MU November / December 2013

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Issue 6, Volume XXIV.<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

The machinery only journal for processing and packaging<br />

inside<br />

News<br />

CMC's CartonWrap<br />

designed for e-commerce<br />

was demonstrated at its<br />

Open Day in Italy<br />

New machinery<br />

A new palletiser offers all<br />

the functionality of robotic<br />

systems at less cost<br />

Installations<br />

Cheese maker upgrades to<br />

latest multihead weigher<br />

for grated products<br />

Plus:<br />

Labelling, coding & marking<br />

Components<br />

Regulations<br />

Who what where

CAMA UK Ltd - cama3@camagroup.com - Tel. 0 1793 831111

ISSUE 6, VOLUME XXIV. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Editor: Gail Hunt<br />

Sales Manager: David Chadd<br />

Production Manager: Bill Lake<br />

Publishing Admin: Chris Valdes<br />

Artwork Contributor: Barry Heath<br />

A PPMA Publication<br />

PPMA Ltd,<br />

New Progress House,<br />

34 Stafford Road, Wallington,<br />

Surrey SM6 9AA<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8773 8111<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 20 8773 0022<br />

E-mail addresses:<br />

publishing@ppma.co.uk<br />

show@ppma.co.uk<br />

technical@ppma.co.uk<br />

Website: www.ppma.co.uk<br />

Applications for free copies<br />

of Machinery Update are<br />

considered from specifiers,<br />

managers and purchasers of<br />

processing and packaging<br />

machinery in the UK.<br />

contents<br />

7 news<br />

Lots of news this issue of open days<br />

and conferences along with many<br />

award winners, including a top<br />

PPMA award winner, an apprentice<br />

being put in the spotlight and a longserving<br />

CEO in Italy being honoured<br />

12 new machinery<br />

Seven pages of equipment new to the market<br />

are included this time as developments from<br />

across the world are featured including<br />

multihead weighers, inspection equipment,<br />

high speed palletisers and speedy robots<br />

20 installations<br />

This flow wrapper features on one of the six pages of new<br />

equipment this issue, covering a host of technologies suitable<br />

for a wide range of industries<br />

30 special feature – pharmaceuticals<br />

Annual subscription:<br />

£35 (UK), £50 (Continental<br />

Europe), £65 (rest of world).<br />

ISSN 0969-4145<br />

Printed by:<br />

Manor Creative, 7-8 Edison<br />

Road, Highfield Industrial<br />

Estate, Hampden Park,<br />

Eastbourne BN23 6PT.<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1323 514400<br />

The Processing and Packaging<br />

Machinery Association assumes<br />

no responsibility for the<br />

statements or opinions, whether<br />

attributed or otherwise, in<br />

Machinery Update.<br />

This publication is copyright<br />

under the Berne convention and<br />

the International copyright<br />

convention. Apart from any fair<br />

dealing for the purposes of<br />

research or private study, as<br />

permitted under the Copyright,<br />

Designs and Patents Act 1988,<br />

no part of this publication may<br />

be reproduced, stored in a<br />

retrieval system or transmitted in<br />

any form or by any means in<br />

any form without prior written<br />

permission of the publishers.<br />

Publishers: PPMA LTD<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

The Falsified Medicines Directive is concentrating everyone in<br />

the pharmaceuticals sector’s minds as to how to comply with<br />

its demands while although 2017 seems like a long way off,<br />

there is a lot of preparation work necessary for companies to<br />

become compliant. Latest processing and packaging<br />

developments are also included in this 18 page feature<br />

regular features<br />

48 vision<br />

New combo offers space savings<br />

50 labelling, coding & marking<br />

Retailer demands real time barcodes<br />

52 components<br />

Safety solution allows company compliance<br />

54 regulations<br />

Beware of making machine changes<br />

56 who what where<br />

People, events and diary dates<br />

58 classified<br />

Machinery and services<br />

59 buyers’ guides<br />

Front cover photo of ABB Robotics equipment featured on pages 34-35<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Processing<br />

by Multivac<br />

Multivac UK’s NEW Processing Division has been set up to<br />

deliver the same great equipment, service and support you<br />

have come to expect from our Packaging Solutions to our<br />

range of high quality Processing Solutions.<br />

We are working with a small, select group of partners in the UK: Laska, Risco &<br />

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well established with excellent reputations in the marketplace for delivering:<br />

Quality, Reliability, Performance and Value.<br />

Multivac’s Extensive Processing Range includes:<br />

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Conditioning Equipment<br />

l Mixers<br />

l Bowl Choppers<br />

l Emulsifiers<br />

l Complete Line Solutions<br />

So whether you are grinding mince, mixing raw materials, forming burgers or<br />

meatballs, producing pâté, filling sausages, smoking bacon or topping ready<br />

meals, give us a call, you will not be disappointed. Multivac will help you to<br />

identify the right processing solution for your application and business.<br />

To find out more about our wide range of equipment give us a call on<br />

01793 425800 or email: processing@multivac.co.uk, visit our website:<br />

www.multivac.co.uk or come & see the kit for yourself in our Innovation<br />

Centre in Swindon.<br />

www.multivac.co.uk<br />

Bowl Choppers, Mixers,<br />

Grinders& Emulsifiers<br />

Fillers, Mixers<br />

& Grinders<br />

Cooking, Smoking, Chilling<br />

& Conditioning equipment

ppma matters<br />

Don’t stifle innovation<br />

with short term gains<br />

It’s autumn again and the nights<br />

are drawing in. A perfect time to<br />

settle down in an armchair and<br />

leaf through the latest edition of<br />

the PPMA Group Directory. I know<br />

that 3,500 of you should already<br />

have a copy but those that don’t<br />

can apply for one by calling the<br />

PPMA offices.<br />

However you get one, keep it<br />

handy because it contains great<br />

detail on PPMA group services,<br />

membership benefits and detailed<br />

entries on all the PPMA Group’s<br />

370 members. With a combined<br />

turnover of nearly £2bn, members can offer meaningful solutions<br />

to just about any packaging, processing, automation or vision<br />

equipment requirement that you can imagine. Product categories<br />

make searching easy and direct contact details, names and<br />

phone numbers are also listed.<br />

Some simple maths reveals that the average turnover of<br />

members is approximately £5m, the classic size for small,<br />

innovative (often owner-managed) businesses. And a browse<br />

through the directory reveals just how innovative and varied<br />

PPMA Group members and their product ranges are.<br />

Sadly, this profile and potential looks like it isn’t recognised by<br />

some of the larger customers in the food sector - where one<br />

would think quick thinking and innovation would be appreciated.<br />

Recently, letters are being received by members indicating that<br />

they will have to pay sums in the region of £3,000-£5,000 just to<br />

be allowed onto a procurement list. And this sum of money is just<br />

for their equipment to be ‘considered’ by buyers – with no<br />

guarantee of securing any business.<br />

There is an implication that there will be less competition<br />

between suppliers as a result, but I doubt that purchasing<br />

managers will all suddenly turn into pussycats.<br />

Big companies thus restrict themselves to suppliers willing and<br />

able to pay such sums and I struggle to see how this can really<br />

be in their best interests. As a vast proportion of innovation<br />

comes from small business and these small firms will struggle to<br />

pay such speculative fees to several potential customers, it’s a<br />

pretty safe bet that production lines at companies following this<br />

policy will end up behind the curve.<br />

It would be far better to study the PPMA Group Directory to<br />

select companies that look like experts in the field required.<br />

Or, you can leaf through the pages of this magazine to see just<br />

how much innovation is being delivered by PPMA members.<br />

Much award-winning equipment is covered from both small and<br />

large companies that would all be happy to explain to you just<br />

what their machinery can deliver for your business.<br />




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chairman PPMA Group of Associations<br />

(Incorporating PPMA, BARA, UKIVA & PMMDA)<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

For further information contact<br />

ITSL Ltd _ Ramsay House _ Marchmont Farm<br />

Link Road _ Hemel Hempstead _ Hertfordshire _ HP2 6JH<br />

Tel 01442 230033 _ Fax 01442 230012<br />


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news<br />

Delegates learn about<br />

how to manage FMD<br />

Delegates from across Ireland<br />

were at the Carton House in<br />

Dublin in October to attend<br />

Domino Printing Sciences’<br />

Irish distributor Codico’s<br />

Falsified Medicines Directive<br />

(FMD) Conference and learn<br />

about the hidden challenges<br />

of implementing serialisation<br />

schemes. The line-up of<br />

speakers featured Siobhain<br />

Duggan – business<br />

development director of<br />

healthcare at GS1 Ireland,<br />

Christoph Krähenbühl – EFPIA<br />

board member, Feargal<br />

McGroarty – project manager<br />

at St James’s Hospital Dublin<br />

and Ian Haynes, co-founder<br />

and CEO of 3C Integrity, who<br />

spoke to delegates about<br />

lessons learned from<br />

serialisation case studies, the<br />

best routes to compliance and<br />

the latest industry news<br />

concerning the Directive.<br />

Also joining conference<br />

chair Craig Stobie, life<br />

sciences global sector<br />

manager at Domino, were a<br />

range of technology partners<br />

including Optel Vision,<br />

Marchesini, VisionID, Sick and<br />

Horizon, who all demonstrated<br />

their compliance solutions.<br />

Each speaker addressed<br />

different aspects of serialisation,<br />

with Siobhain Duggan outlining<br />

the importance of global<br />

standards as pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturers prepare for the<br />

FMD, Christoph Krähenbühl<br />

explained EFPIA’s European<br />

Stakeholder Model for pan-<br />

European serialisation and<br />

product verification, and<br />

Feargal McGroarty talked<br />

delegates through the<br />

implementation of a groundbreaking<br />

serialisation and<br />

patient smartphone app<br />

scheme for treatment of those<br />

with haemophilia at St James<br />

Hospital. To round-up, Ian<br />

Haynes discussed his practical<br />

experience of serialisation from<br />

his time as associate global<br />

engineering director at<br />

AstraZeneca – one of the first<br />

manufacturers to implement a<br />

serialisation trial.<br />

Summing up the<br />

conference, Domino’s Stobie<br />

said: “Many companies are<br />

dragging their heels and<br />

denying the impending arrival<br />

of the FMD but even among<br />

the more proactive<br />

manufacturers there are<br />

marked differences.<br />

“Poor companies see<br />

serialisation as an engineering<br />

challenge that can be fixed by<br />

simply buying new kit, while<br />

good companies are engaging<br />

with senior management,<br />

assembling cross-divisional<br />

teams and working with<br />

vendors to achieve<br />

compliance,” he continued.<br />

● For more information on<br />

the FMD and all the latest<br />

developments, turn to page<br />

31 for our 18 page feature<br />

on pharmaceuticals.<br />

Apprentice rewarded for workplace talent<br />

Twenty two year old Andrew<br />

Lufkin has scooped the<br />

Apprentice of the Year<br />

award at the Essex Business<br />

Awards. He was recognised<br />

for his dedication to his<br />

employer Pacepacker Services<br />

who manufacture bagging,<br />

robot palletising and pick<br />

and place equipment, and<br />

his direct involvement in<br />

increasing parts orders by<br />

almost 40%.<br />

Delegates from across Ireland came to Dublin in October to hear<br />

industry speakers talk about best practice case studies<br />

L-R: Judge Nikki Kennard, winner Andrew Lufkin, judge Sarah<br />

Hamilton and Pacepacker MD Dennis Allison<br />

New voices add<br />

to robot council<br />

The growing importance of<br />

automation in British<br />

manufacturing industry has<br />

prompted the British<br />

Automation and Robot<br />

Association (BARA) to<br />

introduce three new council<br />

positions to expand<br />

resources in its dealings<br />

with the Government<br />

and industry as well as<br />

financial and academic<br />

institutions.<br />

Bob<br />

Lloyd<br />

Sales engineer at<br />

Kawasaki Robotics Bob<br />

Lloyd is representing robot<br />

suppliers, automation sales<br />

Andrew<br />

Mason<br />

manager at RA Rodriguez<br />

Andrew Mason is speaking<br />

for automation product<br />

providers using robotics and<br />

Dr Emma<br />

Rushforth<br />

Dr Emma Rushforth, senior<br />

teaching fellow at the<br />

International Manufacturing<br />

Centre at the University of<br />

Warwick is representing<br />

academia.<br />

www.bara.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


news<br />

Survey reveals<br />

steady growth<br />

Optimism among UK<br />

manufacturers rose at the<br />

fastest rate since April 2010<br />

as orders and output continued<br />

to grow steadily in the three<br />

months to October, according<br />

to the latest CBI quarterly<br />

industrial trends survey.<br />

The survey of more than<br />

350 manufacturers reveals<br />

total new orders grew for the<br />

second consecutive quarter<br />

and output rose for the third<br />

consecutive quarter. Total new<br />

orders grew at the fastest<br />

pace since April 2012, with<br />

growth in the volume of<br />

domestic orders at its highest<br />

rate since April 2011.<br />

Rising demand helped<br />

boost overall sentiment as<br />

well as optimism about<br />

export prospects for the year<br />

ahead, said the survey<br />

despite new export orders<br />

growing only slightly.<br />

The investment intentions of<br />

manufacturing firms continued<br />

to present a mixed picture.<br />

Plans for spending on plant<br />

and machinery declined on<br />

three months ago but<br />

strengthened for ‘intangibles’<br />

such as product innovation,<br />

where investment intentions<br />

were the strongest for the<br />

last six quarters.<br />

Guiding metal<br />

Mettler Toledo has published<br />

a new white paper called<br />

Foreign Body Detection: Metal<br />

which gives an overview of<br />

how a well-designed metal<br />

detection system can help<br />

food manufacturers avoid<br />

costly contamination errors.<br />

It addresses the selection,<br />

installation and use of metal<br />

detection equipment to<br />

optimise system performance,<br />

including how to assure<br />

sensitivity on an ongoing<br />

production basis.<br />

www.mt.com<br />

Open Day answers<br />

e-commerce needs<br />

Italian machinery manufacturer<br />

CMC unveiled its PPMA<br />

award-winning CartonWrap<br />

machine at an Open House<br />

event at its Perugia-based<br />

factory in October.<br />

CMC founder and president<br />

Giuseppe Ponti told the<br />

150 people gathered at the<br />

plant that CartonWrap<br />

represented the best of Italian<br />

creativity in packaging<br />

machinery design.<br />

“We are a company that<br />

invests in R&D and so in<br />

tough market conditions, we<br />

have looked at what will be<br />

demanded in the future and<br />

Domenico Manfucci (left) from the CMC<br />

technical sales support team explains the<br />

benefits of CartonWrap to visitors<br />

decided that we need<br />

equipment to answer internet<br />

requirements,” he said.<br />

“CartonWrap is a further<br />

development of our traditional<br />

mailing, personalisation and<br />

wrapping equipment to meet<br />

e-commerce and the fulfilment<br />

market needs.<br />

“This is a new industry for us,<br />

but we think we have met the<br />

needs of this sector by building<br />

flexibility and efficiency in,” he<br />

continued. “We want to outrun<br />

the times, not keep up with<br />

them,” he said.<br />

During the development<br />

stages, the company<br />

presented the concept to<br />

potential customers around the<br />

world and, from this feedback,<br />

CMC held an Open House event in Italy in October to unveil CartonWrap<br />

the prototype has been<br />

enhanced to meet these<br />

needs. It was at this stage that<br />

the company entered the<br />

machine for the most<br />

innovative processing<br />

or packaging machine<br />

at the PPMA Awards<br />

last year, and walked<br />

away with the top<br />

prize.<br />

Judges felt that the<br />

roll-fed flexible carton<br />

manufacturing<br />

system specifically<br />

designed for the<br />

varied e-commerce<br />

packing requirements<br />

displayed an optimum mix of<br />

innovation and market<br />

requirement, with<br />

the added benefit of<br />

a significant<br />

reduction in<br />

packaging materials<br />

and shipping<br />

volume.<br />

In operation,<br />

variable-sized boxes<br />

are created from a<br />

continuous reel of<br />

corrugated<br />

cardboard on demand. These<br />

boxes are formed around the<br />

product to be packed, based<br />

on product dimensions fed to<br />

the carton former by the<br />

scanner at the start of the<br />

process. In this way, there is<br />

no wasted packaging material,<br />

no requirement for fillers<br />

and therefore reduced<br />

shipping costs.<br />

An infinite range of box<br />

sizes can be produced from a<br />

corrugated roll which means<br />

there is no need to procure<br />

and stock pre-made boxes.<br />

CMC believes that users of<br />

CartonWrap can effectively<br />

lower costs, improve<br />

customer satisfaction and<br />

sustain environmental<br />

benefits in their packaging<br />

processes.<br />

At the Open House event,<br />

attendees heard from various<br />

CMC executives about the<br />

benefits of the machine before<br />

The CartonWrap machine was demonstrated<br />

wrapping various items for e-commerce<br />

it was unveiled for a live<br />

demonstration where it<br />

wrapped items as diverse as<br />

saucepans, books, Sky boxes<br />

and games.<br />

07768 192241<br />

www.cmcmachinery.com<br />

8 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Detecting machine faults<br />

Academics from the Lincoln<br />

School of Engineering have<br />

devised a streamlined new<br />

approach which can detect<br />

faults in industrial machines.<br />

Dr Jun Chen, Michael<br />

Gallimore, Professor Chris<br />

Bingham and Dr Yu Zhang<br />

from the University of Lincoln,<br />

together with Professor Mahdi<br />

Mahfouf from the University of<br />

Sheffield have developed an<br />

algorithm that is more robust<br />

and efficient at identifying<br />

specific faults in automated<br />

mechanical processes. With<br />

this improved detection and<br />

classification of faults, the<br />

group of academics say the<br />

time and money wasted on<br />

investigating false alarms will<br />

be reduced and a machine<br />

will be operational for longer<br />

periods.<br />

The method combines two<br />

existing mathematical models<br />

for fault detection; a real-coded<br />

Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a<br />

K-means clustering technology.<br />

The team discovered that the<br />

combination of these two<br />

processes into the G3Kmeans<br />

algorithm is more effective in<br />

quickly obtaining an optimum<br />

solution, requiring only<br />

11 repetitions to detect a<br />

certain fault, whereas<br />

previous intuitive GA-based<br />

clustering methods go through<br />

more than a thousand.<br />

“With the G3Kmeans<br />

algorithm you can reach a<br />

reliable classification that is<br />

the first step towards optimal<br />

maintenance,” explains Dr<br />

Chen. “This is the first step in<br />

creating an algorithm that<br />

optimises the search for a<br />

solution and can identify a<br />

fault with certainty.”<br />

www.lincoln.ac.uk<br />

Celebrating x-ray detection sales<br />

S+S Separation and Sorting<br />

Technology delivered its<br />

hundredth Raycon production<br />

inspection system this summer.<br />

The x-ray inspection unit is<br />

now available in six different<br />

versions and detects<br />

contaminants such as metal<br />

particles, broken glass,<br />

ceramics, stones and raw<br />

bones while other defects<br />

such as broken, deformed or<br />

missing products, clumps,<br />

trapped air, or overweight and<br />

underweight product is<br />

also detected.<br />

The x-ray team from development to production at S+S, Germany<br />

Since its launch at interpack<br />

2011, the Raycon software<br />

and its mechanical and<br />

electronic design have Page been1<br />

further developed enabling<br />

different versions to be<br />

adapted to customer-specific<br />

applications.<br />

Italian CEO<br />

is honoured<br />

news<br />

CEO of the<br />

Marchesini<br />

Group<br />

Maurizio<br />

Marchesini<br />

has been<br />

awarded<br />

Maurizio Marchesini<br />

by the<br />

Italian president Giorgio<br />

Napolitano with the title of<br />

‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’ during<br />

a ceremony at the Quirinal<br />

Palace. He received this<br />

award for his contributions<br />

towards the social,<br />

occupational and<br />

technological development of<br />

the ‘Made in Italy’ mark<br />

across the world.<br />

“This is not just mine alone<br />

but it also belongs to our<br />

Italian and foreign colleagues<br />

as it is thanks to these<br />

people too that we have<br />

become a successful brand,”<br />

says Marchesini.<br />

Over the years, Marchesini<br />

has implemented an<br />

innovative policy of<br />

acquisitions, joint ventures<br />

and strategic international<br />

partnerships and last year,<br />

the group’s turnover was 204<br />

million euro while today, the<br />

company employs more than<br />

1200 people all over the world.<br />



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www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


news<br />

3D vision proves a winner<br />

The use of 3D vision was<br />

fundamental in the winning<br />

entry in the robotics and<br />

automation category in this<br />

year’s Food Processing<br />

awards.<br />

Indeed, the vision solution<br />

from Scorpion Vision solved the<br />

problems of dealing with highly<br />

contoured surfaces and product<br />

to product variability when icing<br />

individual cakes in this robotic<br />

system, for the first time. This<br />

solution is based upon the use<br />

of 3D vision and lasers to scan<br />

the surface of the cake in less<br />

than 1.0 second, with the<br />

resultant data being used to<br />

calculate the robot path for that<br />

individual item.<br />

The robotic solution was<br />

devised by Quasar Automation<br />

with Mitsubishi Electric and<br />

Scorpion as technology<br />

partners (Machinery Update –<br />

Sept/Oct issue).<br />

“The key to success of the<br />

system is the method used to<br />

create the 3D model, using data<br />

from the camera which is<br />

quickly processed by the<br />

Scorpion compact PC before<br />

transmission to the robot control<br />

system,” explains Paul Wilson<br />

md of Scorpion Vision. The<br />

This robotic solution won a Food Processing award this September<br />

for Quasar Automation, Mitsubishi Electric and Scorpion Vision<br />

Scorpion Compact Vision<br />

system connected to a<br />

Scorpion 3D Stinger MLaser<br />

Camera creates an accurate 3D<br />

model of the cake top surface in<br />

real-time. This is achieved by<br />

illuminating the top of the cake<br />

with a series of lines that will<br />

follow the shape of the top of<br />

the cake. “Scorpion Vision is<br />

then able to map the position in<br />

space of each segment of laser<br />

line and from this, extrapolate<br />

the virtual shape which then<br />

becomes the 3D model,”<br />

explains Wilson.<br />

Once this is achieved, the<br />

“Happy Birthday” deposit is<br />

accurately projected onto the<br />

top surface by the icing tip,<br />

following the contours and<br />

moving the tip up and down in<br />

line with the cake surface,<br />

ensuring the icing tip maintains<br />

a constant distance from the<br />

cake’s surface.<br />

Wilson also believes that this<br />

presents other opportunities as<br />

an enabling technology across<br />

all sectors of industry where the<br />

application of a liquid or<br />

dynamic material has to be<br />

placed on curved or changing<br />

surfaces. A standard robot<br />

system can be trained with the<br />

3D position when this is known,<br />

but this is not always the case.<br />

It may also be more efficient<br />

to dynamically calculate the<br />

correct 3D position where<br />

adjustments have to be made<br />

‘on the fly’.<br />

A typical example may<br />

include the application of glues<br />

or sealants and where the<br />

viscous property of the<br />

material being applied will<br />

change in a very short period<br />

of time.<br />

Soldering, deburring and<br />

polishing are all robot<br />

application areas which could<br />

benefit from real time 3D<br />

machine vision guidance, says<br />

Wilson.<br />

01590 679333<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

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10 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Line performance can always<br />

