o, tBL F]TitlE ]BItNSF[BS ,,sm, m , 00.s :N:IC[O ON BF.CORI] ....... OF ...

o, tBL F]TitlE ]BItNSF[BS ,,sm, m , 00.s :N:IC[O ON BF.CORI] ....... OF ...

o, tBL F]TitlE ]BItNSF[BS ,,sm, m , 00.s :N:IC[O ON BF.CORI] ....... OF ...


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C<br />

i<br />

’ ,p~ T1ii.<br />

session;’-’<br />

with<br />

lla alto.<br />

’Judlresp<br />

tifleMe of the aam~ having<br />

Nel~n and Mr, F .red. the Beore~ry of 6tAt* and<br />

the<br />

¯ ’Nel~Jon dhJtribdled" the om~e of.the Cou¯ty Clerk. The ¯ames of<br />

eomat~ or.a~,4L00:.u.~ol~ ~ is,tee, for the n..t y~r ab~.~ on the tur~<br />

,, "&qe~" pupJ leers of |neorpofatton are Jams I~ Hoover, that portloa~ £hq<br />

1~mton,A. Gaaklll, Joseph 11, l~rtlett, ~.U.¯ l~Hta~ .,<br />

Bh~ner" e¯d’Im T. B. Smith: The I~tgue terence. , ,<br />

.~m~s have b~en formgdly ie~. Shfl they tkm , This ~’th~<br />

¯ emmrt8<br />

the<br />

n~open every day slz~ eveelng, for’ the um ne~iy~<br />

iof,member~ We~n~<br />

,~3he ~ ,~<br />

spps.~e.<br />

o, <strong>tBL</strong><br />

F]<strong>TitlE</strong><br />

]<strong>BItNSF</strong>[<strong>BS</strong><br />

,,<strong>sm</strong>, m<br />

, <strong>00.s</strong><br />

IN MARCH<br />

:N:<strong>IC</strong>[O<br />

<strong>ON</strong><br />

<strong>BF</strong>.<strong>CORI</strong>]<br />

.......<br />

Be Held This ¯ Cancelled ¯ Mortgages; Release~ amd<br />

.~ ..................... ¯ Otheks Entered at Clerk’s ~Of~ce..<br />

0~iC~rs Chosen For M~ho~.~ y i¯ M~,~h<br />

rot ~rief Description ~>f the Prope~ti& Can@~tton<br />

of Mm’tgage.,<br />

Atlantic City;<br />

¯<br />

’the sevehtY-¯i0th.a0¯U~’~d0¯ of tbeNeW That Have Changed Heads’and Jacob ~Iz¢.’to F~nk¯~<br />

Start, ~0xxw<br />

ft.<br />

West sld0 Virginia Ave. Booth" of Pacific Ave~,<br />

joum~ ~ti.g ~.~yco.~.~0e. .... . ¯<br />

i E~.n~ng ~ex.t To Adopt. The kewJum~ ,eels nee or the," the Consld~at,ons<br />

~ Shown by |14,~0..<br />

’ ¯ ’ . ’ : ’ ~<br />

bel0¯nlng (<br />

~ pmj~tsanda<br />

in the [ , ~est nude Elberon ATe. ~ortJ1"oY AtlanUe’&ve.<br />

._.~_ .- ~ ~ , - Me~..~_o~l now wJtbl¯ the I " " ------- ........... . . .$I,000. .., ’ .., " ’<br />

.: Incorpomt/en.of,the Hamilto¯ T0w~hIp boundstrla<br />

"~o~-~e~-w-a~ ~ 1 " . " - A~ CIW’: .......... ~; r ¢ownsend.H~rrisCo,Ao’Ca~dde¯,Atla¯ti¢&<br />

5nferenee. InUme] "BAward I,..Morgan to George H. Wnlteet. VeutnorL~ndCo, 80x~.5fl-’East sidePrinee.<br />

R~publlmo LeagUe him bee¯ completed, a.esr. ~. as to be unwieldy,’] aL 60xeo ft. t~outhe~t corner of Leeds and l~ob- ton Ave, ~orth Of Winchester Ave. $250.<br />

I ~ ’ . _. . ¯ ,William Dougber~ to’John Me~ner, 2~x<br />

’ " ) ...... ine°¯Avm’et" - ..... " - - ! Me- 9~’ft WestatdeMichlg~Ave. Nbrth.ofBl~i¯e<br />

i o t, j nm Ju [ .MeCullough lte~t ~mte to. to’ oem e ¯ _..~ , ¯<br />

it .was dlvlded<br />

and l’Clal[},<br />

~0x125<br />

~ We~i corner of Ve~tnor<br />

.¯d /L.V~r~ Dbu bert to Job¯’ 3 C~rr, ~Sx<br />

L,l.g<br />

yo : -.: .,deg-,=,,o o, Ohio<br />

lue Die "I ~JaJ~h ~erl~r e~" vtr. to l~llRe . L. ~ ’<br />

’~ . ’ | al..lrr~g’. North ,ide of New 8L ~i0 ft. We~t 0i AVe. ~,~_ _ .. ,. ,. ~ .........<br />

convene on Wed-| Conu~Ucot Ave eL |1 " . " tiarry Y. Dougnert,y to ~. WalKer<br />

..talon,<br />

~I. He¯denJoil .illl Frank T Th0mp~on<br />

to K~tbtT¯ Bmdley,75x de~r/t~d a~. abov.e" ~_,_700... , -- -- _~ ~,,-<br />

r, toe rmtoeuttm / I00 ft. Northe~t side of Jt~eacu Ave. ~ *~ ~ 1~.~’ ot,~ r~dt~na Ave I~onth of~nlD-<br />

~feml ee ¯f which] N¯rthWeSt of E~t Rtvemlde Drive, ~0.<br />

~_~ ~".<br />

~’~_.." Z.=~.-0~0":<br />

-- --<br />

been am|K¯ed<br />

,tO] Tuttle C. Walker eL.ux, to Clai’ence<br />

F~ m._~c~’~’©t~,to~’~-~l~I~Btnder ’ ~.4x75fL<br />

Knauer, 40x115 ~ East side of Prgvtdence . ~,nme ~row<br />

Terrace, 140 ft. North ’of Veninor Ave. |l~<br />

West side Mr. Vernon Ave. 8o¯th ’of Alisntle.<br />

Clarence E. Knsuer to Addle P. W~lker, de- Ave. ~2,3eo.<br />

" " ’ ’<br />

John G. 8cha~er tO John C~p~r, .25x100fl.<br />

South aide &/its¯tic Ave. Eaat of’ New<br />

Jersey,<br />

Rev..DeWltt C. serlt~ed aaabeve, $1. ¯ ",<br />

Martba W. 8¯ow eL vir, to Mlenie;B. Relo-<br />

ebrim of sesistants hari,~7.Sxeo ft. West ,ide of Vermont Ave.. 87~<br />

ft. 8outh of OHenL0~<br />

Ave. ~8~eo.<br />

MathUd~<br />

Brown el. I~. tO Chafle~ D. White<br />

~x’/5 I~ North side of Wlnehetter Ave. 50<br />

ATe, $000.<br />

Marine Realty Co, to Walter iLDick, ~xT0ft..<br />

¯ Wet side 8za~de Ave. J~uth of 0rle~laJL A~<br />

~0.<br />

Will" " ld<br />

lfllhister~’<br />

,<br />

De ne ’ " n<br />

jeveml<br />

- ’ " ’ --" "’o t 0hueshm within.U~<br />

¯ " r the ewht o cto0g for un pu15 - ....<br />

by e o¯de ........ conference Is 87~ aa ~a~! eonneetiou¯ imt<br />

~d~htrL tesaoeeaawUlpmbsbly by;law~ ann eon<strong>sm</strong>uuou, -- . , .... "<br />

]l~lls][][erth~ . ,I ~ ¯ " mr i~000were ~ Itlprepnmtorymem- West of HArrlsburg Ave. ete.~4,200.<br />

,. ..<br />

oo._m, .¯, tO ¯, l.,..he<br />

,m.,lwo<br />

, a¯d<br />

Jo..<br />

-.aqr,¢’avr, ~ ~Aent.~ " ’ ’ ’ ¯ 4unite& Arthur. uramer~ou ~urw. ~. ,~f-- _.,. ,~ ~ ...mt1-~ t~amd ’ umben this<br />

¯ LI!~..UO! ~ ~"--:’.’V~’ ’ , " klUhU,be~n a ppohatod,.topreta~,es..theI~me _oqum. ~o~rQ ~’~: cola./with<br />

. :.:~tu~ ~c 6t.rn unarm *IM UflMflR<br />

a¯dsaimtttothemembem.’Afultatm¯.as¯ee ~u~,~ se;ol~rs ~relle4".Lu all dep~rtment~ fl.Southsldeof Arctle ~ve. 80~ Wmtof Io-<br />

.’ ~’" ~lODey..:- . . ~,i ’ ¯ U|IIeU UU~IIM SIR lllUnvn , tn tsamted.<br />

"’ . .,<br />

. ,.,o~ ...... ,.. . dlauaAve.~6~O, ¯<br />

~[l~ ..<br />

Albert C. Abbott eL ux. ~ Ocean Vlew’Oo.<br />

, .~ +* ~m mptroUee SwardS, statemsut t~Ao ’ OK MCMM<br />

0_AIIHTY Rill<br />

0<br />

req<br />

. , ~ vuLtrmy la latt+~by e~7 o~eeru and "<br />

’ ’e"~onwuon +of’ the’t~u~ of NU~ InlaYs’ " " " . U| ~L~J UUMII I l IIV~<br />

. ’ + tew~n~ ¯ ,~, , ¯ ,. , 80x12~.~. W~t side of Co¯ncotleut Ave~ ~0 ft.<br />

¯ ,1J1 : ’... ,. , ., -.,, _mmur~._.~±<br />

..... the ’ ,, .... :------------’~--/ -’ RELIEF’FOR ,RURA L. ROADS There are ~4 abatiS8, single ststlous and So¯thofOrientaiAv~$2,550.<br />

’ ~mulelnm. week to Aoe X,eS~<strong>sm</strong>m<br />

r~vmm, [ " " " ’ roe- ’ - " ’ ’ : " ’ of the ~ew Jersey<br />

’. ’ ..... bt left to th Be dblt~n Dos|hick ~Core!gli_s Host To F ...... - . _ ..... dreul~ w~min<br />

the boW,<br />

~.81I.-<br />

¯ ’/.~k_~-of-~-.b,t..~.,~lnlet~lCtl~Po~Ulslnee ’ . holde’rs At Buena Vista. .. Olll Will Be ,,Introduced To ,h,,v.,--e<br />

~o¯rerenee. lU xetbodbt eeonomy<br />

a clreult josepblLBartlett;Shor~l"toAuto¯to<br />

, .. mNon~ ~ ~m~"?’~..~" _.._:..~ .~;.l " ’" -<br />

: ’-- - - -- :- - :’-’--"~’e ¯, ..._.~;...t.,_ Hi-hwave tS the nnIU¯,, of two ~ more <strong>sm</strong>all church souse, ?lxI40 ft. West side of MksisMppl Ave.<br />

