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September 3, 2013<br />

<strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong>, NJ<br />

1133 BOARDWALK<br />

<strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong>, <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong><br />

(<strong>609</strong>) <strong>344</strong>-<strong>6000</strong> <strong>Ext</strong>. <strong>4501</strong><br />


September 2013<br />

A Look Back At The Epic Battle For Atlantic City<br />

between Donald Trump & Steve Wynn<br />





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BWJ<br />


PROUDLY SERVING <strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong> SINCE 2001<br />

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a full service litigation firm<br />

when results matter

Greetings From Atlantic City<br />

When I first started The Boardwalk Journal in late 2008, an issue like<br />

the one you are holding in your hands is what I envisioned.<br />

As a matter of fact, Donald Trump was on the cover of our very first<br />

issue back in January 2009.<br />

Here we bring you Donald Trump and Steve Wynn on this month’s<br />

cover and some very valuable gaming insight from someone who<br />

knows both men very well, Richard “Skip” Bronson, a seasoned and<br />

well respected gaming executive and author of “The War at The Shore”,<br />

a book that anyone interested in Atlantic City needs to read.<br />

We also get the opportunity in this issue to catch up with one of my<br />

favorite clients and Real Housewives of New Jersey star Melissa Gorga<br />

as she discusses her new book “Love Italian Style”, her new music and<br />

talks about what life is like when you are a reality TV star. She also<br />

talks about the recent headlines involving her sister in law and fellow<br />

Housewives star Teresa Giudice.<br />


- SILVER -<br />

The Best of The Boardwalk feature this month is Revel’s state of the art<br />

HQ Nightclub, which has quickly emerged as the city’s hottest club.<br />

mur.mur and The Pool had their time, but right now nothing beats HQ.<br />

I am also very excited to once again be featuring another few pages<br />

of The Boardwalk Journal that are dedicated to the amazing Dean<br />

Randazzo, who recently opened Jersey Devil Surf on The Boardwalk at<br />

Resorts adjacent to Margaritaville.<br />

There are a handful of self-appointed local surf gurus out there, but<br />

there is only one “Jersey Devil.”<br />

Dean was kind enough to give my daughter Grace her very first surf<br />

lesson, which is documented in photos in this issue.<br />

We don’t work off of long range editorial calendars at The Boardwalk<br />

Journal; so many times we decide our cover concepts and features on<br />

the fly.<br />

That being said, I am certain that we will do an in-depth cover story<br />

and feature on Dean in 2014.<br />


We have a special Raw Feed this month dedicated exclusively to some<br />

updates on the still unsolved murder of April Kauffman, who was an<br />

avid Boardwalk Journal reader and was scheduled to be one of our Real<br />

Housewives of South Jersey back in 2011, but scheduling precluded<br />

that from happening.<br />

I get the feeling that April’s lovely daughter Kimberly, who is a clone of<br />

her mother, will soon have her voice heard as she continues her pursuit<br />

for justice to be done.<br />

I would like to acknowledge the passing of a young man named Isaac<br />

Baggs Jr. who died on Labor Day in a car accident on Route 30.<br />

While I did not know Isaac or his family, his untimely passing had a<br />

profound and humbling impact on me.<br />


James J. Leonard, Jr., Esq.<br />

President / CEO<br />

Founder and Publisher of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

1200 <strong>ATLANTIC</strong> AVENUE<br />

<strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong>, NJ 08401<br />

(<strong>609</strong>) 345-5800<br />

www.LeonardLawGroup.<strong>com</strong><br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 5

All 50 contestants in the 2013 Miss America Pageant gather for photos<br />

in front of Boardwalk Hall and later at Tropicana's Boogie Nights<br />

Johnny’s<br />

Restaurant & Bar<br />

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner<br />

Weekly Entertainment:<br />

Phone <strong>609</strong>/822-1789 for more info<br />

9407 Ventnor Avenue, Margate<br />

www.johnnyscafeventnor.<strong>com</strong><br />

6 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

table of contents VOL. 5 ISSUE 9 • September 2013<br />

in this issue...<br />

5 GREETINGS FROM <strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong><br />

11 THE RAW FEED<br />

Atlantic City’s<br />

Largest Charter<br />

Yacht<br />

12 Governor Chris Christie Will Win On Nov. 5, 2013<br />

By A Wide Margin<br />

Harry Hurley<br />

17 DEAN RANDAZZO'S <strong>JERSEY</strong> DEVIL<br />



Raina Tallent<br />


30 WHO WAS FIRST?<br />

Lloyd D. Levenson, Esq.<br />


James J. Leonard Jr., Esq.<br />

40 Q & A with SKIP BRONSON<br />

James J. Leonard Jr., Esq.<br />


GAMING IN <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong> & BEYOND<br />

Richard D. "Skip" Bronson<br />



James J. Leonard Jr., Esq.<br />



Rebecca Leonard<br />



54 WHO'S WHO: Dr. Jon Pomeroy<br />

55 WHO'S WHO: Tami Kitchen<br />


Julianne Dods<br />


Nancy Adler<br />



Anthony Previti, Esq.<br />

62 CLUB HARLEM<br />

Ken Calemmo & Kristine Kodytek<br />

• Sightseeing Tours<br />

• Brunch Cruises<br />

• Private Events<br />

• Holiday Parties<br />

The Atlantic City Princess is an 87 ft available for<br />

Private Charter and Public Cruises.<br />

Check out www.atlanticcityprincess.<strong>com</strong> for<br />

schedules and more information.<br />

<strong>609</strong>-241-6600<br />

We are at the Farley Marina<br />

at the Golden Nugget.<br />

F/<strong>ATLANTIC</strong><strong>CITY</strong>PRINCESS<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 7

October is<br />



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President / CEO<br />

Founder and Publisher of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

il capo di tutti capi<br />

James J. Leonard Jr., Esq.<br />

Nancy Adler<br />

Skip Bronson<br />

Ken Calemmo<br />

Julie Dods<br />

Harry Hurley<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Underboss<br />

Rebecca M. Leonard<br />

Director of Operations<br />

Kenneth M. Warren Jr., Esq.<br />

Chief Photographer<br />

Tom Briglia<br />

Contributors<br />

Administrative Staff<br />

Shernita Demby<br />

Lloyd D. Levenson,<br />

Esq.<br />

Anthony Previti<br />

Raina Tallent<br />

For inquiries or <strong>com</strong>ments, please email us at<br />

boardwalkjournal@gmail.<strong>com</strong><br />

www.boardwalkjournal.<strong>com</strong><br />

facebook.<strong>com</strong>/boardwalkjournal<br />

BoardwlkJournal<br />

The Boardwalk Journal ® is published by<br />

Boardwalk Media Group, LLC, ©2013<br />

1200 Atlantic Avenue<br />

Atlantic City, NJ 08401<br />

<strong>609</strong>.345.0500<br />

all rights reserved<br />

ISSUE 53<br />

Now Available<br />

at Atlantic County<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 9

Senator Jim Whelan participating in United Way's "Stuff the Bus" program to<br />

provide needed school supplies to students returning to school this September<br />

The 2013 Margate Memorial Lifeguard Races Chuck Gowdy and Ashton Funk break through a set of waves as the pair<br />

gets off to a great start in the doubles row. They finished by a large margin to take 1st in the Memorial Races in Margate<br />

City at the Decatur Ave Beach Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

10 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

WANTED<br />


MAY 10TH, 2012<br />

MURDER<br />

OF<br />




AT<br />

(<strong>609</strong>)909-7666<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 11

politics<br />

New Jersey State Senator Barbara Buono, D-18 knows that her cause is lost.<br />

Buono's frustration has mounted and not only is she going to lose big to New Jersey<br />

Governor Christie ... she is running a very undignified campaign.<br />

In recent days Buono has resorted to attacking Christie over his handling of<br />

Superstorm Sandy.<br />

This is a very unseemly, low blow. Governor Christie's management of Superstorm<br />

Sandy relief efforts and restoration has rightfully earned him wide acclaim on a<br />

national level.<br />

Christie's leadership has been exemplary. He's consistently reached across the aisle<br />

to United States President Barack Obama and his Cabinet. Christie has worked very<br />

well in a bi-partisan manner with New Jersey Democrats.<br />

Even worse, Buono has stooped so<br />

low as to attack Christie about his<br />

weight.<br />

Both tactics are terrible. What Buono<br />

should also realize is that millions of<br />

New Jerseyans face a daily battle with<br />

the bulge. It's not only wrong to make<br />

such personal attacks, it's definitely<br />

going to backfire on her.<br />

But, what it really shows is that Buono has not been able to generate any excitement<br />

for her campaign. Christie has piled up Democratic endorsements on an almost<br />

daily basis for months.<br />

The last straw for Buono may have been when Obama came back to New Jersey and<br />

met with Christie, but, never met with Buono.<br />

The race for Governor of New Jersey features one of the most prolific candidates for<br />

re-election in our state's history versus one of the weakest challengers in our history.<br />

It's one of the worse mismatches in New Jersey history.<br />

The most distasteful Buono attack yet was her not so veiled personal attack about<br />

Christie's weight. You would have thought that Buono would have remembered<br />

how badly this played out for former Governor Jon Corzine when he played it.<br />

Corzine was losing and desperately said that Christie was "throwing his weight<br />

around," ac<strong>com</strong>panied by a very unflattering photo of Christie.<br />

This backfired on Corzine and it will also boomerang on Buono. Buono said that<br />

"the Governor frolicking on the beach in his “Stronger than the Storm” television<br />

<strong>com</strong>mercials does not make me want to go to the Shore."<br />

It was ugly, typical, desperate liberal tripe. They use "code" and lack the guts to<br />

plainly and directly say what they mean. Thereby, they feel that they have built-in<br />

plausible deniability.<br />

This is why I like Christie so much. He didn't take it. He struck right back. On<br />

by Harry Hurley, Political Editor of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