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Let Gebo Cermex make you<br />

first in line.<br />

At Gebo Cermex, we have more<br />

than half a century’s experience in<br />

improving the performance of<br />

production and packaging lines<br />

everywhere. Our experts design<br />

and install innovative solutions<br />

that set new standards of performance<br />

for our customers in terms<br />

of operational efficiency and cost<br />

of ownership.<br />

Visit www.gebocermex.com for<br />

more information.

new machinery<br />

Shrink range<br />

is extended<br />

Shrink wrapping supplier<br />

Audion Elektro has extended<br />

its range of economic<br />

machines with the<br />

AudionShrink Combi system<br />

that is available in two model<br />

sizes – LT 470 and LT 670.<br />

These two units combine a<br />

heavy duty L-bar sealer and<br />

shrink tunnel for packing,<br />

sealing and shrinking<br />

products, and can be used<br />

with a variety of films due to<br />

their precise temperature and<br />

speed controls.<br />

The need for a hot knife<br />

seal bar is eliminated as a<br />

special seal wire temperature<br />

control system is incorporated.<br />

The AudionShrink LT series<br />

is a heavy duty machine with<br />

easy to use microprocessor<br />

controls, and its digitally<br />

controlled tunnel temperature<br />

produces consistently strong<br />

seals and precise shrink<br />

wrapping, says UK agent<br />

Friedheim International.<br />

Also newly available from<br />

Friedheim International is the<br />

PrintChecker from Kohmann<br />

which is said to meet the<br />

increasing need for off-line<br />

print inspection.<br />

01442 206100<br />

www.friedheim.co.uk<br />

Fresh produce is<br />

weighed at speed<br />

Double opening bucket<br />

flaps and a more<br />

powerful design of<br />

vibratory feeding<br />

system are among<br />

features employed<br />

for high output on a<br />

new multihead weigher<br />

developed by PFM<br />

specifically for fresh cut<br />

salad and produce.<br />

Equipped with<br />

memory buckets, the<br />

14 head MBP C2-EW<br />

machine is capable of feeding<br />

a twin tube bagging machine<br />

or loading two trays<br />

simultaneously, allowing<br />

typically 250-500g of lettuce<br />

to be handled at speeds of<br />

120 packs a minute.<br />

“This is a highly productive,<br />

purpose-built machine which<br />

Matcon has launched Track-<br />

Record, an IBC-based<br />

tracking and recipe control<br />

system for use in powder<br />

processing. This software has<br />

been specially developed to<br />

PFM has developed the MBP C2-EW<br />

multihead weigher to give higher output<br />

on salads and fresh produce<br />

in many cases can almost<br />

double the output of<br />

produce and salad leaves,<br />

even larger ones,” points out<br />

PFM sales and operations<br />

director Chris Bolton.<br />

In addition to the double<br />

opening flaps, which allow<br />

faster transfer of bulky<br />

product, the weigher also<br />

makes use of a new rigidised<br />

stainless steel for the<br />

buckets and chutes. This<br />

has a surface pattern and<br />

coating designed to reduce<br />

friction and so increase<br />

product flow.<br />

Set-up is automated, with<br />

the control system taking over<br />

once the operator has entered<br />

weight, upper and lower limits<br />

and the speed.<br />

This includes amplitude and<br />

vibration frequency of the feed<br />

channels, the weight ranges in<br />

the different sections of the<br />

machine and the optimum<br />

number of buckets for<br />

discharge, although this can<br />

also be varied continuously.<br />

0113 239 3401<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Tracking and recipe control system for powder<br />

provide total process control<br />

so that food ingredient<br />

manufacturers have full<br />

traceability and quality<br />

assurance.<br />

This IBC-based solution<br />

offers producers the ability to<br />

process several, independent<br />

recipes in parallel with complete<br />

control and verification.<br />

01386 769000<br />

www.matconibc.com<br />


From secure picking with<br />

unrivalled speeds to<br />

multiple packing and end of<br />

line palletising, MOTOMAN<br />

robots from YASKAWA are<br />

the natural choice for<br />

performance and flexibility.<br />

Picking Packing Palletising<br />

YASKAWA UK Ltd,<br />

Tel: 01295 272755,<br />

info.uk@yaskawa.eu.com, a.eu.com, www.yaskawa.eu.com<br />

12<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


The latest CW3 SlimLine<br />

combination checkweighing<br />

and metal detecting system<br />

from Loma Systems offers<br />

50% packing line space<br />

saving from the metal detector<br />

head. The new design<br />

integrates the CW3<br />

checkweigher and the IQ3+<br />

metal detector.<br />

Combining these technologies<br />

in a compact unit allows quality<br />

assurance mandates to<br />

be met as well as offering a<br />

competitive cost of ownership.<br />

This is due to cost savings of<br />

up to 15% when compared to<br />

the purchase of two individual<br />

units along with the flexibility to<br />

achieve increased productivity,<br />

says Loma.<br />

Also, this new SlimLine<br />

inspection unit not only<br />

delivers reduced footprint<br />

savings, but it can be<br />

relocated quickly and easily to<br />

meet changing manufacturing<br />

requirements.<br />

The IQ3+ metal detector<br />

uses variable frequency<br />

technology which means that<br />

products can be automatically<br />

calibrated in seconds and<br />

frequency data for many<br />

different products can be<br />

stored for fast and easy<br />

machine set up.<br />

Contaminated products<br />

are rejected by means of a<br />

pusher mechanism, diverter<br />

or air blast.<br />

Sharing the same touch<br />

screen interface, the CW3<br />

checkweigher identifies over<br />

and underweight packs, and<br />

an independent rejection<br />

function means that off-weight<br />

product content can be reused<br />

and repacked.<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

new machinery<br />

Inspection system saves space<br />

Responding to customer<br />

•<br />

requests for quick delivery<br />

leading up to the Christmas<br />

rush, Loma is now able to<br />

supply IP69K certified metal<br />

detectors, x-ray systems,<br />

checkweighers and<br />

replacement detector heads<br />

within days, not months,<br />

following the launch of its new<br />

QuickShip programme.<br />

Following analysis of its<br />

customers’ order history,<br />

Loma now stocks systems<br />

capable of handling more than<br />

80% of application enquiries<br />

that it receives from any food<br />

industry sector. Detector head<br />

delivery can be made within<br />

Safety for sensitive<br />

products – aseptic filling with<br />

krones. www.krones.com<br />

three days, metal detectors<br />

within 14 days and<br />

combination units and x-ray<br />

systems in three weeks.<br />

01252 893300<br />


new machinery<br />

Palletiser lowers running costs<br />

Gebo, part of the newly formed<br />

Gebo Cermex Group, says its<br />

EvoFlex high speed palletiser<br />

launched at Drinktec offers<br />

beer, water and carbonated soft<br />

drinks manufacturers all the<br />

functionality of robotic systems<br />

but with a much reduced total<br />

cost of ownership.<br />

Designed to offer optimum<br />

flexibility, this palletiser can<br />

handle all types of products<br />

and secondary packaging with<br />

its single column design,<br />

double lifting unit and floor<br />

level infeed. This, says the<br />

company, is what sets it apart<br />

from dual-column and robotic<br />

alternatives.<br />

It is capable of processing up<br />

to twelve layers per minute.<br />

“With EvoFlex, we believe<br />

we’ve achieved the perfect<br />

balance of flexibility and<br />

performance,” explains Gebo<br />

Cermex business unit director<br />

Jean-François Tourrenc. “Our<br />

customers often need to pack<br />

a wide range of products with<br />

maximum speed and reliability<br />

and with a minimum of<br />

operational maintenance.”<br />

The EvoFlex from Gebo Cermex<br />

The new generation X65 conveyor helps<br />

you lower your Total Cost of Ownership<br />

– at the same time as you increase your<br />

capacity and flexibility towards new<br />

products and processes.<br />

Installation and ramp-up is quick<br />

and straightforward, while operation is<br />

more energy-efficient and requires less<br />

flexlink.com<br />



maintenance than today’s standard.<br />

What’s more, the X65 conveyor is far<br />

quieter even at high speeds.<br />

Contact us, to find out exactly what<br />

this new value will mean to you and<br />

your business, at info.uk@flexlink.com<br />

or call us on 01908 327200.<br />

Key to the performance of<br />

the EvoFlex is its patent<br />

pending design and its ease of<br />

use. The simplicity of the<br />

single column system enables<br />

the machine to switch between<br />

different product and<br />

packaging formats in under<br />

one minute with no manual<br />

adjustment which cuts<br />

changeover time and line<br />

downtime to a minimum.<br />

The ground level infeed<br />

means that no pack elevator or<br />

platform is required which<br />

enhances the system’s<br />

ergonomic efficiency and<br />

improves health and safety<br />

conditions for the operator and<br />

the maintenance teams.<br />

And, says Tourrenc, thanks<br />

to its servomotor technology,<br />

substantially reduced energy<br />

consumption is offered when<br />

compared to robotic options,<br />

and with only one operator.<br />

01480 455919<br />

www.gebocermex.com<br />


new machinery<br />

Carton former makes<br />

its worldwide debut<br />

Bradman Lake launched its<br />

latest carton forming<br />

technology at PackExpo Las<br />

Vegas in September.<br />

The HSS300 all servo glue<br />

carton former is capable of<br />

speeds up to 300 cartons or<br />

trays a minute. It is a new<br />

version of the well-known<br />

Bradman Lake HSS Carton<br />

Former Series and can be<br />

supplied as an individual unit<br />

or as part of an integrated<br />

system with Bradman Lake’s<br />

wrapping, product loading and<br />

case packing equipment.<br />

Consistent and square<br />

carton or tray erecting is critical<br />

for the efficient operation of a<br />

top load cartoning system and<br />

this HSS all servo carton<br />

former can erect cartons and<br />

trays using hot melt glue or<br />

four corner lock.<br />

The HSS machine utilises a<br />

servo powered reciprocating<br />

‘shuttle’ method of feeding the<br />

carton blanks into the forming<br />

tool. This guarantees excellent<br />

performance with quick and<br />

easy setup using factory set<br />

tooling, says the company.<br />

This latest machine can<br />

erect various board types<br />

including chip board and<br />

corrugated board as well as a<br />

variety of carton types. These<br />

include three flap closure,<br />

single flap closure with dust<br />

flaps, hooded lid closure, turn<br />

over end style and turn over<br />

end style with frame view.<br />

01502 470500<br />

www.bradmanlake.com<br />

This latest carton former was<br />

launched in Las Vegas<br />

Format change<br />

for bags is easy<br />

A new option for baggers that<br />

saves time and increases<br />

reproducibility is now<br />

available from Rovema<br />

Packaging Machines.<br />

Quick and precisely<br />

positioned format<br />

changeovers for the Stabilo<br />

seal bags are considerably<br />

simplified by a new alignment<br />

aid. The Rovema turret<br />

adjustment with up to six<br />

pre-set stop positions for the<br />

Stabilo seal sealing jaws<br />

defines both bag depth and<br />

bag width with precision. This<br />

reduced the set up time and<br />

ensures repeatability.<br />

This technical flexibility<br />

and improved productivity<br />

ensures efficient running of<br />

the machine, says Rovema.<br />

The turret adjustment<br />

meets the trend towards an<br />

increase in product variety<br />

with constantly decreasing<br />

production runs. Users<br />

therefore need frequent,<br />

quick and precisely<br />

positioned format changes.<br />

The turret adjustment is<br />

available as an option on<br />

new machines and also as<br />

a retrofit kit.<br />

01296 310490<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

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Compact, fast and affordable!<br />

Please contact Nachi for further details and pricing<br />

T: +44 (0)121 423 5000 E: info@nachirobotics.eu nachirobotics.eu<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


new machinery<br />

Latest ranges<br />

offer hygiene<br />

To address growing<br />

consumer demand for safer<br />

and higher quality products,<br />

Bosch Packaging Technology<br />

has developed several new<br />

technologies with a particular<br />

focus on hygiene.<br />

The Pack 301 IN inverted<br />

horizontal flow wrapper, for<br />

instance, is designed for soft,<br />

sticky or difficult to handle<br />

products while its smart<br />

design enhances hygiene<br />

and product safety without<br />

compromising productivity.<br />

This inverted horizontal flow<br />

wrapper transports the<br />

packaging film from below,<br />

while the product is fed<br />

directly from the feeding<br />

system onto the film. This<br />

prevents pushing the product<br />

over a steel plate.<br />

01332 626262<br />

www.boschpackaging.com<br />

Robots are compact<br />

Fanuc’s LR Mate 200-iD robot<br />

range has two new additions:<br />

the 200iD/4S designed for<br />

integration into confined<br />

spaces and the 200iD/7L for<br />

high speed handling<br />

applications where extra<br />

reach is required.<br />

Designed with compactness<br />

in mind for integration into<br />

special purpose machinery,<br />

the LRMate 200iD already<br />

claims best in class footprint<br />

and lowest overall weight,<br />

but the 200iD/4S takes<br />

this a step further with a<br />

footprint of 160 x 160mm and<br />

weighing in at just 20kgs.<br />

Further space saving is<br />

achieved by reducing the<br />

maximum width of the arm<br />

down to 190mm and reducing<br />

the reach to 550mm while<br />

maintaining only a slightly<br />

reduced working envelope to<br />

the standard 200iD arm.<br />

The result is a highly<br />

compact 4kgs payload<br />

robot arm ideal for<br />

machine builders or<br />

integrators to facilitate into<br />

dense manufacturing<br />

automation environments.<br />

Its light weight makes<br />

positioning the arm in any<br />

position straight-forward<br />

and allows fast<br />

maintenance swap-out for<br />

systems where lengthy<br />

downtimes are not an option.<br />

The new LRMate 200ID/7L<br />

has the standard 200iD range<br />

payload of 7kgs but has a<br />

reach of 911mm, an<br />

additional 27%. Increasing the<br />

scope of applications that can<br />

be undertaken, the new<br />

arm is still capable of<br />

181 picks of 25x300x25mm<br />

per minute.<br />

There are two new additions to the range<br />

Maintaining the benefits of<br />

the LRMate 200iD range, in<br />

particular high speed<br />

operation, compact design<br />

and IP 67 protection level,<br />

makes the 200iD/7L ideal for<br />

food sector applications such<br />

as conveyorised picking and<br />

packing.<br />

Both new robots are<br />

controlled by the new energy<br />

saving R-30iB controller.<br />

024 7663 9669<br />

www.fanuc.eu<br />

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Reduced<br />

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Our packaging<br />

review and<br />

cost reduction<br />

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Strapex<br />

Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 8UQ<br />

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info@strapex.co.uk<br />

www.strapex.co.uk<br />

hand strapping tools strapping machines consumables worldwide sales & service

new machinery<br />

Collating pre-packs<br />

meets retailer needs<br />

Responding to increasing<br />

convenience store retailer<br />

demands for easy to handle<br />

multipacks of bulk food items,<br />

Pacepacker Services has<br />

launched a collator system<br />

which will quickly collate and<br />

place pre-packed items into an<br />

outer sack totalling up to 25kg.<br />

This standalone collator<br />

system has been designed to<br />

work with existing sack placing<br />

and sealing equipment and is<br />

capable of collating and<br />

packing up to 80 pre-packs into<br />

outer sacks per minute, the<br />

system overcomes common<br />

problems typically seen with<br />

other variants.<br />

“We saw a gap in the<br />

market for a collator which<br />

would continuously support<br />

the pre-packed bulk goods as<br />

they were entering the outer<br />

sack,” explains Paul<br />

Wilkinson, Pacepacker’s<br />

business development<br />

manager. “We found that<br />

many systems on the market<br />

did not control the fall of the<br />

product very well, which often<br />

results in pre-packs breaking<br />

through the bottom of the<br />

outer sack due to their weight<br />

and density.<br />

“We have improved this part<br />

of the process by incorporating<br />

motorised support arms to<br />

control the descent of the prepacked<br />

polybags into the outer<br />

New combo challenges robots<br />

RA Rodriguez has introduced<br />

new additions to its armoury of<br />

affordable, uncomplicated<br />

automation solutions with a<br />

range of IEF Werner rotaryARM<br />

swivel arm modules. They are<br />

designed to work in combination<br />

with the company’s linear<br />

motion modules to create fast<br />

and cost effective automation<br />

systems with advantages over<br />

traditional robots.<br />

The simple and compact<br />

design of this swivel arm<br />

The collator is capable<br />

of packing up to 80<br />

pre-packed bags per minute<br />

Convenience store retailers use<br />

large sacks to display bulky items<br />

module can be complemented<br />

by an integrated turning axis<br />

for the gripper. Unlike earlier<br />

versions whose movement<br />

was restricted to a single<br />

360degree turn before<br />

returning to the start position,<br />

the new rotaryARM allows<br />

continuous rotation resulting<br />

in reduced cycle time.<br />

Developed to enhance the<br />

component handling for<br />

palletising applications, the<br />

simple design and slim<br />

sack, eliminating<br />

damage and waste to<br />

both product and pack.”<br />

Pre-packed polybags of<br />

goods, weighing between<br />

1 and 5kgs typically produced<br />

on FFS equipment, enter the<br />

system via an inclined elevator<br />

and are transported up to the<br />

holding doors of the collator<br />

system. Once the desired<br />

amount of bags are recognised<br />

by the pre-programmed<br />

operating software, the<br />

conveyor pauses and the<br />

holding doors open for the<br />

bags to gently drop into an<br />

accumulation chamber and<br />

then into the outer sack<br />

waiting below.<br />

01371 811544<br />

www.pacepacker.com<br />

construction results in a low<br />

mass of movement. This,<br />

combined with the integrated<br />

turning unit, servo motors and<br />

absolute encoders ensures its<br />

high speed and accuracy.<br />

Three standard variants of<br />

this new swivel arm module are<br />

available to meet the needs of a<br />

broad variety of assembly,<br />

handling, packaging and<br />

palletising applications.<br />

01462 670044<br />

www.rarodriguez.co.uk<br />

Unit provides<br />

for best trays<br />

Ishida Europe has introduced<br />

a second model into its weigh<br />

batcher range. The new<br />

Roto-Batcher combines the<br />

accurate weighing of fresh<br />

meat and poultry with manual<br />

manipulation to optimise their<br />

arrangement and presentation<br />

in trays, while its circular rotary<br />

batching table, positioned<br />

directly below the weigher, also<br />

maximises the return on space.<br />

The Roto-Batcher has been<br />

developed for sticky meat and<br />

poultry products that cannot<br />

be easily moved by feeder<br />

vibration, or for when manual<br />

product feeding is not<br />

economically viable. Using<br />

eight operators, the system<br />

can deliver speeds of 55 trays<br />

per minute with an average<br />

giveaway of only 1%.<br />

Product is weighed<br />

automatically on Ishida’s Screw<br />

Feeder weigher and each<br />

portion is then despatched to<br />

one of the packing stations on<br />

the batching table where an<br />

operator transfers it to the tray,<br />

styles it and places the tray on<br />

an ‘out’ belt for sealing,<br />

labelling and quality control.<br />

The station automatically<br />

informs the system once the<br />

filled and styled tray has left,<br />

triggering the sending of<br />

another weighed item.<br />

0121 607 7700<br />

www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Bulk bag filling<br />

A new Flexicon bulk bag filling<br />

system for ultra-heavy duty<br />

applications fills various difficult<br />

to handle bulk materials such<br />

as aggregates. The skidmounted<br />

system features a<br />

patented Twin-Centrepost<br />

frame that maximises<br />

strength and improves<br />

accessibility to bag hooks<br />

while simplifying construction<br />

and reducing cost.<br />

01227 374710<br />

www.flexicon.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


new machinery<br />

Reducing<br />

energy costs<br />

Mitsubishi Electric has<br />

launched its next generation<br />

of servo systems, offering<br />

safe, user-friendly and<br />

energy-efficient motion<br />

control.<br />

The Melservo MR-J4<br />

series of servo amplifiers,<br />

complete with associated<br />

positioning units, easy to use<br />

motion modules and high end<br />

integrated motion control<br />

systems enable machine<br />

builders and end users to<br />

improve productivity and<br />

reduce energy costs.<br />

Numerous features and userfriendly<br />

functions have been<br />

incorporated to boost<br />

performance while<br />

minimising the timeconsuming<br />

effort of<br />

engineering and setting up<br />

servo systems.<br />

Misubishi's next generation of<br />

servo systems is available<br />

The series features single,<br />

dual and triple axis amplifiers<br />

for improved economy,<br />

greater energy efficiency and<br />

reduced panel space<br />

requirements. The servos<br />

can all operate with rotary,<br />

linear and direct drive motors,<br />

considerably simplifying the<br />

system building process. In<br />

addition to saving space in<br />

the panel, engineering and<br />

commissioning time is<br />

drastically reduced thanks to<br />

the ‘one touch’ auto tune<br />

function, which matches the<br />

machine mechanics to the<br />

servo system in a single<br />

operation. This function<br />

operates in real time.<br />

01707 288769<br />

www.automation.mitsubishiele<br />

ctric.co.uk<br />

Compact robot is built<br />

to suit many industries<br />

Nachi-Fujikoshi has<br />

developed the MZ07 which is<br />

billed as a fast, lightweight<br />

and compact robot. This 7kg<br />

payload robot has been<br />

designed to meet demand for<br />

robotisation and automation<br />

not only in traditionally strong<br />

fields of automotive and<br />

industrial machinery, but also<br />

across more diverse areas<br />

such as electronics, foodstuffs<br />

and chemicals.<br />

Nachi believes that the<br />

demand for compact robots to<br />

handle manual tasks such as<br />

machining, transporting small<br />

objects, assembling and<br />

packaging will expand further<br />

in China and other emerging<br />

nations in the face of steep<br />

rises in labour costs and a<br />

decreasing workforce. This<br />

robot has been designed with<br />

these market trends in mind.<br />

For instance, using a<br />

lightweight and rigid body<br />

along with its independently<br />

developed control technology,<br />

Nachi says it has achieved<br />

the world’s fastest operating<br />

speed, a 37% increase on<br />

previous models. This<br />

contributes to increased<br />

productivity in a wide range<br />

of applications.<br />

The space saving design of<br />

the robot means it can be<br />

used to replace a robot on<br />

existing equipment or installed<br />

The MZ07 is a robot designed to bring automation to new markets<br />

easily on new machinery. This<br />

is due to its portability and<br />

wide motion range. It also<br />

offers a smart cable layout –<br />

all the cables pass through the<br />

hollow interior which greatly<br />

reduces the risk of them<br />

interfering with peripheral<br />

equipment – high dust and<br />

water resistance, and seven<br />

types of standardised hands.<br />

Also, a compact, highly<br />

functional controller supports<br />

the MZ07 which can be<br />

installed vertically to help save<br />

space. Features such as a<br />

software PLC to control the<br />

system, including peripheral<br />

equipment, and an offline<br />

simulation tool are provided as<br />

standard to offer both high<br />

functionality and ease of use.<br />

0121 423 5005<br />

www.nachirobotics.eu<br />

Shrink gun range offers benefits<br />

An entry level model of heat<br />

shrink gun – the Shrinkpro 10<br />

– has been joined by the latest<br />

offering called The Dual. As<br />

the name suggests, this is a<br />

twin headed model which,<br />

says manufacturer Shrinkpro,<br />

has the highest output on the<br />

market over 80kw.<br />

“Not only is it more powerful<br />

than its rivals but because of<br />

the twin head, it covers the<br />

area requiring to be shrunk in<br />

half the time as conventional<br />

models, allowing a larger<br />

throughput of pallets or indeed<br />

any other items required to be<br />

shrunk,” explains Malcolm<br />

McGregor of Shrinkpro.<br />

In the coming months, the<br />

Revolution model will be<br />

launched which is designed to<br />

handle high/low or awkward<br />

loads.<br />

All models are offered with a<br />

high level of accessories<br />

including safety goggles and<br />

safety gauntlets.<br />

01933 623641<br />

www.shrinkpro.co.uk<br />

18<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Silverson’s high shear Batch mixers don’t just mix; they<br />