¯ LM(~" h BUtI~ (.~omp~W ~n~ma~s ~* I " In honor Ot t¯u oel~¯nm~ o[ w~ri. vu ~ "~V ! ; ¯ o ¯ .. ......<br />

¯ ---- T e-. ~ - ,. : , . . , . ~ ...... re,n- 200/I. North<br />

of Are~e AV~ It.000.’<br />

¯ ~hek.e’wll!-be ~ deOoit of.~,t.4~..e e~d0fI .HAmmo¯ton.Buens.bOulev~r~l,<br />

for whleh the_ ’Ammmb],ymtm Wesrt M Me .~er has rmdy ,S~l.etl~h~:~’~t ~/~er~2~lue~ . Elizabeth C. Mol0noto Anne N/Ms]one, 60x<br />

, ’-q~he lt~elBt’~i Fmlr a~G.~llet’e,ts, sver~| contract was reeauy swamee, ~reeno,~,ur fortntreduotlOnSnill that s¯o~ld beer VlUtt ~s~. =.~-=-::.; -;:- ~,~o N,,w jersey 125fl. Southwest corner of pludflcanflMonroe<br />

rl~aon t0 b~lleve that this estimate m eon.] Domlniuk.Corttglla wM’lm~t 8sturdy me.to; I¯termtto ruratresident~ living off the el¯ at st,vwjev, n m~ ~, ,.,~.~ ~-~’---~? -~;--f_ Av~ etc. el.<br />

’~n:1010’ tqn~es~llof"l’tel~¯b<br />

I1~t¯8~mlDl"<br />

l~mho’ e~J st his ~OeD0e In .iuooavmtm ~n~mvmntnfth/~v~t~ y ~tven~ot¯e venous me u,m,v.~---- ~.--~.--~ .<br />

~0z62.5 ft~ West sldeof (Jal~blddgeAve.2~0ft.<br />

¯ : at,.~on,<br />

t.m~,~he<br />

S~to<br />

~ov_or,t.o<br />

ths~,,,o-<br />

~p. m vem~<br />

m~.--o~",.<br />

~ ~.~.oo.-,~"--"<br />

~’.oo~<br />

oonst,~m<br />

to ~...~:<br />

.b<br />

z<br />

..m ~¯rih<br />

of 0~. Ave,<br />

~ $L<br />

John C. Green eL uL’TO "Be~n,,m I~¯d.<br />

Em":T P. CreO~r<br />

eL, vie. TO Eoooh<br />

L,. John-<br />

, ~rstsn.~qrthelesaer~ll.Pof.~W~o04roww.",~,n " havit~l IFlests WOre y~.O|O., .m. atmnu 07, township oommtttm<br />

ror the mona rate Is- ru~, .............<br />

~ ........<br />

/ trreK, Ul,~Nortbof Atlantic Ave. andl00ft.<br />

1.~ sere, be~nning In middle ~<br />

¯ : With ¯ a hue I~lsneeotlt,eu~v.’ .~ua-,.= tWe~ty, r~. po¯de~ to¯m tavttauona¯o mayo read& * . from~y’a/~nWng toAbem~ left.<br />

" su~pl~ to.the deftest ¯ow enooun0e~ by merr~mnndthe festive board iq .Freeholder These side /~ads are almost Impuseble st CAPE MAY FOIl FARMERS<br />

West ofSovereign Ave. $1. ,<br />

Comptroller Edwa15ts’ of ~,400~0 :it ~11 be 0oi~glJ~*a llmelous home, maJ¯Y.t¯S .a bonn- are never coneldered for improve- - Joseph ~ Barttett, 8bert[r to The .~UIJzt143 Son~ ~ ~OU~h oorney Of ~11<br />

~und’.tl~t thet~oompeteneyp.nd blU¯derln~ teo~ repaa~ prepe~d and served~ by the ne~t by the Count~ Boards of grseholdem. DemonetratorAppolftte~ITokookA~er CltylJosnand But}dinS .,~mo.~xlfi0ft. North ~ 1 " " " " " 1 ’ "<br />

- Agrlcultm-ai%MYaWs. aloof<br />

AretTc<br />

Aye.’~’~l~<br />

ft. Westof O1ado<br />

Ave. Jolb~l~,hosier t~.Cbaxlse!~r,7~0Ol~t:<br />

~<br />

t~tnnl~ st Interseettoo Of 1~ IL BLw~<br />

tuna<br />

¯ of I)~tee~stie ,sdmtntstmtlo~ ~et.the~BPt te ilatimlofthehospiU~Ip memb~rfrom Buemt. Mr. Wesrt’| bill eOntemplataa only aseh Inn- .<br />

-~.momtlmattei¯eomeinflveyeat~.’.’ ~e~Is~t~trtofthedldneremUd’e’ed°t¯num" jmvementa~wllimaketheremla imm~bleto Following the enmp~of~muecoou.tY.<br />

¯ Wtt~ .th~ maeulk0turhal JntemdS of Hew b~r ~ fine l~llan dishm ha .Oeno&m atyle, the~rmm Whohave’toum thmn. Unde~the Mr¯ GmrP<br />

.B.TttrMhet<br />

bu ~ _appealed).5xl00J°sePhft.E’NorlhBartlett,sideBherlff¯f<br />

ArcUe<br />

tO MaryAve.<br />

Mason,170.5<br />

ft. 8t.vi~O.<br />

. ’<br />

.’*<br />

"J~,elqiq~ !~ the ~r, ~tmdeta~ff ~zbleb~emlWmUYefdoyod ezlaUng ~,wsall mo~.yfor ~ m~l. ~ Oo~nty Far~ .]Demot~tl~t~r .In u~l~e ~ i~utofFloHdaA’re.l~100. ’<br />

’ ’ P~sutvlllo Invs~s~tC~ to O.J. llam-<br />

~,~,r~ ~ ~,-’~o.. ~.~ds.t w~ ~=. p....~.p: ..~ at the dt.~to- ~ t.. ~ Of ~-~ ~."~.~=:..~er.,<br />

~.~ .d .--~ oa. x~ ~ ~ortb<br />

side<br />

of ~,.o A~<br />

-- ~ ~-~ of w~re<br />

the.=, be’-~-"-~<br />

-- ~ "~" se<br />

¯ ’ 10D~ with the-people ,ll~g~d~B~¯ O~/’e Dtreoto¢ JohD 1=! boldm~ ’<br />

1 " ’ "<br />

" " Ourd¯nS..£~onigtoJoh¯A. Wllklnsou,40x mellC~ 617j00fl" ~8~deofDou~Ro~l<br />

.bat~euoft/Zmtmpueal.tomak~up’~nsU0nsl Be~ram Wbl~, 8~nerslalrisul~undm~dst.~n In ~ ~l~flm AV~ ~"<br />

L " ’ - menUo¢~L<br />

in a’deed f~aC. 2~ .C~to’O.J:<br />

¯ ~-~ ’dl~it mee. e.u be no quell on., ...to. the Aumtor Abmlom T;ISbee, 8npt. Tobl~b. Me.’’ Get Ready To Votei Ladles I Mj,maehumtl~ In the 8pnug ot ,I~0S, air.<br />

~ert0m nk~um of the. problem’ of meeungthe cmmell, RmA<br />

8Upoi~Icor Japhet P rt~.. En- Thul~mnpofthowotnan’sM~reseamond" ThnudMrenXeredthemrvl~e’of~heNewJereeY " ~muellrela~deLux. to WIUlamD. Buren, H~mmellCo, ds~dJzdyle,19M,8~Mt’<br />

aflmltm Bta~ deficit of. ~40~._. Kinee~ A.~H. N!!mn i ClerM, Fmk BmKh,-Mr, F.xperM~ut’<br />

Statlon in ’the d~l~-tmeut of 40z8~.5 fl- Esst aide of Oakland Ave. 14~ ~.<br />

~wtha, L. Bthder tO Jolm IL Lc~g, 8~-<br />

i<br />

¯ " ’ " week at Trenton flute at~’th~ meat Itv~v horttem~m, wkem<br />

I~ use located for a penou<br />

fQR . b~rltJ~fjh1~,Fgeeho~8Wlllk~8,BI~ ’msuttnthel~°usem°~°°~tb’°reVenis°fth¯ rVeutnorAve.$6J}00.<br />

Helen EL Taylor el. vir. to Chebee<br />

Brlek Co. esd 8dale Of ~ew K0sd. where 8o~thwest M4o of<br />

~Mim~m:Olodi~nt&<br />

FA@lnRobertBOblm~b,BehsrnhorM,’A’J~YJOr<br />

l¯te1~U Thatth0 Eu3~e~ mneuame~t btlL Offlvo~ Dorhag U~tUmobetook<br />

sshort 5z12f~86 ft. I~orih aide of 8meet Ave. i12fl. Decatur Av~ InhumeisthemS~80.. j<br />

to )~.~mon4 P. ThumpS.<br />

,’~ ::<br />

¯ 7<br />

<strong>OF</strong>.U]<br />

HE#$iHU<br />

T<br />

WISH:TO<br />

uSE,<br />

HOUHUSi<br />

:’<br />

¯ <strong>OF</strong> -LAW<br />


WORK<br />

H<strong>BF</strong><br />

SSARY<br />

i ::;<br />

~ SPo~m~* ~- ~avor o~ ~<br />

Change, Declaring :It ~O~e,<br />

Hum~me. Less Dang~rous,Bj~.<br />

Sport an(l Say No Mo~e Ani~ds<br />

Will Be Killed Than AtPrese~.~ ~ :.<br />

Rueh a strenuous fight Is be/rig, made<br />

b~<br />

before<br />

the bes~"-tore<br />

perm~m.s<br />

the h .emma<br />

Of~er wtm do~ 0~t Unleu the.ms~epm~<br />

monet ~oum jerer~w~o knowb~ pCs~e~ .*<br />

¯ -.put.nee t~t t~. s~m~ etee~ t,~,~.<br />

more hnm~e. ~ ~i to.h~t~"<br />

~ ~i~ .p~.~,~ . .,__~F<br />

¯ ’~ ’ " all g0o~ etC."<br />

E.C.Ch<strong>sm</strong>plontoM. W¯llner, ~,. ~,,: ~,<br />

menUoued<br />

iu sehedule n¯nezed led now fiI6 & to be s4a/n def~tetL<br />

.ilg O rlental.Ave. I~J}eo. I T~" W~ ~ h~ ~ ~ ~ "~<br />

~ane. Fortomue<br />

to Blmon L. Flelsher,<br />

leox Imve not besu very isenP4m~ue<br />

ha<br />

100 ft. ISontheS~. our. Ath~ntlo and MJIseO¯ri mlmdlk, wl0dis the 49i~d~<br />

Aves. 145,000: -<br />

J~,ep~ l~’WLlao~ to Bees J~ Frepeoha. Tix<br />

75 n. l~’orthwe~, our. V~ntnor.~d MWaddo<br />

hagtb<br />

Av--<br />

11,750. ~ i~ at<br />

JOhn P.omee to Henry A..Yost. sex75’~ ’i-u~Lsof’.,k~l-St~latO~ ..<br />

¯ onth ,Ide lh~l~ Av~, F~mt ofVermount Av~ mitto&<br />

iL0ebitng Realty CO. TO CU¯TO~<br />

O.Mayer, 88z la BcurU~lton ~Wthd<br />

It. Weat ~de New K<strong>sm</strong>pshies Av~ Soeth.of me Of ~ lmve<br />

th~<br />

¯ mm~e~.<br />

In thk<br />

.that. "~F n ver~<br />

h~ ~Mre th~<br />

~.vi~ ~t wou~,m~u<br />

~ms<br />

, ~nese a~pmm~<br />

lluntln<br />

~Ir-tbis<br />

O<br />

mJl,v~ to ~w<br />

:!:.<br />

i<br />

t~<br />

q,qm~<br />

¯ " .<br />

,<br />

~ J~U~th, Tbomml<br />

]L~rttes were placid, tO It,la ~.~r.plMt~0rtnL ~ ~ oU3t~r--~te/slUnm of work.. Mr, ~0Xl~lDfl. bqinnin~ .<br />

