Rick Morrison
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<strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong><br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
C PM HEDEN<br />
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our<br />
blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of<br />
collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”<br />
Carl Sagan, Cosmos
All life is<br />
adapted to<br />
the cycle of<br />
daylight<br />
and night<br />
This is our<br />
circadian<br />
rhythm<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Human eye<br />
The eye is not<br />
just for seeing<br />
The eye<br />
receives light<br />
signals for non<br />
visual stimulus<br />
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Image: Photograph by Dan Saelinger
The overwhelming majority of life on our planet depends<br />
on the sun for energy. Because life is so tightly linked to the sun,<br />
it is no surprise that many organisms (excluding those that live in<br />
total darkness) have evolved the ability to detect and respond to light.<br />
Plants turn their leaves toward the sun. Single-celled algae, protozoans,<br />
and other microbes swim toward or away from light. But it is the animals,<br />
with our image-forming eyes, that have taken light detection to the next level.<br />
96% of animal species have eyes. The first animal eyes did little but detect light -<br />
they helped to establish day/night cycles and coordinate behaviour –<br />
but more-complex eyes soon evolved. A predator who can see its prey from a<br />
distance, or a prey animal that can see the shadow of a predator approaching, has a<br />
clear survival advantage over those who can't. Even a slight improvement in image<br />
quality provides a significant survival advantage, allowing for the step-by-step<br />
evolution of increasingly complex eyes.<br />
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A mirror of the eyes development<br />
across time<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
In 2001 Dr.<br />
George Brainard’s<br />
team at Thomas<br />
Jefferson Medical<br />
University<br />
discovered a photo<br />
receptor in the<br />
human eye,<br />
responsible for<br />
reacting to light<br />
and controlling the<br />
production of<br />
melatonin. Their<br />
research showed<br />
that light in the<br />
range of 447-484<br />
nm (nanometers)<br />
is responsible for<br />
suppressing<br />
melatonin<br />
production and<br />
shifting circadian<br />
rhythms.<br />
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From seeing without seeing by Corrie Lock
This is the mechanism of our circadian<br />
rhythm<br />
So how can this be used in design?<br />
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Case History - Queensland Children's Hospital – designed by AECOM<br />
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Image from Conrad Gargett-Lyons Architects and Abigroup Builders
Options for design<br />
• Dynamic lighting<br />
Dynamic Lighting brings the dynamics of daylight<br />
indoors. With seamless changes in brightness and<br />
warmth it creates a stimulating ‘natural’ light that<br />
enhances our sense of well-being. A flexible solution<br />
that can be adapted to different needs and moods,<br />
enhancing lives with light.<br />
• Room specific lighting<br />
Using the Circadian Stimulus wavelength<br />
to improve the time adaption of shift<br />
workers by directly applying the 447 –<br />
484nm Blue Light into a room to provide<br />
the stimulus described in the research<br />
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Colour temperature in Daylight<br />
We experience the full range of white<br />
every day in nature.<br />
This is part of the lighting dynamic<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Copyright – Anda bereezky, 2005
Light level Variations in Daylight<br />
We experience the full range of light<br />
levels throughout a natural day<br />
This is part of the lighting dynamic<br />
Australian Standards extract
Dynamic lighting<br />
Provided by natural<br />
light through openings<br />
and windows<br />
Contributes to the well<br />
being of all in the Hospital<br />
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From Conrad Garget-Lyons Architects
Room specific lighting<br />
• Five rooms on different<br />
floors for shift working staff<br />
• Rooms located in the staff<br />
lounges<br />
• Each ‘Circadian Room’ is<br />
designed the same way<br />
• Separate spaces with<br />
separate controls and<br />
choice of white or blue light<br />
Lighting considerations<br />
