Pobierz I rozdziaÅ - Nowa Era
Pobierz I rozdziaÅ - Nowa Era
Pobierz I rozdziaÅ - Nowa Era
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1 CD1/2<br />
… I’ve got my mother’s personality.<br />
… I look a lot like my father.<br />
… I’m not fashion conscious.<br />
… I like sporty clothes.<br />
S<br />
1 CD1/3 Usłyszysz sześć odpowiedzi na pytanie o ulubione ubranie. Przyporządkuj<br />
przedstawiające je ilustracje (A–F) poszczególnym osobom, wpisując numery (1–6). Posłuchaj nagrania<br />
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego treścią.<br />
4<br />
2 Podpisz zdjęcia (A–F) odpowiednimi<br />
rzeczownikami z ramki. Odpowiedz na<br />
pytania w odniesieniu do wszystkich rzeczy<br />
wymienionych w ramce.<br />
a<br />
jacket slippers skirt shorts<br />
dress waistcoat tights blouse<br />
pyjamas trousers wellies trainers<br />
briefs sandals tie<br />
B<br />
a<br />
D<br />
B<br />
E<br />
What’s your<br />
favourite<br />
piece of<br />
clothing<br />
that makes<br />
you feel<br />
good?<br />
Which of<br />
your clothes<br />
are of<br />
sentimental<br />
value to<br />
you?<br />
3 CD1/4 Posłuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujące słowa. Odpowiedz<br />
na pytania.<br />
What kind of clothes do you like wearing? What kind of clothes<br />
do you prefer others to wear?<br />
Which do you like more?<br />
1 a casual style or an style<br />
2 something fashionable or something<br />
3 shoes or high-heels<br />
4 tight-fitting T-shirts or T-shirts<br />
5 short-sleeved or sleeveless ones<br />
6 V-neck or polo-necks<br />
7 striped or checked ones<br />
8 patterned or plain ones<br />
C<br />
F<br />
C<br />
D<br />
4 W podanych pytaniach zakreśl prawidłową opcję. Odpowiedz na<br />
pytania.<br />
1 What colour do you think doesn’t suit / fit you?<br />
2 Are you wearing / carrying a belt? Is it made of leather or fabric?<br />
3 Do you always wear / carry an umbrella on rainy days?<br />
4 Do you get dressed / get changed after school?<br />
5 Do you often buy clothes to match / suit things you already have?<br />
6 When did you last go to a fancy-dress party? What did you dress up /<br />
get dressed as?<br />
E<br />
1 Which clothes are mainly worn by women?<br />
2 Which are always plural? Which usually<br />
come in pairs?<br />
3 Which are usually worn on formal occasions?<br />
Which of them is a suit made up of?<br />
4 Which are mostly worn at home?<br />
5 Which of the clothes can have buttons or<br />
zips?<br />
6 Which can have a collar?<br />
UniT 1 BE YOURSELF<br />
F<br />
5 CD1/5 Posłuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujące słowa. Przyjrzyj się<br />
osobom na zdjęciu i odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z własną<br />
oceną. Porównaj odpowiedzi z innymi osobami w klasie.<br />
Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?<br />
Take the quiz and find out<br />
1 Do you think the girl looks plump or very<br />
?<br />
2 Does the boy look or too thin?<br />
3 Do you find the boy<br />
or not very attractive?<br />
4 In your opinion, is the girl quite pretty or<br />
?<br />
5 Do you think the girl is fairly<br />
or she only seems to be so?<br />
6 Do you think the boy’s of medium height<br />
or ?