Governor Chris Christie Will Win On Nov. 5, 2013<br />

By A Wide Margin<br />

But, "It Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings"<br />

Harry Hurley is Political Editor<br />

of The Boardwalk Journal. Hurley<br />

is the president of Harry Hurley<br />

Consulting and Communications,<br />

LLC. He hosts the daily talk<br />

radio program “Hurley in the<br />

Morning” 6-10 a.m. weekdays<br />

on Townsquare Media, WPG<br />

Talk Radio 1450, where he also<br />

September 3, 2013 Christie said the following at an event held at The New Jersey<br />

Institute of Technology in Newark:<br />

"It is unfortunate that Senator Buono has decided to go down the same path as<br />

Governor Corzine did in making <strong>com</strong>ments about my physical appearance," said<br />

Christie.<br />

By contrast, imagine if Christie had made a <strong>com</strong>ment about Buono's appearance.<br />

The media would go ballistic. It would have be<strong>com</strong>e a national incident in minutes.<br />

Christie had lap-band weight loss surgery earlier this year. He is noticeably lighter,<br />

although no exact number of pounds lost has been released to the public. My guess<br />

is that the Governor has lost at least 40 pounds.<br />

serves as the senior programming<br />

consultant. He has hosted various<br />

programs for local television and<br />

is the editor and publisher of<br />

his news and information<br />

w e b s i t e , w w w. h a r r y h u r l e y.<br />

<strong>com</strong>. Send <strong>com</strong>ments to<br />

H a r r y H u r l e y @ a o l . c o m .<br />

Buono's a lawyer. She should have<br />

known that Christie would flip this<br />

issue on her big time. She gave him<br />

the opportunity to say, "I am very<br />

disappointed that she has decided<br />

to go down that road," said Christie.<br />

"For me and for other folks across<br />

New Jersey - many folks - who are<br />

challenged by their weight the fact<br />

that someone running for Governor<br />

would make derisive <strong>com</strong>ments about<br />

someone's physical appearance is<br />

really beneath the office that she's seeking. I'm disappointed that she's done it," said<br />

Christie.<br />

Checkmate! Vintage Christie, who adeptly can take remarks made by his opponents<br />

and wrap them right around their own necks, leaving them gasping for air and cover.<br />

Desperate candidates who are miles behind resort to desperate tactics. They almost<br />

always fall flat. This is no exception. Buono trails Christie by 20-30 points in the<br />

polls. She literally has almost zero chance to be<strong>com</strong>e New Jersey's next Governor.<br />

This despite the fact that New Jersey is one the darkest blue states in America.<br />

But, one should never presume the out<strong>com</strong>e of an election while it is still in<br />

progress.<br />

Because "It ain't over until the fat lady sings."<br />

After Buono's dirty campaign tactics, I simply couldn't resist injecting this phrase;<br />

which is an unfortunate stereotypical reference, whose origin dates back to the days<br />

of the overweight sopranos of The Grand Opera.<br />

Christie will lay a smack down of epic<br />

proportion on Tuesday, November 5,<br />

2013.<br />

12 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

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The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 13

Dennis Weihe of Philadelphia, PA won $1 million as part of The Millionaire Maker series and was crowned in the lobby of<br />

Harrah's Atlantic City.<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

John Kuper of Villages, Florida dug deep and fast to unearth his bag containing $50,000.00 at<br />

the Taj Mahal $200k "Grand in the Sand" Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

14 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Reality TV personality and model Brody Jenner hosted his birthday bash at The Pool After Dark Harrah's<br />

Atlantic City Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

Galloway Township Mayor and Purdy Collision<br />

Owner, Don Purdy (right), prepares to give blood<br />

as Purdy Collision employee, Tim Robbins of<br />

Egg Harbor Township, recovers after donating.<br />

Photo:Nick Valinote<br />

Kline Constuction President, Ed Kline (left), and Kline<br />

Construction Director of Human Resources, Ron<br />

Muchnick, recuperate after giving blood. Photo:Nick<br />

Valinote<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 15

2013<br />

BEST<br />

OF THE<br />


is looking for nominations for the<br />

following categories:<br />

• Legal Professionals<br />

• Medical Professionals / Facilities<br />

• Dentists<br />

• Real Estate Agents<br />

• Accountants<br />

To be recognized as a 2013<br />

Best of The Boardwalk Award Winner.<br />

If you are a professional in one of the above<br />

categories, or know someone deserving of<br />

this award, please contact us at boardwalkjournal@gmail.<strong>com</strong><br />

for consideration.<br />

16 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Legendary local surfing icon Dean Randazzo<br />

recently opened Jersey Devil Surf, which is located<br />

on the boardwalk at Resorts, adjacent to Jimmy<br />

Buffet's Margaritaville.<br />

Featuring top brands from Billabong, Body<br />

Glove, Hurley and others, Jersey Devil Surf also<br />

offers accessories like sunglasses from Oakley and<br />

RayBan, designer flip flops and even skateboards<br />

and surfboards, including Jersey Devil Surfboards<br />

and Randazzo Industries Surfboards and custom<br />

made Jersey Devil apparel.<br />

Also available are surf lessons, rentals and a chance<br />

to rub shoulders with "The Jersey Devil" himself,<br />

Dean Randazzo.<br />

For hours call <strong>609</strong> 345 <strong>6000</strong>, ext. <strong>4501</strong> or visit<br />

<strong>jerseydevilsurf</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 17

8 year old Grace Ann Leonard patiently awaits the arrival of local surfing legend Dean Randazzo for her<br />

first ever surf lesson in front of Margaritaville on North Carolina Avenue in Atlantic City<br />

Dean talks to Grace about surfing<br />

Grace working on her balance<br />

Teacher and student get ready to head into the ocean<br />

18 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Preparing to catch the first of many waves<br />

After a few wipeouts, Grace applies what Dean has taught her<br />

and successfully rides her first wave to shore<br />

The amazing Dean Randazzo and Grace Ann Leonard after an incredible day of surfing at the<br />

beach in Atlantic City<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | | September 2013 | | 19



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20 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 21

R&B Singer Mario made a surprise performance<br />

at The Pool After Dark, Harrah's Atlantic City<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

After performing to a sold out crowd at Taj Mahal, Toni BRAXTON<br />

stopped by Ego Bar and Lounge to catch a live performance by Almost<br />

Angels.<br />

Naughty By Nature brought some old school flavor back to the The Pool After After Dark at Harrah's Atlantic City.<br />

From left: Vin Rock, Treach and KayGee<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

22 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Melanie "Mel B." Brown of Spice Girls fame and America's Got<br />

Talent performed at The Pool After Dark, Harrah's Atlantic City<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 23

Although it was hard to select just one piece, Barbara<br />

Perrone picked her favorite and posed with Graham<br />

Nash after he autographed the piece for her.<br />

Select pieces from the impressive collection of Graham<br />

Nash’s artwork will be on display and available for acquisition<br />

throughout the month of August at the Stone Harbor (9618<br />

Third Avenue) and Avalon (2199 Ocean Drive) locations of<br />

Ocean Galleries.<br />

Saint Judith<br />

Charters<br />

SaintJudith Charters.<strong>com</strong><br />

24 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Country superstars Rascal Flatts along with Journey, performing at Boardwalk Hall<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />


It’s not a Diet.<br />

It’s a Lifestyle.<br />

Read Nancy’s column on page 61<br />

www.nancyadlernutrition.<strong>com</strong><br />

401 New Road, Suite 103 • Linwood , NJ 08221<br />

For an appointment, please call (<strong>609</strong>) 653-4900<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 25

70's recording artist, song-writer Harry Wayne "K.C." Casey, better<br />

known as "KC" from The Sunshine Band, performed a few new<br />

singles at Boogie Nights, Tropicana Casino Resort<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

Senator Jim Whelan and Paulie Sandler from The Palm at<br />

The Taste of The Quarter event at Tropicana Casino Resort<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

Angeloni’s II<br />

restaurant and lounge<br />

Angeloni’s II offers the finest Italian-American<br />

cuisine in the Atlantic City area. The family-owned<br />

and operated businesses have been preparing the<br />

finest Italian-American entrees in the greater New<br />

Jersey area for over 40 years. We invite you to enjoy<br />

the fine dining experience of Angeloni’s II where<br />

every detail in your <strong>com</strong>plete satisfaction is our goal.<br />

2400 Arctic Avenue Atlantic City, NJ 08401 • (<strong>609</strong>) <strong>344</strong>-7875 • Angelonis2@<strong>com</strong>cast.net<br />

We are located on the corner of Arctic & Georgia Avenues<br />

26 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

Best food in AC: “Every time I return to my hometown in<br />

Trenton, NJ, I visit Angeloni’s in Atlantic City…the best veal<br />

dishes in town...recently sent my friends from Las Vegas<br />

(Louie Prima Jr. and his band) to Angeloni’s and they loved<br />

it...and you will too.”<br />

Henry Poreda, Saloonkeeper, Sonny’s Saloon<br />

and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada<br />

Open Monday - Friday for Lunch, Seven Days for Dinner

From the "Chelsea Lately" show Chuy Bravo hosted at The Pool<br />

After Dark, Harrah's Atlantic City<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

The grand opening of Wet Willie's at Tropicana<br />

Photo:Tom Briglia/PhotoGraphics<br />

FALL<br />


at It’s<br />

BEST!!!<br />


The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 27

fashion<br />

by Raina Tallent, Fashion Editor of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

