The Open Town

The Open Town


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<strong>DĘBICA</strong><br />

The Open Town

Dębica is a modern town which<br />

perfectly combines the charm of the 650<br />

years of history with its industrial<br />

c h a ra c ter. Th e town o f fers i d e a l<br />

conditions for active leisure as well as rich<br />

variety of cultural events, no other place<br />

in Poland can match. Musical traditions of<br />

Dębica have influenced our most famous<br />

citizen, the contemporary composer,<br />

K r z y s z t o f Pe n d e r e c k i . D ę b i c a i s<br />

a hometown of not only artists, musicians,<br />

actors and scientists, but also a great<br />

number of sportsmen, since it serves as an<br />

important sport center. Our town is open<br />

to investments and proposals of<br />

cooperation; and welcomes visitors and<br />

those who seek new trade relations or<br />

business partners.<br />

Dębica, situated in south-eastern Poland, has over 48<br />

thousand inhabitants. It stands at the edges of<br />

Sandomierz Basin and Carpathian Foothills, on the River<br />

Wisłoka. There are many beautiful places, suitable for all<br />

kinds of relaxation and recreational activities in this<br />

region. The picturesque town is not far from Ukrainian and<br />

Slovakian borders.<br />

Signpost<br />

with distances<br />

from Dębica:<br />

The Town Square in Dębica<br />

(photo by Wojciech Woźniak)<br />

Berlin (Germany) – 850 km<br />

Lvov (Ukraine) – 150 km<br />

Dębica plays an important role in domestic and<br />

international communications system. It is located on the<br />

main west-east European highway E-40, which goes from<br />

Germany to Ukraine. In the future, the A-4 highway will<br />

run just the to the north of the city. Two exits from the<br />

highway are planned for Dębica. The system of railway<br />

transportation, running through the town, connects<br />

Wrocław, Przemyśl and Zamość. The nearest airport is 50<br />

km from Dębica, in Jasionka near Rzeszów, another one is<br />

in Kraków, 120 km from Dębica.<br />

<strong>DĘBICA</strong><br />

Brussels (Belgium) – 1450 km<br />

Paryż (France) – 1653 km<br />

Warsaw – 268 km<br />

Kraków– 117 km<br />

History of the town began 650 years ago, though the oldest document that<br />

mentions a settlement named Dambicha dates back to 1293. Not until 1358,<br />

king Casimir III the Great issued a foundation charter to Świętosław Gryfita,<br />

allowing him to build a town. It begin to flourish thank to the privilege to<br />

organize farmer’s markets and fairs, granted in 1446. The town developed<br />

slowly but constantly, and more and more new settlers built their houses there.<br />

A town square and a town hall, situated near Saint Jadwiga Church were the<br />

town’s center. Building of Saint Barbara Church (1651), outside the town, gave<br />

birth of the New Dębica. Jewish settlers, who arrived in 1676 – 1690, established<br />

their own districts in Old and New Dębica. As times went by, their influence on<br />

town’s economy became more significant.<br />

After the First Partition of Poland in 1772, Dębica found itself in Habsburg<br />

Empire, New Austrian authorities decided that it should no longer be regarded as a town. This decision marked the decline of<br />

the town.<br />

This dramatic situation came to an end in the second half of the 19th century, when a main west-east railroad line,<br />

connecting Kraków and Lvov was built (1856). The town became a rail junction and since then industrial development began.<br />

In 1914, just before the outbreak of the First World War, Dębica was again incorporated as a town.<br />

In 1936-1939, after Polish government had announced creation of Central Industrial Area aimed at fighting unemployment<br />

in this part of Poland, Dębica experienced fast development. Among several factories built at that time, the most important<br />

were a tire factory, a rubber factory (which produced synthetic rubber, original invention of Polish scientists), a metal rolling<br />

mill, and explosive materials factory (in nearby Pustków). In 1937 the county’s capital in Krakowskie Province was moved here.<br />

Just before the Second World War the number of dwellers exceeded 10.000.