/ . ¯ . .--- - - I~alt~, , ’. "<br />

ZtUsqU~II~,~t~nto pam.lh ~ _BD~s~,. 8hd/~Wm m~N~d Jn e°~’s~me~em°n" m ft. uudlvided 1-5 l¯tere~, In following=’ 4thA~mfl-~mWaah~nSt0aAv~n’¯ Sho~;,t~_~<br />

~’ " lh~i~er Con~p- worked ~ ~<br />

~,~. ~ur~ ~’" .,~V at t Us ~ew/en~ ~--¯ei Comiy<br />

~. ~. to J---esV.<br />

8herlff Joseph R Bartlett Puts New .... ’ .... be MIInqd, It~r Governog, Fielder,. ~’om.w~<br />

. . " ~elelum~]rl~0~~ , ,~of~d~t<br />

’ ’ -- ~I * ’ ._ " .’ ¯ eumoemof the ~lew l~sd, wnten wm oeablg<br />

¯ Be uthsldeOf Atls¯UeAve’00fL t~wstOfTe’aJm ~ " " " "<br />

¯ 8h~,dffJcseph.K..Bartlett hU put theorems11<br />

msnenttyinereeae2snd!<br />

valnee In t hat51°lnl¯tY;,speelsl ehmU0a<br />

ne~’Septmn..<br />

., ~" - ’ "’ :.,<br />

re.In 0opnsetl~nt, where he<br />

Astotl~elsdml<br />

ptlms.ore/iPm,~W<strong>sm</strong>~P~nntnmd<br />

in the ru FIREMEN READY FOR 8NO, , I ~b~ : ~ a W h,~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

i ~’ " "~<br />

’ ’ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :<br />

but nora ellsestte: ’l’bla rule !. to ~ ~ -- [ ’Java. 8led’Added To | i I ,me,t For ~lmJV{mng ¢~,r a ~ normal ~z0ol 1o he ~ lm/t. ~ ~o¢ of one ~p~r’s lot aim ~.<br />

~ordprettmma t to me ja- mrl,’ - ,1.. m, mil.~tl ’ ." "<br />

’~ "U ’ ~ W ~" ~’<br />

" " I " ’ ’h~ / "<br />

’ ’ " ~"~’d;=’k’~"<br />

" , "blJ’oo~" |00~lad<br />

"lL~*.~a~mdfmJat<br />

~ 13am<br />

.1mot ~K. boon ~ taadu~eJim- ,rhomu Wll~.thmd to J~eeph &. Mohqmr, bOIn~ in Sold~ldde oflL:Nmd¯ntlM.2$ortia/mst ma~lda011~<br />

;a~:,~rl~,~_ ~oe~ ~thl. me . ee~p~_. ~ ~<br />

~om~o~W ~ ~rtod ~<br />

~be lo~, Z~Si-.,daO,o~Uon<br />

~o.eu .~own o,. ~rs~m.SL<br />

¯ ~ ¯<br />

L~<br />

th~ mO Ofthistbrm of ~ Will.De ootql~a ~ ever mort to ~r~,~r<br />

now in and<br />

ml~ ov imm*mmm~ ~m~tmu,~. t,~. ~ at a,t0m ha the ~ n~ ~4m H,rbor c~, ~ . ¯ .<br />

: ~=m~t for ham.~, of OSh~,,0,~oo<br />

Or ,me m.~ .p~t~ ¯ " .........<br />

~, ~0. ..~. ,~ ,~tbe. ~his~ .~ to ~ ~0~ ~a ..~,re. ~ , Bauriesoia O,mise Ha Hae Lol, t. ¯ x~ ~ ~ .sum ~, ".m.~w, on ~<br />

WUUm ~ to ~ mmt~. moo<br />

8tampSm<br />

th ".r~ slbOut akrelesely ana are mrmthe~laid.lm85m~normsl~Tearryml[ ,]h~hblderAndinmo~[~qpml&ofEstelylUe* toa0cs/ . eLuL~0z40ehslns, bei0nstn~stmlddlep°tnt ~ atAr~em~M~se~dAvse. ~<br />

," ........<br />

¯ ’ I WJI gNl Will:<br />

llabisha~l~¯nks’.s0re.<br />

The uew ord~;Waa tl~ ho~ mi~t be unable to4|et mrou~, ml~sterd~tUe’hakl~otnnsllY<br />

Io,t out sumkrIWmmn ov mY ,pMUn,’w/ebllem~r<br />

oftntereseUonofathet,<br />

and 8eebn~ l~ad, l~ Mar~ E. ~aml~ to Wslt~r It. ~dor,<br />

let |¯to ~ Bu¯da.y"<br />

~at and the ws~l~ne<br />

4ril~. To be sure tb e snow WoWd haw to be onthe .se~ool.4~ht<br />

tn Weyzaontb<br />

~rmmhlp<br />

the ben~t ~V ml~/~ l~UvTdoois<br />

Iv~ ~o .James r~ O, Denuetl~et.<br />

ux, to. l~derle.k<br />

C.<br />

¯ 1111<br />

rlgldlFe¯foreeit. ’ " very s~rure<br />

for. thls,<br />

but bllszar~s<br />

have hap. and th&t no omei~I<br />

doormen<br />

has been h~ud~l<br />

....... " l~dedh~’0 13efore8~d IS one-ever by thoSt~t* ~ his melpberebtp, dlkahnlmry ’nn Dmnmykm~e<br />

Umm ~tu~_- Kercher..]e,~, xl~l it, be~dnni~g In m~m goodsete, me~Uone~ In mdaedUle nn~ now ha<br />

..... ~ - " - ~ m tndulsu he"shah, lu~y¯rles. To line of Beoond l?,~od. 1334 ft. Nortbwe~. , Hotel 0~. ,.~ie;4wL. OdmsUdA.~e.<br />

VI-qITED CEDARVlLLE COUNCIL ~utluefiremon.qp~u the flmme¯ wanttO h~tbeBoardofFAumUo~, lu~rthag thst the<br />

_ , " be ready TO<br />

rUlpond<br />

TO<br />

n e~ll tf It occurs, re~. nt alle~ 6eelido¯ wne relaUve to contract<br />

Seventeen Members of Local Order<br />

*- work. \ .<br />

,, Enjoy Fraternal Evening.<br />

Death Claima\,Joeaph B. Wolfe,<br />

~hdepflon of seve¯teen members Of ~tty’s The fumFsl of Mr. Jo~ph B. Wolfe, ~ed.55 ." PoIt..Offi¢0 EmploNmant Agency.<br />

L~ndlnl~C0~¯eil No. 12t, Urder United Amefi- yem~ who’dled athis ho~e tn Bfuokbn, N.Y.,<br />

1 A~ ~ a ree~t order ~sued by A. H.<br />

8~n~y" h~t ~ter a ItB&’~Hhg<br />

illness ofBd~ht’s BerlmO¯, pestma~er Ge~entl, l~etmutem<br />

are<br />

¯ ~n Mcolm¯l~s, paid a frate~l visit to O0dar- ddse~e,-o~m¢~L<br />

Tbursd&. Y afternoon I’~n the SOW<br />

supported with blanku for appliestlons<br />

villa Counoil l~sturda~ evening hut and re-<br />

porte~<br />

tmvlng<br />

a meet ellJoyeble<br />

time. The M.E. Chur0h,<br />

attended<br />

by many<br />

relatives so~t ~for employment.the<br />

eq~ployment!n<br />

co¯nectiOn&nd<br />

dbrtrf0uUon~With<br />

era proJsetlabOr.<br />

- - ..... " ........ atg.’" ~tends. 8ervtee~werecond¯ete4<br />

by theRev.<br />

nelSllt|oD left thlis pl~ In Smlom0mJes ~ w~n NA~. of the M. i~. Chic’oh. ~ Anyone t¯terested ahonld see ~tm~"ter~J~. W.<br />

¯ arriving .. at Cedarville, shortly after fl ¯ ’b~,. the key. 13, M~’ 8mtth, of the Preshytm’hm Cramer and obtain ¯n applleaUon form.<br />

o’el0~k. ,"<br />

- ....... ntS-" ~ar0~ Jnt~’m~t was madolnthaPmby-<br />

Tl~ visithag bretb~n vt0wm me pm m . _ . --.<br />

"<br />

r terU~ uemetery.<br />

Interestof the thrlvltwcomm¯uttyand afle _. _x ~ ~. mthesonaf..~-isj~T .....<br />

¯ ’ ber T~e a~es<strong>sm</strong>l . __ ,~ ~.. .<br />

haneh was ushere~. Into the CoUu~I<br />

0~_~ _m .... -J -&Ud-~Et~l~lflh~b~ Wolfe aud wee 10ore<br />

¯ ¯ ~’ =-----,-’,*- ’ ....... e~" de. in Pbtla~lpht~ O0tober ~I, IMp. He e~me to<br />

ammos Of.’me .~w,,..-a s pmm W_ " - ~.~"e l~mdl"~ ~rly ha tile Wi[~1’Lhla]Ntl<br />

"~tl<br />

tlmsuoeilmlon~fwhlebtheyenJoyeaaimmm ~"- " ~:<br />

~J~moua MsurlmRAvu 0or6 ~lv~Vmtu~ e1~rk ha the War, Power OOml~ny’m 8tore.<br />

other 8e~t things woee punkbed, ’~he<br />

For the imat ~we~W.-athe years be esMded In<br />

both wsya.wu’ made wt~out, mo0t .4ant<br />

New york 01ty and BrDeklTu and ~lurin~ the<br />

WSll<br />

h l, gh,~’<br />

~l~O~’~d[<br />

hT_~L<br />

.<br />

Mnl~mer<br />

months vlelted reisUveu and rrte¯O~J<br />

¯ .<br />

h4~4~0hye~. Rehl surv~vedby swMow,<br />

Mr~ Mdua~ +A. WoL~. of Brooklyn, and two<br />

4,.-,.---------<br />

¯ ~emetery Ass¢~iatlon MeetinK~ mter~ Mrs, I~Jtis ~adwoli, Of New York City,<br />

