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Newslettersponsored by<strong>Event</strong> PreviewSPRING 2013Welcome…It’s been quite a year in the world ofnutraceuticals – companies going on theacquisition trail at considerableinvestment; changes in the regulation forhealth claims, and new trends in seniornutrition, naturality, sports nutrition anddigestive health coming to the fore.The single biggest change sinceVitafoods Europe in May last year is ofcourse the much hailed, and muchmaligned, Article 13. The European FoodSafety Authority guidelines came intoeffect just a few months ago, inDecember, causing a cloud of confusionand anxiety.With large food manufacturersspending lots of money on hugemarketing campaigns to educatecustomers about the health benefits ofthe products they are producing, thecosts of getting it right are extremelyRegister your colleaguevitafoods.eu.com/newsletterhigh, in more ways than one. Consumersneed and want clear messaging on theproducts that hit the shelves and themanufacturers need to get it right. To doour bit to clear the cloud, we’vededicated a good part of this year’sVitafoods Europe Conference to thislegislation and we welcome the newchair of the NDA Panel from EFSA,Professor Ambroise Martin, to shed somelight for us.Innovation in nutraceuticals is essentialto drive the industry forward, and we’realways delighted to welcome innovativeproducts into the exhibition. Clasado andAlesco are just two new exhibitorsshowcasing their products Bimuno andUltrafer respectively. But it’s not justexhibitors who are innovative; we’redoing our bit too. This year, visitors canuse the Vitafoods show app.Dynamic Future. Reliable PartnershipThe Aenova Group, as one of the world’sleading companies specialising in thedevelopment and manufacture of solid,semi-solid and liquid dosage forms, ispresenting its range of food supplementsand OTC products at Vitafoods Europe.Whether you are looking for soft capsules,tablets, effervescent products, creams orliquids, Aenova offers the most advancedtechnologies and a full service portfolio.Aenova’s highlights this year include aninnovative food supplement calledCoronarFlow, that combines two EFSA healthclaim approved ingredients and is the firstEFSA Opens Vitafoods Europe ConferenceThe Vitafoods Europe Conference is knownfor tackling the most topical issues affectingthe nutraceutical industry and this year isno different.EFSA opens the conference this year for thevery first time, and taking delegates throughArticle 13 is Professor Ambroise Martin, ChairNDA Panel. Says Professor Martin, ‘it is crucialfor me to have the opportunity to attendimportant events in the field such asVitafoods Europe in order, not only tocontinue to explain the rationale behind ouropinions (there are indeed no magic recipes),Rousselot’s Peptan ®Collagen Peptides –a perfect ingredientfor the healthy ageing marketPart of VION Food Group (NL), Rousselot ® isthe world leader in gelatine and collagenpeptides production and support.At this year’s Vitafoods Europe, Rousselot ® ishighlighting the proven benefits of its Peptan ®collagen peptides for bone and joint health,skin beauty, and as part of nutritionalprograms for the elderly. Available as a cleanlabel and a pure protein powder in differentmolecular weights and densities, Peptan ® iseasy to integrate into products. Themanufacturing process is rigorously controlledto ensure the finest organoleptic propertiesand neutrality in terms of colour, odour andtaste. Visit Rousselot ® at stand 15039.soft gelatine capsulecontaining Fruitflow ® .Patent pending, Perfect Beauty, is a clinicallyproven nutricosmetic with a unique andinnovative formulation containing thespecially designed Lycolignol ® Complex.As a result of its high standards of quality,innovative technologies and clear focus onthe future, the Aenova Group has becomeEurope’s leading provider of development,manufacturing and marketing services forthe pharmaceutical and healthcareindustries.Visit Aenova Group at stand 15043.but also to gain feedbackfrom all interested parties.The huge mass of previousgeneric lists and the rejectionof many of the firstapplications should notGencor launchesLibifem forfemale libidoProfessorAmbroise Martin,Chair, NDA Panel,European Food SafetyAuthority (EFSA)mask that the future isstill largely open forgood science.’A lively debate isexpected to follow, led by Professor PaulClayton, member of the Vitafoods EuropeExecutive Advisory Board.Gencor, a leading supplier of herbal extractsdesigned to improve quality of life forconsumers in a broad range of life stages, hasintroduced Libifem, a proprietary herbalproduct clinically proven to promotea woman’s healthy libido, sexual vitalityand desire.Loss of libido affects one in every fourwomen, but