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<strong>GAMES</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> &<br />
<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>CARE</strong><br />
Bringing People Together<br />
Engage | Learn | Change<br />
We have 10 years practical experience of creating games and using gamification techniques in the<br />
health and social care sectors. We develop board games, digital games and eLearning that help<br />
organisations to improve the impact of engagement and learning in order to catalyse behavioural<br />
change. Many of our games are designed to help front-line staff improve care delivery and patient<br />
safety. Playing games can reinforce learning regardless of setting, professional status or age.<br />
Games are powerful because they work on many levels:<br />
• Motivation – games are fun and people want to play<br />
• Feedback – players share ideas & collaborate<br />
• Practice – active learning of practical skills<br />
• Positive emotions – fun, competition and collaboration<br />
• Intensity – players completely focussed on the game<br />
• Choices & Decisions – players actively engage with new ideas<br />
All of our games are team-based which delivers several beneficial “side-effects”:<br />
• Flattens hierarchies<br />
• Reduces inhibitions<br />
• Increases enthusiasm<br />
• Reinforces learning<br />
• Encourages active debate<br />
• Strengthens relationships<br />
You can find more information at, or call us on 0141 554 5476.<br />
All of our games are developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Many of<br />
our games have evolved from ideas that came from individuals working in healthcare. If<br />
you already have a game or have an idea that could become a game we’d be delighted to<br />
discuss it with you. Please call Andy Yeoman or Melvin Bell on 0141 554 5476 or<br />
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<strong>GAMES</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>HEALTH</strong> &<br />
<strong>SOCIAL</strong> <strong>CARE</strong><br />
| Care Certificate Game 04<br />
| Dysphagia Game 05<br />
| Stop The Pressure Game 06<br />
| Nutrition Game 07<br />
| Harm Free Game 08<br />
| Infection Control Game 09<br />
| Hospital Life Game 10<br />
| Sepsis Game 11<br />
| Stroke Game 12<br />
| Masterful Mentoring Game 13<br />
| Food, Mood & Health Game 14<br />
| Cystic Fibrosis Game 15<br />
| Foodeeze 16<br />
| How to Order 17<br />
| Price List 18<br />
| Clients 19
|4<br />
THE <strong>CARE</strong><br />
Group work is a key requirement of the Care Certificate.<br />
Our board game is a practical and cost-effective training<br />
tool for anyone implementing the Care Certificate.<br />
It delivers the knowledge and insights staff need to<br />
demonstrate competency in dynamic group sessions with<br />
their assessor. Officially endorsed by Health Education<br />
England.<br />
The game was developed with leading practitioners, academics and educators who work in health and<br />
social care. The game is directly mapped to key learning components of the Care Certificate.<br />
Up to 12 players work in teams to discuss and answer questions mapped to the Care Certificate<br />
standards allowing their assessor to monitor progress and performance.<br />
The game is self-contained and can be used in any setting or situation and doesn’t need a specialist<br />
external facilitator or trainer.<br />
The game covers the 8 Care Certificate standards best suited to group discussions:<br />
1. Duty of Care<br />
2. Equality & Diversity<br />
3. Work in a Person Centred Way<br />
4. Communication<br />
5. Privacy and Dignity<br />
6. Fluids & Nutrition<br />
7. Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia &<br />
Learning Disabilities<br />
8. Infection Prevention & Control<br />
The game can be used as a standalone tool or as part of a workshop programme. It is designed to be<br />
flexible so that assessors can choose the number of players, length of time the game will be played and<br />
which questions should be answered. The game can also be used for 1-to-1 sessions.<br />
The central area of the board is a simple competency assessment chart that allows everyone to see<br />
where their strengths and weaknesses are, offering a guide to where attention needs to be focused.<br />
Objectives<br />
To deliver the knowledge and skills required to<br />
demonstrate competency and to manage the<br />
Care Certificate assessment process.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Can be used by any organisation that<br />
employs HSCW<br />
Game Specifications<br /><br />
| Number of Players 1 - 12<br />
| Duration 30 - 150 mins<br />
| Facilitation required No*<br />
*But a Facilitator can add value<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@CareCertGame<br />
Price<br />
£150<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
THE<br />
GAME<br />
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The Dysphagia Game was designed by NHS<br />
England, British Dietetic Association and<br />
The Royal College of Speech and Language<br />
Therapists.<br />