emulsify, homogenise, solubilise, suspend, disperse<br />

and disintegrate solids. Every high shear Batch mixer in<br />

our range significantly outperforms conventional mixers by<br />

cutting processing times by up to 90% while improving<br />

quality, product consistency and process efficiency.<br />

Silverson High Shear<br />

Batch Mixers will:<br />

• Process from 5 to 30,000 litres<br />

• Eliminate agglomerates and<br />

fish eyes<br />

• Create stable emulsions<br />

and suspensions<br />

• Reduce particle size<br />

• Rapidly dissolve solids<br />

• Accelerate reactions<br />

For more information or<br />

a free trial give us a call on<br />

01494 786331<br />

Mixing at the speed of<br />


installation news<br />

Robots handle beef with speed<br />

Beef and beef products from<br />

South African Karan Beef are<br />

now packed on new<br />

generation robotic loading<br />

units from Cama Group which<br />

include the latest open<br />

architecture electronic<br />

controls.<br />

Karan Beef has the largest<br />

feedlot - a type of animal<br />

feeding operation which is<br />

used in factory farming for<br />

finishing livestock – in Africa<br />

and a processing plant which<br />

is part of the Abattoir complex.<br />

This has the licensed capacity<br />

to process 2,000 head of<br />

cattle per day.<br />

The meat processing plant<br />

utilises trimmings generated<br />

from the on-site deboning<br />

plant producing 22 tons of<br />

meat products per shift. Here,<br />

the company<br />

The company produces various<br />

value added products at its<br />

processing plant in South Africa<br />

The Triaflex Delta robots from Cama handle beefburgers gently<br />

manufactures and packs a<br />

range of value added<br />

products including marinated,<br />

pickled and par-cooked<br />

options as well as hamburger<br />

patties. These go for export or<br />

to national food service and<br />

retail markets.<br />

To keep up with<br />

increasing demand,<br />

the company<br />

approached Cama to<br />

meet its specific<br />

needs. The main<br />

advantage of its<br />

equipment, says Cama,<br />

is that it includes built-in,<br />

customised robots, not just<br />

arms that simply pick and<br />

place. These are solutions<br />

conceived for specific<br />

packaging operations.<br />

To meet the needs of Karan<br />

Beef, the Cama packaging line<br />

comprises a box forming<br />

machine and four in-line<br />

Triaflex Delta robots which, by<br />

means of a ‘smart’ vision<br />

system, can pick flow wrapped<br />

frozen hamburgers and then<br />

load them into three flap<br />

lid boxes in different<br />

configurations and sizes.<br />

Loaded boxes are then<br />

transferred outside the<br />

loading unit and<br />

transported to the three flap<br />

closing machine.<br />

Up to 300 packs a minute<br />

can be handled by the infeed<br />

system and subsequently, the<br />

products are packed in retail<br />

cartons or catering cartons,<br />

depending on demand.<br />

The fastest and gentlest<br />

solution has been achieved so<br />

as not to damage the irregular<br />

shaped hamburgers. The<br />

smart vision system optimises<br />

the management of the<br />

product by automatically<br />

selecting products, according<br />

to pre-established dimensions<br />

and arrival speeds.<br />

This multi robot system is<br />

controlled by a single<br />

controller. All functions are<br />

integrated in this controller<br />

which reduces the number of<br />

interfaces and component<br />

costs.<br />

01793 831111<br />

www.camagroup.com<br />

Karan Beef packs its own brand<br />

products for national and<br />

international markets<br />

20<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


installation news<br />

Coding in harsh conditions<br />

Allen Coding Systems has<br />

installed a high speed NG4IM<br />

thermal transfer coder at the<br />

Redditch production facility of<br />

BASF – The Chemical<br />

Company for labelling<br />

chemical systems and<br />

formulations for the<br />

construction industry.<br />

and best before dates.<br />

“Arguably the best feature of<br />

this particular thermal coder is<br />

its ease of integration on to<br />

our packaging line and its user<br />

friendly interface,” says David<br />

Williams, EHSQ/engineering<br />

manager at BASF UK.<br />

Suitable for printing fixed<br />

and variable text, data and<br />

graphics, use-by dates, real<br />

time, batch codes, barcodes<br />


and much more, the NG4 is<br />

installed at BASF’s plastic film<br />

de-coiling unit, operating at 15<br />

cycles per minute.<br />

01438 347770<br />

www.allencoding.com<br />


Coder handles best before dates<br />

Targeted specifically towards<br />

chemical, agricultural and<br />

hardware manufacturers who<br />

require large amounts of<br />

information to be applied to<br />

packaging/labels, the NG<br />

Series is being used by the<br />

concrete flooring manufacturer<br />

to print product descriptions<br />

Weighing rice<br />

Premier Tech Chronos has<br />

completed the commissioning<br />

of the second of the two high<br />

speed E-Series nett weigher<br />

E25 NXT it has supplied to<br />

Surya Foods.<br />

The new high speed gravity<br />

fed net bagging weigher is a<br />

repeat order of a previously<br />

supplied system and is<br />

positioned above a form, fill<br />

and seal packaging system.<br />

Both have been optimised to<br />

deliver precision weighments<br />

of rice at speeds of up to 20<br />

bags per minute across sizes<br />

from 5 to 20kg.<br />

Precision control of the<br />

weighers is provided by the<br />

latest version of the SpeedAC<br />

NXT weighing controller which<br />

optimises the weighing<br />

operation with proven weighing<br />

software and material in flight<br />

control algorithms.<br />

0115 935 1351<br />

www.premiertechchronos.com<br />

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NEW<br />


www.linkxpackaging.com<br />

NEW<br />


installation news<br />

High level system for snacks<br />

Astec Conveyors has designed<br />

and installed a high level case<br />

conveyor system for the<br />

expanding snack food<br />

manufacturer Intersnack.<br />

Previously, case palletising<br />

www.wenglor.com<br />

was carried out manually at the<br />

end of each production line,<br />

and then transferred by pallet<br />

truck some 50 metres through<br />

a busy operational area to<br />

the warehouse.<br />

As the area in the packing<br />

hall was very restricted, Astec<br />

designed a system to<br />

automatically merge different<br />

case sizes from the various<br />

production lines into one single<br />

line, using zero line pressure<br />

zone controlled powered<br />

roller conveyors.<br />

Due to restricted space, a<br />

spiral conveyor was introduced<br />

to provide continuous, smooth<br />

vertical transfer of product to a<br />

high level. The spiral conveyor<br />

can be operated in either<br />

direction and features a space<br />

saving footprint of only 2sq m,<br />

which does not impact on the<br />

packing hall area.<br />

Time to change.<br />

Vision System.<br />

Focus on you.<br />

The Vision System at a glance:<br />

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Please contact us for further information:<br />

wenglor sensoric ltd.<br />

<br />

Astec has supplied a spiral<br />

conveyor for product transfers<br />

It also offers additional<br />

benefits of low maintenance<br />

requirements and long<br />

operational life.<br />

The spiral feeds onto a high<br />

level powered roller system to<br />

the warehouse, eventually<br />

declining down a belt conveyor<br />

onto a gravity roller section for<br />

manual sortation and palletising.<br />

As a result of the conveyor<br />

system being installed, both<br />

labour cost and pallet truck<br />

operation in the packing area<br />

and through to the warehouse<br />

have been reduced drastically,<br />

while also addressing and<br />

eliminating several safety issues.<br />

The system was installed as<br />

a turnkey project in conjunction<br />

with Elmleigh Electrical<br />

who designed the electrical<br />

control system.<br />

Astec can supply systems for<br />

light, medium or heavy duty<br />

applications.<br />

01283 210333<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />


installation news<br />

HFFS unit provides<br />

leak-proof pouches<br />

The latest Bossar machine at Nikwax has several new features to improve productivity<br />

Waterproofing products<br />

manufacturer Nikwax has<br />

installed a second<br />

horizontal form fill and seal<br />

machine from Bossar<br />

Packaging of Barcelona,<br />

Spain at its<br />

Wadhurst, East<br />

Sussex facility.<br />

“This investment<br />

reinforces Nikwax’s<br />

confidence in the<br />

Bossar brand and<br />

this latest machine<br />

has several new<br />

features to<br />

improve<br />

productivity and<br />

the quality of the<br />

product produced,”<br />

explains Alan<br />

Lewis of UK and Ireland<br />

agent Shrinkpack. And Mick<br />

Parmer, operations director<br />

at Nikwax agrees.<br />

“The Nikwax products can<br />

be challenging to pack due<br />

to the specific components<br />

in our liquid formulations,” he<br />

says. “This combined with a<br />

wide range of viscosities can<br />

make our packs difficult to fill<br />

and to achieve robust liquid<br />

seals that will not leak.”<br />

The liquids<br />

are packed in<br />

Doypack style<br />

bags with<br />

a Euro-hole.<br />

Due to the<br />

complexity in the<br />

dosing of these<br />

types of products,<br />

a new liquid filling<br />

system has been<br />

chosen for this<br />

machine. It is<br />

based on an<br />

Endress & Hauser<br />

mass flow meter and a new<br />

nozzle design incorporating<br />

a specially designed head<br />

with orifices that dispenses<br />

the liquid products and fills<br />

the bag. And all while<br />

minimising splashing.<br />

With this new filling<br />

equipment, Nikwax can<br />

achieve a maximum of<br />

+/-1% of fill volume<br />

tolerance of the total<br />

desired volume, which<br />

ensures product giveaway<br />

is minimised.<br />

As well as the newly<br />

designed liquid filling<br />

system, Bossar has<br />

supplied Nikwax with an<br />

ultrasonic sealing system on<br />

the pouch machine to ensure<br />

hermetic leak proof seals are<br />

obtained consistently on<br />

every pouch produced. This<br />

ultrasonic sealing system<br />

was seen as a vital element<br />

of giving Nikwax the<br />

confidence to know that<br />

extremely low reject levels<br />

and consequently wasted<br />

product was reduced to an<br />

absolute minimum, says<br />

Shrinkpack.<br />

01283 543756<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Second tray sealer is freshly installed<br />

Flavourfresh has purchased<br />

a second high speed<br />

eclipse SL6 tray sealer from<br />

Packaging Automation to<br />

meet the need for increased<br />

productivity and efficiency in<br />

packing tomatoes and<br />

strawberries. The SL6<br />

A wide range of<br />

viscosities can make<br />

the packs difficult<br />

to fill and seal<br />

eclipse is a high throughput<br />

machine capable of sealing<br />

up to 100 packs a minute<br />

and has provided<br />

Flavourfresh with cost<br />

benefits combined with<br />

greater efficiency, minimum<br />

downtime and a consistent<br />

seal on all packs.<br />

For flexibility and long<br />

term value, the machine can<br />

be converted to a twin lane<br />

unit to give speeds of up to<br />

200 packs a minute.<br />

01565 755000<br />

www.pal.co.uk<br />

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www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


installation news<br />

Weigh system is tops<br />

A special compact linear<br />

multihead weigher from Ishida<br />

Europe is delivering high<br />

speeds and excellent<br />

accuracy at small target<br />

weights for the weighing of<br />

yogurt toppings at the<br />

Budapest factory of Danone<br />

Hungary.<br />

The Ishida CCW-R-112PL is<br />

handling a variety of products<br />

including biscuit pieces,<br />

chocolate balls and cereals at<br />

weights of between 5g and<br />

9g, achieving deviation of less<br />

than 1% from the target<br />

weight at speeds of 169<br />

weighments per minute. The<br />

weigher is part of a bespoke<br />

installation which also<br />

comprises a special<br />

distribution system, conveyor<br />

feeding system and support<br />

gantry.<br />

Using a feed system<br />

devised by the customer,<br />

product is fed via a chilled<br />

room to the infeed of the<br />

linear Ishida weigher. An Arcil<br />

thermoforming machine<br />

produces the twocompartment<br />

yogurt pot, one<br />

for the yogurt and the other<br />

The line is operating up to four<br />

days per week with three shifts<br />

each day<br />

Once the topping is weighed it is discharged into the filling system with six pots filled at a time<br />

for the topping. Once the<br />

topping is weighed, it is<br />

discharged into the filling<br />

system; this is linked to the<br />

Two finished products produced on the new line<br />

thermoformer which calls for<br />

the pots to be presented<br />

underneath.<br />

Six yogurt pots are filled<br />

simultaneously with each<br />

discharge between 5-9g<br />

of topping, at 169 weighments<br />

per minute.<br />

The weigher has been<br />

specifically designed for ultralow<br />

target weights of as little<br />

as 3g. It features short drop<br />

heights, particularly<br />

appropriate for handling the<br />

fragile toppings, while the<br />

linear arrangement of the<br />

product allows precise product<br />

flow control.<br />

The weigher incorporates<br />

Ishida’s proven advanced<br />

technology such as a high<br />

speed 5-stage digital filter, and<br />

a new combination calculation<br />

algorithm using Field<br />

Programmable Gate Array<br />

(FPGA) Technology that<br />

deliver high speeds, excellent<br />

accuracy and efficiency levels<br />

close to 100%.<br />

The line is operating up to<br />

four days per week with three<br />

shifts each day. Typically,<br />

product<br />

changeover is<br />

carried out<br />

three or four<br />

times daily,<br />

each one<br />

taking just 30<br />

minutes using<br />

air purge<br />

cleaning. A<br />

full washdown<br />

takes place<br />

every week with all hoppers<br />

removed and cleaned in a<br />

Jeros washing machine. The<br />

Ishida is supplied with<br />

Hungarian language software<br />

and the entire line is controlled<br />

Hungarian language software has<br />

been supplied<br />

by a single operator.<br />

The new installation was to<br />

meet both domestic and<br />

export demand for Danone’s<br />

yogurts with toppings. Having<br />

originally worked with another<br />

Danone factory in Poland on a<br />

similar application, Ishida was<br />

the obvious choice for the<br />

Hungarian project. Based on<br />

its successful experiences in<br />

Poland, Ishida subsequently<br />

made a number of<br />

modifications to the product<br />

handling side of the<br />

installation to deliver an<br />

optimum solution.<br />

“We have been delighted<br />

with the speed, accuracy and<br />

reliability of the Ishida weigher<br />

and ancillary equipment,<br />

which have<br />

made a very<br />

important<br />

contribution<br />

to the<br />

success of<br />

this project,”<br />

says Adam<br />

Kocsis,<br />

investment<br />

and utility<br />

manager at<br />

Danone Hungary.<br />

“The machine works<br />

consistently day-in, day-out,”<br />

he says.<br />

0121 607 7700<br />

www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

24<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


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01904 692333<br />

logopakprintandapply.co.uk<br />


installation news<br />

Handling is<br />

automated<br />

UPM Conveyors has<br />

automated the product<br />

handling of plastics product<br />

manufacturer Plastek UK at<br />

its factory in Mansfield.<br />

UPM installed the first<br />

system for the company in<br />

2005 and has now completed<br />

its third additional system.<br />

Total versatility of operation is<br />

provided via an HMI touch<br />

screen control for all products<br />

from injection moulding<br />

machines to be transferred to<br />

the fully automatic assembly<br />

and packing machines without<br />

any manual involvement.<br />

This is achieved by<br />

incorporating specially<br />

designed multi-way diverters.<br />

A design that achieved a<br />

Queens’s award for<br />

innovation for UPM.<br />

General manager at<br />

Plastek UK Mick Shaw has<br />

been delighted that the<br />

project was completed on<br />

time without any interruption<br />

to production.<br />

01753 548801<br />

www.upm.co.uk<br />

Gulf gets cool<br />

with system<br />

IsoCool has completed its<br />

first major cooling system<br />

installation in the Gulf region,<br />

and immediately won another<br />

contract on the back of it.<br />

A turnkey process cooling<br />

solution was supplied to<br />

plastic extrusion company<br />

Neproplast. The project<br />

involved a complete upgrade<br />

of the existing extrusion and<br />

mixing process cooling<br />

system at Neproplast’s<br />

Jeddah plant, and used<br />

British and Italian<br />

manufactured equipment, as<br />

well as skilled labour from<br />

local engineers.<br />

01376 328455<br />

www.isocool.ltd.uk<br />

Multihead weighers<br />

are grate for cheese<br />

With much of its sales coming<br />

from mozzarella and cheddar,<br />

the ability to weigh and bag<br />

grated cheese is crucial to<br />

family-run cheese company<br />

FJ Need.<br />

Cheese is notoriously difficult<br />

to package accurately. Not only<br />

can its texture cause problems<br />

with the product sticking to the<br />

machine contact parts or<br />

clumping together, but the<br />

different varieties of cheese,<br />

and the different forms in which<br />

it is sold, means that an<br />

especially accurate and flexible<br />

solution is required.<br />

Back in 1992, the company<br />

installed its first Yamato<br />

product – a Sigma multihead<br />

weigher –which has worked<br />

without a hitch for more than<br />

two decades, but this year it<br />

decided to upgrade to<br />

Yamato’s updated version.<br />

The model they chose, the<br />

Dataweigh Omega multihead<br />

weigher has 14 weigh heads<br />

and can operate at greater<br />

speeds compared to that of the<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems<br />

has installed a wide sleeve<br />

sealer and tunnel into the<br />

Dundee factory of JTC<br />

Furniture Group to automate<br />

its process in line with<br />

increased customer demand.<br />

Special features of the<br />

equipment include the top roll of<br />

film being floor mounted to<br />

provide easier roll changes for<br />

the operators while also<br />

satisfying health and safety<br />

concerns about the heavy<br />

weight of each roll; the shrink<br />

tunnel was an extended model<br />

to accommodate the large sizes<br />

of the JTC product range –<br />

some up to 3m in length – at a<br />

Yamato Dataweigh's Omega<br />

multihead weigher has helped FJ<br />

Need increase production capacity<br />

Yamato Sigma weighing<br />

machine. The net effect of the<br />

Omega technology has been to<br />

speed up FJ Need’s production,<br />

while simultaneously reducing<br />

wastage and improving<br />

product. The machine is so fast<br />

that it has not yet been used to<br />

its full capacity – FJ Need is<br />

currently improving its end-ofline<br />

packaging machines to<br />

keep up.<br />

“We’ve been working with<br />

Yamato machines for over 20<br />

years and are extremely happy<br />

with the way our business has<br />

benefited from these multihead<br />

weighing solutions,” says Paul<br />

Need, md of FJ Need. “We<br />

weigh and pack a diverse range<br />

of cheese types and the<br />

machines have delivered a<br />

consistent service while<br />

improving productivity, accuracy<br />

and reducing waste levels.”<br />

Yamato also provides FJ<br />

Need with maintenance and<br />

service support. “Routine<br />

maintenance significantly<br />

reduces the risk of machine<br />

failure and the need for<br />

repairs, which is why we<br />

recommend preventative<br />

maintenance to all our<br />

customers, says Lee Smith,<br />

after sales manager for<br />

Yamato Scale Dataweigh.<br />

“Our engineers work alongside<br />

the team at FJ Need providing<br />

remote assistance support<br />

and visiting plants to provide<br />

additional training or to carry<br />

out repairs if required.”<br />

0113 322 1546<br />

www.yamatoscale.co.uk<br />

Sealing furniture with benefits<br />

An extended model has been supplied to accommodate the range<br />

faster throughput, while<br />

smoothing rollers were added to<br />

ensure a totally enclosed pack.<br />

The benefit of shrink<br />

wrapping to JTC has been the<br />

ability to take on additional<br />

contracts without increasing its<br />

packaging or labour costs.<br />

01924 441355<br />

www.yps.co.uk<br />

26<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


maintenance<br />

C<br />

Reducing downtime by<br />

trending machine data<br />

A key part of condition based maintenance is vibration analysis which, thanks to the development of more<br />

cost effective equipment, is now within everyone’s reach, argues C-Cubed, while trending data also has a key<br />

