Detailed overview of Food Hydrocolloids Market, 2015-2025 by Future Market Insights
Colloid or a colloidal system is defined as a chemical system composed of finely divided particles dispersed in a continuous medium. Hydrocolloids are those colloidal long chained polymeric systems which are composed of fine particles dispersed in water. Depending on the quantity of the medium namely water, these hydrocolloids exist as gels or as sols. These hydrocolloids find a variety of applications especially in food industry owing to their exceptional ability to modify the rheology of the system to which it is added. Besides, these also find application in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. As an ingredient in food and beverages, these may be used as thickening agents, gelling agents, emulsifying agents, stabilizing agents among other applications. Food hydrocolloids may be obtained from natural sources such as plants, animals, microbial sources or may be synthesized artificially. Global Food hydrocolloids market is slated to witness a steady growth during the forecast period.
Colloid or a colloidal system is defined as a chemical system composed of finely divided particles dispersed in a continuous medium. Hydrocolloids are those colloidal long chained polymeric systems which are composed of fine particles dispersed in water. Depending on the quantity of the medium namely water, these hydrocolloids exist as gels or as sols. These hydrocolloids find a variety of applications especially in food industry owing to their exceptional ability to modify the rheology of the system to which it is added. Besides, these also find application in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. As an ingredient in food and beverages, these may be used as thickening agents, gelling agents, emulsifying agents, stabilizing agents among other applications. Food hydrocolloids may be obtained from natural sources such as plants, animals, microbial sources or may be synthesized artificially. Global Food hydrocolloids market is slated to witness a steady growth during the forecast period.
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Global <strong>Food</strong><br />
<strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> <strong>Market</strong><br />
<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Market</strong> <strong>Insights</strong><br />
Share, Global Trends,<br />
Analysis, Research, Report,<br />
Opportunities,<br />
Segmentation and<br />
Forecast,<br />
<strong>2015</strong><br /><br />
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Report Description<br />
Colloid or a colloidal system is defined as a chemical system composed <strong>of</strong> finely divided<br />
particles dispersed in a continuous medium. <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> are those colloidal long<br />
chained polymeric systems which are composed <strong>of</strong> fine particles dispersed in water.<br />
Depending on the quantity <strong>of</strong> the medium namely water, these hydrocolloids exist as gels<br />
or as sols. These hydrocolloids find a variety <strong>of</strong> applications especially in food industry<br />
owing to their exceptional ability to modify the rheology <strong>of</strong> the system to which it is<br />
added. Besides, these also find application in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. As<br />
an ingredient in food and beverages, these may be used as thickening agents, gelling<br />
agents, emulsifying agents, stabilizing agents among other applications. <strong>Food</strong><br />
hydrocolloids may be obtained from natural sources such as plants, animals, microbial<br />
sources or may be synthesized artificially. Global <strong>Food</strong> hydrocolloids market is slated to<br />
witness a steady growth during the forecast period.<br />
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<strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> <strong>Market</strong>: Drivers & Restraints<br />
The growing population across the globe coupled with increasing disposable income,<br />
increasing standard <strong>of</strong> living <strong>of</strong> people, especially in developing regions <strong>of</strong> the globe, is<br />
expected to result in a steady growth in demand for specialty & processed food products.<br />
This in turn is expected to translate into steady growth <strong>of</strong> global food hydrocolloids<br />
market. Moreover, increasing demand for healthy food products is likely to in turn<br />
translate into growing demand for food hydrocolloids, fuelling the growth <strong>of</strong> global food
Report Description<br />
hydrocolloids market.<br />
<strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> <strong>Market</strong>: Segmentation<br />
Depending on the type <strong>of</strong> product, that is, the type <strong>of</strong> food hydrocolloid, the global food<br />
hydrocolloid market can be segmented into the following key market segments:<br />
•Gelatine<br />
•Pectin<br />
•Agar<br />
•Guar Gum<br />
•Carrageenan<br />
•Xanthan Gum<br />
•Locust Bean Gum<br />
•Cellulosics<br />
•Alginates<br />
•Gum Arabic<br />
Report Description<br />
Considering the source <strong>of</strong> these food hydrocolloids, global food hydrocolloids market can<br />
be segmented into the following market segments:<br />
•Animal Source<br />
•Plant Source<br />
•Synthetic<br />
•Seaweed<br />
•Microbial Source<br />
Lastly, on the basis <strong>of</strong> end use industry <strong>of</strong> food hydrocolloids, global hydrocolloids market<br />
can be segmented in to the following market segments:<br />
•Meat & Poultry<br />
•Frozen <strong>Food</strong>s<br />
•Beverages<br />
•Bakery & Confectionary<br />
•Dairy<br />
Report Description<br />
<strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> <strong>Market</strong>: Region-wise Outlook<br />
On the basis <strong>of</strong> geographic regions <strong>of</strong> the globe, global <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> market is<br />
segmented into seven major segments. These key regional market segments are North<br />
America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, and Middle East & Africa, Latin<br />
America <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> market. North America food hydrocolloids market is expected to<br />
dominate the global food hydrocolloids market. It is followed <strong>by</strong> Europe and Asia Pacific food<br />
hydrocolloids market. Among the regions, Asia Pacific food hydrocolloids market is expected to<br />
witness fastest growth during the forecast period.<br />
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<strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> <strong>Market</strong>: Key Players<br />
Some <strong>of</strong> the identified major participants <strong>of</strong> the global <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Hydrocolloids</strong> market are as<br />
follows:<br />
•E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company<br />
•Cargill, Inc.<br />
•Lubrizol Corporation<br />
•CP Kelco<br />
•Ashland Inc.<br />
•Rousselot S.A.S.
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