The Dysphagia Game helps frontline healthcare staff identify and manage dysphagia more effectively.<br />
Dysphagia is a condition that makes swallowing food and drinks difficult. It increases the risk of<br />
malnutrition, dehydration, aspiration pneumonia and choking. Dysphagia also affects quality of life as a<br />
result of malnutrition, dehydration, anxiety and embarrassment.<br />
The game is designed to be played by two teams and can accommodate between 4 and 10 players. It<br />
takes between 30 and 60 minutes to play and can be used in any care setting - all you need is a table and<br />
some chairs.<br />
Each game contains 41 scenario cards and 8 action cards designed to stimulate discussions that raise<br />
awareness and improve care delivery skills around dysphagia. The rules are very simple and no specialist<br />
facilitation skills are required. The box contains everything you need to run a successful session – great<br />
for team meetings, study days, workshops, lunch meetings and events. It’s a highly portable, highly<br />
effective learning environment!<br />
Objectives<br />
To help frontline healthcare staff identify and<br />
manage dysphagia more effectively.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute, community and social care. Informal<br />
team meetings, structured study days,<br />
symposia.<br />
| Clinical and support staff.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 10 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 30 - 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
Online Game<br />
@DysphagiaGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£83<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|6<br />
STOP THE<br />
Helping to prevent pressure ulcers<br />
A board game developed with NHS England<br />
to help frontline healthcare staff learn how to<br />
prevent avoidable pressure ulcers.<br />
Pressure ulcers cause patients long-term pain and distress, cost the NHS £1.8-£2.6bn a year, and are a<br />
key indicator of the quality of nursing care. Up to 95% of them are preventable.<br />
Stop The Pressure is a board game designed by NHS specialists as part of the national “Stop the<br />
Pressure” initiative to help frontline staff eliminate avoidable grade 2, 3, and 4 pressure ulcers. The<br />
programme has helped to reduce the incidence of avoidable pressure ulcers by 50%. It’s a fun, innovative<br />
educational tool that can be used to enhance learning in both formal and informal settings.<br />
The box contains everything you need to run a successful session - use it for team meetings, study days,<br />
workshops, and events. It’s a fun, portable learning environment. To get an immediate idea of how<br />
straightforward and effective the game is, try our online version on the game’s website!<br />
Objectives<br />
To help frontline healthcare staff eliminate<br />
avoidable pressure ulcers.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute, community and social care. Informal<br />
team meetings, structured study days,<br />
symposia.<br />
| Frontline healthcare staff in acute and<br />
community settings.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 10 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 45 - 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
Online Game<br />
@STPressure & @PressureGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£90<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
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GAME<br />
A board game developed by NHS England<br />
to help frontline healthcare staff reduce the<br />
incidence of malnutrition and dehydration.<br />
The issues are serious, but the game is fun!<br />
The Nutrition Game is a board game designed by NHS specialists for frontline clinical staff and support<br />
workers. It’s an exciting, unusual and effective way for staff to learn about the prevention of malnutrition<br />
and dehydration.<br />
The rules are simple (it’s based on the old classic Snakes and Ladders) and no specialist facilitation<br />
skills are required. Each game contains 41 scenario cards designed to stimulate discussions that raise<br />
awareness and improve care delivery skills around nutrition and hydration. The game also includes a set<br />
of questions for organisations using BAPEN’s MUST tool.<br />
The box contains everything you need to run a successful session - just pop it in your bag and use it<br />
for team meetings, study days, workshops, lunch meetings and events. It’s a handy, portable learning<br />
environment. To get an immediate sense of how simple and useful the game can be, try the online<br />
version on the game’s website.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help frontline healthcare staff reduce the<br />
incidence of malnutrition and dehydration.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute or community healthcare settings and<br />
social care. Informal team meetings,<br />
structured study days, symposia.<br />
| Frontline healthcare staff in acute and<br />
community settings.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 10 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 30 - 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