part to play in reducing machine downtime<br />

Much has been written about<br />

different maintenance strategies<br />

from reactive (or breakdown)<br />

maintenance through planned<br />

preventative maintenance<br />

(PPM) and condition based/<br />

predictive maintenance<br />

(CBM/PdM) to proactive<br />

maintenance (PXM). It has<br />

however been shown conclusively<br />

in every case that each<br />

improvement in maintenance<br />

strategy brings about a further<br />

large saving in costs.<br />

One US study showed that<br />

the cost (in US dollars per<br />

horsepower per year) reduced<br />

from 17 USD/HP/year for<br />

reactive maintenance to 9<br />

USD/HP/year for CBM – a<br />

saving of almost half. Moving<br />

to proactive maintenance, the<br />

savings are even greater.<br />

But trending data is a very<br />

simple method of getting the<br />

most out of any maintenance<br />

strategy. There are basically<br />

two different approaches to<br />

doing this.<br />

On a PC<br />

Vibration analysis readings can<br />

be difficult to analyse and<br />

many companies rely on<br />

expert consultants to make<br />

sense of their data. But by<br />

using a simple meter and<br />

trending just two numbers –<br />

the ISO mm/s and bearing<br />

damage units – a huge amount<br />

of information concerning the<br />

state of a machine can very<br />

quickly and easily be seen.<br />

How you trend the data<br />

depends on the meter used<br />

and this can vary from the use<br />

of a simple Excel spreadsheet<br />

The Vib Meter 330 has a price and specification which brings<br />

meaningful vibration analysis within reach of everyone, says C-Cubed<br />

where numbers are typed in,<br />

to an automatic trending meter<br />

like the C-Cubed Vib Meter<br />

330 with its included VibTrend<br />

software. Nowadays these<br />

tools are available at very low<br />

cost making this strategy<br />

extremely affordable to<br />

everyone.<br />

For instance, the new Vib<br />

Meter 330 from C-Cubed has a<br />

price and specification which<br />

brings meaningful vibration<br />

analysis within reach of<br />

The screen shot shows a bearing damage trend (BDU) from a large<br />

wire saw and the effect of a bearing change<br />

everyone, argues Stephen<br />

Hawes, UK and Ireland sales<br />

manager at C-Cubed. Whether<br />

to complement an existing<br />

CBM service or to finally<br />

instigate your own programme,<br />

at £990 the VM330 costs a<br />

fraction of previous vibration<br />

analysers, he says.<br />

The included ‘Vibtrend’ PC<br />

software produces graphical<br />

trending overtime so it is very<br />

easy to notice increases in<br />

vibration. There are readings<br />

for ISO (low frequency) BDU<br />

(bearing damage units) or high<br />

frequency vibration. Further,<br />

the VM330 shows band alarms<br />

to warn of unbalance,<br />

misalignment and looseness.<br />

When user configured alarm<br />

levels are exceeded the<br />

VM330 and PC will warn with<br />

colour coded status screens<br />

and send exception reports by<br />

e-mail to designated people.<br />

With the Vib Meter 330 every<br />

time a reading is taken against<br />

a named asset, the reading is<br />

automatically added to the<br />

trend graph. Not only is the<br />

trending simple but so is the<br />

meter, with almost all functions<br />

using a single button - this is a<br />

technology designed for all<br />

maintenance personnel not<br />

just the techies.<br />

The Vib Meter 330 can store<br />

up to 1000 machines by name<br />

and presents the readings in a<br />

clear and simple colour-coded<br />

way, while uploading the<br />

readings to a PC is just a<br />

matter of placing it in its USB<br />

docking cradle. Taking<br />

vibration readings and trending<br />

the results is a low cost and<br />

28 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

maintenance<br />

simple, yet effective method of<br />

implementing a predictive<br />

maintenance plan and most<br />

importantly keeping your plant<br />

running, argues C-Cubed.<br />

In the Cloud<br />

Standard smartphone<br />

technology can be used to great<br />

effect by maintenance<br />

personnel to both enhance their<br />

own capabilities and save their<br />

companies expensive downtime.<br />

Everyone is familiar with the<br />

games and useful applications<br />

that can be run on our phones,<br />

but now these can also be used<br />

for maintenance, including the<br />

ability to trend valuable<br />

information. What’s more, with<br />

Cloud technology all this<br />

information can be very easily<br />

shared, with automatic text<br />

messages and emails as well<br />

as the ability to see quick reports<br />

and overviews via the Internet.<br />

DataDecypher from C-Cubed<br />

is a smartphone based<br />

application which can run on<br />

iPhone, Android and Windows<br />

operating systems and can be<br />

used to collect and trend data<br />

on absolutely anything through<br />

the use of a simple checklist.<br />

This includes the trending of<br />

comprehensive process<br />

information such as pressures,<br />

temperatures and flow rates,<br />

and all with the ability to add<br />

photos taken with the phone.<br />

And the process of using<br />

DataDecypher is designed to<br />

DataDecypher from C-Cubed is a<br />

smartphone based application for<br />

trending data<br />

be very straightforward.<br />

A supervisor simply logs on<br />

to the Internet and creates an<br />

inspection route and assigns it<br />

to a user - the next time the<br />

user logs on from their phone<br />

the inspection route will be<br />

automatically downloaded.<br />

The user completes the<br />

inspection routes using the<br />

checklists displayed on the<br />

phone and the data is<br />

immediately put back on the<br />

Internet site, where it is<br />

instantly trended.<br />

Trendsetter?<br />

A single high vibration reading<br />

might be a sign of a damaged<br />

bearing; likewise a high outlet<br />

pressure drop might be a sign<br />

of a blocked filter. But a trend<br />

showing progressively higher<br />

vibration readings or<br />

increasingly higher outlet<br />

pressure readings leaves a<br />

user in no doubt that there’s a<br />

problem. Conversely, a return<br />

to a normal value probably<br />

indicates an outlier caused by<br />

a random event that may<br />

simply be ignored.<br />

But ignoring an increasing<br />

trend is ill advised as this<br />

almost certainly points to a<br />

future failure and the probability<br />

of some expensive downtime.<br />

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special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Only a heartbeat away<br />

from FMD compliance<br />

Pharmaceutical manufacturers that have not started down the road to compliance with the EU Falsified Medicines Directive are<br />

running out of time, says Harry Thomason<br />

“Forward planning will be essential for<br />

manufacturers in order to ensure that<br />

they meet the deadlines for the Falsified<br />

Medicines Directive (FMD).” So says<br />

Harry Thomason, managing director of<br />

the pharma coding company Travtec.<br />

“Although 2017 still seems a long way<br />

off, there is a lot of preparation work<br />

necessary for companies to become<br />

compliant,” he says. “It is not simply a<br />

question of selecting a printer that is<br />

capable of producing the necessary codes.<br />

“For example, code verification is highly<br />

dependable on having an easily readable<br />

code that is placed correctly on the pack,<br />

and since printers do not always operate in<br />

ideal conditions, this is sometimes not so<br />

easy to achieve.<br />

“A pack therefore needs to be<br />

completely controlled during the printing<br />

process which requires an appropriate<br />

feeding and handling system. And for<br />

efficient quality control purposes, a vision<br />

system needs to be incorporated as well.<br />

And since none of these pieces of<br />

equipment work in isolation, it is vital that<br />

they are fully integrated and able to<br />

communicate with each other as part of<br />

seamless operation. And of course all this<br />

kit then has to be integrated effectively into<br />

existing lines.”<br />

Achieving this can be a time-consuming<br />

process and as Thomason points out, the<br />

closer the 2017 deadline becomes, the<br />

busier systems providers will be.<br />

“Companies need to be selecting their<br />

partners now,” he states. “The time<br />

available to find these suppliers and<br />

implement the right systems, is fast<br />

running out – if manufacturers want<br />

to be sure of being ready for FMD<br />

compliance in 2017, it is definitely<br />

a case of now or never.”<br />

Thomason believes that one of the<br />

stumbling blocks that have held back<br />

some companies is the fact that in difficult<br />

economic times many are reluctant to<br />

consider investment in something that is<br />

not going to improve the bottom line in<br />

terms of enhanced productivity or efficiency.<br />

“Nevertheless, the fact is that if these<br />

systems are not in place by 2017, then<br />

companies will no longer be able to do<br />

business throughout Europe and<br />

potentially even further afield,” he<br />

comments. “Furthermore, there is a good<br />

business opportunity in acting sooner<br />

rather than later. Already countries such<br />

as France and Turkey have introduced<br />

their own anti-counterfeiting regulations<br />

such as the requirement for CP13 codes<br />

in France, so this can give companies a<br />

head start in being able to supply into<br />

these markets.”<br />

Companies need to shop around to find<br />

a supplier who can tailor a system to their<br />

precise requirements. “Obviously costefficiency<br />

is going to be important and<br />

suppliers can devise systems according<br />

to available budget but it is vital that any<br />

solution is fit for purpose,” says<br />

Thomason. “There are many things that<br />

need to be taken into account in the<br />

creation of a system such as the type of<br />

pack to be coded, the speed of the line<br />

and the available factory space.”<br />

Looking beyond the immediate<br />

requirements of the FMD will also be<br />

important.<br />

“Currently the FMD only requires<br />

serialisation of a code,” Thomason points<br />

out. “In the future a full track and trace<br />

capability may be required, so it is<br />

important that pharmaceutical companies<br />

seek to future-proof their operations.”<br />

The next 16 pages focus on issues<br />

•<br />

surrounding FMD as well as all the latest<br />

developments in manufacturing and<br />

handling pharmaceuticals across Europe.<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Suppliers can help with<br />

the FMD learning curve<br />

With the transposition of the European Union’s Falsified Medicines Directive into law in August, the race against time for<br />

Europe’s pharmaceutical suppliers to meet new legislative requirements for Europe’s pharmaceutical manufacturers is<br />

gathering pace. But in the face of operational challenges, how do manufacturers maintain business as usual?<br />

asks Craig Scobie from Domino Printing Sciences<br />

‘All talk and no action’ is a phrase that<br />

might spring to mind where the Falsified<br />

Medicines Directive (FMD 2011/62/EU)<br />

is concerned. But following years of<br />

discussion and debate, what once seemed<br />

a distant prospect has now become a<br />

looming inevitability. While there are no<br />

doubt behind-the-scenes negotiations<br />

being conducted by individual companies<br />

and industry groupings, the legislators’<br />

current stance is one of ‘no exemptions<br />

and no exclusions.’<br />

Translated for those companies affected<br />

– a group which includes any<br />

manufacturer, packer, re-packager,<br />

wholesaler, distributor, supplying<br />

prescription pharmaceuticals into any of<br />

the EU 28 countries – this means no<br />

excuses. Alongside more rigorous<br />

inspections of the manufacturers of active<br />

pharmaceutical ingredients, and the<br />

obligation for manufacturers and<br />

distributors to report any suspicion of<br />

falsified medicines, it is the requirement for<br />

Craig Stobie, global life sciences sector<br />

manager at Domino says the collective<br />

scramble towards the FMD compliance<br />

finishing line is well and truly on<br />

Any producer intending to supply prescription pharmaceutical<br />

products into any of the 28 countries of the European Union<br />

will need to comply with all of the FMD’s requirements<br />

enhanced outer pack features that is<br />

causing most consternation, particularly for<br />

those in the packing hall charged with<br />

implementing the new measures.<br />

It’s possible that the current predicament<br />

stems from an early, cursory reading of the<br />

key requirements of the Directive, during<br />

which item level identification was<br />

classified as an adjustment to the preexisting<br />

arrangements for the application<br />

of variable data. It’s now abundantly clear<br />

– and painfully so in some cases – that<br />

that was a significant miscalculation.<br />

The industry at large has now woken up<br />

to that fact and the collective scramble<br />

towards the compliance finishing line is<br />

well and truly on: it’s a challenge<br />

complicated by the fact that there is still a<br />

lack of clarity around some fairly significant<br />

aspects of the Directive.<br />

Manufacturers and packers should<br />

certainly be aware by now that the FMD<br />

effectively means that each item will in<br />

future be a ‘batch of one’<br />

with its own unique<br />

record. If they have not<br />

already installed, or at<br />

least identified, coding<br />

equipment compatible<br />

with this requirement,<br />

then they face a very<br />

challenging few<br />

months: the European<br />

Stakeholder model<br />

(ESM) suggests that four<br />

to five years is required<br />

to successfully<br />

implement serialisation.<br />

What is less clear is<br />

the process by which the<br />

data collected during the<br />

packing process will be<br />

managed thereafter –<br />

and who will pay for the maintenance of<br />

the infrastructure required to support<br />

that process.<br />

This is leading to polarisation of opinion<br />

among, and even within, different industry<br />

groups. For example, debate persists<br />

around whether falsification is a uniform<br />

and universal threat: the British Generics<br />

Manufacturing Association believes that<br />

the technical requirements of the FMD can<br />

only provide ‘secondary lines of defence’<br />

which ‘may give a false sense of security’.<br />

It has also noted that ‘no counterfeit<br />

generic medicine has been discovered in<br />

the European Union.’<br />

By contrast, a recent survey of<br />

pharmaceutical manufacturers, found that<br />

80% of respondents think counterfeiting is<br />

as much of a problem for generics as it is<br />

for branded pharmaceuticals. It’s fair to<br />

assume that no-one knows the true scale<br />

of counterfeiting, neither will the Directive,<br />

or any other measure, eradicate it, however<br />

32 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

it is time to begin turning the tide in order<br />

to protect patients throughout the EU.<br />

It is evident that the challenge of<br />

complying with the FMD faced by small<br />

and mid-sized companies is greater by<br />

orders of magnitude than for<br />

multi-nationals, where the data<br />

management required by the Directive will<br />

most probably become a function of<br />

existing ERP systems. As anticipated, the<br />

mid-sized pharma manufacturers are<br />

anxious about finding a solution that won’t<br />

cost the earth, won’t result in too much<br />

downtime or too much of company<br />

directors’ time.<br />

For smaller companies, a wholesale<br />

upgrade of their coding kit will need to be<br />

accompanied by a robust plan that<br />

touches on almost every department in the<br />

company and which has buy-in from<br />

senior management. Almost half of our<br />

survey respondents felt that the<br />

implementation timeframe of four to five<br />

years suggested by the ESM was correct,<br />

which suggests that many producers are<br />

currently well behind schedule.<br />

With the focus at this stage very much<br />

on putting in place the hardware and<br />

software infrastructure for compliance, less<br />

attention is being paid to what will<br />

constitute ‘business as usual’ in the<br />

serialisation era.<br />

Returning to the packing hall, the past<br />

couple of decades<br />

have seen huge<br />

progress in raising<br />

OEE levels. Once<br />

accorded significant<br />

latitude in productivity<br />

because of the need<br />

to ensure patient<br />

safety, the<br />

pharmaceutical sector<br />

is now subject to<br />

greater commercial<br />

pressure as state<br />

health and welfare<br />

budgets continue to<br />

rise. Profit margins<br />

are being squeezed,<br />

meaning that efficiency levels are under<br />

ever greater scrutiny.<br />

The anticipated impact of serialisation<br />

on efficiency is therefore a significant<br />

consideration. Anecdotal evidence from<br />

early adopters of serialisation schemes<br />

suggests that the reject/re-work level in the<br />

early stages can be as much as 10%, far<br />

in excess of what is acceptable.<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

special feature<br />

The FMD means that many mid sized companies including generics will need to implement a<br />

wholesale upgrade of their coding kit. Shown here is the Domino G-Series TIJ printer<br />

This reduces overtime, with rates well<br />

below 1% being achievable but it takes<br />

commitment, effort and engineering<br />

know-how. Add to this that over half of<br />

the respondents to our survey felt that<br />

OEE will be reduced – in some cases by<br />

as much as 20% - and it is apparent how<br />

crucial it is to factor in time to address<br />

this issue.<br />

The key factor here is the need to<br />

produce consistently readable high quality<br />

codes that<br />

will<br />

successfully<br />

pass the<br />

scrutiny of<br />

machine<br />

vision<br />

systems,<br />

when the<br />

very fact<br />

that each<br />

code is<br />

unique<br />

means that<br />

there is no<br />

repeatability<br />

in the<br />

process. Added to that is the likely need to<br />

read more data than before in both<br />

Alphanumeric and Datamatrix and the<br />

need to optimise performance or face an<br />

unacceptable fall in OEE and the scale of<br />

the challenge becomes clear.<br />

It is an unenviable task for production<br />

teams and planners alike and one which<br />

requires an examination of packaging line<br />

Domino’s recent survey of pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturers found that 80% of respondents think<br />

counterfeiting is as much of a problem for generics as<br />

it is for branded pharmaceuticals<br />

performance from every angle. At its heart<br />

is the choice of coding equipment: beyond<br />

the obvious need for serialisation<br />

capability, coders must also be able to<br />

produce clear, high resolution codes with<br />

a good degree of contrast to facilitate<br />

reliable reading. Beyond that, early<br />

serialisation pilots have shown just how<br />

disruptive unplanned stoppages are,<br />

creating issues with both assigning<br />

identities and handling and accounting for<br />

rejects. Addressing poor machine<br />

performance in advance is therefore<br />

highly recommended.<br />

Whichever route manufacturers choose<br />

to comply with the FMD, there is no doubt<br />

that there will be teething problems, but<br />

there are benefits too: ultimately, and<br />

despite what half of survey respondents<br />

predicted in the short term, we believe<br />

that serialisation will raise the bar for<br />

OEE in the long term, with the data<br />

offering a valuable resource to help<br />

identify factors adversely impacting<br />

production.<br />

There’s a steep learning curve involved<br />

in getting there but help is at hand in the<br />

form of counsel from your equipment<br />

suppliers and from industry peers who<br />

have led the way. Furthermore,<br />

serialisation has the potential to be a<br />

powerful tool to facilitate improved<br />

adherence with medication regimes and<br />

therefore a better patient outcome, which<br />

in the end benefits everyone.<br />

01954 782551<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Robots bring benefits<br />

to pharma production<br />

As robots find their way into many pharmaceutical secondary production processes, Alan Spreckley, segment manager –<br />

consumer industries and packaging for ABB’s UK robotics business, explains the benefits they have already delivered in<br />

pharmaceutical applications<br />

With robots still largely considered as<br />

new technology in many quarters, it has<br />

taken a while for robotic equipment to be<br />

accepted as part of the Good<br />

Manufacturing Processes (GMP) set out<br />

for the production of food and<br />

pharmaceutical products.<br />

Major advances in robotic technology in<br />

recent years have made it increasingly<br />

suitable for both food and beverage and<br />

pharmaceutical processes alike.<br />

Foremost amongst these has been the<br />

development of specific hygienic design<br />

models for these industries, rather than<br />

just adaptation of existing models<br />

developed for other applications.<br />

As in so many other industrial<br />

applications, robots are already proving<br />

their value in pharmaceutical applications<br />

worldwide. The following are just some of<br />

the key processes where robots are<br />

already being deployed.<br />

The research and development stage<br />

has historically been a complicated,<br />

time-consuming process. With advances<br />

in robotic technology, this situation has<br />

Robots pick and place flow packed teat<br />

pipette droppers from a conveyor belt and<br />

insert them into a carton together with a<br />

bottle containing penicillin<br />

Robots are helping to improve the speed and<br />

diversity of product handling for pharma<br />

now changed, such that thousands of<br />

potential pharmaceutical products can<br />

now be developed and tested in a<br />

fraction of the time previously required.<br />

One example is High Throughput<br />

Screening (HTS). Using robotic<br />

technology, coupled with data processing<br />

software, liquid handling devices and<br />

sensitive detection equipment, HTS<br />

enables research teams to conduct<br />

millions of tests, leading to much faster<br />

discovery and development of new<br />

pharmaceutical products. Improvements<br />

brought by this technology have meant<br />

that up to 100,000 samples per day can<br />

now be tested and evaluated, compared<br />

with the 30 samples per day previously<br />

achievable with manual screening.<br />

With ultra-High Throughput Screening<br />

(uHTS) now also in development,<br />

robots could soon also have a part to<br />

play in processing even greater numbers<br />

of samples.<br />

Another important benefit of utilising<br />

robotic technology has also been the<br />

elimination of the negative impact of<br />

human tedium on test results. Today’s<br />

robots can handle the full range of tasks<br />

inherent in the screening process,<br />

spanning everything from sample<br />

preparation and shaking samples through<br />

to transporting samples between different<br />

experiment points.<br />

Robots have also proved useful in<br />

temperature controlled processes, where<br />

samples need to be incubated in special<br />

ovens for specific periods. In these<br />

applications, the robot can automatically<br />

insert and remove samples to ensure<br />

they are incubated under the correct<br />

conditions.<br />

There are several areas in which the<br />

demands on robots in pharmaceutical<br />

processes differ from those in standard<br />

industrial applications.<br />

One key difference is the need for<br />

faster cycle times. Time constraints on<br />

the screening processes, for example,<br />

where each part of the experimentation<br />

process needs to be performed for a set<br />

duration, mean that robots have to move<br />

at faster speeds without any negative<br />

impact on precision.<br />

With recent developments in robotic<br />

control technology, coupled with<br />

advances in handling accessories, such<br />

as grippers, robots have proven highly<br />

adept at delivering fast, repeatable<br />

performance. Developments in vision<br />

technology, such as the arrival of colour<br />

and three-dimensional capabilities, have<br />

also helped to add an extra element of<br />

intelligence, enabling products and/or<br />

specific batches to be recognised and<br />

tracked through production and<br />

packaging, crucial for meeting traceability<br />

requirements.<br />

The benefits that robots can bring in<br />

the packaging of pharmaceutical products<br />

are well illustrated by an ABB installation<br />

at Novartis in Italy. The plant produces<br />

and packs up to 35 different vaccines for<br />

34 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

shipment to over 70 different countries<br />

worldwide.<br />

Various robots are used at the plant.<br />

The first of the robots to be supplied to<br />

the plant handles the palletising of<br />

packaged products, with the flexibility to<br />

handle different pack sizes and shapes<br />

when required. This robot uses two<br />

scanners to read barcodes on boxes<br />

arriving via a conveyor belt and<br />

sorts them according to their<br />

shipment destination. The robot<br />

proved so fast and reliable that it<br />

was subsequently moved to a<br />

larger area where it now loads up<br />

to six pallets at a time.<br />

The improvements brought by<br />

this robot led to the acquisition of a<br />

second robot which is used mainly<br />

for packaging oral vaccines for<br />

polio. Incorporating an advanced<br />

vision system, this robot ensures<br />

each individual polio cartridge is<br />

correctly lifted and packed.<br />

them individually on a conveyor belt,<br />

ready for the next stage.<br />

Once the contents of the tubs are<br />

emptied, the robot places each tub and<br />

its lid onto a pallet. This placement too<br />

has to be carefully controlled to meet<br />

pharmaceutical GMP requirements, which<br />

stipulate strict separation of packaging<br />

materials and products.<br />

The robot also incorporates a<br />

telecamera, which matches each tub and<br />

its contents through datamatrix code<br />

reading, to ensure that the correct<br />

vaccines have arrived in the correct tubs<br />

and eliminate the risk of potential cross<br />

contamination.<br />

01908 350300<br />

www.abb.com/robotics<br />

The New Swiftpharm 2<br />

Electronic Counter<br />

Two ABB IRB 340 FlexPicker robots<br />

have helped to improve the speed<br />

and diversity of product handling at<br />

Italian pharmaceutical company IMA<br />

The most innovative robotised<br />

application at the manufacturing<br />

facility, is a robot de-nester. The<br />

robot is part of a 40 metre vaccine<br />

packaging line that handles up to<br />

500 syringes a minute. This<br />

process entails three separate<br />

stages, which were previously<br />

handled manually which risked<br />

potential contamination and<br />

repetition-induced error.<br />

The process begins with ‘nests’<br />

of 100 flu syringes arriving from<br />

the aseptic department in lidded<br />

plastic tubs. The robot removes<br />

the lid of each tub by vacuum,<br />

before lifting each nest and placing<br />

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The new SWIFTPHARM 2 from the world<br />

leading electronic counter manufacturer -<br />

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The Swiftpharm 2 has a smaller footprint<br />

including integrated conveyor and reject<br />

system, controlled from a single HMI<br />

A higher output capable of up to 240bpm<br />

Quick change-over with fewer<br />

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Tel: +44 (0) 1789 767 330 • Fax: + 44 (0) 1789 400 780 • Email: hotdesk@imauk.co.uk<br />