After the Second World War Dębica was rebuilt and extended. Until 1975 it was a county’s capitol in Rzeszowskie Province.<br />

Administrative reform made Dębica the second most important and most populated town in newly created Tarnowskie<br />

Province. Since 1 January 1999 the town has been the seat of Dębica county in the Podkarpackie Province. It is still among<br />

the economic and social leaders of the region.<br />

Dębica is an important industrial center of Poland. Companies located here have successfully conquered not only<br />

European, but the world markets. The town offers rich technical infrastructure, great living conditions and educational<br />

possibilities. Business companies provide consulting, financial, insurance and legal services.<br />

Dębica has been an economic town for over 70 lat, since three major industrial plants were located here. Several<br />

thousand highly developed production, service and commercial companies carry out their business activities and hire well<br />

trained personnel.<br />

The largest group of Dębica’s citizens are young people, aged 20 to 29. They constitute 19 per cent of the residents. The<br />

second biggest group are people aged 40 – 49 (over 15 per cent). 14 per cent of population is 50 – 59 years old, 12 per cent is<br />

30 - 39 years old.<br />

Various events, like old time vehicles show, are held in the town square.<br />

Almost 48 per cent of working group is employed in industry<br />

and construction. 29 per cent work in market sector and 23 per<br />

cent in non-market sector. The town remains one of the best places<br />

in southern Poland to locate companies and firms. Dębica<br />

welcomes new investors. It is classified high in the ranking of<br />

investment attractive offers in Poland, partially because the cost of<br />

running business here are significantly lower than in big cities.<br />

One of our chief assets is the convenient location. It is easy to get<br />

here! Dębica is located on the main west-east European highway E-<br />

40 (domestic road number E-4), which goes from Berlin to Kiev via<br />

Wrocław, Kraków and Korczowa.<br />

Debica<br />

In the near future, the A-4 highway with two exits for Dębica will be built just to the north of the town. Dębica is situated at<br />

the crossing of important communications routes between Warsaw, Tarnobrzeg, Mielec, Jasło and Krosno, and Barwinek at<br />

the Slovakian border.<br />

Dębica is cut by Berlin – Kiev trans-European railway E – 30. It is one of the busiest lines in passenger and freight transport.<br />

The railway station is situated in the center of the town. Dębica is an important rail junction point. It has convenient rail<br />

connection with the province capital, Rzeszów (40 min.) and Kraków (1 h 40 min). There are many direct rail links to Wrocław,<br />

Poznań, Szczecin, Katowice, Warsaw, Gdańsk, Lublin, Zamość and Przemyśl. The sidings and PKP Cargo transportation in<br />

Dębica are used by various companies from the region.<br />

The nearest domestic and international airport is situated in Jasionka, near Rzeszów (50 km). Recently the port has<br />

undergone some rapid development. According to the plans, a new passenger terminal is going to be built, and the net of<br />

international links as well as cargo port for industrial transport are going to be expanded.<br />

The biggest airport of the region is International Airport Kraków - Balice near Kraków (120 km). Kraków – Balice is the<br />

second busiest airport in the country. The flights reach most destinations in Europe and over the Atlantic Ocean.<br />

Dębica is well connected with both cities. Tourists and businessmen visiting our town can count on fast communication<br />

with their home towns and countries.<br />

The third, smaller cargo airport, 30 km away from Dębica is in Mielec . Plans are underway to receive small passenger<br />

planes there.

Dębica is oriented to the development of industry,<br />

tourism and recreation, communication, construction and<br />

services.<br />

The Tire Company „Dębica” S. A. is the larger employer in<br />

the Podkarpackie Province and one of the biggest tire<br />

producers in the country. It is a subsidiary of the American<br />

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. The take over by new<br />