Online Game<br />
@NutritionGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£90<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|8<br />
GAME<br />
Designed to help frontline healthcare staff<br />
understand their roles and responsibilities in<br />
reducing avoidable patient harms. The game<br />
supports the national NHS Harm Free Care<br />
programme.<br />
The Harm Free Game is a board game designed by NHS specialists for frontline clinical staff and support<br />
workers. It’s an exciting, unusual and effective way for staff to learn about reducing avoidable patient<br />
harms.<br />
Ideally game sessions should be led by an experienced facilitator, with the goal of helping frontline staff<br />
better understand their roles and responsibilities in reducing avoidable patient harm. The game presents<br />
these serious issues in an engaging environment, allowing staff to absorb the information needed to help<br />
them reduce the risk of harm to their patients.<br />
The game is designed to be played by two teams and can accommodate between 4 and 12 players. The<br />
game is most effective when part of a wider workshop lead by an experienced facilitator; however, it<br />
can also be used as a standalone activity in any care setting - all you need is a table, some chairs and a<br />
facilitator.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help frontline healthcare staff understand<br />
their roles and responsibilities in reducing<br />
avoidable patient harm.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute, community and social care. Team<br />
meetings, structured study days and<br />
educational meetings.<br />
| Frontline clinical staff and support staff.<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@HarmFreeGame<br /><br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 12 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 30 - 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required * Yes<br />
*Experienced facilitator with knowledge<br />
of the Harm Free Care programme<br />
Price<br />
£125<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
9|<br />
An award-winning board game developed by<br />
leading NHS infection control practitioners to<br />
help staff develop a practical understanding of<br />
the principles and practices of good infection<br />
prevention and control.<br />
The Infection Control Game is an award-winning active learning tool that makes a game of serious<br />
infection control messages. Based around a virtual ward, it recreates the complexities and dynamics of<br />
an infection outbreak.<br />
The board game format makes it a fun, interactive team activity that’s accessible to all members of staff.<br />
It challenges individuals and teams to reflect on how they manage infection prevention and creates an<br />
unpressured environment in which staff can learn and apply theory to practice.<br />
The game requires no special equipment and can be tailored to suit the time available. Games are<br />
designed to last for up to 1 hour and can accommodate between 5 and 15 players. Each kit is a selfcontained<br />
training package that can be used in a variety of healthcare settings – team meetings, study<br />
days, workshops, and events. No specialist facilitator is required, making it a cost-effective approach for<br />
engaging teams across the organisation and ensuring that staff do the right things to minimise the risk of<br />
infections.<br />
Objectives<br />
To improve frontline healthcare staff’s<br />
ability to prevent and control the spread of<br />
infections.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute or community healthcare settings.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
Informal team meetings, structured study<br />
| Number of Players 5 - 15 in 1 team<br />
days, workshops and symposia.<br />
| Duration 45 - 60 mins<br />
| Frontline healthcare staff in acute and<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
community settings.<br />
Resources<br />
Price<br /><br />
@InfectionGame<br /><br />
£95<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|10<br />
LIFE<br />
An active learning tool developed by the NHS<br />
to explain how a hospital works. The goal is<br />
to improve operating efficiency by recreating<br />
the complexities of patient flow and capacity<br />
management.<br />
Hospital Life simulates the patient flow in an eight-ward hospital during a typical day. Players are given<br />
specific roles and responsibilities and they must work together to solve a series of realistic challenges<br />
during the course of this imaginary day.<br />
It effectively recreates the complexities and dynamics of patient flow and capacity management<br />
in a safe, enjoyable learning environment, allowing players to understand how better planning,<br />
communication, and teamwork can improve the way they work.<br />
It’s aimed at anyone involved in hospital care, particularly those involved in patient flow, bed<br />
management, receiving and discharging patients, managing staff and resources, training of nursing,<br />