there are no approved medicaltreatments. The results of a randomised,placebo-controlled study conducted byresearchers in Brisbane, demonstrated thatLibifem has a positive effect on enhancing libidoin healthy menstruating women, includingsexual cognition, arousal, experience, orgasmand drive. Visit Gencor at stand US28.VitafoodsConnectmeans you can planyour time pre-showusing the matchmakingfunction. Finding anyone of our 600exhibitors on theinteractive floor planshould be much easier than ever before,and searching for specific products andservices will really help you make themost of your time at the event.Meanwhile, enjoy this edition of theVitafoods Europe preview and we lookforward to welcoming you on the14-16 May to the 16th edition ofVitafoods Europe.Chris LeeVitafoodsPortfolio DirectorMaximiseyour timeat the eventNew for this year,the VitafoodsEurope app andinteractivefloorplan aredesigned to let you plan your time bothbefore you get to the exhibition, and duringthe event itself. The personalised agenda,conference and seminar sessions plannerand interactive floor plan help you organiseeach day. You can also find exhibitors easilyand receive show news live, as it happens.Download the app at vitafoods.eu.com/appPlan your visit using the interactive floorplan at vitafoods.eu.com/planNetwork and book appointments withexhibitors at vitafoods.eu.com/networkSeminar TheatreNew Products ZoneEAS Regulatory Advice SessionsInnova Market Insights presents VitaTrendDatamonitor Consumer AnalysisNutra Insights HubVitafoods Europe ConferenceEFSA KeynoteStand 15043...STOP PRESS...‰ Vitafoods Europe in numbers – 1000’s ofproducts, 600 exhibiting companies ofwhich 100 are first time exhibitors, fromover 40 countries.‰ Plan your visit. With so much to see anddo over the three days at Vitafoods Europethis year, the Vitafoods app is now available.Download the app before you come.‰ Everyone’s talking about health claims,regulations, products launches, innovations– the industry is full of news and unfoldingstories. The Vitafoods Europe blog, LinkedIngroup and Twitter feed are just some of theforums for the industry. Sign up and join in.‰ Article 13 and health claims. Are justsome of the critical issues for the industryare addressed in this year’s VitafoodsEurope Conference. Delegate places stillavailable.‰ Chill out – if astress-relievingmassage andrefreshments sounds good, then visit stand25047. You can try, Ixoreal Biomed's KSM-66, branded as ‘World's Best Ashwagandha’.It has the highest concentration fullspectrum ashwagandha root extractavailable today. Clinically proven in 7scientific studies, GRAS affirmed and 100%organic, it is the 2013 winner of Engredea's‘Best Botanical’ Award. There are also somestress-relief giveaways and a raffle.‰ 77% think ‘cost’ is the biggest hurdle innutraceutical innovations, according to theVitafoods Europe online poll. Talk toexhibitors and other industry experts atVitafoods Europe this year and get someideas on product launches and see if youcan get those costs down!What’s on at Vitafoods Europe 2013? Don’t miss…Poster SessionsInnovation Tours in associationwith NutriMarketingKeynote Presentation:Professor Viktor Tutelyan,Russian Academy of Medical SciencesInternational PavilionsService PavilionEXHIBITIONOPENING TIMESTuesday 14 May10:00 – 17:30Wednesday 15 May10:00 – 17:30Thursday 16 May10:00 – 16:00

Newslettersponsored byA world of nutraceuticalsAn insider’s guide to all the visitor attractions designed to update you withNutra Insights Hub – FREE to attendThe Nutra Insights Hub offers shortpresentations given by industryassociations and research bodies. Here,visitors have the opportunity to hearinsights, expert views and assessmentsof key market trends and issues.Stand 15043• Turkey – consumer and innovation trends in health and wellness• Making ‘in vitro’ work for your products health claims• Consumer and innovation trends in the Europeansports nutrition market• Differences in consumer attitudes in omega-3• Grey but healthy• What is a health benefit? An evaluation of EFSA opinionson health benefits with reference to probiotics• Energy and relaxation• The impact of health claims on nutraceutical research• Bringing functional foods into the Russia marketFor the full programme visit vitafoods.eu.com/nutrahubSeating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Arrive early to avoid disappointment.Seminar Theatre – FREE to attend Sponsored byInnovation Tours – FREE to attendGuided tours around the event to meet themost relevant companies within this year’skey themes. Limited to 20, each groupenjoys on-stand presentations and thechance to sample exhibitors’ products.Healthy Ageing11.00 dailyMeet the latest innovators in joint, bone,brain, heart and eye health, and investigatenew