MI: (cf., a-ñi 6 ).a-na:what (a,'to', + ni,'he, she', + a,'<strong>the</strong>').a-na me-a-bi: <strong>as</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong>y are; all of it ('what <strong>the</strong>re is of it').a-na-àm:a-na-àm...aka:thus; why ('what' + enclitic copula).what (will/did) X do?.a-na-aš(-am): why? (why is it that ...?) ('what' + 'one'[ + 'to be']).a-na-gim, a-na-gin 7 -nam:a-ne:(cf., e-ne).a-nir: lamentation, dirge ('tears' + 'to raise high').a-nu-gi 4 -a:(cf., á-nu-gi 4 -a).how ('what' + 'like'[ + abstract process]).a numun-sañ-ñá: water of <strong>the</strong> first seeds = watering of seeds just pl<strong>an</strong>ted ('water' + 'seeds' + 'first' +genitive).ú a-númun:a-pa 4 :a...ra:a-ra-zu:reeds, rushes ('water' + 'gr<strong>as</strong>s, rushes').funerary pipe (a clay pipe through which water <strong>an</strong>d beer were poured into <strong>the</strong> grave) ('water' + 'smallc<strong>an</strong>al').a-ra-zu...e:a-rá:a-rá-bu mušen :to ejaculate ('seminal fluid' + 'to strike, overflow').prayer, rite ('tears' + 'to overflow' + 'to inform').to say a prayer [often introduces direct, quoted speech in <strong>the</strong> texts].way, road; times (multiplication) ('where' + 'to go, carry [plural]'; cf., a-ri-a).a-ri-a, a-ru-a:a...ri:a...ru:a-sa-ga:duck ('water' + 'to go [plural]' + 'to pull, tear out').district; desert, w<strong>as</strong>te l<strong>an</strong>d ('where' + remote demonstrative affix + nominative).to engender ('semen' + 'to pour into').to dedicate; to give <strong>as</strong> a votive gift (with dative) ('water' + 'to send').propitious water ('water' + sa 6-ga, 'to win fortune').a-sal-bar: architrave ('water' + 'to spread' + 'to distribute, remove').a...si:a-silim:to be filled with water ('water' + 'to fill up').potion ('water' + 'health').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 73

a-šà-(g):a-šà-dib(-dib)-ba:a-ša 4 :a-še-ra:a-šed 12 :field; area ('seed' + 'womb'; cf., a-gàr; ašag).<strong>the</strong> act of trimming <strong>the</strong> fields <strong>an</strong>d levees of vegetation in preparation fordrainage <strong>an</strong>d irrigation ('fields' + 'to seize, bind, take away' + nominative).(cf., á-še).lamentation.cool water ('water' + 'cool').a- (IM) šèñ-ñá: rainwater ('water' + 'rain' + genitive).a-šeš: bitter, brackish water ('water' + 'bitter, brackish').-a-ta: after ... ('when' + 'away from').a...tab:a-tar...aka:a...tu 5 :a-tu 5 -a:a...tùm:to hold or block water ('water' + 'to hold').to play; to mock ('water' + 'to cut, break' + 'to do, act').to ba<strong>the</strong> ('water' + 'to w<strong>as</strong>h').lustration ('water' + 'to w<strong>as</strong>h' + nominative).to flow with water ('water' + 'to bring, carry').a-tur-ra, a-tùr, é-tùr: hollow (of <strong>the</strong> furrow) ? ('water' + 'birth-hut' for a pl<strong>an</strong>t seed ?;related to Orel & Stolbova #1323, *hadar- "darkness" ?).a-ù:a-u 4 -te-na:high water, spring flood ('water' + 'high').a-u 5 -ba...ñál:a-ugu 4 [KU]:at <strong>the</strong> cool of <strong>the</strong> day ('when' + 'day' + ten,'coolness').to be at its high tide ('when' + 'on top' + bi,'its', + a,nominative, + 'to be').<strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r who begot one ('semen' + 'to procreate').a úš-a: to dam up water ('water' + 'piling up <strong>an</strong> ear<strong>the</strong>n dam').a-zi-ga:rising waters ('water' + 'to rise up' + nominative).a-zu; a-zu 5 ; a-su: physici<strong>an</strong> (cf., azu).á...áñ:á-áñ-ñá:á-<strong>an</strong>-zú-lum-ma:ñiš á-apin:á-áš:á-bi ba-ma-ta:á...búru:á-dab 5 :to comm<strong>an</strong>d; to instruct (someone: -da-) ('strength' + 'to check').instructions, orders ('strength' + 'to check', + a, nominalizer).date clusters; raceme ('arm, wing' + 'sky, high' + 'date fruit').part of a seeder plow ('arm' + 'plow').what one needs ('strength' + 'to wish, desire').at one-half its hire price ('wages' + 'its' + 'to divide' + 'to go' + 'from').to open <strong>the</strong> wings ('wings' + 'to spread out').hirelings ('wages' + 'to hire').á-daþ: help; ally ('strength' + 'to add').á-dam: settlement; levy ('wages' + 'spouse').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 74

á...dar:to confiscate ('wages' + 'to split').á...dúb; á-dúb...aka:flap' + 'to do').á-ní-za...dúb:to flap one's wings (with -šè <strong>an</strong>d -ši-, to fly towards) ('wings' + 'toto be (supported) on your own ('wings' + 'self' + 'your' + 'to flap').á...è: to bring up, rear; to take care ('strength' + 'to emerge').á-gàr: embrace (?) ('arms' + 'something round <strong>an</strong>d upraised').á-gi 4 -a:á-gú-zi-ga:á...gur:á guruš-bi:á...ñar:á-ñe 6 -ba-a:reimbursed wages ('wages' + 'to return, restore' + nominative).early morning ('arms' + 'necks' + 'rising', + a, nominalizer).to bend <strong>the</strong> arm ('arm' + 'circular motion').workmen's wages ('wages' + 'workers' + 'its').to act strongly; to oppress; to resist; to reinforce ('strength' + 'to establish').at night ('side' + 'dark' + 'to divide' + locative).Á-KAL: strength; plow extension ('arm' + 'strong').á k<strong>as</strong>kal-la: migr<strong>an</strong>t harvest workers ('arms, work perform<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'road, carav<strong>an</strong>, journey' +genitive).iti á-ki-ti:á-kúš-ù:á-lá:ñiš á-lá:kuš á-lá:á-mi:á-ná-da:calendar month 7 at Ur during Ur III; month 6 at Drehem through year 3 of Šu-Sin; calendarmonth 7 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3.to prevail ('strength' + 'to be tired').fettered legs; paralyzed arms ('arms' + 'to bind').a device for moving irrigation water, involving a water bucket h<strong>an</strong>ging from a swinging beam('arm' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g').á-nu-gi 4 -a:drum ('side' + 'to bind').(cf., ama (4,5) , áme).bed chamber ('side, wing' + 'bed').irresistable ('strength' + 'not' + 'to <strong>an</strong>swer, return' + nominative).á-sàñ[PA]: dise<strong>as</strong>e; sickness demon ('strength' + 'to scatter').kuš á-si:whip ('arm' + '<strong>an</strong>tenna-like').á-sikil(-la): pure, undiluted strength ('strength' + 'pure' + nominative).á...sud/sù:to move [intr<strong>an</strong>sitive] (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('arm' + 'to stretch').á-suþ: elbow; bolt, bar ('arm' + 'to relocate').(urudu/zabar) á-sur:á-še:a type of ax ('arm' + 'to divide').attention-getting exclamation: 'hey now!'.á-šita 4 , á-šu-du 7 :á...-ta:parts, components (of <strong>the</strong> plow); equipment ('arm' + 'to join'/'to complete').at <strong>the</strong> prompting of; by me<strong>an</strong>s of <strong>the</strong> strength of ('strength' + instrumental suffix).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 75

á...tál:á-tuku:á-u 4 -te-en:á-úr:to have broad arms; to spread wings or arms ('arms; wings' + 'to be broad; to spread').strength; able-bodied; mighty m<strong>an</strong> ('arms; strength' + 'to have').in <strong>the</strong> evening ('side' + 'daylight' + 'to extinguish, cool down').limb, limbs, extremities ('arms' + 'legs': <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> example of <strong>as</strong>yndetic hendiadys).á-zi(-da): right arm; with hitting, violence ('arm' + 'good, firm, right' + 'with').ab-(ba):(cf., aba).ab-ba: fa<strong>the</strong>r; elder; <strong>an</strong>cestor (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word).ñiš ab-ba: (cf., ñiš-ab-ba(-k)).ab-ba-uru: city elder ('elder' + 'city').iti ab(-ba)-è: calendar month 10 at Nippur during Ur III.ab-ki-iz:cle<strong>an</strong> furrow, unobstructed by weeds ('niche' + 'trimmed').ab-làl: phonetic writing of ablal (3) .ab-sín; ab-si-im-ma; ab-sù-na:furrow ('niche' + 'to sift').ab-sín-gilim-ba/ma: crossing, tr<strong>an</strong>sversal furrow, possibly for drainage ('furrow' + 'to cross plow'( + 'its') + nominative).áb-ama:áb-amar:áb-gir 15 /gi 7 [KU]:mo<strong>the</strong>r cow ('cow' + 'mo<strong>the</strong>r').mo<strong>the</strong>r cow ('cow' + 'calf').domestic cow ('cow' + 'domestic').áb-gud-þá: herd ('cow' + 'bull' + '<strong>as</strong>sorted, mixed').áb-máþ[AL]:áb-sañ: a piece of tableware (?).áb-úr: a piece of tableware (?).ad-da: (cf., ada).ad...gi 4 :cow in 3rd year of life that h<strong>as</strong> calved ('cow' + 'calf').to echo; to ponder; to take counsel (with someone: -da-) ('shout' + 'to <strong>an</strong>swer').ad...gi 4 -gi 4 : to give counsel; to converse (confidentially) (cf., ad...gi 4).ad-kub 4 [KID]:ad-kíd:ad...ša 4 :ad-tab:aga (3) -ús:reed weaver; wicker-worker; maker of reed mats, boats, <strong>an</strong>d containers.reed mat plaiter ('fa<strong>the</strong>r' + kid, 'reed mat').to wail; to resound; to sing ('song' + 'to mourn').rein(s) ('shout' + 'to hold; to be double').policem<strong>an</strong>; comp<strong>an</strong>ion, attend<strong>an</strong>t; soldier ('crown' + 'to follow').àga-rí(-na): (cf., agarin (2,3) or agarin 4,5 ).aþ-du 11 -ga: spittle (of sorcery) ('spittle' + 'utter<strong>an</strong>ce').aþ...uš 7 [KA×LI]:to spit ('saliva' + 'spittle').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 76

-/ak-eš/:al...aka:because (genitival suffix + adverbial suffix).to work at hoeing ('hoe' + 'to do').al...di/dug 4 /e: to desire, pray, dem<strong>an</strong>d, insist (often with -ni-) ('hoe' + 'to make <strong>the</strong> motion of').al...dù:to hoe ground that is already broken ('hoe' + 'to mould, shape').al-gazum x [ZUM+LAGAB]: <strong>an</strong> exotic spice.ñiš al-ñar:musical instrument ('hoe' + 'form, appear<strong>an</strong>ce').ñiš al-ñar-sur 9 : musical instrument ( ñiš al-ñar, + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g, suspend' [suru 5?]).ñiš al-la-<strong>an</strong>:'tree').al-la-þa-ru:al-lu 5 :oak tree (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from alla<strong>an</strong>um, 'oak', cf., Orel & Stolbova #31 *'al<strong>an</strong>-/*'alunat<strong>an</strong>ning agent used to produce a white color.crab ('digger' + 'to deceive').al-lub/lu 5 : a type of ax (phonetic harmony vari<strong>an</strong>t of al-šub ?).al-lu 5 -þáb:ñiš al...ri/ra:ñiš al-šub:al...tag:ñiš al-tar:a type of net (for crabs ?) ('crab' + 'to stink').to demolish with <strong>the</strong> hoe; to punish ('hoe' + 'to break open; to strike').ax-like hoe ('hoe' + 'to throw; to fell').to hoe ('hoe' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>dle').demolishing tool (?) ('hoe' + 'to cut, break').am-si: eleph<strong>an</strong>t ('wild ox' + 'horn, ray, <strong>an</strong>tenna'; cf., šu-si, 'finger').ama-a-tu/tud: (cf., emedu).ama-ar-gi 4 :ama-g<strong>an</strong>; ama-ugu:iti amar-a-a-si:amar-kud:freedom ('mo<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to shine' + 'to restore').natural or birth mo<strong>the</strong>r ('mo<strong>the</strong>r' + ùgun, ugu (4), 'to beget').calendar month 10 at Lagaš during Ur III.separated, we<strong>an</strong>ed young <strong>an</strong>imal ('calf' + 'to cut away from').<strong>an</strong>-ba: refuse; litter; dirt ('open air' + 'to give up').AN.BAR: (cf., barzil).<strong>an</strong>-bar 7 [NE]; <strong>an</strong>-bar:noon; midday ('sky' + 'to be bright').<strong>an</strong>-bir 8 [A-SUD]: noon; midday rest ('sky' + 'to be hot' ['WATER' + 'TO SIP']).<strong>an</strong>-dùl:<strong>an</strong>-edin:shade; protection ('sky' + 'to cover, protect').high plain ('high' + 'steppe').<strong>an</strong>-ga-àm: likewise (cf., in-ga-na-nam).<strong>an</strong>-gur 4 : (cf., engur).<strong>an</strong>-ñá: <strong>an</strong>d yet (affirmative prefix ? + 'exists').<strong>an</strong>-kára: (cf., enkara).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 77

<strong>an</strong>-ki: universe ('sky' + 'earth').AN.MUL:starry sky (verify th<strong>an</strong> AN is not <strong>the</strong> rare sign ŠÚ; cf., kunga[ŠÚ.MUL]).<strong>an</strong>-na: tin; yes ('sky' + 'stone'; Civil thinks <strong>an</strong>-na, 'yes', is probably <strong>an</strong> Akkadi<strong>an</strong>ism, but cf., affirmative n<strong>an</strong>am,'indeed' <strong>an</strong>d in-nu, 'negation').<strong>an</strong>-na...dug 4 /e: to say yes ('yes' + 'to say').<strong>an</strong>-nisig(-ga):<strong>an</strong>-pa: zenith ('sky' + 'br<strong>an</strong>ch' of sun dial ?).<strong>an</strong>-SAR:<strong>an</strong>-sig 7 -ga:<strong>an</strong>-ša 4 -<strong>an</strong> ki :(cf., <strong>an</strong>-nisig).beautiful sky, blue sky ('sky' + 'beautiful, blue').<strong>the</strong> beautiful sky ('sky' + 'to be beautiful' + nominative).Ansh<strong>an</strong> - place name for powerful city in Elam - Tall-i Maly<strong>an</strong> near Persepolis in <strong>the</strong> Farsprovince of Ir<strong>an</strong>.<strong>an</strong>-šár(-ra):<strong>an</strong>-še: ear of grain ('grain ear' + 'grain, barley').all of heaven, <strong>the</strong> whole sky ('heaven' + 'totality, horizon').<strong>an</strong>-ta: above ('heaven' + locative with remote deixis).<strong>an</strong>-ta-ñál: high, superior ('sky; high' + 'from' + 'to be').<strong>an</strong>-ta...gi 4 : to meet ('heaven' + 'from' + 'to return').<strong>an</strong>-ta-sur-ra: a stone ('heaven' + 'from' + 'boundary marker' + nominative).<strong>an</strong>-ub-da:<strong>an</strong>-úr: horizon ('sky' + 'b<strong>as</strong>e, floor').<strong>an</strong>-uraš:<strong>an</strong>-us<strong>an</strong>:regions; "quarter" ('sky' + 'corners' + 'with').heaven <strong>an</strong>d earth; universe ('heaven' + 'earth').evening ('sky' + 'evening').<strong>an</strong>-za-kàr: tower, fort ('heaven' + 'stone' + 'round, high thing').<strong>an</strong>-zag, <strong>an</strong>-zà:<strong>an</strong>-zaþ:where heaven ends ('heaven' + 'side, boundary').heated or fused lead (<strong>an</strong>, 'tin' + 'to be calm').<strong>an</strong>še-bala: pack-<strong>as</strong>s ('equid' + 'to cross over, deliver').<strong>an</strong>še-bar-<strong>an</strong>-mi 2 :female donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'female').<strong>an</strong>še-bar-<strong>an</strong>-nita 2 : male donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'male').<strong>an</strong>še-bìr:<strong>an</strong>še-dub:<strong>an</strong>še-du 24 -ùr:<strong>as</strong>s yoked in a team ('equid' + 'team').<strong>as</strong>s registered on a tablet ('equid' + 'tablet').(cf., dur 9 [ŠUL]).<strong>an</strong>še-edin-na: wild <strong>as</strong>s ('equid' + 'steppe' + a(k), genitival postposition).<strong>an</strong>še-ñiš:ANŠE-ka:work<strong>as</strong>s ('equid' + 'tool').one of <strong>the</strong> best groups of people.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 78

<strong>an</strong>še-kunga (2) :<strong>an</strong>še-mar:iti apin-dug-a:APIN-lal:ñiš apin-numun:apin-ús:ar (2) ...de 6 /túmu:mule ('horse' + 'donkey').chariot or wagon <strong>as</strong>s ('equid' + 'wagon').calendar month 8 at Nippur during Ur III.cultivating le<strong>as</strong>ehold l<strong>an</strong>d ('plow' + 'to pay').plow fitted with seeder attachment ('plow' + 'seed').plowm<strong>an</strong>'s helper ('plow' + 'to follow; to be next to').to praise ('praise' + 'to bring').ñiš ar-ga-nu-um: a coniferous tree (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word ?).ár...e/i:to praise ('praise' + 'to speak; to send forth').aš-me: sparkle, glimmer; sundisk; star symbol; rosette ('unique' + 'function, power').áš á-zi-ga...bal:áš...bal:to curse with violence ('curse' + 'raised arms' + 'to deliver').to curse ('curse' + 'to deliver').áš...dug 4 /e: to curse ('curse' + 'to speak/effect').SAL ÁŠ.GÀR:áš...gi 4 :áš...mú:áš...sar:ñiš az-gú:ba-ab-si:(cf., zeþ).to <strong>an</strong>swer with a curse ('curse' + 'to <strong>an</strong>swer').to curse ('curse' + 'to blow, speak').to curse ('curse' + 'to write').neck-stock ('fetter' + 'neck').it is more (conjugation prefix + in<strong>an</strong>imate direct object prefix + 'to be full, sufficient').ba-al: to dig (a c<strong>an</strong>al); to ch<strong>an</strong>nel ('to divide' + 'digging stick').ba-<strong>an</strong>: a me<strong>as</strong>ure for bread <strong>an</strong>d flour.ñiš ba-<strong>an</strong>:a container.ba-ba: pudding, malt-sweetened porridge.ba-da-ra:poniard (Akk. patarru, pattaru).ba-lá: it is less (conjugation prefix + 'light, deficient').ba-rV: to fly, flee (cf., bad, bar).ba-ra: modal prefix - with marû denotes vetitive; with hamtu denotes negative affirmative.ba-ra(-g): to spread out (cf., bara 4 ).ñiš ba-rí-ga: bushel; square-b<strong>as</strong>ed me<strong>as</strong>uring vessel = 6 bán in all periods (= 36 liters in Old<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period <strong>an</strong>d 60 liters in Old Akkadi<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d Neo-<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period) (cf., bariga).ba-ta-tur; ba-ra-tur:insufficient').ba-za: halt or lame person (cf., ki...za).it is short (conjugation prefix + earlier/later ablative c<strong>as</strong>e prefix + 'small,<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 79

a-zi: dispersed ('to divide' + 'to go out').bàd-niñin: circular city wall ('city wall' + 'enclosure, circle').bàd-si:parapet, battlement ('city wall' + 'long, narrow').bàd-si-<strong>an</strong>-na: high battlements ('parapet' + 'to be high' + nominative).bàd-šul-þi; bàd-sìl-þi:bala-šè...aka:bala-dab 5 -ba:bala éš-kàr:bala-gub-ba:outer wall ('city wall' + 'invader'/'path' + 'numerous').to tr<strong>an</strong>sport ('goods delivery' + 'towards' + 'to do').worker hired to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to hire' + nominative).fraction of <strong>an</strong> <strong>as</strong>signment ('term, portion' + 'work <strong>as</strong>signment').worker stationed to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d' + nominative).ñiš bala...sir 5 : to spin with a spindle ('spindle' + 'to spin').balañ-íl:balañ-ír-ra:harp or lyre carrier ('harp' + 'to lift').lamentation harp ('harp' + 'lamentation' + genitival a(k)).bàn-da: (cf., bànda).bar...aka: to choose; to examine ('to open; to see; to select' + 'to do').bar-tam...(ak):(ñiš) bar-bar: part of a weaver's loom (shuttle ?).ñiš bar-bé-da: a tool.to choose ('to open; to see; to select' + 'polished, shiny' [ + 'to do']).bar...dab 5 :to escape ('outside' + 'to take away').bar...dag: to w<strong>an</strong>der far away ('outside' + 'to roam about').ñiš bar-dil:bar-dúb-ba:a type of plow (rare outside of lexical lists).a good price ('to split, distribute' + 'to knock down' + nominative).ñiš bar-e 11 -dè: rope braiding lever ('outside' + 'to descend' + participial ending).bar-edin-na:edge of <strong>the</strong> desert ('side' + 'steppe' + genitival a(k)).bar-ég-ga: outer side of <strong>the</strong> levee ('outer side' + 'levee' + genitival a(k)).bar...gub: to step outside ('outside' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').bar-ta...gub: to withdraw from ('side' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d <strong>as</strong>ide').bar-gùn-gùn-nu:harmony).chameleon ('sides' + reduplicated 'to be multicolored' + nominative with vowelbar...ñál: to be outside; to be extra ('outside' + 'to be').bar-ñál-la:bar-lá:bar-LU:unsheared ('fleece' + 'to be in place' + nominative).part of <strong>an</strong> irrigation system ('outside' + 'to lift').one of <strong>the</strong> best wool blends.bar-rim 4 [KAŠ 4 ](-ma): dry l<strong>an</strong>d ('to uncover' + 'to travel f<strong>as</strong>t'?; cf., parim).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 80

ar-šèñ-ñá(-e):violence; mist ('outside' + 'to rain' + loc./term. suffix).(mi) bar-šu-ñál: midwife ('innards' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to place').bar-TÚG:bar-ùl[KIB]:bar-ús urudu :iti bára-zà-ñar:bar 6 -bar 6 :bar 7 -bar 7 -ra:-bi-da(-ke 4 ):bi-bi-zé:a long coat ('outside' + 'woven garment').dog chain ('outside' + 'le<strong>as</strong>h').copper-tipped goading stick ('side?; metal?' + 'to drive'; cf., kak-ús).calendar month 1 at Nippur during Ur III.(some prefer this reading, but cf., bábbar).flames (reduplicated 'to shine' + nominative).<strong>an</strong>d ('with it').to drip (reduplicated biz, 'to pour').bi-iz: drop (of water); dripping, melting (cf., biz, 'to pour').bí-ra: mixed, mingled (bir,'to scatter, mix' + nominative).bí-za-za:frog (za,'a repeated, monotonous noise').bir...aka: to sow broadc<strong>as</strong>t (not in furrows with a plow); to dehusk ('to scatter' + 'to do').bír-bír: (cf., babbar).bìr-inim-kéš-de 6 :ñiš bìr-mar:bu-lu-úþ...si-il:bu-úþ; bu-luþ:gi bún-ñìr:gi bún-šu:bur-BÚN.SÁ:bur-šál-la:buru 14 ...su-su:drown').contractually bound worker ('team' + 'oath, agreement' + 'to bind').wagon yoke ('team' + 'wagon').to belch ('to tear out' + 'to be numerous' + 'saliva' + 'to tear apart').to tremble ('to tear out' + 'saliva' or 'to cle<strong>an</strong>'; cf., buluþ).feet bellows ('to blow; bellows' + 'foot').h<strong>an</strong>d bellows ('to blow; bellows' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d').a stone vessel.a stone vessel ('stone vessel' + 'me<strong>as</strong>uring pot' + nominative).lú da-ba-ri-ri: contortionist (cf., da-ri).to have <strong>the</strong> harvest be drowned (by spring floods bursting <strong>the</strong> dikes) ('harvest' + 'toda-da-ga:(cf., dadag).da-ga: org<strong>an</strong>ization; chamber (dag,'to stretch' + nominative).ñiš da-pa: part of a seeder plow (?).da-ra-<strong>an</strong>-šub: negligence ('to drop, let fall').da...ri:to pay off a delivery (?; with dative) ('to protect' + 'to exch<strong>an</strong>ge').da-ri: to bend (limbs) ('arm' + rig; ri,'to pull').da-ri: driver (of <strong>an</strong>imals) ('to protect' + rig; ri,'to bring, tend').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 81

da-ri-a:driven (<strong>an</strong>imal) (da-ri + nominative).da-rí[URU]: long-l<strong>as</strong>ting, enduring, eternal ('near, present' + remote demonstrative affix ?).da-rí-šè:lú dab 5 -ba:dag-gi 4 -a:dañal-búru:dañal-tag(-ga):forever ('eternal' + 'towards').hired m<strong>an</strong> ('to hire' + nominative).city quarter ('dwellings' + 'to surround, lock up' + nominative).spread out over a wide extent ('wide' + 'to spread out').widely b<strong>as</strong>ed ('wide' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>dle, touch' + nominative).dal-ba(-<strong>an</strong>)-na: between (dalla, 'beam, ray' + 'to divide' + ?).dalla...è: to shine; to appear; to make clear; to make resplendent ('beam of light' + 'to become visible').dam-ab-ba: (professional) mourners ('spouse' + 'elder, <strong>an</strong>cestor').ñiš dam-apin:dam-gàr(-a):part of a seeder plow ('spouse' + 'plow').merch<strong>an</strong>t (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from tamkaarum, 'merch<strong>an</strong>t', cf., makaarum 'to do business').dam-þa-ra: battle (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from tamhaaru(m)).dam...tuku/du 12 -du 12 : to marry ('spouse' + 'to get').dar-ra: cured, dried (?).dè-dal:di-bi-da:di...dab 5 :di-dab 5 -ba:<strong>as</strong>hes ('<strong>as</strong>hes' + 'to fly').donkey ('to go, conduct oneself' + 'it' + 'with').to take up a lawsuit ('lawsuit' + 'to take').decision ('decision' + 'to take' + nominative).di-di: to play (<strong>an</strong> instrument) (cf., dug 4).di...dug 4 /du 11 /e:effect').di...gub:di-ir-ga:di-kud/ku 5 :di...kud/ku 5 :di-kúr:to conduct a trial; to give a claim; to sue someone (with -da-) ('lawsuit' + 'toto judge ('judgment' + 'to set up').cultic org<strong>an</strong>ization center.judge; judgment ('decision' + 'to cut off').to judge ('decision' + 'to cut off').alien, hostile judgment ('decision' + 'hostile').di-li-du-a: (cf., dili-du(-a)).di-ri: (cf., dirig).di-til-la: law c<strong>as</strong>e for which a final decision h<strong>as</strong> been given ('verdict' + 'to complete' + nominative).di 4 -di 4 -ba: walking about (phonetic for dib, reduplicated + nominative).di 4 -di 4 -la: children.ñiš dib-dib:clepsydra, water clock (onomatopoeic or reduplicated 'to p<strong>as</strong>s, traverse').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 82

diñir-da...nu-me-a: without a (personal) god ('god' + 'with' + 'not' + 'to be' + nominative).dili-dili, dil-dil: one by one (cf., didli) (reduplicated 'one').dili-du(-a):dìm-šáþ:DIM 4 .SAR(-d):walking alone; individual (dili, 'alone' + 'to walk' + nominative).bear (<strong>the</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal) ('sickness demon' ? + 'domestic pig').maltm<strong>an</strong>.dirig-...-še: beyond ('to go over' + 'to <strong>the</strong>').DU.DU: (cf., laþ 5 ).du-lum:burden, labor, work ('to walk' + 'to make productive').du-rí: (cf., da-rí).DU-zu: (read ara x -zu; cf., a-ra-zu).dú-ru-na(-àm): (cf., duruna).iti du 6 -kù:calendar month 7 at Nippur during Ur III.du 6 -ul: to heap up, store, ga<strong>the</strong>r (cf., dul (6) ).du 7 -na-bi:du 8 -du 8 :du 10 :du 10 -sa:du 10 -ús:du 11 -ga:adv., in <strong>the</strong> proper way; if you ple<strong>as</strong>e ('fitting, suitable' + ? + adverbial force suffix).we<strong>an</strong>ed young (reduplicated 'to untie, loosen').(cf., dùg).friend, comp<strong>an</strong>ion ('gladness' + 'to repay').road ('good' + 'to follow').utter<strong>an</strong>ce; speech ('to speak' + nominative).du 14 ...ak/ñar: to quarrel (with someone: -da-) ('quarrel' + 'to do').du 14 ...mú:to start a quarrel ('quarrel' + 'to ignite').du 24 -ùr: (cf., dur 9 [ŠUL]).lú dub-alal-urudu: a temple serv<strong>an</strong>t ('to pour' + 'pipe' + 'copper').gi dub-ba-<strong>an</strong>:dub-bi...bala:pillar made of reeds; a fence made of such pillars ('to heap up' + 'to divide' + 'to be high').to go over <strong>the</strong> account (with -da-) ('tablet' + 'its' + 'to p<strong>as</strong>s through').dub-dab...za: to thud, thump (see <strong>the</strong> definition for za).dub-lá:dub-sañ:dub-sar:dub-sar-tur:dub-sar:dub-šen:platforms on ei<strong>the</strong>r side of a portal ('to heap up' + 'to lift').leader ('list' + 'head').scribe ('tablet' + 'to write').young scribe ('scribe' + 'small, young').scribe ('tablet' + 'to write').copper box, tre<strong>as</strong>ure chest ('to store' + 'shiny').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 83

dug-a-nag-nag:dug-níñ-nag:dug-tur:dùg/du 10 ...aka:water drinking vessel ('vessel' + 'water' + reduplicated 'to drink').drinking vessel ('vessel' + 'object' + 'to drink').a st<strong>an</strong>dard capacity jar = 5 liters ('jar' + 'little').to repair ('gladness' + 'to make, cause').dùg...bad(-bad): to stride, hurry ('knees' + 'to open').dùg...dúb: to rub <strong>the</strong> knees (?) ('knees' + 'to flop').kuš dùg-g<strong>an</strong>:lea<strong>the</strong>r bag ('gladness' + 'to bring forth').dùg...gúr: to sit down; to rest ('knees' + 'to bend').dùg...ñál: to be ple<strong>as</strong>ed, satisfied ('gladness' + 'to be available').dùg...ñar: to kneel down, for someone: dative ('knees' + 'to place').dùg-tuku:strong-legged ('knees' + 'to own').dùg-ud-ak: politeness (cf., dùg/du 10...aka).dùg...zil: to run, flee ('knees' + 'to cut').dum-dam...za: to grumble (see <strong>the</strong> definition for za).dumu-aš:dumu-dab 5 -ba:only son ('child' + 'one').serf ('child' + 'to seize, hire').DUMU-DUMU-LA: (cf., di 4 -di 4 -la).dumu-ga.eš 8 : deputy (?) of a merch<strong>an</strong>t ('child' + 'merch<strong>an</strong>tm<strong>an</strong>').dumu-gal:eldest son or daughter ('child' + 'large').dumu-gir 15 /gi 7 : freeborn m<strong>an</strong>, <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> [in contr<strong>as</strong>t to slaves from foreign countries] ('child' +'native group').dumu-KA:dumu-lú:gr<strong>an</strong>dson.dumu-lugal(-/ak/):dumu-mí:gentlem<strong>an</strong> ('child' + 'gentlem<strong>an</strong>').daughter ('child' + 'feminine').dumu-mí-lugal(-/ak/):prince ('child' + 'king' + genitive).princess ('child' + 'female' + 'king' + genitive).dumu-me-KA.UD: a cult serv<strong>an</strong>t ('child' + 'function' + ?).dumu-nitaþ:dumu-sañ:dumu-tab:dumu-tu-da:iti d dumu-zi:(lú) DUN-a:son; (cf., ibila) ('child' + 'm<strong>as</strong>culine').first-born child ('child' + 'principal').twin sons ('child' + 'pair').son (born) of ('child' + 'to beget' + nominative).calendar month 12 at Umma during Ur III.dependent (on), subordinate ('subordinate' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 84