6 W podanych zdaniach zakreśl<br />
prawidłową opcję. Odpowiedz na pytania.<br />
1 The girl has got straight / wavy / curly hair<br />
with a ginger / dyed pink fringe.<br />
2 Her hair is short / shoulder-length and dark<br />
/ fair.<br />
3 She’s wearing it loose / in plaits<br />
/ in a ponytail.<br />
4 The boy has a crew cut / dreadlocks<br />
/ a spiky Mohican.<br />
7 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Następnie<br />
zakreśl prawidłową opcję. Odpowiedz na pytania.<br />
bald beard grey glasses obese wrinkles<br />
Do you know any adults who don’t look their age?<br />
What do you think you will look like when you’re<br />
middle-aged?<br />
1 I can / may be like my father. He lost his hair<br />
when he was twenty something.<br />
2 I’ll maybe / probably have or even white hair.<br />
3 I don’t think I’ll / I’m going to get fat or .<br />
4 I’ll / I might definitely have a lot of around my<br />
eyes.<br />
5 I suppose I’ll have poor eyesight and I will have to / must wear<br />
.<br />
6 I doubt if / that I’ll have a and a moustache.<br />
G<br />
Gramatyka s. 152, s. 156<br />
Have you ever<br />
wanted to try<br />
a different<br />
hairstyle?<br />
Would you<br />
dye your<br />
hair pink or<br />
blue? Do you<br />
like the punk<br />
look? Do you<br />
think these<br />
hairstyles are<br />
too eccentric?<br />
FUnkcJe JĘzYkowe<br />
Do każdej sytuacji (1–5) dobierz odpowiednią<br />
reakcję: A, B lub C.<br />
1 Jak pozdrowisz koleżankę, którą widzisz po raz<br />
pierwszy danego dnia?<br />
A How are you?<br />
B Are you all right?<br />
C What do you do?<br />
2 Jak zapytasz kolegę o opinię na temat swojego<br />
wyglądu?<br />
A Do you need my opinion?<br />
B How do I look?<br />
C What are you looking at?<br />
3 Kolega przymierza w sklepie kurtkę<br />
w niewłaściwym rozmiarze. Jak powiesz, że<br />
kurtka nie pasuje na niego?<br />
A It doesn’t fit you.<br />
B It doesn’t match.<br />
C It doesn’t suit you.<br />
4 Jak poprosisz koleżankę, aby opisała wygląd<br />
swojego najlepszego przyjaciela?<br />
A What does your best friend look like?<br />
B What does your best friend like?<br />
C How is your best friend doing?<br />
5 Chcesz kupić buty. Jak zapytasz, czy możesz je<br />
przymierzyć?<br />
A Can I take them off?<br />
B Can I put them on?<br />
C Can I try them on?<br />
ŚRoDki JĘzYkowe<br />
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie uzupełnij<br />
luki (1–5) jednym z wyrazów z ramki, tak aby<br />
otrzymać poprawny i logiczny tekst. Pięć<br />
wyrazów podano dodatkowo i nie pasują one do<br />
żadnej z luk.<br />
adult allowed clothes going has<br />
let must put shoes wear<br />
5<br />
8 Uzupełnij luki (1–8) odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z ramki. Napisz<br />
pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.<br />
address age height name<br />
nationality place of birth phone number weight<br />
1 nationality I’m Polish.<br />
What ?<br />
2 I was born in Toruń.<br />
Where ?<br />
3 My name’s Jagoda Borowska.<br />
?<br />
4 I’m 1.65m tall.<br />
?<br />
5 I’m 15.<br />
?<br />
6 I weigh 60 kilos.<br />
?<br />
7 I live at 20 Kopernika Street.<br />
?<br />
8 It’s 48 102 595.<br />
?<br />
Pari lives in Canada, but her parents come from<br />
Iran. They’re quite strict about a lot of things.<br />
For example, Pari isn’t 1<br />
to<br />
stay out late, even at weekends. When she goes<br />
out she 2<br />
to tell them where<br />
she’s going and she mustn’t<br />
3<br />
make-up or high-heeled<br />
4<br />
. At home, they’re more<br />
easy-going. They 5<br />
her have<br />
friends around and they can stay as long as<br />
they like.<br />
S<br />
1 CD1/6 Posłuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujące słowa. Odpowiedz na pytania.<br />