products focusing on anti-ageingbenefits.Exhibitors present their latest research and nutraceutical innovations. These sessions are essential for anyone interested in new products, developments and discoveries.DAY 1 – TUESDAY 14 MAY10.30 OatWell® - a credible and reliable healthclaim communication to consumersby DSM Nutritional Products Europe AG11.05 European launch the new MenaQ7Crystals(Natural Vitamin K2) and thelatest human studies validating itstherapeutic benefitsby NattoPharma ASA11.40 Full spectrum cranberry for urinary tracthealth thanks to Pacran®by Naturex12.15 The Superba krill science and why peopleget krilledby Aker Biomarine Antarctic12.50 The anti-ageing power of collagenpeptidesby Rousselot13.25 Our most important immune system: thesmall intestineby Aquarius Age Company Belgium CVBA /The Herborist14.00 The first active medical ingredient to treatand prevent vaginal infectionsby Medical Brands14.35 Inflammation - a three step processmediated PUFAs by Epax AS15.10 Botanical identity on specialty ingredients:a scientific and industry perspectiveby Naturex15.45 Two decades on the most advancedresearch on grape seed proanthocyanidinextractsby Indena S.p.A16.20 Methylsulfonylmethane to combatoxidative stress: Emerging science andfuture directionsby Bergstrom Nutrition (sponsored by GeeLawson Nutritional)DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY 15 MAY10.30 EPA&DHA High ConcentrationTechnologies – what´s in it for humannutritionby BASF SE11.05 Omega 3 fatty acids – health benefits andclaims that can be used to targetconsumers at every stage of their lifeby Croda Europe Ltd11.40 Svetol ® - a specific green coffee beanextract, from the fields of West Africa tomodern labsby Naturex12.15 A unique and innovative solution for bonehealthby Ingredia S.A.12.50 Vegetarian capsules: versatility inaddressing market complex anddiversified applicationsby Capsugel13.25 Alpha-lactalbumin: nature’s perfectproteinby Davisco Foods International14.00 Macular carotenoids: the critical role ofdietary lutein and zeaxanthinby Kemin14.35 Gelita Bioactive Collagen Peptides ® -Advanced solutions for beauty, health andwell-beingby Gelita AG15.10 To be announcedby Chr. Hansen A/S15.45 Pycnogenol® pine bark extract improvesendothelial function, shown for healthysubjects and people with vascularproblems alikeby Horphag Research16.20 US regulations just got tougher: let’sinterpret the new Food SafetyModernization Act (FSMA) and how itimpacts ingredient suppliersby NSF InternationalActive HealthInnovations14.00 dailyAfter a short look atthe main drivers ofthe trends (cardiovascular health, bone andjoint health, energy and relaxation,digestion and weight management), the tourgives an overview of the most interestinginnovations in active health.As these groups are limited in size,please book in advance at vitafoods.eu.com/innovationtoursInnova MarketInsights presentsStand: 17051The ever-popular interactive VitaTrendoffers a snapshot of key emerging trendsthat impact on product activity in thenutraceutical, nutritional and functionalfood markets.Key themes this year include:• Healthy ageing• Protein popularity• “Free from” claims• Sweet alternatives to sugarFor full details visitvitafoods.eu.com/vitatrendDAY 3 – THURSDAY 16 MAY10.30 How to formulate effectively with chelatedmineralsby Kelatron Corporation11.05 Bioavailability of krill oil – results of anew clinical studyby Enzymotec Ltd12.00 – 13.30 I Seminar TheatreKeynote Presentation:Functional food andsupplements, andtheir role in nutritionand health policiesDon’t miss this unique opportunityto hear leading academic, Viktor Professor ViktorTutelyan, RussianTutelyan from the Russian Academy Academy ofMedical Sciencesof Medical Sciences as he debatesthe role of functional food andsupplements in national nutrition strategies andthe promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Learn howregulatory challenges affect Eastern Europeanmarkets and gain a unique insight into hisperspective on botanicals, health claims andproduct safety. The focus is mainly on Russia, butTutelyan also elaborates on the Customs Union(comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan).In association withFurther details can be found atvitafoods.eu.com/keynotePlease note this keynote is free toattend but spaces are limited.For the full programme visitvitafoods.eu.com/seminarsPlan your visit with the interactive floorplan vitafoods.eu.com/planIn association withEAS Advisory Stand: 11021SessionsInternationalfood andnutrition policy consultancy EAS StrategicAdvice offer a unique opportunity for freeone-on-one regulatory advice sessionstailored to the specific needs of yourcompany. This includes up-to-datestrategic advice on product formulas,labelling and claims