ñiš dun-gi:dùn-lá:dúr-dúr:a tool; a type of yoke (?) ('to scrape, dig' + 'reed' or 'firm, strong').depression ('to bring low' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g'; cf., íl-lá, 'elevation').dam to create a reservoir; (cf., duruna; durun x ) (reduplicated 'buttocks; to dry out').dúr...ñar: to sit ('buttocks' + 'to set down upon').dúr-ki...ñar: to establish one's dwelling ('to dwell (plural)' + 'place' + 'to establish').ñiš dúr-ñar:chair; throne.dúr-ru-un: to sit (plural); (cf., duruna; tuš).dúr-šáþ:dùr-KAS 4 :dur 10 -tab-ba:ham ('buttocks' + 'domestic pig').donkey foal.double ax ('ax' + 'to be double' + nominative).dusu...lá: to carry a b<strong>as</strong>ket ('tr<strong>an</strong>sportation b<strong>as</strong>ket' + 'to lift').e-el[SIKIL]-lu:kuš e-íb-ùr:e-li-lum:e-ne:e-ne-àm:a (pure) sound (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> ellu, 'clear, pure').siege shield ('dike' + 'middle, loins' + 'roof').cry of joy.he, she; him, her.he is indeed (formal 3rd person pronoun + 'to be').e-ne...dug 4 /di/du 11 /e:e-ne-gim:e-ne-ne:to play (3rd person pronoun + 'to do').like himself (3rd person pronoun + equative).<strong>the</strong>y; <strong>the</strong>m.e-ne-sù-ud...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to immerse').e-pa 5 (-r):to rejoice; to copulate (with -da-) ('to play' + sud, 'to leng<strong>the</strong>n;hydraulic system (of a particular farmer or of <strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>d <strong>as</strong> a whole) ('levees' + 'irrigationditches'; <strong>as</strong>yndetic hendiadys).ñiš e-ra-núm: a tree <strong>an</strong>d wood used for construction (cf., erin, eren).e-re-sì-ki-in: serv<strong>an</strong>t (?).e-ri-iš:queen, lady.e-si-na; ì-si-na:kuš e-sír:e-sír-ra:e-še-á:e-ùr:e-zé:é-a-nir-ra:culm or stalk of barley.s<strong>an</strong>dal; shoe (cf., èsir).in <strong>the</strong> streets ('s<strong>an</strong>dals' + locative).a type of c<strong>an</strong>al or ditch.armor (cf., kuš e-íb-ùr).you.house of mourning ('house' + 'lamentation' + genitive).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 85

é-a-nir-ra-gal-gal-la: euphemism for <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld ('house of mourning' + reduplicated'big' + genitive).é-a...ti(-l): to live in a house ('house' + locative + 'to live').é-ad-da(-/ak/):é-<strong>an</strong>-na:é-<strong>an</strong>še:é-ba-<strong>an</strong>:é-BAPPIR:é-bar-ra:é...bùr:é-da[-di-a]:é-dù-a:é-dub-ba:é-duru 5 :é-ta...è:<strong>the</strong> house of one's fa<strong>the</strong>rs ('house' + 'fa<strong>the</strong>r' + genitive).s<strong>an</strong>ctuary ('house' + 'Heaven' + genitive).donkey stable ('house' + 'equid').<strong>an</strong> adjective denoting a very fine quality.(cf., é-lùnga).outer house ('house' + 'outside' + nominative).to break into a house (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('house' + 'to break into').a flour offering.house plot ('house' + 'to build' + nominative).archive; school ('house' + 'tablet' + genitival a(k)).hamlet, rural settlement, suburb ('houses' + 'fresh'; cf., Akk. adurû, 'village, outpost' <strong>an</strong>d Orel &Stolbova #658, *dar- 'dwelling place').é-éše: jail ('house' + 'rope').é-gal: palace ('house' + 'large').é-g<strong>an</strong>ba:to leave <strong>the</strong> house ('house' + 'from' + 'to exit').warehouse ('house' + 'marketplace').é-ñar: form, shape ('house' + 'form, appear<strong>an</strong>ce').é-ñar 8 :é-gi 4 -a:é-ì-gára:iti é-iti-6:brick wall (cf., eñar).daughter-in-law; prospective bride ('<strong>the</strong> one who restores <strong>the</strong> house').dairy ('house' + 'fat' + 'cream').calendar month 8 at Umma during Ur III.é-kaš: a public house, pub ('house' + 'beer').é-KI.LAM:a storehouse ('house' + 'place' + 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce').é- na4 kín-na: mill house, mill ('house' + 'millstone' + genitival a(k)).é-kišib(-ba): storehouse ('house' + 'receipt' + genitival a(k)).é-kur: prison ('house' + 'ne<strong>the</strong>rworld').é-lunga (2,3) :beerhall; brewery ('house' + 'brewer').é-mar-uru 5 [GUR 8 ]: arrow quiver ('house' + 'to immerse' + 'high, deep').é-me-eš:é-mí:summer ('houses' + 'are' + 'm<strong>an</strong>y')."wom<strong>an</strong>'s house" ('house' + 'wom<strong>an</strong>').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 86

é-muþaldim[MU]:bakery, kitchen ('house' + 'baker, cook').é-NI: tre<strong>as</strong>ure-house (?).é-níñ(-gur 11 [GA]-ra):storehouse, tre<strong>as</strong>ure-house ('house' + 'things' [ + 'piled up']; cf., sañníñ-gur11-ra(-ak)).lú é-níñ-ka: (cf., lú-é-níñ-ka).É-NUN: (cf., agrun).é-ri-a:é si-ga:é-sig 4 :é-šag 4 /šà:é-šu-sì-ma:(cf., a-ri-a).a quiet house ('house' + 'silence').wall ('house' + 'brick'; cf., iz-zi).house interior; (temple) cella ('house, temple' + 'midst').warehouse ('house' + 'portion' + 'to put, surround' + 'to bind').é- ñiš tukul: armory ('house' + 'weapon').é-tùr: cattle pen ('house' + 'stable').é-u 4 -sakar[SAR]:é-u 4 -7:é-u 4 -15:é-ubur:é-ùr-ra:é-ùru...gíd:é-uz-ga:e 5 -ñar:new moon ('house' + 'day' + 'to begin').first crescent moon ('house' + 'day 7').full moon ('house' + 'day 15').milking pen ('house' + 'teat').storehouse ('house' + 'rafter beams').to keep watch over a house ('house' + 'watch fire' + 'to reach out, m<strong>an</strong>age').fattening house ('house' + 'goose' + 'milk').brick wall (cf., eñar).ég dal-ba-na: a dike that is shared by two watercourses or by two fields ('levee' + 'between').ég kal-kalag-ga: to reinforce <strong>the</strong> levees ('levees' + 'to repair, mend' + nominative).ég sa-dúr-ra: wide levees at <strong>the</strong> low-lying end of a field which halted <strong>an</strong>d contained <strong>the</strong> water forirrigating <strong>the</strong> field ('levees' + 'low-lying end of a field').ég si-ga:<strong>the</strong> work of piling up a levee ('levee' + 'to incre<strong>as</strong>e, fill').ég-ég/e ú-sañ 11 -e/a: reinforcement of <strong>the</strong> levees with cut/bundled pl<strong>an</strong>ts/reeds ('levees' +'f<strong>as</strong>cines').eme-dar:eme...è/e 11 :a tool, utensil ('tongue' + 'to slice, sm<strong>as</strong>h').to stick out <strong>the</strong> tongue ('tongue' + 'to send forth').eme-gilim-ma: confused speech ('tongue' + 'to be twisted, t<strong>an</strong>gled' + nominative).eme-gir 15 /gi 7 :eme-ñír:<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> l<strong>an</strong>guage ('tongue' + 'native').dagger blade ('tongue' + 'dagger').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 87

eme-þa-mun:opposing').contr<strong>as</strong>ting speech or l<strong>an</strong>guages (e.g., <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>an</strong>d Akkadi<strong>an</strong>) ('tongue' + 'mutuallyñiš eme-numun: <strong>an</strong> agricultural tool ('tongue' + 'seed').ñiš eme-sa-du 8 -a:a tool ('tongue' + 'net' + 'open' + nominative).eme-si-nu-sá: describes a person 'whose speech is not right' ('tongue' + si...sá, 'to do somethingin <strong>the</strong> right way' + 'not').ñiš eme-sig:ship pl<strong>an</strong>k ('tongue' + 'small').eme-sig...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to sl<strong>an</strong>der ('tongue' + 'low; small' + 'to speak').eme-sig...gu 7 : to sl<strong>an</strong>der ('tongue' + 'low; small' + 'to consume'; cf., inim-sig...gu 7 ).eme...šub 6 [ŠID]:eme-ŠID:en-mur:en-na (...-a):en-na-bi-šè:to lick with <strong>the</strong> tongue ('tongue' + 'to lick').lizard ('tongue' + 'to consider, me<strong>as</strong>ure').a resin, possibly myrrh ('lord' + 'lungs').en-nu(-un/ùña)...dù/ak:lú en-nu(-un)(-ñá):en-nu-un/ùña...dù/ak:until; <strong>as</strong> long <strong>as</strong> ...; everywhere ('time, enigmatic background' + nominative).until now; until <strong>the</strong> time ('time' + 'this one' + 'towards').to watch; to guard against.watch, guardi<strong>an</strong>; watch (<strong>as</strong> a division of night time); imprisonment; prison.to watch; to guard against.en-te-en-na(-/ak/): <strong>the</strong> cold se<strong>as</strong>on, wintertime ('time' + 'cold' + genitive).én-é-nu-ru: introductory formula for exorcism/inc<strong>an</strong>tation texts ('enigmatic background' + 'house' +'image, likeness' + 'to send').gi èn-bar:reed, reeds (cf., ambar, 'reed-bed').èn-du: song ('time' + 'to walk'; note du 12,'to sing').èn-šè(-àm):èn...tar:until when; how long ('time; until' + terminative postposition, 'up to' [ + enclitic copula]).to <strong>as</strong>k (someone: dative); to investigate; to take care of; to h<strong>an</strong>dle; to pay attention to, heed('enigmatic background' + 'to determine, inquire').èn-tukum-šè:for how long ('time' + 'if' + terminative postposition).engar-gu 4 (-ra): ox-ploughm<strong>an</strong> ('farmer' + 'ox').ér...ñá-ñá:ér...pàd/pà:to set up a lament ('lamentation' + 'to make').to burst into tears; to cry, weep ('tears' + 'to show').ér-ra: mourning, lamentation ('tears' + nominative).ér...sig 7 :ér-šem 3,5 -mato lament ('tears' + 'to complain').compositions concerning <strong>the</strong> gods sung by <strong>the</strong> gala priests in <strong>the</strong> Emesal dialect to<strong>the</strong> accomp<strong>an</strong>iment of a tambourine ('wail' + 'tambourine' + genitive).ér...šeš 2,4 /še 8 -še 8 : to cry, weep ('tears' + 'to weep').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 88

erin-bábbar:érin še-gur 10 -gur 10 :white cedar (wood) ('cedar' + 'white').ésir-é-a; esir-è-a; ésir-þá:eš-bar:harvest workers ('g<strong>an</strong>g of workers' + 'grain' + reduplicated 'sickle; to reap').decision ('much' + 'to divide'; cf., ka-aš-bar).<strong>as</strong>phalt ('bitumen' + 'to go out' + nominative).eš-bar-kíñ-du 11 -ga: pronounced decision ('decision' + 'message, order' + 'to speak' +nominative).eš (2,3) -da:eš 2,3 -dam:éš-gán:éš-kàr, éš-gàr:lú éš-gíd:éš-kir 4/6 :ceremony; a type of vessel, goblet ('shrine' + 'with; to be near').epi<strong>the</strong>t of a temple of <strong>the</strong> bride-goddess In<strong>an</strong>na; bro<strong>the</strong>l; tavern ('shrine' + 'spouse').surveyor's rope ('rope' + 'surface me<strong>as</strong>ure').t<strong>as</strong>k; one m<strong>an</strong>'s daily work <strong>as</strong>signment; <strong>the</strong> oxen or plows which perform a t<strong>as</strong>k;to be <strong>as</strong>signed for someone's benefit ('me<strong>as</strong>uring tape' + 'something round <strong>an</strong>d upraised').surveyor ('me<strong>as</strong>uring rope' + 'long').nose rope (cf., eškiri) ('rope' + 'muzzle/nose').èš-èš: a festival (All-Shrines) (reduplicated 'shrine').iti ezen- d Amar-Sin: calendar month 7 at Umma during years 6 - 8 of Amar-Sin.iti ezen-An-na:calendar month 10 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 11 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 11 at Ur during Ur III.iti ezen- d Ba-ba 6 :iti ezen- d Dumu-zi:iti ezen- d Li 9 -si 4 :ezen-maþ:iti ezen-maþ:calendar month 8 at Lagaš during Ur III.calendar month 6 at Lagaš during Ur III.calendar month 3 at Lagaš during Ur III.great festival ('fe<strong>as</strong>t' + 'great').calendar month 9 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 10 at Drehem after Šu-Sin3; calendar month 10 at Ur during Ur III.iti ezen-me-ki-ñál:calendar month 11 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 12 at Drehemafter Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 12 at Ur during Ur III.iti ezen- d Nin-a-zu: calendar month 5 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 6 at Drehem afterŠu-Sin 3; calendar month 6 at Ur during Ur III.iti ezen- d Šu- d EN.ZU(Sin): calendar month 8 at Drehem in year Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 9 atDrehem after Šu-Sin 3.iti ezen- d Šul-gi:calendar month 7 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 8 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 8 at Ur during Ur III; calendar month 7 at Lagaš during Ur III; calendar month 10 atUmma after year Šulgi 30.ga-ab-kar-re: (cf., gaba-kar).ga-áb-kù-ga:ga-áb-sig 7 -ga:ga-<strong>an</strong>-tuš: (cf., g<strong>an</strong>-tuš).milk from pure cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'pure' + genitive).milk from beautiful cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'beautiful' + genitive).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 89

ga-<strong>an</strong>...za(-za): to drip; to bubble ('milk' + 'sky, air' + 'to make a repetitive noise').ga-<strong>an</strong>-zír[ŠÈ-KA]:ga-àr-ra:ga-arþuš-a(-ke 4 ):ga-ba-al...dù:entr<strong>an</strong>ce to <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld (cf., g<strong>an</strong>zer).powdered or finely grated cheese ('milk' + 'to grind' + nominative).<strong>the</strong> milk of mercy ('milk' + 'womb; comp<strong>as</strong>sion' + genitive).to challenge, contradict, quarrel (ei<strong>the</strong>r related to gaba, 'rival' or Akkadi<strong>an</strong> qablum,'controversy' + 'to make').ga-ba...ñál: (cf., gaba...ñál).ga-ba-kar-re: (cf., gaba-kar).ga-ba-ra-þum: revolt (gaba, 'rival' + 'to overflow' + 'to wrestle, sm<strong>as</strong>h, break').ga-du (7) :lintel (above a door) (? + du 7 , 'to finish, complete').ga-eš 8 : merch<strong>an</strong>tm<strong>an</strong> (compare ga-sa 10).ga...gu 7 :ga-gu 7 -a:ga-kug:to nurse/feed with milk ('milk' + 'to feed').suckling foal ('milk' + 'to feed' + nominative).(cultically) pure milk ('milk' + 'pure').ga-mur x [LAK 490]: a type of cheese ('milk' + 'strained in cheesecloth' ?).ga-nam-me-àm: it is indeed (affirmative + 3rd person pronoun + 'to be').ga-ra-<strong>an</strong>-da:ga-raš sar :ga-zum:ñiš ga-zum:ga-sa 10 :bearing fruit (cf., gurun).leek(s) (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word).carding (wool).comb (don't know why some read ga-ríg - <strong>the</strong> Akkadi<strong>an</strong> is kaa,sum <strong>an</strong>d gazzum).tradesm<strong>an</strong> ('let me buy!').ga-sub-ba: milk sucking ('milk' + 'to suck' + nominative).ga-ša-<strong>an</strong>:ga-še-a:lady (cf., gaš<strong>an</strong>).milk for barley porridge; sour milk ('milk' + 'barley' + locative).ga-ti: plea, petition ('let me live!').ga-zi-in-bu:stake (for impalement).gaba-diri-ga: enormous strength ('rival' + 'to go over, exceed' + nominative).gaba(-na)...dug 4 :gaba-gi 4 :gaba-ñál:gaba...ñál:gaba...ñar:gaba-kar(-re):to speak against (someone) ('rival' + 3rd person with locative + 'to speak').opponent; opposition ('rival' + 'to besiege').strength ('chest' + 'to be available').to bo<strong>as</strong>t ('chest' + 'to be available').to put out one's chest; to defy ('bre<strong>as</strong>t, chest' + 'to deliver').escapist ('rival' + 'to flee'; cf., gaba...zi).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 90

gaba...ri: to confront ('bre<strong>as</strong>t, chest' + 'to throw out').gaba-ri:n., rival; copy, duplicate ('bre<strong>as</strong>t' + 'to exch<strong>an</strong>ge' - imagines <strong>the</strong> two bre<strong>as</strong>ts <strong>as</strong> copies orduplicates).adj., withst<strong>an</strong>ding attack (describing a door or weapon).gaba...ru(-gú):gaba-šu-ñar:gaba(-a)...tab:to encounter ('bre<strong>as</strong>t, chest' + ru-gú, 'to oppose').resist<strong>an</strong>ce, rival ('bre<strong>as</strong>t, chest' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to place on').gaba...zi: to retreat ('bre<strong>as</strong>t' + 'to take out').to hold to <strong>the</strong> bre<strong>as</strong>t ('bre<strong>as</strong>t' ( + locative) + 'to hold, cl<strong>as</strong>p').gába[KAB]-ra: shepherd boy/girl (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from kaparrum I).gada-bar-TÚG: long linen coat ('linen' + 'long coat').gada-dilmun-ù-lal:a dress of Dilmun linen ('linen' + 'Dilmun' + pronominal prefix + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g').gada-maþ-ñiš-lá: spread out linen ('linen' + 'large' + 'tool' + 'to extend').gada-níñ-dùn-dù: a linen garment ('linen' + 'object' + 'to bring low' + 'to make').gag-þa-þar-ra-na: a peg or nail ('peg' + 'roads' ?).gag-maš:a peg or nail ('peg' + 'one-half').ñiš gag-si-sá: arrow ('nail' + 'to make straight').gag-zag-ga:gal-bi:gal-di:gal-gal-di:gal-nar:gal-ùña:side (?) peg ('peg' + 'side, boundary').adv., greatly ('great' + adverbial force suffix).mighty (judge) (<strong>an</strong> adjective for <strong>the</strong> god Enlil) ('large' + 'to decide, judge').bo<strong>as</strong>ter (reduplicated 'large' + 'to judge').head musici<strong>an</strong> ('large' + 'musici<strong>an</strong>').overseer ('large' + 'people').gal-zu (gal-<strong>an</strong>-zu): wise; omniscient; intelligent ('large' [ + 'heaven'] + 'to know').gal 5 -lá(-gal), ñùl-lá(-gal): police chief, gendarme, deputy, bailiff; a demon ('tooverwhelm' + 'to force into; to look after' [ + 'big']).galam-kad 5 :galam-ma:galam-ma þu-ru:artfully made ('artistic' + 'to bind toge<strong>the</strong>r').exalted one ('elaborate' + nominative).clever fool ('ingenious, elaborate' + nominative + 'idiot, hillbilly').ku6 gam-gam(-ma): a fish (Pomad<strong>as</strong>ys stridens) (reduplicated 'curved; shriveled').iti g<strong>an</strong>-g<strong>an</strong>-è: calendar month 9 at Nippur during Ur III.ñiš g<strong>an</strong>-na:g<strong>an</strong>-tuš:g<strong>an</strong>-tuš-tur-ra:grinding stone (?) ('rack' + nominative).ten<strong>an</strong>t ('to bring forth' + 'to occupy').minor ten<strong>an</strong>t ('ten<strong>an</strong>t' + 'little' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 91

gána-ga:gána-íl:iti gána-maš:ñiš gán-ùr:gàr-du:ge-eš-tu:gi-a-dag:gi-dili-dù:gi-dù-a:hill country ('l<strong>an</strong>d' + 'milk').taxable l<strong>an</strong>d or field ('l<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to carry').calendar month 1 at Lagaš during Ur III.harrow ('field' + 'to drag across').a cl<strong>as</strong>s of persons ('hair lock signifying slavery' + 'to go').six hundred (geç-u (?); cf., ñéš×u).raft ('reed' + 'water' + 'resting place').a single-growing reed (idiomatic expression) ('reed' + 'single' + 'to pl<strong>an</strong>t').reed hut; reed fences; high-quality writing stylus ('reed' + 'to make' + nominative).gi-dub-ba: stylus ('reed' + 'tablet' + nominative).gi-dùg-ga: sweet reed, i.e., with a sweet, edible marrow ('reed' + 'sweet' + nominative).gi-duru 5 [GI.A]: supple, swaying reed ('reed' + 'fresh').gi-gu 4 -ud:catapult ('reeds' + 'to leap').gi-gun 4 (-na), gi-gù-na:gi-gur:gi-gur-še-bal:reed b<strong>as</strong>ket ('reeds' + 'b<strong>as</strong>ket').gi-izi-lá: torch ('reeds' + 'fire' + 'to hold up').gi...ku 5 :gi-kud(-a):ñiš gi-muš:sacred building ('reeds' + 'decorated temple').b<strong>as</strong>ket for carrying grain ('b<strong>as</strong>ket' + 'grain' + 'to tr<strong>an</strong>sport').to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut').cut reed, used to make me<strong>as</strong>urements ('reed' + 'to cut' + nominative).punting pole ('reed' + 'snake').gi-na: consent (cf., gi(n)) ('just, firm' + nominative a).gi-na-tum: security deposit (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).gi-NI: a scented subst<strong>an</strong>ce ('reed' + 'oil').gi-rin[LAGAB]:pure, spotless; shining; blooming, fruitful; a syllabic writing for gurun, 'fruit'('reliable' + 'bright' (?)).gi-sa, kí-sa; gi(-níñ)-sa-þá:bundle').gi-sañ-þul:gi-sal:gi-SI.A:gi-sig:a type of reed ('reed' + 'head' + 'bad').reed screen on <strong>the</strong> roof ('reeds' + 'to be thin <strong>an</strong>d wide').(cf., (gi) ušub).reed wall, hut ('reeds' + 'small, weak').gi-šà-sur: sieve ('reeds' + 'intestines' + 'to flow, drip').bundle of reeds; abutment or platform ('reeds' + 'mat,gi-šul-þi: a reed or pl<strong>an</strong>t that w<strong>as</strong> used <strong>as</strong> a medicine ('reed' + 'invader' + 'numerous').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 92

gi-UGUN: (cf., gi-gunu 4 ).gi...zé:to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut').gi-zi: a kind of reed ('reed' + 'good; high').gi-1-ninda:gi 4 -<strong>an</strong>:gi 4 -in:me<strong>as</strong>uring reed ('reed' + 'one' + 'a dist<strong>an</strong>ce me<strong>as</strong>ure').cultically unfit ? ('to reject' + 'heaven').slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'he, she').gi 4 -me-a-aš: colleague, fellow (cf., nam-gi 4 -me-a-aš) ('to return, come back' + 'office,function' + locative + plural suffix).gi 6 -<strong>an</strong>-na:gi 7 -nun:gi 16 [GIL]-da:gi 16 [GIL]-sa:at night ('black' + 'heaven' + locative).slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'm<strong>as</strong>ter').b<strong>as</strong>ket.gi 16 [GIL]-sa...aka:gibil-bi:l<strong>as</strong>ting; of l<strong>as</strong>ting value.to tre<strong>as</strong>ure highly.<strong>the</strong> first time ('new' + adverbial force suffix).gig-ba: (cf., kib x ).gig(-šè)...ñar:to cause trouble; to be <strong>an</strong>gry at ('injury' + terminative + 'to set').gil-le-èm: destruction (cf., gilim).urudu gín-sal:a light metal hoe.gín-tur: a surface area me<strong>as</strong>ure, little shekel = 1/60 shekel = 1/3600 square nind<strong>an</strong> (sar) = 3surface še = 36 square fingers = surface of <strong>the</strong> side of a cube of 1 sìla capacity.gir-ab-ba: sea fish.gir 4 -bil:gir 15 /gi 7 -nun:furnacem<strong>an</strong>, stoker ('kiln' + 'to burn').giri 17 -zal: (cf., kìri-zal).gu-du: <strong>an</strong>us.lofty noble (<strong>an</strong> adjective applied to Enlil) ('noble' + 'royal').gu...dúb; gu...tag: to align; to adjust (with a string) ('string' + 'to strike/to touch').gu-la: large, great (cf., gal; gu-ul).gu...lal/lá:gu-sum:to set out a snare ('string' + 'to place, set, stretch, extend').impression on a tablet (a wedge) ('needle' + 'to give').gu-ul: to enlarge; to incre<strong>as</strong>e; to make numerous; to be great, exalted; sometimes = gul, 'to destroy' (cf.,gal; gu-la).ñiš gu-za:gu-za-lá:throne; chair (cf., guzza).throne-bearer; chair-bearer ('throne; chair' + 'to hold up').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 93

gú...aka:gú-<strong>an</strong>-še:gú-bala:gú...dirig:gú...dù:gú...è:gú-è:to submit; to bow, to someone: dative ('neck' + 'to do'; cf., gú...ñar).all things considered ('l<strong>an</strong>d' + 'sky' + 'barley').<strong>the</strong> turning edge ('edge' + 'to revolve').to sum accounts ('loads' + 'to add').to despise; to neglect ('neck' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten, pl<strong>an</strong>t').to cover ('neck; edge' + 'to extend').wrap.gú-en-bar-ra: outer throne room.gú-en-na: river mud; throne room ('river b<strong>an</strong>k' + ?).gú-gal:gú...gíd:ñiš gú-gíd-gíd:gú-gir:chick pe<strong>as</strong> ('chick pea/be<strong>an</strong>' + 'large').'to stretch <strong>the</strong> neck' <strong>as</strong> something that mourners do ('neck' + 'to stretch out').<strong>an</strong> agricultural tool ('neck' + reduplicated 'long').processing of bitumen.gú-gú-GUD: a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/be<strong>an</strong>' + 'ox, bull').gú-gú-UÞ:gú...gur:gú-gur 5 ...dug 4 /du 11 /e:a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/be<strong>an</strong>' + 'insect, vermin').to ga<strong>the</strong>r, collect, am<strong>as</strong>s (often with -da-; often reduplicated) ('chick pea/be<strong>an</strong>' + 'b<strong>as</strong>ket').to cut down ('neck' + 'to separate' + 'to effect').gú ñiš...ñál: to submit (to someone: dative) ('neck' + 'yoke' + 'to place').gú...ñar/ñá-ñá:gú-a...ñar/ñá-ñá:to submit ('neck' + 'to set down'; cf., gú...aka).(cf., úgu...ba-a-ñar which is <strong>the</strong> later Neo-<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> form of thisOld <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> original) ('neck' + 'upon' + 'to place [a load of debt]').gú-ñiri 3/16 : breach (cf., gú ñiri 16...ñar).gú ñiri 16 ...ñar/ñá-ñá:gú...kud:gú...lal/lá:to cut (off) <strong>the</strong> neck ('neck' + 'to cut').walls') ('neck' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g, extend').to breach walls ('to submit' + 'fortress').to bow down; to kneel; to embrace (with -da- or -ta-); to peer out (with bàd, 'citygú-tar...lal/lá: to style or dress hair; to bind <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal's m<strong>an</strong>e ('neck' + 'to cut, determine' + 'tolift').gú...mar:gú-mun:to pile up.caraway ('pea' + 'salt').GIG gú-nida[NUNUZ]:gú-ri-ta:gú...si(-a):a type of (high-quality) wheat (cf., zíz-GÚ-NUNUZ).from <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side ('side, b<strong>an</strong>k' + 'that' + 'from').to <strong>as</strong>semble, org<strong>an</strong>ize ('necks' + 'to be upright, in order, <strong>an</strong>d still').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 94

gú-šè: up to <strong>the</strong> edge; to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side ('side, b<strong>an</strong>k' + terminative suffix).gú...šub:gú-tar:gú-tuku:gú-tur:to be lax with respect; to scorn (with -ši-) ('neck' + 'to make fall').back of <strong>the</strong> head ('neck' + 'to cut (hair)').mighty; foremost ('neck [for carrying ?]' + 'to have').lentils ? ('chick pea/be<strong>an</strong>' + 'small').gú-un: tribute; load (cf., gun).gú...ús:to raise <strong>the</strong> neck ('neck' + 'to join').gú-za: a jewelry (?) ('neck' + 'precious stone').gú...zi:gù...dé:gù...ta-dé:gù...dúb:gù...dug 4 /du 11 /di/e:gù...ñar:gù...mur:gù-mur-aka:gù-nun...di/e:to have success ('neck' + 'to raise').to call; to cry; to say ('sound' + 'to pour out, shape').to read aloud ('voice' + 'from' + 'to pour out').to shout ('voice' + 'to make tremble').to make a noise or sound ('noise' + 'to effect').describes <strong>the</strong> tw<strong>an</strong>ging of bows ('sound' + 'to deliver').to roar, bray, bellow ('sound' + 'lungs').hero; professional mourner ('to roar, bray' + 'to do').to make a ple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t/loud sound ('sound' + 'fine, great, deep' + 'to say, do').gù...ra(-ra): to shout, roar ('sound' + 'to strike').gù-ra-aþ:gù...sè(-g/k):gù...sum:gù...si-il:gù-téš-a...sì:chattering, noise-making ('sound' + 'to strike repetitively, shake').to make obedient ('voice' + 'to apply; to cause').to repeat; to echo; to talk to (with dative) ('sound' + 'to give, lend').to scream with <strong>an</strong> ear-splitting voice ('voice' + 'to split').gù...tumu 2/4 : to call ('noise' + 'to carry').gu 4 : (cf., gud).to be united ('voice' + 'to come toge<strong>the</strong>r' + locative + 'to surround').gu 4 -ud: to jump; to flutter; to d<strong>an</strong>ce (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s: gu 4 -gu 4 -ud); <strong>the</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>et Mercury ('bull' +'sun').gu 5 -ul:great (cf., gal; gu-ul).gu 7 -kur-kur-ra: bread-b<strong>as</strong>ket of all <strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>ds ('food, susten<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'l<strong>an</strong>ds' + genitive).gùb-bu:gùb-kaš 4 :gud-áb(-ba):gud-alim:left arm ('left-h<strong>an</strong>d' + nominative with vowel harmony).stud farm m<strong>an</strong>ager (?) ('left-h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'speed. fluency').breeding bull ('bull' + 'cow' + genitive).bison ('bull' + 'bison').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 95

