Afternoon ceremony sends M-A's Class of 2010 on ... - Almanac News

Afternoon ceremony sends M-A's Class of 2010 on ... - Almanac News

Afternoon ceremony sends M-A's Class of 2010 on ... - Almanac News


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2Graduati<strong>on</strong><br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ A LSO INSIDE CALENDAR 25 |R EAL ESTATE 30 |C LASSIFIEDS 27<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Afterno<strong>on</strong></str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>sends</str<strong>on</strong>g> M-A’s<br />

June 3 was the big day for the senior class<br />

at Menlo-Athert<strong>on</strong> High School, whose<br />

members picked up their diplomas during<br />

a 4 p.m. graduati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

Courtney Arringt<strong>on</strong>, the senior class<br />

president, led the pledge <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> allegiance to the<br />

flag, which had been carried <strong>on</strong>to the football<br />

field by U.S. Marines. The singing <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

nati<strong>on</strong>al anthem followed, led by the school<br />

choir under the directi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Patrick Maier.<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> its way<br />

by Dave Boyce<br />

Photos by Michelle Le<br />

Senior Kahdijah Ali welcomed the gathering<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> students, parents, relatives and friends<br />

and gave a speech entitled “God’s Gift.”<br />

The speeches that followed were, respectively,<br />

“Lift-<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>!” by Maya Lozinski, “To<br />

Underclassmen, Love Senior,” by De<strong>on</strong>te<br />

McCall Jr., “Greatness: Starting From the<br />

Kitchen Sink,” by Ms. Arringt<strong>on</strong>, and “A<br />

Note <strong>on</strong> Growing Up,” by Josh Hubert.<br />

After a recogniti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> foreign exchange<br />

students, the assembly heard remarks by<br />

Principal Matthew Zito, who then presented<br />

the class to D<strong>on</strong> Gibs<strong>on</strong>, a board<br />

member <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Sequoia Uni<strong>on</strong> High School<br />

District, and assistant superintendent and<br />

so<strong>on</strong>-to-be superintendent James Lianides.<br />

M-A staff chosen by the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> handed<br />

diplomas to graduates as their names were<br />

called. With that, and with mortarboard<br />

tassels adjusted to reflect the seniors’ new<br />

Menlo-Athert<strong>on</strong> graduates Caprice Powell,<br />

right, embraces Sophia Kalin after they<br />

received their diplomas.<br />

status, the event drew to a close.<br />

Graduates<br />

A<br />

Joanna Acosta, Zachariah O. Adham, Bryce Alexander<br />

Aebi, Hasti Sara Afsarifard, Maria Celerina Alejandre,<br />

Kahdijah A. Ali, Stephanie Alvarado, G<strong>on</strong>zalo Alvarez,<br />

Jesus Alvarez, Susan Marlene Ambriz, Erika Andrews,<br />

Courtney Michelle Arringt<strong>on</strong>, Hugo Avalos, Jas<strong>on</strong><br />

See M-A GRADUATES, next page<br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> � The <strong>Almanac</strong> � 21


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H O M E O F F I C E S � M E D I A C E N T E R S<br />

W A L L B E D S � C L O S E T S � G A R A G E S<br />

Avalos, Daniel Avila, Santos Avila, Adriana<br />

Garcia-Ayala, Sashi Alexander Lorica<br />

Ayyangar.<br />

B<br />

Giovanna Rose Baffico, Ethan Ant<strong>on</strong>e Banich,<br />

Chelsey Alexandria Barnes, Nicole Rose<br />

Barnes, Fred Holcomb Bartlit IV, Margaret<br />

Beim, Hilary Sue Benedick, Rosa Ver<strong>on</strong>ica<br />

Campos-Berrios, Mae Harriet Bethel, Daniel<br />

Joseph Arthur Beyers, Fauzmeen Farhana<br />

Bibi, Jesus Blancas, Francisca Patricia<br />

Ormaza Bobb, Heather Lynn Bogott, Jimmy<br />

Medina-Borques, James Bothun, Hannah<br />

Elizabeth Bowersox, Amber Janine Boyd,<br />

Alexander Edward Breya, Aujae M<strong>on</strong>ique<br />

Brizedine, Andrew Wayne Brodbeck,<br />

Michael Lynn Brown, III, Audrey Marie<br />

Bullwinkel, Rebecca Camille Buchsbaum,<br />

Madeline Alice Burwell.<br />

C<br />

Denise Cailles, Kelly Rae Cain, Adrian Alberto<br />

Calder<strong>on</strong>, Cassandra Campos, Shann<strong>on</strong><br />

Terese Carmody, Adrian Charles Carpenter,<br />

Jas<strong>on</strong> S. Carpenter, Catherine Frances Carragee,<br />

Jose M. Carriel, George Alan Carruthers,<br />

Araceli Castaneda, Andrea Le<strong>on</strong><br />

Caudillo, Thannia Cazares, Hannah Rachel<br />

Chandler, Bernardo Chac<strong>on</strong>, Jr., Eduardo<br />

Chavez, Ryan Michael Chilcoat, Eric Patrick<br />

Ching, Nicholas Norfleet Church, Zachary<br />

Dean Clarence, Ryan Anth<strong>on</strong>y Coaquira,<br />

Ashby Bridgforth Cogan, Geovanna Elizabeth<br />

Figueroa Corado, Re’Ale Diane Cornelius,<br />

Sophia Chrystel Cornew, Jas<strong>on</strong> Reyes<br />

Cortella.<br />

D<br />

Michael Deady, Joseph William DeLisle,<br />

Russell John Desandre, Chelsea Helena Dill<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Nicole Marie DiSibio, Martin Dittrich,<br />

Kenneth Frank Dopp, Benjamin Mirrell V.<br />

Dor<strong>on</strong>ila, Rebecca Archer Dorst, Kendall<br />

Anne Dubr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f, Courtney Alexandra Durdle.<br />

E, F<br />

Caroline Anne Edwards, Hensley Shea<br />

Ellefritz, T<strong>on</strong>ga Victoria Fakalata, Allis<strong>on</strong><br />

Felt, James Fergas<strong>on</strong>, Margherita Ferrero,<br />

Caliope Alexis Garcia Flores, Thomas Folker,<br />

Reed Foster, Guido Franke, James Fredericksen,<br />

Maria M<strong>on</strong>ica Fuentes, Hadley M.<br />

Fussy.<br />

G<br />

David Victor Galbraith, Ryan Gallen,<br />

Jaime Soria-Garcia, Jesus Garcia, Sandra<br />

C<strong>on</strong>treras-Garcia, Cheney Gardiner, Anna<br />

Rose Geiduschek, Nils Gilberts<strong>on</strong>, Marshall<br />

Aar<strong>on</strong> Glass, Brittany B. Goodwin,<br />

Molly Elizabeth Gould, Chris Gow, Melissa<br />

Ann Grace.<br />

H<br />

Vivienne Halapio, Alec William Haley,<br />

James W. Hansen, David Harris II, Daniel<br />

L. Hartman, Jessica Hartman, Ryanne G.<br />

Haught, Elizabeth Birrueta-Hernandez, Iris<br />

Morales-Hernandez, Andrew J. Higgitt,<br />

Laurel Allyn Hill, Hilary Paige Hinshaw,<br />

G R A D U A T I O N 2 0 1 0<br />

Menlo-Athert<strong>on</strong> graduate Audrey Marie Bullwinkel blows bubbles during the graduati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />


c<strong>on</strong>tinued from previous page<br />

Brian N. Hohl, Heather Robin Holyoake,<br />

Sophia Hommes, Joshua Hubert, Austin<br />

Hume, Andrea Estefhanya Huerta.<br />

I, J<br />

Ellora Thadaney Israni, William Janz, Tikh<strong>on</strong><br />

Jelvis, Aili Jiaravan<strong>on</strong>t, Jesus Osimar<br />

Varela Jimenez, Uriel Alejandro Jimenez,<br />

Barrett Rowland Johns<strong>on</strong>, Dominique Ciara<br />

Johns<strong>on</strong>.<br />

K<br />

Sophia Danielle Kalin, Gabriel Kaplan,<br />

Corinne Keer, Jeffrey Downing Keller,<br />

Sabrina Alessandra Keller, Erin Elizabeth<br />

Kelley, Maya G. Kelley, John Joseph<br />

Kelly, Kyle J. Kessler, Jacks<strong>on</strong> Kinne, Jessica<br />

Jovanis Viteri Kirt<strong>on</strong>, Eugenie Maryanne<br />

Kitekeiaho, Katrina Kleck, Elena Denitsa<br />

Kolarov, Daniel Alexander Kozlowski, Viktoria<br />

Kuehn, Ashna Achal Kumar, Annie<br />

Mako Kuwabara.<br />

L<br />

Jennifer Jazmin Ceja-Landa, Vanessa Lane,<br />

Mackenzie E. Lanigan, Yuki Nakayama-<br />

Larrabee, Matthew M. Laws<strong>on</strong>, Andreas<br />

Leed, Angelina Danielle Martinez-Lieb,<br />

Hilda Lima, Rolando A. Valencia Linares,<br />

Nicholas H<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fman Little, Vincenzo Alf<strong>on</strong>so<br />

Lo Grasso, Erick Torres-Lopez, Nancy Lizbeth<br />

Cacho Lopez, Ani Jeanne Loshkajian,<br />

Jeffrey Paul Lovegren, Alfredo Caballero<br />

Lozano, Maya Lozinski.<br />

M<br />

Jessica Ibarra Magana, Katie Elizabeth<br />

Deras-Magana, Smeeta Maharaj, Nathaniel<br />

C. Major, Serena Mak, Allis<strong>on</strong> Velmanee<br />

Malath<strong>on</strong>g, Tevita Mapa, Annabelle Marcovici,<br />

Danielle Martin, Madeline Martin,<br />

Adriana Martinez, Gabriela G<strong>on</strong>zalez<br />

Martinez, Semisi Vuki Mataele, Deanna<br />

Michelle May, De<strong>on</strong>te McCall, Paolo<br />

Roberto McCarty, Samuel Hunter McClure,<br />

Brigid Patricia McCurdy, Chad Bernhard<br />

McKay, Garrett J. McMurtry, Karla Melchor,<br />

April Rose Melendez, Roberto Melendez,<br />

Jr., Gabriela Abarca-Mendoza, Norelba<br />

Chipres Mendoza, Rebecca Mein, Matthew<br />

Kevin Menninger, Maria Araceli Cardenas<br />

Meraz, Clara de Mello e Souza Meth, Darryl<br />

Miller, Sha’reese Carmen La’Shay Milligan,<br />

Andrew Duncan Camer<strong>on</strong> Milne, Jr., Alden<br />

S. Mitchell, Thomas W. Mitchell, Folau<br />

Moehau, Ulises Castellanos M<strong>on</strong>tes, Laura<br />

Catherine Moreno, Patrick Katsumi Moriarty,<br />

Brian James Morris, Jacqueline Leigh<br />

Mosher, Alexander Nathan Most, Steven<br />

Charles Muenzen, Dominic J. Mullen, Jack<br />

C<strong>on</strong>nolly Mulroe, Sergio Garcia Munoz.<br />

N<br />

Megan Nash, Iv<strong>on</strong>ne Navarrete, Jaime Josue<br />

Chavez-Navarro, Matthew Jay Newman,<br />

Gregory Thomas Nisbet, Jarrod Paul Nix<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Benjamin Joseph Chapman Nuyens<br />

O<br />

Cristina Ochoa, Joseph Ant<strong>on</strong>io Oc<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Bernadette O’Keefe, Luvia Berenice Castro-<br />

Orozco, Giovanni Guerra-Ortiz, Pablo<br />

Manuel Ortiz.<br />

P<br />

Yesenia Pasallo, Rafael Patino, Carl Randolph<br />

Payne III, C<strong>on</strong>nor Tomas Payne, Eliza-<br />

beth A. Peck, Kristy Perez, Chloe Peters,<br />

Spencer Petersen, Nicholas Pica, Katherine<br />

Elizabeth Pilch, Jacob William Pinkst<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Joseph Juan Piper, Mark K. Ploeger, Tania<br />

P<strong>on</strong>ce, Christopher S. P<strong>on</strong>tilo, Caprice L.<br />

Powell, Stefanie Christine Pressesky, Denise<br />

Nicole Prest<strong>on</strong>, Travis Elliot Price, Jessica<br />

Mitze Pulido.<br />

Q, R<br />

Ryan Quincy, Maria G. Quintero, Irene Carolina<br />

Ramirez, Francklin Moran Ramos, Jennifer<br />

Rechsteiner, Lena Irene Reed, Daniel<br />

Reg<strong>on</strong>ini, Keenan T. Rehlich, Vanessa Del<br />

Carmen Renkel, Karen Virginia Pimentel<br />

Reyes, Maria Guadalupe Pimentel Reyes,<br />

Gerardo Rico, Katherine Martinez-Rico,<br />

Isis Rios, Noel D. Rivera, Ashley Elizabeth<br />

Roberts, Alma D. Rodriguez, Alexander<br />

Webster Rohn, Marcus K. Rose, Darby N.<br />

Rosenberg, Nirvan Rouzbeh, Camer<strong>on</strong> Mills<br />

Rowland, Mirella Arias Rubio.<br />

S<br />

Hassan Saad, Dominic Joseph Sabatini, Nori<br />

Salas, Brunella Salerno, Bryan Sanchez,<br />

Enrique Vargas Sandoval, Pia Francesca<br />

M<strong>on</strong>tenegro Santos, Avinash Ajit Shah,<br />

Hana Francesca Shehadeh, Darya Guity<br />

Sheikhrezai, Lusia Sila, Ana Maria Mark da<br />

Silva, Abraham Hayward Sim<strong>on</strong>, Quinntesha<br />

Damelia Simps<strong>on</strong>, Quinn A. Skidmore,<br />

Chad Slightam, Jedediah Joseph Springer,<br />

Derek R. Smith, Peyt<strong>on</strong> C. Smith, Holly<br />

Rebecca Smolik, Chloe Marie S<strong>on</strong>ger, Dakota<br />

Jolene Snow, Lauren Ilana Solom<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Rachel Elizabeth Solom<strong>on</strong>, Manuel de Jesus<br />

Lopez Solorzano, Christine Joy Somersett,<br />

Eleanor Ruth Spielman-Sun, Ashley Ann<br />

Starr, Benjamin W. Cohen-Stead, Natassa<br />

Anne Steck, Mallory L. Stevens, Caroline<br />

Marie Stroud, Claire Helene Sutt<strong>on</strong>, Scott<br />

James Swartz.<br />

T<br />

Amanda Rita Marie Tachis, Christy M. Tashiro,<br />

Jacob Liu Taylor, Megan Kelly Thomas,<br />

Angelina Louise Charlotte Thoms<strong>on</strong>, Forrest<br />

Frasier Tiffany II, Sophia Dwight Tittert<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Jasher T<strong>on</strong>na, Francisco Javier Toribio,<br />

Marietta Teu-Sive Tui<strong>on</strong>etoa, Jessica Valasi<br />

Tuliau, Austin Michael P<strong>on</strong>tin Turner.<br />

U, V<br />

Roy Ulukivaiola, William R. Urban, Claire<br />

Rose Uschersohn, Erik Patino-Valencia,<br />

Miguel Chris Varo, Adam Robert Vaughan,<br />

Erik B. Vaught, Jan Riane Therese Verbo,<br />

Tami Rebecca Vujovich.<br />

W<br />

Sarah Wagner, Brett Warren, Samuel Purcell<br />

Weber, Anne Weil, Jehzeel Marquez-<br />

Wences, Taylor Ann Wentz, Evan Miles<br />

West, T’Andra Ngozi White, Cynthia Marylin<br />

Williams, Da’Shawn La’T<strong>on</strong>ya Williams,<br />

Jack J. Williams, Sarah Grace Winters, Keiko<br />

Grace Wolff, Christine M<strong>on</strong>et Wozniak, Eric<br />

Spencer Wright.<br />

Y, Z<br />

Rigoberto Maciel Yah, Mehrad Yazdi,<br />

Argenis Zarco, Stephanie Rose Zoccatelli,<br />

Camille Sim<strong>on</strong>e Zolopa, Adam M. Zuckerman,<br />

Ernesto Zuniga. A

As spring fades to summer,<br />

the <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> said<br />

goodbye to Woodside High<br />

School at a graduati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

<strong>on</strong> Friday morning, June 4.<br />

Audrey Baker, president <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

senior class, welcomed every<strong>on</strong>e<br />

after the playing <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the nati<strong>on</strong>al<br />

anthem by the school band under<br />

the directi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> William Tolles.<br />

Ms. Baker introduced Locke<br />

Alexander, who gave a speech<br />

G R A D U A T I O N 2 0 1 0<br />

Woodside High’s<br />

class <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> says goodbye —<br />

With Gratitude<br />

Woodside graduate Adrian Johns<strong>on</strong>, center, is embraced by (from left) Chris Brown, Dan Nava, Alex<br />

Johns<strong>on</strong> and David Chatman after the <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

Graduates A<br />

Vanessa Angela Abarca, Jessica Abarca<br />

Mendez, Chase Abinader, Grant Samuel<br />

Adams, Ariane Leah Adler, Anth<strong>on</strong>y Joseph<br />

Agostini, Kevin S. Aguilar, Karla L. Aguilar,<br />

Luis A. Aguilar, Mayra Aguilar, Sams<strong>on</strong><br />

Christopher Ahokava, Locke Patrick Alexander,<br />

Angela Christine Alftin, Lea Gimire<br />

Alim, Sabrina S. Alinejad, Naomi J. Al<strong>on</strong>so,<br />

Jacqueline Malka Altman, Brittany Alexandra<br />

Alvarado, Evelyn Alvarez, Zoe Alvarez,<br />

Jasper Joseph Anders<strong>on</strong>, Kimberly Rachel<br />

Andreozzi, Itzel Andres, Jacob D. Anth<strong>on</strong>y,<br />

Reyna Ant<strong>on</strong>io, Therese Najat Aoun, Cesar<br />

by Dave Boyce<br />

Photos by Michelle Le<br />

called “Wearing Goggles.”<br />

Ms. Baker and seniors Kristin<br />

Geodicke, Chloe Jury-Fogel and<br />

Emily Kruger, the <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ficers <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, presented the class<br />

gift: a new sign for the fr<strong>on</strong>t <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

school.<br />

Principal David Reilly introduced<br />

the class and 17 valedictorians,<br />

who shared delivery <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a<br />

speech called “Gratitude Debt.”<br />

Handing out diplomas were Mr.<br />

E. Arana, Bianca Lissette Aranda, Iris M.<br />

Arellano, Karen Brisceida Arguello, Sate<strong>on</strong>a<br />

Delora Armstr<strong>on</strong>g, Jessica Arred<strong>on</strong>do,<br />

Danielle Amanda Arreola, Araceli Arroyo,<br />

Ryan A. Arshakuni, Shamica Lav<strong>on</strong>ne Ashley,<br />

Nathalie S. Aviles, Kevin Aviles, Aracely<br />

Ay<strong>on</strong>, Cherie Hayes Azzopardi.<br />

B<br />

Karla Alejandra Baez, Thomas Raym<strong>on</strong>d<br />

Bailey, Audrey Malke Baker, Shann<strong>on</strong> Lian<br />

Ballagh, Charles Limericlz Ballinger, Zoe A.<br />

Balmy, Andrew E. Baltay, Shunt Sams<strong>on</strong><br />

Balushian, Sarah Josette Bance, Stephanie<br />

Andrea Barajas Aguilar, Camille Linda<br />

Reilly and Sequoia Uni<strong>on</strong> High<br />

School District <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ficials, including<br />

board member Lorraine Rumley<br />

and Superintendent Patrick<br />

Gemma.<br />

On the cover<br />

Shamica Lav<strong>on</strong>ne Ashley rejoices<br />

after receiving her diploma from<br />

Woodside High School. Michelle<br />

Le/The <strong>Almanac</strong><br />

Barker, Marl<strong>on</strong> Barrera, Jay Martin Barrera,<br />

Brian Jacob Barrow, Travis John Bart<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Octavio Bautista, Emanuel Mortimer Behrendt,<br />

Anth<strong>on</strong>y Bergmann, Holly Elizabeth<br />

Bierman, Andrew Joseph Bligh, Jessica<br />

Marie Blocker, William Brennan Bohn,<br />

Morgan Lynne Borg, Chelsea Sarah Braun,<br />

Ivan Bucio.<br />

C<br />

Alma Stephanie Cabrera, Juan Iosif Camarena,<br />

Jacquelyn Campos, Geraldine Carde-<br />


next page<br />

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THE FISCAL YEAR <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11 COUNTYWIDE NATIONAL<br />