to assist with yourmarketing plans across Europe.Book your free session now atvitafoods.eu.com/easbookDatamonitor Stand: 11055ConsumerDatamonitorConsumer analystsand productspecialists are presenting four minipresentations each day in the Productand Packaging Innovation Area.Topics are:• Disease management – how consumersare proactively managing their health• Right for me – understanding thepersonalisation trend• Successes and failures in 2012• ForeSights in consumer packaged goodsThe Success and Failures Bar, ForeSightsBar and Functional Products andPackaging Bar also give you theopportunity to see game changingexamples of new product launchesand packaging innovation.Service PavilionFind and target service and equipmentsuppliers, offering a range of services fromconsulting to contract manufacturing,regulatory assistance, packaging, processand pilot information.vitafoods.eu.com/servicepavilion

at Vitafoods Europe 2013the latest developments, findings and discoveries in your industry right nowNewslettersponsored byStand 15043Poster SessionsDiscover the latest research findings andprojects as R&D experts from around theworld present their scientific papers andinnovative research projects. Posters include:• Innovative nutritional strategies topreserve bone health: the role of fish oilssupplementation in counteracting senileosteoporosis• Studies concerning the production ofzinc-enriched eggs• Fruit polyphenols from FruitOx canupregulate the expression of opioidreceptors (OPRD1) in brain cells• Astaxantin, lutein/zeaxanthin plusvitamin C, vitamin E & omega3 fatty acidsprotect rat neonatal cardiomyocytesagainst H2O2 induced oxidative stress• Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids – the good,the bad and unnecessary!For full details visit vitafoods.eu.com/postersResearch StoreDatamonitor Consumer, incollaboration with Vitafoods Europe, hasan exclusive 20% discount on some of thehottest market research reports until 30June 2013. Reports include:• Health claim strategies for food anddrinks companies• The future of functional dairyingredients• The future of functional food &beverages: cognitive health• The future of functional food &beverages: bone & joint health• The future of functional food &beverages: digestive & immune health• The future of functional food &beverages: heart healthReports must be ordered online,vitafoods.eu.com/researchstore andquote promotion code: VITA2013Over 60 leading industry professionals present over 48 sessions at this year’s conference.Delegates can expect unique content which is peer-reviewed by world renowned experts,and many brand new papers. Delegate places are still available and can be booked online.For the full programme and latest conference news visit vitafoods.eu.com/conferenceHeadline conference and lunch sponsorDay 1 – Tuesday 14 May08.30 Welcome Address08.35 – 09.15 Opening KeynoteBeyond the biased perception of Article 13.The rationale behind EFSA decisions andopinions from the NDA on how to adaptto regulationProf. Ambroise Martin, Chair, NDA Panel,EFSA Health ClaimsHEALTH CLAIMS & REGULATION09.15 – 09.35 Positive EFSA opinions based on one clinicaltrial09.35 – 09.55 Eye-openers in designing F&B clinical trials?Insights beyond the obvious!09.55 – 10.15 The new U.S. FDA Food SafetyModernization Act (FSMA)10.15 – 10.45 Refreshment break and networking10.45 – 11.05 Health food substantiation requirementsChina vs. EU11.05 – 11.25 Getting regulatory status for foods anddietary supplements in the US11.25 – 11.45 Relevance of microbial genomics forimproved food quality11.45 – 12.05 Novel food as a strategic challenge?12.05 – 12.30 Combined Q&APREVENTATIVE HEALTH & IMMUNITY14.00 – 14.20 Wellmune WGP Beta-Glucan reduces coldand flu symptoms14.20 – 14.40 Omega-3 fatty acids and the inflammation:rationale and reality14.40 – 15.00 Fibres and immunity: the EU projectFibeBiotics15.00 – 15.20 Vitamin A intake Vitamin A-deficientpopulations should equally consider bothends of the intake spectrumGUT HEALTH16.00 – 16.20 Consumer knowledge about ingredientsfor gut health16.20 – 16.40 Investigation of potential ingredients fordigestive health based on anthocyanes asexample16.40 – 17.00 Perilla frutescens extract and its immediate,perceptible balancing effect on digestivediscomfort17.00 – 17.20 Digestive wellness and the secondgeneration prebiotic/GOS17.20 – 17.40 Synbiotic supplement: intestinal health andquality of lifeSpeakers include:Day 2 – Wednesday 15 MayMARKET FOR FUNCTIONAL FOODS & CONSUMER TRENDS08.00 – 08.20 Omega-3s innovation in the consumermarket08.30 – 08.50 Health and wellness the trillion dollarindustry in 2017 – a global perspective08.50 – 09.10 The new functional food concepts andproducts in Japan09.10 – 09.30 Affinity Groups – a new consumer