What happens in Veg a s.....<br />

Every summer I go to Las Vegas for a clothing convention to try and find<br />

new lines from the West Coast to bring here to Jersey. It's every woman's<br />

dream! Racks and racks of clothing to choose from all day long. Not to<br />

mention seeing styles worn by people all over the world. Apparently,<br />

Jillian and I were dead giveaways that we were from Jersey based on our<br />

tans, blonde hair, and our Jersey Shore accents. Its 10 hour days, on your<br />

feet the entire time so it only seems only fair that I mix a little business<br />

with pleasure and brought my husband along.<br />

Last year I made the hotel arrangements at the Hard Rock hotel.<br />

Although the rooms were nice, it wasn't on the strip and the crowd<br />

staying there were ratchet! Men were walking around the lobby shirtless,<br />

wasted at 9am and the music was super loud. This time my husband<br />

made the reservations and we stayed at the Aria. It was absolutely<br />

gorgeous with fresh flowers everywhere, exquisite tapestries and<br />

ornaments and we didn't even get into the room yet. The view from the<br />

room was picturesque with mountains and clouds. The highlight of the<br />

room was the toilet. It was a Toto toilet with special amenities featuring a<br />

heated seat, warm oscillating water for front and back and a dryer. This is<br />

on my Chanukah list this year.<br />

Lately, my idea of a wild night is going out to dinner, having a few<br />

cocktails and going to bed. So I promised my husband that for one<br />

night I would put my old<br />

lady panties aside, and<br />

go to a club. Mike made<br />

arrangements for a table at<br />

Hakkasan, which is a new<br />

club built by some billionaire<br />

from Dubai to spite another<br />

club that gave away his table<br />

to another guest. That puts<br />

all those guys that think<br />

they are all boss at a club<br />

Raina Tallent graduated from the<br />

University of Miami in 2001 and<br />

returned to Margate where she<br />

currently resides with her husband<br />

Mike, her three sons and five dogs.<br />

Although she graduated with an<br />

education degree, she had more<br />

interest in fashion and decided<br />

to open Simply Fly Boutique in<br />

to shame. We first went to the restaurant attached to the club that had<br />

a very intimidating menu. Over all, the food was good but I'd never go<br />

back there again. The club however was amazing!! The woman working<br />

there were all gorgeous and so were the men. They were very attentive<br />

and made sure we were happy at all times. The energy in the club was<br />

unbelievable. From the DJ, the light show, confetti, smoke, and dancers,<br />

everything was over the top. However, the crowd left a lot to be desired.<br />

All those people appalled by Miley Cyrus's performance at the VMAs<br />

clearly haven't been to a club in Vegas. Girls were dancing on tables<br />

with their dresses riding up and grinding all over each other. Wasting<br />

champagne is apparently the new hot thing in the clubs. A guy shakes<br />

up a bottle of champagne and opens it all over a girls face and the foam<br />

explodes everywhere. They call that a "champagne facial." Classy! I've<br />

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<strong>609</strong>-926-1212<br />

heard this is also very popular in the clubs in AC also including twerking<br />

and booty popping. These dances as well as the terms "yolo" and "swag"<br />

need to disappear. I'm so relieved I have boys.<br />

Now most people drink and party their way through Vegas, but Mike and<br />

I ate our way. I was all shopped out from the convention so we decided to<br />

go cabless and walk the strip. Our favorite breakfast spot was the Wicked<br />

Spoon at the Cosmopolitan. Everything was plated in small portions<br />

so you didn't feel like such a pig going up for thirds. We then walked<br />

towards the Caesars Forum Shops and there must have been a Gucci and<br />

Louis Vuitton at every block. Very similar to Atlantic City, there were<br />

pawn shops at every corner. We went for lunch there at Spago which is a<br />

Wolfgang Puck restaurant. The food was super fresh, but a bit pricey as it<br />

seems everything is in Vegas. It was a tie between Spago and the FIVE50<br />

Pizza Bar at the Aria. The most amazing garlic bread I've ever had.<br />

Although it was 110 degrees outside, I thought that if I kept walking<br />

I could burn off some calories. Vegas is super impressive with all the<br />

infrastructures and electronic billboards. The sidewalks are packed<br />

with tourists and the locals are selling water for a dollar and giving out<br />

playing cards. As in playing cards, I mean naked pictures of women<br />

with the phone numbers. I've always wondered if you actually got the<br />

2009 to bring some of her South<br />

Beach fashion sense and unique<br />

taste to the South Jersey area.<br />

Simply Fly Boutique continues<br />

to offer the latest fashion and<br />

trends while providing a fun and<br />

relaxing environment for all of its<br />

customers.<br />

girl in the picture. Back in<br />

college we picked out a male<br />

stripper from the <strong>com</strong>puter<br />

for a friend’s birthday. We<br />

ordered a brunette in a cop<br />

uniform and a blonde man<br />

in a cheesy Hawaiian shirt<br />

showed up.<br />

So after a long day in the<br />

heat, we headed back to the<br />

room to nap and get ready<br />

for the best dinner in Vegas. Napping is a pure sign of a vacation. The<br />

SW Steakhouse is in the Wynn Casino, another insanely beautiful casino.<br />

The food is great and the best place to sit is in the outside terrace which<br />

overlooks a lake where after 8:00 pm a water/light show goes on every<br />

half hour. Only in Vegas!!!<br />

After five days I was ready to go home.<br />

I missed my boys and was ready to get<br />

back to reality. I still really miss that<br />

toilet though. Until next year Vegas!!!<br />

Xoxo<br />

www.weddingsbyphotographics.<strong>com</strong><br />

28 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

Fly Girl of the Month<br />

This is Nicole Schulman from<br />

Northfield, New Jersey. She graduated<br />

from Mainland Regional High School<br />

and ACCC. She is attending Rizzieri<br />

Beauty School in November and she<br />

is part if the Fly Girl Family. She is<br />

wearing Niki Biki leggings, which are<br />

our favorite line for seamless wear, and<br />

an adorable and cozy sweater by YA.<br />

We are getting ready for Fall ladies!!!<br />

FLY<br />

GIRL<br />

Simply Fly Boutique<br />

521 TilTon Road,<br />

noRThfield, nJ<br />

<strong>609</strong>-241-6322<br />

simplyflyboutique<br />

flYGiRlXoXo<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 29

Lloyd D. Levenson’s – “Life at the Shore”<br />

“Columbus sailed<br />

the ocean blue in<br />

fourteen hundred<br />

and ninety two.”<br />

Among the huge<br />

collection of facts<br />

which we were<br />

forced to memorize back in school, this<br />

handy rhyme stays with us even long<br />

after we have forgotten “i before e accept<br />

after c or when. . . (however that ends).”<br />

Because this article will probably be<br />

printed before Columbus Day, I thought<br />

I would discuss the explorers who came<br />

to America before Columbus.<br />

In discussing them, I am not<br />

disparaging the great Italian navigator<br />

and his courageous crew, whose<br />

explorations certainly kicked off the<br />

modern wave of cross-Atlantic trips and<br />

the opening of the “New World” to<br />

European influence. And, of course, it is<br />

preposterous to talk about any of these<br />

men “discovering” a continent which<br />

had been the home of millions of Native<br />

Americans for thousands of years.<br />

When I was in school, the only other<br />

European explorer mentioned as a<br />

possible precursor to Columbus was the<br />

Viking, Leif Ericson, who we all picture<br />

wearing a hat with horns on it and<br />

swinging a mighty broadsword. Even<br />

the most conservative archaeologists<br />

accept that there was at least one Viking<br />

settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows, four<br />

or five hundred years before Columbus.<br />

Viking sagas tell us that Snorri<br />

Thorfinnsson was the first European<br />

born on the American continent.<br />

Far less well known are accounts of a<br />

30 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

voyage to the New World by a fleet from<br />

Mali, in sub-Saharan Africa, in<br />

approximately 1311. Professor Ivan<br />

van Sertima of Rutgers was the leading<br />

proponent of this theory, pointing to<br />

characteristic African features on the<br />

giant Olmec stone heads found<br />

throughout Mesoamerica.<br />

Other Olmec heads bear features<br />

which appear to be distinctly Asian,<br />

giving strength to the claims of Chinese<br />

expeditions crossing the northern<br />

Pacific to the California coast as early as<br />

the year 500. Some Scots point to<br />

Henry Sinclair as having explored the<br />

North American coast almost 100 years<br />

before Columbus’s arrival. (There are<br />

carvings in Sinclair’s Rosslyn Chapel<br />

which supposedly depict Indian corn.)<br />

The Irish make the claim that St.<br />

Brendan (the Navigator) crossed the<br />

Atlantic to North America in a leather<br />

boat in the Sixth Century. Tim Severin<br />

actually recreated Brendan’s trip in a<br />

similar boat in 1976. His vessel, lashed<br />

together with two miles of leather<br />

thongs, wrapped in 49 tanned ox hides<br />

and sealed with grease, sailed from<br />

Ireland to Newfoundland, a distance of<br />

4,500 miles.<br />

The Welsh look to their Prince Madoc,<br />

who supposedly explored the continent<br />

in the late Twelfth Century. Consistent<br />

with this theory, Thomas Jefferson<br />

wrote a letter to Meriwether Lewis<br />

advising him to search for Welsh<br />

speaking Indians up the Missouri River.<br />

Italians disappointed by the toppling of<br />

Columbus from the head of the list can<br />

always point to claims of far earlier<br />

discoveries made by classical Roman<br />

navigators more than 1,000 years<br />

before Christopher set sail. Thus, a<br />

Second Century B.C. Roman ship,<br />

loaded with amphora, was supposedly<br />

found in Guanabara Bay, near Rio de<br />

Janeiro, demonstrating at least one<br />

contact between the New and Old<br />

Worlds far earlier than is usually<br />

admitted.<br />

For that matter, there are even those<br />

who believe that the ancient Egyptians<br />

had contact with the Americas,<br />

pointing to traces of tobacco and coca<br />

leaves found in ancient mummies.<br />

(Both plants growing only in the New<br />

World.) As potential confirmation of<br />

this, in 1954, the “Khufu Ship” was<br />

dug out of the bedrock at Giza and<br />

demonstrated that the Egyptians were<br />

building large and sophisticated sailing<br />

vessels (bigger than any of those used<br />

by Columbus) in 2500 B.C.<br />

Whether some, none, or all of these<br />

claims are true, I am safe in saying that<br />

every race and nationality is anxious to<br />

discover this wonderful land, and<br />

particularly the glorious Jersey Shore,<br />

and I wel<strong>com</strong>e every royal barge,<br />

caravan, or outrigger which <strong>com</strong>es to<br />

sample our famous hospitality.<br />

Lloyd D. Levenson is Chief Executive<br />

Officer of the Atlantic City-based law firm<br />

Cooper Levenson and Chairman of the firm’s<br />

Casino Law Departments in Atlantic City and<br />

Las Vegas. Mr. Levenson may be reached at<br />

(<strong>609</strong>)<strong>344</strong>-3161 or by email at<br />


During the summer, Cooper Levenson hosted young students from Atlantic City<br />

neighborhoods, offering them glimpses into the everyday workings of a law<br />

firm. Students sat in on depositions, were treated to court tours, and spent time<br />

with various lawyers. We are proud to be one of seven area businesses in the<br />