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo<br />

Park will hold a Public Hearing to recommend that the San Mateo County<br />

Flood C<strong>on</strong>trol District impose basic and additi<strong>on</strong>al charges for funding<br />

the Fiscal Year <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11 Countywide Nati<strong>on</strong>al Pollutant Discharge<br />

Eliminati<strong>on</strong> System (NPDES) General Program.<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold this<br />

Public Hearing <strong>on</strong> Tuesday, the 22nd day <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> June, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, at 7:00 p.m. in<br />

the Menlo Park City Council Chambers, Civic Center at 701 Laurel Street,<br />

Menlo Park, California, at which time and place interested pers<strong>on</strong>s may<br />

appear and be heard.<br />

Any pers<strong>on</strong> interested may appear at the public hearing and be heard<br />

<strong>on</strong> any matter related to this matter.<br />

Visit the City’s website at www.menlopark.org for City Council, public<br />

hearing, agenda, and staff report informati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Dated: June 1, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

MARGARET S. ROBERTS, MMC, City Clerk<br />

Published in THE ALMANAC <strong>on</strong> June 9 and June 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

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June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> � The <strong>Almanac</strong> � 23

MENLO COLLEGE BASEBALL SUMMER CAMP <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

The Menlo College Baseball Camps <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fer small player/coach ratio<br />

and quality instructi<strong>on</strong> from college coaches.<br />

All Camps run from<br />

9:00am - 2:30pm<br />

at the Cartan Field<br />

GUIDE TO <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDS<br />

Camp Co necti<strong>on</strong><br />

�������������������������������������������������������<br />

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����������������������PaloAltoOnline.com/biz/summercamps<br />

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Sports Camps<br />

Glenoaks Stables’ HHorse<br />

Camp Portola Valley<br />

��������������������������������������������������������������������������<br />

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���������������������������������������������������������������������������<br />

www.glenoaksequestrian.com/summercamps.htm 650 854 4955<br />

Academic Camps<br />

Earth Care Science Camp Los Altos<br />

������������������������������������������������������������������������<br />

�������� ���������� ������������� ����� ���� �������� ������� ������ �������� ����<br />

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www.fbcla.org/childrens 650-948-5698<br />

Summer Program at German Internati<strong>on</strong>al School <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Silic<strong>on</strong> Valley Mtn. View<br />

������������������������������������������������������������������������<br />

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www.gissv.org 650-254-0748<br />

24 � The <strong>Almanac</strong> � June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Ages 12-14 Introducti<strong>on</strong> to the Big Diam<strong>on</strong>d<br />

Sessi<strong>on</strong> 1: June 14-18 $250 (M<strong>on</strong>–Fri)<br />

Sessi<strong>on</strong> 3: July 5-9 $250 (M<strong>on</strong>–Fri)<br />

Ages 7-11 Kids Camp<br />

Sessi<strong>on</strong> 2: June 28-30 $150 (M<strong>on</strong>–Wed)<br />

Sessi<strong>on</strong> 4: July 12-16 $250 (M<strong>on</strong>–Fri)<br />

Register <strong>on</strong>line, please visit menlobaseballcamps.com<br />

Please c<strong>on</strong>tact: Jimmy Meuel, Assistant Baseball Coach, Camp Director<br />

650-543-3769 or Jmeuel@menlo.edu.<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> Horsemanship Camps<br />

Mini Camps: Every other m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

Intermediate Camps: Check website for dates.<br />

SUMMER<br />

CAMPS:<br />

(One Week Sessi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Available)<br />

� ���� � ��� �<br />

� ���� ��� �<br />

� ���� � � ���<br />

� ������ � �� �<br />

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� ��������� �������� � �� ���� ��� ���� ������ ������<br />

725 Portola Rd., Portola Valley (650) 851-1114 www.springdown.com<br />

Where will<br />

your kids be<br />

this summer?<br />


c<strong>on</strong>tinued from previous page<br />

nas, Stephanie Cardenas, Brand<strong>on</strong> Gregory<br />

Carey, Hector Carlos, Lauren N. Carrillo,<br />

James K. Carter, Rachel Kathleen Carter,<br />

Eduardo Jesus Castellanos, Nicholas A.<br />

Castillo, Genesis Alejandra Cerna, Caitlin R.<br />

Chambers, Grant B. Chapman, Christopher<br />

James Cockrum, Julie Cole-Farquhars<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Hyllarie Dau Colyer, Natalie Comino, Josslyn<br />

Jade C<strong>on</strong>gress, Ana Isabel Cordoba, Jennifer<br />

Christina Cornell, Ana Laura Cor<strong>on</strong>a,<br />

Matthew Ford Cox, Jacqueline Cuevas.<br />

D<br />

Olessy Estephanny Danz, Kyle Johnathan<br />

Arden Dean, Gregory Ryan Deasy, Allen<br />

Nicholas DeLeo, Issa Delkaninia, Amanda<br />

J. DeOliviera, Lauren Noelani Diaz, Bani<br />

Maharai Diaz, Alexa J. Dimmitt, Anth<strong>on</strong>y<br />

Michael Douglas, Max Duffy, Ryan S. Dunlap,<br />

Stephanie Sarah Durr, Victoria Giselle<br />

Elsineitti, Daniel Peter Engels, Kimberley<br />

C. Enriquez, Jessica Joy Ernst, Luis Escalera,<br />

Mariela Escobedo, Jyo Angelo Estacio, Lauren<br />

Olivia Evan<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f.<br />

E, F<br />

Crystal S. Falepou<strong>on</strong>o, Julianne Rae Falore,<br />

Matthew Eric Fazio, Blendy L. Fernandez,<br />

Douglas Fosnes, Mark D. Foti, Giovanna<br />

Sophia Fra<strong>on</strong>e, Claire Elizabeth Freeman,<br />

Marissa Ann Frolli, Lisbeth Mariela Fuentes,<br />

Patricia Fuentes Sanchez.<br />

G<br />

Maritza Galindo, Joanne Lynn Gallagher,<br />

Adriana Garcia, Maria Garcia-Hurtado,<br />

Sergio Gildo, Sean S. Giusto, Shar<strong>on</strong> Grisel<br />

Godinez, Anth<strong>on</strong>y Godinez, Kristin<br />

Michelle Goedicke, Brian Rodrigo Gomez,<br />

Brittainie Ann Gomez, Stephanie Gomez<br />

Sevilla, Eduardo G<strong>on</strong>salez, Wendy G<strong>on</strong>zalez,<br />

Natalie Grace Greco, William Toy<br />

Gregory, Daniel Phillip Grelli, Jennifer Rose<br />

Gruber, Jessica Guerra, Johan Louis Guerra,<br />

Karla Maria Guevara, Peter Kalevi Gunn,<br />

J<strong>on</strong>athan Ernersto Gutierrez, J<strong>on</strong>athan<br />

Guzman, Melissa Stephanie Guzman, Daniel<br />

Guzman, Edwin Alexander Guzman.<br />

H<br />

Kimberly Michelle Hahn, Karen Elane Hanko,<br />

Adriana Paley Harm<strong>on</strong>, Allis<strong>on</strong> Claire<br />

Harris, Mackenzie E. Hart, Isabella L. Hartman,<br />

Katelyn Rachelle Harvey, Michael Farrow<br />

Thomas Havea Hikuleo M. Taufa, Anna<br />

R. Hay, Ver<strong>on</strong>ica Rose Hendershaw, Claudia<br />

Nicole Hendershaw, Luis Henriquez-Garcia,<br />

Juan Jose Hernandez, Kiefer S. Hickman,<br />

Rodney Isaiah Holman, Alfredo Huerta,<br />

Tyler J. Hull.<br />

I, J<br />

Jes˙s Ibarra, Ellen Jane Gaal Ingebritsen,<br />

Alexandra Elizabeth Jacoubowsky, Bran-<br />

G R A D U A T I O N 2 0 1 0<br />

Woodside High graduates begin to toss their caps in the air after the morning <str<strong>on</strong>g>cerem<strong>on</strong>y</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

d<strong>on</strong> Michael James, Daizy Jauregui, Maggaly<br />

Jazo Vargas, Nicole Marie Jens<strong>on</strong>, Isabel<br />

Jimenez, Josue Jimenez, Kevin Jimenez,<br />

Hayley B. Johnsen, Ryan Pierce Johns<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Kaitlyn H Johns<strong>on</strong>, Barrett Tyler Johns<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Adrian Angel Johns<strong>on</strong>, Tangerine Eloura<br />

Johns<strong>on</strong>, Nicholas Patrick J<strong>on</strong>es, Syaire<br />

J<strong>on</strong>es, Chloe Joana Jury Fogel.<br />

K<br />

Karmit Pal Khera, Marie Isabelle Koesnodihardjo,<br />

Chelsea Marie Kolb, Emil C.<br />

Koszalka, Garrett Thomas Krosse, Emily<br />

Lynn Kruger.<br />

L<br />

Nicole B. Lamberts<strong>on</strong>, Shaun M. Lane,<br />

Siobahn Amanda Lane, Adrian Arturo Lara,<br />

Jazmine Kim Lashmett, David A. Lewerenz,<br />

Cathya Belen Lopez, Bernardo Lopez,<br />

Armando Lopez, Brenda Laura Lopez,<br />

Brenda Janet Lopez, Lincoln C. Loving, Luis<br />

Lumbreras.<br />

M<br />

Matthew Joseph Maciel, Griselda Karina<br />

Maciel, Ian Clarke MacKenzie, Victor<br />

Alf<strong>on</strong>so Magallanes, Moriah D. Mah<strong>on</strong>ey,<br />

Miranda Carina Mald<strong>on</strong>ado, Joseph N.<br />

Marini, Brand<strong>on</strong> James Marshall, Bridget<br />

Noel Martin, Angela Marie Martin, Shae<br />

Alissa Marx, Matthew Craig Maschewski,<br />

Boyd Masifilo, Jacks<strong>on</strong> Van Horn Matteucci,<br />

Alena McLucas, Marlene Medina, Alexis<br />

Giovanni Medrano, Ricardo Emmanuel<br />

Melendrez, J<strong>on</strong>athan Mendieta, Erik<br />

Mendoza, Jenny Mendoza, Diana Merlo,<br />

Zachary John Thomas Methenitis, Kelly<br />

Lauren Miller, Paris Nicole Mills, Ant<strong>on</strong>io D.<br />

M<strong>on</strong>toya, Jeffrey Taylor Moore-Lavaysse,<br />

Jasmine Marie Tamera Moors, Kevin Humberto<br />

Morales, Janette Magaly Moreno,<br />

Whitney Nicole Morgan, Raul A. Munoz,<br />

Alyssa Beth Myers.<br />

N, O<br />

Tanisha Naidoo, Matthew J. Nels<strong>on</strong>, Richard<br />

James Nice, Michael Robert Nicholas,<br />

Carla Liliana Nunez, Juan Armando Nunez,<br />

M<strong>on</strong>ica Nunez, Gustavo Ocampo, Janessa<br />

Ver<strong>on</strong>ica Ocegueda, Whitney Ann Ols<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Curtis Tadashi Ono, Hector Orlando Orozco,<br />

Joel A. Ortiz, Roberto Oseguera, Ana<br />

Carolina Osuna.<br />

P<br />

Rose Ann Diwa Panuncio, J<strong>on</strong>athan Lee<br />

Parish, Victoria Inez Park, Maria Fernanda<br />

Patino, Adriana Lee Pedrazas, Danahe I.<br />

Pelcastre, Diana Michelle Pena Flores, Irma<br />

Y. Peraza, Angelica Pereda, Juanita Perez,<br />

Eduardo Lucas Perez, Denitse M. Perez,<br />

Amanda Celia Perez, Daniel Perez, Ashlyn<br />

Rose Petrick, Logan Marlet Pike, Cynthia<br />

Emily Pineda, Richard Henry Pomi, Yolanda<br />

Prado, Hector Prado, Jr., Kenya Orande<br />

Price, Jr., Karina Prieto-Macias.<br />

R<br />

Scott Thomas Ramies, Xavier Ramirez, Luis<br />

F. Ramirez, Brian Scott Ranes, Ilana Braun<br />

Rappaport, Ava Lauren Rettke, Miguel<br />

Revuelta, Miriah Rios, Henry Rivas, Katelyn<br />

May Roberts, Amanda Raylene Rodriguez,<br />

Danya Karen Rodriguez, Cristina O. Romero,<br />

Pablo Vincente Romero, Abigail Irene<br />

Ro<strong>on</strong>ey, Josue Sandoval Rosales, Lisa Marie<br />

Rosati, Jordan Abraham Rubin, Kathryn<br />

Elizabeth Ruelas, Theresa Ruiz, Ingrid Ruiz,<br />

Kathryn Rose Ryan.<br />

S<br />

Ant<strong>on</strong>ius M. Salama, Fernando Salazar<br />

Gomez, Jorge Alberto Salgado, Jocelyn<br />

San Juan, Rafael Alejandro Sanchez,<br />

Hanna A. Sandquist, Daniel Santana, Jr.,<br />

Uvaldo Jesus Santiago, Danielle Alexandra<br />

Sawicki, Daniel Steven Schulman, Nancy<br />

Ariel Sevudredre, Lily Sinclair Shanahan,<br />

Starley Thomas Shelt<strong>on</strong>, Jeremy James<br />

Shepherd, Emily E. Small - C<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>faro, Trevor<br />

Smith, Aar<strong>on</strong> Mendoza Smith, Kyle Logan<br />

Smith, Allis<strong>on</strong> Marie Smith, Jazmin Sosa,<br />

Erick Soto, Alexander Soto Reyes, Raym<strong>on</strong>d<br />

Frederick Spain, II, Richard Scott Stafford,<br />

Daniel Benjamin Steiner, Olivia Katherine<br />

Stork, Kelly Elizabeth Storum, Leslie Yamileth<br />

Suarez, Tyler Keenan Sullberg, Paul<br />

Michael Livingst<strong>on</strong> Swietek.<br />

T<br />

Sekope Er<strong>on</strong>i Kendrick Tagilala, Anamanu<br />

L. Takau, Toa Filimoeunga Takau, Chris<br />

Tantivilaisin, Si<strong>on</strong>e Molou Taufa, Manu Ha-<br />

I-Vai Lahi Taufa, Brittany Thacker, Christina<br />

Portia Thaute, Eric Scott Thomps<strong>on</strong>, David<br />

Wayne Thornhill, Kelly Elizabeth Thurlow,<br />

George Jovany Torres, Kyle Robert Trager,<br />

Robert Zachary Traller, Julie H. Tran, Andy<br />

Chi Tru<strong>on</strong>g, Mariana Tsanakas.<br />

U, V<br />

Tabitha Taulima Uelese, Elias Urena, Cristal<br />

Valencia, Nicole M. Valk, Ricardo Valle,<br />

Haley Alexandra Valletta, Silvia Guadalupe<br />

Vazquez, Christopher Vega, Aitza Vega,<br />

Brand<strong>on</strong> Kenneth Veikoso, Irvin Velazquez,<br />

Lorena Lissette Ventura, Jessica Vieyra Santos,<br />

Martha Elena Villanueva.<br />

W<br />

Casey D. Wagner, Grace Jillian Walovich,<br />

Janice Elena Walt<strong>on</strong>, Alexandra Nichole<br />

Waschura, Keat<strong>on</strong> Grey Washburn, Milo<br />

Campbell Watanabe, Alexandra Wats<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Kandace Maria Weber, Taylor M. Whitehill,<br />

Brittany Williams, Aisha Mary Williams,<br />

Charmayne Leamelle Wils<strong>on</strong>, Jessica Tori<br />

Withers, Tamara L. Wood.<br />

Y, Z<br />

Michael Tyler York, Ruben Zarate, Oliver Isa<br />

Zaru, David Gregory Zernitsky. A

� CALENDAR<br />

Art Galleries<br />

“The Watercolor Landscape” The editorial<br />

carto<strong>on</strong>ist for the Palo Alto Daily <strong>News</strong>, Steve<br />

Curl is also a watercolor artist and teacher. His<br />

paintings are inspired by his travels throughout<br />

California, Colorado and Yosemite, and his local<br />

hikes <strong>on</strong> the coast and in the Santa Cruz Mountains.<br />

June 1-30, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Portola<br />

Art Gallery, 75 Arbor Road, Menlo Park. Call<br />

650-328-3499. www.stevecurl.com<br />

Benefits<br />

Fundraiser to Benefit Project Read-<br />

Menlo Park Project Read-Menlo Park is<br />

having a fundraiser <strong>on</strong> Thursday, June 10, at<br />

Hobee’s. Hobee’s will d<strong>on</strong>ate 20 percent <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

sales to Project Read, the adult literacy program.<br />

Customers must bring a hard copy flyer<br />

or <strong>on</strong>e in digital form. Pick up a flyer at the Menlo<br />

Park Library. June 10, 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Hobee’s,<br />

67 Town & Country Village, Palo Alto. Call 650-<br />

330-2525. www.projectreadmenlopark.org<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es/Workshops<br />

“Irrigating Native Plants” Sherri Osaka<br />

from the California Native Plant Society leads<br />

a class <strong>on</strong> making a garden into a natural<br />

oasis. June 14, 10-11 a.m. Free. Woodside<br />

Library, 3140 Woodside Road, Woodside.<br />

Call 650-851-0147. smcl.org<br />

Folk Dance <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> Marcel Vinokur<br />

teacher, Tuesdays, beginning April 6.<br />

Beginning teaching at 7, Intermediate<br />

teaching at 7:30. No partners necessary.<br />

Featuring dances from the Balkans and<br />

Israel. Free refreshments. 7-10:15 p.m. $45<br />

residents, $60 n<strong>on</strong>residents for 12 week<br />

quarter, $7 drop ins. Burgess Recreati<strong>on</strong><br />

Center, 700 Alma St., Menlo Park. Call<br />

6503270759.<br />

Herbs in the kitchen and garden Learn<br />

how to grow and harvest perennial and<br />

annual herbs, herbs in c<strong>on</strong>tainers and essential<br />

herbs for the kitchen. Take home herb cuttings,<br />

recipes and plant lists. June 12, 10:30-<br />

12:30 a.m. $31 + $5 materials fee. Comm<strong>on</strong><br />

Ground Garden Center, 559 College Ave.,<br />

Palo Alto. Call 650-493-6072. http://www.<br />

comm<strong>on</strong>groundinpaloalto.org/<br />

Native Plant Gardening for Beginners<br />

Athert<strong>on</strong> Library hosts a 1.5 hour<br />

educati<strong>on</strong>al workshop led by California Native<br />

Plant Society pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>al Stephanie Morris.<br />

June 16, 7-8 p.m. Free. Athert<strong>on</strong> Library, 2<br />

Dinkelspiel Stati<strong>on</strong> Lane, Athert<strong>on</strong>. Call 650-<br />

328-2422.<br />

At Kepler’s<br />

Five Bay poets, including Charlotte Muse,<br />

pictured, and Patrick Daly <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park,<br />

will be featured in “An Evening <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Poetry” at<br />

7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, at Kepler’s<br />

bookstore, 1010 El Camino Real in Menlo<br />

Park. The poets will read their work from<br />

“The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems from the<br />

San Francisco Bay Watershed,” an anthology<br />

that includes a foreword by former U.S. poet<br />

laureate Robert Hass. C<strong>on</strong>stance Crawford,<br />

Phyllis Koestenbaum and Priscilla Lee will<br />

also read their work. The event is free. For<br />

more informati<strong>on</strong>, call 324-4321.<br />

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Our business community cares<br />

about quality public schools<br />


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��������������������������������������������<br />

The Toguchi Group<br />

at Morgan Stanley<br />

Smith Barney<br />

The Foundati<strong>on</strong> funds programs at<br />

Menlo-Athert<strong>on</strong> High School for every<br />

need, interest and ability.<br />

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C A L E N D A R<br />

Clubs/Meetings<br />

Blacksheep Handweavers Guild The<br />

Black Sheep Handweavers Guild is a n<strong>on</strong>pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>it<br />

organizati<strong>on</strong> whose purpose is to promote the<br />

exchange <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> ideas and knowledge in textile<br />

arts, and to encourage efforts and activities<br />

in these areas. Group meets <strong>on</strong> the third<br />

Thursday <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the m<strong>on</strong>th. 7 p.m. $5 d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong><br />