choicemechanism09:30 – 09.50 Functional packaging for modern day life09.50 – 10.10 Probiotics cultures – where are theopportunities?MARKET FOR AGEING CUSTOMERS11.00 – 11.20 Ageing consumers – opportunities for thefood industry11.20 – 11.40 Reversing / preventing sarcopenia11.40 – 12.00 The anti-ageing trends in the nutraceuticaland food sectors: a transformation fromfood and beverage companies to wellbeingand health providers12.00 – 12.20 Hydrolysed wheat proteins: a vegetalalternative for muscle massPERSONALISED NUTRITION14.30 – 14.50 A journey from personalised medicine tonutrition14.50 – 15.10 Gelation kinetics of satiety-inducing MC inDGM15.10 – 15.30 Water soluble BCAAs contribute tonutraceutical beverages15.30 – 15.50 Xanthigen modulates insulin-responsivegenes in muscle cellsBEAUTY FOODS16.30 – 16.50 New evidence for skin beauty with fishcollagen peptides16.50 – 17.10 Effect of diet on properties of the humanskin17.10 – 17.30 Beta glucans – The key to macrophageperformance: immunity and beauty for theconsumerRefreshment breaks sponsorDay 3 – Thursday 16 MayHEART HEALTH09.00 – 09.20 Cholesterol does not cause atherosclerosis09.20 – 09.40 Soya protein and its role in cardiovascularhealth09.40 – 10.00 Natural solutions to hypertension10.00 – 10.20 Recent scientific developments regardingthe benefits of marine LC-PUFA’s forcardiovascular health10.20 – 10.40 Opportunities and challenges with saltreductionBRAIN & MIND HEALTH – DAY 311.15 – 11.35 The importance of DHA in the optimizationof children’s brain development11.35 – 11.55 Myths and beliefs around folic acidsupplementation and fortification for theprevention of neural tube defects11.55 – 12.15 Neurotensin triggers brain inflammationblocked by liposomal luteolin-implicationsfor the pathogenesis and treatment ofautismINGREDIENTS FROM NATURESession sponsor13.45 – 14.05 Antioxidant properties of berries: review ofhuman studies and their relevance in thecontext of the European Food SafetyAuthority14.05 – 14.25 Steviol-glycosides as sweetener from anatural source14.25 – 14.45 Biomolecular characterisation of secondaryplant metabolites14.45 – 15.05 Marketing in change – case study of naturalingredients15.05 – 15.25 Natural non-calorific sweetener andsweetness enhancer options for food andbeverage calorific reduction15.25 – 15.45 A green and black tea extract benefitsurological health in men with lower urinarytract symptomsBook your place now! vitafoods.eu.com/confnewsletter1 DAY PASS €995 + VAT @ 8% = €1074.60 3 DAY PASS €1895 + VAT @ 8% = €2046.60PLATINUM PASSESDelegate entry plus a choice of one Datamonitor report: Bone & Joint Health, Cognitive Health, EFSA, Digestive & Immune Health, Heart Health1 DAY PLATINUM PASS €2395 + VAT @ 8% = €2586.60 3 DAY PLATINUM PASS €3195 + VAT @ 8% = €3450.60Stoffer Loman PhD,Senior Consultant,NutriclaimProfessor AlexRichardson,Senior ResearchFellow,Centre for EvidenceBased Intervention,University of OxfordAdam Ismail,Executive Director,GOEDDr Linda Saga,R&D Director,BioActive FoodsDr Wenzhong Wu,Chairman, INNOBIOProfessorPhilip C Calder,HumanDevelopment &Health AcademicUnit, Faculty ofMedicine, Universityof SouthamptonDr Donald Cox,Senior VicePresident R&D,Biothera IncDr SybilleBuchwald-Werner,Vital Solutions GmbHCindy Haast,BusinessDevelopmentManager,BurgopakJohn R Endres,Chief ScientificOfficer, AIBMR LifeSciencesChristiane AlexanderPhD,Head of BusinessDevelopment,Analyze & RealizeFor the full speaker list, visit vitafoods.eu.com/speakersDownload the show app vitafoods.eu.com/app

International Pavilions –Bringing a world ofbusiness opportunitiesto you…The International Pavilions make it easy to find everything from a specific region in the world.They showcase the latest in nutraceutical products, raw ingredients and functional foods and drinksfrom around the globe.vitafoods.eu.com/pavilionsBelgium PavilionChina PavilionFrance PavilionIndia PavilionNew Products ZoneFresh Factor Omega3 Stand 14052by OmegatriOmega3 tablets free from reflux or fishy after-tasteafter ingestion, and also gelatine free.BIG Shot Stand 15053by Berry PharmaHealthy energy drink that’s a blend ofstandardised berry fruit compoundsblended with deep ocean minerals andcombined with ginseng and B vitamins.Helps combat tiredness and fatigue.DenkSweet Tablets Stand 19059by Denk IngredientsSweetener based on steviol glycosides, givesbeverages a longer sweet taste than sugar. Containrebaudioside A with at least 97% purity and isomalt.Bifidobacterium infantis Stand 10053inmuno (CECT 7210) by BiopolisInternationally patented by Ordesa S.A. (Spain), afunctional probiotic strain with the capacity toprotect in front of the infection with murinerotavirus.Many thanks to all our supporters:Newslettersponsored byStand 15043Korea PavilionPoland PavilionSerbia