medicine and management disciplines, and patient groups. Sessions are designed to run for 2 hours with<br />
90 minutes to play the game and 30 minutes to<br />
discuss what was learned during the game.<br />
The box contains everything you need to run a<br />
successful session. Ideal for team meetings, study<br />
days, workshops, and events. It’s a fun, portable<br />
learning environment!<br />
Objectives<br />
To create a better-informed workforce and<br />
improve operating efficiency for hospitals.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute healthcare settings. Informal team<br />
meetings, structured study days, symposia.<br />
| Anyone involved in hospital care.<br /><br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 3 - 13 in 1 team<br />
| Duration 120 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required * No<br />
*Specialist knowledge of capacity<br />
management would be helpful but is not<br />
essential.<br />
Price<br />
£70<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
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GAME<br />
An enjoyable board game created with UK Sepsis<br />
Trust and NHS England for frontline clinical staff<br />
and support workers. It is an exciting and effective<br />
way for staff to learn about sepsis and it supports<br />
the Sepsis Six care bundle and the Survive Sepsis<br />
training programme.<br />
Sepsis is a life threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection becomes<br />
uncontrolled and injures its own tissues and organs. Sepsis can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and<br />
death if not recognized early and treated effectively.<br />
Fixing sepsis is a multi-disciplinary responsibility because sepsis crosses boundaries between specialities,<br />
professions and services. The Sepsis Game is designed to help frontline healthcare staff to improve<br />
knowledge and skills in recognition and management of sepsis.<br />
Each game contains a pack of scenario cards designed to stimulate discussions that raise awareness and<br />
improve care delivery skills around sepsis. The scenarios vary in complexity which allows facilitators to<br />
address different competency levels.<br />
The game is designed for between 4 and 12 players divided into two competing teams. It takes around<br />
45 minutes to play and can be used in any care setting. The rules are very simple and the facilitator<br />
doesn’t need sepsis expertise and can take a relatively passive role in the game.<br />
Objectives<br />
To deliver knowledge and stimulate<br />
discussions that raise awareness and improve<br />
care delivery skills around sepsis.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Hospitals<br />
| Primary and community care<br />
| Care homes and nursing homes<br />
| Universities and colleges<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@SepsisGame<br /><br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 12 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 30 - 60 mins<br />
| Facilitation required No<br />
Price<br />
£60<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|12<br />
GAME<br />
Developed with NHS Lanarkshire Stroke Services<br />
& Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland to help frontline<br />
healthcare staff improve their understanding of<br />
the stroke care pathway.<br />
Developed by NHS stroke specialists to help frontline staff develop a better understanding of how stroke<br />
patients are managed at the four key stages of the stroke journey: Emergency, Acute, Rehabilitation<br />
and Community. The game is competitive and designed to accommodate between 4 and 12 players<br />
divided into 2 teams. Games should last between 45 and 60 minutes but this time can be shortened or<br />
extended.<br />
The game guides players through the four key stages of the stroke journey. Players work in 2 teams and<br />
compete to answer a range of questions and scenarios about the stroke pathway. It builds and tests<br />
knowledge creating a deeper understanding of patient care at each stage of the journey.<br />
The Stroke Game is suitable for any staff members, specialist or non-specialist, that care for stroke<br />
patients.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help frontline staff develop a better<br />
understanding of how stroke patients are<br />
managed at the four key stages of the stroke<br />
journey.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Acute, community and social care. Informal<br />
team meetings, structured study days,<br />
symposia and conferences.<br />
| Clinical and support staff.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 12 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 45 - 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@TheStrokeGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£115<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
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Developed with Bournemouth University to<br />
help practice-based mentors complete their<br />
required annual skills update by promoting<br />
in-depth discussions and encouraging more<br />