1 What are your hobbies? When did you ? What got you interested in them?<br />
2 Can you think of something you were as a child? When did you it?<br />
3 Do you know anyone photography?<br />
4 Do you and your friends the same interests?<br />
5 What do you think is the favourite of Polish teenagers?<br />
6 Do you know any teenagers who have unusual hobbies, for example girls who are<br />
rugby or boys with a great<br />
dressmaking?<br />
6<br />
2 CD1/7 Podpisz zdjęcia (A–F) odpowiednimi<br />
wyrażeniami z ramki. Posłuchaj wypowiedzi trzech<br />
osób i przyporządkuj im odpowiednie zdjęcia,<br />
wpisując numery (1–3). Odpowiedz na pytania.<br />
Do you collect anything?<br />
If so, how big is your collection?<br />
autographs earrings fridge magnets<br />
stamps vintage bags vinyl records<br />
3 CD1/8 Posłuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujące słowa.<br />
Napisz odpowiedzi na pytania.<br />
1 What kind of behaviour makes you feel<br />
or even ?<br />
2 How did you feel when you got your last school test results: pleased<br />
or ?<br />
3 Why are students often bored and<br />
school?<br />
4 Were you pleasantly or rather<br />
the last match the Polish football team<br />
played?<br />
5 Do you when you have to speak in<br />
public?<br />
6 Is it easy to make you ? When were you<br />
last really ?<br />
a<br />
B<br />
4 Uzupełnij punkty (1–8), wpisując z ramki przymiotniki<br />
o przeciwnym znaczeniu. Odpowiedz na pytania.<br />
cheerful intelligent lazy messy polite shy stubborn talkative<br />
C<br />
E<br />
D<br />
F<br />
1 – hard-working<br />
2 tidy –<br />
3 not very clever –<br />
4 quiet –<br />
5 rude –<br />
6 moody –<br />
7 – self-confident<br />
8 – flexible<br />
They say we’re a bunch<br />
of layabouts!<br />
What are<br />
the most<br />
popular<br />
stereotypes<br />
about Polish<br />
teenagers?<br />
Do you think<br />
they’re fair?<br />
What<br />
do your<br />
teachers<br />
say are the<br />
strong<br />
points and<br />
weak points<br />
of your class?<br />
5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi przymiotnikami<br />
z ramki. Dwa przymiotniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasują<br />
one do żadnej z luk. Z którymi zdaniami się zgadzasz?<br />
ambitious brave generous jealous<br />
mean modest proud sympathetic<br />
1 I can’t stand it when people are<br />
of the things I have or of my success.<br />
2 I think that girls do better at school because they’re more<br />
than boys.<br />
3 I wouldn’t have the courage to do a bungee jump. I’m not<br />
so .<br />
4 When I’m having problems, I prefer to talk to a girl<br />
because they’re always .<br />
5 These days you mustn’t be too .<br />
You have to show how good you are.<br />
6 Grandparents are always more<br />
with money and presents than parents.<br />
6 W punktach (1–8) zakreśl prawidłową opcję. Przeczytaj<br />
tekst ponownie i wybierz jedną z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C,<br />
zgodnie z treścią tekstu.<br />
7 Uzupełnij luki odpowiednimi przedrostkami, aby<br />
utworzyć przeciwieństwa wyróżnionych przymiotników.<br />
Z którymi zdaniami się zgadzasz?<br />
1 My parents are tolerant of the music I listen to.<br />
They find it strange.<br />
2 I quickly become patient with children. I couldn’t<br />
work as a teacher.<br />
3 responsible and reliable people really<br />
annoy me.<br />
4 Some students don’t think that cheating in tests is<br />
honest.<br />
5 It’s typical of most of my friends to be punctual.<br />
6 Shop assistants are often helpful and<br />
friendly to teenagers.<br />
8 Do każdego tekstu (1–5) dopasuj jedno zdanie (A–F).<br />
Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do<br />
żadnego z tekstów.<br />
1<br />
4 ITEMS<br />
AT A TIME<br />
7<br />
2<br />
Please queue here<br />