Business Mentorship Program.<br />

The concept of the “Think Tank,” initiated by<br />

Revel’s Community Outreach department, is to<br />

develop a partnership with neighborhood<br />

stakeholders with the intent of working together,<br />

utilizing the necessary resources to create and<br />

execute realistic plans to address action items.<br />

www.cooperlevenson.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong> PENNSYLVANIA DELAWARE NEVADA<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 31

The Biggest Names In Fitness Presented By The<br />

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LIKE US on facebook.<strong>com</strong>/ShoreMedicalCenter and you could<br />

Win 2 Free SWEAT AC Tickets and Complimentary<br />

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Let’s get<br />

physical!<br />

Presented by Shore Medical Center<br />

Visit the Shore Medical Center<br />



In the Caesars Casino / Palladium Ballroom<br />

Plus, there will be lots of fun demonstrations,<br />

presentation and giveaways.<br />

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THE ALL <strong>NEW</strong><br />


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<strong>NEW</strong> PERSPECTIVE<br />

34 |<br />

34 The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

The Boardwalk Journal September 2013

BREAKING <strong>NEW</strong>S.<br />




PULLED<br />


YOU SEE <strong>ATLANTIC</strong> <strong>CITY</strong><br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 |<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 |<br />

35<br />


A Look Back At The Epic Battle For Atlantic City<br />

between Donald Trump & Steve Wynn<br />


Publisher of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

36 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

From 1971 to 1975, boxing fans and the world in general were captivated by the trilogy of fights between Muhammad Ali<br />

and his able fisted nemesis “Smokin’” Joe Frazier.<br />

The 1980’s gave us now legendary rivalries between Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors,<br />

“Sugar” Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran and the apex of one of the most important battles in the history of capitalism, the<br />

epic battle between Coke and Pepsi.<br />

From 1995 to 2000, two of the most prominent names in gaming, Steve Wynn and Donald Trump, waged a contentious<br />

battle over a prime piece of real estate in a city that much like its <strong>com</strong>batants, was in its prime.<br />

The clash of these white-collar titans garnered attention from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time,<br />

Newsweek and even 60 Minutes.<br />

This was many years before Donald Trump’s unkempt hair and public feuds with everyone from Barack Obama to Rosie<br />

O’Donnell became punch lines for snarky journalists, much like Atlantic City itself.<br />

But back in the late 90’s, if Atlantic City had a king, it was no doubt the brash and equally brilliant New York based real<br />

estate baron named Trump, who oversaw three of the city’s casinos, each bearing his name; Trump Plaza, Trump Marina<br />

and Trump Taj Mahal, the latter of which was the city’s crowned jewel in the 90’s.<br />

But when Trump, then 38, came to Atlantic City in 1984, opening Trump Plaza, which for obvious reasons billed itself<br />

as ‘The Centerpiece of The Boardwalk’, the city belonged to the then 42 year old Steve Wynn, who owned and operated<br />

the Golden Nugget several blocks away and put Atlantic City gambling on the map with his now famous television<br />

<strong>com</strong>mercials featuring the iconic Frank Sinatra.<br />

Less than three years earlier in early 1987, Wynn sold his beloved Golden Nugget in Atlantic City to the Bally<br />

Manufacturing Company in an effort to reduce debt and improve borrowing capacity for his Golden Nugget Inc., who at<br />

the time had grand plans for a $350 million project on the Las Vegas Strip for land it had acquired in 1986 that was adjacent<br />

to Caesars Palace.<br />

The New York Times in a January 1987 article about Wynn’s plans to leave Atlantic City wrote the following:<br />

Some analysts say the retreat from Atlantic City also represents worries about the casino market there. Analysts say that the<br />

Atlantic City market may have be<strong>com</strong>e saturated and that overregulation, lack of transportation and insufficient convention<br />

space may have made the environment unattractive.<br />

Wynn’s exodus paved the way for Trump to be<strong>com</strong>e the new king of the hill, but eight years later, after single handedly<br />

reinventing Las Vegas, Steve Wynn was talking about <strong>com</strong>ing back to Atlantic City and Donald Trump wasn’t happy.<br />

This is the premise behind former Wynn executive Richard “Skip” Bronson’s book, The War at The Shore: Donald Trump,<br />

Steve Wynn & The Epic War to Save Atlantic City.<br />

Bronson, the president of New City Development Company, a subsidiary of Wynn’s Mirage Resorts Inc., was tasked with<br />

building what he describes in his book as a “top-level new casino and hotel <strong>com</strong>plex in Atlantic City”.<br />

The War at The Shore takes you inside Wynn’s boardroom as he prepares to do battle with Trump in what may ultimately be<br />

the city’s final and most epic showdown.<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 37

Steve Wynn and Frank Sinatra in the 80'S<br />

Donald Trump in the 80'S<br />

Donald Trump, Steve Wynn and Richard "Skip" Bronson<br />

38 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

The heavyweighT<br />

BouT of The CenTury.<br />

In “The War at the Shore,” two of the world’s best-known tycoons fought a bare-knuckled, high-stakes<br />

battle over a prime piece of real estate in one of America’s most famous resort towns. No money was spared,<br />

no punch was pulled, no invective went unhurled. You’ll get a front-row seat to this heavyweight battle from<br />

Skip Bronson, an acclaimed businessman and storyteller, who was at the center of this dynamic duel.<br />


an engaging insider’s account of the<br />

down-and-dirty machinations that go into<br />

high-stakes real estate development.<br />

kirkus reviews<br />

richard d. “skip” Bronson<br />

This book is a manual of strategy and tactics,<br />

smeared with sweat and blood. This is a must<br />

read for business and pure entertainment.<br />

steve tisch, film producer and<br />

chairman of the new York Giants<br />

availaBle<br />

everywhere Books<br />

are sold<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 39

40 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

Richard "Skip" Bronson, Chairman of U.S. Digital Gaming and The<br />

Bronson Companies, and author of "The War At The Shore"

Q & A with SKIP BRONSON<br />


Publisher of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

BWJ: So during the timeframe you were actually living and working in the midst of what you later called “The War at the<br />

Shore”, were you aware that what you were experiencing on a daily basis would later be the subject matter of a book?<br />

RB: I didn’t for a couple of reasons. Number one, this project was like a Rubik’s cube. There was no time to think about<br />

anything else. Not books, not movies, not fun. Sadly, not even family. It took 100% focus on the task at hand.<br />

BWJ: In your book, the analysis you give of both Steve Wynn and Donald Trump is very in depth. In what ways are these<br />

two men similar and in what ways are they different?<br />

RB: They are similar in their absolute belief that what they are doing is the right thing. They are also alike because they are<br />

the two most optimistic people I’ve ever seen in my life. They don’t see the glass as half full, they see the glass as <strong>com</strong>pletely<br />

full. They are different in the way they approach those realities.<br />

BWJ: You’ve stated publicly your belief that had Steve Wynn re-entered the Atlantic City market back in 2000, he would<br />

have shifted the entire paradigm in the city. Do you still believe that one man could have that affect given Atlantic City’s<br />

current state of affairs in 2013?<br />

RB: If it’s the “right man”, I actually do.<br />

BWJ: You’ve worked closely with Steve Wynn. Atlantic City is where he made his bones so to speak with The Golden<br />

Nugget back in the early 80’s. If not purely for nostalgia, do you envision a scenario where he would <strong>com</strong>e back and save<br />

the city he helped build? We are talking about a man who did in fact marry the same woman twice.<br />

RB: I actually do not. Steve and I are still very close friends and, fortunately, we get to see a lot of each other. We have<br />

discussed countless gaming jurisdictions around the world but Atlantic City never <strong>com</strong>es up in the discussion. His<br />

principle focus is in Asia where he has had extraordinary success. Beyond Asia he is actively pursuing gaming opportunities<br />

in a couple of states but I can’t envision a scenario where he would return to Atlantic City at this time.<br />

BWJ: Your <strong>com</strong>pany, U.S. Digital Gaming is at the forefront of the emerging internet gambling movement. Do you<br />

envision this concept to be the catalyst for change in Atlantic City and if so do you project the internet will bring about an<br />

immediate seismic change to Atlantic City’s ever dwindling gross revenue or do you see this as more of a protracted growth<br />

as people be<strong>com</strong>e more familiar with the technology?<br />

RB: I believe online gaming can definitely be a revenue generator for Atlantic City, but it will not be the panacea. It can<br />

certainly be part of the solution, but it cannot be the entire solution.<br />

BWJ: Suppose you had a crystal ball out there in Beverly Hills, what would Atlantic City look like today if Donald Trump<br />

was still running three properties and if Steve Wynn had <strong>com</strong>e back to the city in 2000 and had stayed?<br />

RB: Like my friends Donald and Steve, I’m not big on post-mortems. I would rather focus on the future. However, if<br />

they had stayed in Atlantic City, it would be hard to believe that Atlantic City would not be better off than it is today.<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 41


GAMING IN <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>JERSEY</strong> & BEYOND<br />

AN ESSAY FOR The Boardwalk Journal<br />

By Richard D. "Skip" Bronson<br />

By now, you may have heard about the recently-released<br />

Farmer’s Almanac predicted a snowy Super Bowl at the<br />

Meadowlands in New Jersey in early 2014 – the first cold<br />

weather, professional football title game. I’m happy for my<br />

friend, New York Giants Co-Chairman Steve Tisch, that the Big<br />

Blue and Jets are hosting. So, I certainly hope the forecast is<br />

wrong. Amazingly, the publication has been around since 1818<br />

and has 80% accuracy in its weather forecasts. For a century,<br />

those forecasts were done without Doppler or Al Roker and<br />

many times were important harbingers for farmers and<br />

small-town America.<br />

Fast forward from predicting snowy football games in New Jersey to predicting the impact and future of online gaming in<br />

New Jersey and beyond. Can we zero-in on the exact time and place and means by which this industry takes off and makes<br />

a difference for operators or consumers? No, I don’t think we can. But, I can predict this (and, like the Almanac, I’m at<br />

about 80%, too) – it is happening. It is <strong>com</strong>ing. And, it has fascinating potential.<br />

