January 13 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers

January 13 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers

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PAGE. BIll - THE DAILY IOWA-". TUESDAY. J ". lS, U5!<br />

T~r~ .man' ~ Bid-To Drop Oil Cartel Suit Refusedsuio;;~e;';G~;-toR~den<br />

€ompanies Angrily D d· ' · M k FlO · I sur D f h Chi (ountrlesAround the World<br />

Denounce President's . e .cat,on ~r 5 orma pen"ng -0 5 an Olt ape in~i~e th~l1~o~:/~~~~~~o~/~~: bee~ collected in such volum~sas<br />

Offer as Insulting . f .[ ~<br />

~hamber 01 deputies In Athens, Martha Foleyjs annual "Belt<br />

Greece, has subscribed to the ShCl:rt Stories" and In the "a' Hen.<br />

Western Review quarterly pub- ry ize Stories," the latter vol.<br />

WASHINGTON (J?) -Prcsldent<br />

lished at SUI.<br />

Tnlman met a stormy relusal So have college libraries in<br />

now being edited at SUI by<br />

)fonday when he orrer d to drop' Ceylon, Flnlandj Indonesia, Spain, dlessolrs Paul Engle and Hamthe<br />

government's criminal case<br />

and in other parts of the globe,<br />

'gairut five giant American oU<br />

Prof. Ray B. West Jr. editor and l'iiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_<br />

companies and sub titute civil founder of the . 16-rear-old pUb_II<br />

anti-trust suit against them.<br />

licatJon, has an:nounced.<br />

Attorneys for th companies<br />

anarj~ ile.noWlced' th olfer as In-<br />

The Ford touiidation placed<br />

sultiUi~ Western Review ~on , "o:.,,,,,,rt:U"U!'<br />

At1h~ . H. ~n, counsel ror l of intercultural pUbli~atlops, .<br />

S~~ 011 ' at New Jersey.<br />

explains, .witll the belle! that<br />

calrta. K "ou\ra eous blackm U."<br />

magazine pouYd be of assistance in<br />

La r$, for 9th Increasing . ibter¥atIQnal lUlder-<br />

Ill1'ced. . standing. . ;. ~<br />

M lhe next tep in the fa t-<br />

. The foundation pays the submoylng<br />

dramll. the jw;tice deparl- 'c~lptions lor worthy libraries<br />

,I<br />

S<br />

meDt promptly announcqc! that md 6tl'ret education units · which ./ .-You M'E<br />

.Can<br />

L'L<br />

unlell8 the companies unanimous- lack finahclal means. As a result,<br />

I; acaep the terms, the govern- the.. new 8uilKription lidt in ' the •<br />

ment wm<br />

1<br />

go ahelld with the crim- edltorlaF o!fi~e ·· in SUI's · writer's<br />

inal action based on allegations workshop reads like an address<br />

that the CDmpanies have set up a Ust of the United Nations' gener;al h ; Deff<br />

world-wide prIce-fixing monop- assembly. e I erenc.<br />

oly. The camp nl have repeat- Escuela de Estudios Hlspano- . ,<br />

«ily Aenied engaging in any such Americanos, Sevllla, Spain, for , In our better . f,<br />

conspiracy, example KoninkUjke Bibliotheek. Sr' 1---. Dry (I-nl..<br />

1_._ Offer Wall CondJUoned The Hague, Netherlands; Turkish<br />

Truman had conditioned his ot-<br />

National library, Ankara, Turfer<br />

by sUpulatln. that in return key; Perpustakaan Islam, Jogfor<br />

call1n. oft Il federal gnnd jakarta, Java - and on through<br />

jury investigation ot crimin,11 man,. of the earth's tongues.<br />

antl-monopoly charges, the 011 (Dall, low.n b1 11111 Taraer) Beginning as the Intermouncompanies<br />

would have to agree PEAKER AT TlJE DANFORTH CHAPEL ceremonlell unday, Jan. 11. were (len to rlfht) Dr. 1U. "TO ASPIRE NOBLY, to live darln"ly, and to serve humbly" Is the taJn Review in Murtay, Utah, in<br />

to produce their records as a ba is W/Uard Lampe, director of the school of rellg'lon; Rirhard Ploc/(, 01 Burl/olion, member of the state JlUlcriptlon declaring' tbe purpose of the Danforth Ch.lI e J. Pictured the falJ of 1938, . the Western Refor<br />

a , civil suit. board of education: Pre Ident Virgil M. Ranch!'r; WI/llam n. Danforth 01 t. Louis, Mo.; Georfe above Is the altar and part of the<br />

1-------------<br />

'5 persons at&endlar ihe dedfea- view underwent six changes<br />

Highly volatile international ill- Rorner. university architect, and Wayne Moldenhauer. 02. who represented the student body. tiOD ceremonies. address 'and two changes ot na<br />

teresa, coupled with fears that --- before its establishment here in<br />

i;~I~~~f:~r~~;e:J~~:;J~rir~ Capacity' Crowd Witnesses Dedication WMSUI to bS/roaEdcast SUI Art Professor ::;~':l"~~:~.~' u';;~o:~<br />


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