3<br />
FOR UNDER 18s<br />
Hi. I’m Agata. I’m an 1 extrovert / introvert who never feels<br />
2<br />
lonely / alone. I’m really 3 sociable / selfish and 4 funny /<br />
fun to be with. I ask lots of questions, which makes people<br />
think that I’m 5 noisy / nosey. This isn’t true at all. I’m just<br />
6<br />
interesting / interested in everyone. My hobby is baseball<br />
and I play in the local girl’s team. My sister believes that<br />
girls are too 7 sensitive / sensible to play, but I don’t think so.<br />
This year the coach has asked me to be the team captain.<br />
My best friend says this is because I’m 8 quite / much bossy.<br />
In her profile Agata writes about<br />
A what people think about her.<br />
B the hobbies she and her friends share.<br />
C her character and interests.<br />
P<br />
PISaNIE s. 118<br />
Tricky bit<br />
Do joggers wear dresses? Do joggers look smart?<br />
A<br />
B<br />
C<br />
D<br />
E<br />
F<br />
4<br />
Please wear respectful clothing<br />
Personal Information<br />
First Name<br />
Last Name<br />
Email Address<br />
When asked, you must present your ID.<br />
This is an email address.<br />
It reminds visitors about the dress code.<br />
It informs shoppers of how many pieces of clothing they<br />
can try on.<br />
This is a form to fill out.<br />
It informs visitors where they can leave their coats and<br />
bags.<br />
5<br />
SC<br />
SłUcHAnie i czYTAnie<br />
CD1/9 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania.<br />
Z podanych możliwości: A, B lub C wybierz jedną, zgodną<br />
z treścią nagrania.<br />
1 What does the missing girl look like?<br />
5 The boys…<br />
A have totally different opinions about the clothes.<br />
B like exactly the same clothes.<br />
C don’t agree on everything.<br />
6 Rob…<br />
A wants to buy new sports shoes.<br />
B likes bright colours.<br />
C prefers casual clothes.<br />
a B C<br />
2 What is Anna going to wear to the party?<br />
Przeczytaj trzy ogłoszenia dotyczące planowanych<br />
wydarzeń oraz pytania odnoszące się do tych ogłoszeń.<br />
Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwe ogłoszenie. Wpisz<br />
w pola (1–4) odpowiednią literę (A–C). Uwaga! Jedno<br />
ogłoszenie pasuje do dwóch pytań.<br />
8<br />
3 What are the people talking about?<br />
A fashion<br />
B clothes<br />
C a hobby<br />
CD1/10 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych<br />
możliwości: A, B lub C wybierz jedną, zgodną z treścią<br />
nagrania. Pierwsze trzy zadania (1–3) odnoszą się do<br />
pierwszego tekstu, a kolejne (4–6) do drugiego.<br />
1<br />
a B C<br />
Usłyszysz monolog.<br />
Which event would be best for<br />
1 someone who wants to learn something new?<br />
2 someone who’s keen on fashion?<br />
3 someone who wants to change something in their<br />
personality?<br />
4 someone who has too many clothes?<br />
LET’S<br />
DO<br />
A<br />
SWAP<br />
Do you feel like you have nothing<br />
to wear for your next date even<br />
though your wardrobe is packed full<br />
of clothes? A simple solution might be<br />
our wardrobe swap party! Exchange<br />
what you don’t need for something you’d die<br />
for and feel trendy again!<br />
WHEN: Saturday, May 4th, 10 a.m.<br />
WHERE: in the main hall<br />
a<br />
1 What do the boy’s school friends think of him?<br />
A He is sociable.<br />
B He is amusing.<br />
C He is fun.<br />
2 The boy says that<br />
A his teachers are wrong about him.<br />
B his teachers don’t think he’s intelligent.<br />
C he isn’t hard-working enough.<br />
3 The boy…<br />
A gets angry when he’s told to clean his room.<br />
B gets annoyed when his room is messy.<br />
C is always in a good mood.<br />
The Happiness Workshops<br />
Saturday, May 4th<br />
Everyone goes all shy or loses their confidence<br />