The reason for developing circadian spaces in the Hospital was to<br />
provide the correct conditions described in research (1, & 4), in which the<br />
eye would receive the blue wavelength of 447-484 nm.<br />
In particular, the ability to provide about 40 lux of blue light to the eye<br />
was desirable, as described in the research (1 & 4).<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong><br />
Space<br />
Lighting<br />
The lighting design involved a mix of linear<br />
recessed wall washers fitted with dual purpose<br />
LED chips – to provide white light and alternatively<br />
switched blue light<br />
And recessed downlights for multi tasking the<br />
space<br />
To effectively reflect different colours – the<br />
interior walls and ceiling must be finished in<br />
a highly reflective but neutrally white<br />
colour, to prevent colour bleed and<br />
distortion.<br />
This reflection should also be ‘lambertian’<br />
or diffusing, to encourage ambient scatter,<br />
and reduce specular reflections
Modelled with AGi32<br />
Each room was 3D<br />
modelled.<br />
Calculations of several<br />
metrics were taken on<br />
• Walls<br />
• Ceiling<br />
Metrics calculated<br />
• Illumination<br />
• Diffuse Luminance<br />
• Vector Scalar Ratio<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
Vector scalar values<br />
The Vector Scalar Ratios (VSR Ratios) are a<br />
method of measuring the ambient flow of light<br />
inside the space, which would be the light that<br />
is to land on the eyeball. The VSR ratios were<br />
calculated using objects in the model space.<br />
3D zero reflectance cube objects, 150mm<br />
across, were placed above the seats at the<br />
staff table and in the entry. These are typical<br />
positions for people’s faces. A calculation point<br />
is applied to each surface of the “cubes”, and<br />
the results are tabled in the spreadsheet which<br />
calculates the Esr, and then the VSR ratios.<br />
Positions of the cubes in the model are shown<br />
in Fig.7. Referring to AS/NZS 1680.1:2006,<br />
section 4.2.3 Vector/Scalar Ratio, a Vector<br />
Scalar Ratio of 1.2 to 1.8 is satisfactory for<br />
seeing faces. Figure 4.1 in the same standard<br />
provides information on the strength of the<br />
ratio, with 0.5 being very weak and 3.0 being<br />
very strong.<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
Lighting Specifics<br />
Calculations<br />
• Table – 340 lux<br />
• Walls – 90 – 160 lux<br />
• VSR – 1.0 to 1.3<br />
• Ambient light – 70 to<br />
87lux<br />
Equipment & Control<br />
• LEDS used are - Cree®<br />
XLamp® XR-C LED.<br />
These have a radiant flux of<br />
300mW, which translates into<br />
18.1 lumens per blue chip. The<br />
light fitting has 33 blue chips<br />
per metre which provides 597.3<br />
lumens per metre.<br />
• Recessed led lighting<br />
made in Melbourne<br />
• Control is by Dali<br />
interface from a simple<br />
wall panel push button<br />
display<br />
• Two scenes –<br />
• Blue Light<br />
• White Light<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
Lighting<br />
How much blue light is needed?<br />
Research indicated 40 lux for 80 minutes<br />
Since the shift workers were already awake<br />
We designed the Circadian Lighting to provide 80 lux to the eye<br />
Time suggested is 20 minutes<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
Conclusion.<br />
• Light has been shown to be vital or primary to human wellbeing.<br />
• Natural circadian rhythm response to short wavelength light can be used in<br />
design to successfully create a space able to provide the stimulus described by<br />
the various publications of circadian research.<br />
• Each Circadian Space in the Hospital Project is designed to provide an ambient<br />
light level onto the observer’s eye of approximately 80 lx, which is comfortably<br />
above the minimums described. (1, 3, 4)<br />
• The Circadian Spaces described are being built for the Queensland Children’s<br />
Hospital Project, which opens for business in 2014.<br />
• Once the rooms are in use, the proposed survey (refer to appendix A) will be<br />
instigated, and the survey results collected on a weekly basis.<br />
• Every six months the survey results will be collated into data and the design<br />
will be reviewed accordingly. It is planned to publish subsequent follow-up<br />
papers with the progressing results.<br />
All images and copyright belong to original owner and are reproduced here for the purposes of training and education only<br />
Original work by <strong>Rick</strong> <strong>Morrison</strong>
THANK<br />