PavilionUSA PavilionSponsored byPlays host to products at the forefront of innovation and gives you the opportunityto plan your visit around exhibitors who have launched products in the last 12months. Some of the products on display include:Nolato Powderpac Stand 20050by Nolato Medical Pharma PackagingNew range of containers and closures speciallydesigned for the sports protein market. Ranging insize from 625ml to 7715ml, they are supplied withlarge diameter screw closures and a single pieceIHS liner and personalised engraving for additionalbranding.Bone SynergyStand FP04by NovastellA unique association of DHA in the form of marinephospholipids with phosphatidylserine, vitamins D3and K2. Proposed as a bulk liquid formulation or assoftgel capsules.High protein soup Stand 15039by RousselotHigh in protein and fibre, low insodium, a perfect soup for theelderly. This soup contains PeptanCollagen Peptides ® as a sourceof protein. Its high amount ofprotein helps to maintain musclemass and body hydration and highfibre content, contributes todigestive comfort.See the complete range of products at vitafoods.eu.com/npz21food(Food & Beverage Online)3i nature3W Botanical Extract Inc.A.H. Meyer & Cie AGA.H.A. International Co., LtdA.R.C.O-Chemie GmbHAbyss' IngredientsAcerchem International IncAceto Health Ingredients GmbHACG Associated Capsules (gelatin &cellulose)ACG Worldwide solid dosage machinery& consumablesACTIF'S MagazineACTIV'INSIDEActivz/Food For Health InternationalAdatris Anjou Plantes SARLADMAdvanced Enzyme Technologies LtdAenova GroupAfriplex (Pty) LtdAgro FOOD Industry Hi Tech / TKSPublisherAGROBIO LaboratoryAjinomoto OmnichemAK & MN BioFarm Co., LtdAker BioMarine AntarcticAlban Muller InternationalAlchem International LimitedALESCO S.r.l.AlgatechnologiesAlgea ASAlkaloids CorporationAllergon ABAlzChem AGAmazon Forest Inc.Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. LtdAMICOGEN, INC.AMOL Biotech LtdAmol Pharmaceuticals PVT. LtdAnalyze & Realize AgAndersen Process Consulting ASAnklam Extrakt GmbHAnsun Bioengineering Co., LtdAPPCHEM CO.Aptuit LLCArjuna Natural Extracts LtdArmor ProtéinesAroma New Zealand LtdASEBIO – Spanish Bioindustry AssociationAstaRealAtlantia Food CROAtlantic Chemicals Trading GmbHAWEXAyanda ASB Natural srlBalchem EncapsulatesBannerbio Nutraceuticals IncBaolingbao Biology Co., LtdBARTBASF SEBasic NutritionBayir GroupBeijing Gingko GroupBelovo SABerryPharma®BIFIDO Co., LtdBifodan A/SBio-Gen Extracts Pvt. LtdBio-Mer LtdBio-UR S.A.BioActives Europe GmbHBioActorBioCell Technology LLCBiofarma SpaBiofortisBioiberica S.A.Biolink ASBiomax Life Sciences LimitedBiomega BaobabBionap S.r.l.BIONOVBionutrigen Co., LtdBiopolis, S.L.BioriginalBiosearch LifeBiovicoBioXtract SABiropharma LtdBK nutri networkBloomage Freda Biopharm Co., LtdBLT Berg LipidTech ASbmp production gmbhBormioli Rocco S.p.A.Botanicalink / Strong Ginseng & HerbsBretagne Commerce InternationalBridge2FoodBruker Optik GmbHBÜCHI Labortechnik AGBusiness of Food IngredientsC. Hedenkamp GmbH & Co. KGCactus Botanics LimitedCambridge Commodities LtdCantox - An Intertek CompanyCapsugelCarbery Food IngredientsCarmi Flavors & FragranceCarotech Inc.Catalent Pharma SolutionsCBB DeveloppementCell Biotech Co., LtdCepham IncChangmao Biochemical Engineering Co., LtdChangsha Huakang BiotechnologyDevelopment Co., LtdChangsha Nutramax IncChangsha Organic Herb Inc. PhytoNutraceutical IncChemport Inc.Chengda Pharmaceuticals Co., LtdChengdu Hosea Biotechnology Co., LtdChenguang Biotech Group Co., LtdChifeng Rongxingtang PharmaceuticalIndustry Co., LtdChina Animal Husbandry GroupChina Chamber of Commerce for Import& Export of Medicines & Health ProductsChios Mastiha Growers AssociationChiriotti Editori SRL - Alimenti FunzionaliChiriotti Editori SRL IngredientiAlimentariChr. Hansen A/SChr. Olesen GroupCHS Inc.Clasado LtdColand Holdings Co., LtdColorcon LtdColostrum Technologies GmbHCopalisCoral LLCCosmetic TechnologyCosucra Groupe Warcoing S.A.Creative Beauty ParisCRNH (Centre de recherche en nutritionhumaine d'Auvergne)Croda Europe LtdCSP TechnologiesCurtis Health Caps Sp. z o.o.Cyanotech CorporationDairy Industries InternationalDatamonitor ConsumerDavisco Foods International, Inc.Davos Life Science Pte LtdDaxinganling Zhongbei Northland BioChem Industry Co., LtdDCC Health & Beauty Solutions LtdDDGDe Wit Speciality OilsDeerland EnzymesDelhi NutraceuticalsDenk Ingredients GmbHDenomega Pure HealthDFI Co., Ltd (Korea)DialphaDivi's Laboratories Europe AGDr Dünner AGDr HarnischDr. Paul Lohmann GmbH KGDSM Nutritional Products Europe AGDu-Hope International GroupDuPont Nutrition & HealthEAS Strategic AdviceECA Healthcare IncEcuadorian Rainforest, LLCEkberg Emballage ABELEMENTAElephant PharmaEnnature Biopharma (Div. of IndiaGlycols Limited)Enzymotec