Looking back over the last 24 months, there really haven’t been any great surprises in this space. U.S. authorities cracked<br />

down on illegal offshore operators. The federal bill was nothing more than the recent Lone Ranger film – lots of hype; no<br />

box office. The federal bill never materialized and never will. Even my wife is tired of hearing me say over and over, it is a<br />

state-by-state issue, just as all other gaming, from lotteries to casinos, have been.<br />

As expected, New Jersey and Nevada have led the way, with Delaware joining the party, too. These states have a proud<br />

and a long history of industry leadership alongside an existing, proven regulatory environment that works. New Jersey<br />

isn’t quite up and running yet and Delaware is in its infancy. Each of these states have a smallish customer base that will<br />

make liquidity difficult and profitability even more difficult than that. But, there are distinct benefits to their activation.<br />

They are providing effective R&D for the operators to feel-out the market and adapt to it. (And these industry leaders<br />

have the financial wherewithal to do this.) They are building their data bases and fine-tuning the technology. And, they<br />

have the potential still to support their brick-and-mortar facilities thru this online effort. On the latter point, I have my<br />

fingers-crossed. Certainly one of the catalysts for the legalization in New Jersey was to give existing stakeholders the ability<br />

to operate online, with an eye on supporting the financial health of their physical properties with cross-marketing, crosspromotion<br />

and a new revenue stream. That was part of the vision of Governor Christie and his Atlantic City czar, Jon<br />

Hanson. They are spot on. And heck, you even have Steve Wynn looking at operating in New Jersey. Anytime you can get<br />

the participation and validation of this pioneer and market-maker, you’re on to something.<br />

42 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

I’ve really been impressed with the work of the Fertittas, Tom Breitling and the launch of Ultimate Poker in Nevada. Their<br />

platform is terrific. The customer experience is engaging and most of all; they are leveraging a well-known, consumerfacing<br />

brand to build a <strong>com</strong>munity of participants. This is, in my view, one of the secret ingredients to success in online<br />

gaming, especially as we look ahead to operations in multiple jurisdictions. Very smart. The “Ultimate” brand has<br />

phenomenal reach and adaptability in any state, and myriad marketing avenues. The brand has resonance and a passionate<br />

following and is easily cross-promoted, in and out of the space.<br />

Speaking of weather forecasts, the skies remain cloudy for the European operators, who desperately want access to the<br />

huge American market. We’ve seen multi-million dollar legal settlements. Offers to buy distressed casino buildings in<br />

Atlantic City, as a way to enter the marketplace. “Bad boy” provisions in legislation for online legalization. Alliances with<br />

established U.S. operators, that have <strong>com</strong>e and gone. Many have effective technology platforms and years of operating<br />

experience. Some also have strong balance sheets. But, what many of the offshore operators haven’t understood in today’s<br />

world – entering this industry requires political know-how, as well as software know-how. It also requires entry into a<br />

regulatory environment that is determined to be clean as a whistle; not mostly clean. And given that, the path to prosperity<br />

in the U.S. may never materialize for them without a shift in strategy and a genuine understanding of how to participate<br />

here.<br />

Other states will continue to explore and dive into this industry. The legislative season will be upon us as the calendar turns<br />

and a multitude of states will again convene <strong>com</strong>mittees, debate legislation and try to fill revenue gaps in their state budgets.<br />

While I don’t see a tidal wave of states that will approve in 2014, there may be a couple and certainly, a few more may take<br />

another step forward. Oftentimes, it can take two or three consecutive legislative sessions to tackle and approve something<br />

as significant as this online gaming issue.<br />

The jurisdiction that could be most interesting in the next twelve months? Easily, it is California. The largest in population,<br />

it is instant liquidity and eventually, profitability. California is bigger than many of the European markets and would be<br />

battle royale for market-share among a host of players. Of course, you’d need to navigate the political waters first, with<br />

card clubs, Native American casino interests and the horse-racing industry, too. (This reminds me of the scene from<br />

Anchorman, where the Will Ferrell news team is fighting all of the other news teams, led by Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller,<br />

Tim Robbins and Luke Wilson. Maybe Steve Carrell could represent the breeders?) The stakes are high – so, too, are<br />

the rewards. Yet despite the tangled webs, there is some powerful will and, there is the desperate need for new revenues.<br />

California may have another ripple effect, which could reach the Boardwalk in Atlantic City or the Strip in Las Vegas – it<br />

could be the cornerstone to an interstate network that would give online operators in New Jersey or Nevada access to the<br />

tens of millions of customers in the Golden State. Keep an eye on this, as I am, too.<br />

Whenever I think of California legalization, I also think of the groundbreaking innovation that <strong>com</strong>es from the world’s<br />

technology hub in Silicon Valley. Technology evolves at light-speed in the 21st century. There are new applications,<br />

programs and ideas that have already revolutionized the way we purchase, <strong>com</strong>municate, socialize and work. And, there<br />

is a whole world that has yet to be invented or discovered or, are about to be and we don’t know it yet. I’m excited by this<br />

– and, that says a lot for a kid who grew up delivering the newspaper and watching Ed Sullivan. The real question is – how<br />

does the gaming industry wrap its arms around the technology and opportunities. And, vice versa.<br />

My <strong>com</strong>pany, U.S. Digital Gaming, spent a considerable amount of time in 2012 with Zynga, discussing some potential<br />

synergies. At the time, they were on fire. The stock was up. Alec Baldwin was playing “Words with Friends.” All was<br />

great for this start-up. In the discussion of online gaming, Zynga felt that they could emerge as the market leader from<br />

sea to shining sea. They touted it on Wall Street. They spent considerable dollars on personnel, programmers and plans.<br />

Somewhere along the way, they forgot their MapQuest and got lost – online gaming was barely legal in the U.S. and they<br />

had no standing as an operator, especially as states were creating legislation to allow limit licenses to existing stakeholders.<br />

They were all dressed up with no place to go and just a few months ago, had to publicly declare that they were out of the<br />

online gaming space in the U.S., even as we all know they were never in it to begin with.<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 43

The out<strong>com</strong>e with Zynga was unfortunate for a lot of reasons. To me, the biggest bogey – the traditional casino industry<br />

wasn’t able, at least in this instance, to tap into the inventive programming and thinking of a next generation technology<br />

leader who was/is, in all likelihood, closer to the emerging trends in tech-driven consumerism. Ideas like theirs, or any<br />

number of other tech trailblazers, could conceivably reinvent the online gaming experience and proposition. Zynga, at<br />

the end of the day, was too “new world” in their evaluation of the legalization landscape to understand that it <strong>com</strong>es in an<br />

“old school” political way. Speaking of California again for a minute, wouldn’t the prospects for legalizing online gaming<br />

improve if there was a cadre of <strong>com</strong>panies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and even Zynga pushing in the same direction,<br />

with an eye on revolutionizing the casino industry with their own participation?<br />

Still, today’s online technologies can offer a powerful tool in the modern-day tool box of success for the casino industry<br />

as we know it, when married with online gambling. Data base collection and understanding are paramount to customer<br />

relations and revenue enhancement. Online can drive real-time traffic around real-time promotions, filling beds, building<br />

slot traffic or selling-out a special event. The evolution of mobile devices is also huge and there are opportunities out there<br />

today and <strong>com</strong>ing tomorrow, which will redefine the very essence of this space. Remember: this is where there is the most<br />

immediate Return On Investment for the industry.<br />

Back to New Jersey for just a moment. As the online presence gears up this fall, I have two specific hopes and my fingers<br />

are crossed. First, I hope that the operators can use this presence on the worldwide web (key word: worldwide, as in<br />

the opportunity to sell your product around the world) to promote and drive business to the state. Online gambling<br />

is relatively easy – a <strong>com</strong>pelling internet experience is the real opportunity, motivating and inspiring new visitors and<br />

creating buzz about the city on the boardwalk. Secondly, I hope that New Jersey could use its market leadership to drive<br />

innovations in the casino and gaming industry. Why not use this 21st century opportunity to be<strong>com</strong>e a global leader in<br />

the synergies of the physical casino business and the futuristic virtual gaming space? Break-thru technologies, new revenue<br />

platforms and cutting-edge promotional and consumer programs could redefine the next generation of gaming. For<br />

Atlantic City to thrive, it needs business, revenue spikes and mindshare – the internet could be an engine that revs its next<br />

chapter. I spent what seemed like a lifetime in Atlantic City a decade ago, advancing the Brigantine Connector Tunnel to<br />

the Borgata, as Mirage Resorts’ development chief – nobody wants to see this special place remain special more than me.<br />

The gaming industry’s new digital age is upon us and offers optimism and change, with grand potential. The out<strong>com</strong>e is<br />

sure to be fascinating, exciting and full of twists – much like a Super Bowl in the snow in New Jersey.<br />

Mr. Bronson is the Chairman of U.S. Digital Gaming (USDG) and Chairman of The Bronson Companies. USDG is<br />

a California-based online gaming interest and The Bronson Companies is a real estate development firm specializing<br />

in unique retail and hospitality destinations. A former Director of Mirage Resorts, he headed the <strong>com</strong>pany’s new<br />

development activities. Today, he is a Director of Starwood Property Trust (NYSE: STWD) and TRI Pointe Homes<br />

(NYSE:TPH ).<br />

44 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013




Publisher of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

Whenever word leaks that the now 71 year old casino king Steve Wynn is even mildly interested in expanding his global gaming empire into new<br />

territory, people get excited.<br />

Such was the case when the word began to circulate about the proposed Wynn Philadelphia, from the man himself in an open letter to Philadelphia<br />

that was circulated via the web.<br />

In the letter, Wynn states that he has been presented with “lesser opportunities to do something in Philadelphia”, but none of those opportunities<br />

have “offered the location, scope and level of luxury that Philadelphia deserves”, as he goes on to discuss building a “remarkable” East Coast<br />

destination, the kind of proclamation that sends shivers down the spines of casino operators 60 miles away straight down the Atlantic City<br />

Expressway.<br />

And to top it off, when Wynn went before the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board back in February to discuss his proposed billion-dollar Delaware<br />

