Vitafoods Europe Conference 2013 **Advance Notice – Conference Programme**
Programme 10 Jan 2013 - Vitafoods Europe -
Programme 10 Jan 2013 - Vitafoods Europe -
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<strong>Vitafoods</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2013</strong><strong>**Advance</strong> <strong>Notice</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>Programme**</strong>Day 1 <strong>–</strong> Tuesday 14 May <strong>2013</strong>08:30 <strong>–</strong> 08:35 Opening Remarks <strong>–</strong> Chris Lee, Portfolio Director, <strong>Vitafoods</strong>, Informa Exhibitions08:35 <strong>–</strong> 09:05 Chair: Professor Paul Clayton, Fellow, Institute Food, Brain & Behaviour09:05 <strong>–</strong> 09:15 Q&AOPENING KEYNOTEProfessor Ambroise Martin, Chair, EFSA Health ClaimsSESSION 1A: HEALTH CLAIMS & REGULATIONChair: Jørg Grűnwald, President, analyze & realize ag09:15 - 09:35 NOVEL FOOD AS A STRATEGIC CHALLENGE? <strong>–</strong> Inga Koehler PhD, Senior Consultant, analyze & realize• Novel food regulation <strong>–</strong> some facts and definitions• A previous regulatory black box changed into a transparent process• Novel food <strong>–</strong> strategic opportunity or regulatory burden?• Novel food approval is only one regulatory milestone, what follows next?09:35 - 09:55 EYE-OPENERS IN DESIGNING F&B CLINICAL TRIALS? INSIGHTS BEYOND THE OBVIOUS! <strong>–</strong>Stoffer Loman PhD, Senior Consultant, NutriClaim (Co-Authored by: Wim Calame, StatistiCal BV)• Health claims strategy <strong>–</strong> capitalising on existing research vs generation of new data• How to interpret EFSA’s guidance <strong>–</strong> getting into the mindset of EFSA• Navigating the pitfalls of validated techniques and established methods• How to gain from statistics beyond power calculation• Changing the mindset from cost reduction into return on investment09:55 - 10:15 THE NEW U.S. FDA FOOD SAFETY MODERNISATION ACT (FSMA) <strong>–</strong> Cornelia Rooks, Senior RegulatorySpecialist, Registrar Corp (Co-Authored by: L Fairfax)• Food facility registration renewals• Preventative controls• User fees (FDA re-inspections)• Voluntary qualified importer programme and foreign supplier verification programme• Key regulations: food, drug, and cosmetic act: registration, U.S. Agent, labelling, prior notice, LACFrequirements etc.10:15 - 10:45 Refreshment Break and Networking - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 1B: HEALTH CLAIMS & REGULATIONChair: Jørg Grűnwald, President, analyze & realize10:45 <strong>–</strong> 11:05 HEALTH FOOD SUBSTANTIATION REQUIREMENTS CHINA VS EU <strong>–</strong> Sandy Lin, Director S&R Consulting,China, Intertek Cantox• International health food and ingredient producers are looking to develop global regulatory strategies tobring their products and claims to market• After the US, China is the biggest market in the world for consumer products• It has complex regulations and strict requirements for the approval of health foods• This presentation will compare and contrast the regulatory and scientific approaches to makingpermitted health claims in China compared to the EUBook your early bird delegate place now!Call +44 (0)20 3377 3285 or book online at 1