A~ a me~Us~<br />

or the >~liL bblders ~f the Union and Mtm Georll~ W. Wolfe, of Be. I~u~ Me.<br />

Omne~r7 Amoeistlon,’heLd’ Sst¯~TSy evening .Hisonly child, a son, Wed in 1911.<br />

"State of Mind."<br />

].f¥OU a~reout of work¢ if, yea ~an’t pay the<br />

rent,<br />

if your poek~tb(z)k Igemptyt’acoor~nS<br />

Io Prelddemt Wila0¯’s nowemt I~e,’you. are<br />

idn~ply su~ertng-from n "e~te of mlnd."--<br />

8tste Oaze~ ¯ ;..<br />

.Glee Club To Give Concert.<br />

A concert win be given i¯ the Opera House<br />

by the GI~IS Glee {~lub about the 10th of ibis<br />

month. ParUeuisrswlll be an¯~uneed later.<br />

TWO<br />


WERE<br />

I<br />

WITH<br />

BEAHS<br />


/:<br />

Iv~ utica Mrd i¯m fellara may<br />

WOI’J~ ~1 th| ¯ Ilvie, but<br />

~rlut mldum<br />

l~ws.tu thhak tl~ rosy<br />

O suthin m ~" what tlmve got.<br />

Tu toeny tmke ~r iffsnted thlnp<br />

Wh~<br />

ths ar obblyg~ted Per.<br />

Ths thtn]~ thet’payn taxes bdnp<br />

Fnl ’v~, rekonha me much per.<br />

]But fll~w4n ~taway’a~awl rang<br />

Fur muny wont ps nstun dot,.<br />

Nnr p¯blik dutylk ithar, 10nlG<br />

Thets wn¯ tl~in~ mrthl, yU kLn bet.<br />

WeO a~ wurd now an tbo"<br />

Tuowr bum ~pw n, thela, givn us<br />

Welles, etmrehes, worl~ Jtn feller me~--<br />

Its I~t’4 tnm w~. ahuldonm fuse.<br />

Fur trees an st[~emsan, graau feeld~ere,<br />

Fer blrds an fish an pruvCnder~<br />

’ For water power an holthy air--<br />

Awl these thlnp t~us set p6 for.<br />

I du beleve each eltysen<br />

Shol~<br />

-~o h.~, hart~v<br />

srst~oo~<br />

By heipn owt his felk¢ men.<br />

By wurds ov prays an doeu good.<br />

By layln sholder tu the whole<br />

Ov prestos, wen his ado tl ealIe~,<br />

An givn n~yberu a sqwam deel<br />

middle Ix}lot of t¯temec~lon ot ~th 8t~ ~md ~lty, MMI0.<br />

~ Lenten to xse.~r ]~,ehmm. p0~. "C~e,d Fkm<br />

laWatu t~<br />

8eoond Road, 11,750.<br />

8m’ahE;~mith tOJennleFunlptroll, 100xI48 eta. mentioned Insel~lule;Im4.noW,ha]P~m~" ~ ~ ~mre,~Mmt~m<br />

tt.W.astofoneSpeLrtot,etr.~,lfi<br />

a<br />

sio~.at So~thssst e0r. ]~an~ im~l~e ~y~a,e~gb<br />

Edward J. Berlin eLuX. to C-~ C~wcI~ Avee.’A~C~W’~" ~’ O.F.. b~’Spla~4<br />

l~z44.e8 rods, begtnntult in eentreof.DaCoda MarieV.I, gppmaatoWflIlamG~’~,lloo~<br />

R~md, 3~ rods ISouth from lntm’seello~ of et~ me~ tn a~:~dule ~ ~ ha ~ ~a. ~ ~jod~’~<br />

eentretor~d rosdand L~keVlew’Av~leo. Dixie, 184 IS. 8(ruth ~ Av~ Atlantic ae~hatel~<br />

a~r~mun~ Of a<br />

.~,~ty, Seo~ " ~ " u ap~un ,~u<br />

AlbertT. MooretOJohnlLDYke~,~oo@s4W" wht~h~ rill<br />

Ploulm~. mentlomll tn sehedule now InlIU2AreUeAve-, ~ W" ¯<br />

Samuel<br />

J. ~ lark el. uX. tO Im.bel A? Pyle,<br />

~Oz &tlanUe C11~,.$L,400.<br />

100 ft. Northwest aide of ELtmDden’Court.<br />

le0 W.N. 8mlilt to N. ~ewmm~ ~ ete.’me~<br />

ft. 8outhwestof Verse Ave-1400. tinted iM-aeheduie trod now haNo.2SNorth TlkeizalPse~[wD<br />

Jw~ob B. Lento Pearl Chew, lot No. 76 as<br />

shown on map flletl by Jesse 8. 12eke being oe<br />

Noeth eerier of Went FtRh ~l. sad Pleasant<br />

Aw silo.<br />

John E. Bmlth eL ux. to Charle~ Collins,<br />

l.Szlt0 ft. ~o~thwest side "of WHght<br />

8L $38 ft.<br />

Northwest from where eenire line of 8omer~<br />

lh~nt, and Pi~utvtlle Rsllro~d intenmCts<br />

m.ld Southwest aide of Wright 8L<br />

NEWS<br />

FROH<br />

."THE<br />

REI<br />

ORD"’<br />


YEARS<br />

A60<br />

Caltfornla<br />

Ave., AtlaaUe<br />

Ctt~.<br />

$a00.<br />

¯ ceaceu~ C~~<br />

Ilka C. I~tmofer to F~ ~; ¯B<br />

~oods ere. mootioud to sebeduis sad now in<br />

~omush of ~bOmm N~ Yo~-k CLty. ~L<br />

15-17 Mercer 8t. and about to be t~aa0o~d<br />

to<br />

Atl~nt~ City,<br />

of the ~t~se wm ~<br />

meet,<br />

that I~s be~<br />

Is, n’fie ~ Imam<br />

~ la fo~...m~ to t,d~Un<br />

FoUoWt~<br />

la~<br />

suppse<br />

Of.<br />

Charles’D~ Tomll~ton to ]Smile ]B~ldwtn, d~O~teJl.~uBUlootOt]lokOO~lJl~l~f~d,.,~’,<br />

’,<br />

oert~u leeds snd chattslssit~e~ mlmdat<br />

~<br />

- ~\ -:’~":~’<br />

Jud~ Clifton C, 8~han ~ be~!eMPemj<br />

laat at the Fl.n~ ~.sttonsl ]~.,¯k, ths following DeeeaJed<br />

was ~ p~0_mtnont<br />

mum<br />

beret I¯4e-. / Weu silty sksndei ts!m ~r ~ Paragraphs Reprinted Recalling Events Jud~. a<strong>sm</strong>ton of CrtmlaslOom’t Mmadla~<br />

i~t ~tilo : .<br />

tl~m we_~e~m:--h,,,~,_H.W AbbOtt, pe~ent Order~or l~orseters a¯(l .met o~ Sunner In Opera House "Prova~ Big B_yspse]t!nwellovm~er~awora, 0fYearl880. ¯ Sam¯el l~Je~ries&l~ns, Ise.,_v~LW-Scott C~mrtHomm<br />

l~. t,he.’t~J Of P ~q~i.<br />

!<br />

. . , . !’0o ,<br />

, Success. " k Mr ]Imac Be~kly foreman of the weave- Joh’nsonand Arthella , , ,<br />

. ~.0rtWo~D/y,M~uf~M.B. Mom~ Teachers Honpr NoW Postmaster.. M’ore than tWo bundr~ " refugees" were fed Ht~.publlkdutysaxtharise" .<br />

roontattheeotton,m,t,~o~=resente~w,~.a ]~t~l~J~ Jk~ll$~ ~" -- , ~ ~r~ ~ J~.~~:.,<br />

6msawooa. his recent a lntmeut oy t’rem m Hoe wl)ere r on this line tu my, hanasome watch oy emp,u~<br />

~.~’. . ; ’ _ _.. _ Inbonorof ppo " FrtdsyeveolnglutatthuOpe I"3, . Thare<strong>sm</strong>uehmo ..... .......... ._~..__.. Tud.m...ts wilt not hold ~ ~ m ~,4]15~ :~<br />

’ ]~tlu~7~al~.~-].kW.Crlmm~D.F.vaug¯n, dm~tWIll~a aa PmtmuterofMay’II~ndlng. ,t,.~.,,h.mnrl~lta¯e~ELme Coml~tny hf, ld ~nt Hsnnah¯sed~sumkl~L~nwOo~ Uuity_bo~ge’s ~ewouafers ~ ,m ~,,~,-.. o~u.s~u.~v,~v-j aT"~’~’-~_ ,~...*.~.*~SM~th~umllL - " ’ . . 1 :.<br />

-- ’ ......... " ......................... ~ n %V. M James EL Camp - Cohen ~m. ~BlU m ~xm~* ~ ............ "<br />

,le_~.~. ’ . . .. *L-~ ..... the school tethers O f the l~gh School ’no ab~ked.beaneupper, net(thgthe orl~¯isa~<br />

°n AnSoIlehevtuzaYg~oddaY. . H~rHson Th.on p~o,, ,.--:;;... W~" H,o~rt _Irene , ~- ~-’~ ....<br />

t*- [. " ~ ’ ’::’’.’~<br />

be a 0Mlett Of t¯e Mos~ra<br />

o~ art & luncheon o the t’- uoIIk end bell ~L W JosepD ~ n4~[t,©tt., ~ nt J~pn D ~rs~ .~ .~<br />

, ¯ ¯g _. ~ YJ~esday pve Ch~trlesC. Stew ’abotltf/0, whlehwtll be Applied n pu " Aaevur, yuresferp g , ¯ : _ _ [ = .... :~ ’ . [ _ . " " " [ . ¯ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ’ p : > : I<br />

~h-m~mmto.~llhlstseveno’©loek st UmmmK<br />

sad L<br />

tlon at the sehoolhoue~where he. the new combtnation chemical . . JeremlahDoo~nberry. Blng, Tre~urer; ELH. D. UO~ummn,<br />

e~.~.usrY/<br />

~ "|\ ~.~m-~._~<br />

". s,am..__ . . . .~ ~<br />

: wbleh Idl slm~nestld tosUend~,b~dnase humrv~e~Pu anlbmt:formm~’alyaara<br />

]t~rtns<br />

.ehue fund of , ., me¯town ~.J. " C.E.P. Mayhew, Chsp~tn:; F~dwar~ w0o*- [, . . ~’tl0~l.. |\_ :.. ~r* ~==~’=~ ~’.:=~. ~im :~;<br />