effective reflective learning.<br />
Students need high-quality mentoring to become safe, competent and compassionate nurses and allied<br />
health professionals. Practice-based mentors are crucial to help maintain the delivery of high-quality<br />
care.<br />
The Masterful Mentoring Game is built around the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessing<br />
in Practice and is designed to help mentors engaged in their annual updates by promoting in-depth<br />
discussions and encouraging more effective reflective learning. The game is also relevant to allied health<br />
professionals as described in the Health Care Professions Council Standards (HCPC 2012).<br />
The game can accommodate up to 16 players, divided into two competing teams. Players are presented<br />
with ideas and scenarios drawn from practice experience. During the game mentors have the<br />
opportunity to share experiences, analyse critical incidents, reflect on their learning and review their<br />
mentoring performance.<br />
Masterful Mentoring contains 200 scenario cards<br />
which explore the theme of leadership while<br />
encouraging communication, interaction, teamwork<br />
and reflective practice. And it’s fun – so participants<br />
learn effortlessly and effectively.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help mentors engaged in their annual<br />
updates by promoting in-depth discussions<br />
and encouraging more effective reflective<br />
learning.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Universities, healthcare settings, accredited<br />
mentorship courses, mentorship study days<br />
and conferences, professional development.<br />
| Mentors.<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@MentorGame<br /><br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 16 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration up to 60 mins<br />
| Specialist facilitator required * Yes<br />
*This is supported with a facilitator pack and<br />
answer guide. Experienced facilitator/mentor<br />
who is familiar with<br />
the NMC standards<br />
and key issues in<br />
mentoring students.<br />
Price<br />
£250<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|14<br />
FOOD, MOOD &<br />
<strong>HEALTH</strong> GAME<br />
A thoughtful but fun learning resource for<br />
children and young adults. The board game<br />
provides an informal context for learning and<br />
discussing some difficult food & health topics.<br />
Weight is a sensitive issue because of the societal stigma about size and obesity. This game is designed to<br />
help teachers and pupils explore and critique messages about nutrition, and how this affects our mood<br />
and health. It supports teachers working with older primary and high school pupils. It was developed in<br />
collaboration with senior dietitians and health promotion specialists at NHS Highlands and the Highland<br />
Council. Scenario cards stimulate discussion and lively debate amongst the players, developing valuable<br />
insights into how food affects physical, mental and emotional well-being.<br />
Some questions are quick and straightforward while others stimulate more reflective discussions. This<br />
enable players to develop valuable insights into food, mood and health.<br />
Some of the key principles covered in the game include:<br />
• The use of a social rather than medical model of<br />
health<br />
• Developing a healthy relationship with food<br />
• A progressive and inclusive approach to “healthy<br />
weight”<br />
• A focus on how food & nutrition affects mood<br />
Objectives<br />
Provide an informal context for learning<br />
and discussing some difficult food & health<br />
topics.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Can be used in: Schools, colleges,<br />
community groups and the family home.<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 4 - 10 in 2 teams<br />
| Duration 30 - 60 mins<br />
| Facilitation required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
@FoodMoodGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£99<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
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CYSTIC<br />
An engaging and educational board game<br />
conceived by NHS specialists to help children<br />
with Cystic Fibrosis, and their families, to<br />
improve their understanding of the condition<br />
and how to manage it. Focuses on improving<br />
treatment adherence and lifestyle behaviours.<br />
The game is designed to help children and families manage Cystic Fibrosis more effectively. Originally<br />
created by specialists at Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust to help healthcare professionals<br />
develop a more effective relationship with young patients and their families. The game was so effective<br />
that Focus Games Ltd was asked to redesign and streamline the game and make it available to a wider<br />
audience.<br />
The game is designed for between 2 and 4 individual players (or small teams of players) who compete to<br />
move around the board answering CF-related questions and scenarios correctly. The game is very easy to<br />