gud-am; gu 4 -dam:gud-apin-níñ-túg:a mythological entity ('bull' + 'wild ox').iti gud-si-su: calendar month 2 at Nippur during Ur III.bl<strong>an</strong>ket for a plow ox ('bull, ox' + 'plow' + 'thing' + 'cloth garment').gud-du 7 (-du 7 ): perfect, unblemished bull; fierce, goring ox ('bull, ox' + 'complete, suitable; to butt,gore, toss').gud-dub:ox (recorded) on a tablet ('bull, ox' + 'tablet').gud-dun-a: subordinate ox ('bull, ox' + 'subordinate' + nominative).gud è: oxen taken out (of work) ('bull, ox' + 'to exit').gud éš-gàr:gud-gal-gal:gud-ñiš:gud ñiš-ùr:gud-laþ 5 [DU-DU]:gud-mu-x:gud-niga:working oxen ('bull, ox' + '<strong>as</strong>signed t<strong>as</strong>k').full-grown ox ('bull, ox' + reduplicated 'great').work ox ('bull, ox' + 'tool').oxen for <strong>the</strong> harrow ('bull, ox' + 'beam, harrow').ox driver ('bull, ox' + 'to drive').x years-old ox ('bull, ox' + 'name, year' + number).fattened ox ('bull, ox' + 'fattened').gud-numun: oxen for sowing ('bull, ox' + 'seed').gud-numun-diri:gud-numun-gána:gud-ra:gud-su 7 -ra:gud-sún:gud-šár(-a):gud-šu-gi 4 :reserve oxen for sowing ('oxen for sowing' + 'excess').oxen for sowing on <strong>the</strong> field ('oxen for sowing' + 'field parcel').ox driver ('bull, ox' + rá, 'to drive along').threshing ox ('bull, ox' + 'threshing floor').wild-cow ('bull, ox' + 'aurochs cow').perfect bull ('bull' + 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y; to slaughter' + nominative).old ox ('bull, ox' + 'old').gud-šúþub: grazing or trampling oxen ('bull, ox' + 'to step; to graze').gùd...ús:ñiš GUL-BU:gul-lum:gur-ra:gur-2-ul:to build a nest ('nest' + 'to moor, join').a kind of wood ('evil; to extinguish' + 'to uproot').cat ('to fall upon, destroy, extinguish' + 'fertile'; cf., ki-gul-la).adv., in return ('to return' + subordination suffix /-a/).a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure of 72 sìla in Presargonic Girsu.gur-sá-dug 4 : a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 160 sìla ('reed b<strong>as</strong>ket' + 'offering; me<strong>as</strong>uring container of ei<strong>the</strong>r24 or 40 sìla').gur-sañ-ñál:a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 240 sìla, where Civil says <strong>the</strong> difference is that this gur h<strong>as</strong>been filled from me<strong>as</strong>uring containers topped off with a 'head' of grain instead of being leveled off at <strong>the</strong>top ('reed b<strong>as</strong>ket' + 'head' + 'to place').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 96

gur 4 -gur 4 [LAGAB+LAGAB]: a st<strong>an</strong>dard size container for wine, beer, <strong>an</strong>d oil, = 10 liters(reduplicated 'thick, round, plump').gur 5 [KA×GU](ru.uš (11) )...búr: to bare <strong>the</strong> f<strong>an</strong>gs (sign for 'mouth-needles' ( + 'to send' +'poison') + 'to rele<strong>as</strong>e').guru 7 -du 6 :guru 7 -maš:guruš šà-saþar:ñá-e:ñá-e-me-en:grain stack ('gr<strong>an</strong>ary' + 'heap').grain depot ('gr<strong>an</strong>ary' + 'interest, profit').I; myself ('I' + subjective ending).ñá-gi (4) (-a): (cf., ñagia).earth moving workers ('laborer' + 'essence' + 'earth').it is me; I am one who... ('I' + enclitic copula + 1st or 2nd person ending).ñá-ñá: adding, addition (reduplicated form of ñar, 'to accumulate').ñá-la...dag:to ce<strong>as</strong>e (doing something) (often with -ta-) ('to be somewhere' + 'resting place').ÑÁ-nam-ma-da: (cf., ñe 26 -nam-ma-da).ÑÁ-nu: (cf., ñe 26 -nu).ñá-nun:storage area (ñar, 'storeroom' + 'noble').ñál...taka 4 : to open ('to be somewhere' + 'to open').ñalga-sùþ: nitwit ('consideration' + 'to be confused').ñe 26 [ÑÁ]-nam-ma-da: come with me! (ñe 26-na, imperative form of ñen, 'to go, come' +conjugational prefixes î-ba with locative force + 'with').ñe 26 -nu:ñéme-maš:come!.female tender of goats ('work-wom<strong>an</strong>' + 'goats').ñéš×u, ñeš'u: six hundred ('sixty' + 'ten'; cf., ge-eš-tu).ñeštin-þád:ñeštug (2,3) ...gub:ñeštug (2,3) ...ñar:[to]').ñeštug (2,3) ...sum:raisins ('grape vine' + 'dried').to set <strong>the</strong> mind to (with -ši-) ('underst<strong>an</strong>ding' + 'to set').to listen, pay attention (to: with -ši-) ('ears, underst<strong>an</strong>ding' + 'to make availableto listen to (with dative) ('ears' + 'to give').ñeštug (2,3) ...šú: to stop one's ears ('ears' + 'to cover').ñeštu (2,3) -tuku:possessing intelligence ('ears, underst<strong>an</strong>ding' + 'to have').ñeštug (2,3) ...u 18 -lu: to forget ('ears, underst<strong>an</strong>ding' + 'great storm').ñi 6 ...di:ñi 6 -par 3/4 :ñi 6 ...sá:ñi 6 -sa 9 :to p<strong>as</strong>s <strong>the</strong> night ('night' + 'to go'; cf., ù-di).residence of <strong>the</strong> en priest or priestess ('night' + 'to stretch out').stay to midnight ('night' + 'to make equal').stay to midnight ('night' + 'half').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 97

ñi 6 -ù-na:ñidru-šè...nú:down').ñidru(-mu)-u 4 -sù-rá:ñin-na:ñír...DÙ:in <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong> night ('night' + ù-na, 'triumph').far away' + genitive).to lay (heaped-up grain) under <strong>the</strong> (me<strong>as</strong>uring) stick ('stick' + terminative + 'to lieordinary ('ordinary' + nominative).to cut off (?) ('knife' + 'to erect').ñír...ñar: to clear <strong>the</strong> way ('road' + 'to place, establish').lú ñír-lá:butcher ('knife' + 'to weigh').<strong>an</strong>še ñír-nun: a type of donkey ('expedition' + 'great, fine').ñír-pa:ñír-tab:ku6 ñír-ús:ñír-zal:ñìri...díb:ñìri-kúr...díb:butcher knife ('knife' + 'br<strong>an</strong>ch').scorpion ('knife' + 'sting').<strong>an</strong> inexpensive fish ('knife' + 'length').scalpel ('knife' + 'to shine').a scepter of long (years <strong>an</strong>d) days ('scepter' ( + years) + 'days' + 'l<strong>as</strong>ting,to take a path, be on one's way ('path' + 'to traverse, p<strong>as</strong>s along').to take <strong>an</strong> unfamiliar path ('path' + 'str<strong>an</strong>ge' + 'to traverse').ñìri KU-bi-šè...ñál: to be subjected ('foot' + 'at <strong>the</strong>ir place' + 'to be located').ñìri...ñar:ñìri-šè...ñar:set down').ñìri-gub(-ba):ñìri...gub:ñìr-lam:ñìr-pad-rá[DU]:to step forward; to trample (with -ni-) ('foot' + 'to place, set down').to place something under <strong>the</strong> authority of someone ('foot' + terminative + 'to place,step; footstool, pedestal ('foot' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').to step on ('foot' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').fruit-cake ('way, path' + 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce').bone(s) ('foot' + 'to break off a piece' + nominative).ñìri...ra: to stumble ('foot' + 'to strike, stir').ñìri-saña 11 [KIN]...dug 4 /du 11 /e:effect').to trample; to stamp out ('foot' + 'to harvest'(?) + 'toñìr-sè-ga: menial(s), domestic(s) ('foot' + 'to apply, do').ñìri...siñ 18 [KIN]: (cf., ñìri-saña 11 ...dug 4 ).ñìr-šúþub: hoof ('foot' + 'boot').ñìri...ús: to follow on foot; to set one's foot on ('foot' + 'to follow; to join').ñìri...zé-er: to lose one's footing, slip, slide ('feet' + 'to remove'; cf., ki-ma-<strong>an</strong>-zé-er).ñir 5 -ñir 5 ku6 :ñir 5 -ra:a fish (reduplicated 'to seek refuge').courier ('to run, trot' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 98

ñiskim-ti: recognized ('signal' + 'to stay alive').ñiskim...tuku:to get recognition ('signal' + 'to get').ñiskim-zi <strong>an</strong>-na: good omen from heaven ('signal' + 'good, firm' + 'heaven' + genitive).ñissu...lal:ñiš ñiš:to cover with a shadow ('shadow' + 'to extend, reach').plow ('<strong>the</strong>' tool, par excellence).ñiš-ab-ba(-k): a type of thorn tree; a wood used to make boats <strong>an</strong>d sickle hafts ('wood' + 'sea' +genitive).ÑIŠ-BAD:ñiš-bad:ñiš-búru:ñiš-dù-a:ñiš-e 11 :-ñiš-en:ñiš-g<strong>an</strong>...bala:ñiš-gána-ùr-ra:ñiš-gaz:ñiš-gaz-mè:ñiš-gi:in <strong>the</strong> Akkad period, a length me<strong>as</strong>ure equal to 1 cubit, 1 kùš.a b<strong>as</strong>ket with a wooden h<strong>an</strong>dle; threshing sledge.net, trap ('tool' + 'to spread out' + nominative with vowel harmony).timber ('wood' + 'to build, erect' + nominative).key; door pin ('tool' + 'to exit').irrealis suffix, 'unreality' form suffix ('tool' + 'enigmatic background').to conclude a sale ('pestle' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>d over').harrow ('tool' + 'field' + 'to drag over <strong>the</strong> ground').cudgel ('tool' + 'to crush, v<strong>an</strong>quish').battle cudgel ('cudgel' + 'battle').reed b<strong>an</strong>k, thicket, c<strong>an</strong>e brake ('tree' + 'reed').ñiš-gi 4 -ñál, ñiš-ki-ñál:ñiš-gíd-da:ñiš-gíg:<strong>an</strong>swering chorus ('tool' + 'to <strong>an</strong>swer' + 'to be').long wood; punting pole; javelin, spear ('wood' + 'long' + nominative).a date palm ('tree' + 'black, dark').ñiš-gú-ba: a piece of tableware ('tool' + 'chick pea, be<strong>an</strong>' + 'to give').ñiš-gù-di: a loud musical instrument ('tool' + 'to make a noise or sound').ñiš...ñar: to <strong>as</strong>sign ('tool' + 'to deliver').ñiš-ñiš-lá:battle ('tools' + 'to raise'; cf., ki-ñiš-ñiš-lá).ñiš-ÞAR: dredging (?) work in <strong>the</strong> c<strong>an</strong>al ('tool' + 'obligation' ?).ñiš-þé:ñiš-þum:ñiš-þur:firmament, sky ('tool' + 'abund<strong>an</strong>t').bench on a wagon ('wood' + 'to bruise').pl<strong>an</strong>, drawing ('tool' + 'to draw, sketch').ñiš...þur: to draw; to make pl<strong>an</strong>s ('tool' + 'to draw').ñiš-ì: (cf., še-ñiš-ì).ñiš-KÁ:ñiš-kad 5 :(cf., ák<strong>an</strong>).stepladder ('tool' + 'to tie, bind toge<strong>the</strong>r').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 99

ñiš-kar 2/3 :t<strong>as</strong>k (cf., éš-kàr).ñiš...lal/lá: to be silent ('tool' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g up').ñiš-kíñ-ti:ñiš-maþ: (cf., ñiš-kad 5 ).ñiš-ná:ñiš-nañ:ñiš-nu (11) :ñiš-pàr:ñiš...ra:ñiš-rín:ÑIŠ-RU:ñiš-si 4 :craftsmen ('work tool' + 'side').bed; bedspread ('tool' + 'to sleep' + nominative).wooden water pail ('wood' + 'to drink').lamp, light ('tool' + 'light, fire, lamp').(cf., ñiš-búru).to thresh ('stick' + 'to beat').weighing scale (cf., érin, rín).(cf., ñiš illuru).ÑIŠ-ŠAR: (cf., kiri 6 ).ñiš-šu:ñiš-šu-kin:a date palm ('tree' + 'red-brown').shackle; haft ('tool' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d').(cf., ñiš šu-KIN).ñiš-šub(-ba): lot, share ('tool' + 'to c<strong>as</strong>t, throw, drop' + nominative).ñiš...tag: to make a religious offering, sacrifice (often with dative) ('tree' + 'to adorn').ñiš...tuku:ñiš-ùr(-ra):ñiš...ùr:to hear, listen to ('tool' + 'to get, have').log, beam, rafter (e.g., of a roof); harrow ('wood' + 'roof').to harrow (often with -ni-) ('tool' + 'drag').ñìš á-zi...e: to commit rape (ñìš, 'penis', + 'violence' + 'to do').ñìš...dù:to have sexual intercourse (ñìš, 'penis', + 'to pl<strong>an</strong>t').ñìš-nu-zu: virgin (said of <strong>an</strong>imals) (ñìš, 'penis', + 'not' + zu, 'to know').ñìš-zu:having born young; open (ñìš, 'penis', + zu, 'to know').ñizzal...aka: to pay attention ('attention' + 'to do', cf., sañ-kéš...aka).ñizzal-kalam-ma(k): <strong>the</strong> most intelligent person in Sumer ('intelligence' + 'l<strong>an</strong>d (of Sumer)' +genitive).þa-al-ma:v<strong>an</strong>dals (þa-lam + nominative).(urudu) þa-bu (2,3,6) -da: a heavy copper hoe (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word, hap/buutum).þa-la: (inherit<strong>an</strong>ce) share, lot (cf., þal).þa-lam: to ruin; to destroy (often with -ta-) (cf., þul (3)).ñiš þa-lu-úb, ñiš þu-lu-úb: oak (?); sapling (?) [one Akkadi<strong>an</strong> equivalent me<strong>an</strong>s 'young maiden'].þa-luþ:(cf., þu-luþ).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 100

þa-mun:mutually opposing; contr<strong>as</strong>ting, harmonizing; cl<strong>as</strong>hing (þum, 'to wrestle' conjugated <strong>as</strong> Akk.huud, 'joy', conjugates into hadûm, 'joyful' - except in <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>the</strong>re is no syllable 'mum', just <strong>the</strong>syllable mun).(ñiš) þa-šu-úr: <strong>the</strong> cypress or Persi<strong>an</strong> oak tree or its resin ('abund<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to pour' + 'tree trunk').þa-za: to hold, gr<strong>as</strong>p; to retain (Akk. ahaazum, Orel & Stolbova 25).urudu þa-zi(-in): ax (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word, Orel & Stolbova 1318, cf., 1305).ñiš þar-þar:a musical instrument; chain (reduplicated 'ring, bracelet') (cf., kíkkin).þar-ra-<strong>an</strong>: road (a city on <strong>the</strong> route to <strong>the</strong> Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong>, Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).þaš 4 ...ñá-ñá:to rejoice ('lower abdomen' + 'to deposit').ñiš þaz...aka: to slaughter ('tool' + 'to thresh' + 'to do'; cf., gaz, 'to slaughter').þé-àm: 'so be it', 'let it be', consent, approval, wish (precative prefix + î + 'to be').þé-àm-me-àm:þé-du 7 :[that] is our wish ('wish' + î + 'to be').decoration ('let it be suitable, fitting').þé-en-na-nam-ma-àm: it is indeed (precative prefix + î + na-nam, 'indeed' + enclitic copula, 'tobe').þé-ñál:þé-...nam-...:þé-nun; þi-nun:overflow; abund<strong>an</strong>ce ('let <strong>the</strong>re be available').let it be.þé-zu-þé-zu; þé-zu-þé-za:þi-a:'numerous' + 'to know').(cf., þá) ('to mix' + nominative).abund<strong>an</strong>ce, fruitfulness ('may it be; numerous' + 'great, fine, deep').knowledge (reduplicated [with vowel alternation]:þi-li: beauty; (sexual) charm, appeal; luxuri<strong>an</strong>ce ('numerous' + 'cedar oil, fragr<strong>an</strong>ce').þi-li...aka:þi-li...du 8 (-du 8 ):þi-li...gùr-ru:to behave gracefully ('beauty' + 'to do').to apply adornments ('beauty' + 'to adorn; to spread').to be full of opulence ('beauty' + 'to bear, carry').þi-li-ma(-ra)-az: joyous (?) beauty ('beauty' + <strong>as</strong>a, 'cage, fetter' or ingredient in <strong>as</strong>ilal (3,4,5),'joy, gladness').þi-li...sù(-sù): full of appeal ('beauty' + 'to rejoice').þi-nun:ñiš þu-lu-úb:(cf., þé-nun).þu-luþ, þa-luþ:(cf., ñiš þa-lu-úb).to scare; to become scared, frightened ('birds/fish' + 'to sweep away').þu-nu, þu-þu-nu: helpless (þuñ-(ñ), þun-(ñ), 'to hire' + 'none').þu-rí-in:eagle (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word, urinnu I; Orel & Stolbova #52 *’ar-/*war- 'eagle'; note that AHwsays that urinnu II, 'st<strong>an</strong>dard, totem', is a <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).þu-ru(-um): idiot, hillbilly, boor (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word ?).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 101

þu-su: (cf., þáš).þu-úr-sá-ñá/ne: (cf., þur-sañ).þúb-gaz:slaughter ('athlete' + 'to slaughter').þúb...sar: to run ('athlete' + 'to run').þúb...šú:to trample (?) ('athlete' + 'to cover').þul...dím: to hurt, cause pain ('evil' + 'to create, make')þul...gig: to hate ('evil' + 'to be sick').þul-ñál:þúl-la:þur-sañ:evil ones ('evil' + 'to be').very happy; joyful ('joy' + subordination suffix /-a/).hill-country; mountainous region ('holes, valleys' + 'points, peaks').þuš-a: something red ('<strong>an</strong>gry' + nominative).i-i:(reduplicated éd).i-bí[BIL]: smoke; Emesal dialect for igi, 'face; to see' ('to go out, rise' + 'to burn').i-dib: threshold; flagstone, slab; device, contriv<strong>an</strong>ce ('to go out' + 'to traverse, cross').i-gi 4 -in-zu: indeed!; <strong>as</strong>, like (used in hypo<strong>the</strong>tical comparisons).i-lu:song, lament, dirge ('cry' + 'to multiply').i-lu...du 11 /e: to sing a dirge ('dirge' + 'to speak, sing').i(-r): (cf., ir).i-ti: (cf., itud).i-si-iš: complaint; lament (cf., isiš 2,3).i-si-iš...ñar:to wail (to someone: dative) (isiš 2,3, 'mo<strong>an</strong>ing' + 'to set').i-si-iš...lá: to sit in <strong>an</strong>guish (isiš 2,3, 'mo<strong>an</strong>ing' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g').i- d utu: outcry; complaint; cry for justice; 'Oh, Sham<strong>as</strong>h!' ('cry' + divine determinative + 'god of justice').i-zi:í-kú:ì-áb:ì-áb-sè-ga:waves (cf., iz-zi) ('to go out, rise' + 'to rise, go out').inclined <strong>an</strong>gle, inclination (e.g., 45 degrees - <strong>the</strong> <strong>an</strong>gle formed by <strong>an</strong>imals eating fodder).fat of cows, cream (?) ('fat' + 'cow').clarified butter, ghee (Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>) ('cow fat' + 'to make flat [by boiling away <strong>the</strong> water]').ì-bí-la: (cf., ibila).ì-dub: storage jugs, pitchers ('oil' + 'to store, heap up').ì-dùg(-ga), ì-du 10 -ga:ì-dùg-nun(-na), ì-du 10 -nun(-na):perfume; good oil ('oil' + 'sweet').cream; perfume ('oil' + 'sweet' + 'fine').(lú) ì-duþ/du 8 : j<strong>an</strong>itor; porter; door keeper (impersonal verbal conjugation prefix + 'residue, w<strong>as</strong>te').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 102

ì-gu-la):perfumed oil ('oil' + 'flax' + 'beauty, desire').ì-ñiš: sesame oil ('oil' + 'tree').ì-ÞI-nun(-na): (cf., ì-dùg-nun(-na); þé-nun; þi-nun).ì-ir-a:ì-ku 6 :ì-laþ 4 :ì-lí:ointment ('oil' + 'perfume' + nominative).fish oil ('oil' + 'fish').a profession (impersonal verbal prefix + 'to fling away').fine oil (jar) ('oil' + 'true me<strong>as</strong>ure; fine oil').ì-nun: butter; clarified butter, ghee (Neo-<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>) ('fat, oil' + 'noble').ì-rá-rá:ointment mixer ('fat' + reduplicated 'to stir, mix').ì-sañ: best, fine oil ('oil' + 'prime').ì-si-na: (cf., e-si-na).ì-šaþ: pig lard ('fat' + 'pig').ì-ti:moonlight (cf., itud).ì-udu: fat, tallow ('fat' + 'sheep').i 5 -ñar[KA.ÑAR]: to promise, predict; ominous remark (inim, 'word' + 'to make, establish').ib-si 8 [DI]:square ('eye' + 'to crack open').íb-dam-za: <strong>an</strong>ger ('to be <strong>an</strong>gry' + dum-dam...za, 'to grumble').íb-lal:íb-tag 4 :kuš íb-ùr:íd-a-dug:underwear (?) ('hips' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g, stretch, extend').leftover ('middle' + 'to disregard').(cf., kuš e-íb-ùr).irrigation project ('c<strong>an</strong>al' + 'water' + 'vessel').ñiš ig-šu-úr...DU: to bolt <strong>the</strong> door ('door' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'b<strong>as</strong>e' + 'to go').igi-a-a-na-šè: before his fa<strong>the</strong>r ('front' + 'fa<strong>the</strong>r' + ni-a(k), 'his + genitive' + terminative suffix,'unto').igi...bad: to open one's eyes ('eye' + 'to open').igi-bala:traitor, turncoat; shiftiness ('eyes' + 'to turn, ch<strong>an</strong>ge, revolt').igi...bar: to look at ('eye' + 'to open').igi-zi...bar: to choose; to legitimate ('to look at' + 'legitimate; to streng<strong>the</strong>n').igi-dañal: wide seeing eyes ('eyes' + 'wide').igi(-šè)...dib (2) :igi-þul...dím:igi-du:igi-šè...du:to p<strong>as</strong>s in front of/before ('face' + terminative suffix + 'to p<strong>as</strong>s by').to put <strong>the</strong> evil eye (on someone) ('eye' + 'evil' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>hion').adj. for a lead <strong>an</strong>imal; leader (also read <strong>as</strong> palil) ('front' + 'to walk').to walk in front of ('to <strong>the</strong> front' + 'to walk').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 103

igi...dù:igi...du 8 :igi-du 8 -a:to be on <strong>the</strong> lookout for (with -ši-) ('eye' + 'to raise erect').to see (often with -ni- or bi-); to spy; to witness ('eye' + 'to crack open').visibility (of <strong>the</strong> moon) ('to see' + nominative).igi(-tur)...gíd: to despise, look upon with disfavor or <strong>an</strong>ger ('eye, face' + 'little' + 'to leng<strong>the</strong>n';cf., sañ-ki...gíd).igi-gu 4 :a stylized biconvex geometric figure constructed from 120 degree arcs ('eye' + 'ox').igi...gub: to look at ('eye' + 'to set').igi-gub(-ba): coefficient ('inverse' + 'fixed').igi-gùn-gùn:fl<strong>as</strong>hing eyes ('eyes; face' + 'to sparkle; to have on makeup').igi...ñál: to (be able to) see; to underst<strong>an</strong>d; to look upon (often with -ši-) ('eye' + 'to place [into]').igi-4-ñál: 1/4.igi-6-ñál: 1/6.igi-ñál(-la): clever, intelligent ('eye' + 'to place [into]' + nominative).igi...ñar: to face, look at (with -ši- adds intensity to <strong>the</strong> gaze); to appear before someone ('eye; face'+ 'to set').IGI-ÑAR(-m):igi...íl:review, inspection, supervision.to direct <strong>the</strong> eyes to (with -ši-, at a specific object); to view; to look over ('eyes' + 'to lift').igi-íl-la: choice ('eyes' + 'to lift' + nominative).igi...kár: to look upon; to examine, inspect; to select (often with -ši-) ('eyes' + 'to illuminate').igi-lá:(cf., igi-tùm-lá).igi...lal: to close one's eyes ('eyes' + 'to diminish, retreat').igi-mè(-/ak/):before <strong>the</strong> battle; v<strong>an</strong>guard ('before; front' + 'battle' + genitive).igi-níñin: treachery ('eye' + 'to w<strong>an</strong>der, turn away').igi-nim(-ma): upper country - from Sumer ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> e<strong>as</strong>t or <strong>the</strong> northwest ('to face' + 'e<strong>as</strong>t').igi-nu-du 8 (-a): blind person - a slave; unskilled worker ('eye' + 'not' + 'to crack open').igi...si(-g): to see ('eyes' + 'to fill').igi-sìg-sìg[PA-PA]: <strong>an</strong> insulting face ('face' + reduplicated 'to strike, knock down'; cf., ka-sìg).igi-sig 5 :igi-su:pulverized (onions) (cf., mun-gazi) ('eye' + 'to be good').(cf., i-gi 4 -in-zu).igi...suþ: to stare with wide-open eyes ('eyes' + 'to pop out').igi-X-šè:igi...te-en:in <strong>the</strong> presence of X ('face, front' + X + terminative suffix).to unite ('eyes' + 'to soften, allay').igi-te-en: fraction; proportions; symmetry.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 104

igi-tùm-lá:weigh').igi-u 4 -è-a:coveting, longing, greedy eyes; a starving person ('eyes' + 'to obtain, carry away' + 'tofacing <strong>the</strong> sunrise, facing e<strong>as</strong>t ('face; before' + d utu-è, 'sunrise' + locative).igi...ùru: to be on guard, vigil<strong>an</strong>t ('eyes' + 'to watch, guard').igi-zàñ-ñá; igi-zàg-ga:select, precious ('eyes' + 'to choose' + nominative).igi-zé-zé: dry-eyed (?) ('eyes' + 'to cut, shear, pluck'; Akk. ,suhhutum me<strong>an</strong>s 'pressed out').igi-zu:(cf., i-gi 4 -in-zu).íl-lá: elevation ('to lift' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g'; cf., dùn-lá, 'depression').íldag[A-AM]-zi-da:im-ba: loss ('<strong>the</strong> paid out').ple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t poplar tree ('poplar tree' + 'good').im-babbar (2) : gypsum; whitew<strong>as</strong>h ('clay' + 'white').IM...dirig:(cf., ní...dirig).im-dù-a; im-du 8 -a: wall of rammed earth; adobe wall ('mud' + 'to build, erect' + nominative).im-dugud:lump of earth or metal (cf., añar x ) ('clay, earth' + 'weight').im-gíd-da: small, one column tablet ('clay tablet' + 'long' + 'side').im-ñíri:lightning storm ('storm' + 'lightning fl<strong>as</strong>h').im-þa-mun: a dark-colored earth used for a high-contr<strong>as</strong>t dye ('clay, earth' + 'contr<strong>as</strong>ting'; cf. also, imri-þa-mun).im-þul:evil wind ('wind' + 'evil').im-lá: container; width ('clay' + 'to hold').im-lag:clump of clay ('clay' + 'piece').im-ma: l<strong>as</strong>t, previous (year) ('<strong>the</strong> named').im-ma-al: milk cow (cf., immal (2) ).im-ma...gub:im-ma-si-im-ma-diri-ga:travail (a deverbalized fixed form).to register on a clay tablet ('clay tablet' + locative + 'to write down'; cf., im-šu-gub).im-mar-tu: westwind ('wind' + 'western desert').im-me: to be <strong>the</strong> one for (ì + me + a).im...mir:im-nun:to be windy ('wind' + 'storm wind').edge of <strong>the</strong> civilized world ('writing tablet' + 'great').'it is too much' - <strong>the</strong> scream of suffering men or of women inim-ri-þa-mun: storm, whirlwind ('wea<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to blow' + 'mutually opposing').im-ru(-a), im-ri(-a):relatives, family, cl<strong>an</strong> ('<strong>the</strong> sent out').im-sa 12 -ti-um: e<strong>as</strong>twind ('wind' + 'e<strong>as</strong>tern mountains').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 105

im-sar(-ra):im-si-sá:im...šèñ:clay tablet; document ('clay' + 'to write' + nominative).northwind ('wind' + 'straight').to rain ('storm' + 'to rain').im-šu: paragraph, section, extract (on a tablet) ('clay tablet' + 'portion').im-šu-gub: list tablet ('sections' + 'to write down'; cf., im-ma...gub).im-šu-rin-na: oven.IM×TAK 4 ; IM.TAK 4 ; TAK 4 ; TAK 4 .IM:im-u 18 -lu:in...bu 5 -bu 5 :in-dal:southwind ('wind' + 'storm').to cut; to be cut out.to blow away <strong>the</strong> straw/chaff ('straw' + redup. 'to blow'; cf., bul).chaff ('straw' + 'to fly').in...dé-a: cle<strong>an</strong>ing straw after winnowing ('straw' + 'to pour' + nominative).in-dub:marked out border ('straw' + 'to heap up').in(-nu)(-šè)...dúb: to insult; to taunt (with -ni-) ('insult' ( + terminative suffix) + 'to knockdown').in-ga-:again; equally (frequently follows -gim).in-ga-na-nam: it is also ('equally' + emphatic + 'to be').in-na: insult.in-nam-gíd-da:storehouse (rare vari<strong>an</strong>t of uš-gíd-da).in-nu: negation (cf., <strong>an</strong>-na, 'yes').in-nu(-da):inim...bala:inim-búr-ra:inim-dirig:inim-dùg:straw ('straw' + nud, 'bed' + genitive).to have a conversation; to interpret; to tr<strong>an</strong>slate ('words' + 'to revolve').breach of treaty ('words' + 'to dissolve, loosen' + nominative).excessive words, arrog<strong>an</strong>ce, hubris ('words' + 'to exceed').good word ('word' + 'sweet, good').inim...dug 4 /du 11 /e: to say ('words' + 'to speak').inim...gi 4 :return').inim-sig...gu 7 (-gu 7 ):to (produce) sl<strong>an</strong>der ('word' + 'low; small' + 'to consume'; cf., emesig...gu7 ).inim...ñar:to <strong>an</strong>swer (with dative prefix <strong>an</strong>d -ni-); to call back one's word (with bi-) ('word' + 'toto bring <strong>an</strong> action against someone (before <strong>the</strong> court); to claim ('word' + 'to set, fix').inim-inim-ma: compositions; wisdom ('word' + 'word' + genitive ?).inim...kíñ:to seek or find <strong>the</strong> right word ('word' + 'to seek, fetch').inim...ku 5 (-r): to swear ('word' + 'to cut, curse').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 106