UK<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

Blister shapes<br />

are unusual<br />

Complying with GMP<br />

guidelines, Monolab’s blister<br />

packaging equipment has<br />

become established within<br />

many pharmaceutical<br />

companies for not only<br />

standard applications such as<br />

tablets, capsules and soft gels<br />

but for more interesting ways<br />

of packaging syrups,<br />

effervescent tablets, trays of<br />

vials and even medical<br />

devices, says UK agent<br />

Springvale Equipment.<br />

Monolab blisters give options<br />

The unusually shaped<br />

blister packs that are<br />

produced offer alternative<br />

forms of presentation for<br />

liquids and tablets.<br />

With a possible forming<br />

depth of 25mm, it has been<br />

possible to create trays of<br />

vials at 20mm deep as well as<br />

special shaped blisters for<br />

medical devices. Materials<br />

that can be thermoformed on<br />

the base machine include<br />


Aclar, PP to ALU-ALU.<br />

Instant mould exchange<br />

technology allows for<br />

changeover times of ten minutes.<br />

01420 542505<br />

www.springvaleltd.co.uk<br />

Travtec’s new Lixis vision system can be<br />

incorporated into the pharmaceutical coding<br />

company’s proven Pharmacarton Elite coding<br />

station.<br />

The Pharmacarton system provides total<br />

control of the carton during the print and<br />

vision process to ensure the accurate and<br />

quality printing and verification of high density<br />

barcodes and 2D codes to ECC200/GS1<br />

standards. It offers a cost-effective and<br />

reliable solution for companies needing to<br />

print serialised 2D Datamatrix codes on<br />

individual packs as part of the Falsified<br />

Medicines Directive (FMD) track and trace<br />

requirements for pharmaceutical packaging.<br />

This latest model, the Pharmacarton Elite,<br />

features a compact and sleek design that can<br />

fit easily into existing packing lines. The<br />

enclosed operating unit and clean, smooth<br />

appearance eliminates any nooks and<br />

crannies where waste materials could<br />

congregate, ensuring fast line clearance at<br />

the end of each production run.<br />

The Lixis PVS is a high-end OCR/OCV<br />

imaging system that is designed to offer<br />

reliability, accuracy and speed for a wide<br />

variety of inspection requirements throughout<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Coding with vision<br />

The new Lixis vision system can be incorporated<br />

into the Pharmacarton Elite coding station<br />

the packaging process. In particular, it<br />

provides effective monitoring to ensure that<br />

coding operations are meeting the<br />

requirements of the FMD.<br />

01942 677664<br />

www.travtec.co.uk<br />

Labelling bottles without any faults<br />

Long-time customer of Newman Labelling<br />

Systems Lek Pharmaceuticals in Slovenia is<br />

one of the first companies to use the Faulty<br />

Label Removal (FLR) system that is a new<br />

option on all standard labelling machines.<br />

FLR is a fully compliant and efficient system<br />

for removing faulty labels prior to application<br />

to a container. These faulty labels are then<br />

transferred to a paper roll for batch<br />

reconciliation and inspection which prevents<br />

the wastage caused by systems that reject a<br />

container after the faulty label has been<br />

applied.<br />

At Lek Pharmaceuticals, this system is<br />

being used on a high end Newman S350<br />

automatic self adhesive labelling system.<br />

020 8440 0044<br />

www.newman.co.uk<br />


Thermocode iQ<br />

‘state-of-the-art ‘<br />

thermal transfer printing<br />

World Class Coding & Marking Systems<br />

+44 (0)20 8655 4999 sales@opendate.co.uk www.opendate.co.uk<br />

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special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Answering serialisation needs<br />

According to IMA, there are a number of<br />

key trends in the pharmaceutical market<br />

causing the increase in counterfeit<br />

problems. Massive growth of internet sales<br />

unlicensed markets and the huge potential<br />

for producing copycat medicines have all<br />

helped to flood the market with counterfeits.<br />

In short, says IMA, European industry is<br />

calling for: a harmonised coding and<br />

serialisation system across Europe for<br />

greater patient safety; a stakeholder<br />

governed point-of-dispense system for<br />

cost-effectiveness and a 2D data matrix<br />

based on international standard as unique<br />

identifier for inter-operability.<br />

Different solutions to bring drug<br />

packaging production in line with the rising<br />

track and trace requirements are available<br />

but there is no one solution that will fit all<br />

legislative requirements or customer<br />

requests.<br />

“The best approach by companies is to<br />

be clear which markets are being supplied<br />

This labeller from IMA answers<br />

track and trace<br />

needs<br />

by which lines and they can therefore<br />

determine the minimum requirements for<br />

product compliance,” argues Des O’Neil,<br />

md of IMA UK. “Companies can then<br />

decide which approach they wish to<br />

adopt, above the basic requirements of<br />

legislative compliance at a corporate,<br />

geographic, or site level.”<br />

The Sensitive AP400 from IMA is<br />

designed to answer all the different<br />

requirements in terms of track & trace, with<br />

a lot of machines already up and running<br />

worldwide. The machine has been<br />

developed according to a modular<br />

constructive design and is available in<br />

different combinations with several<br />

applications to be customised according<br />

to the country legislation requirements<br />

and to the specific approach of the<br />

pharmaceutical industry.<br />

IMA Life’s labelling equipment features<br />

the application of labels on one, two or<br />

three faces of the carton (only on top or<br />

only on lateral sides or on all of them), thus<br />

providing a reliable method to securing<br />

against the threats of counterfeit, misbrand<br />

and adulterated drugs, explains O’Neil.<br />

The possibility to host up to three<br />

labelling heads and the high output (up to<br />

450 cpm) gives the machine a high degree<br />

of flexibility.<br />

01789 400880<br />

www.ima.it<br />

Non-destructive multi-bottle leak and seal tester<br />

Sepha has launched a tool-less,<br />

non-destructive multi-bottle integrity tester<br />

for induction sealed pharmaceutical bottles.<br />

The unit uses force decay technology to<br />

detect weak seals and defects down to<br />

15 microns. Up to four bottles can be<br />

tested simultaneously in a quick test cycle<br />

of approximately 60 seconds.<br />

The system produces objective<br />

pass/fail results enabling good bottles to<br />

be returned to the production line.<br />

Operator error is eliminated as the<br />

quick, repeatable test gives objective<br />

data which is securely stored.<br />

028 9048 4848<br />

www.sepha.com<br />

The Bottlescan tester developed by Sepha<br />

38<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Infrared system for<br />

woundcare products<br />

Olmec-UK has designed and<br />

installed an end of line<br />

inspection system at a leading<br />

manufacturer of woundcare<br />

products to replace human<br />

inspection that was proving<br />

unreliable.<br />

The new system has been<br />

designed to inspect for the<br />

following defects: empty<br />

pouches; pouches with the<br />

incorrect amount of dressings<br />

and dressings trapped in seals.<br />

It links directly to the outfeed of the<br />

existing packaging machine which seals<br />

the woundcare product into a four sided<br />

pouch measuring 125 x 102mm. The<br />

inspection system utilises infrared (IR)<br />

imaging technology which has brought<br />

minimal disruption to the current line, as it<br />

links in with the existing reject mechanism.<br />

The vision system is mounted between<br />

two conveyor belts and features a single<br />

line scan camera equipped with IR Lens<br />

pass filters mounted above the line and<br />

an IR light mounted underneath. At an IR<br />

wavelength of 880nm, the paper<br />

packaging material transmits far more<br />

Here a woundcare pack is passing through<br />

the IR inspection zone at high speed<br />

The end of line infrared inspection station from Olmec<br />

light than the products inside, allowing the<br />

presence and position of the product to<br />

be easily verified including whether it is<br />

trapped in the seal.<br />

Since the packs are moving along the<br />

belt, the line scan camera with a line<br />

resolution of 2048 pixels produces high<br />

quality images. The system is capable of<br />

inspecting the 100 products per minute<br />

arriving from the packaging machine.<br />

In operation, the packaging machine<br />

has a centre datum for the sealing areas,<br />

which means that when this seal is cut to<br />

give individual packs, it forms the leading<br />

edge on half the packs and the trailing<br />

edge on the other half. The vision system<br />

needs to identify this datum for each<br />

inspection as all other seals on the pack<br />

are referenced to it.<br />

This is achieved by using two sensors<br />

to register whether the product has come<br />

from the left hand or right hand lane of<br />

the packaging machine. A trigger sensor<br />

initiates the inspection. Image processing<br />

is carried out on a PC mounted within the<br />

system, with results displayed on a<br />

19in industrial touch screen.<br />

All products that are ‘out of spec’ are<br />

automatically rejected, while ‘good’<br />

product is transferred to an existing<br />

collator where the products are positioned<br />

in an easy way for the operators to gather<br />

them up and package them.<br />

Provision is made to stop the line in the<br />

event of a false reject or false acceptance.<br />

01652 631960<br />

www.olmec-uk.com<br />

Capping heads<br />

Applied Torque<br />

Sensing & Monitoring<br />

Torque sensing and monitoring<br />

is supplied by a torque transducer in<br />

both digital and analogue data for<br />

validation purposes and further<br />

analysis.<br />

Cap Coder capping heads come in<br />

single and multi-head formats for<br />

multiple product applications<br />

ranging from Food to Chemicals,<br />

Cosmetics to Drinks.<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford OX44 7RW<br />

Tel: 01865 891466<br />

Fax: 01865 891292<br />

e-mail: sales@capcoder.co.uk<br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Creating patient kits<br />

for clinical studies<br />

Thanks to a TLM packaging line from Schubert, Hoffmann-La Roche in Switzerland has been able to automate<br />

the packaging process for its patient kits for clinical studies for the first time. And much to the delight of its<br />

head of clinical packaging and labelling<br />

“For 10 years, we have had a vision of<br />

packaging the patient kits for our clinical<br />

studies using an automated process and<br />

this dream is now being fulfilled,”<br />

declares Christoph Mettler, head of<br />

clinical packaging and labelling at<br />

Hoffmann-La Roche AG in Switzerland.<br />

A TLM packaging line from Schubert<br />

including its Transmodule rail based<br />

robots, allots medication and placebos to<br />

individual patients and groups<br />

pre-determined quantities of them<br />

together into multi-packs to form a<br />

personalised patient kit.<br />

A single packaging error can nullify the<br />

results of an extensive clinical study so a<br />

high degree of manual labour is involved<br />

in creating patient kits. And even if they<br />

are assembling as few as 100 to 300<br />

patient kits it is worth automating as<br />

people can make mistakes which is<br />

something even the best quality routines<br />

cannot prevent.<br />

On this part of the machine, the label containing personalised patient data is applied on the blisters<br />

To automate the packaging process,<br />

however, the line must be able to master<br />

the challenge of the single-unit batch.<br />

A specific number of products (active<br />

agent or placebo) are personalised for<br />

each patient with his or her respective<br />

information and then packed into a box,<br />

which is then also personalised. Schubert<br />

believes the data management required<br />

goes beyond ‘track and trace’. It is not<br />

enough to keep track of which package<br />

contains a certain product as a control<br />

process determines which product is to<br />

be packed into which box.<br />

As a result, it must also be possible,<br />

using individual data, to produce<br />

products and boxes again if they have<br />

been rejected for non-conformity. All the<br />

required steps of the process are<br />

repeated, from retrieving a product or box<br />

to personalising (marking) them and<br />

assigning a patient’s products to his or<br />

her box.<br />

On this section of the Schubert line, a TLM2 robot places three blisters on a Transmodule<br />

Patient data<br />

Patient data is stored in a database. The<br />

successful processing of a patient kit is<br />

registered with a time stamp in the data<br />

record of the patient while information on<br />

rejected products and packages is<br />

entered in the batch log.<br />

The entire line in Switzerland<br />

comprises seven sub-machines and it is<br />

currently set up for blisters of various<br />

sizes and a number of different box sizes.<br />

40<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

The entire line in Switzerland comprises seven sub-machines and it is currently set up for blisters of various sizes and a number of different box sizes<br />

The line-management system receives<br />

an Excel file with the patient data via a<br />

USB interface. In addition to the patient<br />

data, the lot order also contains the<br />

production data (e.g. layout variants of<br />

the patient kit). When the order is started,<br />

line components like the vision system<br />

receive all the data they require.<br />

Multiple cameras<br />

The line integrates multiple camera<br />

systems to monitor the readability,<br />

completeness and proper placement of<br />

labels on blisters and boxes as well as<br />

the normal array of sensors which<br />

check to ensure that boxes are<br />

closed properly. If the<br />

system reports an error,<br />

the respective part which<br />

would have been included<br />

in a patient kit (label,<br />

blister, box etc) is<br />

rejected.<br />

Single-unit batches<br />

make it more challenging<br />

than normal to organise<br />

repeated production, says<br />

Schubert and in order to<br />

enable the individualised<br />

assignment of blisters/boxes,<br />

mixing up the sequences<br />

involved must be prevented.<br />

Kit with<br />

two<br />

rows<br />

For this reason, the solution for Roche<br />

involves the line controller initiating an<br />

interruption. The following is an example<br />

using blisters. Properly labelled blisters<br />

are transported further and packed into<br />

the respective boxes. Once all the blisters<br />

of a patient kit have left the filling area,<br />

the missing blister is produced again. The<br />

same goes for the box. Positively<br />

checked, and therefore already filled,<br />

patient kits can be placed on a buffer<br />

table until the box which has been<br />

produced and filled again is discharged.<br />

There are two requirements which must<br />

be met for this process organisation and<br />

the associated data management to<br />

function. Firstly, the blisters of<br />

a patient are not retrieved<br />

(produced) until his or her<br />

positively checked box<br />

reaches the loading station.<br />

Secondly, the number of<br />

patient kits produced<br />

simultaneously is<br />

limited (to two<br />

patients, at<br />

present).<br />

By necessity,<br />

this puts limitations<br />

on speed. The line<br />

can process 55<br />

blisters per minute but the<br />

need for absolute security<br />

control for this application means<br />

the output rate is of secondary<br />

importance.<br />

The blisters are fed via magazines.<br />

There is one magazine for the medication<br />

and one for the placebo. The three<br />

blisters are placed on a Transmodule and<br />

a UV camera confirms that the product is<br />

the correct one (active agent or placebo).<br />

The data for identification of blisters<br />

(patient, active agent, production and<br />

expiration dates, lot number, code etc.)<br />

are first printed on a label in the middle<br />

line part, and then the label is applied.<br />

Camera systems check the readability,<br />

completeness and proper placement of<br />

this label.<br />

The Transmodule with the blisters<br />

moves to the loading station. Two cartons<br />

stand ready on another Transmodule rail<br />

system. These cartons have already<br />

been erected (crash-lock bottom or flat<br />

blank) and labelled. Camera systems<br />

have checked the identifying markings.<br />

Cartons of the two row format have a<br />

partition.<br />

Once filled<br />

When both patient kits are completely<br />

filled, they are closed. In the same<br />

section of the line, the outer carton is<br />

erected from the flat-lying blank, glued<br />

and brought into the last sub-machine by<br />

a vacuum conveyor for filling. There, a<br />

TLM-F2 robot places a piece of<br />

cardboard inside the carton at the<br />

bottom, picks up patient kits and places<br />

them in the carton. The filling process is<br />

completed with the placement of a<br />

piece of cardboard on top of the patient<br />

kit in the carton.<br />

01676 525825<br />

www.schubert-uk.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Leaflets are accurate<br />

Folding leaflet machine builder B3Servis<br />

has grown its business in patient leaflet<br />

instructions printing by switching code<br />

reader systems to comply with the<br />

latest GS1 recommendations for the<br />

healthcare sector.<br />

The company has upgraded from the<br />

existing laser-based system that can only<br />

read 1-D codes to an image-based<br />

system, which gives them the ability to<br />

check 2-D codes on a high speed folding<br />

machine. The folding machine processes<br />

up to 30,000 pieces per hour with a flyby<br />

speed of approximately three metres<br />

per second.<br />

Instruction leaflets handled by B3Servis<br />

for the Slovenian market also come in<br />

different sizes and the codes are<br />

positioned differently depending on size.<br />

The reader therefore needs to support<br />

multiple configurations on the leaflets. In<br />

an effort to establish correct reads, it was<br />

Operator input is now simplified on the machines<br />

Patient instruction leaflets need to be checked<br />

often necessary to set the exact position<br />

of the tape in front of the readers. The<br />

company then installed DataMan fixedmount<br />

barcode readers from Cognex to<br />

address these code reading challenges.<br />

One of the advantages of using these<br />

fixed-mount readers is its ability to read<br />

both 1-D and 2-D codes at the same<br />

time. The system is capable of checking<br />

older versions of leaflets with 1-D codes<br />

and also newer versions with 2-D codes.<br />

To support varying leaflet positions and<br />

sizes, DataMan barcode readers provide<br />

an easy alternative with an integrated<br />

aimer light and a large view field of view.<br />

Because instructions are printed on both<br />

sides of the leaflet, two readers are<br />

positioned to read both sides, top and<br />

bottom, simultaneously. In case of a<br />

match to the reference codes, they output<br />

a digital signal.<br />

The top reader and the trigger sensor<br />

are movable to cover positions of<br />

different leaflet formats. Operators set up<br />

the top reader and sensor to point to the<br />

code but then all they have to do is start<br />

the system which then automatically<br />

checks leaflets against a reference code.<br />

In the case of a wrong, missing or<br />

damaged code, the system stops the<br />

machine.<br />

At the same time, statistics are sent to<br />

the PC giving the production manager an<br />

overview of the system’s performance.<br />

The DataMan barcode reader is flexible<br />

And the customers of B3Servis have<br />

been delighted with the improvements as<br />

it has made for a more streamlined<br />

operation. “With the new system, the<br />

work order can be entered into the server<br />

immediately and the operator only has to<br />

select the required one,” explains director<br />

of B3Servis Mr Kramaric. “From that<br />

point, everything goes automatically.”<br />

01327 856040<br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Latest software is flexible<br />

Rockwell Automation has extended the<br />

agility, versatility and flexibility of its<br />

PharmaSuite software system for the life<br />

sciences industry.<br />

The PharmaSuite v5.0 system for<br />

pharmaceutical and biotech production is<br />

designed to set new standards for<br />

manufacturing execution system<br />

(MES) performance in automation, risk<br />

management, cost reduction and<br />

regulatory compliance. This new<br />

version delivers a single MES solution<br />

with the agility to integrate and<br />

streamline production not only across<br />

multiple production areas and product<br />

lines, but also from line to site level,<br />

says Rockwell.<br />

“With improved automation-layer<br />

integration, equipment modelling and<br />

non-order work flow management, the<br />

PharmaSuite v5.0 system helps<br />

manufacturers deploy systems more<br />

rapidly with greater production<br />

flexibility,” says Martin Dittmer,<br />

PharmaSuite product manager at<br />

Rockwell. “Version 5.0 provides a core<br />

solution poised to dramatically<br />

compress the time from deployment to<br />

return on investment regardless of the<br />

application,” he claims.<br />

Version 5.0 includes improved<br />

integration with production equipment<br />

including premier integration to the<br />

Logix control platform and automated<br />

batch processing using the<br />

PharmaSuite Recipe Designer. The<br />

system automatically collects data<br />

directly from production equipment,<br />

provides automation set points,<br />

monitors automation events, and<br />

integrates process information into the<br />

electronic batch record to reduce the<br />

risk for human error that can result<br />

from manual data collection.<br />

And Recipe Designer now supports<br />

a greater number of production<br />

processes. Its enhanced informationflow<br />

design enables access to both<br />

definition and run-time information<br />

across the entire recipe to give users<br />

added insight into real-time production<br />

information. The new data types within<br />

the expression editor enables users to<br />

deploy more sophisticated conditions,<br />

rules and calculations so they can<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

more easily customise functionality to<br />

meet their needs, says Rockwell.<br />

A new equipment modeller to define the<br />

underlying model and optimise integration<br />

across the range of manufacturing types,<br />

including biological, secondary, active,<br />



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special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Machine vision is vital<br />

In adhering to the new EU regulations on falsified medicines, pharmaceutical manufacturers need to factor in<br />

the importance of machine vision as this is the only way to meet the standards proposed by the European<br />