River resort, which includes a state of the art quasi-boardwalk dubbed River Walk Park, he uttered the following words:<br />

“Atlantic City is the enemy.”<br />

The proposed rendering of Wynn Philadelphia and its development site on the Delaware River north of<br />

The Ben Franklin Bridge<br />

Fast forward six months and the local buzz is no longer about Wynn Philadelphia, as the casino king’s application in the Keystone State is currently<br />

mired in what can best be described as classic Philadelphia cronyism, it’s about Wynn seeking a casino license in Atlantic City to cash in on New<br />

Jersey’s Internet gambling market, which is slated to begin in late November of this year and could be the catalyst for Atlantic City’s much discussed<br />

renaissance that never seems to <strong>com</strong>e to fruition.<br />

With the mere filing of an application, speculation is mounting regarding what Wynn's plans might be for Atlantic City<br />

Is he buying the Atlantic Club? Is he buying Trump Plaza? Is he making a bid for Bader Field?<br />

Before we prepare for the second <strong>com</strong>ing of Steve Wynn, consider carefully the <strong>com</strong>ments made on page 41 by Skip Bronson, a man who knows<br />

Wynn well. The smart money may be on Wynn simply tickling the wire and seeing what <strong>com</strong>es of it.<br />

The smart money may be on Wynn simply tickling the wire and seeing what <strong>com</strong>es back to him.<br />

For now, there is nothing to suggest the imminent return of his eminence, but as Atlantic City looks forward to Internet gambling <strong>com</strong>e November,<br />

one can only hope that Steve Wynn is soon dismissing Philadelphia as “the enemy” as he announces his return to the city where he first became a<br />

legend more than thirty years ago.<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 45

46 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 Melissa Gorga




Editor-in-Chief of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

Back in the late summer of 2010, I got a call from my<br />

husband that he would be late <strong>com</strong>ing home because he<br />

was meeting a husband and wife from North Jersey in his<br />

office to go over a contract they had been offered to<br />

appear on a reality television show.<br />

Later that night when my husband came home he told<br />

me all about his new clients and how excited he was to<br />

work with them because they were very down to earth<br />

and seemed like great people.<br />

The husband and wife turned out to be Joe and Melissa<br />

Gorga and the rest is history in the making.<br />

The Boardwalk Journal first featured Melissa Gorga in<br />

all her housewife splendor on our August 2011 “Lady<br />

Gorga” cover, which was featured prominently last<br />

season on Bravo’s Real Housewives of New Jersey.<br />

More than two years later we catch up with TV’s hottest<br />

housewife who is on the cusp of releasing more music<br />

and her highly anticipated book Love Italian Style.<br />

BWJ: So how did your book “Love Italian Style” <strong>com</strong>e about?<br />

MG: Well, originally it started out that people on Twitter and my fans and everyone that I met at signings and other events; the first<br />

thing that they noticed about me and that they talked about was my family and my kids and my husband. It was always about my<br />

marriage and people would always say wow, you and Joe have this great relationship and how do you do it, how do you keep each other<br />

so in to one another. Everyone was constantly noticing the marriage and the relationship and I started realizing that that’s what people<br />

wanted from me. I guess when you have a platform like this show provides me, you start to pay attention to what people like about<br />

you and what they don’t like about you and I started to see that everywhere I went people would talk about the relationship that Joe<br />

and I have and the respect that we have for one another. I think they see the playfulness that we have and that we still flirt like we are<br />

teenagers and it’s the first year of us being together. I think that intrigues a lot of people and they wanted to know the secret, so that’s<br />

how it all came about. I started talking to publishing <strong>com</strong>panies about it and they loved the idea and we went from there.<br />

BWJ: I know that you’re doing a few book signings in South Jersey, when and where will you be?<br />

MG: I will be in Deptford at the Barnes & Noble on September 19th at 7pm and then in Glassboro at the Barnes & Noble at Rowan<br />

University on September 24th at 6pm. On October 5th I will be in Atlantic City at The Golden Nugget. I’m a South Jersey girl, I was<br />

born and raised in Toms River and that’s where my whole family still lives.<br />

BWJ: I saw recently that you were at the MTV Video Music Awards. What was that like, given your passion for music?<br />

MG: Oh my god, it was amazing, it was such an experience. It was something that I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve been such a fan of the<br />

VMA’s for as long as I could remember and I would always find myself watching them at home and you never think that it could ever<br />

happen that you would actually be there and walking the red carpet and sitting behind Rihanna during the VMA’s. It was crazy we had<br />

Rihanna and Drake and Jennifer Hudson sitting two seats in front of me. It was surreal, it was surreal to be there and it was everything<br />

that I dreamed it would be. I had the chills the whole time. It was great, more than I could ever ask for. I’m still on a VMA high right<br />

now. So keep your eyes open!<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 47


48 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 Photo Credit: 2013 Toni Braxton

BWJ: My husband told me that he was with you when you met Sean “Diddy” Combs in New York a few summers ago and<br />

that when he saw you he came up to you and said, “Thank you Jesus”, which clearly indicates he watches the show. Who are<br />

some of the other celebrities that have surprised you with their knowledge of the show?<br />

MG: That’s true about Diddy; he was actually imitating me from the show when we met him which was surreal. 50 Cent<br />

told me that he loves the show, Kristin Chenoweth, she loves the show. Nicki Minaj is another one; she’s tweeted about Joe<br />

before. You would be so surprised about who watches the show and how many fans actually watch the show. It’s kind of<br />

crazy! We did ‘Watch What Happens Live’ with Mike Tyson and he knew everything about the show and it was like, ‘Mike<br />

Tyson is sitting on his couch and watching our show.’ You’d have to see how many people at the VMA’s walked up to us<br />

because they watch the show. We were in shock.<br />

BWJ: You have had great success away from television with the release of songs like “On Display” and “I Just Wanna.” How<br />

would you describe your latest single “Never Let Me Go”?<br />

MG: I’m psyched about this new single that I just released because it is all new producers and all new writers and I’m<br />

working with an amazing guy named Johnnie Wright who is the manager for Justin Timberlake, Akon and the Jonas<br />

Brothers. He’s the guy that made Britney and he made ‘N Sync so just to have him working with me and interested in<br />

helping me and taking me on as his client is just crazy to me. I’m still taking it in. I talk to him every day and go back and<br />

forth with emails every day and I still can’t believe that I’m even having conversations with someone of his caliber. It just<br />

feels great, really great to know that he’s on my team. The song is the best one yet and we are working on radio play for it<br />

right now. It’s looking really good for that. I don’t want to promise anything because it’s still in the works, but we just got a<br />

really exciting call about that, so stay tuned for “Never Let Me Go.”<br />

BWJ: Obviously everyone is talking about the legal problems that Teresa and Joe are having, have you had a chance to<br />

reach out to her and offer your support?<br />

MG: Of course. Teresa knows that we are here for her. At the end of the day the most important thing are those four little<br />

girls and Teresa knows that if she needs us we are here for her.<br />

BWJ: Your sisters, Lysa and Kim, who are both amazing, are so supportive of everything you do. How important are they<br />

behind the scenes in helping you with all of the drama that <strong>com</strong>es with being a Housewife?<br />

MG: They are a major source of <strong>com</strong>fort and support for me. They are always there to keep me grounded, to keep my two<br />

feet on the ground and to remind me what life is really all about. They are a very good reality check for me. You know there<br />

is no Real Housewife of New Jersey Melissa when you are around them. I’m still their little sister and they help to keep me<br />

grounded. Without them I would be lost because it’s hard to trust people in this world I’m in right now, it’s very cut throat<br />

and once you get on a show like this it’s very hard to trust people. But with Lysa and Kim, those are two people that I know<br />

will never turn their backs on me and it’s really important when you are in a situation like this. We are opening our whole<br />

world to the public and it’s a very scary thing to do, but I know that no matter what I will always have my sisters to back me<br />

up and to love and support me.<br />

BWJ: So you have conquered television, music and now publishing. What is next for Melissa Gorga?<br />

MG: I don’t know. I guess we will have to wait and see! Maybe more books and more music. I am working on a fashion<br />

line that may be <strong>com</strong>ing out too so keep your eyes open!<br />

Follow Melissa Gorga on<br />

@MelissaGorga<br />

For more information go to...<br />

www.melissagorga.<strong>com</strong><br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 49

50 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />


The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 51

52 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 53

Dr. Jon Pomeroy<br />

As any physician will tell you, the best way to avoid illness<br />

and injury is to live a healthy and active lifestyle. For Dr. Jon<br />

Pomeroy, this isn’t just a advice he gives to his patients. It’s a<br />

motto that he lives by.<br />

Dr. Pomeroy is one of the newest members of Shore<br />

Physicians Group – a multi-specialty practice focused on<br />

treating people well with offices in Northfield, Somers<br />

Point, Egg Harbor Township and Ocean City. As an internal<br />

medicine specialist, Dr. Pomeroy focuses on all aspects of<br />

adult health and wellness. His philosophy has always been<br />

that it is better to keep the body in shape through activity<br />

than to let it weaken and be<strong>com</strong>e susceptible to illness and<br />

injury. It’s a concept that was instilled in him by his parents<br />

while growing up in Ventnor.<br />

“My father was my coach when I was younger,” said Dr.<br />

Pomeroy. “My sister was an ac<strong>com</strong>plished rower and softball<br />