inim-ma...sè(-g)[SUM]: to imagine, conceive <strong>an</strong> idea ('in a word' + 'to place').inim-sig-ga:inim...šár:inim-šùd(-da):inim-zu:ir-si-im; ir-sim:ír: (cf., ér).is-þáb:ñiš IŠ-gi 4 :sl<strong>an</strong>der ('word' + 'low; small' + nominative).to search for clarification ('word' + 'to request, implore').a word of prayer ('word' + 'to pray' + nominative).one who knows <strong>the</strong> (proper) words; learned ('words' + 'to know').Afro<strong>as</strong>iatic cognates).fool ('org<strong>an</strong>' + 'foul-smelling').a tool.fragr<strong>an</strong>t aroma, scent ('perfume' + 'to fill up' + 'wind'; no indication ofiz-zi[ÑIŠ-ZI]; iz-zi 8 [ÑIŠ-KAL]: house wall; fire; current, flood ('wood' + 'to rise up';cf., é-sig 4).izi-gi 6 -eden-na:izi-lá:izi...lá:torch ('fire' + 'to raise up').shadow ('fire' + 'night' + 'steppe; spine').to purify with fire ('fire' + 'to raise up').izi...ne-ne(-r): to f<strong>an</strong> <strong>the</strong> fire ('fire' + reduplicated nir, 'to winnow').izi...sìg[PA]:izi...šub: to hurl fire ('fire' + 'to throw').izi...te:izi...te-en:ízi[KI-IZI]-ur 5 :ka-al: clay pit.to set on fire ('fire' + 'to knock down, demolish').fire approaches ('fire' + 'to approach').to extinguish or calm a fire ('fire' + 'to calm, extinguish').coal ('fire-place' + 'liver, soul').ka(-al)-lu 5 : a vessel, bowl (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word, kalû; Orel & Stolbova #1423, *kalVy-, 'vessel').ka-aš-bar: decision ('mouth' + 'one' + 'to divide'; cf., eš-bar).ka-aš...bar:ka...ba:ka...dù:kuš ka-dù:ka-dù-a, ka-dù-dù:ka-duþ-a:to render a decision.to converse ('mouth' + 'to give').to accuse (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('mouth' + 'to build, make').a lea<strong>the</strong>r wrapping for part of <strong>the</strong> plow.ñiš KA-dúb-ba: a field tool (?).ka-gáraš-a:ka-guru 7 :fierce or accusing mouth.with open mouth ('mouth' + 'to crack open' + nominative).cat<strong>as</strong>trophe ('mouth' + 'military encampment' + nominative).gr<strong>an</strong>ary supervisor ('mouth' + 'silo').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 107

ka-ñìri:path ('mouth' + 'feet; way, path').KA...ÞAR: (cf., zú...ur 5 ).ka-íd-da:KA-kešda:c<strong>an</strong>al intake ('mouth' + 'river' + genitive).regiment ('mouth; word' + 'to bind').KA...kéš-(d): to org<strong>an</strong>ize; to have <strong>an</strong> agreement; to put toge<strong>the</strong>r; to become undone, disorg<strong>an</strong>ized(with -ta-).ka ki...zu-zu:ka-làl:to kiss <strong>the</strong> ground ('mouth' + 'ground' + reduplicated 'to know').a sweet person ('mouth' + 'honey').KA×LI...di/e: (cf., gù-nun...di/e).KA×LI...gi 4 (-gi 4 ): (cf., sig 14 ..gi 4 ).ka-lu 5 : (cf., ka-al-lu 5 ).KA-nun...di/e:ka...sag 9 -sag 9 :ka-sìg[PA]:ka-sù-ga:ka-šak<strong>an</strong>:KA šu...ñál:ka-ta-è:ka-ta...kar:ka-tab:ka-tar:ka-tar...si-il:(cf., gù-nun...di/e).to make <strong>the</strong> mouth ple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t ('mouth' + reduplicated 'good, ple<strong>as</strong>ing').<strong>an</strong> insulting mouth ('mouth' + 'to strike, knock down'; cf., igi-sìg-sìg).<strong>an</strong> empty mouth ('mouth' + 'to be empty' + nominative).supervisor of <strong>the</strong> fat stores ('mouth' + 'large oil jar').(cf., kiri 4 šu...ñál).utter<strong>an</strong>ce ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to go out').to take away ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to take away').to be clogged ('mouth' + 'to cl<strong>as</strong>p').princely; praise; challenger; a type of fungus or rot ('mouth' + 'to decide; to destroy').to praise ('praise' + sil, 'to praise').ká-bar-ra: outer door ('gate' + 'outside' + nominative).KÁ.GAL:(cf., abul).ká-mè: wings of a temple door ('gate' + 'battle').káb...dug 4 :(dug) káb-dug 4 -ga:ñiš KAK+LIŠ-la (2) :to me<strong>as</strong>ure or count commodities for accounting or taxation ('string' ? + 'to do').a me<strong>as</strong>uring jar with a capacity of 20 sìla.chariot; cart.kak-ús: goad ('nail' + 'to drive'; cf., bar-ús urudu ).kal-kal; ka-al-ka-al:kal-la-kal-la:barren, empty ('to be rare').highly esteemed or valued, precious (reduplicated 'to esteem, value').(munus) kar-kid: prostitute (B. Alster reads munus-kar-ke 4 ) ('marketplace' + 'reed mat').kar(-ra)...ús:to reach <strong>the</strong> quay (in a boat) ('quay' + locative + 'to reach, moor to').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 108

k<strong>as</strong>kal...sig 10 /sì(-g):even').kaš-dé-a:to clear a road ('road' + 'to place, put in; to engrave; to make flat,b<strong>an</strong>quet, libation, party ('beer' + 'to pour' + nominative).kaš-dé...aka: to put on a b<strong>an</strong>quet ('b<strong>an</strong>quet' + 'to do').kaš-dùg/du 10 :kaš-gíg:kaš-gíg-dùg-ga:kaš-kal:kaš-si 4 :kaš-sig 5 :sweet drink ('beer' + 'sweet, fresh').dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark').good dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark' + 'sweet, fresh' + nominative).strong (?) beer ('beer' + 'strong; excellent').reddish-brown beer ('beer' + 'red-brown').good beer ('beer' + 'good, fine quality').kaš-sig 15 : light beer ('beer' + 'ple<strong>as</strong>ing; valuable'; cf., zíd-sig 15).kaš-sur-ra:pressed out beer ('beer' + 'to press; to brew' + nominative).kàš...sur: to urinate ('urine' + 'to expel a liquid').kaš 4 ...dug 4 /du 11 /e:kaš 4 -di:kaš 4 ...kar:ke-en-ge-ra:kéš-de 6 :ki-a-nañ:adj. or adv., running.to run ('speed' + 'to effect').to run f<strong>as</strong>t ('speed' + 'to escape, run away').(cf., ki-en-gi 7 (-r)).a fish me<strong>as</strong>ure ('to join, tie' + 'to carry').libation place; death offering ('place' + 'water' + 'to water').ki-á-áñ-(ñá): <strong>the</strong> place of issuing orders (cf., á-áñ-ñá, 'instructions, orders').ki...áñ-(ñ):to love (someone: with dative infix; something: with locative/loc.-terminative infix); toshow affection ('ground' + 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure' = <strong>the</strong> first recorded euphemism ?, or <strong>the</strong> result of popularetymology from kam (2), 'to desire'; cf., ki-ná...aka).ki-áñ: beloved.ki-bad-rá: dist<strong>an</strong>t places ('places' + 'to be at a dist<strong>an</strong>ce' + nominative).ki-bala:ki-búr:ki...dar:ki...de 6 :ki-di-ku 5 -da/ru:ki-dul:ki-dúr:rebellious country, rebel l<strong>an</strong>d ('place' + 'to revolt').solution, <strong>an</strong>swer ('place' + 'exposed').to break <strong>the</strong> ground ('ground' + 'to split'; cf., ki-in-dar).to bury ('ground' + 'to bring; to continue').place of judicial decisions ('place' + 'decisions' + 'to cut, decide' + nominativewithout/with vowel harmony).secret; obscure point ('place' + 'to cover, hide').nest or den for <strong>an</strong>imals (plural, cf., ki-tuš) ('place' + 'to dwell (plural)').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 109

ki-duru 5 :piš 10 , peš 10 ; peš x [KI.A]) ('ground' + 'moist').ki-e-ne-di:ki-è:parts of <strong>the</strong> field where <strong>the</strong> ground is moist <strong>an</strong>d productive; riverb<strong>an</strong>k; generosity (cf.,playing ground; (place of) d<strong>an</strong>cing (also read <strong>as</strong> ešemen) ('place' + 'to play').exit ('place' + 'to go out').ki-en-gir 15 /gi 7 (-r); ki-en-gi(-r):ki-gal:ki-(bi-šè)...gi 4 :Sumer ('place' + 'lords' + 'noble; native').big place; great Earth (<strong>as</strong> opposed to <strong>an</strong>-gal, 'great Heavens'); foundations ('place' + 'big').to restore (usually with bi-, or with dative prefix) (lit., return [to its] place)('place' [ + 'its' + 'to' ] + 'to return, restore').ki-gibil-gibil-lá:ki-gub(-ba):const<strong>an</strong>t renewal ('place' + reduplicated 'renewal' + nominative).<strong>as</strong>signed place to st<strong>an</strong>d, station; socle ('place' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d' + nominative).ki-gul-la: waif ('ground' + 'to fall upon' + nominative; cf., gul-lum).ki-ñar:ki...ñar:ki-še-er...ñar:ki-šè...ñar:ki-ñìri:ki-ñiš-ñiš-lá:ki-þul:ki...þur:grounds; settled place; place where something is built ('ground' + 'to place').to found, establish (a building or town) (often with -ni- or bi-) ('ground' + 'to place').to bring success ('place' + šár, 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y; abund<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to establish').to fall/throw upon <strong>the</strong> ground ('ground' [ + 'onto' ] + 'to set').path ('place' + 'feet; way, path').battlefield ('place' + 'tools' + 'to raise'; cf., ñiš-ñiš-lá).mourning rites ('ground' + 'to destroy; evil').to scratch <strong>the</strong> earth; to paw <strong>the</strong> ground ('ground' + 'to scratch').ki-in-dar: hole, crevice ('ground' + 'inst<strong>an</strong>ce of' + 'to split'; cf., ki-dar).ki-in-du:<strong>the</strong> earth ('ground' + 'inst<strong>an</strong>ce of' + 'to walk').ki-in-gi 4 -a: (cf., kin-gi 4 -a).ki-inim-ma: place of testimony (cf., lú-ki-inim-ma) ('place' + 'oath' + genitive).ki-ir-ga: (cf., di-ir-ga).ki-iz: to trim, to cle<strong>an</strong> (of hair, leaves, or vegetation) (cf., guz).ki-kal-kal-la:ki-kal-la-kal-la:ki-kalag:ki-kid:ki...kíñ, kin:scour')ki-kúkku:ki-lal/lá(-bi):<strong>the</strong> very precious place ('place' + reduplicated 'to value, esteem' + nominative).<strong>the</strong> barren place = <strong>the</strong> ne<strong>the</strong>rworld ('place' + 'barren, empty').hard ground ('ground' + 'strong'; cf., k<strong>an</strong>kal).a place of reed mats ('place' + 'reed mat').to seek (with -ši- denoting <strong>the</strong> object of <strong>the</strong> search) ('place, ground' + 'to seek,dark place ('place' + 'dark').(its) weight, where weight refers to area or volume; excavation, grave; cellargr<strong>an</strong>ary, silo; shape, arr<strong>an</strong>gement ('area' + 'to weigh, lift').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 110

ñiš ki-lá:ki...lá:water meter.to heed, pay attention to.ki-lugal-gub(-ba):royal place ('place' + 'king' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').ki-lul-la: place of murder or violence ('place' + 'malicious act' + genitive).ki-ma-<strong>an</strong>-zé-er:ki-maþ:a slippery place ('a place where it slips for me'; cf., ñìri...zé-er).high place; place of honor; grave ('place' + 'exalted').ki-ná: sleeping quarters; bed, bedding ('place' + 'bed').ki-ná...aka:to make love ('bed' + 'to do').ki-nam-nitaþ: battlefield ('place' + 'm<strong>an</strong>liness').KI.NE: (cf., dinig <strong>an</strong>d nemur).ki-ní-te:ki-ninda-gu 7 :ki...ri:ki-sá-a:ki-sá-al-ma-þe:ki-saþar:ki-sì-ga:iti ki-sig- d Nin-a-zu:ki-sikil:resting place ('place' + ní...te-en, 'to calm down').place to eat bread ('place' + 'bread' + 'to eat').to scratch <strong>the</strong> ground ('ground' + 'to touch ;to ga<strong>the</strong>r').socle ('place' + 'to compare with' + nominative).syllabic writing for kisal-maþ-e, 'in <strong>the</strong> great courtyard'.place of silt deposits ('place' + 'silt').funerary offering; quar<strong>an</strong>tine hut ('ground' + 'to place, set' + nominative).calendar month 4 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 5 at Drehemafter Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 5 at Ur during Ur III.young wom<strong>an</strong>; virgin ('place' + 'pure').ki-a...su-ub: to kiss <strong>the</strong> ground; to prostrate oneself ('ground' + locative + 'to suck').ki-su-ub...aka:ki-sug 8 , ki-su 7 :to kiss <strong>the</strong> ground; to make obeis<strong>an</strong>ce ('to kiss <strong>the</strong> ground' + 'to do').threshing floor, select fallow l<strong>an</strong>d whose surface w<strong>as</strong> conditioned to act <strong>as</strong> athreshing floor ('l<strong>an</strong>d' + 'threshing floor'; cf., kislaþ).ki-sum-ma: onion-growing l<strong>an</strong>d ('l<strong>an</strong>d' + 'onions' + genitive).ki...sur:ki-šár:ki-še-er:ki-šúr:to fix <strong>the</strong> boundary ('place' + 'ditch; to delimit').horizon; everywhere ('place' + 'totality').fence; enclosure; limit ('place' + šár, 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y'; cf., še-er-tab-ba).snake hole; grave; cavity in <strong>the</strong> ground ('place' + 'fierce').ki-ta: below; lower ('ground' + locative with remote deixis).ki-X-ta:ki...tag:ki...tùm:disbursed by X ('from <strong>the</strong> place of X').to lay on <strong>the</strong> ground; to lay <strong>the</strong> foundation ('ground' + 'to adorn').to bury (a dead person) ('ground' + 'to prepare; to bring').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 111

ki-tuš:ki-umun 2 -(m):seat; dwelling place (singular, cf., ki-dúr) ('place' + 'to sit, dwell (singular)').KI-UD(-k): desert l<strong>an</strong>d ('place' + 'sun; dry')."place of knowledge" (school); large beer container ('place' + 'idea, knowledge').ki-ùr: territory; living grounds ('place' + 'roofs').ki-uri:<strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>d of Akkade ('place' + 'protectors ?').ki...ús: to set on <strong>the</strong> ground; to touch <strong>the</strong> ground; to throw to <strong>the</strong> ground; to establish (often with -ni-) ('ground' + 'to moor, join').ki...za:to bow down, submit (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('ground' + 'to make a repetitive motion').ki-za...bad; ki-za...sù:remote').to make homage far from ('homage' + 'to be at a dist<strong>an</strong>ce,ki-za...túmu: to obtain homage; to refuse obeis<strong>an</strong>ce ('homage' + 'to obtain').ki-zàþ:ki-zú-ur 5 -ra:kí-sa: (cf., gi-sa).KÍD-alam:kíñ/kin ku6 :a sacred locality ('place' + 'to hide').sharp edge ('place' + 'teeth' + 'mill stone; to chew' + nominative).sculptor ('to pinch off clay' + 'statue').a fish.kíñ...aka: to work; to m<strong>an</strong>ufacture ('orders' + 'to do').kíñ-šè...aka: to put to work ('orders' + terminative + 'to do').kíñ-dù-a:kíñ-dúb-ba:kíñ...ñá:kíñ-gi 4 -a:construction work ('t<strong>as</strong>ks' + 'to build, erect' + nominative).hammering work ('t<strong>as</strong>ks' + 'to strike, hammer' + nominative).to work ('orders' + 'to make, deliver').messenger, envoy; message ('messages' + 'to return' + '<strong>the</strong> one who').iti kíñ- d In<strong>an</strong>na: calendar month 6 at Nippur during Ur III.kíñ-saþar: earth-moving work ('t<strong>as</strong>ks' + 'earth, silt').kíñ-sig (7/17) (-g), kíñ-se 11/12 (-g):of <strong>the</strong> evening ('t<strong>as</strong>ks' + 'late').kíñ-sig-gin 7 :kíñ...ti:during <strong>the</strong> evening ('evening' + 'during').to <strong>as</strong>sign work ('orders' + 'to keep alive').kíñ[-kíñ]...til: to finish one's work ('orders' + 'to keep alive').kin:(cf., kíñ).na4 kín-<strong>an</strong>-na: upper millstone ('millstone' + 'to be high' + nominative).evening meal; time of <strong>the</strong> evening meal; evening; coolkìri[KA]-zal: prosperity, splendor; splendid, wonderful ('nose' + 'to shine').kìri/kir 4 [KA]-dib/dab: groom (for leading donkeys <strong>an</strong>d horses <strong>an</strong>d <strong>as</strong> a title of a courtofficial) ('nose' + 'to catch, hold').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 112

kiri 4 -šu-dù: supplication(s) ('nose' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten, apply').kiri 4 šu...ñál: to pay homage to, to greet (dative) ('nose' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to place on').kiri 4 ...te-en:kiri 4 ...ur 5 :kiri 4 -zal:kiri 6 ...dù:to sneeze ('nose' + 'cold').to sniff at; to sneer at ('nose' + 'to smell').joy, prosperity ('dam in a stream' + 'to be full, abund<strong>an</strong>t').to lay out a garden ('garden' + 'to set up; to pl<strong>an</strong>t').kisal-maþ: main courtyard ('courtyard' + 'foremost').kiš-nu-ñál:brightly lit ('<strong>the</strong> city of Kish' + 'lamps' + 'to have').kišib-ñál: seal-keeper ('seal' + 'to have').kišib...ra(-ra): to seal; to subpoena ('seal' + 'to roll, impress').kú: (cf., gu 7 ).KU-KU: <strong>an</strong>cestors (?) ('to found; to lie down').ku-dun...dug 4 :to profit ('solid b<strong>as</strong>e' + 'to heap, pile up' + 'to speak, do').dug ku-kur-dù: a jar ('solid b<strong>as</strong>e' + 'mountain' + 'to mould, make').ku-li: friend; a st<strong>an</strong>dard size clay beer pot in r<strong>an</strong>ge 0.5 - 1.2 liters ('solid b<strong>as</strong>e' + 'true me<strong>as</strong>ure').ku-li-<strong>an</strong>-na:ku-mul:friend of heaven; dragonfly ('friend' + 'sky' + genitive).cumin (Elamite ? lo<strong>an</strong>word).ku-nu: to approach; to be near.kù-babbar: silver ('noble metal' + 'white').kù-dam-taka 4 :kù-dím:kù-du 8 :kù-ñál:divorce settlement ('silver' + 'spouse' + 'to leave with a person').goldsmith, silversmith, metal worker ('noble metal' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>hion').r<strong>an</strong>som money (for a slave) ('silver' + 'to untie').inspector ('silver' + 'to have').kù-im-ba(-aš...ku 4 ):kù...lá:to settle <strong>an</strong> account ('silver' + 'to weigh').to lose money ('silver' + 'loss' ( + plural marker + 'to enter, turn into').kù-luþ-þa: refined silver ('noble metal, silver' + 'to cle<strong>an</strong>' + nominative).kù-sig 17 :kù-tuku:gold ('noble metal' + 'yellow').one who h<strong>as</strong> silver ('silver' + 'to have').kù-zu: expert, erudite, clever; wisdom ('bright' + 'to know').kù-zu-nì-nam-ma: <strong>the</strong> all wise ('expert' + níñ-na-me, '<strong>an</strong>ything' + genitive).ku 6 -a-dé:ku 6 -ab-ba ku6 :fresh fish ('fish' + 'water' + 'to pour, water').sea fish ('fish' + 'sea' + genitive).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 113

ku 6 -b<strong>an</strong>šur-ra:ku 6 -dar-ra:ku 6 -engur(-ra-k):ku 6 -íl:kud-kud-rá:kug:(cf., kù).kun-kà-<strong>an</strong>...za:kun-sañ:fish for <strong>the</strong> (offering) table ('fish' + 'table' + genitive).dried fish ('fish' + 'to slice' + nominative).fish delivery ('fish' + 'to carry').fish of <strong>the</strong> marshes ('fish' + 'fresh waters' + genitive).a lame person (reduplicated 'to cut off' + nominative).to bubble (see <strong>the</strong> definition for za).stairc<strong>as</strong>e of <strong>the</strong> s<strong>an</strong>ctuary ('tail; stairc<strong>as</strong>e' + 'head, chief').kun-su 3/13 (-su 3/13 ): long-tailed ('tail' + 'to stretch; to wag a tail; to be long').kun-zi(-da):ku6 kun-zi(-da):kur- ñiš erin-na:kur-gal:weir ('c<strong>an</strong>al reservoir' + 'to streng<strong>the</strong>n').fish-pond fish.mountain of cedar trees ('mountain' + 'cedar' + genitive).great mountain - a metaphor for temples <strong>an</strong>d for Sumer <strong>as</strong> a place where earth <strong>an</strong>d sky meet('mountain' + 'big').kur-gi 4 mušen : goose, geese ('mountains' + 'to return').kur-ra diri-ga:kur-sig:kúr...di:kur 7 ...aka:kur 7 -aka:kuš...dù:kuš-dù:supreme over <strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>ds ('l<strong>an</strong>ds' + locative + 'to be supreme' + nominative).deep mountain ('mountain' + 'low').to speak hostile words ('hostile' + 'to speak').to inspect ('to watch; lookout' + 'to do').inspection record.to treat or dress skin ('lea<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to raise up, make').treated or flayed skin.kuš-dù-dù: lea<strong>the</strong>r-dresser.kuš-lá:kuš-nañ:lea<strong>the</strong>r cord ('lea<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g; strap').lea<strong>the</strong>r water pail or hose ('lea<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to drink').kùš-numun: in <strong>the</strong> Akkad period, a length me<strong>as</strong>ure equal to 2 cubits, 2 ÑIŠ-BAD, = 1 meter.kuš 7 ...sud/sù/su:kušu/kušum x (-ki)...tag:la-ag: (cf., lag).la-ga: (cf., lú-la-ga).la-gal: (cf., lagar).to level; to dev<strong>as</strong>tate ('dev<strong>as</strong>tation' + 'to immerse').la-þa-ma: long-haired hero(s) ?; mythological sea monster ?.la-la: joy; appeal, charms; abund<strong>an</strong>ce; vigor (reduplicated 'happiness').to crawl; to sneak away; to run ('herd' ( + ground) + 'to touch').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 114

lá-ìa[NI]: remainder of debt left over, difference, arrears ('to weigh; minus' + 'oil'; may be a connectionto ia 4, 'counter'; cf., lalla).lagab na4 za-gìn-na: a block of lapis lazuli ('block' + 'lapis lazuli' + genitive).làl-þar:li-gi 4 -in:li-um, le-um: plate.iti d Li 9 -si 4 :lu-ga: (cf., lug).mythological lake, pond ('honey; date syrup' + 'ring').exercise tablet (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> liginnu).calendar month 9 at Umma during Ur III.lu-gú: to twist; be crooked, not straight ('numerous' + 'edge'; cf., ru-gú).lu-þu-um:lu-lim:lu-úb sar :kuš lu-úb:mud (luþ,'to w<strong>as</strong>h' + imi, 'clay, mud'; don't find Semitic parallels to Akk. luhummû, butHebrew/Arabic LH/LHH me<strong>an</strong>s 'moist'; cf., lum, 'fertilizer, m<strong>an</strong>ure').stag (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word ?; 'to graze, p<strong>as</strong>ture' + 'thous<strong>an</strong>d').turnip, beet ('abund<strong>an</strong>t' + 'container').lea<strong>the</strong>r bag for holding food; lunch bag ('abund<strong>an</strong>t' + 'container').kuš lu-úb-šir(-ra)...aka:to prepare (gold or silver) for <strong>the</strong> precious sack (by sifting)('lea<strong>the</strong>r bag' + 'testicles' + locative c<strong>as</strong>e ending + 'to do').lú-a-tu 5 (-a): a priest who ba<strong>the</strong>s <strong>the</strong> statues of <strong>the</strong> deities <strong>an</strong>d rulers - lustration priest ('m<strong>an</strong>' +'water' + 'to w<strong>as</strong>h, ba<strong>the</strong>' + nominative).lú-á-tuku: strong m<strong>an</strong>, influential person ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'strength' + 'to have').lú- ñiš bala:lú-bappir (2/3) :m<strong>an</strong> of <strong>the</strong> spindle ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'spindle').brewer (cf., ningi; lunga) ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'beer bread').lú-bar-ra: foreigner ('person' + 'outside' + genitive).lú-búr-ru: interpreter (of omens/dreams) ('person' + 'to reveal, interpret (a dream)' + nominative withvowel harmony).lú-dam-tuku:lú-di-da:lú-du-du:lú-é-níñ-ka:m<strong>an</strong>ager of <strong>the</strong> tre<strong>as</strong>ure-house ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'house' + 'tre<strong>as</strong>ure' + double genitive [a]ka[k]).lú-érim:lú-éše:a married person ('person' + 'spouse' + 'to have').opposing party (in a legal c<strong>as</strong>e) ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'law suit' + 'with').vagabond ('m<strong>an</strong>' + reduplicated 'to walk').enemy ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'evil, hostile').prisoner ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'rope'; cf., é-éše, 'jail' <strong>an</strong>d šaña, 'captive').lú-ga-šum: <strong>as</strong>s<strong>as</strong>sin ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'I will' + 'to slaughter').lú-gi-di(-da):piper ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'reed' + di-dé, 'to speak' + nominative).lú-gi-gíd-da: flutist ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'reed' + 'long' + nominative).lú-gu-la:despot ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'large').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 115

lú-gub-ba: ecstatic ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d' + nominative).lú-ñiš-e 3/11 :doorkeeper, doorm<strong>an</strong> ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'key').lú-þun-ñá: hired worker ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to hire' + nominative).lú-im/tum 9 :lú-inim-ma:'wind m<strong>an</strong>': unreliable person ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'wind').witness ('person' + 'word' + genitive).lú-KA×LI-KA×LI: inc<strong>an</strong>tation priest (cf., tu 6 , mu 7 , zug 4 , uš 7, <strong>an</strong>d sig 14).lú-kal-(l):dear one ('person' + 'precious').lú-kar-ra: refugee ('person' + 'to escape' + nominative).lú-kaš 4 :lú-ki-inim-ma:courier ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'f<strong>as</strong>t runner').witness ('person' + 'place' + 'oath' + genitive).lú-kúr-ra: str<strong>an</strong>ger; enemy ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'mountains, foreign country' + genitive).lú-kurun(-/ak/): brewer; innkeeper ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'alcoholic drink' (+ genitive)).lú-la-ga:lú-lul(-la):lú-má-gur 8 :lú...na-me...nu-:no m<strong>an</strong> does X ('m<strong>an</strong>' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'no, not'; cf., u 4-name...nu-tuku).lú-nam-tag-ga:robber (cf., ma-la-(g)).unfaithful, treacherous m<strong>an</strong> ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'lies' + genitive).boat captain ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'large boat').sinner ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'guilt' + genitive).lú-ní-zu(-/ak/): thief ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'one's own' + 'your' + genitive).lú-ní-zuþ: thief ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'one's own' + 'to steal, rob').lú-níñ-nu-tuku:lú-níñ-tuku:lú-ru-gú:lú-ru-gú-da:poor m<strong>an</strong>, debtor ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'thing' + 'not' + 'to have').rich m<strong>an</strong>, wealthy person ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'thing' + 'to have').recalcitr<strong>an</strong>t, intractable individual(s) ('m<strong>an</strong>' + ru-gú, 'to withst<strong>an</strong>d, oppose').river ordeal, to decide <strong>an</strong> insoluble legal c<strong>as</strong>e, which involved swimming a certaindist<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d returning to shore without being pulled under by <strong>the</strong> current ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to send' + 'river b<strong>an</strong>k'+ 'to be near'; cf., ru-gú).lú-silim:lú-su-a:lú-šár:LÚ.ŠE: (cf., níga).perfect m<strong>an</strong> ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'good, healthy').friend, acquaint<strong>an</strong>ce ('m<strong>an</strong>' + su-a, 'cat').numerous individuals, myriads ('men, people' + 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y').lú še bad-rá: to thresh ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'grain' + 'to open, expose, peel, rele<strong>as</strong>e, split' + nominative).lú-šuku-ra-ke 4 -ne: persons with allotted portions ('allotted portions' + genitive + plural).lú-tu-ra:a sick person ('person' + 'to be weak, sick' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 116

lú-u 5 -a:rider ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to mount, ride' + nominative).lú-u 18 [ÑIŠGAL]-(lu): m<strong>an</strong>kind; hum<strong>an</strong> being ('hum<strong>an</strong>s' + 'huge' [ + 'numerous']).lú-u 18 -um:lú-zàþ:name of a breed of small cattle (possible Semitic lo<strong>an</strong>word).runaway, fugitive ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to flee').lú-zi(-d): righteous, good m<strong>an</strong> ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'faithful, true').lú-zu(-a): acquaint<strong>an</strong>ce ('person' + 'to know' + nominative).lú-zuþ:lugal-šà-lá-sù:lul...dug 4 :thief ('m<strong>an</strong>' + 'to steal, rob').merciful king ('king' + 'merciful').to tell a lie ('lie' + 'to speak').lul...si(-g): to keep silent ('lie' + 'to stay silent').lum-ma:a fecund female ('to be fertile, productive' + nominative).ma-al: Emesal dialect for ñál.(gi) ma-<strong>an</strong>-sim:sieve ('it sifts for me').ma-az: exuber<strong>an</strong>t, joyful; a female d<strong>an</strong>cer.ma-da: district, realm (Akkadi<strong>an</strong>, maatu(m) I, 'l<strong>an</strong>d').ma-la-(g): friend (among females) ('to bind' + LA.GA, '<strong>an</strong> obscene name for <strong>the</strong> female genitalia' perL<strong>an</strong>dsberger).ma-mu (2) -(d): dream ('it is growing for me').ma-na: a unit of weight me<strong>as</strong>ure, mina = ca. 500 grams = 60 gín (since Akkad period, 2 ma-na = 1sìla of water) (Akk., m<strong>an</strong>ûm, 'to count').ma-na-tur: a surface area me<strong>as</strong>ure, little mina = 1/3 shekel = 60 surface še = 720 square fingers; <strong>as</strong> avolume me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 60 še.ñiš ma-nu:ma-ra-az:dwarf <strong>as</strong>h (?), cornel (?); firewood bundle ('to bind' + nu 11, 'fire').(vari<strong>an</strong>t of ma-az).(gi) ma-sá(-ab): a b<strong>as</strong>ket ('to bind' + 'to equal in value' (+ 'container') ?; Semitic root me<strong>an</strong>s 'circle').(ñiš) má-addir: ferryboat ('boat' + 'ferry; bridge').(gi) má-da-lá:ñiš má-diri-ga:a thick bundle of reeds used to build rafts ('boat' + 'to hold near' + 'to strap, bind').<strong>the</strong> boat sailing downstream ('boat' + 'to float (with <strong>the</strong> current)' + nominative).lú má-DU-DU(-d): barge captain ('boat' + ?; cf., má-laþ 4/5).ñiš má...du 8 : to caulk a boat ('boat' + 'to spread with pitch').(ñiš) má-egir-ra:<strong>the</strong> stern of a boat ('boat' + 'back' + nominative).má-g<strong>an</strong>-<strong>an</strong>-na ki : Mag<strong>an</strong> (a country on <strong>the</strong> sea route to India) ('boats' + 'support' + 'to be high' +nominative).(ñiš) má-gi (4) -lum:a type of small sailing boat ('boat' + gilim, 'reed bundle').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 117