(n<strong>on</strong>-members). Woodside Village Church,<br />

3154 Woodside Road, Woodside. Call 650-<br />

592-2435. www.blacksheepguild.org<br />

Portola Valley Library’s N<strong>on</strong>-Ficti<strong>on</strong><br />

Book Club “Strength in What Remains” by<br />

Tracy Kidder. Pulitzer Prize-winning Kidder<br />

recounts the story <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Deo, the Burundian<br />

former medical student turned American<br />

emigre. June 17, 1-2:30 p.m. Portola Valley<br />

Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call<br />

650-851-0560. smcl.org<br />

Rose Propagati<strong>on</strong> Dave Bang will dem<strong>on</strong>strate<br />

how to propagate roses at the next<br />

meeting <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Peninsula Rose Society <strong>on</strong><br />

Wed., June 9, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Free. Veterans<br />

Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madis<strong>on</strong> Ave.,<br />

Redwood City. www.peninsularosesociety.org<br />

Community Events<br />

Lunche<strong>on</strong> with U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo<br />

In an event organized by the Peninsula<br />

Democratic Coaliti<strong>on</strong>, U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo,<br />

D-Palo Alto, will speak about the prospects for<br />

further Democratic legislati<strong>on</strong>, and describe<br />

how she sees the political scene shaping up<br />

for November. Reservati<strong>on</strong>s requested. Sat.,<br />

June 19, 11:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $20. Michael’s at<br />

Shoreline Restaurant, 2960 N Shoreline Blvd.,<br />

Mountain View. Call 650-949-1009.<br />

C<strong>on</strong>certs<br />

Redwood Symph<strong>on</strong>y - Barshai’s<br />

Mahler Tenth Eric Kujawsky c<strong>on</strong>ducts<br />

Redwood Symph<strong>on</strong>y in the Bay Area premiere<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Mahler’s Tenth Symph<strong>on</strong>y, left incomplete<br />

at the composer’s death in 1911, completed in<br />

2000 by Rudolph Barshai. Pre-c<strong>on</strong>cert lecture<br />

by Dr. Kujawsky at 7 p.m. June 12, 8 p.m. $10<br />

(student), $20 in advance, $25 at door, free for<br />

children under 12. Canada College Main Theatre,<br />

4200 Farm Hill Blvd., Redwood City. Call<br />

650-366-6872. www.redwoodsymph<strong>on</strong>y.org<br />

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Dance<br />

“No Limits” Dance Expressi<strong>on</strong>s, a four-yearold<br />

adult dance program in Menlo Park, presents<br />

its end-<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>-the-year performance, called<br />

“No Limits.” The program features jazz, hip-hop,<br />

“creative movement” and Bollywood. June 19,<br />

1 and 7 p.m. Email for ticket informati<strong>on</strong>. Menlo-<br />

Athert<strong>on</strong> High School Performing Arts Center,<br />

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Athert<strong>on</strong>. www.danceexpressi<strong>on</strong>s5678.com<br />

Thursday Evening Dance Fox Trot, Waltz,<br />

Polka and more every Thursday evening. Light<br />

refreshments will be served. Come al<strong>on</strong>e or<br />

bring a partner. Thursdays, 7-10 p.m. $7 per<br />

pers<strong>on</strong>. PV Inc Little House, 800 Middle Ave.,<br />






FISCAL YEAR <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo<br />

Park will hold a Public Hearing <strong>on</strong> adopti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a resoluti<strong>on</strong> overruling<br />

protests, ordering the improvements, c<strong>on</strong>firming the diagram and ordering<br />

the levy and collecti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> assessments at the existing fee rates for the<br />

sidewalk and tree assessments for the City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park Landscaping<br />

Assessment District for Fiscal Year <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11.<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that the City Council will hold this<br />

Public Hearing <strong>on</strong> Tuesday, the 22nd day <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> June, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, at 7:00 p.m.in<br />

the Menlo Park City Council Chambers, Civic Center at 701 Laurel Street,<br />

Menlo Park, California, at which time and place interested pers<strong>on</strong>s may<br />

appear and be heard.<br />

Any pers<strong>on</strong> interested may appear at the public hearing and be heard<br />

<strong>on</strong> any matter related to this matter.<br />

Visit the City’s website for City Council, public hearing, agenda, and staff<br />

report informati<strong>on</strong> at www.menlopark.org.<br />

Dated: June 1, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

MARGARET S. ROBERTS, MMC, City Clerk<br />

Published in THE ALMANAC <strong>on</strong> June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> and June 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

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See CALENDAR, next page<br />

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June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> � The <strong>Almanac</strong> � 25


Gray tints are the most popular choices for<br />

sunglasses in this country. Because it maintains<br />

an even balance throughout the color<br />

spectrum, gray is recommended for those who<br />

value balanced color. When there is a need to<br />

increase visual c<strong>on</strong>trast, brown may be a better<br />

choice. Through brown lenses, shades <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> blue are<br />

reduced and greens become more predominant.<br />

Their improved c<strong>on</strong>trast provides a slightly better<br />

sense <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> road surface, and they are a good<br />

choice for any<strong>on</strong>e who does a lot <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> driving.<br />




The City Council <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park adopted Ordinance No. 967<br />

at its regular City Council meeting <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> May 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>. The<br />

Ordinance was introduced <strong>on</strong> May 11, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, and adopted<br />

<strong>on</strong> May 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, by a 5-0 vote. The ordinance is effective<br />

thirty days from its adopti<strong>on</strong>, and is summarized as:<br />






The full text <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the ordinance and all exhibits are available<br />

at the Offi ce <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City Clerk and/or may be viewed <strong>on</strong><br />

the City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park website at www.menlopark.org<br />

Margaret S. Roberts, MMC<br />

City Clerk<br />

Dated: May 19, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Is your<br />

addicti<strong>on</strong><br />

hurting<br />

any<strong>on</strong>e?<br />


helps families recover the<br />

balance in their lives from the<br />

eff ects <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> abusing alcohol and<br />

other drugs. Our services are<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f ered in a warm and caring<br />

envir<strong>on</strong>ment by trained staff<br />

dedicated to helping individuals<br />

gain c<strong>on</strong>trol over their lives.<br />

The Sequoia Center is licensed through<br />

the State <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California to deliver:<br />

� Medical Detoxificati<strong>on</strong><br />

� Outpatient Treatment (Day & Evening)<br />

� Residential Treatment<br />

� Partial Hospitalizati<strong>on</strong>/Day Treatment<br />

26 � The <strong>Almanac</strong> � June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Much like brown, green tints provide improved<br />

c<strong>on</strong>trast over gray without shifting too much<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the color balance. When enhanced c<strong>on</strong>trast<br />

between colors without much reducti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> visible<br />

light is desirable, yellow is a good choice.<br />

Sunglasses are a customize product that should<br />

meet the facial c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> and pers<strong>on</strong>al taste <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

the wearer. In additi<strong>on</strong> to sunglasses lending you<br />

an air <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> mystery, they can also help prevent eye<br />

problems such as cataracts and macular degenerati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Visit MENLO OPTICAL at 1166 University<br />

Drive, <strong>on</strong> the corner <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Oak Grove Avenue and<br />

University Drive, to browse through our display <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

sunglasses in various shapes and sizes. We carry<br />

both prescripti<strong>on</strong> and n<strong>on</strong>-prescripti<strong>on</strong> lenses.<br />

Call us at 322-3900.<br />

P.S. While gray is the preferred color for sunglasses<br />

in this country by a wide margin, brown<br />

is far more popular in Europe and the rest <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

the world.<br />

Mark Schmidt is an American Board <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Opticianry<br />

and Nati<strong>on</strong>al C<strong>on</strong>tact Lens Examiners Certified<br />

Optician licensed by the Medical Board <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California.<br />

He can be easily reached at Menlo Optical, 1166<br />

University Drive, Menlo Park. 650-322-3900.<br />

–Call today 650-364-5504<br />

to schedule a FREE, c<strong>on</strong>fi dential<br />

assessment with <strong>on</strong>e<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> our Specialists.<br />

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c<strong>on</strong>tinued from previous page<br />

Menlo Park. Call 650-326-2025. www.penvol.<br />

org<br />

Envir<strong>on</strong>ment<br />

Canopy’s Free Neighborhood Tree<br />

Walk This m<strong>on</strong>th’s free Canopy Tree Walk will<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fer guided tours <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Greenmeadow neighborhood<br />

with leading Arborist John McClenahan.<br />

June 12, 10 a.m.-no<strong>on</strong>. Free. Greenmeadow<br />

neighborhood, Meet at the end <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Greenmeadow<br />

Way next to the Greenmeadow Community<br />

Center., Palo Alto. Call 650-964-6110. www.<br />

canopy.org<br />

Native Plant Nursery Workday<br />

Wednesday (Palo Alto) Volunteers will<br />

learn about local, native plants such as gumplant,<br />

jaumea and salt grass as they sow the<br />

seeds for next years planting seas<strong>on</strong> at <strong>on</strong>-site<br />

nursery. Due to the sensitive nature <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

restorati<strong>on</strong> site, space is limited and RSVP is<br />

requested. Wed., June 9, 1-4 p.m. Free. Palo<br />

Alto Baylands Nature Preserve, Directi<strong>on</strong>s will<br />

be provided up<strong>on</strong> registrati<strong>on</strong>, Palo Alto. Call<br />

510-452-9261 ext. 109. www.savesfbay.org/<br />

bayevents<br />

Exhibits<br />

“L<strong>on</strong>ging for Sea Change” This series<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> video installati<strong>on</strong>s by c<strong>on</strong>temporary artists<br />

living and working in Africa and the diaspora<br />

addresses broad human issues <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> humanity in<br />

moments <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> upheaval, fragmentati<strong>on</strong> and transiti<strong>on</strong>.<br />

(Museum open until 8 p.m. <strong>on</strong> Thursdays.)<br />

Through June 26, 2011, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. free.<br />

Cantor Arts Center, 328 Lomita Drive, Stanford.<br />

Call 650- 724-3600. museum.stanford.edu/<br />

news_room/sea_change.html<br />

“Mary Webb: Neglected Genius” This<br />

exhibiti<strong>on</strong> explores the life <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> early-20th-century<br />

British novelist and poet Mary Webb, whose<br />

writing focuses <strong>on</strong> her native Shropshire. Illustrati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

by Bay Area artist William Bishop accompany<br />

the show. Hours vary with academic<br />

calendar; to c<strong>on</strong>firm, call 650-723-0931. Free.<br />

Peters<strong>on</strong> Gallery, Green Library Bing Wing,<br />

Stanford University. Call 650-725-1020. library.<br />

stanford.edu/depts/spc/exhibits/MaryWebbNeglectedGenius.html<br />

Picture This! A History <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Photography<br />

Exhibit showcases examples <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> how photography<br />

has c<strong>on</strong>tributed to our comprehensi<strong>on</strong><br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> life and history as the technology <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> making<br />

and preserving images has been improved. An<br />

exhibit highlight is “Capturing Light and Time”,<br />

a presentati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the photographic work <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Wayland Lee. Through Oct. 3, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.<br />

free. Museum <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> American Heritage, 351 Homer<br />

Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-321-1004. www.moah.<br />

org<br />

Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future<br />

Feb. 17, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-July 4, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Tracing the Past,<br />

Drawing the Future: Master Ink Painters in<br />

20th-Century China. This exhibiti<strong>on</strong> draws up<strong>on</strong><br />

paintings and calligraphy <strong>on</strong> loan from Chinese<br />

collecti<strong>on</strong>s and highlights the works <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> four artists<br />

known in China as the “Four Great Masters<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Ink Painting.” 11 a.m.-5 p.m. free. Cantor Arts<br />

Center, 328 Lomita Drive, Stanford. Call 650-<br />

724-3600. museum.stanford.edu/index.html<br />

Family and Kids<br />

“Decorate a Library Bag” In this class<br />

designed for ages 5 and up, there are 15 spaces<br />

available for advance sign-up. June 17, 3-4<br />

p.m. Free. Woodside Library, 3140 Woodside<br />

Road, Woodside. Call 650-851-0147. smcl.org<br />

Back to Bed Story Time “Princess Says<br />

Goodnight” by Naomi Howland. “Back to Bed,<br />

Ed” by Sebastien Braun. June 13, 11:30 a.m.<br />

free. Kepler’s, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park.<br />

Call 650-324-4321. www.keplers.com<br />

Family Folk S<strong>on</strong>gs Singer/guitarist Jim<br />

Stevens plays American folk s<strong>on</strong>gs. June 21,<br />

5-5:45 p.m. Free. Woodside Library, 3140<br />

Woodside Road, Woodside. Call 650-851-0147.<br />

smcl.org<br />

Family Musical Storytime MaryLee Sunseri<br />

sings folk and pop s<strong>on</strong>gs in a family performance.<br />

June 16, 10-11 a.m. Free. Woodside<br />

Library, 3140 Woodside Road, Woodside. Call<br />

650-851-0147. smcl.org<br />

Family Storytime at Portola Valley<br />

Library The Portola Valley Library will be holding<br />

its sec<strong>on</strong>d Family Storytime as part <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

Saturday Spring Storytime Series being held<br />

in c<strong>on</strong>juncti<strong>on</strong> with the Woodside Library. For<br />

ages all ages. June 12, 10-10:30 a.m. Portola<br />

Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley.<br />

Call 650-851-0560. www.smcl.org<br />




The City Council <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park adopted Ordinance No. 968<br />

at its regular City Council meeting <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> May 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>. The<br />

Ordinance was introduced <strong>on</strong> April 27, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, and adopted<br />

<strong>on</strong> May 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>, by a 5-0 vote. The ordinance is effective<br />

thirty days from its adopti<strong>on</strong>, and is summarized as:<br />

Ordinance <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City Council <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park<br />

Revising Chapter 12.44 “Water Effi cient Landscaping” <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

the Menlo Park Municipal Code to comply with the State’s<br />

Water C<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> in Landscaping Act. The Ordinance<br />

will affect new or rehabilitated landscape areas <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 2,500<br />

square feet or more in size that are associated with certain<br />

required project approvals (e.g. new building permits<br />

for new single family residences). Such projects will be<br />

required to submit a landscape applicati<strong>on</strong> that includes<br />

a limitati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> turf area or a water budget, including<br />

water allowance calculati<strong>on</strong>s, hydroz<strong>on</strong>e identifi cati<strong>on</strong>,<br />

and irrigati<strong>on</strong> design. Projects are subject to landscape<br />

audits and certifi cati<strong>on</strong> by authorized pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>als.<br />

The full text <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the ordinance and all exhibits are available<br />

at the Offi ce <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the City Clerk and/or may be viewed <strong>on</strong> the<br />

City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park website at www.menlopark.org<br />

Margaret S. Roberts, MMC<br />

City Clerk<br />

Dated: May 19, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

C A L E N D A R<br />

Family Ventriloquism Show Steve<br />

Chaney and sidekick Corny Crow perform a<br />

family show. Thurs., June 10, 4-5 p.m. Free.<br />

Woodside Library, 3140 Woodside Road,<br />

Woodside. Call 650-851-0147. www.smcl.org<br />

Magic Dan at the Portola Valley<br />

Library Summer reading with Magic Dan is<br />

planned for all ages. June 10, 4:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road,<br />

Portola Valley. Call 650-851-0560. www.smcl.<br />

org<br />

Film<br />

“Hairspray” Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy<br />

Turnblad teaches 1962 Baltimore a thing or two<br />

about integrati<strong>on</strong> after landing a spot <strong>on</strong> a local<br />

TV dance show. Rated PG. June 11, 7-9 p.m.<br />

Free. Athert<strong>on</strong> Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Stati<strong>on</strong><br />

Lane, Athert<strong>on</strong>. Call 650-328-2422.<br />

Health<br />

Early Memory Loss Wellness program<br />

A program for people experiencing changes in<br />

memory or Mild Cognitive Impairment is <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered<br />

at Rosener House, 500 Arbor Rd, Menlo Park,<br />

<strong>on</strong> Wednesdays. Included: mental exercises,<br />

discussi<strong>on</strong>s & speakers about healthy life style,<br />

social envir<strong>on</strong>ment, field trips. 10 a.m.-12:30<br />

p.m. $20 per class PV Inc Little House, 800<br />

Middle Ave., Menlo Park,. Call 650-326-2025.<br />

www.penvol.org<br />

Skin Cancer Screening This free skin cancer<br />

screening is an opportunity to check out the<br />

questi<strong>on</strong>able changes that occur <strong>on</strong> the skin to<br />

existing moles, sun-exposed areas, and other<br />

spots that are <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> c<strong>on</strong>cern. A PAMF dermatologist<br />

will c<strong>on</strong>duct the screening. Exposed skin<br />

areas <strong>on</strong>ly. No disrobing. Call for appointment.<br />

June 11, 1-2 p.m. Free. Avenidas, 450 Bryant<br />

St., Palo Alto. Call 650-289-5400. avenidas.org<br />

Live Music<br />

Stanford Shopping Center’s Summer<br />

Jazz Series The annual free outdoor jazz<br />

c<strong>on</strong>cert series at Stanford Shopping Center<br />

features the following artists: Steve Lucky & the<br />

Rhumba Bums (6/10); Orquesta La Moderna<br />

Tradici<strong>on</strong> (6/17); Stanford Jazz Workshop Faculty<br />

All-Stars (6/24); Yancie Taylor & the JazzTet<br />

(7/1); Hale Baskin and her Little Big Band (7/8);<br />

Terry Disley Experience (7/15); Gaucho (7/22);<br />

VW Brothers (7/29); Curtis Brothers (8/5); Jamie<br />

Davis (8/12). Thursdays from June 10 through<br />

Aug. 12, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Stanford Shopping<br />

Center, 680 Stanford Shopping Center, Palo<br />

Alto. stanfordshop.com<br />

White Album Ensemble As part <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Redwood City’s outdoor Music <strong>on</strong> the Square<br />

series, the Beatles tribute band The White<br />

Album Ensemble will perform. June 11, 6-8<br />

p.m. Free. Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway,<br />

Redwood City. www.redwoodcity.org/events/<br />

music<strong>on</strong>thesquare.html<br />

Support Groups<br />

Divorce/Relati<strong>on</strong>ship Recovery Small<br />

group discussi<strong>on</strong> follows the evening video or<br />

speaker presentati<strong>on</strong>. Free child care provided<br />

based <strong>on</strong> arrival by 7:40 p.m. M<strong>on</strong>days, 7-9<br />

p.m. Free. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church,<br />

Garden Court, 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo<br />

Park. mppc.org<br />

Talks/Authors<br />

Heidi R. Kling Books Inc. hosts a book<br />

launch for Heidi R. Kling and her young-adult<br />

summer romance “Sea.” Sat., June 12, 6:30<br />

p.m. Free. Books Inc., 855 El Camino Real, Palo<br />

Alto. www.booksinc.net<br />

Volunteers<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo Office volunteers<br />

are needed to help with fundraising, community<br />

relati<strong>on</strong>s and special events. Data input, mailings,<br />

internet research, etc. 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Free.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo, 1451 Middlefield Road,<br />

Palo Alto. Call 650-326-6338. www.friendsjmz.<br />

org<br />

Stanford Cats Need Foster Homes<br />

Stanford Cat Network needs foster homes for<br />

newcomer cats to campus. For more info and to<br />

volunteer, go to the SCN website and complete<br />

the Foster Home Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ile: catnet.stanford.edu/<br />

support_foster.html . Adopti<strong>on</strong> fair help also<br />

needed. Opportunities <strong>on</strong>going. Stanford Cat<br />

Network, P.O. Box 18287, Stanford. Call 650-<br />

566-8287. catnet.stanford.edu<br />

For all listings<br />

This Calendar c<strong>on</strong>tains partial<br />

listings <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> community events. To<br />

see all listings, go to The<strong>Almanac</strong>Online.com<br />

and <strong>on</strong> the green<br />

navigati<strong>on</strong> bar <strong>on</strong> the left, click <strong>on</strong><br />

“Community Calendar.”