player. My brother was my teammate in lacrosse. So being<br />

involved with sports came very natural to our family.”<br />

In addition to playing multiple sports in high school,<br />

Pomeroy played rugby and roller hockey at the University<br />

of Pennsylvania and soccer at the Philadelphia College of<br />

Osteopathic Medicine. The location of his residency – the<br />

University of Hawaii – was helpful in keeping him active<br />

during his medical training. An avid surfer from his days<br />

growing up at the Jersey Shore, Pomeroy embraced the<br />

opportunities to surf in Hawaii. While surfing offers a great<br />

physical workout – between paddling for waves and using<br />

the core to stay balanced – it’s also a great stress reliever.<br />

“In Hawaii, I spent much of my free time either hiking or<br />

surfing,” Dr. Pomeroy said. “It kept me in good physical<br />

and mental shape. A good hike or wave was always at my<br />

fingertips in Hawaii.”<br />

Of course, it wasn’t all paddling and hiking. While<br />

<strong>com</strong>pleting his residency at the University of Hawaii, Dr.<br />

Pomeroy trained extensively at Queen’s Medical Center,<br />

Straub Hospital, Leahi Hospital HIV Research Center,<br />

Kuakini Medical Center, Veteran Affairs Clinic at Tripler<br />

Army Medical Center and Waikiki Health Center.<br />

Eager to pass on his philosophy of physical fitness and<br />

wellness to the next generation, Dr. Pomeroy has coached<br />

youth lacrosse and served as the athletic trainer for the<br />

Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. He has also run in<br />

marathons in Hawaii and Philadelphia.<br />

Dr. Jon Pomeroy<br />

Dr. Pomeroy is now in practice at Shore Physicians Group’s<br />

401 Bethel Road office in Somers Point, specializing in the<br />

prevention and treatment of adult disease ranging from<br />

chronic issues like COPD and diabetes to acute illnesses<br />

such as upper respiratory infections. He continues to keep<br />

active and encourages his patients to take advantage of the<br />

many opportunities to stay active at the Jersey Shore.<br />

“We are very fortunate to live in a place where nature is so<br />

accessible,” Dr. Pomeroy said. “The boardwalk on Absecon<br />

Island is perfect for running, biking and walking. And the<br />

ocean provides many opportunities for activity, including<br />

surfing, stand-up paddling, kayaking, swimming and fishing.”<br />

For more information about Dr. Pomeroy and<br />

Shore Physicians Group, call <strong>609</strong>-365-6200 or visit<br />

ShorePhysiciansGroup.<strong>com</strong>.<br />

54 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013


A newspaper. A cup of tea. A shoulder to lean on. A smile. To most<br />

people, these are simple aspects of everyday life. For Tami Kitchen, they<br />

are gold.<br />

As Administrative Director of Patient and Family Experience at Shore<br />

Medical Center, Tami Kitchen, BSN, RN, CPN, knows how much the<br />

little things in life matter. Every word and gesture are threads in the<br />

tapestry of a patient’s healthcare experience at Shore, and it is Kitchen’s<br />

job to show employees how every decision makes an impact.<br />

“Every moment matters when it <strong>com</strong>es to caring for our patients, their<br />

families and friends,” said Kitchen. “What we think of as inconsequential<br />

can be monumental for the people we care for. I’m so proud to be part<br />

of an organization that has embraced a model of care that is patientcentered,<br />

and has made it its mission to always put our patients and their<br />

loved ones first.”<br />

In June, Shore Medical Center was formally designated by Planetree, Inc.,<br />

as a “Planetree Designated Patient-Centered Hospital®.” This designation<br />

recognizes Shore’s achievement and innovation in the delivery of patientcentered<br />

care. Shore is the first and only hospital in New Jersey and one<br />

of only 39 healthcare organizations worldwide to receive the Patient-<br />

Centered Designation since the program’s launch in 2007.<br />

Leading the patient-centered charge for Shore has been Kitchen, who is<br />

the medical center’s Planetree Coordinator for Patient Centered Care.<br />

Originally from Philadelphia, PA, she earned her Bachelor of Science<br />

degree in nursing at Rowan University. A registered nurse and certified<br />

pediatric nurse, Kitchen began here career as a pediatric nurse at St.<br />

Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. Six years later, she<br />

joined Temple University Children’s Medical Center, where she served<br />

as a pediatric nurse and administrative supervisor until joining Shore as a<br />

pediatric staff nurse in 2004.<br />

Kitchen’s <strong>com</strong>mitment to putting patients first was evident from the<br />

moment she joined the Shore Medical Center staff. An outspoken<br />

advocate for patient rights, she served as Maternal Child Health<br />

Supervisor and later Pediatric Nurse Manager before assuming her<br />

current title in 2009. In this role, she has overseen Shore’s Planetree<br />

journey and championed a cultural shift that has transformed the<br />

medical center into a global leader in patient-centered care.<br />

that all staff members were involved in the implementation of patientcentered<br />

care; and that the medical center’s physical environment was<br />

warm, <strong>com</strong>forting and conducive to the healing process. The Planetree<br />

journey also included a review of the medical center’s performance<br />

in terms of publicly reported patient satisfaction and quality of care<br />

measures.<br />

Reflecting on the Planetree process, Kitchen, who lives in Ocean City,<br />

NJ, with her husband, Tom, and their three daughters, Mackenzie, 15,<br />

Madison, 14, and Meagan, 4, is proud of the strides made by everyone at<br />

Shore.<br />

“Our foundation is solid, and I think as healthcare continues to change,<br />

it will drive us to evolve accordingly,” she said. “Our dedication to being<br />

patient-centered shows the public we are <strong>com</strong>mitted to partnering with<br />

them to create a healthier <strong>com</strong>munity, which can trust we will be there<br />

for them in their time of need.”<br />


Over the past five years, Shore Medical Center has implemented a<br />

substantial number of initiatives and practices designed to enhance both<br />

the patient and staff experience. These programs included the creation of<br />

administrative rounds, patient-directed visitation, the Patient and Family<br />

Advisory Council and the No One Dies Alone program, which provides<br />

<strong>com</strong>panions for patients who are near death and have no one to <strong>com</strong>fort<br />

them.<br />

As part of Shore’s Planetree designation process, which included a site<br />

visit by representatives from not-for-profit organization, focus groups<br />

were conducted with recent Shore patients and current staff members to<br />

ensure specific patient-centered policies were in place. These included<br />

non-restrictive visiting hours; an open medical chart policy; verification<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 55

56 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

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The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 57

fitness<br />

by Julianne Dods, Fitness Editor of The Boardwalk Journal<br />

It’s easy to fall off the fitness wagon in the summer.<br />

Vacations, kids being home from school, outdoor activities<br />

and assorted family obligations often seem to get in the way<br />

of <strong>com</strong>mitting to a regular, consistent workout regimen.<br />

If that’s been your experience, then fall is a perfect time to<br />

dedicate yourself to getting back on track toward achieving<br />

your fitness goals…whether it’s losing body fat, gaining<br />

strength and flexibility, or just plain looking and feeling<br />

better.<br />

So how do you honor that <strong>com</strong>mitment that you’ve made to<br />

yourself to engage in a healthier lifestyle and make exercise<br />

part of your daily routine? Start by figuring out what you<br />

enjoy doing. If you<br />

feel like you should<br />

be running more, but<br />

aren’t enamored with<br />

the treadmill, then stop<br />

torturing yourself. Get<br />

creative instead. Find a<br />

cardiovascular activity<br />

that is similar and may<br />

not seem so much like<br />

“running!” Racquetball,<br />

swimming and group exercise classes are just a few examples<br />

of activities that provide excellent cardio benefits without<br />

the wear and tear on the joints often associated with<br />

running.<br />

Accountability is a key success factor in any endeavor, and<br />

fitness is no different. Personal training and small group<br />

training are easy and highly effective ways to adhere to your<br />

workouts, because you will be with people who are invested<br />

in your success. You have made a <strong>com</strong>mitment to others,<br />

both physically and financially, and you are more likely<br />

to show up when your trainer or exercise classmates are<br />

expecting you.<br />

Fall Back Into Fitness<br />

Julianne Dods is Vice President/General<br />

Manager of Tilton Fitness. Tilton Fitness<br />

is a nationally-recognized leader in health<br />

club operations. With more than 12,000<br />

members in four southeastern New Jersey<br />

clubs, Tilton Fitness is the leading provider<br />

of fitness services in the region. By providing<br />

exceptional facilities, unparalleled customer<br />

service, highly-trained professional staff,<br />

and <strong>com</strong>prehensive fitness and wellness<br />

programs, Tilton Fitness ensures that<br />

improved health is within the reach of<br />

Having some “go to” workouts will help you get in and out<br />

of the gym in the shortest time possible when life is feeling<br />

rushed or hectic! By creating some no excuse, standby<br />

workouts, you already know that you have a quick way to fit<br />

your workout in to any busy schedule.<br />

Your body is very good at adjusting to what it does often.<br />

This premise is exactly why you need to add some variety<br />

to your workout if you want to avoid the “dreaded” plateau!<br />

Taking a new class, training with a friend or spouse, and<br />

changing the exercises in your current workout are all great<br />

ways to keep your body guessing and accelerate the progress<br />

toward your goal.<br />

every member. Core programs and services<br />

include strength and cardiovascular<br />

training, extensive group fitness and mind/<br />

body classes, personal and group training,<br />

nutrition and weight loss counseling, youth<br />

and teen training, aquatic exercise, youth<br />

swim lessons and master swim programs.<br />

Additional services include <strong>com</strong>munity<br />

outreach programs, medical lectures and<br />

health screenings. For more information,<br />

visit tiltonfitness.<strong>com</strong>, or call (<strong>609</strong>)<br />

FITNESS.<br />

feeling “motivated” all year long!<br />

Goal setting is the<br />

single most important<br />

factor in maintaining<br />

motivation when it<br />

<strong>com</strong>es to your fitness<br />

routine. Defining<br />

ambitious but realistic<br />

short and long term<br />

goals will help you stay<br />

on track and keep you<br />

For more information, including membership offerings at<br />

Tilton Fitness, call (<strong>609</strong>) FITNESS, visit www.tiltonfitness.<br />

<strong>com</strong>, or stop in any of the four convenient locations, in<br />

Northfield, Galloway, Mays Landing or The Ocean Club in<br />

Stafford Township.<br />

RATES AS LOW AS $10.90/WEEK<br />


100+ Group Exercise Classes Each Week Small Group Fitness Bootcamps<br />

Barre Belles Boxing TRX Reformer Pilates Aquatics<br />

58 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013<br />

<strong>609</strong>-FITNESS www.TiltonFitness.<strong>com</strong><br />

Offer valid with new annual membership only. See Club for Details.