(ñiš) má...gíd: to sail (with -da-); to tow a barge ('boat' + 'to draw, pull').(ñiš) má-gur 8 : a large boat, cargo boat; pot st<strong>an</strong>d ('boat' + 'high, deep') [MAGUR archaic frequency: 5;concatenates 2 sign vari<strong>an</strong>ts].má(-a)...ñar: to load a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to place').má-ñéš-gur:(ñiš) má-lá:lú má-laþ 4/5 :má-nisañ-ñá:ñiš má-ru-ru-gú:a boat of sixty-gur capacity ('boat' + 'sixty' + kor b<strong>as</strong>ket me<strong>as</strong>ure).cargo boat ('boat' + 'to extend, load').sailor; barge captain ('boat' + 'to drive along').boat with first-fruit offerings ('boat' + 'first-fruits' + nominative).<strong>the</strong> boat sailing upstream ('boat' + 'to move in a direction opposite to [<strong>the</strong> current]').ñiš má-sañ-ñá: <strong>the</strong> bow of a boat; prow ('boat' + 'point, head' + nominative).má(-a)-si-ga: describes products used to fill a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to fill' + nominative).ñiš má...su: (cf., ñiš má...du 8 ).ñiš má-su(-a): sunken boat ('boat' + 'submersed' + nominative).ñiš má-sù-a:a deep-draught boat ('boat' + 'empty' + nominative).ñiš má-še(-/ak/): grain boat ('boat' + 'grain' + genitive).má-tùn[GÍN]:<strong>as</strong>phalt specialist ('boat' + 'to bind, b<strong>an</strong>dage').má(-a)...u 5 : to go on board; to embark ('boat' + 'to mount').mà-ùr: ravine, gorge ('to go' ? + 'mountain p<strong>as</strong>s').maþ-bi:ñiš mar-da ri-a:ñiš mar-gíd-da:adv., powerfully ('great' + adverbial force suffix).riding with <strong>the</strong> wagon ('wagon' + comitative + 'to be located' + nominative).wagon ('wagon' + 'to draw, pull, tow' + nominative).mar-ru 10 [TU/GUR 8 ]: flood (cf., mar-uru 5).mar-sa:boat tr<strong>an</strong>sport center ('to lock up' + 'to compensate').lú MAR-TU[-KI], ñar 7 -dú: nomad; Amorite - Semitic nomad of <strong>the</strong> western desert ('wagon' + 'tobe born').(tu15) mar-uru 5 [TU/GUR 8 ]:maš-dà:iti maš-dù-gu 7 :maš-gána:gazelle (cf., mašda).floodstorm (cf., é-mar-uru 5 ) ('to immerse' + 'high, deep').calendar month 1 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 2 at Drehem after Šu-Sin3; calendar month 2 at Ur during Ur III.settlement (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word from mašk<strong>an</strong>um, 'location, site', cf., šaka<strong>an</strong>um 'to place') (ZATU-356 archaic frequency: 4).maš-ñi 6 : (cf., máš-ñi 6 ).maš-ki:agricultural income, yield ('profit, produce, yield' + 'earth').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 118

maš-maš(-gal):profit').a type of priest - (great) exorcist (reduplicated 'goat kid; one-half; lo<strong>an</strong> interest,maš-šu-gíd-gíd: (cf., šu-maš-gíd-gíd).maš-tab-ba:máš-<strong>an</strong>še:young twins ('twin' + 'to be double' + nominative).<strong>an</strong>imals, livestock ('goats' + 'equids').máš-da-ri-a; maš-da-rá-a:offering ('goat kid' + 'driven [<strong>an</strong>imal]').máš-ñi 6 , maš-ñi 6 : night-time vision, dream; omen ('goat/extispicy' + 'black/night').máš-lulim: hind (female of <strong>the</strong> red deer) (smaller goat-like <strong>an</strong>imal + 'stag, hart').máš-niga:grain-fed kid (smaller goat-like <strong>an</strong>imal + 'fattened').máš...šub: describes <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal dropping or birthing its young ('goat' + 'to drop').máš-ùz-da(-k):me-a; mí-a:me-a...lu(-lu):breeding he-goat ('he-goat' + 'she-goat' + genitive).where ?; how ? ('to be' + locative).how numerous are...? ('how ?' + 'numerous').me-a...túm: to prepare something for <strong>the</strong> sake of one of <strong>the</strong> civilized functions ('me' + locative + 'tobe suitable; to prepare').me-àm: where is ? ('to be' + locative + enclitic copula).ñiš me-dím:me-du 10 -du 10 -ga:ship's railing (?) ('function' + 'to build').<strong>the</strong> good 'me's, <strong>the</strong> beneficial functions. ('civilization's functions' + reduplicated'sweet, good' + nominative).me-en: I am; I; also a writing for me, 'function' ('to be' + '1st & 2nd person ending').me-en-dè(-en):me-en-zè(-en):-me-eš:me-gal:me-te...ñál:me...ñar:me-þuš:me-kìlib-ba:we; us ('to be' + '1st person plural ending').you (plural) ('to be' + '2nd person plural ending').used <strong>as</strong> plural suffix, especially in late <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>an</strong>d Akkadi<strong>an</strong> context texts.great office ('function' + 'great').to be fitting ('fitting thing' + 'to be').to make silent ('divine decree' + 'to set').terrible 'me's, negative attributes ('functions' + 'terrible, <strong>an</strong>gry').all <strong>the</strong> 'me's, all <strong>the</strong> functions of civilized life.me-lám/li 9 (-m), me-lim 5 [LAM]:terrifying gl<strong>an</strong>ce; splendor, radi<strong>an</strong>ce; halo, aura, light(myth.) ('divine power' + 'awe-inspiring quality; to shine').me-lám...sù-sù:me-li-e-a: 'woe is me'.me-luþ-þa ki :me-maþ:to deck with splendor ('splendor' + 'to strew, furnish, provide').a country - probably <strong>the</strong> Indus valley civilization in Pakist<strong>an</strong>.<strong>the</strong> high 'me's, <strong>the</strong> high functions ('function' + 'high, exalted').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 119

me-na-àm:me-na-šè:me-nam-nun-na:me-ni-da:me-nì-galam:when? ('to be' + èn, 'time; until' + enclitic copula).how long? ('to be' + èn, 'time; until' + terminative).<strong>the</strong> (god-given) 'me' of royalty ('function' + 'rulership' + genitive).along with himself ('to be' + 'self' + 'with').perfected 'me's ('functions' + 'thing' + 'artistic, complicated').me-re: Emesal dialect for ñìri.me-šár-ra; me-ša-ra: all <strong>the</strong> 'me's ('functions' + 'totality; to be numerous' + nominative).me-šè: where to?, to where ? ('to be' + terminative).me-te: fitting thing; suitability; unique; ornament; proper dress ('function' + 'to meet').me-te-bi-im:me-te-ñál-sañ-ñi 6 -ga:to suit, befit ('to be its fitting thing').adornment of <strong>the</strong> black-headed people, such <strong>as</strong> national totems,tatoos, costumes or o<strong>the</strong>r symbols of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>s ('ornament' + 'to be' + '<strong>the</strong> black-headed' + genitive).me(-da)...tùm:how will X attain or succeed ('function' + comitative + 'to obtain').mè-šen(-šen-na): battle; war ('battle' + 'copper implement').men-<strong>an</strong>-uraš-a:crown of heaven <strong>an</strong>d earth ('crown' + 'heaven' + 'earth' + genitive).men-dalla: beaming crown ('crown' + 'beam, ray; to be bright').men-ri-ba; men-rib-ba: supreme crown ('crown' + 'supreme').men-sañ:head-crown ('crown' + 'head'; cf., sañ-men).mi-ir: Emesal dialect for ñíri, 'scorpion'.mi-rí: (cf., mer).ñiš mi-rí-tum: a musical instrument (lo<strong>an</strong>word).(ñiš) MI(-si)-saþar(-ra) (ku6) :(ñiš) mi-tum:+ genitive/locative).mí-a: (cf., me-a).mí...dug 4 /du 11 /e:a mace (Akkadi<strong>an</strong>, miitum, 'dead m<strong>an</strong>').sieve; moray eel (?) ('dark'(?) + 'ray-like; to fill' + 's<strong>an</strong>d, sediment'to praise; to h<strong>an</strong>dle gently, caress, rub; to take great care with (often with -ni-)('female' + 'to speak, do').MÍ-eden-na:MÍ-gir:MÍ-u 5 -a:MÍ-u 8 :mí-ús-sá:she-<strong>as</strong>s of <strong>the</strong> steppe ('female' + 'steppe' + genitive).heifer, young cow ('female' + 'young heifer').selected for breeding ('female' + 'to mount' + nominative).ewe lamb ('female' + 'ewe').bride ?; son-in-law ? ('wom<strong>an</strong>' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value').mí-ús-sá-tur: son-in-law ('wom<strong>an</strong>' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value' + 'young, little').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 120

iti min-èš:mu-X:calendar month 7 at Umma during Ur III.year X (indicates a date according to a notable event that occurred during <strong>the</strong> year).mu-...-a(k)-šè: because (in a nominalized sentence); for somebody's sake ('name' + genitive +terminative).mu-dili-dili: individual entries (in a lexical series) ('entry, line on a tablet' + reduplicated 'single').mu-dù-ù-bi:mu-dur 7 [BU](-ra):mu-gub:all year long ('year' + 'to work' + 'after' + 'it').dirt; dirty (rags).<strong>as</strong>signed lines ('word, sentence' + 'to set down').mu þé-ñál-la: a year of abund<strong>an</strong>ce ('year' + 'overflow; abund<strong>an</strong>ce' + genitive).mu-im-ma:mu-lá: (cf., gal 5 -la).mu-mu-a:mu...pàd/pà:mu-lugal...pàd/pà:l<strong>as</strong>t year ('year' + 'l<strong>as</strong>t, previous').among all names = among known persons (reduplicated 'name' + locative).mu-ru(-b): (cf., murub 4 , múru).mu(-šè)...sa 4 :to invoke; to choose ('name' + 'to call, swear').to swear by <strong>the</strong> king's name ('name' + king + 'to call, swear').to name; to give <strong>as</strong> name ('name' (+ terminative) + 'to name').mu-sar-ra: (royal) inscription ('name, word' + 'to write' + nominative).túg mu-sír-ra: mourning garment ('garment' + personal prefix + 'weak, feverish' + nominative).mu-ša-lum: mirror (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word).mu...šè:iti mu-šu-du 7 :mu-tuku:mu-túm:mu-ú-a:mu-ud-na:mu-ús-sa:because ('name' + terminative).calendar month 9 at Lagaš during Ur III.to be famous ('name' + 'to have').delivery (personal prefix + 'to bring').this year ('year' + ? + nominative).spouse (mud, 'to give birth' + 'hum<strong>an</strong> being').<strong>the</strong> following year ('year' + 'to follow' + nominative).mú-mú: always being reborn (such <strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> moon) (reduplicated 'to ignite; to sprout, appear').mu 6 [PA]-sùb: shepherd (PA <strong>as</strong> mu 6only occurs in this compound + 'shepherd').mud-ñál:begetter ('to give birth' + 'to be').mug...dun: to sort out <strong>the</strong> tow (from <strong>the</strong> usable, longer fibers) ('tow' + 'to heap up').mun-du:mun-gazi:emmer groats; morning meal (time); <strong>an</strong> acceptable food offering for <strong>the</strong> dead (Akk. mundu).spices; <strong>an</strong> industrial process of reducing <strong>the</strong> volume of goods by pulverizing until 'like salt'('salt' + 'c<strong>as</strong>sia spice').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 121

mur-gig:mur-gu 4 :iti munu 4 -gu 7 :munus-kar-ke 4 :murgu-ba:múrgu[LUM]-...-ta:iti murub 4 :paralysis (?); lung c<strong>an</strong>cer (?) ('lungs' + 'illness; to be sick, painful').fodder, forage, feed ('fodder' + 'domestic ox').calendar month 5 at Lagaš during Ur III.(cf., (munus) kar-kid).turtle carapace, shell - used <strong>as</strong> a mixing bowl or trough ('back' + 'turtle').after ('back' + ablative).calendar month 4 at Umma during Ur III.muš-da-gur 4 : gecko, lizard ('reptile'+ 'arms, sides' + 'plump, big').múš...dub: comb or set hair ('appear<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to heap up').mùš...de 6 /túm:mùš-me:mušen-dù:na-ab-bé-a:to stop working; to ce<strong>as</strong>e ('appear<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to prepare').face, features ('face, appear<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to say, tell').fowler ('bird' + 'to mould').thus does he/she speak (affirmative + î, conjugation prefix + b, in<strong>an</strong>imate pronominalprefix + e, 'to speak' in marû singular + e, 3rd person marû singular subject marker + nominal).na-áñ-gi 4 -in:na...de 5 [RI]:slavery ('hum<strong>an</strong> being' + 'to check, me<strong>as</strong>ure' + 'slave').to give advice, instructions; to cle<strong>an</strong>se; to fell trees (cf., na...ri(-g))(prohibitive/affirmative + 'to advise').na-DU: read na...de 6 or na...ri 6 , 'advice, instructions'.na-gada:herdsm<strong>an</strong> (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> naaqidum, 'shepherd').na-ñá-aþ: fool ('hum<strong>an</strong> being' + 'to deliver' + 'spittle' ?).na-izi:na-kab-tum:na-nam:incense ('incense' + 'fire').indeed.a cattle pen (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>word, indicating a place for cattle to be inseminated).na(-šè)...ri(-g): to inspect; to counsel in a friendly way (cf., na...de 5 )(prohibitive/affirmative + 'to pick').na-RI: instructions (cf., na-DU).na (4) -rú-a:ñiš ná-gi 4 -rin-na:na 4 -šag 4 -túg:na 4 -šu-mìn:nañ-énsi-ka:nañ-ku 5 :nañ-TAR:stele, dedicatory stone ('stone' + 'to erect, pl<strong>an</strong>t' + nominative).divine bed ('bed' + 'fruit, flowers' + genitive).stone weight for cloak ('pebble, weight' + 'inside' + 'cloth garment').<strong>an</strong>vil ('weight' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d, strength' + 'partner, equal').city ruler beverage ('drink' + 'city ruler' + genitive).reservoir created by erecting emb<strong>an</strong>kments off to <strong>the</strong> side of a c<strong>an</strong>al to which to divert some of<strong>the</strong> flood water within <strong>the</strong> c<strong>an</strong>al ('drink' + 'to cut').drinking water reservoir ('drink' + 'to separate').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 122

naña...dúb:naña-gaz:naña-kum:to w<strong>as</strong>h with soap ('soap' + 'to flop about, strike').crushed soda (pl<strong>an</strong>t ?) ('soda, alkali' + 'to crush, powder').crushed soda (pl<strong>an</strong>t ?) ('soda, alkali' + 'to crush, bruise').naña-si-è: sprouted alkaline pl<strong>an</strong>t ('soapwort' + '<strong>an</strong>tennae' + 'to go forth').naña...su-ub: to rub with soap ('soap' + 'to suck [away with]').nam-a-zu:medical arts (abstract prefix + 'physici<strong>an</strong>').nam-á-ñál: strength (abstract prefix + 'arm, strength' + 'to be available').nam-ab-ba: <strong>the</strong> older generation, elders (abstract prefix + 'fa<strong>the</strong>r, elder').nam-ama:nam-bára:nam-dam:nam-dam-gàr:mo<strong>the</strong>rhood (abstract prefix + 'mo<strong>the</strong>r').monarchy (abstract prefix + 'throne dais; ruler').marital status (abstract prefix + 'spouse').trade (abstract prefix + 'merch<strong>an</strong>t').nam-diñir: divinities (abstract prefix + 'deity').nam-dùg/du 10 :something favorable (abstract prefix + 'sweet').nam-dugud: heaviness; import<strong>an</strong>ce (abstract prefix + 'heavy').nam-dumu:nam-en:childhood, youth (abstract prefix + 'child').lordship; office of lord, high priest (abstract prefix + 'lord').nam-en-zi-da: true 'en'-ship ('lordship' + 'legitimate; true' + nominative).nam-érim; nam-érin: solemn oath; curse (abstract prefix + 'enemy, destruction').nam-galam(-ma):nam-gi 4 -me-a-aš:nam-gur 4 :majesty, perfection (abstract prefix + 'artistic, complicated' + nominative).collegiality, fellowship (abstract prefix + 'to return, come back' + 'office, function'+ locative + plural suffix) (cf., gi 4-me-a-aš).pride; feeling of import<strong>an</strong>ce (abstract prefix + 'to feel big').nam-guruš: youthful vigor (abstract prefix + 'young m<strong>an</strong>, worker').nam-þé:nam-þul:nam-išib:abund<strong>an</strong>ce (abstract prefix + 'abund<strong>an</strong>t').pain, discomfort (abstract prefix + 'to harm').purification.nam-kalag: strength (abstract prefix + 'strong').nam...kar: to take away one's destiny ('destiny' + 'to take away').nam-ki-áña:love (abstract prefix + 'to love').nam-kiri 4 -šu-dù-a: supplication(s) (abstract prefix + 'supplication(s)').nam-kù-zu: wisdom, expertise, cleverness (abstract prefix + 'expert').nam...kud/ku 5 :to curse (often with -ta-); to decide ('destiny' + 'to cut').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 123

nam-ku-li: friendship (abstract prefix + 'friend').nam-érim(-bi)...kud: to swear, confirm by oath ('destiny' + 'hostile' ( + adverbial force suffix) +'to cut').PN nam-kúr-re:'may PN not ch<strong>an</strong>ge it' (na, prohibitive prefix + n<strong>as</strong>al î, 'impersonal conjugationprefix', + -ib-, 'it', + 'to ch<strong>an</strong>ge' in marû form).nam-lú-inim-ma:nam-lú-u 18 /lu 7 , nam-lú-ùlu:+ 'huge').nam-lú-ùlu...aka:nam-lugal: kingship (abstract prefix + 'king').nam-luþ:nam-lul:nam-maþ:<strong>the</strong> act of witnessing (abstract prefix + 'witness').people, m<strong>an</strong>kind, hum<strong>an</strong>ity (abstract prefix + 'hum<strong>an</strong> being'to treat with hum<strong>an</strong> dignity ('hum<strong>an</strong>ity' + 'to do').purification (abstract prefix + 'to cle<strong>an</strong>').treachery (abstract prefix + 'to lie, deceive').greatness (abstract prefix + 'high, exalted, great').nam-maþ...dug 4 /du 11 /e:nam-me:nam(-ga)-me-a/àm:nam-mu:nam-mul:nam-nin:nam-nar:to exalt ('greatness' + 'to effect').may he/she/it not be (na, prohibitive + î, conjugation prefix + 'to be').should <strong>the</strong>re not be (na, prohibitive + { î, conjugation prefix + ga, conjugationprefix '<strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong>n' + me, 'to be' } + (-a)-m, 3rd. sing. enclitic copula).nam-nir-ñál:nam-nu-tar:nam-nun:why does it concern me? (a-na-àm, 'why' + 'my, mine').sparkling (abstract prefix + 'stars').rulership; position of supreme power (abstract prefix + 'queen').concert, harmony (abstract prefix + 'musici<strong>an</strong>').distinction, reputation; superiority (abstract prefix + 'noble, authority').ill-fated ('destiny' + 'not' + 'cut').deep, profound (abstract prefix + 'great, fine, deep').nam-ra-ag: prisoner of war, used for work; captivity (abstract prefix + 'to impress with a seal').nam-RI-ÞU: bird breeder (?) (abstract prefix + 'to tend' + 'bird').nam-sa 6 -ga:nam-sañ-ñá...aka:nam-sipa...aka:nam-sun 5 :nam-sun 7 :nam-šeš(-a):ple<strong>as</strong>ure (abstract prefix + 'to ple<strong>as</strong>e, satisfy').to treat with respect (abstract prefix + 'first-cl<strong>as</strong>s' + nominative + 'to do').to practice shepherdship (abstract prefix + 'shepherd' + 'to do').humility (abstract prefix + 'modesty').quarreling, bickering (abstract prefix + 'quarrel').bitterness (abstract prefix + 'to t<strong>as</strong>te bitter').nam-šilig: violence (abstract prefix + 'powerful; axe').nam-šilig...aka: to use violence ('violence' + 'to do').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 124

nam-šilig...gum/gú-ñá-àm:place' + 'it is').nam-šita:nam-šub:nam-tag:nam-tar:prayer, supplication (abstract prefix + 'cle<strong>an</strong>, ba<strong>the</strong>d').inc<strong>an</strong>tation, spell (abstract prefix + 'to c<strong>as</strong>t').responsibility, guilt (abstract prefix + 'to h<strong>an</strong>dle').fate, destiny (abstract prefix + 'to determine, decide').it is dis<strong>as</strong>trous (?) ('violence' + 'mortar/back of neck' + 'tonam...tar: to decree <strong>the</strong> fate (most often with -ni-, or -ri-, 2. sg.; with -da- indicates that severalparties are deciding <strong>the</strong> fate); to make a firm promise ('destiny' + 'to determine').nam-tar-eñir-ra(-/ak/):nam-ti, nam-til-la: life (abstract prefix + 'to live').nam-ugula[PA]:nam-ur 5 -ra:nam-ùkur/úku(-r):nam-umun-na:nam-úš:NÁM-di:ne...gub:<strong>the</strong> future order ('fate' + 'future' + genitive).forem<strong>an</strong>ship (abstract prefix + 'forem<strong>an</strong>').after that, <strong>as</strong> a result ('destiny' + 'it' + genitive).poverty (abstract prefix + 'to be poor').sovereignty (abstract prefix + 'title of respect' + nominative).death (abstract prefix + 'to die').swindle (?) ('pl<strong>an</strong>ning ability' + 'legal c<strong>as</strong>e').to position oneself ('precise' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d'; cf., ní...gub).ne-þa: rest, repose (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> neehtum, 'peace, security').ne-mur:iti NE-izi-ñar:glowing coals, fire.NE-ra: (cf., bí-ra).ne-sañ:ne...su-ub:(cf., nisañ).calendar month 5 at Nippur during Ur III.to kiss ('<strong>an</strong> inst<strong>an</strong>ce' + sub, 'to suck').ne-šè: on whose behalf ?; concerning someone ('this one' + terminative suffix).NI-dub:ni-gi-da:ni-gi 4 -íb:(cf., ì-dub).unit of sixty, thing of sixty = ba-rí-ga (níñ-ñešta).a resin ('this one' + 'to restore' + 'loins').ni-ik-tum: a resin (lo<strong>an</strong>word ?).ni-is-ku:NI-KUŠ-NÍÑIN: a vessel.ní-a:choice; a cl<strong>as</strong>s of persons or <strong>an</strong>imals; fine steed (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> nisqum).by itself ('self' + adverbial suffix).ní-ba: by itself ('self' + bi, 'its' + a, nominative ?).ní-bi(-a): (by) itself ('self' + adverbial force suffix).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 125

ní-buluñ 5 [DÚB]; ní-balañ: pompous ('self' + 'to grow big').ní...dar:to be fearful ('fear' + 'to slice, shatter').ní-diñir(-/ak/): <strong>the</strong> fear of god ('fear' + 'god' + genitive).ní[IM]...dirig:ní...dúb:ní-gal:ní-ñál:ní...gíd:ní...gub:to sail ('self' + 'to float over'; ní reading from Alster, <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> Proverbs).to relax ('self' + 'to knock down').great fear, awe ('fear, awe' + 'great').terrifying ('fear' + 'to place').ní-gùr-(r); ní-guru 6 :ní-ñu 10 , ní-mu:ní...íla:to stretch out ('self' + 'to reach out, leng<strong>the</strong>n').to position oneself ('self' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d'; cf., ne...gub).myself ('self' + 'my').imposing, awesome ('fear, awe' + 'bearing').to inspire awe; to raise oneself ('fear, awe; self' + 'to raise').ní(-zu)...lá: to diminish or humiliate (your)self ('self' + 'your' + 'to diminish').ní...ri:ní-su-ub:ní šu-a...gi 4 :return to').ní...te/ti(-ñe 26 ):to be afraid of something, to inspire fear (with -da-) ('fear' + 'to strike').coward ('fear' + 'to suck; to pray, prostrate oneself').to submit oneself to someone's protection ('self' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d, strength' + locative + 'toto be scared; to fear, respect (with -da-) ('fear' + 'to attack').ní...te(-en): to rest; to calm down; to cool ('fear; body' + ten, 'to extinguish, allay, cool down').ní-te(-n): alone; personally ('fear' + 'to be frightened').ní...tuku: to experience awe or fear; awesome ('fear' + 'to get, have').ní-zu: yourself ('self' + 'your').ní-zu/zuþ: (cf., lú-ní-zu, lú-ní-zuþ).nì: (cf., níñ).túg níñ-XXX:níñ-a-ru:(cf., túg-níñ-XXX).a consecrated gift ('thing' + 'to give <strong>as</strong> a votive gift').níñ-á-ñar: violence ('thing' + 'arm, strength' + 'to set').níñ-á-sì-ga:lú níñ-áña:well-established (?) ('thing' + 'strength' + 'to set in place' + nominative).a temple serv<strong>an</strong>t ('things' + 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure, check').níñ-ak-ak: deed; activity ('thing' + reduplicated 'to do').níñ-ba:níñ-bal-bal:níñ-bàn-da:gift, present ('thing' + 'to give').trading of merch<strong>an</strong>dise ('things' + 'to revolve, tr<strong>an</strong>sfer, deliver').a me<strong>as</strong>uring vessel ('thing' + 'junior').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 126

níñ-bún-na (ku6) :níñ-dab 5 :turtle ('thing' + 'blister; to be swollen').something held or for which responsibility is <strong>as</strong>sumed; wages ('thing' + 'to hold, hire, receive').lú níñ-dab 5 [-ba]-ke 4 -ne:níñ-dañal: teeming; wide ('things' + 'copious').níñ-dím-dím-ma:níñ-diri:NÍÑ-DU:níñ-dù-a:níñ-du 7 :níñ...dug 4 :warehouse keepers ('thing' + 'to hold, receive').created creatures ('things' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>hion, create' + nominative).supplement ('thing' + 'addition').a length me<strong>as</strong>ure.níñ-á-zi...dug 4 :níñ-DUN:a me<strong>as</strong>ure for fruit ('thing' + 'to erect on <strong>the</strong> ground' + nominative).what is suitable, prescribed, or <strong>as</strong> it should be ('thing' + 'suitable').to say something ('thing' + 'to speak').to speak unjustly ('thing' + 'violence' + 'to speak').submission ('thing' + 'subordinate).níñ-en-na: 'gentlemen's possession' ('thing' + 'lord' + genitive).níñ-érim:evil; wickedness; dishonesty; injustice ('thing' + 'hostile').gi níñ-esir-ra: w<strong>as</strong>hbowl (made of bitumen-coated reeds) ('thing' + 'bitumen' + genitive).níñ-GA: (cf., níñ-gur 11 ).níñ ga-ti: I promise it ('thing' + 1st person cohortative modal prefix + 'to keep alive').níñ gal-gal:things of all sort ('thing' + reduplicated 'big').níñ-gi-na: justice; trustworthiness; truth ('thing' + 'true, reliable' + nominative).níñ-gig:evil; taboo, abomination ('thing' + 'illness').níñ-gilim: sieve; ruining, spoiling; mongoose ('thing' + 'to twist'; cf., d nin-kilim).níñ-gu 7 :níñ-gu 7 -a:níñ-gu 7 -da:níñ-gu 7 -dè:níñ-gul:food ('thing' + 'to eat').fattened; consumption; food consumed ('thing' + 'to eat' + nominative suffix).nourishment ('thing' + 'to eat' + contraction of marû participial <strong>an</strong>d nominative suffixes).something designated for consuming ('thing' + 'to eat' + marû participial suffix).maul, used to break <strong>the</strong> clods left after harrowing ('thing' + 'to destroy').níñ-gur 11 [GA]: property; possession; property owner ('thing' + 'piled up').níñ-ñál(-la): sickle ('object' + 'to fill a storage b<strong>as</strong>ket' + nominative).níñ-ñiš-tag-ga:offering ('object' + 'to make a religious offering').níñ-þu-þu-nu: helplessness ('object' + 'helpless').níñ-igi...nu-du 8 -a: something never seen (by <strong>an</strong> eye) ('thing' + 'eye' + 'not' + 'to crack open' +nominative).níñ-íl(-l):support ('thing' + 'to raise up').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 127