Marketplace fogster.com<br />


ONLINE<br />

fogster.com<br />

E-MAIL<br />

ads@fogster.com<br />

PHONE<br />

650/326-8216<br />

Now you can log <strong>on</strong> to<br />

fogster.com, day or<br />

night and get your ad<br />

started immediately <strong>on</strong>line.<br />

Most listings are free and<br />

include a <strong>on</strong>e-line free<br />

print ad in our Peninsula<br />

newspapers with the<br />

opti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> photos and<br />

additi<strong>on</strong>al lines. Exempt<br />

are employment ads,<br />

which include a web<br />

listing charge. Home<br />

Services and Mind & Body<br />

Services require c<strong>on</strong>tact<br />

with a Customer Sales<br />

Representative.<br />

So, the next time you have<br />

an item to sell, barter, give<br />

away or buy, get the perfect<br />

combinati<strong>on</strong>: combinati<strong>on</strong>: print ads in<br />

your local newspapers,<br />

reaching more than 150,000<br />

readers, and unlimited free<br />

web postings reaching<br />

hundreds <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> thousands<br />

additi<strong>on</strong>al people!!<br />

INDEX<br />

■ BULLETIN<br />

BOARD<br />

100-199<br />

■ FOR SALE<br />

200-299<br />

■ KIDS STUFF<br />

330-399<br />

■ MIND & BODY<br />

400-499<br />

■ JOBS<br />

500-599<br />

■ BUSINESS<br />


600-699<br />

■ HOME<br />


700-799<br />

■ FOR RENT/<br />

FOR SALE<br />


800-899<br />



995-997<br />

The publisher waives any and all claims<br />

or c<strong>on</strong>sequential damages due to errors<br />

Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume<br />

resp<strong>on</strong>sibility for the claims or performance <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co.<br />

right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely<br />

at its discreti<strong>on</strong> without prior notice.<br />



Combining the reach <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Web with<br />

print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!<br />

fogster.com is a unique web site <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and<br />

an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The <strong>Almanac</strong> and the Mountain View Voice.<br />

Bulletin<br />

Board<br />

115 Announcements<br />


Reach over 5 milli<strong>on</strong> young, educated<br />

readers for <strong>on</strong>ly $995 by advertising in<br />

110 weekly newspapers like this <strong>on</strong>e.<br />

Call Jas<strong>on</strong> at 202-289-8484. This is not<br />

a job <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fer. (AAN CAN)<br />


ADOPTION? Talk with caring<br />

agency specializing in matching<br />

Birthmothers with Families nati<strong>on</strong>wide.<br />


Abby’s One True Gift Adopti<strong>on</strong>s 866-413-<br />

6293 (Void in Illinois) (AAN CAN)<br />

Co-Dependents An<strong>on</strong>ymous (CoDA)<br />

Beginning Teen/Adult Dance<br />

Dance Expressi<strong>on</strong>s Camps/<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es<br />

Free Pers<strong>on</strong>al C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong><br />

House Cleaning<br />

Meditati<strong>on</strong> for Women - FREE<br />

Peninsula Women’s Chorus Auditi<strong>on</strong>s<br />


Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>al Tutoring<br />

Summer Horsemanship Camps<br />

Unlock Your Mind<br />

Want to VOLUNTEER ? We need you!<br />

Worried,Stressed Out? Depressed?<br />

130 <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es &<br />

Instructi<strong>on</strong><br />

Heavy Equipment Training<br />

Learn to operate bulldozer, backhoe,<br />

loader, motor grader, excavator. Job<br />

placement assistance. Call 888-210-<br />

4534. Northern California College <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>. www.HEAVY4.com promocode:<br />

NCPA1. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

High School Diploma<br />

Graduate in 4 weeks! FREE Brochure.<br />

Call Now! 1-866-562-3650 ext. 60 www.<br />

SouthEasternHS.com (Cal-SCAN)<br />


Graduate in just 4 weeks!!<br />

FREE Brochure. Call NOW!<br />

1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 http://www.<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tinentalacademy.com (AAN CAN)<br />

GERMAN Language <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Instructi<strong>on</strong> for Hebrew<br />

Bar and Bat Mitzvah<br />

For Affiliated and Unaffiliated<br />

George Rubin, M.A. in<br />

Hebrew/Jewish Educati<strong>on</strong><br />

650/424-1940<br />

133 Music Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

A Piano Teacher<br />

Children & Adults<br />

Ema Currier (650)493-4797<br />

Bart<strong>on</strong>-Holding Music Studio<br />

New 6 weeks “singing for the n<strong>on</strong>singer”<br />

class starts M<strong>on</strong>day March 1st.<br />

Laura Bart<strong>on</strong> 650/965-0139<br />

FUN Piano Voice Violin Guitar<br />

Glenda Timmerman Piano<br />

23 years exp. MA. 650/938-0582<br />

Guitar and Bass Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

All styles, ages, skill levels<br />

25+ years exp. 408/260-1131<br />

Guitar Less<strong>on</strong>s 650-224-3550<br />

beg/int all styles your home $60<br />

Hope Street Studios<br />

In Downtown Mountain View<br />

Most Instruments, Voice<br />

All Ages, All Levels<br />

(650) 961-2192<br />

Jazz & Pop Piano Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Learn how to build chords and improvise.<br />

Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford.<br />

(650)906-7529<br />

McCool Piano Studio 566-9391MP<br />

Near Burgess Gym Menlo Park<br />

Piano <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g> for Ages 2-6, FUN!<br />

Piano Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Taught in your home.<br />

Member MTAC & NGPT.<br />

Specializing in beginners.<br />

All levels welcome.<br />

Karen, (650)367-0307 or<br />

(650)996-8059<br />

135 Group Activities<br />



Mountain View Seas<strong>on</strong>ed Travelers<br />

NATURE/OUTDOORS Events Calendar<br />

PRINCE vs MICHAEL DJ Dance Party<br />

- $10<br />

PRINCE vs MICHAEL DJ Dance Party<br />

Silic<strong>on</strong> Valley SinglesC<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong><br />

Spring Down Open Horse Show<br />

Summer art camps College Terrace<br />


- $10<br />

Trouble with food?<br />

www.art4growth.com<br />

140 Lost & Found<br />

Found iPod<br />

Runaway Cat!<br />

145 N<strong>on</strong>-Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>its<br />

Needs<br />

D<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>s Needed!<br />

Knitters Wanted<br />

150 Volunteers<br />

Activities Helper<br />

ART Dialogues Docents volunteers<br />

Community Cell Ph<strong>on</strong>e Collector<br />

Community Service Desk<br />

Couples Make Great Mentors!<br />

Fr<strong>on</strong>t Desk Greeter<br />

Library Volunteers Needed<br />

Looking for Volunteers<br />

Lunch Servers<br />

Meals <strong>on</strong> Wheels Drivers<br />

Museum Volunteers<br />

NASA cats need fosterers<br />

Project LOOK! volunteers needed!<br />

Stanford Cats need volunteers<br />

Stanford Needs Volunteers<br />

155 Pets<br />

Dog Training <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es<br />

Dog Walking, Exercising<br />

For Sale<br />

201 Autos/Trucks/<br />

Parts<br />

*TIG Welder - Hobart TR300-HF - $900<br />

BMW Sales/C<strong>on</strong>signment Any Any - 100<br />

FORD 2005 TAURUS - $6200<br />

Harley-Davids<strong>on</strong> 2005 Sportser<br />

XL1200R - $4,999<br />

john deere 1989 755 tractor<br />

1989 john deere 755 tractor,<br />

23 hp diesel,320 hours, $3500,<br />

deere@hemtudom.net<br />

202 Vehicles Wanted<br />

D<strong>on</strong>ate Vehicle<br />

Receive $1000 Grocery Coup<strong>on</strong>s,<br />

Your Choice. Noah’s Arc, No Kill<br />

Animal Shelters. Advanced Veterinary<br />

Treatments. Free Towing, IRS Tax<br />

Deducti<strong>on</strong>. N<strong>on</strong>-Runners. 1-866-912-<br />

GIVE. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

D<strong>on</strong>ate Your Car<br />

Children’s Cancer Fund! Help Save<br />

A Child’s Life Through Research and<br />

Support! Free Vacati<strong>on</strong> Package.<br />

Fast, Easy and Tax Deductible.<br />

Call 1-800-252-0615. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

D<strong>on</strong>ate Your Car<br />

to SONGS <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> LOVE! Seen <strong>on</strong> the<br />

TODAY SHOW! Make a sick child smile<br />

and get a tax-deducti<strong>on</strong>. Endorsed<br />

by Bob McGrath <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sesame Street!<br />

Call 888-909-SONG (7664) (Cal-SCAN)<br />

210 Garage/Estate<br />

Sales<br />

Menlo Park, 790 Lem<strong>on</strong> St., June<br />

12, 9-1<br />

DESIGNERClothes,Kids,Sports,DVDs<br />

Electr<strong>on</strong>ics - PRICED TO SELL!<br />

Menlo Park: 1022 Hollyburne Ave.,<br />

6/12, 8-4<br />

Stroller, pole lamp, various bargains.<br />

Mountain View, 1550 Ernestine Lane, N/A<br />

Mountain View, 264 Jessie Lane, June<br />

12, 9-3<br />

Redwood City, 1263 Ruby St, June 12<br />

& 13 9-4<br />

215 Collectibles &<br />

Antiques<br />

Antique Wicker Baby Carriage - $575.<br />

Antiques Sale 10% to 50% OFF!<br />

Fine Art<br />

Artist retiring after 45 yrs in oil painting<br />

and fine art. Wish to sell all <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> my oil paintings,<br />

designer and antique items. Appt.<br />

<strong>on</strong>ly, 415/740-4372; 415/724-3771<br />

Impressi<strong>on</strong>ist Art.<br />

Quality Fine Art Prints<br />

Quartersaun Oak Parlour Table - $500<br />

220 Computers/<br />

Electr<strong>on</strong>ics<br />

C<strong>on</strong>vert LPs to CDs System - $50.00<br />


hitachi ultravisi<strong>on</strong> 42’’ hdtv - $400<br />

Spy Gadgets for the Car, Truck,,<br />

230 Freebies<br />

FREE Firewood & Mulch - FREE<br />

Learn to Live Pain Free - FREE<br />

Lumber - FREE<br />

235 Wanted to Buy<br />

Antique dolls<br />

240 Furnishings/<br />

Household items<br />

2 Italian Marble Lvg Rm Tables - $299<br />

Bedroom Set - $200.00<br />

Dining room table wanted - $50<br />

Drop leaf table with five leaves - $200<br />

Entertainment Center - $75<br />

Ikea Ektorp S<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>abed - $350<br />

Lounge chair/recliner - $200<br />

matching s<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>a and loveseat - $350<br />

Porthole Clock - $110.00<br />

Rocking chair - $50<br />

245 Miscellaneous<br />

Up to date purebred teacup york<br />

Alta Mesa Crypt<br />

Dbl Crypt avail at Alta Mesa Mem Park<br />

in PA.Court <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Stars. Room for 2. No<br />

other spaces avail like this. C<strong>on</strong>tact for<br />

more info & pricing.<br />

Back Pack - Jansport - $30.00<br />

Can<strong>on</strong> 35 MM Camera - $50.00<br />

Mixed Firewood-Seas<strong>on</strong>ed & Split -<br />

$150.00<br />

NEW! BMW 335i Cabrio Toy Car - $600<br />

Pre-Teen Girls Clothing - $2.00 or L<br />

Scientology DVD - $20<br />

Stets<strong>on</strong> Western Hats - $35.00<br />

Telephoto Camera Case - $25.00<br />

Western Boots - $55-$100<br />

250 Musical<br />

Instruments<br />

Piano-Baldwin Excel T<strong>on</strong>e - 2,250.00<br />

Used Ludwig Accent Drum Set -<br />

$350.00<br />

260 Sports &<br />

Exercise Equipment<br />

Brunswick Billard Piano - Best Offer<br />

German Hiking Boots (Men) - $45.00 OBO<br />

Horse Tack at great prices - $5 - $40<br />

Kid’s<br />

Stuff<br />

330 Child Care<br />

Offered<br />

After School Care/Driver Avail<br />

Are you looking for mature Nanny<br />

Child Care opening in San Carlos<br />

Debbie’s Family Day Care - RWC<br />


Great Nanny Available!<br />

Loving Nanny<br />

Nanny for Tues/Thurs<br />

Nanny Share<br />

Nanny Share (650)771-0702<br />

Need extra hands with kids?<br />

Venus’s Little Stars(ECE Degree)<br />

340 Child Care<br />

Wanted<br />

Dedicated nanny needed<br />

I’m urgently seeking an<br />

experienced,dedicated nanny/<br />

babysitter to watch my little<br />

daughter M<strong>on</strong>days – Fridays.<br />

I’m flexible with the start time,but<br />

preferably around 5:00PM to 8:00PM,<br />

starting at the middle <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> June.<br />

First Aid training and CPR<br />

Certificati<strong>on</strong> is an added advantage<br />

but not compulsory.<br />

Will be available for l<strong>on</strong>gterm<br />

(at least a year).<br />

Please send me updated resume<br />

and References for review.<br />

puretparkz@cryptoheaven.com<br />

FT, Perm., Nan/Housekeeper<br />

Nice RWC family seeks local, live out,<br />

nanny/housekeeper/cook. Childcare for<br />

7 yr old, some housekeeping, cooking,<br />

laundry, pet care. Happy, bright, active<br />

kids; G/7, G/15 and B/16. 7:15am-6-<br />

:15pm (school; time <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f during day), 8-6<br />

(summer). N<strong>on</strong>-smoking, CA D.L., references.<br />

Pd holidays, vacati<strong>on</strong> + $800-<br />

1000/week + b<strong>on</strong>us. Email experience<br />

and ph<strong>on</strong>e.<br />

345 Tutoring/<br />

Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Chess Less<strong>on</strong>s for kids and adult<br />

French ,Spanish Lsns. 6506919863<br />

French Native Teacher<br />

All levels and ages. SAT, AP, c<strong>on</strong>versati<strong>on</strong><br />

for travelers and business pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>als.<br />

Hessen Camille Ghazal, Ph.D.<br />

650/965-9696<br />

One-to-One Tutoring Service<br />

Private Art less<strong>on</strong>s 6-12 years<br />

6-12 yrs. I will teach your child to draw in<br />

your own home <strong>on</strong> a <strong>on</strong>ce a week basis.<br />

Excel. refs. Reas<strong>on</strong>able rates. C<strong>on</strong>tact<br />

Peter at 650-330-1867 evenings.<br />

Stanford-Educated Expert Tutors<br />

Tutor/Mentor Needed 6th Grader<br />


350 Preschools/<br />

Schools/Camps<br />

Horseback Riding Camps & Less<strong>on</strong>s<br />

www.webbranchinc.com<br />

(650)854-7755 Less<strong>on</strong> Office<br />

MVPNS - Enroll Now<br />

415 <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es<br />

Easy Weight® Training <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>es<br />

www.easyweight-usa.com<br />

425 Health Services<br />

Type 2 Diabetes?<br />

If you used Type 2 Diabetes Drug<br />

AVANDIA and suffered a stroke or heart<br />

attack, you may be entitled to compensati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Attorney Charles Johns<strong>on</strong><br />

1-800-535-5727. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

440 Massage Therapy<br />

Thai Massage: $59 for 1 hr<br />

Call Chan at 408-368-3156 for appt.<br />

Spoil Me Spa, 2290 W. El Camino<br />

Real, Mountain View<br />

Therapeutic (Thai Male)<br />

Thai Massage(by male).<br />

Mountain View / 650-580-0041<br />

www.thaimassagebymale.com<br />

455 Pers<strong>on</strong>al Training<br />

Pers<strong>on</strong>al Training at your house!<br />

488 Spa Services<br />

Mobile Spray Tanning - GLOW GIRL<br />

Jobs<br />

500 Help Wanted<br />


TRIAL<br />

Look at the justice system from<br />

behind the scenes as a juror! Held at<br />

Stanford University’s Law School<br />

<strong>on</strong> Saturday, July 31st from<br />

12no<strong>on</strong> - 5:00pm. Receive $75<br />

+ lunch. No experience necessary.<br />

People <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> diverse backgrounds and<br />

minorities are encouraged to apply.<br />

Must read fluently and be 18+ years.<br />

Please e-mail: iadctrialacademy@<br />

wowway.com In the subject line put:<br />

Juror Applicati<strong>on</strong> - PA Weekly. Please<br />

provide the following: name, address,<br />

home & cell ph<strong>on</strong>e #’s, highest level<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> educati<strong>on</strong>, and occupati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

550 Business<br />

Opportunities<br />

All Cash Vending!<br />

Be Your Own Boss! Your Own Local<br />

Vending Route. Includes 25 Machines<br />

and Candy for $9,995. MultiVend LLC,<br />

1-888-625-2405. (Cal-SCAN)<br />


June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 27


Take c<strong>on</strong>trol <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> your finances for <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> &<br />

create massive leveraged income. Bay<br />

Area business training begins in June.<br />

Visit www.WhatIfLifemax.com and call<br />

Gerri at 415-686-2439.<br />


Online, at Home Business. @ www.<br />

ecobusiness.com/businessoverview<br />

or Call 650-793-5119.<br />

560 Employment<br />

Informati<strong>on</strong><br />

$$$HELP WANTED$$$<br />

Extra Income! Assembling CD cases<br />

from Home! No Experience Necessary!<br />

Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-<br />

7619 EXT 2450 http://www.easyworkgreatpay.com<br />

(AAN CAN)<br />

Attn: Drivers!<br />

New Pay Increase! 34-40 cpm. Excellent<br />

Benefits. Need CDL- A and 3 m<strong>on</strong>ths<br />

recent OTR. 877-258-8782. www.<br />

Melt<strong>on</strong>Truck.com (Cal-SCAN)<br />

Company Drivers<br />

(Solos & Hazmat Teams) * GREAT PAY<br />

* GREAT MILES * CDL-A Required. We<br />

also have dedicated & regi<strong>on</strong>al positi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

available. Call 866-789-8947. Swift.<br />

(Cal-SCAN)<br />

Drivers<br />

SLT needs CDL A team drivers with<br />

Hazmat. $2,000 B<strong>on</strong>us. Teams split $.68<br />

for all miles. Solo flatbed owner operators<br />

needed for West Regi<strong>on</strong>al. 1-800-835-<br />

9471, 1-877-253-2897. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

Emergency Medical Tech<br />

Must be H.S. grad ages 17-34. No experience<br />

needed. Paid training, benefits,<br />

vacati<strong>on</strong>, regular raises. Call M<strong>on</strong>-Fri.<br />

1-800-345-6289. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

Int’l Cultural Exchange Rep<br />

Earn supplemental income placing<br />

and supervising high school exchange<br />

students. Volunteer host families also<br />

needed. Promote world peace! 1-866-GO-<br />

AFICE or www.afice.org (Cal-SCAN)<br />

Truck Drivers<br />

CDL training. Part-time driving job with<br />

Full-time benefits. Get paid to train in the<br />

California Army Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard. Up to<br />

$12,500 b<strong>on</strong>us. www.Nati<strong>on</strong>alGuard.com/<br />

Truck or 1-800-GO-GUARD. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

JPA seeks Annual Auditor<br />

Mailroom Associate needed!<br />

Sacred Heart Schools, Athert<strong>on</strong> (SHS)<br />

is seeking excellent candidates for a<br />

full-time Mailroom Associate positi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Resp<strong>on</strong>sible for providing a centralized<br />

processing hub for all School mail<br />

and shipping including large mailing<br />

project support, document shredding<br />

operati<strong>on</strong>s, special copy jobs and overnight<br />

delivery coordinati<strong>on</strong>. Also provides<br />

light clerical support as needed.<br />

For full job detail and to apply, visit:<br />

http://www.shschools.org.<br />

Business<br />

Services<br />

604 Adult Care<br />

Offered<br />

Nurse compani<strong>on</strong><br />

Licensed, experienced, compassi<strong>on</strong>ate<br />

care. Excellent references.<br />

650-380-3887<br />

605 Antiques & Art<br />

Restorati<strong>on</strong><br />

Antique Clock Councelor<br />

Acquisiti<strong>on</strong>, Evaluati<strong>on</strong>, C<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> &<br />