’. "’ " ¯ ’/ , tat wan carried out iueludtng db~os h, ,~.. a,~teu ~r the" supper were made by Swamp Cedar For Bale. wooibert,, bL-~.l l~n~e~Glfford.J.M.C. ~Coort Aerie, at l~w. C.~.(]Ol~,At~r. |~.lJ~.4.~s~_~l~m . ,,. u’q,,~,a_ ]~UL .....<br />

acres er C E. P Mayhew wu rtcenu) " rtbur Clrenit C~url. lrm" . -. ~ m<br />

~m. mm~<br />

mw.~,.-~_.,-"--’" "[ .~,1 |" nxpt’es8 amoerest .Ol~Lar M ~s<br />

I~ew<br />

~ ’- *~’~ ~’~"<br />

~’ day<br />

School,<br />

of whleb<br />

[<br />

" /<br />

8n~dl~ zalnoi wqm~J- . ’ ;:~’<br />

’ 19s~lmel~onrT, aOivu war wetenm~ dle~. at l in recolrnlUou of his many conr!ea’ea In.-~.-blpmisebeamlssforthelsdLeswho.lsted, who|tbe. ,IS. ,infest reurve near (-~et¯~,lPUpl~of ..~.M-;--~’on . ~ #"<br />

" ’ __. ~ ’’ " r" ~<br />

her r~Md,m~<br />

on .Maple Avenue "-n_.urm~y[ti0¯ to the tmebcrs.t.here were p resen~.mra[ .co¯trihutedlsrge!Ytothesnecessor.the .~m~r|surll¯rto¯~o..~y;~uwJer,ey.. * .~<br />

ihc"""~"..~°°~"t-~-,--ee.<br />

,,he<br />

,i~i ~--,--T~ ~..~e our’--. I ....,~,.,~---, -,,..,,.mL ,i<br />

. , ~en~nglaststtoralingertug lllnm~ soewM<strong>IC</strong>ha,les 8~ews~t ann .a*uSn.?er, zan. t"!mer|¯udmsdemoreaFpet!~lnSthetempungv--¯os<br />

| Further iaformUon wit| be ipvea .~.~ .-e I (~eor~.. t~uey:~=uJ~.,:-,~- et ~ ~ton~ms| -~,~);;~n CPIza~k, of Bmthagtonl.=’_ ~, ......... / "<br />

¯ . wn~ known th the oommu~lt7 mm w.aa i~.. ~l~mmell, m.l~G.Hutmr, Mulajmtstewsr~ they served. .. ome~ Of the Forest ~ommlmtou, ta~e J~ouse, drove nm new uome ~r,,., w ld ~J’~’~ "~ ’ H BILl ~ o.~ ~. IS. : ;<br />

¯ ’ , ~,’~. b@,:h~j~ =~. _:_~’~ --..,4..,,,a The -Ti, tp]e p t, ~iab metnt the borne, or inirapell’~ be~.rel~ .h~tof_ .;_ ..... _’ , ....... o_....x, Week Mr I.~nlel McChdn<br />

"who has been tnb<br />

Hovember<br />

lnevery\yaar l~oseerb0g the ’ " -,post-,O4~c~ J4@MrlJ.~., ’~<br />

. " M, II~ &t M O’O.~a, "~’’~/ rat ][.At SOn Tue~u~y<br />

eve¯lDg<br />

liMIT,/ Odd FellOWs Geoeuoe~l<br />

Ires rue umt mma.,~*v/ nonur rtu,, ,1..<br />

" . I " ’<br />

" ¯<br />

id~n[~e<br />

’ " -~ ’ ’<br />

. . ..... , Mtss Mnrl~ . Y<br />

-- " ’ - ’ " - lie ~choOl. of ue~ at AnKola L~l..h~ returnsd and pur-[ oemh,,yslnNovemberine*chyesr, toP.r°~. I elmmntthe~aSlS<br />

" i ¯ by the B,4w. lq.SW~. J~eisGu Of the 14... ~, ana a merry evenlug wlm spout in playing p~rt~ke0f the feast. , \ . Th~ Honor Roll of the pub<br />

, ’ " t otnl - nlawful to have any aese m The ~ 1 r ’ --<br />

" ’ Chmll; l~allm.t wilt . made in Uzd./___ ,4..,., .... - at--tu,, At ..ts.houri . -- ’ I H amll. Tow.lp for J..ry wttl .put>[ c--Clarkp Hell .d the eo ta~sdJ nil ttmtttshsll .n ........ L.,..~<br />

I North.-*L4~.<br />

m.,LI0--<br />

--<br />

ik<br />

i i,<br />

¯ ~*’-~’~--" ".’ ’ |P--~--~’=~.",~-,m’;v~. *;Wembe~-pnme¯t[ T.. ~.,4.,.* To’Plant Senlin,rs / lished nextldstnrd~yoonUd¯thg<br />

lbe n~ "te~ of[ peyln~fr~eo0forthe properue~. ..........<br />

I . .~’~’~.~ ,~ "~"__’~?-’~.~_T^~,~l~0,~=-u"~u*,~<br />

"~ _ :<br />

" "<br />

¯<br />

t ....~ ....... r.;i<br />

.m., v~ ..... ’ "O-] n "<br />

|<br />

e nt titto, or tl3e waLKer t~u~t~ dnrln the oge~ ses~on, area ,ur..~. ~ ....<br />

~]<br />

I~1~’ ~1~ ~ I I<br />

"" ’ ~ ¯ . let Yetter- ’ isao- 1 iswbobavenotmlm@d’~t° " Byth rece pe4" ., ,<br />

g . Malllao0al~llR .<br />

,..~ - _<br />

¯<br />

. were. M./mesI2mreShaner, M~rl~. ’ Ao old-~sh~.phmtlng’of m.P~haP .<br />

al p41~<br />

. . . . - loftheml|lU,~21 hubeeomethc lawful the hunUng of deer w~th deF. The " " 46n, dl<br />

¯ ¯ ~.~ . ~.~,, ~ --~- e non¯.oea oy Atmuuv ~. a w .<br />

an rt of Mr a0nu Y. walnut, xne bill hu been rel~rrea to tee .~omm,*mv m, . -<br />

’TWO .w~hmenh¯vebeen,~°ndut’ystl W’eU~. lq0mn0eBJtoble. Msrto¯Ubaner, Mar’l,.. ,-’,=non Mon~.vevening nexl at Mor~l ,Home From MichiK ,. -- . |p~Y " ...... ~ ........ "I ’<br />

" " .... ’~,t " " / .... ~ ~ as a ~...~.r,u Fo~"as It ~. ,e...~,--" o"~ .... O,me.~ ...... ~.<br />

....... ~ -.,~-~<br />

o~.~..,~.’ or ;,~,~.an~u.~--mu.l<br />

~..~ owd,~,~ory.<br />

~o,,ow,¯,<br />

the plan..,the.~. J~,., .=plo~ .noel wthala ~mlli<br />

,or~heffi.¯u~t.reof .I .F.bru~.T,d**<br />

at_.<br />

) ~~ ~ ~O ’’~<br />

"""<br />

~; I ’ I "<br />

r t G.¯ T will .th.r --.d /he festal oo~rd...ip is ¯home .for a few. w~ek~, dee~. ,lace,<br />

t r~<br />

I .a mw mill, ’ , .<br />

¯ EIIM~Ull thsorcemOl[OY asYa¯d tbe°therb , ~r. ll.- ~ I1:t5,,, l~undav Hymns ,...~Tte~renaxL’ ¯ ld tJ~t ~t~ts havlns msas th.use of nut. tronbythe~ld pro~s of ,o.~ n4;:_ -esthof Redmen O~0 War F~ath. , , a.L<br />

.~ Tt.:,~rbySDea<br />

fo".¯e ~’t"~’~..m/;u"~"~n-~u’;,u{~.<br />

;a.d t¯l --"-- ........ l,~p.,~.l.h,~,p, or 14eQ.lll remminhere a~Jtoreand a iwnooi ~to,~h, ~n=oxn:=aosloa<br />

, AttbereoeDt~oDfl~i~e~eofreprese~UbtivesO<br />

f<br />

=<br />

rt mr to me ume a rch. Low4s V, am~r on y<br />

" " ’SMMt h~ ’p ’ ¯ uuttlsodmtime In Ma ’\ ’ ¯ ~i. " ~<br />

tribes of ~ Men of this "Btste, held in’<br />

: ’ ~m-*d~’m~*~’~ b.’,.he rsllr0sd~md l~Ba¯dsY’evenlngm~dse&tthePmbyteria,.n.l ’-- .: ’Simpli~ Tax.Boards.. ’ . . . .- , - ’ . .mains to indlmt. It. once prmpernus coo- ~I ...... -.-- d~4ed to o~ei trepbise I~r<br />

-..--,-.m,.w~ r~r-~.r=- ¯ .... B ~ Bmith ¯ ~ r, wllt ’ " he noun tsz boaru -,’~-~", ......<br />

<strong>sm</strong><br />

.....-’-~ w ~ .~,.~,..;,t.,~ .-.-.o"w’"te"4~ b~"<br />

the Ol~tl~eh.s¯d<br />

Ray..<br />

, t~ pule ~,l A bUl ~runitngt t.y w .... ,,.%"<br />

J:ne Sale-<br />

, ’<br />

. m~s....kw,~_M~ef~_,,*~<br />

.... ~ - pres~hb~,tl~i themesst both, 6ervJ0e~ tdun~[ tma bee~ hatrmiuoed, 1¯ the Bensto whlob,,lf ..........<br />

’ * " ~SehoolatiSaeloelf. All weleom<br />

,: ?<br />

-(,<br />

’l<br />

dlUoa. ¯ "*’*~<br />

.... "~"<br />

wilt n tb~ 8tale about II00.eo0. Xt<br />

Ioe~od~o~dltioa, B0£~3,May’al2tndtug"adv The C~ty Council of Atlaotie City has de- new memberL Tbe trlbeshavebeensaked<br />

etded to b(illd a boardv~lk along the, ocean a net Incre~eeofflveper neut. tn memberehip.<br />