investor allowed the company to reorganize and<br />

modernize production technology. Dębica is also famous<br />

for another company, Refrigeration Equipment Factory<br />

"PZL - Dębica" S.A. – one of the biggest freezer appliances<br />

producers in Poland.<br />

Modern paint shop in “Arkus & Romet”<br />

Significant position on the economic map of the town is<br />

held by the manufacturer of paints and varnishes, “TBD S.A”,<br />

a part of Finnish concern “Tikkurila OY”. Beside companies<br />

mentioned above, industrial potential of the town is<br />

formed by many other firms, such as: “Trans-Południe” (a<br />

logistic and transport company); “Bratex” (a manufacturer<br />

of high quality roofing); “Kanwil” (a game processing<br />

company); “Animex Południe” (a poultry processing<br />

company); “Igloomeat – Sokołów”; Meat Factory Dębica,<br />

which is now a part of “Profi” holding. The busiest<br />

construction companies are: “Igloobud”, “Pesam”, “Hand –<br />

Bud”, “Ocynkownia - Polimex Mostostal Siedlce”; “Ventor”<br />

and “Darco”(producers of air conditioning systems);„Rufus”<br />

(a manufacturer of products for aircraft industries);<br />

and “Pex-Pool” (a highly regarded producer of generating<br />

sets for civil and military purposes). The most dynamically<br />

developing companies nowadays are: “Aksil” (a plant of<br />

specialized paints and varnishes) and “Ban-Kor-Bet” (a<br />

producer of concrete); „Millenium” and „Prografix”(printing<br />

houses); and “Gas Trading Podkarpacie” (a distributor of<br />

gas). Some companies have moved to the towns outskirts.<br />

Among these are: “Śnieżka” (a producer of paints and<br />

varnishes) “Jabo Marmi” (a marble processing company);<br />

„Olimp Laboratories” Sp. z o.o. (a manufacturer of sport<br />

nutrition and diet products); and “Arkus &Romet” (the<br />

largest producer of bicycles and motorbikes in Poland).<br />

Meat factory in Dębica<br />

Not only production companies are settled in Dębica.<br />

Services and trades are widely represented here as well.<br />

There are almost 1800 service companies and 1600<br />

firms and retail outlets. Some international supermarket<br />

chains, like “Tesco”, “Intermarche”, “Lidl”, “Kaufland”, and<br />

“Carrefour”, have their branches in our town. Dębica offers<br />

much lower costs of running business and services than<br />

big cities.<br />

“Raj” shopping center<br />

Fredro’s estate (photo by Wojciech Woźniak)

The youth can take advantage of rich educational offer. The youngest are taken care of by qualified staff of teachers in 11 well<br />

accommodated and equipped pre-schools. Day care centers can be found in two of these institutions. Parents can also send<br />

their children to an integrated pre-school run by the nuns.<br />

Pupils from elementary schools have the opportunity to participate in many after school activities. The supplementary<br />

work with the pupils effects in their successes. According to rankings, elementary and secondary schools from Dębica are<br />

among the best in the Podkarpackie Province. Their students win numerous contests and competitions. High standards of<br />

teaching in secondary schools allow the students to get thorough education. Children in Dębica learn about healthy lifestyle.<br />