Repair. 650-906-5275.<br />

620 Domestic Help<br />

Offered<br />

Household Help?<br />

I can assist w/organizing, laundry, cleaning.<br />

Exp. Flex. schedule. 650/630-6476<br />

624 Financial<br />

Cash Now!<br />

Get cash for your structured settlement<br />

or annuity payments. High payouts. Call<br />

J.G. Wentworth. 1-866-SETTLEMENT<br />

(1-866-738-8536). Rated A+ by the<br />

Better Business Bureau. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

IF<br />

YOU DON’T<br />




28 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

MARKETPLACE the printed versi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

fogster.com<br />

645 Office/Home<br />

Business Services<br />

Advertise Online<br />

in a network <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 140-plus newspaper<br />

websites. Border to Border with <strong>on</strong>e<br />

order! $7 cost per thousand impressi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

statewide. Minimum $5,000 order.<br />

Call for details: (916) 288-6010. www.<br />

CaliforniaBannerAdNetwork.com(Cal-SCAN)<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>ified Advertising<br />

in 240 Cal-SCAN newspapers for<br />

the best reach, coverage, and price.<br />

25-words $550. Reach over 6 milli<strong>on</strong><br />

Californians! FREE email brochure. Call<br />

(916) 288-6019. www.Cal-SCAN.com<br />

(Cal-SCAN)<br />

Display Advertising<br />

in 140 Cal-SDAN newspapers statewide<br />

for $1,550! Reach over 3 milli<strong>on</strong><br />

Californians! FREE email brochure. Call<br />

(916) 288-6019. www.Cal-SDAN.com<br />

(Cal-SCAN)<br />

650 Pet Care/<br />

Grooming/Training<br />

All Animals Happy House<br />

Pet Sitting Services by Susan<br />

Licensed, insured, refs.<br />

650-323-4000<br />

Home<br />

Services<br />

703 Architecture/<br />

Design<br />

Artist, Designer, Builder<br />

Design/Permits<br />

One stop for your remodel/design<br />

needs. Comp. plans incl structural engineering<br />

and energy compliance (T-24).<br />

ADW 650-969-4980<br />

710 Carpentry<br />

Cabinetry-Individual Designs<br />

Precise, 3-D Computer Modeling:<br />

Mantels * Bookcases * Workplaces<br />

* Wall Units * Window Seats.<br />

Ned Hollis, 650/856-9475<br />

715 Cleaning<br />

Services<br />

Asunci<strong>on</strong> Yanet<br />

House Cleaning<br />

• Houses • Apartments • Offi ces<br />

Reas<strong>on</strong>able Rates-Free Estimates<br />

15 Years Experience (M<strong>on</strong>-Sat)<br />

650-906-7712 or 650-630-3279<br />

Francisca’s Deep Housecleaning<br />

Experienced, Refs. 650-669-0628 or<br />

650-701-0703<br />

Frida’s Cleaning Service<br />


Homes, Apartments, Offi ces<br />

Remodel Clean Up<br />

5 Yrs Experience • Reas<strong>on</strong>able Prices<br />

Good References<br />

Call Martha - 650-630-0606<br />

Housecleaning Available<br />

18 years exp. Excellent refs. Good<br />

rates, own car. Maria, (650)679-1675<br />

or (650)207-4609 (cell)<br />

Nena & Ney House Cleaning<br />

Detail Oriented, 15 yrs. exp. and baby<br />

sitting available. CDL, good refs. 650-<br />

851-7603 or cell# 650-465-2187<br />

Olga’s Housecleaning<br />

Res./Com. Wkly/mo. Low Rates.<br />

Local Refs. Exp’d. & Friendly. I love<br />

My Job! Ins. (650)380-1406<br />

No ph<strong>on</strong>e<br />

number in the ad?<br />

GO TO<br />


for c<strong>on</strong>tact<br />

informati<strong>on</strong><br />

Orkopina<br />

Housecleaning<br />

“The BEST Service for You”<br />

B<strong>on</strong>ded Since 1985 Insured<br />

• General Housecleaning<br />

• Laundry, Ir<strong>on</strong>ing, Change Linens<br />

• Meticulous, Quality Work<br />

• Windows and Screens Cleaned<br />

• Wash Walls and Ceilings<br />

• Move In/Move Out and Remodel Clean-up<br />

(650)962-1536- Lic. 020624<br />

www.orkopinacleaningservice.com<br />

Patty’s House Cleaning Service<br />

Apartments, Houses, <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fices.<br />

10 years exp. Excellent Ref. Free<br />

est. Call Anytime. Lic#32563<br />

(650)722-1043<br />

R. Alvarez Cleaning<br />

Weekly, m<strong>on</strong>thly or <strong>on</strong>e time cleaning.<br />

14 years exp. Excel. refs. Lic. #41574.<br />

650/703-3026<br />

719 Remodeling/<br />

Additi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

• Complete Kitchen and Bath<br />

• Remodels • Additi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

• Tile & Marble<br />

• Redwood Decks<br />

30 years experience<br />

General C<strong>on</strong>tractor Lic.#644317<br />

Call Thomas<br />

650-533-8621<br />

Domicile<br />

C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>, Inc.<br />

General C<strong>on</strong>tractor<br />

T 415 999-3143 650 366-8335<br />

www.domicilec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>inc.com<br />

since 1990<br />

lic #627843<br />

730 Electrical<br />

Alex Electric<br />

Lic #784136. Free Est.<br />

All electrical.<br />

Alex, (650)366-6924<br />

Electrical Services<br />

Repair, trouble shoot, new install CA<br />

lic. 833594. 650/918-7524 angel@<br />

newsystemelectrical.com<br />

743 Tiling<br />

T.A.C. Tile<br />

Owner operator, 25 years exp.<br />

All calls answered. Small jobs and<br />

repairs welcome. Lic. #C594478.<br />

408/794-8094<br />

748 Gardening/<br />

Landscaping<br />

fi ne gardening<br />

& maintenance<br />

Visit our<br />

website<br />

for<br />

services<br />

•Residential<br />

•Commercial<br />

www.pvlandscaping.com<br />

650.219.0792<br />

Beckys Landscape<br />

Weekly/periodic maint. Annual rose/fruit<br />

tree prune, clean ups, irrigati<strong>on</strong>, sod,<br />

planting, raised beds. Demoliti<strong>on</strong>, excavati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Driveway, patio, deck installs.<br />

Power washing. 650/493-7060<br />

Ceja’s HOME & GARDEN<br />

30 Years in family<br />


Yard clean up • New lawns<br />

Sprinklers • Tree triming & removing,<br />

including Palm • Stump Removal<br />

650.814.1577 ☎ 650.283.7797<br />

Clean Ups and Hauling<br />

Pois<strong>on</strong> Oak and Pois<strong>on</strong> Ivy Removal.<br />

650/862-1378<br />





Gaeta's Landscape<br />

Complete Garden Maintenance<br />

Pavers, flagst<strong>on</strong>e, brick work, BBQs,<br />

sprinkler, retaining walls/fences,<br />

lighting, Free Estimate!<br />

(650) 368-1458<br />


Woodwork/Fencing, Irrigati<strong>on</strong>,<br />

Aerati<strong>on</strong>, Stump Grinding, Tree/Shrub<br />

Trimming, Rototilling Clean ups, Rose/<br />

Fruit Tree Pruning.<br />

Roger:650-776-8666<br />


• Garden & Landscape Care<br />

• Full Weekly or Bi-Weekly Service<br />

• Cleanups • Free Est.<br />

25 Years <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Exp.<br />

650-520-9097 • 650-988-8694<br />


Jody Horst<br />

Landscape Artist<br />

856-9648<br />

• Design, Install, C<strong>on</strong>sult<br />

• Drip & Spray Irrigati<strong>on</strong><br />

• Clean-up & Maintenance<br />

• Lawns & Rock Gardens<br />

• Edible Gardens, Veggie<br />

Boxes<br />

Lic. #725080<br />



• Yard Maintenance<br />

• New Lawns • Clean Ups<br />

• Tree Trimming/Pruning<br />

Trimming/Prunin<br />

(650)576-6242 Ram<strong>on</strong><br />

Leo Garcia Landscape/<br />

Maintenance<br />

Lawn and irrig. install, clean-ups.<br />

Res. and comml. maint. Free Est.<br />

Lic. 823699. 650/369-1477.<br />

Mario’s Gardening<br />

Maintenance, clean-ups. Free est.<br />

650/365-6955; 995-3822<br />

30 % New<br />

Horiz<strong>on</strong> Off<br />

Landscape<br />

Residential & Commercial<br />

Maintenance, Fences, New Lawns,<br />

Retaining Walls, Tree removal, C<strong>on</strong>crete & More<br />


650-793-5392 Lic#052258<br />

SolarPowerGardening.com<br />

Landscape C<strong>on</strong>tractor <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fering zero<br />

emissi<strong>on</strong>s electric battery gardening<br />

equipment with 50% reducti<strong>on</strong><br />

in noise. “FREE TRIAL WITH AD”<br />

408-839-8414 - 650-868-9896<br />

925-461-2559<br />

751 General<br />

C<strong>on</strong>tracting<br />

Since1990!<br />



Additi<strong>on</strong>s • Remodels • Baths, Kitchens<br />

• New Homes • Seismic Upgrades<br />

650-322-7930<br />

PL/PD STATE LIC# 608358<br />

www.cjtighec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>.com<br />

Distinct Builders, Inc.<br />

Domicile C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> Inc.<br />

LET BOB DO IT!<br />

Custom Lighting • Electrical Upgrades<br />

Kitchen & Bath Remodels<br />

Crown Molding • Small Job Specialist<br />

Call Bob: (650) 868-2518<br />


Lic#819967 • Certifi ed Electrician<br />

ONLINE: fogster.com<br />

E-MAIL: ads@fogster.com<br />

PHONE: 650/326-8216 FOGSTER.COM<br />

Richard Hokamp & S<strong>on</strong>s<br />


All phases <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong><br />

Remodeling, New Homes<br />

& Additi<strong>on</strong>s<br />

Since 1978 B<strong>on</strong>ded & Insured • Lic#353602<br />

Call Richard 650-281-4021<br />

Kitchen Cabinets<br />

50<br />

• Granite, Marble<br />

• Hardwood Floor 50%OFF OFF<br />

• Installati<strong>on</strong><br />

Free Estimate CABINETS<br />

650-226-3900<br />

1140 EL CAMINO REAL, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070<br />

757 Handyman/<br />

Repairs<br />


• Complete Home Repairs • Maintenance<br />

• Remodeling • Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>al Painting<br />

• Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical<br />

• Custom Cabinet Design • Decks<br />

– 30 Years Experience –<br />

650.529.1662 • 483.4227<br />

HANDY “Ed” MAN<br />

Electrical • Plumbing • Painting<br />

Carpentry • Tile • Wallpapering<br />

22 years serving your area<br />



(650)465-9163 • (650)570-5274<br />


AND MORE<br />

Repairs • Maintenance • Plumbing<br />

Electrical • Carpentry • Garbage Runs<br />

Fences • Clean up • Senior Discount<br />

Lic.# 468963 Since 1976 B<strong>on</strong>ded & Insured<br />

650-222-2517<br />

Helping Hands Handyman Service<br />

* H<strong>on</strong>ey-Do List Specialist<br />

* Rental Repairs<br />

* Problem Solver * Local Refs<br />

* Call Vicki, 650/465-9529<br />

*ahelpinghandv@aol.com<br />

Jeffs Handyman and Repair<br />

Free est. 10% SENIOR Discount.<br />

“No Job Too Small.” Call Jeff,<br />

(650)714-2563<br />

Sim<strong>on</strong>’s Handyman Service<br />

Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. For<br />

All Your Repair Needs. Plumbing,<br />

Finish Carpentry and More. Licensed.<br />

650/270-7726<br />

759 Hauling<br />


70% Recycled<br />


Dump Runs • Trees<br />

LARGE/small JOBS<br />

Free Estimate Insured<br />

650-327-HAUL<br />

cell: 415-999-0594<br />

✮ HAULING ✮<br />

Frank’s Hauling<br />

Commercial, Residential, Garage,<br />

Basement & Yard. Clean-up. Fair prices.<br />

650/361-8773<br />


Misc. junk, <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice, appliances,<br />

garage, storage, etc, clean-ups. Old<br />

furniture, green waste and yard junk.<br />

Licensed & insured. FREE ESTIMATES<br />

650/368-8810<br />

Junk Hauling Service<br />

Yard clean-up & Maintenance service.<br />

Large & small jobs. 650-771-0213<br />

767 Movers<br />

Armandos Moving<br />

Homes, Apartments, Storage. Full<br />

Service moves. Serving the Bay Area for<br />

20 yrs. Licensed & Insured. Armando,<br />

650-630-0424. CAL-T190632<br />

To place a <str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>ified ad in<br />

The <strong>Almanac</strong>,<br />

The Palo Alto Weekly or<br />

The Mountain View Voice<br />

call 326-8216 or<br />

at fogster.com<br />



LICENSE CAL. T-118304<br />

Serving the Peninsula since 1975/Owner-Operated!<br />

327-5493<br />

771 Painting/<br />

Wallpaper<br />

Gary Rossi PAINTING<br />

Free 2 gal. paint. Water damage<br />

repair, wallpaper removal. B<strong>on</strong>ded. Lic<br />

#559953. 650/207-5292<br />

Glen Hodges Painting<br />

Senior Discount. Quality work. 35+<br />

years exp. Lic. #351738 Payment plan<br />

avail. 650/322-8325<br />


Comm’l/Residential, interior and ext.,<br />

full service painting. Insured. Lic.<br />

903303. 650/388-8577<br />

Wallpapering by Trish<br />

24 years <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> experience<br />

Free Estimates<br />

949-1820<br />

775 Asphalt/<br />

C<strong>on</strong>crete<br />

Roe General Engineering<br />

C<strong>on</strong>crete, asphalt, sealing, pavers,<br />

new c<strong>on</strong>struct, repairs.<br />

34 yrs exp. No job too small.<br />

Lic #663703 * 650/814-5572<br />

779 Organizing<br />

Services<br />

End the Clutter & Get Organized<br />

Residential Organizing<br />

by Debra Robins<strong>on</strong><br />

(650)941-5073<br />

Voss Organizing Services<br />

783 Plumbing<br />


1 Day Complete Copper Repipes<br />

Emergency Drain Cleaning<br />

Services & Repair • Free Estimate<br />

Lic#904747<br />

(650) 754-3151 / (650) 366-4070<br />

787 Pressure<br />

Washing<br />

Pressure Washing<br />

Decks * Patios * Driveways<br />

Becky, 650/493-7060<br />

789 Plaster/Stucco<br />

Exterior Stucco Patching<br />

Windows & Doors. Crack Repair. 30 yrs.<br />

exp. (650)248-4205<br />

795 Tree Care<br />

Ozzie‘s Crown Reducti<strong>on</strong><br />

& Thinning<br />

TREE Tree Removal<br />

Service & Stump Grinding<br />

Owner, Operated & Supervised<br />

25 years experience<br />

650.368.8065 • 650.704.5588<br />

Work d<strong>on</strong>e to I.S.A. Standards-Licensed & Insured<br />

Real<br />

Estate<br />

801 Apartments/<br />

C<strong>on</strong>dos/Studios<br />

Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $2450/mo<br />

Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1600/mo<br />

Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1300/mo<br />

Menlo Park, 2 BR/1 BA - $1950/m<strong>on</strong>t<br />

Menlo Park, 2 BR/2 BA - $2250<br />

Midtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA -<br />

$2750.00/M<br />

Midtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA -<br />

$2850.00/M<br />

MP: 2BR/2BA<br />

Air c<strong>on</strong>d., DW, pool, free cable. $1750<br />

to $2000 650-325-7863.<br />

MV: 1BR/1BA<br />

Cute, old-fashi<strong>on</strong>ed cabin-like apts w/oak<br />

floors, secluded patio, carport. Laundry<br />

<strong>on</strong> premises. N/P. Avail. now. $925 mo.<br />


PA: 2BR/1BA<br />

From $1325 mo. Upstairs. Bike to<br />

Stanford. Year lease. N/P. Avail. now.<br />

650/493-9576<br />

Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1695/mo<br />

Palo Alto, Studio - $1,000/mo<br />

San Carlos, 2 BR/2 BA - $1,700,00<br />

Sunnyvale, 1 BR/1 BA - $1,295/mo<br />

Sunnyvale, 1 BR/1 BA - $1200<br />

Sunnyvale, 2 BR/1.5 BA - $1,595/mo<br />

Sunnyvale, 2 BR/2 BA - $1,695/mo<br />

805 Homes for Rent<br />


Browse thousands <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> rental listings<br />

with photos and maps. Advertise your<br />

rental home for FREE! Visit: http://www.<br />

RealRentals.com (AAN CAN)<br />

Menlo Park Las Lomitas, 3 BR/2 BA -<br />

$3250/m<strong>on</strong>t<br />

Mountain View, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $3000/m<strong>on</strong><br />

Mountain View, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $3,300/mo.<br />

Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $2,850<br />

Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $5300<br />

Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $3850.00<br />

Redwood City, 5+ BR/3.5 BA - $5800<br />

809 Shared Housing/<br />

Rooms<br />


Browse hundreds <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong>line listings with<br />

photos and maps. Find your roommate<br />

with a click <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the mouse! Visit: http://<br />

www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN)<br />

Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $750/room<br />

Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $985.00/m<br />

Sunnyvale, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $690/m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

810 Cottages for<br />

Rent<br />

Athert<strong>on</strong>, 2 BR/2 BA<br />

$2800- Pool House Available 8/8<br />

2BR 2BA, 1400’, sliding doors to<br />

pool/spa. Perfect as BR + <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice,<br />

Walk-in closets, full kitchen & laundry.<br />

2nd BR is <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice. 1 parking space.<br />

$2800+ util. No pets/smoking. 1<br />

year lease. 650-854-4344 info@<br />

waileagrandbeachvillas.com<br />

Los Altos Hills, 1 BR/1 BA - $1850.00<br />

Los Altos Hills, 1 BR/1 BA - $450/m<strong>on</strong>th<br />

Portola Valley, 1 BR/1 BA - $2000<br />

815 Rentals Wanted<br />

2 bed house in Palo Alto<br />

Duplex for me & small dog?<br />

Need short term rental or share<br />

New Teacher needs housing<br />

Room or Apt Wanted<br />

Seeking Quiet Cottage/Guest Quar<br />

Seeks 1br41; pays U $1000/mo+<br />

Stanford resarcher - need rental<br />

Wanted to rent: room/house share<br />




820 Home Exchanges<br />

Tel Aviv swap for Palo Alto/Bay<br />

825 Homes/C<strong>on</strong>dos<br />

for Sale<br />

Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $595,000<br />

Redwood City, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $2999500<br />

Redwood City: Emerald Hills, 5+ BR/4+<br />

BA - $2599500<br />

830 Commercial/<br />

Income Property<br />

Beautiful Psychotherapist Office<br />



2 Offices available in downtown<br />

Menlo Park.<br />

840 Vacati<strong>on</strong><br />

Rentals/Time Shares<br />

Beach House <strong>on</strong> the Water<br />

M<strong>on</strong>terey Dunes 3Br,3Ba,$600.<br />

nosmk/pts,650-598-7047<br />

Bed & Breakfast B&B Hotel<br />

Maui Ocean Fr<strong>on</strong>t C<strong>on</strong>do<br />

2BR/2BA, sleeps 6, 650-851-2350<br />

Northstar Tahoe<br />

Northstar Tahoe<br />

5BR/4.5bths,slps 12,nosmk/pets<br />

$700.00 a night 650-598-7047<br />

850 Acreage/Lots/<br />

Storage<br />

Ariz<strong>on</strong>a: 36 Acres<br />

We found The Middle <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Nowhere! Only<br />

90 minutes from Phoenix. 36 acres<br />

- $49,900. In the good times, the neighbor<br />

paid 3 times more! Want to live 17<br />

miles down a bumpy county maintained<br />

road with electric? For real privacy and<br />

seclusi<strong>on</strong> in a beautiful setting. Buy &<br />

hold. Outside Wickenburg. Saddle Creek<br />

Ranch by AZLR. ADWR report. Financing<br />

available. 1-888-503-7063. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

Nevada: Bank-Owned Land<br />

10 acres. Trout stream, $39,900.<br />

Substantial discounts, limited availability.<br />

Beautiful Fish Lake Valley acreage w/<br />

year round rainbow trout stream in foothills<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Boundary Peak, Nevada’s highest<br />

mountain. Gorgeous snow-capped<br />

views. Great recreati<strong>on</strong>al opportunities.<br />

Upscale ranch community. Financing<br />

available to qualified buyers. Call 1-877-<br />

669-3737. (Cal-SCAN)<br />

855 Real Estate<br />

Services<br />

Elegant Single Level Penthouse!<br />

890 Real Estate<br />

Wanted<br />

Mature Woman Seeking Inlaw Unit<br />

fogster.com<br />



Combining the reach <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

Web with print ads reaching<br />

over 150,000 readers!<br />

995 Fictitious Name<br />

Statement<br />




File No. 238938<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

Woodside Round-Up at 145 Ansel Lane,<br />

Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo<br />

County:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


145 Ansel Lane<br />

Portola Valley, CA 94028<br />

This business is being c<strong>on</strong>ducted by:<br />

An Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 11, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May 19, 26, June 2, 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 238954<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

Nor Cal C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>, Inc., at 325<br />

Shar<strong>on</strong> Park Dr., Ste. 706, Menlo Park,<br />

CA 94025:<br />

Is (Are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


Nevada<br />

Las Vegas, NV<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: A<br />

Corporati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> 01/01/2009.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 12, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May 19, 26, June 2, 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />

MOBILE 42<br />



File No. 238870<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

Mobile 42 at 2874 Cany<strong>on</strong> Road,<br />

Burlingame, CA , San Mateo County:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


2874 Cany<strong>on</strong> Rd<br />

Burlingame, CA 94010<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: a<br />

Limited Liability Company.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 7, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May, 19, 26, June 2, 9,<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />





File No. 239130<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as: The Precious Place<br />

Senior Services at 1905 Jeffers<strong>on</strong><br />

Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062, San<br />

Mateo County:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


1905 Jeffers<strong>on</strong> Avenue<br />

Redwood City, CA 94062<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by:<br />

an Individual. The registrant commenced<br />

to transact business under the<br />

fictitious business name(s) listed herein<br />

<strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 21, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May 26, June 2, 9, 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239036<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

PCB C<strong>on</strong>sulting at 642 Quarry Rd., San<br />

Carlos, CA 94070; Mailing address: PO<br />

Box 1826, Campbell, CA 95009:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


3880 Via Milano<br />

Campbell, CA 95008<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: an<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May 26, June 2, 9, 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 238827<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

C<strong>on</strong>tractors State License Test at 1700<br />

El Camino Real Rue 21 Spc 33, South<br />

San Francisco, California 94080:<br />

Is (are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


1700 El Camino Real Rue 21 Spc 33<br />

South San Francisco, CA 94080<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: An<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> 04/24/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 5, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> May 26, June 2, 9, 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




MARKETPLACE the printed versi<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

fogster.com<br />

Public Notices<br />

File No. 239127<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

Not Equity Wealth Management at 146<br />

Grand St., Redwood City, CA 94062,<br />

San Mateo County:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


146 Grand St.<br />

Redwood City, CA 94062<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: an<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 21, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 2, 9, 16, 23, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239122<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

AGM Realty at 313 O’C<strong>on</strong>nor St., Menlo<br />

Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County:<br />

Registered Owner(s):<br />


313 O’C<strong>on</strong>nor St.<br />

Menlo Park, CA 94025<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: an<br />

Individual.<br />

The Registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 20, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 2, 9, 16, 23, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239092<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

Menlo Park Assistants at 1259 El<br />

Camino Real # 66, Menlo Park, CA<br />

94025, San Mateo County:<br />

Is (Are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


1259 El Camino Real # 66<br />

Menlo Park, CA 94025<br />


1259 El Camino Real # 66<br />

Menlo Park, CA 94025<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: Husband<br />

& Wife.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 20, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 2, 9, 16, 23, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239075<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

We handle all your<br />

LEGAL publishing needs<br />






• LIEN SALE<br />

doing business as:<br />

Jacks<strong>on</strong> C<strong>on</strong>sulting at 1101 Bay Laurel<br />

Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo<br />

County:<br />

Registered owner(s):<br />


1101 Bay Laurel Dr.<br />

Menlo Park, CA 94025<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: an<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 19, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 2, 9, 16, 23, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239155<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

The Library Society Press at 2 Shingle<br />

Mill Rd., Hwy 9, La H<strong>on</strong>da, San<br />

Mateo County; Mail Address: P.O. Box<br />

620521, Woodside, CA 94062:<br />

Is (Are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


P.O. Box 620482<br />

Woodside, CA 94062<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: An<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> May 24, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, 16, 23, 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239265<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong> (pers<strong>on</strong>s) is (are)<br />

doing business as:<br />

Not Equity Wealth Advisors at 146<br />

Grand St., Redwood City, CA 94062,<br />

San Mateo County:<br />

Registered owner(s):<br />


146 Grand St.<br />

Redwood City, CA 94062<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: An<br />

Individual.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> N/A.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> June 1, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, 16, 23, 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />

Public Notices<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tinued <strong>on</strong> Page 30<br />

326.8210<br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 29

Public Notices<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tinued from Page 29<br />




File No. 239328<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

Florence Court Apartments at 1020<br />

Florence Ln., Menlo Park, CA 94025,<br />

San Mateo County:<br />

Is (Are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


California<br />

Davis, CA 95618<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: Limited<br />

Liability Company.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> 05/03/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> June 3, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, 16, 23, 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />




File No. 239329<br />

The following pers<strong>on</strong>(s) is (are) doing<br />

business as:<br />

Ferrari Enterprise I at 1002 Frem<strong>on</strong>t,<br />

Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo<br />

County:<br />

Is (Are) hereby registered by the following<br />

owner(s):<br />


California<br />

Davis, CA 95618<br />

This business is c<strong>on</strong>ducted by: Limited<br />

Liability Company.<br />

The registrant commenced to transact<br />

business under the fictitious business<br />

name(s) listed herein <strong>on</strong> 05/03/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

This statement was filed with the<br />

County Clerk-Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo<br />

County <strong>on</strong> June 3, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, 16, 23, 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />

997 All Other Legals<br />


OF NAME<br />



MATEO<br />

Case No. CIV493368<br />


Petiti<strong>on</strong>er PATRICK PORTOR filed a petiti<strong>on</strong><br />

with this court for a decree changing<br />

names as follows:<br />



THE COURT ORDERS that all pers<strong>on</strong>s<br />

interested in this matter appear before<br />

this court at the hearing indicated<br />

below to show cause, if any, why the<br />

petiti<strong>on</strong> for change <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> name should not<br />

be granted. Any pers<strong>on</strong> objecting to the<br />

name changes described above must<br />

file a written objecti<strong>on</strong> that includes the<br />

reas<strong>on</strong>s for the objecti<strong>on</strong> at least two<br />

court days before the matter is scheduled<br />

to be heard and must appear at<br />

the hearing to show cause why the petiti<strong>on</strong><br />

should not be granted. If no written<br />

objecti<strong>on</strong> is timely filed, the court may<br />

grant the petiti<strong>on</strong> without a hearing.<br />

NOTICE OF HEARING: June 22, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

at 9:00a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2C,<br />

30 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Superior Court <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California, County<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo, 400 County Center,<br />

Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be<br />

published at least <strong>on</strong>ce each week for<br />

four successive weeks prior to the date<br />

set for hearing <strong>on</strong> the petiti<strong>on</strong> in the<br />

following newspaper <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> general circulati<strong>on</strong>,<br />

printed in this county:<br />


Date: April 16, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

/s/ Stephen M. Hall<br />


(The <strong>Almanac</strong> May 19, 26, June 2, 9,<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />

TSG No.: 4372815 TS No.:<br />

CA1000192604 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN:<br />

084-011-100-9 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S<br />


DEED OF TRUST, DATED 12/8/2003.<br />







On 6/15/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> at 12:30 PM, First<br />

American Loanstar Trustee Services<br />

LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under<br />

and pursuant to Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust recorded<br />

12/12/2003, as Instrument No. 2003-<br />

344934, in book , page , <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Official<br />

Records in the <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the County<br />

Recorder <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> San Mateo County, State<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California. Executed by: Randolph L.<br />

Bennett and Deborah M. Bennett, husband<br />

and wife, as joint tenants, WILL<br />



CASH EQUIVALENT or other form <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable<br />

at time <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> sale in lawful m<strong>on</strong>ey<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the United States) At the Marshall<br />

St. entrance to the Hall <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Justice and<br />

Records, 400 County Center, Redwood<br />

City, CA All right, title and interest c<strong>on</strong>veyed<br />

to and now held by it under said<br />

Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust in the property situated in<br />

said County and State described as: As<br />

more fully described in the above menti<strong>on</strong>ed<br />

Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust APN# 084-011-<br />

100-9 The street address and other<br />

comm<strong>on</strong> designati<strong>on</strong>, if any, <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the real<br />

property described above is purported<br />

to be: 87 Redwood Drive, Loma Mar,<br />

CA 94060 The undersigned Trustee<br />

disclaims any liability for any incorrectness<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the street address and other<br />

comm<strong>on</strong> designati<strong>on</strong>, if any, shown<br />

herein. Said sale will be made, but without<br />

covenant or warranty, expressed<br />

or implied, regarding title, possessi<strong>on</strong>,<br />

or encumbrances, to pay the remaining<br />

principal sum <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the note(s) secured by<br />

said Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust, with interest there<strong>on</strong>,<br />

as provided in said note(s), advances,<br />

under the terms <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> said Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Trust, fees, charges and expenses <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

the Trustee and <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the trusts created<br />

by said Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust. The total amount<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the unpaid balance <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the obligati<strong>on</strong><br />

secured by the property to be sold and<br />

reas<strong>on</strong>able estimated costs, expenses<br />

and advances at the time <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the initial<br />

publicati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Notice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sale is<br />

$304,037.78 The beneficiary under<br />

said Deed <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trust heret<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ore executed<br />

and delivered to the undersigned a written<br />

Declarati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Default and Demand<br />

for Sale, and a written Notice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Default<br />

and Electi<strong>on</strong> to Sell. The undersigned<br />

We handle all your<br />

LEGAL<br />

publishing needs<br />

• Public Hearing Notices<br />

• Resoluti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

• Bid Notices<br />

• Notices <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Petiti<strong>on</strong> to<br />

Administer Estate<br />

• Lien Sale<br />

• Trustee’s Sale<br />

the <strong>Almanac</strong><br />

(650) 326-8210<br />

caused said Notice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Default and<br />

Electi<strong>on</strong> to sell to be recorded in the<br />

County where the real property is located.<br />

Date: 5/14/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> First American<br />

Title Insurance Company First American<br />

LoanStar Trustee Services LLC 3 First<br />

American Way Santa Ana, CA 92707.<br />

The beneficiary or servicing agent<br />

declares that it has obtained from the<br />

Commissi<strong>on</strong>er <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Corporati<strong>on</strong>s a final<br />

or temporary order <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> exempti<strong>on</strong> pursuant<br />

to California Civil Code Secti<strong>on</strong><br />

2923.53 that is current and valid <strong>on</strong> the<br />

date the Notice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sale is filed and/or<br />

the timeframe for giving Notice <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Sale<br />

specified in subdivisi<strong>on</strong> (s) <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California<br />

Civil Code Secti<strong>on</strong> 2923.52 applies<br />

and has been provided or the loan is<br />

exempt from the requirements. First<br />

American Loanstar Trustee Services<br />

LLC may be acting as a debt collector<br />

attempting to collect a debt. Any informati<strong>on</strong><br />

obtained will be used for that<br />

purpose. For Trustee's Sale Informati<strong>on</strong><br />

Please Call (714) 573-1965<br />

P702210<br />

<strong>Almanac</strong> 5/26, 6/2, 06/09/<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Propositi<strong>on</strong> 65 Warning<br />

L-3 Communicati<strong>on</strong>s Randtr<strong>on</strong> Antenna<br />

Systems operates facilities located at<br />

and around 130 C<strong>on</strong>stituti<strong>on</strong> Dr., Menlo<br />

Park which uses and emits chemicals<br />

known to the State <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> California to<br />

cause cancer, birth defects, or other<br />

reproductive harm. We do not believe<br />

that any pers<strong>on</strong> is exposed to these<br />

chemicals at levels c<strong>on</strong>stituting a<br />

health or safety risk. However, we have<br />

not made a formal determinati<strong>on</strong> that<br />

actual exposure levels are below the<br />

Propositi<strong>on</strong> 65 "no significant risk" levels<br />

for carcinogens or "no observable<br />

effect" levels for chemicals known to<br />

cause reproductive harm, and we have<br />

not performed a risk analysis to determine<br />

the precise amount <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> exposure<br />

that any individual would receive over<br />

a 70 year period. Propositi<strong>on</strong> 65 therefore<br />

obligates us to provide this warning<br />

to potentially effected individuals.<br />

Further informati<strong>on</strong> may be obtained<br />

by c<strong>on</strong>tacting L-3 Randtr<strong>on</strong> Antenna<br />

Systems at 650-326-9500 Ext. 483.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />


The Las Lomitas Elementary School<br />

District will hold a public hearing <strong>on</strong><br />

the proposed budget for fiscal year<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11 <strong>on</strong> Wednesday, June 23,<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> at 7:00 p.m. at the Las Lomitas<br />

Elementary School District Office<br />

Board Room, located at 1011 Altschul<br />

Avenue, Menlo Park, California. A<br />

copy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the proposed budget will be<br />

available for public examinati<strong>on</strong> at<br />

the Las Lomitas Elementary School<br />

District Office at the above locati<strong>on</strong><br />

from June 18, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> through June 23,<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> between the hours <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 8:30 a.m.<br />

and 4:30 p.m. Any taxpayer directly<br />

affected by the Las Lomitas Elementary<br />

School District Budget may appear<br />

before the Las Lomitas Elementary<br />

School District Board <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Trustees and<br />

speak to the proposed budget or any<br />

item therein.<br />

(<strong>Almanac</strong> June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>)<br />


plus<br />

Interactive<br />

MAPS<br />


The<strong>Almanac</strong>Online.com/real_estate<br />


"Between<br />

tomorrow's<br />

dream and<br />

yesterday's<br />

regret is today's<br />

opportunity."<br />

529-2420<br />

HOMES for SALE<br />

plus<br />

Prior Sale Info<br />

& More<br />

STEVE GRAY...<br />


View the JUNE Market C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong><br />

Reports for Athert<strong>on</strong>, Menlo Park,<br />

Portola Valley & Woodside at:<br />

www.PeninsulaSpecialist.com<br />

Get the good news, bad news,<br />

and a glimpse <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> what is ahead.<br />

650-743-7702<br />

Steve Gray<br />


DRE# 01498634<br />

650-743-7702<br />

sgray@cashin.com<br />

Get local news updates<br />

in your e-mail inbox<br />

daily.<br />

FREE.<br />

Sign up today at —<br />

The<strong>Almanac</strong>Online.com<br />

Realtors: R<br />

For All Your Real Estate<br />

Advertising Needs…<br />

Look to the<br />

Real Estate Secti<strong>on</strong><br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Just Call<br />

THE ALMANAC at<br />

(650) 854-2626 x 6583

Excepti<strong>on</strong>al Value<br />

New Price<br />

Two Robert S. Drive, Menlo Park<br />

Located <strong>on</strong> the most prestigious street in Menlo Park, #2 Robert S. Drive is a<br />

gracious residence <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fering timeless style and traditi<strong>on</strong>al design. Spanning<br />

over 2850 sq. ft., the expansive single-level plan encompasses a w<strong>on</strong>derful blend<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> formal and casual rooms. The home’s pers<strong>on</strong>al accommodati<strong>on</strong>s feature four<br />

bedrooms and three bathrooms, including a spacious master suite with private<br />

bath.<br />

The magnificent .46 acre lot is adorned with award-winning redwoods,<br />

majestic oaks, and beautiful maple trees. The brick-trimmed, semi-circular<br />

driveway introduces this lovely estate property.<br />

Robert S. is a quiet cul-de-sac just minutes from downtown<br />

Menlo Park and excellent schools. Listed at $3,199,000<br />

www.kathyandcolleen.com<br />

DRE #70000645<br />

Open Sunday 1:30-4:30<br />

Kathy Nicosia<br />

650.464.5527<br />

knicosia@cbnorcal.com<br />

Colleen Cooley<br />

650.704.6572<br />

colleen.cooley@cbnorcal.com<br />

One <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the <strong>on</strong>ly fly-fishing<br />

resorts located within a short<br />

drive <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the San Francisco Bay<br />

Area, the ten guestroom Oasis<br />

Springs Lodge overlooks a private<br />

crystal clear trophy-trout stream <strong>on</strong><br />

the lower flanks <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Mount Lassen.<br />

The Lodge property encompasses<br />

over 1,100 acres <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> range land and<br />

meadows interspersed with blue oak<br />

woodlands, and punctuated by fresh<br />

water springs, ferns, alders and willows<br />

al<strong>on</strong>g the South Fork <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Battle<br />

Creek. A true fly-fisherman’s oasis,<br />

the Lodge was formerly endorsed by<br />

Orvis. Asking $4,895,000<br />

12 Franciscan Ridge<br />


�����������������������������������<br />

Private, stunning updated home in desirable Portola Valley<br />

Ranch. Spectacular views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the rolling hills and South<br />

Bay. W<strong>on</strong>derful open fl oor plan with soaring windows that<br />

provide natural light throughout. Large kitchen-family room that<br />

opens to an expansive private deck, perfect for entertaining and<br />

enjoying this serene setting. Magnifi cent master suite featuring two<br />

walk in closets. Other features include a climate c<strong>on</strong>trolled 350<br />

�������������������<br />

�����������������������������������������������<br />

bottle wine closet and high-end entertainment system, aluminum<br />

fl oor to ceiling fi replace mantle and built in copper fountain. Enjoy<br />

the amenities <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> living in Portola Valley Ranch – swimming pool,<br />

tennis courts, clubhouse, children’s playground, and vineyard.<br />

Excellent Portola Valley schools. Nearby hiking trails add to this<br />

perfect locati<strong>on</strong> and perfect home!<br />

OFFERED AT $2,095,000<br />


T H E C H I C K E R I N G<br />

C O M P A N Y<br />


For more informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong><br />

this and our other <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>ferings,<br />

please visit:<br />

www.ranchbuyer.com<br />

C<strong>on</strong>tact:<br />

Terry Hundemer<br />

530-265-5774<br />

Email:<br />

ranches@chickeringco.com<br />


#1 Agent, Woodside Offi ce<br />

2008 & 2009<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al<br />

President’s Premier, Top 1%<br />

650.740.2970<br />

edemma@cbnorcal.com<br />

www.erikademma.com<br />

DRE# 01230766<br />



June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 31

First Time Open! Sun 1:30-4:30<br />

Perfectly located just steps from downtown Menlo Park, this picture-perfect 3-bedroom,<br />

2.5-bath townhome is move-in ready. It has been beautifully updated with a gourmet<br />

kitchen, built-ins, abundant cabinetry, and storage. The bright living room features a tall<br />

vaulted ceiling and sliding glass doors to the backyard where a custom brick patio, garden<br />

trellis with colorful plantings, and a tall privacy fence <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers a w<strong>on</strong>derful spot for al fresco<br />

dining. Adding to the appeal is the home’s excellent locati<strong>on</strong> close to upscale shopping and<br />

dining, parks, local schools, plus Caltrain and commute routes.<br />

Ann Griffiths<br />

650.322.6666 direct<br />

650.380.2825 cell<br />

650.325.6161 <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice<br />

www.annmgriffiths.com<br />

DRE 004647052<br />

32 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

5 Chateau Drive, Menlo Park<br />

Gorgeous Townhome Ready to Move-In<br />

Offered at $1,375,000<br />

� �������� ������� �������� ���� ����splash,<br />

rich hardwood flooring, bay<br />

window, a sliding glass door to the<br />

patio, and generous built-in cabinetry,<br />

ample space for dining and family living<br />

� ������ ���� �������� � ���������<br />

vaulted ceiling, and sliding glass door to<br />

the patio<br />

� ������ ��� ��� ��� ������������

By Appointment Only<br />

280 Ridgeway Road,<br />


This captivating, picture perfect<br />

home puts a c<strong>on</strong>temporary spin<br />

<strong>on</strong> Old World style. A columnframed<br />

semi-circular driveway, fl anked<br />

by expanses <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> level lawn and colorful<br />

fl owering beds, leads to the gracious<br />

two-story residence with charming fr<strong>on</strong>t<br />

porch. The inviting entry foyer leads to<br />

the formal living room with soaring high<br />

ceiling, handsome marble fi replace and<br />

Jim Byrnes, M.B.A., SRES<br />

650.464.4848<br />

jbyrnes@kwrpa.com<br />

www.jimbyrneshomes.com<br />

two sets <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> French doors opening to the<br />

rear grounds. A staircase leads to the<br />

secluded master suite and sec<strong>on</strong>d family<br />

room. The pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>al grade kitchen is<br />

ready to serve the elegant dining room<br />

and spacious breakfast nook, both set<br />

in bays. A fi replace framed by a wall <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

built-in bookshelves and media center<br />

in the family room gives the space a<br />

defi nite focus.<br />


Updated Garden Retreat in Central Menlo<br />

Situated <strong>on</strong> almost <strong>on</strong>e acre, this magical<br />

home is surrounded by beautiful roseadorned<br />

fragrance gardens, mature trees<br />

and foliage, and tranquil meandering<br />

paths. The gorgeous backyard is<br />

highlighted by an expansive terrace,<br />

sparkling pool, gazebo, vineyard and<br />

lush lawn areas.<br />

OFFERED AT $3,695,000<br />



#1 Agent, Woodside Offi ce<br />

2008 & 2009<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al<br />

President’s Premier, Top 1%<br />

650.740.2970<br />

edemma@cbnorcal.com<br />

www.erikademma.com<br />

DRE# 01230766<br />



All informati<strong>on</strong> deemed reliable,<br />

but not guaranteed.<br />

1970 Oakdell Dr. Menlo Park<br />

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Offered at $1,695,000<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 1:30 - 4:30 PM<br />