at times. But if your shyness is a real problem<br />
that stops you from talking to people, or if<br />
you’re simply too shy to wear something<br />
fashionable because you’re afraid of standing<br />
out, you must attend this session.<br />
The workshop is free but we recommend early<br />
booking as places are limited.<br />
B<br />
2<br />
Usłyszysz rozmowę dwojga przyjaciół.<br />
4 What are the boys doing?<br />
A They’re browsing in a clothes shop.<br />
B They’re watching a fashion show.<br />
C They’re trying clothes on in a fitting room.<br />
New lecture series on Psychology<br />
Your handwriting can tell much more about your<br />
personality than your clothes. Next week Dr Rita<br />
Karlson is going to talk about how to analyse<br />
hand-written texts. If you’re interested, come along<br />
to this practical talk, the first one in the new series,<br />
on May the fourth.<br />
All our talks are open to everyone at £2.<br />
C<br />
1<br />
Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, które ze zdań (1–5) są zgodne<br />
z jego treścią (P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl<br />
literę P lub F.<br />
Sci-fi clothing<br />
Have you ever<br />
thought what<br />
clothes will look<br />
like ten or twenty<br />
years from now?<br />
It may sound<br />
like an idea from<br />
a science-fiction<br />
novel, but spray-on<br />
clothes have already<br />
been invented. In<br />
2007, Manel Torres,<br />
a student at the<br />
Royal College of<br />
Art in London, developed a fabric that comes in a spray<br />
can. He called his invention Fabrican and it can be used to<br />
create skin-tight tops and dresses. Although the product<br />
is already available to buy, will people actually wear it?<br />
Fabrican clothing is very thin and does not provide much<br />
cover or warmth. Until someone invents a thicker version,<br />
fashion models will probably be the only people to use it.<br />
Dresses that change colour with your mood? This probably<br />
seems like an idea straight out of Star Trek. However,<br />
Smart Clothes are tomorrow’s street fashion. Thanks to<br />
advances in LED technology, it will soon be possible to<br />
produce electronic lights and screens which will be light<br />
enough to wear as part of your clothing. Sensors will cause<br />
lights to change colour each time your mood changes.<br />
Smart clothes will also allow you to change the patterns<br />
and designs on your clothes whenever you like. If you get<br />
bored with the design on your T-shirt, all you will need to<br />
do is download an image from the Internet and onto an<br />
invisible screen.<br />
2<br />
Przeczytaj informacje o trzech osobach i cztery<br />
ogłoszenia osób poszukujących nowych znajomości.<br />
Przyporządkuj każdej osobie jedno ogłoszenie, którego<br />
treścią najbardziej byłaby zainteresowana. Wpisz w pola<br />
(1–3) odpowiednią literę (A–D). Jedno ogłoszenie<br />
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do żadnej osoby.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
a<br />
Michelle lives in a village in the Welsh<br />
mountains. She loves the holidays best<br />
when she can explore the areas but<br />
sometimes feels lonely. She wants to<br />
meet someone she could talk to about the<br />
ancient civilizations and the old way people<br />
spoke in the area she lives in. She also likes<br />
to read fantasy and adventure stories.<br />
Richard lives in an area where there was<br />
a lot of heavy industry: ship building, steel<br />
factories and coalmines. He wants to return<br />
the area to its natural beauty. Recently,<br />
he took part in a campaign that showed<br />
people how to make less rubbish. He often<br />
criticises friends and teachers at school for<br />