níñ-im-ba: loss ('thing' + '<strong>the</strong> paid out').níñ-ka-bi ba-ak: account settled ('account' + 'its' + conjugation prefix + 'to make').níñ-kal-la:níñ-kal-kal(-la):níñ-k<strong>as</strong> 7 /ka 9 [ŠID]:precious ('thing' + 'to value, esteem' + nominative).everything valuable ('things' + reduplicated 'to value, esteem' + nominative).account; accounting; result (of a ma<strong>the</strong>matical operation or calculation) (fromAkk. nikk<strong>as</strong>su, 'deduction', from naka<strong>as</strong>u, 'to cut off').níñ-ka 9 -ak:bal<strong>an</strong>ced account ('account' + 'made').níñ-k<strong>as</strong> 7 ; níñ-gaz: half-reed = 3 cubits (Akk. nikk<strong>as</strong>).níñ-ki:vermin; be<strong>as</strong>ts ('things' + 'ground').níñ-ki-sè: funerary offerings (cf., ki-sì-ga) ('things' + 'ground' + 'to apply').níñ-kú: (cf., níñ-gu 7 ).ñiš níñ-ku 5 (-da):níñ-kúr:níñ-lul-la:níñ-maþ:níñ-me-ñar:wedge to tighten a bound join ? on a plow ('thing' + 'to separate' + nominative).belligerence; breaking <strong>an</strong> agreement ('thing' + 'hostile'/'to ch<strong>an</strong>ge').treachery ('thing' + 'to lie, deceive' + nominative).a lot; too much ('thing' + 'to be large').silence; acclaim; <strong>the</strong> 'perfect tribute' ('thing' + 'to make silent').níñ-mí-ús-sá: wedding gift ('thing' + 'wom<strong>an</strong>' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value').níñ-na-me; níñ-nam: <strong>an</strong>ything ('thing' + emphatic prefix + 'to be').níñ-nam-kù:níñ-nam-nu-kal:níñ-nam-tar-ra:níñ-nu-dùg:property made of precious metal ('possessions' + abstract prefix + 'precious metal').nothing is precious ('<strong>an</strong>ything' + 'not' + 'valued').nature ('thing' + 'fate').unple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t (things) ('things' + not + 'sweet, good').níñ-nu-mu-da-sá: nothing is comparable with it ('things' + 'not' + conjugation prefix + 'with' + 'toequal in value').níñ-nu-sa 6 -ga:níñ...ra:unple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t (things) ('things' + not + 'sweet, good').to throw something; to beat (up) ('thing' + 'to strike').níñ-sa-þa (2) : fruit remaining after <strong>the</strong> harvest; garden fruit; springtime fruit ('thing' + Akk. ,sahharu,'something small'; cf., also Akk. muthummu).(urudu) níñ-sa-sa:níñ-sá[DI]:níñ-sa 6 -ga:níñ-sám:ro<strong>as</strong>ting oven ('thing' + 'ro<strong>as</strong>ting').goal ('thing' + 'to compare with; to compete').ple<strong>as</strong>ure, happiness ('thing' + 'sweet, good').price ('thing' + 'to buy, sell').níñ-sám/sa 10 -ma(-šè):(for) purch<strong>as</strong>e ('thing' + 'to buy, sell' + nominative [ + terminative suffix]).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 128

níñ-si-sá: equity, justice, fairness ('thing' + 'straight').níñ-sig-ga:níñ-sila 11 [ŠID]-ñá:weakness ('thing' + 'small, weak').dough.níñ-šà-bi: what is in it; contents ('things' + 'interior' + 'its').níñ-šà-ñar-ra:famine ('thing' + 'hunger' + nominative).níñ-šà-te-na: soothing to one's heart or mood ('thing' + 'heart, mood' + 'to soo<strong>the</strong>' + nominative).níñ-ŠID: (cf., níñ-k<strong>as</strong> 7 /ka 9 ).níñ-šu-ñá: everything in my h<strong>an</strong>ds ('thing' + 'h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'in my').níñ-šu-taka 4 -a: objects that will be given away ('object' + 'to send, ab<strong>an</strong>don' + nominative).níñ-šu-ti-a:what(ever) one receives ('object' + 'to receive' + nominative).níñ...šub: to neglect something ('thing' + 'to let drop').níñ-túg:níñ-tuku:bl<strong>an</strong>ket (for <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal); pack-saddle ('thing' + 'cloth').rich, wealthy ('thing' + 'to have').níñ-tukum-ta(-/ak/):níñ-tur:a small amount ('thing' + 'small').something coincidental ('thing' + 'if' + 'from' + genitive).níñ-ú-rum: possession; acquisition ('thing' + 'personal, private').níñ-ú-zug 4 [KA×LI]: foul food ('thing' + 'pl<strong>an</strong>t, food' + 'to spit out ?').níñ-u 4 -da-rí(-/ak/):níñ-u 4 -ì[ZAL]-li:níñ-ul:with vowel harmony).everl<strong>as</strong>ting, persistent ('thing' + 'days' + 'long l<strong>as</strong>ting' + genitive).something for <strong>the</strong> future ('thing' + 'days' + 'to p<strong>as</strong>s' + participial marû e(d)what is fit for <strong>the</strong> cult ('thing' + 'primordial').níñ-úr-limmu: four-legged creature, livestock ('thing' + 'legs' + 'four').níñ-ur 5 -sa 6 -sa 6 : sweetness; (sexual) happiness ('thing' + ur 5...sa 6, 'to feel comfortable').níñ-zi(-šà)-ñál: living creature ('thing' + 'alive').níñ-zú-gub:níñ-zuþ:lú níñ-ZUM-DIM 4 :niñir-si:food ('thing' + 'teeth' + 'to set').something stolen ('thing' + 'to steal, rob').a temple serv<strong>an</strong>t.par<strong>an</strong>ymph, a m<strong>an</strong> who had to take care of <strong>the</strong> bride before <strong>the</strong> young couple w<strong>as</strong> married ('abride's male attend<strong>an</strong>t' + 'upright, normal').nim...ñír: to lighten; to fl<strong>as</strong>h ('upper country' + 'lightning fl<strong>as</strong>h').nin-diñir: high priestess ('lady' + 'gods').nin-EN: (cf., nin-uru 16 ).nin-išib:lustration priestess ('lady' + 'to purify').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 129

d nin-kilim:mongoose ('divine proprietress' + 'herd of wild <strong>an</strong>imals'; cf., níñ-gilim).d nin-nínna mušen : owl ('divine proprietress' + 'owl').nin ur 5 ì-sa 6 : lady, swee<strong>the</strong>art ('lady' + 'to be/make comfortable, happy').nin-uru 16 :ninda-àr-ra:ninda-ba:mighty queen ('lady' + 'mighty').pulpy dish (prepared) of green-malt ('bread' + 'to chew' + nominative).bread offering ('bread' + 'to give; to divide, apportion').ninda-bar-si: a type of bread made with bar-si emmer wheat flour.ninda-durun x [DÚR.DÚR]-na:long-l<strong>as</strong>ting bread (?); bread to eat while sitting (?) ('bread' + 'tosit, dwell; to dry out' + nominative; opposed to ninda-gub-ba, 'snack-bread').ninda-gu: a type of bread ('bread' + 'net' ?).ninda-gu 7 :ninda-ñíri:ninda-KA-gu 7 :food ('bread; food' + 'to eat').a type of bread ('bread' + 'expedition, trip').a type of bread ('bread' + 'mouth' + 'to eat').ninda-kum 4 [UD]-ma: a type of bread ('bread' + 'mortar-ground flour' + nominative).ninda-pad-rá: morsels of bread ('bread' + 'bite, morsel').ninda-sañ-gu 7 :ninda-síki[UD]:ninda-SÌLA:NIR-da: (cf., šer 7 -da).nir-ñál:<strong>the</strong> best bread for eating ('bread' + 'prime' + 'to eat').a type of bread.a type of bread ('bread' + 'liter').noble (one); authority, expert; authorities; reli<strong>an</strong>ce ('raised high' + 'to be').nir...ñál: to have authority; to be reliable; to rely, trust in (with -da-) ('authority' + 'to be with').nir-ñál-mè-a: respected in battle ('authority' + 'battle' + locative).nir-gam-(m):nir-pad ku6 :vault ('raised high' + 'to curve').a fish ? ('frog' + 'bite, small rep<strong>as</strong>t').NITAÞ-dun-gi: a type of jack<strong>as</strong>s ('male' + 'yoke' ?).nìta[MUNUS-UŠ]-dam: husb<strong>an</strong>d ('male' + 'spouse').nu-a:nu-b<strong>an</strong>da 3,5 :nu-dùg(-ga):nu-dug 4 -ga:to lack, be without ('not' + nominative).supervisor of works, overseer ('not' + 'young').unple<strong>as</strong><strong>an</strong>t ('not' + 'sweet, good' + nominative).not talking ('not' + 'to speak' + nominative).nu-èš: knife bearer - a cultic functionary ('image, likeness' + 'shrine').nu-gi-na:nu-gig:unjust; unfit ('not' + 'just; firm' + nominative).temple prostitute, hierodule ('not' + 'sick, painful').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 130

nu-ñar-ra: thriftless; disorderly ('not' + 'to store' + nominative).nu- ñiš kiri 6 (-k): gardener (pronominal prefix or dialectal lú --> nu ?).nu-kù: no money, i.e., a worthless penny ('not' + 'silver, precious metal').ñiš nu-kúš:nu-kúš-ù:door pivot ('not' + 'to be tired').restlessness ('not' + 'to be tired').nu-luþ-þa (sar) : a pl<strong>an</strong>t (<strong>as</strong>a foetida) <strong>the</strong> fetid gum resin of whose root w<strong>as</strong> used <strong>as</strong> a medicine ('not' +'to be cle<strong>an</strong>, fresh' + nominative).nu-ma-su:nu-me-a:nu-me-en-na-ta:suffix).nu-mu-da-sá:(cf., nu-mu-un-su).which is not.... ('not' + 'to be' + nominative).you don't exist ('not' + me-en, 'to be', 2nd pers. sing. + a-ta, temporal clause(cf., níñ-nu-mu-da-sá).nu-mu-un-su, nu-ma-su: widow ('she h<strong>as</strong> not replaced [her husb<strong>an</strong>d]').nu-ra: not stamped with a seal ('not' + 'to stamp').nu-sa 6 :nu-siki/síg:not good ('not' + 'sweet, good').orph<strong>an</strong> ('not' + 'wool [garment/bl<strong>an</strong>ket?]').(ñiš) nu-úr-ma: pomegr<strong>an</strong>ate (tree) (Akk. nurmû, lurmûm, luriinu; Orel & Stolbova #2122 *rim<strong>an</strong>- 'fruit').nu(-un/ub)-zu:to not know; to not recognize; to not notice ('not' ( + 'him, her'/'it') + 'to know').nu-zu: ignor<strong>an</strong>t ('not' + 'to know').nu-zu-a:unknown ('not' + 'to know' + nominative).num-saþar-ra: fly (insect) ('flying insect' + 'dust; rubbish' + genitive).numun...è/i-i:numun...ñar:ñiš numun-ñar-GUL:NUMUN-ñisal:numun-sum-gaz:numun...til:to issue seed, bring forth offspring ('seed' + 'to send forth').to sow ('seed' + 'to place, deposit').a part of <strong>the</strong> seeder plow ('seed' + 'to place' + 'to obstruct').a tool ('seed' + 'rudder').NUN.ME(.PÙ): (cf., abgal (2) ).pa-áñ: nostrils ('wings' + 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure, check').PA+DUG-um: <strong>an</strong> allow<strong>an</strong>ce, payment.crushed onion seed ('seed' + 'onion' + 'crushed').to run out of seeds ('seeds' + 'to finish, put <strong>an</strong> end to').pa...è; pa-è...aka: to show; to make appear; to let shine; to make resplendent (often with -niorbi-) ('bud, sprout' + 'to send forth' + 'to make').pa (4) -þar: wages ('small c<strong>an</strong>al' + 'coil of silver', cf, a-pa 4).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 131

pa-paþ:pa-rim 4 :pa-sa-lal-a:pa-TAR:PA+USAN:cella, inner s<strong>an</strong>ctum of a temple (cf., Orel & Stolbova #1926, *pah- "close, lock").(cf., parim).a bundle of brushwood ('br<strong>an</strong>ch' + 'bundle' + 'to lift, carry; to bind' + nominative).cut-off br<strong>an</strong>ches/twigs ('br<strong>an</strong>ch' + 'to cut off').a shepherd.pà-da: <strong>an</strong> occupation ('to find; to declare' + nominative).pa 4 [PAB]-a-da-ga:flowing irrigation ditch ('irrigation ditch' + 'flowing with water').pa 4 ...ba-al: to dig ditches ('irrigation ditch' + 'to dig').pap-hal(-la): n., leg, thigh; confinement, poverty; share (Akk. lo<strong>an</strong>, cf., þal, þa-la).v., to walk.adj., walking about, movable.iti pa 4 -ú-e:calendar month 11 at Umma during Ur III.pa 4 -úgur[SIG 7 ]: ditch ('irrigation ditch' + 'field, garden' ?).pa 5 -sig:paþ-zil:small br<strong>an</strong>ch c<strong>an</strong>al ('irrigation ditch, c<strong>an</strong>al' + 'small').<strong>an</strong> intestinal dise<strong>as</strong>e (?) ('legs; leprosy' + 'to divide; to peel').pe-el(-lá): (cf., pil (2) ).pe-en-zé-er:dùg...zil).peš-mur 7 :peš-peš:péš- (ñiš) gi:ñiš pèš-duru 5 :ñiš pèš-þád:ñiš PI-apin:a functionary; hearth tender (?); lea<strong>the</strong>r worker (??) ('bellows' + 'to cut'; cf., metaphor ina palm tree product ('palm frond' + 'ridge').very wide, spacious; physically h<strong>an</strong>dicapped (reduplicated 'womb; to exp<strong>an</strong>d; to be wide').c<strong>an</strong>ebrake mouse or mole rat ('mouse' + 'reeds').fresh figs ('figs' + 'fresh').dried figs ('figs' + 'dried').a part of <strong>the</strong> seeder plow (barig, '36 liters in Old <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> period', + 'plow').pi-il: (cf., pil (2) ).pi-lá: (cf., pil (2) ).pi-lu 5 -da: (cf., billuda).PIRIÑ.TUR: (cf., nemur x ).pis<strong>an</strong>-dub: container for clay tablets (cf., ñadub; lú ša 13-dub-ba) ('vessel' + 'clay tablet').piš 10 ...tag:pu-úþ-ru-um:pú ñiš kiri 6 :to go aground (said of a boat) ('shore, river b<strong>an</strong>k' + 'to touch, strike').<strong>as</strong>sembly (Akk. puhru '<strong>as</strong>sembly', cf., unkin).irrigated orchard ('well, cistern' + 'orchard').pú-lá: deep well ('well, cistern' + 'to be high; to h<strong>an</strong>g, stretch, reach').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 132

pú-níñ-ñìr(-/ak/):pitfall ('well, cistern' + 'thing' + 'path' + genitive).ra-aþ: to strike repetitively [with a hoe]; to shake ('to strike' + þ, 'm<strong>an</strong>y, numerous').ra (2) -gaba:rider; courier (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> rakbu).ra-ra: to flatten; to make wide (reduplicated 'to stamp').ri-ba: enormous, supreme (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> rabbu).ñiš ri-gi 4 -bil-lú:a tool.ri-þa-mun: (cf., im-ri-þa-mun).RI-ÞU: bird breeder (?) ('to tend' + 'birds').rib-ba:enormous, supreme (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> rabbu).ru-gú: to withst<strong>an</strong>d; to oppose; to move in a direction opposite to; to face (cf., lú-ru-gú-da).ñiš sa-bí-tum: a musical instrument (Akk. sabiitu 'gazelle').sa-šè...DU:ñiš sa-du 8 (-a):sa-dúr(-ra); ŠEŠ-dúr-rá/a:to ro<strong>as</strong>t ('to ro<strong>as</strong>t (barley)' + 'for <strong>the</strong> sake of' + 'to go').a tool ('net, bundle; ro<strong>as</strong>ting' + 'residue' + nominative).sa-gaz; sañ-gaz: highway robber ('head' + 'to sm<strong>as</strong>h').low-lying end of a farmer's field ('?' + 'buttocks').sa-gaz...aka: to rob (someone: dative infix); to commit murder ('robber' + 'to do').sa...gi 4 : to prepare ('mat' + 'to restore' ?).sa-þab:sa-þir:(meta<strong>the</strong>sis of zipaþ).net; bundle (e.g., of straw) ('net' + 'produce, yield').sa-KU: arms (rare me<strong>an</strong>ing; cf., sa-dúr) ('sinew, tendon' + 'to build ?').sa...lal/lá:sa-li: a type of lyre ('string' + 'true me<strong>as</strong>ure').to stretch <strong>the</strong> net; to sweep; to tie with cords ('net' + 'to stretch').sa-ma(-a)-ná: skin dise<strong>as</strong>e; grain dise<strong>as</strong>es such <strong>as</strong> leaf rust (Akk. sama<strong>an</strong>u 'skin dise<strong>as</strong>e').sa-par 4 ; si-par 4 : a type of net ('net'/'to fill' + 'to stretch out').sa-sa: ro<strong>as</strong>ting, burning; reddish (reduplicated 'to ro<strong>as</strong>t (barley)').sa-šú-uš-gal: huge net ('cord, net' + šúš/šú, 'to cover' + 'big').sa-tu: mountain; upper parts (Akk. šadû(m) I, 'mountain(s)').sa-ZI-ZI-a; sa-ZI-ZI-ŠÈ:terminative suffix).sá[DI]...DI:to evaluate ('value' + 'to judge').a trawling (?) net ('net' + 'to take out, extract' + locative orsá-dug 4 /du 11 : a capacity me<strong>as</strong>ure, = 24 sìla in Presargonic Girsu <strong>an</strong>d 40 sìla starting with Akkadperiod; regular "ti<strong>the</strong>" or "offering" import<strong>an</strong>t to <strong>the</strong> temple economy ('to equal in value' + 'to effect').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 133

sá...dug 4 /du 11 /e:sá-ñar:to reach, arrive, overwhelm (often with -ni-); to provide regular offerings(reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('to equal in value' + 'to effect').sá-niñin (2) :adviser, counselor ('guid<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to halt; to turn round').part of a harness (?) ('guid<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'to halt; to turn round').sá-pa: part of a harness (?) ('guid<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'br<strong>an</strong>ch; wing').sá...sè(-g/k):to plot; to pl<strong>an</strong> ('advice' + 'to apply; to compare').sa 12 -du 5 : read sa 12 -sug 5 ?, from <strong>the</strong> Akkadi<strong>an</strong> form š<strong>as</strong>sukkum).sa 12 -sug 5 ; sa 12 -su 5 [SAÑ-KU]; sá-sug 5 : l<strong>an</strong>d register m<strong>an</strong>ager; registrar of deeds;librari<strong>an</strong> ('head' + 'to lay <strong>the</strong> warp of <strong>the</strong> l<strong>an</strong>d' ?, also read sa 12 -du 5 ).sa 12 -ti-um ki :sag 9 -þul:sañ-a-ki-ta:<strong>the</strong> e<strong>as</strong>tern mountains.both good <strong>an</strong>d bad ('good' + 'bad').sañ...aka: to care ('head' + 'to do').sañ-kešda/kéš...aka:cf., ñizzal...aka).lower end of a field ('head' + 'water' + 'to be lower' + nominative).sañ šu...aka: to enslave ('slave' + 'to take captive').to pay attention (with -ši-); to admonish ('head' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten' + 'to do',sañ-<strong>an</strong>-na: upper end of a field ('head' + 'to be high' + nominative).sañ-apin(-na):sañ...bala:plow guide ('head' + 'plow' + genitive).to shake <strong>the</strong> head ('head' + 'to turn').sañ...bul: to toss or shake <strong>the</strong> head ('head' + 'to blow', cf., sañ...bala).sañ-du:head ('head' + 'to walk').sañ-du nu-tuku:sañ-dù:sañ-dub:tri<strong>an</strong>gle ('head' + 'shape').idiot, a term of derision ('head' + 'not' + 'to have').regular worker ('head' + 'tablet-recorded').sañ...dúb: to sm<strong>as</strong>h <strong>the</strong> head (often with -da-) ('head' + 'to knock down').SAÑ-DÙN:sañ-èn-tar:(cf., sa 12 -du 5 , š<strong>as</strong>suk).overseer; guardi<strong>an</strong> ('head' + 'to investigate; to take care of, h<strong>an</strong>dle').sañ-èn...tar: to notice ('head' + 'to investigate').sañ-gaz...aka:sañ...gi 4 :to slay ('head' + 'sm<strong>as</strong>h' + 'to do'; cf., sa-gaz).to topple; to close ('head' + 'to send back').sañ...gíd: (cf., sañ-ki...gíd).sañ-gú-ne(-/ak/):cupbearer (lo<strong>an</strong> from Akk. šaaqû).sañ...ñar/ñá-ñá: to proceed; to oppose (someone/something: -da-) ('<strong>the</strong> head' + 'to set').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 134

sañ-sig...ñar:weak' + 'to place').to bend or lower one's head (before someone/something: -ši-) ('head' + 'small,sañ-ñi 6 (-ga): black-headed people; <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>s ('head' + 'black' + nominative; cf., dumu-gir 15/gi 7<strong>an</strong>d ki-en-gir 15/gi 7(-r); ki-en-gi(-r)).sañ-ñiš...ra: to kill, murder ('head' + 'wood tool' + 'to strike').sañ...þa-za:sañ (<strong>an</strong>-šè)...íl:up').sañ-kal-(l):to attach securely ('head' + 'to hold, gr<strong>as</strong>p, retain').to lift <strong>the</strong> head (towards heaven); to raise up ('head' ( + 'unto heaven') + 'to liftforemost; leader ('head' + 'excellent').sañ...kal: to choose, prefer; to make foremost, prominent ('head' + 'to value').sañ...kéš: to attend to; to watch, guard ('head' + 'to bind').kuš sañ-kéš:sañ-ki:a thong connecting <strong>the</strong> yoke to <strong>the</strong> plow ('head' + 'to bind').forehead ('head, point' + 'place').sañ-ki...gíd: to get <strong>an</strong>gry (with someone: -da-) ('forehead' + 'to leng<strong>the</strong>n').sañ-ki-gud:SAÑ-KU: (cf., sa 12 -su 5 ).ñiš sañ-kul:sañ-kur-ra:trapezoid ('head, point' + 'location' + 'bulky like <strong>an</strong> ox').lock ('head' + 'thick').a foreign slave ('slave' + 'foreign l<strong>an</strong>d' + genitive).ku6 sañ-kúr[PAB]: a fish ('head' + 'str<strong>an</strong>ge').sañ- ñiš má:sañ-men:sañ-mí:bow of a boat ('head' + 'boat').head-crown (cf., men-sañ).female slave ('head; slave' + 'female').sañ-nitaþ: male slave; (grown) m<strong>an</strong> ('head; slave' + 'male').sañ-níñ-gur 11 [GA]-ra(-ak): capital on h<strong>an</strong>d ('in front, at first' + 'what' + 'piled up' [ +genitive]; sañ <strong>an</strong>d 'capital' refer to <strong>the</strong> 'head' of <strong>an</strong> accounting column in different l<strong>an</strong>guages).sañ-rib:sañ-rig 7 :(cf., sañ-kal-(l)).gift; dowry.sañ/sa 12 ...rig 7 : to donate, bestow, gr<strong>an</strong>t, give <strong>as</strong> a present (with -ni- <strong>an</strong>d -ri-) ('present, gift' + 'todeed, gr<strong>an</strong>t', where <strong>the</strong>se me<strong>an</strong>ings derive by back-formation from this compound which derives fromAkkadi<strong>an</strong> šaraakum).sañ...sá:to vie with (with -da-) ('head' + 'to compare').sañ...sal-la: to be silly (?) ('head' + 'to belittle').sañ...sar: to shave <strong>the</strong> head ('head' + 'to crop ?').sañ...sè/sì-(g): to entrust; to take care of; to pay attention ('head' + 'to apply; to surround').sañ-sig-ga:head-covering ('head' + 'small' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 135

sañ...sìg: to tremble; to move <strong>the</strong> head from side to side (with -da-) ('head' + 'to shake').SAÑ-SUG 5 : (cf., sa 12 -sug 5 , š<strong>as</strong>suk).sañ...sum: to hurry towards ('head' + 'to give').sañ-sum-sikil:sañ-šu 4 :bulb of garlic ('head' + 'garlic').cap ('head' + 'to cover').sañ...túm: to defame ('first position' + 'to carry away').sañ ú-a...šub:sañ-ur-sañ:sañ-ús:sáñ...dug 4 /du 11 /e:saþar...dub:saþar(-da)...gi 4 :to hide ('head' + 'in <strong>the</strong> gr<strong>as</strong>s' + 'to drop').eunuch; royal attend<strong>an</strong>t ('head or slave' + 'warrior').const<strong>an</strong>t; to be available; to care for something's mainten<strong>an</strong>ce ('point' + 'to be moored to').to scatter (with -da- or -ta-) ('scattered' + 'to effect').to raise a cloud of dust ('dust' + 'to shake, agitate').to turn into dust; euphemism for 'to die' ('dust' + 'to turn, return').saþar-ñar-ra: volume ('earth' + 'to accumulate' + nominative) (cf., ki-lá).saþar si-ga:saþar...su (3) :saþar šu-bal-a:saþar šu-ti-a:saþar zi-ga:sar-KA×SAR-KA×SAR:SI.A: (cf., dirig or (gi) ušub).to pile up earth; earth piling ('earth, silt' + 'to fill, incre<strong>as</strong>e' + nominative).to cover with dust or silt (redup. cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('dust, silt' + 'to sprinkle, immerse').to tr<strong>an</strong>sport earth ('earth, silt' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to tr<strong>an</strong>sfer, deliver' + nominative).to collect earth ('earth' + 'to receive' + nominative).to remove earth or silt; earth moving ('earth, silt' + 'to tear out, deduct' + nominative).a vegetable.si-BÀD-na: top of <strong>the</strong> sky ('straight up' + 'to <strong>as</strong>cend' + nominative).si-ga: n., silence (cf., sig 5 ).si-ga/ge:v., to pile or fill up (e.g., earth for a levee or temple foundation).si-ga: adj., quiet; weak (cf., sig 5 <strong>an</strong>d sig).si-ga kala-ga:si-gal:ñiš si-ñar:si-ì-tum:weak <strong>an</strong>d strong points.croiss<strong>an</strong>t ('horn-shaped' + 'large').bolt ('horn; straight' + 'form, appear<strong>an</strong>ce').bal<strong>an</strong>ce owing carried forward from <strong>an</strong> earlier account (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> šiaatum, 'to leavebehind', šittu, 'remainder, deficit') (cf., lá-ìa[NI]).si-ig; si(-g):v., to place into <strong>the</strong> ground; to calm or put out a fire; to strike down, level; tosilence.adj., silent; weak (cf., sig 5 <strong>an</strong>d sig).si-il: to split; to tear apart; to go away, absent oneself (cf., sila).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 136

(urudu) si-im:si-im-si-im...aka:subst<strong>an</strong>ce').si-li-ig:kettledrum(s) ? ('to fill' + 'wind').(cf., šilig, silig).to sniff (reduplicated 'to fill' + 'wind' + 'to do'; cf., šim-im, '<strong>an</strong> aromaticsi-mú: to have horns; horned [c<strong>an</strong> indicate a 'male' <strong>an</strong>imal if only <strong>the</strong> male sex grows horns] ('horns' + 'tosprout, appear').si-mùš:shining horns; light rays ('horns; rays' + 'to glisten, shine').si-par 4 : (cf., sa-par 4 ).si-sá: right; legal ('straightness' + 'to equal').si...sá:to do something in <strong>the</strong> right way; to make straight; to put in order; to tune (<strong>an</strong> instrument); toprepare, get ready; to yoke (often with -ni- or bi-) (redupl. cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('straightness' + 'to equal').si...si-sá:si-si-ig:to <strong>as</strong>semble in order, to march in line.whirlwind (reduplicated sìg, 'to demolish, flatten').si-šuš-nu: a sea creature ('<strong>an</strong>tennae' + 'to go down' + 'do not').si 4 -lum:sig-sig:a garden pl<strong>an</strong>t ('reddish' + 'to grow luxuri<strong>an</strong>tly').narrow (reduplicated 'small').sig...ñar: to prostrate onself ('low' + 'to set').síg-ba:síg-bar:síg-babbar:wool allotment, ration ('hair; wool' + 'share, rations').loosely h<strong>an</strong>ging hair ('hair' + 'to uncover, expose').white wool ('hair; wool' + 'white').síg ga-zum-aka(-a): carded wool.síg...peš 5 :to card wool ('hair, wool' + 'to comb <strong>an</strong>d cle<strong>an</strong>').síg-sur(-ra): spun wool ('hair; wool' + 'to spray out, expel' + nominative).síg-ud 5 :sìg...dug 4 /du 11 /e:sìg-sìg:sig 4 -áb:sig 4 -al-ur 5 -ra:sig 4 -<strong>an</strong>še...gub:sig 4 -ba:sig 4 -báþar(-ra):iti sig 4 -ga:goat's hair ('hair' + 'she-goat').to be destroyed ('stroke, blow' + 'to apply').whirlwind (reduplicated sìg, 'to demolish, flatten').half-brick ('brick' + 'cow' = 'cow pat').kiln-burnt brick(s) (cf., ízi-ur 5, 'coal').to stack a brick pile ('brick' + 'donkey' + 'to set').turtle shell (?) ('brick; wall' + 'turtle').iti sig 4 - ñiš ì-šub-ba-ñar:baked brick (?) or potter's brick(?) ('brick' + 'potter' + genitive).calendar month 3 at Nippur during Ur III.calendar month 2 at Umma during Ur III.<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 137

sig 4 ; sig 14 ; še 25 ; še 26 ...gi 4 :<strong>an</strong>swer').to resound; to shout; to howl (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('walls' + 'tosig 4 -gi 4 -a: roaring ('to resound' + nominative).sig 7 -sig 7 :to be beautiful (reduplicated 'to be beautiful, ple<strong>as</strong>ing').sig 14 [KA×LI]..gi 4 : (cf., sig 4 ...gi 4 ).sila-kúr...dab 5 /díb:sìla-bàn-da:sila 4 -ga-sub-ba:sila 4 -gub:sila 4 -nim:to take a different way ('street' + 'different' + 'to take'/'to traverse').small sìla-vessel ('liter' + 'junior').milk suckling lamb ('lamb' + 'milk' + 'to suck' + nominative).offspring (children or of flocks); mature young of <strong>an</strong>imals ('lambs' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').early spring lamb ('lamb' + 'early').sila 4 -nitaþ: lamb buck ('lamb' + 'male').silim...dug 4 /du 11 /di/e: to greet, say "Hello" ('health' + 'to speak').silim-šè gù...dé:silim...sum:to greet, say "Hello" ('health' + 'regarding' + 'to call, say').to greet, say "Hello" ('greeting' + 'to give').sipad-ama-[ŠA.]GAN: shepherd of mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>an</strong>imals ('shepherd' + 'mo<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to bring forth').sipad-amar-ru-ga: shepherd of brought back (?) ('shepherd' + 'young ones' + rúg, 'to restore' +genitive).sipad-udu-siki-ka:siskur...e:su-a: cat (cf., sug 8 ).su-búru:su-din(-dal) mušen :su-din:su-gu 7 /kú:su (3) -þé[GAN]:su-lá-a:su-lim:su (11) -lum...mar:sulummar).su-ub: (cf., sub).su-zìg/zi...ri:su...zìg/zi:rise').su-zi: terror.shepherd of wool sheep ('shepherd' + 'sheep' + 'wool' + double genitive).to say a prayer [often introduces direct, quoted speech in <strong>the</strong> texts] ('prayer' + 'to speak').quicks<strong>an</strong>d, quagmire ('to immerse' + 'to dissolve, loosen').bat ('body' + 'to cure'; Akk. s/šu(t)tinnu).butterfly; part of a wagon or plough (cf., ñiš šudun).skin dise<strong>as</strong>e ('flesh, skin' + 'to eat, consume').a type of copper; slag; borax (?) powder ('to stretch' + 'to support').salted or cured meat ('flesh' + 'to h<strong>an</strong>g' + nominative).awesome radi<strong>an</strong>ce, splendor (Akk. šalummatu, šalummu).to disgrace, treat with contempt, mock ('body' + 'm<strong>an</strong>ure' + 'to coat, apply'; cf.,to scare ('gooseflesh' + 'to put into').to have/give gooseflesh; to be afraid of (with -da-) ('flesh' + zìg, zi, 'to st<strong>an</strong>d up,<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 138

su (3) -ud:(cf., sud).sù-ga: deceitful(ly) (cf., sug 4 ).sù(-ud)-áña:diamond ?; electrum ?; br<strong>as</strong>s ? ('to be l<strong>as</strong>ting; to rejoice' + 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure, check').sù-rá: far-reaching ('far away' + 'to go'/indicator of ð phoneme in sud).su 6 -nam-ti-la:su 6 -za-gìn(-na):gi su 7 -su 7 :beard of life ('beard' + 'life' + genitive).lapis lazuli (-colored) beard; cle<strong>an</strong> beard ('beard' + 'lapis lazuli; cle<strong>an</strong>' + genitive;might be some wordplay with Akk. ziqnu, 'beard').a b<strong>as</strong>ket (reduplicated 'threshing floor').su 11 ...li 9 -li 9 : (cf., zú...li 9 -li 9 ).su 11 -lum: (cf., zú-lum(-ma)).SUD-la:sug-zag-gi 4 ...gu 7 :a quality of <strong>the</strong> ground ('to sprinkle, immerse' + 'freshness').suþ-kešda: ornament ('carefully chosen' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten').sukkal-maþ:sum-GUD:sum-sag 9 :to destroy ('swamp' + 'territory' + 'to surround' + 'to finish off').vizier, prime minister, 'minister of <strong>the</strong> interior' ('minister' + 'gr<strong>an</strong>d').a type of onion ('onion' + 'robust like a bull').a type of onion ('onion' + 'good, ple<strong>as</strong>ing').sum-sikil: garlic ('onion' + 'pure, concentrated').sum-tab-ba:binding double sheaf ('to give' + 'double' + nominative).sum-za-þa-ti/din: (cf., za-þa-ti/din).sún-si-mú: horned (or male) aurochs cow ('aurochs cow' + 'horned').ša-ga-ru:a kind of copper.ša-ra: syllabic spelling for šár-ra, 'numerous'.ša-ra(-g): to dry up, wi<strong>the</strong>r ('to dry up' + 'inundation').ša-ra-ab-du: (cf., šár-ra-ab-du).ŠÀ.ÁB: creation ('womb' + 'cow').šà-a-bar-ra:b<strong>as</strong>tard ('womb' + locative or 'seed' + 'to be foreign' + nominative).šà...bala: to breed ('womb' + 'to revolve, deliver').šà-bal-bal:descend<strong>an</strong>t, offspring ('womb' + reduplicated 'to revolve, deliver').ku6 šà-bar: cle<strong>an</strong>ed fish ('intestines' + 'to cut open, remove').šà-bi-ta:credit tr<strong>an</strong>sactions followed by zi-ga[-àm]) ('contents' + 'its' + 'from').šà-da: voluntarily ('heart' + 'with').šà...dab 5 :<strong>the</strong>refrom; deducted from <strong>the</strong> state-bestowed capital debt (usually precedes account ofto be <strong>an</strong>gry ('heart, stomach' + 'to gr<strong>as</strong>p, clench').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 139