For more informati<strong>on</strong> and a virtual tour:<br />

www.1970Oakdell.com<br />

jimbyrneshomes.com | Helping Create Your Lifestyle Through Real Estate | 650.464.4848<br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 33

OPEN SUNDAY 71 Ralst<strong>on</strong> Road, Athert<strong>on</strong><br />

1:30–4:30 PM Excellent opportunity: 2 parcels each<br />

approx. .92 acre; beautiful level grounds<br />

$6,850,000 Listed by Skip Cashin<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 110 Royal Oak Court, Menlo Park<br />

2–4 PM 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths; approx.<br />

5,234 sq. ft.; Las Lomitas schools<br />


Athert<strong>on</strong><br />

34 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

OPEN SUNDAY 440 Ringwood Avenue, Menlo Park<br />

2–4 PM Beautiful 4-bedroom home with<br />

sunny gardens; private and quiet<br />

$2,095,000<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 3258 Emers<strong>on</strong> Street, Palo Alto<br />

2–4 PM 4-year-new home in Midtown; fabulously<br />

finished; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths<br />

$1,938,000<br />

$3,495,000 co-listed w/ Denise Laugesen co-listed w/ Denise Laugesen<br />

151 Glenwood Avenue<br />

OPEN SUNDAY, June 13, 1:30 - 4:30 pm<br />

Informati<strong>on</strong> deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.<br />


Internati<strong>on</strong>al President’s Premier<br />

650•319•1270<br />

kcashin@cashin.com<br />

kristincashin.com<br />

Offered at $4,295,000<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2 Douglass Way, Athert<strong>on</strong><br />

2–4 PM West-side locati<strong>on</strong> just blocks to town;<br />

~ 2 /3 acre with pool; entertainer’s dream<br />

$2,475,000<br />

Kristin Cashin<br />

Shane Stent<br />

Frankie Stamey<br />

For more informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tact:<br />

650-851-2649<br />

stevenlessard.com<br />

Recent sales by Kristin Cashin Group:<br />

(representing buyers)<br />

Riordin Place, Menlo Park; <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered at $2,650,000<br />

Edgecliff Way, Redwood City; <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered at $899,000<br />

Parkwood Drive, Athert<strong>on</strong>; <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered at $2,650,000<br />

Edgewood Lane, Menlo Park; <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered at $2,395,000<br />

Toy<strong>on</strong> Way, Emerald Hills; <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fered at $1,725,000<br />

WANTED:<br />

A 4-bedroom home for lease in Menlo Park, Athert<strong>on</strong>,<br />

or Palo Alto up to $7,500/m<strong>on</strong>th for 24 m<strong>on</strong>ths<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Class</str<strong>on</strong>g>ic Athert<strong>on</strong> Estate<br />

DRE# 01438764<br />

• Two-level home with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms<br />

• 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom guest cottage with kitchen<br />

• Stunning park-like grounds <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> approximately 1.4 acres<br />

• Spacious and light-filled living room with fireplace<br />

• Elegant formal dining room with access to the grounds<br />

• Beautiful sunroom opens to the gardens<br />

• Chef ’s kitchen with quality appliances and a breakfast bar<br />

• Family room with casual dining extends from the kitchen<br />

• Excellent Menlo Park schools: Encinal Elementary, Hillview<br />

Middle, and Menlo Athert<strong>on</strong> High<br />

Offered at $4,295,000<br />


June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 35


LUXURIOUS NEW HOME $10,750,000<br />

5 BR 5 BA New French provincial home <strong>on</strong> 1 acre in<br />

west Athert<strong>on</strong> with main level master, luxurious finishes,<br />

pool/spa, guest house & Las Lomitas Schools<br />

Tom LeMieux/Hossein Jalali 650.323.7751<br />


6 BR 8.5 BA Completed in 2001 w/over 8,300sf in the<br />

3 level main hse: Chef's kit, LR, DR, library, FR, media<br />

rm, exercise rm, sauna & wine cellar. Sparkling pool.<br />

Jim McCah<strong>on</strong> 650.851.2666<br />

HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! $6,850,000<br />

6 BR 7 full BA + 3 half Historic Athert<strong>on</strong> estate<br />

updated w/finest <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> modern amenities. Guest house<br />

has been designed as music & entertainment center.<br />

Must see!<br />

Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456<br />

NEW PRICE! $3,995,000<br />

5 BR 3.5 BA Prestigious Lindenwood. Hampt<strong>on</strong>s-<br />

Style home. Chef’s kitchen with 14 foot ceiling. Bay<br />

windows. Gated, private and beautiful lot. Excellent<br />

schools.<br />

John & Janet Dore 650.324.4456<br />

LUXURY & TRANQUILITY $3,900,000<br />

5 BR 6.5 BA Serenity surrounds this remod. 6,400<br />

sf gated home <strong>on</strong> a very private ac. Built around an<br />

inner courtyard & pool w/circular drive, gardens &<br />

Koi p<strong>on</strong>d.<br />

Ed Kahl 650.851.2666<br />


Build your dream home <strong>on</strong> this flat 1+ acre parcel<br />

located <strong>on</strong> a quiet cul-de-sac. Las Lomitas School<br />

District.<br />

Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb 650.324.4456<br />


MUST SEE! $5,650,000<br />

4 BR 5 full BA + 2 half Two fabulous residences;<br />

prestigious locati<strong>on</strong>. Menlo Park schools. Gorgeous<br />

gardens. Once in a lifetime opportunity! Shown by<br />

appointment.<br />

Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb 650.324.4456<br />

WEST MENLO CRAFTSMAN $3,995,000<br />

6 BR 5 full BA + 2 half Stunning high-quality new<br />

c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> in Prime Wst MP. Traditi<strong>on</strong>al Craftsman<br />

design w/luxurious finishes & meticulous details.<br />

Private landscaped yd.<br />

Nathalie de Saint Andrieu 650.324.4456<br />


4 BR 3.5 BA Fabulous single level Spanish inspired<br />

home minutes to downtown <strong>on</strong> .55 acres. Main<br />

house, guest house and detached 3 car garage. MP<br />

Schools.<br />

Natalie Comartin 650.324.4456<br />

NEW PRICE! $2,529,000<br />

3 BR 2.5 BA Carmel setting <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers an enchanting<br />

escape. 3BR/2.5BA home with 19,000 SQ FT lot<br />

<strong>on</strong> exclusive drive. Updated kitchen, sun-room and<br />

more!<br />

Sue Crawford 650.324.4456<br />

OPEN FLOOR PLAN $2,250,000<br />

3 BR 3 BA Experience the joy <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> living in a resort style<br />

setting and a beautifully remodeled c<strong>on</strong>temporary<br />

style home with detached guest/pool house.<br />

Maya & Jas<strong>on</strong> Sewald 650.323.7751<br />

36 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

COLDWELL BANKER californiamoves.com<br />

WOODSIDE 5BR | 6.5BA<br />

THIS HOME HAS IT ALL! $12,900,000<br />

Beautiful "Old Woodside" estate. Spanish-style home <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 6800 SF built in 1926. Well<br />

maintained, private 4.3 acre lot. Pool, spa, tennis ct, views+more!<br />

Carol MacCorkle 650.324.4456<br />

WOODSIDE 2BR | 2.5BA<br />

SKYLINE AREA $1,449,000<br />

Retreat in the woods w/ocean & redwood vws! Lovely spacious home w/lodge like LR,<br />

fam kitchen, l<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>t/b<strong>on</strong>us rm + 1 bd rental & a studio/<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice <strong>on</strong> 2+ ac.<br />

Margot Lockwood 650.851.2666<br />


JUST LISTED! $1,995,000<br />

5 BR 3 BA Extensively remodeled 9 yrs ago. Light & airy<br />

rooms w/beautiful garden views. Pr<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>essi<strong>on</strong>al kitchen.<br />

Open floor plan for indoor-outdoor entertaining!<br />

Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb/Judy Kiel 650.324.4456<br />


3 BR 2.5 BA Elegant LR w/fireplace, hardwood flrs<br />

thruout, separate FR, kit w/granite countertops,<br />

upstairs playroom, private cul-de-sac loc. Menlo<br />

Park schools!<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />

NEW PRICE! $1,399,000<br />

3 BR 3.5 BA Luxury Living at the Mansi<strong>on</strong>s. Lovely<br />

town home <strong>on</strong> a desirable cul-de-sac in Shar<strong>on</strong><br />

Heights. Award-winning Las Lomitas School District.<br />

Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456<br />

JUST LISTED! $1,395,000<br />

3 BR 2 BA Walk to downtown Menlo Park from this<br />

charming, remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bathLocated at the<br />

end <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a small cul-de-sac. Gorgeous landscaped yard.<br />

Pam & Katie Hammer 650.324.4456<br />

PRICE REDUCED! $1,275,000<br />

4 BR 2.5 BA Located in Central Menlo Park, this<br />

Single Level Remodeled Home is a True Zen-Like<br />

Retreat with Natural Elegance and Beauty both Inside<br />

and Out!<br />

Doug G<strong>on</strong>zalez 650.324.4456<br />


3 BR 2 BA Rarely available <strong>on</strong>e level townhome in<br />

Shar<strong>on</strong> Heights. Garages are the <strong>on</strong>ly comm<strong>on</strong> wall.<br />

C<strong>on</strong>venient to schools, transportati<strong>on</strong> & shops.<br />

David McKeever 650.323.7751<br />

NEW LISTING! $849,000<br />

3 BR 2.5 BA Updated, light & bright downtown<br />

Menlo home just 3 blocks from Santa Cruz Ave!<br />

MP schools.<br />

John Nels<strong>on</strong> 650.324.4456<br />

DOWNTOWN MENLO PARK $799,000<br />

2 BR 2 BA Elegant living room, gourmet kitchen<br />

with granite countertops, exquisite master suite<br />

with private bath. Pool & recreati<strong>on</strong> room. Walk to<br />

downtown MP.<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />


3 BR 2.5 BA Enjoy the elegance <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> this tri-level<br />

Mediterranean style Villa with stunning architectural<br />

design. Located in the beautiful town <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo Park.<br />

Doug G<strong>on</strong>zalez 650.324.4456<br />

BRIGHT & CHARMING RANCH! $699,950<br />

2 BR 1 BA This is a must see. Shows beautifully w/<br />

hrdw flrs, skylites, FP, sep DR, granite counters &<br />

stainless steel appliances. MP schools!<br />

Wendi Selig-Aim<strong>on</strong>etti 650.328.5211<br />

MOVE RIGHT IN! $399,000<br />

2 BR 2 BA Beautiful unit in Menlo Comm<strong>on</strong>s. Newer<br />

carpeting, wood flooring, appliances & paint. This 55+<br />

complex is minutes to everything MP has to <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fer!<br />

J Hickingbotham IV 650.324.4456<br />


New Price!<br />

NEW CONSTRUCTION! $7,750,000<br />

5 BR 4 full BA + 2 half Striking C<strong>on</strong>temporary home<br />

w/7,000 SF <strong>on</strong> over 1 acre w/guest house. Pool &<br />

verdant valley views in prime Portola Valley locale!<br />

Excellent PV Schools.<br />

Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456<br />

WOODSIDE 3BR | 2.5BA<br />

20 PATROL COURT $2,450,000<br />

Stunning views from this recently remodeled home with level yard. Retreat-like setting.<br />

See vtour at www.kerinicholas.com.<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />

MENLO PARK 3BR | 2BA<br />

NEW PRICE! $899,000<br />

Fabulous penthouse w/ views. Close to downtown MP, neighborhood shopping & MP<br />

train stati<strong>on</strong>. Light & bright w/skylights & views from all four sides.<br />

Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb 650.324.4456<br />

MORTGAGE SERVICES 888.370.5363<br />



5 BR 6.5 BA Over 8000 SF <strong>on</strong> 3.59 gorgeous acres in<br />

prime Westridge locale. Guest hse w/ 1BR/1BA. Vast<br />

stretches <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> level lawn & abundant oaks. Excellent<br />

PV schls.<br />

Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456<br />

LUXURY LIVING $6,395,000<br />

3 BR 3.5 BA Stunning steel & glass architecture by<br />

Tobin Dougherty. Set <strong>on</strong> a private knoll, with views in<br />

all directi<strong>on</strong>s. Wine cellar, pool, & PV Schools.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

TOTALLY PRIVATE $4,950,000<br />

4 BR 3.5 BA Completely remodeled 7 years ago. This<br />

2 story floor plan is situated <strong>on</strong> a private 1 acre site<br />

with gated driveway, pool, spa & guest house.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

QUALITY & DESIGN! $4,398,000<br />

3 BR 3 BA A masterpiece <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> modern, minimalist architecture<br />

with Zen-like ambiance.Extensive remodel <strong>on</strong><br />

approx 3.8 ac w/incredible Bay Views.<br />

Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961<br />

EXQUISITE REMODEL $3,695,000<br />

4 BR 2 BA + 2 half-baths (1BR currently is an <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice),<br />

additi<strong>on</strong>al <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice, tennis ct, spa, extra 3-car garage w/<br />

living space potential. www.190PortolaRoad.com<br />

Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961<br />

STUNNING SETTING $3,225,000<br />

6 BR 7 BA Excepti<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>temporary home <strong>on</strong><br />

1.30acs (per county),w/majestic oaks. Generously<br />

sized rooms, lovely gardens,private views & more.<br />

www.4OakForest.com<br />

Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961<br />

UNPARALLELED VIEWS $3,199,000<br />

4 BR 4.5 BA Multi-level, C<strong>on</strong>temporary house<br />

perched <strong>on</strong> approximately 3.82 acres overlooking<br />

sweeping views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the South Bay hills. Award-winning<br />

PV schools.<br />

Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456<br />


3 BR 2 BA This c<strong>on</strong>temporary rebuilt home was<br />

designed with great respect for the envir<strong>on</strong>ment, featuring<br />

a flexible & open indoor/outdoor floorplan.<br />

Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751<br />

SCENIC SPLENDOR $2,695,000<br />

2 BR 3 BA Stunning home <strong>on</strong> 2.6 acs (per county)<br />

neighbors Jasper Ridge Preserve. Lg <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice/possible<br />

guest room/family room. www.380Escobar.com<br />

Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961<br />

EXPANSIVE VIEWS! $2,198,000<br />

4 BR 4 BA Incredible setting for this remodeled<br />

C<strong>on</strong>temporary <strong>on</strong> approx 12.5 acres with views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

SF & East Bay. Den, au paire & guest rm, useable<br />

land & privacy.<br />

Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961<br />

STUNNING UPDATED HOME $2,095,000<br />

3 BR 2.5 BA Spectacular views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> hills & south bay!<br />

Lg mstr suite w/2 walk-in closets. Kitchen-FR opening<br />

up to a new large deck. Pool, Tennis Crts & Club<br />

House.<br />

Erika Demma 650.851.2666<br />

LOWER WAYSIDE BEAUTY! $1,997,000<br />

4 BR 3.5 BA Sophistcated 11 year old custom built<br />

split- level <strong>on</strong> apprx. 1 ac. Top quality thruout!<br />

Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961<br />

MENLO PARK 3BR | 2BA<br />

COUNTRY FRENCH $1,475,000<br />

Charming remodeled single level home with a beautifully landscaped yard, swimming pool<br />

and spa. Las Lomitas School District.<br />

Steven Lessard 650.851.2666<br />

ATHERTON 4BR | 3.5BA<br />

SINGLE STORY TREASURE $3,595,000<br />

Prominently located w/in <strong>on</strong>e <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the most beautiful, exclusive neighborhoods this home<br />

is located <strong>on</strong> a 1.15 acre lot w/approx 4,580 sf <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> living space.<br />

Loren Dakin 650.323.7751<br />


A MODERN GEM $1,875,000<br />

5 BR 3.5 BA Rebuilt from the foundati<strong>on</strong> up in 2007<br />

& boasts views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> both the Santa Cruz Mtns and<br />

Portola Valley. Located just a few steps from open<br />

space trails!<br />

Jean & Chris Isaacs<strong>on</strong> 650.851.2666<br />

PRICE REDUCED! $1,399,000<br />

3 BR 2 BA Updated home in sought-after neighborhood,<br />

close to shops, Town Center & excellent<br />

schools.<br />

Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961<br />

WOODSIDE HIGHLANDS $1,095,000<br />

3 BR 2 BA In a beautifully landscaped setting with<br />

a glimpse <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the western hills. Close to open space<br />

trails, yet <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers c<strong>on</strong>venient access to Highway 280.<br />

Jean & Chris Isaacs<strong>on</strong> 650.851.2666<br />


CUSTOM BUILT HOME $2,258,000<br />

4 BR 3.5 BA Elegant living room, gourmet kitchen<br />

with center island, sparkling pool & cabana. Separate<br />

1 BR / 1 BA guest house.<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />


4 BR 3.5 BA Elegant living room with vaulted ceilings,<br />

formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, family room<br />

with fireplace overlooks landscaped backyard.<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />

REDWOOD CITY GEM $479,000<br />

3 BR 3 BA Beautifully updated in 1999 and 2000 with<br />

quality finishes and attenti<strong>on</strong> to detail, this home is<br />

ready for the most discerning buyer.<br />

Kathy Nicosia/Colleen Cooley 650.323.7751<br />


20 PRIME ACRES $14,900,000<br />

7 BR 6.5 BA 20 prime acres adjacent to the town <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Athert<strong>on</strong>. This knoll-top positi<strong>on</strong> has magnificent<br />

views - SF Bay to the east & glorious hills to the<br />

west.<br />

Steven Lessard 650.851.2666<br />

STUNNING 8.7 ACRE ESTATE! $13,900,000<br />

7 BR 10 BA This stunning estate is in <strong>on</strong>e <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the most<br />

prestigious addresses in Woodside. Situated with a<br />

tennis court & pool house this property has it all.<br />

Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751<br />

MAGNIFICENT ESTATE $12,500,000<br />

8 BR 7 full BA + 3 half On 15.7 acres w/grand sized<br />

rooms & spectacular views. Garden pathways, st<strong>on</strong>e<br />

walls and stairs, pool, pool house, stables for 8 horses<br />

& tennis ct.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

9 AC – CENTRAL WOODSIDE $9,900,000<br />

4 BR 4 BA Excepti<strong>on</strong>ally Private and Secluded Settings<br />

with Superb Views. Close to Town and Highly-<br />

Acclaimed Woodside Elementary School. Pool, Spa<br />

& Guest House.<br />

Erika Demma 650.851.2666<br />

COUNTRY ELEGANCE $8,995,000<br />

5 BR 4.5 BA Grand foyer w/curved staircase, frml<br />

DR, great rm & gourmet kit. 4-car garage + work<br />

shop. 4,900 sf barn. Lovely pool, st<strong>on</strong>e terraces,<br />

fruit orchard.<br />

Ed Kahl 650.851.2666<br />

©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark<br />

licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity.<br />

Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Office Is Owned And Operated by NRT LLC. DRE License # 00313415<br />


NEW LISTING! $7,200,000<br />

4 BR 4 full BA + 2 half Enchanting shingled house<br />

by Leslie Nichols. Unquesti<strong>on</strong>ably <strong>on</strong>e <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the most<br />

charming homes in Woodside. Expansive views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

Western Hills. PV schools.<br />

Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456<br />

MUST SEE! $5,895,000<br />

5 BR 4 BA This custom-built home is situated <strong>on</strong> 5.67<br />

acres <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> beautifully landscaped grounds at the end <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a<br />

cul-de-sac w/charming guest house & pool.<br />

Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456<br />

BEAUTIFUL FLAT LAND $5,495,000<br />

5 BR 4 BA One <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the finest 3 acre parcels in Woodside<br />

with stately oaks. Gracious entry over a private bridge<br />

to the main house with tennis court and pool.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

WOODSIDE HILLS ESTATE $3,695,000<br />

4 BR 2.5 BA Completely updated w/gourmet kitchen,<br />

large brkfst rm, FR, grand LR, & mstr suite w/<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice.<br />

Aprx. 1 flat ac w/park like yard, pool, vineyard, & patio.<br />

Erika Demma 650.851.2666<br />

JUST LISTED! $3,195,000<br />

6 BR 6.5 BA Great cul-de-sac locati<strong>on</strong> in with top Las<br />

Lomitas schools. Large home plus 2 separate, detached<br />

guesthouses. Sparkling pool & spa, fantastic grounds!<br />

Billy McNair 650.324.4456<br />

WOODSIDE HILLS $2,395,000<br />

4 BR 2.5 BA Incredible views! This house is tucked<br />

away behind beautiful wrought ir<strong>on</strong> gates & <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers a<br />

peaceful & natural setting, w/pool & spa.<br />

Carla Priola-Anisman 650.851.2666<br />

ONE-OF-A-KIND HOME! $2,295,000<br />

3 BR 3 BA Tranquil, private, yet close in locati<strong>on</strong>. Must<br />

see to appreciate! Tastefully remodeled with timeless<br />

elegance. Viewing decks and pool.<br />

Chris McD<strong>on</strong>nell/Kelly Griggs 650.324.4456<br />

BAY & VALLEY VIEWS $2,250,000<br />

3 BR 2.5 BA Architectural c<strong>on</strong>temporary <strong>on</strong> approx.<br />

9.6 acs. A pool & sep. located hot tub is positi<strong>on</strong>ed<br />

within the redwood trees. Mins. to 280 & Sand Hill Rd.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