.... " pmvlde~ ~b~the o~m of~r/ being ~ . ~Hend, Take ~otice I<br />

runt of Ibe city <strong>sm</strong>iler to that<br />

of C~pe May.<br />

It ’is planned to ~t.ke thla ~ o~e of the<br />

by oneofthe ~lamly -aplm~t~ i~mmbe~ of<br />

he ~L It able retinue8 the mlarl~ of B4~rd<br />

~JNow~<br />

la the Use<br />

to 4o\the right tblus.<br />

- .au~be.~ ... .<br />

~ow ~o.r u~ ~m ,t,~ it ,. ,~,.<br />

¯<br />

J0mver. Let u~ lo0k~l~mnmlvse,<br />

m aure<br />

/ 81ipper~Walklnll Awhile. ¯<br />

¯ F t~s~e temPlm~qure foltow~g tl~..Msvy<br />

n~ ~ evm~ b.t ~ov,mt ,tr~ an9<br />

with a co.tins ~im an4,wsiku~r,mm<br />

,m.Y unmmmr~ml~<br />

toe sbvend hour, W~bm**<br />

4q~|mt~ ¯eonUns Of ~ ~d mow Isv*,the<br />

¯ IWtW 41"~n~ IFIP m tm~M ~ Uevoml<br />

l~nooa fotl~ the.sllpimry I~t,v,~t~ta but eo<br />

~r u 0sn be leame4 no one wU In0ues¢.<br />

0sl*bretad 6evsnty-~ret 81~dsy..<br />

.+ .M~’Omoville ~ a Vei<strong>sm</strong>p "1~r t~<br />

0/v~t War, mlebmtat t/la Wvmty, nnt’b/rth-<br />

,\ ~1~’ llanlvlpgmO’ T~sd~. ~t, Mr, J , - / ’ "<br />

" sphe Of.t~, number<br />

o~ niv~mm-mm~<br />

he mm Mn~ mm~r<br />

~nun~.’ of ~.~,d~m, ~.J.<br />

Is sU!l: hal~, Ud hMtr~y m~ q~,vo vtaLt~ u~,We~ ¯ Nebon Th~ burst<br />

¯ \-, .~.~.rap.g~m~...~. m.P.~m~ ¯<br />

MY~s, Eekl~rdt, who who was tO Mug st the<br />

ev~n~l mrvle~’wlll not sing unU! the follow-<br />

inISg~day one, count 9 f a prevtou.e~qpW~<br />

lent.<br />

Theobolr Of the Prombyterl~n Cburoh will<br />

hol~ ~ adult ValaaU~ BoeM~! Saturday ev~-<br />

i~ February 11, at the’;bome ot Mrs. 19. ~’<br />

6hlmer.~ All a4WIS Of the co~gr~stton are<br />

eordtldl~ Invltsd, Oup~ wm remtve, s811ver<br />

o~rertlN[ ~3he door. Thees will be qlffmbmonts<br />

¯ ’ Freeholders To Meet¯<br />

The February meeUns of the Bo~d el<br />

CM~en<br />

Freeholdem ~.111 be. bald Wednmdm,T<br />

ne]~ nt 11 ¯ m, !¯ M~naorlai~hall, .Athmtto<br />

01ty’.’ All btlla ,~atnni the Couaty mumbo<br />

in.<br />

the hands of the rmpeetlv~ eommitt~.l~l~<br />

Monday morniuff next* \<br />

Mr. uows~ .w,~moa~, Oftt~ ~<br />

been appo~ted A~m~Bupervim~ Of ~ tn<br />

thiamin. , " , ...’7" ¯<br />

-\<br />

Whathtndof&giaasvma’aae. Look at~<br />

tmnelm~ent<br />

IW8 of Jesus Chri~ and behold<br />

Tweoty elotidy’daya in January aud rata<br />

fifteen of them.<br />

Wanted,<br />

RuMent ma~lspr wlth abiLitY and push, to<br />

couduot hence to house canvimalng o~mp~gn.<br />

yoursbK. Ca¯ ymtaa,Fyo~<br />

am Itvthg rtSh<br />

t<br />

bedM~roOk~d? Nowy~umndoil. Now y0U ttood income muted. Dot~ O0~&~ny;\<br />

m~ght TO dO iL ~ ~U0w-(flUaans, let us Cour~h ~treet. New york CIty.--Adv.<br />

{]~bwl~ll Oeq~i Nt~. nightly [[ ~--.-----~----~--------~ "<br />

,.~0~ ~.,~,., mi,.o~C~ureh<br />

~Z li<br />

-New Barber Bhop<br />

~.<br />

Idl~ :lie~o~ry T. ~ ~hla" uot be OuSts || Mr, Walter~]rish ~ opene4 .a i~ew t~rt~r<br />

,ha ~-~pa ][~’SY. ~ Oive yoU~U]| shop ha the Moore b~UdthS, oorner Main ettrset<br />

