Dr. Babita Sharma - Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar ...
Dr. Babita Sharma - Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar ...
Dr. Babita Sharma - Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar ...
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Association held at Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam during 27-29 th December,<br />
2005. An abstract of the paper is published in the Conference Volume.<br />
3. Paper entitled “Status & Disparities in availability of Higher Level Education<br />
Facilities in Garhwal region of Uttranchal” has been accepted for presentation in the<br />
89 th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association.<br />
4. Paper entitled “Socio- Economic Factors responsible for Land Degradation in<br />
Garhwal region of Uttarakhand” presented in International Conference on Biodiversity<br />
& Environmental Governance in Canada & India : Safe guarding Ecosystem<br />
for Human Welfare organized by the Centre for Canadian Studies, Gurukul<br />
<strong>Kangri</strong> University, Hardwar in collaboration with the Department of Biology,<br />
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada from 21 st Oct, 2010 to 23 rd Oct, 2010.<br />
5. Paper entitled “ Physical Education : Status & Disparities in Garhwal region of<br />
Uttarakhand” presented in 4 th National Conference on Modern Trends & directions<br />
of Physical Education & Sports organized by the Department of Physical Education,<br />
Gurukul <strong>Kangri</strong> University, Hardwar from 9 th Dec,2010 to 11 th Dec, 2010.<br />
6. Attended the National Conference on Bio-diversity vis-à-vis Environmental<br />
Degradation in Hilly Terrains organized by Department of Zoology, D.B.S.(PG)<br />
College, Dehradun from 15 th & 16 th May,2011<br />
7. Paper entitled “ Food Security in Uttarakhand” presented in National Seminar on<br />
Food Security In India sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi and<br />
organized by Department of Economics, B.S.M (PG) College, Roorkee,<br />
Uttarakhand from 8 th Oct,2012 to 9 th Oct, 2012.<br />
8. Paper entitled “ Agriculture Situation in Uttarakhand” presented in 8 th Annual 2012-<br />
Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand Economic Association & Workshop on writing<br />
Research Paper organized by Department of Economics, S.G.R.R.(PG) College,<br />
Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 27 th Oct,2012 to 29 th Oct, 2012.<br />
Workshop/ Symposium :<br />
1. Attended Workshop on “Women Entrepreneurship Development” organized by<br />
Department of Management Studies, Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalaya, Dehradun<br />
held<br />
on 22nd Febuary,2012 .<br />
2. Attended the Symposium on “ Equality & Social Justice in 21st Centuary” held on<br />
6th March,2013 at D.B.S.(PG) College, Dehradun<br />