šà...dar:šà-diñir-re-e-ne:to be afraid ('stomach' + 'to slice', cf., ní...dar).šà...diri: to overeat ('stomach' + 'to exceed').<strong>the</strong> (secret) will of <strong>the</strong> gods ('interior; will' + 'gods').šà-dub-didli: recorded on <strong>an</strong> individual tablet ('contents' + 'tablet' + 'separate, individual').šà-dùg:šà-ga-dù:šà-gada-lal:šà-gal:šà-gi-na:a term for young <strong>an</strong>imals ('heart' + 'sweet').belt ('stomach' + nominative + 'to mould, shape').linen-clad ('midst' + 'linen' + 'to drape'; cf., šà-lá-lá).food, fodder, susten<strong>an</strong>ce ('stomach' + 'enlarge').šà-gi 8 [IGI]-guru 6/7 :true heart; one's nature ('heart' + 'to be firm, true' + nominative).a voluntary offering ('heart' + 'eyes' + 'to shine, be bright; grain heap').šà-gig-ga: <strong>an</strong> aching heart ('heart' + 'to be sick, painful' + nominative).šà-šè...gíd:šà(-ge)...guru 7 :šà-ñál:šà-ñar:šà-ñar...tuku:šà...þuñ:to bear in mind ('heart' + 'concerning' + 'to me<strong>as</strong>ure').all that one w<strong>an</strong>ts ('heart, stomach' ( + 'to <strong>the</strong>') + 'a large silo').what is in one's heart, i.e., <strong>the</strong> heart's desire ('heart' + 'to dwell').hunger ('stomach' + 'to deposit', cf., šañar).to be hungry ('hunger' + 'to have').to pacify; to calm down <strong>the</strong> heart ('heart' + 'to rest').šà-þul...dím: to grieve ('heart' + 'evil' + 'to make').šà-þul-gig:hatred ('heart' + 'evil' + 'to be sick, painful').šà-þúl-la: delight ('heart' + 'to rejoice' + nominative).šà-þúl-la...dirig:to be overflowing with joy ('delight' + 'to exceed').šà-íb-ba(-/ak/): <strong>an</strong>ger ('midst' + 'loins' + genitive).šà-ka-tab: hunger ('stomach' + 'mouth' + 'to tremble; to make h<strong>as</strong>te').šà-ki-áña: a loving heart ('heart' + 'to love' + nominative).šà(-ge)...kúr/kár:ch<strong>an</strong>ge').to ch<strong>an</strong>ge one's mind ('heart, will, mood' + ergative agent marker + 'tošà...kúš(-ù): to rest <strong>the</strong> heart; to make love to; to take counsel with (with -da-) ('heart' + 'to betired; to care, worry').šà...lá:šà-lá-lá:to (en)gorge, stuff ('stomach' + 'to extend, load').clo<strong>the</strong>d (cf., šà-gada-lal).šà-lá-sù(-d): merciful; shepherdess ('heart' + 'to extend' + 'far').šà-ne-ša 4 :šà(-ge)...pàd:supplications ('heart' + 'this' + 'to grieve').to choose ('heart, stomach' ( + 'in <strong>the</strong>') + 'to find, declare').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 140

šà-sig-ga: a depressed heart ('heart' + 'low, small, weak' + nominative).šà...sìg:šà-su-ga:šà-sù-ga:(gi) šà-sur:šà...sur:šà...šed 7 :šà-tam:šà-túm:šà-tur:šà-uru(-/ak/):šà-zi-ga:to be oppressed ('heart' + 'to strike, crush').dry river bed ('river bed' + sug 4, 'to lay bare, empty' + nominative).hungry; starved; without recompense ('stomach' + 'empty' + nominative).(reed-mat) sieve ('gut-like container' + 'to press out a liquid').to have diarrhea; to spawn eggs (said of a fish) ('intestines' + 'to expel a liquid').to cool/soo<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> heart ('heart' + 'to calm, cool down').credible, trustworthy; administrative director, commissioner ('heart' + 'to be polished').field, acre ('womb' + 'to be suitable; to prepare; to obtain').womb ('insides' + 'child').šà-zu: midwife ('womb' + 'to know').town center ('interior, midst' + 'town' + genitive).excitement ('heart' + 'to rise up' + nominative).lú ša 13 [ÑÁ]-dub-ba: archivist (cf., ñadub; pis<strong>an</strong>-dub).šag<strong>an</strong>-lá:šáþ (2) -bar-gùn(-gùn)-nu:šáþ (2) -ñiš-gi (4) :peddler, trader ('a large jar for oil' + 'to carry').šáþ (2) -ñiš-gi (4) (-ì)-gu 7 -e:šáþ (2) -niga:šaþ (2) -ú:"bush pig" ('pig' + 'trees' + 'reeds').fattened pig ('pig' + 'fattened').p<strong>as</strong>ture grazing pig ('pig' + 'pl<strong>an</strong>ts, gr<strong>as</strong>s').šáþ (2) -zé-da-bar-sur-ra:spray out').porcupine ('pig' + 'outside; fleece' + reduplicated 'dot, speckle').porcupine ('bush pig' + 'it eats').šak<strong>an</strong>-kéš: b<strong>as</strong>ket weaver (?) ('large jar for oil', + 'to bind, wrap').porcupine ('pig' + 'to cut' + 'to protect' + 'outside; fleece' + 'tošár-ra-ab-du: a temple official (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> šarru, 'king', + abdu, 'slave').šàr-ra-ús-sa: body guard (from Akkadi<strong>an</strong> šarru, 'king', + 'to follow' + nominative; cf., áña-ús,'policem<strong>an</strong>').še-ba: barley rations distributed by <strong>the</strong> administration of <strong>the</strong> temple, palace, etc. ('barley' + 'portion,rations').še-ba: to be careless, negligent (cf., šub; šab, 'to fall, disappear').še-bal:barley lost in processing; grain tax ('barley' + 'to demolish').iti še-bar-ra-ñál-la:calendar month 3 at Umma during Ur III.še-bi: value-equivalence in barley (used <strong>as</strong> a st<strong>an</strong>dard) ('barley' + 'its').še-búr-ra: grain rele<strong>as</strong>ed for tr<strong>an</strong>sport, storage, <strong>an</strong>d fur<strong>the</strong>r distribution ('barley' + 'to open, rele<strong>as</strong>e').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 141

še...dé:ñiš še-dùg:še...è:to cle<strong>an</strong> barley after winnowing ('barley, grain' + 'to pour').'sweet corn tree' = licorice tree (?) ('corn' + 'sweet').(cf., še ñiš-è-a).še-er; še-er-še-er; še-er-zi:shine brightly').shine, light, glimmer (syllabic spelling of šér, 'toše-er-gu/kum: a long string of dried fruit (probable syllabic spelling of Semitic root, 'to lace,interweave').še-er...ñál:še-er-ka-<strong>an</strong>...dug 4 /du 11 /e:decorate with colors' + 'to effect').to have authority (Emesal dialect for nir...ñál).to cover with; to adorn (with -ni-) (šár, 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y' + gùn, 'toše-er-tab-ba: haystack, cornstack; a type of reed fence (šár, 'to be m<strong>an</strong>y' or zár, 'sheaf' + 'to bind,join' + nominative).še-ga/ge: favorite; to be obedient; to obey; to agree (with -ši-) (cf., sè(g), sig 10).še-GAZ:še-gibil:crushed barley ('barley' + 'to crush').new grain ('grains' + 'new, fresh').še-gu-nu: fine grains, good crops, late barley ('grains, barley' + gunu, 'load' ?).še-gub-ba: barley deposit ('barley' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d, set' + nominative).še-GUD:še gud(-rá) gu 7 :einkorn wheat ('grain' + 'robust like a bull').še-gur 10 -ku 5 : (cf., še-sañ 11 -ku 5 ).iti še-gur 10 -ku 5 : (cf., iti še-sañ 11 -ku 5 ).še-ñar:še...ñar:še ñiš-è-a:grain spent <strong>as</strong> oxen feed ('barley' + 'bull, ox' ( + dative) + 'to feed').barley delivery ('barley' + 'to deliver, deposit').to sow barley; to buy with barley ('barley' + 'to deliver, deposit').harvested grain that h<strong>as</strong> just been threshed <strong>an</strong>d only roughly me<strong>as</strong>ured with a stick('grain + 'stick' + 'to exit from' + nominative).še-ñiš-ì, še-ì-ñiš: sesame seeds; sesame oil ('grain' + 'tree' + 'oil').še ñiš...ra(-<strong>an</strong>/aþ): to thresh grain by beating with a flail ('grain + 'stick' + 'to strike').iti še-íl-la:še...lá:calendar month 12 at Lagaš during Ur III.to carry grain; to winnow grain ('grain' + 'to lift').še-li: pine or juniper seeds ('grain corn' + 'juniper').še-LÚ sar : cori<strong>an</strong>der ('grain corn' + 'm<strong>an</strong> or m<strong>an</strong>y') [ŠELU archaic frequency: 28].še-lum-lum:še-muš (5) :barley sprouts ('grain corn' + 'juniper').bitter grain ('grain' + 'bitter').še-na mušen : (cf., sim, sín mušen ).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 142

še-numun:še-ri-ga:seed ('grain' + 'seed').gle<strong>an</strong>ed grain ('grain' + 'to bring').še-sa: ro<strong>as</strong>ted barley ('barley' + 'to ro<strong>as</strong>t').še-sañ (11) -ku 5 :harvest ('grain' + 'to harvest ?' + 'to cut').iti še-sañ 11 -ku 5 : calendar month 12 at Nippur during Ur III; calendar month 11 at Lagaš during Ur III;calendar month 1 at Ur during Ur III; calendar month 1 at Umma during Ur III; calendar month 12 atDrehem before Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 1 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3.še...su-ub:še...ša 4 :še...šub:še...ús:še...zil-zil(-la):ŠÈ-ba-<strong>an</strong>:to harvest barley ('barley' + 'to suck').to mo<strong>an</strong> ('grain; tiny' + 'to mourn').to thresh grain by beating ('barley' + 'to throw').'treading' by <strong>an</strong>imals <strong>as</strong> a way of threshing grain ('barley' + 'to drive; to follow').to dehusk barley ('barley' + reduplicated 'to peel').a me<strong>as</strong>ure for fish ('portion' + 'a me<strong>as</strong>ure'; cf., ba-<strong>an</strong>).še 10 ...dúr: to fart ('excrement' + 'to break wind').še 25 /še 26 ...gi 4 : (cf., sig 4 ...gi 4 ).šen-šen: combat, strife (reduplicated 'mirror' or 'shield' ?).šer 7 -da:šeš-bàn-da:iti šeš-da-gu 7 :capital offense; crime; blame; punishment.younger bro<strong>the</strong>r ('bro<strong>the</strong>r' + 'young, junior').calendar month 2 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 3 at Drehem after Šu-Sin3; calendar month 3 at Ur during Ur III.ŠEŠ-dúr-rá/a: (cf., sa-dúr(-ra)).šeš-gal:šika-ri:šim-gam-gam(-ma):to shrivel').šim-gig:šim-im:lú šim-nañ:older bro<strong>the</strong>r ('bro<strong>the</strong>r' + 'large').shattered potsherds ('potsherd' + 'to break open; to throw away').<strong>an</strong> aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce - turpentine (?) ('aromatic resin' + reduplicated 'to bend;fr<strong>an</strong>kincense - used in making medicinal pl<strong>as</strong>ters ('aromatic resin' + 'to be sick').<strong>an</strong> aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce ('aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'wind'; cf., si-im-si-im...ak, 'to sniff').spice drinkers (?) ('spice' + 'to drink').šim-PI-PI: <strong>an</strong> aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce.šim-su-SÁ: cologne, perfume (?) ('aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'body' + 'to equal, compete with').ŠIM×KÚŠU:šìr-kug:ambergris ('aromatic subst<strong>an</strong>ce' + 'turtle; whale ?').sacred song; inc<strong>an</strong>tation ('song' + 'sacred, holy').šìr...áña: to sing; to cry (out) ('song' + 'to mete out').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 143

šìr-ra-nam-en-na; šìr-re-nam-nir-ra: song of lordship ('song' + 'lordship' +genitive).ñiš/urudu šìr-šìr:šu-a-gi-na:šu...aka:chain (probable Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong> word).regular, daily offering ('h<strong>an</strong>d; portion' + locative + 'steady' + nominative).to take captive ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to do').šu-bal...aka: to alter; to tamper; to set <strong>as</strong>ide ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to ch<strong>an</strong>ge' + 'to do').šu-gibil-gibil...aka:to renew ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to renovate' + 'to renovate' + 'to do').šu/šú-luþ...aka: to cle<strong>an</strong> (a c<strong>an</strong>al) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to cle<strong>an</strong>' + 'to do').šu...ba:šu...bad:šu...bal:šu...bar:(cf., šu...bad, šu...bar).to rele<strong>as</strong>e ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to open').to alter; to tamper; to set <strong>as</strong>ide ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to ch<strong>an</strong>ge').to rele<strong>as</strong>e, let loose ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to open, rele<strong>as</strong>e').šu...búru: to open <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to open').šu-da: h<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d forearm, <strong>as</strong> a unit of me<strong>as</strong>urement, ell/cubit (cf., kùš) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'arm').šu-dab (5) (-ba):šu...dab (2,4,5) :sale ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to cl<strong>as</strong>p, take away' + nominative).to take or accept ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to hold, take, receive').šu-kíñ...dab (5) : to perform a service; to kneel down ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'order, t<strong>as</strong>k' + 'to hold/seize').šu...dag:šu...dar:šu...de 6 :šu-dim 4 -ma:šu-dù-a:šu...dù:šu-þul...dù:šu...du 7 :šu...du 8 :šu-du 8 -a:to roam about; to run away ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to roam').to slaughter (redupl. cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to slice, split, shatter').to set to work ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to bring').loyal ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'subservient' + nominative).length me<strong>as</strong>ure of 10 fingers = 16.666 cm. ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'to stack').to bind <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds; to apply one's h<strong>an</strong>ds to ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten').to destroy ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'evil' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>ten').to embellish; to put on <strong>the</strong> finishing touches; to complete; to make perfect (with -ta-)(reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to complete').to hold in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d (with -ni- or bi-) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to open').guar<strong>an</strong>tee ('to hold' + nominative).šu-du 8 -a...DU(de 6 /túm): to act <strong>as</strong> guar<strong>an</strong>tor for ('guar<strong>an</strong>tee' + 'to bring, carry').šu...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to touch; to place, put ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to effect').šu(-dañal)...dug 4 /du 11 /e: to supply, to provide (generously) with (with -ni-) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' ( +'wide, copious') + 'to effect').šu líl-lá...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to be haunted ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'spirit of a place' + 'to effect').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 144

šu pe-el lá...dug 4 /du 11 /e: to de<strong>file</strong>; to be de<strong>file</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + pil, 'to be/make dirty, de<strong>file</strong>d' +'to penetrate, pierce' + 'to effect').šu sá...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to attain ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to reach, arrive').šu sùþ-a...dug 4 /du 11 /e: to confuse, disconcert; to be confused ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'in confusion' + 'toeffect').šu-tag...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to adorn; to decorate (with -ni-); to sprinkle; to paint ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'toweave, decorate, strike' + 'to effect').šu ùþ-a...dug 4 /du 11 /e:šu-dul 5 :iti šu-eš-ša:šu-gána:(cf., šudun).(cf., šu sùþ-a...dug 4 /du 11 /e).calendar month 8 at Drehem before Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 9 at Ur during Ur III.agricultural tool ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'field').šu-gi (4) : old ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to return' ?, 'to lock up' ?, 'reed-like' ?).šu(-a)...gi 4 :return').šu-gíd:šu...gíd:out').šu...gu 4 -gu 4 -ud:šu...gur:šu...ñál:šu-ñar:šu...ñar:to bring back; to lead back; to repay; to repeat; to <strong>an</strong>swer ('h<strong>an</strong>d' ( + locative) + 'todues; general obligation ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to reach out; to me<strong>as</strong>ure out').to accept; to observe/inspect <strong>the</strong> offering <strong>an</strong>imal (cf., šu-maš-gíd-gíd; 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to reachto jumpily move around ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to leap, d<strong>an</strong>ce').to roll; to wrap; to wipe ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'circular motion').to hold by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to place in').effect ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to deliver').to perform a t<strong>as</strong>k; to carry out; to be favorable; to ce<strong>as</strong>e doing something (with -ta-)('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to deliver').šu(-a/šè)...ñar: to be/place in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d; to subdue ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + locative/terminative + 'to deliver').šu-šu...ñar:šu-þa: robber (cf., šu-ku 6 (-d)).šu...þa-za:to gr<strong>an</strong>t a pardon ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to deliver').to hold in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to hold, gr<strong>as</strong>p').šu-þal-la: open h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to divide, distribute' + nominative).šu...þu-uz:(lú) šu-i: barber ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to sprout' ?).šu-íl-la (2) :šu...íl:šu...kar (2) :ñiš šu-kár:to ro<strong>as</strong>t; to burn ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to rage at') (cf., šu...ru-uz).prayer (h<strong>an</strong>d-raising) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to raise' + nominative).to build; to grow rich ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to raise').to take away; to withdraw ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to take away').tools, parts, components ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to encircle, besiege').šu ki-in-dar: full of cracks ('h<strong>an</strong>dful' + 'crevices').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 145

ñiš šu-KIN:gi šu-KIN:sickle ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'work, t<strong>as</strong>k'; cf., saña 11/siñ 18, 'to cut, break, harvest').faggot of reeds ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'work, t<strong>as</strong>k'; cf., saña 11/siñ 18, 'to cut, break, harvest').šu-ku 6 (-d): fisherm<strong>an</strong> ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'fish' + ?; should read ešsad x?).šu(-a)-lá: paralyzed, folded, idle (said of h<strong>an</strong>ds) ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + locative + 'to bind, diminish').šu-lá-a:šu...lal/lá-lá:entrusted ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'to hold' + nominative).to de<strong>file</strong>; to reach; to bind (<strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds); to wring <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to pierce,penetrate; to stretch; to bind; to hold').šu-šè...lal/lá:šu (4) -luþ:lú šu-luþ-þa:šu-maš-gíd-gíd:ŠU-ME-EREN:šu...mú:na4 šu-na:to hold in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d, suspend from <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to bind, hold, h<strong>an</strong>g').ritual cle<strong>an</strong>sing, purification ritual, lustration ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to cle<strong>an</strong>').purification ritual m<strong>an</strong>, lustration priest ('ritual cle<strong>an</strong>sing' + nominative).diviner; omen (cf., šu...gíd; 'h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'goat kid' + reduplicated 'to reach out').cypress resin (cf., (ñiš) šu-úr-me).to enlarge; to exp<strong>an</strong>d (with -ni-); to pray (with dative) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to grow').pestle ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'stone').ŠU+NIÑIN: gr<strong>an</strong>d total ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'circle, whole') [? ŠUNIGIN archaic frequency: 1].ŠU+NÍÑIN:šu...niñin:subtotal ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'circle, whole').to proceed; to hurry ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to make <strong>the</strong> rounds').šu-nim-ma: early to work ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'early' + nominative).(ñiš) šu-nir:iti šu-numun:šu...peš:šu...ra:šu...ri:st<strong>an</strong>dard; emblem with woolen streamers; totemic device ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to raise high').calendar month 4 at Lagaš during Ur III; calendar month 4 at Nippur during Ur III.to exp<strong>an</strong>d; to spread out ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'womb; to exp<strong>an</strong>d').to knead clay <strong>an</strong>d form it into a tablet; to er<strong>as</strong>e ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to beat, stir').to wring <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds over (with -ši-) ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'to place against').šu-ri (2) (-a): one-half ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to take, remove' + nominative).šu...ru-uz:šu...sañ 11 /siñ 18 :to burn; to ro<strong>as</strong>t; to glow (cf., šu...þu-uz).šu-si: finger ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'horn, ray, <strong>an</strong>tenna').šu(-a)...si:šu-šè...si:šu si...sá:šu...si-ig:šu...sìg(-sìg):šu...su-ub:to rub ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to make a harvesting motion').to fill <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>ds (with) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + locative + 'to fill').to h<strong>an</strong>d over; to deliver ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'towards' + 'to fill').to do things to perfection; to see that all is right ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'right; legal').to hit with <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to strike down, silence').to wave <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to beat rhythmically').to ga<strong>the</strong>r up; to collect; to scrape toge<strong>the</strong>r ('h<strong>an</strong>ds' + 'to suck').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 146

šu...sud/sù:šu...sum:šu-šúr:šu...tag:šu...taka 4 :šu-a...taka 4 :šu...te:šu...ti:šu-ti-a:šu-tu-tu:to stretch <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d out after something ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to make remote').to give; to entrust ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to give').seizing ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'fierce, furious').to cover; to adorn, decorate (often with -ni-) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to weave, decorate').to send, dispatch (with dative) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to push').to leave (something) to (someone) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + locative + 'to push').to take (variation of šu...ti).to take up, accept, adopt; to grab; to borrow; to gain; to receive; to be taken, accepted (withterminative <strong>an</strong>d -ši-) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to approach').šu...túkur:goods, staples, etc. received ('to receive' + nominative).escape ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + reduplicated 'to interfere').to nibble or lick one's fingers ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to gnaw, nibble').(ñiš) šu-úr-me: <strong>the</strong> cypress or Persi<strong>an</strong> oak tree or its resin ('to pour' + 'tree trunk' + 'to be').šu...ùr:šu-ùr-ra:šu...ús:out').šu...zi-zi(-g):to er<strong>as</strong>e; to wipe (with -ni- <strong>an</strong>d bi-; also with -ta-) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to drag over').scraping or grinding by h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to shear' + nominative).to send, dispatch; to push or knock on (a door); to hold out in <strong>the</strong> h<strong>an</strong>d ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + 'to reachto raise one's h<strong>an</strong>d (in violence) ('h<strong>an</strong>d' + reduplicated 'to rise up').šub-lugal: subordinate of <strong>the</strong> king ('to drop; to delegate' + 'king').šùd...rá:lú šuku-dab 5 -ba:to pray ('to pray' + 'plural, to come, go').person <strong>as</strong>signed to pick up allotted rations ('rations' + 'to hold' + nominative).šul-a-lum: punishment (probably Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word from šalaalu, 'to plunder; to deprive').šul-zi:šúr-dù mušen :worthy young m<strong>an</strong> ('young m<strong>an</strong>' + 'good; true').(trained) falcon ('fierce' + 'to work').ta-àm: what is it? ('from' + 3rd. sing. enclitic copula).tab-ba:TAG.ME:partner ('to join; to be double' + nominative).(cf., šum).taka 4 ...lal: to open ('to open' + 'to reach').tám-še-lum:te-àm: (cf., ta-àm).a resin, perhaps from <strong>the</strong> boxwood ('shiny; bound' ? + 'grain, seed' + 'productive').te-en: (cf., ten).te-eš...dug 4 /du 11 /e:to put toge<strong>the</strong>r (?) (téš, 'toge<strong>the</strong>r', + 'to speak/do').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 147

te-ñe 26 (-d):to approach, meet (someone: dative); to attack, <strong>as</strong>sault; to be frightened, worried(alternating cl<strong>as</strong>s, marû stem; cf., te).te-me-en; te-me: (cf., temen).te-te(-ma): (cf., te-ñe 26 ).téš-bi:toge<strong>the</strong>r ('toge<strong>the</strong>r' + adverbial force suffix).téš(-bi)...gu 7 : to devour everything; to consume ('toge<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to eat').téš...i-i: to pray ('toge<strong>the</strong>r' + 'to rise').téš(-a)...sì-ke: to make agree ('toge<strong>the</strong>r' ( + locative) + 'to put, place, cause').téš...(nu-)tuku: to have (no) shame; shameless ('shame, modesty' + ('not' + ) 'to have').ñiš ti: strut, brace, rib ('rib').ti...bal:ti-gi 4 :to signal (?) ('arrow' + 'to revolve').kettledrum ('to approach; to <strong>as</strong>sault' + 'to return; to <strong>an</strong>swer').dug ti-lim-da: a vessel ('lives' + 'thous<strong>an</strong>d' + 'with').ti-mar-uru 5 : arrow quiver (?) (play on tu 15-mar-uru 5(?), 'flood'; 'arrow' + 'to enclose' + 'high, deep').ti-mud...ñál: to create life ('life' + 'to give birth' + 'to be').ti-na: adv., strongly ('to live; healthy' + subordination suffix /-a/).ti...ra:ti-rí-ñál al :ñiš ti-zú:tigi-nì-du 10 -ga/e:to shoot <strong>an</strong> arrow ('arrow' + 'to stab').a small bird ('arrow' + 'city' + 'to dwell').barbed arrow ('arrow' + 'teeth; flint').til-lu-ug: eleph<strong>an</strong>t ('lion-killer' ?).tir-<strong>an</strong>-na: rainbow ('forest' + 'sky' + genitive).harp of beautiful sound ('harp' + 'thing' + 'sweet' + genitive).TU-gur mušen 4 : (cf., tum 12 -gur mušen 4 ).tu-lu: to be/make loose or limp (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> tulluu, 'to h<strong>an</strong>g up').ñiš tu-lu-bu-um:tu-ra: (cf., tur 5 ).tu-ud: (cf., tud).tu 6 -tu 6 :pl<strong>an</strong>e tree or wood (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> dulbum, 'Oriental pl<strong>an</strong>e tree').inc<strong>an</strong>tations (reduplicated 'exorcistic formula').tu 15 ...dirig: (cf., ní...dirig).tud-sum:onion or garlic bulb for pl<strong>an</strong>ting ('to beget' + 'onion').túg-bir 7 -ra: torn clo<strong>the</strong>s ('cloth' + 'to rip to pieces' + nominative).túg-dim-gal(-la-k): sail on a m<strong>as</strong>t ('cloth' + 'm<strong>as</strong>t' + genitive).TÚG-DU 8 :textile fuller ('cloth' + 'residue; to bake').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 148

túg-gú-lal:túg-gur 8 /gur:bl<strong>an</strong>ket (for <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>imal) ('cloth' + 'back of neck' + 'to drape').<strong>the</strong> l<strong>as</strong>t plowing (originally LAK 483 + 'deep').túg-íb-dù: a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'waist, hips' + 'to mould').túg-ku-ru-um: mourning (?) clo<strong>the</strong>s (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> kuuru, 'daze, depression, stupor').túg-me-zé-er-ra: rags ('cloth' + 'function' + 'to tear up, break' + nominative).túg-mu-dur 7 [BU]-ra:túg-níñ-bàra-(g):(cf., mu-dur 7 (-ra)).bed spread ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'stretched out').túg-níñ-dára: loincloth ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to bind; belt, s<strong>as</strong>h').túg-níñ-dára-gála-sír-ra:pubic b<strong>an</strong>d or napkin for a wom<strong>an</strong> ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'tobind; belt, s<strong>as</strong>h' + 'vulva' + 'dense; feverish' + nominative).túg-níñ-dùn-dù:túg-níñ-lal:túg-níñ-lám:túg-níñ-sal-la:túg-níñ-ur 5 -ra-ak-a:túg-siñ 18 :a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to bring low' + 'to mould').a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to drape').a festive garment, dress ('cloth' + 'thing' + '<strong>an</strong> awe-inspiring quality').a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'vulva' + genitive).fine quality clo<strong>the</strong>s ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to g<strong>as</strong>p' + nominative).<strong>the</strong> first plowing (originally LAK 483 + 'to cut, break, harvest').túg-šà-ga-dù: cloth belt or woolen belted garment (?) ('cloth' + 'stomach' + nominative + 'to mould,shape').TÚG-TAG:túg-TAR:túg...ùr:túg-ZI-ZI-a:ñiš tukul...sìg:tukumbi...-nu:to fill or pile cloth (?) ('cloth' + 'to weave; to strike').short-cut robe (?) ('cloth' + 'to cut').to make a sacrifice ('clothing' + 'to drag').magnificent (?) robe ('cloth' + 'to spend' + nominative).to slaughter ('mace, weapon' + 'to strike, hurt').except ('if' + 'not').tum 12 [TU]-gur 4 mušen : turtle (?) dove ('dove, pigeon' + 'plump, big').tumu-mer:north, northwind ('wind' + '<strong>an</strong>ger').TÙN...bar: to hew or split with <strong>an</strong> axe.TÙN.PAD:tur...gu 7 :tur-tur:tùr-gù-nun:noble').tuš...ñá-ñá:slice, morsel of food ('stomach; lip' + 'bite of food').to eat modestly ('little' + 'to eat').little ones (cf., didi, di 4 -di 4 -la) (reduplicated 'little').s<strong>an</strong>ctuary with <strong>the</strong> loud voice ('birth-hut <strong>as</strong> metaphor for s<strong>an</strong>ctuary' + 'voice' + 'great,to dwell ('home' + 'to establish').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 149