y Nancy Adler, Nutrition Editor of The Boardwalk Jour-<br />

health<br />

Today there is a lot of focus on losing weight. But is it about dropping a few<br />

pounds while depriving yourself from living? Well that’s what diets do. What<br />

other options do you have in order to be healthy without having the daily<br />

stress of what to eat next?<br />

Nutrition is one of the fundamental cornerstones of health. You can be on a<br />

diet and visit the gym 7 days a week and get adequate rest, but if you’re not<br />

providing your body with all the essential micro and macro nutrients it needs,<br />

then all of your efforts will be lost. Optimum nutrition will help your immune<br />

system stay strong, help you maintain a healthy body <strong>com</strong>position when used<br />

along with a <strong>com</strong>plimentary exercise routine, and also maintain strength and<br />

health right into your older years.<br />

Food is our fuel and what we consume provides the building blocks for<br />

our cells. Knowing exactly what our cells need, in what proportion and at<br />

what time is important. Some<br />

nutrients behave like dominoes<br />

– if you are missing one, the rest<br />

can fall down. And the potential<br />

consequences of missing one<br />

vital nutrient can go from feeling<br />

a bit tired to full on memory<br />

loss! Knowing some simple<br />

golden rules, “Rules for Life” I<br />

call them, can make a massive<br />

difference to our well-being.<br />

Today There Is A Lot of Focus On.....<br />

Nancy Adler is a certified nutritionist<br />

specializing in nutrition and weight<br />

control. She is the owner of Nancy Adler<br />

Nutrition where she counsels her clients<br />

on a one-on-one weekly basis helping<br />

them to make permanent healthier lifestyle<br />

changes. She currently holds three of<br />

the highest accredited certifications in<br />

the field of nutrition and fitness. Nancy<br />

lectures in schools, businesses and civic<br />

groups where she helps to spread the<br />

importance of healthy living through<br />

As a nutritionist, most of my<br />

clients <strong>com</strong>e to me to address:<br />

high cholesterol, raised blood pressure, weight control, muscle gain, fatigue,<br />

headaches, acne, recurring infections, digestive disorders, Crone’s disease, IBS,<br />

hormonal imbalances, mood swings and even IC (Interstitial Cystitis).<br />

Your first consultation will include a nutritional profile. I do like to review<br />

your medications and vitamin supplements, if any. Your health history will be<br />

discussed. The consultation focuses on identifying biochemical imbalances<br />

and the impact of your diet and lifestyle on your health. A nutrition program<br />

will be devised for you as we move through the program. If you have specific<br />

goals such as weight loss, then I will also re<strong>com</strong>mend an exercise plan as well.<br />

something then breaking the fast with a Big Mac. What did you really learn<br />

except how to get rid of bloat just to return to the puffy belly as soon as<br />

sodium hits your lips?<br />

Most nutritional programs require just making simple changes to your diet.<br />

Any changes that are re<strong>com</strong>mended will be easy to implement. You will leave<br />

your consultation armed with masses of information including a weekly plan<br />

including meal suggestions, a shopping list and advice on how to apply all my<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mendations to your daily life. And my phone is always open to you. If<br />

you don’t ask the questions, how can you learn?<br />

A client will follow up weekly and idea of bringing nutrition into your life will<br />

now be something you just do, a habit. I often tell my clients, “You get your<br />

hair and nails done religiously why doesn’t this vital part of life be<strong>com</strong>e habit?”<br />

nutrition. Area physicians consult with<br />

and refer Nancy to their patients to help<br />

them to possibly eliminate medications<br />

and naturally achieve a healthier lifestyle.<br />

You may listen to Nancy every Tuesday<br />

mornings on WOND 1400 AM on Barbara<br />

Altman’s “Front Porch” and on Ed Hitzel’s<br />

“Table for One”. Nancy may also be<br />

seen on NBC TV 40 “Better Living with<br />

Adrienne.” Visit Nancy’s website at www.<br />

nancyadlernutrition.<strong>com</strong> or call her for an<br />

appointment at <strong>609</strong>-653-4900.<br />

It’s so rewarding when I can<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e a part of someone’s<br />

journey toward healthier<br />

living and see them finally<br />

understanding what it’s like to<br />

have control over a part of their<br />

lives that they have struggled<br />

with for so many years. It’s<br />

not about losing weight. It’s<br />

about confidence and health.<br />

Changing lives forever- that’s<br />

what I do.<br />

The most important thing to understand is that I do not provide a quick<br />

solution to any goals you may have, nor do I offer temporary diets. What<br />

you will gain, however, is the knowledge to empower yourself to make long<br />

lasting changes to your eating habits enabling you to meet your goals, improve<br />

your health and sustain these successes for life, not just the summer season.<br />

Anything that promises a super fast solution most likely will not be sustainable<br />

long term.<br />

True success has to last. Everywhere I turn someone is doing a 7 day<br />

Before<br />

After<br />

NaNcy adler NutritioN<br />

It’s not a Diet. It’s a Lifestyle.<br />

www.nancyadlernutrition.<strong>com</strong><br />

401 New Road, Suite 103 • Linwood , NJ 08221<br />

For an appointment, please call (<strong>609</strong>) 653-4900<br />

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 59

Anthony’s Out to Lunch<br />

The AVENUE<br />

By<br />

Anthony Previti<br />

Man…where the heck did summer go? One day I’m<br />

sitting at the beach thinking about margaritas and the<br />

next weekend I am staring at an aisle full of pumpkin<br />

beers. Is it that time of year already? I was starting<br />

to get that Jersey seasonal depression that we all go<br />

through and then I realized, “Wait, I absolutely love<br />

pumpkin beers!” I was tired of margaritas anyway…<br />

Speaking of delicious beverages, I saw this Facebook<br />

post that a new place called The Avenue over in Egg<br />

Harbor City had a large craft beer menu and they just<br />

tapped a keg of Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale.<br />

That’s one of my all time favorites. For once, I didn’t<br />

even care about the food menu and made plans to go<br />

that evening. (Yeah right, like I wouldn’t care about a<br />

food menu…)<br />

So we turned on to an artsy looking Philadelphia<br />

Avenue and found the nicely renovated upscale pub<br />

right away. I felt like I was hanging out in the East<br />

Village up in New York City and my taste buds were<br />

getting really excited. We were immediately greeted<br />

by a very knowledgeable bartender who informed us<br />

that The Avenue prides itself on using as many local<br />

and homemade ingredients as possible. I thought<br />

that was pretty cool, and then I was over<strong>com</strong>e with<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete serenity when he brought me that cold glass<br />

of pumpkin ale I had been thinking about all day. It<br />

tasted even better than I had remembered.<br />

After reveling in my tasty pint, it was time for some<br />

food. We shared an order of the Avenue Wings ($9).<br />

The fresh (never frozen) chicken wings were crispy and<br />

served with a choice of traditional buffalo, honey-ale<br />

bbq, or orange chili sauce. I couldn’t decide and our<br />

waitress was kind enough to let me try all three. I was<br />

really surprised at how much I liked the citrusy, spicy<br />

orange-chili glaze. And while a few of the wings were a<br />

little on the small side, the big flavors really made them<br />

stand out.<br />

As I was licking the last of the sauce off my fingers,<br />

the sandwich round began. The Ortlieb ($9) was an<br />

order of three slow, hickory smoked pulled pork sliders<br />

topped with slaw and served on miniature, country<br />

rolls. The buns were soft on the top and buttery and<br />

toasted in the middle. They were a great vessel for the<br />

dish, but I just wish either the slaw had a little more<br />

dressing or the pork had a little more sauce. It was a<br />

little too dry for me. All the sandwiches came with<br />

thick cut potato chips and pickles. Both were made in<br />

house, perfectly seasoned, and simply outstanding.<br />

The next sandwich was The Robert Will ($12). This<br />

monster was loaded with shredded roast chicken salad,<br />

stacked with locally made bacon, smoked Gouda<br />

cheese, avocados, and heirloom tomatoes, slathered<br />

with a garlic aioli, and served on a toasted stout wheat<br />

bread. Wow. It tasted even better than that entire<br />

sentence sounds. I had to dislocate my jaw like a<br />

python to get a bite, but it was worth all that stretching.<br />

Creamy, bacon-y, savory, tomato-y, absolutely freakin’<br />

Awesome-y.<br />

It was a struggle to eat that last potato wedge, but I<br />

did it. I was just leaning back in my chair and calling<br />

it quits when the waitress asked if we would like to try<br />

some warm, homemade cinnamon-sugar chocolate<br />

chip cookies and glass of milk for only four bucks? My<br />

eyes widened, as I casually put that napkin back on my<br />

lap and somehow mustered the strength to nod in the<br />

affirmative. We all tend to over-think desserts these<br />

days with crazy pastries and super sweet cakes. There<br />

are few things in this world that bring us that childlike<br />

joy more than a plate of warm cookies and cold glass<br />

of milk. And let me tell you, The Avenue makes a<br />

slammin’ cookie.<br />

Maybe I am being selfish, but I really hope The Avenue<br />

is a successful restaurant. Because if they keep serving<br />

cold, craft beers and solid grub, then maybe, just<br />

maybe, we can keep those winter blues away…<br />

The<br />

Avenue<br />

151 Philadelphia<br />

Avenue<br />

Egg Harbor City<br />

(<strong>609</strong>) 965-6<strong>609</strong><br />

facebook.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

avenue151<br />

Hours: Most Nights 5-9<br />

pm, Friday and Saturday<br />

open til 10 pm<br />

menu:<br />

The menu on is their<br />

Facebook page. Don’t<br />

be afraid when you see<br />

a smaller menu. It just<br />

means fresher ingredients<br />

and better tasting food.<br />

Tony’s Tip:<br />

Make sure you take a<br />

look at the Specials<br />

Board on the way into<br />

the restaurant. You don’t<br />

wanna miss the evening’s<br />

featured entrées and<br />

maybe even a beer special<br />

or two if you’re lucky.<br />

Log onto Facebook, like<br />

our page, and let Anthony<br />

know what you think<br />

at: www.facebook.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

AnthonysOutToLunch<br />

Anthony Previti is a criminal defense attorney who appears frequently in Atlantic County Superior Court and he loves<br />

food. If you would like your restaurant featured, please send an email to: OutToLunch@boardwalkjournal.<strong>com</strong>.<br />

60 | The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013

The Boardwalk Journal | September 2013 | 61

more<br />

Fun<br />

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