Revenues & EXPENSES

2015 Division I RE report

2015 Division I RE report

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Division I (without Football)<br />

TABLE 5.4<br />

TRENDS in PROGRAM REVENUES and <strong>EXPENSES</strong><br />


Fiscal Years 2004 through 2014<br />

Generated <strong>Revenues</strong> Total <strong>Revenues</strong> Total Expenses<br />

Median Largest Median Largest Median Largest<br />

2014<br />

Men’s Basketball 502,000 18,877,000 1,752,000 21,893,000 1,953,000 13,018,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 66,000 1,128,000 1,067,000 3,345,000 1,371,000 3,285,000<br />

2013<br />

Men’s Basketball 481,000 14,029,000 1,688,000 17,690,000 1,856,000 13,002,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 68,000 1,224,000 1,077,000 3,127,000 1,333,000 3,365,000<br />

2012<br />

Men’s Basketball 508,000 12,727,000 1,571,000 16,018,000 1,836,000 12,240,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 70,000 873,000 1,078,000 2,853,000 1,225,000 2,917,000<br />

2011<br />

Men’s Basketball 510,000 14,289,000 1,573,000 17,874,000 1,737,000 12,515,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 64,000 809,000 1,003,000 2,956,000 1,170,000 2,928,000<br />

2010<br />

Men’s Basketball 434,000 12,551,000 1,389,000 15,363,000 1,463,000 10,322,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 59,000 702,000 924,000 2,580,000 1,091,000 2,548,000<br />

2009<br />

Men’s Basketball 434,000 12,203,000 1,356,000 13,486,000 1,484,000 10,512,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 61,000 383,000 926,000 3,032,000 1,102,000 3,010,000<br />

2004<br />

Men’s Basketball 298,000 6,024,000 959,000 6,024,000 1,057,000 5,765,000<br />

Women’s Basketball 36,000 772,000 568,000 2,072,000 808,000 2,141,000<br />

Notes: Generated <strong>Revenues</strong> represent those earned by the athletics department and do not include allocated revenues.<br />

Allocated revenues come from outside athletics and include Direct Institutional Support, Indirect Institutional Support,<br />

Student Fees, and Governmental Support.<br />

NCAA® <strong>Revenues</strong> / Expenses Division I Report • 2004 – 2014 78

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