Some schools in town belong to National Net of Health Promoting Schools.<br />

The secondary school graduates can continue their<br />

education in 6 high school complexes. There are lyceums<br />

and profiled high schools with majors like economics,<br />

trade, gastronomy, sewing, mechanics, and<br />

administration.<br />

The oldest school is King Wladyslaw Jagiello’s Number<br />

I Lyceum in Dębica, established in 1900. For years it has<br />

been considered one of the best schools in<br />

Podkarpackie Province. The standards of teaching in<br />

other schools, i.e. The School of Economics, Vocational<br />

Schools Number I and II, and Lyceum Number II, are also<br />

high.<br />

Schools are very well equipped and the students achieve successes.<br />

European School of New Technologies and Tourism<br />

The graduates can continue studying in the local<br />

branch of Cracow University of Economics. Its students<br />

actively participate in social life of the town, holding<br />

many interesting events and lectures. Opening a branch<br />

of such a prestigious school is considered a great success<br />

of Dębica’s authorities. The European School of New<br />

Technologies and Tourism can also be proud of its<br />

achievements in training personnel of hotel and<br />

computer science industries.<br />

A branch of Cracow University of Economics has opened in Dębica.<br />

Krzysztof Penderecki giving concert in Dębica<br />

Dębica has plenty of cultural achievements in music and theatre<br />

in particular. Over one hundred years of musical tradition has<br />

influenced Krzysztof Penderecki, a world famous classical<br />

composer, born and raised in Dębica. Fascinated by local brass<br />

bands, he started his musical education. Even today, he gladly<br />

returns here and every year gives concerts in his birth town.<br />

The Music School of I and II degree, named after Krzysztof<br />

Penderecki, has been training musically talented children for<br />

almost 50 years. Some graduates chose career in show business,<br />

but most of them continue with classical music. The music school<br />

graduates play in symphony and chamber orchestras, jazz bands,<br />

and popular music bands.<br />

Dębica is proud of its amateur artists movement, no other town<br />

in the country can match. For many years amateur actors and<br />

musicians have staged some famous Polish operas and operettas,<br />

like „Halka”, „Verbum Mobile”, „Krakowiacy i Górale”. Every year<br />

several hundred people participate in this unusual event,<br />

originated by Paweł Adamek, a musician and organizer of cultural<br />


In Dębica there are numerous culture centers of various<br />

profiles. They offer various forms of cultural education – theatre,<br />

declamation, music, film, photography, dancing and art classes.<br />

The workshops, conducted by professionals, for many years have<br />

been popular among the children and teenagers, however they<br />

are also addressed to adults. Owing to some outstanding experts<br />

in drama, Dębica can be proud of its performing artists, who<br />

perform on the best stages. Anna Augustynowicz, a director,<br />

Mariusz Kilian and Mariusz Kropielnicki, actors, have begun their<br />

career here, in Dębica.<br />

Dębica’s Art Gallery is famous for its successful exhibitions,<br />

organizing plain-air workshops, and professional drawing school<br />

for children and teenagers. This is the place to meet not only local<br />

artists, but also guests from abroad, and admire their works.<br />

Amateur artists from Dębica stage operas<br />

The Public Library has helped to educate many generations of<br />

Dębica citizens. The book collection, available to every person,<br />

consist of over 250.000 volumes. The reading room offers a wide<br />

choice of newspapers and magazines as well as some unique<br />

books. Several branches of the library work in the town.<br />

Interesting collection of books can be found in The Pedagogical<br />

Library. Its offer is addressed to students and teachers.<br />

For 30 years the two Song and Dance Ensembles, „Małopolska”<br />

and “Igloopolanie”, have represented the town on stages in<br />

Poland and in the world. Regional folk tradition is maintained and<br />

celebrated by members of folk bands„Morsy” and„Gryfici”.<br />

Many important cultural events, such as „Golden Couple”<br />

Ballroom Dancing Competition, Children’s and Youth Dance<br />

Ensembles Championships “O Laur Rzecha”, declamation<br />

tournaments, and National Festival of Religious and Patriotic Exhibitions at Art Gallery are very popular<br />

Songs „Polonia Semper Fidelis” take place in Dębica. During the<br />

Art’s Days Festival thousands of theater and music lovers from<br />

Dębica and the region can watch some most interesting plays and concerts.<br />

One of the citizens’ most favorite events is “Dębica Days”, held in June. It is a few-day long festival, which takes place in the<br />

Town Square, the heart of our town. The concerts and sport games usually attract thousands of people form the region.<br />

Lots of people visit Regional History Museum and admire its rich collection of military pieces. One can see historical tanks and<br />

cannons, a combat plane and a helicopter. The museum is mentioned by Polish edition of Great Oxford Encyclopedia of the<br />

World, as a place worth visiting.<br />

Saint Jadwiga Church in Dębica<br />

There are several interesting historical monuments in Dębica. The most valuable is<br />

the Saint Jadwiga Church from the 16th century. Its distinctive tower is recognized by<br />

all residents. The church, rebuilt in 19th. century, lost some of its gothic charm.<br />

Another important architectural monument is the 19th century manor house at<br />