Stakeholder Model, says Omron Industrial Automation<br />

Faced with the growing and substantial<br />

threat of falsified medicines penetrating<br />

the European market, the European<br />

Stakeholder Model – or ESM – was set<br />

up to develop a safe, cost effective and<br />

partnership based pan-European<br />

medicines verification system to<br />

combat falsified medicines and ensure<br />

patient safety.<br />

The ESM partners include various<br />

pharmaceutical manufacturers, suppliers<br />

and wholesalers throughout the EU<br />

supply chain and it has developed an<br />

end-to-end medicine verification solution,<br />

consisting of four key data elements, to<br />

combat the entry of falsified medicine.<br />

This verification system plays a pivotal<br />

role in aiding manufacturers to adhere to<br />

the 2011 EU Falsified Medicines Directive<br />

(FMD) which requires manufacturers to<br />

apply safety features to verify the<br />

authenticity and identity of individual<br />

packs of medication, which will be<br />

mandatory by 2017.<br />

To drive implementation of the FMD, a<br />

consultation has been undertaken to<br />

define the characteristics and<br />

specifications of a unique authentic pack<br />

identifier. While these findings, which will<br />

come under a Delegated Act, are not<br />

anticipated until 2014, it is highly likely<br />

that it will include the adoption of a<br />

DataMatrix barcode. Furthermore, the<br />

verification system proposed by the ESM<br />

features a DataMatrix code carrying four<br />

key data elements which will also be<br />

required in a human readable format<br />

(manufacturer product code, randomised<br />

Dan Rossek,<br />

product<br />

marketing<br />

manager,<br />

sensing, safety<br />

and vision at<br />

Omron<br />

The new FH compact vision system from<br />

Omron achieves high speeds<br />

unique serial number, expiry date, and<br />

batch number) and the definitive way to<br />

read this system is through machine vision.<br />

Traditionally human readable codes<br />

and data encoded within barcodes has<br />

remained fixed between batch runs of<br />

pharmaceutical products. The significant<br />

challenge arising from<br />

the proposed ESM is<br />

with regard to the data<br />

management of the<br />

randomised unique<br />

serial number and the<br />

synchronisation of<br />

data between the<br />

printing device and<br />

verification solution.<br />

Omron’s vision<br />

solutions are built on<br />

IPC technology, providing the flexibility to<br />

cope with a wide range of data<br />

management requirements and allowing<br />

interfacing with third party devices such<br />

as printers. Omron’s vision solutions can<br />

interface with high level production<br />

management software to request the data<br />

required to verify the unique serial<br />

number, whether through database<br />

integration or simple manipulation of<br />

.csv data files.<br />

Machine vision is the only way to meet<br />

the standards proposed by the ESM<br />

Omron produce a variety of vision<br />

inspection systems under its Xpectia<br />

range which offer printed text inspection<br />

and barcode verification.<br />

“To ensure compliancy is met we are<br />

working with pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturers to install the appropriate<br />

software which will offer them the<br />

assurances needed,” explains Dan<br />

Rossek, product marketing manager,<br />

sensing, safety and vision at Omron.<br />

“As a company, we continually review our<br />

development strategy to ensure our<br />

products are optimised to meet the<br />

changing needs of manufacturers.”<br />

Omron’s Xpectia is built upon<br />

well-established software algorithms<br />

providing robust and reliable text and<br />

barcode verification solutions. “As well as<br />

performance, the Xpectia heralds a new<br />

era of usability, providing customisable<br />

intuitive user interfaces and simple<br />

operational feedback,” says Rossek.<br />

Although the final details of the<br />

Delegated Act have yet to be formalised,<br />

Omron’s flexible<br />

technology platform<br />

allows manufacturers<br />

to adapt to changing<br />

market requirements to<br />

remain compliant and<br />

ultimately ensure<br />

patient safety.<br />

The ability to meet<br />

the requirements of<br />

FMD is imperative for<br />

drug manufacturers<br />

and upgrading machine vision systems to<br />

meet these requirements is an essential<br />

step in the process.<br />

The direction and shape of the post<br />

2017 EU pharmaceutical supply chain is<br />

clear – if these changes are not acted<br />

upon there is a real danger that some<br />

pharmaceutical companies will not be<br />

able to trade in post 2017 Europe.<br />

0870 752 0861<br />

www.industrial.omron.co.uk<br />

44<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Special inks offer assurance<br />

“High definition digital graphics or special<br />

inks are providing pharma consumers<br />

assurance that the product they are<br />

purchasing is genuine and will be effective<br />

and not harmful to them,” says Paul<br />

Doody, marketing director at Linx<br />

Printing Technologies.<br />

Hiding the identification or serial<br />

number in an encoded format such as<br />

a Data Matrix 2D code makes it more<br />

difficult for these codes to be<br />

reproduced, he says. Meanwhile<br />

security inks have also been<br />

developed for discreet coding and<br />

marking applications such as anticounterfeiting<br />

or internal traceability.<br />

the authenticity and full traceability of a<br />

range of bottles produced by RPC<br />

Containers Llantrisant. Linx clear<br />

uv-readable ink 1121 is used to code both<br />

the bottles and their caps inline with a<br />

batch number, date and time, and the line<br />

on which the bottle was produced. This<br />

acts as a covert security feature.<br />

01480 302100<br />

www.linxglobal.com<br />

Linx uses its cij and laser printers to meet<br />

the needs of the pharma sector<br />

Linx offers a range of industrial<br />

printers delivering pharmaceutical<br />

printing and coding solutions in high<br />

speed environments and onto very<br />

small products while Linx food grade<br />

inks are designed for printing directly<br />

onto capsules.<br />

The non-contact nature of Linx<br />

continuous ink jet (cij) printers and<br />

laser coders, makes them ideal for the<br />

ingestible products of the pharmaceutical<br />

industry, says Dr Doody. Plus the range<br />

of micro printing sizes, from 1.4mm<br />

with cij to 0.8mm using laser coders,<br />

make these coders ideal for coding<br />

onto smaller products such as tablets.<br />

Linx security (uv-readable) inks are<br />

almost invisible in normal light but<br />

fluoresce under uv in distinctive<br />

colours using unique dyes, making<br />

imitation of the code even more<br />

difficult. The inks are fast drying and<br />

water resistant once dry.<br />

For example a uv-readable ink from<br />

Linx is playing a key role in ensuring<br />

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special feature<br />

pharmaceuticals<br />

Quality demands are met<br />

Lock Inspection Systems works hard to<br />

deliver effective contamination control<br />

with minimum downtime to meet the<br />

performance demands of today’s<br />

pharmaceutical industry.<br />

And, as manufacturing moves ever<br />

closer to its markets, the pharmaceutical<br />

industry is painfully aware of the<br />

importance of consistent quality control<br />

where production plants are separated by<br />

geography, culture and differing levels of<br />

local technical support. Providing security<br />

on the machine itself to access settings is<br />

also paramount, to ensure the detector<br />

operates correctly.<br />

The Insight PH detector has a range of<br />

password security options including basic<br />

operator, group access and user unique.<br />

The compliance needs of pharmaceutical<br />

managers are met by the provision of an<br />

audit trail with full data security to give<br />

assurance that user inspection standards<br />

comply with GMP.<br />

Consistent quality control is covered by<br />

the Optix software which is a resourceful<br />

diagnostics and problem solving tool for<br />

engineers, operators and QA personnel<br />

alike. This Optix<br />

system reports on all<br />

‘events’ taking place<br />

during a batch such<br />

as stoppages with<br />

reason codes.<br />

Quality controllers<br />

Hitesh Hirani from<br />

Lock Inspection<br />

Square Pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh<br />

has taken delivery of a materials handling<br />

system from Matcon for the new tablet<br />

production facility at its Dhaka plant.<br />

Matcon’s IBC system was selected for bulk<br />

handling of pharmaceutical powders,<br />

granules and tablets at each stage of the<br />

production process, from granulation<br />

through to blister packing. In addition,<br />

Matcon has supplied the IBC blending and<br />

laboratory scale equipment.<br />

The new solid dose facility incorporates<br />

an open plan materials handling floor.<br />

Lock Inspection installed four Insight PH<br />

metal detectors at Sanico NV for contaminant<br />

inspection across its entire tablet range<br />

can download a complete audit trail via<br />

USB or PC.<br />

Hitesh Hirani, technical director at<br />

Lock, says its objective in developing the<br />

Insight PH range of metal detectors was<br />

to create a platform flexible enough to<br />

meet the risk assessment needs of all<br />

sectors of the pharmaceutical industry.<br />

“That means delivering the highest<br />

possible levels of detection to<br />

manufacturers of ethical, generic and<br />

OTC products alike,” he says.<br />

“Speed of operation was also essential<br />

and we’ve also studied ways to minimise<br />

downtime and allow manufacturers to<br />

increase their input through rapid start-up<br />

and changeover features.”<br />

One company quick to see the<br />

commercial advantages of this philosophy<br />

was contract manufacturer Sanico NV in<br />

Belgium, where the installation of four<br />

Insight PH detectors has helped boost<br />

tablet production by 100%. Operating<br />

around the clock, the units have already<br />

proved their worth.<br />

“We were impressed by the highly<br />

intuitive user interface and streamlined<br />

GMP design,” says production manager<br />

at Sanico Wim Roelants. “This makes it<br />

much easier to disassemble for cleaning<br />

and maintenance.”<br />

Capable of checking up to 30,000<br />

tablets per minute, the Insight PH<br />

detector can be used on the fastest<br />

production lines, and is available with a<br />

choice of aperture sizes, for applications<br />

requiring greater levels of detection<br />

of minute metallic particles at slower<br />

line speeds.<br />

The investment in Lock equipment is<br />

part of Sanico’s continuous drive to<br />

improve quality standards for its global<br />

customer base, giving them the<br />

reassurance of effective contaminant<br />

detection across the whole of its tablet<br />

manufacturing operation.<br />

0161 624 0333<br />

www.lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Materials handling system for bulk products<br />

This means powders, granules and<br />

tablets are automatically fed from IBCs<br />

on the materials handling floor to the<br />

process machines on the production floor<br />

below. Gentle let-down chutes ensure<br />

that the blended powders and granules<br />

are lowered without segregation.<br />

In the same way, the gentle let-down<br />

chutes also feed uncoated tablets to the<br />

coater and coated tablets to the blister<br />

packing machine.<br />

01386 769000<br />

www.matconibc.com<br />

Square Pharmaceuticals has worked with<br />

Matcon on handling materials for 15 years<br />

46 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


SAFE AND<br />




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vision<br />

Combo offers space savings<br />

Multipix Imaging is specifying<br />

the latest A5 thermal imaging<br />

camera from FLIR for use in<br />

combination with Halcon<br />

machine vision software as a<br />

powerful solution for all<br />

process and packaging line<br />

users including the food<br />

industry, cosmetics and<br />

electronics sectors.<br />

One of the common<br />

obstacles encountered in<br />

implementing automation in<br />

process plants and on<br />

packaging lines is a distinct<br />

lack of space, which is why<br />

size was a major factor when<br />

Multipix was sourcing a<br />

suitable infrared thermal<br />

imaging camera to partner with<br />

Halcon software. “Not only is<br />

the FLIR A5 extremely<br />

compact and good value for<br />

money, it also offers the<br />

plug-and-play compatibility of<br />

a GigE Vision interface, which<br />

means we can link directly to<br />

Halcon without any need for a<br />

separate frame grabber,”<br />

explains Multipix director,<br />

Julie Busby.<br />

Multipix believes automated<br />

infrared radiation imaging<br />

offers a vast potential for<br />

improving a host of industrial<br />

production applications,<br />

including process monitoring<br />

and control, and quality<br />

assurance. For instance, take<br />

a robotic gluing operation on a<br />

clay-coated paperboard or<br />

plain corrugated packaging<br />

line. Using FLIR thermal<br />

imaging technology it is now<br />

possible for a camera to detect<br />

glue beads and verify seams.<br />

“Before now, this was virtually<br />

impossible because adhesives<br />

for the packaging industry are<br />

almost always clear or opaque,<br />

making them difficult to view<br />

using standard vision cameras<br />

as these require a contrast<br />

between materials,” says Busby.<br />



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<br />

A standard camera in the visible<br />

spectrum cannot detect the glue<br />

gap as there is no contrast<br />

Conversely, infrared<br />

radiation is emitted by all<br />

objects at temperatures above<br />

absolute zero. FLIR cameras<br />

convert that infrared radiation<br />

into a visual image that depicts<br />

thermal variations across an<br />

object or process.<br />

Ultimately, temperature is used<br />

to replace mechanical methods<br />

of inspection and testing.<br />

A thermal image can easily<br />

detect incorrectly sealed<br />

boxes. It can also detect the<br />


vision<br />

Halcon imaging software analysing camera data, indicated glue bead<br />

in red and missing glue area in blue<br />

correct positioning of glue<br />

spots and indicate failed boxes<br />

to be removed from the line.<br />

Furthermore, a pass/fail<br />

process can be implemented<br />

that sounds an alarm in the<br />

event of pre-defined failures,<br />

thus helping prevent<br />

unscheduled downtime or the<br />

introduction of poor quality<br />

products into distribution.<br />

Similarly, because many<br />

manufacturers place more<br />

adhesive on their packages<br />

than needed for insurance<br />

purposes, the use of such a<br />

system allows tighter adhesive<br />

specifications and therefore<br />

reduced material costs.<br />

Using the measurement<br />

tools in Halcon, the list of<br />

potential benefits is expanded<br />

even further, says Multipix.<br />

For instance, it is possible to<br />

not only check the presence<br />

and integrity of a continuous<br />

glue bead, but also its position,<br />

width, height, straightness and<br />

more – this can all be achieved<br />

within milliseconds. If there is a<br />

problem with the glue gun, for<br />

example, this feedback-based<br />

system can stop the process<br />

before an entire batch of<br />

packaging is completed<br />

incorrectly and which has to<br />

be subsequently scrapped.<br />

The system can also help<br />

identify trends for maintenance<br />

purposes. Incorrect bead size,<br />

position and occasional gaps<br />

can be detected and recorded,<br />

permitting scheduled<br />

preventative maintenance<br />

instead of unscheduled<br />

corrective maintenance and<br />

the associated production<br />

downtime this incurs.<br />

Among additional<br />

capabilities of the Halcon-FLIR<br />

solution are pattern matching,<br />

grading applications and<br />

adhesive temperature<br />

checking as many types of<br />

glue only activate within upper<br />

and lower temperature bands.<br />

Ease-of-use is another<br />

principal factor likely to score<br />

well. Using Halcon’s Image<br />

Acquisition Assistant, plugging<br />

in a FLIR A-Series camera will<br />

prompt the user to ‘detect’<br />

and ‘connect’. Two clicks<br />

are all that’s needed to get up<br />

and running.<br />

“The use of FLIR thermal<br />

imaging for industrial<br />

automation projects could<br />

potentially be revelatory in<br />

many applications,” says Julie<br />

Busby. “It is even possible<br />

to combine thermal and<br />

3D vision cameras in the<br />

same system.<br />

“This way, data from the<br />

former can overlay data from<br />

the latter,” she continues. “The<br />

result is a powerful solution<br />

that can monitor glue beads<br />

and seals using infrared, and<br />

deploy 3D vision for shape and<br />

content checking.”<br />

01730 233332<br />

www.multipix.com<br />



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www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


