Annual Giving Case for Support - Next is Now

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next <strong>is</strong> NOW

what’s next?<br />

next <strong>is</strong> NOW<br />

On March 3, 2015, with the announcement of the<br />

intended closure of Sweet Briar College, a <strong>for</strong>ce of<br />

will was released that demonstrated how a liberal arts<br />

education <strong>is</strong> vital to higher education today, how women’s<br />

colleges are more relevant than ever, and how Sweet<br />

Briar College, in particular, produces accompl<strong>is</strong>hed,<br />

fearless, impassioned leaders willing to take their<br />

destiny, and the destiny of the College that shaped them,<br />

into their own hands.<br />

We are, indeed, the women Sweet Briar made us,<br />

well equipped to ensure that young women across the<br />

nation and the world have the opportunity to be educated<br />

and empowered as only Sweet Briar can.

Our Future<br />

Has Begun<br />

Despite the multiple challenges resulting from the closure<br />

announcement, Sweet Briar women won: we took<br />

back the keys and we continue to propel our beloved<br />

College toward a future that sets the standard <strong>for</strong> the<br />

education of women in th<strong>is</strong> country and beyond, a future<br />

in which the beauty of the campus and its buildings are<br />

restored, a future that <strong>is</strong> worthy of our storied past.<br />

You, your s<strong>is</strong>ter alumnae, and Sweet Briar’s friends are<br />

the keepers of the keys to that future. Your financial<br />

support, at levels cons<strong>is</strong>tent with what we ra<strong>is</strong>ed in the<br />

Saving Sweet Briar movement, will unlock that future<br />

<strong>for</strong> generations of young women who demand and<br />

deserve the Sweet Briar experience.<br />

next <strong>is</strong> NOW

What’s <strong>Next</strong>?<br />

To realize our v<strong>is</strong>ion:<br />

• address the neglect suffered by the College over a<br />

period of many years;<br />

• provide operational expense relief in the wake of the<br />

closure attempt;<br />

• protect the College’s endowment, ensuring that the<br />

College’s m<strong>is</strong>sion continues: to educate and empower<br />

women — in perpetuity.<br />

Together, we can do th<strong>is</strong>.<br />

Our immediate need by June 30, 2016, <strong>is</strong> $30 million in<br />

additional unrestricted funds. Your gift now <strong>is</strong> more than a contribution;<br />

it <strong>is</strong> an investment in an extraordinary educational institution, the return<br />

on which will be reaped <strong>for</strong> generations to come. Thanks to your<br />

generosity, Sweet Briar’s future has already begun.<br />

Unlocking Our Success<br />


Acceleration of Saving Sweet Briar Pledges<br />

Gifts to the Sweet Briar Fund<br />

Challenge Gifts — matching gifts<br />

to the Sweet Briar Fund by v<strong>is</strong>ionary donors<br />

$10 million<br />

$10 million<br />

$10 million<br />

$30 million

Our Path to Sustainability<br />

Sweet Briar Fund Endowment Auxiliaries<br />

External Grants Tuition & Fees<br />

FY ’16 (228)<br />

FY ’17 (324)<br />

FY ’18 (433)<br />

FY ’19 (539)<br />

FY ’20 (674)<br />

* Figures in parentheses are projected student enrollment<br />

* Endowment draw-down rate <strong>is</strong> 5% each year<br />

Five-year growth in revenue from tuition, fees, grants and auxiliary<br />

enterpr<strong>is</strong>es will lead to decreasing reliance on the Sweet Briar Fund<br />

<strong>for</strong> operating expenses. Increasing budgetary health will allow us to<br />

grow our endowment and meet future capital needs.<br />

next <strong>is</strong> NOW

5 Keys<br />

to a Sustainable, Thriving<br />

Sweet Briar<br />

Continue, even improve, Sweet Briar’s m<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

to prepare young women to lead lives of great<br />

significance.<br />

Women’s colleges are more relevant today than ever be<strong>for</strong>e, and<br />

women leaders in all areas of our global society have never been more<br />

needed. For example, although only two percent of college graduates<br />

nationwide are from women’s colleges, we constitute more than 28<br />

percent of the women on Capitol Hill and a similar percentage in<br />

corporate boardrooms across America. Whether it <strong>is</strong> the community in<br />

which they live, the industry in which they work, or the causes to which<br />

they commit themselves, Sweet Briar women will continue to be well<br />

equipped to live lives of great significance that can change the<br />

world.<br />

Implement cutting-edge best practices to increase and<br />

sustain enrollment.<br />

Enrollment growth <strong>is</strong> the single most important key to Sweet Briar’s future,<br />

the metric by which Sweet Briar will be judged in the years immediately<br />

ahead. All eyes are upon us. And all available tools must be<br />

employed to attract the kind of students who are likely to become<br />

graduates; bright, capable women who will mirror the success of<br />

today’s alumnae. In addition to Adm<strong>is</strong>sions staff, more than 400 Alumnae<br />

Adm<strong>is</strong>sion Recruiters are mounting an unprecedented campaign to recruit<br />

200+ new students each year who will pers<strong>is</strong>t through graduation.

Reduce expenses, responsibly.<br />

Finding the delicate balance between reducing expenses and rebuilding<br />

our faculty and admin<strong>is</strong>tration <strong>is</strong> no simple matter. The College’s Board of<br />

Directors and admin<strong>is</strong>tration are committed to targeted expense<br />

reductions and increasing efficiency, adopting a balanced approach<br />

to mitigate the effects of the closure attempt and lawsuit resolutions.<br />

Enhance revenue from auxiliary enterpr<strong>is</strong>es while<br />

protecting endowment assets.<br />

Numerous sources of additional revenue have been underutilized<br />

in recent years. Realizing such revenue streams will help to fulfill the<br />

College’s commitment to reduce the draw-down rate on<br />

endowment to no more than five percent annually, starting with the<br />

current budget, as compared to an average of more than eight percent<br />

per year over the last decade.<br />

Chart a clear course that shows where we’re going and<br />

how we will get there.<br />

Only five months into Sweet Briar’s future, our rebuilding has progressed<br />

exponentially, with a new President and admin<strong>is</strong>tration dedicated<br />

to perpetuating our value and values; a new Board committed to<br />

transparency and strategic planning and budgeting; and a new,<br />

invigorated Alumnae Alliance prom<strong>is</strong>ing an era of reborn<br />

engagement. Our strong, vibrant community will meet the challenges<br />

of the next five years head-on to ensure a thriving, sustainable Sweet Briar.<br />

next <strong>is</strong> NOW

Please consider a truly significant gift now. Your gift to<br />

th<strong>is</strong> Special Initiative <strong>for</strong> the Sweet Briar Fund shows your<br />

strong belief in Sweet Briar’s future — in perpetuity.<br />

Drawing ©<br />

Edith Schermerhorn<br />

1980<br />

Office of Alumnae Relations and Development<br />

P.O. Box 1057<br />

Sweet Briar, VA 24595<br />

sbc.edu/alumdev<br />

alumnae@sbc.edu<br />

800-381-6131<br />

next <strong>is</strong> NOW

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