Wolica. In the past it belonged to the Raczyński family, the Christianis and the Płocki<br />

family.<br />

The synagogue dating back to the 18th century belongs to Confederation of Cracow<br />

Jewish Communities. Inside the historical building no traces of its original usage were<br />

left. Today the synagogue serves as a department store.<br />

A period cemetery chapel of the Raczyński family, who rendered great service to our<br />

country, can be found at the<br />

parish cemetery. The neo-<br />

Gothic building was erected<br />

around 1880.<br />

Among the most interesting<br />

places and buildings from the<br />

past are: the Town Square with<br />

several historic tenements<br />

from 19th century; villa “Wiluszówka”, a house of a prewar public<br />

notary; an edifice of historic Gym Society “Sokół”, an office of the<br />

Community Center “Śnieżka”; and a school building at Słowacki<br />

Street, dating back to the beginning of 20th century - today’s King<br />

Wladyslaw Jagiello’s Number I Lyceum in Dębica.<br />


The pools complex hosts European swimming competitions.<br />

The town has been investing in development of sport facilities.<br />

Today it offers one of the best sport basis in Podkarpacie. Dębica<br />

has a unique pools complex: an Olympic indoor swimming pool at<br />

Piłsudski street, and summer outdoor recreation pool at Sobieski<br />

street. For several years Dębica has hosted prestigious National<br />

and World Swimming Championships and Poland Grand Prix. An<br />

ice skating rink is available in the same building. Hockey teams<br />

from the region can practice there. The rink is also used by figure<br />

dancing section of the sport club.<br />

Many training camps are organized in Dębica. The teams have<br />

specialized sports centers, halls and fields at their disposal.<br />

Professional sport center in nearby Straszęcin is a training basis for<br />

the first division football teams. In the past it was used by our national football<br />

team.<br />

The town has always been proud of its sport tradition. “Wisłoka Dębica”, founded<br />

almost 100 years ago, is one of the oldest sport clubs in Poland. Its athletes,<br />

especially from the wrestling section, won 40 Olympic, world and European<br />

championship medals. 30 years old sport club “Igloolpol” has been a breeding<br />

ground for boxing and football champions.<br />

Artificial skating rink in Dębica.<br />

Wrestlers from Dębica are among the best in Poland<br />

The town’s authorities introduced the project “Europe of Towns”<br />

to their representatives in European Parliament.<br />

Dębica has been officially cooperating with Puurs, Belgium,<br />

since 1999. The first contact was established during the concert<br />

tour of Song and Dance Ensemble "Małopolska”. Since then<br />

many residents of Dębica have visited Belgium, making friends<br />

and starting Polish – Belgian families. For years Dębica has have<br />

an active Polish – Belgian Society: Dębica - Puurs „Heart for<br />

Heart”, similar to Belgian Cooperation Committee Puurs -<br />

Dębica. The local governments, culture centers and schools<br />

from both towns have actively cooperated.<br />

The town keeps in touch with Polish community in the<br />

U.S.A., strongly represented by emigrants from Dębica. Our<br />

original project of cooperation between the 27 EU towns,<br />

“Europe of Towns”, has brought Dębica many new friends,<br />

interested in joining the partnership. The project’s aim is to<br />

develop a close business, cultural, tourist and social relations<br />

between the European communities. The project helps the<br />

residents of united towns find business and trade partners and<br />

present the offer of their companies to potential clients from<br />

abroad. The students exchange is considered an important<br />

part of the program. The great number of activities will be<br />

financed by the EU.<br />

Creating an information portal, available to residents of all<br />

partner towns, is a part of the program. Dębica plans to open<br />

conference and festival centers and a trade fair, which will held<br />

the meeting, trade seminars, conventions and festivals<br />

organized by local governments of partner towns.<br />

The project “Europe of Towns” was introduced to some<br />

members of the European Parliament in Brussels.<br />

Local authorities of Dębica and Puurs

Photos: Artur Barwacz (okładka), Tomasz Rowiński, Wojciech Woźniak

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