labelling, coding & marking<br />



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Retailer demands<br />

real time barcodes<br />

As the French hypermarket<br />

giant Leclerc demands that<br />

all secondary packaging<br />

from its suppliers meets<br />

increased traceability<br />

standards by the end of<br />

<strong>2013</strong>, major brands<br />

everywhere are considering<br />

the implications according<br />

to coding and marking<br />

specialist Markem-Imaje,<br />

an Accredited Solution<br />

Partner of GS1.<br />

From 2014 it will no<br />

longer be sufficient to code<br />

only primary packaging with<br />

dynamic manufacturing<br />

information such as best<br />

before end dates. All<br />

secondary packaging will<br />

have to include shelf life<br />

information and traceability<br />

data that are typically<br />

provided via a GS1-128<br />

barcode as well as the<br />

product identification data<br />

previously provided by the<br />

less complex ITF14 barcode.<br />

Leclerc is now insisting<br />

that all secondary packaging<br />

from its suppliers must meet<br />

these revised standards by<br />

the end of <strong>2013</strong> – for<br />

manufacturers this means<br />

that barcode information<br />

must now be printed at the<br />

point of packing their<br />

product and not pre-printed<br />

at the case manufacturer as<br />

typically happens today.<br />

And, with this precedent set,<br />

it is now widely expected<br />

Martin Bailey of Markem-Imaje<br />

that other principal retailers<br />

will follow suit, says Martin<br />

Bailey, UK operations<br />

manager at Markem.<br />

Yet many product<br />

manufacturers are currently<br />

using coding equipment not<br />

suited to printing these<br />

higher resolution GS1-128<br />

barcodes on demand.<br />

Historically, most<br />

manufacturers have used<br />

either brown or white<br />

preprinted corrugate for their<br />

secondary packaging cases<br />

and an inkjet printer has<br />

typically been used to print<br />

the single ITF14 barcode to<br />

achieve product<br />

identification at ANSI grade<br />

verification level D<br />

(American National<br />

Standard Institute). This new<br />

requirement to print the<br />

more detailed GS1-128 EAN<br />

barcode however, requires<br />

the code to be printed at a<br />

higher resolution achieving a<br />

minimum of ANSI Grade C.<br />

Investing in the right<br />

technology to address this<br />

coding change is now a<br />

critical decision for retail<br />

brands to protect their<br />

bottom line. And it is one<br />

which is becoming<br />

increasingly urgent.<br />

But it is not enough simply<br />

With thousands of<br />

units operational<br />

around the world,<br />

the Markem-Imaje<br />

2200 delivers<br />

GS1 compliant<br />

ANSI grade A/B<br />

barcodes at even<br />

the highest<br />

application<br />

speeds, printing<br />

codes on up to<br />

125 packs per<br />

minute regardless<br />

of data complexity<br />

or content<br />

to code the right information<br />

onto secondary packaging.<br />

Manufacturers will need to<br />

ensure the minimum quality<br />

standards are met to ensure<br />

the code remains readable<br />

throughout its journey<br />

through the supply chain.<br />

On-line barcode validation<br />

accompanied by an off-line<br />

barcode verification process<br />

is now accepted as best<br />

practice. The risk is that if<br />

unverified codes lead to a<br />

single case failing a coding<br />

check after leaving the<br />

manufacturer, an entire<br />

consignment of goods may<br />

be rejected.<br />

The possibility of financial<br />

penalties is also very real.<br />

In fact it is estimated by<br />

GS1 UK that the cost of<br />

poor barcode quality in the<br />

UK is in the region of £500m<br />

to £1bn every year.<br />

Manufacturers must<br />

therefore seek a coding<br />

supplier who can provide<br />

not just the right coding<br />

equipment but a complete<br />

package, including<br />

networking software and<br />

validation solutions that<br />

match their specific<br />

requirements.<br />

0161 333 8555<br />

www.markem-imaje.co.uk<br />


labelling, coding & marking<br />

New factory project is<br />

completed before time<br />

Labelling and coding company<br />

Codeology has been<br />

expanding its portfolio of<br />

equipment which has been<br />

demonstrated in this project for<br />

Great Foods’ new factory. And<br />

with an initial lead time of 10-<br />

12 weeks, the company was<br />

able to deliver all the machines<br />

and conveyors in just seven.<br />

Project manager at Great<br />

Foods Alex Lapushner<br />

approached Codeology to<br />

investigate automating the<br />

company’s outer case labelling<br />

following the construction of a<br />

new factory. However, the<br />

scope of the project quickly<br />

grew as Lapushner discovered<br />

the other equipment that<br />

Great Foods’ outer case labelling<br />

operation has been automated<br />

Codeology designs and manufactures all of its equipment in the UK<br />

Codeology could supply.<br />

The brief called for three<br />

complete low risk packing<br />

lines. Each line included an<br />

infeed conveyor, recirculating<br />

packing conveyor, a case<br />

sealer, an outer case print and<br />

apply machine and an<br />

accumulator conveyor. One<br />

of these lines – the bulk<br />

production line – also included<br />

a top down product labelling<br />

print and apply machine.<br />

“As we design and<br />

manufacture all of our<br />

machinery in the UK, we were<br />

able to modify certain aspects<br />

of the equipment to ensure<br />

Great Foods achieved<br />

maximum efficiency from the<br />

installation,” explains Chris<br />

Boswell, sales and service<br />

engineer at Codeology.<br />

All of the equipment for this<br />

project was manufactured by<br />

Codeology, with the exception<br />

of the Soco case sealers<br />

which were sourced via a<br />

partner company.<br />

“With limited space and such<br />

a tight schedule, not having to<br />

rely on outside suppliers was<br />

crucial in ensuring the right<br />

solutions were being provided<br />

in the right time frame,”<br />

explains Boswell.<br />

01722 322244<br />

www.codeology.com<br />

Reliable scans<br />

are in the hand<br />

Whether printed, needleengraved,<br />

laser etched or<br />

embossed, wenglor’s new<br />

handheld scanners capture<br />

1D and 2D codes in nearly<br />

any industrial environment.<br />

Its greater process reliability,<br />

higher throughput and longer<br />

service life means it is suited<br />

to automotive, electrical and<br />

the pharmaceutical industries.<br />

wenglor’s new handheld scanners<br />

Quick alignment and<br />

capturing of 1D and 2D<br />

codes with a practical<br />

alignment tool is just one of<br />

the capabilities of the new<br />

range. The FIS-HS21 and the<br />

FIS-HS41X also offer a large<br />

scanning distance – of<br />

between 38 and 394mm.<br />

And after a code has been<br />

deciphered, the scanner<br />

provides the user with<br />

immediate feedback in the<br />

form of vibration, an acoustic<br />

signal and visual indication.<br />

01536 313580<br />


components<br />

New keypad<br />

offers more<br />

B&R’s illuminated ring<br />

keypad modules with IP65<br />

protection are designed for<br />

installation directly on the<br />

machine and the latest<br />

addition to this series is a<br />

model that includes an<br />

integrated E-stop button.<br />

With both the button and the<br />

electronics integrated in a<br />

low-profile housing and<br />

standard M8/M12<br />

connectors, installation and<br />

wiring are very easy.<br />

The new E-stop keypad<br />

These keypads can be<br />

mounted anywhere on the<br />

machine at intervals of up to<br />

100 metres. Installed using<br />

only two screws, they require<br />

no additional accessories<br />

and can be easily connected<br />

to any common bus system.<br />

The signals for the E-stop<br />

button can be connected<br />

directly to a safety circuit or<br />

incorporated via Safe I/O<br />

modules into an integrated<br />

safety network such as<br />

openSAFETY.<br />

01733 371320<br />

www.br-automation.com<br />

Stepper motor<br />

A new range of IP65 splash<br />

proof and dust resistant<br />

motors for use in harsh<br />

factory automation<br />

environments has been<br />

released by Sanyo Denki.<br />

The 2 phase 56mm and<br />

86mm frame size motors can<br />

be supplied with a sealed<br />

cable or an M12 sealed<br />

connector and are rated to<br />

high temperature (155deg C)<br />

insulation class F.<br />

01444 236000<br />

www.eao.com<br />

Safety solution allows<br />

company compliance<br />

The new Sick Flexi<br />

Loop provides a<br />

simple connectivity<br />

solution for safety<br />

and plant design<br />

engineers to meet<br />

recent regulatory<br />

changes. Sick says<br />

it offers new<br />

dimensions of<br />

scalability,<br />

diagnostic insight<br />

and I/O connection<br />

capacity within a<br />

compact space and<br />

at a very<br />

competitive cost,<br />

and is ideal when<br />

upgrading<br />

automation,<br />

robotics and processes.<br />

“It has been fairly common<br />

practise to connect interlocks<br />

and other safety contacts in<br />

series but today’s engineers<br />

are faced with increasing<br />

demands to meet PLe levels of<br />

safety using the convenience<br />

of series connection,” explains<br />

Dr Martin Kidman, safety<br />

specialist for Sick UK.<br />

“However, changes to key<br />

safety standards means that<br />

traditional hard wired series<br />

connection of switches using<br />

volt free electro-mechanical<br />

contacts is no longer advisable<br />

in higher risk applications.<br />

“Having to accommodate all<br />

the equipment, cabling and<br />

connections required to<br />

comply can add to the cost<br />

and cause space problems,”<br />

he continues. “The new Sick<br />

Flexi Loop permits the series<br />

connection of dual channel<br />

devices, while allowing high<br />

diagnostic coverage and<br />

eliminating the potential for so<br />

called fault masking.”<br />

It is a fully open system and<br />

can accommodate standard<br />

sensor/switch devices from<br />

any vendor. As a field I/O<br />

system, it allows a designer to<br />

connect any safety system in<br />

series with another without<br />

any compromise of the safety<br />

system performance to PLe<br />

integrity.<br />

With a capacity to cascade<br />

up to 32 safety sensors/<br />

switches on one loop and to<br />

create up to eight separate<br />

loops, the IP67-rated Sick<br />

Flexi Loop will provide up to<br />

256 sensors on eight dual<br />

channel inputs, reducing the<br />

clutter of traditional connections.<br />

The Flexi Loop is simple to<br />

install as a fully cascadable<br />

system, using standard cable<br />

with M12/5-pin connectors. No<br />

special connections or<br />

shielded cables are required.<br />

The Sick Flexi Loop<br />

provides intelligent built-in<br />

diagnostics without the need<br />

for a field bus or complex<br />

network addressing, resulting<br />

in a decentralised costeffective<br />

solution to monitoring<br />

the status of each safety<br />

sensor/switch connected to it.<br />

As well as indicating which<br />

device has switched, and why,<br />

LED indicators on each node<br />

give live status information,<br />

and avoid referring back to a<br />

desk-based control point.<br />

This diagnostic capability is<br />

an advance on Sick’s widely<br />

used Flexi Soft controller<br />

platform which allows status<br />

monitoring at the controller or<br />

via the HMI/PLC interface.<br />

01727 831121<br />

www.sick.co.uk<br />

Helping to specify best valves and terminals<br />

Festo has published a<br />

new whitepaper to help<br />

designers improve the<br />

electro-pneumatic control of<br />

Sick UK says that Flexi Loop offers plant design engineers a simple safety solution<br />

their machines.<br />

The paper is called: Quality<br />

and an attractive price –<br />

the right way to buy<br />

valves/valve terminals.<br />

It is free to download from<br />

www.festo.co.uk/valvewhitepaper.<br />

52 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

www.ethernet-powerlink.org<br />

Over<br />

3,000<br />

oems<br />

Leading manufacturers.<br />

High-quality products.<br />

Countless applications.<br />

Global standard.

egulations<br />

Beware machine changes<br />

If substantial changes are made in upgrading existing equipment, any existing Declarations of Conformity<br />

under the Machinery Directive may become invalid which may require a new conformity assessment<br />

The functionality or performance<br />

of a machine will also be<br />

changed if it is interlinked with<br />

other equipment as part of an<br />

assembly, explains Paul Laidler.<br />

This is a common oversight<br />

machinery end-users make,<br />

as they do not realise that this<br />

creates a complex assembly<br />

that must be CE marked.<br />

However, machinery<br />

modification remains a grey<br />

area as the Machinery Directive<br />

contains no specific guidelines<br />

to advise machinery owners<br />

when a change is considered<br />

‘substantial’, and they are<br />

consequently left to make their<br />

own conclusion.<br />

There are two key areas of<br />

guidance to help machinery endusers<br />

identify if the modifications<br />

they have made will be<br />

considered substantial by the<br />

regulatory authorities. This<br />

includes the Health & Safety<br />

Executive (HSE) which states<br />

that if changes “are very<br />

substantial (e.g. significant new<br />

hazards and risks are introduced<br />

or new methods of control of the<br />

machine replace those<br />

previously provided, such as<br />

computer control of a previous<br />

manual machine) it may amount<br />

to being considered a ‘new’<br />

machine (or new assembly), for<br />

which you must undertake<br />

conformity assessment”.<br />

The HSE goes on to state<br />

that even if changes to<br />

machinery are not substantial,<br />

such as refurbishment, the<br />

owner must still ensure that it<br />

continues to meet the<br />

requirements of the Provision<br />

and Use of Work Equipment<br />

Regulations (PUWER), as well<br />

as any other requirements<br />

which may also apply to the<br />

product, such as Electricity at<br />

Work Regulations, the Pressure<br />

Systems Safety Regulations,<br />

Dangerous Substances and<br />

Explosive Atmospheres<br />

Regulations etc.<br />

To help identify what<br />

constitutes a ‘substantial<br />

change’, the HSE also outlines<br />

the different situations involving<br />

modifications to machinery<br />

where the requirements of the<br />

Machinery Directive are likely to<br />

apply and action must be taken:<br />

• Machinery is modified so<br />

much that it should be<br />

considered as ‘new’<br />

machinery.<br />

An example is the fitting of a<br />

computer control to a manually<br />

operated machine<br />

• Machinery refurbishment<br />

with a different safety<br />

package<br />

• An existing assembly of<br />

machines is modified<br />

• Machinery modified before<br />

it is first put into service.<br />

For machinery that is sold to<br />

an importer or a distributor<br />

who then modifies the<br />

machinery before it is put<br />

into service for the first time.<br />

A second reference guide is<br />

the CEOC International<br />

document ‘Modification of<br />

Machinery in Service – Guide for<br />

Inspection’. This is the only<br />

document I have seen which has<br />

explicit modification guidelines to<br />

help machinery owners decide<br />

what action to take. The good<br />

news is that it is also a relatively<br />

short document that gives some<br />

incisive answers to the best<br />

approach to take.<br />

As well as including an outline<br />

of the relevant legal aspects,<br />

the document gives clear<br />

guidance on what constitutes a<br />

‘non substantial’ and a<br />

‘substantial’ modification,<br />

helping the machinery owner to<br />

identify the correct path for<br />

End users often upgrade existing equipment to meet market pressures<br />

them. It also outlines a useful the<br />

procedure for the modification<br />

of machines that are both stand<br />

alone and within an assembly.<br />

It defines substantial<br />

•<br />

modifications in the following<br />

situations:<br />

• If the original machinery has<br />

not been used as initial<br />

machinery, but as a source<br />

of parts in order to make<br />

something new, or if the<br />

original machinery is not<br />

identifiable any more (e.g. it<br />

is completely “stripped down”<br />

and only few original parts<br />

remain).<br />

• If the originally intended<br />

function and/or use has been<br />

changed by this modification<br />

in a way that new or other<br />

hazards are created which<br />

need a complete new risk<br />

assessment of the machinery<br />

(e.g. the modification of a<br />

lifting table for use as vehicle<br />

servicing lift)<br />

• If machinery, intended to<br />

work in normal atmosphere,<br />

is transferred into dangerous<br />

environments (e.g. explosive<br />

atmosphere, underground<br />

work), or into places with<br />

specific requirements<br />

(e.g. in hospitals)<br />

• If the intended user group for<br />

modified machinery<br />

changes, in particular in case<br />

of specific machinery for<br />

experts (e.g. in laboratories)<br />

If original machinery is<br />

assembled with other<br />

machinery to an integrated<br />

unit, functioning in this<br />

combination as one new<br />

whole machine (see Annex<br />

pt.2.2 Assembly-“Complex<br />

combination”),<br />

The CEOC International<br />

guidelines therefore leave no<br />

doubt as to what constitutes a<br />

‘substantial’ change and the<br />

action that should be taken. If<br />

your machine is shown to have<br />

had a substantial change made,<br />

a full CE marking and PUWER<br />

assessment must be completed<br />

before that machine can be<br />

returned to service.<br />

Paul Laidler,<br />

business<br />

director for<br />

machinery<br />

safety at TÜV<br />

SÜD Product<br />

Service<br />

For more information:<br />

www.tuvps.co.uk<br />

TÜV SÜD Product Service is<br />

the PPMA’s technical and<br />

legislative partner<br />

32 54 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />




IN ACTION?<br />


30 Sept – 2 Oct 2014, NEC, Birmingham<br />

“The complete production line event”<br />



who what where<br />



21 <strong>November</strong><br />

ISPE Seminar and Dinner<br />

Holiday Inn,<br />

Stratford upon Avon<br />

www.ispe.org/uk-affiliate<br />

29 <strong>November</strong><br />

PPMA Chairman’s Lunch<br />

The Houses of Parliament,<br />

London<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

12 <strong>December</strong><br />

PPMA Seminar<br />

Functional Safety<br />

Carlton Hotel,<br />

Dublin<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

--------2014-------<br />

30 January<br />

PPMA Seminar<br />

Machinery Risk Assessment<br />

Marriott Airport Hotel,<br />

Manchester<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

26 March – 2 April<br />

Ipex 2014<br />

ExCel, London<br />

www.ipex.org<br />

8 – 14 May<br />

interpack 2014<br />

Messe Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

www.interpack.com<br />

30 Sept – 2 Oct<br />

PPMA Show 2014<br />

NEC<br />

Birmingham<br />

www.ppmashow.co.uk<br />

7 – 10 October<br />

Tokyo Pack 2014<br />

Big Sight<br />

Tokyo<br />

www.tokyo-pack.jp<br />

17 – 20 <strong>November</strong><br />

Emballage 2014<br />

Paris-Nord Villepinte<br />

France<br />

www.emballageweb.com<br />

Kliklok International<br />

Neil Fowell has joined Kliklok<br />

International as managing<br />

director, taking over from Bob<br />

Morley who is retiring after six<br />

years at the helm. Fowell was<br />

previously md of Yamato Scale<br />

Dataweigh, sales and marketing<br />

director of Bapco Closures and<br />

spent many years as business<br />

development director at Tetrapak.<br />

“Neil brings a strong track record<br />

of leadership and management<br />

skills which will be invaluable in<br />

taking the business forward,”<br />

comments Morley.<br />

PWR Pack<br />

Neil<br />

Fowell<br />

Chris<br />

Rayner<br />

Who’s done what and gone where...<br />

Chris Rayner has joined PWR<br />

Pack as sales & marketing<br />

director with responsibility for<br />

continuing to develop robotic<br />

automation and secondary<br />

packaging equipment and<br />

systems sales in the UK. He<br />

brings over 30 years’ packaging<br />

industry experience to the role,<br />

Schubert UK hosted its annual<br />

hospitality day in September,<br />

challenging a number of<br />

customers to 18 holes of<br />

championship golf. A total of 20<br />

golfers completed the PGA<br />

Centenary Golf Course<br />

at Gleneagles Resort, host<br />

venue for the 2014 Ryder Cup.<br />

This year’s prize winners<br />

included Robert Weir from<br />

Thomas Tunnock, who stole the<br />

show when he achieved both<br />

best individual and longest<br />

drive. The winning team was<br />

Steven<br />

Spencer<br />

having previously worked with<br />

Autowrappers, Tetrapak,<br />

Bradman Lake and more<br />

recently, Cama Group.<br />

Yamato Scale Dataweigh<br />

Steven Spencer has been<br />

promoted to sales manager with<br />

responsibility for both sales<br />

growth and the UK regional<br />

sales team at Yamato. He will<br />

now oversee the work of the<br />

four managers operating below<br />

him, look after sales in Ireland,<br />

Finland, Norway, Sweden and<br />

South Africa and implement<br />

future sales strategies.<br />

HayssenSandiacre<br />

Matteo Biscottini has joined<br />

HayssenSandiacre company<br />

Rose Forgrove as applications<br />

engineer to support customers<br />

by recommending personalised,<br />

optimum flow wrap solutions<br />

for their products. Fluent in<br />

Italian, English and German,<br />

Biscottini will help strengthen<br />

Rose Forgrove’s ‘one global<br />

team’ approach to engineering.<br />

IsoCool<br />

Jason Culleton and Steve<br />

Trainor who have more than 50<br />

years’ experience in the plastics<br />

industry between them, have<br />

joined IsoCool to develop<br />

technical sales for the company<br />

in their respective regions:<br />

Culleton will cover the Midlands<br />

while Trainor will be the<br />

company’s representative in the<br />

North and Scotland.<br />

OPTIMA Pharma<br />

Sieghard<br />

Schuchmann<br />

Sieghard Schuchmann has<br />

joined the management team at<br />

Optima Pharma to oversee<br />

sales and service at the<br />

company. He brings experience<br />

in planning pharmaceutical<br />

plants, aseptic products,<br />

validation, and GMP compliance<br />

to the role.<br />

Golfers fulfil Ryder Cup dreams<br />

The winning team at the Schubert UK annual corporate hospitality day<br />

made up of Mark Stepney from<br />

Schubert UK, Colin Pringle of<br />

Thomas Tunnock, Mark<br />

Matteo<br />

Biscottini<br />

Campion of Thorntons and<br />

Duncan Crawford from Burtons<br />

Biscuits Company.<br />

56<br />

MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


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58 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk



SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />



Axelent Ltd<br />

Modular Machine Guarding<br />

Unit 9 County Park, Shrivenham Road,<br />

Swindon, SN1 2NR<br />

T: 01793 523535 F: 01793 432424<br />

E: sales@axelent.co.uk www.axelent.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />


JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />




JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />



PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />




Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />


T: 01260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />



JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />

K-Tron Great Britain Ltd<br />

4 Acorn Business Park,<br />

Heaton Lane, Stockport,<br />

Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810 F: 0161 474 0292<br />

E: kb@ktron.com www.ktron.com<br />

piab<br />

Vacuum Innovation House,<br />

Station Road, East Leake, LE12 6LQ<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


T: 01260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />



Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />



T: 01260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />


G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Southfield Street, Nelson,<br />

Lancashire BB9 0LD<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@autopack.co.uk www.autopack.co.uk<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

E: sales@adelphi.uk.com www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />


T: 01260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Busch (UK) Ltd<br />

Hortonwood 30, Telford,<br />

Shropshire TF1 7YB<br />

T: 01952 677432 F: 01952 677423<br />

E: sales@busch.co.uk www.busch.co.uk<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: UK@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

60 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

E: sales@adelphi.uk.com www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

PUMPS<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />




Scorpion Vision Ltd<br />

Efford Park, Milford Road,<br />

Lymington, Hants. SO41 0JD<br />

T: 01590 679333 F: 0870 622 4092<br />

E: sales@scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Krones UK Ltd<br />

Westregen House,<br />

Great Bank Road, Wingates Industrial Park,<br />

Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3XB<br />

T: 01942 845000 F: 01942 845091<br />

E: sales@krones.co.uk www.krones.com<br />



T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />

OVENS<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />


Advanced Food Technology<br />

Thame Industrial Estate, Wenman Road,<br />

Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3SW<br />

T: 01844 217303 F: 01844 212341<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />



CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />


T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />




CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


T: 01260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

T: 0118 988 3551 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />


K-Tron Great Britain Ltd<br />

4 Acorn Business Park,<br />

Heaton Lane, Stockport,<br />

Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810 F: 0161 474 0292<br />

E: kb@ktron.com www.ktron.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />



Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />




Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />



Cremer Speciaalmachines BV<br />

Heereweg 5, 2161 AB Lisse, The Netherlands<br />

T: +31 252 419038 F: +31 252 418718<br />

E: sales@cremer.com<br />

www.cremer.com<br />


Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9/10 Ardglen Ind. Estate, Ardglen Road,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194 F: 01256 896486<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


To advertise contact Christine Valdes: T: 020 8773 8111 E: chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />



Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Robatech UK Ltd<br />

The Street, Broughton<br />

Gifford, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 8PH<br />

T: 01225 783456 F: 01225 783400<br />

E: general@robatech.co.uk www.robatech.co.uk<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: UK@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />


Ocme UK Ltd<br />

King John Hse, Kingsclere Park,<br />

Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 4SW<br />

T: 01635 298171 F: 01635 297936<br />

E: sales@ocme.co.uk www.ocme.co.uk<br />


Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />


Alexandra Business Centre, Enfield, EN3 7BB<br />

T: 0844 3722877 E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern/products.php<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />



Alexandra Business Centre, Enfield, EN3 7BB<br />

T: 0844 3722877 E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern/products.php<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9/10 Ardglen Ind. Estate, Ardglen Road,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194 F: 01256 896486<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Cobalt Systems Ltd<br />

Colbalt House, Arden Square,<br />

Electra Way, Crewe, CW1 6HA<br />

T: 01270 539800 F: 01270 258132<br />

E: sales@cobaltis.co.uk www.cobalt-hsg.co.uk<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

Sauven Marking Ltd<br />

Wintersells Rd, Byfleet KT14 7LF<br />

T: 01932 355191 F: 01932 354511<br />

E: sales@sauven-marking.com<br />

www.sauven-marking.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Dividella AG<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.dividella.com<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />


Anchor Plastics Machinery<br />

The Watermill, Royal Quay,<br />

Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6SA<br />

T: 01895 824301 F: 01895 825344<br />

E: info@anchor-pm.co.uk www.anchor-pm.co.uk<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />


Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />


Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

E: sales@adelphi.uk.com www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.co.uk www.capcoder.co.uk<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

23 The Quadrant,<br />

Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon OX14 3YS<br />

T: 01235 537 222 F: 01235 537 815<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Gainsborough Industrial Controls Ltd<br />

Alpha Works, Sandars Road, Heapham Road<br />

Industrial Estate, Gainsborough DN21 1RZ<br />

T: 01427 611885 F: 01427 611883<br />

E: sales@gic.uk.net www.gic.uk.net<br />

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Dividella AG<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.dividella.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Sensor House, Phoenix Park, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire PE19 8EP T: 01480 408 500<br />

E: info@leuze.co.uk www.leuze.co.uk<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Jacob White Packaging Ltd<br />

Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5BY<br />

T: 01322 272531<br />

F: 01322 270692<br />

E: enquiries@jacobwhite.com www.jacobwhite.com<br />

62 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

Kliklok International Ltd<br />

Western Drive, Hengrove Park Estate,<br />

Bristol BS14 0AY<br />

T: 01275 836131 F: 01275 891754<br />

E: sales@kliklok-int.com www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

Church Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AF<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

Jacob White Packaging Ltd<br />

Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5BY<br />

T: 01322 272531<br />

F: 01322 270692<br />

E: enquiries@jacobwhite.com www.jacobwhite.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />


Anritsu Industrial Solutions Europe Ltd<br />

Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove B60 4AD<br />

T: 0845 539 9729<br />

E: ais-europe@anritsu.com<br />

www.anritsu.com<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

11 Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park,<br />

Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />

Robatech UK Ltd<br />

The Street, Broughton<br />

Gifford, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 8PH<br />

T: 01225 783456 F: 01225 783400<br />

E: general@robatech.co.uk www.robatech.co.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Anson House, Anson Way, Ellough, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7TJ<br />

T: 01502 713777 F: 01986 800081<br />

E: info@siat.co.uk www.siat.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />



BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

Tekpak Automation Ltd (UK)<br />

T: 0800 633 5553<br />

E: sales@tekpak.co.uk<br />

www.tekpak.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />



BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />




BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Coding Division,<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.co.uk www.capcoder.co.uk<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Linx Printing<br />

Technologies Ltd<br />

Burrel Road, St. Ives, Cambs PE27 3LA<br />

T: 01480 302100 F: 01480 302116<br />

E: sales@linx.co.uk www.linx.co.uk<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Units 8 & 9, Puma Trade Park,<br />

Morden Rd, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999 F: 020 8655 4990<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk www.opendate.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


To advertise contact Christine Valdes: T: 020 8773 8111 E: chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Sauven Marking Ltd<br />

Wintersells Rd, Byfleet KT14 7LF<br />

T: 01932 355191 F: 01932 354511<br />

E: sales@sauven-marking.com<br />

www.sauven-marking.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9/10 Ardglen Ind. Estate, Ardglen Road,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194 F: 01256 896486<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9/10 Ardglen Ind. Estate, Ardglen Road,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194 F: 01256 896486<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

UPM Conveyors Ltd<br />

Waterside Drive, Langley Business Park,<br />

Langley, Berks, SL3 6EP<br />

T: 01753 548801 F: 01753 544115<br />

E: royf@upm.co.uk www.upmconveyors.co.uk<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />

FlexLink Systems Limited<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Blakelands,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01908 327200 F: 01908 327201<br />

E: info.uk@flexlink.com<br />

www.flexlink.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Transnorm<br />

Unit 300B, Ashchurch Business Centre,<br />

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8TD<br />

T: +44 (0)1684 291100 F: +44 (0)1684 291550<br />

E: sales@transnorm.co.uk www.transnorm.co.uk<br />

UPM Conveyors Ltd<br />

Waterside Drive, Langley Business Park,<br />

Langley, Berks, SL3 6EP<br />

T: 01753 548801 F: 01753 544115<br />

E: royf@upm.co.uk www.upmconveyors.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />



Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />


Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />


Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />


CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

UPM Conveyors Ltd<br />

Waterside Drive, Langley Business Park,<br />

Langley, Berks, SL3 6EP<br />

T: 01753 548801 F: 01753 544115<br />

E: royf@upm.co.uk www.upmconveyors.co.uk<br />



Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />


Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Coding Division,<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.co.uk www.capcoder.co.uk<br />


Cremer Speciaalmachines BV<br />

Heereweg 5, 2161 AB Lisse, The Netherlands<br />

T: +31 252 419038 F: +31 252 418718<br />

E: sales@cremer.com<br />

www.cremer.com<br />



CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Industrial Controls Ltd<br />

Alpha Works, Sandars Road, Heapham Road<br />

Industrial Estate, Gainsborough DN21 1RZ<br />

T: 01427 611885 F: 01427 611883<br />

E: sales@gic.uk.net www.gic.uk.net<br />

Colwall Conveyor Systems<br />

Unit 8A, Spring Lane Industrial Estate,<br />

Malvern Link, Worcs. WR14 1BY<br />

T: 01684 562625 F: 01684 573700<br />

E: sales@colwallconveyors.co.uk<br />

www.colwallconveyors.co.uk<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

64 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Southfield Street, Nelson,<br />

Lancashire BB9 0LD<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@autopack.co.uk www.autopack.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

T: 01235 537 222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com<br />

www.oil-filling-machines.com<br />

www.lubricants-filling-machines.com<br />

www.dairy-bottle-filling-machines.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

A.T. Sack Fillers<br />

12 Biggin Lane, Ramsey, Cambs PE26 1NB<br />

T: 01487 711114 E: enquiries@atsackfillers.co.uk<br />

www.atsackfillers.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Southfield Street, Nelson,<br />

Lancashire BB9 0LD<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@autopack.co.uk www.autopack.co.uk<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

Church Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AF<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

E: sales@adelphi.uk.com www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.co.uk www.capcoder.co.uk<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

Church Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AF<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

Church Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AF<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />

Serac UK<br />

23 The Quadrant,<br />

Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon OX14 3YS<br />

T: 01235 537 222 F: 01235 537 815<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Watson-Marlow Pumps Group<br />

Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4RU<br />

T: 01326 370370<br />

E: info@wmpg.co.uk<br />

www.wmpg.co.uk<br />


Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

Serac UK<br />

23 The Quadrant,<br />

Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon OX14 3YS<br />

T: 01235 537 222 F: 01235 537 815<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fords-packsys.co.uk www.fords-packsys.co.uk<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />


Alexandra Business Centre, Enfield, EN3 7BB<br />

T: 0844 3722877 E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern/products.php<br />

Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fords-packsys.co.uk www.fords-packsys.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

23 The Quadrant,<br />

Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon OX14 3YS<br />

T: 01235 537 222 F: 01235 537 815<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />

All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />



Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Units 8 & 9, Puma Trade Park,<br />

Morden Rd, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999 F: 020 8655 4990<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk www.opendate.co.uk<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />


Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

Enercon Industries Ltd<br />

62-64 Edison Road, Aylesbury,<br />

Bucks HP19 8UX<br />

T: +44(0)1296 330542 F: +44(0)1296 432098<br />

E: info@enerconind.co.uk www.enerconind.co.uk<br />

Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fords-packsys.co.uk www.fords-packsys.co.uk<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Units 8 & 9, Puma Trade Park,<br />

Morden Rd, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999 F: 020 8655 4990<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk www.opendate.co.uk<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

Sauven Marking Ltd<br />

Wintersells Rd, Byfleet KT14 7LF<br />

T: 01932 355191 F: 01932 354511<br />

E: sales@sauven-marking.com<br />

www.sauven-marking.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Fortress Technology (Europe) Ltd<br />

Phantom House, Beaumont Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1RH<br />

T: 01295 256266 F: 01295 255987<br />

E: info@fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

M.D.S. Ltd Metal Detection Services<br />

St. Martins Studios, Greenbank Road,<br />

Sale, Cheshire M33 5PN<br />

T: 0161 286 8750 F: 0161 286 8749<br />

E: help@mds.org.uk www.mds.org.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />

S + S Inspection Limited<br />

24 Park Gate Business Centre, Chandlers Way,<br />

Swanwick, Southampton, SO31 1FQ<br />

T: 01489 553740 F: 01489 575471<br />

E: info@sesotec.co.uk www.sesotec.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: UK@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />



Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Harland Machine Systems Ltd<br />

2 Michigan Avenue, Salford, Manchester M50 2GY<br />

T: 0161 848 4800 F: 0161 848 4830<br />

E: uk.enquiries@harland-hms.com<br />

www.harland-hms.com<br />

HERMA UK Limited<br />

The Hollands Centre,<br />

Hollands Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 8PR<br />

T: 01440 763366 F: 01440 706834<br />

E: sales@herma.co.uk www.herma.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Langguth UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E:info@grunwald-uk.com www.langguth-uk.com<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Premier Labellers<br />

PLF (UK) Ltd, Unit 2,<br />

Bathside Bay, Harwich, Essex CO12 3HF<br />

T: 01255 553822 F: 01255 241638<br />

E: sales@premierlabellers.co.uk www.premierlabellers.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

QuickLabel Systems<br />

11 Whittle Parkway, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 6DQ<br />

T: 01628 668836 F: 01628 664994<br />

E: info@QuickLabel.co.uk<br />

www.QuickLabel.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />

ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

66 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

S + S Inspection Limited<br />

24 Park Gate Business Centre, Chandlers Way,<br />

Swanwick, Southampton, SO31 1FQ<br />

T: 01489 553740 F: 01489 575471<br />

E: info@sesotec.co.uk www.sesotec.co.uk<br />



Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTIHEAD WEIGHERS<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

11 Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park,<br />

Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />


Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

DAN-Palletiser A/S<br />

Borgergade 17<br />

DK-4241 Vemmelev, Denmark<br />

T: +45 5838 2193 F: +45 5838 2826<br />

E: sales@dan-palletiser.dk www.dan-palletiser.com<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />


T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Cobalt Systems Ltd<br />

Colbalt House, Arden Square,<br />

Electra Way, Crewe, CW1 6HA<br />

T: 01270 539800 F: 01270 258132<br />

E: sales@cobaltis.co.uk www.cobalt-hsg.co.uk<br />

Harland Machine Systems Ltd<br />

2 Michigan Avenue, Salford, Manchester M50 2GY<br />

T: 0161 848 4800 F: 0161 848 4830<br />

E: uk.enquiries@harland-hms.com<br />

www.harland-hms.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Anritsu Industrial Solutions Europe Ltd<br />

Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove B60 4AD<br />

T: 0845 539 9729<br />

E: ais-europe@anritsu.com<br />

www.anritsu.com<br />

Fortress Technology (Europe) Ltd<br />

Phantom House, Beaumont Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1RH<br />

T: 01295 256266 F: 01295 255987<br />

E: info@fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Busch (UK) Ltd<br />

Hortonwood 30, Telford,<br />

Shropshire TF1 7YB<br />

T: 01952 677432 F: 01952 677423<br />

E: sales@busch.co.uk www.busch.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTIPLE PACKAGING<br />


Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />



Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />



Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />



Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />




Alexandra Business Centre, Enfield, EN3 7BB<br />

T: 0844 3722877 E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern/products.php<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

Novopac (UK) Ltd<br />

5 Sandwich Road, Worthing,<br />

West Sussex BN11 5NT<br />

T: 01903 249113 F: 01903 245616<br />

E: novopac.uk@gmail.com www.novopacuk.ltd.uk<br />

Ocme UK Ltd<br />

King John Hse, Kingsclere Park,<br />

Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 4SW<br />

T: 01635 298171 F: 01635 297936<br />

E: sales@ocme.co.uk www.ocme.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Aetna UK Limited<br />

Packaging Heights, Highfield Parc,<br />

Highfield Road, Oakley,<br />

Bedford MK43 7TA<br />

T: 01234 825050 F: 01234 827070<br />

E: colin.barker@aetna.co.uk www.aetna.co.uk<br />

Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

M.D.S. Ltd Metal Detection Services<br />

St. Martins Studios, Greenbank Road,<br />

Sale, Cheshire M33 5PN<br />

T: 0161 286 8750 F: 0161 286 8749<br />

E: help@mds.org.uk www.mds.org.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


To advertise contact Christine Valdes: T: 020 8773 8111 E: chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.co.uk www.capcoder.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Tekpak Automation Ltd (UK)<br />

T: 0800 633 5553<br />

E: sales@tekpak.co.uk<br />

www.tekpak.co.uk<br />


Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Southfield Street, Nelson,<br />

Lancashire BB9 0LD<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@autopack.co.uk www.autopack.co.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Cobalt Systems Ltd<br />

Colbalt House, Arden Square,<br />

Electra Way, Crewe, CW1 6HA<br />

T: 01270 539800 F: 01270 258132<br />

E: sales@cobaltis.co.uk www.cobalt-hsg.co.uk<br />

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

HERMA UK Limited<br />

The Hollands Centre,<br />

Hollands Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 8PR<br />

T: 01440 763366 F: 01440 706834<br />

E: sales@herma.co.uk www.herma.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356 F: 01484 549332<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

Kliklok International Ltd<br />

Western Drive, Hengrove Park Estate,<br />

Bristol BS14 0AY<br />

T: 01275 836131 F: 01275 891754<br />

E: sales@kliklok-int.com www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Southfield Street, Nelson,<br />

Lancashire BB9 0LD<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@autopack.co.uk www.autopack.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Kliklok International Ltd<br />

Western Drive, Hengrove Park Estate,<br />

Bristol BS14 0AY<br />

T: 01275 836131 F: 01275 891754<br />

E: sales@kliklok-int.com www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />


Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />



Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />


Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park,<br />

Biggleswade, SG18 8QB,<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline.co.uk www.endoline.co.uk<br />

FlexLink Systems Limited<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Blakelands,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01908 327200 F: 01908 327201<br />

E: info.uk@flexlink.com<br />

www.flexlink.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Kliklok International Ltd<br />

Western Drive, Hengrove Park Estate,<br />

Bristol BS14 0AY<br />

T: 01275 836131 F: 01275 891754<br />

E: sales@kliklok-int.com www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Yaskawa UK Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Johnson Park, Wildmere Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 3JU<br />

T: 01295 272755 F: 01295 267127<br />

E: info.uk@yaskawa.eu.com www.yaskawa.eu.com<br />


T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

ABB Ltd<br />

Auriga House, Precedent Drive,<br />

Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8PQ<br />

T: 01908 350300 F: 01908 350301<br />

E: michelle.jocelyn@gb.abb.com<br />

www.abb.com/robotics<br />

ABB Ltd<br />

Auriga House, Precedent Drive,<br />

Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8PQ<br />

T: 01908 350300 F: 01908 350301<br />

E: michelle.jocelyn@gb.abb.com<br />

www.abb.com/robotics<br />

68 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

Yaskawa UK Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Johnson Park, Wildmere Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 3JU<br />

T: 01295 272755 F: 01295 267127<br />

E: info.uk@yaskawa.eu.com www.yaskawa.eu.com<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Ocme UK Ltd<br />

King John Hse, Kingsclere Park,<br />

Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 4SW<br />

T: 01635 298171 F: 01635 297936<br />

E: sales@ocme.co.uk www.ocme.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Yaskawa UK Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Johnson Park, Wildmere Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 3JU<br />

T: 01295 272755 F: 01295 267127<br />

E: info.uk@yaskawa.eu.com www.yaskawa.eu.com<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />

ROBOTS<br />

ABB Ltd<br />

Auriga House, Precedent Drive,<br />

Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8PQ<br />

T: 01908 350300 F: 01908 350301<br />

E: michelle.jocelyn@gb.abb.com<br />

www.abb.com/robotics<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />


Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

Sensor House, Phoenix Park, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire PE19 8EP T: 01480 408 500<br />

E: info@leuze.co.uk www.leuze.co.uk<br />


BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

11 Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park,<br />

Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9/10 Ardglen Ind. Estate, Ardglen Road,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194 F: 01256 896486<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />


Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Novopac (UK) Ltd<br />

5 Sandwich Road, Worthing,<br />

West Sussex BN11 5NT<br />

T: 01903 249113 F: 01903 245616<br />

E: novopac.uk@gmail.com www.novopacuk.ltd.uk<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />


Aetna UK Limited<br />

Packaging Heights, Highfield Parc,<br />

Highfield Road, Oakley,<br />

Bedford MK43 7TA<br />

T: 01234 825050 F: 01234 827070<br />

E: colin.barker@aetna.co.uk www.aetna.co.uk<br />

Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Marden Edwards Shrinkwrap<br />

2 Nimrod Way, East Dorest Trade Park,<br />

Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7SH<br />

T: 01202 861200 F: 01202 861400<br />

E: info@meshrinkwrap.com<br />

www.meshrinkwrap.com<br />

Novopac (UK) Ltd<br />

5 Sandwich Road, Worthing,<br />

West Sussex BN11 5NT<br />

T: 01903 249113 F: 01903 245616<br />

E: novopac.uk@gmail.com www.novopacuk.ltd.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />



CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />


G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

Bosch Rexroth Ltd<br />

15 Cromwell Road, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire, PE19 2ES<br />

T: 01480 478844 F: 01480 470789<br />

E: info@boschrexroth.co.uk www.boschrexroth.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

St Albans Road, Empire Way,<br />

Gloucester GL2 5FW<br />

T: 01452 424 565 F: 01452 423 477<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: 01582 425777 F: 01582 425776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


To advertise contact Christine Valdes: T: 020 8773 8111 E: chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Allen Coding Systems<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.co.uk www.allencoding.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

T: 0844 846 4110 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />


Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />


Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


Aetna UK Limited<br />

Packaging Heights, Highfield Parc,<br />

Highfield Road, Oakley,<br />

Bedford MK43 7TA<br />

T: 01234 825050 F: 01234 827070<br />

E: colin.barker@aetna.co.uk www.aetna.co.uk<br />

Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Units 8 & 9, Puma Trade Park,<br />

Morden Rd, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999 F: 020 8655 4990<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk www.opendate.co.uk<br />

Sutton Scotney, Winchester SO21 3NE<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: info@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Anchor Plastics Machinery<br />

The Watermill, Royal Quay,<br />

Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6SA<br />

T: 01895 824301 F: 01895 825344<br />

E: info@anchor-pm.co.uk www.anchor-pm.co.uk<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Mecapack UK Ltd<br />

Unit 5 Kingfisher Way,<br />

Hemdale Business Pk, Nuneaton, Warks. CV11 6GY, UK<br />

T: 02476 351300 F: 02476 349250<br />

E: contact.mecapack.uk@proplast-group.com<br />

www.mecapack.co.uk<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Novopac (UK) Ltd<br />

5 Sandwich Road, Worthing,<br />

West Sussex BN11 5NT<br />

T: 01903 249113 F: 01903 245616<br />

E: novopac.uk@gmail.com www.novopacuk.ltd.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Anson House, Anson Way, Ellough, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7TJ<br />

T: 01502 713777 F: 01986 800081<br />

E: info@siat.co.uk www.siat.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QT, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />



Grunwald UK Ltd<br />

Pattinson House,<br />

East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7EQ<br />

T: 01529 414999 F: 01529 414421<br />

E: info@grunwald-uk.com www.grunwald-uk.com<br />

R. A Jones & Co.<br />

4-10 Cowley Road, Uxbridge UB8 2XW<br />

T: 01895 202381<br />

E: sales.uk@rajones.com<br />

www.rajones.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

E: sales@adelphi.uk.com www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

Church Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AF<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177 F: 01844 217188<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

11 Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park,<br />

Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

K-Tron Great Britain Ltd<br />

4 Acorn Business Park,<br />

Heaton Lane, Stockport,<br />

Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810 F: 0161 474 0292<br />

E: kb@ktron.com www.ktron.com<br />

70 MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk

piab<br />

Vacuum Innovation House,<br />

Station Road, East Leake, LE12 6LQ<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />


piab<br />

Vacuum Innovation House,<br />

Station Road, East Leake, LE12 6LQ<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Busch (UK) Ltd<br />

Hortonwood 30, Telford,<br />

Shropshire TF1 7YB<br />

T: 01952 677432 F: 01952 677423<br />

E: sales@busch.co.uk www.busch.co.uk<br />

piab<br />

Vacuum Innovation House,<br />

Station Road, East Leake, LE12 6LQ<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />


K-Tron Great Britain Ltd<br />

4 Acorn Business Park,<br />

Heaton Lane, Stockport,<br />

Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810 F: 0161 474 0292<br />

E: kb@ktron.com www.ktron.com<br />

piab<br />

Vacuum Innovation House,<br />

Station Road, East Leake, LE12 6LQ<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />



Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />


MultiPix Imaging Ltd<br />

Enterprise House, 1 Ridgeway<br />

Office Park, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3QF<br />

T: 01730 233332 F: 01730 231062<br />

E: sales@multipix.com www.multipix.com<br />

Scorpion Vision Ltd<br />

Efford Park, Milford Road,<br />

Lymington, Hants. SO41 0JD<br />

T: 01590 679333 F: 0870 622 4092<br />

E: sales@scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

T: 01252 780000<br />

F: 01252 780001<br />


E: info@stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Sensor House, Phoenix Park, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire PE19 8EP T: 01480 408 500<br />

E: info@leuze.co.uk www.leuze.co.uk<br />

MultiPix Imaging Ltd<br />

Enterprise House, 1 Ridgeway<br />

Office Park, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3QF<br />

T: 01730 233332 F: 01730 231062<br />

E: sales@multipix.com www.multipix.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Olmec-UK Ltd<br />

Unit 4 Falkland Way,<br />

Barton-Upon-Humber DN18 5RL<br />

T: 01652 631960 F: 08701 236437<br />

E: sales@olmec-uk.com www.olmec-uk.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


MultiPix Imaging Ltd<br />

Enterprise House, 1 Ridgeway<br />

Office Park, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3QF<br />

T: 01730 233332 F: 01730 231062<br />

E: sales@multipix.com www.multipix.com<br />

Olmec-UK Ltd<br />

Unit 4 Falkland Way,<br />

Barton-Upon-Humber DN18 5RL<br />

T: 01652 631960 F: 08701 236437<br />

E: sales@olmec-uk.com www.olmec-uk.com<br />

T: 01252 780000<br />

F: 01252 780001<br />

E: info@stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />


K-Tron Great Britain Ltd<br />

4 Acorn Business Park,<br />

Heaton Lane, Stockport,<br />

Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810 F: 0161 474 0292<br />

E: kb@ktron.com www.ktron.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

20 St Johns Road, Tylers Green,<br />

Penn, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW<br />

T: 01494 816644 F: 01494 816206<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: khskisters@uk.khs-ag.com www.khs-ag.com<br />

Novopac (UK) Ltd<br />

5 Sandwich Road, Worthing,<br />

West Sussex BN11 5NT<br />

T: 01903 249113 F: 01903 245616<br />

E: novopac.uk@gmail.com www.novopacuk.ltd.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

Smurfit Kappa Machine Systems<br />

Woodward Avenue,<br />

Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />


Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Marden Edwards Limited<br />

2 Nimrod Way, East Dorset Trade Park,<br />

Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7SH<br />

T: 01202 861200 F: 01202 861400<br />

E: info@mardenedwards.com<br />

www.mardenedwards.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Dylan Harvey Business Centre, Suite 301,<br />

Empire Business Park, Liverpool Road,<br />

Burnley BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />


Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />

PLF International Ltd<br />

Riverside House, Iconfield, Parkeston,<br />

Harwich, Essex CO12 4EN<br />

T: 01255 552994 F: 01255 552995<br />

E: sales@plfinternational.com<br />

www.plfinternational.com<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />

Anritsu Industrial Solutions Europe Ltd<br />

Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove B60 4AD<br />

T: 0845 539 9729<br />

E: ais-europe@anritsu.com<br />

www.anritsu.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

Freephone: 0800 7313643 Fax: 01684 891401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Scorpion Vision Ltd<br />

Efford Park, Milford Road,<br />

Lymington, Hants. SO41 0JD<br />

T: 01590 679333 F: 0870 622 4092<br />

E: sales@scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

T: 01252 780000<br />

F: 01252 780001<br />

E: info@stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


PFM Packaging Machinery Ltd<br />

PFM House, 2 Pilgrim Way,<br />

Stanningley, Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

T: 0113 239 3401 F: 0113 239 3402<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com www.pfmuk.com<br />


CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

11 Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park,<br />

Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Loma Systems and Lock Inspection<br />

T: 01252 893300 / 0161 624 0333<br />

www.loma.com /<br />

www.lockinspection.com<br />

E: enquires@loma.co.uk<br />

E: sales@lockinspection.co.uk<br />

Multivac House, Rivermead Drive,<br />

Rivermead, Swindon SN5 7UY<br />

T: 01793 425880 F: 01793 616219<br />

E: sales@multivac.co.uk www.multivac.com<br />


Hayward Industrial Park,<br />

Tameside Drive, Castle Bromwich,<br />

Birmingham B35 7BT<br />

T: 0121 749 2566 F: 0121 749 6217<br />

E: rna@rna-uk.com www.rnaautomation.com<br />

T: 01252 780000<br />

F: 01252 780001<br />

E: info@stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394400 F: 01256 394429<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

S + S Inspection Limited<br />

24 Park Gate Business Centre, Chandlers Way,<br />

Swanwick, Southampton, SO31 1FQ<br />

T: 01489 553740 F: 01489 575471<br />

E: info@sesotec.co.uk www.sesotec.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE: NOVEMBER/DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


CEIA<br />

High Performance Pharmaceutical<br />

Metal Detection<br />

Systems<br />

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant<br />

New<br />

THS/PH21N<br />

Ultra High Sensitivity Metal Detector<br />

Features & Benefits<br />

• Superior and Consistent Detection<br />

•<br />

• Preventive Maintenance<br />

Not Required<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Enhanced Product Throughput Rate<br />

Maximum Configurability/Integration<br />

Design and Construction Compliant<br />

with GMP criteria and FDA Title 21<br />

CFR Parts 210 and 211<br />

THS/PH21N-D25<br />

Specific inspection against tiny metal particle<br />

contamination<br />

M.D.S.Ltd.<br />

metal detection services<br />

CEIA Authorised Dealer - Phone: 0161 286 8750<br />


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