U.GÙN: (cf., ugun).U.PIRIÑ...tag: (cf., kušu/kušum x (-ki)...tag).ú-a:caretaker, provider ('food' + 'water' or nominative).ú...bu-bu(-r):ú-du(-l): (cf., udul).ú-dug 4 : (cf., udug).ú-durun x [DÚR.DÚR]-na:ú-gíd-da:to tear out pl<strong>an</strong>ts ('pl<strong>an</strong>t' + reduplicated 'to tear out').hay or dry brushwood ('gr<strong>as</strong>ses' + 'to dwell; to dry out' + nominative).long gr<strong>as</strong>ses ('gr<strong>as</strong>ses' + 'long' + nominative).ú-gu (3) ...dé: to lose; to disappear; to be lost (ugu,.'top of <strong>the</strong> head' + 'to sink').ú-šè...ñin/gub:ú...þúb:ú-kíñ-ñá:ú...lá:to go to fetch food ('food' + terminative + 'to go/to st<strong>an</strong>d').to be deaf; to deafen.p<strong>as</strong>turage ('pl<strong>an</strong>ts, gr<strong>as</strong>s, food' + 'to seek, work' + nominative).to diminish; to stem (<strong>the</strong> flow of water).ú-làl: a sweet water-pl<strong>an</strong>t, <strong>the</strong> eating of which is a metaphor for sexual intercourse ('pl<strong>an</strong>t' + 'honey').ú-li:ú-lipiš-gig:herb(s) ('pl<strong>an</strong>t' + 'fine smelling').ú-lu-úb sar : leeks (cf., lu-úb sar ).ú-lu 5 -ši: (cf., ulušin).Ú-NINNI 5 [TIR/TIR]:ú-nu-kíñ-ñá:ú...ri(-g):nettles (?) ('pl<strong>an</strong>t' + '<strong>an</strong>ger/heart' + 'illness').a resin me<strong>as</strong>ured by volume.untested grazing grounds (cf., ú-kíñ-ñá).to collect firewood ('pl<strong>an</strong>ts' + 'to gle<strong>an</strong>; to bring').ú-rum: private, personal (property); possession (cf., ùru[-m], 'to watch, guard, protect').ú-sañ 11 :ú-sañ 11 ...zé:f<strong>as</strong>cine to sustain a c<strong>an</strong>al b<strong>an</strong>k or levee ('pl<strong>an</strong>ts' + 'to cut, break, harvest').to cut f<strong>as</strong>cine pl<strong>an</strong>ts ('f<strong>as</strong>cine' + 'to cut').ú-sal: a low-lying fertile area along a watercourse ('gr<strong>as</strong>s, pl<strong>an</strong>ts' + 'to persist').ú-sal-la...nú:ú-si 4 -<strong>an</strong>ú...sud/sù:ú-sug 4 :to lie down in security ('food' + 'to persist' + 'to lie down').evening ('food' + 'red' + 'sky').to dine; to eat ('food' + 'to sip; to sprinkle').uncle<strong>an</strong>, menstruating wom<strong>an</strong> (cf., úzug).ú-šim: gr<strong>as</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d herbs = p<strong>as</strong>ture (a <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> example of <strong>as</strong>yndetic hendiadys).Ú-TIR: a spice or seed me<strong>as</strong>ured by weight.ú-tul: (cf., udul).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 150

ú-za-gìn:ú-zug 4 :ù-a:ù-<strong>an</strong>-bar:ù-bu-bu-ul:ù-di:fresh hay ('gr<strong>as</strong>s' + 'cle<strong>an</strong>').foul food ('food' + úzug, 'menstruating, uncle<strong>an</strong> wom<strong>an</strong>').n., sleep ('to sleep' + nominative).(cf., u 4 -bar).pus, pustule; flame (pronominal prefix + reduplicated bul (4); bu (5), to ignite; to sprout;Akkadi<strong>an</strong> bubu’tu(m)).sleep; rest; daze, depression (cf., u 6 -di) ('sleep' + 'to go'; cf., ñi 6...di).ù-gul...ñar/ñá-ñá:take oaths').ù...ku (4) :ù-lul-la...ku (4) :ù-la:to pray to; to entreat (with dative) (prospective modal prefix + 'evil' + 'toto sleep (reduplication cl<strong>as</strong>s); to rest ('sleep' + 'to lie down; to enter').to sleep badly ('sleep' + 'treacherous' + 'to lie down; to enter').<strong>an</strong>ything; nothing (pronominal prefix + 'numerous').ù-luþ-gi 4 -rin: scepter of pure, bright light (?) (ù for u 4?).ù-luþ...sù:ù-ma; ù-na:to send out offshoots (pronominal prefix + 'cle<strong>an</strong>' + 'to stretch, rejoice').victory, triumph (prospective modal prefix + me-a, 'when in battle').adj., domineering, pugnacious, impetuous.ù-ma/ù-na...gub: to attain victory, triumph ('when in battle' + 'to emerge st<strong>an</strong>ding').ù-mu-un:ù-nu-ñar-ra:ù-sá:Emesal dialect, cf., en.fraud (pronominal prefix + 'not' + 'established' + nominative).sleep ('sleep' + 'to equal in value'; cf., ñi 6...sá, 'midnight').ù-sá...dab 5 : to be overcome by sleep (ù-sá, 'sleep' + 'to seize').ñiš ù-suþ 5 : fir or spruce tree or wood (phonetic spelling shows original full pronunciation of suþ 5 ,'confusion; to uproot; encircling wall').ù-sun[BAD]:ñiš ù-šub:ù-tu-(d):ù-ur 5 -re:wild cow, cf., sún.brick mold; a platform for molding or drying bricks (same form <strong>as</strong> udun, 'kiln for bricks';pronominal prefix + 'to throw, drop, plop'; cf., šab, 'to chip out, apportion out').u 4 ...(-a):u 4 ...-a-gin 7 :u 4 ...-a-ta:u 4 ...á-bi/ba(-/ak/):force suffix).u 4 -<strong>an</strong>-na:to give birth; to create ('to lie down' + 'to create'; cf., tud).all this (pronominal prefix + '<strong>the</strong>se').(at <strong>the</strong> time) when... [this brackets <strong>an</strong> entire phr<strong>as</strong>e] ('time' + nominative or genitive).while..., ('time' + '<strong>as</strong>; when').after (<strong>the</strong> time) when... ('time' + 'after').to be or do on time, at <strong>the</strong> right moment ('time' + 'moment' + adverbiallight of <strong>the</strong> heavens ('light' + 'heaven' + genitive).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 151

u 4 -ba:u 4 -bar:u 4 -bi-ta:u 4 -buru 14 :u 4 -da:u 4 -da ñiš-en:u 4 -da-tuš:at that time; in those days; <strong>the</strong>n ('time' + bi-a, 'that; its').midday (cf., <strong>an</strong>-bar).<strong>the</strong> p<strong>as</strong>t ('days' + 'those' + 'from').at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong> harvest ('days, time' + 'harvest').today ('day' + 'with, near, present').if ('today' + irrealis suffix).a clown who performed with bears <strong>an</strong>d pigs ('today' + 'to set up camp').u 4 (-bar)-dañal: extensive daylight, long day ('day' ( + 'middle') + 'wide').u 4 -gíd-da:u 4 -þuš:u 4 -imin:all day long ('day' + 'to be long' + nominative suffix).raging storm ('storm' + 'furious, terrible, awesome').seven days ('day' + 'seven').u 4 -na-me...nu-tuku:lú...na-me...nu-).u 4 -nu-dùg-ga:u 4 -ri-a:u 4 -sa 9 -a:u 4 -sakar[SAR](-ra):<strong>the</strong>re w<strong>as</strong> never ('time' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'to not have'; cf.,unhappy days ('day' + 'not' + 'sweet, good' + nominative suffix).in those (far remote) days ('days' + remote demonstrative affix + locative).half a day ('day' + 'half' + nominative suffix).crescent moon; new moon; segment of a circle; a pl<strong>an</strong>t, possibly rushes ornettles ('day, light' + 'to begin' + 'renewal'; cf., é-u 4-sakar).u 4 -sakar-gibil: reviving new moon, thin crescent moon ('day, light' + 'to begin' + 'renewal'; cf., é-u 4-sakar).u 4 -sud-ra:u 4 ...(al-)šú-šú-ru:for eternity ('time' + 'remote' + dative 'for').to become cloudy or dark ('daylight' + šúš/šú, 'to become dark' + šur, 'torain' ? + marû 3rd. sing. ending with vowel harmony).u 4 -šú-uš(-e):postposition).u 4 -te(-en):u 4 -te(-na):u 4 -tu(-ud)-da:daily; day by day ('day, daylight' + šúš/šú, 'to become dark' + locative-terminativeevening ('daylight' + 'to extinguish, cool down').morning ('daylight' + 'to approach').birthday ('day' + 'birth' + genitive).u 4 -tur(-ra): early in <strong>the</strong> day; short in duration ('time' + 'small').u 4 -u: ten days ('day' + 'ten').u 4 -ul-la; u 4 -ì-li:u 4 -ul-lí-a-ta:u 4 -za-þa...(al-)aka:u 4 ...zal:tomorrow ('day' + Akkadi<strong>an</strong> elûm, 'to come up' <strong>an</strong>d eli, 'above, beyond').from long ago ('days' + '<strong>an</strong>cient' + nominative + 'from').to w<strong>as</strong>te a day; to disappear ('time' + 'to flee, hide, be lost' + 'to cause').<strong>the</strong> day dawns; to spend <strong>the</strong> day; to elapse; to w<strong>as</strong>te time; to be late ('time' + 'to flow, p<strong>as</strong>s').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 152

u 4 -zal-la:day, morning, dawn ('day' + 'to flow, elapse' + nominative).u 4 -X zal-la: on <strong>the</strong> Xth day ('day' + 'to flow, elapse' + nominative).u 5 -a: lullaby ('raised high' + nominative).u 5 -bí mušen ; ú-bí mušen ; ub-bì mušen :whooping sw<strong>an</strong> (onomatopoeic).iti u 5 -bí-gu 7 : calendar month 3 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3; calendar month 4 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3;u 6 -di:calendar month 4 at Ur during Ur III.admiration, amazement ('to be impressed' + 'to judge').u 6 (-di)...di/dug 4 /e: to admire; to gain admiration ('admiration' + 'to speak, do').u 6 ...è/i(-i):u 6 -e...gub:u 8 -udu-þáu 18 [GIŠGAL]-lu:u 18 -lu(-da)...dul:u 18 [GIŠGAL]-ru(-n):ub-ba...gub:to look; to appear ('to look at; to stare at' + 'to be or become visible').to be wonderful ('amazement' + ergative agent marker + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').sheep; (flock of) sheep <strong>an</strong>d goats.southwind [with cl<strong>as</strong>sifier IM ]; storm; s<strong>an</strong>dstorm ('huge' + 'numerous, abund<strong>an</strong>t').to cover with a storm ('storm' + 'with' + 'to cover').exalted; high; overwhelming; mighty ('huge' + 'to send'; cf., uru 16(-n)).to deposit in <strong>the</strong> corner ('corner' + locative + 'to set').ub-líl-lá: outdoor shrine ('niche' + 'wind, spirit (of a place), fresh air' + nominative or genitive).ub-šu-ukkin-na:<strong>as</strong>sembly ('corner' + 'power' + 'meeting' + 'hum<strong>an</strong> being').lú ub 5 -kug-ga: keeper of <strong>the</strong> sacred drum ('drum' + 'pure, holy' + nominative).ud: (cf., u 4 ).UD.KA.BAR: (cf., zabar).UD.UD: (cf., babbar, dadag).udu-dub:udu-níñ-gu 7 -a:tablet-recorded sheep ('sheep' + 'tablet').fattened sheep ('sheep' + 'fattened').udu-nitaþ: male sheep, ram ('sheep' + 'male').udu-sar:udu-siki:a vegetable (?) ('sheep' + 'vegetable').wool sheep ('sheep' + 'wool').udu-šag 5 -ga: slaughtered sheep ('sheep' + 'to slaughter' + nominative).udu-šár-a: perfect sheep ('sheep' + 'totality; to slaughter' + nominative).udu-še-gu 7 -a:udu šu-nir:udun-maþ:(wool from) barley-fed sheep ('sheep' + 'barley' + 'to eat' + nominative).sheep whose wool w<strong>as</strong> used to make streamers for <strong>the</strong> group st<strong>an</strong>dards.huge baking oven ('oven' + 'huge').udun-še-sa-a: barley ro<strong>as</strong>ting oven ('oven' + 'barley' + 'to ro<strong>as</strong>t' + nominative).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 153

úgu...ba-a-ñar: to place in a person's debit account ('account' + impersonal conjugation prefix +locative infix + 'to deposit') (cf., gú-a...ñar).ugu 4 -bi; a-gáb: ape, monkey ('to give birth' + in<strong>an</strong>imate demonstrative ["In<strong>an</strong>imate are things <strong>an</strong>d<strong>an</strong>imals." Thomsen, p. 49]).ugula-àga-ús: overseer of v<strong>as</strong>sals ('overseer' + 'crown' + 'to follow').ugula-íla: forem<strong>an</strong> of <strong>the</strong> porters ('overseer' + 'to carry').ugula-ñéš-da: officer in charge of sixty men ('overseer' + ñeç, 'sixty' + genitival suffix /a(k)/).ugula-uru(-na-/ak/):ùña-lu-a:uþ...uš 7 : (cf., aþ...uš 7 ).uku-ús:ÙKU.ÍL:captain of <strong>the</strong>/his city ('overseer' + 'city' + 'his' + genitive).multitudes ('people' + 'to be numerous' + nominative).(cf., aga (3) -ús).(cf., un-gùr).ul.KU: receiver (?).ul-šár-ra: jubilation ('joy' + 'to multiply' + nominative).ul...šár:to gladden; to exult ('joy' + 'to multiply').ul-ti(-a): happy mood ('joy' + 'life' + genitive).ul 4 -la-bi:very soon, quickly ('quick' + adverbial ending).um-ma: elderly lady; witch ('old wom<strong>an</strong>' + 'to bind').um-me-da:um-mi (3) -a:genitive).(cf., ummeda).schoolm<strong>as</strong>ter; scholar; artis<strong>an</strong> ('wise or skillful teacher' + 'offices, functions' + nominative orumbin-gud: oxen hooves; oxen tracks ('fingernail' + 'ox').umbin...kud:umuš...kúr:un-gùr/ga 6 (-me):un-íl-me:un sañ-ñi 6 :to shave; to shear; to m<strong>an</strong>icure ('fingernail' + 'to cut off').to ch<strong>an</strong>ge one's mind ('discernment; decision' + 'to ch<strong>an</strong>ge').a menial worker ('people' + Umma reading for íla sign, 'to bear, carry' + 'to be').menials ('people' + 'to carry' + 'to be').black-headed people = <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong>s ('people' + 'heads' + 'black').unkin-ñar-ra: communal <strong>as</strong>sembly ('people' + 'to fetch' + 'to establish' + nominative).unu (2,6) -gal:great dining hall ('elevated shrine, fortress' + 'great').iti UR: calendar month 7 at Ur during Ur III; calendar month 10 at Umma before Šulgi 30.ur-bar-ra: wolf ('dog' + 'outside' + nominative).ur-bi; ur 5 -bi:ur-gir 15 /gi 7 [KU]:toge<strong>the</strong>r (cf., téš-bi).dog ('dog' + 'domestic').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 154

ur-maþ:ur-mú-da:ur-sa 6 -ga:ur-sañ:ur-tur:ur-ur-a...ñar:lion ('carnivorous be<strong>as</strong>t' + 'mighty').watchdog (?) ('dog' + mud 6, 'to sing' + nominative).a pampered dog ('dog' + 'to be friendly' + nominative).hero, warrior ('young m<strong>an</strong>' + 'first, in front').a pet dog or puppy ('dog' + 'small').to <strong>as</strong>semble a list, schedule, or pl<strong>an</strong> ('serv<strong>an</strong>ts' + locative + 'to set').úr...zé(-zé): to roam ('legs' + 'to cut continuously').ur 4 -ur 4 :ur 5 ...aka:ur 5 -da:ur 5 -di-da:ur 5 ...gúr:to dev<strong>as</strong>tate, lay bare (reduplicated 'to harvest').to g<strong>as</strong>p ('liver, soul' + 'to do').to be mindful, careful; to hear ('heart, soul' + 'with').ur 5 þé-en-na-nam-ma-àm:ur 5 -ra-šè:famous (one) (?) (cf., lú-di-da).to bow down (in grief) ('liver, soul' + 'to bow down, submit').thus shall it be indeed ('thus' + 'it is indeed').to be like that ('in such m<strong>an</strong>ner' + nominative + 'towards').ur 5 -re, ur 5 -e: in such m<strong>an</strong>ner, thus ('it; thus' + locative terminative e).ur 5 ...sa 6 : to be/make comfortable, happy ('liver, soul' + 'to satisfy'; cf., níñ-ur 5-sa 6-sa 6).ur 5 ...ša 4 : to roar, bellow ('liver, soul' + 'to mourn') (contr<strong>as</strong>t še...ša 4).ur 5 -šè:ur 5 -tud:ur 5 -tuku:uru-bar-ra:debt with interest ('lo<strong>an</strong>' + 'portion').domestic serv<strong>an</strong>t ('debt' + 'to be born').debtor; creditor ('debt; lo<strong>an</strong>' + 'to have').outside <strong>the</strong> city, outskirts of <strong>the</strong> city, <strong>the</strong> countryside ('city' + 'outside' + nominative).uru-kúr(-ra): (in) a foreign city ('city' + 'str<strong>an</strong>ge' + locative).uru-šà-ga: <strong>the</strong> interior city (contr<strong>as</strong>ts to uru-bar-ra)('city' + 'inside' + nominative).uru-tuš: (cf., ki-tuš).urudu-A-EN-da:urudu-nì-kala-ga:us-ga: a type of priest.ús-sañ:ùs<strong>an</strong>-mar:usu-tuku:uš-bar: (cf., ušbar).ñiš uš-bar:a type of copper.strong copper ('copper' + 'thing' + 'to be strong' + nominative).rigging (of a ship) ('side; to join' + 'bow of a ship'; cf., ñiš má-sañ-ñá).wagon whip (?) ('whip' + 'wagon').a strong person ('skill; strength' + 'to have').ruler's staff; scepter ('penis' + 'to see, show').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 155

uš-gíd-da: storehouse; gr<strong>an</strong>ary; silo (for barley, dates, oil) (cf., araþ 4 ) ('foundation' + 'to be long' +nominative).uš-ñar-ra: firm foundation ('foundation' + 'to establish' + nominative).uš-sì-ga:úš-a:unsafe foundation ('foundation' + 'to damage' + nominative).piling up <strong>an</strong> ear<strong>the</strong>n block or dam (cf., a úš-a) ('to block' + nominative).uš 7 ...dug 4 : to spit ('spittle' + 'to speak, do, make').uš 11 ...sig 10 /sì:d utu-è:to throw/inject venom on/in... ('venom' + 'to apply, put in').sunrise ('sun' + 'to rise; to become visible').uz-ga: (cf., é-uz-ga).UZ.TUR mušen : (cf., bibad mušen ).ùz-ga-nañ: milking goat ('goat' + 'milk' + 'drinking').uzu-ì: fatty meat ('meat' + 'fat').uzu-lib x [Í.UDU]:za-a-kam...dug 4 /du 11 :(ñiš) za-ba-lum:za-dím:za-e:na4 za-gìn:za-gìn:mutton fat ('meat' + 'mutton fat').say: it is thine ('you' + /ak/, 'of' + àm, 'it is' + 'to speak').a variety of juniper (resin) ('kernel' + 'to give' + 'abund<strong>an</strong>ce').stone cutter ('[precious] stone' + 'to f<strong>as</strong>hion').you; yourself.lapis lazuli; precious stone (in general) ('stone' + 'colorful').cle<strong>an</strong> ('precious stone').(na4) za-gìn-duru 5 :za-þa: (cf., zaþ 2,3 ).lustrous, shiny lapis lazuli ('lapis lazuli' + 'moist').za-þa-din; za-þa-ti: a type of onion, possibly Allium desertorium ('kernel' + 'm<strong>an</strong>y' + 'tocure').za-na: caterpillar ('monotonous repetition' + 'distinct things or selves').ñiš za-na:puppet.ñiš za-na...tag:to h<strong>an</strong>dle a puppet ('puppet' + 'to touch, h<strong>an</strong>dle').za-pa-áñ: sound; breath (za, 'rhythmic sound' or zi, 'breathing' tr<strong>an</strong>sformed by vowel harmony +'puffing sound' + 'to mete out'; cf., šìr...áña).za-pa-aþ:(cf., zipaþ).za-ra: pole, shaft of chariots, wagons, harrows, <strong>an</strong>d doors (cf., ñiš zar).za-ra...dug 4 /du 11 :za-za: (cf., ki...za).za-za-ga: marjoram or oreg<strong>an</strong>o (?).to lecture ('to you' + 'to speak').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 156

zà: (cf., zag).zà[ZAG]-þi-li(-a) sar :a condiment made from a prickly pl<strong>an</strong>t such <strong>as</strong> wild safflower ('border,beginning' + 'charm, appeal'; Akk. sahlû).zà-mí: (hymn of) praise ('territory' + 'wom<strong>an</strong>').(ñiš) zà-mí:zag-bar:musical instrument - a lyre.(metal) qu<strong>an</strong>tity left over by cutting ('percentage' + 'to pare away').zag...dib: to elevate over ('barrier' + 'to cross').zag-du 8 :threshold ('boundary' + 'to adorn').zag-è: buttress (?) ('barrier' + 'to rise').zag-gu-la; zag-gal-la: a type of chair; seat of honor ('side, shoulder' + 'great').zag...kéš: to endow with ('side' + 'to bind to').zag-munus: (cf., zà-mí).zag-sá[DI]; zag-ša 4 [DI]:zag-še (3) ; zag-ša 4 :equal; rival ('limit' + 'to equal').strength; bed ('limit' + 'to <strong>the</strong>').zag...šuš: to br<strong>an</strong>d; to mark ('side' + 'to throw down').zag...tag: to push away; to reject; to overthrow; to push off, launch ('edge, limit' + 'to touch, push').zag-uru:zag 5-ús:zag...ús:záþ-bi:outskirts of <strong>the</strong> city ('edge, limit' + 'city').a fifth (<strong>as</strong> a division) ('percentage' + 5 or o<strong>the</strong>r number + 'length').to border on; to st<strong>an</strong>d by; to set <strong>as</strong>ide ('edge, limit' + 'to le<strong>an</strong> against').adv., to <strong>the</strong> bitter end, until disappear<strong>an</strong>ce ('to perish' + adverbial force suffix).zar(-re-eš)...du 8 : to pile up ('sheaves' + phonetic complement + 'much' + 'to open; to spread').zar(-re-eš)...sal:wide').zàr-tab-ba:to spread; to heap up ('sheaves' + phonetic complement + 'much' + 'to be<strong>the</strong> work of binding sheaves ('sheaf' + 'to bind' + nominative).zé-eb: Emesal dialect, cf., dùg.šáþ zé-eþ-tur: small pig (phonetic spelling of šáþ + 'small').zé-èm: Emesal dialect, cf., sum.zé-er; zi-re: to tear up; to tear out; to remove; to slip; to break (often with -ta-).zé-meñiš zé-na:zeþ-gaba:that is yourself (za, 'you', with vowel harmony + 'to be.palm frond ('to be cut, sheared' + '<strong>an</strong> individual c<strong>as</strong>e of').sexually mature female goat kid ('female goat kid' + 'bre<strong>as</strong>ts').zi-ba-tum: <strong>an</strong> aromatic seed (?).zi-bí: a form of caraway seed (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>word, from zibû, 'black cumin').<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 157

zi-dè-eš (2) (-šè):adv., loyally, faithfully ('truth' + adverbial force suffix).zi-dè-eš(-šè)...pà-da: to faithfully choose ('faithfully' + 'to choose').zi-du: a good person ('good' + 'to walk').zi...dug 4 :zi-ga(-àm):zi-ga...ñar:ñiš zi-g<strong>an</strong>:zi...gi 4 :zi-ñál(-la):zi...ñál:to tell <strong>the</strong> truth ('truth' + 'to speak').torn out, extracted, deducted, expended; risen up ('to tear out; to rise up' + nominative).to impose a levy ('to tear out, deduct' + nominative + 'to establish').rudder, oar ('to rise up' + 'pestle').to be on good terms ('faith' + 'to restore').zi-ik-ru-um, zi-ik-rum:zikru II, 'male').zi...ir/ra:zi lugal:zi-maþ:zi...pa-<strong>an</strong>-pa-<strong>an</strong>:zi...pà(-d):living being ('breath' + 'to be available' + nominative).to gr<strong>an</strong>t life; to have life ('breath' + 'to be available; to place, put').wise, old men (Akk. zikru(m) I, 'utter<strong>an</strong>ce' <strong>an</strong>d zikaru(m) <strong>an</strong>dto be troubled, worried, sad; to be broken ('faith' + 'to lead away [plural]').oath ('breath; soul' + 'king').legitimate (<strong>an</strong>d) lofty ('legitimate' + 'lofty').(ñiš) zi-ri/rí-gúm/qum:to brea<strong>the</strong> ('breath' + bun, 'to blow').to take <strong>an</strong> oath; to conjure ('faith' + 'to swear').a device for moving irrigation water, involving a water bucket h<strong>an</strong>gingfrom a swinging beam (cf., <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> ñiš á-lá); a reed or clay pipe or pipette (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>wordziriiqu from zaraaqu).zi-šà-ñál: n., divine encouragement; inspiration; susten<strong>an</strong>ce ('breath' + 'innards' + 'to be available').adj., alive.zi-šà...ñál:to provide (someone: -ši-) with life ('breath' + 'innards' + 'to place').zi...(ši)-tum 2,3 /de 6 : to take refuge ('life' + ('into') + 'to bring').zi-zi-i:zì: (cf., zíd).zíd-bar-si:zíd-dub-dub:zíd-gu:subtracting, subtraction; to revolt, rebel; revolting (reduplicated 'to tear out').a type of emmer wheat flour ('flour' + 'to rele<strong>as</strong>e' + 'like a sprout').flour for <strong>the</strong> best ritual actions ('flour' + reduplicated 'to pour, move in a circle, shake,sprinkle off, strew').zíd-gú-gal:zíd-kum 4 [UD]-ma:fine barley flour ('flour' + 'net').chick pea flour ('flour' + 'chick pea').a type of barley flour ('flour' + 'mortar-ground' + nominative).zíd-milla[IŠ]: a coarse, cheap type of flour ('flour' + 'mountain' or 'scorching' ?).<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 158

zíd-sig 15 [KAL]:cracked barley mixed with wheat flour (?) ('flour' + 'ple<strong>as</strong>ing; valuable'; cf., kašsig15).ZÍD-ŠE: (cf., dabin).zíd-še-sa: flour from ro<strong>as</strong>ted barley ('flour' + 'ro<strong>as</strong>ted barley').zíd-za(-tum): a type of flour, zaatum flour.iti zíz-a:zíz-AN:zíz-babbar:zíz-bal:zíz...dé-a:calendar month 11 at Nippur during Ur III.(cf., imñaña).white emmer wheat ('emmer wheat' + 'white').emmer wheat lost in processing ('emmer wheat' + 'to demolish').cle<strong>an</strong>ing emmer after winnowing ('emmer wheat' + 'to pour' + nominative).zíz-GÚ-NUNUZ: a form of emmer wheat ('emmer wheat' + 'chick pea' + 'eggs').zu-a:zu-þu-ul:zú...gaz:zú-gub:acquaint<strong>an</strong>ce ('to know' + nominative).pierced (Akkadi<strong>an</strong> sahlu, 'to p<strong>as</strong>s through a hole, to thread').to crush with <strong>the</strong> teeth ('teeth' + 'to crush').lunch ('teeth' + 'to st<strong>an</strong>d').zú...ÞAR: (cf., zú...ur 5 ).zú...kešda:zú...kud/ku 5 :zú...li 9 -li 9 :zú-lum(-ma):to oblige ('teeth' + 'to bind, harness').to bite ('teeth' + 'to cut').to laugh ('teeth' + 'to glisten').date fruit ('teeth' + 'to be satiated').zú-lum...mar: (cf., su (11) -lum...mar).zú...ra(-ra): to bite ('teeth' + usually reduplicated 'to strike, stab').zú...ra-aþ:to devour ('teeth' + 'to strike repetitively, shake').zú...súd-súd[ŠÌTA]: to gn<strong>as</strong>h <strong>the</strong> teeth ('teeth' + 'to crush, gn<strong>as</strong>h').zú...ur 5 [ÞAR]:zú...zalag:to chew, bite ('teeth' + 'to chew').to show one's teeth ('teeth' + 'to shine, gleam').zur-re-eš...du 8 : (cf., zar-re-eš...du 8 ).zur-zur:(<strong>an</strong>imal) nurse; to rock, shake (reduplicated 'to tend; to rock').Copyright © 1996-1999 John Al<strong>an</strong> Hallor<strong>an</strong>. All Rights Reserved.L<strong>as</strong>t revised August 11, 1999Home page for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> lexicon: http://www.sumeri<strong>an</strong>.org/<strong>Sumeri<strong>an</strong></strong> <strong>Lexicon</strong>, Version 3.0 159

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