CLOSE TO TOWN CENTER $2,195,000<br />

3 BR 3.5 BA Remodeled & upgraded c<strong>on</strong>temporary<br />

home w/lg guest house or home <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice. Guest house<br />

is a lg bldg recently new. Gourmet kitchen w/a great<br />

room flrpln.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />

GREAT OPPORTUNITY $2,095,000<br />

3 BR 2.5 BA Gated Woodside home <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e acre <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

landscaped grounds with guest house and barn. Large<br />

3 car garage. Award winning Woodside schools.<br />

Scott Dancer 650.851.2666<br />


4 BR 4 BA This 3 level home <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers panoramic views<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Bay & City Lights. Lg eat-in kitchen overlooking<br />

pool & lawn, separate DR, separate FR, library & den.<br />

Athena Chilicas 650.851.2666<br />

BREATHTAKING VIEWS $1,295,000<br />

4 BR 2.5 BA C<strong>on</strong>temporary home <strong>on</strong> a private acre<br />

with walls <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> glass, open flr pln, vaulted ceilings, & skylights.<br />

Rock FP in the LR, level areas & grassy meadow.<br />

Willa Falk 650.851.2666<br />


3 BR 4 BA 2400 sf located in the gorgeous Redwoods<br />

yet minutes away from Hwy 280. Top rated Portola<br />

Valley schools plus bus transportati<strong>on</strong> available.<br />

Judy Byrnes 650.851.2666

Welcome to this five bedroom, three and<br />

<strong>on</strong>e-half bath, custom c<strong>on</strong>temporary<br />

house <strong>on</strong> a very private flag lot in Woodside<br />

Heights. The main house retains all <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> its<br />

original mid-century charm, with gentle<br />

updates in the kitchen. A separate studio with<br />

a full bath and kitchenette <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fers flexible living<br />

opti<strong>on</strong>s. The two-car garage incorporates a<br />

workshop. The landscaped garden has a flat<br />

lawn, a covered patio, and a deck.<br />

A Park-like Setting<br />


• Approximately 1.7 very private acres in<br />

Woodside Heights<br />

• Custom-designed, five bedroom, three and<br />

<strong>on</strong>e-half bath, main house<br />

• Living room, formal dining room, updated kitchen<br />

• Separate studio with kitchenette, full bath,<br />

and generous storage<br />

• Excellent Las Lomitas School District<br />

Offered at $2,200,000<br />

For more informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> this property, please visit:<br />

www.161Eleanor.com or www.HughCornish.com<br />

650-566-5353<br />

hcornish@cbnorcal.com<br />

Athert<strong>on</strong><br />

Menlo Park<br />

Portola Valley<br />

Woodside<br />

DRE #00912143<br />

#1 Agent, Menlo Park –<br />

El Camino Office, 2009<br />

This informati<strong>on</strong> was supplied by Seller and/or other sources. Broker believes this informati<strong>on</strong> to be correct but has not verfied this informati<strong>on</strong> and assumes no legal resp<strong>on</strong>sibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfacti<strong>on</strong>. Informati<strong>on</strong> deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.<br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 37


38 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

• #1 Agent, Woodside Offi ce, 2008 - 2009<br />

• Top U.S. Realtor, The Wall Street Journal<br />


650.740.2970<br />

edemma@cbnorcal.com<br />

erikademma.com<br />

• Relocati<strong>on</strong> Specialist<br />

• #12 Agent, Coldwell Banker, SF Peninsula - 2009<br />

����<br />

�������<br />

• Almost 9 acres in<br />

Central Woodside<br />

• Close to town and<br />

Woodside School<br />

• Thomas Church gardens<br />

SHOWN BY<br />


ONLY<br />

Plans and reports available to review, paving<br />

the way for a magnifi cent home to be built.<br />

C<strong>on</strong>ceptual drawings are shown here.<br />

OFFERED AT $9,900,000<br />

This informati<strong>on</strong> was supplied by Seller and/or other sources. Broker believes this informati<strong>on</strong> to be correct but has not verifi ed this informati<strong>on</strong> and assumes no legal resp<strong>on</strong>sibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfacti<strong>on</strong>.<br />

DRE# 01230766

ATHERTON – On the market for the first time this<br />

classic Dutch Col<strong>on</strong>ial 4bd/3.5ba home features living<br />

room & family room w/fireplace, main level master<br />

suite, pool & spa w/covered pavili<strong>on</strong> plus separate 1<br />

bed/1ba apartment.<br />

Skip Cashin Offered at $6,850,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

ATHERTON – Beautiful 1+ level acre property with<br />

vast lawns & lush landscaping. Menlo Park School<br />

District. Only a few blocks to downtown Menlo Park.<br />

Updated, move-in c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> 4BR, 3BA, High ceiling LR,<br />

Sep. DR, Chef's Kitchen with eating area.<br />

Paul Skrabo Offered at 2,245,000<br />

(650) 529-2900<br />

LOS ALTOS – This exquisite 3BD/2BA c<strong>on</strong>do is beautiful.<br />

The home features a large kitchen with top <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

line appliances, granite counters & hardwood cabinets.<br />

There is a full dining room & large living room with an<br />

Italian fireplace.<br />

Dana Cappiello Offered at $1,399,000<br />

(650) 529-1000<br />

MENLO PARK – One <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 7 luxurious custom homes<br />

at Menlo Park's newest community. Each magnificently<br />

appointed w/unique design elements, superb finishes &<br />

outstanding quality & all at a premier locati<strong>on</strong>, moments<br />

to Stanford Univ. & dwntwn shopping.<br />

Denise Laugesen/Kristin Cashin Offered at $3,795,000<br />

(650) 343-3700<br />

MENLO PARK – Excepti<strong>on</strong>al 4 bd/3.5ba <strong>on</strong>e level<br />

custom hm <strong>on</strong> W. Menlo’s most sought after street.<br />

Gourmet kit, elegant formal liv'g & din'g rooms, vaulted<br />

ceiling fam rm, luxurious master ste. Hardwd flrs, Frnch<br />

drs, 3 fireplaces. Huge lot. MP schools.<br />

Elizabeth Daschbach Offered at $3,298,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />


OMPANY<br />

MENLO PARK (650) 614-3500 PORTOLA VALLEY (650) 529-2900 WOODSIDE (650) 529-1000 LOS ALTOS (650) 948-8050<br />

PALO ALTO (650) 853-7100 SAN CARLOS (650) 598-4900 SAN MATEO (650) 343-3700 BURLINGAME (650) 340-9688<br />

■ ATHERTON ■<br />

ATHERTON – Gorgeous, gated Mediterranean 4bd/4ba<br />

home in Lloyden Park neighborhood completed in '08.<br />

Separate living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, three<br />

fireplaces. Basement with theatre room, game room, wine<br />

cellar, <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice & more.<br />

Barbara Silverberg Offered at $3,195,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

4 BR, 3 BA, remodeled kitchen & master bath.<br />

Hardwood floors and skylights. Private rear yard<br />

ideal for entertaining w/pool, spa, putting green<br />

& beautiful gardens. Close proximity to downtown<br />

Menlo Park.<br />

Kristin Cashin Offered at $2,475,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Larger than it appears, this 5 BR/5 + BA home is<br />

situated <strong>on</strong> a level lot w/mature Oak & Redwood<br />

trees. Features formal entry, eat-in kit w/brkfast<br />

nook, bay windows, a frplc in MB & LR, Den/study,<br />

B<strong>on</strong>us room, high ceilings & wet bar.<br />

Guy M<strong>on</strong>gillo Offered at $1,999,000<br />

(650) 948-8050<br />

Exquisite home extensively remodeled. Large gourmet<br />

kitchen w/custom cabinetry & top <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the line<br />

appliances. Abundant natural light & alder wood<br />

floors. Kit opens to FR w/French doors leading to<br />

gardens & patio. 3 bedrooms + <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice.<br />

Mary Jo McCarthy Offered at $1,573,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

■ LOS ALTOS ■<br />

Majestic, the residence stuns within a Cape Cod<br />

exterior. Grand foyer, gourmet cook’s kitc, great rm,<br />

formal DR, sun room, family/entertainment rm, all<br />

bedroom suites, 3 <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>c's, lush landscaping, lawns,<br />

patios, trickling waterfalls & p<strong>on</strong>ds.<br />

Meryle Sussman Offered at $3,450,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

■ MENLO PARK ■<br />

Country in the city! Historical Menlo Park home<br />

- from the 40's - lovingly enlarged and remodeled<br />

in 1995. 4br/4ba great family kitchen, Menlo Park<br />

schools. Walk to downtown, parks, schools & shops<br />

+ detached cottage.<br />

Tom Boeddiker Offered at $3,995,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Brand new shingled craftsman! Light, open floorplan<br />

+ 5BR 4.5BA. 3 levels <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> quality c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Top <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the line finishes. Designed by Farro Essalat.<br />

City <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Menlo, Award winning schools-Menlo's newest<br />

luxury community.<br />

Denise Laugesen/Kristin Cashin Offered at $3,495,000<br />

(650) 343-3700<br />

This lovely 5bd/4.5ba home with separate cottage,<br />

is beautiful & private. Arched doorways lead to a<br />

formal dining rm & then into the kitchen with large<br />

island, granite counters & updated appliances.<br />

Dana Cappiello Offered at $2,595,000<br />

(650) 529-1000<br />

Felt<strong>on</strong> Gables 4BR/3.5BA Remodeled gourmet<br />

kitchen, vaulted ceilings & hardwood flrs. Family &<br />

Living rm w/fireplaces. Private backyard w/pool/<br />

spa and cottage.<br />

Tammy Cole Offered at $2,495,000<br />

(650) 529-2900<br />

Spectacular Remodel. This 3BD/2.5BA home features<br />

formal entry, recessed lights, hardwood &<br />

tile floors, marble & granite counters & gourmet<br />

kitchen with SS appliances. Other features include<br />

hot tub, waterfall patio and elevated deck.<br />

John Marshall Offered at $1,749,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Gorgeous Updated Charmer in Great MP neighborhood<br />

<strong>on</strong> tree-lined street. Updated kitc w/granite<br />

counters, farmhouse sink, garden window, well<br />

appointed bathroom, f'place in LR, great floorplan,<br />

lush & private backyard w/hot tub.<br />

Meryle Sussman Offered at $824,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

■ MENLO PARK ■<br />

This 2/1 home has been beautifully remodeled!<br />

New bathroom w/granite & marble, new kitc w/<br />

new cabinets & appliances, new double paned windows,<br />

new paint, new ro<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Create your own Oasis!<br />

What Value at this price!<br />

John Marshall Offered at $599,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Prime West Menlo Park Locati<strong>on</strong>! Las Lomitas<br />

Schools! 2 bedroom, 1 bath, plus garage and b<strong>on</strong>us<br />

area. Beautiful Shar<strong>on</strong> Glen complex with pool.<br />

Suzanne Scott Offered at $565,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

■ PALO ALTO ■<br />

4 year New Cape Cod, sundrenched rear yard, Chef’s kitchen<br />

w/knock your socks <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f family room w/french doors<br />

that lead to level flat yard, great outdoor entertainment<br />

area. Master bedroom w/luscious, romantic master bath.<br />

Denise Laugesen/Kristin Cashin Offered at $1,938,000<br />

(650) 343-3700<br />


Remodeled in 2001, this Craftsman designed home<br />

with beautiful appointments & quality finishes<br />

features 3BR/2.5BA, gourmet kitchen, hw flrs &<br />

media/entertainment rm. Natural setting with<br />

beautifully crafted st<strong>on</strong>ewalls & patios.<br />

Steven Gray Offered at $1,345,000<br />

(650) 529-1000<br />

■ REDWOOD CITY ■<br />

An amazing Emerald Hills locati<strong>on</strong> with the finest<br />

quality materials & great floor plan. Stunning new<br />

custom home with phenomenal peninsula views.<br />

Spacious 5 bedroom 5.5 bath home with <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice.<br />

Detached 3-car garage.<br />

Tata Vahdatpour Offered at $2,285,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Price Reduced...Two homes for the price <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong>e! 3<br />

bedrooms 2.5 baths, sep living room, family room<br />

and <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice. Garage has studio type unit above with<br />

full kitchen, dining & living room. Private grounds<br />

<strong>on</strong> cul-de-sac.<br />

Joann T Bedrossian Offered at $1,125,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />


3 Bedroom 2.5 bath Beac<strong>on</strong> Shores Beauty...must<br />

see! First time <strong>on</strong> market. Wood floors, fireplace in<br />

living room, plantati<strong>on</strong> shutters, HOA pool.<br />

Joann T Bedrossian Offered at $899,950<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

■ SAN MATEO ■<br />

3 BR + guest suite, approx 2472 s.f. Rebuilt in ’07.<br />

Elegant design & sophisticated details. Prestigious<br />

neighborhood with top-rated schools, tree-lined<br />

streets & proximity to c<strong>on</strong>veniences. Reduced 100K!<br />

Stephanie Fielden Offered at $1,399,000<br />

(650) 948-8050<br />

This San Mateo Villa Park home has been lovingly<br />

cared for & thoughtfully maintained. Filled with<br />

natural light & c<strong>on</strong>veniently arranged <strong>on</strong> 1 level.<br />

Enayat Boroumand Offered at $850,000<br />

(650) 529-2900<br />

■ WOODSIDE ■<br />

The home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, plus a fam<br />

room. Large kitchen w/pantry & breakfast bar.<br />

Separate DR has big sliding doors that open out<br />

to expansive decks & garden. The living room has<br />

wood burning fireplace & tall ceilings.<br />

Dana Cappiello Offered at $1,299,000<br />

(650) 529-1000<br />

Build Green in Woodside! This incredible lot is<br />

located in the heart <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> town & next to hiking trails.<br />

Build a 3BD/2BA home & live amidst the beautiful<br />

Redwood trees. Woodside Schools. Have building<br />

approval from Town <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Woodside.<br />

Dana Cappiello Offered at $799,000<br />

(650) 529-1000<br />

MENLO PARK – Beautiful new 4RB/3.5BA home<br />

w/luxurious finishes-high ceilings, gourmet kit w/granite<br />

slate, hardwood flrs, wet bar, wrought ir<strong>on</strong> railings,<br />

CAT5, pro lndscp w/st<strong>on</strong>e patio & built-in bbq & wet<br />

bar. Close to shops, parks, fwys.<br />

Dary Marhamat Offered at $2,199,000<br />

(650) 948-8050<br />

MENLO PARK – Your own private drive awaits leading<br />

you to this beautiful home surrounded by a large<br />

sunny gardens. Four bedroom, three bathroom house<br />

features vaulted ceilings, dramatic window wall, hardwood<br />

floors & st<strong>on</strong>e counters plus an <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>fice.<br />

Kristin Cashin Offered at $2,095,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

MENLO PARK – Spacious & light remodeled 4<br />

bd/3.5bd ranch hm in outstanding West MP neighborhood.<br />

Elegant living & dining rooms. Gourmet kit opens<br />

to cozy fam rm w/FP. Luxurious expanded master suite.<br />

Sunny yard & pool. Outstanding Menlo Park schools!<br />

Elizabeth Daschbach Offered at $1,834,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

MENLO PARK – Beautiful 2 story, 3BR/2BA stand<br />

al<strong>on</strong>e home in 5 home development. Move-in c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>!<br />

3 fireplaces, cathedral ceiling in LR, granite kit,<br />

custom entertainment center in FR. Close to town,<br />

restaurants, shops & train.<br />

Hazel Anker Offered at $1,358,000<br />

(650) 948-8050<br />

MENLO PARK – Beautifully upgraded & exquisitely<br />

maintained, this 3Br/2.5Ba, 2 level home has gorgeous<br />

gardens & charming patio. Walk to your favorite shops<br />

& restaurants. MP Schools! Attached 2 car garage.<br />

Suzanne Scott Offered at $1,195,000<br />

(650) 614-3500<br />

Selling Northern California's Finest Properties cashin.com<br />

June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ 39

40 ■ The <strong>Almanac</strong> ■ June 9, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

COLDWELL BANKER californiamoves.com<br />


Shown Only By Appointment $5,650,000<br />

Two fabulous residences; prestigious locati<strong>on</strong>. Menlo Park schools.<br />

Gorgeous gardens. Once in a lifetime opportunity!<br />


6BR/6.5BA $3,195,000<br />

Great cul-de-sac locati<strong>on</strong> in with top Las Lomitas schools. Large<br />

home plus 2 separate, detached guesthouses. Sparkling pool & spa,<br />

fantastic grounds!<br />

Las Lomitas Schools $2,450,000<br />

Gorgeous Cape Cod style, fabulous designer interiors! 4BR/3.5BA<br />

Excellent floor plan w/French doors to patio. 1st floor BR. Romantic<br />

MBR suite.<br />



170 Gabarda Way $1,595,000<br />

5 BR 3 BA Spacious well maintained home with large, eat-in kitchen,<br />

LR & FR views. Excellent floor plan. Walk to shops/recreati<strong>on</strong>. Las<br />

Lomitas Schools.<br />



415 Sequoia Ave. $1,049,000<br />

3 BR 3 BA + large FR leading to generous backyard, spacious<br />

updated kitchen w/eating area & upstairs master suite. Home has<br />

many upgrades & a lot <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> sf + a good size lot. Staged.<br />

Billy McNair<br />

650.862.3266<br />

billy@mcnairgroup.com<br />

Eloise Pollock<br />

650.329.6658<br />

Eloise.Pollock@cbnorcal.com<br />

Berdine Jernigan<br />

650.465.2427<br />

bjernigan@cbnorcal.com<br />

Erika Crowley<br />

650.799.7289<br />

ecrowley@cbnorcal.com<br />




Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb<br />

650.464.2622<br />

lynjas<strong>on</strong>.cobb@cbnorcal.com<br />

271 Stockbridge Avenue $5,195,000<br />

Custom built 9 yr new home w/ground floor master, 3 car attached<br />

garage w/workshop, landscaped grounds, pool, poolhouse, Las<br />

Lomitas schools.<br />


340 Stevick Drive $2,595,000<br />

Remodeled Ranch home <strong>on</strong> an acre in prime West Athert<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Amazing locati<strong>on</strong> with Las Lomitas schools! See vtour at www.<br />

kerinicholas.com<br />



Lyn Jas<strong>on</strong> Cobb<br />

650.464.2622<br />

lynjas<strong>on</strong>.cobb@cbnorcal.com<br />

135 Russell Av. $1,875,000<br />

5 BR 3.5 BA Rebuilt from the foundati<strong>on</strong> up in 2007 and boasts<br />

views <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> both the Santa Cruz Mountains and Portola Valley. Located<br />

just a few steps from open space trails!<br />


109 Clover Lane $1,295,000<br />

Elegant living room, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen adjoins<br />

family room. Large master suite. Private 1BR/1BA guest cottage.<br />

Menlo Park Schools!<br />



45 Prado Court $ 1,799,000<br />

4 BR 2 BA Enjoy the serene setting and views from this updated<br />

home with huge family room/b<strong>on</strong>us room. Over 1/3 acre <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> paradise<br />

in a cul-de-sac locati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Menlo Park 650.324.4456 650.323.7751 ��������� 650.851.2666 � Portola Valley 650.851.1961<br />

©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.<br />

An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Office Is Owned And Operated by NRT LLC.<br />

DRE License # 00313415<br />

Tom LeMieux<br />

650.329.6645<br />

tlemieux@cbnorcal.com<br />

www.tomlemieux.com<br />

Keri Nicholas<br />

650.329.6654<br />

kerinich@aol.com<br />

www.kerinicholas.com<br />

Jean & Chris<br />

Isaacs<strong>on</strong><br />

650.387.8427/650.352.3430<br />

jisaacs<strong>on</strong>@cbnorcal.com<br />

christopher.isaacs<strong>on</strong>@cbnorcal.com<br />

Keri Nicholas<br />

650.329.6654<br />

kerinich@aol.com<br />

www.kerinicholas.com<br />

Elaine White<br />

650.566.5323<br />

www.prorealestateteam.com<br />


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