Service for Service (1).pdf

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<strong>Service</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Service</strong><br />

The 2015-16 Wisconsin- Upper<br />

Michigan Governor’s Project

Introduction<br />

The 2015-16 Governor’s Project is called ‘<strong>Service</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Service</strong>’. The Veterans<br />

have served us in so many ways, so we are repaying them <strong>for</strong> their ef<strong>for</strong>ts<br />

through Key Club service! This Cookbook will be your recipe <strong>for</strong> success with<br />

this project. There are service projects, phone numbers, and different volunteer<br />

locations in this cookbook. Our goal is to have every club in the Wisconsin-<br />

Upper Michigan District do at least 2 service projects <strong>for</strong> the Governor’s Project.<br />

This is our goal because the men and women we serve have risked their lives<br />

so that we can live in a free country. They leave their families <strong>for</strong> long periods<br />

of time to fight <strong>for</strong> our freedom. We will be providing services to those who have<br />

provided the greatest service to us. Let’s get ready <strong>for</strong> a great year of serving<br />

our nation’s heroes!

Veteran Hospitals<br />

The Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Club District is very <strong>for</strong>tunate to have five<br />

Veteran Affairs (VA) Programs between the two States. Having these hospitals<br />

give us a great opportunity to donate and volunteer.<br />

To become a Student VA Volunteer, visit their website and either fill out a <strong>for</strong>m,<br />

or contact one of the facilities listed on the next page. To donate, go to their<br />

website or contact the hospital of your choice and ask about ways that you can<br />

donate.<br />


Contact Veterans Hospitals<br />

William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran Hospital - Madison, WI<br />

(608) 280-7030<br />

Tomah VA Medical Center - Tomah, WI<br />

(608) 372-1727<br />

Clement J. Zablocki VA Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI<br />

(414) 348-2000 Ext. 41803<br />

Iron Mountain VA - Iron Mountain, MI<br />

(906) 774-3300 Ext. 32781<br />

Jacobetti Home <strong>for</strong> Veterans - Marquette, MI<br />

(906) 226-3576 Ext. 396

<strong>Service</strong> Project<br />

Make Cards - Making cards such as Thank You’s or Holiday cards is a great way to<br />

show your support <strong>for</strong> Veterans. They are easy, fun, and do not take much time; but they<br />

can make such a difference in someone’s life!<br />

Tie Blankets - Tie blankets are another easy and fun project that you and your club can<br />

do. Many Honor Flights and hospitals use them <strong>for</strong> their Veterans. You can find<br />

instructions on how to make a tie blanket online. Also, if you are really crafty, there are<br />

other types of blankets that you can make such as afghans; but they take a longer period<br />

of time.

<strong>Service</strong> Projects<br />

Red Poppies - Making something with Red Poppies is another great way <strong>for</strong> people to<br />

show their support <strong>for</strong> Veterans. On this website you will find many different Red Poppy<br />

crafts.<br />

http://www.poppytime.com/poppy-craft-activities.htm<br />

Honor Flights - Volunteering <strong>for</strong> an Honor Flight in your town is another great way to<br />

serve Veterans. For many, this trip means so much, and they need volunteers to make<br />

everything possible. For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, you can visit their website.<br />


<strong>Service</strong> Projects<br />

Welcome Back Veterans Foundation - Donate to the Welcome Back Veterans<br />

Foundation which helps Veterans transfer back into civilian life. This website tells you<br />

how you can donate and help the cause.<br />

http://web.welcomebackveterans.org/index<br />

U.S. War Dog Association - Donate to the U.S War Dog Association because dogs<br />

have been serving just as much as humans. Also, this association makes memorials <strong>for</strong><br />

veteran dogs. This is the official website and has everything that you need to know!<br />


<strong>Service</strong> Projects<br />

American Red Cross - Volunteer with the American Red Cross! They help with things ranging<br />

from counseling referrals to shelter and clothing aid. The American Red Cross has many<br />

locations, and there may be one near you! You can go on their website <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

http://www.redcross.org/find-help/military-families/veterans-services<br />

Adopt a Military Family - Adopting a military family during Christmas time is another great way<br />

to support our troops. Many families struggle to get through the holidays, so Soldiers Angels<br />

made an Adopt-A-Family program. You send a gift card <strong>for</strong> food, or buy Christmas presents <strong>for</strong><br />

the family. You can visit their website <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation!<br />


Veterans Day<br />

Veterans Day is Wednesday November 11th, which is a school day but there<br />

are things you still can do. Such as…<br />

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Sending Thank You cards out to Veteran Hospitals or Veterans in you area<br />

Educating younger kids on Veterans and what they do <strong>for</strong> us and then<br />

making Thank You cards with them<br />

Visiting or volunteering at your local VA Facility<br />

Donating to a VA or other Veteran Organizations<br />

Wear or sell red poppy pins at your school

I am incredibly excited to work with everyone on the Governor’s Project!<br />

<strong>Service</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Service</strong> truly makes an impact on our veterans by serving those<br />

who have served us. If you have any questions, comments, in need of help, or<br />

want to tell me about a project that you have done or are planning, please email<br />

me or send me a call or text.<br />

“The sanctity of our battlefields, monuments, and veterans institutions is of the<br />

utmost importance to preserve military history and pay respect to those who<br />

fought” -Henry Waxman<br />

Yours in <strong>Service</strong>,<br />

Abbey Claes<br />

District Governor’s Project Committee Chair<br />

E: governorproject.wium@gmail.com | P: 906.280.5647

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