RSA-PSS – Provably secure RSA Signatures and their ...

RSA-PSS – Provably secure RSA Signatures and their ...

RSA-PSS – Provably secure RSA Signatures and their ...


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MacOS X supports only <strong>PSS</strong> signatures with default parameters. This limitsthe support to signatures with the weak hash function SHA1.There also exist two Java libraries which support <strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong> signatures.The free software project Bouncy Castle supports certificate signatures.The most complete <strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong> support is in a Java library by the Institutefor Applied Information Processing <strong>and</strong> Communication (IAIK) at the TechnicalUniversity of Graz. It is the only implementation I’m aware of that is able togenerate designated <strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong> certificates. A free version for educational<strong>and</strong> research purpose can be downloaded at <strong>their</strong> website 12 .The US-based Electronic Frontier Foundation runs the SSL Observatory 13 ,a research project that collects all certificates on https connections in the fullpublic IPv4 space. The complete database contains about 12 million certificates.Out of them, only four certificates on two IPs listed that are signedwith <strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong>. They were not signed by any browser-accepted certificateauthority.7.2 Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) <strong>and</strong> S/MIMEThe Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), based on the older PKCS #7, specifiesencryption <strong>and</strong> signatures for generic messages. Its main use is withinS/MIME, a widely used st<strong>and</strong>ard for email encryption <strong>and</strong> signing. It is basedon X.509 certificates.<strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>RSA</strong>-OAEP for CMS have been specified within RFC4056 [IETF Network Working Group, 2005b]. CMS signatures are very similarto signatures within X.509.I am not aware of any implementation of <strong>RSA</strong>SSA-<strong>PSS</strong> for CryptographicMessage Syntax.7.3 PKCS #11PKCS #11 is a generic abstraction API defining cryptographic operations <strong>and</strong>objects. PKCS #11 ships header files defining constants for cryptographic objectssuch as keys, signatures <strong>and</strong> algorithms. A constant starting with CKMdescribes a “method”, basically meaning an algorithm. Since PKCS #11 version2.11, it knows the method CKM <strong>RSA</strong> PKCS <strong>PSS</strong> (chapter 12.1.9, page 201 in[<strong>RSA</strong> Inc., 2004]).PKCS #11 also has an abstraction for the <strong>PSS</strong> parameter block namedCK <strong>RSA</strong> PKCS <strong>PSS</strong> PARAMS. This defines a C struct containing all the relevantmeta information for a signature. There is a slight conceptual difference from theASN.1 structs from PKCS #1: Every combination of mask generation function12 http://jce.iaik.tugraz.at/13 https://www.eff.org/observatory29

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