Application Form

Application Form


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<strong>INDIAN</strong> <strong>ARMY</strong><br />

Additional Directorate General of Recruiting<br />


UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCHEME-24 (Commencing July 2015)<br />

Note: - Only Male candidates studying in Pre Final Year of Engg can apply for<br />

University Entry Scheme (UES)-24.<br />

Paste passport<br />

size photo duly<br />

attested by<br />

Gazetted Officer<br />

Personal Details<br />

1. Candidate's Name (As given in Matriculation Certificate)<br />

2. Nationality : (Please Tick)<br />

Indian Nepalese Others<br />

3. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)<br />

(As given in Matriculation Certificate)<br />

4.Marital Status :<br />

Married/Unmarried<br />

5. Father’s Name (As given in Matriculation Certificate):<br />

6. Mother’s Name (As given in Matriculation Certificate):<br />

7. E-mail ID : ___________________________________________8. Mobile No. ___________________________<br />

9. (a) Address for Communication : __________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________ City/Town:________________________________<br />

District:_________________________ State_____________________________ PIN__________________<br />

(b) Permanent Address :___________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________ City/Town:________________________________<br />

District:_________________________ State_____________________________ PIN__________________<br />

10. SSB History : Appeared before in SSB Interview (Please Tick): Yes No<br />

Entry SSB/Location Month/Year<br />

11. (a) Educational Qualification : B.E./B.Tech<br />

(b) Branch/Stream of Engineering<br />

(c) Date of Joining Engineering College :<br />

(d) Date of completion of degree/Completion of final exam:<br />

(e) Name of College :<br />

(f) Name of University :<br />

(g) State in which University Located :<br />

Page 1/3

12. Marks/Grade Obtained (whichever applicable)<br />

(Candidate with Diploma in Engineering should enter their aggregated marks of 3 year Diploma on the 2 nd Semester boxes and<br />

enter 00 on the 1 st semester boxes).<br />

Semester/Year<br />

1 st Semester<br />

2 nd Semester/1 st Year<br />

3 rd Semester<br />

4 th Semester/2 nd Year<br />

5 th Semester<br />

(Architecture only)<br />

6 th Semester/3 rd Year<br />

(Architecture only)<br />

%age of marks scored<br />

(If applicable)<br />

Total Marks<br />

Marks Scored<br />

%age<br />

% of marks in Diploma final examination (for Lateral Entry Students)<br />

Cumulative %age<br />

of marks scored<br />

CGPA<br />

(If applicable)<br />

%age of Marks<br />

based on CGPA<br />

Note :- The universities which have ‘Grade Point’ system, need to convert Grades into %age of marks scored. Filling of<br />

cumulative %age of marks scored based on the Cumulative Grade at the end of First Year/Third/Fourth semester (as<br />

applicable) is compulsory; failing which the application will be rejected. Lateral Entry students should enter their Diploma %<br />

against the first year % of B.E/B.Tech<br />

13. Marks Obtained in 12 th Class (PCM) :<br />

14. List of Enclosures:-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Subject Total Marks Marks Obtained<br />

Physics<br />

Chemistry<br />

Maths<br />

% of Marks<br />

Note<br />

1. Candidates are requested to fill the form, paste his photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer in the space provided, sign it in<br />

blue ink in the space provided and sent it along with attested copies of the required certificates to concerned Command HQrs by<br />

post as given in the advertisement.<br />

2. It may be noted that depending upon the total number of applications received by this office for UES-24 course, Recruiting<br />

Directorate reserves the right to shortlist and to fix cut off percentage of marks for SSB interview. No representation will be<br />

entertained in this aspect.<br />

3. Any wrong details filled in above application will lead to cancellation of the candidature and suitable action will be taken<br />

against the candidate.<br />

15. Declaration:<br />

1. I have read and understood the instructions and undertake to abide by them.<br />

2. I hereby declare that all statements made in the application are correct and true.<br />

3. I undertake not to have any objections in the event of my final selection on allotment of any Arms/Service in the interest of the<br />

organisation.<br />

4. I have never been debarred from appearing in any examination or UPSC and nor have I been arrested or convicted by a<br />

criminal court or involved in any other case registered by Police.<br />

5. I undertake not to make any claim or compensation if at any stage of selection, my ineligibility is detected and my candidature<br />

is cancelled as a result thereof.<br />

6. This is the only application submitted for UES-24 course and any duplicate application if detected at any stage, my<br />

candidature be cancelled.<br />

7. Any misinterpretation and wrong declaration/ concealment of information in the application will render my candidature to be<br />

cancelled and I may be debarred from this course.<br />

8. I have never been withdrawn from NDA, IMA or OTA or any service training academy on disciplinary grounds.<br />

9. In the eventuality of being recommended by SSB I will have no objection to be medically examined by board of Male/Female<br />

doctors, provided a lady medical officer is present (applicable only to lady cadets)<br />

10. I undertake to be debarred & my candidature be cancelled, if at any stage of selection I indulge in any violation of local orders<br />

concerning discipline aspects.<br />

11. I undertake to join any other parallel entry i.e. from UES to SSC (T), subject to availability of vacancies and agree to the terms<br />

and conditions of that entry. (Applicable only for UES Entry).<br />

12. I undertake not to marry till I complete the full training at the training academy, in case inducted. I also understand that in case<br />

of my final selection, my appointment will be provisional subject to satisfactory police and educational verification.<br />

13. In case of resignation from Academy, cost of training will be paid by me<br />

14. This application is accepted provisionally subject to meeting eligibility criteria.<br />

Place:<br />

Date:<br />

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Signature of Applicant



1. Certified that Shri ________________________________________S/o ________________________________<br />

Date of Birth_______________________ is presently studying in Pre-Final Year(Semester_______) Branch of Engg<br />

_______________________ in this University/College/Institute and that the details furnished in Coloumn 11 and 12 of<br />

Application Form have been checked with references to relevant records and found correct. .<br />

2. He is likely to complete his Engineering Degree before 01 Jul 2015.<br />

Place :____________________<br />

Signature_______________________<br />

Date :____________________ Office Stamp Designation ____________________<br />

Note : Certificate signed by Heads of Departments will not be acceptable.<br />

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