not recycling their rubbish. They think he is<br />
too bossy.<br />
Charlene’s father works for his country’s<br />
diplomatic service. She enjoys the lifestyle<br />
of a diplomat’s daughter as it has taught her<br />
a lot about how people live in other parts<br />
of the world. She’s in South America at the<br />
moment and is enjoying the chance to learn<br />
Spanish. She often explores the country<br />
with her mum. They love to meet new<br />
people on their trips.<br />
My name is Joanna and I’m worried about how people<br />
destroy the environment. I want to write to people who<br />
believe in recycling and protecting wildlife. My teachers<br />
think I am very confident, but they also think I can<br />
dominate and not give my classmates a chance to speak,<br />
but I don’t think that’s true!<br />
9<br />
B<br />
I’m Daniel; my mum is French and my father is from<br />
Mauritius, but I grew up in England. As a result I know<br />
three languages fluently. I travel a lot because I have<br />
family all over the world. I find it very easy to get on with<br />
people and I’m interested in writing to someone with a love<br />
of different cultures.<br />
1 Quite soon it will be possible to buy Fabrican in the<br />
shops.<br />
2 The writer believes that spray-on clothes will soon<br />
be very popular.<br />
3 Clothes with electronic lights and screens in them<br />
aren’t available yet.<br />
4 The patterns on Smart Clothes change automatically<br />
when your mood changes.<br />
5 In the future, you will be able to download clothes<br />
from the Internet.<br />
P F<br />
P F<br />
P F<br />
P F<br />
P F<br />
C<br />
D<br />
Hi, I’m Rob and I’m really into the popular music scene. I’m<br />
interested in how south American music influences disco<br />
music in Europe and I like it so much I now learn Spanish<br />
so I can understand what the songs are about. It is my<br />
dream to become a famous DJ and play in clubs around<br />
the world. I’m very sociable and have many friends. I don’t<br />
work very hard but always do well in tests!<br />
Hello, my name is Peter. I like to read Tolkien’s The Lord of<br />
the Rings; it’s had a big influence on me. I spend most of<br />
my free time patiently working on the different languages<br />
that Tolkien invented for the book. I’m a bit lost in my own<br />
world because it’s difficult to meet someone with similar<br />
interests in languages and mysterious worlds.<br />
S<br />
Słowniczek<br />
10<br />
blouse – bluzka<br />
briefs – majtki, slipy<br />
coat – płaszcz<br />
collar – kołnierz<br />
dress – sukienka<br />
hoodie – bluza z kapturem<br />
jacket – marynarka<br />
jeans – dżinsy<br />
pyjamas – piżama<br />
scarf – szalik<br />
shirt – koszula<br />
shorts – szorty, krótkie<br />
spodenki<br />
skirt – spódnica<br />
socks – skarpety<br />
sweater – sweter<br />
tights – rajstopy<br />
top – bluzka bez rękawów<br />
tracksuit – dres<br />
trousers – spodnie<br />
waistcoat – kamizelka<br />
wellies – kalosze<br />
belt – pasek<br />
button – guzik<br />
combat boots – glany, buty<br />
w stylu wojskowym<br />
flat shoes – buty na płaskim<br />
obcasie<br />
hat – kapelusz, czapka<br />
high-heels – buty na<br />
wysokim obcasie<br />
sandals – sandały<br />
slippers – kapcie<br />
tie – krawat<br />
trainers – buty sportowe<br />
umbrella – parasol<br />
zip – zamek błyskawiczny<br />
STYLES<br />
STYLE<br />
baggy – luźny, workowaty<br />
casual – codzienny,<br />
nieformalny<br />
classic – klasyczny<br />
elegant – elegancki<br />
fashionable – modny<br />
loose – luźny<br />
polo-neck – golf (typ swetra)<br />
short-sleeved – z krótkim<br />
rękawem<br />
sleeveless – bez rękawów<br />
smart – elegancki<br />
tight-fitting – obcisły<br />
V-neck – z dekoldem w szpic<br />
WZORY<br />
checked – w kratę<br />