11:05 <strong>–</strong> 11:25 GETTING REGULATORY STATUS FOR FOODS AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS IN THE US <strong>–</strong> John REndres, Chief Scientific Officer, AIBMR Life Sciences (Co-Authored by: Amy Clewell, ND, Senior ResearchAssociate, AIBMR Life Sciences; Tennille Marx, ND, Senior Research Associate AIBMR Life Sciences)11:25 <strong>–</strong> 11:45 RELEVANCE OF MICROBIAL GENOMICS FOR IMPROVED FOOD QUALITY <strong>–</strong> Antonio Del Casale, CEO,Microbion (Co-Authored by: Fabio Fracchetti; Elisa Salvetti, Sandra Torriani, Giovanna Felis)• Microbial biodiversity is largely unknown and a fundamental source for innovation• Taxonomic analysis is the basis for strain characterisation and information exchange• Strain-specific properties allow the design of (novel) foods• Modern biosafety assessment requires molecular biology data• Sciences provide deeper characterisation of specific strains which can be better tracked and protected11:45 <strong>–</strong> 12:05 POSITIVE EFSA OPINIONS BASED ON ONE CLINICAL TRIAL <strong>–</strong> Christine Alexander PhD, Head of BusinessDevelopment, analyze & realize ag• Innovative claim substantiation• One clinical trial is enough• Examples of EFSA opinions• EFSA criteria12:05 <strong>–</strong> 12:30 Combined Q&A12:30 <strong>–</strong> 14:00 Networking Lunch & Exhibition Visit <strong>–</strong> SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 2: PREVENTATIVE HEALTH & IMMUNITYChair: TBC14:00 -14:20 WELLMUNE WGP BEAT-GLUCAN REDUCES COLD & FLU SYMPTOMS <strong>–</strong> Dr Donald Cox, Senior VicePresident R&D, Biothera Inc (Co-Authored by: Dr John Blocher, Assistant Vice President R&D, Biothera Inc)14:20 - 14:40 OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS AND THE INFLAMMATION: RATIONALE AND REALITY - Professor Philip CCalder, Human Development & Health Academic Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton14:40 - 15:00 FIBRES AND IMMUNITY: THE EU PROJECT FIBREBIOTICS <strong>–</strong> Dr Jurriaan Mes, Senior Scientist, Food &Biobased Research15:00 - 15:20 VITAMIN A INTAKE IN VITAMIN A-DEFICIENT POPULATIONS SHOULD EQUALLY CONSIDER BOTHENDS OF THE INTAKE SPECTRUM <strong>–</strong> Maaike Bruins PhD, Scientist Nutrition, Sight & Life, Basel, Switzerland15:20 - 15:30 Discussion and close of sessionSESSION 3: GUT HEALTHChair: Sybille Buchwald-Werner, Vital Solutions GmbH16:00 - 16:20 CONSUMER KNOWLEDGE ABOUT INGREDIENTS FOR GUT HEALTH <strong>–</strong> Sabine Bornkessel, University ofApplied Sciences Osnabrück16:20 - 16:40 INVESTIGATION OF POTENTIAL INGREDIENTS FOR DIGESTIVE HEALTH BASED ON ANTHOCYANES ASEXAMPLE <strong>–</strong> Prof. Dr Med Phil Gerhard Rogler, Clinic for Gastrology & Hepatology, Zurich Centre forIntegrative Human Psychology16:40 - 17:00 PERILLA FRUTESCENS EXTRACT AND ITS IMMEDIATE, PERCEPTIBLE BALANCING EFFECT ONDIGESTIVE DISCOMFORT <strong>–</strong> Sybille Buchwald-Werner, Vital Solutions GmbH17:00 - 17:20 DIGESTIVE WELLNESS AND THE SECOND GENERATION PREBIOTIC/GOS <strong>–</strong> Dr Jelena Vulevic, MedicalLiaison Manager, Clasado Research Services Ltd17:20 - 17:40 SYNBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT: INTESTINAL HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE <strong>–</strong> Dr Florence Pousset, R/D,Rosebud AG (Co-Authored by: Dr Noury Jacques, Germinnopharm; Dr Allemand Brigitte, Rosebud AG)17:40 - 18:00 Discussion and close of sessionDay 2 <strong>–</strong> Wednesday 15 May <strong>2013</strong>SESSION 4: MARKET FOR FUNCTIONAL FOODS & CONSUMER TRENDSChair: TBC08:30 <strong>–</strong> 08:50 HEALTH AND WELLNESS THE TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY IN 2017 <strong>–</strong> GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE <strong>–</strong> EwaHudson, Head of Health & Wellness, Euromonitor International08:50 <strong>–</strong> 09:10 THE NEW FUNCTIONAL FOOD CONCEPTS AND PRODUCTS IN JAPAN <strong>–</strong> Ms Anna Kalmi, Vice PresidentJapan Licensing, Innomedica Ltd09:10 <strong>–</strong> 09:30 AFFINITY GROUPS <strong>–</strong> A NEW CONSUMER CHOICE MECHANISM <strong>–</strong> Andrew Cookson, Director, Gira09:30 <strong>–</strong> 09:50 FUNCTIONAL PACKAGING FOR MODERN DAY LIFE <strong>–</strong> Cindy Haast, Business Development Manager,Burgopak H&T09:50 <strong>–</strong> 10:10 PROBIOTICS CULTURES <strong>–</strong> WHERE ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES? <strong>–</strong> Dr Russell Ward, Research & MarketingDirector, Giract10:10 <strong>–</strong> 10:30 Discussion and close of session10:30 - 11:00 Refreshment Break and Networking - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYBook your early bird delegate place now!Call +44 (0)20 3377 3285 or book online at 2
SESSION 5: MARKET FOR AGEING CUSTOMERSChair: Dr Bejit Edeas, Chairman, Ninapharm Innovation Labs <strong>–</strong> Tokyo (TBC)11:00 - 11:20 AGEING CONSUMERS <strong>–</strong> OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY <strong>–</strong> Jonathan Thomas, PrincipalMarket Analyst, Leatherhead Food Research11:20 - 11:40 REVERSING / PREVENTING SARCOPENIA <strong>–</strong> Prof. Paul Clayton, Fellow, Institute Food, Brain & Behaviour11:40 - 12:00 EFFECT OF BIOACTIVE COLLAGEN PEPTIDES ON MECHANISMS OF AGING <strong>–</strong> Dr Steffan Oesser,Managing Director, Collagen Research Institute12:00 - 12:20 HYDROLYSED WHEAT PROTEINS: A VEGETAL ALTERNATIVE FOR MUSCLE MASS <strong>–</strong> Hughes Aubin,Customer Technical Support Engineer, Tereos Syral12:20 - 12:30 Discussion and close of session12:30 - 14:30 Networking Lunch & Exhibition Visit <strong>–</strong> SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 6: PERSONALISED NUTRITIONChair: Professor Michael Gleeson, Professor of Exercise Biochemistry, Loughborough University (TBC)14:30 - 14:50 A JOURNEY FROM PERSONALISED MEDICINE TO NUTRITION - Dr Dilip Ghosh, Director, Nutriconnect14:50 - 15:10 GELATION KINETICS OF SATIETY-INDUCING MC IN DGM <strong>–</strong> Dr Matthias Knarr, R&D Project Manager, DowWolff Cellulosics (Co-Authored by: Anne Adden, Dow Wolff Cellulosics; Roland Adden, Dow Wolff Cellulosics;Richard Faulks, Model Gut <strong>–</strong> Plant Bioscience Limited; Aimee Guillaudeu, The Dow Chemica Company;Stephanie Pretesacque, Dow France SAS; Eva Thuenemann, Model Gut <strong>–</strong> Plant Bioscience Limited)15:10 - 15:30 WATER SOLUBLE BCAAS CONTRIBUTE TO NUTRACEUTICAL BEVERAGES <strong>–</strong> Dr Wenzhong Wu,Chairman, INNOBIO Limited15:30 - 15:50 XANTHIGEN MODULATES INSULIN-RESPONSIVE GENES IN MUSCLE CELLS - Dr Jos Zubeldia, ScientificDirector, PoliNat SL15:50 - 16:00 Discussion and close of session16:00 - 16:30 Refreshment Break and Networking - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 7: BEAUTY FOODSChair: Dr Sharon Ling, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Sales & Marketing (<strong>Europe</strong>), Carotech Ltd16:30 - 16:50 NEW EVIDENCE FOR SKIN BEAUTY WITH FISH COLLAGEN PEPTIDES <strong>–</strong> Veronique Fabien-Soul,Regulatory Affairs Director, Rousselot SAS16:50 - 17:10 DIETARY ESSENTIALS FOR OPTIMAL SKIN BEAUTY & WELLNESS <strong>–</strong> David Djerassi, President, IntrachemTechnologies17:10 -17:30 TBC17:30 - 17:45 Discussion and close of sessionDay 3 <strong>–</strong> Thursday 16 May <strong>2013</strong>SESSION 8: HEART HEALTHChair: Professor Paul Clayton, Fellow, Institute Food, Brain & Behaviour09:00 - 09:20 CHOLESTEROL DOES NOT CAUSE ATHEROSCLEROSIS <strong>–</strong> Dr Hiskias Keizer, Senior Scientist, StepanSpeciality Products BV09:20 - 09:40 TBC09:40 - 10:00 NATURAL SOLUTIONS TO HYPERTENSION <strong>–</strong> Michael Wakeman, Director, Vital Research & Analysis10:00 - 10:20 RECENT SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS REGARDING THE BENEFITS OF MARINE LC-PUFA’S FORCARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH <strong>–</strong> Rob Winwood PhD, Scientific Communications Manager, DSM NutritionalProducts <strong>Europe</strong> Ltd10:20 - 10:40 OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES WITH SALT REDUCTION <strong>–</strong> Dr Wayne Morley, Head of Innovation,Leatherhead Food Research10:40 - 10:50 Discussion and close of session10:50 - 11:15 Refreshment Break and Networking - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 9: BRAIN & MIND HEALTHChair: TBC11:15 - 11:35 THE IMPORTANCE OF DHA IN THE OPTIMISATION OF CHILDREN’S BRAIN DEVELOPMENT <strong>–</strong> ProfessorAlex Richardson11:35 - 11:55 MYTHS AND BELIEFTS AROUND THE RISKS FOLIC ACID SUPPLEMENTATION FOR NEUTRAL TUBEDEFECT <strong>–</strong> Klaus Kraemer, Sight and Life11:55 - 12:15 NEUROTENSIN TRIGGERS BRAIN INFLAMMATION BLOCKED BY LIPOSOMAL LUTEOLIN <strong>–</strong>IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PATHOGENESIS AND TREATMENT OF AUTISM <strong>–</strong> Professor TheoharisTheoharides, Professor of Pharmacology, Tufts University Medical CenterBook your early bird delegate place now!Call +44 (0)20 3377 3285 or book online at 3
12:15 - 12:25 Discussion and close of session12:25 - 13:45 Networking Lunch & Exhibition Visit <strong>–</strong> SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITYSESSION 10: INGREDIENTS FROM NATUREChair: TBC13:45 - 14:05 ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BERRIES: REVIEW OF HUMAN STUDIES AND THEIR RELEVANCE INTHE CONTEXT OF THE EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY (EFSA) <strong>–</strong> MA Valeriya Krasovskaya,Researcher, Jessevandervelde.com14:05 - 14:25 STEVIOL-GLYCOSIDES AS SWEETENER FROM A NATURAL SOURCE <strong>–</strong> Dr Thomas Eidenberger, GeneralManager, Belan ZT GmbH14:25 - 14:45 BIOMOLECULAR CHARACTERISATION OF SECONDARY PLANT METABOLITES <strong>–</strong> Dr Julian Weghuber,Senior Researcher, University of Applied Sciences14:45 - 15:05 MARKETING IN CHANGE <strong>–</strong> CASE STUDY OF NATURAL INGREDIENTS <strong>–</strong> Virpi Varjonen, ExecutiveConsultant, Invenire Market Intelligence15:05 - 15:25 NATURAL SWEETENER <strong>–</strong> SWEETNESS ENHANCING FOR CALORIE REDUCTION <strong>–</strong> Dr Grant DuBois,Scientific Expert, Almendra15:25 - 15:45 A GREEN AND BLACK TEA EXTRACT BENEFITS UROLOGICAL HEALTH IN MEN WITH LOWER URINARYTRACT SYMPTOMS <strong>–</strong> Michael Ceddia PhD, Vice President Research and Development and Quality, KeminHuman Nutrition and Health15:45 - 16:00 Discussion and close of session16:00 - 16:05 Closing Remarks <strong>–</strong> Chris Lee, Portfolio Director, <strong>Vitafoods</strong>, Informa Exhibitions16:05 Close of <strong>Conference</strong>By sponsoring the <strong>Vitafoods</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2013</strong> you will:<strong>Vitafoods</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> Sponsorship Opportunities• Reach a focused, high-calibre and influential audience• Enhance awareness of your brand before, during and after the event• Increase sales and revenue• Stand out from the competition• Associate your company with <strong>Europe</strong>’s foremost nutraceutical conferenceThere are a number of packages designed to meet a variety of business objectives and budgets. We can also offer bespokepackages.Opportunities include:• Headline <strong>Conference</strong> sponsor• Refreshment Breaks• Delegate Lunch• Delegate Documentation• Delegate Folders• Pens• Notepads• <strong>Conference</strong> SessionsFor more information or to discuss how we can tailor a package to suit your needs,contact David Fisher on +44 (0)20 7017 7479 or your early bird delegate place now!Call +44 (0)20 3377 3285 or book online at 4