to Go~l~r.~ Uwlnl~’Serm~. wP~-I|<strong>sm</strong>/~rmcutAvonue. , ¯<br />

]C~sla4: -Th. WsiU~Gnest." /| ¯ ’ ’ Hous*’lrlw, Ba<br />

I*. ,<br />

"~/<br />

" .~i,, " "\ ""<br />

\<br />

biggest iu the history of ~ew Jenmy’a<br />

Men. Every msu at Lie meeUngpk~lSmi him-<br />

self to work u new~" he,re, ~ at the<br />

ptherto4~ inolnded ~ Of the ~<br />

neut membe~<br />

Of.tl~ ordse lu tt~ MIens.<br />

.:<br />

Oe~th Taken Oontrectm"s<br />

titular,;<br />

mrm,,~y<br />

of ,~is t~ .~t ~.<br />

8ewel~ N. J, died Monday<br />

lint stteronuPem-<br />

non,for <strong>sm</strong>~.4~lm st m,~u~se~na<br />

PhUadeli~W BI~ wM Im~4e4 We4amd~’<br />

,s.qsrnoo~ et tim<br />

~lUrVtvedkFber hlbon4 JuSt mmma<br />

have t~ s~mimt)~r Of a ko~ of h~J ~ ta<br />

,t~ -I~. ~qnant’ .. .....<br />

¯o,.~<br />

s<br />

V 1<br />

\<br />


m~;W,’,,:ii~ mr.=.a n~.<br />

,77:;’F;~;l~ith;li~ttilii0Uiili Ule.miit+ will\be at tim<br />

::. :.!~ ’~,’i~, tlilq~l,<br />

le<br />

;,ill rettllttlmolm should be re¯de<br />

:.’ :" bT ~ lettei’, pint.: omce or et~r~<br />

[; ;" : lll~olrllti~rolie011~ Addrl~an reimlttancCl<br />

! :" ,: il~ o. mmNEB, ~ o~i ei, bm~,.. .<br />

i. , m~ T. s. em~ll..t~.~+~.<br />

". : :lotlnd at th0 Mly’l ilading Pelt-t/ice ee<br />

: " . ’ ’ ’~ 811xulde¢laal Matter¯<br />

’ .lithelY8 LA~IDI~G. FIgBRUARY 6, i1~15:<br />

Bclf-governmeut doe~n’l Ncem to be such ~in<br />

:’<br />

¯<br />

’ lili-flredllucct~lillt might bc In Weymouth"<br />

Tow~lhlp and ~mers’ Point City.<br />

¯<br />

+ Deeplte the fact that the Fl,.h and Game<br />

¯ , ~ommllllon eets up |hi Judgmel,t ulpllnst the<br />

¯ bllitUie~lslaluee will do well r. pass the<br />

¯ meelui0lmrmnUng.ltunUug deer w I t t, hounds<br />

¯ TlllrWlihu of the h~hutel~l of the I~tate Ikl~, or<br />

¯ ’ "ilhOuId big parlmiouut in’ this matter.<br />

¯ . One pnblio-spirlted resident turned In with a<br />

¯ will tO help the’firemen In their recent baked-.<br />

ll~in supper with the comment : "I am Io~lkbig<br />

toth~ boyn to help me If my property<br />

, tilku fli~" He hit U3e null on the hcltd, g(~nl<br />

, &ud hard. It’isu’t everynne Who stim their<br />

perlonal lntei~est<br />

IO clearly.<br />

¯<br />

In public institutions quirt,<br />

AcOordlugqo tradition Dr’or GYound Iiog,<br />

¯ who.-eclaliic title Is Arct~ilnys Mt)nax, dill not<br />

see his shadow Tuesday last nnd an earl).<br />

8prink Is pradicted. Mr. ,Monax, however, at’-<br />

". . 0ording to olilelal wmtther records, ml~<strong>sm</strong> Jzl~<br />

thalt _Otherwise at.<br />

~<br />

In our little friend Arctom<br />

is liable to be proposed for membershl p in the<br />

A~lnlas Club¯<br />

Beforeponrtng out the vlnl~ ot youl’wmth<br />

on road Ofllclall and workers generally hecllall~<br />

of 4lho pre~ont deplorable condition of<br />

the highways, pause"to consider the utter ImpoImlbUlty<br />

of kee~)lug gravel roads In g&)d<br />

Ill¯i~ with the weather as it ires heen for e<br />

mouth pall Under ordinary Winter eondltlOu~<br />

the lime roads would have been vastly<br />

dll~l~eUL With a few weeks of good weather<br />

they will soon be placed in good order again.<br />

Though lilx upon tax has been levied, the<br />

Democratic regime in New Jer~y leavm a~ a<br />

]elpicy to the pl~lcnt l~puhlienn m(Llorlty<br />

debts amounting to more thati two million<br />

When the Democrats n~umed control<br />

trlllury. AS a buslnol~ propo~ltlon, what<br />

hcIrd of dlr~tm’s would, keep In omce<br />

m~nagir who made such g poor showlUg?<br />

The people of the State urn ¯ waking up to the<br />

mthatton and next Fall will v.end-Jersey back<br />

in the staunch Eepubllc eolu an.<br />

=i..-____.~<br />

Though more or levi desulU)ry talk about<br />

"cilia-up week" him hcen heard anmzally.<br />

nothing defluite In this line lisa hen,,torore<br />

k’,.: ~ done and herein lie~ an opportunity for<br />

, .. the ]Bliird of Trade to distlagul,h Itself.<br />

’. ", In the near future a weei~ should tic net<br />

lipirt, eerly In the Spring, ror a general ch<strong>sm</strong>lip<br />

of private and public property; days set<br />

_~Ipixt when citizens clan get together, for In=<br />

" ItIMice, and make a general raid on the river<br />

fl’ont, when a dozen men or lie could neeomp<br />

’lkh wonderful chauge~ with little work;<br />

v¯~ant lohl or ah~mnt property owner~ elelired<br />

of rubbllh and other things done which will<br />

readily pre~nt themselves to Improve the<br />

¯ ppeelrauce ot the municipality.<br />

At the lame time individual property owner~<br />

" el.n clean y~lrda, relmir fencer:¯ ply the whitewlah<br />

brush and otherwise ald In tile g~neral<br />

work. It Is surprlnlng wlltd re~ult~ Can<br />

be accomplish in thl<strong>sm</strong>anner.<br />

By tie early start aod a little effort on the<br />

lzirt Of membeii public interest In thin project<br />

can elllly be aroused and the*¯cleiin-np week’<br />

lmmldl~ a lilo~t mitlsfylug ttud beneficial reanty.<br />

The great ngtur~l beaulyor l,akc Lena pe Is<br />

marred, from the viewl~)tnt of:tilome pa.l~lng<br />

by M~lnl~treet or Lenape Avenue. by tht~ tinkempt<br />

coudltlonofit~ shore~ where prt~+tlt~lly<br />

no ~re has been taken tO lnzprrdve appearlul~l.<br />

It ueods ~O great flight of the Imaglna-<br />

Uol~to picture what the result would bc of il<br />

thorough cleaning up of these .banks, remov-<br />

Ing brush¯ stumlm and debris and c~itlibli~liillg<br />

neat lawns along the shore. "<br />

In few muulcl palltieit eould’such.a .neautlrll)<br />

body of water exist, the town hullt ou its I tlllnu<br />

dlate shores, where rne~.~ures would not Ii*.<br />

t~keu to place and pi’~=serve the banks In<br />

pleasing condlth)r~. Doubtle~ few<br />

lilv~ given a thought to thil (lUe~tioh, for If It<br />

ha d bt~n taken seriously In c~>n~lderlition the<br />

would have btlen great changes y(~ ago.<br />

Supt. Charhi H. Keareof lisp Vl’.ter I’,)w,.r<br />

Company, owners of m(~dt of tht. ~hc)r(¯s ndJJicent<br />

to the town, has taken Inlt tit I ~tep~ t,)wa rds<br />

the dlmln~i end~and during Lilt" Ill’dr fPW yoar-~<br />

has brougilt a~lut grill|lying rcxtllts. It i~<br />

doubtful, thoug*t, wh(.ther niitoy rt~Idt¯nt~<br />

bare noticed ,tnd ai,I)r,~’laled Ill,’ rt’a[ worth ,~f<br />

this work, which should b~ CollttnoPd hy evt,ry<br />

property owner al~)nld~ tht~ ~horl,. l)eeayed<br />

fence~ should be torn d,)wtl--lt is doubtful<br />

whet*her fences are nee(led ab)ng the Nb,)res<br />

aud certainly they add not hlng t,l:lppeanlncvs;<br />

stamps and ~raggly Dollies re

"~ ,: :!v/ i;;:,;.t. L ", ¯ :IF~/ 4= ~..-: .......<br />

Capital of Atlantic County<br />

The Place To Spend<br />

Your Summer Vacatlon<br />

_ ..<br />

. SBlUttiq~ ~i,i~ . ., ~<br />

~’ qial, mat, iqulr~, m.le. i,~, tII,~ ri~. b .~up~.ie court, Jwa0..aoL caar!m 9,<br />

nlokti. "phlini, ruffed IroUI~ ¯pnllrle [ Blimk.<br />

¯<br />

..-<br />

°hlokmi.and tiuniplrhm parlrldzo--Novem~r i I,~lrcutt Court Judlo-- lion. ltoward CIrmw.<br />

IOtoDeoemh~l~ ’ , . ] I~lWJudle--Hon, CllflouO, Shluu, , "<br />

’ Wild |arks-- cllX¢t~l i~lmOli until March 13, [<br />

County Clerk--Edwin, A. Park0t, ’<br />

" 1919, - ¯ . ~ l~pitl~v County Clcrk.-nurlou A. (hi.kill,<br />

¯ Female Knlihsh ring-necked phcamult -- Bherlll~-Jceeph It, Uartlett.<br />

elmmd’lelmmi uutll April 15, 1919.<br />

" ’ Deput~ Shorlff--~ntlth F~ Johnson.<br />

~ bird-Sept<strong>sm</strong>ber and 0¢tober. Burr0gatc--Etoanbel C. Bilaner. 1<br />

""All |mall |bore bi ~s not dllignited by name Deputy SUr~ate--O~l~e T. Yetter.<br />

under the open’ eemlOUl Iltt|e browll, iml.idhlll<br />

County Collc~tol’--Enoclt 1~. JohHoo,<br />

and whooping eranm, awalu% eurlewlk uplllnd County Audit0r--Almalom H. lilgbe~.<br />

plover and wood duell--cleeed s~aon Until Prceecutoroftho PIc~s--CharlelS. Moore.<br />

B~p~mber 1, |~& Aest. P~utor--W. ~ nrow~ Jr.<br />

8here blrdll--only.lllack br~lated plover, Jack<br />

or Wilton snip@ "and greater and leescr yellow<br />

le¯e.-i:teplember I to’.Bl~ember llt<br />

Rall~, cooll% plilnulc~, nlarsh hen or mull<br />

hen--September, October and November,<br />

Woodl.~lck--Ck*tollcr l0 to Nov0mbei’ll0.<br />

Waterfowl, eaccpt wn~l duck lind.l~Witll -<br />

November, December und JnVltlary.<br />

Brook brown and nlln~l~" teeutandlalldlooked<br />

i~dzuon--Apz’II l toJuly l~. ....<br />

Black bnli~, O~wegobu~ while bxl~, crnpph"<br />

and ¯pike perch--Jnnel5 to Nov,,Intler 30.<br />

Pike and illckercI--Mlly 20 to November 30;<br />

January l re20.<br />

Skunk. mink. mu.~krut, otter (m iv only h.<br />

t rapp~i)--Jni!uary I to Aprl! I ; ~°ovember<br />

Jur, Cnmmlmdnuer--Wllson I~nscman.<br />

Court Stcuogrltl,iler-Chtude W. Myee~.<br />

County l’hynlcblll~l~wlli It. Boudcr.<br />

Superinh~ndellt (’ounly A~ylual foi" Insane--<br />

Tobll.4 I,. McConIIt, II.<br />

,14fewer I iif the Alnlshonsi,,--Tnbbul I. Me-<br />

Connty StlF~rl~tetldent oft-lchoole--itenry M.<br />

Crewman. " -<br />

~nziLy i~ogineer--A¯ II, Neblon;<br />

County Supcr~’lmw’ of II~tds---Japhet Price.<br />

Superintendent of t#rnuods and Bulldlngl--<br />

Daatel l,’, Vsttlghn.<br />

Hup~rhlteUdentiff %l,’elghls snd Mcqlmlr~l,;dwnnl<br />

W. ~Itrlckhtnd.<br />

Con,noi~ -- ]tlcbard Bew,- Atlnnth- CRy’,<br />

,~,<br />

toDeeemtmr.’ll.<br />

Deer, huekand doesnver one~vearoI,L-La~l<br />

three Wednesdays Ii1 October nnd’flv~l ,v, d-<br />

ne~day Ill No%’omt~r. ~<br />

llile~xnl--t)ctober 1 tO Ih.~’elnber 15.<br />

City lind Township Clerks.<br />

Aimecon City -- Mamuel Joltnmlo. Ab~e~ti<br />

City.<br />

Atlaotle, City -- Daniel il¯ V. llell. Atbloth<br />

~,lt.y.<br />

Brlgnnllne City -- E. It. ,’~inllb, Brigantine<br />

I’llltvlt,~ i;nnnlll~ilflnl. I|ltillmOllt~lfl; tlalvor<br />

h. Itnrk, y, Fb-.nmtvltvllle.<br />

dPtlnhnr--Iloll. Wnlter E. Fd~o,<br />

A~t.~t¯liil,lylnPil+illltl, t’itrllon (~4~lfr~y a~d<br />

lion¯ tl,’llrnnl I*:, ~lll°hltinnil<br />

I~t~ll,~l,lllnll%t0 hi¯ (’unll~l’~4qilluli. IKlilll.<br />

Ihlehall,l,h.<br />

- +<br />

Meulbel’$ of Chosen Freeholders.<br />

A.thlnfh’ (’it)" -- Ihivld it Illtrn,tl. lilt ward<br />

~ l-llnwkelford. 211d wltrd ~ Iblt,e-t Fllzgenlid,<br />

’wd wiled ~ Thlltlnul ItlllliL ,llh wnnt.<br />

Ab~tec~m (’lly--I~:dwln |toiltn~on, let wardl<br />

City. F. FralPy Doughty, 2nd ward,<br />

, Btlcna Vista Township -- l)ntlglaml l{~l, Buenll Vista Townshlp--lklnlhllck Cor~lglla,<br />

Newfleld. IL D., I,:a~t Vllieland.<br />

Elig Hi/rbor City - William Morgenweck, J., F~l~t Atlantic CIty--Fred.~Vllleltq. let ward;<br />

I~ tliirbor City. Alfrl~l II¯ I#mlth, 2nd wllrd.<br />

i Harbor Tolnlhlll--~liarhsl L ~nllth. l~gg lhlrbor City--Sitinliel Wlnlerbotlonl<br />

Enllish Cr~k. - Egg llarbor City.<br />

Folliom-- D. M. Rodefler, Fohtom. F4[g llnrllor Tnwu~lllp-- l~wls I1¯ Hmlth<br />

Oilloway Townahlll -- Ilarry 14. thll~er, Eelllsh I’n.ck.<br />

llomcrenla- Glllhiwiiy TliWntill<br />

I,<br />

,|olnl Illln~14.hlllinll<br />

Hamilton TownRhlli--Tb~llill~lln if. I|lNivPr. I’ohlgtll.,<br />

May*s lindlng., tllinlllhln Tliwnlqllll~ - I ni "1’. ig, Hi,illh, May’<br />

Hammonhm--W. IL t~@ly, ltninliinnton. I~ndlnl~.<br />

Llnwood--Jam~ FliPlsh<br />

I<br />

I.inwri~Id. Harnwilonton -- %VIIlhinl I,. lll/lck, (’)’rill<br />

Longport~%Vllllim El. Gilmore. l~lligp~rl, i)~llr~id<br />

MnllleaTownlhlp~(leo. l’al~ell, l~:lwood. Mill)lute (’lty - (ll.l,rgt~ ~tVl,lih, )lllll,.<br />

btargiitc City--A. I1¯ ll~petU,, Mandhe City. I"lty.<br />

Northileldl?lt)---l~:ugeneHwllkoy, NorLhnold Mlllll~’il TlIWli~lil<br />

I,<br />

%%¯1111Iinl l,¯ Illnlr.<br />

-<br />

I~:l<br />

City. WO~I.<br />

~lltlltanlvlll@-~l.liPnlhLllAlidrt*w~.l’len-qant- Northlh.hl I’lty \Vnlh,rJ. Ityovi. 1-1 wlird.<br />

ellis. Itaker~llh,’. IlPrill:ili I.. Illoiillll~0 7lid wnrlt.<br />

Port ll~lnllilh’= (’lty t’lark A..hihntlli. iNirl I.hlwl~.l,<br />

I~epubllc, I’lt~a~tlilYIIb,:.l~ltlll I’. Al~hlliend. I~t ward<br />

l’tomerW Pohlt Clty-.Jalnetl I~]. ~ull. 14~llnl.r~" bewl~ It. "~inlth. _’lid lolled.<br />

l~int, Port ll~l.llllbih<br />

,<br />

I’lty-.Ioteph ~I. t’lllllnll, I~t<br />

Venlnor City -- bL I.tleehrntn itoylll, Ventrior (i lll-tl : ¯ll)liil I~. Jllh Ii~lllil. 7lid wiled.<br />

{’lty.’ ~olner~q I’tlliit t:lty--:l.lJeil Tllllellin. l~II ~vllr~l:<br />

Wcymoutli Town~ltlp -- ]+~. I~. l-llielPpllrd~ I’hsrl~q Vi °. (~]onlelllt, 7nd ward.<br />