LtdEpax ASEU Food LawEurokapsuleEuromonitor InternationalEuropean Nutraceutical AssociationEuroPharma Alliance Sp. z o.o.Evear ExtractionEXDENFarmaceutici Procemsa S.P.AFAVEA, spol s r.o.Fazer Mill & MixesFenchem Biotek LtdFermenta Biotech LtdFertin Pharma A/SFine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. SpAFlash Biolab GmbHFood & Drink Business EuropeFood & Drink InternationalFood & Drink TechnologyFood DevelopmentFood Engineering & Ingredients (FEI)Food ManufactureFoodBev Media Ltdfoodeurope MagazineFortitech Europe ApSFriend of the SeaFulholdFutaste Co., LtdFytosan S.A.GalacticGC Rieber OilsGECISGee Lawson NutritionalGehrlicher Pharmazeutische ExtrakteGmbHGelita AGGelpell AGGencor Nutrients, Inc.Giellepi SpaGinsana SAGlucan CorporationGnosisGoCaps GmbHGOED OMEGA-3 (Global Organization forEPA and DHA Omega-3)Goerlich Pharma GmbHGolden Omega S.AGonmisol S.A.Graminex LLCGRAP'SUDGuzen DevelopmentH and PC Today – Household andPersonal Care TodayHangzhou Boda Biological Tech. Co., LtdHangzhou Greensky BiologicalTech. Co., LtdHanzhong TRG Biotech Co., LtdHasco-Lek S.A.Health & Nutrition NetworkHealth Food Manufacturers' Association(HFMA)Healthcaps India LtdHealthGauge.comHedelab S.A.Helvacizade Food Pharma &Chemicals IncHenry Lamotte Oils GmbHHerbal PharmaNet ClusterHerbarom LaboratoireHerkel B.V.Hill Pharmaceutical Co., LtdHitexhmsBlistique B.V.Hongjiu Biotech Co., LtdHorphag ResearchHuatai Biopharm IncHubei Guangji Pharmaceutical Co., LtdHubei Konson Konjac Gum Co., LtdHuisong PharmaceuticalsHuizhou Sheng Rong Biotechnology Co., LtdHumana Pharma International S.p.A.Hunan Huacheng Biotech, Inc.Ibsa Farmaceutici Italia SRLIDEACTIFSIDM International Dairy MagazineIMA S.p.A.Immitec Nutrition ABImprove USAInabata UK LimitedIndena S.p.A.Indfrag LimitedIngredia S.AIngredients InsightInner Mongolia Jianlong Biochemical Co., LtdInner Mongolia Rejuve Biotech Co., LtdInnoBio USA IncInnova Market InsightsInnovadexInnovations in Food TechnologyInnovations in Processing & PackagingINODRYinPharmaInternational Probiotics AssociationIntertek CantoxInVivo LabsIOI Imperial-Oel-ImportISALTISIVC Nutrition CorporationJapan Bio Science LaboratoryJBiChemJF-NATURALJiangsu Shenhua Pharmaceutical Co., LtdJiangsu Xixin Vitamin Co., LtdJilin Baili Biotechnology Co., LtdJost EuropeK. Patel Phyto Extractions Pvt LtdEXHIBITOR LISTK.-W. Pfannenschmidt GmbHKailu Ever Brilliance Biotechnology Co.,LtdKaneka Pharma Europe N. V.Kappa Bioscience ASKelatron CorporationKeminKinOmega Biopharm Inc.KitoZyme S.A.Konark Herbals & Health CareKorea Biotechnology IndustryOrganization (KoreaBIO)Korea Ginseng Corp.KOTRA (Korea Trade-InvestmentPromotion Agency)Kreglinger SpecialtiesKSM-66 Rejuvenation & Stress ReliefCenterKyowa Hakko Bio Italia S.r.l.L'Integratore NutrizionaleLa Belle, IncLa Thériaque Luxembourgeoise S.A.Labiotre SRLLabomar S.r.lLaboratoires du Docteur LefevreLallemand Health SolutionsLambo LaboratoriesLasons India Private LimitedLeatherhead Food ResearchLefka O'Life BVLeiber GmbHLeica Microsystems CMS GmbHLesaffre Human CareLesaffre Ingredients ServicesLHS / Arkopharma GroupLiaoning Koncepnutra Co., LtdLipoid AGLiqFillCaps International, Lda.Lonza LtdLycoRed SarlLysi hf.Macco Organiques, s.r.o.Mantrose UK LtdMarigot GroupMarz SpraysMAWI Chemiedistribution OHGMaypro Industries, LLC / QOL LabsMedical BrandsMelisa FarmMG2 SRLMicrobion srlMicroz BVMILEI GmbHMinskintercaps UVMintelmolkerei-industrieMöller Pharma GmbH & Co. KGMonteloeder S.L.Morinaga Milk Holland B.V.MULTIPRODNascent Health Sciences LLCNat'Inov FranceNatacNATECO2 GmbH & Co.KGNational Enzyme CompanyNattoPharma ASANaturalin Bio-resources Co, LtdNaturaloils Chile SANaturalphaNaturexNeptune Technologies & BioressourcesNew FoodNexiraNinapharmNingbo J&S Botanics Inc.Ningbo Liwah Pharmaceutical Co., LtdNolato Medical Pharma PackagingNovastellNovéalNovel Ingredient ServicesNSF InternationalNutra Canadanutraceutical business & technologyNutraceuticals International GroupNutraceuticals NowNutraceuticals WorldNutracosNutrafoodsNutrafur S.ANutraIngredients.comNutraland LimitedNutratech ConseilsNutraverisNutravitaNutrifirst Biotech IncNutrikeo ConsultingNutrilo GmbHNutriMarketingNutrition Health Cluster/NutreventOKF CorporationOlive HealthcareOlive Lifesciences (OLS) pvt LtdOlympic Seafood ASOmegatri ASOmniActive Health Technologies LtdOmnipharmORGANOBALANCE GmbHOxylent S.A.P.L. Thomas & Co. Inc.ParkacreParry NutraceuticalsPharma MagazinePharma Marine ASPharmanager DevelopmentPharmanager IngredientsPharmanovaPharmexcilPhyto Nutraceutical Inc.PhytoArk SAPhytoliaPierre Fabre Contract ManufacturingPiveg, Inc.PlantexPolarisPoliNat (Polifenoles Naturales, SL)Polska Biotech & PharmaPont EuropePrimexPrincipium SAPrinova Europe LtdPrivate Label NutraceuticalsPrivate Label