Revenues & EXPENSES
2015 Division I RE report
2015 Division I RE report
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Division I (without Football)<br />
2014<br />
2013<br />
2012<br />
2011<br />
2010<br />
2008<br />
TABLE 5.3<br />
Fiscal Years 2004 through 2014<br />
Generated <strong>Revenues</strong> Total <strong>Revenues</strong> Total Expenses<br />
Real Inflationary Total Real Inflationary Total Real Inflationary Total<br />
Men’s 12.32% 3.39% 15.71% 1.07% 3.08% 4.15% 3.47% 3.15% 6.61%<br />
Women’s -4.22% 3.18% -1.04% 2.60% 3.13% 5.73% 3.69% 3.15% 6.84%<br />
Coed 9.77% 3.33% 13.10% -0.74% 3.02% 2.28% -0.54% 3.00% 2.46%<br />
Total 6.59% 3.24% 9.83% 6.54% 3.24% 9.78% -0.88% 3.01% 2.13%<br />
Men’s 0.89% 1.57% 2.46% -2.40% 1.55% -0.85% 2.53% 1.62% 4.15%<br />
Women’s 9.84% 1.74% 11.57% -3.11% 1.52% -1.58% 1.61% 1.60% 3.22%<br />
Coed 1.02% 1.55% 2.57% 7.20% 1.69% 8.89% 1.64% 1.60% 3.24%<br />
Total 8.34% 1.73% 10.07% 1.33% 1.60% 2.93% 6.33% 1.68% 8.01%<br />
Men’s 5.92% 1.68% 7.60% 4.24% 1.68% 5.93% 4.32% 1.67% 5.99%<br />
Women’s -0.57% 1.43% 0.85% 4.91% 1.69% 6.60% 6.83% 1.72% 8.55%<br />
Coed -0.34% 1.68% 1.34% 8.60% 1.74% 10.34% 13.60% 1.82% 15.42%<br />
Total -3.22% 1.52% -1.70% 6.11% 1.71% 7.82% 7.11% 1.72% 8.83%<br />
Men’s 10.38% 2.75% 13.13% 2.63% 2.43% 5.06% 5.72% 2.53% 8.25%<br />
Women’s 2.96% 2.38% 5.34% 1.41% 2.41% 3.82% 3.96% 2.47% 6.42%<br />
Coed 1.51% 2.40% 3.91% 1.12% 2.41% 3.53% -1.29% 2.38% 1.09%<br />
Total 9.95% 2.65% 12.59% 4.33% 2.48% 6.81% 0.78% 2.40% 3.18%<br />
Men’s -9.41% 0.74% -8.67% 2.95% 0.94% 3.90% 1.37% 0.93% 2.30%<br />
Women’s 0.00% 0.98% 0.98% 4.01% 0.96% 4.98% 0.78% 0.91% 1.70%<br />
Coed 14.48% 0.94% 15.42% 3.36% 0.96% 4.32% 4.03% 0.94% 4.97%<br />
Total -5.91% 0.86% -5.05% 5.72% 0.97% 6.69% 9.10% 0.99% 10.09%<br />
Men’s 11.74% 5.57% 17.31% 2.28% 5.10% 7.38% 2.11% 5.09% 7.20%<br />
Women’s -4.23% 4.78% 0.55% 9.17% 5.44% 14.61% 2.32% 5.10% 7.43%<br />
Coed 4.02% 5.19% 9.21% -3.95% 4.79% 0.84% 4.82% 5.23% 10.05%<br />
Total 4.04% 5.19% 9.22% 3.48% 5.16% 8.64% 4.81% 5.23% 10.04%<br />
Notes: The Total Change reflects unadjusted amounts for the period.<br />
The Real Change reflects the change after removal of the effects of inflation.<br />
The Inflationary Change is caused by the increase in the HEPI factors.<br />
NCAA® <strong>Revenues</strong> / Expenses Division I Report • 2004 – 2014 77