Tuckahoe. %’enlnln* City - TlivIllr linhn’~. Ill Ivni~l<br />

........ i ....<br />

I. l-[lll’r~’ Fnlnler. ~ll~l t, ll’llrd,<br />

C0unt~ Tax ~]]0~0rl.<br />

Wt,ynintllh Town.hi ll--Andl, ltlon Ilourgl~lli,<br />

tlJ~on City--leslie H. Hhowell. Ahlle~n.<br />

b]~l*.lvllh,,<br />

.... -4=- ....<br />

A.tlantle Clty--ltwls 1~ Mathl~. Atlantic City.<br />

Brlipintlne City--H. D. Smith, Brlg~lntlne City.<br />

Tax Asses~a’~ And Addrenes.<br />

BuenllVIstaTwp.--AL C. Dasgett. Vlneland.<br />

Abs~-~m--Wllllam B. Itney, Almeeon. 11<br />

EglIH~lrborCIty--C, Krl~kel, Egg Harbor t:tly. Athinth, (’lty--ilolird of A~lmirs. ¯~lttnnlle<br />

!~ Harbor Twlk--BenJ. C. Lee. l’lenllvllle.<br />

City.<br />

Foleom--ThomoJ*Chalmer~, Follilll,<br />

l-lrlRlinllnl, (’Itj¯--%V. II~,ldzkolll. I~rl£11nlllle,<br />

Galloway Twp.----Jamlm l.klmcr~, Ocettnvllle¯<br />

llui.lill ~.’l~ltll Twil---O. I’]. i~en| Is, Vhl~.hind.<br />

HImlltonTwlx--C. W. Abbott. May’llJindllll. [’]gi Itltl’lltll* Twp--~lit<br />

’, llllili,ll~ll.lll..%llUl~llll.<br />

lelammoal~n--A, i~ Davl~, nammonton.<br />

I::gl4 IInrltor City --:%¯ A, Ill.Pile% b]ig liar-<br />

Llnwond--Alfr~d B. l-lcull. I,Inwo~l.<br />

I~lr I~ll)<br />

l.oniporL-Wln¯ H. (tlllnor~, I~)nliptlrl. l~’tlllOlli-I~illlX ~¢.h111zt,, [¢o(#i411o¯<br />

MulllcilTue’nshlp--Frank Edwardll. EIwood (Jlillowny’]’Wl~--t’hester 1-’l)llliVi.i- I h.ellnvli[P.<br />

MirlllteCIty--A. li. liepetto, MargaleClty. ttnmllhlvrll Twp--~nrry Jenkln~q. Mny’~<br />

Northfleld--Wnrrt, n Bnrronlbe, ~orillfleld.<br />

I..qlidlnl~<br />

Plemllnlvllle--Web~ter Price, l’leliaantvllle, tlillnlllOill¢ln--( Iolli’l~l. 1lilt*l)** iliinllnOllllln.<br />

Port ll~publlc--Jol~. M.Colllnli. Port ilepubllc. Llnwl.~l--lLIchllrd .I ~l’llll’l~l. I.Inwl~xl¯<br />

l.tolnenq’ Pnlnl t:lty--A¯ Y, l)ei~, ,Uklnlera’ I’olllL I~nlTl~n’1--’l~t’lllhlill<br />

~-<br />

I illtil°i¯e- l~iliglwlri~<br />

Ventoor CIty4ametl G. Heoll. Ventnor City.<br />

MitrKlih" CIIy--A. IL l~t’llollll, Mllrgltte City.<br />

Weymouth Twp.--Uarry 1). Fnkler. Tuckalio~ Mullh’n TW p--H. Tapken, l’:gg llartmr (’lly.<br />

~orlhlleld--M. ~’. !-In).ill.r, Nllrthflehl,<br />

-- -- Ph;~mlntvlIIe--(i. M. llrittY~¯ i’lcn~lnlvlllP¯<br />

llicy’l Limdmg Ledge Diroctol%<br />

l’orl Itl’polilll’--.,Ime’llil II. I~veland. Porl<br />

Unity Lodge No. ~1, F. & A. M. me~l~ fh~t Republic.<br />

Wedn~ldily evenlnlof the mnnth. ~,h.lvln It.<br />

l~lnn.p~’ l’oinl--l"lr~t Ward, .hlhn I.. Allller:<br />

Illpley, W. M. ; I.. W. Cremer. ~ta&’, .’-k~cl)nd %%’lie(l. S, ,*4. Sl(~l.llnlln. SornPr~" I’olnt.<br />

Atlantic I,~ldge No..0, I. I). O. F. IrleH~ every VPntnor-l’. F. iloward. Venlnor.<br />

Friday evening. Charles E. Itelnlney, Noble ~iVeynl~uth Twp.--F. McK,,ngut,. TilckahoP.<br />

(il’and ; Jan]ol t~. I[iwlvcr. Hq~rPI11ry. --<br />

Narralmn~ett Trltm N*o, 101, l, O. IL M. nil~Pt~ Roster of C0~nty Mayere.<br />

ever./Tuei~day’s sleep. ]’Jtrl Taylor. l:lachem : Ab~x’on--.l, Alton’blltcheII.<br />

Tbompeon fl. Hcsover. l~erelary. Atlantic City--William nlddle.<br />

May’it Lilndlng (’onncll Nil. 121. t). I’. A. 51.<br />

meetilevery .%iondll)" cvenlllg, t’llliN.C.~h¯wltrl.<br />

Couacllnr. it. W. Hhllner, ,t41~rf, lilry,<br />

,Joha W. Vi’elDI (’lr~]~. IIrfltherllOod Of<br />

Amerh*~l : Inf~ts every ~V~nollday i~v(.nl,ll~ ;<br />

Edwil~l Jtlln. I"hlPf ~*%’lt~lllngilln I’lllrPilre<br />

Taylor, l~Jnlll Kcepcr.<br />

Ilrig:llllhlo 1¯113- ,Xlfr,.d IL ~lilll h,<br />

P]gg lt;ir(,,ll’ (’lty--ti,~lrl~,, .%ltl,.ill,r.<br />


i<br />

\<br />

,a<br />

Place To Sperm<br />

Your SummerVacatlon<br />

Foimded at the head ¯ of tide-water on the banks of the Great Egg<br />

Harbor River, May’s . Landing h,~s enjoyed ~om the first.the<br />

¯ reputation of being the most beautiful, ¯most healthful place of<br />

resicrenee in this section of New Jersey. Its magnificent o~k trges<br />

.have become famous, and. beautiful Lake I~e~nape is scarcely less<br />

\<br />

wall-known. Inducements to manufacturers ale exceptionally good.<br />

For the truck farmer’ and poultry raiser it is an ideal location, mad the<br />

mecca of’those seeking Summer homes at a reasonable cost.<br />

/<br />

¯ Twenty minutes from ¯Atlantic<br />

Greatest Seashore Resort in<br />

Only one hour from<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

¯ bottom. Walter JT. ltyan, Jo~ph Colllnsl Allen<br />

Tallman.<br />

Forfeiture ltecognitaneol -- Harry Fulmer,<br />

Charie~ W. Citroen|e, Alfred B¯ Hmllh, [,ewls<br />

H. Smith, Herman I,, Banning.<br />

Ordlnanee~r-Anderson Bourgt~ts. William<br />

’L Black. Robert L. Pk:harnhomt. Waiter J.<br />

R~n. Thomu RItaon.<br />

Soldiem’ Burlal---Cyrns F. Oagtxxl. I~mlutek<br />

COrslglhh Anderson Bourgeois, Joseph M¯ Collltm,<br />

L,ewla H. Smith¯<br />

Dlaeharge of Prteouert~-WUllam L. Black.<br />

Robert L. Sharnho~t. Alien Tallman. Waiter<br />

J. Eyon, Taylor Haloes.<br />

Pflntlng--Domlnlek CovalglIs, l~obert FItz- ,’harlea W. Clementn. 2nd ward.<br />

City,. the<br />

the World.<br />

S Plendid boulevards, for automobles leadto May’s Landing from<br />

every point, including the direct road from Philadelphia’~by way<br />

of Downstown and the Egg Harbor’ City boulevard, leading fror~<br />

. the White Horse Pike. The Great Egg Harbor River boasts of an<br />

I<br />

active Yacht Club open for membership. This picturesque waterway<br />

L~al Points of InteresL I<br />

Cotton mill of the May’s I~andlng Water<br />

Power Co., on Lake Denape. Lqmrle~ Kt~tr~,<br />

.’4uperlntendenL Mt~nnfaetnrt~ cotton towel.<br />

lag, etc¯ Employ~"K~0 hnnda.<br />

Pimp| of the Atlantic Brick Mamffaeturlng<br />

Co., ono-half mile on the Pleeanntvllloh~mb~.<br />

yard. Fine p~:~-2: ~,: ¯ .a#out<br />

one hondr~l hands.<br />

Crtmberry I~g of Makepeaee & Co., more<br />

titan one thousand acrt~qn extent, On the Egg<br />

Harbor City bnolevard, about one mile front<br />

May’s I~anding. Charle~ D. Makepeaee, Eupk<br />

May’s IAtndl Ill {¯tit (t hlL~ Ca., Jo~ph T!lorpe,<br />

fltt~ n re.<br />

County ,hdl and OITlees of tile Surrogate and<br />

Ce{~tnly Clerk. Court House. IMmlel ~,’¯Vanghn,<br />

affords good .boatin~, bathing and fishiiig,..a~d is a popular highway<br />

with yacfit<strong>sm</strong>en to Atlantic City, Ocean City an~t other seashore<br />

resorts. : : .."<br />

For Further InfOrmation :Apply to<br />

Hamilton Township Directory.<br />

Tnwnshlp Conml [lice -- | ! arrit*on W H~on,<br />

Chairman ; Charlee it. Ma.kPpeaee n~d Curtis<br />

ilazeltoo.~<br />

A,~l~sor of Tltxt~--Harry ,lenkhls.<br />

Celiac.tar nf Taxes--Clar!~ W. Abb )It.<br />

¯ Coaai~ble~,~t.l~tt f:haml, hm, ,Io~eph Dnber-<br />

ab;~, John A<br />

J ustlees 6[ t-ih-~Peaee-J<br />

Andrew O I!Leaple.<br />

IteeorderL-Jnlne~ A. Lambert.<br />

~u rve~or~ of tllghways--t’haries Vnlgt. and<br />

(’harle~ MIngln.<br />

Choaen Freeholder Ira T. B, HmlIL.<br />

Bo~rd of Edueathni--Rolph ,’4. Vlmnaman.<br />

l’rtmldent ; Clark H. ’Barrett. Clerk ; Iierman<br />

||tdne.~, Cnrtts t4azelton, ltobert 1|. AhbotL<br />

¯ lohn J. BabcOck. ilenry l’felffer. Wilmer A.

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