Prof. Galina Ryzhak St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and ...

Prof. Galina Ryzhak St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and ...

Prof. Galina Ryzhak St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and ...

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Petersburg</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bioregulation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Gerontology<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Petersburg</strong>, Russia<strong>Pr<strong>of</strong></strong>. <strong>Galina</strong> <strong>Ryzhak</strong>

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225Population distribution in the age <strong>of</strong> 60 years old <strong>and</strong>older in the main regions <strong>of</strong> the world (1960 ‐ 2020)Population (millions)10009008007006005004003002001000U.N.O. department <strong>of</strong> population1960 1980 2000 2020Developed countriesSouth AmericaAfricaAsia <strong>and</strong> Oceania

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225INSTITUTE <strong>of</strong> BIOREGULATION <strong>and</strong>GERONTOLOGY, ST.PETERSBURGEstablished in 1992, on the basis <strong>of</strong> theResearch Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Bioregulators at theMilitary Medical AcademyThe main spheres <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> activity are:‣ To study the properties <strong>and</strong> mechanisms <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> peptide bioregulators‣ To study the influence <strong>of</strong> peptide bioregulators on the mechanisms <strong>of</strong> aging‣ To develop <strong>and</strong> integrate with medical practice new parapharmaceuticals<strong>and</strong> drugs based on peptide bioregulators‐ Thymalin –treatment <strong>of</strong> immunity disorder‐ Epithalamin –treatment <strong>of</strong> neuroendocrine system disorder‐ Prostatilen –treatment <strong>of</strong> prostate function disorder‐ Cortexin –treatment <strong>of</strong> neurological diseases‐ Retinalamin –treatment <strong>of</strong> retina eyes pathology

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 122550Tissue specific peptide’s properties40*Square Index %302010** **0ThymusBrain cortexSubcorticalsubstanceLiverUrinary bladderThymus peptide+-- - -Epiphysis peptide -+-- -Brain peptide--+--Liver peptide-- -+-Urinary bladder- - - -+peptide

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225Developed products with peptidesMedicines –6Food supplements –38• on base <strong>of</strong> short peptides• on base <strong>of</strong> the extracts from animal tissuesCosmetic products ‐ 10

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225Pinealon tripeptide structure (Glu‐Asp‐Arg)<strong>and</strong> molecular mechanism <strong>of</strong> its action3D structure <strong>of</strong> Pinealon(Glu‐Asp‐Arg)‐ Nitrogen ‐ Oxygen ‐ CarbonInteraction <strong>of</strong> Pinealon with specific site d(CCAGC)in HSPA1A gene promoter region(heat‐shock protein 70 kD)

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225Materials <strong>and</strong> Methods <strong>of</strong> the ExperimentObjects <strong>of</strong> the investigation –LIO* line rats:1. Young eats (n=50) ‐ 3‐4 months2. Old rats (n=50) – 24 monthsAcute hypobaric hypoxia (AHH) was inducedby placing the rats into an influx‐<strong>and</strong>‐extractpressure chamber (0,029 МP) for 3 hours.Experimental groups:1. Control2. AHH modeling3. Pinealon administration (dosage ‐ 10 µg/kg) before AHH*LIO – Leningrad <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oncology

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on rats resistanceto hypoxia influenceThe effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on superoxidedismutase activity in the brain<strong>of</strong> young <strong>and</strong> old ratsThe effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on glutathioneperoxidase activity in the brain<strong>of</strong> young <strong>and</strong> old rats* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on intellectual brain functions in men<strong>of</strong> old age under the influence <strong>of</strong> extreme factors* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on intellectualworking capacity <strong>of</strong> sportsmen (wrestlers)* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on physical workingcapacity <strong>of</strong> sportsmen (wrestlers)* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on biological age indices<strong>and</strong> ageing rate in sportsmen (wrestlers)СБ ‐ the duration <strong>of</strong> static balance ЗДВ ‐ the duration <strong>of</strong> breath‐holding after a deep breathБВ‐ biological age КВ‐ calendar age* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The effect <strong>of</strong> Pinealon on gene expressionin sportswomen (rhythmic gymnastics)PPARA &PPARG– genes increasing the oxidative capacity <strong>of</strong> skeletal musclesHSPA1A – gene inducing the production <strong>of</strong> heat‐shock protei70 кD(anti‐stress activity).* ‐ p

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225The Russian Olympic team in rhythmic gymnastics(head coach I.А. Winner‐Usmanova)

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225CONCLUSION1. Pinealon increases resistance <strong>of</strong> animals to hypoxia<strong>and</strong> provides protection against oxidative stressinduced by it. It reveals itself through the increasedactivity <strong>of</strong> antioxidative enzymes (superoxidedismutase <strong>and</strong> glutathione peroxidase) in the brain<strong>of</strong> old rats subjected to hypoxia2. Pinealon contributes to the improvement <strong>of</strong> mental<strong>and</strong> physiological indices characterizing intellectualfunction in the brain <strong>of</strong> men <strong>of</strong> older age under theinfluence <strong>of</strong> extreme factors.

GARMONIA Ltd. – visit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225CONCLUSION3. Pinealon recovers the indices <strong>of</strong> physical <strong>and</strong> mentalworking capacity, reduced by intensive training, insportsmen.4. Pinealon regulates the expression <strong>of</strong> genesresponsible for stress‐protection <strong>of</strong> the humanorganism, which allows increasing significantly thereserve capacities <strong>of</strong> sportsmen organisms.5. Pinealon is a perspective preparation to increase thereserve capacities <strong>of</strong> central neuro system in peoplesuffered the influence <strong>of</strong> extreme factors.

Thank Youfor Your Attention!GARMONIA Ltd., RussiaVisit us at st<strong>and</strong> 1225

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