patterned – we wzory<br />
plain – gładki<br />
striped – w paski<br />
cotton – bawełna,<br />
bawełniany<br />
fabric – tkanina<br />
leather – skóra; skórzany<br />
woollen – wełniany<br />
WYGLĄD<br />
attractive – atrakcyjny<br />
beard – broda<br />
fat – gruby<br />
glasses – okulary<br />
good-looking – atrakcyjny,<br />
przystojny<br />
medium height – średniego<br />
wzrostu<br />
middle-aged – w średnim<br />
wieku<br />
moustache – wąsy<br />
obese – otyły<br />
overweight – z nadwagą<br />
plump – pulchny<br />
pretty – ładny<br />
short – niski<br />
slim – szczupły<br />
tall – wysoki<br />
thin – chudy<br />
white hair – siwe włosy<br />
wrinkles – zmarszczki<br />
bald – łysy<br />
crew cut – fryzura na jeża<br />
curly – kręcony<br />
dark – ciemny<br />
dreadlocks – dredy<br />
dye – farbować<br />
fair – jasny<br />
fringe – grzywka<br />
ginger – rudy<br />
grey – siwy<br />
loose – rozpuszczony<br />
(in) a ponytail – (upleciony)<br />
w koński ogon<br />
(in) plaits – (upleciony)<br />
w warkocze<br />
short – krótki<br />
shoulder-length – do ramion<br />
spiky Mohican – irokez<br />
wavy – falowany<br />
age – wiek<br />
call – nazywać<br />
height – wzrost<br />
middle name – drugie imię<br />
place of birth – miejsce<br />
urodzenia<br />
size – rozmiar<br />
weight – waga<br />
be fed up with – mieć<br />
(czegoś) dość<br />
be fond of – lubić (coś)<br />
be interested in –<br />
interesować się (czymś)<br />
be into – być (czymś)<br />
zainteresowany<br />
be keen on – być zapalonym<br />
do (czegoś)<br />
favourite pastime – ulubiona<br />
rozrywka<br />
passion – pasja<br />
share interests – dzielić<br />
zainteresowania<br />
take up – zacząć uprawiać<br />
(coś)<br />
autograph – autograf<br />
fridge magnet – magnes na<br />
lodówkę<br />
jewellery – biżuteria<br />
stamp – znaczek<br />
vintage bag – staroświecka<br />
torba<br />
vinyl record – płyta winylowa<br />
amused – rozbawiony<br />
angry – zły<br />
disappointed – rozczarowany<br />
feel embarrassed – czuć<br />
zażenowanie<br />
furious – wściekły<br />
laugh – śmiech<br />
lonely – samotny<br />
shocked (by) – zaszokowany<br />
(czymś)<br />
surprised – zdziwiony<br />
upset – zmartwiony,<br />
zdenerwowany<br />
cheerful – radosny<br />
clever – bystry<br />
dishonest – nieuczciwy<br />
easy-going – niefrasobliwy<br />
flexible – elastyczny<br />
generous – hojny<br />
hard-working – pracowity<br />
honest – uczciwy<br />
impatient – niecierpliwy<br />
intolerant – nietolerancyjny<br />
irresponsible –<br />
nieodpowiedzialny<br />
jealous – zazdrosny<br />
layabout – leniuch<br />
lazy – leniwy<br />
mean – skąpy<br />
messy – bałaganiarski<br />
modest – skromny<br />
moody – o zmiennych<br />
nastrojach<br />
noisy – hałaśliwy<br />
nosey – wścibski<br />
open-minded – bez<br />
uprzedzeń, otwarty<br />
patient – cierpliwy<br />
polite – uprzejmy<br />
proud – dumny<br />
quiet – cichy, spokojny<br />
reliable – solidny<br />
responsible –<br />
odpowiedzialny<br />
rude – bezczelny<br />
self-confident – pewny siebie<br />
selfish – samolubny<br />
sensible – rozsądny<br />
sensitive – wrażliwy<br />
shy – nieśmiały<br />
sociable – towarzyski<br />
strict – surowy, wymagający<br />
stubborn – uparty<br />
sympathetic – współczujący<br />
talkative – gadatliwy<br />
tidy – uporządkowany<br />
unfriendly – nieprzyjazny,<br />
unreliable – niesolidny,<br />
zawodny<br />
be fashion conscious – znać<br />
się na modzie<br />
Blue suits you. – Do twarzy ci<br />
w niebieskim.<br />
get changed – przebierać się<br />
take after sb – odziedziczyć<br />
po kimś (cechę wyglądu<br />
lub charakteru)<br />
These shoes don’t match your<br />
outfit. – Te buty nie pasują<br />
do twojego ubrania.<br />
try on – przymierzać<br />
bossy – apodyktyczny<br />
brave – odważny<br />