play and doesn’t require a specialist facilitator; anyone can play the game. This makes it ideal for use in<br />
the home and at school with family, friends and schoolmates.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help young patients, their families and<br />
friends to improve their understanding of<br />
Cystic Fibrosis and to manage the condition<br />
more effectively.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| In CF clinics<br />
| Other healthcare settings<br />
| At home<br />
| In school<br />
Resources<br /><br />
Online Game<br />
@CF_Game<br /><br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Players 2-4 individuals or small teams<br />
| Duration As long as needed, 45 - 60 mins<br />
| Facilitation required No<br />
*A facilitator would add value<br />
Price<br />
£90<br />
Exc VAT, P&P
|16<br />
Foodeeze is an educational card game<br />
delivering the knowledge children need to<br />
make healthier decisions about the food<br />
they eat. Foodeeze is suitable for children at<br />
Key Stage 1 (ages 5 - 7 years). Can be used in<br />
schools, healthcare settings and at home.<br />
Healthy food choices and regular exercise increase and improve energy, confidence, attention and<br />
behaviour leading to better performance at school; and at home. The sooner this awareness raising<br />
starts the more likely it is to have a lasting effect on the child.<br />
The Foodeeze characters and fun facts on the cards catalyse memorable interactions between the<br />
children allowing them to manage and remember information in a more effective way. The game<br />
challenges children’s problem-solving abilities, improves their food vocabulary and stimulates an<br />
interest in foods from around the world. The excitement and fun of the game reinforces learning making<br />
behavioural changes more likely.<br />
The game is very flexible and can be played in a number of ways and the length of a game can also be<br />
varied to suit local circumstances.<br />
A selection of lesson plans and supporting resources<br />
for Literacy, Numeracy, Geography, Science & PSHEe<br />
are available to anyone who buys a pack of cards.<br />
Objectives<br />
To help children make healthier decisions<br />
about the food they eat.<br />
Setting & Audience<br />
| Schools, healthcare settings and in the home.<br />
| Suitable for children at Key Stage 1 (ages 5 - 7<br />
years).<br />
Game Specifications<br />
| Number of Players 2 - 8 Children<br />
| Duration Flexible<br />
| Specialist facilitator required No<br />
Resources<br /><br />
Downloadable Lesson Plans<br />
@FoodeezeGame<br /><br />
Price<br />
£4.99<br />
Inc VAT. Exc P&P
17|<br />
Orders can be placed online at where you can pay with a credit or debit<br />
card or via PayPal.<br />
If you are buying on behalf of a business or an NHS organisation we can deliver games and<br />
invoice on receipt of a purchase order number. You can order online using a PO or email your<br />
order to<br />
Name<br />
Feeding Baby Game<br />
Description<br />
Being developed with Health Enterprise East and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings<br />
Lynn for use during mandatory annual training for community midwives. The<br />
game deals with breast feeding and formula feeding and helps professionals to<br />
help mums make an informed choice.<br />
Surgical Safety<br />
FoodTalk Game<br />
Being developed with Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow and NHS Health<br />
Enterprise East this board game built around the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist<br />
to help surgical staff improve patient safety.<br />
Built around the latest national guidelines and scientific evidence. Helps<br />
professionals and parents to support the health and nutrition needs of children<br />
under 5. Provides an informal opportunity to explore and discuss essential food<br />
& health topics.<br />
ONLINE<br />
<strong>GAMES</strong><br />
Name Link Price Device<br />
The Nutrition Game FREE to play IOS, Android, Windows<br />
Stop The Pressure Game FREE to play IOS, Android, Windows<br />
The Dysphagia Game FREE to play IOS, Android, Windows<br />
Cystic Fibrosis Game FREE to play IOS, Android, Windows<br />
Keep up-to-date with all our new products at<br />
Orders can be place online, by phone or by e-mail<br /><br />
+44 (0)141 554 5476<br /><br />
Product Name<br />
Price<br />
(ext VAT, P&P)<br />
Nutrition Game £90<br />
Foodeeze<br />
£4.99 inc vat<br />
Dysphagia Game £83<br />
Masterful Mentoring Game £250<br />
Stroke Game £115<br />
Harm Free Game £125<br />
Hospital Life Game £70<br />
Stop The Pressure Game £90<br />
Infection Control Game £95<br />
Care Certificate Game £150<br />
Cystic Fibrosis Game £90<br />
Sepsis Game £60<br />
Food, Mood & Health Game £99
“The games have arrived<br />
and they look awesome!”<br />
“The game was great fun<br />
and very informative”<br />
“A fun way to test your<br />
knowledge”<br />
“Active learning helps you<br />
remember things”
Focus Games Ltd<br />
The White Studios,<br />
309 Templeton Business Centre<br />
Glasgow<br />
G40 1DA<br />
+44 (0)141 554 5476<br />