Omega-3Probiotical Healthcare S.r.l.PromoplantesPTE MagazinePulviverPure Health MagazinePureCircle UK Ltd, NPSweet A/S andTereos PureCircle SolutionsPurifunctionQianjiang Yongan Pharmaceutical Co.,LtdQingdao Auhai Biotech Co., LtdQingdao BNP Co., LtdQingdao Mediconex Enterprise Co., LtdQuimdisRareRaws.comReading Scientific Services LtdRenown Pharmaceuticals pvt LtdRFIRofarma Italia S.r.lRongcheng Baihe BiologyTechnological Co., LtdRoquetteRosun Natural Products Pvt LtdRousselotRoxlor SARLS. A. Pharmachem Pvt. LtdSabinsa Europe GmbHSacco S.r.lSaffron Media Pvt. LtdSalix srlSanat Products LimitedSanki-MayorSanmark BVSelect BotanicalSensient PharmaceuticalSEPPICSeventure PartnersShaanxi Jiahe Phytochem Co., LtdShandong HaipudunBiotechnology Co., LtdShandong LongliveBio-Technology Co., LtdShandong Lujian BiologicalTechnology Co., LtdShanghai Acebright PharmaceuticalsGroup Co., LtdShanghai Freemen Lifescience Co., LtdShanghai Passiono Int’l Co., LtdSigma Tau S.p.A.SIIT SrlSinochem Qingdao Co., LtdSinomega Biotech Engineering Co., LtdSirio Pharma Co., LtdSKY Softgel Co., LtdSLI Chemicals GmbHSoft Drinks InternationalSoft Gel Technologies IncSolabiaStepan Lipid NutritionSternVitamin GmbH & Co. KGStragen Consumer HealthStratum NutritionSuheung Capsule Co., LtdSumyfitofarmacia LtdSunova Bioscience Co.,LtdSunrise Chemical Co., LtdSuperVitaminsSwati Spentose Pvt. LtdSynaco S.A.SynadietTaiyo EuropeTanhoy Pharmaceutical LtdTapasya Engineering Works Pvt. LtdTarandon Laboratory S.P.R.L.Tartric-MedTecnifood MagazineTecnosoftgelTereos SyralThe World of Food IngredientsThe Wright GroupTHT S.A.TOKIWA Phytochemical Co., LtdTotal Quality Food Consultants srlTrace Minerals ResearchTradichem SLTruffini & Reggè Farmaceutici S.r.l.TSI Health SciencesTulsi Amrit Pvt LtdUAS Laboratories / The ProbioticCompanyUBIFRANCEUK Trade & InvestmentUmalaxmi Organics Pvt. LtdUnhwa EuropeUnicorn Natural ProductsUnique Biotech LtdUS Pharma Lab, Inc.Valensa InternationalValorialVan Eeghen Functional Ingredients BVVance Nutraceuticals Sdn. BhdVeg'ExtraVEGEPOLYSVenkatesh Natural Extract Pvt LtdVesale PharmaceuticaVidya Herbs EuropeViridis BioPharma Pvt. LtdVitae NaturalsVitamins for LifeVitaPlant AGVitimedVitomega BVViviane LabVTA GmbH & Co. KG.WagralimWaitaki BiosciencesWellcare Teas And InfusionsWestern U.S. Agricultural TradeAssociation - WUSATAWillows Ingredients LtdWinclove ProbioticsWooshin Medics Co., LtdWorld-Way Biotech Inc.Xi’An Green-Life Co., LtdXi’an Natural FieldBio-Technique Co., LtdYaeyama Chlorella Co., LtdYangLing Hao Tian Bio-EngineeringTechnology Co LtdYangzhou Rixing Bio-tech Co., LtdYantai Dongcheng Biochemicals Co., LtdYantai Oriental Protein Tech. Co., LtdYichang Sanxia Pharmaceutical Co., LtdYigeda Bio-Technology Co., LtdZhejiang Golden-ShellPharmaceutical Co., LtdZhejiang Hangzhou XinfuPharmaceutical Co., LtdZhejiang Health ProductsImport & Export Co., LtdZhejiang Medicines & Health ProductsImport & Export Co., LtdZhejiang Newcovery Biotech Co., LtdZhejiang Sanhe Bio-tech Co., LtdZhejiang Shaoxing DonglingHealth Food Co., LtdZXCHEMUSA IncGeneral InformationOrganised by: Portfolio includes: Join us: Follow us:VenueVitafoods Europe takes place in Halls 1-2, Palexpo,Geneva, Switzerland.www.palexpo.chTravel InformationThe venue is located within walking distance of GenevaInternational Airport and its railway station. Palexpo alsohas direct access to Europe’s North – South highwaysystem.Public Transport (TPG)Bus line 5: Geneva Airport – Palexpo – UN – downtownCornavin Railway Station- Place Neuve – CantonalHospital. This line links Palexpo with the airport in 5minutes and the city centre in 15 minutes. CHF3 – tickets(to be purchased prior to boarding) are valid for 60minutes.Trains: A 10 minute walk from Palexpo to Geneva Airporttrain station. Trains to downtown Geneva Cornavinstation; national and international destinations beyond.ParkingCHF2/hour for the first six hours or CHF20/daythereafter.TaxisThe taxi rank is located in front of Palexpo, near doorsE5/E6. Tel: +41 22 331 4133Guests staying in a Geneva hotel will receive a GenevaTransport Card at check-in, valid for free travel on theGeneva network (bus, tram, local train between airportand downtown Les Mouettes (mini ferries) throughouttheir stay.AccommodationFor special discounts and exclusive accommodationdeals, please contact the Vitafoods Europe bookingagent,Kuoni Destination Management:Tel: +41 58 702 6598Email: frederique.caron@ch.kuoni.comvitafoods.eu.com/accommodationFlightsOfficial carrier to Vitafoods Europe, Swiss InternationalAir Lines, are offering up to 20% discount on flights.For more information about discounts and bookinginformation visit vitafoods.eu.com/swissAccurate at time of going to print

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